Stop talking about help. “I never had a lot of pennies. Ale ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї і і vystachalo, schob і do not ask anyone. - And we will put specks

Moscow has seen an autobiographical book by the miraculous composer, People's Artist of Russia Mikael TARIVERDIEVA (1931-1996). It's called "I just live". Її editor and witness - team and true friend of the composer Vira Tariverdiev. In the book of the most famous composer, tell the composer about his life, about his colleagues and friends, about the ups and downs of radian cinematography and musical action. For rich people, the book of Mikayel Tariverdiev is a secret, another incarnation of a talented person-author of film music for up to 132 films. A lot of pictures have long been forgotten, and yoga music has been abandoned. Mikayel Tariverdiev’s operas, ballets, vocal cycles, romances, etc., do not seem to be about chortiri. Proponuєmo urivki z ієї book.

call the number!”

Call me like
miracle sings Grigory Pozhenyan.
- Mikael, I sing persecution (which is true. - M.T.). And you are a wicked composer.
- Why do I persecute?
- Well, do you have to fight at the Union?
- Gang.
Let's paint a picture together.
- Yak tse?
- I am making a picture at the Odessa studio.
- How do you know the picture?
- Yak director.
- Well, you are not a director, Grisha, you sing.
- I'm a genius. I can do anything,” Grisha said.
The first axis I arrived before Yalta, de vin rightly, having seen the picture about the sailors at the rock of war. Grisha is a wonderful, sweet lad. And besides that, the main hero of Odesa. Vіn older for me rokіv ten. At the rocks of the war, the wines were at the corrals of the Chornomorts, who gave water to Odessa at the cost of their lives. The stinks made their way to the place and actually vryatuly yoga. Having perished all the death of twenty-two people. It was important that Pozhenyan died. In Odessa, there is a monument to twenty-two heroes, as if they were vryatulying a place, on the new one the names of these people were engraved, including the name of Grigory Pozhenyan. But Grisha did not die, he climbed out of the corpses and turned around. The only one from the corral.
Later, obviously, they knew about it, but I lost it on the monument. Everyone knew and loved Gritsya. Ivan Pereverzev, the star of that screen, was lucky to see the film, Oleg Strizhenov and many other miraculous actors. Ale Grisha, being a singer on one side, and a sailor commander on the other side, filthyly showing himself, as if he needed to cooperate with actors, more famous, as well as being known, only those who loved him as a poet and as a good man came. And Gritsko became their commander. I arc. Vin voicing:
- There are two geniuses. I am that Tariverdiev. Rashta - our services.
I started regotati, thinking that I was just playing the fool. Ale Pereverzev appeared on a new arc.
- Grisha, what is your film called? - after sleeping wine.
- "Goodbye!"
- Farewell, Gritsko! - Turned the siv at the letak and flew to Moscow.
- Grisha, why are you robish! Aje already pivkartini taken! - I say with a jolt to youma.
- Do not boast, Miko. Aje, I'm not just a director, but the author of the script. No food.
І axis znіmayut scene, in yakіy mav grati Pereverzev. Win the role of the admiral. Log in vistovy, feed:
- And where is Comrade Admiral?
- Driven in, - youma is told.
So pozbulis miraculous pereverzev. It's over. From the drive, as a drive, Grisha became an explanation to Oleg Strizhenov, that the artist is a bad guy and a bad guy. Oleg is not visible:
- Grisha, what is your film called?
- "Goodbye!"
- Farewell, Gritsko! - sit in the plane and fly to Leningrad. Vіn grav captain-lieutenant.
- Grisha, what are you doing?! I scream. And wine:
- Nothing. Director Pozhenyan punish screenwriter Pozhenyan and rewrite the script.
A significant day begins. Actors give you text. Enter as an officer and request:
- And de captain-lieutenant?
- Driven in, comrade commander.
So Gritsko beat us up. And not to the one that needed to be driven in, just all the stench came out. Surely, the film is not viyshov. That wine and not a moment to come out. And we had a wonderful hour. In my opinion, it was my first trip to the Yalta studio. Then I suffocated in the same place.
Winter Yalta was hostile with its cleanliness, empty restaurants, similar to the Oreanda hotel, in which they lived. Right in order - the studio. The sea is leaden and even more wondrous, invisible, not so blue, to such a sound of childishness. I sun, the sun at the sichni. We went in jackets. This is the European way of life, as I imagined. Nagori - a cafe, de mi shoranka was eaten. It worked from the ninth rank, on the contrary, with a majestic glass wall, like a winter Yalta and the sea right in front of you. Tse buv old hotel. Practically less than our significant group lived with her, but there were also a small number of people. If we could come to a restaurant, have a normal meal, have an evening. Empty beaches. Magnificent number of seagulls. Chi is not people on the beach, but seagulls. And steamboats went for the layout. We sailed with our friend, the captain of the "Gruziya" Tolei Garagulei, to Odessa for three days. Vin gave us a cabin.

marvelous hour

Vzagali, this is a marvelous hour. The end of the sixteenth - the ear of the seventeenth - at once it was taken into account that it was the hour of the bilshoviks, that they crushed all. I don’t know how it is, but I realized that I am free. Absolutely free. I am by no means financially secure for the flooring, so as not to think about pennies. I didn’t have any reserves, but on that equal, on which I wanted to live, I could live. We could with friends, having picked up in the morning, in the morning, take and fly to Sochi and Yalta, take a hotel there and spend the weekend. I was okay. I instantly flew from Moldova with a landing in Sochi, thinking that no one checks for me in Moscow, get out of the airport, take the bus and arrive at the Artists’ Budinka at Khosti, and met a lot of acquaintances. I once ruled the number, and I spent a few days there. Everything was different…
The robot at the film was too rich. At Yalta, I wrote all the monologues on Pozhenyan's verse, which brought the order of orchestral music to the picture. What a lot of things I did myself there, near Yalta, at the hotel room, de I played the piano. Ale, krіm roboti, we had a chimalo and rose. The film depicts the life of sailors during the military hour, and, naturally, in the picture there is a new wardrobe of commanders of ships, torpedo boats, battleships. I often dressed up in qi suits. I, for example, dressed in the uniform of an admiral (for Van Pereverzev's stature), with a casket, with a mustache on the right, and we went for a walk along the embankment. Zustric sailors gave us honor, we respectfully saluted them. Zvichayno, dissimilarity, but all the same it was fun. І celebrated the enmity. Change my uniform more than ishov. And if we were already building a picture, I arrived to Odessa to re-record the tonuvannya.
We lived in the hotel “Chervona”, the shortest hotel for that hour. We sit at Grisha's room, at the suite, with some young girls, sing-song, actresses, and Grisha respectfully tells his love story about those who made the right place. For my death, with a monument in Odessa. The girls are dying like crazy. Raptom knocks at the door. Login administrator.
- Means so. You will need to move from the suite to another room.
- Why?
– A delegation of German trade unions from NDR is coming.
Grisha obureniy:
- I'm friends! I am the hero of Odessa!
- Do not hooligan, I don’t know anything, get out of the sky.
Well, in a flash, Grisha began to call on various occasions. And the spring of the year was in the evening, everything was closed, everything was installed.
- I'm not going anywhere, - Grisha does not give up.
- As a hooliganite, I'll hang you. The hotel "Intourist", you signed the paper, so you can call the number first.
So yoga and trampled. Tse vrazhaє, as in our country, be-such a foreigner was more headstrong, lower be-like, who lives in it. Navit as a hero of war. Same day. I know that the main people are foreigners, and we are of a different sort. The currency is no longer foreign, Russian pennies do not enter into currency. And so zavzhd bulo. The axis is such a story. Hung yoga. Speeches were thrown at a single number. And wine is alive at the suite. And luxury is less for foreigners. Vіn narashti zrozumіv, navіscho peremagav nіmtsіv.

