Vegetable fresh “Imunitet. Make your own smoothies, milkshakes and fresh juices Recipes for fresh fresh juices

Fresh juices are crusted with great popularity among the quiet, who sound like eating right. Orange fresh is a savory drink that melts the faceless brown speeches. Why does yogo itself have greed, and how to cook yogo correctly in home minds, to be found in statistics.

Calorie content and warehouse

Citrus juice fruit is the main reference for all vitamins, micronutrients. Orange fresh to avenge the impersonal brown speeches, as if to positively pour into the human body. When you get used to such a drink, you can start a diet for an hour, even if your calorie content becomes less than thirty-six kilocalories per hundred grams of the product. There are practically no fats and proteins in such a fresh juice, and from carbohydrates you need over 100 grams.

Such a drink can be considered a record holder for vitamin C, vitamins A and E, and also vitamins of group B. The product can be revenged on your own with such a color of speech, like potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, salt and so on.

Fresh sik z m'yakottu to take revenge on your own large number of cellular tissue, as you also hope to have a friendly infusion on the body.

Korist that Skoda

Orange fresh is a vitamin drink that gives a boost of energy and positive energy for the whole day. This building product not only improves mood, but improves immunity, helping the body to resist such seasonal illnesses, like flu and a cold. To that, drink it well in the fall and spring, in those same seasons, if the body needs vitamins and protection in the region.

Fruit fresh helps to soften the walls of the vessels, improve their elasticity, reduce the risk of bleeding, reduce the volume of speech, help with ailments of the slush, neutralize the injection of nicotine into the body.

And also, the regular use of such a fresh juice helps to remove toxins and slags, helps to fight against constrictions and slimming. To that citrus sіk so love tі, hto dotremuєє proper eating and a healthy way of life. Orange fresh juice also helps to normalize the work of the intestines, which can be easily overcome by constipation.

Citrus fresh zavdyaka of the presence of vitamins is beautiful, but at the same time: A and E, brightening the hairline, helping to fight the first signs of antiquity and positively adding to healthy nails and hair.

In addition, a fresh drink helps to fight depression, helps to restore strength and fight with yourself. Such a fresh drink helps fight against such illnesses as anemia, avitaminosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc. More than that, it is better to recommend to live the physical hour and the nervous exercising of the body.

If it is necessary to contraindicate, then, insanely, this citrus fruit can cause serious damage to the body, as well as allergies or individual intolerance to the product. Such fresh contraindications for people who suffer from circulatory diabetes, gastritis, and increased acidity. It is also not recommended for children of a young age to give similar juices, shards, and a high level of immunity that may cause an allergic reaction. And it is also not recommended to use orange fresh juice during the pregnancy period.

Above the world, living such a drink can lead to discord in the slug, problems from the liver and nirkami. Moreover, people who suffer from obesity are not recommended to drink such fresh juice from great people. Otherwise, it can cause an aggravated situation - an additional recruitment of the vagi.


It is easy to prepare the best drink at home. Golovnya, choose a good recipe and stock up on juice and stingy oranges. You can make fresh fresh in juicers, blenders, or you can make it manually.

Obviously, it’s easier to prepare a drink at a special juicer, for whom you won’t be able to clean the plaid. But if you have a great universal juicer, then you still have to clean the skin. To prepare fresh juice in a blender, you will also need to clean the skin. Before speech, as if in front of an orange, scald the troch with sprinkles, then you can manually brew it will be richer in juice. Remember that from one great fruit an average ninety-one hundred milligrams of juice comes out.

In order to prepare licorice fresh, you need the following ingredients: one great citrus fruit, five milligrams of pure water, two cubes of refined zucru and a pinch of vanilla. Remember the fruits, purify and heal the sik. Let's add water to the sik, tsukor and vanilla. It is better to beat before serving drinks at the blender.

To prepare an original orange juice, hurry up with the next recipe. We took two fruits, two tablespoons of zucru, one hundred milligrams of purified water and a teaspoon of grated ginger root. The orange is peeled and placed in the blender bowl without tassels. We add water and mix the ingredients. Beat it, pour it into bottles and enjoy the vitamin drink.

