Signs on the cob of eye cataract. Early signs and symptoms of cataract. Signs and symptoms of cataract

The symptoms of cataracts are easily confused with other eye diseases. Mayzhe half of the population of the region is not a bit aware of cataracts. This illness is blamed on people of different age and status. The signs of a cloudy crystal become less noticeable at another stage, the development of an illness, which the situation is able to exalt. Symptoms of cataracts in the early stages may be less effective, the patient may not be able to correctly interpret the cause of eye disease.

At the last stages of turbidity of the crystal, the symptoms become clearly pronounced, which is why ailments can independently indicate the presence of cataracts and at the same time reveal the lust. At the last stages, the most effective methods of treating cataracts are considered by an operative surgical or medical ophthalmologist, for the duration one-hour rejoicing the patient may resurrect the dawn. In order to proceed correctly to the treatment of cataracts, depending on the symptoms and stages of illness, it is necessary to develop, which is a disease and peculiarities, variability.

In the article, we report on the signs of eye cataract, symptoms of the development of ailment at the early and late stages, as well as on the possibility of methods for treating turbidity of the crystal and prevention of ailment.

What is a cataract

Illness is a physiological disease of one of the structures of the eye, called the crystal, in which there is a partial loss of the dawn. Breathing is a change of light transmission, which is the main function of the crystal. Not enough information to pass through the middle of the eye. At the late stages, the crystal becomes kalamutny, so that I often stop letting light through.

Photo 1. Krishtalic structure

In a healthy state, the crystal of the building changes the size of the world when the focus is on the size of the vіdstan. In case of cataracts, you use your power. The vtrata of the dawn, that cloudy crystal, is seen step by step.

Photo 2

Signs of eye cataract symptoms

Cataract of the eyes occurs in the 4th stage, dermal cataracts with their own signs and symptoms. Therefore, the following factors should be considered for the skin stage:

Early stage. During this period, it is practically impossible to reveal the symptoms of cataracts of the eyes. But you can show small differences in the functions of the dawn, such as:

  • Split pictures;
  • Viniknennya strokes, front sights, dots in front of eyes;
  • Decreased zorovoї functions in the evening and at night;
  • Changing the brightness of the picture;
  • Reduced visitation to dawn.

Photo 3

One more symptom may be indicative of the development of cataracts, but only people who suffer from short-sightedness can manifest it. Tse timchasovoe vіdnovlennya dawn. That is, if a short-sighted person could read a book without eyepieces, then he turned to an ophthalmologist. As a whole it is possible that this timely reduction is a cause of serious problems.

Photo 4

Immature stages. Qiu stage characterizes the central expansion of cataracts, tobto. cloudy. Three symptoms in the period are as follows:

  • Remember the splitting of the picture;
  • Pomіtne cloudy pictures (fog in front of the eye);
  • Changes in transparency or frequent turbidity of the crystal, change in the color of the eye;
  • The resurrection in the picture of Zhovtikh Vіdtіnkіv - kalamutny krishtalik creates light that color.

At this stage, the turbidity of the crystal becomes reminiscent and the most ailing is soothing. Often the wines are zbіlshuєtsya in roses and nabuє white, light gray or mixed color. Through the change of yoga, there is an increase in the pressure of the eye.

Photo 5

View stages. At this stage, the winter is more likely to get sick, and the patient's size is practically more spent. Three symptoms can be named as follows:

  • Vіdsutnіy subject zіr;
  • More cloudy crystal;
  • It is possible to assign light objects to the host, so as to direct the light to the witch.

This stage is the rest of the possibility of the ailing person to turn their eyes.

Passed a stage. Now, for the ailing, they blame the wrong changes:

  • Povna vtrata zora;
  • Change of chi zbіlshennya rozmіru krishtalik;
  • Outwardly covered with white or light-grey plіvkoy.

You can see a sprat a sign of cataract, if you are guilty of any, you need to immediately go back to the clinic. Before such a sign, an increase in orientation at the dark is seen. It can be manifested when watching a car in the dark hour, doby, when looking at the TV in a dark room, etc. Illness knows discomfort with little light.

Photo 6

Another sign is the twin objects and outlines. At the early stage of wines, it manifests itself minimally, but to the beginning of the immature stage, the signs are already noticeable and the leader of the imperfections. Often this is a sign to stray from the banal omissions of the dawn. However, eyepieces with any diopters do not solve this problem. To the very same thing, I immediately turned to the doctor.

In order to reconsider, since the cataract itself is the cause of the loss, small experiments can be carried out:

  1. Look at the broken light bulb. In a person who suffers from cataracts, it is light in her eyes and her mother has a sprinkling of colors. It’s not a sign that the crystal is losing its light transmission, that gnuchkist, and you can’t miss the whole light stream in the middle of the eye.
  2. Vivchiti respectfully bіli subjects. When a cataract is blamed, the white color is more likely to take on a yellow color. Here you can speed up with white clothes, or we clean paper paper with an arkush.
  3. Try to look at different objects for standard lighting. Tse can be grains of cereals or krikhti of cereal products. Golovnya, be inspired by the fact that earlier these words were easily exchanged at daylight. In case of guilty cataracts, it will be easy to look at them to the most important details - we will reject the light. Eyepieces and other optics will not help here either.