Funeral "shahrai"

...At about the same hour, we began to work on the painting “The Rest of the Shakhrai”. Such a director, Jan Ebner, is young, talented, and has successfully completed his director's courses. Tse bula was the first robot, and Mikhailo Kalik, who was friends with him, was an artist's maker of paintings. Won at Reese. A musical picture, where everything was based on the music and the plastic face of Mikoli Hubenok. Three songs were needed for the picture. I thought, what would be miraculous, if I wrote Visotsky as a verse. I phoned you, I waited. Arriving at my house, Mikhailo Kalik and Jan Ebner also came. We miraculously talked, fooled around, it was even more fun. I am grave, Volodya sleeping. After a deaky hour we went to the zyomki near Sochi. The picture has a lot of music, and there was a film phonograph. Vysotsky arrived there, brought the verses, which they took to the film. Vershі miracles. We spent less than two days with us - it was in the middle of the theatrical season, some at the yellow, some at the leaf fall. At Sochi, I wrote music on yoga virshi. It's a pity, the picture called out the wondrous reaction of the ruler, us in front of Riz himself. In my opinion, they wanted to booty holy papi Rimsky. The first motor reaction came from the directorate of the Rizka film studio, as it lifted the whistle. Began vimogi pererobok. The picture was simply repaired - it was repeatedly spun, rewired. I see that what was broken on the first re-recording, de I was present, nothing was left out.
So the picture was born thirty years after they took it. Truth is, they didn’t sing. It would have been nice to say that they were stalking us from Volodya Visotsky. Ale tse Bulo is not good. Having suffered a wild director's idea, that is the quality of the picture itself. And dosvid buv duzhe tsikaviy. Vzagali dosit marvelous idea of ​​the picture: the rest of the shahrai go free. I want all talented ideas to be a little wondrous. Abo zdayutsya such. And then the stench will become normal. Such is the very “abnormal” idea of ​​the vinyl at that time by Vadim Korostilov, the miraculous playwright and director Pavel Arsyonov. Vadim wrote the script for the kazkay Gozzi, and the stench of Pasha urged me to make a film opera. We began to pratsyuvati, it was more like a cіkavo itself, which is not a musical, but an opera. Not long before that, Demi's painting "Parasols of Cherbourg" had passed, and we wanted to do something similar. De buv bi minimum text and maximum music.
I myself worked on my first opera “Who are you?”, and the entire course of Boris Pokrovsky from GITIS, which took a part in the її staging, we started and on the staging of “King-Stag”. Mustaches of choral speeches sang stench. Obviously, the picture was taken in such a way that everything was written down at the beginning, and then it was already taken. Pugachova appeared the same way, young, no one had seen the girlish fates of the eighteenth century. Vaughn gave herself to me as a talented, rickety little bunny. We call the child. It was easy for her to take care of her. Won recorded the whole part of the main heroine Angeli. The film featured famous actors - Tabakov, Efremov, Yursky, Yakovlev. The stinks slept themselves. The whole thing was too cicavo. Before the speech, having found me, I had a chance to fiddle with Oleg Efremov - the intonation led me. The role of Angela was played by Valentina Malyavina, she did not sleep alone. Pugachova slept for her.
If the picture was viishla, a flurry of criticism fell upon it. The director was called by the theatricality of the receptions, by the non-cinematographic quality. The picture didn't really come out until the end. Alezovsim for other reasons. Navpaki, I respect that theatrical reception in the cinema is the future cinematography. The picture has wonderful costumes - costume designer Natalia Schneider. The stench is absolutely invisible. Like the aesthetics of the film in a flash. Charming intelligence, which goes into the genre of film opera, dictated its poetics. And over there at the picture. The picture didn’t show through those that Pavel Arsyonov’s squad - Valentina Malyavin, soon got married with a man and didn’t come to the final hire and took them to the end. Also, the picture simply does not have a finale. The finale, to which everything led - and from music, and from dramaturgy, de king Diramo, the first minister Tartaglia, de dramaturgic vuzol is guilty of breaking up, - did not take. The first natomist of the majestic finale of the bulo was written the song “It was a long time ago”, as if vikonu Oleg Єfremov - a kind charіvnik like a bi in the name of the author. It's a pity, because the picture could have been more like a cicava. Ale zagalom I її already love. The film was filmed near Yalta. Even the Yalta studio was a branch of the Gorky studio, and practically all the pictures that were filmed at the Gorky studio were filmed in Crimea.

