The creature starts from the hose. Pain is alive. Why hurt alive and prickly strong pain in the stomach

Pain in the epigastric part can speak about intestinal infections, and about ailments that were provoked by other reasons. Most of the time, the pain will increase with the increase in temperature readings. Fallow in the presence of ailments, there may be other signs, for example, vomiting, carrying, and so on.

Illness of non-infectious nature

Non-infectious ailments that are accompanied by the development of pain sensations in the abdomen and elevated temperature, such as:

Krym tsgogo to tsієї podgrupi varto vіdnesti i peritonіt, scho not vvazhєtsya first-line disease, but plays the role of aggravated ailment SHKT, such as:

  1. Virazka, folded with perforation.
  2. Perforation of the zhovchny.
  3. Injuries, yakі called rupture of the liver and spleen.
  4. Bleeding in the intestines.
  5. Pukhlini.

The most popular basis is hospitable appendicitis.

In the initial situation, the disease is described by pain in the epigastric zone with movements near the right side. The temperature is subfebrile.

The children of the ailment pass silently, which complicates the diagnosis. Because of those symptoms that are signs of particular infectious diseases, it is necessary to take care of the differential diagnosis. How can I help you to control the change of leukocytes in the bloody area. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​seen by surgery. In case of occasional likuvanni, the ailment is aggravated by peritonitis.

Cholecystitis is characterized by severe pain in the abdomen and a temperature of thirty degrees. It often hurts from the right side under the ribs or in the projection zone of the zhovchnogo. Growth won after taking fatty strains. Other symptoms may also develop: vomit, nausea, urination in the mouth empty. Asthenovegetative syndrome is suspected - weakness, drativity, poor sleep.

If there is a stone at the Zhovchny, then the Zhovtyanitsa may open up. To understand why it is necessary to perform the operation, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound scan of the liver and mikhur.

Pancreatitis is characterized by pain under the ribs on the left side, which is in the back, with a temperature of up to thirty-nine degrees, vomiting, rare deformities and stubborn feces.

When a hernia is stifled in a grown-up person, the sickness lives and is afraid of an increase in the indications of a thermometer up to thirty-seven degrees.

Intestinal obstruction is vomited without fever. Seeing the pain bursting, stepping on the essences. Buvae nudota, vomitting instead of a slug. It swells alive, it is asymmetric, it does not show gas and steel. X-ray shows pneumatosis.

Peritonitis is exacerbated by increasing pain in the area of ​​the duct, vomit, elevated temperature, and severe aggravation of the position. Zduttya, bіl in all areas of the abdomen, tahicardia and vice. In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out an operation quickly, otherwise it can lead to shock and death.

Unseen become

Nevidkladne obstezhennya surgeon is necessary in other situations. At the onset of signs, the following terminology turns to the doctor:

  1. Sharp and intense bіl.
  2. Growing pain to the point of unbearable.
  3. Tension of the stomach.
  4. Hyperthermia, carrying, vomiting.
  5. Tachycardia.
  6. There is no style and no gas.

Such a symptomatology leads to negainny stalking to the doctor, or to the help of a quick help.

Infectious disease

If you talk about the infectious situation, then the stomach will go down with the temperature in both the mature and the child. Such ailments can be seen:

  1. Dysentery.
  2. Toxic infection of the grub type.
  3. Viral hepatitis.
  4. Invasive worms.
  5. Salmonellosis.

Dysentery is described by a picture of turmoil - weakness, loss of appetite, temperature, headache. The pains are felt in the abdomen, slightly indistinct; Tenesmus, which draws pain in the rectum, part of the stylets (up to fifteen times in the extraction, in difficult situations - up to fifty). Kal to come out of the bloody homeland.

Atypical types can appear without blood in the stool, which makes the diagnosis more difficult. It is necessary to deal with other infections. Crimia of the global clinic, to confirm the diagnosis, to follow up and see the calamity.

As a rule, taking a course of antibiotics will not let the disease become chronic, but it will help to get better.

Salmonellosis is an intestinal disease that manifests itself in various variations - from asymptomatic leaks to shock. Gastrointestinal variability is most often manifested, which is a hostile cob of ailments, intoxication, temperature rises, pain in the sack, vomit. After a sprat of a year, a stinking steward may appear. Bagatorazov's vomit and stіlets need to talk about feasting fifteen times a day.

Kharchov toxicoinfection is a popular ailment that causes sharp and transient pain in the abdomen, vomit and fever, weakness, tedium. Carrying buvaє at five hundred vipadkіv. As a rule, in such a situation, the alarm clock is cestaphylococcus aureus. Sound, already for the benefit of the patient's camp, you will significantly improve.

Botulism also manifests itself as pain in the abdominal area, vomiting, and passing. The ailment may show up less for booty.

Viral hepatitis may have approximately the same picture of signs: pain in the abdomen, temperature, passing and vomiting.

Invasion is characterized by pain sensations in the abdomen, temperature, vomitting, passing. Nervousness, vtrata vrata, restless sleep, hanging on the ropes can rush. The pain is not as intense as the symptoms are. When diagnosing, it is important to take into account the importance of the presence of worms in the stomach.

Echinococcosis is an ailment, which for a long time passes without a sign, or with a small vag under the right edge. The treatment of ailments is treated with a surgical method.

Pathology of other organs and systems

In other situations, with pain in the abdomen, there may be other illnesses that do not cause damage to the SCT:

  1. Gynecological ailments.
  2. Nirkov's illness.
  3. Myocardial infarction.

Osteochondrosis, which is caused by a tight nerve, can also be similar to the picture.

The pathology of nirok is often described by abdominal pain and a temperature of up to thirty-eight degrees. Bіl often know about the area across or across the abdomen, which makes the diagnosis easier.

Nirkov’s kolka is afflicted with pathognomonic pains: the person is rotten, cannot sit on the floor. Also, the author of our magazine said that in such a situation, you can call as soon as possible before the cut, pain during the cut. Ultrasound and analysis of the section will show that it is necessary to work further.

Varto respect that the stomach could have evidence of a lot of serious ailments, it is even more important to establish the cause of such a symptom at once. Timely rejoicing to help the patients, it is easy to vilіkuvatisya and save your health.

Pain in the area of ​​the duct and abdomen

It hurts a lot and lives from various reasons. The symptom can be attributed to morphological changes, improper eating, inactive way of life, functional disorders, stress.

Often, ailments of the intestinal tract show the same clinical picture, and specific symptoms appear only if the pathology has progressed strongly. Pain in the abdomen, which is accompanied by tedium, vomiting, impaired deformities, fever, may be provoked by gastritis, virazkovy ailment, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a laboratory examination of blood and sections, as well as to infuse the mucosa of the herbal tract itself (for the help of an endoscope) or to prostigate for peristalsis.

cause pain

Bіl at the slunk can be provoked by organic ushkodzhennya. That is why the mucus tissue tube recognizes pathological changes, which makes it impossible for the mucus to vibrate.

Inconsistent mucus (mucin) is produced by adjunctive and squamous epithelial cells. Normally, there is a curvature of the mucus and protection from the aggressive influx of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and drastic speeches, which are necessary for the hedgehog. The thickness of the mucin is close to 05-15 mm.

Zhovchnі acids, yakі penetrate the ducts from the intestines, salicylates, butyric and propanoic acids, alcohol destroy the mucus barrier. Due to the reverse diffusion of ions into the water from the tube and the interaction of the mucous tissue with pepsins, which leads to self-transformation (autolysis).

Pain at the slunk, provoked organic attacks, may appear as a result:

  • gastritis (inflamed mucous membrane);
  • virazki (shkozhuyutsya balls of the shell, which are known under the mucous membrane);
  • growth of polyps;
  • oncology;
  • gate stenosis;
  • infected with a bacterial or viral infection;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • decreased herbal function;
  • mechanical on fabric;
  • allergic reaction;
  • food poisoning (non-sour hedgehog, medicines, alcohol);
  • vysnazhennya to an organism;
  • stress
  • psychoemotional overstrain.

