Bayduzhist - ce paralysis of the soul, before death. Baiduzhist is a terrible zbroya Baiduzhist girsha for hatred arguments

Quotes for the pouch edition 2018 for the direct "Virnist and zrada".

The biggest sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but baiting; the axis is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. (Bernard Show)

Spіvchuttya - tse baiduzhіst in the wonder world. (Don-Aminado)

Yaka heavy baiduzhist to himself! (A.V. Suvorov)

I always respect and I will think and think so, that baiduzhіst to injustice є zrado and pіdlіst. (O. Mirabo)

Do not be baiduzhі, for baiduzhіst deadly souls of people. (Maksim Gorky)

It seems that the philosophers and the right sages are baiduzhi. Untruth, baiduzhist - ce paralysis of the soul, before death. (A.P. Chekhov)

If a person is hostile, who is not able to show generosity, in the qilini she will especially need to be sympathetic.

You love us, but to love everyone - then, do not love anyone. You are all the same baiduzhi. (O. Wilde)

Do not speak to yourself. Only people sing to themselves primitive people. (H. Murakami)

There, de reconciliation - pardon, there baiduzhist - malice. (G. Lichtenberg)

Baiduzhist to painting is a more violent and inevitable manifestation. (Van Gogh)

Receive close to the heart of joy that graft of the Vitchizni of the building is less than the one who cannot go through the joy of that blessed okremo people. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

There is no harm for the people, like a stranger to the people, like a baiduzha to the share of the native land, to the share of the neighbor. (M.Y. Saltikov-Shchedrin)

Nevdyachny sing for someone else: tse malice, shards of sings do not have the right to go to mother. (Guy de Maupassant)

Coldness is the result of a firm perversion of one's rightness, and of an unprincipled bait-and-switch to the truth. (Ch. Lem)

One more talented writer attested to my skarga to those that I don’t know how to sympathize with criticism, wisely responded to me: “You have istotny nedolіk, Yakiy to fix all the doors in front of you: you and two hvilin cannot talk to a fool without letting him know that he is a fool. (E. Zola)

Tolerance inevitably leads to hardship. (D. Didro)

Significantly, the reasons are emotionally lower and more vulnerable; Tse to come with a year, as if they were eager to come. (S. King)

The eagle glance of passions penetrates into the foggy nature of the future, the baiduzhity is blindly and stupidly in the eyes of the people. (K. A. Gelvetsky)

It is easy to graft hatred, it is important - kokhannya, and more importantly - baiduzhist. (C.L. Berne)
Bayduzhist is a heavy disease of the soul. (A. de Tocquel)

The simplest sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but baiting. Bayduzhist - the day of non-humanity. (J.B. Shaw)

Egoism is the cause of cancer of the soul. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

The egoism of the family is zhorstokishy for the egoism of the special. Lyudina, as if to be ashamed to sacrifice the blessings of another for oneself alone, respect her obsession to grovel at misfortunes, the need of people for the good of this. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Don't beat the enemies - at the top of your head, the stench can beat you in.
Don't fight your friends - at your worst, the stench can hurt you.
Fight baiduzhikh - don’t drive in the stench and don’t irritate, but only from the їhnyoї movchaznoї zgodі іsnuє on earth zrada and vbivstvo. (B. Yasensky)

Baiduzhist - є naivest zhorstokіst. (M. Wilson)

Calm - strong for emotions.

Movchannya - louder cry.

