What ended the Finnish war. Radiansko-Finnish war (83 photos). Spivvіdnennia forces and benefits

After the signing of the Radian-Nimets pact on non-aggression, the Nimechchina started a war with Poland, and the blue of the SRSR and Finland began to prick. One of the reasons is the secret document between the SRSR and the Nimechchina on how to demarcate the spheres. According to the new influx of the Soviet Socialist Republic, it expanded into Finland, the Baltic states, Ukraine, Belarus, and Bessarabia.

Rozumiyuchi, that the great war is imminent, Stalin, having launched the defense of Leningrad, which from the territory of Finland could be fired upon by artillery. That was the order to send a cordon to the pivnich. For a peaceful expression of power, the Radian side propagated Finland to the lands of Karelia, passing the cordon on the Karelian Isthmus, but be sure to try the dialogue with the Finns. They didn't want to stay at home.

Bring to war

The drive to the Radian-Finnish war of 1939-1940 became an incident in the village of Mainila on 25 leaf fall, 1939 at 15:45. This village is located on the Karelian Isthmus for 800 meters from the Finnish cordon. Mainila was aware of artillery shelling, after which 4 were killed and 8 representatives of the Chervonoy Army were injured.

On November 26, Molotov called the Finnish ambassador to Moscow (Іріє Koskinen) and handed a note to the protest, declaring that he had fired on the territory of Finland, and in the course of the outbreak of the war, it was less than those who had a small punishment - do not provoke.

On the 27th of the fall of the leaves, the Finnish order was fired at a radiant note to protest. In short, the main provisions of the vіdpovіdі were as follows:

  • Shot deadly buv and continued for about 20 minutes.
  • He fired from the Radyansk side about 1.5-2 km on the main exit from the village of Mainila.
  • I felt compelled to create a commission, so that I could write the whole episode and give it an adequate assessment.

What happened to the village of Mainila? Tse important nourishment, shards of the same in Zimov's (Radyansk-Finnish) podia, the war was rozvyazan. Definitely, it is possible to stverdzhuvat less those who shelled the villages of Mainila rightly, but even though it was done, it is impossible to document it. Zreshtoyu, є 2nd version (Radyansk and Finnish), and assess the need for skin. The first version - Finland shelled the territory of the USSR. Another version is a provocation prepared by the NKVS.

What kind of provocation is necessary for Finland? Historians talk about two reasons:

  1. Fini was an instrument of politics in the hands of the English, like a war was needed. It would be prudent to see the winter war well. But, as if to guess the realities of quiet hours, then at the time of the incident there was already a light war, and England had already voiced the war of Germany. England's attack on the Soviet Socialist Republic automatically created an alliance between Stalin and Hitler, and the entire alliance sooner or later struck all its own message for England itself. To that, let it go like that - it’s equal to admit that England did not want to engage in self-destruction, which, of course, buv.
  2. The stinks wanted to expand their territories by influx. This is an absolutely bad hypothesis. Tse in a row - Liechtenstein wants to attack Nіmechchina. The lighthouse Finland is not small, neither forces nor expenses for the war, and the Finnish commanders all understood that the only chance for success in the war from the SRSR was a three-fold defense, that the enemy was victorious. With such arrangements, barlig and vedmed will not be fooled.

The most adequate response to the supply of food was the shelling of the village of Mainila - the provocation of the most Radiant order, a kind of joke, whether it was the truth of the war against Finland. And the very incident was posed to the Radian Suspіlstvo as an example of perfidiousness of the Finnish people, who needed to help start a socialist revolution.

Spivvіdnennia forces and benefits

Let's show those, how the forces spivvіdnosilis under the hour of the Radian-Finnish war. Below is a short table that describes how the opposing lands came before the Winter War.

In all aspects, krіm pіhoti SRSR, mav clearly prevail. Ale to lead the attack, overturning the enemy in 1.3 times - in the edge of the risky attack. And here the first plan is to enter discipline, vishkil and organization. With all three aspects, the Radians' army had problems. The numbers are loud in a loud voice, so that Radianian kerіvnitstvo did not take Finland as an enemy, pointing out the enemy in the shortest term.

Head of war

The Radyansk-Finnish or Winter war can be divided into 2 stages: the first (breast of the 39th - 7th day of the 40th) and the other (7th day of the 40th - 12th day of the 40th). What happened on September 7, 1940? Timoshenko was recognized as the commander of the army, who once took up the reorganization of the army and put it in order.

First stage

The Radyansk-Finnish war broke out on the 30th leaf fall of 1939. The fate and short її to hold the Radianian army did not go far. The army of the Soviet Socialist Republic, in fact, without voicing the war, overtook the sovereign cordon of Finland. For their hulks, the envelopment was on the offensive - to help the people of Finland at the fallen bourgeois order of the rozpalyuvacha of war.

Radiansky kerіvnitstvo seriously did not take Finland, vvayuchi, that the war would be completed kіlka tizhnіv. The number was named after 3 tyzhn, as an extreme term. If you speak more specifically, then it’s not your fault to fight. The plan of the Radyansk command will be approaching approximately:

  • Enter wіyska. Zrobili tse 30 leaf fall.
  • Creation of a working controlled SRSR in a row. On the 1st breast, the order of Kuusinen was created (proceeding).
  • Bliskavichny offensive in all directions. Planning a trip to Gelsinka for 1.5-2 days.
  • Shilyannya the real order of Finland to the world that new capitulation to the retaliation of the Kuusinen order.

The first two points were to be realized in the first days of the war, and then problems arose. Blitzkrieg is not viishov, and the army is stuck at the Finnish defense. Wanting in the early days of the war, until about 4 pm, it seemed that everything was going according to plan radyansky viyska pushed forward. However, inadvertently, the stink was thrown at the Mannerheim line. 4 breasts on it went to the army of the shid front (near Lake Suvantojärvi), 6 breasts - to the central front (directly Suma), 10 breasts - to the western front (Finnish inflow). I then buv shock. Anonymous documents testify that the military did not appreciate the good fortified line of defense. І tse greatness of food until the discovery of the RSCA.

Have any kind of vipadku - the chest was a disastrous month, which zirvav practically all the plans of the Radian Headquarters. The troops poked their way into the depths of the countryside. During the skin day, the tempi changed less and less. Causes of the general prosuvannya radianskih vіysk:

  1. Mistsevit. Almost the entire territory of Finland is full of swamps. In such minds, it is important to use technology.
  2. Aviation shutdown. Aircraft while bombing practically did not stop. The bombing of the village, to add to the front line, there was no sensation, the shards of the fіni stepped in, flooding the earth after themselves. The bombings of the military, which came out, were important, shards of stench came out of the civilian population.
  3. Road. Stepping fins ruined roads, ruled landslides, passed everything that was possible.

Adopted by the order of Kuusinen

On December 1, 1939, the people's order of Finland was created at the Terioki municipality. The van was gone, already buried by the SRSR, and for the uninterrupted participation of the Ryansky ceramics. Up to the people's Finnish order they have gone:

  • Head and Minister of Foreign Affairs - Otto Kuusinen
  • Minister of Finance - Maury Rozenberg
  • Minister of Defense - Aksel Antila
  • Minister of Internal Affairs - Tuure Lekhen
  • Minister of Agriculture - Armas Eykiya
  • Minister of Education - Inkeri Lehtinen
  • Minister on the Right of Karelia - Paavo Prokkonen

Zovnіshnyo - povnotsіnny order. The only problem is that the Finnish population did not recognize yoga. Ale, already on the 1st day of the day (tobto on the day of adoption) the order of the uklad agreed to an agreement from the SRSR about the establishment of diplomatic agreements between the SRSR and the FDR (Finland Democratic Republic). 2 breasts a new agreement is signed - about mutual help. From this moment Molotov speaks about those who are wary, oskolki in Finland the revolution has begun, and now it is required to support and help the workers. Really, it’s a right trick to make war true in the eyes of the Radian population.

Mannerheim Line

Mannerheim's line is one of the few speeches that everyone knows about the Radian-Finnish war. Radyansk propaganda talked about this system of strengthening, that all the holy generals recognized its impregnability. It was overkill. The line of defense was bula, zvіsno, mіtsnoy, but impregnable.

The Mannerheim Line (this name was taken away already at the beginning of the war) had 101 concrete reinforcements. For the equalization, the Maginot line was approximately the same old, as Nimechchina did in France. The Maginot Line produced 5800 concrete spores. For justice, follow the importance of understanding the territory of the Mannerheim line. There were swamps and numerous lakes, which made it easier to cross over, and the line of defense did not mean a great number of fortifications.

The largest test to break through the Mannerheim line at the first stage was broken up on 17-21 babies at the central distance. Itself here it is possible to take the roads that lead to Viborg, having taken a significant advantage. Ale came, from Yakomu took the fate of 3 divisions, having failed. This was the first great success of the Radian-Finnish war for the Finnish army. Tsey success began to be called "Divo Sumi". On the other hand, the line was broken on the 11th of the fierce, which actually zoomed in on the result of the war.

Vinyatok SRSR from the League of Nations

On December 14, 1939, the USSR was excluded from the League of Nations. This decision was pushed through by England and France, as if they were talking about the radiant aggression of Finland. Representatives of the League of Nations condemned the SSSR in the plan of aggressive action and the outbreak of war.

This year's vinyatok SRSR іz the League of Nations to aim as a butt of the obmezhenny radianska vlady and as a waste in the image. Really, all the trochs are wrong. In 1939, the League of Nations no longer played that role, as it was introduced for the pouches of the first light war. On the right, in the year 1933, Nimechchina emerged from it, as if it was necessary to win the victory of the League of the Nation about rozzbroennya, it simply left the organization. To come out, at the time of 14 December, de facto, the League of Nations ceased to function. Aje about the European security system can be discussed, if the organizations came from Germany and the SRSR?

