Cathedral of Mykoli the Wonderworker. Bialystok. Mikoli Cathedral

For the efforts of the Holy Patriarch Adrian and in the 1700th anniversary of the same consecrations. Before the cathedral was founded, there were three stone churches - Uspenska, Mykolayivska and Sergievska. Vіn їх ob'ednav: at the upper version, the church of St. Mykola the Wonderworker was spread out, at the lower one - the refectory church of St. Mother of God. Chotiri roki went on yogo pobudova and beauty - from 1696 to 1700. The Patriarch at the building of the cathedral was actively assisted by the abbot of the monastery Simon and his brother and the cell-man of the Holy Hieromonk Gerasim.

Mikilsky Cathedral behind the help of a wooden gallery, which went through the pivdenno-zakhidny hood of the facade of the crypt porch, rising from the upper chambers of the Patriarchal cells, which explained to the bajans to ease the ailment of the Patriarchal passage to the temple. The gallery was sorted out, maybe, right after my death. At the pivdenno-zahіdny kutka of the church there was a monastic sacristy, and in the pivnіchno-zahіdny one - the monastic komora, which served, as if retelling, for Patriarch Adrian Yogo with a prayer, from which wines through the window, to go to the cathedral church, listening to church services. The window was laid.

In the Upper Mykolaiv Church, in 1727, the walls were painted with paintings, with gilded taurus depicting the Evangelical podia, and in 1717, the roci were embellished with pictorial images from the Sacred History. At the great dome, the Ascension of the Lord and the heavenly hosts are depicted. The painting has been updated many times.

The white of the upper church of Mykolaiv from two sides, from the pivnіchnoy and zahіdnoy, one can see a wide and light porch, which overlooks the upper temple from the pіvnіchі and from the sunset. The vona was plastered and, in 1766 and 1767, it was succulently covered with garnished pictorial work with stucco embellishments, garnished alfresco robotic frames, which depict the life and miracles of St. Nicholas.

For Metropolitan Platon in 1776–1778 pp. at the Mikilsky upper temple, the boulder was laid with a chavunna under the block of wood. In 1800, choirs appeared on the back wall, and porches, miraculously painted by painting, entered the yak. On them, during the hour of the hierarchal services, the seminarians sang.

At the pivnіchno-skhіdnіy side of Mykolaivska church, above the very entrance to it, hang a link, mayzhe such a height, like the temple itself with a dome, - which is divided into five tiers, from which the first one has a fortune-telling entrance to the church, the other for the tribute of the eighties. on the roki of the 19th century, the monastic sacristy was bula, in the third - small, painted in 1767 with miraculous work and icon painting in silver-polished hallmarks of the church in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God, in the fourth in 1784. buli vlashtovani battles from the quarter of the year, warehouses of the church dzvіn.

In 1787, for Metropolitan Platon, the Assumption Church in the middle was all inspired and covered with rich gold and silver. Over the years, it has been restored more than once. The service in it for a small place was celebrated only in the temple sacredly, which, for rare vinyatki, is done to the Donin.

At the lower version, the church of St. Sergius of Radonez is rotting, - a warm winter church, which is made up of three parts - in the vvtar, the church itself is that great refectory, which is lit in the middle with a stovpom. As a reminder of the history of the Mykolo-Perervinsky monastery, there was a fraternal meal, in 1775 Mali was the vikhovantsy of Perervinsky (Platonivsky) theological seminary. The order was to distribute bread, the kitchen and the granary of the seminary. In 1737, the walls of the Sergievsky temple were covered with paintings, which were repeatedly renovated throughout the year, the iconostasis was cut, all gilded. At the silver robe, dated 1865, there was a copy of the temple icon of Mykoli the Wonderworker, which stood in the Mikilsky temple in a golden robe. In 1808, the roci for Metropolitan Platon in the Sergievsk Church were smashed new chavunny pidlogs. In 1894, the old wooden iconostasis was replaced by a beautiful two-tiered iconostasis made of Italian marmur in the Byzantine style.

The object of cultural recession of federal significance.

Photo: Cathedral of Mykoli the Wonderworker

Photo and description

The Cathedral of Mykoli the Wonderworker in Yeysk is a majestic and beautiful temple, which can be found on Panteleymonivskyi Square and was refurbished in the 1990s. budіvlі cinema "Zhovten".

At 1890 p. on the mission of the Ninish Cathedral, the church was called up to the Zusillas of the Parathians, consecrated in honor of St. Panteleimon. The temple was not large, the name was strong, having guessed the ancient tower. Behind the wooden fence of the Panteleimon church stood a man's parish school. The temple, simple at first glance, was seen as a miraculous twin, awakened by three o'clock in the morning.

