Understand that you see a single evil. Sovereign's devices

A multitude of evil deeds are settled one by one by evil deeds. Quite often, a single evil can fold its internal structure in order to make it look like a plurality of evils. The only (single) evil in the theory of criminal law and law enforcement is to divide it in simple terms.

Forgive single malice is called with one object, one deed (lack of idleness), which attracts one legacy, and not with one form of guilt. The butt of such a malice can be navmisne zapodіyannya lung shkodi healthy victim, peredbachene h. 1 tbsp. 115 QC. A simple single malice is confused with signs of a single warehouse of malice and is qualified for one article or a part of the article of the Special Part of the QC. The established sign of a simple single malice sounds like a legal challenge, you can’t imagine.

Foldable single zipper varying forms and features of the internal structure. The very introduction of a folding single evil in the face of a plurality of evils to become the most folding in ship-investigative practice. Folding malices are covered with signs of one warehouse malice and are qualified for one article of the Special Part of the KK.

Theoretically, criminal law is seen as such see a folding single evil: try, prodovzhuyutsya, warehousing, with a kіlkom alternatively transferring deeds, with two obov'yazkovym deeds, two objects and rich objects, with two forms of guilt, with additional heavy naslіdkami.

Trivalimє dіya chi idleness, connected with farther trivial nevikonanny obov'yazkіv, laying on the wine under the threat of criminal re-investigation. This malice is characterized by an uninterrupted zdіysnenny warehouse of singing evil deeds for a rich hour.

Actually on the cob Trivaly malice є dіya (in the course of the month of freeing the will, burying the handcuff) or idleness (evil indulging in the repayment of creditor debt, legally completed evil. Maliciousness is attributed to the force of: a) the culprit himself (appearance of guilt, vykonannya attribution of a judicial act in the event of an evil non-violent judicial decision); b) activities of law enforcement agencies (trapping individuals); c) other reasons, like tying up a wickedness (achievement of more, death). Attached to the malice from the appointment of the substituent is called the actual completion of the evil, which is trivaє.

Establishment of the structure of a trivayuchy malice is necessary as a qualification of a malice as a single one, and at the end of the day the criminal law is enforced by the hour, statute of limitations and an amnesty, recognized as punishment just fine.

Trivaniy zlochin adds up to a number of the same days, directed at the reach of one mind, united by a single name. Trying evils is legally approved by the same things that are being done after a certain interval. The rest of the sign continues to be evil in the presence of the one who is trying. Trivaniye of evils are beaten without interruption, and the other evils that continue, are taken periodically through a non-trivial interval of an hour.

Trivaniy zlochiny є in fact, we will finish with the rest of the same days.

Regardless of what it is, what to enter at the sale of evil, to avenge the signs of an independent evil, it is not possible to qualify such an evil, shards are only a stage in the implementation of a single evil spirit of wine. With butts of evil, which is being continued, there can be a steal of speeches in the warehouse, which is zdіysnyuєtsya in a sprat of receptions, but it is slaughtered by one single individual; katuvannya at viglyadі systematic beatings and іn.

Warehouse- all the evils, which are composed of two or more independent evils, which make up one single evil, the proof for which is transferred to the KK statute. The butt of a folded malice is a mass zavorushennya (Article 212 of the Criminal Code). Malicious people are slandered with mass zavorushennya, swindled at the process of zavorushen, and at the same time: izishchennya chi poshkodzhennya lane (Art. 167 KK), stealing (Art. 158 KK), plundering (Art. 161 KK), loss of health, including serious (Art. st.111, 112, 115 of the CC), the stosuvannya of violence when a representative of the authorities (Article 318 of the CC), that іn Involvement of mischief in the course of the zavorushen are slandered by signs of a warehouse of mass zavorushen, peredbachenogo Art. 212 QC.

In KK, there were no norms for warehouse mischief. characteristic rice Warehouse malice is an association in one day less than two independent malices, leather from which to avenge the signs of a warehouse malice. And yet, after such malices, the legislator passed on from looking at a single act, as if he qualified only for one article about warehouse malices.

Warehouse malices can be transferred by signs main warehouse wickedness, for example mass zavorushennya (Article 212 of the Criminal Code), robbery (Article 162 of the Criminal Code). Often warehouse evils are covered with signs qualified warehouse wickedness. Before them, one can add: illegal abortion, which caused the death of the victim (part 3 of article 123 of the Criminal Code); illegally allowed free will, caused by violence, unsafe life and health (part 2, article 127 of the CC) and others. Warehouse wickedness needs to be revisited in view of the ideal aggregation of malice as a form of multiplicity, and navited in the form of real aggregation.

Zlochin with alternative transfers known as a fold, the objective side of which includes a sprinkling of suspіlno unsafe dіy, vykonnannya dermal z yih zatvoriє warehouse, which qualifies for an article about such evil. Qualification of the evil is not changed by the hour of the special one, but two or more alternatively transferring actions. If a person illegally packs, saves, transports that zbuvaє inflammable armor, the duty for her is beyond Art. 222 QC. For this article, two individuals are qualified, as if it were not illegal to wear firearms. The difference in the obligation of malicious activity on qualifications is not shown, but it can be insured in case of a recognized punishment. Tse skladne diyannya slid vіdmezhovuvati vіd sukupnostі zlochinіv yak form mnozhinnostі.