Another stage of war

On September 7, 1940, Marshal Tymoshenko became the Headquarters of the Pivnichno-Western Front. Vіn mav virіshiti all problems and organize a successful offensive of the RSCA. At the same time, the Radian-Finnish war took over, and there were no active actions until the bitter end. From 1 to 9 fierce blows began on the Mannerheim line. It was reported that the 7th and 13th armies were attacking with decisive flank attacks to break through the line of defense and occupy the village of Vuoksi-Karhul. After that, I planned to move to Viborg, occupying the place and blocking the transshipment and highway roads that lead to Zahid.

On the 11th of fierce 1940, a general offensive of the Radians' troops began on the Karelian Isthmus. This was the turning point of the Winter War, the fragments of the RCA part broke through the Mannerheim line and almost pushed into the glib of the country. They poked through the specifics of the mass, opir the Finnish army and severe frosts, but smut - they poked through. Birch on the cob Radianska army the bula was already on the western bank of the Viborzka inflow.

On whom, in fact, the war ended, it was obvious that Finland did not have great forces and benefits for streaming the red army. At this hour, talks began about peace, dictating the SRSR to some of their own minds, and Molotov, having consistently slandered the fact that you should be zhorstky, even if the fіni were embroiled in war, in the course of which the blood of the Radyan soldiers was shed.

Why did war last so long

The Radyansk-Finnish war, according to the idea of ​​the Belarusians, is small to be completed in 2-3 tyzhn, and the victorious victory is small to give the military less to the Leningrad district. In fact, the war dragged on for many months, and the strangulation of the Finns took divisions all over the country. The reasons for this are:

  • Pogan organization viysk. The cost of the filthy robots of the command warehouse, but the big problem is the goodness of the canopies. Її practically not Bulo. As if looking at archival documents, then dopovidey, with which some soldiers fired on others, even richer.
  • Bad security. The army demanded practically everything. The war was waged and at night, when the temperature again at the end of the chest dropped below -30. And with whom the army was not provided with winter clothing.
  • Underestimation of the opponent. The SRSR were not ready for the war. It was planned to strangle the Finns and solve the problem without a fight, writing everything off as a frontier incident on the 24th leaf fall of 1939.
  • Pidtrimka of Finland from other lands. England, Italy, Ukraine, Sweden (usampered) - they gave help to Finland in everything: armor, supplies, food, lethargy. The greatest zusil was reported by Sweden, as she herself actively supported and sent aid transfers from other countries. Zagali for the minds of the Winter War of 1939-1940, the radian side was supported only by Nimechchina.

Stalin was more nervous because of those that the war was dragging on. Vin repeating - The whole world marvels at us. І vіn mav ration. To this, Stalin saw the solution to all problems, bringing harmony in the army and the most obvious solution to the conflict. The song of the world tse grew far away. And why dosit shvidko. The onset of the Radian warriors near the fierce birch in 1940 shook Finland to the world.

The RSCA fought in a very undisciplined way, and its management did not show criticism. Mayzhe all reports and additional notes about the situation at the front were with a postscript - "explanation of the reasons for the failures." I will give some quotes from the additional note to Beria Stalin No. 5518 / B on December 14, 1939:

  • During the landing on the island of Saiskary, the Radyansky plane, having thrown off 5 bombs, squandered it on the destroyer "Lenin".
  • On the 1st day of the baby, the Ladozka flotilla was shelled by its own aviation.
  • At the hour of the dawn of the island of Hogland, at the hour of the landing of the landing paddocks, 6 radyansky pilots appeared, one of them having shot the sprat and shooting with blacks. As a result, 10 people were injured.

There are hundreds of such examples. But if the situation is higher, if you apply the prominence of the soldiers and soldiers, then I want to bring some examples of how the Radian army was equipped. For whom we are living up to the additional note of Beria Stalin No. 5516 / B on December 14, 1939:

  • Near the Tulivari area, the 529th Strile Corps needed 200 pairs of lizh to outflank the enemy. It didn’t go far, shards Headquarters took off 3000 pairs of lies with evil marks.
  • The troops of the 363rd battalion have 30 vehicles for repair, and 500 special clothes are dressed in summer uniforms.
  • For the replenishment of the 9th Army, the 51st Corps Artillery Regiment arrived. Marriages: 72 tractors, 65 trailers. Out of 37 tractors that arrived at the reference station, less than 9, out of 150 vehicles - 90. 80% of the special warehouse is not provided with winter uniforms.

It is not surprising that on aphids of such podiums the Red Army had desertion. For example, 14 babies from the 64th rifle division deserted 430 osib.

Assistance to Finland from other lands

At the Radian-Finnish war, the rich lands were given help to Finland. For the demonstration, I will direct the report to Beria Stalin and Molotov No. 5455/B.

Finland help:

  • Sweden - 8 thousand people. Mainly a reserve warehouse. They are commanded by cadre officers, who change at the exits.
  • Italy is the number of the unknown.
  • Ugorshchina - 150 osib. Italy strives to increase the number.
  • England - about 20 years of winemakers, although the real number is higher.

The best proof of the fact that the Radian-Finnish war of 1939-1940 took place beyond the borders of the western lands of Finland is the Minister of Finland Grinsberg on December 27, 1939, at 07:15 to the English agency "Havas". I am quoting a verbatim translation from English.

Finnish people like English, French and other people for help.

Grinsberg, Minister of Finland

It is obvious that the Western lands stood up against the aggression of the SRSR against Finland. It was intended to bring the blame of the USSR from the League of Nations.

I also want to bring a photo of additional Beria about the involvement of France and England in the Radian-Finnish war.

Laying the world

The SRSR on the 28th of the fierce handed over its brains to Finland for the laying of the world. The negotiations themselves took place near Moscow on 8-12 Birch. After these negotiations, the Radian-Finnish war ended on February 12, 1940. Wash the world like this:

  1. The SRSR occupied the Karelian Isthmus at once from Viborg (Vіїpuri), inflowing with islands.
  2. Zahidne and Pivnichne uzberezhzhya Ladozskoe Lake, together with the towns of Keksholm, Suoyarvi and Sortavala.
  3. Islands near the Finnish Zatotsi.
  4. The island of Hanko with the maritime territory and the base was leased by the SRSR for 50 years. The SRSR paid 8 million German marks for the lease.
  5. The agreement between Finland and the SRSR in 1920 ended in force.
  6. On March 13, 1940, battles are attached to fate.

A map has been drawn below, on the basis of the representation of the territory, which the SRSR has seen as a result of the signing of the peace treaty.

Spend SRSR

Nutrition for a large number of dead soldiers of the SRSR during the period of the Radian-Finnish war The official history does not give any evidence for the supply, speaking veiled about the “minimal” spend that focusing respect on what the task has been achieved. There was no talk about the scale of spending by the RDCA in those days. The figure was navmisno underestimated, demonstrating the successes of the army. Really, spend big. For whom it’s enough to just look at the information No. 174 on the 21st of the chest, in which the figures are given about the expenditure of the 139th rifle division for 2 tizhnі battles (30 leaf fall - 13th of the chest). Spend like this:

  • Commanders - 240.
  • Peresichnі - 3536.
  • Gvintivok - 3575.
  • Hand guns - 160.
  • Verstat's guns - 150.
  • Tankiv - 5.
  • Armored vehicles - 2.
  • Tractors - 10.
  • Vintage cars - 14.
  • Kіnsk warehouse - 357.

An additional note by Belyanova No. 2170 dated 27th breast rose about spending the 75th rifle division. Zagalnі vtrati: senior commanders - 141, young commanders - 293, ordinary warehouse - 3668, tanks - 20, kulemets - 150, rifles - 1326, armored vehicles - 3.

Tse danі z 2 divіzіy (fought a lot more) for 2 tizhnі battles, if the first tizhden bv "rozminochnym" - radianska army advancing victoriously without spending, until it reached the Mannerheim line. І for qi 2 tyzhnі, from which really fighting bula was less than the rest, official figures - spend over 8 thousand people! Faceless people took frostbite.

On February 26, 1940, at the 6th session of the Supreme Council, for the sake of the SRSR, there were voiced data on the contribution of the SRSR to the war in Finland. 48,745 deaths and 158,863 injuries and frostbite. These figures are official, and even lower. Today's historians name different numbers of military personnel of the Radian army. There are about 150 to 500 thousand dead people. For example, at the Book of the appearance of the combat troops of the Robitnicho-Selyanskaya Chervonoi Army there is something that died in the war with the whites, disappeared without a trace, and died in the wounds of 131,476 cases. With this tribute, at that hour, the soldiers of the Navy were not insured, and for a long time they were not insured as people spent, as if they died at the hospitals after the wound, frostbite. Today, most historians agree on the thought that during the war, nearly 150 thousand soldiers of the Red Army perished without taking into account the expenses of the Navy and cordon troops.

Finnish soldiers are called like this: 23 yew dead and dead, 45 yew wounded, 62 letaks, 50 tanks, 500 garmats.

Podbags and legacy of war

The Radyansk-Finnish war of 1939-1940 was born in a short marriage, showing both absolutely negative and absolutely positive moments. The negative is the nightmare of the first months of war and the great number of victims. Behind the great rahunka, the very breast of 1939 rock and the ear of sichnya 1940 rock demonstrated to the whole world that the radian army is weak. So it was true. But in this case, there is a positive moment: radianske kerіvnitstvo cheered up the real strength of its army. It seems to us childishness that the Red Army was not the strongest in the world since 1917, but it is still far from reality. The only great test of the cієї army - Gromadyanskaya war. We won’t be able to analyze the reasons for Chervonykh’s victory over the whites at once (it’s wrong to go at once about the Winter War), but the reasons for the victory of the Bilshoviks are not in the army. To demonstrate this, it is enough to quote Frunze alone, voicing the guilt of the Gromadyansky war.

The entire army squad needs to be dismissed.


Before the war in Finland, the architecture of the SRSR was hovering in the dark, respecting that the army could be strong. Ale breast 1939 showing what is wrong. The army was very weak. Ale, starting from September 1940, changes were made to the fate (personnel and organization), as they changed the war, and as a rich thing in which they prepared the military army Vytchiznyanoi war. It's easy to bring it on. Practically the entire chest of the 39th RCA stormed the Mannerheim line - there was no result. On the 11th of the 40th fate, the Mannerheim line was broken in 1 day. Having broken through, we are able, the shards of yoga were already formed by another army, more disciplined, organized, trained. And against such an army, the fins did not lack a good chance, that Mannerheim, having embraced the post of the Minister of Defense, already began to talk about the need for the world.

