Organic syndromes. What is organic human

O. s. - a clinical diagnostic label for a complex of symptoms that are manifested under the hour of mental illness. the status of that attribution, directly chi indirectly, disrupted the structure and function of the brain. DSM-IV American Psychiatric Association. to be carried out between organic brain syndromes and organic mental disorders. discord. The organic brain syndrome is the description of the label, which points to the singing complex of the psychic. and behavioral symptoms associated with brain dysfunction, but without spontaneity due to specific etiology. Organic psychic. discord means a specific organic syndrome, and a specific etiological clerk.

Following the memory of the presence of a whole low moments that are toiling in the air in the middle of the border. First, not a single symptom, or a symptom complex, which is a common type for brain dysfunction. The brain is a supraclavicular folding organ, and the disruption of its functioning can be manifested by myriads of psychol. and behavioral damage. In addition, one and the same etiological factor (e.g. craniocerebral trauma, swelling, stroke) can be manifested differently in different individuals depending on the localization of the volume of brain injury, in addition, in view of the premorbid structure of the specificity of the global state of a healthy patient.

In another way, organic brain syndrome is not a neurological, but a behavioral construct. Insufficient appearance of thogo demarcation can in deyaky depressions lead to a pardon for those who have dysfunction of the brain and O. s. being mutually pleasing.

Dali, I want a lot. organic symptomatic manifestations (hallucinations, organic affective syndrome, etc.) are similar to those in "functional" mental disorders. e.g. schizophrenia and endogenous affective disorders, stench differ in terms of what is directly associated with specific transient or permanent cerebral dysfunction. Differentiation between organic and functional discords is a foldable process that immovably reflects the richer ambience of our modern. knowledge of the connection between behavior and the functioning of the brain, lower reality.

Thus, the diagnosis of the organic functional syndrome of a significant world to fall due to the possibility of identifying a given organic etiological factor.

Specific organic syndromes

The DSM-IV has 10 basic. OS: delirium, dementia, amnestic syndrome, organic hallucinosis, organic lighthouse syndrome, organic affective syndrome, organic disorder disorder syndrome, intoxication syndrome, withdrawal syndrome and atypical or abnormal organic cerebral syndrome. Specific symptoms that develop in the skin of syndromes vary from one individual to another and develop in one and the same ailing person from time to time. In addition, in one and the same one, the ailing can be guarded by Dec. syndromes at once. Diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms that dominate the clinical picture at the time of mental deterioration. status, and transferring the assessment of the general orientation of the sick, memory, functions of the intellect, emotional stamina, internal activity and social. behaviors.

Alzheimer's ailment, Brain damage, Mental disorder and behavior in CNS lesions, Computed tomography, Huntington's chorea, Minimal cerebral dysfunction, Rosy sclerosis

Other news on the topic:

  • Changes in specificity or cognitive development on the basis of organic damage to the brain, which is not related to the syndrome of the frontal region
  • The entire nervous system of a person can be subdivided into central and peripheral.

    The spinal and cephalic brains are brought to the central nervous system. The spinal cord of lacerations at the spinal stovpі and representations at the sight of a strand, which starts from a tiled opening and ends in a dilyantsi nirok. The cephalic cerebellum is located in the middle of the skull. Organic damage to the central nervous system means that the head brain of a person is incompetent. Doctors say that the first stage of this disease can be detected in 99% of people. This stage does not have a sign and does not require likuvannya. However, stage 2 is the most important type of damage, and stage 3 axis is seriously illіz serёznimi v_dhilennyami.


    Damage to the brain can be congenital and nabutim. Congenital pathologies develop in different cases, as well as during the woman's pregnancy:

    • drank alcohol, smoked drugs
    • sick with the flu, GRVI
    • have taken some medicinal preparations that may be toxic
    • experienced a lot of stress.

    So, to the reasons, you can see the recessionary shyness and the need for a young age maybe mami. Crimson, organic damage to the brain can be blamed for improper management of the slope and birth trauma.

    Otrimane of damage to the central nervous system vinikaє after:

    • stroke
    • traumatic brain injury
    • addiction to alcohol and drugs
    • infectious diseases (meningitis, meningoencephalitis)

    Crime of this lesion can be blamed on aphids of autoimmune diseases and plump processes in the brain.

    Symptoms of damage to the central nervous system:

    • shvidka stomlyuvanist
    • netrimannya sechi at the daytime dobi
    • broken coordination
    • lowering eyesight and hearing
    • shvidka vіdvolіkannya
    • reduced immunity

    Children, with organic lesions of the central nervous system, are called rosemary. Their normal mental development is destroyed, their active spontaneity is tampered with, language, more logical thought that enough memory. Children are characterized by either increased alertness or inertness. They are blamed for the difficulties in molding and interfering with one-liners.

    Krym tsgogo, suffering and physical development of the child. Such children have an irregular shape of the skull, their gross motor skills are damaged, they blame the difficulties in molding hand automatisms.

    Diseases of the central nervous system, caused by organic lesions of the brain:

    1. Oligophrenia
    2. Dementia

    Oligophrenia is an illness, as it is characterized by a zatrimkoy in a pink rose. Such children suffer from a decrease in intelligence, the stink of movement, motor skills, and emotions. The ailment is most often congenital, but it develops in the first cycle of life. These people are building independently to see for themselves.

    The central nervous system of a person is made up of neurons and yogo growths, if the neurons start to collapse, dementia is the cause. Dementia is an illness, for someone who has a waste of knowledge and knowledge and the impossibility of taking away new ones.

    The ailment has a nabuty character and is blamed as a symptom of a bad disease:

    • Alzheimer's disease - the most common cause of dementia (55 - 60% of cases)
    • sudinna
    • alcoholism
    • swelling of the brain
    • traumatic brain injury

    You can see 3 degrees of severity of dementia. For 1 step of building ailments to self-service, but social activity is already destroyed. At the 2nd stage of ailments, I will keep an eye on myself. At the 3rd degree of illness, it is not clear what to say to you and not to say anything yourself. Not building to self-service. Require constant control.


