Arshavin threw his squad by phone. Andriy Arshavin’s big squad: “For a new child, there is no sex. And remember the companion - on the right Grandmother Arshavin did not return to her homeland

The large community squad of the famous football player Andriy Arshavin, the popular TV presenter Yuliya Baranovska published the book "Everything is better. family life, scandalous separation through another woman and a long time ago. Life after reading the book and presenting you the most famous heroes from it.

History, that Arshavin pishov in his vagit third sleeping child squad Yuliya to the journalist Alicia Kazmina, as she was also a friend, made a rich galasa in the press. In her book, Baranovska once stated that the girls were aware of fatal changes in life.

"We were offended by knowing that she would spend a long time with her. Until that moment, the fates of the sky. Vaughn came as if for one new evening to our friends and made the flooring obscenely, so they didn’t put her out of the door. Then we hit again at Miami. Restaurants, then Won with a man came to the Arsenal match. They were in London for just a couple of days and asked Andriy through someone they knew about the tickets, and at the same time giving them their phone number - "about all sorts of fluctuations", there will be problems with the penetrations."

"All the whole hour, as if it were late, Andriy did not give her peace. If he turned to St. Petersburg, out with an enviable frequency, like I was later called, appeared in the same restaurants as Andriy. Vtim, I don't know , like everything started with them and why, and didn’t cluck at all. In our history, the leading roles were in us, and not in it "

Julia at her book knows that she didn’t believe that the other person showed up. It was an important period for Arshavin, if he turned from Arsenal to the proper Zenit, but it was not so pleasantly accepted there.

“I couldn’t think that in the new, it’s showing up, another woman was ... I don’t know until now, I’ve called you and wrote. "Zenith" base can be seen from our window."

However, then the squad of the football player still began to remember the wondrous behavior of the person.

"Lighthouses, but not all of them were good, boules, but I didn’t shy away from them.

Arshavin did not take the novel on both sides and knew Yulia from everyone. Only at that moment, his squad was on the last months of pregnancy, and her mother fell seriously ill. - oncology.

“A person’s heart didn’t shudder after such novelties, and vin, knowing about everything, throwing me on the phone after ten years of life, vagіtne, rozumіyuchi, that soon I will know about my mother’s ailment ...”

Irrespective of being known, Andriy often turned back home to his homeland.

It was especially foldable at that moment, if we were left in two: the children went on three vacations with my sister. Tse Bulo inferno - in that plan, that you live out of a human being that you are, you have a child in your stomach, but you can go up to it only if you want to. Gravity with me, like a gut with a bear: Letting in, letting in closer, letting go, I’m pushing up to myself again. We walked for five years in London, holding the handle. In the middle of the walk, the wines instantly appeared in front of me and walked forward from the unknown, showing that they didn’t want to be in order. I used to say: "I'll go home," wine did not let me in.”

Baranovskaya zagaduє one more flurry, if the stench went to the restaurant after Madonna's concert in London, to clear the traffic jams. Yulia was sitting at the rose of the house, Andriy її did not let out the stars.

"Andriy having closed me, having taken out the phone and started to list with his kohanka, laughing loudly and commenting.

- Can I go home? - I didn’t see it, I’m all in tears, I’m already exhausted. - Let me go, I have a baby in my stomach.

- Ni. You are sitting here. I said so.

However, later Arshavin's behavior, after Baranovskaya's words, shocked me even more. Vaughn continued to live near London, and having arrived there from St. Petersburg, you should not live alone.

"Pid himself New river yogo pasiya flew in again, so it’s sacred to the children of the vines to bring no zayshov. Not the 31st, not the first, not the other, not the third, not the eighth, not the tenth - I didn’t vaccinate children in such a way. Come the same way, if you see again. On Christmas Day, I went to our church, and my grandmother, who helped there, said: “Vin buv.

Yogo pasiya often flew to England during the year. The community was still in the course of rozryv vіdnosin Arshavіn with the retinue. Julia overtook the people, and the press spoke more about it. If friends bacheled Andriy during this happy period with another woman, they were happy.