Zlochinom іz dvoma obov'yazkovymi diyamiє folding action, the objective side of such and two necessary actions. The presence of one of them is fallow in the conditions on the right, or it means that there is a malice at the stage, it’s less than a swing, or it’s about criminal liability. Before such wickedness lie zgvaltuvannya, zdirstvo, hooliganism, stolen people and others.

The idea of ​​how to introduce hooliganism to warehouse mischief has been expanded. Really hooliganism diami. Hooliganism є ending with malice for the obviousness of diy, as if rudely destroying the order of the masses and demonstrating obvious disdain for suspіlstvo (one dіya), caused by zastosuvannyam zbroї or objects, which vikoristovuyutsya like zbroya (other dіya, alternatively). Vchinennnya lest first appointed dії utvoryuє dribne hooliganism, vidpovіdalnіst for yake inserted art. 20.1 CAP RF. For a warehouse, a malice is more characteristic of the anger of two independent malices on the same day.

Double objects and rich object evils are characterized by the fact that the zazіhannya warehousing two more chi more bezperednіh objects. Other two rich objects of evil can be accumulated with warehouse evils, for example, piracy - warehouse, and rich objects of evil (objects of public safety, moisture, health, life of specialty). However, two or more objects that are rich in evil can have more independent significance. The butt of a "pure" two-objective malice - a legal oversight of the other economic activity, committed by the posadovtsy(Article 169 of the CC, the main object is a sign of the normal conduct of the pіdpriєmnitskoї chi іnshої ekonomіchї dіyalnostі, the additional object is the normal activity of the organs of the state power, the mass self-regulation); Prodbannya Abo Zbut Maina, Svidomo Healthy by the Malifier of the Shit (Art. 175 KK, the main Op'єkt - Supriklni Videzini at the sectors of the Ekonominoi, the Own, the Dodatki - Supriylno Div, schodo zdіysnennya funktsії criminal resleduvannya) and іn.

Malice from two forms of guilt encroachment is called, if in the aftermath of a wicked mischief, heavy consequences are created, if they are not slandered by the name of wine, and the setting to such negligence at the sight of lightness and negligence(Art. 27 QC). Vidpovіdno to zmіtu law such folding evil you can be less evil from a materially qualified warehouse. Before mischief from two forms of guilt, one can consider the mindfulness of a serious child to health, as if by negligence caused the death of the victim (part 4 of article 111 of the Criminal Code); terrorism, which carelessly caused the death of a person (part 3 of article 205 of the CC) and in. The names of evil things are immediately and warehouse.

In malices from two, the forms of guilt of the current grave nasledkіv can not be transferred as independent malices. Criminal liability for the present tsikh naslіdkіv in May is less for the obviousness of a causal connection between the savory wine spirits and such naslіdkami. The self-destruction of the condemned after the guilt of a witness of an unjust accusatory fault is the butt of a malice with two forms of guilt, if a serious offense is the homicide of the condemned is not an independent malice. Similarly to the examined butt of the vision of planned work, establish that, becoming negligent, for a three-year period as a result of the evil of planting changes, you can be a malice with two forms of guilt. The appointments of the vision of the robots set as a grave legacy cannot be seen as an independent evil.

Zlochin from additional grave consequencesє, if in the aftermath of a wicked mischief through negligence come additional heritage. By such a malice, for example, the death of a seriously injured child, as if by negligence caused his death (part 4 of article 111 of the Criminal Code).

ONE, unity (Greek - τò ἔν, Latin - unum), one of the fundamental ones to understand the philosophy of mathematics. One should think like an ear of inconsistency, unity and wholeness like a really existing one - speech, soul, witness, specialness, and an ideal buttya - understanding, law, numbers. In mathematics, the One, or alone, serve as the cob and the world of number, like, for the designation of Euclid, є "a multiplier, folded into 1s" ("Cobs", Book 7, designation 2), and virtually vanquish loneliness; in geometry, astronomy, music, the unity is the size of the world (dovzhini, flatness, speed, trivality to sound, etc.), the same as the size that is vimiryuetsya. For the philosophy of understanding, it is so self-important for the One, as it is understandable buttya; in staleness, in order to understand the top cob, we can talk about two types of metaphysics - about the metaphysics of the One, chi genology, and the metaphysics of buttya, chi ontology. Parmenidus, Plato, neoplatonists - Plotinus, Proclus, Damascus, Dionysius the Areopagite, as well as John Scotus Eryugenu, Mikoli Kuzansky, Maistra Eckhart i, with such guards, І. Kant and I. G. Fichte. However, the distinction between genology and ontology cannot be clearly drawn, for even in antiquity the understanding of buttya and the One used to get used to each other for an hour, the shards of the buttya (originally) looked like it was simple, that it was inappropriate, but that One.

Unity in ancient philosophy. The representatives of Pythagoreanism and the Eleatic school laid the foundation for discussion of the One. Among the Pythagoreans, the understanding of the One (monadi) serves as the cob of number, and the number is the intellectual ability to be known. At the eleatіv understanding of the One and the existing, they get used as synonyms; zgіdno z Parmenіdom, buttya unity, and multiplicity є not buttya. Virushayuchi vіd pіthagorіytsіv and eleatіv, Plato, however, to make suttєvі zmіni before the clouding of the One. In the dialogue “Parmenid” he shows that it is impossible to attribute the same predicate to the One, because any talk about the One should be robbed of it. Navit stverdzhuyuchi, scho "Single is," we attribute to you the predicate buttya i, later, we can think of "two" - one and buttya, and two is the cob of multiplicity. And yet, if “Isnuyuche the Unity” is no longer the Unity, then the Unity is not buttya, it’s overbite. As such, it cannot be the subject of thought, as it can only exist (buttya).

