Spivak Zhenya Osin. Yevgen Osin is resting at a difficult place. Discography of Evgen Osin

Published on 03.07.17 17:09

ЗМІ recognized that it became zі spіvak Evgen Osiny - vikonavtsem hit "Crying girl in the machine".

The Russian musician Yevgen Osin had his legs removed, write to Lenta.ru asking for his application to the Starhit portal.

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Behind the words of the spivak, it became possible through problems with the ridge: “I live alone, I carefully move around the apartment. Look, I’ll call with my good knives. Before that, my shoulder is broken - not far off I bumped into concrete wall last month."

Behind Osina's words, you need shock-hvilov therapy, but he can't get pennies intkbech you can’t go to the consultation to get medical wine, more, for yoga words, you can’t spend pennies on the last one. The amount required is not less than 60 thousand. rubles, then we need to bring a wheelchair and a militia.

The rest of the pennies were taken by the TV people, they told me they took the story about me and sent me to jubilation beyond the cordon. I’ve spent my early years, spent my time, and the stench fooled me, ”the Dni.ru portal reports Osina’s words.

Evgen Osina 52 rocks. V_domy for such hits of the 90s, like "Crying girl in the machine", "I don't believe", "Eight Birch", "Tanya plus Volodya", "Jock", "Portrait of a robot by Pablo Picasso", "Fellow traveler".

1964 rock. Vin is not only a Russian singer, but also a musician, as well as the author of a song. The father of the musician Osin Viktor will be forgiven by the water of the trolleybus. Spivak has a young sister, Albina. Yevgen's fathers parted when the boys were nine years old. Uncle was a drummer at the famous ensemble of Leonid Utyosov.

How did the life of Evgen Osin, a well-known spivak, turn out? Chi maє sіm'ya, children? What does Evgen Osin do at once? Why don't you perform at concerts, why don't you silence your dancers? About tse y timetsya at the stat.

Childhood and youth Evgeniya Osina

First of all, how alive Yevgen Osin is at once, let's talk about those how life has evolved from the early years. Unfortunately, there is not much information about Yevgen's childishness.

The fathers of the spivak rose up, if youmu was less than nine. The reason for the separation was the confession of the father. Vіn entering the sect of Adventists for the seventh day. After the separation of his mother, she took away the two-room apartment, and the father, having gone to live to Cherepovets, worked as the head of the motorcade, where he began to establish the Adventist sect.

Zhenya Osin began to study music from early childhood. Up to twelve years later, zooms miraculously mastered the drums, and after two years of wines, they began to play at the school ensemble on the drum set. Yak rozpovidaє Evgen himself, often saving on school obidah, arranging excursions and asking for them pennies from his mother, and also giving dances. So vin zmіg accumulate pennies for your first drum set.

Ale z zdobuttyam professional musical oshviti svіvak mav problems. The young and ambitious lad was quickly inspired by the tedious occupation of classical music.

Evgen Osin independently learned to play the guitar. In addition, the musician was engaged in breeding pigeons. Trimav vіn їх on the balcony, and then having bought a blueberry, which you can sing in the video clip of the song “Crying girl”. But then again, since the popularity of spivak began to gather wrappers, you had a chance to sell blueberries. Zrobiv wine through a small amount of free time.

Kar'eri Cob

Osin can only have one official document about music education, which gives the right to work at schools and cultural centers and ceremonies of musical ensembles.

Regardless of the day of professional coverage, Evgen successfully performed on stage. 1983 year (at 19 years) wine to switch to a vegetarian diet. Three years later, Evgen creates his first musical band "Night Kovpak". After one hour, the group changes its name to "Keks". In my group, Osin was a vocalist and a guitarist.

Osin at the jokes to himself

Before the cob of the solo kar'єri spivak engraving at the kіlkoh musical bands. So, in 1986-1987, the band "Mikola Copernicus" entered the warehouse, and in the "Alliance" group, they were a drummer. The fate of the bands passed under the auspices of the Moscow rock laboratory.

For example, in the 80s, and in 1988 the rock itself became a kerivnik of the group "Did Moroz". Vaughn lay to the center of Stas Namin. Here Osin was the head showman and the vocalist of the group.

