Birthday Andriy Karaulova. Andriy Karaulov suffocates, occupied with the waste: having stolen a child from his large squad of wines. Specialist of the life of TV presenter Andriy Karaulov

At the transfer of "The Moment of Truth" Andriy Karaulov love scourging vices and fighting for the triumph of law and justice, masterfully branding everyone and everything. Alec screen image. And in the life of yoga, the vchinka is already far away in the quiet correct words, yakі vіn move іz "screen". Formerly, the public announcement of the television became, if I was in a bad manner, parting with another squad, Natalia Mironova. Zhorstoko dіlyachi mineno, vіn gave up the saints - vіdmovivsya in the form of a single daughter. The history of separation from the third squad - Ksenia Kolpakova, and the brotherhood behind the front.

Xenia died as a TV presenter the second fate, having lived with him this fate. A handful of wines without sprinyav її vchinok seriously. Aje won't file for alimony, she didn't shy away from the lane.

I took a 3-fold blue in a frame and grunted the door, saying to Andriy: “I am fluid, groggy, tedious with you,” Xenia guessed. - Cholovik buv duzhe hostility. Nasampered vin himself virishuvav, with kim youmu buti and whom to vignati. I'm a vidomy, a genius, I can do everything, but who are you? To throw a woman before me for an autograph, beckon me to warto, and be it from them - mine, for happiness, you don’t have to stand in order. You will pay for your foolishness, I will make your life unbearable, you will lift it up to me and ask back! Understand your pardon, but let's talk otherwise, ”shouting to me. From i zdіysniv threat: vkrav sina. And you have allergies, problems with promo. Andriy does not know what kind of procedures a child needs, what can be done, and what can not. Adzhe tsim nіkoli not tsіkavitsya - yomu bulo nіkoli. De contagiously Vasya, who is watching him - I don’t know anything. There are no guards on my calls. How can you separate a 4-year-old baby from a mother, who is more mentally irritable, how can you not be a mischievous child? - swearing too much telezirka team.

Why did you start to tediously live with Karaulovim, when everything began so garno? - I energized, trying to understand the turns of today's drama.

So live beadlo

Your hat was seen in heaven at a direct mind: the stench got to know each other in the air. The young political observer of ITAR-TARS Kseniya Kolpakova accompanied Gennady Seleznyov on his visit to Pivdenny Korea at the warehouse of the official delegation. And the TV presenter took an interview with the same riverman Derzhdumi. A pretty young journalist was worthy of you.

Andriy is affable, artistic, with him the company has a crazy cicavo, - Ksenia is a great man.

We turned to Moscow ahead of the ancient saints. Xenia immediately went to see her mother to the Czech Republic. The guards flew uncontrollably near Prague, saying that they were already bored. And then, if she saw it at the rehearsal, often, unceremoniously at the entrance, she came, just to have evening at once.

So, everything started beautifully, - zіthayuchi, it seems, the ex-squad of Karaulov.

At Griboyedivsky registry office, young people and those guests raced on two seven-meter limousines. After registration, they rode on motor ships from gypsies. And the vesillya was played at the Metropolis.

Obviously, I knew that before me there were two squads and hundreds of kohankas. The tiles about the negligence of separation from the front and almost did not want to. I was stupid, I sacredly believed that I couldn’t blame me like that.

The first serious welding took place before the birth of Vasi's son. Having formed herself, Xenia went to the fathers and lived with them for a break. Then she realized that if you want to stand firmly on your feet, then you can become independent. For help, friends took a credit and opened a cafe near Lyaliny Provulk.

They said, nibi Andriy, having given me a cafe, ale wine did not help anything, - singing out.

Having lived a little bit alone, Xenia turned to a man and tried to give birth to a child, wondering what to think of yourself like that. Ale got off the hook.

Andriy does not like to travel alone at the nursery. Earlier, I always accompanied yoga, but then the people of the syna could no longer follow him, even if it wasn’t possible to throw. The guards, having also become taken from themselves for the company of women, navit not prihovyuchchi tse me, - rozpovida a lot of telezirka team. - Cholovik zіyshov z kotushok, becoming insolent, vіdkrit, zrajuvati. The lady of the wine brought us to our houses, good for my day. Vinen did not realize himself, saying: “I am a genius, and geniuses create their own individuality. One-man sex takes into account creative potential, less need for new ideas different wives. Share the memoirs of Corey Landau and get involved in it, like you need to love a person. The team of the famous physicist rozpovida at the book of speeches, as they are not invested in my statement about family life: she herself brought people's coats, made a mess on the table, made a bed, walked around the yard, checking, if everything was over, and then she cleaned up and continued to live like nothing happened. Axis and Andriy hotiv, so that I became a wordless slave. For yoga words, fidelity, traditional family values ​​- price is boring. Vin kaz: So live beadlo. If it were my recitation, they called out rudeness, and in a moment, send me a matyuk for a son.

Ale ditina bachit, how to put up yoga mami. And I realized: I don’t want to waste my son’s honor, I need to get out of Karaulov’s house.

complex monster

Andriy is self-assertive for the quiet, who seems to lie down, - Kseniya continues.

For її words, vіn kriє obscenities and belittle spіvrobіtnikіv, okhorontsіv, khatnіkh robіtnits, usіh, hto you can't even on equal vіdpovisti. Xenia tried to find an explanation for this figure of Karaulov's character and that she was very complex in a big man with children. Mother Andriya told the bride, as if she were violating yoga. I wanted to grow out of the son of a musician. Vaughn tied 5-year-old Andriyk to the stiletto, she gave him a violin. Then she dialed the office phone number, went to work, as she knew a booth nearby. At the office, she took a hearing aid and for the second or two years she heard it like a lad drinking. And then she turned around and said yoga.