Like an overbought and unblighted cob, which you can’t enter into like a promise, One, after Plato, it’s necessary to change your mind like a butt (multiplicity), so it’s known: without a single butt, it would change into serenity, chaos, not butt, unity, unity of diversity in understanding. In such a rank, being on that bik buttya that knowledge, the One and the mental capacity of that and the other. “The One Being” is the world of intelligible supersensible ideas that make up the spivvіdnesene impersonality - the integrity of the ideal world. The skin idea is the cob of unity, so Plato calls them "monads" or "genads" ("Phileb", 15a-b).

Criticizing the Platonic ontology of ideas, Aristotle points out the ontological status of the One, without ignoring the day: neither the One, nor the buttya can not think of an independent basis, the Crimea is one by one speeches; yakbi the Unity felt like the Unity itself, then it could not have sprung up anything else creamy (“Metaphysics”, III, 4). In the primary meaning, speeches are called the same, the day of which is one and does not allow the bottom. The stars of the main meanings of the single: 1) uninterrupted (συνεχές), 2) whole (ὅλον), which has a singing form, 3) blatant (ϰαθόλου) and 4) single (ϰαθ' ἔϰαστον). The first two - without interruption and wholeness - are connected with the unity of the rush, the two remaining ones - with the unity of thought; and singly, and singly single shards of the same purpose: singly inappropriately for the kіlkіst, and singly - for the view. In all areas of existence, the One, after Aristotle, serve as the first world for the skin kind, and the head rank for the kilkost. In this order, the One cannot be a day, but it cannot be a generic understanding: “neither the One, nor a being can be a native for speeches” (ibid., III, 3), because these types of distinctions would not be b or a single, existing, but not so. One and the same - the greatest combination of all predicates: the stench is present in all categories, but nothing is added to the difference, which has a similar principle.

Grebel think of the One on the kshtalt of Platonic genology as the upper cob of existence, transcendent to you, as “those who are from that bek buttya”. “More than beings stand First ... the other place after the new one borrows the existing and the mind, and the third - the soul” (“Enneadi”, V, I, 10). The only one does not require anything and nothing to which it is not pragmatic, it is beyond reason and knowledge, and for that it is invisible and unmistakable. Rozum is the first act, or the first energy, of the One and resembles the path of emanation in this majestic way, like before, as if lightly merging with the sun. Tilki zavdyaki to that, which is closer to the One, it becomes more whole, the universe. Rozum is as close as possible to the Single Butt, the same with him in unity, and yet it looks like the new one for the impersonality: Grebel calls the Rozum "everyday" (εν πάντα - one-all), shards of wine to avenge the totality of existence.

In the Platonic tradition, the One is synonymous with the essential good, that is not only an ontological, but also a moral beginning: perebuvannya in the unity of a person is rich in what, sensitive, bodily, teaches the soul "to serejuvatize and assemble oneself" ("8 Feudal" ). It is from Proklom, it is necessary to direct the soul to the One, so that unity becomes the very camp of the soul, “One among us”, “flowers of the spirit”. Following Plotinus, Proclus revisited the pershoprincipe - to beat the One, as if calling the One, who does not allow the accountability of oneself, in the presence of a casual sight of the One, richly of what is accountable.

Virishal crucible in modern genology with Aristotelian metaphysics buttya robb Porfiry. In the comments before Parmenidus, we should think of the Divine Unity as our own disparate unity of two ears: the supernatural One (nothing) and buttya as pure actuality, as a thought to oneself in the soul of the Aristotelian doctrine about pershodvigun. As a result, the links of the non-existent One and the One existent appear together - a reasonable world of ideas. Porfiry himself, having created a philosophical rethinking of Christian theology, as if he had stumbled upon the butt of God, that Yogo Logos is like a single unity.

The Problem of the One in the Middle Ages. The Dionysian Areopagite accentuates the understanding of the supernatural One as the subject of apophatic theology; Another tendency is to resemble Augustine, who sees God as a place of buttya (vere esse). However, with Dionysius, the One is sometimes identified with the “butts themselves” (“About the Divine Names”, V, 3, 4), and Augustine’s understanding of the Trinity as a logical completion of the metaphysics of the One Platonist. According to Augustine, without the power of the One, it is impossible to understand what God and the soul are like (De ord. II, 17, nn. 42-48). At the soul of Platonism, Augustine sings the order in the loud shrillness of the clockwork light at the angry soul of one God("Spovid", XI, 39).

The fighter for Porfiry joined the genology of the Platonists with the Aristotelian metaphysics of the butt: the formula “butt and the single werewolves” (ens et unum convertuntur) became a paradigm for the discussion of the understanding of the One in the Latin Middle, moreover, the werewolf of the existing and single path. Ibn Sini Yedine transforms into a kind of quasi-accident buttya. Bonaventure, although I argue with him, protege is close to new in the mind of the only positive thing that comes to the present significance (I Sent. 24, 1, 1). Tom Akvinsky to slander the werewolf of the butt and the One, like the inconsistency of the existent and the yoga butt, bachachi at the new mind's mind. “If you don’t think alone, then don’t think anything, because the one who thinks is guilty of arguing those who think wines, according to other speeches” (Met. 4, 7, p. 615).