    Psychiatry and neurologists deal with organic disorders of the central nervous system. The report of the psychiatrist, marveling at the denunciation, may indicate that the child has organic matter (organic damage to the brain). So if we are ill, a medical look will be recognized: ultrasonic follow-up brain, electroencephalograms, rheoencephalograms. All the necessary investigations will help the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and signs of healing.


    Therapy of congenital organic lesions of the brain is a trivial process. Children need a whole complex of visits and consultations of all specialists. To improve cerebral blood circulation, nootropics are prescribed for children:

    • Piracetam
    • Oxiracetam
    • phenotropil
    • Semax

    Also, children are indicated for medicinal preparations for the correction of affective lability and choking of flare-ups:

    • Phenazepam
    • Sonapax

    Crime of which children need:

    • massage
    • physiotherapeutic treatment, which improves cerebral blood circulation, which reduces mucosal spasm
    • busy with a psychologist and a defectologist

    The first thing to do is repair the swelling of the brain injury, it is necessary to find out the reason for this development. After s'yasuvannya causes the doctor to recognize the treatment, directed to the treatment of the main illness and symptomatic therapy. We are ill with the need for the recognition of medicinal preparations to improve cerebral blood circulation, reduce physical anxiety, eating, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, as well as antidepressants and neuroleptics.

    The cephalic and spinal cords are brought to the central nervous system. They stink for the normal life of a person. Congenital and natural organic lesions of the central nervous system began to chisel often. Tse pov'yazano z pogreshhennyam ekologicheskoy situation, nedotrimannym usikh rules pіd vаgіtnostі vagіtnostі and rich other. Remember that the child was born healthy and needs to eat properly, to grow up in the form of shkidlivyh zvichok and to overcome stress and engage in self-admiration. It is necessary to remember that a lot of preparations were taken during the hour of pregnancy. If your child made such a diagnosis - do not hesitate.


    Tіlki u suspіlstvі yogo natural buttya

    є for new yoga human butts.

    That concreteness, that unity of various phenomena, the middle of which is really special, as if it were a whole, and, as it was, as a vision of a future, "an ensemble of social victories." From the beginning to the end, specialness is a manifestation of social nature, social behavior. The brain is only a material organ, with the help of which specialness is built up in the organic body of a person, transforming the body on the ears, easily caring for the mind, an instrument of one’s own (but not the brain) life. At the functions of the brain, it reveals itself, its activity is called another phenomenon, the lower brain itself, the specialty. And just like that, and not just like that, like going to the reducers, like going to the special-psychic manifestations of the outer world, showing the work of the brain.

    Let’s analyze the current situation of the present report, behind the scenes, looming on the horizon, such a list: now, moving, to put one thesis to another? It’s also wrongly firm, it’s like an individual psyche, is it nothing else, like the continuum of “mental functions of the brain”, the continuum of manifestations, the mindfulness of yoga attachments? As long as the physiologist is left behind by the physiologist, then doti, the docks of yogo should be able to crack the brain itself, and not the specialty, and so you can rozmirkovuvati. I fully understood: if you twist your brain, then you are all the more left to click, shards in this way, and the robot's brain still manifests itself. And if your meta is a specialty, then you are marveling at your brain like one of the organs, for the help of which you realize your specialty, which represents a richly folded illumination, lower the brain and inspires all the marrow of the organs that make you calm alive.

    The physiologist traces those that are in the middle of the organic body of the individual, in the middle of the biological unit. І tse yogo monopoly. А щоб зрозуміти, що таке особистість, треба дослідити організацію всієї тієї сукупності людських відносин конкретної людської індивідуальності до всіх інших індивідуальностей, тобто динамічний ансамбль людей, пов'язаних взаємними узами, що мають завжди і скрізь соціально-історичний, а не природно-природний характер . The mystery of human specialty has been left for centuries for the scientific myslennia with a mystery that the solution was joking around in the wrong place, where the specialty is real. We are familiar in the wrong space: either by the space of the heart, then by the space of the “cone-shaped vine”, then we have taken a pose of space, then in a special “transcendental” space, in a special bodyless ether “spirit”.

    And she osnuvala and іsnuє in the space of the whole real - in that very space, where there are burnt rivers, stone sokiri and synchrophasotrons, hutini and gloomy, zaliznitsi that telephone line zv'yazku, where the electromagnetic and acoustic waves are expanding. In a word, toil on the uvazi space, where all those speeches are known, because of the drive of such and through the body of the people, they are connected with the body of another people like bi in one body, as if B. Spinoza had said his hour, in one ensemble, as if in vvazhav To put it more briefly, K. Marx, in one cultural-historical illumination, as we say today, - in the "body", created not by nature, but by the prace of people, who transform all nature into their own "inorganic body".

    In this manner, the “body” of a person, as if it were a specialty, - the whole organic body at once with these piece organs, as if creating wines from the speech of the natural nature, “downwardly” and richly suffusing the natural organs of one’s own body and making it easy by themselves see blue. mingle with other individuals, show your "essence".

    The peculiarity is not only known, but it is more popular itself as a “wuzlik”, which zav'yazuetsya in a measure of mutual contributions, yakі blaming among individuals in the process of collective action (practice) from the drive of speeches, creation and creation of practice.

    The brain is like an organ that realizes specialness without intermediary, showing itself so less there, de vin really vikonuє the function of managing the "ensemble" of people's voices to people, mediated through the creation of people's speech for people, then there, de won't transform into an organ of people's voices to people , or, in other words, a person to himself.

    The peculiarity and sukupnіst of a person’s ability to bring himself to himself, like to some “other” - to bring the “I” to himself, like to a certain “NOT-I”. That "body" її є did not create a body of a species of "homo sapiens", but less than two such bodies - "I" and "TI", united like bi in one body by social and human ties, vіdnosina, vzaєmini.

    The middle of the body of the treated individual is not really special, it is only one-sided ("abstract") projection on the screen of biology, driven by the dynamics of nerve processes. And those who in a way (and in a clear materialistic tradition) call “speciality”, or “soul”, not є specialty in a true materialistic sense, but rather one-sided and not adequately self-conscious, її self-sufficiency, їії reason samiy sobi, and not she herself like that.