I care
don’t know…

For me, at the cinema, it was superbly loud. I love this atmosphere, in the cinema I instantly put on different creative experiments, and I did it in my own way for work in other genres. And then, cinema and TV films gave a look at an inconspicuously larger number of spectators, lower mustache concert halls, at once narrowed. Zagalom I perekonani, scho Yakbi Mozart is alive today, then vin not regularly writing bi music to the cinema. I was accepted to the Composers Composers at the university, and through the river - to the Cinematographers Composite, immediately after the release of the film “A Man Goes for the Sun”. I also didn’t have any problems with my status - I’ve been appointed. (Adzhe todi could not be practiced anywhere, as you are not a member of the creative team.) I am truly a great artist. I piti pratsyuvati in yakus I will set me to think on the thought did not subside. There was simply no food in front of me.
I never had a lot of pennies. Ale, I got stuck in my life. I’m going to get separated quickly, having left the squads, I’ll suddenly take away an apartment on Profspіlkovіy, pіshov іz valіzoi practically on the street. Overnight at Mikhail Kalik's. Then my friends helped me to find an apartment. More precisely, a room in an apartment on Sadovij, near the booth Great theater. I live there miraculously. The master's apartment simply loved me. Її cholovik buv administrator of the Great Theater. Yogo was planted. І one room, large, bula vilna. I live there for this time, without docking a two-room cooperative apartment in a booth, I'm lingering at once. I don’t want to go to this booth on Sadovy any more. Until the new month, I always call out forcibly. I am by no means richer than the one who did not write hits. Quiet song, like sleeping at restaurants. That song was by no means written. Only for cinema.
The only time I wrote those who fell asleep, as it seems, in the “mass style”, raising for a super girl. If my colleagues began to prepare me - what, having spoken, I do not shy away not to the one I don’t want, but to the one I can’t. And for the film "Great Ore" I wrote the song "Don't be fooled". They really fell asleep in all the huts. Ale more than that is practically not timid. The eternal problem of my colleagues - going to work and sitting in the editorial office of the vidavnitstv, radio or TV broadcasting, and sitting for a long time - was not in front of me. I realized that after such a hard day, few people could write music. The sight of my life saved me.
Live like this, as other young composers lived, as they entered before Splika, they wanted to take up less creativity, I didn’t even have a moment. The stinks were already tied with the Union - I’m going to sing for symphony, quartet and other music, rozpodil її vykonannya. All ce bulo directly pov'yazane z stavlennyam to you the authorities of the Composite Composers. Even in the collegiums of the ministries of culture, they were creating, and in the hudrads of the radio and television stations sat the very same professional workers, the secretaries of the Union, and becoming objectionable to them practically meant the impossibility of taking away the promise. I would like to share this sound and write that music, as I want. I forever robbed those who I wanted to rob.
That was independence. I can't say that I'm in revolt against that which was respected by the "mainstream" - a song about the party, about Lenin. That nі, not mav political protest - just less bulo deeply necіkavo. I'm not timid and that's all. Mení was tsіkavo іnshe. One of my first vocal cycles - on the top of the middle Japanese poets "Watercolors" - was a vision, and I took a sharp note from that official critic Inokentiya Popov. I remember the phrase, which was marked by the appearance of this cycle. The article said nothing about music. Popov wrote to the newspaper “Radyansk mystetstvo”: “Show yourself, young composer, student, sit and think about what you should write about. Do you think you are writing about our heroic lads, like they were vryatulying the country? Perhaps, write about the quiet of our miracle people, like working in factories, like tidying up fields on tractors, giving grain to the countryside, about Komsomol members? Nі, vіn sіdaє і write a cycle of vocal works on the verse - who would you think? Middle Japanese poets”. Pіznіshe, if I got to know him, I asked why I wrote like that. Vіn vіdpovіv imperceptibly: “You know, honestly, I don't like music. It just needed to be written.”
But I’m afraid I didn’t feel bad for me. I was simply ridiculous, for the parcel itself was bad. I’m not the ones fighting, not trying to write music about the part of Lenin, I, before the speech, have not written anything like this for my life - no cantatis, no oratories, no symphonies - not like that, like a lot of my colleagues - they wrote about one , but they called it differently. I did not fall down to think. But I didn’t mind anyone. I didn’t get anything like that. If for me, Alya Pakhmutova said: “Mikael, you are happy. You can only write about kokhannya.” And yet, none of them did anything, zmushuva robiti. And I admit that the majority of my colleagues are more important than they didn’t impose anything. The stench willingly robbed themselves, but it meant trips, benefits, it meant plant in the Union, but I didn’t mean anything.
First of all, having asked me to go to the secretariat of the Composer’s Composer in Russia, Rodion Shchedrin, if he became his head. It was for example seventy, if I was fifty. To say that I was pressed politically would be a lie. Before the speech, then they told the axis that before the party they tried to join. Ale, I know for sure that the Spiltsy composers had blackness. Cherga s willing to join the party. I'm true. I don't need lies. There was a political hour at the Union on Thursday, at the Great Hall of Budinka composers. And everyone came there, for it was important - it was impossible not to come. It could go sideways. Like I feel, they barked a lot for it and took notes. They could not sign the testimonial for a better view. In all my life I have never been there once. I have never dreamed of sleeping, why am I not there? Maybe someone fed. I don't care. But for some time such an atmosphere was created, no one cares about me. There are no such people. Axis bula vіdpovіd. Not those that were pressed, driven in, but until about the end of the seventies, I didn’t have a dream. I did not take part in the numerous worldless festivals “Moscow Autumn”, or at the concerts of the Union. Sooner or later, they began to ask me for a change of shares, well, for example, to Kiev and Rostov. Ale todі I bov good vidomy.
That popularity, like in me was, I didn’t get drunk, but in spite of the activity of the Union. The whole thing was strangling through the pillow, not clearly. Tse bula zovsіm іnsha linіya, lower, let's say, zі Schnitke. Scandals, screams, organization of an official and a huge thought. There was nothing in me. The country already knew me, they loved me, they knew me, they heard my music, they victorious. There would be no competition named after Glinka, my romances on the verses of Martinov, Akhmadulina would not sound. Publicly, they didn’t contact me, but they kindly let me know that I don’t know. I ruled less than a whole lot. I am alive to my own life. I also traveled a lot with concerts. They started to ask me in advance. Before Spilka, composers have a lot of good things to look forward to. Perhaps they called from Leningrad, where I love to travel and call there often. The rate was sixteen fifty. The stinks paid for my ticket and accommodation at the hotel. And for the concert I took three bets. My trip cost me a hundred and fifty rubles. It was bigger, lower I instantly took it off, - at the outside halls, full houses, where people stood in the aisles. Rate є rate - no more and no less. So it was.
Leningrad has two miraculous halls, where I perform regularly - the hall of the Capel named after Glinka and the Concert Hall "Leningradsky". They called me, and I said that I couldn’t come at once: I don’t have anything to do. I'll come in the fall, if I take a penny for a film. The concerts were unseen. My music was victorious. At a different hour with different vikonavtsy. If the head was Olena Kamburova, then the soloist of the Great Theater Nina Lebedeva. The concerts are marvelous, because the author does not seem to have a great chamber concerto, go out at the tuxedo, win the accompaniment. I didn’t have a tuxedo then, I used a black suit, I accompanied, then I added to the notes, I again accompanied, I again added to the notes. This is the form of zustrіchі, like educational concerts. I'm talking about poetry, about those that I write on the verses of Voznesensky, Martinov, Vinokurov, Shakespeare.

I'm a fool
what do you want

I always blurted out what I wanted, showing what I thought, what I respected for the need. I buv is absolutely free. There were no questions to ask for political calls. Tse no one chikavilo, that and me the same. But my assessments of what is perceived by the culture were, as a rule, negative. It seemed to me that the main ones at these concerts were aware that I was needed. I lost my dosі, I remember yoga, and it's more expensive for me. If I guess about it, and often forget it, then I think that, perhaps, the cycles passed without a hitch. If you want to, if you marvel at those who are visiting the country today, stating that it was the same, you understand: everything was for nothing. For nothing has changed. And then I brought a lot of notes from Leningrad, Kiev, but I didn’t bring them only! I remember the concerts at Donetsk, at the halls in front of the miners. I climbed down with them at the mine and again took the shore of the hot underground hell. Seeing unbearable sinter, if on the surface it is cold and slota. І pogaga to neimovirno heavy pratsі.
Concerts in Leningrad ended for me in 1978. Then two shrill speeches ran out. I spoke at Leningrad University and even speaking sharply about the article of Zhuraitis in Pravda, unfair, rude to the address of Lyubimov, Schnittke, Rizdvyany. I was talking about the production of "The Lady of Peaks" in Paris. At the concert, there was a frenzy of excitement. Hall of two thousand seats, embossed zhahliva. It so happened that the doors crushed two people. Thank God, zreshtoyu, everything worked out, but the scandal vibrated grandiose. In this scandal, everything was mixed up - and embossed, and bewildered, why did I rule them, and my sharp opinion of the newspaper "Pravda". I have had other concerts in Leningrad. Ale, the secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee, Romanov, special orders for their defense. Mayzha rik from Leningrad did not call. Then we started ringing again. The authorities proclaimed my speeches. Ale shchoraz saw everything, looked. In short, seeming, the Leningrad government blocked my path.
I began to love to travel, I was limp. Sitting at home and practicing - and now I’m more and more aware of our many companies and a lot of cheerful and dissolute way of life - I forget what someone needs. Aje tse forget. It’s impossible for you to believe, because you don’t speak in public. At the same time, I don’t like to perform, but I don’t perform. I began to be afraid of the public after the story of "The Mitts of Spring". Nova robot, Yak zavzhdi, started from a telephone ring. Tetyana Lioznova called. She asked me to read the script for the film "Seventeen Celebrations of Spring". I thought, what about the devilish spy film (and I also worked with Veniamin Dorman on the first series of his "Resident"). I didn’t feel much better, and I, honestly seem, but in indolence - robit yoga chi. But, if you read the script, you understand that there are great opportunities for music here. I opened the key until the decision. If I don’t know my decision, then I am inspired. How did the work from Savoy Kulish “Dead season” come to mind. I, before the speech, having pleased you to turn back to Andriy Volkonsky. At the same time, I’m shkodu, not having accepted Savi’s proposition, - the film of viyshov is miraculous.
On the pictures: Tetyana Lioznova and V'yacheslav Tikhonov at the filming of the film "Seventeen Celebrations of Spring"; Maestro Aram Khachaturian and Mikael Tariverdiev; Vira Tariverdiev;

Completion follows

I want a site, schobi pratsyuvav! sobly selling my services in one fell swoop, and also schob vin robbing me at home. Social services duzhe languish me. I want a website, I have 5000 rubles, and I care what it is for the landing page, - I threw the template on the Internet and that's it: it's up to you! - What is enough for a small party! Well, I’ve got more and not a penny, I want a website, so that I can sell it, I want to help me earn money, do I have a penny on the site? I will earn an axis and there will be pennies ...

