How can you get infected with papilloma on the butt's path? Chi is contagious with papilloma on the body. You can call yourself

(or HPV - Human Papillomavirus) is transmitted only from person to person. According to the statistics of our country, 60% of the population is infected with the cim virus. І the reason for such a wide spread of virus infection and various ways of transmission.

On the thought of many people, IDPs are transmitted only by means of a path through vaginal, anal and oral-genital state contacts. However, the main thing is the continuity of the contact route for the transmission of infections - through the closure of the cities.

Infection with a cym virus causes the appearance of characteristic growths on the skin and mucous membranes. Nearly 130 strains of IDPs are seen at a time, and most of them provoke the appearance of a new creation in singing places. Tse means that the appearance of warts on the shoulders of the hands does not cause infection of the genitals.

Infection of state organs can be provoked by 30 virus strains and close to 20 oncogenic ones. Most people know that the presence of a papillomavirus in the body can lead to cancerous disease of the organs of the body, but this information does not always become the reason for going to the doctor for the manifestation of that infection. Numerical myths about IDPs are the culprit for such a state of health. In these articles, we recognize you from 12 of them, and you can make the right decision about the need for juicing.

Myth #1: Condom use does not include the risk of IDP infection

Theft of sex with a condom significantly reduces the risk of infection with diseases that are transmitted by the state route, but not a 100% safety guarantee. The virus of papilloma can be transmitted for any contacts of the mucous membranes - primary kisses, oral-genital sex, or even more important objects of hygiene.

Visnovok: condoms are guilty of vikoristovuvatisya for safe sex, but do not require regular obstezhen at the doctor for the timely manifestation of illness, which are transmitted by the state path (including those IDPs).

Myth #2: IDPs are more likely to be infected by women

There are no methods in medicine, the building is significant, which is the first in a couple of illnesses.

According to statistics, IDPs are more often seen in women, and there is a risk of infection with them in children and children. The results of mass screening studies show that the infection occurs in 40-50% of women and men, that they lead an active life, and the rate of infection with the virus during unprotected sex becomes 60-66%.

Regular exposure for the detection of papillomavirus infection may be necessary for both women and people, no matter what age.

Myth No. 3: IDPs in monogamous couples indicate the health of one of the partners

The very myth gave birth to the appearance of false visnovkіv about separation in pairs and called rich families to disintegration. However, the identification of IDPs should not be tied to a partner's innocence. Genital papillomavirus infection can stay in the body for three hours. Such a flow can be guarded by a stretch of rich years, fates and a decade.

The manifestation of IDPs is a fact for the sake of a partner. Infection may not show itself very fatally and show up sluggishly during planned examinations or other illnesses. For additional analysis, it is possible to designate the type of IDP, but also the method of decontamination does not allow to establish the term for the presence of a virus in the body, or to reveal whoever becomes the “guilty” of its appearance. Infection with a virus can be life-like (including before the bet is made).

Myth #4: Women do not need to be tested for IDPs

A rich woman after the onset of menopause is not only not to be obstezhennya on IDPs, but also rarely see a gynecologist. However, statistics indicate a high risk of such fatal pardons: 41% of patients with cervical cancer die at age 65 and older, and one of the few cases of this disease manifests itself in the same century.

Oncogenic types of papillomavirus people can often show themselves again after long-term fate of the addicted perebuvannya in the body. Women should be regularly seen by a gynecologist for preventive examinations, and analyzes for identifying IDPs should be done 1 time for 3-5 years at 30-65 years.

Myth #5: All types of IDPs can predict the development of cancer in their organs

The scientists were able to identify over 130 types of IDPs and close to 30 of them infecting state organs. There are two main groups of IDPs:

  • highly oncogenic viruses - strains 16, 18.31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73 and 82 are introduced to them, stinks appear in 95-100% of cases;
  • low-oncogenic viruses - strains 6, 11, 36, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47 and 50 are introduced to them;

Many strains of the papilloma virus do not cause daily problems and self-repair after a few months after the onset of symptoms, and 90% of them are settled after 2 years. І less than deakі shtami IDPs є oncogenic and zdatnі provoke the degeneration of clitin in cancer.