In 1917 after the revolution, a mass church building was held in Russia. In the 30s. such a sum share was recognized by the Yeysk churches, including the Pateleimonivsky temple. The Zhovten cinema was opened in which city. In the 1990s, when the turn of the church life of the Orthodox Church began, which was illegally suppressed, the cinema was reconstructed into a temple and consecrated as St. Michael's Cathedral. On the dzvіnitsi cathedral, the largest dzvіn was installed in Pivdenny federal district. Yogo vaga stores 6 tons.

The Cathedral delights the townspeople and the guests of the place with its miraculous amenities. At the main hall of the cathedral you can dance miracle icons, before which parishioners can pray and put a candle. There is a shop at the temple where church souvenirs, candles, icons and church literature are sold in a wide range.

Icon of the Resurrection of Christ.

Vikonano restoration work on the entire facade of the cathedral, replaced all the coverings. On some small cuts, there is a chipped coating with sawing, which imitates gilding. The great head of the cathedral, that head of the dove, is gilded with gold leaf.

The landscaping of the yard and the reconstruction of the residential buildings were carried out; A church was built in honor of St. Basil the Blessed among these baptists - the sacrament of christening is performed for him. In these buildings there is a refectory for receiving guests, a distant room for service personnel, a prosphora, various storage facilities, and a garage. On the site of the raising of the old budvels, there was a place for consecration and distribution of holy water with a mosaic icon of the Baptism of the Lord and an overhang. Works are constantly being carried out to improve and support the cathedral in a good camp.

Icon of the Epiphany of the Lord - Baptism.

The first temple budova (wooden tree) was built in the middle of the 17th century. It was intended for the parish church of the suburban palatsovo settlement of Yolokhovo.

In 1694, the rotation was replaced by a new one wooden spore, which woke up badly.

From 1717 (or 1722) to 1731, on the її mіstsі, the construction of a stone church was held, rozpochat for the marriage of Emperor Peter the Great and Tsarina Paraskevi Ioanіvni. In 1790, a refectory was rebuilt and a chotiriyarusna bunker was brought. The renovation of the temple was carried out in 1837-1845 according to the project of the architect O.D. Tyurina.

The refectory of the 18th century was saved for the newly created architectural ensemble.

Z 1945 The Church of the Epiphany is the patriarchal cathedral.

The main vіvtar of the cathedral of consecrations to the Holy Theophany, the Baptism of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. The temple has two sides: levi - in the name of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lykia, the Wonderworker, right - in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The holy altar of the temple is celebrated daily on 6/19 September, 6/19 March and 9/22 January, 25 February/7 April.

The greatest chant of the shrine of the temple is the relics of the great prayer book for the Russian land, St. Alexis of Moscow (rem. 1378; commemorated 12/25 of the fierce that 20 grass / 2 chervny, 5/18 Zhovtnya); miraculous (memory 8/21 lime and 22 zhutnya / 4 leaf fall).

The Cathedral of the Epiphany became the main place of urological cleansing and during the appointment of Metropolitan Alexis of Leningrad and Novgorod to the Moscow Patriarchal Throne in 1945, the rotation of Metropolitan Krutitsy and Kolomna Pimen in 1971. For participation in these urochistas to Moscow to the Elokhivsky Cathedral, a lot of primates of the local churches came again.

In 1978, the rector of the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral was appointed archpriest Matviy Stadnyuk to the rank of archpriest. We will serve at the cathedral until now. Father Matvey is proud of the great honor and love of the parathians.

For a whole day the Orthodox people, as if for hours of confusion and trouble, with faith that hope, having turned their eyes to the Mother of God. His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, the rich archpastors, prayed fervently for the salvation of Russia, who stood on the throne of God and before the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God of Volodymyr.

The first won did not allow the witches and hatred to spread over the special land of Rus.

The Cathedral of the Epiphany guards the great saints of Russian Orthodoxy.

In 1930, the miracle-working icon of the Mother of God "Kazanska" was brought to the cathedral. The image is one of the first lists of the image of the Mother of God, revealed in 1579 by the city of Kazan. In 1612, the miracle-working image of the Mother of God was brought from Kazan to Moscow by soldiers, who came to the aid of the fight against the Poles who attacked. With faith, the warriors accepted the holy icon, in the sight of which many miracles began to appear. Knowing about the help of the Mother of God to the soldiers, Prince Pozharsky, a kind of ishov to help Moscow with his warriors, took the miraculous icon with him, and the warriors gradually went up to her with warm prayers for help.