The genological tradition is revived by the German mystics of the 13th-14th century, by Zokrem, by Eckhart, and by Mikoli of Cusa. God, for Eckhart, is the truth of the One, the mental ability, like a butt, so is the essence. Although Plato and the Platonists in the One were characterized through their prolongation to another, then Mykola of Kuzan stated that “one is not parallel to the one”, and means “one is everything” (Coll. M., 1979. T. 1. S. 51, 414) , tse - “absolute maximum”, which is the same as “absolute minimum”. “The absolute maximum is the one that is everything; he has everything, oskіlki vin maximum; and the oskolki to youmu are nothing more, with him run at least” (Same there, p. 51). From the same point of view, Mykola of Kuzansky comes to the vchennya about the zbіg protylezhnosti, as if he were introduced into the main methodological principle, by the adoption of J. Bruno (“About the reason, the cob and the unity”, 1584), F. V. Schelling, G. V . .F. Hegel, and in the 20th century - S. L. Frank.

The problem of unity in the New Hour. R. Descartes as a whole in the soul of middle-class theology considers unity as I see perfection, God alone is powerful. Ideas of unity and simplicity "are present only in the intellect". Reinforcing the unity of the subject - soul, self-consistency, I, Descartes to bring the new European transcendental interpretation of unity.

Understanding the unity of “skin and without philosophizing is seen by oneself, by oneself, that is one specialty” (Coll. M., 1994. T. 2. Z. 494).

The principle of the reversibility of the existent and the One takes its strength from B. Spinozy's theory of substance. Jak Mykola of Kuzan and J. Bruno, Spinoza affirms the sameness of the One and the Inexhaustible. At the sight of G. V. Leibnitz, they turn to the Aristotelian-Tomist tradition, foreseeing the origin of the impersonal ones - simple and insubstantial substances-monads, the nave of them is God, the core of the unity of the creations of monads. The problem of unity is the central theme of Leibnitz's philosophical reflections, which is the reason for unity as an ontological concept with the transcendental mind as unity of I.

Tse transcendental rozumіnnya unity becomes panіvnym in German idealism. It lies at the basis of critical philosophy I. Kant as the so-called transcendental unity of apperception, so that self-conscience as the remainder of the synthesis of any kind; the link "є", obvious in any case, means, according to Kant, it is brought to the formula, which is manifested in "I think" the necessary unity of self-confidence.

Following Kant, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel sprout the cob of unity in the I as a transcendental subject, which appears in them as an absolute subject. The early Fichte interprets the vision of unity as an absolute self, but, however, it is not a butt, but a duty, an unattainable ideal, which the people practice as a means of an inexcusable historical process. Starting from the 1800s, Fichte wakes up to the One, or the absolute, from the absolute Self, as if looking now only as the image of the One - the absolute knowledge, turning by itself to apophatic theology and to the genology of the Platonists, like rose to mind, transcendent like knowledge.

Schelling and Hegel tried to bring the impossibility of the thesis about the incomprehensibility of the One and created a special - speculative - method, foundations on the principle of the zbіgu of prolezhnosti. For the help of this method of stench, the Absolute was tampered with in understanding, creating, in fact, pantheistic feelings, in which they stand like an all-time, like a unity of prolezhnosti - "the sameness and non-totality". However, for example, Shelling's life is a story about the impossibility of a rational understanding of the Absolute, and having created the so-called positive philosophy, I founded it on a special proof - the proof of God's revelation in history.

Vchennya about universality in Russian philosophy of the 19-20th century. Under the influence of German idealism, and especially Schelling, everyday life became the central theme of Vl. S. Solovyova, S. N. ta Y. M. Trubetsky, N. O. Lossky, S. L. Frank, P. A. Florensky, S. N. Bulgakov, L. P. Karsavin and others. Vihіdne meaning of this understanding in Solovyov is the unity of people in Bozi, Bogolyudstvo. The concept of universality in its meaning is perverted from the words of the Janophile idea of ​​catholicity (catholicity, all-luminosity) like a virazu of unity in impersonality, which is the Church. Cathedral unity, for A. Z. Khomyakov, “Unity is free and organic, alive is the cob of such a divine grace of mutual love” (Povn. sobr. op. M., 1907. T. 2. Z. 101). At the philosophical underpinning of the ecclesiastical understanding of catholicity, Solovyov spired, first for everything, on Schelling and Hegel. In view of the Platonists, who were distinguished by the One, not worthless to the impersonal (that is, to “everyone”), and to the One, worthy of a lot of things, Solovyov himself appeared from the One in the multitude: the absolute є ἔν ϰαί πᾶν (the one and all is understood; the star). The assertion that the One is everything, and everything that is, is the One, is only another example of the dialectical principle of the sameness of the proportions in existence: the yakbi was completely deprived only of itself, then everything else would be yogo enumerated or a cordon, that would be absolutely exchanged . Razmirkovuyuchi such a rank in the soul of the Hegelian dialectics, Solovyov sees God as the First Absolute, Absolutely Existing, and the light - like the Friend Absolutely, Absolutely becomes, meditating sim all-day pantheistically - like "unity to oneself and one's own." The concept of omnipresence in Solovyov is closely connected with yoga sophiology: Sophia, Eternal Femininity, or Holy Soul, appears as an intermediary between the First and the Other Absolute.

Trying to fix the pantheistic motifs in the interpretation of the universality, S. M. Trubetskoy, having seen the vision of the German idealism about the people as about the "flock of God", rozumyuyuchy God as actual - eternally svіdomіst, yak not vimagaє for his own . Показуючи неможливість звести людську свідомість ні до індивідуальної свідомості, ні до універсального «світового розуму», Трубецькой повернувся до вихідної слов'янофільської інтуїції всеєдності як соборної свідомості: любов, що лежить в основі його, є «єдність всіх в одному, свідомість усіх у собі and to yourself at all” (Coll. M., 1994, p. 592).