Myth #6: Genital warts cause cervical cancer

They appear through infection with various strains of the papilloma virus. Not all are oncogenic, and therefore cervical cancer does not develop indefinitely.

In order to predict the future of the appearance of cancerous swelling in the presence of papillomavirus infection, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the type of virus. Cervical cancer can be provoked only by oncogenic yoga strains - 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68.

Myth No. 7: the detection of an oncogenic virus in tests indicates the development of cervical cancer

IDPs can stay in the body for three hours and never show themselves. It does not appear in the analyzes as a symptom of the development of cancer and pre-cancerous stage. When IDPs arrive, inform them about the reduced immunity.

The diagnosis of cervical cancer can only be confirmed by the results of a histological examination of tissue biopsy. The detection of oncogenic or other strains of IDPs for the presence of such confirmation indicates a decrease in immunity and an increase in the number of viruses. In such situations, the woman is obliged to give respect to the camp of the immune system, and to carry out jubilation, directing her to support.

Myth No. 8: IDPs can’t be splintered through the daily data on the effectiveness of the vaccine

This myth is blamed on those that vaccines against IDPs cannot really protect people from being infected with all strains of the virus. However, the Cervarix and Gardasil vaccines can prevent infection with the most oncogenic types 16 and 18 of the virus, and Gardasil can outperform infection with other types, which may indicate the development of gostrilomas.

it is to blame, because vaccines can protect the most safe types of the virus, which can provoke cancer. It is most effective to carry out such splitting of podlitkam on the cob of state life. However, in other times the effectiveness of vaccination will be high. Navіt as a woman was infected with a protracted life of one of the strains of IDPs, splitting can be protected from infection with other types.

Myth No. 9: The effectiveness of a smear for Pap smear is higher, lower vaccination

Pap smear and vaccination with IDPs and various procedures, and their effectiveness cannot be compared. The smear allows you to reveal the same mutations that have appeared, otherwise the cancerous changes in the clitina of the cervix. And the carried out vaccination gives the possibility of preventing infection with oncogenic types of IDPs and the development of cancerous disease.

Vaccination against IDPs is effective and can prevent the development of cervical cancer. It is necessary to carry out this procedure, lower the check on the cob of rebirth of cells in cancer.

Myth No. 10: after a person has had genital warts, you cannot infect a partner with them

Deyakі fahivtsі vvazhayut, scho after the remote risk of infection of the state partner is reduced. In case of surgical treatment of IDPs, there are only more contagious tissues. However, the virus persists in human organisms, and people with distant and unseen condylomas can be infected.

Tissues that ward off condyloma, avenge the virus, and surgical treatment of these new creations do not reduce the risk of infection with IDPs to zero. In the majority of cases, treatment for condylomata is carried out to eliminate physical and moral suffering from a life of illness, and after the operation, the virus is infested in the body and the risk of infection of the state partner is eliminated.

Myth No. 11: IDPs can be caught all over again

So far, scientists have not been able to create the drug, which will again introduce the virus into the human body. Modern medicine can promote effective ways to treat illnesses that IDPs call. For the help of minimally invasive or surgical techniques, you can take care of warts, warts, or gostriho. For this purpose, chemical coagulation, electrocoagulation, laser treatment, cryodestruction, radiofrequency lower or surgical scalpel are required. But it is impossible to “kill” the virus as a whole for an additional operation for the recognition of pharmacological preparations.

In a number of cases, for deactivation of the virus, there is enough surgical treatment and visits, directing to the promotion of immunity. Vitaminized eating, active image life, walks in the fresh air and the daily stress can help normalize the functions of the immune system, and the virus is not detected in the analyses. In addition, a number of patients with ailments are recommended a therapeutic regimen, directly boosting the immune system. For whom, interferon preparations, non-specific immunomodulators, indinol and specific antiviral agents may be prescribed.

