Ballet nurіїv kasovano. Gay scandal at the great theatre. ZMI version: Medinsky spoke out against the propaganda of homosexuality

At the Great Theatre, the world's premiere of the ballet "Nureyev" was announced. On the 11th lime near the head theater of the country, they first showed the production of Kiril Serebrennikov and Yuri Possokhov, and then Don Quixote appeared at the billboard. We celebrated the premiere of the Great, which triumphantly completed the Chergovy season, before that, the performance of Kiril Serebrennikov, before that, the ballet, dedications to the great Nuriyev, which was the number of ducks from the SRSR and confirmed his status as a star at Sunset. So it was about Nuriev’s turn to the Fatherland, let him go after death, but all the same it’s not enough to become a triumphant turn, the TV channel “SVIT 24” is appointed.

They all started talking in a flash, it’s all for a reason, like the famous “zhzhzh” in the cartoon about Winn the Pooh, more, it’s clear, who cares, what did they say to the premier through її unpreparedness? It’s not for anyone, but because of censorship - it’s for everyone, more importantly, that Kiril Serebrennikov was entrusted with it, which, one might say, is already a “victim to the regime” that has become a victim, shorter seemingly, one to one.

The general director of the Great Volodymyr Urin competes with the cim. “It’s not just a ballet performance, like we had a “Hero of Our Hour”, a performance, in a choir, opera soloists, that great masking, surrounding the ballet warehouse dance. I want to make more respect for you - to let go of chotiri vistavi, we need two, and rather three warehouses of vikonavts. Who is the shortest, who is the worst. Even more problematic was everything that was troubling the corps de ballet. We marvel at the turmoil of what Bachimo is,” Volodymyr Urin, general director of the Great Theater, explained.

It's not so easy to take that kasuvati premier from the Great. First, they checked it, stained pennies, moreover, on the offending sides of the curtain - the theater of that yoga pіkluvalniki, the lookers were already bathing the cloth, before that, having spent chimalі pennies on tickets, and raptom "Don Quixote" as a replacement. Tickets can be given to cashier.

“Spend your reputation through the skasuvannya vistavi, insanely, є. We ce rozumієmo, but for us the quality of vistavi is important. It is important for us to work yoga like a chico. There are no financial expenditures, for that we have replaced the wistava, and the wistava, on the basis of spent pennies, will be spent for a few months, ”signifying Urin.

Yes, it's true, and ti, who is already ready to put up a monument to the premier, who didn't come. Nibito the reason for the skasuvannya, as it did not sound like a kerіvnitstvo theater, is the propaganda of an unconventional kokhannya. Ale, it turns out, it’s not a secret, and inevitably, speaking about Nureyev, you need to talk about those, like vin buv.

“Tsya vistava already wilted, and mottled! Vіn є! It will be in the hearts of people, like magic, like what to say, ”- Igor Tsvirko, the soloist of the Great Theater, reconsidered.

“There are no words ... Having just fallen in love with the role, having begun to get used to the performance, everything began to take shape, and in a second your little life you have to root out. It's better for an artist," - Vladislav Lantratov, soloist of the Great Theater.

“The premiere of the ballet “Nureyev” was not held. Bravo to the artists of the Great Theatre!” Oleksandr Voytyuk, soloist of the Great Theatre, added.

“Everything was over, without having caught a roar…”, Kateryna Shipulina, prima ballerina of the Great Theater, said.

The theater announces that the premiere will not take place in 2018.

Tsya staging for equal suspіlnoї respect can be compared with the old noise, which appeared at the same Great Opera “Children of Rosenthal”, if “Nashi” protested against the libreto. And behind the spread of "scandalous" predilections, the atmosphere turned into an "a" craving for a Hollywood blockbuster.

Ale golovne, this story is to speak provocatively about today's Russia.

The very specialty of that biography of the protagonist can call forth a tooth-grinding in a different kind of “okhorontsiv pidvalin”. Adzhe Nureyev all life on tradition - no matter what kind - nachhati hotiv.