S. L. Frank, having developed the metaphysics of omnipresence on the basis of intuitionism, is one day light and God in one whole – omniscience. As Solovyov’s view of the house between the Absolute as Existing and the light of multiplicity as butts, then Frank uses the cordon: the light of the floor and unmistakable (metalological), like the Absolute.

N. O. Losky, like S. M. Trubetskoy, turns to the characteristic of ancient genology and Christian theology about the upper cob, transcendent to everything that exists (the only one, not countable richly): if we pose the essence of God, then God is not omnipresence” (“History of Russian Philosophy”, M., 1991. Z. 148). If the One (God) think like an ear, immanent of light, then it could be more abstract unity: not a single identity, but a unity of law (such an abstract unity and absolute idea of ​​Hegel).

Hager F. P. Der Geist und das Eine. St; Stuttg., 1970; Trouillard J. L'Un et l'âmeselon Proclos. R., 1972; Beierwaltes W. Denken des Einen. Fr./M., 1985; Einheit als Grundfrage der Philosophie/Hrsg. von K. Gloy, E. Rudolph. Darmstadt, 1985; Einheitskonzepte in der idealistischen und in der idealistischen und in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie / Hrsg. von K. Gloy, D. Schmidig. Bern u. a., 1987; Akulinin V. N. Philosophy of omniscience. From V. S. Solovyov to P. A. Florensky. Novosib., 1990; Viller E. A. Vchennya about unity in antiquity and the middle class. St. Petersburg, 2002; Halfwassen J. Der Aufstieg zum Einen. 2. Aufl. Munch.; Lpz., 2006.

  • 10. Understanding and understanding of criminal evidence
  • 11. Understand the single malice that yogo see
  • 12. Understanding that form of the multiplicity of evils
  • 13. Recurrence of mischief and yogo criminal and legal significance
  • 14. Sukupnist malices and її criminal and legal significance
  • 15. Understanding that meaning is a warehouse of mischief. Yogo signs ta elements
  • 16. Classification of warehouses
  • 17. Understand that see the object of evil
  • 18. Understanding the subject of mischief and yoga meaning. Vіdminnіst subject vіd znaryad i zasobіv skoєnnya malice. Tolerance
  • 19. Understand, understand, meaning, that signs of the objective side of evil
  • 20. Suspіlno nebezpechne dіyannya ta yoga form
  • 21. Suspіlno nebezpechnі slіdki
  • 22. Causal link in criminal law: understanding, criteria for establishing that value
  • 23. Subjective side of evil: understanding, understanding and meaning, binding and optional signs
  • 24. Understand, smist, form that meaning of guilt in criminal law
  • 25. Namir ta yogo see. Criteria for intervening indirect naming in direct
  • 26. You see the negligence. Criteria for the prevention of non-balance in the case of an innocent conscience of shkodi
  • 27. Malice from two forms of guilt
  • 28. Legal and factual pardon: you see, the characteristic of that criminal and legal significance
  • 29. Understanding that signs of the subject of mischief
  • 30. Special subject and yoga of criminal and legal significance
  • 31. Discernment. Understanding the criteria for non-conviction
  • 32. Understand that you see the stages of evil
  • 33. Understanding, signs, forms, qualifications and punishment prepared to evil
  • 34. Understanding, signs, classification and punishment for malice
  • 35. End of mischief. Set to the moment of yoga completion
  • 36. Dobrovіlna vіdmova vіd malignity: understand that signs
  • 37. Understanding that signs of sleepiness in evil spirits
  • 38. See the sleepers
  • 39. Forms of speech
  • 40. Characteristics of group misfortunes, which are located at the warehouse, as they do not correspond to the signs of the subject's mischief
  • 41. Excess of violation of this criminal and legal significance
  • 42. Understand, see the meaning of the situation, which includes the wickedness of the act
  • 43. Necessary defense
  • 44. Zapodіyannya shkodi pіd hаd trаnіnnyа individuals, yаk vаnіnіd zlochin: yоu understand, think rіghtіrnostі, vіdpovіdalіnі іn nіdpoіdіlіnіnі zahodіvnі zahodіh, nebhіdnіh іnіnііnіа ііnіїії ії individual
  • 45. Extreme necessity: understand, think rightness, meaning. Movement between extreme needs
  • 46. ​​Physical and mental primus and yoga of criminal and legal significance
  • 47. Rizik priming
  • Chapter 48
  • 49. Understood
  • 50. The system of that classification is punishable
  • 51. Penalty: understanding, reconciliation, the order of zastosuvannya. Payment benefits
  • 52. Liberation of the right to seize a song, or plant it, or engage in song activity and that yogo criminal-legal characteristic
  • 53. Relief of a special, military rank of honorary title, class rank and sovereign nobility and yogo criminal and legal characteristics
  • 54. Understood, zmіst, the lines are the order of zastosuvannya obov'yazkovyh robots. Effects of healing in the wake of your expiration
  • 55. Understood, zmіst, the lines are the order of zastosuvannya of the right robots. Effects of healing in the wake of your expiration
  • 56
  • 57. Understanding, understanding, terms and order of zastosuvannya will exchange
  • 58. Understood, zmіst, lines that order of arrest
  • 59. Reconciliation with the disciplinary military part
  • 60. Indulgence in the appointment of a term
  • 61. Dovіchne pozbavlennya will that strata
  • 62. Zagalnі cobs of confession of punishment
  • 63
  • 63
  • 65. Punishment
  • 66. Cover what the punishment is for, that’s criminal and legal significance
  • 67. Appointment of punishment for the corruption of evil
  • 68. Appointment of punishment for the marriage of vices
  • 69. Number of lines
  • 70. Mentally convict and yoga
  • 71. Understood
  • 72. Violence in the form of criminal convictions in connection with the criminal kayatts and in connection with the conciliation with the sufferers
  • 73. Violence in the form of criminal conviction and in the form of punishment for the termination of the statute of limitations
  • 74. Understood
  • 75. Mentally-dostrokove zvіlnennya that yogo criminal-legal characteristic
  • 76. Replacing the unknown part of the punishment with a mild form of punishment for that criminal and legal characteristic
  • 77. Sound of punishment through the twig
  • 78. Call for early warning through a change in the situation
  • 79. A line of warning to women and women who have young children
  • 80. Criminal and legal characteristics of amnesty and pardon
  • 81. Criminal and legal characteristics of a criminal record
  • 82. Look at the punishment
  • 83. Peculiarities of criminal statutory errors, if they did not reach 20 years of age
  • 84. Primusovі come in vyhovnogo inflow that yogo criminal-legal characteristic
  • 85. Peculiarities of the severity of non-permanent criminal offenses and punishment. Mentally-dostrokove svіlnennya nepovnlіtnіh
  • 86. Primus come in to the medical character
  • 87. See the primus entrances of a medical nature
  • 88. Sale
  • 88
  • 90. Confiscation and її criminal and legal significance
  • 11. Understand the single malice that yogo see

