"Active community" - a criminal act. Active citizens of the city Plyushchov active community

Like a sewn machine for imitating the appearance of the thoughts of residents of the capital

On the second anniversary of this, the city launched the Active Citizen project with pomp. The system of electronic referendums immediately called for a total strain. Mayor Sergiy Sobyanin proudly sings on Twitter about Monday 250 managerial decisions in the sphere of transport, illumine, improve”, adopted for the help of the “Active Gromadyanin”.

In this history, everything is miraculous from the cob to the end. Yak is in vain of those vocabulary, yaki with a marvelous rank of zbigagi with sweat munitive programs, yak voted the stunning of the stars of the stars, yak healthy, it is not a healthy vovsuvan ... I do not know the city, the Moscow , yakі nalyagayut on yaknaishvidshomu introduced paid parking they have sleeping area regardless of the great unpopularity of its approach among Muscovites. A virtual administrative paradise has been created, for some city dwellers to walk far behind the prescribed political and economic routes, on the right along the way to designate a view of a flower bed or an hour of robotic automatic machines. Ale vіdkhilitysya along the route - nі-nі, you can't! The machine for imitating the appearance of the thoughts of the townspeople, was invented without a selective process, zapratsyuvala on povnu poguzhnist. І h even ostentatious traces.

Axis, for example, representatives of the budіvelny complex declare that when choosing the concept of the vestibules of new metro stations, the stench is not the opinion of the professional jury, but the results of voting on the "Active Gromadyaninі". These battalions of active citizens themselves determine the rozmіr and color of lavas in the parks, the species of chagarniks and trees. The thoughts of urbanists, architects, ecologists become different. And now you have to show yourself the same methodology, for example, when arranging the costs of the Stabilization Fund, or when choosing the goals of offensive attacks in the Russian attack aviation.

And what in the world, vlasne, marvelous - as if a real huge thought is ignored, then why is the government guilty of hearing an expert thought? It is remembered that five years ago a lot of new measures were taken as an eye-catcher in Singapore, where the government was implementing ultra-modern projects without a hitch with the hulks. Movlyav, the government can reach the most effective solutions, relying on the thought of fahivtsiv and the uniquely inevitable populist payment. After five years, however, it becomes obvious that Russian government, Moscow zokrema, stumbled among the most important bureaucracies, unable to stand before the authoritarian calmness. The value of knowledge in such lands is devalued more and more, the value of freedom is lower, but the process is all the same. Knowing that freedom to the current world strongly tied up, and so vinyatki, like Singapore, no longer reinforce their interdependence.

Approximately at the same hour, when the Singaporean idyll was discussed, the fashionable urbanity explained why it was unsafe for the city of the great trade and development complex. The stench of the small cafes, shops, enterprises of the sphere of services, those who form a unique city of the middle and create small and medium business. The officials also nodded their heads... And they gave a heads up to the shopping and entertainment center, as if there were European and world records for the expansion and variety. And it’s easier with them - the great payers of taxes, I’ll still be sounding like a blast of business. Authoritarian and corrupt, calmly ring out and walk instructed. І їхній vzaєmozv'azok tezh not direct. Ale won є.

Elmar Murtazaev

Website Leonida Volkova , 05.11.15, “Well, why are you so clinging to that “Active Hulk”?”

“... The problems are important: the country is involved in two wars, total corruption, evil, Putin, everything is the axis, but you don’t give peace as a vibrancy to the Moscow Meri” - ask me.

I confirm: war, corruption, evil and navit Putin when it ends, and then we will have to live that life. I already believe that we should live for e-democracy. I’m propagating this idea a lot, and I believe that sooner or later everything will be like that. That is why mustaches are greedily arguing, as if pretending to be electronic democracy, without being: the stench of the building is a serious shame to the very image of the idea.

Moscow's "Active Gromadyanin" is a blatant example of such a blasphemous profanity. Oleksandr Plushov at his miraculous person “Active Hulk. Ale kalamutniy” reportedly reviewed and reviewed all of the main AH subdivisions. It is possible to change the rightness of the rightness of the skin: start the program and talk about the phone number as the only zahist, and you can vote for any food with an empty profile. The system does not recognize Muscovites, does not recognize that the voting person is a living person, does not stimulate one to understand the essence of discussing food. Tick ​​at the button and take away bonuses, it doesn’t matter how and where it ticks: the system is growing not active citizens, but helpless ones.