For diversity, you can prepare fresh juice not only with an orange, but with additions of other fruits and vegetables. For example, from carrots. For whom one needs one great citrus fruit, one great carrot, one hundred milligrams of mineral water and literally two or three grams of ginger.

From an orange we choose sik. Carrots are rubbed on a dry third and filled with water. For ten minutes we squeeze it through a sieve and mix it with orange juice. Add a little bit of ground ginger and enjoy it. By the way, if you replace ginger with cinnamon in this recipe, then the taste of fresh juice will be so original.

The piquant taste of an orange is definitely eaten from licorice dynia. Such a recipe for fresh fit to the soul to inspire children. We take one great orange, two grams of peeled din, three to ice. Dinya is better to choose with red meat, there is licorice, but not so fragrant. Let me not interrupt the relish of that orange aroma. Place the cleaned ingredients in a blender, add ice and beat. Refreshing fresh is ready. For bajannya, you can add a little bit of ground ginger or a sprat of mint leaves.

If you want to indulge yourself with fresh fresh juices, then remember that an orange will miraculously go with apples, pineapple, kiwi, grapefruit and wind selera. In such a rite, you can shorazu urnomaniac zvichny relish I will drink and add to the new even more crusty. In addition, the original water in the recipe can be replaced with birch sik, or else the original one can be savory fresh.

  • It is categorically not varto to plant fresh fresh from the wound on a hungry shell. You can cause negative consequences. A fresh sik will have a drastically effective effect on the walls of the valve. The shortest hour for the living of such a drink - the whole period after the snidanka is up to the offense. Try to drink yoga after a dream in a year or two. It is not possible to live in yoga immediately after.
  • Pragnuchi before, schob pozbutisa zayvih kіlogram, rich hto p'є fresh before going to bed. It is not necessary to work, but the shards of the drink can cause problems with the intestines. And also, a strong help may appear, and it will bring you to bruises.
  • In order not to harm the body, such a fresh juice should not be used more often, less often for a day.
  • It is recommended to use fresh juice through a straw. Tse dopomozhe save tooth enamel from ruining.
  • Do not varto vikoristovuvati fresh concentrations. It is better to dilute yoga in equal proportions with pure water.
  • You can’t cook fresh in reserve, shards with an hour of wine to spend part of your brown bones. Slid to cook fresh juice with such a quantity, you can live at a time.

About those, how to prepare a savory orange fresh juice in a blender, marvel at the next video.

So many of us love fruit drinks. І the most beautiful of us – ce fresh. And what is it? How do you properly prepare and live yogo? What is it? Fresh - tse fresh sik. Such a drunken name-colored, even on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd store juices in platters and packages of wines, do not avenge preservatives. And the concentration of brown speech and active components in the new one just goes off scale, even thermal processing and purification is not allowed. Zagalom, fresh is a healthy drink. Іz what to roil?

Fresh sounds are made from vegetables, fruits and vegetables. When it comes to fruit, citrus fruits (especially oranges), apples are the most vicarious. Berries vikoristovuyutsya practically be-yaki, even if all the stink vodraznyayutsya juice. Deyakі volіyut vegetable fresh from carrots, tomatoes, celery and other ingredients. So chi іnakshe, the main component can be succulent, comprehensible, fresh and akіsnim. Let's drink as much as possible brown, vikoristovyte seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries, bought from the great stores or at officially registered fairs and markets. And it is best to buy such products from well-known and trusted sellers, for example, friends or susides, like a garden and a city that can be avenged and a city. How to cook?