If cataracts cause symptoms and start from the center of the eye, then ailments can mark one more sign - in the days of wines, it is better to drink, lower for daytime light.

Photo 7

The following are the symptoms of cataracts depending on the type of ailment, which are less common than chotiri:

  1. M'yaka. With this type of turbidity, it appears in the crystal. At the late stage of the wines, it grows and grows.
  2. Nuclear. It is cloudy at the center of the border and may be clear between.
  3. Cortical. It settles down near the center of the crystal and moves step by step to the new one.
  4. Subcapsular. Settled on the back of the crystal. For this type of ailment, it is impossible to endure the bright light.

Sometimes, cataracts can change in nature and develop in parallel with glaucoma. In this way, the signs of illness are light and plumpness of the image, changing the color of the picture to brown, the rosiness of the image.

Stepwise cataracts are becoming more and more of a youthful character. That is, even earlier, the disease was often diagnosed in people of a frail age after 45-50 years, then at once a great number of young people go to the clinic with this problem. Imovirno, the list of causes of ailment should be expanded.

Photo 8. Cataracts are often blamed on people with a frail age.

You will also be happy:

Causes of cataracts

There are few reasons for diagnosing cataracts. From them, varto designate as follows:

  1. Injuries to the tissues of the eye (cataract);
  2. Alcoholism and kurinnya (officials of risiku);
  3. Trivaliy taking corticosteroids;
  4. Blood diabetes;
  5. Trivale perebuvannya pіd sonyachnym prominnyam;
  6. Summer Vic;
  7. Infections like influenza, typhus, malaria, etc.;
  8. Illness of the eye, which leads to the elimination of the disease such as glaucoma, chorioretinitis, iridocyclitis, Fuchs's disease and in;
  9. anemia;
  10. Down syndrome;
  11. Shkirnі zahvoryuvannya so, scleroderma, eczema, neurodermatitis and in;
  12. poisoning with strong toxic speeches;
  13. Short-eyedness 3 steps;
  14. Refinement of fabrics of the eye;
  15. Spadkovist (congenital cataract).

There was a warning of cataract in women, who suffered severe infections, such as influenza, rubella and others. Vcheni say that filthy ecology and low frequency sickness can also provoke ailments.

Photo 9. Congenital cataract

Diagnosis of cataract

With the first symptoms of cataract, one should not go straight to the ophthalmologist. That, at his hand, carried out a few diagnostic procedures for asking or confirming the diagnosis. We use 8 methods for diagnosing cataracts:

  1. Covering the anterior chamber of the eye and the crystal;
  2. Designated refraction;
  3. Obstezhennya sіtkіvki eye;
  4. Tonometry;
  5. computer perimetry;
  6. Ultrasound follow-up eyes;
  7. Keratotopography;
  8. Obstezhennya on gostrota dawn.

Prote for making a diagnosis, call for 3-4 methods, tk. The symptomatology is clearly pronounced.

Photo 10

Methods for treating cataracts

On this day, medicine does not have liki, zdatnyh radically change such an ailment of the eyes as far-sightedness, short-sightedness, clearing the eyes or cataracts. By medical methods the development of illness can only be spoofed, or, in the shortest mood, - to the point that is pleasant for normal life equal.

The cataract of the eye symptoms are only used by surgical methods, the essence of which is to replace the crystal on the implant. For whom to carry out for the help of phacoemulsification ultrasonic. The operation is carried out at the end of the stage:

  1. To fight microrozrіz on the zіnitsi;
  2. A probe is introduced, for the help of such a crystal structure, it transforms at the motherland;
  3. Seen from the eye;
  4. Introduction to the lens crystal lens.

In order to avoid traumatism for an hour of operation, viscoelastics are introduced into the middle of the eye - speech, which envelop the structures of the eye and protect them. The implant will not require anchoring and fixation, because Vіn can independently take the necessary positions and mіtsno fix in the assessment.

Tsya technique is the most safe and the most effective. It will be carried out under general anesthesia and may be zastosovana to patients of different age. After a year after the operation, the patient can freely navkolishniy svit. The efficiency of the temple flooring, which the patient confirms his age already for the day after the operation.

Cataracts are one of the widest ailments of the eyes, which are becoming worse today in the midst of a frail age. The natural lens of our eye is a crystal, which passes the light exchange through itself and breaks it. Roztashovuetsya veins at the full-time apple, between the sloppy body and the iris. If there is such a diagnosis, like a cataract, the symptoms of such a symptom appear as a small part of the turbidity of the crystal, the rest of the eye is waking up, after which the eyes see only an insignificant part of the light changes.