"The stinks came to the restaurant, to our great places, and they sipped yoga there as if I were a woman. Or to the shops - the same. to the street, ishla and nose to nose stuck with yoga pasієyu at the nearest Starbucks

"Through the children, I began to uniqueness of the primary places, beloved parks, so that I would not get stuck there with Andriy, who would be with someone else's wife and with other people's children, understanding that I could not explain to Artyom and Jani. I came and took meat in lavtsі, and there marveled, how much we can do, even if my person has already bought a virizka. London, we had two fires in the air... We were swayed to the greatness of the baby far away, and the little one was put in our bedroom and embellished with all sorts of funny toys of erysipelas color. - I murmured to you.

Yuliya and Andriy had one more tradition. Vіn zavzhdi bestowed їy vedmedikiv. Their collection of plush toys was so grand that they could not put it anywhere.

“Even if I’ve got it, I got a message from the store that Andriy was trying to buy vedmediev. bestow tsikh vedmedіv". I thought that Andriy having reconciled and choosing the only correct way - even if I don’t need buli or diamonds, or expensive gifts, or blessings. I checked. Vіn arrivals without vedmedіv. I didn’t see it, and I slept, to whom I blamed the toy, and I understood everything at Yogo’s glance. Without a doubt, I took on a greater zrado, lower mustered that humiliation that fell on my part. Vedmedi bli tim "their own", which was more than us, but wine was ruined.

Prote Juliya received Andria forever. The stench often spent the night at once, not caring for those who were alive with Alice. At the devil's yoga arrival to London, I got stuck in the hotel. Vaughn arrived before New, and they spent a few days at a time, with their motherland.

"I still loved yoga and got bored. We didn't sleep in the sun. We couldn't separate. We couldn't talk enough. We couldn't get along. There was an endless dialogue. it’s bad for you... Saying that you don’t live your life... For a moment, I waded in my child’s cross-country bag... Boys... I knew that my wife had an older child for Artyom on the river.

- What is it?

- Well, do you understand, to whom are the sneakers?

- I will understand what are those that I do not want to understand.

I got bad. Vіn began to cry:

- Give the crosses to Artem, Yuliya.

- Pizno already. You won't be able to Artyom.

After taking the children in the evening, we turned back to the hotel at once and lived like this for two days until we left. We slept in the same bed together with the children. If you wanted to take a sip, then you went to the bath, like before. And, of course, we did our homework for the sake of the world, like a bula vigіdnіsha yoma, nizh me".

I remember how Rai’s nanny for the first time, opened Andriy’s door at night and sighed, how to say “hello” without “hello” and the darkness just goes up to me in the bedroom, she said to me: “Are you working? itself "I'm sorry for you, that you allow yourself to wipe your feet and let yoga into your bed."

But in the book there are still more happy moments, less worry about separation. The richly chirpy Baranovsk tells about life and sings at London, friendship with the famous football player Samir Nasr and yoga girl, French ex-tennis player with Russian roots Tanya Golovin. She herself helped Baranovsky settle in England and make friends with Arsenal's squads of football players. In his book, Yuliya spoke about Nasri as a person with a Russian soul.

"Vіn buv yaskravim, generous, cheerful. Like we went to night club and Samir for all paying. Andriy of the coming day gave him a part of the pennies, like a honest person, and if he got the bag from the car for the keys, then he squandered some pennies there. Samir didn't get into a fight with him, just carefully, until he took a shower, laying back. Vіn so i buv - a shirt-boy, a hotel room, like a Russian soul for his behavior.

I remember the situation, for which I do not know. The stinks from Tanya went to Paris, and I asked them to bring me shoes - London just didn’t have the necessary size. Samir having paid them and encouraged me to take pennies from me. Convincing me that I can be a man, some kind of building to pay for my suit, they didn’t work on a new one. When tsimu mi zalishalis in good luck remember if you win with Arsenal, and we parted ways with Andriyem - Samir called and said that he was ready to come to me to help me, be it some kind.

I guessed from my book Baranovska and zustrich from the football legend Diego Maradona.

"Oskilki I love tennis, we regularly went to tournaments in London. "Arsenal" giving tickets in order from the court behind the coach's back. yoga prodovzhennya, marvel, nugget, i vіn yogo vіdchuvaє. The whole thing was in my eyes, I even wrote as my own person.