Vіyskopolonenі that їkhnya share

The number of vacancies in the period of the Radian-Finnish war was great. At the time of the war, there were about 5393 red army soldiers and 806 white soldiers. Polonenyh fighters of the Red Army were divided into the following groups:

  • Political curiosity. The very political belonging was important, without seeing the rank.
  • Officers. Individuals, ranked up to officers, lay before the group.
  • Young officers.
  • Ranks.
  • National minorities
  • Changers.

Special respect was given to national minorities. Before them, the Finnish lineage was loyal, lower to representatives of the Russian people. The privileges were insignificant, but the stench was. At the end of the war, a mutual exchange was made by us, with no respect for their belonging to another group.

On April 19, 1940, Stalin punishes fate for everyone who, having visited the Finnish field, is sent to the Pivdenny camp of the NKVS. Below I will quote from the decision of the Politburo.

Usikh turned by the Finnish government to direct to the Pivdenny camp. At the three-month term, ensure the entirety of the necessary visits to reveal the features, enriched by foreign explorations. Give up respect for the sumnivnyh and other people's elements, and also be quiet, who voluntarily surrendered to full. With usіh vipadkіv pass right before the court.


Pivdenniy tabir, roztashovaniya in the Ivanivsk region, rozpochav work 25 April. Already on May 3, Beria sang the leaf to Stalin, Molotov and Timoshchenko, reminding that 5277 cases arrived at Tabor. 28 Chernya Beriya overpowers the new sound. Behind him Pivdenniy Tabir "received" 5157 Red Army soldiers and 293 officers. Of these, 414 osіb were victorious among the zradi and the sovereign zradi.

Myth about war - Finnish "zozuli"

"Zozuli" - this is how the Radian soldiers called snipers, as they fired on the red army without interruption. It was about those who are professional Finnish snipers, like to sit on trees and b'yut practically without a miss. The reason for such respect for snipers is their high efficiency and impossibility to mark the point of shooting. But the problem with the designated point of the shoot was not in the fact that the shooter was on the tree, but in the fact that the magic was created in the moon. Vono and disorientated the soldiers.

Rozpovidi about "zozuli" is one of the myths that the Radian-Finnish war gave rise to among the great population. It is important to see in 1939 a sniper’s role, which, at a temperature lower than -30 degrees, sits on a tree for days at a time, and shoots accurately.

Radyansk-Finnish war 1939-40 years (another name - winter war) passed from the period of 30 leaf fall 1939 to 12 February 1940.

The formal reason for the military actions of becoming so titled was the Maynilsky incident - shelling from the Finnish territory of the Radiansky cordons near the village of Mainila on the Karelian Isthmus, which, according to the declaration of the Radiansky side, became the 26th leaf fall of 1939. The Finnish side categorically recounted its accountability before the shelling. Two days later, on the 28th of the fall, the SRSR denounced the Radyansk-Finnish pact about non-aggression, laid down in 1932, and on the 30th of the fall of the fall, rozpochav battles.

The deepest causes of the conflict were based on the lowest factors, not the only ones that, in 1918-22, Finland attacked the territory of the RRFSR. Following the results of the Tartu peace treaty of 1920, the fate of the Moscow region was about to come in for the security of the short-term security of the Radiansk-Finnish cordon of 1922 between the ranks of the RRFSR and Finland to Finland, they entered the region of Pechenistrov.

Regardless of those that in 1932, the parties between Finland and the Soviet Socialist Republic signed a Pact about non-aggression, between the two countries, they were stressed. In Finland, they were afraid that the Radyansky Union was early in the afternoon, that it had grown strong in 1922, if they wanted to turn their territory, and in the SRSR they were afraid that Finland, like in 1919, was attacked from Kronstadt an unfriendly land for attack The situation was illustrated by the fact that the friend of the importance of the place of the SRSR - Leningrad - was only 32 kilometers from the Radiansko-Finnish cordon.

During this period, the activities of the Communist Party were blocked in Finland and secret consultations were held with the orders of Poland and the Baltic lands about the sleeping areas of the different wars in the Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1939, the Soviet Socialist Republic signed the Non-Aggression Treaty with Nimechchina, and also signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Vіdpovіdno until the secret protocols until the new, Finland goes to the zone of interests of the Radyansk Union.

У 1938-39 роках у ході тривалих переговорів із Фінляндією СРСР намагався домогтися обміну частини Карельського перешийка на вдвічі більшу за площею, але менш придатну для сільськогосподарського використання територію в Карелії, а також передачі СРСР в оренду під військові бази кількох островів та частини півострова Ханко. Finland, at first, did not keep up with the expansion of the territory, which are visible to them (not in the remainder of the blackness, through the sky, it will be separated from the line of defense fortifications, which was prompted in the 30s, like the Mannerheim Line (Div. і ), but in another way, it sought to lay down the Radian-Finnish trading grounds that right to demilitarize the Aland Islands.

The talks went on very importantly and were accompanied by mutual reports and calls (div.: ). The rest of the attempt was the proposition of the SRSR on August 5, 1939, to lay down the Pact on Mutual Assistance with Finland.

The conversation dragged on and went to a deaf corner. The sides began to get ready for war.

On July 13-14, 1939, a massive mobilization was announced near Finland. And for two tizhn, 3 leaf fall, the army of the Leningradsky district and the Chervonopraporny Baltic fleet took away directives about the beginning of training to combat action. Article in the newspaper "Truth" That same day, she reiterated that the Radyansk Union could provide for its safety at any cost. A massive anti-Finnish campaign was launched at the Radian press, and the protilezhny bik turned out to be negligent.

Before the Mainilsky incident, which became a formal drive to the war, it took less than a month.

The greater number of zahіdnyh and low Russian achievements are important, that they shelled bov fіktsієyu - or else they took fire, and the small place is less than the voice of the people's commissariat of foreign rights, or the shelling was provocative. Documents, as if they would confirm that other version, were not saved. Finland propagated a comprehensive investigation of the incident, but the Radian side zhorstly denounced the proposition.

Once upon a time, the cob of the official war with the order of Ryuti was pinned, and on December 2, 1939, the SRSR signed an agreement on mutual assistance and friendship with that name. "People's Council of Finland", we will form the communists and enchant Otto Kuusinen. At the same time, the SRSR on the basis of the 106th Guards Rifle Division began to form "Finnish People's Army" from Finnish and Karelian. On the other hand, she did not take part in the combat actions, and by the year she was formed, like Kuusinen’s order.

The Radyansk Union was planning to ignite battles on two main straight lines - the Karelian Isthmus and on the peninsula from Ladozskoye Lake. After a successful breakthrough (or bypassing the line fortification from the pivnoch) Chervona Army took the opportunity to win as much as possible superiority in manpower and superiority - from the technical side. In terms of time, the operation was due to be included in the period from two days to a month. The Finnish command, with its own power, supported the stabilization of the front on the Karelian Isthmus and actively streamed the pivnichny dilyantsi, in order that the army could independently subdue the enemy to the defense and let the daughters help in the country. Offended by the plans, they turned into an illusion: the Radyansky Union underestimated the strength of Finland, Finland made a great bet on the help of foreign powers and on the supremacy of its own fortification.

As it was guessed, before the beginning of the fighting in Finland, there was a wild mobilization. The SRSR, having become surrounded by parts of the LenVO, vvazhuchi, that additional radiation forces will not be needed. At the time of the war, the SRSR had 425,640 special warehouses, 2,876 garmats and mortars, 2,289 tanks, 2,446 aircrafts for the operation. There were 265,000 men, 834 armies, 64 tanks and 270 aircrafts.

At the warehouse of the Chervonoy Army, units of the 7th, 8th, 9th and 14th armies advanced on Finland. The 7th army was advancing on the Karelian Isthmus, the 8th army was advancing on the front of Ladozsky Lake, the 9th army was advancing at Karelia, the 14th army was advancing at the Arctic.

The most favorable situation for the Soviet Socialist Republic was on the front of the 14th army, which, together with the Pivnichny fleet, occupied the Ribachy and Seredniy farms, the Petsamo (Pechenga) area and closed Finland from the Barents Sea. The 9th Army wedged at the Finnish defense on a 35-45 km deep and Bula Zupinena (div. ). The 8th army began to successfully advance forward, but it was also stubby, moreover, part of the її forces wasted until it was sharpened and was dazed to see. Naivazhchi and bloody battles broke out among the soldiers of the 7th army, advancing on the Karelian Isthmus. The army is small to storm the Mannerheim Line.

As it turned out, the Radian side is small in part and marginally poor data and about the enemy, who will stand on the Karelian Isthmus, and, more importantly, about the line of reinforcement. The underestimation of the enemy was negligently given as a sign of the hour of combat action. Forces, seen to break through the defense of the Finns on the territory, turned out to be insufficient. Until 12 pm, parts of the RSCHA іz vtratami could podolat a little more than a day of safety The Mannerheim Line and zupinilis. Until the end of the chest, a sprinkling of the best samples was crushed, but the stench was not crowned with success. Before the end of the chest, it became obvious that you should try the present in a similar style without a head. At the front, there was a noticeable calm.

Understanding and surviving the reasons for the failure in the first period of the war, the radyansk command undertook a serious reorganization of forces and benefits. With the stretch of the autumn season, that cob of the fierce, there was a significant increase in strength of the military, the number of large-caliber artillery, the building of the battle against the marks, the replenishment of material reserves, the reformation of parts of that z'ednan. The method of combating defense spores was broken up, mass training of a special warehouse was carried out, assault groups and corrals were formed, the work was carried out to improve the interdependence of the slopes of the military, the promotion of fighting spirit (div. ).

SRSR started off fast. To break through the fortified area, the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Front was created under the command of the commander of the 1st rank Timoshenko and a member of the military for the sake of the LenVO Zhdanov. The 7th and 13th armies were included to the front depot.