    By a lonely wretch to know such a thing, that to avenge the warehouse of one wickedness and qualify for one article or a part. Take Dіyannya Most Zhizniyuvatyuyu, one diyu (abode), so the system of the diy (act of the abyss), can be pulled by one of the named alone, mischievous and understandable, many are not fooled.

    Behind their legislator's design, all the evil things are divided one by one:

    - Just wickedness;

    - Foldable evil.

    Up to number simple solitary evils be put in such a way that they encroach on one object, zdiisnyuyutsya one day, are characterized by one form of guilt, revenge one store of mischief, transferring one article to a part.

    Folded by lonely wickednessє dії, scho encroach on a sprinkling of objects, which are characterized by a complicated objective side, the manifestation of two forms of guilt of additional heritage.

    Folding one by one evil can be:

    warehouse- Dії, skladenі z dvoh or more dіy (aktіv nezdіyalnostі), kozhna z yih transferred KK as independent evils;

    with alternative words or with alternative words- in the case of being listed in the disposition of the statutes (lack of indifference) є sufficient for the recognition of the presence of the warehouse of evil;

    timi, who is trivaє- diya chi idleness, tied to the farther trivial nevikonanny obov'yazkiv, laid on the wine by the law under the threat of criminal re-investigation. Maliciousness, which is trivaє, starts from the moment of slacking off evil spirits (lack of idleness) and ends after the death of the wine itself, straightened up to the pinning of evil, or it’s now, that they will cross the evil. Such evils are characterized by an uninterrupted zdіysnenny warehouse of a songful evil deed and are stretched out for a good hour;

    continue chewing- They are folded in a row of the same evil deeds, straightened to a wild mark and warehouses in their totality of single evils. On the cob of the squandered malice, the next step is to save the first dії at the warehouse of a few of the same dіy, to make one streak of malice, and the end - the moment of squeezing the remaining malodorous dії;

    aggravated by additional grave consequences;

    double-object or rich-object malice - zazіhannya warehousing two more objects;

    mischief from two forms of guilt- when the mental mischief is reduced, heavy consequences are created, which are more likely to pull after you, and not to be fooled by the people, but in the mental state of the individual to the mental and volovy signs of lightness or non-balance.

    12. Understanding that form of the multiplicity of evils

    Under the multitude of evils it is understood that one particular number of mischief, skins from which are transferred by the criminal-legal norm and take their criminal-legal significance.

    Many evils are characterized by such signs:

    - Dії, scho utvoryuyut plurality, zdіysnyuyutsya one special;

    - for the plurality, it is necessary to save at least two evils;

    – tsі malices can save their criminal and legal significance.

    The criminal code distinguishes two forms of plurality:

    - Sukupnіst malice;

    - Relapse of evil.

    Recurrence of evil acknowledgment of committing a mental mischief as a special one, as if you could be judged for earlier committing a mischievous mischief.

    Recurrence can be of three types:

    - Simple;

    - unsafe;

    - Particularly unsafe.

    The recurrence of evil is recognized as unsafe:

    - in the case of a special serious malice, for which guilt is sued to real freedom, as before the person was sentenced two or more times for a mortal malice of medium gravity to freedom of will;

    - in the event of a particularly serious malice, as before, he was sentenced for a serious or especially serious malice until the real release of will.

    The recurrence of evil is considered especially unsafe:

    - in case of a special serious malice, for some kind of guilt they are sued to real freedom, as before the person was sentenced for serious malice to real freedom;

    - in the event of a particularly serious malice, even before the two were convicted for a serious malice, or earlier they were sued for a particularly serious malice.