And once Yuliya shot down the attacking Real Madrid and Cristiano Ronaldo on the tennis court.

"On the right, in the fact that I have already asked Andriy for a long time, so that I can bring Ronaldo's T-shirt - changing after the match. At the homemade grill in Moscow, Andriy is up to no good, and Krishtian does not want to change. Andriy then said, we don’t ask for more. І axis Ronaldo, who inspired my man, order. I marveled at the new one and thought. No, not about a T-shirt, about the amount of gel on yoga hair. Moreover, the whole gel dried up and sagged on the new shkiryanu jacket plasticists. With whom Krіshtian sits, not hovering over him, cold, unwelcoming, and it was even more wonderful, even if there were people around him more famous, less wine.

Krym tsgogo, Yuliya zgaduє and about acquaintance with Andriyem, the first sleepy fates of life, uneasy stoks with yogo mother Tetyana Ivanivna, important curtains, about friends and about kokhannya with Arshavinim, about yogo vіddanіst sim'ї. For example, Andriy once thought to go to the UEFA Cup matches with Zenit, so that he would be deprived of his home.

"Shortly, such a behavior for me was a warning, to that I knew how my man loves grace, but really significant moments of our life vin shorazu choosing us, not football".

"I loved yoga, we were together, we were good and bad, but the rocks were absolutely happy. The memory of them will grow more and more"

Who am I to write books?” write a book - it’s about as if you’re stretching yourself naked and walking around Tverskoy, - Baranivska said.

Andriy Arshavin is a Russian football player, one of the best engravers of the national team. Vin was born in St. Petersburg and in which place he started his career in professional football. Prote gromadskіst zatsіkavlena not only in yogo successes in football, but also in special life, like an athlete is super smart, and sometimes scandalous.

Zagalom at Andriy Arshavin's were two companions of life- Yuliya Baranovska and Alisa Kazmina, not fond of short affairs (for a little bit).

Julia Baranivska

Yuliya Baranovska met Andriy Arshavin in 2003 as a student. For the joys of the fathers, she began to study at the University of Aerospace Appliances, which the girl had been watching until 2005 (then Yulia interrupted the training, the shards appeared in her child).

Yuliya and Andrii began to live at once already for a month after acquaintance. After a couple of years, they had a boy Artem, and in 2008, Yana appeared in the world Prote podruzhzhya so i did not sign - the stench continued to live in a civilized way right up to parting.

At the same time, Andriy Arshavin, having become the star of football, moved to the London team "Arsenal", after which, with Julia, that two children moved to live in England.

In the new country, the life of the girl was important. As Yuliya Baranovska told journalists that the British should behave in a mannerly way - after that, the British ZMI began to write to the address of unacceptable articles and biting notes.

But if Yuliya began to fight with the squads of other football players, take part in the company of a man at public visits, then ZMI ceased to follow the woman.

In 2012, Andriy Arshavin's captain was asked to turn back to Russia and join the Zenit team. Vin negainoly moved, prote Yuliya couldn't throw everything and go after the person: її children began to study at an English school, before that the woman was counting on the people of the third child. As a result, making friends began to live well.

It’s a pity, since Julia gave birth to a third child, a son named after Arsen, at that hour a new kohan appeared at Arshavin’s.

The sight of a man like a post

In the spring of 2014, Julia ventured to comment on her thoughts from Arshavin's homeland. For її words, a person having filled її without the smallest cats before the foundation, if she was a third child, Vaughn knew about the happiness of a person, but she was afraid that there would be no separation.

Yuliya dvichi filed for alimony, remained on the territory of Russia. The court at St. Petersburg, having become a woman and a goiter, the football player will have to pay the first half of the sum of their income until the end of 2030.

The career of a TV presenter rose from a woman in 2013. On the fly, she was an expert consultant on the show "The Bachelor", and through the river she became the host on the show "Girls". The “Girls” themselves stopped Yulia from turning back to Russia and rozpochati new life near Moscow.

In 2014, Yulia began to host the show "Rezavantazhennya" on TNT, helping the girls to change their calls and wake up to their complexes. At the same time, Baranovska became the host on the talk show "The Woman and the Woman".