The same fate Osin was asked to go to the “Bravo” group at the place of Zhanna Aguzarova, so she went. Together with the team, they took part in the tour, as well as starring in a music video. Prote, for a long time at the group's vikonavets did not get wet. 1989 rock grouper Havtan got to know Valery Syutkin and gave him the place Aspen.

Evgen does not fall into the vіdchay she creates her own bloody group "Avalon". The group of wines not only sang and engraved, but also independently composed the verses and music for the song. The repertoire of the band is quite different. The stinkers sang like jazz music, and rock.

That's how popularity came

1991 Yevgen begins to rock his solo career. Vіn turns at his vikonnі to the musical style of the 70s. And yet in 1992, the world saw the birth of a first solo shawl under the name "70th latitude". This musician has victorious songs, in which the romance of Moscow courtyards mixes with the rhythms of pop music and rock and roll of the 60s. The main part of the musicians of this team were girls, and all the music was alive.

Tsej album mav confusingly successful, and a rich song from the new one became hits.

Find home songs

The most popular song in the album was the composition "Weeping Girl in the Machine". Schopravda, Osin was more than a Vikonavian. The words to the song were written by Andriy Voznesensky. Dali at Evgen Osin's Nova song, how to sound from the usikh vikon, - "Tanya plus Volodya." And on the eve of the song "Yalta" in 1996, the first President Boris Mikolayovich Yeltsin himself danced at the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Another one of the most famous songs of Evgena is "Kachka".

Life Specialist Evgen Osin

What do you see at once with Osin Yevgen? Chi maє vіn sіm'yu? What are you doing? Regardless of the creative successes, especially the life of the spivak, it did not turn out well. Zvіsno, svіvak buv friends.

Yogo obranitsu was called Natalya. The stench froze vipadkovo, at the jar. After acquaintance, Evgen asked the girl for a concert. So I recognized that she was friendly.

Alece did not make Nataltsy and Evgenov a couple. Vaughn left the man alone, she went to sleep. The mother of the girl was categorically opposed to the union, but they all died at once. 2000 rock stinks played a lot of fun. And for two years of a friendly life, their daughter Agnia is born.

And what about Evgen Osin? Spivak, on a great rozcharuvannya, starting to choke on alcohol. Tse duzhe zіpsuvalo yogo stosunki with the retinue, and the creative car'era zіyshla started. Natalya didn’t see it and took it upon herself to pay tribute to separation from Eugene. She took Donka Agnia away with her, and kept the squad behind her to fight with her.

Tse has become with a strong blow for spivak. In order for a mother to be able to play her daughter, a musician in 2010 works as a teacher to school No. 1287 in Moscow as a music curator. There vin pratsyuvav until 2014. She got yoga, donka Agnia.

After raising a hundred sons from the retinue of Yevgen, stretching five lives alive with another girl's civilian coat. Ale cі vіdnosiny do not add up. Vaughn also ide vyd nyogo through yogo addicted to alcohol.

Quiet period

In the period from the beginning of the 2000s and until 2010, there was a sprinkling of a few albums, to the warehouse of which there are only songs of past years. So the popularity of yoga begins to fall off, and the vikonovets himself goes into the category of retro.

In 2009, roci spivak Evgen Osin released another album of children's songs under the title "Bublik, loaf and bagel". One song, which enters before the album, vikonu yogo donka Agnia. The composition is called "Alphabet".

In 2011, the band Evgen Osin is trying to turn to tour activity, but the repertoire includes only songs of past fates.

Osin Evgen: what's wrong with him now?

After a trivial lull in musical activity, Evgen Osin again turns to pop music. In 2016 the company releases its new album "Rozluka". Ale, the dress is not gaining much popularity.

As a stverzhuє he himself is a spivak, he works on musical creations and at once, but he just doesn’t want to shine on TV channels.

So too often the musician stained glass on the ship looked out from the colossal retinue. All the stinks are connected with my sleepy donka Agnia, it’s crazy to love like a sleeper.