More and more often in front of fakhivtsy, at the gallery of the creation of sites and the promotion of projects on the Internet, the patrons appear, like they want to mother EVERYTHING for 5000 UAH. per month. The most popular figure - five thousand rubles - are there any stars?

I want to flatten the eyes of everyone who doesn't know yet: creation of any good site CANNOT cost 5000 r.

Otzhe, you deputy, which you want to sell your speeches, or become a contractor, what you get, for something. You put food for the site developer: I want a new site, how many wines will I need?

Vіdpovіd siteodyagu: If we take a template, then it's 10 t. WOW! Shock! how so like 10? tse for what tse finally?

Most of the people walking upright on the simple earth are wandering out of the orbit of the eye and there is a moment of panic - we are not a corporation or a company, so just pay 100 thousand and for the sake of it! Are our stars so cheap?

I also want to tell you what the price of the site is made up of.

How to zamovlennya site:
- Good afternoon, I want to make a site, so that it is such a beautiful buv, modern with a mobile version, etc. - like a deputy.

Hello, everything is clear. Do you already have some ideas for content for the site? - feed fahivets.

Ni, nothing can be said ... - seems to be a deputy.

I understood. Then the variant of the template site will be 15 URAHUVANNYAM. - like special

Why is it so expensive?? - Ask the deputy.

The axis was completed by a normal Rozmova, between a deputy and a fakhiv. Do you know yourself? Sound at this stage richly who is worthy of the wind, to that one honestly thinks about those who are light, and everyone wants to fool them, - win a penny for a funny job.

Here the problem of communication is to blame, if you have a bad mind, what a substitute, what a price, you don’t know why such a price is added up, and how much work and how the work itself needs to be done, so that everything was good and beautiful.

Everyone wants to beg, to take away the same work and not pay for the price of anything. Rich vikonavtsiv want to be the mother of the zamozhny and sensible deputy, like to pay for the summer and join in the same time, so all the services of vikonavtsya are well and well needed.

And why should the robot enter, about how the zamovniks won’t guess? Let's take a look at the report.

As a substitute, it’s clear what you want and take a template design (template - if we take a template and it’s similarly reminiscent of content), the term for such work can be a day or two, depending on the professionalism of fakhivtsya. As a rule, such a robot can cost no more than 10 tr.

Now, if you want a template site, but you don’t know how you want, looking at you, you don’t understand how the elements are to blame. You don't have that text. What do you need to grow fakhivtsu?

It is necessary to choose a template for you, so that you can match your bajans. Sometimes you can take one day, and sometimes you can take it.
- It is necessary to penetrate your brain in order to accurately reveal those that you want.
- It is necessary to repeat the selection of the template.
- Remind the site with information and content, so it suits you.

Sound the basic capabilities of the template is not enough and have to be edited after the code. If the spelling code is not given by a fakhivtsy, then it can take a lot of time.

It is necessary to try to contribute at once, because call all the necessary site for the day maximum.
– Sometimes you need to write texts for the site.
- Most of the site is not one-sided, but it means that it is necessary to fill in the skin side of the information.
- For 80% of the clients, the manager does not have a domain or a hosting. Everything needs to be registered.

Zrobity zvorotny vyazok, schob it went like a pattern, sometimes it’s like a fool, sometimes it’s done independently.

There is a large number of points connected with maps, buttons, photos, albums.

Well, for example, it’s natural to explain to the deputy, how to do it so that you can correct yourself and add information to the site. Call to start writing a small methodology.

Far from all the points are far from being, how to write about the hour of the development of the template site. Do you care that you don’t cost 15 URAKHUVANNYAM?

Now we are taking the site from scratch, with a new key, with a new design.

1. Development of a number of design options from scratch. Tobto. if the designer and the deputy are chatting. Share your thoughts and most of the designer can see 2-3 options for the site. Do you think it might take a while to paint 2-3 sites, to stink on the same topics, with the same needs, to finish your own functions, but were there differences? Correctly! A lot of time for a lot of working forces.

And now you can see that there is not one side. And if you want more, please add a mobile version to it.

1st addition: 6 different sides for the computer, 6 different sides mobile version. Skіlki tse bude koshtuvati? Think for yourself - are there options?

2. Once the design has been created, there is a moment, so called layout of the site, if the programmer starts writing code to transfer the design to the site. Do not use charm sticks, so that the pictures are transformed into code. Tse dovga, a copy of the robot, yak takes a lot of time that strength. Maybe three months for 12 years of work. Sometimes less, but the essence does not change.

3. It is necessary to write texts, so that the stench of the reading room will be korisni. Those who are engaged in copywriting, say, how to write a text, which is relevant to the topic, so that people read it even before the text included keywords. Well, at least I could.

4. Other times you can have a photo shoot, to buy goods, or a person, looking out for the site.

5. І axis everything is ready. The site is shown to the deputy, and then those who don’t think about more will start. Let's start, let's try it. And let's try to put the qiu picture here, and qiu here. And let's try to make the phone bigger. And let's…. And let's...

Here, only a few of the most common options have been redeemed, but there are more, for example, the creation of an Internet store for 1000-5000 goods, de may pratsyuvati koshik, payment systems. That description of the goods can be buti yakіsnim.

if you need a good site and such a site, which will explain exactly why you need to pay more money,
come back here

Friends! We respect your respect: to correctly correct the text of the song, you need to see at least two words

In this text, there are still possible inaccuracies.
Bachis pardon? Write comments!

[Verse 1, Pharaoh]:
Respect the zagin, don't take the guards to the base.
We came, and I am bachiv, as if I were quiet.
Sponsor bags. I'm going to war. "Pharaoh wrong..."
So, yak vee, bitch, zbali threads!

I smoke a blunt. What the fuck? That you pishov nah!
Young mobile phone, I call, I need a plug.
Poviya is rich, a warehouse is needed. Є*їмїх, we need a plan.
Yak ti xanny, rock star? Icey neck f*cking stunt

I'll go to your bitch and she's ready, bro.
Skіlki bulo situation, shorazu let їy at the mouth.
Ale, I won’t turn around anymore, you can be calm, bro.
If the language is not about pennies, then you can go to th, bro!

I have a lot of right - more, more, even more right!
I have a lot of right - more, more, even more right!

I have a lot of right! Duzhe richly correct.
I have a lot of right! Duzhe richly correct.
I have a lot of right! Duzhe richly correct.

[Verse 2, Thirty-nine ta Pharaoh]:
I have a lot of rights,
Ale, not yet protverezіv.
The phone is not locked (never).
I'm throwing myself - kupa tіl (nі**ya).

On the table is a kreid (yaky).
Today, like a swaville (oh, so!)
I'm shifting and I'm starting
Adzhe sogodnі rich ref.

My robot is not your turbota!
Skіlki podnyav (skіlki?)
That ti is not bachiv style (cheap goof).
Do I need skilki? (Skіlki?)
So far I don’t know myself (I don’t know myself).
Ale, I'm sorry, what food
Tsey not vycherpuєmos (no way)!

[Prispіv, Pharaoh and Thirty-nine]:
I have a lot of right - more, more, even more right!
I have a lot of right - more, more, even more right!
I have a lot of right - more, more, even more right!
Don't waste my time! I have a lot of rights!

I have a lot of right! Duzhe richly correct.
I have a lot of right! Duzhe richly correct.
I have a lot of right! Duzhe richly correct.
I have a lot of right! Duzhe richly correct.

About the song Pharaoh - Bagato right

  • The rest of the publication in Instagram Stories Gliba, quote: "Like forever blind Siemens at The Doors merch-footballs from the images of the frontman - the right legend of that one of the rock gods of the last century Jim Morrison, share with us the joy of driving such a granny purchase, also a piece of his new composition.