Such a setting could not help belittling. Having become mature, Andriy casts a child on the weak, - Xenia surmises. - It is not customary for Yogo Sims to feel warm. Not long ago, yoga mothers had an oncological operation. I said to the people: “You are going to bring the liquor, visit the matir. If you get out to slap you, you feel better. Ale Andriy, calling my words empty lyrics, respecting that I paid for the likuvannya and that is sufficient.

Veresni Karaulov marked 49 fates at the "Metropolis". And after the banquet, having phoned a lot of squads and boasted:

I chose the most successful people in Moscow. None of them dared to ignore the request. Now I realize that I can do everything. This was the rehearsal of the 50th anniversary, and the anniversary will be celebrated at the Kremlin.

Tse vin speaking quite seriously, - Xenia is opposed. - You really know what you can curse with light.

Merciless Mesnik

After the separation of the TV presenter, having filed before the court, I can determine the order of the dispute from the synom. Having set up the court, the father can go after the child at Saturday from the 9th wound until 9 pm. Ale Xenia allowed him to speak out of the blue no less on Saturdays, but at any hour. Vaughn did not ink the father in the eyes of the child, she only explained that she was alive and well, that she could be a lot of work.

A great man without giving a daily penny for a son. We parted ways officially, my cafe, the only place where my income was, fell raptly from the CES, tax, fire inspections. Guards, vikoristovuyuchi zvyazki, trying to strangle my business and put me on the hook. Helped to stand friends. Andriy poshiryuvav tiles, I'm not a drug addict, an alcoholic. Well, for the time being, I went home, took care of my twins and lay on the savings. Through nervovannya vinykla threat wikiday. The children were born early. Їhnє life called out the fight.

Having learned about the new arrival of Xenia, the telezirka left with a new force, having begun to start her life. At the same time, Karaulov let go, so that the lad was alive at the new chotiri for a day, and filed before the court for reconsideration the decision on the order of the sons with the child. How many years Karaulov asked Xenia for permission to pass the entrance at once from the synom. And if you don’t want to pass the decision to the court, it’s good luck. Before that, the doctors recommended you a liquor in Evpatoria. Xenia urged the ex-druzhina to take the son to the sea. But the shards of the TV presenter can’t take care of the little ones, she asked for the nanny or grandmother to look at you. The guards waited for a while, but then we said that I didn’t need certificates, even if I’m not alone, but with a friend.

I rebuked: “You choose: what a child, what a special life,” Kseniya said. - Andriy looked up. Todi I said that Vasya was going to the granny for the cordon and asked for a date to send her to the banquet for the cordon. Andriy papir did not sign. Vіn not zaproponuvav navіt pennies on the road of rejoicing and zavіv new mushnyu.

Having specified the procedure for taking children across the cordon, Xenia admitted that it was more than enough for her. Shoyno Vasya and his grandmother went to the resort, a TV presenter, the great master of the rose and epistolary genre, having filed a statement to the prosecutor's office - a small amount of the team robbed the child, hired a charter and took him away for additional documents.

At the same time, Xenia was lying at the liquorice of two new people. Operatives rushed into the ward before her, they dragged her to drink. If it was said that she didn’t do anything illegal, they shut down on the right.

At the prosecutor's office they told me that all of them should destroy the criminal right against Karaulov for allegedly untruthful denunciation. Vіd me vymagalas only a statement. Alemen was not up to it: one of the twins did not get away with vryatuvat. I don’t know how I got the strength to survive this terrible grief. She didn’t want to take revenge, I was sure that Andriy would calm down - it’s like Xenia.

Access to stolen days

Two years ago, Vasya, as if forever, walking from the nanny beat a booth along the streets of Liza Chaikino, de vin lived with her mother and little brother. Two foreign cars drove up to the booth. In one of them sit Karaulov, in the other - protection. Tіlookhorontsі, jumping out of the car, took the nanny, and Karaulov at the same hour, having snatched the blue and taken yoga. The unfortunate mother wrote a statement to the police, the prosecutor's office, turned for help to the court bailiffs, and to the head upovnovazhenny s rights of the child. Don’t play football, but in the prosecutor’s office don’t start criminal justice, don’t hurry to secure the decision of the court and turn the child to the mother.

Girko, ale of life, show that Karaulov is right, seeming that everything is baiduzhe to him. Vin continues on the screen all the talks and rozmirkovuvat about legal hearing. And in the meantime, I myself shamelessly destroy the decisions of the court. With the authority of that zv'yazkami vin crushing us. Officials are afraid of contacting him. Vіn robbed the child, and, wanting the law on my side, I nibi nab on a deaf wall and I can’t turn the son, - Kseniya is angry.

Without showing off, she cried at the prosecutor's office, she asked, what a job. Representatives of the vlady vіdpovili: “Did you marvel at the film“ Voroshilovsky shooter ”?” Ale, don't take this and true guinea pig in your hands for the butt of the hero Mikhail Ulyanov. You still don’t want to think that lynching is the only way out of this terrible situation. Believe that the government is on the all-powerful TV.

Father and child

* The students of Karaulov became a novel from the same litter. Vaughn came to Moscow from Irkutsk. The maiden all of a sudden took a look and asked Andriy from the guest to get to know the fathers. Having lived for a bit with a friend, Karaulov turned back to Moscow. Nevdovzі dіvchina vtishila kokhanoy: they will have a child. But it wasn’t here: Andriy, fearing inaccuracies along the Komsomol line, recognizing Donka Lidochka, but making friends with him. With a child, young tato once did not want to care. If the girl turned 16 years old, her mother rose up, that in Moscow there is a spitting father, and pleased to go to the new one and ask for help. Guard buv no more than radium was called on the head grown up daughters. And even more, you didn’t want a scandal, even if you were a public person. The unfortunate father, having bought an apartment for Lida, that vlastuvav її studied to the institute.