Alcoholic staleness

How does Evgen Osin look at once? It is not a secret for rich people that for a long time they suffer from alcohol addiction. The very same was the cause of the collapse of yoga kar'eri that special life. After that, like the yogo squad of Natal, they left the bottom at once, having started to drink even more. Aspen and he himself does not attract his alcoholism. Vіn tried more than once to fix the zubnu zbvichka, but everything was in vain.

Musician kіlka razіv namagavsya rozpochati new life, without getting used to alcohol, but after a deaky hour again zrivavsya and yshov at trivaly zapіy.

The reasons for alcoholic zrivіv Osin calls his own self-worth.

Alcohol in the life of the artist was seen negatively, not only in the musical career and special life, but also by becoming a figure in the crime scene. So, in the spring of 2017, comrades in the charts of spivaks robbed his apartment. Vіn having filed an application with the police, it was stated that he had immediately left the apartment of three of his acquaintances, a man and two women of Vіn, having revealed special speeches.

What has changed in the life of Evgen Osin? What's wrong with him now? There was a bit about cirrhosis of the liver in a spivak, but he himself asks for this information. And the axis of linden 2017 roku told about the problems of health and wellness spivak Evgen Osin. What's wrong with him now? Having declared that there were problems with the ridge, they began to move their legs through them, but they couldn’t have a penny for the jubilation of wine. Also Osin rozpov_v and about problems with the shoulder. It was out of whack, but in the distance it grew incorrectly. Necessary operation. Ale, let's say for the sake of the conversation, those who hurt the very shoulder, on which the guitar hangs.

On the 15th sickle of this fate, Evgen Osin does not turn around at home. Nobody knows, de yoga shukati. Three days later, sister Albina write a statement to the police about the discovery of Evgen Osin. What's wrong with him now? Luckily, I did not know what day, 18 April 2017, in one of the drug treatment centers. There, the musician, having spent his friends on the most powerful way, to try sometime to try alcohol stagnation. Obviously, it’s no longer possible to turn a lot of life on wine, but to continue your life on a sprat of rock and try all the same varto. Aje is the most important - the reason for the very people to change.

Yevgen Osin was a Vikonian, who, for his long-term career, was able to give the chandeliers the nameless unique hits. Among them are songs, as if in their hour some of us sang richly, and at the same time the stench calls out nostalgia for the past hour. Among such favorite compositions "Crying girl in the machine", "Jock", "Companion" and a lot of other ones, which became Evgen Osin's reference card.

Without perebіlshennya and pathos, one can say that he was the hero of his hour and inspires the rest of the romantic of the nineties. This music will surely be left in our hearts in the days of light, romantic experiences and hope for happiness. It is proponed to know, how alive Evgen Osin at the same time, de contagiously Evgen Osin and yakі є rest of the news about yoga life.

The future Russian concert and musician was born on July 4, 1964 near the Russian capital. There is not so much information about those who were like children and that youth of a drunkard. It dawned on me that I choked on the music too early. So, while still being a twelve-year-old child, Zhenya learned to play the drums and already, for a rock, he began to play the drums on percussion instruments in one of the school ensembles.

Be an hour, if a talented lad tried his hand at one of the local music schools. Ale, the classic occupations were made more boring for you, and they gave it a quick twist. However, the presence of a special document did not make you perform on stage.

In 1986, the brother of Evgen Osin was given a small team of talented musicians, who became the band "Night Kovpak". Under such a non-transversal name, the stench sounded for an hour, and later the group was renamed to "Keks". In this group, Evgen became the right frontman, shards of graves on the guitar and played the main compositions on the vocals. At that hour, the talented musicians were less than twenty-two years old.

creative way

Talented people are especially special, with a unique attachment to the soul and the melody of the heart. The stench is even more inconsistent and it is unlikely that you can know yourself in something else, Crimean creativity ... The same can be said about the love of millions of Yevgen Osin.

Osin Yevgen did not show his life without music, and it is not surprising that the future of professional activity has shown itself to creativity. Beginning in 1986, he began to perform with such new bands as "Alliance" and "Mikola Copernicus". However, you should respect that here the musicians were not so important places, and the wines were left on other planes.

