Karpaty virubuvannya fox. The Verkhovna Rada has blocked the virubuvannya of the forests in the Carpathians. Addendums

Hizhatska carpathian forests, if the foxes were literally on the eyes, and several trains pass through Berehomemet, zavantage virubanim roundwood - for witnesses, sometimes they can become close to the old wagons for production, we can buti

Such a visnovka was sent by experts, requested by a group of activists to Maidan to assess the situation and look for a way out of it.

Unfortunately, there are no statistics on the number of birds in Ukraine. And in the rest of the hour, catastrophically rich trees are cut from the Carpathians. This process is especially active for the rest of the three years, without respect for the fenced export of round timber. In the photo from the satellite, you can clearly see that now the area is now empty without trees:

Accepting a third of up to half of the colossal forest wealth has already been irrevocably spent

However, far from everyone knows what to bring the virubuvannya lisiv to. Masova liquidation of forests to cause destruction of the acidic cycle of the planet. Tse mozhe will end with it, that on some territories of the planet it will simply be impossible to live - we will not be wild.

Bring down the trees to the point of swampiness, which threatens the snake growth. Reservoir overgrown with grass and mud. Virubuvannya led to a change in the atmosphere to ozone. Tse brought to filthy crops, epidemics, an increase in the number of people who fell ill with cancer, to the death of ozone diroks.

To bring up the growth of trees to the point of being deserted, the shards of fall scatter the birthing ball of the soil. Through these meshkantsi districts, they pretended to be dry, to become refugees. Bagato creature that roslin - perish. The harvesting statistics show that it is possible to bring about a change in the albedo of the earth and provoke a catastrophe. Albedo is the nature of the planet's creation of radioactive solar fluxes.

Dodatkovі naslіdki obezlіsuvannya:

sharp temperature drops;

climate change;

too much sleepy light, how to ruin the growth, how to love living in the shade;

creation in the biosphere of the greenhouse effect;

destruction of ecosystems;

the amount of nitrogen increases in the soil, which inspires the growth of new trees.

Trees trim the streams of underground waters, to the fact that they live on their roots. The death of forests spryaє zbіlshennyu їh povnovodnosti, shards to pick up the zayv vologu no one. The motherland comes to the surface, fills the rivers, steams, falls like numerical falls. The axis of why the virubuvannya lisiv pov'azane z povenya, as well as the appearance of hurricanes in tіy mіstsevostі, de їїх ніх ніх нізане was not guarded.

All these negative consequences of the Daedalus are more often seen in the quiet regions of Ukraine, where the main interests took the mountain over the strategic ones.

Previously, it was important that everything is to blame for the greed and corruption of Ukrainian officials in the current rivniv, whether they are directly directed or not hepheshta.

Let me help you look at the problem in a different way.

In the distance, it’s worth emphasizing that, due to the virubtsi of the lіsu, they signifi- cantly change the statements to those who victorious lіsorubtіvіvіvnіstrumenti mayyut vіd avіdіnіtії pokazniki.

Dozvіl on the cutting is given by the sing term, depending on the number of practitioners and the productivity of saws declared by the cutter.

In this rank, you can even accurately designate the number (obsyag) of the fox that is being blamed.

The І axis here begins to naytsіkavіshe - it appears, with dotrimann savage number pracіvnikov, stench corrosive richly with hardened nail files, lower if allowed.

Moreover, the stench themselves do not suspect about it!

Investigation showed that the standard model is a chainsaw Husqvarna-236 , The declared power is 1.4 kW. In fact, the activists killed the effort of practically all saw blades, 1.804 KW, or 0.404 KW more for the passport!

Such a small bonus actually gives a boost in productivity. Do three times(because it’s more of an increase in the speed of cutting), which is explained by the anomalously high rate of cutting the lіsu ...

It was established that the maker, a Swedish company, repeatedly received delegations from KCDiTO members of these showed interest in the process of recruitment, and also actively chimed in. where you will direct that chi and other batch of finished products.

Recognizing that Ukraine was recognized as the country, the stench tried to allow them to take the fate of the chosen dvigunіv, which are installed on the drank, otrimuyuchi, in such a rank, the possibility of sabotage, illegally forcing them (dvigunі).