    The 8th day is the most beautiful day for the fan base, if Pharaoh has released the experimental album "Pink Phloyd" for the first time, about some Glib rozpovіv schelka rokіv that. The name of the dress is similar to the name of the iconic British rock band "Pink Floyd", famous for its philosophical lyrics, acoustic experiments, innovations in album design and grandiose shows. In this rank, the Artist shows his inner musical vision in his present-day look. The track list of the plate includes 15 new tracks, on the guest verses you can almost feel Boulevard Depo, Mnogoznaal, Chemodan, Morty Mort, 39 recordings and find the quality of the instruments.

additional information

The text of the song Pharaoh - Bagato dil.
The author of the text: Pharaoh for the fate of THIRTY NINE.
Prod. By ColdSiemens.
Release label: Dead Dynasty.
Album "Pink Phloyd".
The author of the lining of the album: PRPL - designer of Dead Dynasty.
Official release date: Lipen, 2017.

Yogo roku - yogo wealth

Vakhtang KIKABIDZE: “Everything is mine - not too rich in me, but all the same - I wrote to the children and onuks and said: “You can even, if you want, take me out of the house, but if you have correctly twisted you, you won’t be able to cheat yet”

Part II


- On your first tour, like Vakhtang Bagrationi, let's go - why?

- Schob the director of the philharmonic society did not recognize - he rejected me, but the administrator pidijshov, who also sat on the thin side, and said: “I remember the nickname, I take it.” Shchos chirped at me, singsongly ... I was glad of my mother: What to work?. - "Take, - it seems, - mine - what can be better?". Tsya article dosі at me lie at home - at the single newspaper, as it barked to me: “You go thin nervous lad and rehearse with a hoarse voice at the microphone” - approximately so it was written in it (laugh).

- Smoke one cigarette after another - if smoking is no longer fashionable, and it is fenced everywhere. Do you seem addicted to cigarettes from nine years ago?

- 67 years of Kurt's experience! (rather).

- I do not want to throw?

- I can’t: I’m so sure that if I throw it, I’ll die right away. As if I had run out of cigarettes, and I screwed up the stash - turning the whole house upside down! It was really funny...

Why am I not talking to the blue? Do not smoke at the letak, but fly far to Canada - 10 years. Yakos vin phoned: “I have seen! Fly through Kiev - you are allowed to smoke in the cockpit of the pilot. I thought: chi is not enough? - And we with a retinue from Kiev violated the ocean. We got up in the air, the girls smiled at us, we got up, crouched down, cheered, then we let the stewardess go through the cabin, drink tea, cava ... I chirped: “And you have pilots, what to fire?” (This past year has passed). The stinks chimed in: "Why on the right?" - "I'm bad." - "I'm going to tell them." The lads called me: they thought I would smoke one cigarette and go. I have been sitting there for 10 years, the stench of yellow color has become! All the anecdotes, yakі knowing, їm rozpovіv, schob as if they endured, the stench of the troch did not get tired. We flew in a hurry, and in three months I turn back - and this time, that team itself! If they beat me, they began to shout: “Hi!”. (rather).

“Smoke a lot, and drink it?”

- Well, I've been drinking - God forbid, drink a moment of goodness!

- Chachu?

- Chacha, gorilka - it's important. Wine is not too fond of - through a virazka.

- So, wine is not allowed for virazniks, but chacha - 70 degrees is possible?

— 74! (Smiling).

- Don't you drink now?

- Not allowed.

- Vipivka if it was a problem for you?

- Ni. From the table, not stumbling, getting up, with your feet, and there was no hangover syn-rum: tea is drunk - everything is fine, I work.

- Could you take bagato on your chest?

- Up to three dances.

- Chachi?

— For one sitting?!

- You are a hero!

- Hero of the Radian Union! (Smiling).

“We lived like that, roaring, and walked like that, for the whole cat. Once Danelia and Leonov came to me at the hotel "Rosiya" at night. I love Zhenya, and my sprinyatti is the great and kind Cheburashka. It's marvelous, but for the sake of the intoxicated, you won't tell anything curious about the new one (all the same, it's still the hour of bedtime), but we were kindly sent to God and the year before the third night, twice and twice a day, we relocated to the new house.

I know the strength for steel, we continue, i, dumb ghost, at the white no shirt Yogo's squad, Lyuba Sokolova, come in and kindly ask like this: "Gієchko, Bubochka, well, don't drink more." Raptom Daneliya in anger takes a pistol and shoots at her mayzhe vpritul. Lyuba is falling... I have cut through the mittevo, rushing to her with a flicker, I think - having killed! Reveal my camp? There were signs of the nobility that the pistol was gas, but Lyubochka did not appear: she was no less a miraculous actress - the holy woman was a pure angel.


“There was a lot of talk about you a little bit of your time, for example, that in Kenya you have a black-haired daughter, a little girl.

- Kenya? No feeling.

- What did you hear about yourself? Why are you not Georgians, but Virmen?

- It was entrusted to navit ce bulo, and the nickname was said to be funny - Sarkisyan is like that. (laugh).

At Chicago, I remember, there was a concert going on: a full house, a hall for three thousand months to damage the crowds... “My Jews, live forever” I sing, and in rapt that woman from her third row of people shouts in the first place: “Monya, and Vakhtangchik is ours!”. (Laugh).

- You, I know, six times sleep New river a chic yalinka was forced ...

- ...yalinka, yes.

- What is the story, Vakhtang Konstantinovich?

- Well, if it happened before, we already took our nylon, as if standing at home, and then the ring at the door, I am the lad, rokiv 16-17, with a living yalinka. Not knowing, maybe, whose apartment: they gave him pennies - wine and money. "Uncle Vakhtang, do you live here?" - "Yes, but what is it?". - "From handed over." - "Who?" - “I don’t know this person - she paid me, said pick up.”

I became so welcome! - they cleaned up the piece, took away my life ... I then asked the city: “Maybe, chtos chuv, who could be a moment?”. Nothing, nothing... Rik having passed - they sent a new yalinka, for a new one. We already called, we didn’t take ours, we knew that such a gift would be, and after five or six years we didn’t get it in rapt ...

Once in the liquorary, I saw it - the fruit is like a bite, more and more. From the elevator to the vikhodzhu - you still need to go through a couple of descents, so that you can climb on top of it, and at the descents there is an urn and a sprat of the sick was not allowed to smoke. I zanіs fruit and smoke wiyshov, but there was already one person standing there - one cigarette for a vikin, a friend to burn, at a tracksuit, thin ... I asked: “Can you smoke?”. Vin: "Ni, categorically." I’m a castle, but I’m so surprised at me ... “I,” having said, “can’t make you yalinka anymore.” I’ll guess - and infect at once the one at the throat ... I became so shameful! Cancer in a new buv ... Vin, maybe, as if from fox poov'azaniya - for fakh. (Zithaє). Miraculous speeches in life are slinging for an hour, right?

- And the viraz is like this: “A million for a laugh” - you have such a laugh, for a million you can win, and not one ...

(Laugh). That garazd...

- Sounds tse? Mom smiled so much?

- I'm more like a dad, maybe, look like a new one.

- Did you know what your armor was, if you dealt with women?

- No-e-e...

- It didn’t hurt to leave, huh?



- Is it true that you died in Claudia Ivanivna Shulzhenko?

- Truth. Duje! She was Olga Voronet's wife, and I asked Olya: "Know me with her!" There were two people like that, they were pretending to be like that in the morning: that Juliet Mazina over there is an ugly woman.

- ...offend negarious ...

- ... well, like actresses! We went to her ...

- ... at a small two-room apartment ...

Yes, I asked for tea. I knew that I was going to Africa, the woman said: “Vakhtang, I

I ask you to bring a bottle of Ma Grif, ”the perfume was like that. Shukav їх - I don’t know anywhere: they appear, they stopped selling. At the skin border, I am good perfumes kupuvav - tsiliy teddy bear Claudii Ivanivnі brought, and all the way out - "Ma Vulture" joking. I opened my hands: "It didn't bubble." Extra-class spіvachka Bula!