After the treatment of illnesses caused by IDPs, the virus is infested in the body. For yoga decontamination, it is recommended to carry out a likuvannya and come in, directing to the promotion of immunity. And we are ill, in some cases papillomavirus infection was detected, we should regularly undergo obstezhennia and follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

Myth #12: IDPs continue to have children with respiratory papilomatosis

The risk of infection among children of IDPs is low, but not high. When passing through the ancestral paths, it is possible to become infected with more than two specific types of virus - 6 and 11. Stinks are seen in women from hostile condylomas. In the case of otrimanna tsich IDP and rooted infections, a possible development of respiratory papilomatosis. Tse illness overwhelms the normal stupor, but succumbs to likuvannya.

How is it transmitted to IDPs, which is an immune virus and that they work to protect close people and small children from being infected, to cough up bagats, whose body is infected with infection.

Papilomavirus can live in the body for a long time and show up for friendly minds. Methods of transmission of the infection are still not infected.

It seems that you live in the middle of the water, spreads around the balls of the epidermis, the stars are easy to switch to another person. It is possible to reveal yoga visually, for the additional help of a smear or a scratch. In some cases, traces of the presence of the virus in the body are found in the blood, sections and other biological motherlands.

When the functions of the body are reduced, the papillomas are easily transmitted from person to person for friendly minds and are left in the middle of the body, attacking the cells of the epidermis.

Where can you get infected with the virus

IDPs can strike the skins and twist the body. Papilloma is often passed on by way of the state. Infection can be through a condom. We appreciate that the virus lives on superficial tissues and easily exchanges mucus. For the presence of microsadine, the virus consumes the bloodstream and begins its ruinous work. As a result of infection on the mucous tissues of the state organs, hostile condylomas appear or are newly formed, which predict cauliflower.

Often people for an hour of intimate sex infect their partners. They have a strong immune system, stinks rarely suffer on visible manifestations of infection. For the obviousness of the impersonality of the state ties from the little-known women, the stink for a deaky hour can opine in the role of virus-carriers. Papillomavirus can be transmitted from a woman to a person, as a partner may have a weak immune system.

A person, as he may be innately hostile to this virus, may have warts, enter into an intimate relationship with an ill person and become healthy. Vіdomi vipadki, if in one partner the analysis for IDPs is positive, and in the other it is negative, regardless of those who stink for a long time to live together.

Other ways of infection

The way of infection with a buttress route is to expand it, as it is possible to eliminate the infection with a state link.

The virus can be transmitted every hour of bathing in muddy ponds, in closed pools. You can treat your own growths on the body in a day's time after seeing the sauna, where the person was infected.

The virus can pass through the water towels, the bedding is white, like an infected person is sacking into the booth. The head mind for penetrating the ailment of the ailment in the middle is a microtrauma on the shkir.

Chi is transmitted by the papilloma virus through biological mothers, it is unknown. Through the line, the infection can go into that depression, as if a person is suffering from papilomatosis of an empty mouth. These paths of infection are traces of shukati in vikoristannі foreign objects of hygiene. You can use:

  • brushing teeth with someone else's toothbrush;
  • vikoristannya brudnoy utensils for zhі.

People who have papillomas in their mouths can transmit the infection through kissing.

It is not included that IDPs are transmitted by a red-brown path, to those who in medical practice are afraid of falling fahivtsiv infection, so that surgical treatment is performed for patients from IDPs for additional radiocoagulation or laser vaporization.

Doctors do not have a single thought, as the ways of transferring IDPs are especially unsafe. For people who may be ill, connected with damage to the internal organs of internal secretion, it is better to separate your connection with those who may have warts on the body. Tissues that are visibly new, can fight the virus and vin can be transmitted with dotik.

In order to protect the body from a vicarious consumption of infection and infection with papillomavirus, it is necessary:

  • in the masses of the city, we will walk in vіdpochinku;
  • to act like cries to exchange hands;
  • actively use antiseptics for the treatment of microtraumas and abrasions that appear on the body.

