Rumyantsevy overcame Brodsky. Zemfira presented her first song for five years - "Joseph", reworking the Brodsky verse and dedicating it to Yoma (audio). New stansi to sickle

Synopsis of Josip Brodsky Andriy Basmanov criticized the new song of Zemfiry at the top of the famous poet. The photographer from St. Petersburg gave his idea to

Those who vikonal Zemfira, I am a Chuv. I didn’t believe first that she was so angry, zdivuvavsya. I always stood up to her calmly. Ale those that she was shattered - lied phrases from two verses - I respect the messy. Perhaps, it’s like this in me: why you take one word, why you take another. And the music is already on the conscience. And take the axle by piece ... well, I don’t know. The whole pant leg is like jeans, and the right is like an army shirt, - respect the poet's son.

Joseph's song is called the first composition in five years by Zemfira. Vaughn put on the music two verses of Brodsky of the 60s - "New Stans to the Sickle" and "Rumyantsev's Overcame".

Over the song and the design of the lining of the single, the guitarist of the band "Obidvі", electronic musician Roman Litvinov (Mujuice), Renata Litvinova and Gosha Rubchinskiy worked.

Andriy Basmanov is the first child of Josip Brodsky. In 1967, the family of wines was born in the union of the poet with Marianna Basmanova, an artist, as she created all her life illustrations to children's books. Basmanov is a member of the graphic section, the rest of the 15 years of his life he is engaged in photography, willingly working on the pictures of "undressed" Petersburg. So Josip Brodsky has two daughters.

Publication by (@zemfiralive) on 3 Ver 2018 at 2:11 PDT

New stansi to sickle

I hugged my shoulders and looked

on those who stumbled behind their backs,

and pobachiv, scho hanging stіlets

angry with the lightening moore.

Bulo in the bulb increased the voltage,

imperceptible for shabby furniture,

and to that the sofa at the couch vibliskuvav

brown skin, mute yellow.

The steel was empty, vibrating the parquet,

dark rough, framed sawn

overtook the landscape, and more than one buffet

giving me inspiration.

Ale blizzard round the room,

and vіn mіy glanced from the unruliness destroying.

I’m like a ghost here, if it’s alive,

then vin leaving this booth. Having left.

Rum'yantsevy peremog

Strand tow under the stele

dimok is insignificant.

I'll guess a drink

Your image is lower,

yak wi slithered among the hilok,

stringy shepherd,

double from my kohanoy

against the backdrop of harmony.

Pid vents of howitzers of the sea,

look at your

my praise is that verse

spend it for the sake of it.

І right usіh: horse and batig

and foot in the stirrup.

Tim, first, make it good,

rest - hour.

Zidemosya on the banks of the Nevi,

and ni - Sukhoni.

With a smile to marvel at you

on mіs z ikon.

Revealing you for a sister


kissing you, I won’t understand,

de Vie, de Meri.

Ale, your arapsky kіn yakraz

near the fields vіdomih.

І I - dosit yazneniya

near the swamps of the mist.

I would like for those that I say

(Lord with words),

with all my heart to you

We vryatovanny you.

Prozory having thrown the place

(stuck in a column)

five five stars

according to the sky

pass at night through Russia

Come to your miles

mouth to get over confusion

according to these luminaries.

For a quarter - day cold,

on the third - vpertist,

half - dial,

and all - expanse,

I swear to give you without windings

(at the rozmirah vlady

above the heart) with a cut of parts -

that sum of passion!

Vibachte Well, what's wrong

(No scenes, groan).

Blessing me cognac

on the risk of knowing.

All claims are up to the mark.

Lack of bread

and I'm burning dark.

Take care of you sky.

Through those that the art of poetry requires words, poets sometimes write songs on the verses of other poets. Axis and Zemfira Ramazanova, as stay rocky five was clearly not written, but to enhance their status, the requirement was to write a song on the verse of Josip Brodsky under the name “Joseph”.

Before us is not a statement on the music of Brodsky's verses, but the “song on the verses” itself with marvelous compositions: at once a crying fragment of a hollow, erotic verse “To Rumiantsev Peremogam” and a showcase from natural-philosophical, deeply pessimistic “New Stans”, about єdnah written - sent to the village of Norinska. Tse nibi htos sleeping on kshtalt: “I am a monument to myself, having argued not by hands / I have fallen in love with the fun of love / I have fallen more deeply with my head of disobedience / Who once I love, I will not rest again.”

Insanely, such an experiment by Zemfira is significantly reminiscent of previous attempts by representatives of the romantic liberation of our stage, such as Svitlana Surganova, to appropriate Brodsky for yourself. For all the possible claims of Surganivska "Nevzhe not I" is a wholesome tvir, which accurately conveys the mood of one of the poet's early romantic verses.

Tvіr Zemfіri can buti tsіkavo, my glance, we will pass it on to culturologists. I don’t care for my “folded” unfolded, but I don’t look at the unfinished. The list of what Pan Ramazanova omitted from both verses, I am reversing in a bagatorazy way to complete the stingy and faceless list of reshti. And having lost, in fact, he has gained a lot of space for the discourse of abstract-intellectual depression (because Brodsky categorically hates all life).

“New stations to the sickle” - verse, insanely, depressive, pierced by a tight zhakh, but otherwise not abstract. Tse more specific verses from the slander, sent to Marini Basmanova, yak was lost in Leningrad. The stench conveys the sound of silence from the swampy light of the pine forests, it hurts, the chlyabiv, as if trying to extinguish in the singing of sparkling love to Maryna Basmanova: “Knock and squelch, fluff, shurkhit. / I will not spare my life. / Seeing you is less than a spark / extinguish, carcasses.

This all-suffocating water element resists Brodsky's ancient imagery. Yogo Petersburg-Leningrad is the world of ancient classics, the sculptural form is clear, which resists the flooding of the vast expanse. Volaє sings up to Polidevka, then to Euterpi, then to Kaliopi - through the ancient forms of the wines, it vanishes into a division, and the lyre of the yogo manifests itself in such a bent pidkovo, that the axis is already happy for the bad luck.

Dzherelo photo: RIA Novini

In the light of the system of images, Zemfira did not deprive her song of anything. Like abyss, like stubble, like Polіdevk - all the same things for nіdlіtkam pіd 40, that they hear її pisnі, it's not necessary, like zayvi luggage, which makes it easier to sleep. In the process of rebuilding, the silly vignan poetry is transformed into a city, more precisely, into a sleeping area.

In the midst of these crises of the shaky shank of "New Stans to the Sickle" with the help of a brush of an invisible science of the creature, to wash the tricks of "Rumiantsіy Peremogam" - "blessing me with cognac for the risk of knowing." One of the silent milih virshiv-serenades for women, at those of Brodsky they will unite and utilitarian zavdannya - call poetry a beautiful lady, and viraz yoga glibin istoriosofii, and a little bit of Batkivshchyna. I don’t know why, but in these texts Brodsky “gives” himself to women in one state of the Russian Empire. The whole world appeared again in “Farewell, Mademoiselle Veronica”: You are / such as Russia, until your success, / I can’t speak to you otherwise. Brodsky yak ostnіy sings Russian Empire otherwise, navpaki, the first prophet another її hvili - tse vzagalі tsіkava topic, yaku mi tіlki svіdomlyuvat (and I tried to robiti deaky deposit at її rozkrittya).

“Rumiantsev Peremogam” is the very same motive, multiplied by the warm humor of the messenger from the banks of Sukhona to the banks of the banks of the Nevi. І heading, which I wrote before writing on the Rumyantsev obelisk on Vasilevsky Island (to the one on which at that moment he sings when he was dying): “Rumyantsev will win”. Brodsky plays on the theme of the fictitious chi of the obvious tricot with Basmanova in the entourage of the imperial capital, de howitzers of the sea, colonies, horses: “Having shown you for your sister / (receiving), / kissing you, I can’t figure it out, / de Vee, de Meri.” At the time of writing the poems, it is inexorably distant - “to succumb to the wounds in the swamps of the myst”, and then the heroine of the virsha is grafted through the place, which folds the “five of the five stars” (Casiopeia?), at night weave through Russia.

In order to ease the pressure and the onslaught of rapt erotic knowledge, and next to the virsh, the concluding message for cognac, which, having broken the language, maybe, was brought by Eugene Rein, who saw the poet in Norinsky at Versnі. Reveal that the cognac on Zemfira's acquired legs will live on its own life and flow into the "New Stansi to the sickle", it was wildly calling. However, they hear and still praise.

