Someone who said that you won’t be forcibly nice. Three reasons why you won’t be forcibly nice

Easy on the back. (The Russian order is famous. It seems that he has a temper, if he has only guessed about a specific person, he’s got it right. It’s especially with me, it’s often like that.)

It is easier to see the storm of the sea, lower the human silliness. (Polish slang. It means that there is nothing more important andunacceptable lower silliness, finished off by people.)

Lis to give birth to rivers. (Zmіst prislіv'ya, zdaє daetsya maє kіlka variantіv. My version - tse those, scho practically all the rivers start in the forest. So the coils of the river go out of the forest, out of nature, along the banks of the rivers of the forest.)

Summer was a gate - look at the city. (Saying about the time of fate. Guessing to farmers and gardeners about those who respectfully strove for strong support crops, and watered, weeded, and immediately took fruit.)

If you don’t sleep, then you don’t pay the bill. (Saying about practice. In order to take the result, it is necessary to work hard and report zusil. If you don’t prepare a pile of firewood, it will be cold to collect.)

You’ll lie in the wind - you’ll beat the zimka with a sack. (Similar to the front adjective. “Big money with your money” means you will be hungry and hungry.)

Dashing bіda cob. (Saying about those that it’s even more important to have the courage to fold on the right, but if you know the strength of yoga, then it’s easier and more beautiful.)

A spoonful of dog in a barrel of honey. (The sense of order is that there is one little filthy vchinok, or a little filthy word, zdatne zіpsuvati be-yaku harn on the right, or be-yaku I will accept the situation.)

Nonsense for the mess. (The order means that such moments happen, if you’ve lost your way, a person will solve the situation, another person and work better for everyone. Such situations happen more rarely, but the stink stinks.)

The kin is known at the їzdі, and the people - at the bіdі. (Application. As if by raptom with people they are traipsing for help and needing help, then it became clear to me, who from friends and relatives will come to help, and who doesn’t. That’s how people know. it’s good and you can see it out.))))

Better gіrka truth, lower licorice nonsense. (The adjective means that it’s more likely to recognize the truth, which I wouldn’t have, then we’ll show up all richer and more folded.)

More beautiful is the titmouse in the hands, lower is the crane in the sky. (Russian people are attached. It seems that if it is possible to take less ale at a time and it is guaranteed, then a check for more, but there are no guarantees that you are daughter.)

It’s better to be foolish and sleep like foolishness, don’t sleep better, and be foolish. (Folk wisdom. It means that if you want to understand at the learned or in a robot, you don’t have to think and feed vikladach, if you don’t understand.

Better die standing, or live on your knees. (English adjective. It means, it’s better to accept death, proudly calling yourself a human being, lower yourself and be a slave, having voluntarily given yourself moral trampling.)

You love evil and a goat. (One of the most popular adjectives. Otzhe, as a person is dear to you, then you still have a thousand small ones in her, then you don’t mark them and love you all the same.)

There are a lot of people, but there are no people. (Appendix. To speak more often about a group of people who have positive human qualities, such as kindness, compassion, help to help others.)

Maliy, I saw it. (Saying about the quiet, who already from early childhood can have a lot of strength and talent, regardless of his early age.)

Sides: 15

You won't be forced to be nice.

Sending the Russian people. - M: Art literature. V.I. Dal. 1989

Wondering what is "You won't be forcibly nice." in other dictionaries:

    Don't force yourself to be cute. Porivn. Why are (me) angry with you? How especially right do I have on you? I am like you, and you are like me. And nі, then і i nі. You won't be forced to be nice. M. Makarov. Come on. 4, 2. Porivn. My dear, you are above me.