Finland at the same time spent the same time coming in to promote the combativeness of its troops. On ozbroєnnya they were buried in battles, so they put new equipment and ozbroєnnya because of the cordon, parts took away the necessary replenishment.

Offended sides were ready for another round of battle.

At the same time, battles did not start in Karelia.

The greatest popularity in the historiography of the Radian-Finnish war over that period was sharpened by the 163rd and 44th rifle divisions of the 9th army under Suomussalmi. The 44th division from the middle of the chest advanced to help up to the sharpened 163rd division. In the period from 3 to 7 September 1940, the quarters were repeatedly worn down to sharpening, but, in a folding camp, they continued to fight, towering over the technical equipment in front of the Finns. In the minds of the post-battles, in the uncertain situation, the command of the division misjudged the camp that was taking shape, and issued an order to leave in sharpened groups, leaving out important equipment. It only made the situation worse. Parts of the division still managed to break through with sharpening, but with great expenses ... Years later, the commander of the division Vinogradov, the regimental commissar Pakhomenko and the chief of staff Volkov, as they deprived the division at the most difficult moment, were judged by the military tribunal until the end of the world before the destruction of the world

It should be noted that from the beginning of the chest on the Karelian Isthmus, the Finns tried to counterattack in order to prepare a new Radian offensive. The counterattacks did not bring success, but were beaten.

On February 11, 1940, after a massive artillery preparation of the RSCHA, together with parts of the Chervonopraporny Baltic Fleet and the Ladoza Viysk Flotilla, a new offensive began. The main blow fell on the Karelian Isthmus. For three days, the troops of the 7th army broke through the first smuga of the defense of the Finns, and they brought tank forces near the breaches. On the 17th of the fierce Finnish winter, by order of the command, they attacked another smog through the threat of sharpening.

On the 21st of the fierce 7th Army went to the other side of the defense, and the 13th Army - to the main Smoga on the front of Muolaa. On the 28th of a fierce offense, the armies of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Front launched an offensive with the Karelian Isthmus. Finnish warriors stepped forward, making a baked opera. At the first attempt, the advancing part of the RSCA was opened up by the locks of the Saimaa Canal, but it did not help: on the 13th of June, the Radianian Viyshka moved to Viborg.

Parallel to the fighting events, battles were fought on the diplomatic front. Following the break of the Mannerheim Line and the exit of the Radianian troops into the operational space of the order of Finland of intelligence, there were no chances for continuing the fight. That's why I turned back to the SRSR from the proposition of peaceful negotiations. On the 7th of February a Finnish delegation arrived to Moscow, and on the 12th of February a peace treaty was signed.

Behind the bags of war to the Soviet Socialist Republic, the Karelian Isthmus and the great town of Viborg and Sortavala, the low islands near the Finnish Zatots, part of the Finnish territory with the Kuolajärvi town, part of the Rybachiy and Seredniy villages. Lake Ladozka became the internal lake of the SRSR. Finland was turned turned occupied during the fighting in the region of Petsamo (Pechenga). The SRSR rented out a part of the Hanko (Gangut) Pivostrov for a term of 30 years for the possession of a military-sea base there.

At one time, the reputation of the Radian power in the international arena suffered: the SRSR was stunned by the aggressor and excluded from the League of Nations. The mutual distrust of the western lands and the SRSR has reached a critical point.

Recommended literature:
1. Irincheev Bair. Zabuty front of Stalin. M: Yauza, Eksmo, 2008. (Series: Unknown wars of the XX century.)
2. Radyansko-Finland war 1939-1940 / Order. P. Petrov, U. Stepakov. St. Petersburg: Polygon, 2003. In 2 volumes.
3. Tanner Wieine. Winter wars. Diplomatic support of the Radyansk Union and Finland, 1939-1940. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2003.
4. "Winter war": work on pardons (daylight morning, 1940). Materials of the commission of the Headquarters of the Viysk for the sake of the Chervonoy Army schodo zagalnennya dosvidu Finnish campaign / Vidp. comp. N. S. Tarkhova. SP b., Summer Garden, 2003.

Tetyana Vorontsova

Officially caused the cob of war - so the titles of "Mainilskiy Incident". The order of the SRSR sent a note of protest to the order of Finland on the 26th of the fall of 1939 to the drive of artillery shelling, a kind of action from the Finnish territory. Vidpovіdalnіst cob vіyskovskih diy boulo was put in full on Finland. The cob of Radyansk-Finnish war became about the 8th anniversary of the wound, the 30th leaf fall of 1939. On the side of the Radyansky Union, the method was the security of the security of Leningrad. The place was only 30 km away. from the cordon. Earlier, the Radian detachment marched to Finland from passing through their cordons in the Leningrad region, propagating territorial compensation in Karelia. Ale Finlandia acted categorically.

The Radyansk-Finnish war of 1939 - 1940 called out the right hysteria of the middle of the worldly bulk. On December 14, the SRSR was excluded from the League of Nations due to serious violations of the procedure (minority of votes).

The Finnish army at the time of the cob of military operations had 130 aircraft, 30 tanks, 250 thousand soldiers. The proteges of the Western Powers declared their support. It’s rich in what the same old woman called to change the line of the cordon. The Red Army at the moment of the war had 3900 aircraft, 6500 tanks and one million soldiers.

The Russian-Finnish war of 1939 is divided by historians into 2 stages. The beginning of the war was planned by the radyansk command as a short operation, as small as three days. But the situation turned out differently. The first period of the winter season started on the 30th leaf fall, 1939. until February 10, 1940 (until the line of Mannerheim). Significant lines of Mannerheim's trivaly hour could rouse the Russian army. The best equipment of Finnish soldiers and suvorish, lower in Russia, winter minds, like I, played a significant role. The Finnish command was amazingly miraculous and the peculiarity of the city. Pine foxes, lakes, swamps seriously encouraged the transfer of military Russians. The delivery of ammunition was more difficult. Serious problems were also raised by Finnish snipers.

Another period of the war is dated February 11 - February 12, 1940. At the end of 1939, the General Staff developed a new plan for action. Under Marshal Timoshenko's words, the line of Mannerheim was broken on the 11th of February. A serious victory in manpower, aviation, tanks allows the Radyansk troops to push forward, knowing great losses. The Finnish army is the most famous marriage of ammunition, as well as people. The order of Finland, which did not even take off the aid of the approach, stubbornly laid down a peace treaty on 12 February 1940. Undaunted by the news for the SRSR, the military campaign’s bags, a new cordon is being established.

After the attack of Nimechchin on the Radyansk Union of Finland, to join the war for the Nazis.

Ahead of the wars of 1941

Naprikintsi lime tree 1940 Nіmechchina started preparations before the attack on the Radyansk Union. The ultimate goals were the slaughter of the territory, the depletion of manpower, the political establishments and the magnificence of Nimechchini.

It was planned to strike ahead of the troops of the Chervonoy Army, which were standing in the western regions, to stick out the coals of the edge with a sharp throw and occupy all the economic and political centers.

Before the beginning of aggression against the SRSR, Nіmechchina was a power with a highly distinguished industry and the strongest army in the world.

Putting himself as a metaphor for becoming a hegemonic power, Hitler zmusiv put the economy of Nimechchina on his military machine, the entire potential of the slaughtered lands and his allies.

In the style of the term, there was a sharp increase in the variety of combat equipment. The German divisions were equipped with modern armored personnel and gained a combat certificate from Europe. The officer corps rejoiced with a miraculous high school, tactful literacy and waving on the centuries-old traditions of the German army. The transversal storehouse of disciplines, and the real spirit was fueled by propaganda about the guilt of the German race and the impermeability of the Wehrmacht.

Rozumіyuchi inevitability of the military zіtknennya, kerіvnitstv SRSR rozpochala preparatory to the reflection of aggression. In the country, rich in digging and energy resources, and heroic workers of the population, an important trade was created. The minds of the totalitarian system and the high centralization of architecture, which allowed the population to be mobilized, were allowed to mobilize the Shvidkoy's formation.

The economy of the pre-war period was directive and it made it easier to refocus on military rails. The support of that army has a high patriotic podium. Party agitators pursued a policy of "capping" - in times of aggression, a war was planned on foreign territory and with little bloodshed.

The cob of Another light war, showing the need to combat the enemy forces of the country. Gromadyanskie undertakings refocused on the production of military equipment.

For the period from 1938 to 1940 R.R. the increase in domestic production, becoming over 40%. A short time later, 600-700 new enterprises were introduced, moreover, a significant part of them were born in the mud of the country. Behind the absolute obligations of the industrial production of the SRSR until 1937. see another place in the world of the USA.

Numerous new prison design bureaus were creating new signs of construction. On the eve of the war, shvidkіsnі vinischuvachi and bombers (MIG-3, Yak-1, LAGG-3, PO-2, ІL-2), the important tank KB, the middle tank T-34 appeared. Bulo rozrobleno and adopted on the construction of a new zrazki strіletskoy zbroї.

Veterinarians shipbuilding refocused on the release of surface ships and sub-water vessels. The construction of the first rocket launchers was completed. The prote tempi of the reorganization of the army were insufficient.

Have 1939 r. the law “On the insolent military footwear” was adopted, ending the transition to a single personnel system for recruiting military personnel. Tse allowed to increase the number of the Chervonoy Army up to 5 million dollars.

Due to the weakness of the Chervonoy Army, the training of commanding personnel was low (only 7% of the officers were small enough to see military education).

Incomplete clashes of the army gave rise to reprisals of the 30s, if the richest commanders of the former rivnas were depleted. The stronger role of the NKVS workers had a negative impact on the army’s combativeness;

The report of military intelligence, intelligence data, the advance of the spivchuvayuschikhs - everything spoke about the imminent war. Stalin did not believe that Hitler was more vicious against the SRSR, not having completed the residual defeat of his opponents at the entrance. Vіn usilyako vіdtyaguvav termіn the cob of aggression, not giving tsgogo drive.

Nimechchin's attack on the SRSR

On March 22, 1941, the fascist Nіmechchina attacked the Soviet Socialist Republic. Army hitler and the armies of the allies led a swift and resolutely prepared strike in several places, forcing the Russian army of the enemy. This day has become the beginning of a new period in the life of the SRSR. Great Vytchiznyanoy war .