The most significant risk of infection is not known

A lot of women are turbulent, as the virus is transmitted by papillomy people under the hour of vagity. Medical practitioners admit that it can cause intrauterine infection, but it is not unsafe for the fetus. The human papilloma virus does not have a negative impact on the vaginal woman and the embryo. Women in the period of winemaking children should remember that with reduced immunity, which often happens during the hour of pregnancy, warts grow. To be ahead, it is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes and eat properly.

If condylomas are very strong at the pihvu and cross the birth paths, then the obstetrician looks at the nutrition about caesarean roses.

From the mother to the child, the virus crosses every hour of passage through the birth paths, on the walls of which there is a new creation. The deacons don’t have a viral infection of the wild roads through tse vinikaє.

Mothers-year-olds, like mothers, have the ability to infect a baby, as if victorious baby shower. The risk of development in children of papilomatosis of the larynx is low, but pediatricians recommend that such children undergo vaccination. Tse allows you to protect the child from the damage of the vocal cords and the development of papilomatosis of the distal paths. Tse serious illness is rarely seen in pediatric practice.

If a person is infected with a virus, he can’t tell you, you can pass the infection to him through the butt’s path through his hands, as they have warts and growths that appeared as a result of the activity of the virus. Todі on tіli nemovlyat so z'yavlyayutsya growths.

Mother's milk virus does not retaliate if a woman is infected. With a normally working immune system, the baby’s body can get infected, so that hygiene rules are added to keep an eye on the baby.

Not a skin person, like to be known in close contact with a virus, illness on IDPs. And people, like otrimali vіd batkіv zakhist vіd tsієї іinfektsії u spadok. Your immune system actively suppresses the virus when it gets to the bottom of the field, and the flu is controlled for help by interferons, which fluctuate during the hour of a sharp rise in temperature.

Illness may have a hostile character and may have symptoms of GRVI, but it should not be carried out by stretching the doby. Often, such symptoms are observed in children and older people, which may trigger the immune system to penetrate the IDP virus.

Є sign papilomavirus infection. To that papilomi are passed on by a state way.

Before visible manifestations, one can see whether it is abnormal to illuminate or build up on a member. However, it’s not a good idea to panic earlier, not all of the organs on the state are papilomas.

Incubation period from the moment of infection of IDPs to the manifestation of the first symptoms, it may be from 1 and more than 9 months.

Moreover, warts may not show up for a long time, but the factor that provokes them is a decrease in immunity. In this way, to reveal the IDP virus in oneself on the cob of yogo ovnіshnіh manifestations, you can only have given the symptoms.

Weaker immunity, more pronounced papilloma on the statutory one.

IDPs are transferred by state route and today to the most widespread ailments.

Therefore, the risk of infection with genital warts in the case of an infected partner for an unprotected state contact is practically absolute.

In what ways are IDPs transferred as a person?

Do you know why papilloma is transmitted from a man to a woman? Infection of IDPs from an infected person is very important pid hour of an unprotected article contact. A woman is at risk of becoming infected when a person has an hour of oral sex, due to the presence of microtrauma in her mouth.

Infection with papillomavirus can call for contactless act for example, when terti state partner bodies one about one.

It is also the fault of the nobility, as the IDPs are transferred to a person as a person. In a special group of riziku also enter homosexuality, yaki are affected by papillomavirus infection during anal static contact.

Actual successors do not include the contact-butt path of infection of IDPs, this hypothesis did not know scientific confirmation.

What is transmitted as a woman?

So, why are IDPs passed from woman to man? Human papilloma virus can be transmitted from an infected woman to a person for all types of unprotected state contact: genital, oral, vaginal.

If there are statistics, then there is a debt for them risk of infection papillomavirus women view infected people rich things.

The risk of infection with genital condylomas in people significantly increases due to the presence of concomitant state infections, chronic flare-ups, in addition to teasing the skin around the genitals due to the lack of hygiene rules.