    You won't be forcibly sweet (loving). Don't be sweet on the force. Porivn. Why are (me) angry with you? How can I have a special right to you? I am like you, and you are like me. And no, so I am dumb. You won't be forced to be nice. N. Makarov. Come on. four,… …

    - (1) 1. Nazustrich: About the wind, windshield! Why, sir, do you forcefully? 38. ∆ Vіn energizing the third. The third jumped with a whip: why are you forcing us? Zelenin. Sk. Permsk. lips., 83. 2. With a primus, by force ... Slovnik-dovidnik "A word about the departure of Igor"

    FORCED, adv. Against the will by force. "Forcibly you won't be nice." died Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov. D.M. Ushakiv. 1935 1940 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

    adv. Against the will, bajannya; by force. N. see zamіzh. N. to bring from the place. * Forcibly you won’t be nice (Pogov.) ... Encyclopedic dictionary

    - born on May 30, 1811 in the recently arrived to Russia Sveaborz, de yoga father Grigory Nikiforovich served as a young doctor of the naval crew. Grigory Nikiforovich took his name off at the entrance to the seminary from his first name. Great biographical encyclopedia

    Gvaltuvati, little one. abo gvaltuvati; rape someone, siluvati, muffle, force someone to the point of force, captivity. Violence sometimes lasts a long time, vice versa rape, sometimes end. In the first type, violence is broken into violence, in another, in Ch. Dahl's Dark Dictionary

    Cholovik is the head of the squad. Porivn. The man is the head, the owner, and the squad is guilty of loving and fearing the man. You need to love the squad, you won’t be nice forcibly, forcibly; and you should be afraid of the man on the right... Ostrovsky. Nevilnitsy. 1, 2. Porivn. Cholovik є... Mikhelson's Great Tlumach Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Porivn. The head of a man, gentleman, but the squad can love and fear a man. You need to love the squad, you won’t be nice forcibly, forcibly; and you should be afraid of the right person... Ostrovsky. Nevilnitsy. 1, 2. Porivn. Cholovik is the head of the squad. Ephesus 5, 23. Porivn. The Great Tlumach-Phraseological Dictionary of Mikhelson

    adv. Against the will, bajannya; by force. You won't be forced to be nice. Order. [Agrafena Platonivna:] Forcibly want to make small friends. A. Ostrovskiy, Someone else's beanbag has a hangover. I won't go anywhere! No way! Want to force me to pull! Osieva, Vasek ... ... Mali academic dictionary


  • Point of support. Vibrane, Mikhailo Nozhkin. The author of this book, Mikhail Nozhkin, is to be known in Russia as a popular film artist and pop artist, poet, author of rich songs, like old rock sounds on the stage, at the cinema, television stations and radio, and ...

Life imposes its own rules on us, and we follow them. We called out to fix it in the usual way: don’t love me! Well, well... I'm sorry. I check it, if you get a new, friendly vipadok to spit your own feelings. Tim is not less, the truth is banal: good luck to love the brave.

Perhaps, I can change my history from someone whose order “You won’t be forced to be nice” is even better.

I am a little worried about others. Bulo in me was the first kohanny, rozcharuvannya, drinking bouts, the army. Potіm throwing drinks and fires. The only thing that got me into trouble was cars, arguably my "Moskvich".

Like a Uzimka, before the New Rock, I went home to the yalinka and poached my colleague on the robot (the same age as my fathers) from the retinue and children. I brought them home, and on the way I got to know the members of my colleague, including those of the 18-river Svitlana (there were 22 fates).

Svіtlana me vіdrazu me, I'm zі shkіri get out lіz, schob to inflict on her. Shiro kazhuchi, I myself did not see such a thing. Vaughn laughed emphatically and marveled at me with pity - maybe I overdid it and looked stupidly. Prote, turning back home, I firmly believed that Svitlana would become my squad and give birth to me a donka.

Svetlana studied at the medical school, moreover, in a different place, she groaned at Julio Cortazar rіdkіsne im'ya) and bula more than a garnoy. Ale didn’t rattle me.

I got to know my father better and step by step became his comrade in work. Viklikav cuteness її young brother, which began to disappear in my garage. Tsim I residually and irrevocably won the heart of the Svіtka mother, but... the very guiltiness of my efforts was abandoned in an embarrassing, but baiduzhoy.

I didn’t even think about stepping in: actually becoming a friend of my family, seeing Svetka together with my fathers, zooming in on all my friends, asking for concerts, cinema, discos. Ale, my maiden dream was cold, like ice.