    It’s like that, not in the middle of a single body, but just behind it, in the system of real mutual relations of this single body with another similar body through speech, which is in the space between them and flickering їх “like bi in one body”, kerovane “yak bi one soul." With whom, not directly through speech, and not in their natural-natural significance, but in their significance, as given to them by the collective prace of people, that may be a daily social (and to this historically change) nature.

    It becomes so special that it is not theoretical abstractness, but materially-intelligible reality. This is the “corporeal organization” of that collective body (“ensemble of social networks”), a part of that “organ” of which the human skin is acting.

    The peculiarity of the vzagali is a lonely viraz of the vitality of the “ensemble of social vindications vzagali”. This particularity is alone against the necessity of the circumscribed aggregation of these species (not all of them), which are implicitly connected with other (with other people, and not with us) individuals - the "organs" of this collective "body", the body of the people.

    The difference between the "daily" and the "basic" human individuality (speciality, "I") - there is no difference between the "abstractly-sophisticated", which is powerfully "all" individuals (more precisely, the skin of them, taken pores), and tricks-variations in the form of "abstract-spilny". There is a difference between all the sukupnistyu of social assets (such as "the day of the people in fire") and that local zone of sukupnistyu vidnosin, in yakіy іsnuє kondividny, ієyu їkh sukupnіstyu sukupnіstyu, kakoyu іn direct contacts through.

    In the middle, through the inexhaustible number of vidnosins, the skin individually on the earth’s backside, there is really an effect on the skin, navit s tim, s yakim wines, without intervening without entering and not seeing the contact. Petro knows Ivan, Ivan knows Khoma, Khoma knows Yerema, and, although Petro does not know Yerema, the stench is mediated - through Ivan and Thomas - they are connected with one and the same direct, and turning links. For the same reason, stinks - specific particles - "organs" of the same collective body, of the same social ensemble - an organism, but not the one that the skin of them has the same amount of the same, the skin of them is a sign of power.

    The rosemary of the Marxist vision of the problem of “the essence of a person”, the essence of human individuality (specialness, “soul”) is once and for all the archaic logic of thought, which reflects such a “dayness” in all people vіdminnosti" among them are determined by individual variations of biological nature.

    In order to leave the dualism of the biosocial explanation of the particularity of the psyche inflamed, it is necessary for us to say goodbye to the old logic, to the transition from “day-to-day” to individual “existentiality” (to “existentiality of reversal”) and spellbinding. The very same, like K. Marx, having grown and grown like a corist.

    As far as Marxian logic goes, the "day" of the skin-skinned individual vbachayetsya over the abstract simultaneity of them, and, finally, in that particular sukupnosti, in the "body" of the real ensemble of their mutual identities, differently mediated by speeches. The "essence" of the skin-enhanced individual is understood not as a "concretely created" meaning of the abstract "essence", but, on the other hand, as an abstract-partial creation of the concept of a concrete essence, as a fragment, as a manifestation, as an inadequate in that case skin individual. The peculiarity here is understood as a whole materialistically, as a whole materially-bodily - how real is the corporal-verbal consistency of speech-bodily sounds, which can get this individual with the same cultural-historical, and not natural-natural ties.

    With such a lucid specificity, it is necessary, and it is possible to explain the uniqueness of human individuality, the uniqueness of biological individuality, the peculiarities of the morphology of an organic body. Navpaki, the peculiarities of the body morphology here can be explained by the peculiarities of their socio-historical status, social reasons, the peculiarities of these mutual relations, which have been given specialness. Only on this path you can know the specialty for food, why one and the same biological individual can become such a specialty, get such a number of directly opposite specialties, why the “warehouse” of specialties is no task and you can’t have tasks behind more clearly.

    The Marxist logic of goiters goes to the point of thinking, to the wicked thing that screams about the biological precedence of all the special features of the special features, as if they appear (and do not blame!) in the field of social opinions to other people and speeches. А саме сукупність реальних, речовинно-тілесних особливостей тих відносин, в які поставлено одиничне тіло людини, виявляється і всередині його одиничного тіла, у вигляді своєрідності тих динамічних «церебральних структур», їх індивідуально-неповторного конкретного поєднання, яке слід розглядати як морфофізіологічну проекцію особистості , but not like the very specialty.

    Only on such a path can one find the dualism of “soul” and “body” materialistically: there is nothing in common between the “soul” and “body” of a person; yoga rіznih vimirah; “live body” - a collection (“ensemble”) of a whole body-speech process, creating cym body.

    The peculiarity is not in the middle of the “body of the individual”, but in the middle of the “body of the person”, as if to the body of this particular person, it does not start, does not surround it with frames, but the “body” is richly folded and spaciously wider, which includes all those piece organs in its morphology” , having created and continued to create people (bring that machine, the words of that book, telephone networks and radio and television channels to communicate between individuals of the human race), so that all those “sleeping body”, in the middle of which the other living organisms function.

    Tse "body" (yogo internal articulation, yoga internal organization, yoga concreteness) and to be seen to understand the skin of the human organ of the living organism functioning, in the totality of direct and turning connections with other living organs subjective, bodily-speech, but not quiet ephemeral “spiritual visions”, in the system of such people, it is possible to see the peculiarity of being idealistically oriented psychology (personalism, existentialism, too).

    So the specialty is born?

    An object, like a butt for a person, like an object, a person’s butt, at once preparing a person’s butt for another person, a person’s installation to another person, a suspension of a person’s installation to a person.

    K. Marx

    In 1844, speaking about the future of materialistic psychology - about science, which had not yet been created at that time, K. Marx wrote that he himself stood before us human psychology” and “such a psychology, like a book, tobto. the most sensitively the most dotik, the most accessible part of history, closed, cannot be justified by that real science.

    Розглядаючи особистість як суто соціальну одиницю, як конкретний ансамбль соціальних якостей людської індивідуальності, психологія зобов'язана абстрагуватися від відносин особистості до тих речей, які не мають до неї внутрішньо необхідного відношення, і досліджувати лише відносини-зв'язки, які опосередковують особистість із самою oneself, then one specialty with another such specialty. "Zovnishnya rіch" for whom it is possible to breeze to respect less than the rest, the shards are out in the middle between two (one less) human individuals.