Icon of the Mother of God "Kazanskaya" - a miraculous image.

In 1613, the guards of the enemy, who attacked, having spent hope on winning, themselves built the Kremlin and asked Prince Pozharsky for mercy. In honor of whom it was created horseradish to go with the Kazan icon of the Mother of God for bringing to the Lord that Most Holy Mother of God the tract for the permission to enter the enemy. After driving the gate from Moscow, Prince Pozharsky placed the holy icon of the Kazan Mother of God to the Church of the Entry to the Church of the Virgin on Stritenz. After the consecration of that consecration at the 1636 Kazan Cathedral Church on Chervoniy Square, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God was transferred to the new one.

The holiness of his life, sanctified in the sight of God before the spivvitchizniks, in miracles, as if he had done it, was seen at home and to foreigners, as they did not believe in Christ. During the hours of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, a squad fell asleep at the Khan of the Tatar Chanibek (Dzhanibek), and turned to the prince: “Chuli mi, you have a servant of God, who you don’t pray for - be God. Let yoga go before us. Saint Alexis, for his own faith in God and hope for Yogo, I will omnipotently help to break up to the capital of the khan and by prayer heal his ailment, turning his zir. At the important fate of the 20th century, St. Oleksiy did not leave his All-Russian flock.

Having zealously assisted Saint Alexis in his black feat of black feat, accomplished by the ancient servants of the Church of that Motherland, Reverend Sergius of Radonezkiy, hegumen of the Russian land. Saint Alexis is a prayer book and intercessor for the Russian people before God. To the great reverence of the sharpened relics of the Saint, as one of the great relics of believers in Moscow and the entire Orthodox world.

At the head aisle of the Cathedral of the Epiphany, there is an icon of the Mother of God “The Mammal” with an offensive inscription: “This holy icon was written and consecrated on the Holy Mount Athos in the skete of the Holy Prophet , what . For unforgettable memory of the 2-month-long rebuke in this temple of the miraculous image Holy Mother of God"Saviours" that the said skete should lie down for the hour of rebuking the rector, Archimandrite Gabriel. 1894".

Icon of the Mother of God "Ssavnitsa".

An old icon of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of the Lykian Wonderworker, was raffled at the Mikilsky Botsі Cathedral. Under the hour of the revolution of 1917, the fate of the image was guarded by the power. And on May 5, 1616, on May 5, 1616, on the mist of the present cathedral, a wooden church was erected in the presence of the king in the name of St. Nicholas.

Icon. St. Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of the Lycian wonderworkers - a miraculous image.

Saint Nicholas is shaking with the whole world. To the image of the saint, one should come from the great faith as Orthodox, and novirtsі. Seeing the icons, they seem to stink: Yak Vin helps us with everything! The Holy Hierarch and Wonderworker Mykolai, having become famous for the great rights of beneficence: live here for an hour of hunger for the most hungry; in one place they turn the dead ones, they don’t care for the unhappy mothers; in other cases, it allows the hellish death of innocently condemned, then ahead of evil deeds, with which I threaten evil; then ryatuє on the sea is quiet, sho stomp and drank in a bin of expensive ones; then unrestrainedly reward diligence, which is weaker, to the point of piety.

In 1991, the cathedral became the place of rebuffing of the new holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. On the way from St. Petersburg to the Seraphim-Divіїvsky monastery, for many months the relics of the saint were rebuked at the Cathedral of the Epiphany. From early morning to deep night, with an endless stream of people, up to the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The urochist zustrіch and carried out picked up the number of believers. Particularly clean and outrageous boules see off the monk, if at the exit from the cathedral, thousands of parafians with tears of separation slept, as if rebuffed by the Monk Seraphim, magnanimous sleep, wishing there were days of not great urochisty.

Icon. Great Martyr Healer Panteleimon.

Thousands of believers stood by the devil to go to the shrine. They caused a great number of ailments, among them they were obsessed, as if they took relief from serious illnesses.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Constriction of the Dead".

The Icon of the Mother of God “The Order for the Birth of the Suffering” is an ancient icon. Svyatkuєtsya 5/18 fierce.

The image of the Rose of the Passion of the Lord, from the images of miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and Everlasting Mary. Icon of the end of the 18th century – on the cob of the 19th century

With reference to materials from the book "Epiphany Cathedral", Moscow, 2001 rec.

The Cathedral of Mykoli the Wonderworker was founded in 1846 on the site of a burnt wooden temple of the Uniate Church. In Skhidny Poland, the Uniate (Greek-Catholic) church is small and has a strong position. And after the inclusion of these lands to the warehouse of Russia, the unity was liquidated, and the believers were transferred from Orthodoxy. It seems that in 1897 the Cathedral of Mykoli the Wonderworker saw the Russian Emperor Mykola II.

