Rick of the canonization of St. Dominic tatom Gregory

The bas-relief illustrates what happened in Languedoc, when Dominic preached, trying to bring down the catarrh. In order to signify, as if it were true, it was to be tested with fire: the books of Cathars and the book of Dominik were thrown at the fire - a book that would avenge the Truth, would not be shattered by half-witted.

Mayzhe is symmetrical composition of the bas-relief crowned with the figure of the one who is the judge at the superechtsi. The right-handed image of the heretics, and the left hand - St. Dominic, who marvels at those, as the book miraculously rises above the half-moons.

Tse meant that there were 12 of them, like 12 apostles. Let's have a dream for you, waking up to the wine, that Francis, who supports the archbishopric of St. John Lateran, cathedral The Roman eparchy and, perhaps, a representative of the Church in vain, and especially the papacy. Vіn іnpretuvav tsiu mrіyu as vkazіvku on those that Francis and this group help the Church, and that group was officially recognized as the right Order of the Church.

The Fourth Lateran Council by the 12th Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church confirmed that, in the middle of the second, that papal persistence was re-evaluated. Dominik, the founder of the order of preachers and dominikants, also present. Pass the hour of the fifth Crusade campaign Francis and his companion attacked the Muslim territory, for they saw Sultan al-Kamil. Vin preaching to the Sultan. To demonstrate your great faith in Christian religion, having thrown a cry to the present at the "trial fire", in which the wine and the Muslim entered the fire, with the idea that the follower of the true religion will be spared by God, Francis having proponed the first five, ale the sultan sounded the call.

It was a marvel at Rome. The young Napoleon Orsini, nephew of Cardinal Stefano and Fossanov, died after the fall of a horse, but after the prayer of St. Dominic on Sunday.

At the lower part of the bas-relief, you can see the figure of a horse and a boy, who, having fallen to the ground, two young people scoffed over him. At the upper part of the stage Napoleone stands in order from Dominik, who passes the boy to his homeland.

The prote sultan was on the defensive with his faith, that having given Frank allowed to preach on his land. However, Peter died less than five months later. The witnesses of his grave told about a lot of miracles, they brought to the point that NATO saw his grave. The great natovpi called out the problems of this gallery, to which Francis prayed that Petro, having pinned miracles, pinned miracles.

Stigmata - tse mind, for which the wounds of Christ supernaturally appear on the body of a person. The Franciscan, who was the last of them, retelling: With a raptom of wine, swaying the seraph’s head, the six-winged angel on the cross. This angel gave you the gift of the five wounds of Christ.

Bas-relief on the back panel of the sarcophagus:

At the center of the back panel of the sarcophagus, there is a place of the Redeemer, as if splitting the bas-reliefs one into one.

White figures: ymovirno, St. Augustine (right-handed) and St. Dominik (left-handed).

The bas-relief of the right hand is the Zustrich of St. Dominic with Pope Innocent III and the confirmation of the Order of Preachers.

It happened, if in the middle of the 40-day fast at the preparation for Michael, or at the holy St. Michael the Archangel. Francis of Assisi laid the foundations for the next day after his canonization - less than two years after his death. Roztashuvannya tila as if forgotten, and it was not re-opened until six hundred years after that.

Benedict of Nursiyskiy, father of the Christian clergy in Europe. Inspired by the early Christians, like joking about religious purity in the wilderness, St. Benedict wrote, as if one could live among the new villains, that kindness in obedience, not obo'yazkovo virushayusya at the wasteland. Vіn also slandered the importance of robots and buv also “the godfather of libraries”.

If St. Dominic has gone back to Papi Innokentiya III, confirm the new Order, the Pope has moved the yoma to the tsoma. And then, like Innokenty III, after waking up a dream, in which St. Dominik lifted the Lateran Basilica, as it falls, the Pope, having pleased Dominik to accept one of the already fundamental Statutes. As you can see, St. Dominik confirmed the choice on the Statute of St. Augustine, and in 1216 the Order of Preachers was approved by Pope Honorius III.

Due to the initiatives of the middle class, literary works of old and Christian texts were saved. May everything we know about St. Benedict, based on the dialogue of Papi Gregory, written in “It is impossible, if Benedict was born, but Rome is still being redeemed by the Romans, if wines have arrived there.” Gregory wrote that in the past the place was filled with “learnings”, that you fall into the water, and Benedict “removed from the house that decline and decided to accept a religious life”.