Ale good b tilki tse. The creators of the system have been shamelessly falsifying data about their popularity. The measure is written in AH, nibito, є 1.2 mln. As such, it’s possible that the system has three more than 100,000 bucks on Android (at the time, the add-on is in the category of 100-500,000, and recently it was in the category of up to 100,000), and approximately 300-400,000 bucks in the Apple Store on iOS ( there are no public statistics, but experts called me such data on the basis dynamics of the city of zastosuvannya in the top russian Apple Store)? І tse zavantazhennya, not coristuvachi.

On a straight line about those, how it is possible, retailers posted on twitter, What is a Windows Phone and a desktop, then. coristuvachi, how to enter from the computer. Well, the statement about Windows Phone (after all, it’s a very exotic operating system) I’ll leave it on my mind, it’s possible there, obviously, and mystical hundreds of thousands of coristuvachiv, and the axis doesn’t stick with the desktop:

Friendly IT people crowdsourced me data metrics for the number of entries on the side of the most resonant vote (for Voikovsky) from the desktop; for the sake of the measures, there are already 200 thousand quiet people there at once, having voted. But on the very side of the vote came less than 20 thousand osіb 2 leaf fall and less than 10 thousand osіb 2 leaf fall - far from striking numbers - not seeming already about those who are again far from being skinny zahid tse vote. It's easy to estimate the data, the desktop part can be more than 15%.

Therefore, the estimate of 1.2 million voters in total (more than half of all turnout at the 2003 elections in Mary!) is clearly unreliable, as the estimate of 200,000 voters: such a number of live participants without manipulation can be obtained only by the active campaign. And the data of AG - either cheats or falsifications, or the fidelity of coristuvachs, like earning free balls:

If it’s easy to create an oblique record and to give buns for the price without any evidence, then it’s always going to end wisely.

I’m more inclined to the version about falsifications (if you can’t override the simple mass voting of virtuals), the graphs of voting dynamics look even more amazing:

Behind the right scale - the number of votes voted until the singing hour, behind the left - the results of voting at the current hour

Yes, the law great numbers I didn’t go anywhere: it’s true, with the growth of the number of voices in the bags, they can stabilize. But here, in a different way, there is a namingly stable schedule of the increase in the number of votes (and what about the evening hour? Nighttime? the day of the break?), but, in another way, the namingly stable stabilization and steadiness of results. At a different hour, vote for different categories of citizens, for those who have a different mind; all the graphs of changing the results of electronic voting, as I had a chance to posterigate, looked like the graphs of the fluctuations, which are fading, and not like constants. To that, it is difficult to trust danim AG. And you can't override it.

In short, it seems that e-democracy is not afraid. Nyvazhlivizhi a thing about all the Elektronni vocabulary (Tobto, de, de is not able to take it with pens of Bulleteni that translai) Poleg, in the one, the Pereznyalno Tu is not important, nibe namesin, samni sample. - what a value for a pidrahunk.

Ale, I troch pishov ubik; tse okrema is a great topic, which is merited at a great discussion. Indeed, we can work a lot in order to build the Internet more quickly and defend it against the encroachment of the state, shakhraiv and sovereign shakhraiv. About tse I will write okremo.

And about the “Active Gromadyanin”, about e-democracy in a flash and about those who use the Internet in Russia, we are talking this year after 20.00 on the “Echo of Moscow” at the “Blog-out” program from Irina Vorobyova. Listen and ask.

"At the rich collections of bagatians in five overheads that are growing, it was said that voting for these meals would be held in the "Active Community". what is yoga called. "Fictitious gromadyanin", - the journalist writes to his blozі .

“From that hour, I didn’t change so much: I respectfully marveled at the beginning of fate. The axis of the note, like I threw it together.

Registration. The system does not transfer the registration of people with numbers from other regions of the country. I have re-verified for help some of my acquaintances in other places. It was easy for everyone to register. Moreover, they could vote far away, so the system allows voting not only from different numbers from other regions, but does not give respect to voting. To be allowed to vote, nothing is needed, krim phone number. Tse means that there is no suitable identifier, which guarantees that the voting participant is a resident of the capital. In other words, we cannot understand how quiet those who voted are right Muscovites.

Like before, follow the principle "One symbol - one vote". Tse allows you to wind up the results and vote like forever. Spivrobitniki measure it seems that it’s not economically economical - they found a cheap coin of less than a dozen rubles. However, there are plenty of virtual SIM-card services on the Internet that allow you to register with any service."