- And Bernes, and Utyosov?

— Did you know them?

- I got to know Bernes at the elevator. We often went to that very booth - we were friends with my father-in-law's brother. I, I remember, have dublyantsi buv - brought from Bulgaria. Having said: “You don’t need annual bonuses, the country, what you need, let me know, but I need to know one sheepskin coat.”

- Well, what kind of Georgian without a sheepskin coat?

- So, and here at the elevator I was in niy Bernes having a drink. Asked: “Can you get stuck?”. I sweated, I didn’t deserve it, and the axis on one version seems to be. If they came to the very quiet doors, they squealed: “Are you going to Georgy Yakovich?”. I nodded...

- ... but I didn’t recognize you?

“Hi, then I’ve already understood,” they said to you, maybe, but Utyosov ... I thought all the time: “Isn’t it possible for life to have mercy on me, if I don’t want to squeeze your hand once?” The first axis at the Central House of Arts is sabantuy, I am standing with my colleagues and I am talking and rapping: everyone turned around - Utyosov ide. Poorly walking already, and after him - tsiliy natovp, and vin so ishov-shov-ishov, just pidishov before me and saying: “Vakhtangchik, you are no longer Vakhtang Kikabidze, you are Vakhtang Bernes!”. That pishov. (Laugh). I'm so lucky! Mabut, thinking, I'm robbing correctly.

- All the same, a generation of cicadas was booming: Shulzhenko, Utyosov, Bernes ...

- Douge!

- It's been around them, right? - there won't be any...

- Not at all. First, what to write? In another way, what do they sleep? How am I supposed to play American music, will I become an American?

- Banal food: I declare that it’s not like you’re on the attack, but the whole hordes of women-chanuvals followed you ...

(rather). Drunk!

- Did your wife have a lot of money?

- Think so.

— І big kohannya bulo?

- Ni. I don’t feel like me, but I’m monogamous - with a century of wisdom. At the same time, I have a different syndrome: I’m afraid that if Irina is alone, without me, she’s left, nothing happened to her - I’ve been calling for the whole hour, I know, how to handle it ...

- You have a beautiful squad - a ballerina.

— Well, are we grown up now, wiser? I call, and get angry: “Why are you making me laugh? - As long as you don’t know, don’t mess with me! ".

From the magazine "Collection" Caravan of stories ".

“They gave everything like everyone else: the pinnacle rushed, as if accompanying success, - interviews, photo shoots, television broadcasts ... women's garni- hug me, but I won’t tremble about you. Maybe the women loved me, because they didn’t pawn them, even though they were, and that, and walk, Vasya. Who is smaller, who is greater, but all men, which is not a secret for anyone, unfortunately, not without sin: it is important to live right. I can only say one thing: I’ve died, I can honestly know, deprive and drink everything, don’t give up the life of a close person, children, but we and my retinue at once plus or minus five hundred years - and work the visnovki.

In our show business, it often happens that friends take one squad from one, run around here and there ... First, close people Obrazhati rights do not mind. If you’ve died, honestly say - go, you don’t need to fight for an apartment anymore, but I respect it so much - maybe not right, I don’t know.

I marveled at the transmission: in capitalist countries, the lives of people of a frail age have become more frequent - the stink of a variant of vigaduyut - and die at once. It was said in a slyly outrageously way, and I thought: sing-songly, these children have their own families and they stink no more about their fathers. It doesn’t suit me if you give a frail age to the houses for people: it’s scary. I am all my own - not much richer in me, but all the same, I gave birth to children and onuks. Having signed everything and saying: “You can, if you want, take me out of the house, because I ...

- ... the goal was sokil ...

“So, and now everything is going to lay you down, and even if you have twisted you correctly, until you get it.” It’s better to sign up at once, what to whom, why can the stink of potim be overcooked?

- Don't they chip yet?

(Laugh). For now, don't know.


- If I asked, if you want to see Larisa Ivanivna, like before, and you said that the right person, as long as he walks on this earth, is guilty ...

- ... if you want Larisa Ivanivna to die - without any life, stupid!

- Do you want Larisa Ivanivna?

Yes, I want it anyway! (Laugh).

— What are your children doing now?

- The senior at Canada - the new one has a mustache there. Donka Marina worked at the Tbilisi Theater named after Shota Rustaveli, starred in some films as a talented person, and her son Georgiy, my senior onuk, worked at the oil corporation Socar, becoming a director of gas - Georgia. Having ended the university near London, having taken over in Canada - such a sensible one ... Vakhtang, an average onuk, is up to the father, maybe, then - you want to become a sound engineer, but there you are good. I say: “It’s like a tick, it’s great,” and the youngest, Ivan, is studying at an American school. I think we’ll see to my brother - we’ll call him the other way: such a man, it doesn’t seem rich ... Recently he came to me: “I want to work.” I ask: “Navіscho?”. - "Well, yak? If you had a penny in the gut - you can't ask the father unhandedly."

- Do children help you financially?

- I want to, but I don’t take a penny from them - as long as I can earn money myself, now? Don't ask for anything in me.

- Do you give yourself?

- If it is necessary and possible. I knew that a young onuk computer would be needed, having bought such a happy wine! Stink good lads, adore your grandmother, love me ...

- You, Vakhtang Konstantinovich, you are already a wise person, but what is the sense of life, for the sake of which it is worth living, today have already understood?

- I told you about the Shevtsa?

- No...

- On the Moscow channel "Culture" such a program - "Islands" is called: all stories from life bringing people. They phoned me: "I want to make a 45-year-old documentary film about you." I was asleep: “About what? Come up with, and I will say so chi. Well, the editor explained everything - such a wise woman, Tanya Korbut. "Come, - I say, - and I will tell you what life is like."

Zagalom, the group came for the next day, we were at the city, the houses, de zavgodno knew. The rest of the day is already sitting at home, and Tanya asks in rapt: “Vakhtang Kostyantinovich, do you have close friends among businessmen?” I: "Є", but on the contrary, there is a small booth for a booth - small, like a closet. She has Parkinson’s ailment - she doesn’t eat wine anymore, she suffers ... Before, we were friends with him, she was 15 years older for me. "Tse, - I say, - my friend, the new business has a big business" - and I will show you to the booth. "Can you talk to him?" - “Of course, we’ll go to the office right away.”

Probably, vin iz kontsya: “A-ah-ah, Buba-jan! Hello" (vin vіrmenin tbіlіskiy). I to youmu: “Hello, Sandro. The axis is less important to the channel "Culture" came, squawk, what is life like, ”and unwritten, but wise! - saying: "Tse food to inspire Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy, it was bulo." The editor didn’t shy away a little - so that film will end.

- Can't you tell me about the new one?

- For the sake of what, varte, vlasne ...

- Well, for the sake of little Oleksandri ( great granddaughters. — D. G.), for the sake of children. Well, it’s not a fool to say: “Plant a tree, wake up a budinok, sleep a song” ... I’m happy: I’ll take care of it, what do I need, - I’m very happy, even if everything could have been otherwise, right? That's why I won't say...

— Are you satisfied with your health?

- Call of dissatisfaction (Smiling wildly)- God punishes me for me. Chantly, yakіs sins є - I can’t yet understand only, yakі myself. Once every two days, the “batteries” are “charged” for me - if you respect the nirks without turning, but already at once ...


- Dekіlka rokіv to that I have an interview with the brilliant cartoonist Boris Єfimov. Yomu was 107 years old (died at 108 wines), and I said: “Vibachte, as my food will be tactless to you. Are you afraid of death? Vin smiled: “Well, the food is absolutely innocent - you can put yoga on anyone.” I am sleeping with you, Vakhtang Kostyantinovich...