Bayduzhist is a terrible war. (M. Luther)

Dorosi needs a companion, life needs a sleeper. (adjective)

The pledge of family happiness in kindness, openness, strangeness ... (E. Zola)

Stand on the path of dialogue - richly efficient and sensible, lower the magic to bring it up, like a hisstical chi chuynym can be skinny. (H. Bukai)

Chuynist neighbor - tse most often the best psychologist or psychiatrist. (L. Viilma)

Life is rich in what to read, but only not tact, not strangeness, not to help people with twisted quivering. (І. Show)

The most valuable thing in women is rubbish. Tse is beautiful. The basis of zhіnochnostі not zvnіshnіst, but pіdvishchene pіvschene pіvshtya pіvchutya otochyuchimi. (F. A. Iskander)

Yakshcho grief is a stranger to you not to suffer suffering,
Can you call me a human being? (Saadi)

The more you live, the more you change your mind about destroying your own feelings - it’s rare and happy - and you can cherish happiness. (I.S. Turgenev)

Whoever knows the building is broadly sympathetic to human grief, even if in one single moment, who, having learned a miraculous lesson, learned to understand all kinds of misfortune, even if at first glance it was marvelous and reckless it appeared. (S. Zweig)

Help to help you always come to see who is strongest for you and whom you respect. I speak of such people especially wildly ... (F. S. Fitzgerald)

One speech is not enough. Vchinki speak more voice for words. (N. Vuychich)
Overworldly sleepiness often becomes a weed.

Sleep well at the hour of misfortune, like a plank at the hour of dryness. (indian adjective)

Adzhe required, if the skin person had one such place, de b i yogo was fooled! (F. M. Dostoyevsky)

Don't spit on people, you're unhappy. If something is unfortunate, help me, but don’t sleep. Do not instill in him the idea that suffering is worth the war. (Osho)

Vaughn said in that sense that if a creature is in love in the world, a person is left alone with her grief, no one is very singful. If in the world close people then everyone will understand, and who is broad, who is formal, and who is for the company, but all will understand and speak. And the axis died, the whale showed, and selfishness became terribly bare. (Y.V. Grishkovets)

The assertion of Bernard Shaw does not call for a doubt. True, there is no greater sin, lower baiduzhe put up to people. Skin from us spodіvaєtsya on svіvtya z side іnshої people, but often zamіst razumіnnya that svіvperezhivannya vіn otrimuє coldness and baiduzhіst. Tse prignіchuє і bring to rozcharuvannya, znevіri, tightness, and sometimes even to heavy naslіdkіv.

The work of N.V. Gogol's "Overcoat" is the butt of that, as it is a task for a person to bring yoga to death. We speak with the unfortunate Akaki Akakiyovich Bashmachkin. Vіn dies not in view of the fact that the overcoat was stolen from the new one, but in view of the new baiduzhost is quiet, who could help him for a moment. On the other hand, Gogol's hero does not know how to help. We are thrown into the absence of life and vreshti-resht in the world. Baiduzhіst people to bring people to waste faith in those who are on the right tsіkava komus sche. The appearance of the overcoat was for Akakiy Akakiyovich the result of his life. But no one has stretched out his hand to help him, has not revealed his feelings, has not understood the problems. As a result, a person has wasted a life.

In the description of Leo Tolstoy's "After the ball" baiduzh, zhorstok staging to people, fundamentally change the life of other people. We are waiting for the scene of the beating of the poor soldier. The colonel, who had recently danced at the ball with his little Varenka, was a garnier and successful, now standing on the parade ground and zhorstko carav soldier, scho guilty. Vіn buv ruthless to yoga shouting for help. And hit on the guise of one of the soldiers, which, on the other hand, insufficiently strongly struck with a club on the back of the punished. Having hit on the face of the one who, having shown his feelings to the point that he was going to be ... Everything was so badly thrown into the name of the protagonist (Ivan Vasilyovich, the roaring Varenka), that he changed his life. Vіn vіdmovivsya vіd kar'єri, because they don't want to do evil to anyone. We were afraid of being zhorstok, baiduzhim, baiduzhim to the share of other people. From the words of other heroes of L. Tolstoy's confession, we know that we are guilty of our lives trying to help people. The hero is not unhuman, he could not be blamed otherwise.

Baiduzhіst drive in people all alive. Hatred and anger - tsezh pochuttya, let it be negative, and baiduzhist - tse zhnya povna vіdsutnіst. And the most terrible, what can be with a person.

Topic: The biggest sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but baiting; the axis is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. Baiduzhist and chuynist. Sub-bag tvir argumentation and apply it.