Pain can be attributed to the results of pathology of internal organs, which can lead to the dilation of the drain. So, bіl in epigastrium vinikaє in case of advancing illnesses:

  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • impairing the work of the small intestine;
  • appendicitis;
  • pathology in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • neuroses, depressive state;
  • ailments of zhovchnogo michur, liver;
  • disruption of the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • sickness nirok;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • spasm of the diaphragm;
  • vegetative-judicial dystonia.

There are pains in the abdomen and due to the disorder of the motility of the shunt

You can watch for hypertonicity of the m'yaziv slunk, hypotonicity and atony, which lead to the destruction of the evacuation of the grub masses. You may experience a ringing or a relaxation of the mucosal sphincter, then you will be strimuvatsya in the tube or go back from the tube into the stravochid or from the intestines into the tube.

The peristalsis of the duct may be damaged as a result of changes in the nervous or humoral regulation, as well as due to pathological processes that enter the duct (viraz, erosis, scars, swells, fallow, rotting, or weaken motility).

Illness, scho shouting bіl at the slunk

Depending on the nature of the pain in the abdomen and its intensity, as well as the accompanying symptoms, it is possible to treat the cause of the pain syndrome. Significance may be the hour of the pain, it is necessary to take care of it, if the symptom itself appears (at night, after the pain, or after the physical pressure, on a hungry boat).

An accurate description of the localization of pain, its nature and intensity will help the doctors to admit the greatest possible pathology, for asking or confirming such, it will be necessary to have at least a minimum of diagnostic investigations.


Niuchy blunt acne in the middle of the abdomen is due to inflammation of the mucus tissue of the slough. Pain is felt after rough, oily or alcohol. Intensive pain is close to two debacles, and the weak can be saved by tyzhny.

For pain syndrome, with gastritis, the following symptoms may appear:

  • a little bit of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • constipation chi carrying;
  • vіdrizhka sour;
  • poured white color mine;
  • oven, provoked by the acidic sour tube in the stravochid;
  • boredom;
  • weakness, drowsiness, drativity;
  • bіl mozhe vіddavati at the back.

If a child has a pain in life for a long time, after living in it, then this is the first sign of the development of gastritis

Virazka for the relief of gastritis. Blame it, if the inflamed penetrating at the ball of the shlunkovoi wall, spreading under the mucous membrane. Bіl mozhe z'yavlyatisya on a hungry shell, shards of concentrations of shell roses of tissue.

Often used to blame the protracted year of the day after hedgehog. Tse tim, that the grub mass traumatizes the share of damage. It will be especially strong if it is hot, fatty, important or alcohol. Diagnose virazkovu ailment and symptomatic virazka shluka.

The first is for chronic illnesses, for which the blame is waving at the wall of the slug. Other viklikanі virazkovym factor, scho protіkayut acutely, and as soon as the main cause, then manifested vilіkovuєtsya. To symptomatic virazok cause stress, deakі faces, pathology of internal secretions, swelling, yakі produce gastrin.

The hot bіl near the stomach appears when you try the virazki, if the sour in the tube is taken into the empty chervn. In case of complicated need for surgical intervention. From the side of the tube, you can take the drain in the empty stomach, and in the sudіdni organ, for example, into the intestines. In this way, the activity of another organ is disrupted.

As soon as the igniting process succumbs to the blood-bearing judge, then bleeding will start. It does not increase the intensity of the pain, but it only exacerbates additional symptoms, such as weakness, confusion, blood in the vomit and style.


On the mucous membranes, good-natured swellings can grow. For the time being, small stinks do not linger on the function of tissues and do not call out everyday symptoms. It’s important to finish it, as a rule, stinks appear at the hour of fibrogastroscopic obstezhennia.

Great polyps can cause bleeding, niuchy or transient white, evacuation streak. A polyp on the lower part, rotting the collar from the collar, you can swallow it in the twelve-pointed intestine and pinch, which provokes strong pains similar to the pain under the sternum, like it spreads all over the stomach.

Adenomatous polyp can develop into an evil puff

Infectious disease

From water, or even to the intestinal tract, pathogenic bacteria and viruses penetrate. Their presence is blamed for symptoms:

Symptoms can be relieved by 2-4 decibels. The slug may have the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, in the process of life it sees toxins, which stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which causes gastritis.

The microorganism is observed in 90% of people, however, most of them are carriers of infections, small amounts of gastritis develop, only as there are provocative factors, such as stress, improper eating, medication medication.

Pathologies of some organs

The pain in the whole abdomen can be blamed through the destruction of the activity not only of the sac, but of other organs, which are found in the empty stomach or beyond the boundaries. Soreness in the abdomen with different intensity of symptoms, as well as such pathologies:

  • duodenitis. I disrupt the work of the small intestine, which leads to a deterioration in motor and occlusive functions, as well as to flatulence and throwing instead of the intestines at the bowels. All the same calls for blackheads and in the lower abdomen;
  • pancreatitis. Inflammation of the underslung ridge provokes a strong bіl, which is felt either locally, or in the whole belly, zachіpaє back, across. In case of ailment in the duodenum, the whole secret of the infection is not revealed, but it is indicated for the function of etching. It looks like zduttya, tediousness;
  • colitis The inflammatory process in the large intestine is manifested by bloating and grumbling in the abdomen, rare malformations of the house of blood;
  • spasm of the diaphragm, which calls out shooting, strong, transient pains, which seem to be aggravated in Russia and in deep breath;
  • stenosis of the stravokhod. Pathology develops through trauma, scar or puffer. You are hung up in a stravokhodі and it is important to drag it into a shell, when you get it, it was bіl along the course of the mealy breast, wheezing, vomitting, difficulty in forging hedgehogs, bleeding;
  • stones. Stones can be set in nirkah, pidshlunkovіy zalozі, chewing michuri. When they come out, there is a strong pain, causing a spasm of the vessels or a blockage of the lumen of coli;
  • pylorospasm of the schule. Pathology is provoked by broken work nervous system. There is a belly in the stomach that boredom;
  • opening the spleen and liver. It seems similar after a blunt injury to the abdomen and provoking hospital pain at the empty stomach. Pathology will require a non-gain surgical intervention.

Caused by spasm through disruption of blood circulation

Often, with vaginess, it hurts very much in the dilance of the duct and not always the cause of this obstetric pathology. An enlarged uterus is embossed on the adjacent organs, suffocating them, which may cause damage to the herbal function, blowing up, baking. In addition, under the hour of vagity, chronic illnesses develop, or they develop, and until such time there is sickness.

How to take a bіl from a slug and a stomach

In order to use the gostry white at the empty stomach, we will need to explain the reason for the blame, so that it is necessary to make a diagnosis. This task can only be considered by a fakhivtsy after taking away the results of an objective follow-up.

Pain-relieving and spasmolytic preparations and timchasal relief were used in the dilatation of the entire abdomen, but the stench did not determine the cause of the vindication. As a fallow provocative factor, preparations are prescribed to reduce the acidity of the shell juice, irritant, antibiotics, absorbents.

Yakshcho bіl viklikana spasm of the vessels, then you can take yoga by taking antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Drotaverin, Spazmol, Plantex, Prospan). The active speech of the drug is injected into the cells of the smooth muscles, in order to protect them from shortness of breath.

As the reason for the pain is collapsing stones, then litholithic therapy is needed, as it is directed to the calculus. For the construction of a small stone, medicines, mineral water, people's welfare are needed.

Pidbіr likіv is guilty of zdіysnyuvatisya likar z urakhuvannya type and rozmіru stone. The first step is to go to the opening of the stone folk secrets otherwise, mineral water is necessary to explain why the calculus has been created.

Through the destruction of the diet, a sharp pain can be blamed on a spastic character. Possibly a liver in the epigastrium, rіz that oven. Know the symptoms of antacids, yak neutralize hydrochloric acid (Maalox, Almagel, Phosphalugel).