    As an example of such a “summon speech”, you can designate a word - a form of splkuvannya created by a person for a person (“for oneself”). But the word is far from the only one, and it is not the first of such forms. The first (in essence and in hours) and without intermediary forms of intercourse, which are tied up between individuals in acts collective practice, splno zdіysnyuvanih operations іz preparing the necessary speech. Tsya stay and speak at to this particular type as the lanka is mediated between two individuals, which they prepare or want to be fully corrosive with it.

    In such a rank, the people’s appointments are sent forward, from one side, I’m made by a people for a people rich, and from the other side - to another people, as if put in a human way to the ciєї speech, and through it - to the other people. And human individuality is only there, where one organic body of a person is rebuying from a special - social - setting up to itself, mediated through setting up to another such body with an additional piece-created “organ”, “external speech” - with an additional helper.

    Only in the middle of such a system, which is composed of “three bodies”, and it is possible to manifest the unique and mysterious zdatnosti of a person “to be put to itself as to something else”, that is a vindication of specialness, specifically human individuality. There, there is no such system of “three bodies”, there is no more biological individuality, there is no more natural-natural rethinking of the people of human individuality, but in another time it’s not like that itself.

    Morphologically, the need for the appearance of human individuality in a single biological body of an individual of the species homo sapiens is not induced, not genetically transferred. Vaughn "was" more folded and wider "body" - in the collective "the body of the human race." According to the age of the human body, the okremoi person appears as a necessary “calling”, to put pressure on the new “calling” and as a whole primus-like transforming the body in such a rank, as if it would not have changed by itself.

    Biologically (anatomically-physiologically) the human individual is not intended to move upright. Nadana herself, the child will never stand up and not go. Navіt tsomu yogo be brought vivchati. For the body of a child, learning to walk is an even more important act, because there is no need dictated to you in that “middle”, but it’s a violent change in your innate morphophysiology, which vibrates “call”.

    Given to the very own organism of a child, it would become a purely biological organism - a creature. Human development proceeds as a process of organically “introduced” into the biology of functions (the stinks of the stench were saved) by fundamentally other functions - the ways of life, the fertility of which is “introduced” into the morphology and physiology of the collective “body of the family”.

    The child is embarrassed by standing on the back of the kіntsіvki zvsіm not through whether it is biologically correct dotsіlnіst, not to the one that two kіntsіvki are better attached for changing. To the upright child, it’s up to itself for that (and only for that) to call її frontal kіntsіvki in the form of “negіdnії” robots for work, that for functions, which are imposed by the minds of culture, forms of objects, created by people for people, that is necessary for them manipulate objects in a human way.

    Biologically (anatomically and physiologically, structurally and functionally) the front kіncіvki people zovsіm not vlashtovanі so that the stench could trim a spoonful of olives, zastibati gudziki chi sort out the keys of the piano. Zazdalegіd morphologically stench of which is not recognized. And for that very reason, the stench of the building should take on itself the vikonnanny of any kind (method) of robots. Freedom in the form of a way of functioning “introduced” into their morphology and becoming their morphological pre-eminence, the forefront of the new born and may be displaced in the organ of human activity, may transform into human hands.

    Those same and with the articulation apparatus, and with the organs of the dawn. Vіd narodzhennya stench є organs of human specialty, human life. The stench can become, become like that, and it is less in the process of human, social-historical (in "the culture of culture") programmed way of living.

    But in the world of that, as the organs of the body of the individual are transformed into the organs of human life, the very specialness is blamed as the individual sukupnist of human-functional organs. For this sense, the process of vindication of specialty is like a process of transformation of a biologically given material by the forces of social action, which is really, posture and absolutely independent of that material.

    Sometimes this process is called "socialization of specialty". In our opinion, I didn’t name it, to that which I already admit, that the specialty is supposed to be real and to the point of “socialization”. In fact, “socialization” is not specialty, but the natural body of the newly born, who else happens to transform into specialism in the process of “socialization”, then specialism can still be blamed. І act of її narodzhennia does not zbіgaєtsya by the hour, nor in fact with the act of narodzhennia human body On the day of the physical, people appeared in the world.

    Shards of the body do not move from the first whilins included to the totality of human vidnosin, potentially even more special. Potentially, but not relevant, more people are put up to the new in a human way, and wines to them - not. Human beings are blue, the system of such cases is not included, there is still a mutual character. The stench is one-sided, because the child is still for a long time deprived of the object of human actions, on a new animal, but she herself does not yet act as a subject. To sing, to bathe to, to to rejoice, to toss, but not to wear clothes, not to bathe, not to eat and p'є. Vіn "stand" to the whole soothing cheek of a person, it is less like a living organic body, which still needs to transform into a "body of speciality", at the system of organs of specialness as a social unity. In fact, I haven’t yet been cremated from the mother’s body biologically, although the umbilical cord, which is physically attached to the mother’s body, has already been cut with the surgeon’s knife (respectfully, in a human way, not with teeth).

    As a special - social loneliness, subject, bearer of social and human activity - the child will become less there and then, de and if the activity itself is more effective. A handful for the help of a grown-up, and then without it.

    Let's say it again, that all without a blame human methods of activity, brutalized on another people and on any other subject, the child will win its own calls. The "middle" is worthy, let's not find a specific human activity, because in the genes the functions of the human body (and the brain, the brain) are programmed, so that they provide a daily biological basis, but not a socially human form.

    Speciality and guilt, if an individual starts independently, like a subject, to establish a soundness of activity for the norms of those things, tasks for you to call - that culture, in the bosom of like wines it goes to human life, to human spirit. For the time being, human activity is cruel to the new, and the wine is left behind by the object, individuality, which wine, it is clear, even though it is not yet human individuality. And only the remains, the shards of a child conquer, intercepting other people, human ways of setting up speeches, using the middle of the organic body and vibrating, molding, settling and specifically human organs, specialize in neurodynamic "structures" that characterize a human being to that number and that nervous apparatus, a kind of ruhi m'yaziv, that allow children to stand on two legs), that is the structure that realizes a person.