Rethink Nimechchin's attack on the SRSR

After hitting First Svitovy In the war, the situation in Nimechchyna became extremely unstable - the economy and craftsmanship fell, there was a great crisis, as the government could not overcome. At the same time, Hitler would come to power, the main idea of ​​which was to create a single nationally oriented power, as if it were not enough to take revenge for the program of the war, and to order the entire main world in its own order.

Inheriting powerful ideas, Hitler, having created a fascist power, beat Nimechchini, and in 1939, unleashed another Svіtov war, invading as far as the Czech Republic and Poland and advancing them to Nimechchini. In the course of the war, Hitler's army streaked across Europe, hoarding territories, the protée did not attack the SRSR - a forward non-aggression pact was laid down.

It's a pity that the SRSR is still full of caresses for Hitler. The ability to conquer territories and resources made it possible for Nimechchini to enter into a confrontation with the United States and declare about its panuvannya on the greater part of the world's land.

To attack the SRSR, it was broken up plan "Barbarossa" - a plan for a swift vicious military assault, like a maw buti carrying out a stretch of two months. The implementation of the plan started on 22 chervnyas from the invasion of Nimechchin to the SRSR

Tsіlі Nіmechchini

    Ideological and Viysk. Nіmechchina violated the humiliation of the SRSR, like a power, as well as the humiliation of communist ideology, like it was wrong. Hitler, having pragmatically established the hegemony of nationalist ideas among the whole world (the victory of one race, one people over others).

    Imperialist. Like rich wars, Hitler’s method was the suffocation of power in the world, that creation of the most powerful empire, like all other powers were supported.

    economical. The slaughter of the Soviet Socialist Republic gave the army of the Nimechchini an unsustainable economic opportunity for further warfare.

    Racist. Hitler pragmatically defeated all the “wrong” races (zokrema jevreiv).

The first period of the war and the development of the plan "Barbarossa"

Irrespective of those who were planning an attack in Hitler's plans, the command of the army of the SRSR was far ahead of those who could become, moreover, on 18 chervnya 1941, the deacons of the army were brought to combat readiness, and the army forces were pulled together to the cordon before the attack in battle. It’s a pity, the radyansk command is little more than unimaginable ways to attack, until the moment of the invasion of the fascist military parts, they simply didn’t get ready to attack, as if they were supposed to competently launch an attack.

On the 4th wound of 22 chervnya 1941, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nimechchini Ribbentrop handed the Radianian Ambassador in Berlin a note about the war being declared, at the same time the German war began an attack on the Baltic fleet near the Finnish buttocks. Early Vrantzi Ambassador Nimechini, having arrived before the SRSR on Zustych Iz, the people's Komisar of the law enforcement agencies Help Most Hammer, the Yakiye, about those, the union owl pydrivn, the nimchyniki was bombed there. dії. . The last day of the official war of the SRSR was announced by Italy, Romania and the last Slovak region. On the 12th anniversary of the day, Molotov spoke on the radio with official brutality to the masses of the SRSR, spoke about the attack of Nimechchin on the SRSR and voiced about the cob of war of war. A wild mobilization began.

Viyna broke out.

The reasons for the attack of Nimechchin on the SRSR

Irrespective of those that the plan "Barbarossa" was not far off - the Radian army repaired a good opir, was better equipped, lowered it and led the battle competently to improve the territorial minds - the first period of the war turned out to be a bad one for the SRSR. Nіmechchinі in the shortest term, far away to conquer a significant part of the territory, including Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania. The German troops pushed their way into the depths of the country, took Leningrad in the ring and began the bombardment of Moscow.

Regardless of those that Hitler underestimated the Russian army, the rapidity of the attack still played its role. The Radianian army was not ready for such a strong onslaught;

The attack of Nimechchin on the Soviet Socialist Republic ended in a protracted war, as it took away the faceless lives and actually brought down the economy of the country, as it was not ready for large-scale military actions. Tim is no less, in the middle of the war, the Radyansk warriors were far away from gaining the upper hand and launching a counteroffensive.

Another world war 1939 - 1945 born (short)

Another world war has become a bloody and bitter military conflict in the entire history of mankind and the only one in which a nuclear weapon was stagnant. It took the fate of 61 powers. Date on the cob that end of the month of 1939 - 1945 rr.

The causes of the Other light war were the imbalance of forces in the world and problems provoked by the bags of the First light, the territorial superechki. The United States, England, France placed the Treaty of Versailles on the most inconspicuous and derogatory for the countries, Turkey and Germany, which they missed, minds, which provoked an increase in tension in the world. At the very same hour, adopted the kintsi of the 1930s. England and France, the policy of appeasement of the aggressor gave the possibility of Nimechi to sharply increase its military potential, which hastened the transition of the fascists to active military actions.

The members of the anti-Hitler bloc were the USSR, the USA, France, England, China (Chiang Kai-shek), Greece, Yugoslavia, and Mexico. On the side of Nіmechchini, Italy, Japan, Ugorshchina, Albania, Bulgaria, Finland, China (Wang Jingwei), Thailand, Finland, Iraq took the lot. A lot of powers - a participant in the Other World War, did not fight on the fronts, but helped, supplying food, medicines and other necessary resources.

The successors see such main stages of the Other Light War.

    The first stage of the 1st spring 1939 on 21 worms 1941 The period of the European blitzkrieg of Germany and allies.

    Another stage 22 worms 1941 - about the middle of leaf fall 1942 Attack on the SRSR and offensive failure of the Barbarossa plan.

    The third stage of the other half of the leaf fall 1942 - the end of 1943. The fundamental change in the war and the investment of Nimechchina strategic initiative. Naprikintsy 1943 p. at the Tehran conference, which took the fate of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, the decision to open a different front was praised.

    The fourth stage of the trip in the beginning of 1943. on May 9, 1945 Vіn was marked by the capture of Berlin and the unguarded capitulation of Nіmechchini.

    Fifth stage May 10, 1945 - Spring 2, 1945 At this hour, battles are fought less at Pvdenno-Skhidniy Asia and the Far Descent. With the receipt of the States, the nuclear weapons were planted in front of it.

The cob of Another light war fell on the 1st of spring 1939. During the whole day, the Wehrmacht rattling the aggression against Poland. Regardless of the war on France, Great Britain and other countries, no real help was given to Poland. Already on the 28th of spring, Poland was swamped. The peace treaty between Nimechchina and the SRSR was laid on the same day. Otrimavshi in such a rank nadіyny til Nіmechchina begins active preparation before the war with France, yak surrendered already 1940, 22 chervnya. Fascist Nimechchina rozpochinaє large-scale preparation before the war on the same front of the SRSR. The Barbarossa plan was approved as early as 1940, on the 18th of December. Radyansk's higher kerіvnitstvo took care of the preparations for the attack, but they were afraid of provoking Nimechchina, and vzayuchi, that the attack would be more terms, apparently did not bring to combat readiness the cordon part.

In the chronology of the Other World War, the most important May is the period of 22 chervnya 1941-1945, 9 May, in Russia as the Great Vitchiznyana war. The SRSR is ahead of another world war, being a power that is actively developing. Oskіlki threat to the conflict with Nіmechchina with the hour grew, we were developing in front of the country defense that important industry, science. The design bureaus were being closed, the activity of any of them was directly directed to the development of a new project. At all undertakings, that kolgospah had the most severe discipline. At the 30s. over 80% of the officer warehouse of the Chervonoy Army was repressed. In order to save money, a network of military schools and academies has been created. Ale for complete training of personnel showed up a little in time.

The main battles of the Other World War, which were of great importance for the history of the SRSR, are:

    The battle for Moscow on 30 April 1941 - 20 April 1942, which became the first victory of the Red Army;

    Battle of Stalingrad 17 lime 1942 - 2 fierce 1943, which marked the turning point in the war;

    Battle of Kursk 5 lime - 23 serpny 1943 p.

    The battle for Berlin led to the capitulation of Niemechchina.

Ale, important for the passage of another light war, they were not only seen on the fronts of the SRSR. Among the warto operations carried out by the allies, it is especially significant: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, which caused the US to enter the Other. holy war; vodkrittya another front and landing landing in Normandy 6 chernya 1944; nuclear bombardment on 6 and 9 sickles, 1945 for the task of striking at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The date of the end of the Other Light War was the 2nd of Spring, 1945. Japan signed the act of surrender only after the defeat of the Kwantung Army by the Soviet Socialist Republic. The battles of the Other World War, for the most approximate estimates, took 65 million osib from both sides. The Radyansk Union, having recognized the greatest expenses from the Other World War, perished 27 million citizens of the country. Himself vin taking the brunt of the blow. The figure is also approximate and, in the opinion of the deacons, underestimated. The very zavzyat opir of the Chervonoy Army, becoming the most causal cause of the defeat of the Reich.

The pouches of the Other Light War sighed to everyone. Viyskovski dії put on the border of the very foundation of civilization. During the course of the Nurember and Tokyo trials, the fascist ideology was condemned, and a lot of military mischief was punished. In order to save the future like the possibilities of the new world war, at the Yalta Conference in 1945. a decision was made about the creation of the present and current Organizations of the United Nations (UN). The results of the nuclear bombardment of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to the signing of pacts on the non-spreading of mass strikes, the fence on її virobnitstvo and zastosuvannya. It is necessary to say that the aftermath of the bombing of Hiroshimi and Nagasaki are still felt today.

The economic consequences of the Other World War were also serious. For Western European lands, the won turned into a real economic disaster. The influx of the lands of Western Europe has significantly changed. At the same time, the United States moved away to save and maintain its positions.

Significance Another light war for the Radian Union majesty. The defeat of the fascists marked the future of the history of the country. Following the results of laying down the number of peace treaties, the SRSR gradually expanded its cordoni. At one time the totalitarian system was changed in the Union. Some countries have established communist regimes. The victory in the war did not prevent the SRSR from mass repressions, which happened in the 1950s.