Faces of guilt are recognized as a healer for the main illness

If gastritis is confirmed or not, then gastroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs (Venter, Pancreatinin, Festal, Mezim) are used. Proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole, Denol) change the concentration of hydrochloric acid and prevent the appearance of virase. Pain-inducing effect may Fasfalugel, Maalox, Almagel, No-Shpa, Ketarol, Spasmalgon.

Dopomozhut peretravity їzhu enzymatic preparations. Їх p'yut in case of discomfort in the hose, scho wine after the transfer, or importantly. Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal lie before such preparations.

Help help the slunk and the people's welfare.

For example, in view of the furnace and severity, it helps the green leaves of the culbabi, the scarlet scorch burns and speeds up regeneration, honey improves immunity and is anti-spasmodic, tea with mint relaxes the smooth muscles of the slug.

After the inflammation has passed, it is necessary to ensure that the organ is functionally calm. As if the pathology of the subscapular cavity, then it is necessary to reduce at least two dobi, as if the intestines are broken, then the term is 8 years. During the period of illness, it is necessary to take a diet, which includes fresh food, oil, alcohol, mint tea and kava, sour vegetables and fruits, herbs, de rich spices from the menu.

Dotremuvatsya diet is necessary in case of any ailments of the herbal system.

Like a hospitable belly near the stomach, the next term is to seek medical assistance. Until the arrival of the doctor, it is not possible to take pain-relieving preparations, scaling the main symptom and not allowing the epicenter of the pain to be identified, and the nature of the onslaught.

To help reduce pain, ice is cold, or a cold heating pad is applied to the abdomen. It is also recommended to take a neutral pose, in which case it will be less intense, or you can have a knee-left pose, a pose of an embryo, in a more sitting position. Whether it’s a moodiness, it’s necessary to collapse less.

What needs to be done, as if the pain is alive at the dealership, suggest a gastroenterologist. Once you have made a diagnosis, you can treat the main illness. How to carry out self-sustaining symptomatic therapy, to bring about the development of ailments and vindication. For this reason, the pain is not intense, but it is blamed periodically, it is necessary to go through obstezhennia and understand their cause.

Why hurt the slug and live: causes and symptoms

If a person is blamed for such pain, then there are head symptoms of a swollen tube that develops. If you want an evil newcomer in the closet, you yourself can call out pain in your eye.

To hurt the slug and live - symptoms of the development of various ailments

Razdratuvannya mucous membrane of the slough, tobto gastritis, obviously, is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity. Such bіl sounds nyuchy, may appear and concomitant symptoms - vomit and nudity. Pain can be blamed as a result of the development in the empty shell of evil newborns, virazki, grizhi.

Pain at the slut and abdomen, crying out to the infestation of the slugs, more sharp and operative, venting in the back and going out in the middle. Accompanying symptoms - increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting. If you lie down to the risik group, then є:

  • smoke a lot
  • get used to alcohol,
  • steroid hormones,
  • sechoginnі zasobi,
  • you have damage in the robotic chewing mihur,

then such a bіl іz more frequent ymovіrnostі svіdit itself about the wrong work pіdshlunkovoї zipper.

As a result, the stomach and abdomen are accompanied by fluctuations in body temperature and visions of the lungs, purulent and bloody, which may be evidence of endometritis, which is inflamed by the uterine ball. With canopies, especially high ymovіrnіst development of ill caesarean rosette, in the uterus can be consumed by harmful microorganism Varto negligently turn to the gynecologist and rozpochati likuvannya, otherwise serious damage may appear.

Why, with a virazkovy ailment, it hurts the slug that lives: the causes of the apparition

Virazka shlunk - tserozija yogo mucosal membranes, in more vipadkіv її it is possible to zalіkuvati, but all the same, it’s not possible to do it yourself. Chickens are drinking near the risk zone, people who are constantly drinking alcohol, coffee drinks, regularly take Aspirin and Cortisone.

Coming to the pain when viraztsі z'yavlyayutsya raptov, can torment a person with a stretch of a few days, and then for an hour pass without a trace, for example, there was no rejoicing.

If the bowel hurts and is alive, similar in its character to the one that appears during severe hunger, most often it appears on a hungry bowel, then in more cases, the fluctuations in virazkovy are manifested in a person at night, if they sleep that empty bowel.

Deyakі vіrazki to bleed, it's easy to recognize it on the stіltsi, as if it's black, then it's a head symptom. Most of the time, people are weaker to stress, strained and nervous, even if only medically relieved and vinnyatka.

Why hurt the slug and why work in such a state of mind?

Pain in the duct is a partial symptom that indicates the presence of a pathological process in the duct, as well as in the abdominal organs (stravochidia, submucosal ulcer, liver and muchuria).

The stinks can be hostile and chronic, mothers of different intensity, trivality and character. Localization in the epigastric cavity is often associated with the intake of hedgehogs, as well as with the character (hostra, licorice, etc.).

If you want to know what hurts the slug, it is necessary for us to characterize the pain: describe its intensity, character and localization. Tse dopomozhe reveal the exact cause of pain in the sack, as well as recognize adequate treatment.

Cause pain in the shaft of the hose

In the case of a slug, the slug itself can become ill, as well as pathologies of other organs and systems of the human body. The smut nutrition in case of tsoma - damage to the organ itself called out pain in the epigastric region.

Cause pain in the schlunk, crying out without middle pathology:

  • gastritis;
  • virazkov's ailment;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • functional damage to the robotic hose;
  • ushkodzhennya mucosal shell of the shell;
  • individual intolerance food products that allergy;
  • food poisoning;
  • emotional and physical stress;
  • polypi of the drain;
  • throat cancer.

Cause pain in the area of ​​the duct, which is blamed on damage to other organs:

A new diagnosis can be carried out by a professional doctor. To that, you should see the pain in the stomach, be unreasonable, and sometimes make it difficult to diagnose yourself, and start self-exaltation.

The nature of pain

Gostra is prickly, rіzhucha, spasmodic, niuchy blemish in the dilyance of the slough often appears with acute chronic duodenitis, or when you are sick with Viraz's ailment of the duodenum. "Kindzhalny" bіl accompanying the perforation of the visor.

Consideration of distension in the epigastrium (near the upper middle dilatation of the abdomen) and the severity of the disease due to chronic gastritis with a reduced secret function. There is also a slight increase in epigastric stenosis, and an increase in the intensity of such pain is often said to cause colitis, pancreatitis, or cholecystitis.

Baking, stubborn bіl, which is blamed in case of illness on Viraz's ailment or gastritis, witness about the appearance of a solarium. Niuchy, dull bіl accompanying chronic gastritis due to saved secretion or virazkovy ailment of the sluice. Rіdshe, virazková ailment is accompanied by sharp, spasmodic pain.


Vіdomimi methods of diagnosing low ailment SHKT є endoscopy and X-ray, as well as ultrasound of the tube. Before ultrasound of the organs of etching, it is recommended to prepare for 72 years before dieting. Important and functional tests, extraction of slug juice, analysis in place of the slug, analysis of section, analysis of feces, analysis of blood and zhovch.

Gastritis: the most common cause of pain in the schlunk

The widest ailment, which accompanies pain in the stomach, is gastritis, which, in his hand, is based on such basic conditions.

  1. Bacterial. develops in association with the appearance of Helicobacter pylari bacteria in the body, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  2. Gostry. Yogo symptoms can appear through chemical or mechanical mucosal shrinkage, as well as on the nerve root.
  3. Atrophic. manifests itself in ligaments with great thinning of the mucous membranes of the walls of the slough.
  4. Virus. pochinaєtsya at zv'yazku s weakened immunity.
  5. Eosinophilic. you can start with allergies.

The most characteristic symptoms of acute gastritis are:

The most important symptom that indicates gastritis is pain in the area of ​​sony gossip, which may gain power after receiving the singing sights of the eyes. Often slunkovі bolі posylyuyutsya in the intercourse between women. Priynyattya not long before a painful attack, whether it be aggressive natives, medicinal remedies, or a sign of gastritis.