For this sensi, Zemfiry's note is a good symptom of cultural development, so one can't say between the two Brodskys.

With one side, Rosiyski sings Yosip Bodeskiy, the remaining of the galaxy of the great class tradition, and the gildeds of the ibi nashi nashiyu, the subtle non -banged aphorism, the amuser of the Antiquities of the sprinkle. the famous pamphlet “On the Independence of Ukraine” – separatism and greed cannot make the people popular).

In addition, the global Joseph Brodsky, Nobel Price laureate (not best for Oleksiyovich), a lover of the party youth, who wrote incomprehensibly and cleverly wise texts from the transferred row, for which it is indescribably remembered about "do not leave the room." Tsom, another Brodsky shchey, they erected a monument on the boulevard with the nose turned upside down, which exalts the mind of people without disguise.

The first Brodsky so-and-so got to know himself in the German "Dovlatov". Narіzka from another was presented to the public by Zemfira. And those who had a lot of chances from the tops of the first virizati and re-pasting, so that the viishov is different, as if we were pushing - who is right with them.

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For the sake of writing new songs, that new album presented its concert activity for the last five years of a new composition.

The song "Joseph" on the verse of Josip Brodsky. Vernishe, not "on", but "behind the motives" of the yoga stans "New Stans to the Sickle", dedicated to Marina Basmanova ("M.B."), and the verse "Rumyantsevy Peremogam". Offended by the creation of the Nobel laureate dated 1964 rock.

Zemfira took a part of the stanzas of the stans, wrought a few of them for herself, threw away the greater part, added some more to the "Rumiantsev Peremoga" and consecrated the new verse to Josip Brodsky himself, named after him in English. sound like "Joseph".

Zemfira first presented this composition to the public on the cob of 2018 rock, and in the meantime she celebrated it at her concerts, including at the festival Picnic "Afishi" on the ear of sickle.

In the text of the song "Joseph", pointed below, the original words of Brodsky's stans are enshrined, as they did not appear because of the reasons for sleeping. And tі, on yakі Zemfira їх replaced, seen under the chairs.

(The first stanza of Brodsky's stans was taken more than once)

At the vvtorok the spring has begun to rise.
Doshch Liv usu Nich.
All the birds saw the getaway.
Whether I am so self-possessed and kind,
Cho navit not marveling at him.
Pustelny Cold skyscraper of ruminants,
Doshch styaguє having drawn enlightenment
I don't need a day.

Vibachte Well, what's wrong
(no scenes, stop)
Blessing me cognac
Know risk.
All claims are up to the mark.
Lack of bread
I zazhuyu dark.
Take care of you sky.

(Before the speech, this insert looks ambiguously and like a sound of sleep in front of the poet Brodsky ... Then Zemfira turns to the IX stanza of "New Stansiv to the Sickle", having thrown the first two rows from it, and then left three and a half)

Friend Polideuces, here everything was angry in the flame.
From my mouth do not roar stagnant.
Axis I stand in a folded coat,
I light flow at the vіchі krіz sieve,
Crisis sieve unreasonable.
I am deaf. I, God, am blind.
I don’t smell words, and exactly twenty watts
Burn for a month. Say it like that. Through the skies
I will not lay a course between stars and crabs.
Let the moon spread here with foxes
Chi is not a song, but a cough.

So, my heart is torn stronger and stronger for you,
I won’t - everything is far away,
And in my voice there are more and more falsehoods.
Ale ti її vvazhayut for borg share,
For borg share, yak don't need blood
And tight, to injure the naked.
And if you check your laugh - shave off!
I will laugh. Laugh at yourself
Grave dovgovіchnoi pokrіvlі
I make it easier to dim over the chimney.
I will laugh at myself with a smile!

Brodsky's friend: these are just fragments, maybe there are some words

For the sake of the Fond of Creation to the Museum of Josip Brodsky Mikhailo Milchik in an interview with the radio station "Speak Moscow" stating that Brodsky's chosen works for the song would not be a good idea.

"My assessment is subjective. principles, but then again, may be the same as the meaning of the language. I’m sure that there’s nothing here. tse nadzvichano vouchsafed, and yakuvati God "- scoring wine.

The little boy, who is a friend of Josip Brodsky, is also aware that the listener, who does not know about the original creations, it will be important to disassemble the text from the song: if you forget, then it’s important to ask about them.”

The recording of the single "Joseph", the first officially seen composition of Zemfira in 2013, was attended by electronic musician Mujuice, guitarist of the group "Obidvi" Dmitro Emelianov, as well as Steve Wetson and Mike Hillier.

The lining was designed by Gosha Rubchinsky and Renata Litvinova.

[Verse 1, Zemfira]:
At the vvtorok the spring blossomed,
Doshch Liv usu Nich.
All the birds flew away,
Whether I am so self-possessed and kind,
Cho navit not marveling at the next.

Cold sky star of roiling,
Dosch tightening enlightenment.
I don't need a day.

Vibachte, what's wrong
No scenes, stop.
Blessing me cognac
On the risk of knowing -
All claims are up to the mark.

Lack of bread, -
I zazhuyu dark.
Take care of you sky;
Take care of you sky.


Crisis sieve unreasonable.

Say it like that.

[Verse 2, Zemfira]:
So, the heart is torn stronger and stronger for you,
Everything was given to him;
And in my voice there are more and more falsehoods,
Ale ti її vvazhay for borg share -
For the borg of the share, I don’t want blood.

And with a tight neck to hurt,
And how do you check a laugh -
I will laugh
Laugh at yourself!

Axis, I'm standing in a folded coat
І svіt flow, ochі krіz sieve
Crisis sieve unreasonable.
I am deaf; I, God, are blind - I don’t smell words;
I burn at twenty watts M_syats, -
Say it like that.

Axis, I'm standing in a folded coat
І svіt flow, ochі krіz sieve
Crisis sieve unreasonable.
I am deaf; I, God, are blind - I don’t smell words;
I burn at twenty watts M_syats, -
Say it like that.

About the song

  • Zemfira from the moment of the release of the album "Live at your head" in 2013 did not release new compositions by the current date; And this year at night, an audio recording of "Joseph" appeared in the official public.

    In one track, Spivachka actually combined lines from Josip Brodsky's verses - "New Stations in Serpny" and "Rum'yantsevy remoz".

    Create Musical Works on the Works of the Great Poet Russian Artists presented earlier, as the group "Nichni sniperi" recorded "I'm sitting for the night", and Vasya Oblomov may have a song "Koli-nibud" for his creative portfolio. As far as Zemfira, it is similar to Rock-Zirka vyrishila the most important and the most important rows, even more reverently showing them in the young age of youth musical culture.

    Varto signify that the live version has the track "Joseph" - the name Josip itself sounds like that, as if you speak American and English, having sunbathed at a closed new concert for friends and relatives.

    Let's guess, on April 14, Zemfira told her fan base about the upcoming release. Quote: "It was wonderful, but at the same hour it was a miracle summer. Rich for thoughts, rich for emotions. I realized that I don’t want to play concerts, but I love music. I’m writing an album. However, the date of the release of the disc and how the composition will become a tracklist, Zemfira is traditionally far behind.

    The lining of the single, above which Renata Litvinova (Russian theater and film actress, film director, screenwriter, TV presenter) and Gosha Rubchinsky (Russian designer of street clothing) worked, is also dedicated to the text, and framed in a stylized calendar with a papyrus for spring, nomu - second.

Josip Brodsky. Part 1. Poetics.

Artistic tvir - tse vply, vplyv. The sense and significance of the verse of "Hirsk Peaks" is not in what is said in the most significant way, but in the fact that, while reading yoga, you begin to think about the most significant.
(O.Belinkov, "Yuriy Tinyanov")

Life is an unfathomable thing. Zvidki, for example, could Judge Savelyeva know that if she judged before sending a darmoid, she would become a Nobel laureate? І scho on the analysis of one more than one verse people protect dissertations? (for example: That yakbi їy htos i having said so - would not believe b).

Putting Josip Brodsky to the point of poetic decline split the Russians into three irreconcilable camps: some of them respect yoga geniuses, others - they don’t sing, who took the Nobel Prize from political motives, and the third, those who are more interested in nothing I don’t want to know about, that one.

Quiet, from whom Brodsky calls out hostility, it is possible to understand as if it were hatred. Go ahead, Jew. And in a different way, adzhe vin is not just put up to the readers with znevagoyu, but simply knows about ordinary people. Normally sing to write with a sensible Russian language - and all the while, you are twisted, twisted, you can’t say a word in simplicity. Instead of that, in order to take away satisfaction, sit and think - what do you want to say? And not once or twice, but on the skin! Axis, for example:

Today, transforming into yesterday,
don’t turbulent yourself
pen, paper, dumpling slurry,
from Hamburg.
(Twenty Sonnets to Mary Stuart. Sonnet X)

What kind of cooper, from Hamburg? Tse means, everyday reader, turn on your computer, use Google, search...