For a couple of years, Evgen started keruvati with the “Did Moroz” team, which was under the production center of Stas Namin. However, rebuking here was not long for the new one. Yogo the choice to become the team "Bravo". At that time, the team was outraged by Zhanna Aguzarova. Shoyno Evgen Osin, having become the vocalist of this team, his popularity without respite rose to unbelievable heights.

Kіlka mіsyatsіv Evgen, having taken an active part in the touring activities of the group, and started to take part in one of the clips, but, regardless of everything, virіshiv deprive the team.

On the cob of the nineteenth talents, the musician virіshiv created his own musical band and became "Avalon" with it. Here you are again as a frontman, as a soloist, as a guitarist and as an author of a rich song. Songs in various genres have gone up to the repertoire - from jazz to important music.

Beginning in 1991, the musician invariably engaged in a solo career. At the same time, youmu was lucky to know his own particular style, for whom he remembered the elements of courtyard romance, as well as pop rhythms. Having already recorded for the river, and also having released her solo dress, it practically became megapopular. Unforgettably, the skin song from the recordings became a real hit. On the same plate, there was a song by Yevgen Osin “Weeping girl in the machine”. A few more years later, a new album is being released under the title "Evgen Osin u Rosії".

Two years later, the handkerchief "Robot over pardons" arrives. At the hit of this hour, the song "Kachka" fell in love. After a sprinkling of successful fates, the musician's career has come to a lull. Ale navitt at this hour of wine does not rise to the attained and continue to grow. Three rocky wines are choosing required material, but the result is only one single.

Updating ten years, beginning in 2000, was released with new albums. Proteo deacons from them were the collections of numerous hits.

At the same time, the popularity of Evgen Osin is significantly changing. Yogo creativity is transformed into the category of "retro". And it’s not surprising that in 2010 the idol of the past millions played music in one of the capital’s schools. The same children's ensemble "Fishki" was created with professional kerіvnitstvom, which had a negative effect on the result. Already through rіk spіvak rozpochav his touring activities. However, Yogo's repertoire included all the old favorites of rich songs.

Life Specialist Evgen Osin

The Russian spivak is like the 90s to his future squad Natal. At that hour, there was a bula a foreign woman. However, it didn’t hurt his romance, and even after the separation, she got married for Yevgen Osin. The stench was really happy, not respecting those that not all of Natalia's relatives had a solution.

Without interruption, the most important podia of the life of a musician is the people of his beloved daughter Agnia in 2002.

For his beloved Donka, Evgen wrote a few childish songs and verses. All the free hour, the talented conviviality, having worked with the bottom of that squad. Family trips to the sea have become traditional for them. However, the name is bad - addiction to alcohol, zreshtoyu, made him become happy in a right way. How alive is Yevgen Osin in the photo and video can be bulo bachiti. After a deaky hour, the yogo squad left that fenced off to talk to the donka.

Spivak suffering through those who did not have a moment to consort with Agniya. Ale didn’t give up in front of him and foresaw the plan, for some reason I suddenly fell in love with the donka again. So, in order to start talking, to learn how to win, to become a leader and to sleep before school. The same talent and true nevgamovny vikladach having created the children's team "Fishki". However, the heart of a large squad did not help, and they won the contrary, and also hurried to transfer Agnia to another school.

Remaining entries

Celebrity dancers often chirp, how alive Yevgen Osin, what is with him at once. In the given hour, Evgen Osin, like before, is engaged in his solo career. In 2010, the rock musician survived a terrible loss - a close friend of Oleksandr Aleksiev, pishov from life. Dedicating the album "Rozluka" to the memory of Yevgen. Over the materials of the vin pratsyuvav trival hour.

Also, the artist has gone on tour again and now performs with the girls. And even though the number of shanuvalniks became significantly older, wines, as before, take the lower halls. Often the Russian collaborator performs with other not less famous pop victors. The rest of the photo of the interview is proof of this.

Ignorance of the glory of the past, the star, if the love of millions did not go out on its own, but to burn and grant hope for good, light, evening ...