75 years ago, on the 30th leaf fall of 1939 year, the Winter War began (Radyansko-Finnish war). The winter war is not known to the Russians. In the 1980-1990s, if it was possible to shamelessly blaspheme the history of Russia and the Soviet Socialist Republic, the thought prevailed that “crooked Stalin” wanted to take over the “innocent” Finland, alemaly, the pro-proud pivnichny people, having given vіdsіch pivnіchnіy “imperіїl”. In this rank, Stalin was blamed not only for the Radyansk-Finnish war of 1939-1940, but also for those that Finland was “embarrassed” to join the union from the Nazi Germany, to resist the “aggression” of the Radyansk Union.

A lot of books and articles slandered the Radian Mordor, which attacked little Finland. They called out the fantastic figures of the Radyansk troops, talked about the heroic Finnish machine gunners and snipers, the foolishness of the Radyansk generals and much more. If it were reasonable, the causes of the Kremlin's get away-purely quarreled. Movlyav, the irrational anger of the “crooked dictator” is to blame for everything.

In order to understand why Moscow went to war, it is necessary to guess the history of Finland. The Finnish tribes stayed for three hours on the periphery of the Russian state and the Swedish kingdom. Part of them went to the warehouse of Rus, became "Russian". The fragmentation and weakening of Russia led to the fact that the Finnish tribes were conquered and subordered by Sweden. The Swedes pursued a colonial policy following the traditions of Sunset. Finland in the presence of administrative and cultural autonomy. official mine swedish, nomu was spoken by the nobles and the whole illumined sphere of the population.

Russia , Having won Finland from Sweden in 1809, in fact, gave the Finns sovereignty, allowed them to create the main state institutions, shape the national economy Finland took away the authorities, the currency and the army at the warehouse of Russia. With whom, the finnies did not pay outrageous tributes and did not fight for Russia. The Finnish language, while maintaining the status of the Swedish language, took the place of the state. Vlada Russian Empire mayzhe vtruchalis at the right of the Grand Duchy of Finland. The policy of Russification in Finland was not carried out for three times (the deacons of the elements appeared only in the late period, but later later). The resettlement of Russians to Finland was practically fenced off. Moreover, the Russians, yakі lived near the Grand Duke, were in an illegal camp by appointment to the mausoleum residents. In addition, in 1811, the Viborsk province was transferred to the warehouse of the Grand Duchy, as it included the lands that Russia won from Sweden in the XVIII century. Moreover, Viborg is of great military-strategic significance for the capital of the Russian Empire - Petersburg. In this rank, the finances of the Russian “communists of the peoples” lived better for the Russians themselves, as they bore all the burdens of the creation of the empire and defense against numerous enemies.

The collapse of the Russian Empire gave Finland independence. Finland greeted Russia with the team, which at once entered into an alliance with the Kaiser's Nimechchina, and then with the powers of the Entente ( report in a series of articles Yak Russia created Finnish statehood; Part 2; Finland at the union with the Kaiser's Nimechchina against Russia; Part 2; Finland at the alliance with the Entente against Russia. First Radian-Finnish War; part 2 ). Ahead of another world war, Finland occupied a fortune-teller's camp to Russia, shirking to an alliance with the Third Reich.

Most of the citizens of Russia Finland are associated with the "small quiet European country", with peaceful and cultural inhabitants. Whom was taken by his own "political correctness" to Finland, like a panuvala in the radiant propaganda. Finland, after the defeats of the war of 1941-1944, learned a hard lesson and gained maximum benefits from the state with the majestic Radyansk Union. That is why in the SRSR they did not think about those who attacked the SRSR in 1918, 1921 and 1941. About tse vvazhali for better forget for good vіdnosin.

Finland was a peaceful country of Radyansk Russia.Vіddіlennya Fіnlyandії vіd Rosії buv mirnim. The Gromadyan war began between white and red fins. Bіlih supported Nіmechchina. The Radyansky rank was staggered in the face of a large-scale support of the red ones. That is why for the help of the Nimtsiv, the white Finns got the mountain. The survivors created a chain of concentration camps, unleashed a white terror, and tens of thousands of people perished in the course of which (on the hour of the fighting themselves, only a few thousand people perished from both sides).Krim chervonikh and yogo prihilnikov, fins “cleaned up” the Russian bulk of Finland.Moreover, the majority of Russians in Finland, the zokrems of the bіzhentsі from Russia, ticked in the bіlshovikіv, did not support the chervonih and radyansk rule. Too many officers of the tsar's army, their sims, representatives of the bourgeoisie, intellectuals, numerical scientists, all the Russian population without distinction, women, people of a frail age were blamed children . Significant material values, which belonged to the Russians, were confiscated.

The Finns were going to put the German king on the throne of Finland. However, the defeat of Nimechchini near the war led to the fact that Finland became a republic. Since then, Finland has become oriented towards the powers of Entente. Finlandi did not give a bit of an unhealthy, Finska Elita Hotila Bilshogo, claimed for Rosіyska Karelia, Kolskiy Pіvrav, and the Nyradichalnichi Diyachi was the prisoner of the “great Finland” to the Archangel, and the Rosіysky lands. prabatkіvshchina Finno-Ugric movnі ї sіm'ї).

The architecture of Finland, like Poland, was not satisfied with the formation of cordons, getting ready for the war. Poland has little territorial claims, practically to all countries - Lithuania, the Soviet Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia and Nimechi, the Polish pani dreamed about the inspiration of a great power "from sea to sea." About tse in Russia more-less to know. Ale, few people know that the Finnish elite marred a similar idea, the creations of "Great Finland". The right top is small on the edge of Great Finland. From the Swedes, the Finns did not want to call themselves, but they claimed the Radian lands, as if they were outweighing Finland itself behind the borders. The radicals' appetites were boundless, pulling right up to the Urals and farther to the Ob and Yenisei.

And they wanted to take over Karelia. Radyansk Russia the Gromadyanskaya war tore apart, tsim and wanted to speed up the fіni. So, in the fierce fate of 1918, General K. Mannerheim declared that “if you don’t put a sword at the pikhvi, the docks will not be called from the bіshovikіv Skhidna Karelia”. Mannerheim was planning to capture the Russian lands with a cordon of the White Sea - Onezka Lake - the Svir River - Ladozka Lake, which would make the defense of new lands a little easier. It was also planned to include the region of Pechenga (Petsamo) and the Kola Pivostrіv to the warehouse of Great Finland. Petrograd wanted to be reclaimed from Radyansk Russia and become a “free place”, like Danzig. May 15, 1918 Finland declared the war of Russia. Even before the official announcement of the war, the Finnish volunteer corrals roared the conquest of Skhidnaya Karelia.

Radianska Russia was occupied with fighting on other fronts, there is not enough strength to defeat the impudent court. However, the Finnish attack on Petrozavodsk and Olonets, going to Petrograd through the Karelian Isthmus failed. And after the defeat of the white army of Yudenich, the Finns had a chance to go to the world. From 10 to 14 Lipnya 1920 peace talks took place near Tartu. Fini wanted to transfer Karelia to them, the Radian side led. The army drove the rest of the Finnish corrals from the Karelian territory to the Chervona Vletka. Fini took in only two volosts - Rebola and Porosozero. This made them angry. There was no hope to help Sunset, the Entente powers already realized that the intervention in Radyansk Russia had failed. On July 14, 1920, the Tartu Peace Treaty between the RRFSR and Finland was signed. The Finns were able to capture the Pechenga volost, the western part of the Rybachy Pivostrov, and the greater part of the Seredniy Ostrova Pivostrov, on the way from the intermediate line near the Barents Sea. Rebola and Porosozero turned Russia.

Tse was not satisfied with Helsinki. The plans for the life of the "Great Finland" were not taken into account, they were more than welcomed. In the year 1921, Finland again tried the Karelian food by force. Finnish volunteer corrals invaded the territory of Radyansk without warning of the war, and another Radian-Finnish war began. Radyansky forces at the fierce fate of 1922 more sacked the territory of Karelia from the garrison. At the birch, it was signed for the sake of living in the care of the lack of torment of the Radian-Finnish cordon.

Ale and after the failures, the fins did not go cold. The situation at the Finnish cordon was always tense. Bagato, zgaduyuchi SRSR, reveal their own majestic mighty power, as the Third Reich overcame, took Berlin, sent the first people into space and thwarted the whole western world. Movlyav, how small Finland could threaten the majestic pіvnіchnіy “evil empire”. Prote SRSR 1920-1930s. boov great power only outside the territory and with its own potential. The real policy of Moscow was at the same time on the embankment. In fact, to do it long ago, Moscow, did not recognize the docks, carried out a fringe policy, most often doing it, did not look for trouble.

For example, the Japanese robbed our drivers of the Kamchatka Pivostrov for a long time. Under the defense of their warships, Japanese fishermen not only wove all living creatures from our waters for millions of gold rubles, but also freely hovered on our shores for repairs, processing ribs, taking fresh water, etc. SRSR zvdyaks succesfull іndustrіalіzatsії, otrimav hard military-industrial complex and strong defense forces, red commanders mali suvori order streamuvat Japanese army only on their territory, without crossing the cordon. A similar situation was on the Russian Pivnochi, where Norwegian fishermen caught fish near the inland waters of the SRSR. And if the Radiansky cordoners tried to protest, Norway led battle ships to the White Sea.

Obviously, Finland no longer wanted to fight self-taught against the SRSR. Finland has become a friend of the mighty Russian state. Yak appointing the first Finnish Prime Minister Per Evind Svinhuvud: "Be a foe of Russia, and be a friend of Finland." On this aphid, Finland called friendship to bring from Japan. Japanese officers began to come to Finland for probation. In Finland, as well as Poland, they were afraid of any settlement of the SRSR, the oskolki їkh kerіvnitstvo would have their own rozrahunki those who would be at war with Russia imminently (the war of Japan with the SRSR) In the middle of Finland, the press was the leader of the soothsayer of the SRSR, conducted practical propaganda for the attack on Russia and the invasion of its territories. On the Radian-Finnish cordon, all kinds of provocations were constantly heard on the ground, by the sea in the air.