Prior to that, as he became the rector of the monastery, Saint Benedict lived for three years at the stove of the ruins of Nero's villas in Subiaco and received a group of students from his "zealous preaching." Miracles were attributed to Yom, that he was sick and fixed evil objects. After a short stay in the monastery, turning back to his own oven, the shards of other things were not similar to the methods of discipline of Benedict and the voice of the robot.

At the left part of the bas-relief, St. Dominic stands on the spot in front of the Pope, who, as it were, does not turn on the new respect. At the center of the bas-relief, the Pope sings, like Dominik, I am praising the basilica. Right-handed - Dominic on his knees in front of the Pope, which affirms the Order.

At Rome Dominik zustrіv Reginald, who at that time was professor of canon law at the Sorbonne. Reginald succumbed to the Order, but became seriously ill. The Blessed Virgin Mary healed yoga and bestowed on you the habit of the Dominican Order.

Benedict, the robot is blacker than life. Benedict, having written the “Rule”, is a kind of curiosity before that, schob butichen, which, perhaps, is the second largest book in Christianity after the Bible and one of the most important documents in Western civilization. My words are recognized for you, - writing the wine on the cob, - who would not be, who, having declared the will of their will, take the almighty and righteousness in obedience, to fight under the true King, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Vіn reports about those who could eat and drink, and how the stench ascetically organize their lives. One of the reasons, for which Benedict's laws were praised, are those who were a miraculous organizer, and the Rule is propagated Corresponding information about those, how to create a monastery and pіdtrimuvati yogo in a folding, prophetic world.

Livoruch St. Dominic roams with Blessed Reginald. At the center of the bas-relief, Reginald's testimony is ill. At the right side of the bas-relief, Reginald lies at the foot, likewise, the Virgin Mary ztsilyuyogo, sticking her head with her hand, and granting him a habit to the Order of Preachers.

Bas-reliefs on the sides of the sarcophagus:

Miracle meal.

Benedict zbentezhiv vіd їzhi, but saying, scho to drink wine garazd. "While we read that wine is not suitable for chants, - writing wine, - in our days it is unacceptable to change the chants of the truth." Benedict, having created a new kind of monastery, based on robots, and not asceticism, do it well, in a way they grew it and copied the manuscript as an addition to prayer. The idea of ​​religious people, like consecrating a robot, was a new concept. The early Christians of the Chentsi were vchenny holy people, they lived like samіtniks in the caves of chi Garni people, like they repaired good deeds.

As if, since St. Dominic had stayed with his brothers in the monastery in Bologna, they had no life. Dominic began to pray. And then two young young men with an angelic look went to the refectory, carrying cats, more bread.

The scene depicts a couple of Chentsov, including Dominika in the center, who is sitting at the table. In front of them are two young people, like offering bread.

Robot bula pov'yazana za slaves that non-literate villagers. Benedict, having embraced an ascetic life, reportedly describing how to pass one's dues early and pray regularly until nightfall, and yet vrіvnovazhuyat tsey regime by a robot, lifting me up in the fields and protecting from evil-doers. This idea of ​​robots became the outer stone of blackness from that moment, played an important role in the development of the agricultural state and trade in Europe, and suffocated the Protestant work ethic, which is so important in American and European culture.

Benedict's rule played an important role in saving Christianity and culture. After that, like Benedict died, Monte Cassino recognized the influx of the Lombards. The Chantsi reached Rome and brought with them a single manuscript of Benedict's rule. The Benedictines sacked Pope Gregory, who later ruled them to England, so that King Elethbert of Kent would be brought to sleep and fall asleep christian church at Canterbury. At the 11th century, Monte Cassino is on the heights. Three chants became popes and yogo farms and vineyards weighed miles.

The bas-relief on the left side of the sarcophagus is the Apparition of St. Dominic of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

When Saint Dominik was near Rome, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul appeared to you at the hour of prayer. The apostles gave the Holy Bible and a club as a symbol of the apostolic mission to the Order.

Francis of Asia was one of the greatest positions of Christianity and the founder of the Franciscan Order of Chentsiv. Vin is alive to the ascetic life of the wicked, glorifying his love to all creations and preaching that love to the poor, unhappy ones.