Evgen Viktorovich Osin is a leading singer, musician, composer and idol of the 90s. Win gave his shanuvalniks a great number of hits. The genre of yogo vikonannya is rіznomanіtny, having sang at his own yards and pop songs, romantic music, rock and roll.

Yogo songs became hits on long-term rock and brought popularity to Evgen Osin. Vin organizes a new musical group. He himself writes songs, salts, performs like a guitarist. Gurt releases an album. Tsey album was forgotten by the peeps less, nizh reshta yogo song.

Zrostannya, vaga, vіk. Skіlki rokіv Evgen Osin

People make their own idols, grovel with them, copy the manner of behavior. Whether scho magayutsya to spend on їхні concerts. Bazhayut buti similar to them.

So it was itself among the fans of Evgen Osin. Everyone wanted to know about the new one: growth, vaga, vіk. Skіlki rokіv Evgen Osin. What to love, where to travel, de vіdpochivaє, tobto. all the details of your life.

At tі roki dіznatisya about everything tse bulo folded. At a time, we can simply dial your food in the computer’s row of jokes and only after a few seconds we take away the confirmation: the place of the people is Moscow, the height of the spivak is 168 cm, the weight is 72 kg, and the age is 53 rocks.

Biography and special life of Evgen Osin

Evgen Osin was born in Moscow. Vіn bv zvichaynim cotton, engraved football and ganav pigeons. When little Zhenya loved to listen to music. Yogo uncle professionally engraved on the drums and quickly taught his nephew. Ris Evgen without a father. The fathers parted, the father moved to a different place, zustrichavsya from the blue more rarely.

Learning from his class, Evgen is already engraving on percussion instruments at the school ensemble. Having studied at the music school, but the classics gave way to a tedious one, they were busy quickly and stopped giving lessons. Nadali Evgen didn’t get the musical light, but at least he didn’t screw up about it. The day of illumination did not make you become a miraculous Vikonian and win the love of the public.

After the end of the school, Evgen Osin chose a small musical group, which was formed from the same amateur yard songs, like himself. Vіn gravel on the guitar, singing, picking up music for performances. Evgen does not show his life without music and guitars. For 2 years, the musician popratsyuvav in a number of groups, and then z schaslivoy nagoda spent up to the group "Bravo", which has already become popular.

The active hour of Osin actively toured from the group country, starring at the klipp, and then pishov from the team.

On the cob of the 90s, the biography of that special life of Yevgen Osin became variegated. The solo career of Yevgen Osina is started in 1991. Win to know your manner of vikonannya. Choose great concert maidanchiki. Good luck to come until the next. The first payment is already charged for the river. It will immediately become popular, and the specialty of this album is the song "Weeping Girl in the Machine" to rob the famous singer.

1994 rock musician releases a new album, and two years later a third payment is made. The musician has a lot of tours. Songs to turn the radio stations of the country. The public loves yoga.

At this hour, Evgen is friends with his vocalist Olena, ale sleeping life folds badly. For pіvroku stench parted.

At the peak of the popularity of the couple, get to know Natalya with his future team. At the time of meeting Natalya, she was friends, but not without delay after separation from a young man, people became friends.

Dekіlka rokіv Evgen Osin trimaєtsya on the whilі popularity. For 10 upcoming fates, more sіm albums of spivaka appear, and the basis of the albums is to become a lot of songs. Step by step the popularity of Yevgen is changing.

Family and children of Evgen Osin

In 2002, the miraculous podia is trapping in the life of Evgen Osin - he becomes a father. The people of the daughter of Agniya sing a song for the creation of children's songs and the writing of verses. At tі roki sim'ya and children of Evgen Osin, turbota about them, that love melts for a new smut. The whole free hour of spivak is added to them. All at once they go to the sea, they play together, they go to nature.

Donka grew stronger, and at the same time, Yevgen's alcoholism grew from her. Tours, chanuvals, riotous life - after what family welding. Osin did not dare to save his family. In 2006, Natal's roci takes away the donut and goes somewhere.

Daughter of Evgen Osina - Agnia

Kolishna squad harrowed Osina to fight for Agnia. The girl started at the school, and Evgen was in power there, let's just be a teacher of speech. Vіn becoming more often bachiti daughter.