The chronic form of gastritis occurs without any noticeable manifestations, which can be erased. They can be: a wind, an unacceptable smell from the mouth, an ice commemoration was at the worker’s slut, for some kind of illness, don’t sound respectful, feel the heaviness in the stomach. Impaired etching, parts of degeneration, constipation can also be a sign of the ignition process of the mucous membrane of the slough.

Virazka shlunka

Virazkov's ailment can also be the reason why a person is watching a slunk. Bіl at such a moment, you will sound at the first year of the year or the next day. On the back, there were not many expressions, but just as soon as it starts to over-twist, it becomes stronger and becomes unbearable. How can only a hedgehog get poisoned and eat the guts of a twelve-footed man, before the onset of taking a hedgehog.

Conducted virazki

Pathology manifests itself in the appearance of an open opening in the walls of the duct or 12-colon intestine, through whichever place in these organs it is drained into the empty stomach. Bіl at tsiomu is sharp, for the description is like a “strike with a dagger”, sometimes it calls out inconsistency. The m'yazi of the stomach are straining, the burning camp is suffering. Carried out mainly on the aphids of the intestinal duct.

Polypi sluka

The majority of polyps in the duct is more important, unfortunately, it is asymptomatic. In some rare cases, patients can complain more in the sub-sleeve zone. Stupidly sore, sound like an explanation for the eruption and inflammation of the polyp. Intense pain can be a sign of a cold polyp on a long, rumbly lower leg.

In addition, the great one / or the many polypis that the goalkeeper has hid, can destroy the passage of the exit door. Vaughn is manifested by tediousness and vomit in the night, early pimples, an unacceptable smell that comes out of the mouth.

Kharchov's corruption

A number of typical signs of disturbance are seen:

  • temperature, not high, up to 37-37.5 degrees,
  • loss of appetite, unwell,
  • discord of style and pain in the abdomen of a transient nature,
  • bloating,
  • nudota that puke,
  • cold pet, reduced pressure.

Peculiarities of clinical manifestations lie in various minds - the type of microbe or toxin, the number of organisms, and other factors.


During the acute stage of illness, the signs of pancreatitis suggest symptoms of severe illness.

Below are the main symptoms:

  1. Bill. The most pronounced symptom, which in pancreatitis sounds even more intense, postyny, the nature of pain sensations is described as ailing as stinging, dull. In the case of an untimely medical emergency, to help relieve pain, the patient may experience pain shock. It localizes under the spoon, under the rib cage, or right-handed, or left-handed, fallow in the area of ​​the wound, at times, if the whole organ is ignited, then there may be an operative character.
  2. Nudota, whooping, wheezing, dryness in the mouth.
  3. Vomit from Zhovchyu.
  4. Constipation and diarrhea.
  5. Butt.
  6. High temperature.
  7. Shifting down the vice.
  8. Change the color of the guise. The skin of the face is pale on the back, then it is filled with earthy colors.
  9. Bloated stomach.
  10. Appearing across or across the navel of cyanotic patches.

If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to call I'll help the shvidka", the shards of the patient's camp are gradually dying, which can lead to death.

Likuvannya pain at the slunk

What is the job of such a time? With gastritis and the virus that accompanies the stove, sour and pain, you can take the following preparations:

For pain caused by abduction in eating:

With spasms of the schluna, the following preparations can help:

For pain caused by transitions, especially on aphids low acidity shell juice, as well as in case of non-etched shell:

In case of inflamed pidshlunkovoy slough, stravokhod, with virazkovy ailment:

Remember: even if you prepare and do not have a small positive effect, and you don’t smell it, you turn negligently to fahivtsya.

Why hurt alive and prickly strong pain in the stomach

Been at the shlunka with a scorching camp, which sometimes creates the songs of the unhandedness of people. Ale, for some people who can become ruinous and strong through their frequency, or severity, which can lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life.

For these patients, if they may have a similar report of pain in the slut, it is important to promptly report the cause of pain in the abdomen and the need for relief to prevent the symptoms and negative consequences.

For whom it is necessary to visit a doctor, who will tell you why it hurts alive and how to get rid of this symptom.

Causal factors and symptoms

Lives in the anatomical region, rimmed with the lower edge of the ribs and the diaphragm, ruffled viscera, as well as the pelvic brush, ruffled lower.

Irrespective of those that feel pain in the abdominal cavity can appear in some tissues, which can feel the empty stomach, understand the “belly in the stomach”, as it seems, zastosovuetsya to characterize the pain sensations that develop in the organs of the empty stomach.

Painful symptoms are often non-specific and may be provoked by various factors. There are two different types of pain:

For a sharp pain in the empty stomach, a characteristic є rapt and severe attack, which often frightens patients at once and turns for help without help to a medical mortgage, de rich from them, you may need the term surgical treatment.

Chronic pain can be described as less serious, more trivaly by the hour, sometimes dull pain, which manifests itself periodically, then with interruptions. It is important, however, that the weakly ill are obviously not equated to less serious illnesses or becoming.

Zahalom, pain in the abdomen, as if rotting far away from the center, often indicate more serious problems, lower those that are localized near the center (although not always).

Sound uninterruptedly and progressing painfully, it also indicates the appearance of serious illnesses, which underlie this symptom.

Chronic pain is almost like, as if they may have a weak character, try less than a little whilin and not much turbulent people, may be less irritable, but the sheets are serious.

The type and location of the pain can help the doctor to determine if there is a symptomatic cause. The intensity and severity of pain is also necessary to treat when making a diagnosis.

Dekilkoma blazing characteristics bіl belly є:

  1. The nature of pain sensations (those that seem to be near the stomach). Vaughn can be a hostile, weak, prickly, spasmodic, feather-like. It is possible to have a variety of other types of pain sensations.
  2. Trivality of pain sensations (like a long time to hurt a slug that lives, and why didn’t it hurt). The pain in the stomach can be short-lived, which is three years long stretching, or it can be saved by stretching a few years and more. Inodi strong pain the stomach is afraid of the last hour, and then the intensity is going to decline.
  3. Officials, yakі shout bіl (why hurt live reasons). You can lose weight or change due to the singing of the situation, for example, lose weight after you go, go through after a bowel movement or vomit, or lose yourself in a lying position.

Severe pain in the abdomen (in the region of the empty stomach) in the liver or other cases may be caused by various illnesses and ailments.

The severity and severity of pain sensations may lie in the main ailment. Acts from illnesses, symptoms of pain in the abdomen, described below.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is an illness, commonly known as acid reflux, associated with chest discomfort and pain in the upper part of the empty stomach.

Symptoms may include difficulty with cobing, nausea, sore throat and cough. Living with HERC can intensely ail and permanently turbulent people.

People with a virazka in the shell can see the liver or be at the shell. More may cause more discomfort in the abdomen, if the person is hungry. Symptoms include disorder of the stool, flatulence, vomiting, burning, tedium and dark stool.

Hernia in the abdomen, known as a hernia of the stravochid opening of the diaphragm, can also cause discomfort in the abdomen. Symptoms associated with this type of hernia, rubbish in the upper part of the abdomen, tedium, baking, difficulties in the process of forging and uninterrupted hiccup.

Strong bіl, starting from the navel and ending with the lower right part of the abdomen, sometimes it is a sign of appendicitis. Signs may also include tedium, loss of appetite, constipation, bloating, severe intolerance when I cough or cough, and liver.

The liver and the hour of the cuticle and discomfort in the lower abdomen can be signs of other infections of the cuticle paths. Some other symptoms associated with UTIs are chills, part of the sechovi- sion , burning pain in the stomach and belly, blood in the clash, lihomania and the unacceptable smell of the clash.

A strong and dull pain, which occurs at the same time in the region of the back and abdomen, as a rule, indicates the adoption of stones at the nirks. Bil, po'yazany z kaminnyam nirkah, є bolіsnim i unbearable.

Show ailments also include blood at the sich, often sichovipkannya, a tedious camp, a kalamut slash, lihomania and vomiting.

Pozamatkova vagіtnіst - aggravation, as well as the build-up of the disease is stronger than the liver, it was more discomfort for the slut. Denmark began to sound diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The symptomatology is composed of abnormal bleeding from pihvi, low blood pressure, nudity and vomit.