Frances kissed the lepers, having given all his mustache and preaching vigilance. Yakos vіn saying: Your God is in your body. I live with your nearest susіd, with a skin person. The wines and the Franciscans were small enough to sleep in order to make Christianity acceptable for panuvannya. Yogo im'ya was tied to rich churches and places in San Francisco.

At the left part of the bas-relief, Dominik, on his knees in front of the two Saints, takes away that book. Right-handed Dominik guides the brethren to the sermon.

Work on the embellishment of the tomb of St. Dominic, that work of that kind, as it is today, took five hundred years.

From 1469 to 1473, Niccolo da Bari created the upper part of the tomb, embellished with a spire and miraculous marmur sculptures, leather with some kind of theological symbolism.

Francis was honored at his native city of Assisi with the miraculous Byzantine basilica of San Francesco, the houses of the famous series of frescoes by Giotto, in which 28 episodes of St. Ale, his eyes vibrated, and his sweet voice and slick manner, as if he were spared by the picture and the inventory.

Francis of Assisi. Born Francesco di Bernardone in Assisi, Italy in yogo father was a wealthy merchant, who made a screenshot that he traded in fabric between France and Italy. Yogo mother was a profoundly religious woman. Francis had a great childishness. Vіn navchavsya like weaving and zdobuv small light. Being a young man, he was like a cheerful dandy, who looked at women from troubadour songs and often dressed in more subtle clothes, lower at the yogo masters. If you win at the podlitkovu vіtsi, you will win the viyskovopolonenim and survive a serious ailment.

For the zi Majesta Viconan Robot, the sculptor was wearing Prizvisko niccolò dell "arca. Spir Vincha, the great heavenly batch - Creatits I Vladiki Vsogo All, Shopi Yak Sytobodovi, I am a stature. garlands of flowers and fruits (symbols of the earth), small paths (symbols of the sky) and dolphins (symbols of the sea), in the center there is an image of the Savior, a crown of thorns, break a rib, a crossed hand and a shabby head indicate the death of Jesus to hell, then the position of the body Christ, pydnima on Truna, symbol -Igo resurrene, the commission of Zi Savior - the production of the Buck Angeliv: the Angel of the Blagovannoye of the Angel of the Passion of Christovikh, the status of Chotirokhi, the yaki, the svytov, the agriculture. that Vitaliy.t Church of Christ at all її raznomanittі.

The life of Francis changed at the hour of prayer and the hour of the journey to San Damaano, the small hermitage of Assin, de vin was blinded by the light and turned to the voice of the rose, in which it was said: Francis, you don’t bache, how do you save me? Go that half of me! Francis literally took the words and stole some cloth and cognac and sold them to help the inspired church. If my father found out about the stolen cloth, wine was lyuty, and Francis vtik and knew the porch at the stove.

Francis is like a divine, ascetic holy person. If Francis turned to Assin, he was no longer a dandy-izgoy, but an ostovy chance, who gave a house of wealth and wore sackcloth, three knotted strings were fastened to it. Many friends called him divine and a fool of God. The city dwellers threw it on a new stone, and beat the father and chained him to the shkir, so that he could slay him deeply.

Tsikavo, that the figures of Saints Petronius and Proclus, as well as one of the ugly angels, who hold a candle in his hands, were viconated by the young Michelangelo, if he had changed his wines at Bologna. Axis how to describe Vasari:

“For a few years to reach the Medici from Florence, Michelangelo went to Bologna, and then to Venice, being afraid, through the proximity of yoga to the other kind, as if there was no inacceptability with him, so I’m going to destroy the rightfulness dії Medіchі.

Father Frensis again caught up with him and pulled up to the priestly bishop and resurrected in the new. Vіn having taken all his clothes, stuffing pennies, as if he was guilty of the father in the guts, and handing over to the father to his father, as if he were reminded, standing naked in the middle of the central square of Assisi, docks the bishop without taking off the cloak from his back, to cover him. Then Francis hid in the holy church. Vіn blagav about їzhu and zapratsyuvav his posada, pratsyyuchi in the church like a master.

Most of the people in his city knew him, but the deacons groaned for his piety and generosity and became his followers. Francis was inspired by his family and friends and violating the road to Gubbio in order to signify his way of life and the concept of religion.