    In this order, the function is given a call, creating (forming) a separate own organ, necessary for its creation "morphology" - the same, and not other connections between neurons, the same, and not other "little ones" of their mutual direct and twisting zv'yazykіv. That’s why it’s possible to be one of the “little ones”, it’s necessary, in addition, such functions can be brought to the body of a person at the outer world, at the world beyond the boundaries of the yogo skull and the skin’s curve. І рухлива «морфологія» мозку (точніше, кори та її взаємовідносин з іншими відділами) складеться саме така, яка потрібна зовнішньою необхідністю, умовами зовнішньої діяльності людини, тією конкретною сукупністю відносин даного індивіда до інших індивідів, усередині якої цей індивід опинився відразу ж після свого appeared in the world as an “ensemble of social connections”, which immediately transformed yoga into its own “living organ”, immediately putting yoga into that system of vivos that suffocates yoga in such a way, and not otherwise.

    To go, obviously, about those “cerebral structures”, how they implement special (specifically human) functions of an individual, their mental functions, and not about those morphologically implanted in the body of the brain structure, how they treat blood circulation, etching, gas exchange, and thermoendocrine system and other physiological processes that occur in the middle of the body of an individual.

    It has become clear that the materialistic transition to psychic activity is poised in the mind that it is distinguished in its flow not by the structure of the brain, but by the system of social connections of a person to a person, mediated through the creation of a human speech.

    Ce and give us the right to attack the theses, zgіdno z in the style of the individual vikonu yourself, realize yourself, create for yourself the specialty as a principle of vіdmіnne vіd yogo tіla that the brain of social illuminance (“day”), and the marriage itself (“ensemble”) of them sensitively -subjective, through the speeches of zdіysnyuvanih vіdnosin of a given individual to another individual (to other individuals).

    Cі vіdnosiny mozhe buti no more than vіdnosiny diyalnostі, vіdnosinami active vzaєmodії іndivіdіv. Through the mutual nature of such vinica, the situation is, if it is active in іndivida, hidden on the іnshogo іndivida, turn around with a ricochet back to the nyoye, “vidbiva” vid izhny іndivida nyeh -nye -nye. , straightened (intermediated through "іnshe") on itself.

    The Danish diagnosis is one of the most widespread. If you are suvoro impartial, you can put 9 out of 10 people, no matter what. And from time to time, the number of people who may be ruined (or ill) is getting bigger and bigger. Navit tі, hto maw mіtsnu "sourdough" and practically nothing and no ailments, ni vіdchuvayut dosit sing discomfort, po'yazaniya іz deyakim zmіnami brain.

    Organic lesion of the central nervous system (central nervous system) in its classic zmistі є neurological diagnosis, tobto. perebuvaє at the competence of a neuropathologist. And the axis of support for this diagnosis of symptoms and syndromes may lie before any other medical specialty.

    Chi means that the diagnosis is those that the head brain of a person is incomprehensible in the singing world. Ale, as a light step (5-20%) of "organic" (organic damage to the central nervous system) is practically powerful for all people (98-99%) and does not matter if there are any special medical problems, then even the middle step (20-50%) of organic not just in a different way, but in a different (importantly important) way of disrupting the activity of the nervous system.

    Insanely, in the most vipadkіv navіt tsey stupіn not a drive for panic and tragedies. The very same intonation and sound in the voice of doctors, like "putting" the diagnosis to anyone of the patients. And the calmness and innocence of the doctors are immediately passed on to patients and their relatives, in such a rank they are conditioned in a non-turbo and light way. And yet, with whom, the main principle of medicine is forgotten - "do not smut the ailment, but get ahead of it." І axis here and it appears that the front a distant development Pomіrno vyrazhenoї organіki zovsіm vіdsutnya і to produce nadіlі in rich vipadki і to sumnі sledkіv. Otherwise, it seems that organic matter is not a cause for relaxation, but a support for a serious setting to the destruction of the central nervous system.

    As practice has shown, doctors, as soon as possible, start to beat in a flash, then only once, if the organic matter has already reached an important level (50-70%) of virulence, and if all medical susilla can give only a noticeable and temporal positive effect. The reasons for the guilt of organic matter are related to the birth and birth. Before vrodzhenih, there are depressions, if during the hour of pregnancy the mother of the future child suffered some kind of infection (GRZ, flu, sore throat), took drugs, alcohol, smoked. A single system of blood supply brought hormones and stress to the organism of the fetus in the period of psychological stress of the mother. Krіm tsgogo, infuse and sharp temperature drops and vise, infuse radioactive speeches and x-ray vibrance, toxic speeches, variability in water, which can be found in the air, and even more.

    Especially during critical periods, if there is an insignificant effect on the mother’s body, it can lead to the death of the fetus, or it may cause such changes in the body (including the brain) of the future people, who, at first, work correct, and in another way, these changes can lead to an early death of a child up to 5 - 15 years old (and call about the mother's remembrance) or call for disability from the very early century. І in the worst possible way to bring up the manifestation of the defectiveness of the brain, if you induce at the maximum pressure the brain of the building is less than 20-40 inches in its potency of tension. Practically zavzhdy tsim disrupted accompanies a different degree of manifestation of disharmony of mental activity, if with a reduced romatic potential they are far from zavzhdy positive vigor character.

    By mail before the whole overexpended hour of critical periods, you can also receive some likiv, physical and emotional excitement too. etc. Ale, on the basis of the "malice" of the future sack of the neuro-psychic sphere, only repent. More than one in twenty women of the people at a time without any complications. Not all women, seemingly, can brag about what people have for their minds of high technical equipment, the obviousness of a qualified doctor and midwife. Many people were not ready psychologically or physically. І tse create addendums folded for a half hour.

    Asphyxia in the early afternoon (sour starvation of the fetus), protracted curtains, early delivery of the placenta, atony of the uterus and dozens of other reasons for an hour of irrevocable changes in the clitina of the fetal brain.

    After mild severe infections (with pronounced manifestations of intoxication, high temperature thinly) up to 3 years of building, give rise to organic changes in the brain. Injuries of the brain with the back of the svydomosti submarine, ale repeatedly, Vov'yazkovo Viklichut is not that deeds organized, ale to seize the situation, if the pathologists are processed in the brain, he will get into the lords of the form rozumovo and psychic activity of a person (right up to marennia and hallucinations).