Actual types of IDPs can cause Bowen's ailment and provoke evil swelling on the state organ.

The most unsafe from the point of view of the transformation into a malignant newborn are the following types of IDP virus (ranked in order of increasing oncogenicity):

After the virus enters the human body, and when warts appear in the genitals, a three-hour period may pass, in some periods of counting by fate. Sound papilloma on the penis appear behind the formula - the weaker the immune system, the stronger they appear.

We have found out what is passed on to IDPs by the State way, and now let's talk about those, how to protect yourself from an unacceptable illness.

The correspondent of ZMI spoke about the "medical mafia" - why don't doctors rejoice at genital warts?

Literally 3 days ago, material about doctors appeared in Merezha, who specifically did not rejoice at papillomy and condylomas in people (including those on the state bodies), so that they could get more pennies!

How to protect the organism from the IDPs?

Papillomavirus infection is far from being manifested in all types, papillomas or in the area of ​​the organs. You can live with fates in the body of a woman without obvious clinical signs. For those people who are slender to often change their partners, you should be ready.

Finding prevention of infection with anogenital warts vikoristannya condom in case of any (genital, oral, anal) state contact.

Preventive visits also include:

Reduced immunity increases the risk of penetration of viruses and infections into the body, which needs to be addressed lead healthy image life. Smoking, alcoholism, chronic infections, stress stress significantly reduce the immune response of the body.

For today's day sobiv likuvannya papilomavirus infection not created, and exultation in anti-Russian, immunomodulatory therapy and warts. The complex selection of the entire arsenal of facilitators allows us to induce the emergence of the most recent manifestations of the virus. However, the virus itself is forever lost to your body.

To advance the development of IDPs, a vaccine is being actively developed. Gardasil”, as assigned to boys and girls, vіkom vіd 9 - 15 years. Іsnuyet and іnshі.

If you have lost some food, take a look at, more dedications to papilomas. In the meantime, watch the video about those, how often human papillomavirus is spread and how wine is transmitted from person to person.

Papillomavirus infection (PVI) - are placed in the group of anthroponotic diseases (transmitted exclusively from person to person).

The route of infection is determined by the number of variants of the development of the podia: in case of contact through the blood with a buttress path (in case of attachment of the form of ailment - “warty”).

As it was designated more, there are only three main ways of infection - by state contact, through blood, by way.

Penetrating through the zahisny bar'er of the skin's curves, mucous membranes, circulatory system The IDPs are already negatively impacting the camp of the healthy.

As a rule, people are aware of:

  1. Constant weakness.
  2. Seeing nudoti, heaviness in the sphere of the subcostal area.
  3. Pain syndrome.
  4. Problems with the sechovivid and state system (difficulty with the cuts, the appearance of sharp attack-like pains at the crotch).
  5. Visible liver in the inguinal zone.
  6. Zamorochennya on aphids frequent rise in body temperature.
  7. A severe decrease in body functions (parts of a cold, a three-month period after illness).
  8. Sverbіzh shkіri, which is accompanied.

In order to recognize the presence of a viral infection and immediately go to the doctor, it is necessary to change your mind and blame the disease.

Change your mind about infection

The most common reconsiderations of IDP vindication include:

  1. Weakened immunity.
  2. The manifestation of other chronic illnesses, as if to increase the resistance of the body to all attacks of the call.
  3. To talk about hepatitis, human immunodeficiency (VIL), cardiovascular disease, genetic anomalies in development, rare forms of disease.
  4. Bezladnі stateevі vyazki.
  5. Non-protection articles contact.
  6. Infection close people at the booty: with victorious dishes, bedding, towels, with kissing, and clips.
  7. Vykoristannya of the community culture and community.
  8. Inspection of cosmetology salons.
  9. Spіlne vykoristannya zabіv іndivіdualnogo koristuvannya: grebіnets, manicure priladdya.

Timely vaccination to protect against the most aggressive species of the virus.

