What does HPV type mean? Infection caused by human papilloma virus. IDPs - kilkish analysis. Decryption. Norm

Abbreviation IDP deciphered as " human papilloma virus". Tse is great a group of viruses that will make their own DNA in the genome of clitin shkiri and squash the clitin it is possible to expand. You can get infected with a virus both for a butt-butt, and for a state contact.

Special lyrics for the jubilation of IDPs have not yet been created. For medical assessments, at the moment, close to 70% of all people are infected number of noses continues to increase.

What is an IDP

Human papillomavirus (in medical documents it is indicated as HPV - human papilloma virus) - ce a group of viruses that are close to 100 varieties. For a person it is not safe to make close to 80 strains. The unsafe IDP, who, squeezing the skins of the mucous membranes to the clitin, can make their DNA in the її genome, screaming uncontrollably, evilly podіl. In other words, papillomavirus can cause cancer.

For potential oncogenicity, IDPs can be divided into:

  • non-oncogenic - 1, 2, 3, 5 types
  • middle stage of oncogenicity - 6, 11, 42, 43, 44
  • oncogenic - 31, 18, 16, 51, 39, 45, 59, 33, 58, 35, 52, 56, 68

3 oncogenic the most safe 16, 31 and 18 pieces. Infection of 16 types is close to 70% of the population. Of these, about half of the patients are diagnosed with cancer.

Like a virus is ingested into the body

IDPs are passed from person to person by contact, most importantly by way. After genital herpes, papillomavirus stands in another place due to the widening of the medium of infection, which is transmitted through intimate contact.

Get respect! IDPs are not transmitted through contact, shelter, or sight. Vіn ingested in the body from clitins skins or mucous membranes of the infected partner. The main source of infection is growth - warts, papillomas, warts.

Ways of transmission to IDPs:

  1. Articleius- Infection with direct contact, a statutory act in its own neobov'yazykovy. Enough close skin contact. This path is used to transmit the most unsafe strains that call for cancer of the organs of the body, anus, mucus rectum, pixie, and sieve paths.
  2. Pobutovy- infection during hand-cutting, corystuvannya with wild speeches, at the lazna, pools. So you can get infected with warts, papilomas

Zovnіshnіy having shown the virus to lie in the same type of localization.

Localization of IDPs and symptoms

The cutaneous type of virus is characterized by its own zone of infection. that specific sound manifestation:

  • Warts on the arms, legs, body - 10, 4, 1, 2, 28, 3, 5, 49
  • Thread-like warts (papilloma) on the neck, breasts, clothes, in inguinal depressions in people of the middle and older centuries - 5, 3, 9 and 8
  • Condylomas in the anogenital zone - 16, 6, 18, 35, 11, 13, 31
  • Multiple papillomas near the larynx - 11
  • Hyperplasia of the mucus mouth - 13, 32
  • Oncogenic damage to cervical tissue - 31, 16, 18, 40, 67, 61, 43, 59, 33, 39, 42, 55, 57, 62, 66, 35
  • Oncogenic damage to the hips of the state member - 16 and 18.

Get respect! Erosion of the cervix and dysplasia of the tissues of the cervix of the uterus under the influence of IDPs are the main pathologies. Erosia may set fire to nature. The reason for this is the mechanical damage to the epithelium under the hour of abortion, important folds, partial contacts, fuses of the female state sphere.

Reasons for the activation of IDPs

Sucking into the body of a person, papilomavirus can be in two ways:

  1. The virus is found in the cells of the skin or mucus, does not appear in the genome (episomal basis), is inactive and dormant. The person becomes a nose, without obvious manifestations of infection.
  2. The virus enters the DNA of the clitin (introsomal infection), changing it and provoking non-control, atypical podіl clitin. Blame the signs of infection with papillomavirus - warts, papillomas, condylomas.

The third option, which is typical for healthy young people, may look like this: the person is infected independently. Nose can not suspect about the processes that occur in the body.

Photo 1. The partner may not know what he is carrying the virus, because he has no known manifestations. Jerelo: Flickr (Anna Lizman).

The activation of IDPs and the blame for the present manifestations are due to the following reasons:

  • Weakened immunity. A direct link between infections with papillomavirus and the immune system confirms 100% resistance to IDP in VIL-infected patients;
  • Hormonal disruption(ailments, taking hormonal medications) for natural hormonal changes in the body (menopause, vaginess);
  • Vіkovі change;
  • Severe ailments, transferred operations;
  • Chronic stress, irrational eating, addiction to alcohol and tyutyunu.

Get respect! The very people of the building of the human body independently block and undermine the IDPs, the people are not completely defeated by this infection. In 90% of the infected IDPs, the body suffers without a trace of the disease after infection.

Peculiarities of IDPs in people and women

The female organism is more irritating for the evil-smelling ailment, lower human. Tse wised up:

  • peculiarities of the hormonal system of women
  • a larger area of ​​dotik skins and mucous membranes at state contact

Papilomavirus 16, 18, 31 types oppose women state bodies є the main cause of the development of uterine cancer. Gostrokintsev condylomas blanch on the lips, at the crotch, in front of the pikhvi and in the middle of the yoga. On the cervix, the virus stimulates tissue dysplasia.. The manifestation of this pathology in early terms allows not only to vilify the woman, but also to give the mother of children the opportunity.

One of the two methods for detecting IDPs is obov'yazykovy screening, which is carried out 1 time in 3 years. Under the hour of obstezhennya, conduct a visual inspection, take a smear. If intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervical zone is suspected, colposcopy should be performed. Medical examination of women allows identifying IDPs and conducting effective treatment.

Get respect! Launches of uterine cancer are diagnosed in women who did not see a gynecologist for the remaining 10 years.

IDPs in women

Papilomavirus, what is dreaming in the body of a woman, often show yourself under the hour of vacancy. Like papilomi (warts, condyloma) were up to vaginess, the stench can grow, change. For the development of the fetus, infection of the woman does not become unsafe.

However, the process like warts in the ancestral paths, the child may be infected. Until recently, caesarean rosetin was prescribed to prevent infection of the fetus. Now the opponents of these visits are blaming, vvazhayuchi, that the immunity of the child independently infects with the virus.

Likuvannya vagіtnim women shown in apparently immunostimulatory drugs. Medical treatment If warts are removed, they are prescribed after assessment of the severity of the rhizomes individually.