Not knowing what to do at Venice, he turned to Bologna, and after a pardon he trapiled famously: at the entrance at the gate of wine he did not take permission to leave back, about which, for the safety of the sights of Monsieur Giovanni Bentivoli, the order, in which it was said that foreigners, not if you may be convicted, you will be fined 50 bolognese lire. On Michelangelo, who had spent such a hostility, who had nothing to pay, vipadkovo viladkovo respect meser Francesco Aldovrandi, one of the sixteen rulers of the city. If you rose to you, what was trapilos, vin, glancing at Michelangelo, sounding yoga, and that one lived with a new fate.

Nezabar after the cob of vines, having recognized the attack of the bandits, but I didn’t have to give them to you, krim yogo zlidniv. Ogidno, the bandits threw yogo into a snowy ditch, pouring out their sleep for some reason. Without a penny, ailments, and often torments, having spent their lives at a higher price, and having seen people on handout materials, they stumbled upon him. Francis nareshti uvіyshov to the place Gubio, you were told that they were attacking and there were people. Vіn zumіv zmusiti vovka bow down to youmu and wag your tail. Frank, having left people in the pit of slandering the wolf with his own hands.

Francis' contribution to Christianity. Francis was called "younger brother Francis". Vіn nіkoli nіkoli nіkoli nіnіkоlіnі not hаd vyvyachіnі on the priest аbо not аnіvіv thе chernіch obіtnitsa, but shukav іndivіdіduаlnі stosunki z God. Francis preaching the golem as a demonstration of humility, writing verses and consecrating his life to the aid of rottenness. Dehto respects Francis as the first communist. If Lenin said that ten dozen Francis would not demand a revolution.

Like Aldovrandis pishov with him to marvel at the shrine of St. Dominic, over which, as it happened earlier, the old sculptors worked: Pisano, and after the new master Niccolo d'Arca. There were not two figures hanging close to the elbow: an angel, who carried a candle, and St. Petronius, and Aldovrand, placing a food, which is called Michelangelo's robit, on which one was firmly, and indeed, having taken off the marmur, became the best figures, for which Monsieur Francesco Aldovrandi ordered to pay him thirty ducats. ".

St. Petronius - the patron saint of Bologna - testimonies in the robe of a bishop with a model of the place in his hands.

St. Proclus, who killed Bologna in 303 years, in his youth, that strength, Michelangelo, having made him majestic and muscular, dressed in a light tunic.

Of great interest are the figures of angels with candlesticks in their hands, which are three feet below the sarcophagus. An angel, rotting the levoruch, the creations of Niccolo da Bari and maє tinted lower rice. The second angel, the creations of Michelangelo, is resplendent with a soft, rough stature.

In 1532 Alfonso Lombardi created a series of bas-reliefs on the panels under the sarcophagus.

Junius Dominik as a penitent to sleep on the bed,

There is a bas-relief with a scene of veneration of the Magi on the central panel of embellishments, on which the sculptor's name can be written. Alphonsus de Lombardis Ferraniensis.

The chapel, in which the tomb of St. Dominic is located, was rebuilt in 1597 under the ceremonial work of Floriano Ambrosin and it was built in the form that we see today.

Over the decor of the chapel, a lot of artists and sculptors worked. Zokrema, її sklepinnya embellishes the miraculous fresco of the famous artist of the Bologna school, Guido Renі, who depicts St. Dominic in heavenly glory.

Marmurovy vіvtar buv left to add to the tomb. The wines of the creations of Alessandro Salvolina in 1768 are behind the project of Mario Tezi. On the antependium in vvtar, above the work of Carlo Biancon for the project of Jean Baptiste Boudard, the scene of the burial of St. Dominic is depicted.

Behind the vvtar, under the sarcophagus, there is an expensive reliquary with the head of St. Dominic. This masterpiece of gold and silver was created by the work of the jeweler Jacopo Roseto da Bologna (1383). Sribne chest of the Saint, ymovіrno, was given later.

Like in ancient times, in our days, a lot of pilgrims and tourists see the Dominican monastery near Bologna, to pray before the relics of the Holy Protector of the Order of Preachers, or just wander far away from the world's mundane. I, like the nobility, may be the one who today just wanders around the Basilica of St. Dominic, if you turn around like a pilgrim.

Julia Karlova OPs

- I don’t understand, how could the stench break the password on my laptop?
- And what's in you for the password buv?
- rec canonization of St. Dominic by Pope Gregory IX.
- And what kind of river?
— Thousand two hundred and thirty-four.