At the school, Evgen Osin, having created the musical group "Fishki", in which the children were employed. Evgena Osina's daughter, Agnia, loved to play in the ensemble, she slept, but the unfortunate squad transferred the girl to another school. Agniya felt more important, the shards stopped stinking with the father. Mother lashed out against Yevgen and did not let him speak. Only on the phone, and in the social services, there was a little bit of spliffing

Nina Agnia grew. Vaughn graduated from a music school, she is trying to write songs. Evgen believe that his daughter will be happy and successful.

The squad of Evgen Osina - Natalia Cheremisina

Natalia Cheremisina kіlka rokіv was the retinue of Evgen Osin. The stench got to know Moscow. Everything was vipadkovo. The great squad of Evgen Osin - Natalia Cheremisina was a boulder, a fair-haired girl with great black eyes. Yevgenov was already worthy of her. Nezabar pochavsya novel. The maiden's fathers were against the link, and Natalia's shards were friendly.

After the formalization of separation, 2000 young people became friends. Osіn rozumіv, scho yogo retinue is more than a garn, on it they gave respect to a lot of people. Evgeny was already a jealous person and had a hard time, so Natalya was deprived of a job.

Natalya was engaged in donka's wigs. For a few years, stosunki with Evgen Osin were residually zipsuvalis, shards of alcohol were drunk at the spivak. Nataliya virishila five like a person. In the course of the year, the zamіzh came out again. W too many people vіdnosin not pіdrimuє.

Evgen Osin - the rest of the news

For the rest of the hour, the press gave little respect to the conversation. The headlines "Evgen Osin - the rest of the news" increasingly began to appear on the sides of magazines and on the Internet. Popularity has passed, the composer has not written new songs for a long time. You can still feel it on the radio, but with the subtitle "retro".

The fault of everything is the strong alcoholic staleness of the spivak and the ailment that appeared on this aphid. Through problems with the ridge, Evgen Osin's legs were taken care of. Vin is important to change and will require surgery.

Alcoholic staleness is a heavy affliction, independent vilіkuvatysya in such a way that they can only be alone. Evgen Osin could not overcome them one by one, but friends and relatives did not help the couple. At the serpni 2017, the fate of the wines will lead to a splendid trip to Thailand. Vіn to fight and already zrobiv first crumbs to victory.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeniya Osina

Instagram and Wikipedia by Yevgen Osin has little information about him. That one is super smart. In the main tse under the past fates or non-receiving toppings. The spokesman himself is not more willing to tell about himself, the shards of the rest of the hour have little good in his life.

It is possible, if the problems come up, Evgen will tell the payers about his life, share his plans. I would like to believe that Evgen Osin is resting against ailments, and I can still feel his song. Yevgen Osin - idol of millions, talented musician, composer and singer, romantic of the 90s - turn around!

Evgen Viktorovich Osin, the author of the famous hits of the 90s, was born in Moscow in 1964. The lad's father, Viktor, took the water of a trolleybus. The fathers presented their son's sister Albina. If the child was born 9 years old, then they were born from the family, and the children were left without their mother. Batko used to be a sectarian - standing up to the Adventists this day. After that, as the fathers grew up, the mothers and the lads were given a two-room apartment near Tekstilnikah. Viktor Osin is alive near Cherepovets, having become a center of the sect and worked as the head of a motorcade.

From the childhood of a non-gammon boy, addicted to playing on drums and up to 12 years of age, already play on them to do good. Talanovitiy Zhenya to learn from a music school, in order to better master musical notation, but the traditional occupations were quick to catch up with you.

After completing the 10th grade, Evgen Osin enters the Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing self-made, but, without finishing his studies, he goes to the top, as he allows him to become a member of a self-made ensemble. The young romantic has one more occupation: to tame pigeons. On his balcony, the young man ruled the right dovecote. At qi rocky Osin mriє pro great house for your vikhovantsiv, what kind of wine you will know, if you are rich.