A few ways to make fresh juices: The best way to make fresh juices is to beat the juice. I rather come like this, so that you can grow sіk yak іz fruktіv, і z vegetables and z yagіd z tassels. If you don’t have any juice, then you can do without it, but in any case it will be more problematic to take fresh juice, that amount of juice will be richer with less. You can grow juice from citrus fruits with the power of your hands. Just cut the fruit into small sprats and, one by one, forcefully squeeze them in your hands over the bottle. Report zusil, so that you can see the whole sik without excess. Vіdzhati berries, like cherries, raspberries, midnight chi cherries, you can also do it with your hands. Ale, burn them in front of the fabric, or burnt gauze into a sprat once, so that the flesh does not eat away at the sik. Be generous with hard fruits and vegetables, such as apples, beets, carrots and others. Їx in front is necessary to detail. You can simply smash the fruit with a knife, or use a blender to effectively beat it. If there is no such tool, take a special grater. Trim the fruit, sob m'yakush giving sik. Let's see otrimane puree through gauze and fabric. How to prepare components?

The main stages of preparation: Choose the right berries, fruits and vegetables. Vykoristovyte the most valuable and stylized (possibly, navіt staggered). Do not take rotten, zipped chi covered with flames, your sik will not be brown and savory. Kindly remember all the components, otherwise the fresh will not only be brown, and then you will be healthy, even on the surface of the fruit, and the vegetables and vegetables will live without bacteria. Bazhano remove the brushes. Ale, if you are a vicorist, today you are a juicer, or if you work with your hands, then you will not be afraid. You can’t see the skin, you can’t get it out (like, obviously, it’s not too thin, that tovsta is hard). Now, fine-tune the ingredients, or start right away to see if you can beat the juice or make fresh citrus fruits. The pulp, which is left out, can be vicorated for preparing compote or jelly. How to rob? How to prepare a savory fresh juice? We suggest you rewrite the recipes. orange

The bark of orange fresh juice is invaluable, it's a good vitamin cocktail. Particularly high in this juice is vitamin C, and wine is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, normalization of blood pharynx, as well as the strengthening of the vessel walls. In addition, oranges avenge beta-carotene, which speeds up the regeneration process, protects against the negative impact of free radicals, and also improves the processes of old, improves the skin and body of the mucous membranes and skin curves. To prepare fresh juice from oranges, call for chastochki and see sik. Be careful when living such a drink! First of all, do not drink yoga on a daily basis, acidic acid, which rushes into the night, can exfoliate the mucous walls of the organs of poisoning. In a different way, do not be evil, because too much beta-carotene in the body can lead to furring of the skin's curves in the yellow color. Finish one bottle a day. Apple

For the cob pererakhuєmo crooks of authority apple juice. First, in apples, there was vitamin C. In a different way, these fruits are rich in pectin, so they reduce etching and cleanse the body of toxins and slags. Thirdly, in apple juice, it’s good to get rid of it, so it’s best to live it for the prevention of anemia. How to cook? Let it peel the apple, remove the hearts. Grate fruit on a grate or grind it on a blender. Transfer otrimane apple puree at the gauze or the fabric and see the sik. Remember that there is acid in apple juice, so do not drink yoga in great numbers and on a hungry slug. Z Celery

Fresh with celeri corisny for weight loss, oskolki vengeance is less than 20 calories per 100 ml. In addition, there is a large number of vitamins of group B in Celerie, as they serve to update cells and exchange processes. It is also necessary to enter the warehouse for nervous system magnesium, which normalizes blood pharynx, vitamin K, which absorbs zinc, pectin, and richly brown speeches. How to cook? Wash, clean and cut the celeriac root at once from the leaves (you can do it on a blender). Place everything in a bowl and remember well with a spoon, so that you can see the sik. Now you can see the excess juice through the fabric gauze. You can drink fresh from celery every day after a meal, or instead of a snack. Cherry

About those who are so fresh and stinky stinky, chuli, maybe, mustache. Tsya named take the cob vіd English word fresh (fresh) and means fresh sik. With a bottle of such a drink, I will drink the spragu on a spicy noon, complete the meal, or just enjoy my food. Zavdyaki concentration of brown speeches fresh building improve our self-esteem, raise mood and charge energy.

How did the fashion for fresh appear?