Identification of the Carpathian forests is nothing else, as if it were a resolutely planned action, directed at driving the ambushes themselves to the foundation of an independent Ukraine.

Chose proof, as it is assigned to dopovіdі, vycherpnі for quiet, who is sensible.

The word "Karpaty" is even more important for Ukraine and Ukrainians. This kazkovy land has always been famous not only for its picnic places: mountains, mountain meadows, foxes and mountain rivers, but also for its rich history, self-sufficient culture and folklore. Htos having visited the Carpathians at least once, just saying hello to the whole region for all life.

It’s a pity, even at this stage, the Ukrainian Carpathians recognize such a ruinous influx of human life, that it’s not a big risk to transform into a rightful desert, de zamіst lіsіv and gіrsk rivers will be wholeheartedly on fire.

"Sanitary cleaning" chi malice virubuvannya fox in the Carpathians?

The fact that the Carpathians can spend their greenery with the nearest rocks is not a secret for anyone. Everyone is talking about the possible environmental catastrophe, tied up with the mass cutting of the fox: ecologists, politicians, journalists and just Ukrainians. Why is the current government not living in order to bring the barbarian downfall of the entire ecosystem of the Ukrainian Carpathians.
There are two options. First, to talk about those that officials do not give these problems of serious significance, but rather to talk about lack of balance and flashy competence. The other one conveys the special zatsіkavlenіst vladnyh vyrubtsі lіsu, scho vkazuє koruptsіynu skladu. Vtіm, insults in vіdpovіdі do not turn on one another, but can harmonically complement.

Navit forecasts of experts about those who will not be near the Carpathians in ten years, look to be optimistic, which is not to say naively. Shvidkі tempi, like a cut of the Carpathian fox, transform the picnic spots on the wasteland literally for a sprat of rock.

Judging by the photographs of the Carpathians, which are very “foxing”, like clearing up the Internet, an hour, for a little pictorial little patch of the planet, transform into a wasteland, not counting ten years. Shvidshe for everything, talk about sprats of rock. It’s like the Ukrainian government is not alive to emergency and extraordinary visits to trap the Carpathian foxes.

“Send me, I want a flood!”, - guess those who are roaming the forests near the Carpathians. If you make a profit from the prospect, you don’t give a damn about ecology, you don’t give a damn about flora and fauna, you don’t give a damn about other people. And with the flood, there is no change. On the thought of fahіvtsiv-ecologists povnі, because of which mіstsevі inhabitants of rich rocіv suffer, nothing more than a trace of uncontrolled virubka lіsіv.

What does the government do, why don’t you take it in a flash and don’t blame the barbaric debauchery of the green Carpathians? Where to marvel at the officers? Everything that the rulers take on their own, that does not mean the fate of the virubuvanni fox. In large echelons of lіs-round timber, you are breaking to Europe, as you do not hurry to rub your fox. Now, for real, Ukrainian officials are ready to blame everything for themselves for the sake of pennies!

Forgive the Ukrainians do not support the mass felling of the fox, they are overwhelmed, and the conveyor is not in the forest. Do not help any scare, any protest action. Spivrobitniki lіsgospіv іlki razvodit hands, movlyav, all necessary documents є, otzhe, vyrubka є legal.

"Smitteva problem" Carpathians

Another serious problem of the Carpathians after the total destruction of the forest is the muddiness of the recreational zone with butovyh entrances. Vaughn, not looking so greedy on aphids, the appearance of millions of trees, but a threat too much middle ground carry it seriously, destroying the soil with decay products.

Even in the forests of Transcarpathia, tourists begin to know how to buy pobutovyh vіdhodіv, and in mіstsevy vіdmakh vіd kіlkostі plastic plashok literally ripple in the eyes. The rivers of the mountains began to viruvati not with sweaty water, but rustling plastic discs and drinking from such dzherel is no longer safe.

Why do people in Ukraine hate the Carpathians?

The mountain system of the Carpathians is not only found on the territory of Ukraine. Ukraine, Poland, Rumunia, Serbia, Slovak and Austrian regions occupied a part of the Carpathian pictorial landscape. І leather European country, which superbly spared the Volodya a part of the Cossack Carpathians, tries to earn a lot of tourists from here, earn money on that penny and save the Carpathian lands. All around Ukraine.

