List of zhnvlp on the river of updates. Pratsiyuemo with registries of Vital and Essential Drugs. Antivirals and systemic drugs

The List of Vital and Essential Drugs is a list of medicines, which is strictly approved by the Order of the Russian Federation and is maintained by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It will be possible to get updates on the list of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2019 at the statti, but it is also necessary to find out why there is a difference between the lists of Vital and Essential Drugs and Vital and Essential Drugs.

Until 2011, inclusive of the register of living essentials and the most important people, bearing the name of vital drugs, then the list medicinal products which prescribed medicines more widely. Since 2012, the rock has named the product - Vital and Essential Drugs (drugs). Before the new one enter faces under their own INN, that is, international non-proprietary names. These preparations are necessary for the provision of medical assistance with any direct activities of medical installations. You can get a cost-free transfer of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2019, which I can now name Vital and Essential Drugs, on our website.

The State has uninterrupted control over the market of medicinal preparations, the pricing for them and the economic efficiency of drugs. The key tool for state control is the development of a list of the life of the necessary and the most important faces.

The Ministry of Health Protection of the Russian Federation was responsible for the creation of translation, as well as for the processing and analysis of data on the efficiency and safety of the implementation of the products.

Regulations for the process of making the list of Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation No. 1086 dated 28.11.2013.

Chinniy current rock list of approvals to the Order of the Order of the Russian Federation No. 2323-r dated 10/23/2017. The list of vital medicines for 2019 has been expanded by 60 new international non-proprietary names and increased by 8 additional ones medicinal forms for already existing MPN.

You can also look at the list of vital drugs for 2019 at RP No. 2323-r.

It is also suggested to download the list of vital and essential drugs for 2019, up-to-date on the date.

Register of border admission prices

State regulation of the drug market is directly aimed at controlling the price setting for Vital and Essential Drugs. Instrument of state regulation to this particular type perform the formation of the transfer of border admission prices for medicines.

Boundary price (PC) - tse variant value, as it is determined for that chi nshoy likarskogo zabobnik. It will be fixed under the hour of registration or re-registration of the medicine. She has the following types of vitrate virobnik:

  • syrovina;
  • materials;
  • wages pracіvnikіv, zadіyanyh at the process of virobnitstv;
  • communal vitrati;
  • zahalnovirobnichi and zagalnogopodarski vitrati;
  • inflation rate;
  • other windows.

Rozrahunok PTs zdіysnyuєtsya vіdpovіdno to the methodology, enshrined in the RF GD No. 979 dated 15.09.2015. Then we will register the boundary prices for faces according to the regulations established by the Decree of the Russian Federation No. 865 dated 29.10.2010. All medicines are included in the state register without raising the tax for the additional payment.

In order to establish the function of state control over the general market of medicines and the formation of prices for life, the RF Department has expanded the register of border admission prices - it has been established the list of medical indications for all medicines, which should be included before the transfer of vital drugs (1-6.FZ 1 article).

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is also involved in the development and maintenance of the state register of marginal allowable prices. Fahіvtsі Ministry of Health Protection forms a copy on the basis of data, which they put on the collections of likіv, registering the HRC on them.

In that case, if the variant is inserted by the pharmacist, exceeding the standard, fixing at the registry of the PC, the medical preparation does not have the right to be sold for such a variant indication. Since the price characteristic of zovsim is not registered by the virobnik company, then the medication does not allow implementation.

The state register of border admission prices can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Peculiarities of state purchasers of drugs, included to the Register of ZhNVLZ

The purchase of liqiv is charged for the acquisition of special powers, installed on the legislator's level. The deputy at the warehouse of the technical manager and the conduct of trading procedures is guilty of violating the provisions of 44-FZ.

So, if the organization buys drugs, included before the Vital and Essential Drugs, and in the course of the procedure, it is determined that the border admission price for drugs, if it passes one of the participants, is not registered (does not appear in the registry of the PC), or the amount of the lot is transferred if the price is lowered, the participant is required to comply with the terms of the contract, then the substitute may have the right to take such a participant in the auction, or to be subject to the terms of the contract with the holder of the contract (part 10 of article 31 44-FZ).