As a result, the world is reduced by a significant world, which leads to rosiness that fuzziness of the dawn sprinyattya, which, without its own glee, leads to total blindness.

Zagalny description of illness

Looking at the data of illness, we don’t know how to correctly stverdzhuvaty that it’s the fault of the middle of the frail age, the shards are more relevant for the age-old categories. In addition, cataracts are traumatic and congenital, promeneu and aggravated, and they are also called out by wild illnesses.

The adoption of congenital cataract is treated by a vagit woman who has quiet and other infections (, that in.). So about the possibility of the appearance of this disease can be said with the use of highly potent medications under the hour of vaccination, or with diradiation during the whole period. At once, it is possible to confirm that the causes of congenital cataracts, zocrema, everything is still not known until the end, so there are not a few fluctuations in new people with healthy fathers.

A cataract can disappear like one otsi, and both. Basically (as far as there is no reason to blame cataracts through trauma), the development of the disease occurs symmetrically along the sides.

Cataract of the eye: symptoms

The development of cataracts should be treated correctly, without pain. The very cob of illness can only catch an insignificant part of the crystal, which does not show up at dawn. At the hour when the cataracts are relieved, they are relieved, and until that hour, if they become a change for light exchanges, they will be warmed up. Among the main symptoms of cataract are the following:

  • Unclear dawn ("once in the fog");
  • The rise of sensitivity to the infusion of bright illumination;
  • Viniknennya visibly spalahiv and vіdbliskiv, which is especially manifested at the night time;
  • Under the hour of reading, it is necessary for the supplementary observer;
  • Beware of frequent changes of diopters for contact lenses and eyepieces;
  • Dzherela svitla otochuyuyutsya "halo";
  • Colirne spriynyattya loosen up;
  • Vinica;
  • With another closed center look at objects to bring them up to their split.

Zovnіshni zmeni, as a rule, whitened the eyes with cataracts during the day. Sverblyachka, razdratuvannya, chervoninnya, bіl - all the same not є symptoms, powerful cataracts, prote tі show can indicate the presence of another type of ailment. Also, cataracts are not unsafe for the eyes until the moment when the eye does not become white again. Already at to this particular type additional symptoms of cataracts are manifested in the development of inflammation, headaches and pains in the eyes. Tim, for an hour, like a veil of blame, it is rare to see that it conveys the need for an operative surgical intervention.

Stages and types of cataracts

Cataracts, the symptoms of which are manifested in a different world, fallow in the progression of the disease, may or may not be the stage. wet rose, and itself:

I stage- Pochatkov's cataract. Krishtalik (important in the area of ​​​​the periphery) may be cloudy, with which one part of the aperture is significant. Be ill in this period, you can have the most manipulative character. So, some patients do not stick to the lowered eyesight, others swear at the appearance of "flies" in front of the eyes, in others they blame the change in refraction (a break in the optical system, which is manifested in short-sightedness, far-sightedness),

II stage- The cataract was not visible. In this mood, the crystal is pomit kalamutnіє, zіr decreases. Roughen the fingers of the building ailments less near the face. Through the enlargement of the crystal, the anterior chambers of the eyes become less deep. The stage is also referred to as the "swelling stage". An increase in the crystal often provokes an increase in indications in the internal vice (secondary);

III stage- Mature cataract. Here, a cloudy crystal is established, which will lower the air more and more. Ruhi of the hands of ailments to succumb is less than white disguise;

IV stage wrinkling of the crystallization. Like a dawn, it is overfilled with a similar one to the previous stage, and sometimes it can be improved. In the course of the year, we can become a fleeting rozmoktuvannya of enlightenment, navishcho, the truth, it is necessary to read the hour - the rocks, but to bring on a ten-year (more often).

The cream is congenital and full of forms of cataract, it can also be traumatic and electrical.

  • Cataract is traumatic utvoryuєєtsya when the eye is injured. So, mechanically, to which the capsule of the chrystalik is given, to lead to the penetration of the vologa from the anterior chamber into the chrystalik, after which the wine is obviously calamous.
  • Cataract is electrical utvoryuetsya in the past passing through the eye of a significant electric stream, as well as through the influx of X-ray, gamma-ray and infrared exchanges. Ultrasound and other chinniki shkidly vlivu also vplyvayut eyes when looking at the possible appearance of cataracts.

Secondary cataract: symptoms

The Danish type of cataract should be blamed in the okremy subpoint, because it develops through a surgical infusion, directing to the use of cataracts (tobto, in the first її form, after such an illness, in fact, it is guilty but excluded). Secondary cataracts are characterized by narrowing and opacities in the space of the posterior capsule of the crystal, which, apparently, lead to an aggravation of the spleen.

Modern ophthalmology in the process of surgical insertion allows saving the capsule of the crystal during the treatment of cataracts. There is an elastic thin little bag, into which an intraocular lens is implanted after the cloudy crystal is used. There is a connection between the secondary cataract and the expansion of the epithelium of the capsule (more precisely, the posterior surface), which provokes a decrease in the visibility and an increase in the dawn.