Its expansion on the territory of the colossal Union is growing in the 90s of the twentieth century. At the same hour from Sunset, a mass of slaughter of cleansing organisms in the form of slags came to us, as they were taken in by the cause of rich ailments. So from, the introduction of six plant products, including those that look like juices, was one of the main postulates of detoxification. True, even though few of the spivvitchizniks knew what fresh juices were, the stench was called fresh and natural juices. Since that hour, someone from us has learned to appreciate and love the savory refreshing drink, endowed with a mass of healing authorities.

In the rest of the hour, the great world needs to fight against "slagging" under the sumniv, and the panacea laurels will not be assigned to the juice. Prote rich gurus of proper eating, fahіvtsі s dietology, gastroenterologists and other doctors know that fresh is a drink, which, if properly lived, can bring measles to the body.

Popular health drink

Today's trend healthy image life, and do not waste their relevance. With the arrival at our booth of the present by-button technologyїхнє vzhivannya took away new dihannya. Natural drinks are in the menu of rich cafes and restaurants, and in shopping malls organized by the islands, where you can be welcomed by them. Dekilka rokіv that navit new type of pledges of public eating under the name "fresh bar", which is gaining wraps among the right eating habits. Here you can order vishukan cocktails with natural ingredients and others brown stravy, Mostly vegetarian.

Іz what to roil?

Natural juices are prepared not only from fruits - berries, vegetables, greens, roots and healthy herbs are going to go. The drink can be made up of one component or the sum of dekilkoh - the recipe is limited only by the author's imagination. For a real taste, fresh cocktails are often supplemented with seasonings and spices, and sweetened with honey.

The leader among licorice fresh juices and citrus, shards and fruits are the most succulent. Also, as a fresh ingredient, pineapples, apples and various berries are often seasoned. The most popular vegetables are tomato, carrot, orange and selera juices. Vіdmіnno urіznomanіtnіuє їх relish podribnena greens - spinach, lettuce, cilantro, parsley, krip.

Why has melancholy?

The roots of the power of natural juices lie in the warehouse of these products, as a stasis for their preparation. Aje, okay, what's fresh? quiet speeches, like mіstya in vegetables and fruits. And ce vitamins A, C, K, PP and group B, as well as to improve the pickling of pectin and cellular tissue (in juice with pulp). In addition, roslinna їzha, especially leafy vegetables and greens, are rich in various microelements - potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and others. Drinking a bottle of freshly prepared drink, people immediately take a lot of necessary speeches. For example, building orange fresh will provide us with an additional dose of vitamin C, a significant amount of vitamin A, and also often cover the need for vitamins B, K, E, calcium and deacid amino acids.

Before that, natural juices are savory, as a guide to assess whether a low-calorie diet can be used. True, in this moment of time, all the same, varto drink vegetable waters, shards of fruit are rich in easily acquired carbohydrates.

And what is Skoda?

Regardless of the building, it’s beneficial to pour into the body, remember that it’s still fresh - sіk, so it’s a food product, and not licks, to relieve the ailments of the building. In the rest of the hour, the euphoria from the drive of the bezzarezhnoy crusty water to drink trohi palpitated. Today it is a shame that uncontrolled use of natural juices can cause negative consequences. Skoda is caused by acute chronic diseases of the organs of poisoning, from gastritis to pancreatitis, which can develop through increased acidity of the sac. Z tієї Well, through the injection of acids, teeth can suffer. Cim to sin on orange fresh - it will reduce the hardness of the enamel and may cause caries. In addition, licorice fruit juices avenge a lot of glucose, so that they become mitt, calling for an increase in blood glucose levels and insulin, which leads to a risk of cerebrodiabetes.

However, it does not lead to introduction of fresh juices. Golovnya - robit tse z rozum!

Cooking rules

If you want to see a fresh bar and treat yourself to a fragrant cocktail, you have done it yourself, remember the sprat rules. Fresh sіk slid prepared from sour stalked vegetables and fruits, rotted rot, “stale” sides, bruises and other shortfalls. It is necessary to remembrance and see the stalks, tassels and nasinnya. Ideally, it’s good to perekonatisya, that the selected syrovin does not avenge the harsh chemicals, which could vicorate when vibrated or saved. Otherwise, you risk taking vitamins and taking a portion of nitrates and pesticides.