The Cathedral of Mykoli the Wonderworker lies before the Białystok-Gdansk Eparchy of the Polish Orthodox Church. The temple of vikonaniya in the style of classicism and is formed from the main one-nave prayer hall and the dvіnitsі. The plan is to wake up with a cross.

In the 1990s, the Cathedral of Mykoli the Wonderworker was restored. 1991 the fate of yoga was given by Pope Ivan Paul II to the sign of honor to all religions.

The lands of the lower Bilostotsky Voivodeship were consecrated by the Orthodox faith in the XI-XII centuries. she was angry with the Kiev and Galicia-Volinsky bishops. This territory from ancient times was called Pdlyashshiy through its camp on the border of the “land of lyakhiv”. Bialystok itself, according to legend, was founded in 1320. Lithuanian century. book. Gediminas, the first reliable riddle about settlements in which region is only known until 1437.

With its own rozkvіtom, the region of the goiter of goiter gr. Branitsky, they built the Bilostotsky door with their head residence and built a rich palace here. In 1749, King August III granted Bialystok rights. For Tіlzitskiy svіt vіn u 1807 uvіyshov to the warehouse Russian Empire having become the center of a single-named region. Z 1842-1843 p. Bialystok is a district town of Grodno Province. At the church vіdnoshnі the region was partly founded in 1798. Brest eparchy with the center near Novogrudok, and from 1828 p. - Lithuanian.

At Bіlostocі, a bunch of trees Orthodox church. Until 1822, the first project of the life of a stone church was introduced, however, the current Mikilsky Cathedral was dated 1843-1846 and the first project of warehouses near St. Petersburg in the Commission of Projects and Koshtorisiv. Having consecrated the new temple, the church clerk, Archbishop of Lithuania and Vilensky Josip (Semashko), a fighter from the university. During the repair of the church in 1910. the artist Mikhailo Avilov painted the interiors in the Vasnetsov style (the image of the Resurrected Savior on the Girsk city was preserved).

Most of them sauntered at the temple of the Bialystok Icon of the Mother of God and the Icon of St. Mikoli. On the riddle of Emperor Mikoli I, I put a robe on the Białystok icon, the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment of 1854-1855, and on the temple image, in 1877-1878, the 26th Artillery Brigade was quartered at the city. Emperor Oleksandr I prayed at the cathedral on 25 September 1897 - Mykola II. Dialo Brotherhood of the Mother of God "All sorrowful joys".

The rather small temple, having become a year of relief for the parathians and the Viysk parts, who were in the city, and that from the end of the 19th century, food for the life of the new Resurrection Cathedral began to be discussed. For the fussing of the archbishop of Lithuania and Vilnius Іuvenalіy (Polovtsev) for the new boulo, a state parade ground was laid without cost. For a number of reasons, including through the marriage of koshtiv (cob koshtoris becoming 114,133 rubles), Grodno provincial architect I. K. Plotnikov only in 1905 made a project for a temple in the Moscow-Yaroslavl style. This project was not implemented. Budіvnytstvo began after the praise in 1911 of a new project, with elements of Byzantine and old Russian architecture, which lay with Dontsov, the young architect of the provincial government.

For a few days before the arrival in 1915 of the Romans of the Germans, the great five-headed cathedral of the zirch of endings, and after the war, the Polish authorities took yoga from the Orthodox. Tsіlih 13 rokіv parafіyani strove to turn the budіvl, as if step by step collapsed. The cathedral square near the day of the saints was given a booth, and the domes were victorious for the power of attractions. "Wonderful, duzhe great expansion the temple, on a spacious square in the middle of the place, stands nin, overgrown with herbs along the cornices, and on one of the domes there is a birch, only “golden crosses on the domes ... shine at the exchanges of the sun, like new”, - this is how the life looked in 1937 . Attributed by the Bilostotsky Voivode dated April 12, 1938. the cathedral of the buv pіdirvany i on the yogo mіstsі (vul. Senkevich) was called up to now for the future of the police commandant's office.

The share of the Resurrection Cathedral is not blaming. Already at the beginning of the 1920s, they were closed, and then the churches were rebuilt, and all the churches of Białystok were destroyed: the Assumption - the 64th Kazan Infantry Regiment (since 1902, the church on Traugutta St.), Mikilsky - the 4th Mariupol Derevny hussar yany, 1897 stays from the colossal royal pavilion), Sts. Zakhariya and Elisabeth - the 4th Kharkiv Ulansky Regiment (1911), as well as the house churches at the cholovіchi gymnasium and the real school. On Kavaleriysky vul. the regimental church of st. Seraphim of Sarov.