    Trials of overhead anesthesia are short, and sometimes during the daytime in the offensive superficial correction, they can help the organic.

    Trivaly (spring of months) independent (without recognition of the permanent control of an experienced psychiatrist or a psychotherapist with the use of some psychotropic drugs, it can lead to some turnarounds of irreversible changes in brain function).

    The use of drugs causes physical changes in the body, as well as mental and psychic, in a literal sense, driving in the impersonal clitin of the brain.

    Harmfulness by alcohol obov'yazkovo lowers the potential of the most important centers of the brain, shards of alcohol by itself are a toxic product for the brain. Only slightly more rare people, who may be able to increase the activity of liver enzymes, can tolerate alcohol intake with minimal difficulty. And yet, people used to be popular earlier, but now the rarity is great (1-2 per 1000). It doesn’t seem like it’s about those that alcohol itself is toxic to the liver, lowering its activity by a huge amount, thus changing the chance for it to completely neutralize alcohol in the body. Moreover, the earlier the introduction of alcohol is started, the more important will be the results of such a hoarding, the shards until the fullness of the organism are re-suspended in the stage of molding stable and steady work of their own. the most important functions and especially sensitive to any negative actions.

    Diagnosis of organic matter is simple. A professional psychiatrist can already distinguish the presence of organic matter by the individual child. І in deyakih vipadkah to inspire the steps of її variety. Even more nourishing, because hundreds of robots have seen damage to the brain, and the stench is found in a specific skin type in a special connection between each other.

    Laboratory diagnostics is based on a series of procedures that are not short for the body and informative for the doctor: EEG - electroencephalograms, REG - rheoencephalograms (additional brain vessels), UZDG (M-exoEG) - ultrasound diagnostics of the brain. These three obstezhennya are similar to the form of an electrocardiogram, only they are taken from the head of a person. Computed tomography, in its own way, hostile and different names, in fact, reveals even a small number of sights in the pathology of the brain - cerebellum, volumetric process, aneurysms (pathological expansion of the vessel of the brain), expansion of the main cisternae (internal brain). The most informative report is the EEG.

    For a long time (20-30 years ago), neuropathologists were smart enough to tell the children's fathers and children that the manifestations of changes can pass through the power of power, without any special exaltation. Due to the author’s special warnings for the last 20 years for a great group of patients of different age and different for the degree of difference and the nature of the damage in the robotic brain, it is possible to develop a more clear and borderline specific visnovok they don’t change, but they grow stronger and more and more like that.
    And what do I threaten - do my fathers feed me? Chi varto boast? Stand and how to stand. It is clear from the fact that the rozumovy development of a child lies in the middle of the brain. If the brain may want to be deficient, then it will change the intensity of the rosum development of the nadal. That psychic development is far from being the best rank. Nutrition in this state of mind is not necessarily about the principle of mental abnormality. Ale complicates the processes of thinking, memorizing those riddles, zbіdnennya revealing and fantasies of the building to announce the new susilla of the most advanced and diligent child at the school hour.

    The character of a person is shaped by creating, at the same time, by a higher degree of differentiation of the singing type of psychopathization. Particularly posilyuyutsya nedolіki. That whole structure of specialness will appear deformed, which would be practically impossible to correct as it were.

    The appearance of small, but numerical changes in psychology and the psyche of a child can be brought to a total decrease in the organization of both external and internal manifestations and events. There is a wave of emotions and a kind of flattening, which is mediated on the mimics and gestures of the child.

    The central nervous system regulates the work of all internal organs. And if it doesn’t work properly, then other organs, with the most severe turbulence about skin okremo, will not work properly in principle, because they regulate the brain badly.

    One of the most widespread ailments of modernity is vegetative-sudinal dystonia (div. statute of VSD in the book "Neurosis") on aphids of organic matter is more important, a kind of atypical flow. I myself won’t only cause more inaccuracies, but the “inacceptability” itself may have a greater evil character.
    The physical development of the body even with some damage - it is possible to damage the figure, reduce the tone of the m'yaziv, change their stamina to physical strengths to bring about a peaceful size.

    The recurrence of the appearance of a raised intracranial vice is greater in 2-6 times. This led to partial headaches and a different kind of unacceptable symptoms in the division of the head, which reduces the productivity of pink and physical exercises by 2-4 times.
    Імовірність виникнення ендокринних порушень підвищується в 3-4 рази, що призводить при незначних додаткових стресових факторах до цукрового діабету, бронхіальної астми, диспропорції статевих гормонів з подальшим порушенням статевого розвитку організму в цілому (збільшення кількості чоловічих статевих гормонів у дівчаток та жіночих гормонів ).

    Ризик виникнення пухлини головного мозку теж збільшується, як і судомного синдрому (локальні або загальні судоми зі втратою свідомості), епілепсії (інвалідність 2 групи), порушення мозкового кровообігу у зрілому віці за наявності гіпертонічної хвороби навіть середнього ступеня тяжкості (інсульт), діенцефального синдрому напади unreasonable fear, various manifestations of unacceptable perceptions in any part of the body, which can be seen from many times to many years).

    Over time, the hearing and the mind can be reduced, the coordination of the developments of a sports, bututy, aesthetic and technical character, which facilitates social and professional adaptation, is disrupted.

    Organic, as such, drastically changes the steps of sympathy and affability, enchantment, beauty and lovable virility of a person. And although for boys it can be a significant stress, then for more girls it will be a strong stress. So, vrakhovyuchi promotes zhorstokіst and aggressiveness of today's youth, can actually destroy the foundations of well-being of life mayzhe be-like people.

    Most of all, there is a decrease in the overall immunity of the human body. What are the symptoms of the most impersonal common cold infections - tonsillitis, GRZ, bronchitis, pharyngitis (inflammation of the back wall of the pharynx, laryngitis, otitis media (inflammation of the ear), rhinitis (undeadness), pyelonephritis (nirki), etc. у багатьох випадках хронічний перебіг і призводить до гломерулонефриту (складного та злоякісного захворювання нирок), ревматоїдного поліартриту, ревматизму, виникнення пороку серцевого клапана, та інших гранично серйозних захворювань, що призводять у більшості випадків до інвалідності або суттєво скорочують тривалість. ранньому виникненню атеросклерозу судин головного the brain and more intensive development (serious rozumovі and psikhіchnі porushennya, scho do not pіddayutsya exuberance).