The excitement for about two premieres of the ballet was such that the directorate of the theater foresaw a special procedure for the sale of tickets - the ones for passports. It’s not only that the great one will drink, that really the premiere is small to pass a few months in that,

but at the last moment, after the general rehearsal, under the drive, that the corpse, through the entanglement of another robot, did not catch the rehearsal of the dance like a trace (the director firmly standing on his own, wanting a version of pro right reasons fence went richly.

And not only to the fact that the stage director of the ballet Kirilo Serebrennikov, who, fortunately, managed to stage "Nureyev" as a whole, now sit under house arrest, allow for the opportunity to practice, and the performance was let out at once without it.

Until the end of the summer, skasovanoy, premiere the ballet on its own, circling, okrim ballet lovers, hiba scho lovers of "midnight" on the stage: a photo of naked Rudolf, high it's only a few seconds - it's a buzz.

Nutrition “would you not tell about Nureyev-gay?” - Kaif near the square.

Tsikaviv is not a ballet, but the context of a dovkol ballet. The relish of the harvested fruit. Whispers on the sidelines.

The next premiere after the arrest is accepted by the general public as an action on yoga support, which the theater wants. Shouts of "Bravo, Kirilo" on splashes, one would like to think, will feel like a director. And the graffiti on the back of the stage, de it is written K.Serebr, as a decision of a number of people from the production team to bow to the T-shirts with a portrait of Serebrennikov and the inscription “Freedom to the director”, leading the vistavu from the art to the suspіlny vchinku.

Ale vistava appeared in such a way that varto speak about her herself.

The ballet about Rudolph in Moscow is a geographical marvel. Nureyev - the figure of St. Petersburg rose. His biography, before his return from the tour in France, is connected with the Leningrad ballet school, de vin learned, with the Kirov (nine Mariinsky) theater, de vin served.

But the idea of ​​a ballet about a famous dancer came from the Great. The name was suggested by the team: the composer, director Kirilo Serebrennikov and the uninterrupted author of the idea - the choreographer (the directorate of the DABTu asked them to stage a performance suddenly, following the success of the first project - the ballet "The Hero of Our Hour"). On the obkladinci of the program there is a date for the life of Rudolph and it is written: "Until the 80th anniversary of the day of the people."

Nureyev is one of two ballet light stars from the Soviet Socialist Republic (the other, obviously, Barishnikov), named after a skin type.

Ale smut - the life of a dancer, who, for his exuberant vdacha and stupid character, was nicknamed the "wild beast of the vital", more effective and theatrical moments. Prote directors did not follow the second path “having been born, having begun, having made friends.”

Serebrennikov, who is also a screenwriter, and set designer, and did his best to work. The spivauthors wisely focused on the knotty moments. The stench took Nurev's biography as a point of reference - and put together a performance that could be called a cool journalistic slogan, which was born after the history of the flow of "scoop" in the Parisian airport.

The ballet "Nureyev" is, obviously, the story of a haircut to freedom. To freedom "vіd" - and to freedom "to".

Live your life to the point of being able to, and not impose the kimos of life. To the mania of diverse creativity that overwhelms the dancer with three-man performances on the river. All the details of the biography, victoria in which not to inspire ballets, but to the dance, dramas and operas invented by the Serebrennikov conglomerate, work on such an idea.

Composer Illya Demutsky, after his words, creating the score at the order of the choreographer: write with emotions, so that your soul was tearing up. Music, like the orchestra of the Great Theater engraved by the director’s creed, is hardly audible, but it’s ideal for a biopic ballet: the author is simple, even without irony, using ready-made clichés that you need to create a picture.

Demutsky himself speaks about “primitive, suffocating music” in the episode of the Leningrad ballet school, about “patriotic joyful song that suffocates”, about a mix of decadent classical ballet dances that flow one into one and back - so we are told about the crown of the party.

More waltzes and marches, citations by Mahler, generalizations of Lully and Rameau and jazz and saxophone. And everything is pokirno to sound at the foot. Crimea summary Tatar song, which blames the key moments of life.

The idea of ​​guessing a biography through the hero's speeches, which are sold posthumously at auctions, is not new at the ballet theater.