Fresh varto prepare suvoro before living in, shards of corny speech, which are hidden in the new, under the infusion of sour, they are laid out. And the disease-causing bacteria, for the most part, multiply! It is also necessary to speed up to a minimum hour of zіtknennya fruits with metal parts of the juicer - in this way rich vitamins are ruined.

Otzhe, we figured out, what are the fresh ones, why do they have such shortfalls. In order to hide the shkody and take away the most sordidness in their life, you need to work correctly.

The intake of natural juices is better to start with a few tablespoons, and then step by step increase the volume. Drink fresh after 30-40 hvilin before the meal, but not for the sake of it. Not varto of this work is also the same as the hour of the meal, the shards of the napovneniya of the tubes are accepted by the drink, after which the stomach can open up. Whole juices can be mixed, including fruit and berry juices with vegetables, and also diluted with water. To get rid of the acidic acid on the enamel of the teeth, it is better to drink fresh through a straw, and then rinse your mouth with water after the implantation. If you can have a chronic disease of the organs of poisoning, it is better not to deal with the intake of natural juices without consulting a doctor. So it’s not varto to give water to children forever and ever.

Maybe, you need to know everything about fresh juices. Now you can boldly go to the store for ingredients, to prepare a savory, brown and refreshing natural drink.

Vegetable juices have less fruit juices organic acids to that stench is more fresh for relish, and then rich in mineral speeches. The very vegetable juices effectively replenish the body and are a low-calorie food product - they can be vicorated for thinning and normalizing the exchange of speech.

Fresh from licorice pepper

Licorice peppers are richer in vitamins, for which they turn rich in vegetables. Vitamin C is higher in others, lower in citrus fruits in 5–6 times. Peppers also have rich carotene, pyridoxine, niacin and other brown rhechovins, to be removed in the new and silicon, brown in case of impaired hair growth and nails, the functions of sebaceous deposits and mucus ducts. Licorice pepper can promote growth by the body of the hall. It also has potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, aluminium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine.

Pepper is most often vicorous for the preparation of blended juices and drinks.

In addition to carrot juice (1:1), fresh licorice pepper spray normalizes pigmentation of the skin, improving the work of the intestines.

With carrots, peppers and spinach, add gas and kolk.

Precaution should be taken in case of severe form of angina pectoris, impaired heart rhythm, hypertension, dyslexia and duodenal ulcer, gastritis increased acidity, acute chronic diseases of the liver and liver, increased alertness of the nervous system, sleeplessness, epilepsy

Cabbage fresh

May fresh relish exuberant power). Rich in vitamin C, a good antioxidant, improves immunity, cleanses the body. Take vitamins B1, B2, H, E, K, U, magnesium, salt, silver, titanium.

Cabbage juice is a process of converting into carbohydrates into fats, which is a good helper in the fight against zayva vaga. Cabbage juice does a good job of helping with gastritis, viraz, intoxication of the body - the only minus for the one who makes the wine gasy. Therefore, it’s better to rule over the weekend if it’s possible to solve the gas problem with an additional enema. Kindly dilute cabbage fresh with carrot juice (1:3).

Do not splurge on cabbage fresh for people with ailments, gastritis, gastroduodenitis (scorched slug at once from the 12-colon intestine).

Carrot fresh

Sik іz carrots will help to improve the whole body, paint the zіr, make it thicker and hairy, absorb toxins in the body, prevent oncological and cardiological diseases, cataracts. Take vitamins A, B1, B2, C. Recommend yoga and children as a natural antihelminthic therapy. Carrot juice is often mixed with other juices.

Drink yoga the best at 100 ml of two per day, after which it is necessary to keep it as fat as possible - for a short assimilation of vitamin A. The best - vinaigrette, dressings with olive oil.

Buryakovy fresh

This fresh is valued for hematopoietic (for the rachunok of the high room), which cleanses the nirk, zhovchny and loam (for the rachunka of the radiant antioxidant betaine), hypotensive (for the rachunka of the weak secoghinnoy dії), prophylactic in case of thyroid disease) iodine.