Photo 2. IDPs are not risky for fetal development, but there may be transfers to you during the process. Jerelo: Flickr (Dr Ruby Sehra).

IDPs among people

The human body is less sickly to the level of manifestations of the papilloma virus. However, people become carriers of the virus and infect their partners without suspecting it.

IDPs from people tweeting:

  • penis cancer
  • damage to the sciatic canal
  • warts in the anogenital space, scrotum, inner side of the foreskin
  • cancer of the mucous rectum.

Particularly painful symptoms of genital warts and people are not delivered. In case of internal damage to the sieve paths, it is possible to complicate the sechovipkannya or "spraying" the sich.

Diagnosis of IDPs

As a rule, a person turns to the doctor after the appearance of growths on the body. In times of significant warts, a therapist, dermatologist or surgeon is needed. In different anogenital growths women go to see a gynecologist, men should see a urologist.

Diagnosis begins with visual inspection that patient's intake. After looking around, I assign:

  • smear from the cervical canal for analysis of Papanicolaou (PAP-test) with a method for determining goodness, near-cordony or malignancy of cervical tissue
  • colposcopy - examination with a special tool
  • biopsy - analysis of tissue samples for oncopathology
  • histological follow-up
  • PLR-analysis to determine the type of IDP and their activity

Get respect! It is not necessary for the patient to carry out the whole range of possible follow-ups. For the establishment of a diagnosis, it is enough to look around. Dodatkovі doslіdzhennya to carry out z method z'yasuvannya type of virus and yoga activity.

Celebration of IDPs

papilloma viral infection carry out comprehensively

  • assign vydalnya razrostan yak dzherela active virus
  • conduct antivirus(hally and mіstseva) medication therapy
  • assign immunostimulating lusciousness- for aktivіzatsiії svoїkhsnyh forces to the organism.

Get respect! There are no unambiguous “likes of IDPs”. Navit complex likuvannya can not help the presence of the virus. The main task of jubilation is the reduction of life, the change in number.

Medical treatment

Medications that are concocted for IDPs:

  • Antiviral drugs- Panavir, Cycloferon, Isoprinosine, Alokin alfa
  • Immunomodulators– Imunomax, Interferon, Lycopid, Polyoxidonium, Transfer factor
  • Destructive drugs for medical zastosuvannya - Verrukatsid, Solkoderm, Superchistotil, Kriofarma, Kondilin.

Get respect! Preparations for the chemical destruction of the new vicorite can be done independently only after the recognition of the doctor. Non-professional removal of warts, papillomas or condylomas lead to opikіv, scarring or increase in growths.

Drug antiviral therapy is prescribed according to the type and number of viral infections. Immunomodulators cannot be taken without assessing the current immune status.

Photo 3 In order not to relapse, it is important to take a course of medical treatment.

Nashkіrnі razrostannya rіznіh vіdtіnіkіv bodily color іt hаѕtѕіtіt tаt about the infection with the human papilloma virus. In general, there are types of IDPs 100 and more - they can be seen as the most unsafe (with a high carcinogenic risk), and not unsafe (middle risk and non-oncogenic).

This disease requires accurate diagnosis from indications of effective therapy. No less important is further prevention and periodic inspection of the fahivtsya, from the buildings of the analyses.

Deciphering the analysis for papillomavirus is an important step in the diagnosis of illness. Depending on the indications, taken away as a result of the study of biological material, the drug prescribes antiviral therapy and the most appropriate way to treat pathological growths.

IDP - hot blood test

The global analysis of the blood of the section does not allow to identify the presence of IDPs in the body. The Danish method is followed up with the method of revealing concomitant illnesses, which are transmitted by the way, so that it is practical for all types of wakefulness to show a dekilka.

For IDPs hot analysis The DNA of this alarm is not to be identified, but to allow the detection of concomitant infections, which gives the possibility of fahivtsev to adjust the therapy.

Before such infections can be seen:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Human immunodeficiency virus and in.

Although the critical analysis in IDPs is negative for concomitant infections, which are transmitted by the state route, the therapy is directed less than the same virus.

Methods of diagnostics may be aimed at the diagnosis and diagnosis of the health worker, as well as the report of the wounded surface.

IDPs - kilkish analysis. Decryption. Norm

Digen test is important for some reason – it is a method of diagnostics, which is based on hybrid DNA storage. For analysis, it is necessary to collect biological material (smear, smear). For the help of this investigation, it is recognized as a virus attack (titles of IDPs), as well as a variety of strains (typing).

To carry out decoding of the results may be less than the knowledge of the doctor. The next indications are less likely to be cognizant of the method:

  • Parts of the virus<3 на 10 5 клеток эпителия - малозначимая концентрация;
  • 3-5 Lg (VPL / 10 5) - significant;
  • Parts of the budnik > 5 per 105 cells. ep. - High.

At the first stage of the papilomavirus DNA particles, it is not enough to induce in order to vibrate the appearance of natural growths. Most often, such displays are accompanied by independent elimination of the health worker from the body.

Clinically significant number The IDPs transmit the concentration of the virus, enough to show the obvious symptoms of infection like a large number of anogenital neoplasms. Tse vimagatime of a distant regular guardianship and prevention.

Although, in IDP, a clinically insignificant concentration of the virus cannot be a forerunner of oncology, it is increased in more cases of depression in severe forms of dysplasia. With such a state of atypical cells, they multiply - there is a greater ability of their evil.

As a patient with a method of prevention, he was mistaken for the presence of a worker, and a sprat of non-oncogenic strains of IDPs was detected - this is the norm. The virus can penetrate into the body not only through a path, but also through the skins (when its integrity is damaged) - over 95% of people wear a bell. As a doctor, no obvious symptoms were detected, and the patient did not require therapy (only due to the presence of a low concentration of non-oncogenic strains).

IDPs - the results of the analysis of the PCR

The Danish method of follow-up is carried out with the help of a special accessory - an amplifier. To take the results to the device, it is necessary to make advance preparations for samples, which will last for 4 years.

Using the polymerase-lanzug reaction method, it is possible to determine the number of particles of the fungus in IDP, as well as to conduct DNA typing to provide information about the presence of one or more strains of the virus.

The test of the building significance of IDPs, in the same way, in the sample, a few pieces of DNA to the virus, or vin in the incubation period of development. Automation of the process excludes the situation, if the IDP is negative, and papillomy.