Ale in the Ninishniy Vistava – a cross-prism of the real posthumous auctions of Nureyev – is dramaturgically practicable. The most famous character in the ballet is the auctioneer (), who sells documents, paintings, furniture and specialties of Nureyev Island.

For sale is a student of Rudolf's success, and on the stage of the dance class of the Leningrad ballet school named after Vaganova, with conjunctural changes - in front of Khrushchov - portraits of the leaders on the wall and the unchanging routine of the shchenny exercise.

With the talent of his young center Rudik, with a tuft - he robbed himself with a tuft, which, rushing onto the stage, into the show, and rudely writes a partner.

At the auction, there is an intimate note, and on the stage it blows from a brutal Scandinavian - a colleague, a mentor in the profession and a kohanian in life, a contrasting people, equal to Nurevim, as a kind. Virazniy (Brun) to the black and confusion Vladislav (Nureyev) to the white.

Possokhov's choreography is marvelous here: how can one reach the door of eroticism at once and instill an unparalleled sincere, artistic breath? If you start talking about dancing ballet, then the stench is crushed by a sung hand, as if to understand the unbanal combination of classical steps. And the pre-rechny plastic intonation, which is given to the splendid one, has an unseen sensation, and to the sing- al one, to give an unfavorable angle.

A typical for Serebrennikov is the sarcastic-social scene in Le Bourget, if the fatherland, as forcibly pulling the artist in a chipped embrace, is inserted into the state-owned woman’s choir in plush cloth, with a soloist (), which is stamped with a song about love to the fatherland.

And in Europe - in the life of life, among young people in ready-to-wear suits, partying with riches with a fur coat on a goal, winking with the company of charmingly vicious (“seductive”, as it is said in the libretto) transvestites at the Boulogne Fox.

The attendants of the "Gogol-Center" all the time were counting deacons, here and there, on the way to the "Muller Machine". I, nareshti, the capture of a naked Rudolf from the photographer Avedon, So, the famous photograph with a naked body full face, hit summer rehearsals, which are sourly discussed, now do not loom in the eyes. Naytsіkavіshe at the projection zrіzaє line of the window.

You can think hotly, what is it, with warm and angry relish, you will be until the finale: it is not enough to impress the eccentric Nureyev genius in life! I want to love yoga, not only for the price. But another act is changing on the right.

The auctioneer, who told a story about life, now it's about creativity. Nastaє low paraphrasing Possokhov of the roles of Nureyev. Looks like a "baroque" ballet "Bach's Suite", here presented as a shaky apotheosis a la the seventeenth century. With the departure of the King-Sun with his retinue, with a pair of loosened fluff and gunpowder with a countertenor at the golden mass. (The costume designer did her best).

Through the blowing of Rudi with a cohana English partner (), what will tell you about the crown of the vistava "Margarita and Arman". The First Dream of Nureyev, a paraphrase of Yogo Monthly P'ero from a ballet of the same name to the music of Schoenberg.

Here, before the speech, Shilova herself sings, but not in a plush, but in a black coat, so she doesn’t care to insert a lot, a refrain, a pain for the hero: “Don’t rob your own Fatherland.”

The auctioneer will read out the sheets written at once, in 2017 by the roci, associates and Nureyev’s scientists. Sound pompous, tell me, and th (offending miracles) їх хіба scho “dance”.

The pathos is sometimes too rich, like the text, and the repetition of the auction scenes. That garniy, but somehow intelligent for the role, the dancer Lantratov, who may not even have a Nureyev temperament, still does not convey his legendary rude charisma. Likewise, it’s an obscene laika, like Nureyev, the all-powerful head of the ballet of the Paris Opera, crashing down at the stage on the corpse, giving in to a brazenly necessary artistic farboa.

Ale pathos - the road to the finale, which is really exciting, if the remaining lot - the director's stick - is sold at auctions.

Tina from the ballet "La Bayadère" float on the stage, like Nureyev, who is weaker, cherishing the orchestral pits. Step by step, the music subsides, Rudolph keeps silent. І tse trichi symbol. Nureyev at Rest of the Rocks seriously choking diriguvannyam. And his "La Bayadère", like a wine rehearsing from the artists of the Opera, was dead in the face of SNIDu, " wild animal» saying goodbye to the world: after the premiere of 1992, the fate of the wines lived only three months.