Voting. No one is quiet, that the real discussions of Muscovites are crying out. For example, there is no experience about the management of trolleybuses, parking, minibuses, the operation of the State Budgetary Institution "Zhytlovik", the selection of anti-holiday reagents, the transfer of workers to temples toshcho.

Food for voting should be placed in such a rank that the essence is lost. The stench is to pronounce vibrat brutes of the reach, moreover, those who have the power to reach, do not put themselves under doubt. The majority of the vote is formulated in such a way that the swindler does not have the necessary doubts for the one who is talking about the new schohvilin. Acts of voting are pure self-admiration of those fairs of Marnoslavism.

"As a result, it turns out that Muscovites a priori support the forces of the Moscow government, only one more, and the other three less.

Vodnochas about the problem of voting is not proponuєtsya. For example, cherish about Svyatkov, come in: it was worthy, it was not worthy toshcho. Prote nіhto do not ask, chi Muscovites vvazhayut for dotsіlne similar vitrati. It would be logical to write, yakі pennies and on scho stained, and ask (perhaps, for a skin point) - chi is true and witrati. Tobto about the most heady - spivvіdshennya tsіni and vigor - no one asks.

You can see the current result of the in-line voting, as if you voted yourself. It was implemented in a bad way, but it didn’t make sense to know who and how you respect the voices. Well, the Crimea believes in the crystal purity of the hands of officials in the Moscow city, can you change us from the one who the motherfucker voted on the "Active Gromadyaninі" - honestly, and nothing comes out of the side of the measures? .. There is no such audit. But if you come in about serious or discussion food, like in Voykivskaya, you won’t get cheated, moreover, nothing can guarantee that the city itself hasn’t stocked up for itself such a tool about every kind of fluctuation.

Pratsyuє dosit sprina system zahochennya for voting - people otrimuyut bali, yakі then can exchange for tickets to theaters, for a kovzanka that schos is similar to tsgogo. Sound out there like that, yak, vibatch for frankness, zasіkavlyat soon the needy guests of the capital and the workers. As a result, votes will be more active, and it is not turned off, which will vote the result of the vote. Zagalo did not understand why it is necessary to want to vote for voting, as if voting for the right important problems.

Also, as a matter of fact, it’s a matter of concern for you, to blame you for the vote, let it in, you’ve already scammed it, obviously, your position does not stray from the position of the Moscow government. Vtіm, there is nothing to be done for this vote and vote."

"Active Gromadyanin" is the whole project of the Moscow order. Vіn ob'єdnuє site and mobile addendum, for the help of which the experimentation is carried out. As if the journalist Illya Rizdvyaniy had changed, voting in the "AG" is by no means protected from cheating, you can vote more than once, but you can vote for a person from any point of the world.

Qiu article for the Foundation for the Fight against Corruption Illya Rizdvyaniy wrote before him, as if becoming a correspondent for RBC.

The authorities do not allow anyone to follow the voting process and streak on “AG”, for various estimates, from 20 to 185 million rubles. In addition, the decisions on the deeds of food, brought to the vote, in a number of votes were already praised by the officials themselves, it is not uncommon for the opinion to not be added to anything.

Project history

"Active gromadyanin" rozpochav robot 21 May 2014 rock. Dzherela vidan "Iodine", "Gazeti.ru" and Medialeaks agree that the project is the brainchild of Anastasia Rakovoi, the mayor of Moscow. “There are no discharges for the number of people put to the vote. Behind the words of Dzherel in AG, the department of trade and services, the department of culture - taking care of him keruvav Sergiy Kapkov, the bud complex, the department of illuminating the complex of the housing and communal services, mainly catering for the program "My Street" - write "Gazeta. RU". The Medialeaks reporter specifies the mechanism: “The capital's departments and departments are sent back to the control department of the measure. There, “important for Muscovites, the problems of the city” are mentioned, not for the official version, but in truth - those food, in fact, for yak, or with a great sense of self-improvement, they will gain from the interests of the authorities, otherwise the option of executing such officials is not turbulent. For example, like the past fate, the survey about the schedule of school holidays was completed. Obviously, what is not important for the government is the place of food - behind the great rahunka, everything is the same for them, as the schoolchildren themselves know. In his own hands, the head of the department of information technology of the capital Artem Yermolaev knows that the freedom to choose the city dwellers is limited by the following: “We blame (on the vote) only those that we can really implement more fully.”