Ways of transmission

The papilloma virus is transmitted through physical contact, transplacental (transferred from infected surfaces), for additional liquor (shelter, slea, pet).

Therefore, for the obvious ailment of a person in this world, it is necessary to permanently coat all surfaces with a special antiseptic method, to trim the rules for special contacts and steps behind the camp of skirny crooked lines (spinning microcracks can become a lesioned area).

Is it possible to infect IDPs with a path?

Papillomovirus infection is transmitted directly through the objects of the infected koristuvannya, as well as from the bed. Tse can not be forgotten for the obviousness in the booth of an ill person.

Extension mechanism:

  1. With a kiss, hugs. From the side and then the PVI to go to the same people to the next. It is possible that the virus moves freely along the mucous membranes present at the warehouse of the liquor and the liquor.
  2. When vikoristanny subjects of special hygiene, what to lay sick.
  3. With handshake. Microtraumas of the skin folds can be the leading agents of infection.
  4. When vikoristanni zagalnogo utensils.
  5. When transmitting speeches, objects from an infected person to a healthy person (this type of infection is more resistant to the influx of chinniks of dovkill).

Is it possible to infect IDPs with a path?

Shards of mucus membranes, skirnі skіrnі їх pokhіdnі (vidіlennya, krovosnі sudini, slyna) є carrying genetic material - it is possible to get infected with papilomovirus by human contact; as well as at the vikoristan public baths, saunas.

Transmission mechanism:

  1. Without intermediary in state contact (especially oral and anal sex).
  2. At vikoristannі zagalnih shower cabins, lazen, saunas. Without proper antiseptic and antibacterial treatment, such a place is a breeding ground for various types of infections.
  3. When vikoristannі bіznі that partner's clothes (especially put before women, like to love clothes human shirts, t-shirts, shorts, family shorts).

Is the virus transmitted from mother to child?

Transmission of infection from mother to child is called vertical transplant route. This type of transmission to the papilloma virus is one of the most unsafe, shards of injury to the child's body and її іntelekt.

After the transferred HPV, especially on early terms(1 trimeter) Doctors affect abortion for medical indications.


Self-infection is less likely to occur in different types of unbroken hygienic appliances. For example: razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers.

In this form, pass on to the virus papilloma and ailments for a long time, do not feel the discomfort and lead the primary way of life. And with the appearance of the first symptoms of ailment (which are even similar to a banal reversal), I ignore them, do not turn to the doctor.

How do you see IDPs the most secure?

Type 16 and 18 are among the most safe species of the Papilloma Lyudin Virus (IDP). The stinks of washing with stitches, which provoke the appearance of evil new creations - cancerous feathers, as if growing, can give metastases.

The most common manifestation of the strain of the virus is the culprit of such ailments: cervical cancer, bezplydya, lung disease and bronchial changes, acute immunoglobulin deficiency.

Get respect! Cancer of the cervix can only be blamed on the most aggressive form of the virus. The greater number of papillos does not cause trouble.


To reveal the presence in the body of the Papilloma Lyudini Virus (VPL) is supported by the most foldable apparatus methods.

  • Colposcopy. The colposcope is a medical device that allows you to accurately determine the changes in the mucous membranes sechostate system: reveal inflammation, expansion and expansion of viruses, bacteria of the fungus. The reason for the determination of the presence of IDPs in the body is determined by the method of residual confirmation of the diagnosis. This is a building accessory: for 30-fold increase to know the fire of fire, to name its nature, to take the sparkle without a trace in the zone of damage.
  • PLR-compression. The whole laboratory method is the differential diagnosis of this type of ailment. PLR allows you to easily determine the type of virus, and the route of infection. For carrying out this analysis, it is necessary to take biomaterial: blood, sections, sperm.
  • Digene test. A modern diagnostic technique that is grounded on a small plot of a stricken skinny curve for breeding. For the help of such an approach, medical doctors can say 100% which type of virus is present in the body, which is the concentration, which is found in the reactive form, up to which antiviral drugsє sensitivity.
  • cytology. It is a problem on the client's level. For this purpose, the removal of the upper ball of papilloma, the collection of the okremo sluice shell. With the help of an over-the-counter microscope and a basic set of reagents, laboratory assistants monitor the behavior of the virus, injecting it into the body (making a prognosis), the stages of damage to the internal systems of the body.
  • Histological diagnostics By the method of carrying out this technique, the observation of morphological changes in tissues. The material should be taken from an additional biopsy.