Climbing through the text, you see: “Most, well, fight in Hamburg; and it’s bad to shy. I marvel, as if not bestially on the tse respect England. Rob її kulgaviy cooper, and it is clear that you are a fool, I don’t have any nasty things about the month ... ”

Well, from i say, put your hand on your heart, don’t you know? Instead, to simply write: "M_syats" - such a bodyagu rozvіv. Show your erudition. Abo axis more:

What is the color of the hour
otherwise pragnennya overtake him,
great Halicarnassus

What kind of Halikarnassian is this, the great one? Nainaemo shukati: "Halikarnassus - an ancient place in Caria on the Mediterranean coast of Asia Minor". And who is there, who has such a great Halikarnassus? It appears, Herodotus, who is called the "father of history" as a science, who is alive even five hundred years before the Feast of Christ. So the axis is up to what is there "pragnennya catch up in an hour!"

Well, what, you say - in a human way? Snobbery is like that of the second Nobel laureate. Marvel, movlyav, the axis I am wiser! Well, how can it not be formed on such a setting before ordinary people? You can go out, you can, like me. And we can't. You, obviously, you can, but we can’t do anything. Ti Manfred, ti Kain, and mi, like spitting, under your feet ...

Oh, vibachte, why did I myself involuntarily start quoting. Didn't know - zvіdki? Well, Vinko Erofiev, well, on the way from Moscow to Pivnya. Contagious ce rich, snobbery, manifest.

So. Well, the axis of the offensive butt, here I just don’t know how to call it:

Enter Pushkin at the lyotny sholomi.

Here, vibatchte, even no Google can help. Well, why Pushkin rapt at the pouring sholom? Do not know? Let me explain. Versh "Uyavlennya" vismіyuє low riven eruditsії simple hromadyan, yakі academіїv did not finish:

Axis and viyshov cholovichok, representative of the population.
Axis and viyshov gromadyanin
away from the pants.

Whose city has a stone, I guess, I don’t need to explain? And with Pushkin, the axis of yak istoriya. But at the ancient, radyansky hour, such an anecdote:

Vasil Ivanovich, what are you reading?
- I'm reading about the liotchik, Petko.
- And what is it called?
- As Pushkin.
- Ah-ah-ah! And who wrote?
- That Jewish man, Uchpedgiz.

Axis so sit and unscramble that Brodsky, it’s not enough for a skin meeting. So not only that - the row of skins is deciphered, but you don’t understand what the wine is in a shackled maw on the uvazi. And won the Nobel. Tse yak about the monument to Pushkin:

Tse scho Mumu writing?
- Hi, Mumu - tse Turgenev.
- Wonderful. Mumu Turgenev wrote, and a monument to Pushkin was erected?

Well, from, schob to you, readers, it’s easier to read Brodsky’s bullshit, I wrote this little article. Shchob razkriti sens of what the most doperti far away.

Spravzhnіy kіnets vіyni - tse on a thin back
denskogo style cloth of one blonde,
and winged watering of a streaked kuli, what to jizhit,
take life for a day at the lime.
("Part of the promotion")

Srіblyasta dzizhcha kul - letak.

Vlasnik "Vespi" torment the transfer.
("Roman elegies")

"Vespa" is the middle between a motorcycle and a motor scooter.

Brodsky's verse, which is called "Rumyantsev Peremogam". I called it hot - at the Solovyovsky garden on the Nevi embankment there is an obelisk, on which it is beaten: "Rumyantsev will win."

Victory Mondrian. Behind the slope -
benquette cubature. Check it out
under ninety degrees cool,
chi generously flooding the parallelepipeds.
("At the Hotel Continental")

Pieter Mondrian is a Netherlandish abstract artist, who paints squares of various colors and rectangles (all cuts are ninety degrees apart).

I'm asleep. If I flatten my eyes,
pіvnіch was there, where the bdzhіlka had a sting.
("Koliskova triskovy misu")

Tse vin at the flyer to fly. And the sting of the bdzhіlka is in the back.

I enter aine kleine nakht man,
bringing in a muzzle at the kosovorottsi.
(“Twenty sonnets to Mary Stuart”. Sonnet VII)

"Eine kleine nacht man" - a little night man (n_m.) This is a pun on Eine kleine nacht music (Eine kleine nachtmusik) - Mozart's musical tvir.

My little one, I will manage
(And you jump-jump in the pussy).
Like a little joke to you:
separation like a telescope.

Possibly, since then
zazirnesh (yak Levenguk),
do not look at the face,
but you will feel: knock-knock.
("Sonetic", 1964)

"Little" is known far away (1964 - Brodsky on zaslann), so you can "appease" it through a telescope. And then fantasy grows into the author and he reveals himself, like Yogo Kohana could “look” into this metaphorical telescope from the other side, “transforming” Yogo into a microscope (Levenhoek is the winemaker of the microscope, the first person in history, the end of the 17th century, the beginning of the 18th century).

Kolistnik died, cooper
went to Arkhangelsk to the squad.
I, yak bik, viruє sіchen
I followed on the threshing floor.
A ryativnik badey
stand between strangers
I can feel it
only rustling trousers.

Here, looking sideways
hot, like an injection,
Russian language is beating,
mumble into the protocol.
And the unknown Hephaestus
marvel, as if stitching around
snowy surface canvas
Vologda convoy.

After leaving the v'aznitsa,
wine near the village forest
in ar'gardi winter
hang barrels mounted
and in an oval baddy
cast a guise of judgment
Savelieva and sweat
knock on the forehead with a hammer.
(“Kolesnik died, cooper”, 1964)

"The Savior of Badeys" and "The Unhinged Hephaestus" - that is Brodsky himself, who in the past has been brought to work in a highly manipulative work, including barrels of goodness. And Judge Savelyeva - tse that є that Judge, yak sued Yogo to a bagatarial slander. The author tells tsiu paskudin and zі zlostі knocks with a hammer on the barrels, showing his own, with some satisfaction, he beat the cholo.

The sky is darker; not eyes, but a rake
the first to bachat the siri pokrіvlі,
climb on the comb
pagorba - vіrnіshe, mound in the distance.
(“Autumn at Norensky”, 1965)

People with rakes on their shoulders turn in the evening when they get home to the village, as if they were on the high ground (on the hillock). Rake, roztashovani more heads of people, the first to scatter the covers of the buds.

Oh, the place of the earth for the wind!
Goteli dead. inviolability of bowls,
blindness of the eyes
blind goddesses.
Krіz you pass uncomplicatedly naked,
docks without hitting the state anthem.
("In front of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Odessa", 1969 or 1970)

To show your early wounds, to sleep, the author to pass the plaster statues (“blind goddesses”), which were instructed in front of a sanatorium, a hotel and a pioneer camp. Still not a long time ago, the sounds of the anthem of the Radyansky Union lulled evenly about the first time throughout the country, along the radio broadcasting line. People were jarring: "Let's go with the anthem."

I think buy some currency
we would heal the fierce nature.
there on the day of vcheni they know the kick of the doslidiv,
And Faybishenko there to burn with a star, and Rokotov.
(“Song about the red light”, 1970)

Read about a unique trend in the history of jurisprudence. Faybishenko, Rokotov and Yakovlev were “farmers” and “foreign exchangers”. At this hour (the ear of the 1960s), such a business is criminal karanim diyannyam. All three of the evildoers were arrested and sentenced to 8 years of leather. Khrushchev didn’t have enough. Vin punishing change the law, moving the upper boundary of the early morning to the next sunset. What, pevna rіch, was vikonan by hearing legislators. Not zvazhayut on zagalnopriynyaty principle "the law of the vicious force can not," all three foreign exchange boulevards were shot.

And the honorable German himself der veg tsuriuk,
do not check if you ask yoga.
walter vityag z warm pants
And go back to the Walter closet.
(“Two years at the tank”, 1965)

I felt my verse at Viconan Mikhail Kozakov, who himself honestly knew that not everything you read was completely lucid. And it’s true, at the top of my veins, there was an absolutely non-corrupting pardon: “I’ll go to the water closet again” - the deputy “Walter closet”, which I’ll drive in the sense of all phrases again. "Der Weg zuruck" (der Weg zuruck) - turn back (nyomu). The honest German is faring from the warm pants of Walter (pistolit) and ending his life with self-destruction - shooting (go back to the WALTER closet). And to go with a pistol at the hands of the post, as you can see, it’s absolutely stupid.