“The only thing I can say is: I don’t want to die in such a way as to hurt someone.” If a recumbent ailment is at a booth, it’s important for those close to you. And the people, like to death, like to the holy, lie down - in Latin America ...

- Asia...

- ... so, and I'm not afraid: I have my own philosophy. Yakby, I was not born, we didn’t talk about this topic - it’s good luck that we came into the world, enjoy our lives, we sing songs, we write, we work more, we gave birth to children, we swung. Treba buti vdyachnym for those who show up. It's easier to die, less born, maybe (chuckles)- Well, I wrote a song to the axis of the squad ... Well, I guess the text backwards, and then we’ll already have music, and I’ll sleep there like this:

My dear, mothers of my children,

Granny onukiv my!

I ask the Almighty

die first,

Sob don't wipe your tears.

Druzhina: You will not sleep! - "What?" - "The word "grandmother" clean up!". (rather).

Yak Vishishniy vyrishit, so it will be ...

- On the Internet, you were repeatedly “praised” - they wrote: “Vakhtang Kikabidze died” ...

- ... so I know.

- How were they set up to what?

- One friend of mine said: "If you meet the third time, everything will be fine," and for a few days I will renew the "goodbye" ... To the woman, as such information was spread, my friends went - and what? "And I fired ...".

From the magazine "Collection" Caravan of stories ".

“I was introduced to the title of People's Artist... My uncle Jano Bagrationi was lying at the liquorary and saying: “I won’t believe it until I get papier.” Arriving before the new one and sleeping, recognizing that there is no more uncle, and less than nothing in the middle, they hit the skull with an important blow - having fallen into an indefatigable. Well, it’s not a sound to get to the doctors, but that’s not the case: we’re at the old city, right on the square, absolutely fantastic program “Old Tiflis” from 25 concerts in Mali imagine ...

So the whole month stretched out. Before, what is head bіl, not knowing the nobility, but here it began to be scary. Becoming jealous of the vtrachati, when walking skidded, his hands were shaking, he couldn’t drink wine in a moment, so as not to slosh, where to fit!

The rest of the concert ended, I lay down, but I didn’t know how to do it anymore - they opened a cyst in my brain. The doctor in Tbilisi worked on the operation: carry, deliver, to Moscow - if Buba dies on my table, then I don’t live in Georgia. They stuffed me with less faces and ruled at the Burdenka Institute. Oleksandr Mikolayovich Konovalov, big man and a brilliant doctor-neurosurgeon having shown that the operation required a lot of work, but he was ready to take a risk, wanting more than one hundred for those that everything went through successfully, I won’t give. I said to the friends: “Abo pan, abo znik. Sign the year, otherwise I’ll become disabled, I won’t be able to sleep, I won’t live better, don’t take anesthesia.”

In the evening before the operation, I call the Moscow artist Misha Bakushev: “Come, be vip'emo here - tomorrow you can be drunk again.” They gave the watchman a penny, went, got drunk good (before speech, if beer, the head hurt less). Vranci likar smelled the smell, marveling at the dokor.

- What is the price, doctor? - I asked.

Vin proclaimed. The anesthesiologist with a majestic syringe in the hands of the wives, the "atomic bomb" is called. I, in order to get jitters, jittery namagavsya:

- Can I ask the doctor, so that the cowards do not know?

- And you trim їх mіtsnіshe - the orderlies do not get in trouble, - pіdtrimav vіn.

After anesthesia at night, I came to you - having tried to understand, on which one I am bright, and after posting in white in the fog. A reproach hung over me with whiskers and spoke Georgian in a feminine voice. Well, I guess he died! Remembering that in the Moscow likarni lying - the stars of the Georgian language got here? - and inhaling the smell of greased cowbass with a rapt nose. Zovsіm not sweaty, earthly and so manly - to growl in the stomach: the doba is hungry. No, I guess, how alive.

"Headache? - again, in our opinion, the Georgian nurse was asleep. - Don't you wear a spacesuit?" So you fall. It appeared, having finished the drawing, the doctors, out of the throat, sipped it with greased cowbass. They poured me a troch of water, I sipped the toast and raptom remarked, so don’t shake your hands!

If they allowed me to eat, Daneliya came to me, brought the trigger: "Well, dear, get better - you yourself have healed." I have someone at the throat: Gia! Myself! Boil the chicken! I don’t know, I figured it out: even a moment, just ask for a squad. Bachu, to wash the leftover fir from the triggers - not to show such a thing, but to show it without giving a look, їv with an appetite, without grimacing - how to make a friend? From that hour, respect for those good, filthy birds are obskuban, having ceased to hunt.

In the face of negligence, lying on the liquor's bed, the first scenario was predicted, then we'll play a new comedy "Be healthy, dear!", which I took off in 1983 at the festivals in Gabrovo Grand Prix.

They signed me, they handed me a paper about disability (I don’t remember what a group), and everything is impossible - smoke, drink, sleep, rich, that I walked along the wall, but the finale was inexplicable, mystical. After the operation, I suddenly dreamed a wondrous dream: a faceted glass, a soldier’s, from a greenish vibe, brimming with a burnt edge. I didn’t see it in a moment, I’ve already stood in front of my eyes the day before, and I didn’t drink self-harm.

At Tbilisi, near Novyiy Rik mi and Iroy turned, at the booth, everything was ready for the first time. Nishok from one dance Borjomi waving, pouring burners there, remembering її. If you have strength for the steel, I filled the bottle to the brim - so that the axis-axis rolls: just like a bachelor wind, i - sacks! - To the bottom in one gulp. It hit me like a stump - falling down (for months without drinking in the fire).

Ira sniffed the flask, telephoned Konovalova with a gasp, she sat at the new table, and the same, poor, did not fall a little. Having said: "If you are alive, then let it go." Vrantsi prokinuvsya - live more for all the living, and for a few days sweat at home at night for watering on the vtіk. As always, with your best friend Guram Meliva - a miraculous opera director (the kingdom of you heavenly! - I’ve been guilty of life recently, and I’ve spent a great and great part of myself). To diversify your desires, so that I can walk, and for nine years I’m blue. Turning around, I saw the finishing touches on the pieces, tearing: “That's it, I'm not disabled!”.

- If you know that you are writing a book of memoirs under the name “Disguise of Caucasian nationality” ...

- Hotiv, but then it became unhandy: I ​​already had a lot of friends, I didn’t deserve to be like that, - now? Calling in the next book, I immediately called the whole book “Voni” - they have more about them, lower about me. The novels were written like this - about rich people of different nationalities.

— Did you add it already?

- No, but a little lost. I didn’t get on with the book for two years, but at the same time I started talking about this topic again with the witnesses. I shouted: "Let's lay down the agreement - and in a month I'll give you a book, I'm ready."

- Tsіkava come out? More precisely, you pratsyuvati over her cicavo?

“I didn’t want to take care of her, they encouraged me ... I don’t like it if I write memoirs: “I thought”, “I slayed”, and if I guessed one story, I quickly realized: through me, I needed to show these people writing fast. Two thirds can already be friendlier, one third is here (showing), in my head, but until I agree to an agreement, I won’t break the big and the same. I, rudely seeming, I can voice the price: “Cost a ruble, buy it - you’ll earn a million”, but it’s more serious to sit at the vidavnitstvah - you know better for me.


- In your youth, you become an artist with a sword - are you contagious?

- No way. I, honestly seem to be, always caricatured - why, unreasonably. Often to friends-artists goja, the stench of undead vipovzayut ...

“Georgia has wonderful artists...

- So, if the little ones start, I say: “Well, you are happy!” (laugh). Eat old bread, preserve it all the same.

— Adzhe vy y virshi wrote, didn't they?

- Wrote...

- What about now?