Advantages of the PLR ​​method:

  • Universality;
  • Painlessness;
  • flexibility of the result;
  • High sensitivity;
  • Ease of carrying out.

The collection of biological material is the least important stage of the procedure, the lower interpretation of the analysis. Papillomavirus can be transferred to the mucosal epithelium, but it does not eat other veins from scratches. Vykhodyachi z tsgogo, correctly pick up a piece of the epithelium, maybe less highly qualified fahivets, evaluating the steps of the wound and the possible zone of transformation.

Pomilkovi results of the VPL test

Methods for determining the concentration and strains of the virus are highly technological and automated - the results are seen by the equipment, and pardon from the side of the machine can be turned off. Є factori, scho priyat otrimannyu nekorektnyh results.

Having passed the test for IDPs, a positive result can be taken in such cases:

  • Contaminated by third-party particles;
  • In the period of elimination of the igneous virus after effective therapy.

A course of directives for stimulation of the robotic immune system, as inactivating cells of the alarm clock (introduced into the body through the temporal phagocytic activity of cells).

Although the analysis for IDPs is negative, and native growths of anogenital condylomas were detected on a glance, later, from the officials, having entered a break in the investigation:

  • The material was taken not far away;
  • Ignition processes in the ovaries, fallopian tubes(in women), or in the frontal fold (in people);
  • Stopping before taking antibacterial, antiseptic analyses. medicinal products;
  • Douching was carried out.

If people have a negative papillomavirus test, and genital warts and other pathological growths, the results of the analysis (zishkriba or a smear from the urethral canal) could have included a sechovention a year before the collection of the material.

In order to obtain reliable information about the presence of the disease in the body, it is necessary to check with the doctor, what are the recommendations on how to prepare before the procedure.

Enzyme immunoassay for IDPs - interpretation

For which follow-up, the patient's blood is needed. The essence of the analysis is based on the presence of antibodies specific to the papilloma virus. Leukocytes after being consumed in the body of the worker produce immunoglobulins.

In case of IDP, enzyme immunoassay indicators can only describe the state of the immune system of a completely foreign agent, and not the fact of the presence of a virus.

IFA hopes to be able to know about:

  • Trivality of the wake-up call in the body;
  • The presence or presence of oncomarkers (malicious process).

When the virus is infected with papillomavirus, the results of the analysis can give the following indications:

It is worth mentioning the presence of specific immunoglobulins. The first pokanik tells about the freshest infection, the other - about the recent one. When fasting on the IDP, the IgG value speaks of the trival of the buddy's rebuking in the body.

So, as papilloma virus of a high oncogenic type, which causes dysplasia, after which an evil neoplasm can develop, a series of IgG can be oncomarkers. Due to the presence of a large number of atypical clitin (with a severe stage of dysplasia).

This method cannot reveal exactly what is present in the organism of papillomavirus. The norm is the whole day, but if the virus is detected before the hour of the PCR, the results of the IFA may not show it. Due to the insufficient work of the immune system, if the immunoglobulins do not vibrate in the case of an infection.

Reference value of IDPs

The parameter is vindicated for deciphering the results of the analysis. For any laboratory investigation, there is a reference value in the range. With the help of a specialist, it is possible to determine the compliance with the norm.

In deciphering the results of analyzes for the human papilloma virus, the norm is that IDPs were not detected. For example Danish view The alarm clock will be indicated by the reference value: not revealed.

It does not mean that there is no virus in the body. If so, the group of IDPs, strains and their concentration in the blood can be written. If the analysis of the human papilloma virus is positive, the numerical values ​​are indicated. Yakshcho in tsikh ranks vyyaznennya after pererahuvannya types will be indicated "not revealed" - that means, a daily worker and a patient of health.

These digital values ​​indicate the number of IDPs (the norm has not been determined). The stench can swell in the range of<3 до >The 5th first indicator indicates an insignificant concentration of the alarm, the other - the temple.

Positive analysis for IDPs - further away from the patient

As the results of the analyzes showed the presence of a virus of a high carcinogenic type, patients are shown to enjoy further prevention and regular exposure to viral infection. In women, such alarm clocks can provoke intraepithelial cervical neoplasia, as well as the development of dysplasia and cervical cancer.

  • transitory;
  • persistent;
  • Reinfication.

Do not follow the standard scheme of treatment, because the skin patient has different symptoms, the need for these stings - the therapy is selected individually, curing concomitant illness.

As a test for papillomavirus is positive, it is necessary to put it up to success - if unsafe strains are detected, the patient will automatically be transferred to the high-risk group of cervical cancer.

The papilloma virus is called the papilloma virus, the transmission of which occurs from person to person. For the obviousness of this arc, papillomas multiply rapidly, as they are found in the basal ball of the shkir. Reproduction of papilomaviruses occurs at the upper balls of the shkir.

The virus of papilloma people is a thermostable alarm clock, which is a good way to live in too much middle ground. є dosit with an unsafe virus, shards of wine can be fully tolerated thermal processing. The virus is characterized by more multiplication. Yogo is even more important to reveal in the blood of a person.

Dane's disease is a cerebrotropic disease, which is impossible for some kind of damage to the bugatospheric flat keratinized and non-keratinized epithelium. Also, they do not carry out damage to the cylindrical epithelium, which lays the leg, the prostate.

After the penetration of the viral disease, the veins expand through the bloodstream. During this period, yogo fixation is observed in cells of the epithelium and the introduction of yogo into DNA, which leads to failure in their practice.

In case of infection, clitin is characterized by intensive growth and decay.

In the aftermath of the next day of the song, the hour of the house is struck by the appearance of a characteristic growth.

Dane is ill and oncogenic, since in singing depressions in clitin, which has outgrown, cancer is suspected. Vidpovidno to oncogenicity may be harmless, with a low oncogenic risk or with a high oncogenic risk. Due to the presence of a virus with a high oncogenic risk, representatives of human and female status are afraid of candidiasis or gostri.Tse ill is to be taken seriously. Ale vvazhat yogo with a mortal year boulo, the shards of wine are succumbing to glee.

Cause a vindictive

The main reason for blaming this viral illness is the life of a person without a hand. Yakshcho a person started to have sex early and can not have a non-traditional orientation, he can lay down to a group risk.

Also, the illness can be blamed on the frequent change of partner. As a matter of fact, the act is viroblyayutsya without zabіv zakhistu, tse signifi- cantly increase the risk of development.