* In 1990 Karaulov made friends with the daughter of the playwright Mikhail Shatrov - Natalia Mironova. After two rocky friends, it was possible to expand the living space. For cunning combinations with unruliness, invented by the Karaulovs, fictitious separation was needed. Natalia sold her 4-room apartment on Tverskiy, and Andriy Viktorovich sold her 1-room apartment in the Babushkinska metro area. Having bought a 3-room apartment and having moved a squad, the TV presenter bought an apartment for a new one with the help of a penny.

In 1998, a friend's daughter Sonechka was born. On the joys of the stench, they bought another apartment - a 2-room apartment, on top below. Spopchatka was booked to live in Natal, but without a hitch, Karaulov re-registered and re-registered the apartment on his own - nibito for the security of rozrakhunkiv іz utility payments. The trusting woman was good. And through the river TV presenter, formally a vilny kind of bells and whistles, playing a party with 24-river Xenia. A lot of squads urged to turn the “kopeck piece” and chose to move to the USA. Ale Karaulov implied that he should not be allowed to take his daughter in, so that she would not be allowed to enter her home. Turning my apartment around, turning around, and knowing Natalya to know, no, Sonya is not his daughter.

The squad of Andriy Karaulov was fired The judge ordered to turn the kidnapped journalist child Xenia, but she didn’t win the decision

Third week Andriy Karaulov, host of the TV program "The Moment of Truth" zamіskom booth son of Vasya. Win vikrav yoga u a lot of squads Xenia. Unfortunate mother zumila broke through to the child. Ale, the soulless guard, vikonuyuchi order of the ruler, lied the baby, crying, out of her hands, like a baby. After Xenia tried to turn her back on her, new misfortunes befell her.

Chotiririchnogo Vasya yoga can Andriy Karaulov, 40 kilometers from Moscow, to the village of Novoglagoleva, Naro-Fominsky district. Here the TV journalist has a fiefdom - three hectares of land, surrounded by a three-meter parkan, that chic booth at 500 square meters. It is impossible to penetrate unmarked at the mothers - it is the guard post that steals. The majestic expanse, where 15 sub-divisions were roamed, and now the leader of the “Moment of Truth”, is constantly patrolled.

Shukati Sina Xenia did not come alone, but with the accompanying representatives of the opiska that pikluvannya.

Ahead of the day, in the Savelіvsk court of the capital, there was a meeting in Chergov for the call of Karaulov: vіn vіmagає allow me to go out of the synom chotiri razi for the day zamіst 12 years on Saturdays, introducing yoma a lot of decisions. Do not check the legal result, Andriy Viktorovich robbed a child from a huge squad for an hour of walking with a nanny, but did not appear in court. Zam_st yourself guilty by naming a lawyer. The lady told me that the TV presenter went to the cordon at the reconnaissance. Sensing this statement, the judge ordered to secure Karaulov's dacha and tell them that there was a child there. The lawyer of the eminent TV presenter did not quarrel that Vasya was with his father, and sang, no one cares about Xenia bachiting with his son.

little scold

The road to the gates of Volodin Karaulov is blocked by a barrier. A TV journalist should not be buried. About the richness of a chic mansion, they tell everyone around. The guards made friendship with the wealthy strong of the world. With chimerical interiors, the mansion is more like a museum. Here they take care of a 200-kilogram wardrobe inlaid with mother-of-pearl to the bottom, stuffed with exhibits, exhibitions, an antique piano, expensive vases, services.

Karaulov, the keeper of the rare collection, littered live exotic creatures. Among them is the alligator. The mansion also has a refurbished assembly studio.

Soyno representatives of the opika and Xenia tried to get through the barrier, the guard rushed to the front. The lads have blocked the way to navit the representatives of the government. Ale ozumіvshi, scho іgnoruvat law not vdas, vіdstupali. And let the axis of Karaulov's team into the territory of the dacha, if Xenia is rightfully rightful master. Part of the land plots, on which the Volodinnya Karaulov’s castle was spread, and dosі її vlasnіst. Ale, the guard, not delving into legal subtleties, inveterately enacted the orders of the ruler: do not let them in! The rather thin Xenia tried to get through, but they immediately threw out the kill.

Let me go to the child, I can rightly її bachiti! cried the unfortunate mother.

Ale, the invincible jock again and again vishtovhuvav її out of the gate. Xenia was let through only after the threat of the OMON viklikati.

At this hour, chotiric Vasya was walking at the escort of two women not far from the booth. Having succumbed to my mother, the nanny’s hand succumbed radiantly, and then the nanny’s chipped hands. The little one wept and wriggled, but strangers, baiduzhi aunts took Yogo to the hut.

Here the representatives of the Opika and Xenia had a chance to make a cordon of protection. The security service of the TV journalist called out for a pidkriplennya - a miserable holiday. And all the same, the viscounts of ordering the court had a chance - the unfortunate guests were allowed to go to the house and showed the child.

Vasya rushed to Mami and wept in her arms.

Win asking me: “Mom, I want to go home, take me the stars!” - Xenia rozpovida. – Okhoronets Vasya literally vyddirav vіd me. Sin fought in hysteria, wept, I cried. The whole scene was not self-motivated, but it was not more important for the spivrobitniks of the opika to pick up the child, the stench could no longer be overwhelmed, chi won to be found in the father's mansion.

Guards on zustrіch іz by representatives of the vlady not wiyshov. Possibly, wine and truth bov vіdsutnіy.