The Ark has a bird
without turning around, bring those who
all wira є no more than lower mail
in one end.
("Rozmova with a celestial", 1970)

Here the biblical myth about the Great Flood and the righteous Noah is played out, which after the river navigation with the beasts at his Ark, letting go the blue and not turning, which meant that the water subsided and land appeared. Brodsky is ironic, arguing this episode with the very idea of ​​God: the prayers that are offered to Yoma - the price is nothing else, like a mail in one day.

Down the gatherings, up the cineraria
("Unfinished", 1970)

Cineraria - tse bagatorichna roslina form a pillow.

І vіdchuvayuchi vіdsutnіst dієslova
to express an impossible thought
about that reason, through the yaku
Leandro, Hero...
("Unfinished", 1970)

Leander is a young man from Abydos in the Troad, who fell in love with Hero, the priestess of Aphrodite, and lived in Sest, planted on the other birch of the Hellespont duct.
The young Hero checked, if the vein was overflowing the duct, so that it would be brighter, lit the fire on the veins. Leander pliv to the lighthouse and the coast. As if the fire had gone out and Leander did not know how to finish. God's body nailed Gero to his feet. Having pumped yoga, Hero in roses rushed to the sea from the sea.

At superechtsi Kamen
On the banquet of Mnemosyne.
("From the Fierce to the Spring", 1969)

Stones - ancient Italian deities that lingered in dzherelah, dzherelah i strumka bіla temple Vesti. Mnemosyne - in the ancient Greek mythology, the goddess who made memory special, titanida, the daughter of Uranus and Gaia (or Zeus and Klymeni). Mother of the Muses, born by her in the sight of Zeus (Evterpa, Klio, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polyhymnia, Urania, Caliope) at Pієrії.

At the glued on street shields
"Message to Volodar" vіdomy,
vіdomy mіstseviy kіfared, kiplyachi
dumbfounded, boldly speaking
from the Emperor's call to tidy up
(On the stepping row) from the middle pennies.

Natovp gestures. Younci,
sivі old men, mature people
and knowledgeable heterosexuals
unanimously affirm that
"this didn't happen before" - with whom
without specifying what
masculinity and servility.

Poetry, maybe, fold
without a clear cordon.
(“POST AETATEM NOSTRAM” - “Song of Our Yeri”, 1970)

The sense of this trick becomes clear after reading the upcoming “masterpiece”:

I don't know how to grow
Ale, comrades from the Central Committee,
save Lenin with pennies,
so the price is high!
Rozumіyu, scho pennies - the world
human practice.
Ale, comrades, skilki frozen
stick to them sometimes...
I'm a bachiv, like a negidnik
Musoliv for Volodymyr Illich.
Fingers called lightly salted
in the guise of yoga, in the guise!
At the grocery store
vіn khripіv, vіd golka puntsіv:
“Darling, give for Lenin
two pіvlіtry ta ogіrkіv”.
Lenin is the purest day,
wine is not guilty of cloudiness.
Take Lenin with pennies,
vin - for the heart and for the ensigns.
(Andriy Voznesensky)

In the cinema great war not alive,
If scho bulo was lubricated without fat,
Mary, I remember the boy, yak Sarah
Leander went top-top to the scaffold.
Let's forgive with a pen - it's not true, let's rebel! -
I'm sleeping about zustrich in my garden
Z tієї, who is my forty-eighth roci
From the screen I began to read the lower feelings.

Tsara Leander is a Swedish film actress and a couple who worked mainly in the city of Germany. Little Josip Bachiv її at the trophy German film "The Road to the Scaffold", dedicated to Mary Stuart. The beauty of the actress struck the little one with an unforgetable enmity.

I'm jigging like that monoplane -
Exactly Darius and Girenas,
Ale is not so irritable.
(“Lithuanian Nocturne: Tomas Venclova”, 1974)

In 1933, the American pilots of the Lithuanian campaign Steponas Darius and Stasys Girenas tried to set a record for the distance of flying on the Lituanika flyer. Flying from New York and flying far away atlantic ocean, the stench rozlilis for ne'yasovanyh obstavin, if to the end of the route (Kaunas, then the Timchasov capital of Lithuania) was less than a tenth part of the way. This flight is considered one of the most important flights in the history of Lithuania in the XX century.

There's a place to stand
(“P'yata River”, 1977)

Maєtsya on uvazi rosіyska gra - mista. Ryukha is a long-standing mace, throwing a yak from a decent stand, requiring a figure to be beaten from a square of the earth, folded from short wooden cylinders. At the Radian hour, this game was respected as a full-fledged sport; Brodsky ironically over the paranoid system of secrecy in the SRSR, through the way the coordinates of the places on all geographical maps were given in order to introduce potential opponents into Oman.

vimiryuyuchi degree kuta alien

Here Brodsky іz gіrkotoyu zgaduє vіchnі problems, pov'yazanі z " apartment meals". Most of the young people suffered from the fact that they didn’t have a de zustrіchatsya and have sex (which, according to the assertions of one high-ranking party functionary, was not in the SRSR). It was possible to house with a kimono from the known and win over someone else's living space like a room for care. Zvіdsi "kut stranger in the geometry of the bіdnih" and "sawed down a hundred tears" - an electric light bulb without a lampshade.

Tse i є Caruso
for the dog that flowed into the gramophone.
("Roman elegies", 1981)

Another tricky riddle. The image of a dog on Nipper's name, like hearing a gramophone, became the world's first logo. Records of the company "Victor and HMV records" since 1900 were released with a picture of a dog in front of a gramophone with a sound trumpet.

Only falsetto stars between telegraph lines -
there, de deep sleep to sleep the bulk of Perm

The Gromadyanin of Perm - Sergiy Diaghilev, Russian theatrical and artistic actor, entrepreneur, one of the founders of the group "World of Art", organizer of the "Russian Seasons" near Paris and the company "Russian Ballet of Diaghilev". Burial near Venice on the color of the island of San Michele. There, de now, is Brodsky himself.

Possibly so - past. Mezha
unpack. Burnt peak.
Dієslova in dovgіy cherzі to "l".
The storm that has fallen, crepe de chine.
I tse - the kingdom of the past. stitches,
that really quieted down. Kalyuzhi,
save the battle. Shkaralupi,
I call you a scrambled egg.
(“At the exhibition of Karl Weilinka”, 1984)

Dієslova in the old days to "l" - dієslova in the past hour, which will end in "l". Cі “dієslova at the past hour, the letter “l”" Brodsky re-zgaduє in the next verse - "Fin de Siecle" ("End of the century", 1989).

And the name of the shell can be "buffed" by the egg-OCHI.

Rising in price in Asia, spending the night in other people's booths,
at the huts, laznyah, storehouses - at the broken houses of the towers,
whose smoked slo trimaє expanse at the air,
hove a casing and strive to creak
lie down with your head in the kut, more importantly in the kutka
swipe - before that, at the darkness - a scythe over her,
tight-fitting like a recently drunk, and yakraz
hack you to death. Write a colo near the square.
("Decree", 1987)

"Inscribe a stake in a square" - kick with a round head at a square kut.

"Channel, at which they drowned the Rose
L., how to extinguish a cigarette,
practically mayzhe zarіs.
From that hour, the trojans were so rich,
It's not easy to fool a tourist.
Wall - concrete forerunner of Christ -
live from the city to the calf and cow
through the fields of the visible color of blood;
smoke a cigar acceptance.
I foreigner lift up the cloth
tubular woman - not like Conqueror,
and like a whimsical sculptor,
who is ready to strip
that statue, which is better to live,
lower fermentation at the canal,
for which Rosa was finished off.”
("Landswehr Canal, Berlin", 1989)

"Rose L." - Rosa Luxembourg, killed near Berlin in 1919. They shot him, and threw the body near the canal. Judging from the rest of the two rows, Brodsky is half-dead Marxist without any special reverence.

Kristo is an American sculptor and artist of the Bulgarian adventure Hristo Yavashev.

Trying to guess in a fatherly way, who loves us,
wrestling with slimy hands lipiv.
... Everything black is fashionable: shirt, panchokhi, whiteness.
If as a result you are all right
pull, life
be illuminated with a light of about thirty watts,
ale z wust deputy of the radio "Vivat!"
zrivayetsya "winny".
("Fin de Siecle" - "The end of the century", 1989).