Is it common in Ukraine to hate the Carpathians so much? Adzhe explain similarly, the crime of hatred, is not possible. The deputy of creation and the preservation of the national surcharge for future gratuities are all being reduced.

znischiti the most beautiful place Europe and recreate yoga on the majestic city of the city - is it the policy of the ninth government?

It is difficult to reevaluate the legacy of the barbarian setting of people to the Carpathians. Virubuvannya lіsu bred to zsuvіv, numerical floods and as a legacy of self-destruction of the ecosystem. Unfortunately, it is practically unrealistic to blame the Carpathians for evil. It is already impossible to bring nechuvani barishi, having tasted the relish of such zupinitsya. Virubuvannya will be carried out further. Under the most decent drives, "sanitary cleanings" just. At such a pace, the greenery of the Carpathians is already in the nearest future transforming into a “living reminder” of greed and statelessness of modern Ukraine.

Through lіsorubnі schemes Ukrainian Carpathians become similar to the empty

The State Agency confirms that in 2015 the increase in illegal logging was 24.1 thousand km. However, the department itself is voicing that this figure cannot match reality.

For days on the website of the president appeared petition with the emotional headline "Negaily put down the barbarian cutting of the Carpathian forests and the smuggling of the round wood from Ukraine!". Nearly 1,500 of the 25,000 people needed to sign the petition were signed by the President.

The use of a spear of official types of cutting: for the head koristuvannya, for the health improvement of the lіsіv (the so-called sanitary ranks), the cutting for the life of the roads, the prorіdzhuvannya.

How to practice lіsorubnі schemes

Under the sight of the wretchedness of sickly trees, young and healthy ones are often cut. In addition, the areas of cuts often appear larger than those declared. After them, it is known that an epidemic has become in the forest.the floorings of the great foxholes are overgrown.

The best way to make money on wood is to write off the "dіlovu" (high quality) wood like firewood and sell it to private firms at a lower price, or simply rubat a squirt on the same lіsorubny voucher.

Call for the cutting of woods to be brought from Ukraine with stone (this is the name of the unfinished chiseled woods). If the wood is trimmed, the cost is more expensive, 80% of the wood is sold by itself in this way - it would be easier. What time is it legal Ukrainian woodworking enterprises are the last to survive.

For the appearance of the cut trees of leather, the official trunk is the responsibility of the mother of the rozp_znavalny chip - a plastic yarlik with a unique number. However, as rozpovidat mіstsevі inhabitants, "black lіsorubah" such chips are taken "bears".

The cutting of the fox is uncontrolled - on the right hand there are no more poachers, yaki administer yogo across the cordon by smuggling on an industrial scale . Actively chop foxes for the needs of the locals and local residents, as if they were really working for the unemployed in the region.

One more jigsaw puzzle of the wild picture of the Ukrainian economy : the citizens of the girsk regions look for a cordon to earn money, they are engaged in the middle and carpentry. To come out, that from the quiet regions themselves, people, and syrovina, are vibrating, wanting the production of a fox could give the job to the poor bag workers and become a real sector of the economy.

It should also be noted that smuggling schemes for the removal of villages cannot be implemented except for the help of Ukrainian corruption. Whom may have buti prichetnі th mitniki ЄС, where illegitimate foxes direct.

Fox for terrorists in Donbas

Crimea of ​​smuggling cutting and crossing over the cordon, cutting wood and selling it to the domestic market. Some other Ukrainian addressees appear to be absolutely incompetent.

Last summer, it became known about 52 wagons with smuggling in the ATO zone, including 12 wagons with wood, yak were transported for the separatists of the "LPR" and "DPR". As they wrote ZMI, tsey lіs vyyavivsya not forgive, but strategic. yoga was victorious for the life of new Ukrainian militants, although the documents indicated that the purpose of the third katunka was "for firewood."

The scheme worked like this: the Poltava and Chernigiv forest states through auctions sold the wood of a commercial company, as if they resold it to the separatists with their own land.

That same court arrested 645 cubic meters. m lіsu wagon mayzhe 600 tons.

Traditionally, the legislature had its own hoarders and critics. The first ones were talking about the need to protect the harvesters, and the others said that the moratorium would only lead to a change in lumber production.