Andriy is a rich worker, and he can’t win his son himself. The nannies are looking after the child. Adzhe Vasya is a big boy. You need a special watch. The child is terrified of suffering. And all because of the bugs of the people who call themselves a beloved dad! - weeping Xenia.

Having talked over, that the TV journalist had rightly lied at the big squad of the son, on the coming day of the judge, she ordered that the court officers turned the child to the mother.

Ale, add dosi not be at the booth of a colossal man, - it’s like Xenia. - Guards galmuє vikonannya decision of the court. On yoga prohannya on representatives of the government to squeeze yoga high-ranking friends. Come out, scho leading the "Moment of Truth" for the law.

I'm half a brother

If the material was being prepared beforehand, Xenia telephoned to the editorial office and informed that on the night of 6 p.m. the Buloshna cafe near Lyaliny Provulk was open. The fire started from the side of the black move. Pozhezhu commemorated the Meshkants, among them was the sleeping woman Lolita Milyavska, as if she were alive in a bungalow. Pozhezhnikh called out at the same time that the half-moon was not allowed to flare up. Narazі rozslіduvannyam engaged UVS Basmanny district of Moscow.

And on the eve of the day, the representatives of the organizations wailed in the cafe, which they are revering. The stinkers presented an absurdly absurd skarga, written in nіbito by a vіdvіduvach. They say, nibi "bidolaha" right into the plate of the stele, falling into a living scur. Pereviryayuchi threatened to close the enterprise of Xenia.

Too rich zbіgіv. I want to zlamat and zalyakat. It’s possible, they hope, that I will stop fighting for Vasenka’s turn. Ale, I don’t stand up: Vasya is not guilty of suffering. How can you not guess Karaulov’s threat to turn my life into hell, - it’s like Xenia, as she already called out to attack.

Who is Andriy Karaulov - it is unlikely that there is a person who does not know what kind of food. Tse vіdomy TV presenter, one can boldly say - scandalous, ale principles, which is relevant for a simple spectator by those in their programs. He is popular, but there is little to say about his biography and special life, willfully sanctify in his interviews and programs those who praise the majority of the citizens of the Russian Federation and not only.

Biography of TV presenter Andriy Karaulov

The future TV presenter Andriy Karaulov was born in the city of Korolev (at that time Kaliningrad) of the Moscow region on 10 spring 1958. Journalism vin zahoplyuvavsya from the senior classes, but to join the senior faculty of the MDU after the completion of the secondary education, you didn’t get far. Trying to become a student of GITIS was far away, and in 1981 he took a diploma in theater studies, and then successfully received a Candidate's work in mystic studies. Dali buli

  • service at the lavahs of the Radyansk Army,
  • editorship in "Theatrical Life" and "Vognik",
  • work in the anthology "Spadshchina" and the magazine "Batkivshchyna",
  • author's work at the program "Moment of Truth".

The program “Moment of Truth” is the most important work of TV presenter Andriy Karaulov. At the same time, he took part in the work on the programs “Russian Century” and “Russian People”, “Stolen Fairy”, releasing a few books - “On the Kremlin”, “Theatre, 1980s”, making the film “Nevidomiy Putin”.

In 2017, Andriy Karaulov's broadcast without explanation and comments was taken on air. Alece did not put a spot in yoga car'er - I take an active part in both television and suspense life, continuing to write and engage in documentary cinema.

Specialist of the life of TV presenter Andriy Karaulov

Yogo special life of a spovnene podіy no less, lower professional. Andriy Karaulov buv friends chotiri razi. The first dream was less for the fact that the maiden was vagitna, and even then, after the people of Donka Lydia, the couple parted.

Another squad of Andriy Karaulov is Mironova Nataliya, the daughter of the famous Russian playwright Mikhail Shatrov. The daughter of Sophia was born to the slave, but Andriy Karaulov practically didn’t wiggle. Sim'ya fell apart big scandal through yogo chergove zakhoplennya, and a huge squad surrounded the father with a child.

Andriy Karaulov's third squad was Kseniya Kolpakova, to finish off a young girl, who had a chance to look at her for a long time and beautifully - expensive gifts, trips to military service across the cordon, going to the center of the capital especially for young women. Ale and stosunki ended quickly.

Andriy Karaulov, his fourth squad Mariev Yuliya Andriy Karaulov, after being separated from the thieves and in the organization swing for a new one. This separation has become the most scandalous in the special life of TV presenter Andriy Karaulov. Look at that court and call to try the dons, but there is no direct evidence of the girl’s fault, and the interest is to go down to the scandal step by step. Who will be the fifth retinue of Andriy Karaulov - often asks you for an interview, less food about the rest of the separation of that career.

Yuliya Marєєva at the preparation of yoga, literally "violated" ZMI. How did the journalists say, the journalist, who is afraid for his life, having done his best to protect the mansion and writing a sheet to the head of the MVS, Volodymyr Kolokoltsev, so that he would come alive against the “beating-banderivtsiv”, yak could become vikonavtsy swing.

Before the message of the wines, I reported a description of the famous mine, including the expensive Patek Philippe anniversary for 60,000 euros and paintings by Nikas Safronov with a gift writing. Before that, having asked for credits, if necessary, tell me about your crocodile and that’s bullshit.

Shanovny Volodymyr Oleksandrovich! On December 20, 2017, the fate of my squad, Marєєva Yuliya Oleksivna, turned to our sleeping friend, realtor Biryukov Igor Mikolayovich, with the help of help to know їth people, so they can viconate її in a way: beat me, Karaulova Andriy,

Behind the words of a judged journalist, stink to know about Karaulov's fight for his life.