Raptovy or progressively increasing pain in the upper, posterior and lateral parts of the abdomen can be a sign of pancreatitis. Other symptoms include vomitting, tenderness in the abdomen, nausea, fever, and rapid pulse.

Acts of other ailments, caused by the appearance of painful symptoms in the abdomen, or uncomfortable symptoms in the throat, include Crohn's disease, food poisoning, constipation, dysentery, menstrual cramps and viral infections.

The pain in the abdomen varies greatly, from insignificant pain sensations to unbearable ones. At the same time, a strong belly in the stomach can be the result of something that is not bad.

For example, most people know that there was a fluke in the case of gasification, we can talk about a banal transfer or a fatty liver, which causes discomfort and flatulence.

On the other hand, some serious problems, such as celiac disease or colon cancer, do not show too many symptoms in the early stages.

In connection with the cyst, it is not possible to judge the problems with the hose, including the degree of severity of pain in the space of the empty stomach, so that, in addition, it hurts intensely.

Serious postiyny bіl zavzhd є sufficiency podstavoy in order to turn negainoly to the doctor. However, in times of mild or moderate pain, it is necessary to pay attention to the appendages and show the following symptoms:

Signs that people need to visit the doctor in terms of terms, develop from the appearance of a stomach ache (when it hurts regularly), an increase in body temperature, a crooked passage or vomit, impossibility to normally deform, and also pain in the throat, godin. and be accompanied by vomiting.

Methods of diagnostics and therapy

The constant pain in the abdomen is supposed to heal the pain to help other doctors, so that the therapy can be taken in the fall due to the causes of pain symptoms. Therapy, as a rule, is sooner begun with a consultation with a doctor, who will eventually complete the entire process of diagnosing pain relief.

Depending on the obvious symptoms and the diagnosis made, the doctor will look at the first row of risk factors (those, possible infections, infections), and then the other rows (appendicitis, ovarian cancer).

If you live to hurt constantly and pain unbearable, the high level of humility is directed to the sick to the provision of indispensable assistance, de fahivtsі emergency medicine taunt about new.

A professional doctor often puts a nutritional note in order to try to find out what the patient calls for, and also what hurts alive.

Acts from them may not be related to the current camp of the patient, but it is important to try out the best practices on them. Nutritional insights can help medical experts know give a reason pain in the patient is easier and easier.

A physical look at the inclusion of the belt of the empty stomach of the sick, that leg for the exact determination of the pain sensations.

The drug is sometimes used rectally to reconsider the presence of a small amount of blood in the stilt or other problems, such as the vinification of internal hemorrhoids.

If the patient is a person, the doctor will dotally reconsider the status of the state member of that testicle. If the patient is a woman, the doctor often looks around the pelvis to check for problems in the empty uterus. fallopian tubes and ovaries.

The doctor also often takes care of the patient's eyes when they look at the empty mouth, so that the patient does not get watered. In addition, laboratory tests may indicate the cause of sickness in the abdomen.

In addition to the information taken from the examination of a sick person and a physical obstezhennia, you may need a blood test or a section to make an accurate diagnosis.

Zokrema, an increase in the norm of leukocytes in the blood, can mean an infection, or it can be a simple reaction to stress in pain and vomiting.

A low hemoglobin level may indicate that the patient is bleeding internally. Shelter at the siege, yak it is impossible to shake with an indefatigable eye, allows you to admit that the patient is stoned at nirkah.

Other blood tests, such as the analysis of liver enzymes and subcutaneous ducts, can help to determine which organ is in pain (with which stench it does not indicate a diagnosis).

Radiological investigations of the patient's empty stomach may be brown, but not necessarily necessary.

In other cases, the X-ray sign shows the obviousness of the posture of the intestine. Tse means that this wall is ripped and perforated. X-rays can help diagnose bowel obstruction. In certain situations, x-rays can show stones in nirks.

Ultrasonic obstezhennya є painless procedure, corisnoy revealing some causes of sickness in the stomach.

Ultrasound can be used in this case, if the patient suspects that the patient has problems with zhovchny mikhur, pidshlunkovoy slough, liver, or reproductive organs in representatives of the female state.

Ultrasound also helps in diagnosing problems with nirkami and spleen, or great blood-bearing vessels, like pulling from the heart and supplying blood to the lower half of the coat.

The treatment includes taking antacids by the patient, such as Tams, Maalox or Pepto Bismol, which can relieve some type of pain in the abdomen. Activated Vugill tablets can help in the early stages of pain symptoms.

Acetaminophen is a drug for the treatment of mild and moderate severity. However, this medication was unique, as it is a suspicion of liver disease.

Patients are guilty of switching off the intake of Aspirin and Ibuprofen, as the stench may be suspected of a schism or bowel disease, scalds of ci preparations may no longer help in this depression.

The patient may also be given an intravenous IV injection. The doctor can ask the patient not to eat or drink for some time, the docks will not be charged with causing pain.

It is necessary to fight in order to get rid of the death of singing illnesses (for example, to make the camp more comfortable for the obviousness of the perforative veil) or to prepare the patient for a possible operation (an empty life is necessary, if not necessary for the anesthetic).

It’s like a patient’s life to hurt through the presence of an infected internal organ, for example, appendicitis or a stomach bug, the patient’s term is necessary to go to the hospital, shards of wine require hospitalization, a careful, helpful doctor,

Intestinal obstruction can sometimes also zastosuvannya surgery, fallow due to the fact that it leads to obstruction, more serious complications and additional health problems.

If the patient’s sacs hurt through perforation of the organ (intestine or sac), it will require a negligible operation and be taken directly to the operating room.

In general, many types of pain symptoms resolve on their own without surgical intervention and without a clear cause, and more people will require more symptomatic relief.

Medical causal factors for the development of pain symptoms in the abdomen are most likely to have a worse prognosis, and blame is also given. Surgical causes of pain sensations in the abdominal cavity are characterized by different results, which are affected by the complexity of the head ailment of a person.

If the patient may have a mild form of inflamed appendicitis, or if there is a small stone in the zhovchny mіkhurі, he is guilty of repeating the operation after the operation without any long-term problems.

For example, ailments may open the appendix, or infections of the zhovchny mіkhur, renewal takes more than an hour.

A pain in the abdomen in the form of a perforated vein or a blocked intestine can mean the immovability of the next possible serious operation and a trivial ventricular process.

When the problems are caused by great blood vessels, such as the appearance of blood clots, the prognosis may be smaller. Zagalom, which is the oldest person behind the century and which is the most serious problem, the poorest result can be assessed in the form of a surgical intervention.


Discomfort in the abdomen can be caused by a number of factors: from minor causes to serious pathologies. When it is important for them to use it, it is important to carry out a correct diagnosis and install: if more often the turbulence is more frequent in the hose before or after, with inhalation, walking, more troubles, evenings, it’s a lie, what kind of character you see - strong, attack-like, fast. Once you have learned from these understandings, you can proceed to exaltation.

What's up with the slunk

In medicine, this symptom is called gastralgia - an unacceptable, transiently similar to a severe character, as if caused by mucosal diseases, severe stress and the manifestation of pathologies of other internal organs. The difference in intensity and localization is often the main and only symptom of problems with ICT. Such an illness, as a rule, has a chronic character: it progresses freely, and with the development of a worsening of symptoms.

Yak hurt the slug

Unacceptable eyes often blame under the left rib, sometimes they can strike across, the lower abdomen and the region of the heart. In addition, bіl vіdіznyaєtsya for the nature of protіkannya - іntensive, rіzhuchy, tractable, dagger, feather-like, prickly. Depending on the causes of painful spasms, it is possible to note the presence of other symptoms. The most common ones are:

  • nudota with vomiting;
  • winding with shell juice;
  • metalevy prismak in roti;
  • damaged style - diarrhea and constipation;
  • weakness;
  • bloating;
  • Decreased AT.