    - with a furnishing that is tight around the guard;

    - Vplivaє on the confession of the convict until the will of the mind of the rightful person is allowed;

    - the term of punishment for any apparent recurrence of malice may be less than one third part of the maximum term of the most viable form of punishment, transferred for the worst of malice, but not more than the sanction of the special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Sukupnist malice- incriminated by one special two, or more wickedness for the mind, that the conviction was not extinguished from them for the same time, or the person was not sentenced for the same person.

    See the sinfulness of evil:

    - Ideal marriage;

    - Real sukupnіst.

    real sukupnistyu two or more evil-doers are to be found responsible, for which no person was condemned for the same time. If so, it doesn’t matter, if there were evil things, navmisne, or because of negligence, if they were stinky, if they were finished, if they were in sleep, it was thin. . Perfect marriage- This is one day (lack of idleness) to avenge the signs of evil, the transfer of two or more articles of the RF Criminal Code. Sukupnіst malice to serve basis recognition of more severe punishment. In case of marriage of evils, the punishment is assigned to the skin of the skin of evils, which is often added up.


    Just as the form of government characterizes the state by looking at the order of formation and organization of the greater bodies of state power, the form of the state structure reflects the national-territorial structure of the region. For the form of the sovereign structure, the powers are subdivided into unitary and federal.

    A unitary power is called a simple, single power, as it does not have any other sovereign abode. The territory of a unitary state without intermediary subdivision into administrative-territorial units, so that they cannot be politically independent, if in the state, social and cultural spheres, their involvement can be wide. Sovereign apparatus of a unitary state single structure throughout the territory of the country. competence sovereign bodies neither legally nor de facto it is surrounded by new military bodies. The enormity of a unitary state - one, administrative-territorial settlement of the powerful enormity cannot be. In the unitary state, there is a single system of law. There is one constitution, the norms of which are to be established throughout the entire territory of the country without any deviations. Mіstsevі organs vladi may zastosovuvat all normative acts adopted by the central authorities of vlady. The norms of these authorities are of a daily submissive character, they are expanding only in the open territory. A unified court system zdiisnyuє judiciary bіla kraїni, keruyuchis zagalnymi legal norms. Judicial bodies of a unitary state - Lanka of a single centralized system. The tribute system of a unitary state is single-channel: tributes go to the center, and the stars are divided by regions. Among the current powers are the unitary France, Sweden, Turkey, Egypt and others.

    It is a unitary power, on the territory that is small for the number of nationalities, allowing the establishment of autonomies. Autonomy - all internal self-regulation of regions of the state, which are distinguished by geographic, national, and specific features(Crimea in Ukraine, Corsica in France, Azores from Portugal). In some countries, denationalities do not linger compactly, but scattered, national-cultural autonomies are created. Such autonomy may have an exterritorial character. Representatives of the singing nationality create their own elective organs, sometimes force their representative to the parliament, and carry out representation at the power of the government. They are consulted for the hour of the cherry of the food, that they are succumbing to the mov, that culture will be pobuted.

    The second form of the sovereign structure is the federation, which is a collapsible allied power, which, as a result of the unification of a number of powers, is abo sovereign crevices (subjects of the federation), which may have a viable political independence.

    The territory of the federation includes the territories of the subjects of the federation, which may be the authority's administrative division. The subjects of the federation may have private sovereignty, singing political independence. The federation has two equal state apparatus: federal and subject of the federation. Parliament has a two-chamber structure, and one of the chambers reflects the interests of the subjects of the federation and, when formed, victorious, the principle of equal representation of all subjects of the federation is independent of the number of people living on their territory. Gromadyanstvo federation - podvіyne: kozhen gromadyanin - gromadyanin federatsii and vodpovidny subject of the federation. Іsnuyut two legal systems: federal and subject federation. Resist the right to praise the sovereign constitution. The principle of the hierarchy of laws has been established: the constitution and the laws of the subjects of the federation are not responsible for the superstition of federal legislation.

    The order of the federal court system, the subjects of the federation can judge the mother of the authorities. The federal constitution establishes less charitable principles judiciary and judiciary. The tax system of the federation is two-channel: the order from federal taxes, like the federal treasury, and the subsidiaries of the federation. The United States, FRN, Russia, India and other countries are characterized by the federal state structure.

    Among the federative powers, one can see national-powerful and administrative-territorial ones. The first type of federation is called out to the regional state power, and that її creation is appointed by national officials. Subjects in such a federation are established behind a national-territorial sign (often in Russian Federation). At the heart of the administrative-territorial federation, as a rule, lie economic, geographical, transport and other territorial factors (FRN, USA and other).

    They also draw up agreements and regulations of the federation. Agreements of federation are being created as a legacy of a free association of low powers and sovereign decrees, enshrined in an agreement (USA, SRSR). Established federations blame as a legacy of the transformation of the unitary powers chi contractual federations, they themselves create at their own warehouse the power of the subject, endowing them with a part of sovereignty (Russian Federation).

    One of folding food the federation is about the right of the nation to self-determination and exit from the warehouse of the federation (the right of secession). Secession - tse unilateral exit of the subject of the federation from її warehouse. In the absolute majority of modern federations, the right is not constitutionally fixed (Ethiopia is blamed). However, for the Constitution of the SRSR 1977 p. the Union Republics had such a right that it became a formal basis for their withdrawal in 1990-1991.

    Deyakі vcheni-jurists see one more type of form of the sovereign structure - confederation. Prote is formally out of power. Confederation is a permanent union of sovereign powers, creations for the achievement of any common goals.