I'll start with an insider. From what you can listen to at the hall, at the buffet, for lashtunkas and no less. Why did the premiere, obіtsyana among herbs, appear at the chest? For lashtunkas, everyone, including the artists, especially spoke for one single person - Roman Abramovich.

Inside: It would not have been a good premiere on 12/09/2017, Yakbi Abramovich did not put a nutrition ruble: Abo the directorate of the Great would know at the turn of the day for the show "Nureyev", or wine, Abramovich, would fill the Opikunskaya Rada of the Great Theatre. And on the right, it didn’t show up in the fact that the oligarch was capricious and didn’t want to pay a bill of months before the grass. It was said that before the new information was given, that the administration of the Great was planning to transfer the exhibition to a river, or maybe two.
Transference was planned, without respect for those who are all themselves back moments the first scandalous run in the same variant, which at once showed the Great - forfeited. There are no photographs of naked Nurev, neither on the back, nor looking at the naked prime minister dancing on the stage.
The dance of transvestites and the duet of Nureyev with Erik Brun still got lost. Ale, take it away, you can b vistav kasuvati forever.
Tozh dyakuvali Abramovich not for nothing. Ale oskіlki tse inside, about tse no one's word!
Since this day, Diana Vishneva is no longer living inside, who rounded up commemoratively. I sat in the box, I didn’t take it for granted. I’m glad to drive for her. All the best help to їy and її squads!
Another one inside: To win over the party of Nuryev at the first warehouse, Ovcharenka was proponated at the right time. Ale vin moved to dance get golim. The scene was gloomy, Prote. Ovcharenko wiping the bandage of the body color. And the axis of the premier is from another warehouse - Lantratov, we are going to dance from the very beginning of the cob. From the results of the wines, having taken away the right to the First Warehouse.
And after the scandalous rehearsal, the dance of naked Nureyev, for the decisions of the theater, was replaced by the dance of Nureyev, but in a bodily bandage. At all warehouses. Ale Lantratov so left the office of Ovcharenka at the first warehouse. Ovcharenko dances on the 10th at another warehouse. Those who understand the intricate gossip about the ranks of the Great - understand why I attach such respect to warehouses.
At the hall, the entire Moscow beau monde. Tse is not an insider. Bully navit tі, which I have never bacheled with the Great. Podiya, bachite, rock, sho mine! It's a shame not to be seen! All were noted in the results. I will not override it by the way. Look at the rest of the side of any glossy magazine, point your finger at the first character of the world chronicle, what you have consumed, and do not have mercy. Buv (bula) on Nurєєvі.
There were officials, stars, politicians. May everyone be.
There was no more director. Serebrennikov with a personal inscription on the T-shirts of Illy Demutsky and Yury Possokhov: "Freedom for the director." In such a look, the spivauthors bowed down.