"The decision is ambiguous. If you see the villages, they are not recycled in Ukraine, for example, thinners, protesting the stinks behind the cordon. On the other side, the oak was fenced. - explains ecologist Oleg Listopad.

However, from the moment the moratorium was introduced, a little more than an hour had passed, so that it would be possible to evaluate its effect in the whole world.

More than that, a new legal bill was registered with the Radio, which is aimed at protecting exports. The author also explains the need to promote exports, so that the moratorium on exports will destroy not only the membership of Ukraine in the SOT, but also the provisions of the association with the EU.

If the bill is to be praised, the sale of raw wood is to be sold at auctions - okremo for Ukrainian buyers, okremo - for non-residents.

At the same time, at the auction for non-residents, obligations of timber materials are put up, as it was not possible to sell them at auctions for domestic purchases.

I don’t know how new the auction policy is due to the scale of cutting down the village. It is logical that he allowed for export, it can lead to a more intensive decline in lisiv, as it is so catastrophically reduced.

Carpathian foxes virubuyut following the order from the Kremlin be inspired by the fortune-telling forces of Ukraine. Such a visnovka was sent by experts, requested by a group of activists to Maidan to assess the situation and look for a way out of it. Unfortunately, there are no statistics on the number of birds in Ukraine. And in the rest of the hour, catastrophically rich trees are cut from the Carpathians. This process is especially active for the rest of the three years, without respect for the fenced export of round timber. In the photo from the companion, it is clearly visible that now some of the area is now gone without trees: Take a third to half of the colossal forest wealth has already been irrevocably spent. Prote is far from being able to figure out what the virubuvannya of the lisiv should be brought to. Masova liquidation of forests to cause destruction of the acidic cycle of the planet. Tse mozhe will end with it, that on some territories of the planet it will simply be impossible to live - we will not be wild. Bring down the trees to the point of swampiness, which threatens the snake growth. Reservoir overgrown with grass and mud. Virubuvannya led to a change in the atmosphere to ozone. Tse brought to filthy crops, epidemics, an increase in the number of people who fell ill with cancer, to the death of ozone diroks. To bring up the growth of trees to the point of being deserted, the shards of fall scatter the birthing ball of the soil. Through these meshkantsi districts, they pretended to be dry, to become refugees. Bagato creature that roslin - perish. The harvesting statistics show that it is possible to bring about a change in the albedo of the earth and provoke a catastrophe. Albedo is the nature of the planet's creation of radioactive solar fluxes. Dodatkovі naslіdki obezlіsuvannya: rіzkі temperature drops; climate change; too much sleepy light, how to ruin the growth, how to love living in the shade; creation in the biosphere of the greenhouse effect; destruction of ecosystems; the amount of nitrogen increases in the soil, which inspires the growth of new trees. Trees trim the streams of underground waters, to the fact that they live on their roots. The death of forests spryaє zbіlshennyu їh povnovodnosti, shards to pick up the zayv vologu no one. The motherland comes to the surface, fills the rivers, steams, falls like numerical falls. The axis of why the virubuvannya lisiv pov'azane z povenya, as well as the appearance of hurricanes in tіy mіstsevostі, de їїх ніх ніх нізане was not guarded. All these negative consequences of the Daedalus are more often seen in the quiet regions of Ukraine, where the main interests took the mountain over the strategic ones. Previously, it was important that the greed and venality of Ukrainian officials in our country are to blame for us, be it some directives only and including the otrimannya gefeshta. Let me help you look at the problem in a different way. In the distance, it’s worth emphasizing that, due to the virubtsi of the lіsu, they signifi- cantly change the statements to those who victorious lіsorubtіvіvіvnіstrumenti mayyut vіd avіdіnіtії pokazniki. Dozvіl on the cutting is given by the sing term, depending on the number of practitioners and the productivity of saws declared by the cutter. In this rank, you can even accurately designate the number (obsyag) of the fox that is being blamed. The first axis here begins to be naytsіkavіshe - it appears, for the dominance of the solemn number of practitioners, the stench is coryzed with richly tightened nail files, lower it is allowed. Moreover, the stench themselves do not suspect about it! The investigation showed that the standard model is the Husqvarna-236 chainsaw, with a claimed power of 1.4 kW. In truth, the activists’ burnout of practically all saws was 1.804 kW, or 0.404 kW more than the passport one! high tempi virubuvannya lіsu... It was established that the virobnik, a Swedish company, repeatedly received delegations from KTsDіTO, the members of which showed interest in the campaign, and also actively chatted. where you will direct that chi and other batch of finished products. Recognizing that Ukraine was recognized as the country, the stench tried to allow them to take the fate of the chosen dvigunіv, which are installed on the drank, otrimuyuchi, in such a rank, the possibility of sabotage, illegally forcing them (dvigunі). Identification of the Carpathian forests is nothing else, as if it were a resolutely planned action, directed at driving the ambushes themselves to the foundation of an independent Ukraine. Chose proof, as it is assigned to dopovіdі, vycherpnі for quiet, who is sensible.