Celebration of Papilloma Virus People are passing on the suture of state morbidity, the prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics, immunomodulatory preparations, vitamin complex, preparations for changing the influx of the virus on the body.

Also close the access of healthy people to special speeches, providing hygiene, dishes and bedding. With the appearance of evil new creations, caused by a virus, carry out a corrective treatment of surgical intervention from a trivial period of rehabilitation.

Ways to prevent illness

The main ways to prevent IDPs are:

  • Dotrimannya rules for sanitary and butyl security of residential space.
  • Zastosuvannya contraceptives.
  • Control over the camp of wet health in specialized specialists.
  • Vlasnyh koshtіv hygієni suvoro for recognition, without their third persons.
  • Day trips near the place of the disease caused by the infection: spas, saunas, swimming pools, water parks, massage and beauty parlors.
  • Defendant of the narrow twists in the interplay of the great number of outward factors.
  • Defender of good health with a path of isolation from ailments, whether they are infectious-viral illnesses, ailments.

Self-propelled zі folding viral infection just impossible. Medical control, which in its time, seeks qualified assistance to a wide group of fahivtsiv, will become the most important and most serious crock for combating an obvious problem.

If such a problem is blamed on someone from the members of this family, it is not necessary to undergo a planned diagnostics and complete the doctor's appointments in order to eliminate the spread of the virus. In addition, do not forget about dotrimannya zakhodіh zahodіv, yakі dopomozhut zabіgti іnfіkuvannyu.

Infection with IDPs means that in the human body one or more than 100 different types of viruses are consumed, which indicates the development of warts in various parts of the body. Through those that are infected with papilloma asymptomatically, suspect about those that have a virus in the body, they appear immediately after the growth of warts. And about those who are infected with the virus of papillomy people, the doctors knew only on the cob of the last hundred years.

Human papilloma virus (IDP): ways and means of infection

IDPs contagiously zadatnosti porіvnya three hours to resist immunity. So the virus can be killed quickly, and you can make a large number of your copies from the client-owner. The very process of infection is even simpler: the virus penetrates into the body, and in the cells of the basal ball itself shkir. Since IDPs become more easily infected with a statutory act, then the infection takes a lot of time on the mucosal membrane. A similar medium will help accelerate the replication of DNA to the virus. Dostemenno vіdomo, scho good papillomy, scho developed, contagious and can, zreshtoyu, be reborn in cancer. However, the detailed mechanisms of malignancy are still not understood. There is a trigger, which provokes DNA damage to the virus and, as it were, a rank of replication, which itself mutated the clitina.

Most people are infected with the papilloma virus and people are under an hour of an unprotected statute act. However, not safe vaginal and anal contact. It is also possible to infect the IDPs for an hour of oral sex (especially as the mucous membranes of the organs of the body, or the rota would be bad). How else do they get infected with papilloma? Irrespective of those who are most susceptible to papilomavirus ingesting the body in a way, there are still some possible ways to treat the infection. For example, the virus can be transmitted through direct contact between healthy skin and infected mucus or warts. However, for a long time, doctors negatively commented on the question “what can IDPs get infected through through contacts?”. For this reason, because of the infection, the culprit zbіgtisya against the sprinkling of officials:

  • on the shkіrі mayut buti microtrauma;
  • before or after contact, the boules vikoristan disinfectant;
  • nasal infection without taking antiviral drugs.