Following the words of Anastasia Rakov, about 20 million rubles were spent on the development of an active hromadain. Obviously, not all of them show up: for example, on the Electronic Moscow portal, information was posted about tenders for “services for the development and implementation of an information campaign for support electronic system Otrimannaya Zvorotnaya Zv'yazka that pre -Slizhnnya of a huge dumhay dummy of Moskvi ”I on the“ Nadanny complex of obedience to the Vobrobnitsa Logotip, the FIRMA style, the concepts of advertising campan are “tinnitas of the giganist. for a total amount less than 30 million rubles. Seeing Medialeaks on behalf of anonymously dzherelo in "AG" stverzhuє, scho for the prize of the gifts of the past fate, vlad spent 50 million rubles, and in 2016 the company plans to raise the sum up to 150 million. Nearly 50 million are transferred from sponsors (Sberbank, Russian Railways, Rostelecom, MGTS, Post of Russia toshcho), reshtu - through subsidies from the city. Spivrozmovnik Medialeaks is on the verge of raising 185 million rubles for the “Active Gromadyanin” in 2014.

Power supply

For example, food should be blamed for the vote, as city dwellers should not lose their right to vote: for example, AG had an experiment about living on a 24-hectare site in the Nagatinskaya flood of the Dreamworks park, which would be especially protected. In 2014, 92.43% of people supported the project of forgetting the flood in 2014. Podbags of voting were hardened by the praise of the metropolitan order. It is noteworthy that 300 thousand people took part in the electronic voting, and only 551 residents of the city took part in the hearing. As a result, the interests of those who live in this region have become divided among those who have voted for the “AG”.
Rarely in the "Active community" you can propagate your own variant of opinion: for example, in the evaluation of the monument to Prince Volodymyr, it was not possible to vote against the installation of a monument in the capital, such an option simply was not passed. By a similar rank, one cannot go into filing for the consideration of food for the kshtalt “Who support you in the introduction of Maxim Liksutov?”: it is not possible to bring power food.
Crimium of the choice of options to vote and the food itself, which is spent on voting, є claims and to the yak_s warehouse is quiet, who votes: at the thought of the deputy of the Moscow Duma in the faction of the Communist Party of the Communist Party Oleni Shuvalova, you can’t vote, you can’t vote, then you don’t have a smartphone "Mainovian, century and osvitniy qualification". The mayor's office is in bad shape: Evgen Kozlov, the intercessor of the mayor's office of the city's mayor, is pushing, that 12% of the coristuvachiv AG are older than 45 years old, and the Internet is in 77% of Moscow pensioners. By some rank, Kozlov added the number of koristuvachiv “AG” of the song and age category, it is unknown: at the hour of registration, it is necessary to state the date of nationality; If you want to remember the correct column, you can’t check the reliability of these statements. The number of 77% of Moscow pensioners, who may have access to the borders, is called upon by the power: according to the words of the clerk of the department of information technology of the city of Artyom Yermolaev, in the meantime there were close to 40% of such people.
I'm sorry, the very formulary of the vote is not bezdogannі. So, at the link with the possible renaming of the Voykivska metro station, the authorities gave the following explanation: Their opponents are stupefying, that there is nothing terrible in them, before that, before the name, everything called out. As Olena Shynkaruk, the curator of the Active Citizen project, announced on the radio station “Speak Moscow”, the officials did not begin to think about the role of Pyotr Voikov in the shooting of the royal homeland: “First, the topic is debatable, but the arguments for it have been discussed for a long time. In a different way, we tried not to put any pressure on the choice of Muscovites to vote.” There is a lot of slyness in why: neither for the director of the Sovereign Archive of the Russian Federation Sergiy Mironenka, nor for the senior forensic investigator of the head department of criminalistics of the RF Investigative Committee Volodymyr Solovyov, who for over 20 years has been dealing with the right to shoot the royal motherland, there is no discussion. Moreover, an opinion about Petr Voikov prepared by the Institute Russian history Russian Academy of Sciences to direct on his website Minister of Culture Volodymyr Medinsky: “P.L. Voikov, being a member of the Ural Regional Council, taking part in the praised decision about the shooting of Mikoli II, his squad, son, daughters of those companions. A participant in the shooting of the Tsar's Sim'ї єkaterinburzsky Chekist M.A. Medvedev (Kudrin) told Voikov among those who made a decision about the life of this Mikoli II. Yogo ґruntovnі spogadi about the shooting that commemoration of the royal homeland was addressed to N.S. Khrushchev."