Here two days ago, Andriy Viktorovich, ahead of the other judges, who seem to be ignorant, just remind you. With special respect, I asked for a car with a characteristic Ukrainian accent and cars with "yellow-blaky derzhnomerami". More wines asking for help about the crocodile and pirani, who linger at the booth, like the type with him "to get drunk" -

having told the journalist to the Center for the Management of the Investigation of the Meshkanets of the village of Novoglagoleve, where the houses of Karauliv Fr.

Yulia turned before me, so that I would help someone to wake up through my ties. Ce Bulo on the street Profspilkovy 15 chest. I saved that notification on the phone, "-

having said the person, adding that Yulia did not name the sum for driving the person in, but denounced the “very much” viddyachit, saying that “it’s bad for me”.

About Yuliya Maryeva, it is known that she grew up in the noble Moscow homeland. Її father was healthy and disabled at the hour of liquidation of accidents at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, and mother worked as a teacher. If the girl graduated from school, then, following the words of Biryukov, she went to Spain, de practiced as a dancer at a night club. However, Yuliya's profile in social media has a job at the Russian State University, and on the website I can find information about those who in 2012 received a diploma at the Department of Light Politics and International Awards on the topic "BRICS in current system international trade shows: regional and global aspects".

Yulia Mareva became the fourth squad of Andriy Karaulov. The couple met more than six years ago on the Internet. At that time, I was 21 years old, and Imu was 53. Yuliya wrote that she was a great supporter of the creativity of a journalist, and after a couple of months of wine, she began to speak out.

Yulia, as usual, was brought in a car to our rural farm, right behind the horn, and I came by the felted boots, brudny and unburnt. Ale nothing, having been honored, and for chotir days we went to repent, "-

acknowledging TV presenter Timur Kizyakov for an hour of the program "While everyone is at home" on April 24, 2016.

Giving Kizyakov's nourishment to the one who created her own image of a man, Yulia said:

I created for myself the image of a human being, how to fight for justice.

After that, as Julia got to know Karaulov, in the autumn of 2012, she entered the postgraduate course of the MDIMV at the Department of Light Political Processes. It took "only three days to learn" before the entrance test of philosophy, moreover, it was prepared until new won on the birch of Lake Geneva, and in 2014 the girl confirmed the theme of the candidate's dissertation foreign policy RF, USA, PRC and the EU in the sphere of international security", there is no prote іnformatsiї about the defense of Marєєva dissertation.

Biryukov was aware that Andriy Karaulov had re-registered the greater part of the indestructibility for his young squad and ordered a collection of paintings and golden virobs.

Andriy has tens of millions of unruliness, and Yulia, for my allowances, is a little less than a sip. Vіn walking himself not in his own. Only through the return agreement of the gift all turned back. That one is just a shark and went for Andriy for a rozrachunk!"

vpevneniy vіn.

Yuliya has got good connections with high-profile artists and famous artists. Vaughn spent her evenings in Moscow night clubs and spent her nights in the spooky lands, and the program of the person "The Moment of Truth" began to show a photograph in the background.

Behind the words of the know, about the same time, scandals began in the homeland. Yulia began to spend the night with her friends and waited for her grandmother to reach Kiev. With what kind of journalism did they say that in the spring of 2016, Yulia asked friends at social media:

Guys, who spent on the Internet please through the guarantor? Can you please the original site? Even the term is required! It is necessary for me to remember the service and take away the tribute!

On the darknet, a middleman is called a guarantor, who ensures the conduct of illegal activities, for example, the purchase of drugs, money, send an evil person or hire a killer.

If Yuliya went to Kiev in a short time, Andriy "came to you" and said that the squad re-registered an apartment in Crimea for 6 million rubles and a Lexus for 4 million rubles to his relatives. Until then, I’m sure, that valuable speeches arose from the house.

Having made a great revision at my booth, I revealed what the signs were: my old year of Patek Philippe, my purchases in 2002 in Munich (the price is not less than 60,000 euros), a painting by the artist Nikas Safronov with a gift letter, was presented to me on day 10 spring 2017, old English service, purchases by me in Australia 2 years ago", -

writing to Kolokoltsev.

In early 2017, the journalist was sent to the UVS from the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, but at the same time, he was forced to work at the damaged criminal justice and was pleased to hire a good lawyer from the blue-collar processes.

The guards are telling you that "I'm threatening the real trouble", and the "druzhina in Kiev" is "joking about getting beaten from the number of Banderivtsiv".

I'm seriously putting myself up to Mrs. Marєєvoї Yu. A. to us. I don’t understand why it’s so easy to steal a large sum of money from me and for the whole dossi I don’t know. I don’t know why the words stolen from me can be safely taken away from the apartment, not being afraid of a faux pas. I started not to understand what is going on, "-

get drunk.

In her comments to the TsUR, Yuliya Maryeva called those who come across "the beacon of a gray kobili."

At Karaulov, everything is separated like a carbon copy, "-

she said, having said that she "didn't see in her eyes" fortune-telling on the list of the head of the MVS year, a painting by Nikas Safronov and an expensive service.

For the words of the girl, she will not hesitate to turn back to Moscow and herself turn to the police. Before that, she had accused the public of compromising evidence on a person and that she had opened the door to Yogo Million.

It is significant that the last edition of Karaulov's program "Moment of Truth" will be aired on December 12, 2016. The program was dedicated to the attempts of attacks on Volodymyr Putin, which journalists have done in the last six months of 1999. However, after the transfer, the directorate of the channel did not approve the agreement from TOV "Century Strategy" that I have the rights to the "Moment of Truth" brand. For some reason, even before the editorial office of "The Fifth Channel", there was a broadcast, a hopeful call from the Security Service of the President of the Federal Tariff Service "to help call that clown that dreamer." However, the presenter himself, saying that pishov vlasniy bazhannyam. Under this SDG, it is hard to believe that Andriy Karaulov will turn into the air and write letters to other state structures to pass them on to the heads of the state.