For example, as in both people the mucus membranes of the mouth are empty, and one of them is worn, then it may be unsafe to induce a great kiss, as it is possible to become infected with papilloma (IDP). Papillomavirus is also contagious to the fetus. Infected mothers can hand over their children to the IDPs for an hour of the half-way process. Since the immune system of the newborn is weak, then the infection is usually manifested in the appearance of warts near the throat or empty mouth (diagnosis from a medical point of view sounds like papilomatosis of the larynx). Oskіlki vіdbuvaєtsya infected IDPs at the same time the passage of the baby along the ancestral paths, deyakі fahivtsі recommend vіdmovіtisі vіd іn natural canopy on the crust of the caesarean rosette.

Even more often, dermatologists ask: “why can you get infected with papilloma, having exchanged with ailments in a special speech?”. Physicians admit such an imaginativeness, but they say that the official investigations did not confirm this theory. Also, the safety of condoms cannot be guaranteed again. Through those that the virus spread may be ten times smaller, lower between the molecular pores of the latex, condoms less reduce the severity of infection of IDPs, but do not ensure a new infection.

How not to get infected with papillomavirus?

Knowing how you can get infected with papillomavirus, it is necessary to remember the methods of protection against infection. The most radical, ale water hour effective method- Vіdmova vіd be-like sexual activity. Well, obviously, condoms can act like a zahisny zasіb, but as it has already been said more, the stench does not include the ability of the person to consume the virus of papillomy people into the body. Infection can be brought on during petting, so you can only protect yourself from infection after having been inspired by any sexual contacts. However, only those who already have serious problems with immunity go to such a radical method (for example, ailments, yakі have undergone organ transplantation, infected with VIL / SNID, or suffer from cancer). Reshti Well, you can recommend to know the minimum number of sexual partners. Studies have shown that an eight-month interval between sexual partners allows the body to develop and possibly other third-party organisms.

Also, studies have shown that people who have undergone the procedure of circumcision of the foreskin may reduce the risk of infection of IDPs. Ways and methods of infection with other state infections are similar, so it will be garnished with prevention. Those who are worried that contagious IDPs in case of butt-to-butt contact are especially carefully placed in front of people who cause warts. It is not great that the infection can pass to a healthy person after a torsion growth to the shkir with microtraumas. Even though a similar contact is still being made, then varto acquire a shkir with alcohol and accept anti-Russian zasib. Ale buvaє so that the warts are not visible with an invisible look (especially as the stench is spread on the soles or between the fingers of the feet). When you change your mind, or when walking in the huge spas, barefoot pools, there is a small chance that a papiloma will appear. Methods of infection in times of zarakhovuyutsya to pobutovim. For prophylaxis, it is enough to sound less warmly, or to put on scarves, and also to bathe in special caps and shoe covers for quiet places, it is not recommended to go barefoot. Taki simple rules also effective in the fight against fungal infections.

Diagnosis and prevention of infection

Having found out about those whose papilloma is contagious, blame the food - as soon as you see it. Whether you are a person who has an active way of sexual life, it is recommended to regularly take a cervical smear, or a Pap test. This simple, practically painless procedure allows you to quickly reveal not only the presence of a virus in the body, but also the signs of cancer. To take a swab, a laboratory assistant or a nurse with the help of a special device to expand the urethra (as a person is obese), after which you introduce a small shield. Zrobivshi two or three forward moves, fakhivets save required material for the wedding. Young girls and boys from 9 to 25 years old can be vaccinated to prevent papillomavirus infection. Vykoristovuvana for splitting the native land may have a warehouse for modifying DNA to the virus. The stench cannot eliminate the development of warts, but at the same time, the body must be able to vibrate antibodies to fight infection. In this way, a specific immunity is formed, which is activated as a real virus is ingested into the body. However, it is necessary to prepare before the fact that if the splitting can spread out to cause unacceptable side effects, such as:

  • headaches;
  • more confused;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • carrying;
  • painfully visible at the point of puncture;
  • bіl u m'yazakh.

The vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil are being sought.

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