At some point, the autocorrect in the telephone prompted to replace "eristalisi" (there are hoverfly flies like that, and some are called bjolovidki or linen in Russian - they look like this) to "eros Alisi". Thinking what a miracle name for a humanitarian mission

There is no better way to benefit from any process that people do not need to understand folding processes. Їm need simple vіdpovіdі.
- And to show, like mathematics.
- Mathematics is just a little easier to sound (I say like a mathematician). It’s more convenient for fellow humanists - to those who are rich in someone who cares, who once they are rooted in promo, live with the society and other things, then with the cultured movement, the society has nothing foldable, and their intuitive manifestations are deprived of being the basis of science (they are for any kind of glibini look). Those who lakaє, and about what in the head of the average bulker, there is no manifestation of the okrіm rozlivchachago "it's foldable" - then if you want it to be protected from the chimala part of the food, like zmushuyut fahіvtsіv ripіti with your teeth and explain that it's pіvdennishe Pivdenny Pole nothing is known, but about Zahidniy and Skhidniy poles, it’s not Masons who have erased all the riddles. In this sense, mathematicians are better off, to explain more - but it’s easier in that sense, that I think the shell "terribly foldable, don't lie" penetrates noticeably less people, lower in times of the humanities, and at the same time philosophy. Abo, it seems, to inspire naturalists (physicists for sure).
- Tse bullshit. The scariest - tse "Tell me like a doctor..."

Data from the book: Iєn Goldin "The Epoch of Vіdkrittіv. Possibilities that threaten another Renaissance".
Since 1960, the average cost of living increased from 52 to 71 years.
...If the Berlin Wall fell, close to 2 billion people (43% of the world's population), according to the World Bank, lived beyond the boundary of vigilance. In 2015, regardless of those that the number of people increased by 2 billion in an hour, the absolute number of people in extreme vigilance shrunk more and less, up to 900 million people (12% of the population)
... From the economic point of view of the 1990s. boules for Africa spent ten years. In Central and Pivdenniy Africa, economic growth was expressed in negative figures: -1.1% per capita; The Economist calling Africa "a hopeless boon". Ale, starting from the 2000s. the economy of the continent went uphill. GDP has grown steadily by about 5% in the region, and in the last thousand years, six countries out of ten, which have made the greatest economic progress, were African. Although the economy of the forty countries of Central and Pivdenny Africa, as before, may have serious problems, the collective GDP of the region (1.7 trillion dollars in 2014) is approximately the same as the GDP of Russia today, as it turns out, it continues to grow by approximately 4–7% rіk stretching the tenth offensive ten years. A small part of the poor people near the borders of Central and Pivdenny Africa shrunk from Mayzhe 60% in 1993. before<50 % в настоящее время и имеет тенденцию к устойчивому снижению".


the idea of ​​"larger population" is nowhere and in no way significant.
In suspіlstvah (in Europe Pіvn. Ameritsі), de elitis mіtsno and effectively control the mass, depriving їy vibіr actually less than two of them are few in control and behind the back of two options (smartly three more “right” and three more one), one with a small advance, especially not cіkavі (a part of the sick people looked quietly and so close to the house and it’s stable), hіba only in order to assess, on the given moment they poured in you and shatter the cup of tereziv.
In other situations, it is more important than thought, that mood is active, and that the potential of part of the population is quiet social, professional, national groups, like WHAT CAN. This part of the suspense is already small - in the internal political upheavals, skilki-nebud take an active part no more than a few hundred of the population (for example, in Russian podias of 1917-1922 - close to 3-5%). In different countries, there can be different groups - from market traders to bikers, from professional military to football fans. The axis of their moods and varto vivchati.

I'm sitting at the sight of new challenges and I'm humming Nicholas O'Shaugnes' book Selling Hitler. We can find out about those that national socialism was sold to them as a commodity, according to the laws of marketing, - it became a revolution in the politics of the twentieth century. And to speak less, like a rank of nationality, groups, individuals of God's will, bathing in wild ideas and transforming from a whole bunch of decent people into non-gods.
...Our libraries missed the computer revolution: they didn't remember that information was cremated in the air and began to spread mittevo and for nothing. Access to information, transmission, spozhivannya - everything began to change, like a kaleidoscope. I instability (more precisely, dynamic stability) has become the essence of life. And the libraries were here, and there they were left out. On the colors of paper noses, reading cards, reading bays.
...libraries slept through the information revolution: the transition of book leadership from the "artist" itself to non-fiction.