It should be respected that this kind of turbidity is not the cause of the incompetence of fahivtsiv, that they performed surgical intervention, but that it is less likely to appear as the result of singing clinical reactions that occur in the designated bear of the capsule.

Symptoms of secondary cataract are as follows:

  • Step by step fall of dawn;
  • Blame for the light of the sun and the light for the sun;
  • "nebula" dawn.

Lіkuvannya cataract

Treatment of cataracts can be treated for the help of surgical and medical injections. So, surgical treatment of cataracts is the most effective in the stage of maturity of enlightenment: the crystal fibers are sown with calamus, with which the stench without special folding is absorbed from the capsule of the crystal. It should be noted, however, that the main indication before the operation is not at the stage of cataract maturity, but at the advanced stage.

If there is a need for medical treatment, then for congenital cataract it may not be effective. In other cases, it is indicated for ailments, in which cataracts are in the early stage of the old form, and also for ailments, in which cataracts of a different type are possible (promeneva, toxic thinly).

Diagnosis of cataracts, as well as the appointment of a viable likuvannya coming out of the hard camp of the ailing doctor, is an ophthalmologist.

Chi everything is correct in the article from the medical point of view?

Give me some advice in that case, as you have proof of medical knowledge

Illness with similar symptoms:

Short-sightedness is a pathological state, with the progression of such an ailment, a person begins to filthy separate objects, roztashovani far away. It is important to read the wine listings, look at the license plates of the cars, you may not be able to recognize your well-known person from the dekilkoh meters. Medical statistics are such that short-sightedness itself is the most wide-spread impairment of normal functions, as it grows like in adults, so it is in children (short-sightedness of a child is a rare phenomenon). Tsya ailments can progress and mothers of different stages of severity of the transition.

5420 04/17/2019 5 min.

A cataract is not a safe disease. It develops step by step, so a person can not immediately remember whether problems are out of the blue, and it’s likely to go to the ophthalmologist for a long time. An hour ago, a cataract was vvazhat for virok. But all at once everything changed, and zavdyaki modern methods diagnostics and likuvannya can help people to get in trouble with this disease. We need to prepare, it is necessary to know, with some symptoms of cataracts in the early stages. Tse help not to "look over" the ailment at an early stage.

What is it

Cataract- the whole irreversible process of changing the transparency of the crystal. Vіn kalamutnіє, scho to produce up to. In the distant past, ancient Greek doctors vowed that cataracts are just like that, if between the ray of the arch and the criss-talk that accumulates a calamity motherland, then katarrháktes is transferred like a "waterfall".

Normally, a crystal is the lens of a clear lens, as if passing through a change of light, which focuses on the sitkivtsi.

And with pathological changes that lead to cataracts, water-resistant proteins of the crystal become water-resistant. Tse to bring to swelling that burning of the crystal. Vіn spends his insight, to that objects become fuzzy and familiar. Changes that are seen from the eye with cataracts are non-negotiable.

Different types of cataracts:

  • One-sided and two-sided;
  • Pochatkova, that ripened;
  • Vrodzhena that nabuta (senile, traumatic, radiation, secondary);
  • Anterior and posterior, nuclear and cortical, total.

Cataracts can be aggravated by other ailments, such as rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, hypertension, and so on.

There is a great part of the ability to develop cataracts in quiet people, like being obese.


Symptoms of cataracts at an early stage:

  • Objects double before eyes;
  • It becomes important to read;
  • Bіlya podіvіv z'yavlyaєtsya zhovty vіdtinok;
  • The flies appear like that in front of the eyes;
  • Objects become cloudy.

Other signs of progress of this illness:

  • The evening hour appears;
  • Objects sharpened with halos;
  • The flies with such flies are snared in the darkness.

The early stage, if the symptoms are relieved, but if they do not progress, may take up to fifteen years. Zir begins to decrease at the stage of maturing cataracts. And the mature stage is carried out like a waste of objective knowledge, but lightness is saved. In this rank, cataracts can be brought to re-spoil.


There are two types of cataract diagnostics:

  1. Primary diagnosis. It will be carried out to establish a diagnosis. As if a person suddenly came to fakhivtsya, an early stage of illness is diagnosed. Methods of primary diagnostics: external examination, history of ailments, manifestation of symptoms, physical examination of the cristal.
  2. Secondary diagnosis. Vaughn is assigned to the one who will sign the camp of cataracts. Secondary diagnostics can be carried out on a planned basis, or if the patient becomes ill. Such diagnostics is necessary before the surgical operation.

About those that such perimetry can be recognized from.

In addition, standard and special methods are used for the diagnosis of cataract. To lie down to standard methods: biomikroscopy (whikoristannya schіlinnoї lamp), reverification of the dawn and yogo watering, vimiryuvannya vnutrishnoochnogo pressure and doslіdzhennya of the bottom of the eye. And the group of special methods includes densitometry.