    The Confederation has no sovereign territory - it is formed from the territory of the powers that enter to the warehouse. The subjects of the confederation are sovereign powers, yakі may have the right to freely exit from the warehouse. The Confederation approves the central bodies, endowed with privileges, delegated to them by the powers - members of the confederation. These organs cannot directly rule over the powers that come before confederation. Their decisions are accepted for the principle of one-stay and zdiisnyuyutsya only for the sake of the authorities of the sovereign powers. Confederate bodies can adopt normative acts only from those sources, which are within their competence. These acts do not take place on the territory of the members of the confederation and require ratification by their parliaments. The enormity of the confederation is daily: a skin power-member may have its own enormity. Vіdsutnya y єdina court system. The budget of the confederation is formed from voluntary non-state powers - members of the confederation, taxes are daily. The rest of the confederation was Senegambia in 1981-1988.

    In the rest of the decade, the world saw impersonal forms of economic, political, cultural and other union of powers: sympathy, sympathy and other. The European Union lies before them, which earlier was called Economical partnership, then - simply Spilnotoy. In the wake of the strengthening of the integration processes, the unification of the evolution of the bik confederation.

    Following the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic in the geopolitical space of the vinicla Spivdruzhnist of the Independent Powers (SND). Another butt of the supra-state association is the British Friendship of Nations, which is formed from England and її many colonies. It disappeared after the Other World War after the collapse of the British Empire.

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    Qi apply can be important words based on your joke.

    Qi apply can be folded in a word that is based on your request.

    Translation of "one, simple" in Russian

    Other translations

    Nothing to be one, simple a rule that regulates the sphere of interrelationship between the system of ceremonies and the behavior of the private sector.

    One simple rule to apply in terms of the relationships between governance and the private sector.">

    Suggest an example

    Other results

    One, simple the formula of jurisdiction is unlikely to be valid and effective for all kinds of situations, and even with the basic models, it does not cover all possible situations.

    A single, straightforward The formula for jurisdiction is unlikely to be superior or valid for all jurisdictions, and does not base the model on covers every possible case.

    On one, the correct one before the formula for the appointment of jurisdiction is unlikely in order to be superior or correct for all types of cases, and the model does not cover every possible case.">

    Don't know whether or not single, simple policies, as to guarantee a positive result in all situations, if all participants in the process - migrants, migrant countries, accepting lands - would take away the burden of international mobility of qualified workforce.

    We didn't invest united pennies , simply knew the video and became a home in Europe”, - appointing Illya Prusikin in the interview with UTV.

    A single penny , just shot video, i became known in Europe , Ilya Prusikin said in an interview with UTV.">

    Tim is not smaller, we still don’t have a wild statement about people, like about to one sleeping , simply through those who are rich in money, those powerful powers in the lower world continue to put their national interests higher for the greater good of all people.

    Injustice, mi bachimo, sho collective perception of humankind as one single community , simply to the fact that the singing reception, the pressing and influential States in the world will always continue to go to the national interests to the ignorant people of all people.

    One single community , simply because certain accepting, straining and influential States in the world continue to go to the national interests to the global status of all people.">

    Shards of storm phenomena, tectonic lines of broken river basins do not recognize inter-krainal cordons that single sovereignty , simple At a glance, the appointment of the reasons for that last can be even more foldable.

    Yak Storms, fault lines and river basins extend beyond individual countries and recognize no single sovereignty , the simple Establishing causes and effects can prove even more difficult.

    No single sovereignty , the simple Determining causes and effects can prove even more difficult.">

    PSZ are victorious within the framework of our programs of fast unemployment for additional assistance single mechanism , wear simple that transparent nature, with the help of safe entry, about how homeownership was achieved within the framework of the PSB, that the adoption of an increase in the level of employment.

    APEs are a simpleі transparent mechanism that combines all unemployment reduction programs, safeguarding PRC-related measures already taken and strengthening employment.

    A non-intermediate and accommodating mechanism, which is currently being implemented by unemployment reduction programs, guarantees PRC-related measures already taken and strengthening employment.">

    Krym tsgogo, it is necessary to designate what we understand under the development, there are no shards, be it single simple formulae , yak would fit for everyone.

    What was meant by development also needed to be defined, as no one simple formula worked for all.">

    Do you want to say, what did you write about what you created for them, without united clemency , stink simply did the little ones sit?

    At the same hour, Komіsіya helped save oneі simple system , which were also protected by the possibilities that were found in Greenland, and the well-known knowledge of the minds of Greenland by landlords was transferred, as if to stop the system.

    On the other hand, the Commission huddle keep a unified and simple The system is also responsible for being based on the features available in Greenland, as long as the participants are responsible for being aware of Greenlandic conditions.

    A unified and simple the system is also liable to be based on the features available in Greenland, whereby the participants are liable to be aware of Greenlandic conditions.">

    Oskіlki all software security is selected from the package united a group of people , not simply all packages can be found in one place, but, moreover, you can be convinced that we have already processed all the food that folds fallows.

    Fakhіvtsі came before to one Duma , what simply the bula was left with the IMF action with the help for the exit from the economic difficulties, after which billions of dollars were squandered, and the economy, for the sake of such a stench, was carried out, so it was not vryatovani.

    Pundits agree this is only left string of IMF-led bailouts that squandered billions dollars and failed to save the economies they were meant to help.

    Merely the latest in string of IMF-led bailouts that squandered billions of dollars and failed to save the economies they were meant to help.">

    To overcome the problems in these most damaged areas, there are no singleі simple sobi , Wanting to identify inter alia problems, it would be possible to come to the rescue with an emphasis on specific areas that call for concern.

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