Who won the nominations of music TV. "The best concert Maidan"

Uchora, 9 chervnya, at the Olimpiisky sports complex, a ceremony of awarding the city with the MUZ-TV award took place. At the jubilee ceremony, the artists stepped onto the kilim path, showing their best drawings and outfits, and those for whom the TV viewers voted for the “plates” appeared on the stage.

Olga Buzova did not take away the MUZ-TV award, but remember the cloth for a long time

One of the most beautiful images of the evening is the “gole” dress Olga Buzova. Spivachka-pochatkіvets, who wants to separate one by one, came to the prize "MUZ TV" at the door of the transparent window, in which there are only small fringes of the vizerunki to cover up the intimate parts. With this train, that crown casts the costume of Aphrodite or the mermaid princess. Before that, the sleeping woman appeared in public in the image of a majestic shell, as young people carried drunk. Others danced in її images of Daenerys Gri of Thrones", maybe, through white curls. Not everyone appreciated Olga's courage, pointing at the nemak, but it was fitting for the shanuvalniks - this cloth, for my thought, the other way, pointing at those that the goddess kokhannya has chosen. Host of the ceremony "MUZ-TV" Dmytro Nagiyev didn’t seem to stream emotions and yelled Buzova: “Ol, did you god-will? What are you saying?

Prote cloth did not help Olzya Buzovyi to win the prize - it was nominated for the category "Breaking through rock". Through the program, she started crying - she just didn’t stream emotions in public. On the way to Kazakhstan, a hit was hit " Leila", benchmark Jah Khalib.

Another opportunity became a partner Ani Lorak: її having tried kissing unknown, moreover, in the chest, in the middle, the Artist caught the sight of a man, who little did not swear at her. Pranker vibіg іz fan zone, standing in front of Lorak on his knees, trying to kiss, but not bare just vtіk. This incident was staged for an hour of a photo session on the red kilim road of the award.

Ksenia Borodina appeared at the MUZ-TV awards with a man Kurban Omarov and daughters

Spivachka Glucoza impressed the public with her bribery - she reconciled the chain mail. There was a body on the goal, obviously. Such a choice of outfit without the appearance of a sleepy life called out the right excitement, this choice was one of the best mid-stars of the widow's stage.

And the axis is spivachka Rita Dakota showed lively, that she was rounded - on the kilim road of the award "MUZ-TV" squad Vlad Sokolovsky, do not worry about vaginess, out of satisfaction I called for photographs.

TV viewers were happy to mentors the project "Voice», litter of garnogoDima Bilan,which recently passed the course of likuvannya, as well asPolina Gagarina- a young mother could, for a tizhniv kіlka, throw off her cuff and turn around in a miraculous form.

Loved by rich generations 80-year-old actress Svitlana Nemolyaeva became, perhaps, the most recent participant in the music award "MUZ-TV". Її were asked to give a special prize - "Introduction to life”, The drive for becoming її yuviley. Vaughn came to the ceremony with her onuk. Svetlana Volodymyrivna took off the city and knew that there was no such city in her yet.


"The Best Song": Sergiy Lazarev - "You Are The Only One"

"The Best Video": Dima Bilan - "At Your Head"

"Breaking Rock": Jah Khalib

"The best live video": Nyusha - "Kiss"

"The best human video": Yegor Krid - "Befits me"

"The best song of the fifteenth": Hands Uphill! - "My baby"

Short Album: Ani Lorak - Hiba Ti Lyubiv

"The best hip-hop project": Mot

The award of MUZ-TV and in the past rocky veered: a famous celebrity didn’t visit it even once, a traditional hitmaker didn’t think about the commandment “plate”. The most beautiful numbers, the most large-scale scenery, the most unmatched duets - all these are typical signs of entering the TV channel.