Trohi earlier vishchezgadan parafial Mikilskoy church was consecrated in 1830. near the Kolishny Palace of the Branitskys, the Oleksandr-Nevskaya Church, vitrimana in the classical style. The project for the iconostasis of the clavicle was designed by the architect A. P. Melnikov, the palace architect K. Ratgauz took the part in the work. Icons were written by professors of the Academy of Arts A.Ye. Egorov and V. K. Shebuev. At 1841 p. at the palace, the Institute of Gentry Girls was established, and the church became an institution. If Poland gained independence, the Polish government closed the temple and ninth, in the future, as if it was occupied by the Medical Academy, apparently it did not lose its trace.

The transition to Pravoslavia in the interwar period came across and Mikil'ska parafia. In 1935-1936, it was far from standing in the distance t.z. "Stake of Orthodox Poles named after Marshal Pilsudski" as a campaign for Polonization of the Orthodox Church. In 1951, the rots were appointed between the new Bilostotsko-Bilsk eparchy (the year of Bilostotsko-Gdansk), and the Mikilsky temple became the її cathedral. In 1955-1958, the cathedral was repaired; in 1956, the lower church of St. Seraphim of Sarov, where they put up an iconostasis from the large regimental church of Seraphim. In 1975-1976, old paintings were beaten down, and the temple was repainted by the artist Josyp Lotovsky.

1981 r. Archbishop Sava (Grytsuniak) became a bishop of Bialystok, who is constantly alive at the temple. In addition, roci, on the yogo blessing, the Brotherhood of Orthodox Youth was founded, the largest in Poland. In early 1991, for the first time in Polish history, an Orthodox church saw Pope Ivan Paul II, who was received by Archbishop Sava himself. Since 1998, the Metropolitan's clergyman is honored by the Polish Orthodox Church, and the eparchy is headed by Bishop Yakiv.

Mikilsky Cathedral is a good example of new classicism. Above the main volume, on a high light drum, hang a massive sholomopodіbny dome, a dome. Above the entrance is a single-tiered bunker. The architecture of the design looks modest: tricot pediments, pilasters, croutons, and circular windows. On the dzvіnitsi - sim dzvonіv, the most important of them is 27 poods. In the middle, a three-tiered iconostasis was saved for an hour to wake up the temple, creations near Vilna. Vіn farbovany u white color, gilding and embellishments richly cut. Icon of the royal brahmi, having written in 1844. artist Malakhov. On the right side of the kliros hang the Bilostok icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. This is a list of the 1940-1950s with a miraculous image that appeared after the evacuation to Russia in the rocks of the First Light War. Prayers are served fast before the icon.

The head shrine of the temple is the imperishable relics of martyr. the absence of Gavriil Bilostoksky (Zabludovsky), transferred on 22 spring 1992 from the cathedral of Grodno in Belarus. Gavrilo was born and alive in 1684-1690 near the village. Zvirki (Zvirki), 8 km on the day from Bialystok. As it was appointed in life, vin buv with the ritual method of "torment by the Jews." In 1746, the lost church, where St. Silently, burned down, but his relics were raised and moved to the Slutsk Trinity Monastery. On the same day, the holy celebration of the memory of the saint was installed, and on April 20 / 3 May, thousands of pilgrims flock to Bialystok, Zvirki and Zabludiv.

Today's Białystok is available up to 300,000 bags. Here, as in the Kholmshchyna, there were no reprisals that the resettlement of the Orthodox people in the interwar period and in 1946-1947, to become Orthodox close to half of the population of the voivodeship and 2/3 of the faithful Polish Orthodox Church. Crimea of ​​the Cathedral, near the city is Orthodox woman's monastery, nine parafiy, seeing that drukarny "Ortdruk".

Attributed to the cathedral is the church of St. Mary Magdalene - the elder orthodox church(1758) from the quiet, which were saved in Bilostoc, to stand on the old church, deserving a sprig of Orthodox graves. Vaughn spent a trivial hour to the Uniates. Close to 1855, the church and church were left with a residually turned Orthodox parish.

After the pogrom of Orthodoxy, committed in the interwar Poland, the skin of an Orthodox church, which is intact, is of great historical value. One can also say about the classical Mikilsky Cathedral, which stands at the main place of Orthodox Poland and witnesses about the old history of Orthodoxy in the Catholic country.

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