And dali for those who love ballet as much as I do.
Synthesis of ballet, theater, opera. It's new for the historical scene of the Great. That is not for the witchery theatre. All the same it was already at the Russian Ballet. In the entreprise of Diaghilev. All of them come from Russian Seasons! Good tse chi bad?! Sounds good.
The Vikonan's robot is majestic and even more serious.
Wonderful choreography, especially in the duet Nureyev and Erika. Worthy of our ballet school - all the numbers were staged without a blame (vistava trochs on qi okremі numbers “spread out”, but not psuє zagalnoe vrazhennya).
Amazing music, with quotes from all the famous musical fragments from the classical ballets of Tchaikovsky, Minkus, Wagner. Beautiful behind the laman plasticity is the number about Natalia Makarova, the performances on the famous adaptation of Mahler's 5 symphonies. And everything - in a more sparing, intelligent reworking, brilliantly "built into" the original music.
From the point of view of the choreography, I am convinced that the remaining scenes of Nureyev will occupy a niche in the history of light choreography.
The rest of the scene. La Bayadère. The ballet, which Nureyev rewrote and put into interpretation at the Opera Garnier. That's how it is today in Paris. In the production of Nurev, not Petipa. (First reprimand, schopravda, the whole Petipa, Yogo Nureyev did not change). Samé La Bayadère became her farewell entrance to the stage. Already mortally ill Nureyev bowed to the viishs in a black tailcoat to the gazers at the Garnier theater in 1992. Kozhen, who that evening was present at the Garnier Bay, understood that Nureyev’s parting with the public, with the theater, with the stage was worth it.
Serebrennikov's "Nureyev" has a famous dance of shadows, the finale from La Bayadère - so Nuryev's entrance transforms onto the stage. With a conductor's stick, which he conducted at the Vidensky Opera, Nureyev descends from the stage directly into the orchestra pit. In a white turban, deadly blond, in a black tailcoat, like a shadow from La Bayadère. Leading the rest of the act of La Bayadère and her life.
At this hour on the stage, at this moment, in the middle of the shadows, which are descending by the gatherings, - a sylph, unstoppably appear and shadows - the dancers. And again everything is “mounted” more organically, without calling out for trade. Navpaki, everything is superbly beautiful. The rest of the scene is unforgettable! There's Petipa the Warta!
I’ll leave the phrase - I wanted to finish this settlement - before me the composer and choreographer Illya Demutsky and Yuriy Posokhov wrote on their T-shirts. I wrote with a letter to the UK
I couldn't say anything better.

"Nureyev" at the Great: a review of the play by Kiril Serebrennikov, which no one can play

Following Volodymyr Koshov, the actor of the production of "Nureyiv", the premiere, which is small today at the Great, but for the decisions of the theater was postponed to the coming season, - about this ballet, the candidate of mystical sciences, the historian of the musical theater Dmitro Izotov, who looked in the middle run. "Nureyev". Yaka won - Kiril Serebrennikov's new resonant vista? We give a professional look of an eyewitness.

The scandal around the production of "Nureyev" continues to gain wraps. Journalists collect information on the internet on the crichts in order to describe the visit, so that no one can be fooled. On a single day, which happened at Saturday 8 lime, the directorate of the Great Theater was ordered to let the peeps in. Even though there were some famous media figures in the hall - Roman Abramovich, Mikhailo Shvidky, Vadim Vernik, Sergiy Filin, Kostyantyn Bogomolov - all the same, the main lookers of the run were the theater's spivrobitniks and the artists themselves, as they take part in the production.

The choir and mimance, having played their own scenes, went five steps on top, to take a seat on the tiers and marvel at the performance, which is not yet viishov, but already becoming a legend. At the Great Theatre, I leaned in a sloppy manner - for a sprat of khvilin before the first act, my name was brought to the secret list of the requested guests. At the hall, there was a special creative atmosphere - everyone understood what was present on the important. historical background. Nearly 600 people took part in the production, including the brewing workshops, and at the same time everyone knew that Nureyev was to be played first and foremost.

At the heart of the scenario and director's course of the biographical performance is the famous auction "Kristi", on which the special speeches of Rudolf Nuriyev were sold. There were two - French and American. This is how the vistava began, from the words of the leading auctioneer, who told the two of them about the representations of the loti. Two requested artists performed at this dramatic part - Igor Vernik, the first actor, Volodymyr Koshovy, the other.

It is assigned the main line, which accompanies, which shows the difference between the episodes from the life of the legendary dancer in the whole theatrical canvas. Numerous guests of the auction - the artists of the mimansu (recruited from the "Mosfilm" and the Great Theater) summer ladies and gentlemen in luxurious evening dresses, repeated the famous people on Nuriyev, with re-opened lots, that they are sold. Head Feature performance - opera, ballet and dramatic novels.

Serebrennikov came up with a modern twist on the "great style" - with choral scenes, masking, corps de ballet, solo parts and often provocative tricks. With the addition of various elements of the theatrical performance, a breathtaking thriller was formed - a biopic from the life of Nureyev, a kind of documentary chronicle of that scene from the real life of a dancer.