The main methods for treating cataracts:

  1. Conservative exuberance;
  2. Surgical excellence.

more conservative

In case of conservative treatment of cataracts, different drops are blocked. For their bases, vicarious amino acids, antioxidants and so on are used.

Surgical methods:

  • Extraction of cataract. In Denmark, this method is practically not victorious. Extraction is an empty operation, when there are cuts at the horn of the horn and the sclera with a size of ten to twelve millimeters. A crystal is seen through it, and an implant is placed in the yoga space. Then stitches are applied. The operation is carried out under general anesthesia. Rehabilitation three years.
  • Ultrasonic. This method is considered the most efficient. The essence of ultrasonic phacoemulsification lies in the fact that ultrasound is poured onto the crystal through micro-expansion. As a result, the crystal is transformed into an emulsion, and it is brought out of the eye. An intraocular lens is installed on the yoga area. Introduce viscoelastics into the middle of the eyes, as they help the doctor to carry out all manipulations, and also protect the eyes for the first hour of the operation. Phacoemulsification is carried out under general anesthesia. After the operation zir is improved for a sprat of years, and the most good people begin to bachiti for about a day. Tsya operation is not maє vіkovih obmezheniye.
  • Laser exuberance. The use of a laser for the treatment of cataracts allows open access to the internal structures of the eye. The laser allows to carry out even more precise operations and to take away the result of a good effect. The operation is carried out under general anesthesia and takes about twenty minutes. The patient will do well after the operation, the maximum awakening will be seen already in a few days.


Complicated cataracts can either be under the hour of the operation or after it. Postoperative complications are early and late. After surgery, less than 1-1.5% of patients can be complicated .

Early complication after surgery:

  1. inflammation (, iridocyclitis);
  2. Krovovilivi;
  3. Advancement of the internal vice;
  4. Changing the position of the implanted crystal;

Complimentary post-operation period:

  1. Swelling of the macular (central) area of ​​the skin;
  2. Secondary cataract.


To minimize the risk of cataract development, it is necessary:

  • Respond to smoking and alcohol.
  • Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  • Surround yourself with an hour of rebuking on a bright sun.
  • Wear eyepieces with special sawing, as if protecting your eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Take medication with lutein.
  • Treat us with ophthalmological illness.
  • See an ophthalmologist for prevention.

And also wonder, like treat cataract without surgery using medical methods on .

Preventive visits cannot guarantee the stability of the fact that cataracts are not caused. But such a turbota about zіr can help you save zіr for a lot of rock.



Without proper treatment of a cataract, a person can spend more money. That is why it is necessary to see an ophthalmologist regularly, in order to reveal the disease at an early stage. Keep in mind that the earlier a cataract is diagnosed, they will be more effective. And prophylactically, come in to allow you to keep your eyes healthy and you can help unsafe illnesses.

Read about the healing of cataracts at.

Cataract- a little more or less cloudy crystal of the eye, a rosette in the middle of the apple of the eye between the iris and a sloppy body. Krishtalik in nature is a visionary and plays the role of a natural lens, which breaks the light exchange and passes them to the net. Krishtalik, having spent transparency, with cataracts, ceases to let in light and sir dim right up to re-spend.

Cause a cataract

It is not clear at the end of the day why the kryshtalik starts kalamutnіti. The main reason for the development of cataracts is the old organism. Different shkіdlіvі chinniki pomіt prishvidshuyut tsey process.

The following studies have been brought to the whole world that the causes of cataract are:

  • Ultraviolet viprominuvannya
  • nasty ecology
  • chicken
  • Overworld alcohol recovery
  • Improper eating, obesity, that low-grade way of life
  • Hypertensive disease and circulatory diabetes
  • Trivaliy taking corticosteroid drugs and statins
  • Spadkov's illness
  • Transferred pіd hour of vaginostі іinfektsії
  • Illness of the eyes - uveitis, iridocyclitis, glaucoma, high shortness of sight
  • Eye injury and endured eye surgery
  • Teplova and promeneva diya

groupi risiku

Studies have shown that cataracts can be seen as a risk factor for cataracts:

  • Zatyatі kurtsі those people, yakі zlovzhivayut alcohol. The cigar's smoke of the building spoils the crystal of the eye, and ruins the ruin of alcohol with the ruined dawn.
  • People who are often exposed to ultraviolet beta-violation and do not wear protective eyepieces. Sleeping on the sun, often in the solarium, as well as using UV-heating - all can cause the development of cataracts.
  • Ailments to asthma and emphysema in the supraworld administration of steroid drugs.
  • Illness on sukrovy diabetes, with diabetes risik the development of cataracts increases in 3-5 times.
  • People, like otrimali opіk chi injury of the eye.
  • Patients who suffered from severe infections (typhus, influenza, malaria and others).
  • All those who are often obstezhuvavsya for help x-rays.
  • Pratsіvniki khіmіchnyh podpriєmstva and shkidlivy virobnitstv.
  • People who linger in an unfriendly environmental situation.