IDPs can be blamed for the same reason as:

  • genital herpes
  • Chlamydia
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Ureaplasmosis
  • Mycoplasmosis

Most of the virus develops in 18-30 years. Whomever else may be afraid of self-inflicted illness.Dane ill may develop an evil form up to 45 years.In one organism, two forms of viruses can develop at the same time.


This illness is characterized by the presence of a large number of symptoms, which can be manifested, unfortunately, only in other terms ailments.

Signs and features of IDPs:

  • This illness is manifested with a decrease in the prevalence of the human immune system.
  • In some patients, the virus accumulates in the pelvic division of the body in the sphere of the mucous membranes and the skin curves. If you are afraid of a failure in the practice of clitin, it will become an epithelium.
  • When infected with a papillomavirus, people blame the newborn. Don't talk about those who become ill.
  • The type of bug to the virus can be different and appear in the form of warts, papillomas gostrikh condylomas.
  • With IDP, many patients are afraid of calluses. We are an older person, we have a greater ymovirnіst vyniknennya tsikh new creations in the development of an illness.
  • When people are infected with the papilloma virus, people develop warts, which are characterized by a rounded shape, a high gap, a diameter of up to 10 mm, and a kindness.
  • Infestation of warts can be as light yellow or black. Most of all, the stench spreads on gomilks, fingers, and elbows.
  • Since the patient has had warts, papillomas appear on the skin, which are characterized by a soft structure, a rounded shape. Їx fastening to the shkіri is carried out on a thin lower or on a wide basis. Most often, the stench is spread under the smells, on the shoulders, on the faces.
  • IDPs are most often seen in the appearance of codil, as they are characterized by softness, unevenness, and presence shvidky rostannyam. Condylomas can have an internal, external form.
  • The localization of this viral disease in the representatives of the women's state is supported by the state organs, and in the representatives of the human state - on the state member.
  • For the obviousness of this illness, the psychological state of a person is signifi- cantly lost.

Irrespective of those who are given an illness, there may be a large number of symptoms, stinks may not appear at all times, which can lead to sickness and impossibility.

Patients with suspicion of the presence of this viral disease are characterized by the presence of a singing scheme.

For the obviousness, be it a sign of this ailment, the obv'yazkovo is forced by people, as if to lead an active state of life, which is characterized by a change of partners like the lazy.

If a patient can, then it is necessary for him, in a general manner, to be insulated for the presence of this viral illness.

Diagnosis of this viral disease is carried out by representatives of the female status, as it may be the pathology of the cervix. As in the area of ​​the genitals, the patients are afraid of a new creation, the patient is obov'yazykovo obstezhennia.

The obstezhennia of a person for suspicion of the presence of this viral illness is carried out at a small number of stages:

  • The doctor visually examines the mucus membranes and skin covering of the patient.
  • Women with suspected presence of a viral disease are prescribed calcoscopy, as if looking at the cervix with a colposcope.
  • In case of suspected development of a virus infection, the patient should be given a cytological examination, as if it were a cure for the disease. Yogo is taken from the cervix or from the cervical canal. With the help of which, it is possible to detect cancer neoplasms in the cob period.
  • In some cases, patients are assigned additional DNA.

The manifestations of the great number of methods for catching the disease reveal the disease really. At to this particular type more importantly, that the patient in his own time turned back to the doctor for help.

For additional genotyping of viral illnesses, it is possible to make a forecast for overcoming illnesses. As a result of the investigation, a number of virus genotypes will be revealed, so we will talk about the presence of an unfavorable prognosis. For whom the risk of persistence is significantly moving up.

The oncogenicity of different genotypes of high risk is characterized by the same indications. For 16 and 18 types, the manifestation of the highest stage of oncogenicity is characteristic. After the tests have been carried out and whether any of these virus genotypes have been established, it is recommended to conduct additional investigations. Tse allow to live more radical approaches to the exuberance of this.

If the patient has been diagnosed with type and type of ailment, then it is recommended that he undergo a colcoscopic obstruction.

Even more high risks of this viral illness are shown, cytology is virobable. What is the result of what follow-up may positive character send the patient for coloscopy.

More information about IDPs can be found in the video.

Reinfection and persistence of infection are two different things. Zavdyaki genotyping carried out installation of one of them. In case of any cause of insecurity in the event of a chronic persistent form of infection, it requires the acquisition of detailed information about the type of infection. The spectrum of genotypes changes every hour of reinfection. The genotype of the virus is conserved, as patients are likely to develop persistent infection. If a patient is re-infected with the virus genotype itself, it is practically impossible to change it.

IDP genotyping is an important procedure for getting sick. With yoga, you can turn off the possibility of a relapse with a lethal end.

Likuvannya ailments

This viral illness is guilty of being carried out only in complexes, otherwise it will not give positive results.

IDPs can be treated directly for those who attack papilomatosis in the middle. Also, it cannot be carried out without immunological and contagious therapy.

Destructive methods of treatment are used in the treatment of cytotoxic and chemical preparations:

  • From the first group of medications, the patient is most often prescribed Podophyllotoxin, Podophyllin, 5-furracil.
  • From chemical preparations, it is necessary to take Kolomak, Ferezol, Nitric acid, etc. for a sick person.
  • At the same time, they can vicorist and surgical methods of treatment.

Immunological treatment is beneficial in taking drugs with interferons and inducers of interferonogenesis. Vitamins, sedative preparations and thinly should be given before the zagalnozmіtsnyuchoї therapy.

Even more seriously, as a result of such an overrun, patients develop cancer. For that very reason, it is necessary to recognize the illness in its own time, as if it were correct for the correct type of illness to be established. With this method, different methods can be victorious, fallow due to the peculiarities of overcoming illness. In times it is necessary to turn around to the doctor, shards of self-exaltation can lead to a lethal result.

Human papilloma virus (IDP)


The site provides additional information, including for information. It is necessary to go through the diagnosis of that likuvannya ill under the supervision of a fahіvtsya. Usі drugs and mayut contraindications. Consultation fahіvtsya є obov'yazkovaya!

Zagalni vіdomostі

Viruses qі vіdomі people already have a lot of money. In the first century of ours, doctors knew exactly what the people of Gostrokino warts (they were called differently) Peredayutsya stateway. And more than on the cob of the twentieth century, it was brought to light that the reason for the appearance wartsі papilloma- Virus.