Scene from the production of "Nureyev"

Everything starts from the dance class of the ballet school named after. And Ya. Vaganova. On the wall is a portrait with a suside with a portrait of Mikoli II. Leaders-rulers change, Lenin on the spot, then Stalin, Khrushchev, the head of the state and tidy store build in their credits, and Agripina Vaganov is no longer invariably marveling at young students. The character of Nuriev is already set in the first scene. Choreographer Yury Possokhov encourages his creative spirit and intellect with a characteristic gesture: the duet with a young ballerina has a rude voice, to be the first, to voice your own significance.

The role of Nuriyev on the run-through Vladislav Lantratov is a charismatic, zukhvaliy, ambitious soloist. The famous "strike to freedom" - Nuriyev's entry into the countryside, the stage was celebrated as a patriotic scene for the participation of the great choir - radiant ladies at the concert cloths with bliskіtkas and commemorative zachіska-nachisami. A soloist appears in front of the choir - a paraphrase of Lyudmila Zikino, a miraculous part with the Viconan Svitlana Shilova. Vaughn vikonu hymn of pride for their country and fatherland:

Days stood gray, scythe
The mischief of the streets of crady,
I was born in autumn in Russia,
Russia accepted me.
Choir sings:
Do not rob your own fatherland,
Repair viriti and dihati
Batkivshchyna in the world is taken away
Invariably, like a father and a matir. The phrase "Don't rob your own Fatherland" will become the refrain of the vistavi and be repeated more than once, but even at the finale. The scammer (Igor Vernik) read out facts from the real inquiries about Rudolf Nuriyev’s infiltration, and the leader of the main party re-stringed behind the fence, leaving behind and the patriotic choir, and young sportsmen-Komsomol members, who danced Badoro, driven by the rats. A new life of Nuriev is beginning.

The open forest of Boulogne is filled with transvestites - artists of the human corps de ballet at pidborah. The stench, like Macbeth's vidmi, spins the hero around the vir to calm the quarter of red likhtars. Farther away is the scene of the famous photo session of Richard Avedon, who, having moved Nureyev, is photographed naked. At this moment, for a few seconds, a reference photograph of naked Nuriev appears on the back of the stage, like the Great Theater adding a famous sign from the right-holder. Get naked and myself Vladislav Lantratov, covering only a bodily color bandage on your body, which covers your intimate space. At the whirlwind, the hero’s dance is followed by numerous paparazzi, and later to the scandals of the worldly society.

The theme of homosexuality is continued in the duet of Nuriyev and his mentor, and later on - Erik Brun (Denis Savin). The blacks, who strengthen the muscles of the dancer in pants and divers, with an unchanging cigarette in their mouths embrace Nuriev, dressed in everything whiter - so the human erotic duet begins. Sex, predilection, love and rozpach intertwine with provocative, but at the same time delicate choreography by Yuri Possokhov. The text of the Auctionist about the note of Rudolf Nuriyev, written on the back of the letterhead to the hospital in the city of Toronto, was not given to the clerk Erik Brun, who died of cancer of the legenivs. Tsya scene made its way to the goosebumps and was accompanied by staring applause. This is how the first performance ends.

Another act is also called for by the auction. How many times did Volodymyr Koshovy tell through the performances of the dancer about the creative part of the dancer: on the stage is the miracle of Margo Fontaine, who helped Nuriev on the cob of a foreign career. The duet of Mary Oleksandrova and Vladislav Lantratov is one of the best lyrical episodes of the vistavi. Vaughn makes the woman's cob, wine - a person's predilection.

They gave a low change of partners, but a creak of saline Nuriev. Volodymyr Koshovy marvelously reads the intoxicating lyrical leaves written by Alla Osipenko and Natalia Makarova especially for the audience. Solo dance Katerina Shipulina. At її dances and save, and evil of share, and inseparable kohannya. Nuriev is a mad king, before him the suspense of the yogo of numerical shanuvalniks shirks.

The oncoming allegorical opera scene represents one of the roles - King Louis XIV. On the stage there is an extravaganza in luxurious baroque costumes and carnival masks. The countertenor sings an aria on Baudelaire's verse at the accompaniment of exalted dances of a stylized corps de ballet. The auctioneer continues to sing the loti, and Nuriyev continues to dance to wear.