The MUZ-TV award has been awarded since 2003, and since that time there have been a few stars, including a light scale. In various fates, the laureates of the Olympic stage Ket Perry, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, Craig David, PSY and others. At Rest of the Rocks For the atmosphere at the premiums, there is a constant warehouse of conductors: , Dmitro Nagiev, Lera Kudryavtseva and Maxim Galkin. Zgaduyuchi, like 2003, everything started, the stench remembered at once, what were the hours, if Sobchak had not yet been trampled from "House-2", Nagiyev in the program "Vikna", Galkin їzdiv on tour with the team of Kirkorov and less Lera Kudryavtseva already bula star MUZ-TB. Live with the drive of Leri's bagatoric robots on the main music channel - a tradition of all ceremonies, but TV presenter on double-valued respect does not give respect: be a symbol of MUZ-TV dream richly hto, but sit down for a place.

Sergiy Lazarev and Kseniya Sobchak

A high-quality concert, dedication to the awarding of the prize, a 360-degree walk in an extraordinary format, if the peeping eyes were staring at the stage. Broadcasting the air in such minds is not an easy task for the presenters, the protees who are eager, but there were signs on the floor that the great zone of the "Olympiysky" simply could not take in. As a rule, the sports complex is less than half open and the spectators at the concerts turn up in one part, but once again everything was different.

Later, at 19:00, thirty thousand watchers and close to repeat hundreds of celebrities took their place in the hall, to find out who is taking away the city's honors on the MUZ-TV channel. The guests, who were sitting at the VIP parterre, practically united in their thoughts, that Svitlana Loboda and Philip Kirkorov should not be left without a fence. Songs of the first do not feel the least of the one who does not have radio, and the show of another rock with such divine sold-outs that it didn’t mean it was simply impossible. Svіtlana Loboda was right about scoring shanuvalnikov, and she took the prize from the nomination "The most beautiful vikonovitsa".

On the vіdmіnu vіd past fate, if Phillipp decided to win a nomination for the city, declaring that he had already taken off everything, that moment, that fate was more pleasant and allowing himself to be awarded a special prize of up to 50 rubles and a "tablet" for the best show. They asked to hand over the city to the stage if the sworn enemy, and for the last feast of his friend Kirkorov - Timati. Let's guess, it's fateful for Timati himself to come out with a scandalous statement about the fact that all the musical cities in the country are given to him by himself. Tse zapochatkuvalo vorozhnechu between him and the king of pop, for a long time the artists navit defiantly did not hover at the sunsets, prote now sokira viyni zaryta. Wanting to speak with a promo, Timati, a kind of mid-range quiet, who, having played the city for a better show, without wasting the ability to tell the present, that he himself is the only one among the nominees, having chosen the new "Olympic" at his concerts.
Mot, Katerina Varnava, Kostyantin Meladze, Egor Krid ta Timati

Nargiz and Maxim Fadeev

Timati himself, having taken the prize as "The Greatest Vikonovets", did not become the only drive for joy. Without the "plates" the Black Star Mafia didn't lose their subdivisions - Mot ta Egor Krid.

One of the most beautiful moments of the show was the popular hits written by different rockers Kostyantin Meladze. Vіn buv vіdznacheny as a composer of the ten years, and from that drive a large-scale number was created with the participation of Polina Gagarina, Nyusha, Svіtlanya Lobodia, Vira Brezhneva, Valery Meladze, Grigory Leps, group "VIA Gra" and M "Band. "My little girl", and if Sergiy Zhukov climbed onto the stage outside the city, the audience slept like Olga Buzova's fans never dreamed of, until the speech, Olga lost her last evening without a break, but then she was definitely remembered by the spectacular appearance: on the kilim road її, scho to sit by the giant turtles, the people in bandages on the laces on the buckles carried the light mermaid's curls, the crown on her head - Olzya fared away from the darkness to call Xenia Sobchak, who appeared before the lookers in the image of a kohannya, who flew like a dome "Ol_mp_baby".

Let's join Miley Cyrus, but in the future, we'll ask for a special guest of the award on MUZ-TV, the Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, at the same time, Zara's best friend, won the city in the nomination "Best International Duo".