This virus, which belongs to the genus papillomaviruses, can be transferred from one living organism to another. The papilloma virus inhabits exclusively the basal ball of the shkir, and it multiplies in the upper balls of the shkir. Perebuvayuchi trivalny hour at kіtinah, vіn viklikє vіklіkaє vіshennya їhny podіl. This is one of the most widespread viruses that are transmitted under the hour of a statutory act. For the rest of the decade, the number of infections increased tenfold. The entire life cycle of the virus will pass only in the middle of the body of the body, but a day can be spent in the outer middle.

Tipi virus

On this day, over a hundred different viruses have been planted. Moreover, approximately forty of them mention the development of genital warts on the organs of the representatives of both articles; what to provoke the development of evil clitin).
  • IDP types 1, 2, 3 and 4 call underfoot warts, similar to corns,
  • IDP type 10, 49 and 28 call for a development of flat warts,
  • IDP 27 shows the growth of common warts, as well as "butcher's warts",
  • VPL 11, 13, 6, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 to develop development on the state organs in women and in people with gostrokinets condylomas and papillomas,
  • IDPs 58, 52, 39, 30, 40, 43, 42, 55, 59, 57, 62, 61, 67 - 70 provoke hanging, which is precancerous.

Oncogenic types

For the ymovіrnistyu development of oncological diseases, we should divide the viruses of papillomy people into sprat types:
  • Safe: 1 - 3, 5. Such types of viruses are absolutely safe from the look of cancer,
  • Low oncogenic risk: 6, 11, 42 - 44. not too often) qi types of viruses can provoke mutations in clitin,
  • High oncogenic risk: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 68, 56, 58, 39, 70. Establish evidence that, with a decrease in the active factors, the virus can cause malignant mutations in clitin and cervical cancer.
Viruses of high oncogenic risk are seen in papillomas or condylomas on the organs of both men and women. As soon as they were revealed, it is necessary to have a consultation with an oncologist and remove growths.

Most often, cancer is called type 16 and 18. In two thirds of the sick, one of these types of viruses is detected for cancer.

It should not be taken into account that the presence of a high oncogenic risk in the blood of IDPs is not an uncommon virok. True, the presence of a virus causes a risk of development of precancerous stages in sixty times. Ale for pіdrakhunkami likarіv no more than nіzh in one hundred women - carriers of the virus, uterine cancer is detected.

In the rest of the hour, you may suspect that IDPs are provoking not only cancer of the uterus and penis, but also cancer of the sich michur in people. There is a thought that the virus will take into account the activity of the singing genes present in the cells of the epithelium of the organs of the sechovision, and by itself provoking their rebirth.

How is it transmitted?

1. The type of virus that calls for the development of condylomas is transmitted mainly through the main route, including through anal contact, as well as oral sex.
2. The virus is transmitted from mother to child every hour. Also, in the newborn, papillomas develop on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, as well as in the area of ​​the articular organs and the anus.
3. Pobutovy way infection is also present. The virus itself is even wider, even if the skin of the third woman wears it. A sign of the presence of a virus is hostile condylomas, papillomas or warts. The virus is not the last hour of the song, and in the old middle, for example, in the basin of the soul. To that it is possible to get infected through the dribne poshkodzhennya skirnih pokrivіv.
4. Self-infection - transferring to the virus from the same body of the body for the next hour was hairy or shin.

The virus is also easily transmitted from person to person, to which, according to American scientists, up to 50 women out of ten carry the papilloma virus. Less than in the Happy States, the virus infects a handful of six million people!

Diagnostics. Yakі analіzi and doslіdzhennya can recognize the drug.

Methods of diagnostics:
  • Patient's look
  • Colposcopy (make an appointment),
  • Smear cytology (make an appointment) from the cervix,
  • Histology of tissue
As a virus, it is clinically manifest, all stinks are more characteristic, and you will be able to see the virus in a very obvious way. If the patient has papillomy or condylomy in the area of ​​the anal opening or the organs of the body, apply obstruction of the cervix (and there is a method ureteroscopy (make an appointment)).

flat warts
They develop when infected with a virus type 3 and 5. Flat warts are small growths with a diameter of not more than 3 mm, flat. Most of all, the faces of those valleys oppose. Young people are the most sick to the point of being ill, which is often called youthful warts. Sound the body itself to cope with the infection.

Underarm warts
They develop when infected with viruses 1, 2 types in the muscles, the shoes rub and press on the feet. The shkira at the place of the wart becomes a comrade, there are no clear between the warts. The pressure on the wart is unacceptable. Most of the time, warts don't go away on their own. Rejoice in their surgical way.

There are two types of underfoot warts:

  • Ti, which is caused by the human papilloma virus type 1, germinates deeply in the tissue, hurts a lot,
  • Tі, scho viklikanі VPL 2 guess growths, scho stuck one to one at the look of the mosaic. Mayzhe stench not to hurt the pain.
Gostrokintsev condyloma
Provoked by oncogenic viruses of type 6, 11. The most widespread type of illness caused by IDPs. In humans, rotting on the head of the penis, foreskin. In women, on the state lips, in front of the day, on the anus.

Warts, often epidermodysplasia
It appears in clear, hanging erysipelas, flat, which looks like flat warts. More offers are given, іsnuє genetic strength to what ailment.

Two forms of epidermodysplasia:

  • IDPs of high oncogenic risk types 5, 8 and 47 are being provoked.
  • With a small oncogenic risk of type 20, 21, 14, 25. Most often, they call for a good newborn.
Laryngeal papilomatosis
It develops when infected with virus type 11. It is most often transmitted from mother to child at half an hour. However, the possibility of transmission during oral sex. The most common form of infection is seen in newborns and in children before the fifth century. Head signs є: folding out of forgings, hoarseness in voice. With clear papilloma, the breath may become worse.

Bowel papulosis
It is provoked by a virus type 16, sometimes 31 - 35, 18, 42, 48, from 51 to 54. It develops in people who are unrecognizable in sexual partners. Є round and flat growths with a short or smooth surface of a different color. They appear like a slime, and on the skies. Illness often goes away on its own.

The specifics of the break in people

Infection may be attached. Can develop genital papillomy ( gostrokintsev condyloma), as a threat to the rebirth of clitin in the evil internal clitin neoplasm of the anal opening ( rarely) that penis. Crimea can develop cancer of the anal opening of the penis. Individuals may also have papilomatosis of the larynx in the ileus form.