The Russian World, accepted in the capital of the Russian World, has not lost its own homeland for a long time, in which it would not have saved its own Apartment Viyna.
And the television oligarch Andriy Karaulov did not miss out ...
Ale started everything there for health.
Axis transmission Until all the houses, known less than two years ago, total 30 hvilin, I recommend you to marvel more, you know a lot of cool things about Andriy's life ...

And the axis is already new today

"Телеведучий Андрій Караулов звинуватив свою молоду дружину Юлію Марєєву у підготовці його вбивства. Побоюючись за життя, Караулов посилив охорону будинку, звернувся з листом до глави МВС Володимира Колокольцева з проханням вжити заходів проти вбивць-бандерівців і описом зниклого разом із дружиною числі годинників Patek Philippe € 60,000 paintings by Nikas Safronov) and asking for money from someone else about his crocodile and piranії. For the details of family drama, the correspondent for the Center for the Control of Investigations turned to the “zamovnitsa”, “victim” of her friend.

“I’m seriously putting myself up to Mrs. Marєєvoyї Yu.A.

“Shanovny Volodymyr Oleksandrovich! On December 20, 2017, the fate of my squad, Marєєva Yuliya Oleksiivna, turned to our sleeping friend, realtor Biryukov Igor Mikolayovich, with the help of help to know їth people, so they can viconate її zavlennya: beat me, Karaulova Andriy, calm down letter to the minister on September 28 of the TV presenter.

The axis of the leaf will be reversed ...

Such a sheet could not be called on the road. I go to the village of Novoglagolive (Narofominsky district), near the booth with an area of ​​821.2 sq. m bag Karauliv. The place is considered bohemian: the partners Krys Kelmi and Oleksandr Gradsky ruled here, the TV presenter Kira Proshutinska and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived until her death.
Dilyanka Karaulova I’ll fence off the temple, which more predicts the anti-noise screen on the highway, the video warning cameras are installed intermittently. The TV presenter called “Stena” if he worked under the krill of the mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, and explained to his relatives.
so that the bandits did not throw a grenade.

I can’t reach the camera, as the guards say:

“There are no lists of you, but Andriy Viktorovich still knows,” the elder of the race frowned. - I can't miss it. Come on, come on.

On the streets of the street I bachel a man from a dog. It appears that the wines are already aware that the TV presenter will be sung by the callers:

— Here two days ago, Andriy Viktorovich, ahead of the other judges, who seem to be ignorant, just remind you. With special respect, I asked for a car with a characteristic Ukrainian accent and cars with “yellow-blaky derzhnomerami”. More wins asking for help about the crocodile and piranii, who linger at the booth, as if they were like “getting drunk” with him.

Karaulov's sheet in the name of Kolokoltsev, handing me the dzherelo at the office of the MVS. Information, what to avenge in the new, confirming a close knowledge of this, what will happen there, - realtor Igor Biryukov:

- Yulia turned away before me, so that I would help someone to wake up through my ties. Ce Bulo on the street Profspilkovy 15 chest. I saved that notification on the phone.

- Yulia didn’t name the sum for driving a person?

- She didn’t name the sum, but she said that it’s much better to look. I once said, talking, Yuli, think again, what are you robing? And there's the type - "Me zovsіm nasty."

Yuliya Marєєva (right-handed) from a friend | Photo:
"Zamovnitsa" Yuliya Marєva veered away from her beloved Moscow homeland: her father took off his disability during the liquidation of the accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, his mother worked as a teacher. After graduating from school, following the words of the realtor, the girl went to Spain and worked as a dancer at a night club. Under Tsomo at the VKontakti, it is attributed to the RDSU, and, for the INFORMATSIA IZ website of the RDSU, in 2012 Rotsi Yulia Mariyva, the diploma on the departments on the topic “Briks at the Sudsiye systems: reg and regime .

Marєeva - the fourth team of Karaulov, knew the stench more than six years ago on the Internet, if it was 21, and youmu - 53. Yuliya wrote to Karaulov, that there is a great recipient of yoga creativity, through a sprat of vines, proponing sensitization. “Julya, as usual, was brought in a car to our rural settlement, right behind the horn, and I came by the felted boots, brudny and unburned. Ale nothing, having been vouchsafed, and after a couple of days we went to sleep, ”Karaulov rose at the program“ Still at home ”on April 24, 2016.

Behind the words of realtor Biryukov, immediately after the wedding, Karaulov re-registered most of the indestructibility to Mareeva, as well as commanding the collection of paintings and golden virobs:

- Andriy has tens of millions of unruliness, and Julia, in my opinion, was celebrating a new one with a splash. Vіn walking himself not in his own. Only through the return agreement of the gift all turned back. That one is just a shark and went for Andriy for a rosefish!

- What kind of injection? Do you think you were pissed off?

- At the same time, you can buy psychotropic drugs on the black market.

Zavdyaki zv'yazkam cholov_ka Yuliya otrimala korisnі znayomstvo s high landlords and popular artists. She spent her evenings at the capital's night clubs, or else she would go to the screeching lands. In addition, the young retinue has come to the fore, while filming documentary films about Putin in the frame, there was a photograph.

The TsUR correspondent called Yuliya Mareva: “Well, you can see for yourself that the lighthouse was a gray kobili. Karaulov is all separated, like a carbon copy. I added, that it was an old year, a picture and an expensive service "didn't see it in my eyes." At the listing, Yuliya also told me that she would not hesitate to turn back to Moscow and herself turn to the police. She accused publicly of compromising information on a person and revealed the dzherel yogo millionion.