"Better Song"
Sergiy Lazarev - You Are The Only One

"Best Pop Band"

"Breaking Duet"
Maxim Fadeev feat. Nargiz - "Double"

"Short Album"
Ani Lorak - "Hiba you love"

"The best concert show"
Philip Kirkorov "I" / Sovereign Kremlin Palace

"The Greatest Rock Vicon"

"Best Hip-Hop Project"

"The best song of the f'yatnadtsatirichya"
Hands up! - "My baby"

"The best human video"
Egor Krid - "Befits me"

"The best woman video"
Nyusha - "Kiss"
"The best song for my foreign"

"Break Through Rock"
Jah Khalib

"Better video"
Dima Bilan - "At your head"

"Naykrascha vikonavitsa"

"Krashchy vikonovets"

"The best international duet"
Zoru feat. Andrea Bocelli

"Composer of the decade"
Kostyantin Meladze

"A contribution to life"
Svitlana Volodymyrivna Nemolyaeva

"Introduction to the development of the music industry" Click on photo to view gallery

"Best Show Ballet"

"The best concert maidan"
Sports complex "Olympic"

Special city

The hosts of the ceremony were Ksenia Sobchak, Lera Kudryavtseva, Maxim Galkin and Dmitro Nagiev.

Philip Kirkorov, Dima Bilan, Polina Gagarina, Sergiy Lazarev, Timati, Grigory Leps, Egor Krid, Ani Lorak, Loboda, Nyusha, Serebro bands, IOWA, MBAND, A'Studio and many others attended the award ceremony.

One of the most effective performances on the star track was the appearance of a nominee in the category “Breakthrough the Rock” Olga Buzova. Six drunken-skinned people at the majestic shell, for which Olga stood in the image of the goddess of kokhannya - Aphrodite, carried the cob-pochatkіvets.

It didn't happen without incidents. At one o'clock Ani Lorak appeared, on the road a fan of the couple was seen publicly kissing her at the quilted chest. Cholovik Lorak immediately gave a tip to the shanuvalnik.

For 30 tis. peepers in the "Olympiysky" and millions of peepers were on the screens of their hits vikonali Mot ta Ani Lorak, Єgor Krid ta Molly, Nagrіz ta Maxim Fadeev, "Degrees" ta Polina Gagarina, Timati ta Philip Kirkorov, A'Studio ta Bars, Lobo .

The performance of the rest of the duet became one of the most beautiful moments of the ceremony. Under the hour of watching the mix of the song "Your Eyes" and "Mists" Max choked up so much that he kissed Svetlana on the lips right in the eyes of the mustache "Olympic".

Not without foreign guests - the Italian singer Andrea Bochelli specially flew to Russia for the award, which together with Zora viconate the legendary composition Time to say goodbye, as well as present a new bedroom to the robot La grande storia.

The ceremony ended with the performance of the duet of Sergiy Lazarev and Dimi Bilan. Artists vykonali their new job"Probach me", like an already offensive wound, flew into the 1st row of iTunes.

The head of the ceremony was insanely rewarded by the artists, as they took off the obligatory “plates” and became the best for the version of the Muz-TV viewers of that rock.

Opportunities "Muz-TV Awards 2017"

"Better Song"

Sergiy Lazarev - You Are The Only One

"Best Pop Group"

"Breaking duet"

Maxim Fadeev feat. Nargiz - "Two"

"Short Album"

Ani Lorak - "Khiba you love"

"The best concert show"

Philip Kirkorov "I" / Sovereign Kremlin Palace

"The Greatest Rock Vicon"

"Best Hip-Hop Project"

"The best song of the fifteenth"

Hands up! - "My baby"

"The best human video"

Egor Krid - "Befits Me"

"The best live video"

Nyusha - "Kiss"

"The best song of my foreign land"


"Break Through Rock"

"Better video"

Dima Bilan - "At your head"

"Krascha vikonavitsa"

"Krashchy vikonovets"

"The best international duet"

Zoru feat. Andrea Bocelli

"Composer of the decade"

Kostyantin Meladze

"Introduction to Life"

Svitlana Volodymyrivna Nemolyaeva

“Introduction to the development of the music industry»

Leonid Agutin

"The best show ballet»

"The best concert Maidan"

Sports complex "Olympic"

Special award, dedicated to the anniversary of the artist

Philip Kirkorov - 50 years

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