- Well, if the song is necessary, but not the lyrics - so, the texts are rimmed. For the first time, I’ll “poetically” no more than five songs foreshadowing - everything is more popular now! Two dances of the burner helped. (Spivaє):

I don't like old people

naughty, nudgy,

I do not like quiet, to cry,

sleep freely.

People's life is given

talki for flour,

You in front of the share

live in abundance!

Summer robbers,

dear falcons,

Fighters are beautiful

passion guards,

So live, hello

life is a shvidkoplinne!

Please yourself

aje won't last forever.

- Your verses?

- My. I’m like Nazarbayev’s boo, and asked me: “Sing this song, Vakhtang.” - "Yaku?" - "Old robbers" (laugh).

- I'll turn wildly to you. Millions of people, like your unique timbre to love the voice ... Maybe, before the speech, and love, that there is no one else like this ...

- Do you want me to drink now?

- So!

- Tsyu song my mother slept - I only remember sleeping. Let me translate, about what. "Vardi" - tse "troyanda", "bulbuli" - nightingale. (Sing in Georgian). Russian tse sound like this:

Pelyustki fell from the beautiful Trojans,

and the nightingale began to cry loudly,

but it seems to sing: “Do not cry, nightingale,

that spring will come

And I’ll reopen the Trojan”...

I am an optimist and I believe that everything will be fine - both with us and with you. Those who are contagiously seen in our culture are not forever, they need to live with song, love for their neighbor and pogogo to the suside.

- Today, such a rose has developed with us - for an hour tears shone in your eyes. Do you cry often?

- I remember that if I marvel at the film, where do children see it, tears will come: it’s not on the screen. Vіkove, singsongly ... Buvaє ...

- To Vakhtang Kostyantinovich, I thank you for the interview...

- ... navpaki - I'm a vdyachny ...

- You do not reverse the explanations of anecdotes, and to finish our rozmov on a major note, I want to ask you, under the veil, like a rose...

- I would not be happy, but how can I replace the word?

- And we'll put specks ...

- Well, good. SRSR, the hour of the guilds, the villains, the Jewish house, the ring at the door. Viyshov gospodar - a respectable man with a raincoat, with a coat, with a briefcase, stand. "Who do you want?" - "I'm with OBHSS." Gospodar zblid, blue: "And what is it?". - “Me tsikavo, do you have a home photo album?”. - “Eh, but what about you?”. - "Then they sent me your family visit: I'm afraid to let someone through."

As if you knew a pardon in the text, see it with a mouse and press Ctrl + Enter

Today, we consulted with a photographer. Tetyana Nevmerzhytska she told about her work, her creative career, and also revealed some professional secrets.

— Tell me, how did you become a photographer? Why did the profession itself graft?
- I loved taking pictures forever, but I didn’t see before. My tato was a amateur photographer. Maybe, there were signs on me. During my youth there were no digital cameras. I took a picture of a small Kodak milnichka and radiated skin manifestations of a swimmer, a distant skin photo. If our first blue was born, I took pictures on the digital millet. However, if the wines were blown, it became not possible to work through an even better autofocus. Cholovik giving Persh a mirror. Vaughn overcame the problem with the lack of focus, but not with the blurryness of the photographs. And I wanted good quality photos of my little one. Then I realized that on the right, it’s no less technical. You need to read.

- Did you specifically learn here that you mastered everything yourself?
– I completed a basic photography course in one of the Kiev photo schools, and then rushed off. There is a great amount of practice, work on pardons and constant self-development - micro, workshops, video lessons.

- How has photography changed your world?
- Perebuvayuschie at the maternity leave, the soul vimagala creativity. After the course of photography, an avalanche broke through the creative work, as if for a long time I was hovering over all the figures and laws. I hoarded photography, so for a year I opened my photo school with my colleague - a photo studio near Kiev.

- Tell me, what is the best thing for a robotic photographer?
- Move the frame farther away, press the shutter release first.

— And how can a mother be a good photographer?
- I remember bachiti. Capture a good moment in a reportage scene, catch an important plot, catch the light, catch an emotion, know a good angle - it all fits in one and mainly for the photographer’s skill: remember bachiti.

- Tell me about the main and most important poses for a photo, as you can see the difference.
- Calling - the whole thing is even more individual. Everything should be stored depending on what mood the photographer wants to convey. I like to be alive, unimpressed, pose, if the person does not pose, but simply live at the frame. But there is a need for more reporting. Well, I photograph, mainly, artistically staged shots and here the production is dictated by the team that I want to convey my photography. I think that all poses in my photographs should be universal.

— What can be an ideal photograph? Do you have one?
- The skin has its own ideals and parameters of ideality. I may love photography. Ale, I, perhaps, haven’t broken my ideal yet.

- How do you put yourself in black and white photographs? Why is it special?
- I love black and white photography. Yakіsnі, and not just a photo or about what I claim to be a masterpiece (there are also a lot of them). I am not depressive - about that grief. And radiance, light photos, how to live and convey the mood of the moment. The charm of black and white in the fact that the stench helps glyadachevі smooch the essence of the image, as the photographer wants to convey. The stench tidy up all the zayva tinsel, yak vodvolіkaє us from the head. I myself do not often photograph black-and-white photos and reports in a blur (hiba scho my family, children). I have to create my own pictures, visualize the image, as if adding elements of a fairy tale to everyday life. I am not a photographer who documents reality. I am a photographer of what I create. Ale yak spozhivach (being on the same lens) I already appreciate such lively pictures. Our recent family photo shoot was just like this style: a lively light report in bw style in our home. Only emotions and nothing else.

- How the broken photos do not fit the model, whose fault is it? Have you had such a temper?
— There are different situations. Є models, yakі do not fit themselves and in life: і nіs wash, і talії nemaє, і tovsta butt. Don’t take a picture of such, but the photographer is to blame. And є people, like to love themselves in life. With such it is easy that just pratsyuvati. Ale, how to get to the photographer, which is “not to succumb” - write wasted. You can take a picture in such a way that a friend of yours will show up at the harp and harmonic in life people, bring in kilograms and a dozen rokiv for addition. To my delight, I did not have a good mood, if the client became dissatisfied with my work. Buli prohannya deshcho correct some retouching, ale, zagalom, the results of all were satisfied.

— Tell me, how to properly prepare for a photo shoot? How to overcome rubbish?
- Naygolovnіshe - formulate those that you want to see, show photos. It is necessary to add a photo to the photographer's portfolio: what can you do? Let them relax, fully and completely trust the professionals. Don't let yourself do your work, and you just get rid of your satisfaction. Before the very winter, it is necessary to have a good sleep (so that there were no red eyes and dark eyes), a good meal (hungry indiscretions were also sharpened), viїhati zazdalegіd (the hour of the photographer that photographic studio rented value is not limitless). Like a studio photo shoot, do not save on professional make-up and even the smallest ones: the studio light mercilessly show all the smallest details of your coat, if you can, you want to take it. You can take your favorite music for a living, it will help you to relax and get out of a stifled state.

— What would you like to take a picture of? Chi whom?
— I already have a lot of ideas: on the basis of recently read books, looked at films and quiet things that just popped into my head. The stench is all neatly outlined and checks to their hour. For the time being, I am at maternity leave with my youngest son. I have no more than enough time for the realization of what I have planned, but for all my daring. I won’t hurry up and I’ll be happy with the exact camp of the right.

— Give a sprat of joy to photographers-pochatkivtsyam. How to achieve success in your right?
- Appoint from directly, which one is the most appropriate and go out. And farther to develop and deepen into the new. Whatever you say, it's impossible to be a high-class photographer in all genres overnight. Obviously, for the soul, you can take pictures of local sights, subjects, and reports. Ale, the main straight line, where the photographer is positioned, may be alone. Vіd tsogo to lay and self-illumination, і tsіlova audience, і prosuvannya.

Tetyano, for the interview. We wish you new and creative ideas for photos, a lot of energy and positive emotions.

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