« What's up kremlelgin accept?»

Change the behavior of the TV presenter after the wedding on Mareviey commemorating not only a family realtor. Behind the words of a prominent journalist, who asked not to name his name, for the rest of the hour, “Andriy Nemov, from the lancer, sprung up and began to rivet books and films, praising Putin, well, it’s a breeze, it’s like a boundary.”

- I’ll say to you zhartom: “You’re welcome, the Kremlin?”

We turned back to Andriy Karaulov for a commentary, and ale vin yelled at the correspondents of the TsUR for great inacceptability, and then we sighed with a rude husky and threw a hearing aid.

Dzherelo, in the press service of the MVS, confirmed to the TsUR that the TV presenter had sent a sheet to the minister, in which he had called Yuliya Mariev in preparation for the vomiting, but he also reminded that the official decision had not yet been made. Krim kontaktiv Andriy Karaulova in the list of orders is the phone number of his daughter Lіdії, as well as chatting about the tata's fall."

Everything according to Fischer!
The young oligarch-waiter got her oligarch's check!
Andriy is older than Yuliya by 30 years, but it didn’t make him feel bad at the same time in two days after acquaintance!!!
Well, now, in the best traditions of the Russian World, a fierce apartment war has begun.
The program of Poki Ussi Budinka can be analyzed by shokhvilin, there is a classic ...
The first sheet of Karaulov Kolokoltsev can also be taken for proposition ...
There are only pearls there, which is more than the hardness that Yulia signed for the adoption of Banderivtsiv ...
Ale, I don’t rob this one, I’m preaching to my readers in the comments ...

Karaulov Andriy Viktorovich (born 1958) - Russian TV presenter, journalist. The popularity of the beginning of the publicistic program "The Moment of Truth", the author and presenter. President of TOV "Television Corporation "Moment of Truth".

Childhood and youth

Andriy was born on the 10th of spring 1958 in the near Moscow city of Kaliningrad (Korolyov is called at the same time). Mriyav Karaulov among children is rich and often about life. Back on the cob boy maw bajannya write great book, Taku yak by L. N. Tolstoy. It is not suitable for a smaller wine, because the character was already manifested from the early years. A year later, Andriy had the dream of becoming a journalist. Vіn navit vigadav i vidavav organ of the apartment - home newspaper and magazine. At the second class you wanted to booty General Secretary The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, but through the river the boy changed his mind.

From the childhood of Andriy buv inoculation to the theater. Shonedil's mother gave him two rubles, and he traveled to Moscow. Mother was even more worried that the little son could not cross the road at the great and vain capital, and Andriy went to the Maly Theater, from the metro, there it was not necessary to cross to the other side of the street.


After school, Karaulov, having reached the MDU, to enter the faculty of journalism. Ale in the new showed a lack of Komsomol experience, and in Andriy Navit did not praise the documents. Then there I found out about the foundation of GITIS named after A. V. Lunacharsky, where and after submitting documents for entering the faculty of theater studies. In 1981, Karaulov took off his diploma, and in the course of his second degree, he became a candidate of mystical sciences.

Having finished the training, Andriy, as it was necessary, having served as a military officer (1982-1983).

Ale can be seen all the same from the valley not flowing, Karaulov was sued to become a journalist. After returning from the army, he became an editor in the magazine "Theatrical Life". Before that, in New Years, I had a small work experience, in 1976 after school, I still didn’t start studying at the institute, Andriy worked at the Moscow plant “Salyut” as a worker.

Way of the journalist

At the “Theatrical Life” wines proprated close to two years, after which, having taken away the request, he gave humor to the journal “Vognik”. From 1985 to 1988, rocky wines occupied tsyu posada.

In 1988, the cultural and historical magazine "Our Spadshina" was founded. Russia has the first magazine, in which the seriousness of the modern design. Two Karaulov’s roki pratsyuvav at “Our Spadshchina”, at one time yogo statti were published and at the periodical see “ Radianska Russia».

In 1990, Karaulov worked as a robot for the sixty-sixth historical illustrated magazine "Batkivshchyna". Ale, after the river Andriy Pereishov, to the command of the public-political publication Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Here vin otrimav the planting of a kerіvnik vіddіlu literature and mysticism. At the end of 1991, Karaulov, together with Tetyana Malkina, a journalist from Nezalezhnaya Gazeta, saw a press conference of the State Committee for the State of Emergency, prompted the “food-report” format about a coup d'état in the Soviet Socialist Republic.

Since 1992, Andriy, having taken up the program "The Moment of Truth", has been both the author and the presenter for some time. The order of іz tsim buv tasks і in other TV projects:

  • "Russian Capital" (NTV);
  • "Stolen Fairy" (TNT);
  • "Russian people" (TNT);
  • “National nadbannya (TVC).

For the whole hour, Karaulov, without ceasing to engage in literary activity, saw a few political books:

  • "Navkolo Kremlin";
  • "Bad boy";
  • "Ruska sun";
  • "Russian Hell".

"Moment of Truth"

In the spring of 1992, Andriy Karaulov's author's program "The Moment of Truth" premiered on the television channel "Russia" (including RTR). The themes of this project were wicked food: corruption at the top of the government, malice and drug addiction, hospitality social nutrition, politics, the rebirth of the nation. On this channel the program was aired for five years, and in 1997 її aired on the air.

Bula Mayzha river break, and in the fall of 1998, the project moved to the TNT television channel. After being prompted by the talk show format, de Andriy continued discussing those painful problems, and now already with the guests, who were asked to the studio (large gamers, officials, just nebaiduzh people).