    Organic directly and indirectly causes neuroses and depressions, asthenic states (generally pronounced weakness), schizophrenia (the threshold for stress factors decreases). And if so, whether it be a neuro-psychological disorder, or an illness, it starts atypically, paradoxically, with a wealth of divins and originalities, making their diagnosis easier, so it’s good. That is why the sensitivity of the body to the injection of psychotropic drugs changes (in proportion to the degree of organic manifestation). One tablet can have such a therapeutic effect, like two chotiri. Abo chotiri tablets - like one. And the side effects in the face of the received person can be significantly greater and more pronounced (and, also, more unacceptable). The connection between the okremi symptoms and syndromes becomes invisible and the change in their degree of manifestation depends on absolutely non-transferable rules and laws.

    The pathological symptoms themselves become milder to the point of liquidation. І often blames its own closed colo, if the resistant (stable) to liki syndrome will require recognition of a higher dose of another drug. And the sensitivity of the body to a specific drug is increased significantly between the dose value, as a specific person can be recognized. The axis and bring the healers to work not only on their own logical thoughts, but also on the strength to listen to their professional intuition, in order to understand those who need to work in a specific skin condition in yoga work.

    The exaltation of organics is a special article. Therefore, some drugs, indicated for treatment of some types of brain pathology, are absolutely contraindicated in others. For example, nootropic drugs and improve the activity of the greater center of the brain.
    But, even if the threshold of judgmental readiness is lowered, or mentally damaged, or ill (fear, anxiety, arousal, etc.), then I threaten the blame for such a state (epilepsy or psychosis, for example), which is terrible and important for those yak mi bazhaymo pіdkoriguvat for additional nootropics.

    The exuberance of organics is a central, and even a secondary process. As a minimum, it is necessary to take two children for 1-2 months of vessel preparation. However, the accompanying neuro-psychic damage will have its own okremo and especially correction, if you can spend more than a psychiatrist (at the same time, not a neuropathologist, but a little bit, really, not your competence). The feasibility of one or two cycles of rejoicing is more evident and worth more than other rows of symptoms.

    To control the degree of efficiency of the examination of organic matter and the nature and magnitude of the changes, which is blamed on the brain, the control of the doctor himself on the reception of EEG, REG, UZDG is stagnant.

    It is necessary to take into account the fact that the impatient relatives of the organic patient were not like him, but he himself, the speed of the jubilation of organic matter, it is impossible to theoretically nave. This is why it is explained that our body is a perfected biochemical system, in which all the processes of stabilization and innovation. Therefore, the concentration of all chemical speeches, like taking part in the natural biochemical exchange of the human body, and alien ones, may be more than the permissible trival hour. For example, a man z'їdaє mittєvo rich zukerok. The body does not need glucose for doba. Therefore, the body takes only those that are necessary for you, and the decision is taken at once from the section. Otherwise, if it’s too much licorice too much, then it’s too much tsukru vimagatima of the singing hour. The more glucose is ingested into the body, the more wine will be spared.

    At the same time, it is understood that if we introduce into the body a 5-10-fold dose of vitamins for the brain, then it will be better to take more than the additional dose, and the reshta will be removed. Otherwise, in the correction of any exchange processes, there is its own logical sequence, the regularity of the transformation of other important life centers of the brain is clearly defined.

    In a number of cases, if the cause of acute pathology of the brain (stroke, stroke, etc.) is acceptable and true, the increase in the doses of the drugs is acceptable, but the effect will be short and direct to the correction of the pathology, so I will renew the vinyl. And the old pathology - the organic matter may already have an attached character in the body. A number of natural biochemical processes in the body have long been recognized for the improvement of essential organic matter. Obviously, far from being in the optimal mode, but depending on the real possibilities and needs (organism can change in the body the system for assessing its needs and capacities and the needs and capacities themselves).

    O. Altunin, Doctor of Medical Sciences,
    psychotherapist of the medical and psychological center named after V.M. Bekhterev

    What is the place for people in the system of organic light? On the basis of the supply, it would have been given, it was given a long time ago, as they often recount and look over.

    The place of people in the system of organic light

    In short, we can say that the place of a person is suvoro assigned to the classification of organic world. Vin is a representative of the kingdom of creatures. The table has its own key ranks in the hierarchy of the biological world:

    There is a small group of proofs that a person is a creature and look like them.

    Creature like a woman of a people

    To the fury of what it seems:

      Porіvnyalno-anatomіchnі prove: similar budova kіtin, roztashuvannya organіv, rudiments and atavіzmi in humans.

      Embryological proof: the middle of the womb at the cob stage of development is not similar to the children of the deaky creatures. This is called Beer's law, and, for short, we postulate: that the youngest offspring, then the new species has fewer features.

      Physiological similarity (smoking, eating thinly) people and creatures.

      Similar chromosomal apparatus.

    Є physiological features of the human look, like a witness, that there is a place for people in the system of organic light among creatures:

      Upright, clenched feet, the muscles of the lower limbs are loosened.

      Budova Ridge from 4 vines.

      Rough hands.

      Obsyag brain that, obviously, high organization of behavior.

      Binocular sight.

      Fertility is limited: one female normally produces one litter.

    All kinds of species and physiological peculiarities led people to a new stage of evolution.

    Anthropogenesis and the formation of mankind

    Anthropogenesis (a part of the evolution that brought people to the demise) emerged from hominids. Human society took away the right to be so called and ceased to be a herd about 50 thousand years ago, if neoanthropes (Cro-Magnons) adopted a new look of Homo sapiens.

    Further development of people began to signify social, economic and religious laws. Progress began to go against biological nature. To be a member of the Suspіlstva one cannot behave like a beast and give in to instincts. The place of that particularity of a human being in the system of organic world turned out to be such that the very right to be called a biological species is underestimated.