What to pour in experience

"Active citizen" lit up in the decals of the great investigations of RBC, which appeared in Moscow. For example, how to pray at the relevant departments overhaul(To enter the complex of Moscow statehood, the order of Moscow, which very much vice-mayor Petro Biryukov), on the exodus of Muscovites, a second replacement of the tiles was carried out: “A change of the street, which is in power at 2015, roci, being responsible for the results of the voting of the townspeople at the Active Gromadyanin project.” Out of the will of the inhabitants of the place, the curbs were changed. Perhaps, the most significant moment of the landscaping of the streets Velika and Mala Bronni, Spiridonivka and Mala Nikitska. Mіstsevim sacks were urged to turn around, as if to organize the district themselves. The results of the vote in "AG" were publicized on 2 March 2015. And the result of the competition for the work was announced earlier: “The tender for the design of the Small and Great Bronny was won by the BalticBudCompany (BSC), close to the youngest son of the Prosecutor General of Russia, Yury Chaika - Igor. According to the contract, the projects may be submitted to the veterinarian to pass an examination two months before the end of the voting in the "Active community" - until April 6th. And the contract for the repair of Velyka Bronnaya itself was laid down on the day of the bidding of the ballot - 2 chervnia. The representative of the DKR, without comment, left the food, as if the ballot bags were insured for two months after the completion of the work on the project. I didn't get in touch with the BSK company. “We were just lucky that the choice of the townspeople and that projector vanished,” says Dmitro Kudryakov, general director of the company “Evrodom”, as she played a dream on the beautification of Veliky Bronnaya.” And this is far from being the only butt, if the vote is still three, and the tender for the victorious singing has already been announced.
In addition, for example, in December 2014, Muscovites voted for authorization for a mobile phone number for an hour of connecting to a public Wi-Fi network. A few months before that, such a way was introduced near the metropolitan metro. Nareshti, as the “Iodine” meeting meant, voting on school holidays directly superimposed on the law “On Education” and was held under pressure on the fathers of the students.


According to the head of the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow Artem Yermolaev, 1.2 million registrations were registered in the "Active Community", following the words of the head of the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow. “Registration in the project is required for the mobile phone number, for which SMS a password will be sent. The authorization system of the project cannot be broken, for example, by the method of password selection, or by victorious due to the inconsistency of the software,” write Yermolaev. There is no need to hack the password: registering on the portal may not be only a resident of Moscow, but be a person, if you have a mobile phone with a Russian number, don’t hesitate to check the oblique record for yourself. In this rank, one person can vote for one meal of the kіlka once, just by using different sim cards. Also, the system allows residents of other regions to vote, so that "AG" does not give up respect in the voting area. Olexandr Plyushchov, the leading radio station "Moon of Moscow", took special care. Formerly, the curator of the Active Citizen project, the head of the Committee of State Services of Moscow, Olena Shinkaruk, confirmed this information on the air of the Talk Moscow radio station. With whom, she broke out that the metropolitan government did not run into problems with whom.
There is not a single "dirka" in the system: you can vote, not only by using a large number of mobile phones, but by connecting to the process of all known people from the regions, or simply by speeding up with the "virtual SIM" service. To be honest, you can literally “sign” people to vote: for example, on the rumors of the Moscow Duma, programmer Boris Valagin rozpoviv, having typed dozens of people willing to vote for the song vote on the Internet. Usy tsі nedolіki allowed the editor-in-chief of Inliberty Andriy Babitsky to call "Active Gromadyanin" - the most transparent city site. For such an assessment, it was suggested that the city council did not request anyone to take a vote, so there is no good audit.
It would be possible to conduct a vote on the website of the Russian Community Initiative. As Oleksandr Plushov appoints, the system does not allow the power to be taken from Moscow, for example, about the renaming of the street in Nizhny Novgorod. In addition, the mechanism of ROI is not very efficient, but if it wants to be legally formalized, then there is no legal force to educate the "Active Gromadyanin", and their results can be ignored by the capital's authorities.
At the measure on tse vіdpovіdat, scho in the AG of the same falsifications can not be. “With the obligation of koristuvachiv over a million people, it is impossible to ensure cheating. How much do you need to buy, to wind up? 300 thousand SIM cards? It is impossible for someone else to vote with one SIM card. From quiet food, as if we were at once guilty of voting, there is no need to buy 300 thousand SIM cards, to beat those chi or even food. That’s why there weren’t any trials for this day, ”the intercessor of the mayor of Moscow Anastasia Rakova comes across.