Even through the river Karaulov, that yoga team switched to the TVC television channel, where the evening hour of the week was seen for transmission (later Friday and Monday). Unexpectedly, the program became the top rating on the channel. However, the plots were discussed on the grounds of the hospital, and the transmission was often subject to criticism, and was also subject to the ship's scrutiny. In the fall of 2010, the rock channel announced that Moment of Truth would be released on the screen.

The program reappeared in 2011, now on the Fifth Channel. Over five rokіv in the Monday evenings, Andriy Karaulov went on the air with painful, sometimes unsafe meals and stories. On the day of the coming day, after the ether, friends called you and said: “Vchora marveled at your “Moment of Truth”. Are you still alive?

Ale z 2017 Channel Five pinned the release of the program. Behind the words of Karaulov, he himself did not sign an agreement of impending doom with them.

Prote є rich information about those, scho partner vodnosiny pinned the very core of the Fifth Channel. Changed the kerіvnik, general director Oleksiy Brodskiy viyshov at the post office. Yury Shalimov, who had previously won the Directorate of Legal Movement on NTV, came to this place. The reasons for taking a transmission from the ether are called kilka:

  • Shareholders of the Fifth Channel vowed to change its format again;
  • non-political feuds of kerivniks in the channel and Andriy Karaulova;
  • dissatisfied with the sum, as the channel saw for the preparation of the “Moment of Truth”.

So it happened that just before the closing of the program, a film about the President of Russia, Volodymyr Putin, was shown in the framework of the program, or rather about swings at the new one. The guards at their programs were always loyal to the highest Russian order, but sometimes they skipped those who were dissatisfied in the Kremlin. The second version is that the contract for 2017 from Karaulovym was not continued due to political motives, but the reason could be the reason for the unpraised plots dedicated to Volodymyr Putin.

Burkhlive special life

Andriy made friends with three. The first shlyub buv vimushenim. A student's fate became a romantic connection with a classmate, as a result, a daughter, Lydia, appeared in the world. Guards have become friends, so that the girl had a legitimate father and mother. Ale tsey slub waking up unluckily. Daughter Lida had grown up a long time ago, studied at the faculty of journalism at the Moscow State University, and then she began to learn about her life from jurisprudence.

Another retinue of Andriy bula Nataliya Mironova - the daughter of the famous Russian playwright and screenwriter Mikhail Shatrov, a svitska, illumined woman, charіvna she is warm. Tsey shlyub appeared to dosit long ago and is happy. If you get to know the stench, Natasha has the nineteenth son of the first one, Pilip, Andriy is fierce like his native. Philip graduated from the Faculty of Mystery Studies at the Moscow State University. Andriy Karaulov took a garni with him friendly blue regardless of separation from Natalia.

If Karaulov was already over forty, he died with a student, Kseniya Kolpakova. These stosunki originated in the direct meaning of the word in heaven. The familiarity of Andriy and Ksyusha became at the letak, the stench both stooped at the warehouse of one delegation, Kseniya was a political lookout at the presidential bullet. Won behind a fah TV journalist, worked in ITAR-TARS, at the State Duma, on the RTR TV channel at "Night News". At the same time, with the robot, Kolpakova took off a third sanctuary at the Diplomatic Academy at the Faculty of International Vidnosiny.

Andriy at that hour had already become a man from two suits behind his back, and the girl only had dreams about family happiness, that spring fairy tale. Mіzh Karaulovim and Kovpakova started a long-term romance love stand. Todі vіn kaziv, scho first razumіv, like tse happiness - in a right way to love that buti kohanim. Stverdzhuvav, which is definitely the last hat.

Andriy having issued a scandalous separation from the front team of Natalia. Everything looked rather bad, Karaulov blaming expensive lawyers, suing for a two-top apartment on Sadovoe kilts, yak, to the point, the stench with the retinue amassed at once.

Natomist from young Xenia was a good gentleman: having bought expensive fur coats, often taking them abroad for repairs, having power to work on the Rosiya TV channel. Potim Andriy stating: "The pennies are the responsibility of earning a person, and the squads are to take care of their family, children, a house that is loved by the right." Tsi voї voї voї voї voї vіn pіdkrіpіv garnіv vchinkom: before аdruzhennya z Xenієyu giving іy until the day narodzhennya kav'yarnya in the center of Moscow.

Tsya kav'yarnya is a little nostalgic for the old native Muscovites called - Buloshna. From the commercial point of view, the mortgage was spread in the arc of the “chocolate” place - in the very center of the capital, in Lyalino Provulk, not far from Kitay-mesta. Xenia rarely showed up in the Cave, prote guards were put in front of her with honor, and her squad was taken out of the hoards.

Kav'yarni did not have such a special menu in the original style. Krіm cavi in ​​the mortgage can be bulo and hot soup posorbati, and skushtuvati hot ribnі abo m'yasnі stravi. The popularity of the midst of the koristuvavsya bread of wet virobnitstv - "8 cereals".

In 1999, the brothers Xenia and Andriy became friends. The stench rushed to Griboedivsky RAGS in two seven-meter limousines, then they rode on motor ships around Moscow with gypsies, the tract itself took place in the Metropol restaurant.

At the same time in 2003, they gave birth to the boy Vasil, who was conceived by a path of piece flooding.

Ale tsey slyub vyyavivsya not for ever. Behind the words of Karaulov, singsongly, signs were given great difference at the vice.

In September 2006, Ksenia Vasilivna Karaulova died in the name of her person, and in the sickle of that year, a separation was drawn up. Before Andriy, she did not make any claims against the material plan and did not demand to collect from the new alimony. Xenia wanted to save the sin for the sake of too many people human vision. Vaughn spodіvalas, scho pennies on the morning of you vіn see and without a vikonavchogo sheet, like a loving father.

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