Entry: People are put up to the world in a different way. Some do not want to spend their strength to help the lonely, otherwise they are ready to share with their loved ones not only joy, but also for the sake of helping people. In the same way, in literature you can speak, like heroes with a kind heart, like you are ready to look at other people's bodies, and likewise, characters, baiting to other people's problems. Let's take a look at the nutritional report.

Obviously, it’s important to talk to them, that hatred is almost like it’s roaring. However, baiduzhіst is more unhuman and not safe yakіst. On the right, in the fact that smart people do not pay respect to baiduzhіst and do not try to win over. Until then, the baiduzhіst does not strongly zachіpaє otochuyuchih, to that yogo show no more commemoration.

It is not uncommon to kill people and let their hopes go for a happy future. And the axis of kindness and strangeness is the value of human kindness in all cultures. Today, unfortunately, the practice of helping people is rarely used. Today's people value the same other qualities - pragmatism, strength, pragmatism to be a leader. Prote apply chuynostі can be known from rich literary creations. Well, let's put a little bit of application like baiduzhost, so it's strangeness in literature.

Arguments: A bright example of what can be brought to a person’s death, you can see in the work of Mikoli Vasilyovich Gogol’s “Overcoat” b could help you, bless you to a new baiduzhі. No one hastened to help the main character, if he had turned for help. Vin died after a long time at the dead end. Oskіlki people were baiduzhi to the new, they were angry at the fact that they were praising some problems and others. As a result, wearing the greatcoat became a legacy of Akakiy's life. Nobody wants to understand this problem.

You can also know the example of baiduzhnosti from the work of the American writer Jerome D. Salinger “Over the Prey of Life”. The author of rozpovіv іstorіyu pіdlіtka Holden Caulfield. The main yogo problem is the lack of recognition of the baiduzhist of grown-ups, which tsіkavilo less well-groomed goodness and material stability. Podlitok vvazhav, scho svіt grown up - deceit and hypocrisy. To this very fact, he was in conflict with his teachers and fathers. The lad shukav goodness and love, but the zmіg vіdshukati tsі asosі less in small children. To him, in the new, the commandment of a dream appeared - to catch children and not to let them call on the river. The name "Above the harvest in life" reflects the canopy of grown-up people. The bazhannya to spite children is the exercise to save the childish souls from the ruinous infusion of hisism and nonsense.

Like a butt of strangeness varto to put on TV by V. Hugo "Znedoleni". Budinok of Bishop Miriel zavzhdi buv vіdkritiy. Vіn supported them on a weekday and at night, and gave them their own pay and built a liquor for them at their palace.

Visnovok: Baiduzhist drive everything alive in people Hatred is more negatively felt, and from baiduzhist - the presence of any kind of emotions, which is the most terrible for a person.

Topic: Baiduzhist - ce paralysis of the soul, before death»

Entry: What is baiduzhist? What a yogo pouring into the life of a person. Bayduzhist is the impenetrable wall between the people and the navkolishnim world. Lyudina, as if being wise to everything else, is exercising the ability to accept the call of the buttya, and to express herself. The life of the ruined building of the people is familiar and living in the best of rice, like it was filled with a protracted life.

And what does it mean to spend a lot of money for a person (because we can do everything)? Tse means to stop being a living being and leave the world, the companions of the sirih, one-man, painfully painful notes and letters. Stayuchi baiduzhoy, people literally stomp at the vlasnomu world, vibratisya z yomu vzhe very importantly.

Argument: Literature knows the impersonal application of how baiduzhist negatively affected the life of a person. Dostoyevsky "Zlochin and Kara". Another hero of the novel is Petro Petrovich Luzhin, loaded from the baiduzhost as far as the worldly world, to close people. You want to make friends with Dunechka, the sister of Rodion Raskolnikov, retracing the meta: take a woman, a tormented share of a girl, to be a benefactor and a ryativnik for her, to whom she is guilty of serving and honoring.