Why hurt

For the intensity of the pain attacks, the doctors may give a warning about the presence of another disease. For example, chronic gastritis is accompanied by constant pain, heaviness, which is the cause of the disease. Hot, unbearable bіl vkazuє on the rise of acidity and activity of hydrochloric acid and mucous membranes. Post-hospital pain syndrome, as a rule, is due to acute pancreatitis, cholecystitis or colitis. Spasmodic attacks are typical for chronic disease, and with perforation of disease, the syndrome turns into a sharp bulge.

Pіslya їzhi

Practically zі 100% vpevnіstyu doctors can declare about chronic or hostrial gastritis, which means sharp pains in the slug after you go. For example, for the obviousness of the case, such a symptom is blamed not immediately, but after five years later. Gastritis h increased acidity suprovodzhuvatisya oven, vіdrizhkoy, possible constipation. Decreased acidity is characterized by nausea, decreased appetite, grumbling in the stomach, carry it. The reasons for such ignition processes can be:

  • tyutyunopalinnya;
  • vzhivannya gostroy, salty or fat hedgehog;
  • wrong mode of eating;
  • nervous shock that part of stress;
  • physical adventure;
  • abuse by alcohol;
  • acceptance of certain types of medical benefits.

Gostriy bіl

Blaming raptly, like a strong spasm, so it goes by itself, and in an hour it turns with new strength. It is impossible to independently determine the cause, even if the list of problems is already wide. Provoking the blame for such discomfort:

  • poisoning the body with toxins, bruising and chemicals;
  • ailments of other internal organs - ignition processes; acute chronic pathology;
  • infectious disease;
  • psychoemotional discord;
  • zagostrennya forks of the slide;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • food poisoning;
  • aggravation of chronic diseases of the intestinal tract;
  • individual intolerance of certain types of products.


If you feel that pressure is a direct symptom of stenosis of the hiatus, and if it grows over time, then the gastroenterologist may suspect inflamed pidshlunkovoi. In addition, nyuchy and stupid bіl can call out polypi - even a rare sight. It is possible to suspect about yoga presence, as if it were blamed for the hour of pressure on the living, sometimes to torment boredom or vomit in the tube.

Night pain at the slug

There are no less reasons, yakі provokuyut nepriemnі vіdchuttya in grown-ups for an hour of sleep, but mayzhe all the stench is due to the problems of the herbal tract or the disruption of the functions of the sluice. These symptoms may be due to:

  • Increased acidity of the shlunkovogo in place - as a rule, the symptoms begin to appear under the wounds.
  • Illness, which is being treated for an hour of transferring the internal organs. Lying position and permanently turn the body for an hour to sleep change the position of the valve, after which you can emboss on other internal organs.
  • Povіlna peristalsis. Blame through those that are in the intestines are toxins and chemicals, pathogenic microorganisms.

Gravity and pain

Such symptoms are often blamed for the presence of gastritis with low acidity. In addition, if you hurt the slug, the sickness is accompanied by wind, heaviness, tedium, and bloating in the abdomen. Qi w signs can buti pov'yazanі z chastkovy zakidannyam slunic acid in stravochid and broken in the robotic sphincter. Such a camp is characterized by precise localization of pain in the epigastrium.


Such a symptom is a part of the companion during the transition, especially if you sleep at night. Incidentally, severe pain in the duct can signal damage to overexertion and lack of hepatic enzymes, which appear after supra-mundane physical tensions, which is associated with a strong overstressing m'ulcer in the anterior cervical wall. If the localization of the symptom is the upper part of the duct, then the causes are malice by tyutyun or alcohol.

Attack-like pain

Symptoms of a spasmodic nature can be viral or viral. Such a disease is called intestinal flu or viral gastroenteritis. Such a pathology is characterized by the presence of temperature, passing, vomiting. Sometimes spasms can be a side effect of tonsillitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. In such a case, it is unacceptable to go, as only a patient will get rid of the main illness.


- one of the most safe diseases. The head signs are weak, albeit constantly blaming pain in the area of ​​​​the shunt, which does not in any way indicate the hour of doby or the reception of it. The early appearance of the pathological process cannot be any other manifestations of symptoms, dyspepsia and a decrease in appetite. At the last stages, if the fluff penetrates the shell of the slough, painful sensations increase, and other unsafe symptoms of the mucosal membrane injury come to them: bleeding, vomiting with blood.


For the early self-diagnosis, it is worth noting that if it hurts the stomach to the brim, then the reason for it is probably in the stomach of the duodenum. In this case, the symptom may appear both in the epigastric part, and in the subcostal region. Approximately one-third of the patients are not receiving a noticeable insignificant intensity, the ailment of the ailments can suffer from a painful unbearable pain. In addition, such attacks are often blamed at night - this is the name of hungry pain.

Pain in the duct and intestines

Can be blamed at once for a number of reasons:

  • Due to infectious disease of the colon- Kolita or transversity. Symptoms of ailment: grumbling of bloated stomach, constant call to the toilet, carry-over, blood out of the mucus.
  • rotten bowel syndrome. Accompanying rare deformities, mucus in faeces, chronic nausea, migraines.
  • Duodenitis- Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. This pathology is accompanied by tedium, vomiting, weakness, elevated body temperature.

Nudota and pain

The one-hour manifestation of such symptoms is sometimes the result of poisoning the body with important metals, mercury, ingested to the epigastric zone of meadows and acids. Behind the nature of the manifestation of symptoms, such a picture may be more likely to develop with gastritis, but it may have its own power, for example: severe weakness, increased thirst, confusion.

Why can a woman's slug be sick

Severe changes in the hormonal background, a severe decrease in immunity - all the same in women during the period of pregnancy, they carried the unsafe condition of chronic ailments, which were earlier. Among the most common causes of varto seen: gastritis, virazka, colitis. In addition, during this period, the woman develops sensitivity to allergens and food products. Navіt visibly fresh їzha can call out otruєnnya, tedium that vomit.


If you have pain in the stomach, we must first sign up for an appointment with a gastroenterologist. On admission, the diagnosis of varto reveals the nature of the appearance of spasms, their intensity and indicative of the presence of unacceptable symptoms, even so. For the obstezhennia of the patient, vicorist:

  • ultrasonic follow-up of the organs of the empty stomach;
  • ezogastroduodenography, to make the wall of the schluna stalk;
  • computerized tomography;
  • blood and feces analyses.

Chim rejoice

Therapy is carried out in a viable manner until the diagnosis is made. In case of gastritis, it is recommended to improve the diet of eating, turn off the menu for shredding products. Fallow in the localization of the vicarious process of vicarious treatment, medical treatment or surgical treatment. Even though the official methods of treatment do not conflict with people's practices, then, if I take pills, I can drink different types that infusion of herbs.

Persha helped with pain in the shlonk

In the first whiliny, the sickness of the stomach appeared, and it was important to put on an unacceptable sight. For which vicorists are used analgesic preparations. In addition, it’s better to take a vіdmovity in vіd vіvannya їzhiі for the first hour, natomіst vіvіvayuchi a great amount of hot drink or low-fat broth. In other situations, others can help, for example:

  • In case of acute gastritis, doctors recommend resting in the recumbent position on boots with padded knees. For greater efficiency, you can put a cold compress on your stomach or lightly massage your stomach. When aggravated, it is necessary to drink water and vomit.
  • In case of symptoms of turmoil, it is necessary to add discomfort to the activation of water and other sorbents. Then we need to restore the water balance in the body with a clear drink.


What to drink in case of pain in the slunk, like a likuvannya, you can win more than a medicine. Vіn also prescribes the dosing of that course to the recipient of the drugs. However, there are fluctuations, if you turn to fahіvtsya there is no ability, then pick up faces as necessary, depending on the symptoms:

  • In case of gastritis, or in case of increased acidity of the sac, acidic fluid and liver, they can be supplemented with: Gastral, Anacid, Denol, Flacarbine,.
  • If the discomfort of yelling is not proper meals, to be taken by other factors: Gastromax, Mezim, Cimetidine.
  • Help relieve spasms of good help: No-shpa, Besalol,.
  • In the case of gastritis and low acidity, the following drugs are prescribed: Festal, Triferment, Panzinorm, Creon.