"Sculpted" - likar (on the blatniy feni).

“Deputy of the radio "Vivat!" zrivayetsya "winny" - it's a pity for the drive of the not-so-distant state act. Neither the black whiteness, nor the whiteness of the body with a light of about thirty watts did not help. Vic, boo.

Other times on the birch
Ice-free Pontus.
("Another day on the birch", 1971)

Pont Evksinsky - Black Sea.

Miraculous vіrsh under the name "Sixth fates because" (1968), dedications of the author's kohanіy - Marianna Basmanova, varto bring over:

So we lived together for a long time
2 sіchny happened on vіvtorok,
scho raised eyebrows,
yak zі car warehouse - doorman,
out of disguise, she sang an indescribable turmoil,
uncomplicated zalishayuchi far.

So we lived together for a long time, scho
like vipade, it was thought - naviki,
sho, schob not to flatten їy vіk,
I crooked their doloney, and povіki,
do not believe that they are trying to lie,
rushed about there, like blizzards near the woman.

So strangers were all sorts of novelties,
they didn't care if it was psychoanalysis;
sho ruin, sho fell to the shoulder,
with mine, who blew out the candle,
not bachachi right іnshih, zadnuvalis.

So we lived together for a long time, what a trojan
family on shabby trellises
the number of birches has changed,
and pennies appeared in both,
and thirty days over the sea, to pray,
threatening the future of Turechchini with a dream.

After the lower description of the all-gloomy closeness, the phrase "and pennies appeared at both" is heard with an alarming ring. Absolutely everything is sleepy, but pennies "At BOSCH", what does it mean - it's bad?

"Thirty days over the sea, to move, threatening the Turkish lands after the sun" is simply deciphered - the pennies appeared, went for a whole month at the entrance to the Crimea, de fires come in to storm the roztashovanoy on the other province of the sea of ​​​​Turechchyna.

So we lived for a long time without books,
without furniture, without stuffing, on the old
sofa, sho - persh nizh vinik -
buv trikutnik perpendicular,
let's innovate with the knowledge
over two dots that were angry.

What kind of geometry does a lyrical verse have? And on the right is the axis of what. Show your own arch paper, divided into two halves by a vertical boundary in the middle. The left half of the sheet is those that “been”, past, and the right is today (“having become”).

"Bouv" perpendicular: draw your thoughts along a horizontal line and place a dot over it. Tsya dot - "know". Drop a perpendicular from it to a straight line. At the base of the perpendicular (at the point of the crossbar from the straight line), two were angry in one speck - VIN and VONA. For all known numbers, two points were not the same one in the same.

On the right half of the arcus, that one is straight, that very point above it (“know”), only two points below, on the straight line, splintered ubik, and viyshov (“vinik”) trikutnik. From the cornered point of "knowing" one saw one, as if she turned the picture into a banal love tricutnik. І the result is not having a check on itself:

So for a long time we lived with her,
sho zrobili z vlashnyh shadows
mi doors sobi - chi pratsyuesh, chi sleep,
but the chairs did not fit out of the blue,
and we passed їх, maybe, through and through
And with a black move at the future weishli.

Nothing lasts for a month. Navit more strongly, it would have been better, neruynivne kokhannya, dying for an hour.

Brodsky love gratis with geometric images. In "Stump Without Music" (1970) you can grow up on your own - there is geometry over the edge.

And for the time being, we will be occupied with inconsistencies and namingly barvy porivnyanny, which will recapture yoga verse.

On the squares, like "farewell" wide,
In the streets, narrow, like the sound "I love."
("Laguna", 1973)

If we miss the word "goodbye", the mouth opens wide, and if "I love you" - navpaki, ruins get into a chicken hustka.

Blood at the hiding places
Knocking like you're not accepted by anyone
And Morse turned back home.
The sky is similar to NATO generals.
("Barbizon Teras", 1974)

"Stovpiv generaliv" - to that the whole sky is in the stars.

I wet powder
put out the fireworks, hissing loudly, at the sky,
and the Countess stands like a Kremlin on a cloth.
(“Ti, guitar-like rіch zі stray peacocks”, 1978)

"Wet gunpowder" - fizzy wine.

Yak thirty-third letter
I pray all life ahead.
("Strophy", 1978)

The thirty-third letter is "I". And the oskіlki we write angry to the right, go out, scho "I" backside.

I call to make noise thick,
still not Zhovta, mіts China.

It hasn’t been leafing yet: leafing richly, like Chinese, soon it’s going to be yellow - it will be similar to you.

Zahid sun, letting out a bear,
vgrizaєtsya - skin cut of screeching -
in the electric sire around,
those who will be building less
building all survive the term
І pityag podkradaetsya, like a snake,
to a single teat of the capital.
(“On the outskirts of Oleksandriya”, 1982)

Oleksandriya, without a doubt, has been ripped apart by the capital of the United States - Washington.

I, hunched over,
they marveled at him at the whole homeland at the vikno,
de tree tezh were angry then in one
black tree, overgrowth
the sky - th th traplyalos years before the sixth,
when the book slammed shut and when
they left you with less ruin, like a cat.
("Kelomyaki", 1982)

The years before the sixth day begin to grow dark, step by step you can’t see the face, you lose more than ruin, like a cat (Cheshirsky, div.

I closed the parade on zasuv, ale
Nothing for me to heal with the horns of Aries,
Nemov Amur from the bow
Stalin at the XVII z'їzd іz "tulka".
("Mova about spilling milk", 1967)

"Tulka" - Tulskaya towel. XVII z'izd CPRS (1934 r_k), a bunch of short-sighted titles "z'izd vomozhtsіv", which appeared as the year "z'izd razstrіlyanyh", more than half of the delegates' shards were minted in the horns of the "great terror".

Zhovten is a month of confusion and colds,
and gorobtsі - proletarian birds -
to splutter at the abandoned penates
shpakіvnі, like the Smolny Institute.
I voronyach, obviously, here yak here.
Hocha vzagali for the bird rose
understand nothing terrible, lower winter,
where more to be afraid of the flight
our long-bearing pіvnіchny Ikar.
And to that penetrating "carr!"
sound to us like a song of a patriot.
(“Urivok, 1967)

Everything that stands for the “great” history of the “proletarian” power, inevitably calls Brodsky irony that mockery.

I will come to the collection of miracles, which are often heard from Brodsky, most of the paradoxical fights, I will suggest without comments. Enjoy.

Pivmіsyats plive at the washed down shibtsі
over the crossroads of Moscow, like a dashing victory for Islam.

among the ruins to wander, stealing
leaves for the minuloric. That is wind
like a prodigal son, turning to the father's house
and once otrimav usі leaves.
(“Leaflet from the city of K”, 1968)

over the sea it breezes in the night
over all dry land is approximately the same,
like looking at a mirror, what is zestriching -
I will look at another person.
(“Assigned to Yalta”, 1969)

Lyagayuchi in a soft way, like a pair of compasses at the preparation.
(“From “School Anthology” 6. Zh.Antiferova”, 1966-1969)

Ensign at the pіdvorittі, similar to the kіnsk muzzle,
chew your lips around.
(“POST AETATEM NOSTRAM (after ours)”, 1970)

River - like a blouse,
on the light of rozbnuty.
Leftovers of ice to spit by the canal,
for the dry ribey - the same gloomy, ale, yak bi thrown over the tops.
("From the fierce to the wind", 1969-1970)

Part of a woman at lipstick
the ear starts other words,
like a penny in the pinned skein.
І ty in dark self-sufficient and naked
on the stretch, like a sign of the Zodiac.
("Lithuanian Divertissement", 1971)

Tin. People in the darkness
Nemov fish in a bag.
("Still Life", 1971)

Wander around the churches, hovayuchi Komi
a candle at the temples.
provulok destroying facades, like clear teeth,
Zhovtiznu pіdvoritnі, like sir simpletons,
fox devours
... in Syrian hemp plants
bagatoverstovoy shirts, in buzzing steel curlers
Mother-Lithuania zasinaє over the reach,
and ty
fall down to її blatant, glassy,
pіvlіtrovyh breasts.
(“Lithuanian Nocturne: Tomas Venclova”, 1973)

That lie to you, like a great Orenburg Khust,
near our stormy earth, my trumpets will pass that dima,
and frozen to death at the parade of the Third Rome.
Maybe, shortly and not in the light of a cold in Nishcho.
Lyudina brukivka, you said bi, you don’t need a better one ...
(“On the death of a friend”, 1973)

Kіnets lime hovaєtsya at the board,
like a spymaster in the power of thought.
("Mexican Divertissement", 1975)