The development of cataracts is treated with endocrine disorders (impaired exchange of speech, bloody diabetes), avitaminosis, debilitating eye disease, unfavorable environmental conditions, tripaliy by taking the same medicinal preparations. At Rest of the Rocks It has been proven that the cause of cataracts may be active smoking.

Cataract in people with a frail age

The cataract is the most common. According to the statistics of the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health, in 70-80% of cases, cataracts develop in people after 70 years. It is important that cataracts are a disease of people of a frail age. Tse do not call the correct firmness. Age-old cataracts develop in the wake of age-old changes in the body, the stench lingers at the skin’s hour, so people stick with cataracts not only in summer, but also in the whole period of time - after 45 - 50 years. Often, a century-old cataract is called an old man, but such a name can no longer be considered correct.

The main reason for the development of age-old cataract is the change in the biochemical structure of the crystal, which is related to age-old processes in the body. Cloudy crystal at a glance the functioning of the human body is a whole natural phenomenon, there is no insurance against cataracts.

Symptoms of cataract

Cataract may be a small number of stages of damage and fallow, depending on the symptoms, protea, to the main ones, one can add:

  • Viniknennya twins at vіchі, at razі, if the other hour closes. Tse early symptom In the world of that, like a disease progresses, wines are known.
  • The illegibility of the picture, the disparity of the images, as it is not corrected for the help of contact lenses and eyepieces. When it’s dirty, you can see how close, so far, things are ripped. Patients characterize such a zir, like a rose, from the swaddling clothes.
  • The appearance of spalahіv and vіdbliskiv, scho blaming more importantly at night.
  • The rise of the light sensitivity of the eye at night. Zagalom night star pogirshuєtsya. All the dzherelas of the world are given to the ailing overworldly and drastically, drastically.
  • When looking around, a light man with cataracts swells up to the top of a halo. A person with cloudy crystals is not in a car, or it is given to you by force, to which the headlights of the western transport will blind you.
  • Sprynyattya color breaks down, the stench melts away. It is especially important to embrace people's visions of violet and blackite colors.
  • Polypshennya dawn, scho wear timchasovy character. This symptom is characterized by the fact that a person who wears eyepieces earlier, with a development of ailments, can be treated with them. However, this hourly vіdrіzok is non-trivial and zіr I'll get better more often.
  • As people often need to change the eyepieces for the dawn, it makes them think about cataracts, the shards of the ailment can progress that quickly reduce the severity of the dawn.
  • The symptoms of cataracts are the appearance of husbands and blinking of the flames or other bags. The ancient Greeks called this sickness a waterfall, shards in cataracts in a person are vigilant, nibi yogo eyes are covered with a veil, and you can marvel at nibi through a sweaty slope.
  • With cataracts, it is difficult to read, write, and work out the details. The world has a “ripening” of cataracts, the color of the zinitsa is replaced by a black steel.

See the cataracts and those signs

The first sign that allows the doctor to suspect a cataract in a person is the age of the patient for 60 years. With whom the clinical picture may characteristic features. When looking around, the ophthalmologist notices turbidity, which can be discolored in other parts eyes: in the peripheral part of the crystal, or opposite the chin. Blurred s_ruvaty character, іnоdі z bіlim vіdtinkom.

Depending on how far the cataract lies, the ophthalmologist will post a different clinical picture, which is accompanied by such signs:

  • The anterior cataract is manifested by looking with white patches, which can be clearly marked between. If there is a troch that hangs forward and is pointed, then such a cataract is called an anterior pyramidal cataract.
  • If it is cloudy to know the white of the posterior pole of the crystal and is presented in a round sac of white color, then there is a posterior polar cataract.
  • The central cataract is assigned to such signs as: a stalking eye, a place of rotting - the center of the crystal, diameter - 2 mm.
  • About fusiform cataract let us judge its form. Such a cloudy appearance at the sight of a thin spindle, it roams all over the crystal.
  • Zonular congenital cataract may look like a calamous nucleus through transparent balls.
  • Blurring of the entire crystal, rotting of the yogo mas and away from the mouth of the sac bursa - these are signs of a mild sciatic cataract.
  • Diabetic cataract is characterized by the appearance of cloudy white color in the appearance of plastics. The stench spreads on all surfaces of the crystal, often there is a change in the iris shell.
  • The tetanic cataract is characterized by the same signs that diabetic її raznovid and vyznachaetsya signs of illness, її vyklikala (hypofunction of parathyroid ulcers).
  • Toxic cataract is most often manifested in the appearance of turbidity, rotting under the capsule of the crystal, with distant extensions on the balls of the skull.
  • Aging cataract can be an impersonal sign and lie down as a stage of progression of ailment: cob, swollen, mature and overripe.

These are the most important signs that allow characterizing a cataract and identifying it to that other mind.

Illness diagnosis

It's easy to kill a cataract. Illness is manifested under an hour of great looking at the apple of the eye with a microscope.