Since the hopes for the Swedish conflict between Japan and the Soviet Socialist Republic did not turn out to be true, Finnish ceramics headed for a close union from Nimechchina. The two lands were tied to the same military-technical spivrobnitstvo. For the sake of Finland, the country was created a German research and counter-education center (“Bureau of Cellarius”). Yogo head managers was carried out rozvіduval′noї robots against the SRSR. We were given data about the Baltic Fleet, the establishment of the Leningrad Viysk District, and the craftsmanship of the pivnichno-zahіdnoy part of the Soviet Socialist Republic. At the beginning of 1939, Finland, for the help of German fakhivtsiv, prompted a number of Viysk airfields, which could be accepted from 10 times more aircraft, and lower from Finnish UPUs. Even more ostentatious and those who still have an ear of war in 1939-1940. the sign of the Finnish military forces and armored troops was the Finnish swastika.

In this manner, until the beginning of the great war in Europe, on the borders of the western borders, I am telling fortunes, aggressively lashing the state, the elite dreamed about the encouragement of “Great Finland for the good of the Russian (Radyansk) lands and was ready to be friends with the potential of the SR. The Helsinkians were ready to fight for the Soviet Socialist Republic, both for the alliance with Germany and Japan, and for the help of England and France.

Radyansk kerіvnitstvo all good razumilo і, bachachi near new ї svіtovї ї vіyna, pragnuli to secure pіvnіchno-zahіdnі cordoni. Of particular importance is Leningrad - another capital of the SRSR, an industrial, scientific and cultural center, as well as the main base of the Baltic fleet. Finnish far-reaching artillery could shoot at a place from its own cordon, and land troops could reach Leningrad with one line. The fleet of a potential enemy (Germany and England and France) could easily break through to Kronstadt and Leningrad. For the defense of the place, it was necessary to build a land cordon on land, and also to establish a distant line of defense at the entrance to the Finnish inlet, taking away the place for strengthening on the pivnichny and pivdenny shores. The largest fleet of the Radyansk Union is the Baltic one, which is actually a blockage near the other part of the Finnish inlet. The Baltic Fleet has a single base - Kronstadt. Kronstadt and the Radyansk ships could attack with far-reaching shells of the coastal defense of Finland. Such an encampment could not satisfy the radianska kerіvnitstvo.

From Estonia, food could live peacefully. At Versni, born in 1939 between the SRSR and Estonia, an agreement was made on mutual assistance. On the territory of Estonia, a Radian military contingent was sent. The SRSR took away the rights to set up military bases on the islands of Ezel and Dago, in Paldiski and Haapsalu.

From Finland, it was not possible to do well at home. Wanting to talk about the beginning of 1938. Moscow tried literally everything. Promoted to put an agreement on mutual assistance and at once to defend the zone of the Finnish inflow, to give the SRSR the opportunity to create a base on the coast of Finland (Hanko Brewery), to sell or lease a sprig of islands near the Finnish butt. So the cordon at Leningrad was passed through. As a compensation, the Radiansky Union proponuvav richly over the area of ​​the territory of Skhidnoy Karelia, free loans, economic benefits and other. Prote all propositions were squandered on the categorical German side of the Finnish side. It is impossible not to emphasize the role of London. The British have advised the Finns that it is necessary to take a firm stand and not yield to the pressure of Moscow. Tse encouraged Helsinki.

In Finland, there was a massive mobilization and evacuation of the civilian population from the cordon areas. Arrests of the leftist directives were carried out overnight. Incidents have become more frequent at the cordon. So, on the 26th leaf fall, 1939, a near-cordon incident took place in the village of Mainila. For Radyansk tribute, the Finnish artillery carried out shelling of the Radyansk territory. The Finnish side voted the culprit of the provocation of the SRSR. On the 28th of the fall of the fall, the Radianian order voted about the denunciation of the Non-Aggression Treaty from Finland. On the 30th of the fall of the leaves, war broke out. Її bags in the house. Moscow violated the task of ensuring the security of Leningrad and the Baltic Fleet. It can be said that only the zavdyaks of the Winter War, the enemy, did not manage to take the capital of the Radyansky Union to a friend during the hour of the Great War.

In this hour, Finland is drifting again at the Bik Sunset, NATO, so it’s respectful to watch over her. The calm and cultural land can again guess about the plans of the Great Finland right up to the Pivnichny Ural. Finland and Sweden are thinking about joining NATO, and the Baltic States and Poland are literally transforming themselves into the front lines of NATO for aggression against Russia. And Ukraine is becoming a tool for fighting from Russia on a straight line.

76 years ago, on 13 February 1940, the Radian-Finnish war ended. First, present a photographic collection, dedicated to this undertaking, not rich in factual material from the famous historian Igor Pikhalov, in short, that abstract.

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In the history of the country, the Radyansk-Finnish war of 1939-1940, or, as they call it on Zakhod, the Winter War, the old fates were actually forgotten. What they took away and not far away, the results, and a kind of "political correctness" that was practiced in our country. The official Radian propaganda was more afraid of creating someone from the "friends", and Finland, after the Great Vitchiznyanoi War, was considered an ally of the SRSR.

For the rest of 15 years, the camp has fundamentally changed. Superch we remember the words of A. T. Tvardovsky about the “unfamous war” today the war is even “famous”. One by one, dedicated books appear, no longer seeming about the anonymous articles in various magazines and collections. The axis of only "celebrity" is rather peculiar. The authors, who have worked out the vikrittya of the Radian “Empire of Evil” with their profession, induce in their publications a fantastic connection between our and Finnish expenses. Be-yakі sensible reasons for the diy SRSR get out-purely zaperechuyutsya.

Until the end of the 1930s, the country was clearly unfriendly to the Radyansk Union. Even more ostentatious, even to the very beginning of the Radian-Finnish war of 1939-1940. the sign of the Finnish Air Forces and tank troops was a blue swastika. Those who declare that Stalin himself, having shoved Finland into Hitler's Tabir, with his actions, do not think about it for better. Just like about those, the now peace-loving Suomі needed to be prompted until the beginning of 1939 for the help of the German fakhіvtsі in the measure of the Viysk airfields, the building was taken from 10 times more aircraft, lower from the Finnish military forces. In the meantime, in Helsinki they were ready to fight against us, both in the alliance with Germany and Japan, and in the alliance with England and France.

Bachachi approaching a new light conflict, the construction of the SRSR hurried to secure a cordon of another for the size of that significant place of the country. Back in Birch 1939, the Radianian diplomacy probed for information about the transfer or lease of a number of islands near the Finnish zatoc, but in Helsinki they were categorically informed.

Vikryvachi "malicious people in the Stalinist regime" love to talk about those that Finland is a sovereign country, as it manages its own territory, and that, having said, it is not the fault of the bula to wait for the exchange. At the link with zim, you can guess the guess what the place was in two decades. If in 1962 roci in Cuba started deploying radyansky rockets, the Americans did not have any legal idea to impose a naval blockade of the Island of Freedom and they would be more responsible for a new military strike. I Cuba, and the Soviet Socialist Republic are sovereign lands, the placement of the Radianskaya nuclear arsenal was more than enough to comply with the norms of international law. For the United States, they were ready to start the third world war, so that the rockets would not be taken away. It is understood as "the sphere of life interests". For our country in 1939, a similar sphere included the Finnish inflow and the Karelian Isthmus. Find the largest leader of the party of cadets P. M. Milyukov, who did not even sympathize with the radyansk government, at list I. P. Demidov, having said such an order to the war with Finland, began: “Let’s go to hell, but I’m for Viborzka province.”

On the 26th of the fall of the leaves, an incident occurred in the village of Mainila. Zgіdno with the official radyansk version about 15:45 Finnish artillery fired on our territory, after which 4 were driven in and 9 radyansk military servicemen were wounded. Today it is important to interpret in a garni tone the voice of the NKVS as the right hand. The statement of the Finnish side about those, nibi їhnya artillery was deployed on such a vіdstanі, її the fire was to reach the cordon, they are taken like an unperturbed one. Tim, in an hour, for the tribute of Radyansk documentary dzherel near the Jaappinen district (5 km from Mainili), one of the Finnish batteries was fired. On the other hand, whoever had not organized a provocation at Mainily, the radiant side won the battle as a pretext for war. On the 28th of the fall of the fall, the order of the SRSR denounced the Radyansk-Finland treaty on non-aggression and recalled its diplomatic representatives from Finland. 30 leaf fall started fighting.

I can’t reportly describe the progress of the war, but there are already enough publications on this topic. The first її stage, like a trip in the rest of the 1939 year, blazed away by the Red Army not far off. On the Karelian Isthmus, the Radianian troops, having finished the front of the Mannerheim line, on 4-10 th of the chest went up to the main defensive smuga. Prote try її break through turned out to be unsuccessful. After the bloody battles, the sides switched to a positional struggle.

What causes the failure of the cob period of war? Nasampered at the underestimation of the enemy. Finland carried out a mobilization in advance, increasing the number of its Defense Forces from 37 to 337 thousand (459). Finnish military fired up in the cordon zone, the main forces occupied defensive lines on the Karelian Isthmus and, for example, caught up in 1939 to carry out large-scale maneuvers.

Not on high did the Radianian investigation lean, as it could not reveal more reliable information about the Finnish fortifications.

Nareshti, radianske kerіvnitstvo little ungrounded nadії on the "class solidarity of the Finnish workers." There was a wider perekonannya, that the population of the krai, yak, entered into a war against the SRSR, because they didn’t say “revolt and go over to the Chervonoi Army”, that the workers of the villagers would see the fighters of the Radyansky warriors from the quotas.

As a result, for the combat troops, no large number of troops were seen and, apparently, the necessary strength was not secured. So, on the Karelian Isthmus, which is the most important village front, the Finnish side is small in 1939 with 6 infantry divisions, 4 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade and 10 armored battalions - only 80 rozrakhan battalions. On the Radian side, they were opposed by 9 rifle divisions, 1 rifle-machine gun brigade and 6 tank brigades - at once 84 rozrakhunk rifle battalions. To match the number of a special warehouse, the Finnish troops on the Karelian Isthmus had 130 thousand, and the Radians - 169 thousand. osib. Zagalom along the entire front against 265 thousand. Finnish military service workers 425 ths. soldiers of the Chervonoy Army.