In the "Active community" the system is implemented very much, so that the very ones who, at any hour of the day, will propagate the authorities at the highest votes - for example, give additional remissions for volition at the selective fairs. "AG" rewards koristuvacham with bonus balls for participating in the vote, for completing the profile, for linking the public record with the portal of my services too. bali: “Get 1000 points to win the status of “Active Citizen” and the ability to earn various goods and services. You can exchange the accumulated points for local services (parking holidays, theatres, museums) or for money. To get even more bonus points, visit the supplements more often, ask your friends and share information about the experience passed in social measures". For 833 balls you can go to the zoo, for 2250 balls you can get a green light, for 267 - at the Museum of Russian Harmonica.
“Mikita Sedikh from the Preobrazhenske district can be called an old-timer of the Active Citizen project. Mikita has been registered on the project practically from the first day of his inception. And from that moment, as if registering, without missing the right vote ... At once, Mikiti may have 14,000 balls, but they don’t get stained.
- More important for zaroblenі balls are those who can smell me, they rejoice at my thought. Together with other short-haired men, I can plunge into the development of the capital, - like Mikita. The start of his active position, Mikita, was watching the general rehearsal of the Peremoga Parade on Chervony Square, which took place on May 7th. Before the Day of the City, having handed Mikita tickets for the concert, Yogo was photographed for the poster "Active Gromadyanin". We’ll put our photo of the young man on the teeth of the DEPO im. Rusakov. A few days ago, the active citizen Mikita Sedikh was invited to the tasting of the Moscow cake. Like the introduction of a green sweatshirt and the “Moscow” cake to e-democracy, it has lost its riddle. Olena Rusakova, a municipal deputy of the Gagarinsky district, is aware that the bonus money can be considered as a bribe.

Voting for Voykivska

The news about the renaming of "Voykivska" is perhaps the most resonant in the history of the AH. For example, the officials did not take the blame for the vote, but they planned to change the name of the transport interchange station to "Koptevo". And in the middle of the year, Sergiy Sobyanin won the share of "Voykivskaya" for the help of AG.
The start of the campaign of viishov badorim: 15,000 people voted for the first two years, and "AG" hung up. At the time of writing, the text in the experiment took the fate of over a quarter of a million people. He voted for the change on the cob and later changed: 33-34% for renaming, 53-54% against. It is noteworthy that the sum of the votes did not give 100% in the first days.

“The middle one has the most votes in the region of 18-19, the least, which is logical, deep night,” writes the head of the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow Artem Yermolaev. Bloggers from the initiative group “Safely Voykivska” will say the same words.

Volkov's statement about shahraystvo on Sobyanin and Rakov for their machinations with the "Active Gromadyanin", filed by Volkov, is absolutely correct and necessary.

Today, the Moscow City Duma in the first reading adopted amendments to the Local Code of Moscow, which in fact were said by the city of public hearing. A detailed analysis of these amendments can be read. Like two words, then the obov'yazkovy order of conducting hearings for any local projects is affected. Proponuєєєєєє їх spend on the investigation of the measure, nadayuchi residents of projects in the obsyazі, in which the officials themselves need to respect. There are obov'yazkovyutsya standards for green areas - then for the fact of sanctioning the total forgetting of parks and squares. So, in fact, the budіvelna expertise of any projects is also legalized, as well as the legalization of life, which is superimposed on the development of the city by the General Plan.

These amendments were introduced in the regime of special operations only for the benefit of the meeting. All so that the deputies are not less able to get to know them in full, and the inhabitants of the place-to-hour, to raise their protest. All the Sobyanin's deputies voted for the bill, against the communists.

Sharing public rumors and substantiating the community’s thoughts with the results of the “Active Hulk” are two parts of one operation.

- You don't like forgetting the park? Well, vibatche, in the least, the voting on the “Active Gromadyaninі” showed that Muscovites love to forget their parks with compensatory landscaping in the area of ​​the 20th kilometer of the Kaluzskoe highway. Do you want the brothers of the meshkans? No, you can’t - there are no public rumors, vote on the Active Community .