The surgeon before the operation for the removal of cataracts may take a read on low important nutrition:

  • The peculiarities of the eyes are being brought about, as they can cause complications in the future hour without a middle hour of the operation.
  • The presence of other ailments is being clarified, as to allow more polypshitis of the zir.
  • The optical power of the new crystal for implantation is selected.

Retelna diagnostics is carried out using the method of obtaining accurate data about the flow mill of the eye. Sometimes the procedure of obstezhennya zdiisnyuєtsya for help 10 and more special fittings.

Celebration of Cataracts

At cataracts stop medical and surgical methods. The development of cataracts at the cob stage can be reversed by other drugs - vicin, vitaiodurol and vitafacol. Їх to inject at visually instillations in conjunctival sacs 1-2 drops 2 times a day for a three-hour period. Assign and іnstilyatsiy krapel, scho riboflavin, ascorbic acid and nicotinic acid (riboflavin - 0.002 g, ascorbic acid - 0.02 g, nicotinic acid - 0.003 g, distilled water - 10 ml). With posterior cup-like subcapsular cataracts, Vitafacol is prescribed; ingestion of cysteine ​​and vitaminodurol is contraindicated.

It is also necessary to carry out electrophoresis with freshly prepared free cysteine ​​from the negative pole (strum strength 2-2.5 mA) for an additional glass bath. The first session lasts 8 minutes, the feet last for 2 minutes (up to 20 minutes). Usy for the course of treatment - 40 procedures. Rosemary cysteine ​​can also be taken for ophthalmic baths.

An effective method of treating cataracts is surgery. In case of congenital cataracts, surgery is required in depressions, if the intensity and magnitude of turbidity can significantly increase the vision. Although for a long time it allows the organ of the eye to continue its function, the main criteria for the improvement of nutrition is the severity of the disease: the operation should be taken into account when the severity of the disease is 0.2 or less.

Peculiarities of century-old jubilation

  • In case of acute and swollen cataracts, it is recommended to operate on the veins in 1 to 2 roki, in case of pleural effusion - in 2 to 3 roki, in case of sharuvaty - fallow in the diameter of the turbidity of the eye in veci of 2-6 roki and 4 - not earlier. Intervals between operations on one and the other oci should be 2 months.
  • Intracapsular cataract extraction may not be performed in children, they may require extracapsular cataract extraction in other modifications. When povnіy soft cataracts zdіysnyuyut discission її and aspiration of crystallous masses. In case of spherical cataracts and littered vision, with a wide eye, an optical iridectomy is performed.
  • With swollen cataracts, intracapsular extraction is often performed. Muddy crystal is seen behind the help of cryoextractor, erizofak, tweezers or selіkogel. This type of operation gives the best visual result. The operation can be carried out without checking the re-maturation of the cataract. In case of aggravated cataracts, which are especially accompanied by a folded body, extracapsular extraction is often preferred. In the rest of the world, the phacoemulsification method is also used. The essence of yoga is in the rozrіdzhennі vmіstu krishtalik for additional ultrasound and vіdsmoktuvannі rіdkogo vmіstu.
  • Intraocular correction by way of insertion into the eye of a piece crystal is carried out mainly for professional indications only in the case of middle eyelids with unilateral aphakia in depressions, if necessary, it is important that the contact lens is not helpful.

At the same time, the lowering of the eye in case of congenital cataracts is due not only to the turbidity of the crystal, but also to changes in the neuro-receptor apparatus of the eye, the temple of the eye after the operation. The visual results of surgical insertion are often seen in the aftermath of obscurative abliopia. The prognosis is most favorable for spherical cataracts. With the removal of cataracts, the prognosis is favorable, after the operation is reversed, and often - the practice of the ailing.

Prevention of illness

Для зниження ризику розвитку помутніння кришталика слід відмовитися від шкідливих звичок, вживати в їжу достатню кількість свіжих овочів і фруктів, обмежувати перебування на відкритому сонці, а під час літнього відпочинку, при роботі за комп'ютером обов'язково використовувати окуляри зі спеціальним напиленням, що avoid the consumption of ultraviolet.

To protect the eyes from the development of cataracts, nutraceuticals are also supplemented - preparations that protect the health of the eyes of biologically active speech, zocrema Lutein. The butts of such tools can be Lutein Complex, Lutein Forte and in.

Cataract is a disease of the eyes, which is caused through the clogging of the fibers of the crystal (clouding). Pathology threaten the dead with a zor and a risk again spend yoga.

It is not safe, that at the early stage of the disease, the severity of the dawn does not decrease, the patient may be less likely to swear by a black speck in front of the eye. And sometimes it leaks without symptoms.

Stages of cataract: from cob to overripe. Ailment code per MKL 10

Differentiate the stages of illness:

  1. Pochatkova- characterized by cloudy crystals, which do not stick out of the central part. Ailment diagnosing the doctor and hope international code H25.0.
  2. Nezrila cataract - opposes the central part of the crystal, sharply decreases zir.
  3. Stage mature cataracts are characterized by cloudiness, spar on equal lightness.
  4. Perestigla- the fibers of the crystal are completely frizzy, there is a blindness.