My mother used to guess that in the institute they saw my salary as stitched Bulgarian cabbage rolls in rusty jars. Smelly slurry, they tried it in a kind of pigeon, we were angry, and the product itself, like a mother was hanging, was "brought to the point."

Finding out about your birth from your mother, the majestic tree is now painted over by zoshit. Bagato bezgluzdikh alcoholic deaths. Bagato sickness and old age. Nobody understands so much that you work for your life. I’m unlikely to understand, if I want to admit at once that these people in all their lives could understand less, lower me to their 26th. Maybe so and є, but maybe, it’s just my mind at repressiveness. I cut myself off on such thoughts, I do not give them a go. At once it’s obvious that people are divided into vіdkritih and zakritih. As people speak from various categories, there is nothing to talk about. For the dead ones - nourishment, for the closed ones - for good.


- I have a moment to tell one story, but less molts. Here I'm just picking up my thoughts without a link in order.
- Duzhe tsikavo. After reading the bi, ale immediately fell on the right. Yakos obov'yazkovo.
- In my mind, I guessed ...
- I liked it.
- Well, come on, sign your book?
- And I also abused my tweets. Come Wednesday for the presentation.
- I will be given a prize on Wednesday. I can't.
- Oh, then I have a couple of copies at once with me. Already signed.

Vshanovuyuchi your faith in directives
I won't tell you where to go.

І zamіst elektricheskogo vyporozhnennya yom prescribe an operation for the correction of mirror neurons, with the method of accelerating empathy to the borderline level. Mayzhe, like at "A Clockwork Orange", only just as there was wickedness trained on the mental reflex, then yoga is modified on the client's level. And as a result of litigation, one is deprived of life and in freedom, but in case of this, be the flour of all living things that appeared nearby, become powerful experiences, strengthened hundreds of times. Tobto. If I entrusted the axis with the evil-doer to mow the paw, then the litigation will roll on the ground in court and I will help the veterinarian with no work, so that the swidshe will win the paw of the unfortunate.
- As an empath, I declare to you seriously - you are a sadist. More humanely to the human being self-taught dovіchno closed.
- I, before the speech, would like to say that, like the world against violence, the hypertrophy of the mirror neurons of the world is filthy and bad: in the psyche, everything is the same - the upper plank is more transcendental than anyone else. And yet it’s still nasty and nevertheless lamai and blue through those that you have inspired girls, or through those that people have cracked the crack - then to minimize negative impressions, the path “taking the image and killing them all” appears more effectively.

This year I went to the fatherland of my ancestors by my mother - the settlement of Molokove, Sudislavsky district, Kostroma region. ... At the same time, no one lives there, that one has not lost its houses.

Here, if there was a bula village street.

There was the village of Oleksiivske with the Church of the Archangel Michael (remembered in the 1960s) and dosi іsnuє tsvintar, where my ancestors (great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather, zokrema) and relatives were buried.

And the view of the Isupivske (Clean) swamp, where Ivan Susanin, the leaders of the Poles, followed the orders of Ivan Susanin, a few kilometers downstream of the flow of the river Shachi, overlooking the village of my ancestors.

The village of Chukhrai, where I live.
Nina near the village was left with less than ten post-meshkantsiv.
A good-quality house near the center of the frame is the field hospital of the Bryansk Forest reserve.

Russia hit a large-scale ecological catastrophe: relic boxwood foxes perished near the Krasnodar Territory and Adigea. Seeing that having survived the ice-breaking period, I may be more likely to become a blizzard with fire - a shkidnik, we will bring it up to roslin, purchased from 2012 rotations in Italy for the Sochi Olympiad. Ecologists insist: the fire could have been raised a little bit later, but “the departments shifted the responsibility one on one”. You can’t go farther than trying to sort out the mind - the Ministry of Natural Resources is going to create a box for growing boxwood, so that you can try again to hang yoga in nature.

Abo is the axis of the school. I stand in the unfamiliar light of the lighter, I am talking, and the spy about the same lighter is spiraling. And here in the background a person passed. And all for nothing, that only machine that stood behind the lighter gave the opportunity to understand that in people no more than 30 cm (foot, oh) in height. Such a thin one, at the inconspicuous dress behind the rosemary ...
Well, I know - a leprechaun (too thin for a dwarf, that one is low) appearing less, lower for a second, after which I, without catching up and zdivuvatisya, nazlyakatisya (what else to tell in such a situation? ..), without interrupting Rozmov , having seen that the wind hit the stalk with an ear of some kind of reed grass.