I know the wind that pours on the grass,
under a new kick, nibi under a Tatar.
I recognize this leaf, near the roadside ford
falling, like a purple prince.
ale kaisatske im'ya language at the mouth
to steal the night, like a yarlik to the Horde.
(“Part of the movie”, 1975-1976)

Line to the horizon
with a gloomy shawl with a vipran shirt,
and the tanker is sorted out with laces, as if falling
on the back of an ant. Svidomo is spliffing
telephone number
spore seine.
("In England I. Brighton Rock", 1977)

At the Venetian skli, sharpened with an important frame,
the matte profile of a beautiful woman with a lacerated wound
company, what to say.
At the courtyard
shine a yellow light bulb, trochs of gold kuchuguri,
no fluff of the videnskoi zdobi.
The dance of the white cabbage girls is like a ship near a storm.
("In England I. III. Soho", 1977)

Road, mi kviti.
More: one to one mi
exactly vispa chips
the middle of the hot plague.
("Strophy", 1978)

Skіlki svіtla crammed into the wits of the star,
marvel at nothing! like bizhentsiv among chauvins.
("Snіg ide, depriving the whole world of the minority", 1980)

І with a spring from an open mattress
vibes rise.
Burn do not collapse, transmitting
their indestructibility to the bodies of those killed.
Boring spіv words'yanina
evenings in Asia. Freezing, sira
human pork
lie on the bed of the caravanserai.
If it’s black, then it’s less letters.
Like following a great hare.
(“Virshi about the winter campaign of 1980”, 1980)

І eye on a pillowcase
rose like an egg in a frying pan.
("That's not the Muse of driving, typing in your mouth", 1980)

Every column
looking like a p'yatoy, pragne to a coup.
Only a crow does not accept snow,
and you can feel how the crow screams
in the burlesque voice of a patriot.
I am not built to live in other latitudes.
I am strung in the cold, like a gander is born.
(“Eclogue 4th (Zimova)”, 1980)

Golden horses without bridles
the suit of dimar is changed to the suit of the crow.
(“Rising, wait for the sun to stitch with scythes”, 1978)

Winter evening. Firewood
choked with fire -
like a woman's head
windy clear day.
("Gorinnya", 1981)

A fly spovzaє z powdered epaulette
burdock, slandered by the ranks.
and roaming, like Christ, in blue
smooth swimming beetle.
... I deaf - deaf,
chim tse take wuha
leafing, indistinct, like a soul
who lived before us on earth, lopoche
schos in the dialect of nirok,
(“Eclogue 5th (years)”, 1981)

The numbers on the dials are crossed, like
PPO searchlights at the seraph's jokes.
A hawk above your head, like a square root
from the bottomless, as before prayer, sky.
tail of the written letter - nibi mainov shur.
I bathed to wonder uphill, like the nipples of a sheep,
Remus and Romulus pleaded and fell asleep.
("Roman elegies", 1981)

I, like a leukocyte in the blood,
a month at the works of spivakiv, who burned out of tuberculosis,
what they wrote, what - like a kohannya.
So fade the chandeliers in the opera; so on the decline
until night, go around the jellyfish domes.
This is how the street sounds, what's going on, like a vugor,
and area - like a flounder.
(“Venetian stanzas (1)”, 1982)

Like vines on the fence
schoolchildren on the run, rankovi promenі
sort out colony, arcade, skein
algae, zeglini.
Vogkist vpovzaє in the bedroom, staring shoulder blades
sleeping beautiful, scho to the whole deaf.
So chickens squint in the cracked chick,
and angels - in sin.
Your eye shines brightly, like a shell; vushnu
the sink is filled with bryazkit bells.
Then wander to the watering hole of the river
bridges of the flock of domes.
From the vіdchinenih vіkonnits at the nostrils b'є chicory to you,
mіtsna kava, winter ganchir'ya.
I dip in the throat of the dragon golden Yegoriya,
like ink, write off.
Curly hair trying to catch the villain
in a hat that flared up, north-east sulya.
(“Venetian stanzas (2)”, 1982)

Dali, for a day,
tobto on pivdenniy skhid, burn brown,
to roam in the community of horses;
zhovtiyut. And then - spit the battleships,
and expanse to dove, like a whiteness with a mesh.
(“Before Urania”, 1981)

Autumn at your pivkul shouting "curli".
Z toothy power sovzaє between the popruga.
("Polonaise: variation", 1981)

After us - not a flood,
de finish the oars,
ale blessings to natovpiv,
Let the triumph of ikri
there is no sin over fish yet,
but angels are not mosquitoes,
and їх do not stick at all.
(" Sitting in the dark " , 1983)

Tі, who does not die - live
up to sixty, up to seventy,
peduyut, write memoirs,
stumble at the feet.
I marvel at their rice
respectfully, yak Miklukha
Maclay at the tattoo room
("Ti, who does not die", 1987)

Zahid sun burning down at the stalls with a Chinese vial,
and the gloom swirled like the sound of a concert piano.
(“Darling, I’m living today at home late in the evening”, 1989)

Earlier, having planted a flame, I instantly sip a meadow.
Tse zavzhdi dopomagalo like talcum powder.
(“I smell not the ones you say to me”, 1989)

That evening beat our fire
kicked the black horse.
I don't remember anything black.
Like a vugillya, the legs were in a new one.
(“The black sky is bright for those legs”, 1962)

The place is frozen. Watering is not visible.
So it was, that we could not be greater.
(“Zaviruha in Massachusetts”, 1990)

Rusty Romanian tanker, which fights in black,
Like a trampling cherevik, like, zіthnuvshi, rozzuli.
("Lido", 1989)

I sea far below
Lama your ribs with a dishlom mole,
Zahlostyuchi mane all shafts.
("Unfinished", 1970)

The reader can blame the reader: - Why does the author of the article give so much respect to the partners? He dug up skilki butts.

I confirm. In a first, faceless application to speak about those who are equal - an important reception, which is often beaten by Brodsky. And no less than Brodsky, of course. Sing of the whole world for a hundred years, they victorious porivnyannya. Guess, for example, Hafiza:

Ochі її, like Nubian infidels,
Trimmingly bared swords.

In a different way, Brodsky's originality is often paradoxical. One rіch - porіvnyuvati speech similar to kshtalt: "your eyes are like turquoise". Abo vykoristovuvaty povnyannya, which characterizes the important quality of the povnyuvanny object: "your eye, like a galma" (tezh, before speech, Brodsky). And remember the axis in the bedroom of two absolutely different phenomena and in such a paradoxical manner attract them one to one, show them a dialectical unity, - all the same, mysticism is right. Sob not to be unfounded, I will point one more butt:

Mustache dogs are here. At the schoolboy
did not lose a clean side. I bead of sliv
cover the photo of the squad, up to її schoks
give a fly to sumnіvnih prikolіv.
Dali is a sign of a sister. Vіn do not harm your sister:
go about reaching the latitude!
the first gangrene
yak panchokha maiden from var'єte.
(“Polarny doslіdnik”, 1978)

I don’t know how it is with you, but with such a difference between death and life - brrr! - goosebumps.

From a glance of the semantics, it’s different, navit nainezvichainishe, the thing is strikingly simple - the author himself seems to us: it’s similar to schos.
Richly folded on the right with a metaphor, which needs to be deciphered. Here you have to figure out for yourself what CE can be similar to:

The bird that has eaten a nest, an egg
On an empty basketball maidanchik treasure near the ring.
("Koliskova Triskovy Misu", 1975)

"The bird that has spent its nest" - he sings himself, driven away from his native land, separated from his family and loved ones. "Basketball Maidan" is a special feature of the USA, where the sport is even more popular. And the “egg” is those that can sing, tobto, yogo verse, like, being written by my own and yak, they seem far away for the edge of the problem, no one here is ignorant and does not need. Fail, like cats without a bottom.

Metaphors in Brodsky are always unbeaten, original. І often, on the occasion of an elegant chess etude, sing the strain of thoughts to decipher the image of sensation attached to them:

Yak Skoda, what is tim, what has become for me
your reason is gone
my reason for you.
...Daybreak on the old wasteland
I'm launching into space
svіy midny grіsh, crowned with a coat of arms,
have a great taste
the moment of the day... It's a pity,
to those who cannot replace
the whole world is with you, sound overwhelmed
spin the chipped telephone dial,
like steel at a seance,
until the ghost looks like the moon
the remaining screams of the buzzer at night.
("Yak Skoda, scho tim, chim became for me ...", 1967)

"Drotovy kosmos", as the author of launching "their medny gresh, crowned with the coat of arms" - is a small telephone line, and the "medny gresha" itself is a two-copy coin, which at that hour should be thrown into a pay phone. And for example, the virsha is again enchanted: a telephone disk from a saucer at a spiritual session, and a voice at the telephone - without a body, primary.