The specifics of the overrun in women

Infection may occur in adherent forms, or it may result in the development of genital papillomas. Gostrokintsev condylomas are more important in women of age 15 to 30 years.

Imovirnist ill for condylomatosis to become 10% in sexually active women. Pass the exposure to the virus until 26 - 28 years. At one time, having become infected with a virus in youth, a woman may not suspect about dozens of years. I only during the current period of menopause, the virus can cause malignancy of the mucosal lining of the state organs.

The main cause of infection is the development of ill-health, which is called types 16 and 18 - the development of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer reduces life expectancy for the average person by 26 years.
Looking at the development of cancer, the unsafe becomes less than that virus, which is being re-introduced into the body over the river. Therefore, a regular look at the doctor can save all the negative consequences.

The specificity of the overrun in children

Under the influence of the virus, warts on the skin, papilomatosis of the larynx may develop. often in chronic convulsive form), and maybe the virus does not manifest itself. Shkirnі warts vyyavlyayutsya zagalya 12 vіdsotkіv schoolchildren. Among the most common dermatological diseases in children are the most common diseases.

Papilomatosis of the larynx in children is manifested by a hoarse voice, in severe cases the voice is lost. Krim tsgogo, in small children the function of the breath deteriorates, the back is guarded, especially under the hour of active movement. In important cases, spasms of the larynx up to the syndrome of the venom, which threaten death.

Some cases of respiratory illness develop on aphids of respiratory disease, moreover, lower less kid, it is more important to get sick, so like wild ways near kricht are narrow, and there is a lot of fluffy and happy fabric in them. The stench is swollen to that, the growth of the papillom is rapidly growing.
Illness is easily overcome by the surgical method. Navіt like a child after the last papillomy appeared again, the stench will pass forever.

Diagnosis of illness is based on an additional examination of the patient. There is no other effective non-operative method of curing the disease, both in children and in grown-ups. The alternative is less laser vision. Ale, such a way to increase the ability of smallness ( malevolence) papilloma.

After surgery, the patient is given a single dose of a steroid drug to help prevent constipation, and antibiotics are often given postoperatively to prevent infection of the wound, sometimes drugs are prescribed. Mish'yaku and estrogen. Implanting methionine for a month after the operation helps to get sick.

Virus papillomy people and vagіtnіst

Doctors often slander the future mothers with terrible traces of pregnancy on aphids IDPs. However, official medicine does not know that the virus is not safe for the vagit woman or for the development of the fetus.
The future mother of the varto should be more wary in that case, as she had genital and anal condylomas, provoked by viruses of types 11 and 6.

This virus can be transmitted to small children and vice versa in a new respiratory papilomatosis. And in this way, the doctors are not yet dead, in the same way the virus is transmitted from mothers to the fetus: it’s a gentle hour, through the placenta it’s a half-life period. For this, there is no firm guarantee that birth for an additional caesarean roset can help save a child from infection. At the link with cym, the presence of IDPs 6 or 11 in mothers is not a sufficient basis for admitting a caesarean.

Caesareans are prescribed in quiet depressions, as if condylomata can overthrow the fetus, or their presence in the singing areas will threaten the mother with an important bleeding. In any case, the future mother may know about the development of respiratory papilomatosis in a baby.
If so, be-yakі іnshі types of viruses vіrusіv vzagalі not є unsafe for the child and for the overrun of pregnancy.

What kind of doctor can you go to when you have a virus and people's papilos?

If the virus of papilloma and people can suffer from ailments of various organs, then for obviousness it is necessary to go to doctors of various specialties, to the scope of their competence to include the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies provoked by the virus.

So, for the presence of vulgar and flat warts on the skin of the body, it is necessary to face dermatologist (make an appointment), what to see.

8. Solcoderm - Recycled once. Up to 0.2 ml of the preparation can be applied per application. The area of ​​the processed surface may be less than 5 cm.

9. Cryotherapy. For three - chotiri sessions, you can get more warts and papillomas. Ale, the procedure is unacceptable, moreover, a scar can be left on the cutter.

10. Laser therapy. It is necessary for one to three sessions. Nedolіki zh, scho і in cryotherapy.

Virus papilloma people and people's welfare

1. Types of warts: sip the great celandine root and cut off the orange juice to get the warts a few times a day. After that, as it is getting dark, remove the skin, which has darkened, and continue to smear. Three days is enough for the complete usunennya of the wart.
2. Treat warts with juice of kulbabi dvіchі for doba.
3. Zirvati rabbit cabbage, sprout porridge from the leaves and compress the warts.
4. Grab the gorobini berries after the first frost, grind them into porridge and make a lotion with it. Trimati for 6 years, after which they clean up and smash with fresh porridge. In the same rank, one can look at warts for help from a watchmaker and Kalanchoe.
5. Sik from small duckweed helps not only with warts, but also with papillomas and condylomas.
6. Zrobiti mіtsniy nastіy zvіroboyu and chamomile ( take in the same quantities) every day spend baths trivality 15 hvilin. Helps with condylomas of the rectum and other organs.
7. To activate the mammary immunity, wash the state organs with cold water alone - two for production.
8. Take the same amount of horsetail, nettle, plantain, melisi, kulbabi root. Three tablespoons of the collection pour 800 ml of water at room temperature, bring to a boil and pour 10 quills on the fire. After this date, get cold and deprive for 3 years. Pass through a sieve and live for 30 hvilin before їdi 3 tbsp. I insist on good.
9. Crush one clove of the watchmaker in the watchmaker, add two teaspoons of fatty cream. Otriman ointment vikoristovuvatime lotion. Trimati 3 - 5 years old. For the possession of the effect, continue 4 days.
10. Yakshcho papilomas are small, next to sons chicken egg, Vibiti yogo in a bottle, and for the walls, take the excess of protein, and make papillomy.
11. Take a green apple, see it from the new sik and smear it with papillom or condylomas juice a few times a day. Trivality of jubilation is less than 10 days.
12. Take syru cibulin, soak in 9% octі two years, rozrazat і on the night bandage up to condylomas.
13. Wet the skin papilloma or the wart with water and then coat it with ammonia.
14. Vrantsі that in the evening roblyat with a fluffy section.
15. I’ll pop, I’ll cut off the water from the spalling of the village, dilute it with water until I become a cream. Treat all papillomas and warts with this cream today.
16. In the evenings, treat the warts with aloe juice.
17. Take trochs of willow measles and boil them in oats. Vikoristovuvati for cutting warts.
18. Take new hairs, trim them into saws and add a little bit of lard, so that the ointment comes out. Obroblyat her warts and robiti compress for 3 dobi. Change compresses without interruption until the wart is completely reabsorbed.
19. Take the zest from two lemons, slice it roughly, put it in a glass jar, which closes, and add 100 ml of table otstu. Spend time at the dark mist, constantly streaking. After that, pass through a sieve and vicorate the native land for the processing of papillomas and warts.
20. 100 ml of warm water, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. Otstu, one plum without a brush and one without a skin. I'm angry for two years. After that, mash the puree and apply a compress from it on the wart. Trimati not less than two years, better for nothing. Robiti schodnya until the wart is completely usunennya.
21. 3 table spoons of leafing Polina, pour 200 ml of okrop, cover the beast for 2 years. Today, one time to get the warts and papillomy done for the extraction.
22. For underarm warts: steam your leg near the water with sweet soda, see a thick ball of warts, do not lively tissue, hang your leg, make a compress from a skibochka of gray meat. The compress should be left out for three or three days, but it is impossible to wet yoga. After the compress has been removed, it is necessary to steam the leg again, the wart may immediately disappear. Even though the wart is large and once is not enough, it is necessary to repeat the procedure once.
the heart of that judge.
26. For the sake of the heart, get one berry each. Її next, chew it well and shove it. As there are no other unacceptable clues, you can add up to 12 pieces by one berry each day, change it to 1 piece and finish the delight.