Luzhin, desiring to move to Petersburg, don’t bother yourself with turbotami about Dunechka’s moving and mami, Avdotya, and know the interest only in your pennies, with which you put yourself up to close people. Baiduzhist Luzhin played an evil heat with him: having spent the name and otrimav serious blow by selfishness. Dostoyevsky put such characters as Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova, Razumikhin against Luzhin. Їх images with geometrical lengths to the image of Pyotr Petrovich and їх shares in the novel "Zlochin and Punishment" may have a happy ending. In such a rank, Fedir Mikhailovich shows that the gift of baiduzhnosti to people, that love to one’s neighbor, is a guarantee of happiness for people.

Another argument I would like to point out is Mikhail Yuriyovich Lermontov's novel "The Hero of Our Hour", head hero like Pechorin Grigoriy Oleksandrovich - the butt of a man, literally tarnished with baiduzhistyu. Looking at life from different sides, sipping more empty, stupidity and eternal suffering. Rise in price by Russian Empire The young officer does not know anything in life that could bring happiness and warmth to his life, yet he seems to be familiar. Navit the rest of the decision that happened to yoga - to go to war in Persia was crushed in the face of nudga, born of total baiduzhist to life and the share of power.

Visnovok: Podbivayuchi pіdbags of the above, I want to grow visnovok about those who are baiduzhі, mute cancerous plumpness in the body of the ailing, povily, alırno nishchuє people and її love to life, to live by ourselves, ruining and lamayuchi life to the close life of people. To the very same, the skin of a person goiter is to show due respect and turbota, to live alive, human interest would like to be quiet, whom it is more fervent to love!

Why baiduzhist is the biggest sin of a hundred percent neighbor? Chi is not hatred, but Baiduzhist is the pinnacle of inhumanity? Let's try to get together with someone. Bezperechno, you do not go wild for help to the people, knowing that you won't hate you. Here everything is transparent and clear - unleash the malice of that witch. Sometimes the baiduzhist is not immediately known. Mi is checkable in the sight of the near podtrimki and spontaneous and unsettled by coldness and baiduzhity. We are guarded by gіrke rozcharuvannya, we are vtrachaєmo faith in people, and even more sore.

Zvernemosya for butts to literature. We sing "Dead Souls" by M. U. Gogol as the first assistant, whom Pavlo Ivanovich Chichikov, the stingy dead soul, sees as Manilov. Manilov, for the first time, baked the first stake, de baptized sinners, let the light of the gospel truth.

Znevira - tse and є baiduzhist and baiduzhist to everything. The author states that the skin man has his own fuse, his own suffocation, Manilov did not have anything. For many days, this sky-cooker will spend at his office with a tyutyun pipe, spreading the weights on the sings of the bells. An empty hour spent will be filled with unsupported dreams, foreseeing unrealistic projects, for the sake of life of a stone bridge across the stakes. The helper does not squawk about his dominion. If the peasants ask for a new place, they let them in without drinking, do not suspect that the peasants are going to the taverns. It’s not uncommonly rich for literary scholars to appreciate that Manilov herself from this baiduzhistyu stands at the last gathering of human development, the soul of five helpers is the “nimmert” soul.

An example of inhumanity and baiduzhost can be found in the description of A.P. Chekhov's "Tuga". Petersburg viznik Iona Potapov three days ago buried his son, a young viznik. It’s like a majestic tightness, like you don’t know between the cordons, be ready to flood the whole world with yourself. You really want to lighten your soul, tell someone about your grief, fight for the sake of talking to your passengers, but sling on the cold wall. So, without speaking, Yona went to the flock and spoke about her horse’s grief, which munchies live on the hay, run into the hands of the master, and it’s guessing that I’m singing to you. Yona hoots and rozes the kobila, like yogo son fell ill, like he died at the liquor, that he was vindicated. It is vague that people are soulless and show cilicity baiduzhity to someone else's body, and the creature Yona knows less than spontaneity.

Mi Bachimo, that Baiduzhist is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. Yakby people sang one to one, the world became the best.

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