The great man marveled at the window,
and for her, the whole world ends up at the edge
yoga wide walnut tunic,
a great number of folds similar to
the sea that chimed.
Vіn same
marveling at the window, and looking at yoga at once
buv so far away
caught exactly sink, de
there is a rumble, and the horizon at kelihu
buv unruly.
And її kokhannya
bula lishe riboy - maybe zdatnoy
set off into the sea following the ship
and, growing whitish with a gnuchky body,
you can overtake yoga - ale wine,
Vіn already thought stepping on land.
The sea turned into a sea of ​​tears.
Ale, as it seems, for the whilin itself
I will open and start dmuhati
fair wind. I great man
filling up Carthage.
Vaughn stood
in front of bagattyam, yak was fired up
under the mіskoy wall її soldiers,
and bachila, like a haze of bagatya,
tremtyachі mіzh polum'yam i dim
silently falling apart all Carthage
long before the prophecy to Cato.
(“Didona and Aeneas”, 1969)

"Kohannya - riba", looking at the back of the head, let's just say, after that, as "wine thoughts have already stepped on land," it transforms into a roaring metaphor.

Beautiful and the picture completes the verse. Dido to stand in front of the bagatti and marvel at the place, having turned into the sea with a sailing ship, that marvel at the kokhan, who moves away forever, more than її strength. And in the eyes of її not only disintegrate її Carthage "in a haze of richness, to tremt between half-lights and dim", but the whole world collapses. Behind the legend, she ordered her soldiers to raise a bagattya in order to burn the body on the new one, after that, as if she had put her hands on herself, throwing herself at the sword. In another week of the legend, Dido herself threw herself into the bagatya alive.

All these ancient legends have been traced in numerical versions, which are exactly the same as each other. I put them before them at the nashchadkіv tezh rіzne - from the admonished-tragic to the ironic. So, for example, the middle Spanish poet Bartolome Leonardo de Argensol (1562 - 1631) sings on the theme of the great kohanny with a cynical epigram:

Sorry, Dido, from the very cob
your deeds went badly with people:
if the first one appeared, you flowed in,
if there is another one, you died.

Ale ce so, to the point. Let's turn to Brodsky. Rozgornutі metaphors in the new zapovnyuyut іnоdі vіrsh whole. І poserіgaetsya tsya osoblivіst Brodsky from the early period of his work. The poet has texts to the poet's twenty-tiered head, which oppose with their depth, filled with philosophical zmist.

Ribi vzimku live.
Ribi chewing kissen.
Ribi spit the bribe,
zachima ochima
De glibshe.
De sea.
Ribi spit uzimka.
Ribby wants to whimper.
Ribi spit without light.
Under the sun
winter and hitkim.
Ribi spit in the face of death
eternal way
Ribi don't shed a tear:
resting your head
by the cold water
cold eyes
zavzhdy movchasni,
more stink -
Vershi about fish,
yak ribey,
get up across
(“Ribi vzimku”, 1961)

Ribi - tse people, water - an hour. Interpretations of Brodsky's metaphors by different critics sometimes differ one from the other and reach a wide range. I will allow myself to express my thoughts to any text. In my opinion, the ribs of Brodsky are not just abstract people, but those people, like those who have alienated and lived such wines in a moment without intermediary posterigation. Tobto - radyansky people, zanurenі at the impenetrable lead weekdays without the slightest hope, whimpering to the light. Itself so I priynyav tsey vіrsh, if in the past I read yogo, at the same time approximately vіtsі.

There is one more verse-metaphor written by Brodsky approximately in the same period:

The stars haven't gone out yet.
Stars were on the mist,
When the stinks were thrown
At the chicken seat on the seat
I rehearsed gutturally
... Silence died.
Like the silence of the temple
With the first sound of the chorale.
Orata got up
I thinness in rehearsal
Harnessed, pozіhayuchi
Dissatisfied and sleepy.
Tse Bulo on the cob.
Close proximity to the sun
Tse everything meant
І out of the blue
Above the fields
Over mountains.
Pivni virushali
For pearl grains.
I didn't like millet.
I wished it was better
Pivnі were littered
Buy from gnoyov.
Ale grain knew
Ale, the grain was pulled,
І pro tse z sіdala
They shouted at the candle:
– We knew yoga ourselves.
I cleaned themselves.
Let's talk about success
Powerful voices.
Whom husky has wheezing
Behind the rocks
For centuries
I run the matter for an hour,
Vіdkritu pіvnyami.
(“Pivni, 1958).

The axis of the interpretation of this text is Victor Kulle (In the collection “Joseph Brodsky: creativity, specialty, share”, “Packs of three conferences”, St. Petersburg: Zirka magazine, 1998):

In "Pivnyakh" the theme is set for the hour as a guide for poetic creativity. Pivnі, scho joke that pearly grains know - a metaphor for poets. A metaphor of a youthful rіzka: on the vіdmіna vіd Akhmatov's "smіtya" the pearls of the vіrshіv hover with pus. Won't and the devil's an auto-parody is not spared. Ale, the parodic cry "at the chicken-house / on the seat" unspeakably sounds like an epic note: "... Quietness was dying / like the calmness of the temple / with the first sound of the chorale."

The guessing "risi avtopodiї" alert. Why, when speaking about the high art of poetry, should you use such vocabulary as “shouted gutturally”, “burrowed in pus buy”, “whom hoarse wheezing”? In addition, it is clearly pronounced: orataї - pіvnі. Orataї go to the earth to shout, and pіvnі - "for pearl grains", no less. І de qі grain water? - In pus, obviously, de. I know. I tell about success. Guchno, hoch and z sipіnyam and wheezing. I don’t know, like you, but I’m telling the soviet philosophers-Marxist philosophers, who are robbing gnoy buys, laid on by bearded classics, like they’re pulling out of these cups of “pearl grain” of great wisdom and telling the whole world about the epochal dissidents . Marx's belief is omnipotent, that's all right!”, “Electron is so selfless, like an atom!”, Well, and so on.

Not all metaphorical texts of the Brodsky folding will require deciphering. And in a new metaphor, you have understood, insights, and at once completely sincere:

The tree at my vіknі, at the wooden vіknі,
settle for help Kalyuzh
varti stronger dead souls.

There is no earth under them - ale leafing in the sky,
and your vision in your eyes,
preparing thoughts to the bottom,
I, like a new Chichikov, know.

My upside down fox, giving a whole
better me, call me to spur my hand on the day.

Chauvin, sho on dry land, jumping on the wind.
A wooden tree has more hanging trees.
(“Trees at the window...”, 1964)

Wooden budinok near the village of Norenska; The stinks of wood are breaking, like in Yesher's engraving. Cі dobrazhennya, like bi, win over a handful of trees, which are taken by the eye. Ale vіdobrazhennya - not real trees, but only an image, an illusion. Tom Brodsky and por_vnyuє їх з dead souls. Well, for a person who grew up in the paradigm of Russian culture, naturally, de dead souls, there is Chichikov. Overturned forests spur your hand on the day, budinok - like a chauvin, what you want and fire on dry land. And now we have a “chovni”, which is a kind of fluff in the wind of the author, but we can still open the memorial museum of the poet-darmoyd (they were celebrated in the first decade of April 2015).

Buv at Brodsky's famous front, which is loved by youth with outrageous fights and metaphors, on kshtalt:

Fox Likhtar
Happy knowing
3 streets
Black panchikh.

Do you know? Abo axis more:

Narazi attracted the wounds of the evening.
Crying for a long time
i raptom, -
breaking smooth shoulders,
burst into tears, bіdolashny, on shiї Warsaw.
Stars in Khustinki from blue cotton
my dear!"

Tezh is written to the twenty-year-old. A beautiful bouv bi sings, yakby does not equate his pen to a bagnet. And at Brodsky's, there is a lively evening, which I especially deserve more richly. Listen to the music:

Brown place. Viyalo
palm trees and tiles
old budіvel.
3 cafes pochinayuchi, evening
enter until new. sit
for an empty table.