Tse already works like that (“ Muscovites supported the erection of the monument to Volodymyr at the Borovitsky Gates”), and it will be expanded in a bagatorazovo way, so that we all will not voice out the war and machinations on “AG”, that slander of public rumors.

Identity Volkov - well done, having begun the process of respect for us, let's lift it up. .

Internet project "Active Gromadyanin" is a core service for Moscow citizens. Vin gives the opportunity to the skin of the townspeople to take a fate from the life of the capital by way of voting for chi against put on a negotiated diet. The subject of the vote, as a rule, is the addition of current innovations: improvement and change in the city's infrastructure, information services and other areas of the city's support and assistance. For additional help to the project, you can also evaluate the activities carried out near Moscow, come in and get to know the people you know.

How to implement everything in practice and avoid current problems of the place can be recognized by the way of learning and sorting out the possibilities of the site, or simply learn from the instructions below.

Report about the project

The Active Hulk was first launched on May 21, 2014. The initiator of the project was the Department of Moscow, and the department of information technologies of the city inspired this idea in life. Less than 1 million registered on the site of coristuvachs through rіk kіlkіst kіlkіst registered 1 million

In order to take into account the resolutions praised by the townspeople, the municipality voted about the creation of a specialized association of volunteers.

The principle of robotic attack portal:

  1. The organ of Moscow's vikonavchos is responsible for making important contributions to the spheres of its competence.
  2. The correspondent of the site takes part in active voting and takes away the number of balls for fixing the number of balls, so that you can exchange it with the "Shop for a dream".
  3. The result of the electronic referendum is taken to respect by the Uryad of Moscow.

The subject of voting is more important than food, hanging by the Moscow Duma. Opituvannya townspeople can take a look at the "Active Gromadyanin" only after gaining at least 5% of the votes of the city dwellers in Moscow on the website of the Russian community initiative roi.ru.

Voting order

On the portal of the project, there are periodically placed actual food and experience, from those who are encouraged to take a part in the registered coristuvachs. Krіm opportunities vplinut on the decision of the administration of the city and put an assessment of їkh vtіlennyam, participants of electronic referendums will be given bonuses at the sight of a cost-free parking year, cultural visits to the capital and brown souvenirs.

In order to gain these privileges, the citizen is guilty of following the instructions:

  1. Register on the portal
  2. Go to the "Voting" section.
  3. Choose food, what to click.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the summary of what has been written.
  5. Lose your voice by choosing one of the proposed options.
  6. Click "End Voting".
  7. Otrimati nebhіdnu kіlkіst balіv and pov'yazany іz tsim the status of an active community.
  8. Go to the "Shop zaohochen" and choose the shortest option.
  9. Take a look at the center of state services (addresses for requests - shop.ag.mos.ru/rules/stores/).


Kozhen active citizen can go through the registration procedure on the site. Without whom, access to voting will be closed.

For whom it is necessary to viskonate such a diї:

  • Krok 1. Follow the instructions ag.mos.ru/site/index and press "Registration".
  • Krok 2. Enter a mobile phone number.
  • Krok 3. Enter deductible for SMS code.
  • Krok 4. Wait for the minds of the offer.
  • Krok 5. Leave.

This point is not obov'azkovym, but to bring to the vlasnik an oblіkovogo record of the supplementary message:

  • + 20 bonus balls (for washing the completion of all the proponated fields);
  • mozhlivist to take the fate not only from the zagalomsky, but also from the territorial votes (for the purpose of living that work);
  • the right to vote for direct school and preschool topics (like a koristuvach vkazhe nayavnіst ta vіk dіtei).

The procedure can also be applied through a mobile add-on available for download on Google Play, the App Store and the Windows Phone Store. The algorithm for this time will be identical to the registration through the site.

One of the main minds of registration is the presence of a SIM card of a Russian mobile operator, with which phone number is not obligatory, it can be Moscow.


To take part in the experiment, it is necessary to press on one of the active propositions. Before the participant of the electronic referendum, there is a need to clarify the essence of the food supplied and the list of available evidence. Among them, it is necessary to select one (as the rules of a particular vote do not specify otherwise) and press “Finish voting” obv'yazkovo. In another time, voting will not be insured.