For Yevgen Osin, one thing was clear: music is the one to which you want to dedicate your life. In youth, Zhenya changed the faceless musical groups. At 22 roky wines I create the first project “Nichniy Kovpak”, which later was renamed to “Keks”. Evgen became a vocalist and guitarist in his group.

After the breakup, the musician will move on to the Mykola Copernicus team, where he will master percussion, and then we will go to the Alliance, where he will sit at the drum set. After two years, the young, stubborn musician is respected by Stas Namin and she asks for a lad to her center for the work with the team "Did Moroz".

Skіlki rokіv propratsyuvav bi so Osіn, it is unavoidable, but the creative biography of Evgena became a podіya, which can be called a happy furnishing. The popular at that time group “B” was terminously joked by the vocalist. On the right, having recorded an album with musicians, she raptly denied the team before the tour. If the tour was not successful, it was necessary to know, in the shortest terms, no less than a charismatic frontman, who would change the situation.

Clip by Yevgen Osin "Crying girl in the machine" Song by Evgen Osin "Yalta"

At the stage in Rostov-on-Don, the first hour of song of Osina "Yalta" the president was unstoppable on the stage and began to dance. It was a shock for everyone: for the spivak, the leader and the okhorontsiv. Photos from that big concert can be viewed on Instagram, and the video is posted on YouTube.

In the 2000s, Evgen Osin has a lot of experience in TV shows in musical projects, working with young singers, experimenting. The world has the album "Gold Collection" and a selection of children's songs "Bublik and Baton". Ale, the great glory of the artists is already within reach. There may be a lot of reasons for that. The very stylistics of the convivial spirit is becoming irrelevant; The artist's songs are more and more often broadcast on radio and TV broadcasts with the "retro" sign.

Until then, the spivak has problems with alcohol. Trying to solve the problem, Evgen Osin goes to the church for help and knows the support there. Vіn vіdvіduє monastir, live with them for an hour and practice. Zreshtoy Evgen Viktorovich fills with inner peace. The new vinik has a confessor. At the open space of the Moscow apartment, a small lamp was burning in a little hut with icons and until the rest.

Life Specialist

For example, in the 90s, Yevgen is building a future squad - Natal. At that time, Vaughn was working in one of the banks and was friendly. Alece did not start a love affair, and after the first separation of Natal, it was unfortunate to marry Evgen Osin. The couple was happy, navit unrespectfully on those that the girl’s mother hung against the opposing rash little baby.

Without a doubt, with the greatest success in a special life of marriage, you can honor the people of Donka Agnia in 2002. For her, I wrote richly childish songs, verses. Yevgen spends his free time with his family, driving the kohanih squad and donka to the sea. Ale alcoholic zalezhnіst got the special happiness of the artist. Druzhina Natalia in a deaky hour came out, she pinned the contacts of the artist with the girl.

Osin was suffering from separation from his daughter. In order to renew the connection with Agniya, Vіn vlastuvavsya English school No. 1287 we will swear by the speaker. Evgen Viktorovich successfully completed the main coverage and created the popular children's team "Fishki", having recorded a kilka of clips. Ale, the great squad was deprived of a good one. Vaughn made up for the daughter of the prostitute, and she transferred Agnia to another school. Updating 5 years of pedagogical activity, the artist practically did not appear on stage.

After I rose from the retinue, Evgen five years is alive from the wife of the actual slave. But she couldn’t put up with the “ailment” of the spell and went.

Pіznіshe Yevgen Osіn again took up his solo career. In 2010, the artist experienced one of the main losses of his life - the tragic death of Oleksandr Aleksiev, a close friend of that stage partner. In memory of comrade spivak, dedicating the rest of the robot - the album "Rozluka", over the material for some kind of wine pratsyuvav already a long time.

The artist revived the tour: he performed with the team of girls. Regardless of those who have already grown old, the winemakers did not stop picking up the halls. Yevgen Osin often took part in the sleeping ledges with the smaller stars of the stage.

At the fierce fate of 2018, Osin knew that I would like to see my daughter Anastasia Godunova. From the mother of the girl, whose name is Olena, the artist got to know Natalka before making friends. Todi zakohani navit began to live at once, but later they parted. Z Olena spivak zalishivsya at good luck. In the first half of the year, the woman telephoned to Evgen and told them that they had a sleeping daughter.