In Ukrainian environmental communities, they often publish pictures from the series “before” and “became”, showing the destruction of quadrocopters for the help of photographs of the fox-like schilys of the Carpathian mountains. For the remaining three more than three years, the stench crept in like majestic foxes of illegal cuttings. Uncontrolled harvesting of wood has become a major business for the Meshkantsy in Prykarpattia, Transcarpathia and Bukovina, and the absolute majority of villages go beyond the cordon itself - although formally in Ukraine there is a moratorium on the export of Carpathian round wood - how to call the sawed-off and stripped logs.

Give the round timber to Europe!

On the mountain roads, the vans of timber carriers are practically collapsing, and whole echelons of timber are going through the bays. You can call them at the railway station of the regional center of Ivano-Frankivsk. According to the data of the State Agency for Forest Resources of Ukraine, for the first April 2017, about 14.4 thousand cubic meters of wood were illegally cut in the country, and the amount of poaching reached 85.8 million hryvnia rubles (190 million). Per minuliy rіk lumberjacks were close to 43.8 thousand cubic meters, which cost the state 200 million hryvnias (440 million rubles). I want everyone to know that official data is no more than the tip of the iceberg of illegal lumbering. Tim more, sho, in the opinion of Western Ukrainian journalists, official statistics about spending a fox can be underestimated - so that once again you don’t shock them with huge numbers.

The scale of cutting is so great, that the fall in prices for syrovin is evident - for the rest of the second year, the grade of round timber decreased from 80 to 60, and to 50 dollars per cubic meter. But in their minds to sell wood “to Zahid” is more visual, lower it to the Ukrainian woodworking enterprises, like it’s not easy to fall.

It is not easy to start the implementation of a malicious scheme, like leading from poaching to smuggling a cut fox. In the minds of the catastrophic downfall of life, the hizhatsky cut of the forest for the wealthy residents of Western Ukraine is the only source of income, and the law enforcement system in the municipalities is not affordable. The unpopular central government has not been in control of the situation for a long time, the corrupt security forces of various departments are calling themselves tasks in the schemes of poachers. The plots are often protected by criminal criminal gangs, as if they were under the “brand” of the “Right Sector” (organization, fenced by the Russian Federation) and other ultra-right organizations.

At Serpnі Bukovinsk eco-activities, they overran the round-wood trap of the village of Glibok, on the way to the checkpoint of Vadul-Siret, through some other place the main flow of vantazhіv on the Ukrainian-Romanian cordon. For some kind of tribute, this party was assigned to a leading Romanian company, as an active supporter of the "black" lumberjacks. Prote Vlasniki illegally harvested fox zumili zvіlniti potyag for help spіvrobіtnikіv Chernivtsi prosecutor's office. They tried to set up blockhouses on the roads near the Zhovtni Meshkants of the Storozhynets district of Bukovina, so that they could cross the forest - the protection of poachers cleared the way for timber trucks.

Everything is cute

Concern for the local inhabitants in mind: the appearance of the forests is not only the garni of the Carpathian regions, but I create minds for catastrophic mudflows, in such a Daedalus the region often suffers. 2008 rock lingering boards were brought to grandiose back, that having swamped Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivets, Transcarpathian and Vinnitsa regions Dozens of houses near the Carpathians were swept away by heavy mudflows. Ukrainian ecologists directly pointed out the cause of the cataclysm - the deforestation of the mountain scales, as if it were no longer possible to calm the overworld water and the non-fixed soil. From that hour on, the scale of the felling of the bagatoraz grew - the attack was already great, provoked by the damage to the hydrobalance, more for everything, the check was not long.