Porazka chi victory?

Otzhe, pіdіb'єmo pіdіb'єmo pіdbags radyansko-Fіnskogo conflict. As a rule, such a war is taken into consideration, as a result of which one will be overcome at the shortest camp, lower to war. What can I see from whom?

As we already crossed paths, until the end of the 1930s, Finland was a country that was clearly unfriendly to the Soviet Socialist Republic and ready to enter into an alliance with our enemies. Also, somehow the situation hasn’t gotten any worse. From the other side, apparently, that the hooligan, that the rozperezavsya, the mind is less than my brute force and begins to respect the one who has the mind to beat him. Chi did not become a wine and Finland. On May 22, 1940, the comradeship of the world and friendship with the SRSR was created there. Regardless of the retrial of the Finnish government, at the time of the first fence, there were 40,000 members in the chest of the same fate. It is similar to the masses to note that it was not only the adherents of the communists who entered the Partnership, but they were simply reasonable people, as if they were aware that with a great susid it was better to support normal women.

Zgidno with the Moscow Treaty of the SRSR having taken away new territories, as well as a military-sea base on the Khanko Pivostrov. Tse obvious plus. After the cob of the Great Veteran War, the Finnish soldiers could enter the line of the old sovereign cordon only at the spring of 1941.

Significantly, at the negotiations at the yellow-leaf fall in 1939, the Radyansky Union asked for less than 3 thousand square meters. km and in exchange for a larger territory, then as a result of the war, adding about 40 thousand square meters. km, not showing anything natomist.

It is also a lie, that at the front negotiations of the SRSR, the Crimean Territorial Compensation, having blown the air of power, that it is depleted of finances. For the help of the Finnish side, to wind up at the time of the transfer of a small klaptik of the earth, which it was good for us to give up, it cost about 800 million marks. The yakby on the right reached the deeds of the entire Karelian Isthmus, the rahunok pishov bi already on the rich milyards.

Then now, since the 10th of February 1940 was the day before the signing of the Moscow peace treaty of the Paasikiv, a promo about compensation for the transferred territory, having guessed that Peter I had paid 2 million talers to Sweden through Nishtad, Molotov calmly met: “Write sheets to Peter the Great. If we punish you, then we will pay compensation ".

Ponad those, the SRSR, hankering for a sum of 95 million krb. like a release for vivezene from a squalid territory, possession of that psuvannya lane. Finland is also small to transfer to the SRSR 350 sea and river transport facilities, 76 locomotives, 2 yew. wagons, meaning the number of cars.

Insanely, under the hour of the battles of the day of radyansk Evil forces recognized significantly greater costs, lower enemy. Vіdpovіdno to іmennyh lists, in the Radian-Finnish war of 1939-1940. 126,875 servicemen of the Chervonoy Army perished, died and became unknown. Spent well Finnish soldiers piled up, for official tribute, 21,396 killed and 1,434 unknown. Vtіm, in vіtchiznânіy literaturі often traplyаєєy іnsha іnsha іnsha іnshі vtrat — 48 243 killed, 43 yew. injured.

As if it didn’t happen there, radian’s spend at the kіlka once overturned the Finnish. It is not surprising that similar spivvіdnoshennia. Take, for example, Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905 pp. If you look at the battles in Manchuria, then both sides appear to be approximately the same. Ponad those, most Russians spent more than the Japanese. Prote for the assault on the fort of Port Arthur, the Japanese spent heavily outweighed the Russian costs. It would have been possible, and here, and there, those Russian and Japanese soldiers fought, why such a difference? The evidence is obvious: while in Manchuria the sides fought in the open field, in Port Arthur our troops defended the fort, even if they didn’t. Quite naturally, scho storming found out a lot more money. The same situation developed during the first hour of the Radian-Finnish war, if our soldiers had a chance to storm the Mannerheim line, still in winter minds.

As a result, the radyansk military gained priceless battle records, and the command of the Chervonoy Army took away the opportunity to think about the shortfalls in the preparations of the military and about the unfortunate coming in to increase the military capacity of the army and fleet.

On the 19th of March 1940, the fate of the parliament, Daladier, declaring that for France “The Moscow peace treaty is a tragic and damnable podia. For Russia, the victory is great". Vtіm, do not fall into extremes, as if to rob deyakі authors. Not too big. Still a win.


1. Parts of the Red Army to cross the bridge to the territory of Finland. 1939

2. Radyansky fighter on the protection of a minefield in the area of ​​​​the Finnish border barrier. 1939

3. Artillery rozrahunok svogo znaryaddy on fire position. 1939

4. Major Volin V.S. that boatswain I.V. Baltic Fleet. 1939

5. Fighters of the archery unit to lead the attack from the forest. Karelian Isthmus. 1939

6. Attire of guards at the patrol. Karelian Isthmus. 1939

7. Zolotukhin's prikordonnik in the village of white, make the fіnіv of Bіloostrov. 1939

8. Saperi on the everyday bridge near the Finnish border area of ​​Yapinen. 1939

9. Fighters deliver ammunition to the front line. Karelian Isthmus. 1939

10. Soldiers of the 7th Army to fire on the gates with twines. Karelian Isthmus. 1939

11. Reconnaissance group of lieutenants takes the head of the commander before the reconnaissance department until the reconnaissance. 1939

12. Kіnna artillery on the march. Viborsky district. 1939

13. Fighters on the march. 1940

14. Chervonoarmіytsі in combat positions near the districts of combat missions from finances. Viborsky district. 1940

15. Fights for the preparation of їzhi in foxes on bagats in the break between battles. 1939

16. Preparing an insult in the minds of the floor for a temperature of 40 degrees below zero. 1940

17. Anti-aircraft guns in position. 1940

18. Zv'yazkіvtsі for notifications of the telegraph line, zruynovanoї finami under hour vіdstupu. Karelian Isthmus. 1939

19. Fighters - zv'yazkіvtsі innovate the telegraph line, zruynovan by fins near Terioki. 1939

20. View of the railroad bridge at the Terioki station, torn by fins. 1939

21. Fighters and commanders move with the inhabitants of the m. Terioki. 1939

22. Calls on the negotiation line to the front near the Kemer station area. 1940

23. Order of the Red Army after the battle in the region of Kemer. 1940

24. A group of commanders and soldiers of the Chervonoy Army heard a radio transmission from a radio horn on one of the streets of Terioki. 1939

25. View of the station Suoyarva, taken by the soldiers of the Red Army. 1939

26. Soldiers of the Chervonoy Army guarding a petrol dispenser near the small town of Raivola. Karelian Isthmus. 1939

27. Scattered view of the line of fortification "Mannerheim's Fortification Line". 1939

28. Scattered view of the fortified "Lines of Mannerheim Fortification". 1939

29. A rally in one of the Viysk parts after the breakthrough of the "Mannerheim Line" at the hour of the Radian-Finnish conflict. Lyuty born in 1940

30. Scattered view of the "Mannerheim's Fortification Line". 1939

31. Saperi for the repair of the bridge near the Boboshin district. 1939

32. The fighter of the Chervonoy Army lowers the sheet to the screen of the field mail. 1939

33. A group of Radyansk commanders and soldiers look at the ensigns of Shutskor at the Finns. 1939

34. Howitzer B-4 on the front line. 1939

35. Sunny view of the strengthening of the fins at a height of 65.5. 1940

36. View of one of the streets of m. Koyvisto, taken by parts of the Red Army. 1939

37. View of the wrought-iron bridge near Koivisto, taken by parts of the Red Army. 1939

38. A group of captive Finnish soldiers. 1940

39. Chervonoarmіytsі bіla trophy zbroї, stripped after battles with fins. Viborsky district. 1940

40. Trophy warehouse of ammunition. 1940

41. Telekering tank TT-26 (217th tank battalion of the 30th chemical tank brigade), late 1940s.

42. Radyansky soldiers on a taken pillbox on the Karelian Isthmus. 1940

43. Parts of the Chervonoy Army enter at the forks of the river. Viborg. 1940

44. Fighters of the Chervonoy Army on the Viborg metro station. 1940

45. Ruini r. Viborg after the fight. 1940

46. ​​Fighters of the Chervonoy Army are clearing the snow from the streets of the fortified Viborg metro station. 1940

47. Krygolamniy steamboat "Dezhnev" half an hour of transferring from Arkhangelsk to Kandalaksha. 1940

48. Radyansk lizhniki hang out in front. Winter 1939-1940 years.

49. Radyansky attack aircraft I-15bіs virulyuє on zlіt before the battle villot at the hour of the Radian-Finnish war.

50. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland Vaine Tanner speaks on the radio about the end of the Radian-Finnish War. March 13, 1940

51. Crossing the Finnish cordon by Radyansk parts near the village of Hautavaara. November 30, 1939

52. Finnish polonenі rozmovlyayut іz radyanskiy politpratsіvnikom. The sign was crushed at the Gryazovets Tabor of the NKVS. 1939-1940

53. Radyansky soldiers are one of the first Finnish army soldiers. November 30, 1939

54. The Finnish pilot Fokker C.X. Breast 1939

55. Hero of the Radyansk Union, platoon commander of the 7th pontoon-bridge battalion of the 7th army, young lieutenant Pavlo Vasilovich Usov (right-handed) reloading a mine.

56. Rozrahunok radyanskoy 203-mm howitzer B-4 shelling Finnish fortifications. December 2, 1939

57. The commanders of the Russian Army looking at the collapse of the Finnish tank Vickers Mk.E. Berezen 1940

58. Hero of the Radyansk Union, Senior Lieutenant Volodymyr Mikhailovich Kurochkin (1913-1941) at the winery I-16. 1940

59. View of the ruynova street near Viborzi. 1940

60. Commander of the Radyansk underwater line C-1 Hero of the Radyansk Union Captain-Lieutenant Oleksandr Volodymyrovich Tripilsky (1902-1949) of the periscope. Lyuty born in 1940

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