Rest of the Rocks spivak is alive near Moscow. The growth of the musician was 168 cm, while the man weighed 72 kg.

Sickness and death

At the fate of 2017, Evgen Osin showed the press that his legs were driven through problems with the ridge. The artist added that I can’t have a penny for the brilliance of wine. Then, before the end, a sleeper came to the rescue. Zhіnka urged Yevgen to call the doctor, making a diagnosis. Another celebrity called out not to give pennies to artists, but to spend pennies on alcohol. As a result, Yevgen Osin was moved in the face of obstezhennya and got married to Natalia. Sturm said that she no longer wants to get in touch with the right musician.

A month later, we spoke from the house of an unknown person straight away and did not turn around. Three days later, the sister of the vicar returned to the police for help. It was clear that Evgen was at the rehabilitation center in Thailand and rejoiced in alcoholism. Tsoma was taken by the TV presenter, like herself. Later, it became clear that the jubilation did not give results, and the celebrity turned back from Thailand even more dissatisfied. And he called Borisov's wife "a wretched person."

At Birch 2018, the rock artist was hospitalized near Moscow. The reason was strong intoxication. These doctors performed low procedures for the removal of toxins from Evgen's body.

The fierce one remembered that Osin was not tired for three days.

On May 22, journalists found out that Evgen Viktorovich. Dekіlkom days earlier, the artist went to DIBDR on a new motorcycle, to put the transport on the road. Ale, pіd'їzhdzhayuchi to the booth, spіvak did not run into the caravans and fell, after which the traffic jam crushed Aspen's leg. Doctors gave the artist a helping hand and diagnosed a broken toe. However, Yevgen thought to go to the hospital and put the motorcycle on oblіk on the same day. An eyewitness, like a viklikav likariv, declaring that Osin bov is truezim.

Evgena didn’t shrug off on whom. Trohi a year the musician took the fate of zyomkah TV programs dedicated to extreme sports, and broke his hand. The artist was hospitalized and the operation was cancelled. Well, the spats became better, Aspen was sent home. In joy, Evgen Viktorovich virіshiv vіdznachiti dressed up and got drunk again. With whom, the vikonovets declared that the problems of his health began, if the person threw a drink.

At the same time, a lot of the participant of the group shared with the dancers, who are familiar with the new clip of Yevgen Osin for the song “Loved”. The girl sang out a photo and video of the working process at the glance of the koristuvachs of Merezh. Behind the words of Yuliya, Yevgen's creativity has a “special vagnik”. The artist did her best to help the wheel around the shop.

On 25 chernya, the producer of the group wrote on the side in “ Instagram”, well, if Evgen did not come in live for the renewal of health, then the days of the artist are respected. Andriy shared that Osin’s hand began to rot after the operation, but the artist does not take a drink, his legs are forced to rot. Doctors were turbulent, so that spivakov would happen to amputate his hand.

On the 17th leaf fall of 2018, fate became aware of Evgen Osin. The body was revealed in a few days by Sister Albina at his Moscow apartment. Aspen's heart was the cause of death. Zі slіv Albіni, the brother of kіlka dnіv did not go to the call. The great squad of Natalia and Agniya were told that they were at the apartment of the spivak a couple of days before the yogo of death. At that moment, Evgeny was at the zhalyugid’s station, but categorically encouraged him to help.


  • 1988 - "People from the Zirka" (with the group "Did Moroz")
  • 1989 - "Let's say we are one to one Bravo!" (3 group)
  • 1991 - "Light Way to the Fire" (with the group "Avalon")
  • 1992 - "70 latitude"
  • 1994 - "At" Russia "
  • 1996 - "Robot pardons"
  • 1999 - Birds
  • 2000 - "Gold Collection"
  • 2001 - Bagel and loaf
  • 2001 - "All the girls"
  • 2003 - "Love Mood"
  • 2003 - "Zoryana series"
  • 2009 - Bagel, loaf and bagel
  • 2010 - "Nove that best"
  • 2016 - "Rozluka"
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