Independently of the fact that the causes of spasms appear, the rejoicing must be done in the complex with proper eating. On the back of the head, varto is again felt in the air, the docks are not strong discomfort outwardly. Let's add the ration of the varto according to the tables of fenced-permissible products:

You can

Products and stravi under the fence

Rіdkі kashі - semolina, Greek, Vіvsyan, rice

fresh vipichka, goodness

yesterday's bread

fatty, spicy, salty and conservative

vegetable soup

vegetables that call for flatulence in the intestines - cabbage, beans

dietary rabbit meat, veal, cock

mіtsnі supi abo rich broths

lean fish

fatter meat

boiled or steamed vegetables

cola, kava, chocolate, cocoa

Folk medicine

Kindly use the oven, the liver is good for honey and potatoes. To increase the acidity of the drain, healers recommend to live sauerkraut. For the prevention of chronic stress, to relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, you can work tea with blackberry, chamomile, St. John's wort. Instead of an analgesic, it is better to take an infusion of herbs and honeysuckle stalks, as you need to work like this:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of honeysuckle with a glass of okrop.
  2. Apply 30 quilin to the next.
  3. Let's sweat through gauze.
  4. Discuss

    Causes of sloughing pains and their nature - healing and drugs for pain relief

Abdominal swelling may be indicative of simple accumulation of gas, as well as serious pathologies, such as ascites.

If you have swollen the slack and hurt, this camp creates a noticeable tightness and swelling in the abdomen and zherelom, which calls for great discomfort.

There are a lot of reasons for bloating in the abdomen, among the widest ones, and underestimation of hunger for a long time, taking an important meal, supra-worldly relaxation of gassed drinks, forging a great obligation to increase the preservation of food products, which should be taken by active gas production.

Causes that symptomatology is like zduva zhivіt

The term "bloat" is used to describe how many able minds are associated with the understanding of how the air is blowing in the air, as well as the real physical flatulence and the movement of gas creation from the memory of the increase in the expansion of the air.

There are a lot of other factors, which can potentially aggravate the state, including serious illness, which can become a real problem for health, that insignificant problems, which are not considered a threat to life.

The gasification is always painful, but it can also call for some kind of unhandedness. Yakshcho camp vyklikaniya chimos sereznіshim (for example, ailment), strong bіl razі not є rіdkіstyu.

Intestinal gas can be the result of overcooking, as well as inconsistent overpouring of the same food products.

Deyakі people stick with this problem after living it, which can be the result of a transition, the discord of the slut and intolerance to singing їzhi.

In some situations, a bloated stomach can be caused by an increase in weight or a little obesity. Women, from the other side, can watch for the appearance of which before or after the hour of menstruation.

If flatulence lasts for a significant period of time, then it can be a sign of illness, such as:

In more cases, the development of gasification is caused by an insignificant problem of etching.

For example, deakі people know the difficulties due to the over-etching of singing products, that is, with the high volume of cellular tissue, and they can be blamed for the fact that their hose is inflated, or you can know a small increase in the size of the stomach.

Tse vіdbuvaєtsya that scho viroblyаєєєє more gas, if the organism perezavlyuє produktі, іkі it's not so easy to pіddayutsі podobtsі.

Irrespective of those products that can provoke an increase in gas formation, they are more important than others, and if excess gas is called for help, symptoms appear.

Sometimes a stomach ache can be found, if the products are available, they can be easily conquered. It may be a sign of a serious problem, especially if it happens chronically.

For example, you can blame the irritable bowel syndrome, which is an even more important chronic herbal condition, which often leads to trivial attacks with flatulence.

Allergy to food products, such as lactose intolerance, can also cause serious problems in the stomach and flatulence, which can happen any time after taking dairy products.

Ahead of the day or before the hour of menstruation, a rich woman observes a number of real physical abdominal bloating in the slug through the ability of the body to drain water for a long time.

Zduttya, associated with menstrual cycles, vvazhayut fahivtsі, not vvazhayut unsafe. Deyakі zhіnki povіdomlyаyаyа about suspіshne zastosuvannі pіvіtaminіh additives, yakі dopomagayut vіrishiti tsyu problem.

There are deuces of depression, if gasification is tied up with a particularly heavy camp. For example, if a person suffers from stones at the chewing mіkhurі, vin or else you can see a swollen slug in a series of severe pain, vomit and feverishness.

Another butt can be a stagnant disease of the heart, yak can lead to morning sickness in the body, which can lead to an increase in the abdomen by obsyagog for a flurry of heart disease in the night, as well as problems with respiratory and other symptoms.

It is also a sprinkling of other serious problems associated with stomach ache. The main ones are described below.

If you live to hurt and be afraid of yogo zduttya, you can talk about celiac disease, as an unacceptable reaction to gluten, which is in the warehouse of zhita, wheat, barley thinly.

With this autoimmune state, the membrane of the small intestine is damaged, which, zreshtoyu, pours into the building to pick up the living speech from the hedgehog.

Hormonal intoxication also plays a significant role in the appearance of bloating.

Without intermediary before that hour of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone rises, through which intestinal motility improves, which negatively affects the life of that yoga camp.

Afterwards, it is correct to pass through the grassy tract and not lead to gasification.

Tim is no less, flatulence can be exulted for the help of regular physical rights, accepting a large number of natives, cultivating fruits, green leafy vegetables and products from whole grains.

Bloating can be a symptom of ovarian cancer. Based on the results of the study, the main symptoms of ovarian cancer are very persistent, they are associated with flatulence, which leads to the fact that life increases in size and pain, sechov symptoms, as well as problems with survival.

It is very important to go through the proper obstezhennya, as if trapleyaetsya from these symptoms.

Symptoms that often accompany bloating:

  • superfluous wind and flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • changes in hormonal balance in the body;
  • daily menstruation in women;
  • vodchuttya, scho lives zapovneniy;
  • often sechovipuskannya at night time;
  • vomiting;
  • boredom;
  • dramatization.

If it swells up and hurts alive, it is necessary to treat this symptom, which is based on the revealed causes of illness.

An accurate diagnosis can be made by a doctor-gastroenterologist. Krym tsgogo, vіn pіdkazhe, scho robiti patsіentsі yak correctly zdіysnyuvat likuvannya.

Methods of diagnostics and therapy

Doctors often examine patients about early symptoms she should carry out a detailed medical examination, in order to determine the cause of the bloating of the abdomen, and to determine that it is the result of a simple observation of gas and a disorder of the septum, which may become more pathological.

As if blowing up the nest, out of the blue, sing, it is tied to an increased amount of intestinal gas.

Prote is gradually more active gasification in the stomach for a significant period of time can be an indicator of serious health problems.

Such a mind will require some complex diagnostic procedures, such as x-rays of the intestinal tract, MRI, CT and ultrasound of the organs of the empty stomach, as well as some specific tests for the detection of malabsorption and food intolerance.

Jubilation will change in the staleness of the causes that underlie ailments.

The camp, which is accompanied by the promotion of intestinal gas, that discord can be used for the additional introduction of certain changes in the way of life and the dietary intake of food.

It is necessary to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, shards of rich foods for the diet, which can alleviate the problems of the intestinal tract, which are added to the life and yoga camp.

It is important to unify fast food, as well as fatty food, which can also help alleviate flatulence.

If the problem does not settle down after a certain period of time, then it becomes necessary to regularly improve the right to achieve a balanced living regime.

Drinking water can also be more corrosive for relieving the symptoms of increased gas production, bloating and flatulence.

However, even if the tube is stretched for a long time, and also flatulence is accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding from the rectum, it is necessary to see a doctor.

Such a camp may be symptomatic of a disease, which may be a serious character, and, therefore, may be properly assessed and forged.

Don't forget about warto folk methods exuberance.