Before grafting, beet juice should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 years in a glass of glassware. Drink yoga 50 g 2-3 times a day. Better than yogo dilute carrots abo apple juice. Yogo obsjag at any warehouse is not guilty of revisiting 1/3.

Tim, who has zhovchnokam'yana or nirkovokam'yana ailment (it can provoke an attack of colic), with a virazkovy ailment, a slug and a twelve-fingered intestine, do not take burak sik bazhano to hypotension.

Fresh from Celery

Celerium sik is indispensable for diets - it fills cells with insufficient brown elements. To bring out of the body shkіdlі speech. Viyavlyaє sechogіnnu (for rahunok essential oils) and zagalnozmіtsnyuyuchu (for vitamin C rahunka) diyu, є aphrodisiac (for zinc rahunka). Especially korisny for kurtsіv, oskolki naschuє organism ascorbic acid. To prepare fresh juice, rub sprats of korіntsіv on grated, press porridge and drink 1-2 tsp. before їzheyu 2-3 here a day.

This is clearly not a problem for people with problems of the intestinal tract.

There are few non-alcoholic articles in our country, but it is necessary to improve your health. Tim is more influx, if for this one there are all the possibilities: fruits, vegetables, berries, spraga is suitable for experimentation, the mother of the harn of the figure… What do fresh juices look like in smoothies?

Fresh In the case of concentrated, renewed juices, nectars and other "juice" drinks, fresh will take more vitamins, microelements, minerals, wines will be acquired by the body more quickly, and smut - wines are absolutely natural (for the mind of natural syrovini).

Likewise, with alcohol infusions, with fresh juices, it is also necessary to trim the world and mix the ingredients carefully. When choosing fruits, vegetables, or other products for preparing fresh juice, it is necessary to heal the illness of the body, so that measles does not become bad. It’s also safe to say that people don’t drink juice often, one or two bottles will be enough for a day.

To prepare a fresh juice, you need fresh vegetables, fruits or other ingredients, brewing, for example, a mechanical or electric juicer, as well as ice, pure water, honey, olive oil, or other additives for bajanny. Preparing fresh juice saves its power with a stretch of 15-20 minutes, it is not recommended to prepare it from a reserve. Consistency fresh can be different, deposited in products, method of extraction and other factors. Before speech, fresh juices can not be drunk more, and vicorist as the basis for sauces and marinades, reminiscent of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

It is recommended for the butt of the options for summer fresh 😉

Fruit Fresh Recipe: Apple Lemon


  • Apple - 5 pcs
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Ginger - 2 teaspoons grated


At the juicers, we use apple juice and lemon juice, we add grated ginger. At the high cell, we put a sprat of cubes of ice, fill it with sumishsh, which came out.

Berry fresh recipe: kavun-currant


  • Kavun - sprat chalet (3-5)
  • Black currant - 1 bottle
  • Lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons


Currant pomit, cool at once with kavun. Pass kavun and currants through a juicer, add lemon juice. You can decorate kavun-currant fresh with berries or mint.

Vegetable fresh recipe


  • Tomato - 3 medium pieces
  • Lettuce salad - 4-5 sheets
  • English ogirok - 1/3 piece
  • Celera - 1 stalk
  • Buryak - 1/3 of the average
  • Carrot - 2 middle
  • Chasnik - 1 clove (you can not put)
  • Sea strength - pinch (for relish)

For proof. The English ogirok is long, with a smooth skin, it exudes more licorice relish and more watery.


Take the sik from the dried vegetables for an additional juicer, pour a flask at the temple, put it in front of the new ice (for the bag), season the sill and mix it well.

Herbal Fresh Recipe: Spring


  • Wheat sprouts - ½ bottle
  • Apple - 1 medium
  • Carrot - 1 medium
  • Celera - 1 stalk


Sprouted wheat can be bought or grown at home. We pass a couple of wheat through a juicer, pour it into a flask. Let's work together with the same celery, carrots and apples, we'll pour fresh juice into a bottle. For the bazhannya, you can salt a trifle. You can also grow and fresh only from germinated wheat.