Julia's life at once

Today Julia is a successful TV presenter. Baranivska nezamіzhnya, feel free and happy, with beautiful children and wonderful friends. Also, the woman published the book "Everything is better."

In the autumn of 2016, rock dancers sang Baranovska at the project “The Ice Age”.

Yuliya saved herself a miracle post, which її prepayers mean. In the winter of 2017, Baranovska boasted that it had become the Volodarka of a quiet modern apartment with an interior in the Art Deco style.

Alisa Kazmina

Alisa Kazmina was born near St. Petersburg, started at state university the native place she got enlightened in Your school journalism.

Businessman Oleksiy Kazmin became the first person. A son and a donka were born from this family, after separation they were left behind by their mother.

Then Alice got to know Arshavin. The couple officially issued their pictures on the 1st of spring 2016. The wedding was planned to be held in 2015, the prote of the man was folded with his large squad, and he also had a chance to go to the river.

Cicavi notes:

The couple lived near St. Petersburg, near the majestic tripover mansion that Andriy should be. In the fall of 2017, Alice told the fate that you want to be separated from your man.

Behind the words of Alice, Andriy had eternal romances on his boots, and she was tired to forgive his intrigue. However, the football player publicly repented of his sins, and Alisa blew it.

I was amazed that Andriy knew about the injections all over the country. In the wake of this conversation about the possible separation, the separation was hushed up.

On the cob of 2018 rock, Alice leaned at the center of an unacceptable scandal. For official tribute, the woman did not start to get on in the air, the airline could not help- Vona wanted to transfer the nanny from the economy-class salon to the business-class one. The community ironically took on this novelty - especially the fact that Alisa had once called herself a "major of the FSB."

For this reason, Arshavin left his wife Yuliya Baranovskaya from two children. The new squad of the football player Alisa Kazmina first played out their version of the scandalous separation.

The football player Andriy Arshavin is a specialty of the mega community and, obviously, the details of the great uniqueness of the red-haired squad-beautiful, blue and white - a shock for the whole country. Nobody understood yoga, and Andriy himself, without commenting, let’s say that children are not advised.

Natomista abandoned squad did not skimp on interviews, went and go to talk shows, Navit wrote great book, de zvinuvachu cholovіka zradi, and the new kohanna Andrija is called a vile rozluchnitsa. Julia has her own side on Instagram, posting photos of her children and showing them like they are growing alone, without a father.

Arshavin said that you want to be with children more often, but Yulia does not allow it. Then, correctly, take a penny from the football player, but at the cost - chimalo, 7 million rubles shomisyatsya!

Tsilih 4 rocky Alisa just mumbled, and after the rest of the transfer on the central TV tower, de Yuliya began to show big man that yoga new family, in which the daughter of Alicia was already born, and her daughter Alicia was born in the first place, she didn’t see it and wrote on her side:

Normal people don’t blame haty, what’s the norm - come to the central TV station and blame those who can be intimate!?

Mother-in-law Andriya Nataliya Saricheva also began to call her son-in-law:

And why can I respect її (Julia)? For what? For those that Andriy's axis has already been shaped for 5 years for the whole country, fighting against alcoholics and drug addicts? I have been mumbling for a long time, and at once I will steal my son-in-law (the father of my granddaughter, before the speech) and the miraculous stepchim to two other children. Before me, it was її Skoda, at the same time, no, no, no. Vaughn bent her chick. Mother's pride is required, and there is a piece of aggression. I won’t give you a son-in-law! Write what you want.

– Can you discuss the skils already? 5 years have passed. The stench is already a hot donka growth. Shut up now. Pity the illiterate habalka from TV broadcasting! everything was not so nasty with her, - write Alice's mother, not in a streak of emotions.

For food about those why Alice does not speak publicly from the first drive, she says:

I don't want to comment on anything. In some cases, dosi did not give an interview. Nothing to show off. We live a calm and happy life. Let's grow a miracle donechku. Happy to love silence. And whoever you want to bring to your attention for an uncommon occupation. Close to know how everything was. And strangers hear tiles and are satisfied. Well, I definitely don’t want to comment on my stosunki. Already like 6 rocks, which were folded in perfect harmony. To that me zdaєtsya for comments already a rich hour has passed.

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