I continued to sharpen my kohana with respect. And then it became greedy: I ​​realized that Svіtka hated me! I’m afraid that my presence won’t be endured by force, it tries to unique me, but as soon as it’s inevitable, I’m trying to cope with the worst of the damage. I’ll open it on the border, I’ll slap it behind my head: throwing up to її nіg kvіti, if she’s sick - drinking those pills, then she won’t, marveling at the same time with her innumerable foreign serials on, I don’t blame them. Ale, everything was darma! I podkoryuvav suh navkoly, but not її. Then I said to myself: "Stop, Vlade! Diy in a different way, otherwise spend it."

I abandoned the cars and ... choked on medicine. I came to Svіtlanі so rarely, as if only a moment, in vіv z it rozmovi vykljuchno on medical topics. Vlastuvavsya vodiem "Shvidkoy help" to the likarni, de Svetka had an internship. Without starting a conversation with her about the kohannya, and we ... made friends.

I, like before, did not call the Svitka like a man. Moreover, knowing that a lad appeared in it. Ale, I became my best friend, we had a lot of talks, now she was with me natural and open. Wait a minute, for whom the mother needed a lot of nerves. Ale, I'm fighting for my kohannya. Getting to know її lad and zrozumіv, scho vin maє more chances. But in me there was one small misfortune: Svіtlana finished her medical and turned around to our place. And the lad її bov from afar, and pracsyuvati, getting away from his distant place. I needed to be ahead of yoga. I have more and more torn off medicine, bought a lot of books, read. Svetka could no longer do without me, but like a friend - no more. And I zhvavo її її problems, guessing, schob schob vtaly vіtal her friends on the day of the people's day, vdav, scho I'm not jealous її. I, nareshti, at that moment, if the least one of them was shrugged off, I worked out her proposition. Honestly seeming, laden buv almost vіdmova. Ale Svіtlana was in good time, wanting me to give up, she didn’t understand what happened. But here I already didn’t call: for the fates of our acquaintance, my patience came to the end, and I said to the Holy One that I love її. I don’t know if it’s a miracle, but the light of that summer suffocated in me and didn’t take it!

We have been living at once for five years already, and, obviously, we can donka. None of us did not blow, but at the same time. Buvay, let's get together, but let's try to take care of one and our feelings.

Forcibly you won't be nice- Russian slang, which means: Love for each other is impossible to blame for the primus.

Call out when you stop, if you try to force yourself to coax a woman like a person of a different status.

"Forcibly do not be sweet. Forcibly (Force, forcibly) you will not be sweet."


(1873 - 1938)

"" (1932) (, part of a friend), 57:

"The contract was canceled by me, but the new direction of the directorate did not pronounce anything else. I understood what I needed to go. You won't be nice by force"

(1860 - 1904)

(1901 r.), d. 2:

"Salty. The first time I'm talking about love is before you, and it's as if I'm not on earth, but on another planet. (Third your own cholo.) Well, that's all the same. Forcibly you won't be nice, zvichayno ... Ale, happy supernikiv, I’m not guilty of ... "

(1878), d. 4 yavl. 2: You entreat the warriors to lose their squad:

"I know what forcibly you won't be nice ale get overwhelmed! You will be cheerful again, you will not be so deadly pale, so unhappy! Anew I will be a human being, anew we walk before us ... Platonov! Utopia, hello... get overwhelmed! It's gone, it's still not good!

(1823 - 1886)

"Bidna named" (1851):

Milashin. Be kind, don't be rude! What's the job forcibly you won't be nice. Have mercy on the one who is good for me!"

"Your own people are respected" (1849):

I'll tell you once in a while that I won't go for you, I won't.

Pidkhaluzin. Tse yak you will be welcome! Forcibly you won't be nice. "

"Lis" (1870):

"Aksyusha. Forcibly you won't be nice, Oleksiy Sergiyovich.

Bulaniv. Well, that already I will reach my own; I can't get back. Aje you don't know better than me here."

(1821 - 1881)

"Pidlitok" - Versilov to the main character:

- My dear, you are unceremoniously above me. Tue, until the end of the day; forcibly you won't be nice."

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