Jewish revolutions
The first revolution saw the transition from tribal henotheism to ethical monotheism. The revolution itself became the main contribution of Jews to secular culture - through Christianity and Islam. More Jewish culture (Crimea, Mabut, Kabbali) has not given anything to the world for three thousand years.
Another revolution occurred at the day of the Other Temple, if the triad Temple-sacrifice-prophecy was replaced by the triad synagogue-prayer-wedding Tori.
The third - if (possibly, under the influx of Babylonian hermeneutics) the Jews began to say that the text may not be written in the new language, and if (possibly, under the influx of Greek tragedies and hymns) they began to add and rewrite the Torah, and wiyshli Apocrypha, Temple Suviy and Midrashi. The pієї revoliї pіїzkom tsієї revіlії became scho scho stretching rich hundreds of years, until recently, the P'yatiknizhzha like the text of Mayzhe did not squawk anyone.
... Just like in the 18th century before the new era, so in the 18th century of the new era, everything was fine, that a child is not a subject, that a woman is raised to a copy of a father, that a woman, by nature itself, was placed in the order according to a man’s camp , that our people are the best, and barbarians live behind the cordon, infidels and non-Christs, and that the rules of morality are zastosovni less than their own.
The fourth Jewish revolution continues in the remaining two centuries. Vaughn viklikana Tim, what was said in the previous paragraph has ceased to be true.

In her great theological synthesis, as a tool for the improvement of various texts, she won logic and metaphysics, but did not guess about those, how many riches in various theological decline lie not in logical and metaphysical problems, but in historical problems. Evidently, the historical intelligence of the richness of meanings and the manifestations was wasted.
In addition, scholasticism adopted from the Aristotelian Other Analysts understanding about science as about those who give knowledge, verne z necessary. Really, it’s not fair, and to teach the axioms of mathematics is not for knowledge, it’s necessary to be true, but only by accepted excuses. That is why speculative intellect and logic were placed by scholasticism at the center of the toolkit. The first principles of the intellect of scholastics were respected by the deacons of speech, which do not require proof, and not by those behind Lonergan de facto invariants of the intellect: proof, reasoning and judgement, ceremonial moral judgment. The analysis of intentionality is not demanded, having sacrificed its place for recognition of the analogy of the eye.


In the panthers, a myriad of tickets about the policy were instilled.

Children of culture are protesting...
Leonid Illich throws papers, closes his face with his hands and whispers angrily - “Bidlo! Uncultured, zamurzan Bidlans! It's a buv performance! The bulldozer that draws pictures is an allegorical isolation of the chthonic fever, an existential protest against the aggressive tendencies of the light! Today mystetstvo can be shocked and shocked!! God, what a stink of baiduzhi and uncultured bidlans! To sue the stench... why do these dikunis start to slander the progressive actionism?!”

The MMK robot was in the process of cultivating thoughts and working with him. Bulo, as I understand, I found two ways to work out of my mind.
The first one is the configuration. It's a simple idea that is easy to understand by analogy with the projections of a geometric figure on an axis or a plane. No one should hesitate to think just to add one projection to another, they need to be organized into a rich design. Those same and z spіvіrorganіzаtsієyu - konfіguruvannyam - raznoobjectnyh knowledge about one object. The configuration product is a newly discovered object.
The reason for the different appearance of one object is the different positions of those who stink in different places in the system of activity, for which objects are different.
And yet another way of working with the situation of rich positioning was developed, which became the main one in the organizational games. The fault itself is discussed by G.P. In this way, there is not a single vistava of the object, which positionaries work in a different way, and the method is not one-thinking of the object. The strategy of polygay at the transition from the subject plane to the orthogonal їy orgdіyalnіsnu, tobto. in the variety of organizational forms of cooperation of different-minded positions (in ODI-12, consecrated educators, all students, vikladachi, methodologists, administrators, etc.).

In fact, for less than 1 hundred square meters we have 99 thousand rubles, which we have lost, it is worth mentioning to sociology.
We have є daytime ("I") and її manifestation (specialty).
Speciality is a mask, behind which our essence is hidden.
...Sunness is the material from which the All-world itself was created.
The essence is divine - a piece of God in our underbelly, which is called Conscience.
Rozuminnya zavzhdy come zgіdno z sutnіstyu, and not for special.