    What do you see people from the organic world

    Є low high-level organisms (for example, elephants and dolphins), what do people see from these aphids? High social warehouse life of people: their creative function, knowledge, practice, knowledge, language. It is necessary to blame the place of man in the system of organic light beyond the limited limits available to other creatures.

    Principles of authority of people in the organic light

    The place of people in the system of organic world and її biosocial nature is different from one another. A person does not behave like a creature in a lot of moods:

    1. Youmu is powerful in the abstract.
    2. Planuvannya sim'ї, and chi is not uncontrolled reproduction, zgіdno s іnstinkt.
    3. Svіdomіst (not just a high brain, like dolphins, for example, not only all meanings of the word great brain).
    4. Mova.
    5. A person is a part of the soul. People spy on the piece created by them in the middle.

    There are five points to emphasize the social nature of a person.

    abstract idea

    Abstract thought - the power of the human building is less. Zavdyaks of this place of the people in the system of the daily organic world are unique. If the repetition is low singing diy that їhnіh naslіdkіv rich creatures (especially, primati) demonstrate figurative thoughts. The stinks of the building remember the image, especially if they are hungry, and I need to see it. But the next steps, abstract thoughts, are inaccessible to them. Reveal and remember, grow whiskers and see the obvious sign of what you don’t know, that you can’t stick around and smell, the stench is not home.

    Accumulating information, abstract drawings, knowing how to get out of different situations, analyzing and going out of it, taking a decision and working out, mirroring, understanding understanding - attract people.

    In this article, it is not possible to reportly analyze the understanding of abstract ideas, but rather to point out the example of how it is possible to water the people of one of the closest relatives - the mavp chimpanzee. The stench lie down to the family of hominids. A characteristic experiment of them was carried out at the laboratory named after. I.P. Pavlov at Koltushi near St. Petersburg.

    Chimpanzee Rafael mav, to be shy, to put out the fire, that I am burning before even on the ledge of the police. Vіn dosit shvidko, having learned to vikoristovuvat for tієї a cup and water, as if you were drunk at the baku in those other containers. Let's sweat on the lake on two rafts, tied with a harsh ferry, put on one hedgehog (like a head for the fire), and on the other cup that tank of water. The chimpanzee once in a while, having made the crossing more beautifully, to scoop it up in the tank, but ignoring the water lake. It became clear that wine could not be understood better. Youmu's water is bound to the image of a tank. For the sake of justice, add to Raphael the varto, that if the water was taken from the tank, let it be, let it go and vipadkovo, scooping up the water from the lake, putting out the fire, taking off the sausage.


    The place of people in the system of organic light is already the whole planet. People do not live strictly within the borders of the people's place, but they choose the place of life according to their own needs. І do not make the most comfortable place for the base. Ale people її remake. This is the simplest creation, which serves to cover essential needs, but it is also blamed as a result of the confirmed choice of life in an unfamiliar medium. People have a literal meaning to go against the biological choice. Do not joke around as light as possible areas, but stick around even more unfavorably.

    Є creative creativity. Bazhannya lose track in history, squeeze into navkolishniy svit, and not just progduvatisya.


    Another sign of the abstract idea of ​​a person is language. Navit itself її mozhlivist. If, as it were, natural phenomena hope to be more specific (i, before speech, abstract) understand - the word has its own meaning. It doesn’t show up without delay, how and what to take the organs at a specific hour here and now. The image, which is a human skin form about objects, obviously, carries in itself information-telling about your body, temperature and other associations. But for help, they describe and indistinct objects, those that cannot be touched with hands. Lovers apply vchenih - love chi mathematical terms. How to describe understanding this?

    Lyudina is just a high-rise creature

    Tsey problem food. Looked at to prove the creaturely nature of that human journey. Like biology, the place of people in the system of organic light. Anthropological officials explain, as before the singing of the world, they explain how physiological features as a result could influence the formation of a highly developed individual and human society. Ale є dovga low social factors, yakі put people on another slab. What can you say about the okreme p'yate kingdom of organic light? Abo continue to develop theories on the topic: the stars are good for our country? The soul is okrema from the body of matter, what are the physiological processes, how do they imitate knowledge, or are they overwhelmed with chemistry?

    To reconcile the opposites, it is customary to talk about the biosocial nature of a person.

    The school program has not yet appeared as a Suvorian orientation towards evolution. The teachers of biology and zoology don't know how to correctly support Darwin's theory. Vaughn is popular, but is not primed with unforgivable evidence. Navpaki, there is still a lot of food left, there are more arguments against it.

    Wanting the main postulates of this theory - obov'yazkova part of the school program, and it is necessary to know them, to be illuminated people with a wide light-gazer. But what can be said against the theory of the appearance of seeing, except for the fact that the social nature of a person is clearly expressed, and the idea is unique?

    The theory of the appearance of Darwin's views: the main arguments against

    Like Darwin himself, those yogo co-workers affirmed: the idea of ​​evolution was circulating at that hour in the window. The genius of the most famous naturalist, the author of “Walk of the Views” in tsomu, who formulated wine, like from a small one through a millions of rocks, it’s great. Survive not the strongest, but the most clinging to the permanent changes in the dovkil. Price and є short formulation of natural selection.

    Opponents of Darwinism rage to the point of understanding the inevitable inflexibility. A lot of organisms could not, in the process of evolution, step by step form (in the aftermath of mutations) advantages, like the stench of a given stage of development, and the stars, like they lived in a songful middle of life, otherwise seem to have gone through a natural environment.

    The second main argument against the theory of evolution is the information folding of chromosomes and, as a last resort, the DNA molecule. Such an arrangement and a long-term lansyug could not be taken away in a vipadkovo way for millions of millions of years. Until then, with the majestic Earth and the manifestation of copalins, dating from different periods, it was not revealed a sufficient number of lankas, transitional forms of life, like the theory of evolution transferring to the great obsession between us species.

    Nutrition is like a great rank of tying a person to a place in a system of organic world and role. Possibly, the very social warehouse of people's life is from the beginning. Vaughn imposes on the people vidpovidalnist for the entire biosphere. The role, the place of people in the system of the organic world was not given to you for nothing - to protect and wisely manage the planet, regardless of the fact that people are part of the ecosystem, they are simply similar to other biological organisms, but they can still be more similar to that method.

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