  • To prevent infection by the types of IDPs that are transmitted by state efficient methodє povna vidmova vіd stateevy vіdnosin y be-yakіy formі.
  • Maximize the speed of the number of state partners. Ideally, one article partner per three term.
  • Bazhano mothers of such state partners, as they did not lead a lifeless life in the past.
  • Do not rely on a condom, shards of infection can appear through the bodies of the body, if not covered with a condom. With any choice of condoms, the rate of infection of IDPs is significantly reduced.
  • The state of life should be started no earlier than 18 years, if the cervix is ​​already mature and the mucous membrane can be protected.
  • Uniquely rough sex and piecemeal vaping. Everything negatively affects the state bodies and lowers anti-Russian immunity.
  • His own examination of the doctor and the exaltation of flamboyant illnesses.
  • Doing sports, a healthy way of life.
  • Take special care of your health if you have people infected with IDPs in your family.
  • Vaccination with a special vaccine against human papilloma virus.


Fallen vaccines, vaccination is available for most of the most unsafe types of IDPs: 6, 11, 16, 18, or only two of them: 16 and 18. The vaccine is not alive, so it’s absolutely not safe. Types of viruses, against such an effective vaccine, can provoke the development of cancer of the pelvis, cervix, penis and anal opening.

Clarify information about those that vaccination protects against other oncogenic types of the virus. The vaccine cannot be victorious as a lucrative zasib, but rather as a prophylaxis. Before vaccination, it is not necessary to carry out annual special ventilation.
Vaccination should be carried out for young people of both articles from 9 to 17 years of age, and for women from 26 years of age. Carry out follow-up on the effectiveness of vaccination and a representative of a weak status more than an older century.


  • Prevention of cervical cancer,
  • Prevention of cancer of the penis, vulva, penis in humans,
  • Prevention of genital warts,
  • Prevention of precancerous diseases,
  • Prevention of papilomatosis of the larynx.
How is vaccination carried out?
Chip to break trichi. The interval between the first and the other is two months, between the other and the third - two months. Ale, you can work for a larger scheme: a friend in a month and a third in two months after another. In that case, as if all three vaccinations were carried out for 12 months, it was successful and completed. Efficiency of vaccination to become from 95% to 100%.

Side effects of vaccination
In lonely cases, there was a worsening of self-feeling in the first three years after vaccination, a slight increase in body temperature. Light red place for the introduction of the vaccine.


  • Individual intolerance to warehouse vaccines ( including aluminum or drіzhdzhiv).
  • Illness in acute stages, including chronic ones. Vaccination can be given after the end of the disease.
Do not vaccinate at the next hour of pregnancy.
Vaccination can be carried out against the background of taking oral hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Before zastosuvannyam, you should consult with a faculty member.

IDP tipi (human papillomavirus) are manifested by lesions on the skin and mucous membranes with various growths: papillomas and warts. This is the reason for the penetration of papillomavirus into the body. It’s good to think that only ovnishnіmi and internal newborns have poured the virus into the body of a person to become obese. Deyaki tipi papilomas can lead to evil puffs. Therefore, the main meta is to trim the sawing when exposed to the body of invisible growths.

IDPs were like ancestors in the first century of our country. For a long time, doctors have determined with accuracy that such growths are transmitted from an ill person to a healthy state path. Those who caused the appearance of warts and papilloma virus, could only bring the last century on the cob.

This virus belongs to the genus papillomavirus, which is transmitted by contact with a living organism through the upper ball of the skin, and multiplies in the middle of the cells and mucous membranes, calling for changes in the type of warts and papillomas.

In the old middle, the virus can be ill-treated, but if you can “drink” in the sauna, the shards of wine are miraculously felt in the healthy middle. The entire yogo life cycle is spent in the middle of the cells of the donor organism. You can spend a long time at the clerks' shkiri, calling out to them the wrong file.

Papillomavirus is one of the broadest ones that is transmitted through direct contact. The number of people infected with cym virus is increasing due to skin cancer. Today, close to 90% of the world's population is carrying papilomavirus. The main concern of this virus is that, while being in organisms, deacons of the same type provoke oncological illness.

Tipi virus

Tipi papilloma virus and people are represented today even more widely. There are over a hundred different types of IDPs.

Different types of new creations, calling IDPs, cry out in the body of the change that manifests itself in the sounds of the internal. Many of them are not unsafe for a person, but still, like, for a trivial hour, being in the body of a person, they can be reborn in an evil puff.