Murom's people on the floor are suvori.
Serious people go near the hike. This time it's challenging for beginners, but it's great fighting tour "The Seagull" hasn't tried that rock yet! Behind the stern is the Moscow Canal, the Volga, Veliky Ustyug on the Sukhona… The river, reenactment festivals, a whole lot of serious “battles” – the axis of Varez’s members is the same.

Navit at the entrance to the sunset Russia does not have your choice. Її vіdshtovhnuv Zakhіd. Because everything is collapsing, Russia has no strength. 5 years ago, I thought that the United States on the choli of European civilization would make the planet look like a collapse. 5 years have passed, they showed that they should not go out. The impulse for the collapse of civilization is already great. That's why the devil's scientific revolution was flooded. To choke and banal-technical, її not vіdbuvaєtsya and not bude. Zakhid, having weakened, did not hesitate to trim Russia with his own and resigned.
- In my opinion, there hasn’t been any “Sunset” for a long time (vintage vanished earlier, lower SRSR; the presence of the SRSR spurred the illusion).
America is a civilization that is profoundly non-European (anti-European). She step by step turns on her main trajectory (roughly seeming, imitation of the Tang China; the presence of other civilizations in the picture is not passed on to the world).
Truthfully, the nearest 50-100 years will be taken up with marvelous right - virishuvati, chi do not become Caliphate.
America is once again asked directly to change, reshta (China, Europe, Russia, etc.) - as if to be attached.

For razuminnya etichnyh vіdtіnkіv rozmovy Tetyana with nanny it is necessary to protect the principle of difference in the structure of rural and noble women's morality ієї pori. At the nobility’s death, the “fall” of the maiden died even more powerfully, and the adultery of the zamіzhnої zhіnki - a manifestation of the mayzhe legalized; the village ethics allowed the visible freedom of the behavior of the maiden until the wedding, but she looked at the zrada of the zamіzhnoї zhіnki like a grave sin. Skin from spіvrozmovnits to talk about fenced and “dead” kohannya, rozumіyuchi її zovsіm in a different way.

the mirror test has appeared - one of the most popular methods for the cultivation of the creaturely intellect and at the same time one of the most supernumerary. As a rule, the creatures mark as a part of the body, as if they could not dance without a mirror, and then put on the mirror. If the creature begins to twist this part of the body on its own body, and not on the reflection in the mirror, and fights with it more often, lower loudly, then it matters that the test passes.
... But the test is simply not suitable for the creature. Take, for example, dogs. The stench is not chomping on the grooming of this world, like mavpi, then why would you put a matzat on your flea muzzle? Moreover, it's a causal test, and dogs live in the world of scent. Understand what they have about themselves, the mirror is not helpful.
...Vcheniy zasuvav, that in the new locations of Jethro, with his hairy section, he adds less sniffing hour, lower section of other dogs. The dog did not dare to recognize himself at the mirror, having clearly recognized his special smell of wines.
... What does it mean that dogs know about their smell of "battle"? I don't know. In another experiment, Horowitz smelt and smelled the smell of the їhnёї sluzhny slaughter, as well as the speech itself, which diluted the dog's urine. It appeared that the dogs were given equal parts to both places. That’s why the stench is more vivayut shaped the cross not to the one who recognizes in it itself, but to the one who has prices for them, an unknown stimulus.
... To come out, what do dogs have to inform you of themselves? How to invent the "theory of reason" - the building of intelligence and to evaluate the knowledge of others?
http://batrachospermum.ru/2017/08/dogs-olfactory-mirror-test/ http://batrachospermum.livejournal.com/178121.html

the overarching of scientific publications is the problem, about how in the rest of the world you can stop, cry, scream not only in our country, but in the whole world. The introduction of poignant scientometric displays and the growing significance of "publishing activity" have brought to the same conclusions that - even more vibatch for a match - a pack of drіzhdzhіv, thrown at the mushroom pit.


Ever since then, Confederates have been an important part of American history. Seen in the wind and so on. There is nothing against the ensign of the Confederation, the memory is historical. And today: the boy arrived at the Confederate uniform from the Confederate ensign, the entire family history. І ONE stood at the honored vartu of the monument to the general - as a sign of protest against the removal of the ancestors of the confederates from the Nazis and clans, who do not care. I have to impose obstruction, shout in the guise of hell knows what. And wine is worth it.

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