Recipe for refreshing and fresh juice


  • Lime - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Ogіrok - 1 piece (great)
  • Basil - 1 press
  • Mint - 1 sip
  • Spinach - 2 min
  • Ginger - for bajannyam


Vitisnut sіk z usіh ingredіentsіv for additional juicers, add ginger, strength, spices and ice for bazhannyam.


Smoothies (from English Smooth - soft, homogeneous) - a dessert made from fresh fruits, eggs, vegetables, milled in a blender or for an additional mixer in uniform mass. Before dessert, you can add water, milk, juice, yogurt, ice, as well as syrups, honey, tea, herbs and mayonnaise. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd іvіv, scho mayut often "drink" consistency, smoothies can be made thick and served with a dessert spoon, and not with a straw. One of the main benefits of smoothies in fresh juice is the use of all fruit and vegetables, and not just a rare part, which allows you to save more vitamins, antioxidants, microelements, and other minerals in the drink/dessert.

Distinguish the sprat of the main types of smoothies:

Refreshing. For them, licorice and sour fruits, berries are most often chosen, as they are reminiscent of vicarious juice, water, ice. The main rice is prepared without zucru and pidsolodzhuvachiv.

Nasichenny. Bigger thicker, with richer blue products, in some vipadkas to wind orphan. You can also add carbohydrates to fruits, tops, yogurt, thin milk.

Desserts. The main rice is a licorice relish, which can be reached for additional licorice ingredients or adding honey, zucru or other salty juices. Dessert smoothies are allowed to use chocolate, cocoa, peanut butter, peanut oil and other ingredients.

Okremo varto say about vegetable smoothies, yakі can replace obid chi supper. You can salt it, and also serve it with a soup (for example, gazpacho soup).

Today's smoothies are an important warehouse diet of a healthy, sports and vegetarian meal.

Refreshing smoothie recipe based on green tea


  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Kіvі - 3 pcs (obov'yazkovo stitched)
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Kishmish - 1 grono
  • Honey - for the taste
  • Green tea - 1 bottle
  • Ginger - 1 cm


  1. Banana cut into cubes, chilled in the refrigerator.
  2. Kіvі ochischivaemo, yakshcho fruits dosit soft, narіzati їх neobov'yazkovo.
  3. The apple is peeled, cut into cubes.
  4. Peel the ginger, grate it.

Put banana, kiwi, apple, ginger and grapes into the chilling blender. Beat to a homogeneous mass, roll a bottle at the temple at once with a cold green tea. Add honey for a taste.

Recipe for rich smoothie with garmelon


  • Garbuz - 20 g
  • Migdalne milk - 100 ml
  • Peanut butter - 1 tbsp
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Cinnamon, cardamom, cloves (for relish)

To life-giving smoothies, you can also add white plastics, which are ideal for preparing cocktails for snacks or for sports eating.


Garmelon is cleaned in the form of a pick that is filled with it, with small cubes it is baked in the oven until I become soft. After that, like a watermelon okholone, put yogo in a blender, fill it with instant milk, add honey and peanut butter. Whipped to a uniform savory consistency, weaved at a high glass and seasoned with spices on the vibir. You can also sip on a succulent smoothie with crushed peas.

Dessert chocolate smoothie recipe


  • Chocolate - 100 grams
  • Milk - 800 ml
  • Banana - 2 pcs
  • Zukor, honey chi іnshiy pіdsolodzhuvach for relish
  • Cinnamon and/or other spices


Grate the chocolate, cut the bananas, beat all the ingredients in a blender. When bazhanni, add ice to the cells and fill it with the same smoothies, which are viishov.

Vegetable smoothie recipe


  • Ogіrok - 3 pcs
  • Buryak - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 piece (small)
  • Spinach - 1 bunch
  • Broccoli - 0.5 heads
  • Celera - 1 stalk
  • Chasnik, ginger, spices for relish


Peel the vegetables from the skins, cut into cubes and grind in a blender a single mass. Add strength, spices, ice to taste. Serve at the high glass with a stalk of celeriac.

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