Official Kiev tried to fight this problem with a formality. Under the pressure of the enormity of the quarter of 2015, the parliament passed a ten-point moratorium on the export of unfinished lumber materials - in order to increase the reduction of lіsіv and promote the viability of the woodworking industry.

Virubka fox did not stumble, natomist moratorium groundedly brewed іz yogo by financial donors z. At the beginning of 2016, Brussels vowed to take over the export of round timber from Ukraine, threatening to freeze the black portion of the credit tranche for the total sum of 1.8 billion hryvnias. Moreover, the European officials directly ordered Kiev to those who in Ukraine supercheat minds.

"The moratorium on visas is being taken by our partners as a destruction of the association," said Ivanna Klimpush-Tsintsadze, vice-premier of European and Euro-Atlantic integration. As a result, Ukraine took away more than pennies from the streaming rock - after the fact that the president had once called on the European partners to lift the moratorium. But the Ukrainian government realized the unpopularity of such a decision and, like before, did not hurry to formally stop the export of lumber.

L_s and other colonial goods

It looks like the patience of Brussels is about to run out. In the spring, the head of the official representation of the EU, Hug Mingarelli, was ahead of the fact that Ukraine does not take away the third part of the credit from the time of saving the moratorium on the export of round timber. Calling on everything, it took President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Groysman to decisive action at the parliament.

Days, 8 leaf fall, speaking in, the leader of the Radical Party said that the Ukrainian Cabinet is actively selling in the parliament the proposals for the export of wood. “You are calling on the parliament to ask for a moratorium on the export of wood, to the fact that you need a loan, and for that you want to give the export of wood, instead of that, to campaign for them to bring them here, to create a working mіvatsya here, in Ukraine, recreate Ukraine as a sirovinny appendage of the strong world,” Lyashko said from the tribune.

Navit loyal to the "general line" of Ukraine's policy is more and more often embarrassing to call speeches by their own names, stating that the victory over Euromaidan turned the country into a post-employee of cheap power and labor force for the EU economic system. And for the needs, the European officials are ready to play their interests as hard as possible, corrosive to the fact that the Ukrainian government is going through them in the fallow land, as it is clearly expressed by the nature of the colonial exploitation.

“European partners should not hesitate anymore. Ukrainian cars, mechanisms, metal do not scratch them. They are not subject to quotas, there are no regular support programs and integration. The production of syrovin, metal brut, agricultural products from the zero level of processing is demanded as a whole, - having commented on the situation, the first vice-premier of Ukraine. “Now, since Ukraine has practically taken all positions and is driven into a trap, it’s time to destroy the food, as if it hadn’t been violated before. Looking for a loan to buy gas? Are you looking for a black tranche of macroeconomic assistance? Ask for a moratorium on exports to the forest! In fact, during the moratorium, round wood was exported under the sight of virobiv, firewood, which is good. None of these moratoriums are subject to - 70 vіdsotkіv our lіsu go to Europe. What is going on there from the cordon territories, they don’t look at the appearance. It is important else: from Ukraine to switch to the language of crude dictates and blackmail. The first price is a new reality, with such a lower power to live. It’s a pity, and the people of Ukraine are the same.”

Turning to turns

It should be noted that a significant part of the Skhidny Carpathians already knew large-scale fellings, that they began at the beginning of the 20th century for the Habsburg dynasty, that they ruled in the Austro-Ukrainian region and Trival in the interwar period, if this region was subdivisions between Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia. Zaliznytsya, for yakim contagiously transported to the EU Ukrainian lіs, were laid by the Austro-Ugric order itself for the needs of lіsozagotіvel. In 1924, the British company The Century European Timber Corporation laid a decimal concession for the harvesting of 17 million cubic meters of timber, which was the legacy of the Belarusian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian forests of majestic beats, with the Polish order. So, only in 1925, British businesses brought over 800,000 cubic meters of countryside from the territory of the Other Commonwealth, which led to the collapse of large forest tracts.

Calling spіvgromadyan chop wood for the sake of independence in the supply of Russian gas. There are still no plans to hit Ukrainian foxes yet, but today it’s already realized that it’s a waste natural resources appeared for the Ukrainians at an unbearable price for the right to “go to Europe”.

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