The onset of herbs is more corisne in the treatment of symptoms of bloating:

  1. Ginger. Vіn vvazhaєtsya one of the most effektivnіshnyh roslinnіh likarskih zabіv for usunennya symptoms, if zduvaetsya alive. As you can see, at a fresh looking wine, they drink tea and get used to a small amount of honey. The extract of ginger can also be taken together with honey. Regular use of ginger tea is even more intimidating for the pickling process, it can change gasification and allow it to naturally release from the body.
  2. Mint. It is possible to work tea from m'yati, yak є vіdmіnnym roslinnym zabom when stretching the hose for an hour of active gasification. This herb has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory powers, which helps to calm the intestinal mucosa.
  3. For fennel. This is one more symptomatic symptom in case of bloating and flatulence. You can just chew on the current growth, which will help you get rid of gas and reduce the discomfort that makes you feel alive. One teaspoon of the same nasіnnya after the dermal priyomu їzhi will relieve emoji zduttya for three hours.

Zagalom, the introduction of fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as dietary supplementation, which includes products, rich in cellular tissue, can help in the fight against problems of the intestinal tract.

Varto also means that the correct identification of the main plant may be of primary importance for proper control of the organs of the intestinal tract.

Since flatulence occurs infrequently, a person can relieve symptoms with additional help of calm exercise and physical rights at the same time from a balanced diet.

Ale, as problems with a hose are guarded by a protracted hour, and are also accompanied by other serious complications, varto negainoly turns to the doctor, who will give a reassurance for food, to work for the ailing, and recognize a resurrection course.

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For otrimannya povnogo vyavlennya about ill health likarevі it is important to feel the patient's description of the main symptom - pain (algії), її features and characteristics. You can systematize all the necessary information, and the doctor is guilty of lying. We hope that our article can help someone to get ready for a consultation with a gastroenterologist for a quick diagnosis of the causes of pain in the shunt and that effective treatment.

The doctor is also guilty of knowing about all the changes that have stumbled upon the way of life of the ailing. About factors, po'yazanі zі skhudnennyam or a set of vaga. About depression, I’m strongly convinced, I’ve been ill.

When talking to a doctor, it is often important for a patient to choose the words, as if they would accurately capture the essence of yoga feelings. This moment is especially important for a child with pain in a dilyantsi slut.

Main reasons

Spasmodic attacks in the region of the 4th left intercostal space appear with advanced pathologies:


Yogo see:

  • Atrophic with thinning of the mucosal wall.
  • Erozivny, which is blamed on the use of certain medications and alcohol poisoning through trivalium.
  • Bacterial, provocateur in Helicobacter pylori.

Intense pain in the duct dilation is a sign of severe (stressful) gastritis or a different type of acidity in the duct juice, which adds a little more heaviness in the abdomen.

In case of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane, the patient was weak and could not rush for a long time.

With gastritis, do without painkillers, such as Ibuprofen and Acetylsalicylic acid through the construction of the drain wall. Help store that sorbent that envelops the mucous membrane. With a bacterial nature of inflammation, you need a course of treatment for additional antibiotics. Come to see the bakery and milk, building viklikaty wandering.


Non-exciting gastritis often becomes the front of the vein, in which case the patient suffers from sharply blamed transient pains. The camp is unsafe, it can cause peritonitis to bleed. To that it is not possible to call for jubilation.

A course of antibiotics kills Helicobacter pylori. Acidity is reduced for the help of antacids, anti-seizure warehouses normalize the mucus membrane. The diet is carried out with low-fat juices in the form of mashed potatoes or musu, in order to get rid of the chewing gums, which stimulate the secretion of herbal juices.

Behind the nature of the pain, the doctor makes wisps about the obvious pathology and about the complications that have developed on the її basis. Napoleglivy pesky periodical or late bіl in a person with gastritis, or it is easy to talk about the arrival of a solarium.

Fallow algії vіd hourїdi

Іsnuyuchy zv'yazok representations in tables.

Other pathologies of CT

Bil at the slunk z'yavlyaєєєєєєє and at low zahvoryuvan, vіddaleno po'yazanih іz splitting and zavoєnnym zhivnyh rechovina.

  • Non-permanent inability to see under the ribs are caused by pathologies of the liver (cirosis, hepatitis), damage to the stravokhod and damage to the cob segment of the duct.
  • A right-handed man with a high stomach can be a sign of zhovchnokam'yanoy ailment or cholecystitis.
  • Intestinal infections of bacterial and viral nature and pangastritis provoke discomfort in the area between the navel and the upper part of the abdomen. At this month, there will be diarrhea, nudity, vomitting and severe spasms.
  • Duodenitis is visible under the ribs and at the right side of the epigastrium.
  • Intense bіl - a sign of pancreatitis and irradiation into the heart and back.

Rizi at the slunk

Rizki chi gostrі pain with attacks is the main symptom of virazki. Often they blame it like this, so and after that. Rough, sour that salty hedgehog poses discomfort. Pathology may be seasonal.

Gatekeeper stenosis

The ringing of the sphincter between the duct and the cob duct of the intestine. Mimovilne vomiting relieves unacceptable impressions.

Virazka perforation

"Kindzhalny" bіl z it is possible to unpretentiously vinikaє through the breach of the defences of the workers of the slug, through the yaki yogo, instead of sipping into the empty chervn. After one hour, peritonitis develops.


Ignition process at the subshlunkovy shaft. Gostry rіznovid may end in collapse and death.

Abdominal form of myocardial infarction, pleurisy, inflammation in the lower part of the leg called pseudo-abdominal syndrome of non-involvement with the organs of the empty stomach.

No pain

They are accompanied by tolerable discomfort, it’s impossible to forget about any prote, which makes it easier to eat food and bring it to waste. The symptoms are blamed on curts vranci, through which the mucous membrane of the slough is constantly flailed and fired.

No more daunting people to turn to the doctor. Reception of analgesics pre-rechny with transient and allergic. With pathologies of the herbal channel, glee in the minds of the home is unacceptable, the shards are fast, let it be weak, and may be the first sign of a cancerous swelling. Likuvannya is assigned after a complex obstezhennya, which allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Constant pain at the slunk

They can be associated with disorders, stress, or neglected diseases of the organs of the mucosal-intestinal tract, among which gastritis and virazka have already been seen, and also:


Poshkodzhennya by the ignition process of the mucous membrane of the 12-colon intestine. In case of increased ability to drastically, disruption of the heart rhythm at once with a loss of appetite, rare deformities or constipation, vomit and stomach.


They are accompanied by a slight pain at the stage of cancer at the same time with "bloody" vomiting and black feces.


Round or oval puffs of benign nature with a size of up to 1.5 cm.

Pain at the slunk when inhaling

The camp, which causes through the use of the organs of the upper part of the empty stomach, provocations by the diaphragms. Might be associated with gastritis or other pathologies of SHK, associated with physical and neuro-psychic afflictions. Others can provoke:

  • Constipation chi carrying.
  • Disorder of the shlunk.
  • Gasification.
  • Movement of the tone of the stomach.
  • Injuries.
  • Transfer.
  • Intolerance to milk cucru and lactose.

The symptom may be a late pathology of the heart, neurosis, intestinal obstruction, thrombosis of the 1st vessel.

In all moods, self-exaltation ends badly. It is important to tell the informed doctor to find out the cause of the pain and make an accurate diagnosis, relying less on old signs, and prepared for the amateur.


In case of pain in the bladder, the first aid helps in taking an analgesic and an antispasmodic. Antacids are vryatut in the oven, but sometimes stench is marn, or induce shkidli.

Medications often support the clinical picture and call out the folds of the diagnosis. By taking an analgesic treatment, you can induce an algia, moreover, for a long time, but the problem will not go anywhere. Try to find out the symptom for the help of heating pads, they can help you, especially with purulent inflammation and bleeding.

If the slug often develops rapidly, then the pills and medicinal herbs, like її gnіchuyut, reduce the chances of dressing. For example, appendicitis at an early stage is easily enjoyed and may have a favorable prognosis. And the axis of the animal, navit through doba after the first symptoms in 0.75% of cases, ends in death through gangrene. That bіl at the slunk is a sign of seriousness, you can’t ignore it, to hide important stages that legacy.

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