Fallow due to the possibility of cancer in the body, such types of viruses are seen:

  • not to go into oncological illness (1-5.10, 28.49);
  • rarely refer to oncology (6, 11, 13, 32, 34, 40-44, 51, 72);
  • average age of cancer rebirth (26, 30, 35, 52, 53, 56, 58, 65);
  • high vіdsotok utoplennya cancer puffs (16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 45, 50, 59, 61, 62, 64, 68, 70, 73).

The rest of the group is especially unsafe for women, the oskilki often suffer from cancer of the cervix. The most safe type, which predicts cancer in 94% of cases, is 16, 18, 45.

Particular respect can be given to their health by people who have been diagnosed with type papilloma 56 and 66, and lead to the development of a special cancer - carcinoma.

Tsya klassifikatsiya vhodyachi z doslіdzhen vchenih change. So it happened with type 58, which is from the rest of the group of transitions to the last.

If a person carries DNA for the papillomavirus, then they can regularly check with an oncologist, undergo an examination and collect the necessary analyses.

Oncogenic types

In view of the fact that some IDP types can be cancer-free, fakhivtsy divided them into sprat groups, which show a possible risk of development of malignant swelling:

  • safe;
  • with a low risk;
  • with high risk.

Great battles call out the rest of the group. In this case, papillomites and hostile condylomas can be suspected, which settled on the reproductive organs of the representatives of both articles. When їх vyyavlennі vіdvіduvannya oncologist є obov'yazkovym. The doctor should recognize the differentiation in the designation of IDP DNA and then praise the decision to remove such growths.

Analysis for IDPs in women with cervical cancer, showing the presence of type 16 and 18. The stench is manifested in two of three sick women.

Although a blood test shows the presence of a papilloma virus and a person of an oncogenic type, it does not mean that the malignant plumpness is about to grow. IDPs in women can increase the risk of swelling. That's for good reason svoєchasne rejoicing I do not threaten my health.

Crimean cancer of the reproductive organs, IDPs of the oncogenic type can infect sich mikhur in humans. In case of this virus, the genes of the epithelium of the sieve-living paths are ignited, provoking their rebirth into an evil fluff.

Diagnosis of symptoms of illness

Medical science today is able to develop methods that allow you to accurately determine which variety of virus is called when a new product appears on the body of a patient.

Among them, the following methods are often used:

  • Visual comfort. One of the clinical manifestations is the presence of papillomas, condylomas, and warts on the body of the patient. For example, stinks on the reproductive organs and in the area of ​​the anal opening, additional investigations are prescribed.

  • Biopsy (colposcopy). It is prescribed for problems with the tissues of the cervix. For the procedure, take octoic acid that rozchin Lugol for obrobka. Due to the presence of DNA papillomavirus on infection, the division is established characteristic babies.
  • cytology. Analysis of smears for the help of the Pap test. Dodatkovo conducted histology.
  • PLR (polymerase lanzug reaction). It is a good way, which, in spite of the virus itself, reveals the genotyping of IDPs. The Danish analysis also reveals the swidden types of IDPs, which are self-sustaining.

The remainder of the investigation is to include samples for all 15 oncogenic types of the virus. Although ten of them are active in our country.

As the results of diagnostics speak about the presence of a virus in the blood and dysplasia of the cervix, the PLR ​​method with great ability to reveal the risk of developing cancer.

Symptoms of illness

The most common papillomavirus in the organism of the carrier is found in the asymptomatic form. To whom you spriyaє іmunitet, which prinychuє mustache show.

If the immune system is weak, all types of the virus are activated at once. The stinks are picked up at once and start pouring on the blinds. Normally, the creation is broken, the process of rozpodіla kіtin shkіri pryshvidshuєtsya.

As a result of which, different growths are blamed. Itself stinks for an hour of visual inspection to talk about infection with papillomavirus.

The fallow type can be the same type of growths:

  1. Borodyanka. Round, thin growths up to 1 cm in diameter, with clearly lined borders, short surface, rich color. To know at the appointed places. Chi is not safe for a person.
  2. Papillomi. Soft growth on the lower color of the shkir, with a short surface. To love the waters of the moon on the floor. They multiply quickly. Deyakі type unsafe.
  3. Condylomy. Similar to papillomy. To be found in the area of ​​the outer reproductive organs and the anus. Shvidko multiply, utvoryuyut tsіlі hron. Not safe for a person.

Infection with the virus occurs during direct contact. Signs can appear not immediately, but through the window.

Having consumed in the body, the virus goes through several stages:

  • latent break - no changes in the body, the presence of the virus is shown only by analysis;
  • the appearance of clinical signs - in addition, there are growths on the shkir;
  • dysplasia - the virus penetrates the worms, and the stench starts to change, show the type of virus to the hemotest;
  • carcinoma - cells mutate, z'yavlyaєtsya malignant puffiness.

Possibly ill

DNA typing of IDPs of 27 types is associated with different illnesses, which can be blamed on a person after infection.

Among such illnesses one can see the following:

  1. See different warts. The infection is consumed by a path. Skhilnі before her children and young people. The immune system sounds like it's coping. Underarm warts are forked by a surgical path.
  2. Condyloma is conspicuous. Vrazha statevі organi.
  3. Epidermodisplasia. Flat warts of erysipelas, call cancer of the skin.
  4. Laryngeal papilomatosis. For new born children. Soothes the breath.
  5. Bowel papulosis. Characteristic for people who oppose slime.

Particularly respect should be turned to the sign of illness for women, the shards of the virus can be consumed until the baby is half an hour old.

Jubilation and prevention

Most of the growths will go off on their own for a long time. If so, in the body, the type of virus will develop immunity, which is left with a long life. Rejoicing in case of any ailment includes two stages: stagnation antiviral drugs that vidalennya surgical way.

Drug therapy includes such drugs: Salicylic acid, Bleomycin, Imiquimod, Retinoid, Epigen, Ferezol, Podophyllotoxin, Solcoderm.

Cryotherapy, laser therapy are used for visual treatment.

There is also a large group of drugs folk medicine. Tse celandine, kulbaba, kalanchoe, cibula, aloe, limon, polyn, crane and other. From them, we prepare vodvari, tinctures, applications, rubbing, vicory sik, pulp, etc.

To prevent infection, preventive visits are required, as well as vaccination.

Before entering prevention, one should consider:

  • security of a careless state life;
  • regular visits to the doctor;
  • healthy image life;
  • vaccination.

If you come to live if you get sick of getting sick, then you can never know on your own, that such a papilomavirus is a person.

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