Warstovydovyki Pіdibrai such a rank, Shchobzo Activities Grumadyanin Zmiz, take a fate in opitan, implicitly hid in the same time of the sizes of competent thoughts (Bilshosti vibsovan “Differently”, “Meni not Tsvykavo”, “Meni Khvykavo”, “ fakhіvtsі "and so on).

A similar position is crucial for revealing the stake of the interests of residents and helping to analyze the violent mood of the city dwellers directly. And for the participants themselves, it’s a good fortune to take the Bali to the bonus fair.

So, in some cases, the coristuvachas are encouraged to express their own special thoughts, in the form of standard opinions, which are proponated by the administration.

The correspondents of the site "Active Gromadyanin" may have the opportunity to take part in the discussed power of high legal significance. And for whom it is necessary for them to go through authorization through a profile on the government services portal (gosuslugi.ru). An important mind is the presence of any profile of passport data, information about the registration of the place of residence and SNILZ.


Bonus balls, necessary for hunting, can be accumulated in the coming rank:

  1. Take part in the maximum number of available votes (the average person gets 20 balls per vote).
  2. Restore the required fields of the personal profile.
  3. Check the website or mobile add-on regularly (+ 3 balls per day).
  4. Ask friends for help mobile addon. For a skin registered friend, the coristuvach takes 5 bonus points (no more than 10 requests per month are paid).
  5. Share current feeds and/or the fact of your voting in them at social networks (available after linking the public record "VK", "OK", Facebook or Twitter). For the publication of one post, an active citizen takes 5 points, a maximum of 4 points per month.

How to spit on the problem

Internet service "Active community" is not forwarded for the filing of scargs. For whom is the portal "Our place Moscow". With the help of heavenly citizens, they can raise the problem in the sphere of competence of the mіsskoi vlady for 8 days, sing about the її virishennya.

There are 27 categories for animals available on the site, which are periodically updated and updated.

It's easy to scurry through "Our place". For whom it is necessary:

  1. Go through the registration procedure * or go to the site through the public record "VKontakte", Facebook, Twitter, the site "Derzhposlugi".
  2. Press "Tell me about the problem" (red button in the center of the main page).
  3. Select the category of the problematic object.
  4. Indicate a problematic topic.
  5. Clarify the roztashuvannya of the object, de bulo the damage or injustice was indicated.
  6. Specify the problem.
  7. Give a short explanation (no more than 700 characters).
  8. Please include photographs (no more than 5 and larger sizes up to 10 Mb).
  9. Press "Send a note".

* - in order to register on the portal, you need to go to the mailing list gorod.mos.ru/index.php, enter into the electronic form the information about yourself, indicate your ability with the minds of the portal and the single rules of moderation.

  • information that does not match the selected category and topic;
  • duplication of statements is not yet a problem;
  • prohannya special character;
  • a description of the number of problems included in different categories and topics;
  • submit information so that the essence of the problem is not dealt with;
  • arranging for planting osіb of the Order of Moscow, vikonavchih organіv, spіvrobіtnikі in the portal or other osіb/organіzatsіy;
  • a photograph, as it is presented as a single proof (explanation) of the subject of the atrocity, and in case of which it is not possible to install messages (more than 10 Mb, it does not allow recognizing the problem, to avenge confidentiality, advertising or other information, to the portal as a matter of course).

The results of the passage of moderation become 24 years after the submission of the scarf. Notifications about the admission, as well as notifications about the results of the review, are sent to the applicant's email address, indicated to him at the time of registration.

Just as at the coristuvach portal, there is a power supply, or if there are malfunctions in the robotic system, you can get back into the tech support through the form of a return link.

A similar rank of administration of the site is supported by the recommendation that the work of GOROD.MOS.RU be improved.

You can contact the Crimean web portal for help GOROD.MOS.RU through a mobile add-on available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Posilannya for zavantazhennya roztashovanі in the lower part of the site.

Video about the Active Citizen project

Legislative base

The work with state-owned Internet resources, the filing of skarg and the labor to the authorities are regulated by the following regulatory legal acts:

  1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the organization of the nadanny of state and municipal services" dated April 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ
  2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On information, information technologies and protection of information" dated April 27, 2006. No. 149-FZ.
  3. RF GD “On a single system of inter-electronic interoperability” dated 8 September 2010. No. 697.
  4. Order of the Order of the Russian Federation "About the state program Russian Federation"Information partnership (2011 - 2020)" dated 20 June 2010 No. 1815-r.
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