At the finale, the announcement about Nuriev's ailment, the entire ballet will enter the stage. The auctioneer calls the rest of the lot - the conductor's stick, with which Nureyev has performed as the conductor of the Videniy symphony orchestra. Under splashes of peeping eyes head hero descending into the orchestra pit and playing the famous "Thin" from Minkus' ballet "La Bayadère". Ballet vikonu zavcheni pa. Among the shadows are men and women. The stench fills the whole space of the stage. The music is locking. Ale tina continue to work their monotonous rush, and Rudolf Nuriev conducts silence. Dependence.

Music of the Illi Demutsky spravzhnє vіdkrittya: forging the rhythm of nurіїvskih nerve splashes, stylization of radian songs, wide lyrical themes, as well as numerical citations of the world's ballet masterpieces add up to a whole palette of musical backdrops. Well, Head topic the performance is not more scandalous than the life of a famous dancer. It’s hard work today about freedom and about those who “do not rob your own fatherland”. The splashes of that ovation, which dominated all the chants before being put on the stage of the Great Theater, speak for themselves. Everyone was crying - from the director to the costumers. Tsya premier, what has not been seen, is already history. The history of modern Russia, as we do not choose.

First, what falls on the thought of taking away such a dastardly novelty, then, obviously, the continuation of “Fix Serebrennikov and that yoga Studio”. At the nadras of the Great, they let go that this was the "hand" of the Ministry of Culture and the design of the resolution of Medinsky (by analogy with "Tannhäuser"). Ale, the minister showed up no matter what: he himself found out about himself on Saturday, staying in St. Petersburg, de holding a meeting of the collegium of his department.

The vistava is dedicated to the ambiguous and scandalous post of the legendary dancer of the XX century Rudolf Nuryev, his sexual orientation and death in SNIDu zagalovіdomі. Not choosing to remember this moment with his new stage director Serebrennikov. Let's say, apparently, that in the ballet there is such a character as Erik, who pulls on the hot kohanny of Nureyev's entire life to the famous Danish dancer Erik Brun. But performances, books and films on this topic have been appearing in Russia for a long time (for example, "Nezdishniy garden" dedications to Nuryev in the theater of Roman Viktyuk, numerical documentary films on the Russian television station), and there were no annual fences on them ... .

However, at the new stage director Serebrennikov, it seems that he could go far enough for the simple fact of the sexual orientation of the world-famous dancer. So, in the Great, but not too soon later on the program of the performance, the episode "The Bois de Boulogne" appeared, which had already caught up with a lot of noise on the Internet. Some of the artists took the moment of the rehearsal and angered social services: on the filmed video, the promoter filmed the scene of the parade of transvestites at the Boulogne Fox, the lads from the corps de ballet of the Great Theater in rehearsal costumes and women's stilettos are watching their move. Therefore, the version of the fence of such a scandalous premiere in the main theater of the country, dragged from the work of the disgraced director Serebrennikov, is not so nameless.

For the sake of the artists themselves, they were able to get in touch with "MK" in the distance, and put the following version under the doubt:

In a first way, not saying the performance, but transferring it to the coming season - I will change the dance of the corpse, as if I had to be left homeless (after the scandal with Tsiskaridze for the contract with the artists of the Great, like at Sunset, without the permission of the directorate, it was blocked to give an interview). And in a different way, they simply don’t get out of the premier. Show just a lot of things! If you drive it away, then they can’t really pick up the first day there. So the rehearsals went through the stump: the choreographer Yury Possokhov cannot be reached, then the director Kiril Serebrennikov. That th corpse suddenly turned after a thriving tour of Japan. Also, there were few rehearsals, the vista was simply not ready ... How to show it? I will understand, great peace of mind to tie me out of the fence, but calling everything is not so ...

Also, as a version, we will voice the ker_vnitstvo of the Great Theater at a press briefing on Mondays, to be brought to nothing more than fortune-telling. But the fact becomes a fact - the vistava has been postponed for an hour of non-accuracy, which means it has been forfeited. Boowai. Prote robot over it does not stop and for the rest of the information on Saturday evening at the theater there was a black general rehearsal.

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