At the gilded exchange
ultramarine skies
damn, exactly
someone jab with keys:
sound, bliss
for the homeless. Krapka

Light up order
from the link to the cathedral.
Mabooth, Vesper.
Checking yoga with a look,
Let's remember, don't finish it,
ale sumnivy, evening

Drinking your kava
barvisti yogo vilitsi.
Pay for qiu
cup. Droplets on the eyebrows
having put it down, get up from the style,
folding a newspaper

I go out. empty
street see off
dovgu in black
pair of figures. Zgraya
shadow yoga ochuє.
Under the canopy - worthless

Zbrіd: filthy manners,
lashes, pull the loops.
Vin throwing tired:
Mrs. officers.
Act negligently.
The time has come.

And now - vroztich.
Vee, Colonel, what do you mean
tsey cibulny smell?
Vіn vіdv'yazuє crow
kіn. I jump
far on the way.
("Mexican Divertissement. Merida.", 1975)

Navit, being a more familiar cotton, Brodsky did not recognize the inconsistency and unhandiness of the roll call with the great, “icon-painting” poets, Russians and not only. To you, there was nothing to varto bulo his verses in a row, for example, from Blok.

I eternal beat! Calm us only dream
He drank the blood...
Fly, fly stepova kobilitsa
I wove me...
(A. Blok, "On the field of Kulikovo", 1908)

I eternal fight.
Calm us only dream.
I high nothing
do not disturb sleep.
Siva nothing,
those dense birds
goydayutsya in the blue silence.

I eternal fight.
Attacks on the sweatshirt.
I cool,
who have learned to sleep,
shouted to us
what else is Immortality...
... And we just wanted to be healthy.

Vibachte us.
We boiled to the end,
and light was taken,
yak parapet.
Hearts were torn
rushed about and croaked,
like a horse,
having spent the artillery shelling.

Say... there...
so they didn't wake up anymore.
Let nothing
do not disturb sleep.
... Why
that we did not overcome
Why didn't we turn back?
(I. Brodsky, "I eternal fight", 1957 - 1961)

Surprise, it’s not good for us, what’s wrong? And with the year, I got to Pushkin, and to Dante:

I love you: kohannya, maybe,
My soul has not died away;
Ale let you out no more turbo;
I don't want to embarrass you with anything.
I love you endlessly, hopelessly.
Now fearfully, then jealously tormented;
I love you so generously, so deeply,
Yak God give you kohanoї buti іnhim.
(A. Pushkin, 1829)

I love you. Kohannya shche (possibly,
scho just bіl) drill my mіzki.
Everything exploded to hell on shmatki.
I try to shoot myself, but it's foldable
zbroєyu. І dalі: вісі:
which one to hit? Psuvala not tremtinnya, ale
thoughtfulness. Damn! Everything is not human!
I love you so much, hopelessly,
how God grant you others - but do not give!
Vіn, being on a lot of help,
do not create - for Parmenid - dvіchі
Whose fever is in the blood, wide acid crunch,
so that the fillings in the pasture melted in the sprague
get stuck - "bust" I will cross - wust!
(I. Brodsky, "Twenty Sonnets to Mary Stuart", 1974)

With humor, with irony - in my opinion, it's just a glimpse! And in the coming sonnet, the first row of links is from Dante's Divine Comedy:

The earth's own path passed to the middle,
I, having declared to the Luxembourg garden,
marvel at hardened sivini
thinkers, writers; i back-
walk forward pani, pani,
blue gendarme in green, vusati,
murkoche fountain, children vote,
And there is no way to turn around to anyone from "go to".
You, Marie, tirelessly,
standing at the garland of stone friends -
French queens at noon -
silently, with a humpbacked head.
The garden looks like a help to the Pantheon
with the famous "Snidanok on the Grass".

And I am absolutely in awe - if the classics were alive, the stench would not form on the new one.

“Snidanok on the Grass” - the name of the painting by the impressionist Eduard Manet, as if in his own time, shocked the decent Parisian public. There is a picture on it - a dressed up man and a well-worn bare lady. Idemo gave:

Golden blueberry bіla vodi,
Caressing and milky greens;
Zamіtaє vіterets saltoni
Black lines of vuzka follow.
(A. Akhmatova, "Venice", 1912)

Vote on the voice, wiguks like "bastard!
go!" to someone else's clerk. But there is nothing sensible.
The 1st best lagoon in the world with golden blueberries
Strongly syaє, zіnitsya zіzla.
(I. Brodsky, "In Italy", 1985)

I passion got tired of throwing its mane,
І obozhnyuvannya burkhlivy channel
I made the top of the mattress
Already along the shear, it carried,
(B. Pasternak, from the first version, sing "Spektorsky", entrusted in the almanac "Kolo". This time the turn-singer sings this scene.)

Don't need me. Don't need anyone.
Speak to yourself, about the top of the mattress.
I will not fill my mouth, but with my mouth,
attachments of a grizzly to the vocabulary stock.
(I. Brodsky, "Leaf to the oasis", 1994)

Harness, life, my sister...
("To the album of Natalia Skavronskaya", 1969)

"My sister's life" or "My sister's life" - in any order you know.

Zrozumilo, tse not zapozichennya. That's right, maybe, say - reminiscences. Moreover, mayzhe zavzhdi - ironic.

Don't open your hands, don't hide your guard,
vimiryuyuchi degree kuta alien
in the geometry of the bіdnih, whose tricot is a multiple
crowned with a hundred hundred tears of smoke.
You know, if winter is turbulent with Krasnonos,
if the peasant's triumph is under meals,
(“Remembrance of the name of speeches on the stilts”, 1978)

I Nekrasov was not forgotten. And the axis is:

Nich. Camera. Jiga.

(Nich street likhtar pharmacy.)

Why am I already drinking? Reminiscences (can I say that?) Brodsky and such a trick, like "cutting the word." Marvel:

Provulok, provulok...
Tighten the throat with a loop.
(A. Akhmatova, "The Third Zachatevsky", 1940)

You won't tell a mosquito:
"Nezabar I, like you, will die."
3 points of view of a mosquito,
the person does not die.
(I. Brodsky, "You won't tell a mosquito", 1993)

I kiss the image
with weeping sacrifice to the image ...
(I. Brodsky, "Uyavlennya", 1985 - 1989)

To love Brodsky insert at his own vіrshiki (like he called them himself) different hyperbole and paradox. And it’s even nicer for you to come out:

So quiet for an hour, talking shorter,
What do you feel zіtkhannya flounder on the day
(“Friend, tyazhinnya until prihovanih forms of forests...”, 1970)

For the fourth day the sea was muffled by rowing.
Put in your book, take a neck;
darn my whiteness, do not light the lamps:
the look of gold haired lightly in a coil.
(“Zhovtneva song”, 1971)

Such a frost, if you hit it, then let it go
Z fire armor.
Today I dreamed that I was lying
At my bed. So there it was.
(“The Funeral of Bobo”, 1972)

Corbusier has a bed in the Luftwaffe,
What insults were corrected in the soul
Above the snake image of Europe.
We drink wine for the great summer stars
At the apartment on the twentieth version -
On the level reached already
Tі, scho zletіli here pricked on povіtrya.
("Rotterdam Schoolboy", 1973)

What to rob History? - Tila.
Artistic? - Headless body.
(“Twenty Sonnets to Mary Stuart”, 1974)

I'm not the one with God's will, but languishing for summer
For a shirt in a chest of drawers you go, and a day of ruin.
(“Part of the Movie”, 1976)

І cold shower zashtovhaє back at the pasture
bark dogs, not the ones that your words.
("Rush", 1981)

I realized that there are a lot of different texts, and yet I didn’t get stuck in this article. Will be continued. Moreover, є sir Google, I recommend. Far from being a lot of thoughts like Brodsky's poetry, posted on the Internet, you can wait. Reproach, that even before my respect and comments, someone will have claims. So we are not guilty of submissiveness to the directives of the lowered "beast" of one-mindedness ("po'yazanі odnієyu metoyu / skutі one lantsyug"), past that hour, thank God.


Robot duzhe tsіkava. I read with tsikavistyu and zahoplennyam! Insanely - verses of Brodsky - not expensive reading.
I've only read half of it so far.
At the collection of Chastina, promote the row - "I know that I am right, while I was with me," and on the Internet - "I do not know that I am right, while I am with me." So in my choice there is a drukarian pardon and I am glad that I vipadkovo showed my pardon. Naskіlki signifi cantly "not" change sense phrases. Wanting the first version of the same consolation of poetry, but the glybinny sense is spent.
"Pivmіsyats plive at the washed down shibtsi
over the crossroads of Moscow, like a dashing victory for Islam.
("It's time for rock - winter", 1967-1970)
In our days, you can take it like a prophecy (((

With a majestic friend!

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