Symptoms and signs of the early stage in adults

As it was conceived more, there is no blatant lowering of the dawn at the bud stage. There are other symptoms that showed up as seen by an ophthalmologist:

  • flashing black dots in front of the eye - specks or lashes crumble at once from a glance, with a focussed glance they become unruly;
  • for people with obvious problems іz zor raptove improvement yogo gostroti for some hour, and then turn back to the colossal camp;
  • bifurcation of objects;
  • a white halo on objects that shine when looking at them;
  • yaskravnosti farb;
  • change of the night dawn, objects at the temryava differ importantly;
  • difficult with such simple actions, like pulling threads into the neck and reading the newspaper.

Some ailments suffer from damage to a lot of objects nearby or, on the other hand, in the distance.

For correct diagnosis of the drug includes other damage to robotic eyes(nearsightedness, farsightedness).

be held low service: looking behind the helper slit lamp, looking at the eye behind the helper streaks, what to expand, assessment of the peripheral gap.

When the picture of the ailment, the pathology of the crystal is diagnosed ophthalmoscopy and coherence optical tomography.

How to exult a cataract, what to repair.

Establish different methods of therapy for cataracts. The most effective of them can be divided into three groups.

Medical treatment, what is it?

For medical therapy of cataracts, prescribe eye drops. Conservative exuberance less effective at the bud stage, do not get sick, but spriya zupintsі chi uplifting ruinous processes at the crystal of the eye.

Respect! Stoppage of medicines without recognition of a doctor unsafe for health and overcome illness.

The ophthalmologist prescribes drops to normalize the process of speech exchange, oxidation and renewal. Faces are miserable and do not get wet at the burning blood:

  1. Vitamin preparations Vitaiodurolі Vitafakol- Use of vitamin C and vitamins of group B, as well as amino acids and potassium iodide. The drops protect the life of the eye and fill the tissues with the necessary speeches.
  2. Oftan Katahrom- ochnі kraplі, yakі start vіdnovluvalnі processes and exchange of speeches in the tissues of the crystal of the eye. The drug is mixed with anti-seizure components.
  3. Taufon— improving regeneration and activating speech exchange. Zasіb normalizes the vice of the eyes.
  4. Quinax- stimulates the release of protein complexes, which have settled into the crystal. Droplets protect the eyes from decay products.
  5. Lutein Forte- Regenerate the sight of the eye, sing the advancement of the dawn. Galmuy is a development of cataract, being a kind of bar'er, which avoids the influx of shkidlivih speeches on the tissue of the eye.
  6. Taurine- Drops are zastosovuyutsya for the delight of people with diabetes mellitus.
  7. Vicen- A complex of living speeches, which can include: nicotinic acid, calcium chloride and sodium, cysteine, ATP salts (adenosine triphosphoric acid), glutamic acid, potassium iodide. The streaks of vicorist last for a thriving period.

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Physiotherapy methods. What else can be done to overcome an ailment?

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed at the warehouse of complex therapy of cataracts. methodi help regenerative processesі upgrade old fabrics eyes:

  1. Eyepieces Sidorenka. Lenses of eyepieces and pressure chambers, yakі zdіysnyuyut vacuum massage of the eyes of low intensity. Method for stabilizing cellular metabolism and blood flow. For protection stagnate in diabetics and those who are ill for tuberculosis, as well as in people suffered a stroke, heart attack and suffer from a low vice. Eyepieces Sidorenka contraindications in cases of vaginess, swelling of the skin and puffiness eyes.
  2. Pankov eyepieces. The diya prilad is based on light impulses, like draping the chin, zmushuyuchi її expand and sound. The effect of training is created, which, with regular procedures, reveals excess radiance and decay products at once with it. To improve the result in parallel, drip vitamin preparations.

Photo 1. Child is working in Pankov's eyepieces. In the dark, it is hard to see the merekhtinnya of light-emitting diodes.

  1. Electrophoresis with vitamin Z, cysteine, iodine. The effect is due to the presence of tissue in the necessary living rhymes.
  2. A selection of other specially developed simulators, yakі priyat povіlnennu razvitka ailments

How to vilіkuvati cataract-pochatkіvtsyu surgical way

The most effective is the complex lusciousness. Podnannya conservative, operative and physiotherapy procedures are more likely to develop ailments.

Exalted by surgical methods, it is stagnant at all stages of illness. The need for surgery is determined individually.

Photo 2. Schematic representation of the main stages of the operation: the removal of the kalamut crystal, the removal of that replacement with a piece lens.

Modern operational methods have reached perfection. Ruinuvannya, removal of the enemy crystal and implantation of a piece is performed by ultrasonic or laser radiation. After the surgical intervention there is no trivial period of rehabilitation. Restore the normal order of life of the patient may already come day.

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