In this manner, with the purchase of drugs, included in the list of Vital and Essential Drugs, the zamovnik zgidno z p. 2 h. 10 Art. 31 44-FZ, goitre of the price (without MPE) of drugs that are promoted by all bidders, with values ​​according to the skin position from the PC registry. As a rule, the pokaznik is relocated to the HRC, the participant of the goiter is to be reduced at least to the value assigned in the register. The vipad has a vipad, if the potassium is the Zmenshuvati position, then the organiza-Zamovnik is guilty of the bid to the contract with such a participant, which has not formed one timid protocol of the yogo rolled at the periode, 2 shutters. article 31 44-FZ).

Without knowing the basics of pricing in the pharmaceutical industry, it is impossible to correctly purchase faces according to 44-FZ. Let's take a look at the report, how the variety of drugs is covered, the registry of boundary prices, the registry of vital drugs for 2019, the official website.

What is the register of border admission prices for vital drugs in 2019

An analysis of the data on clinical efficacy and safety of medicines, an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of their use, allows the state to formulate a list of Vital and Essential Drugs (deciphering the life of the essential and the most important medicinal preparations).

The Ministry of Health maintains a list of special preparations that are cured. Hopefully, since 2012, the word has been called zhnvlp and zhnvdr, tobto. medicinal preparations (LZ), but not in the broadest understanding of medicinal drugs (LZ).

The Vital and Essential Drugs Registry for 2019, the official website is on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Also, the Uryad has expanded the methodology for rozrahunka border admission prices for vital and essential drugs (Decree dated September 15, 2015 No. 979).

The border admission price is the price that is set by the picker at the time of registration (or re-registration) of the license. It includes expenses for syroving and materials, payment for labor costs for workers employed in manufacturing, invoices for expenses (electricity, heat supply, water supply, fire), as well as the cost of inflation.

Rozrahunok of the boundary vartost of medicinal facilities

Fallow in the group of likіv installed its own method of rozrahunka. For example, not like in animals up to now, but also in animals, bioanalogues, drugs in the lower-middle price segment and others.

It is not allowed to sell that admission of Vital and Essential Drugs, for example, the border admission price is not registered on the distributors, and the distributors do not have the right to sell the licenses for the price, which will change the registration of the border admission price.

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation establish additional border limits for wholesale and retail allowances with the improvement of the methodology developed by the Federal Service for Tariffs (Order of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia dated 11.12.2009 N 442-a). Reimbursements are incurred due to the purchase, savings, sale of medicines, allowances for all taxes and other obligatory payments, as well as the increase in profits from the organization of trade. The estimates of allowances are published by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the Internet and distributed by pharmacy organizations in an accessible form for all applications.

We will direct the butt of the insertion of allowances.

Thus, the marginal allowable prices for vital and essential drugs in 2019 are made up of the vartosti, established by the distributor (no more than those registered with the registry) plus the wholesale or retail allowance (no more than the registered marginal allowance, established with the subjects of the Russian Federation).

Zastosuvannya vishchih rozmirіv priymaєєє as a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation (1, s year. 1 article 14.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

How is the registry of Vital and Essential Drugs prices maintained?

This registry is also available on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Rules, by which wines are kept, are established by the RF GD dated October 29, 2010 No. 865.

Operational monitoring of prices for vital and essential drugs of the Roszdravnaglyad is electronically monitored automated system by way of introduction to the Register of new records. Within one working day after submitting the necessary information about the registration of a new Vital and Essential Drug or changing the rate for inclusions before transferring the drug, the Ministry of Health will enter this information before electronic transfer.

The registry entry should be made as follows:

  • the name of the clerk or the clerk of the registry office, the clerk, the local clerk of the clerk's maydanchiks;
  • MPN is either a group, or a chemical trade name;
  • register number engagement;
  • dosage form, dosing, completeness;
  • the admission rate of the picker in rubles was registered;
  • date and number of the order of the Ministry of Health on state registration (re-registration);
  • barcode and code for anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification.


  • transfer of vital and essential medicines for medical supplies for 2018 (addition 1 to order);
  • transfer of medical benefits for medical treatment, including the number of medical claims for medical treatment, which are assigned for the decisions of medical commissions of medical organizations (addition 2 to Order);
  • transfer of medicinal preparations, indicated for the care of diseases, ailments for hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, hypophyseal nanism, Gaucher's disease, evil newborns
    lymphoid, hematopoietic and concomitant tissues, rosaceous sclerosis, as well as especially after transplantation of organs and (or) tissues (addition 3 to order);
  • the minimum range of medical supplies, the necessary medical assistance (addition 4 to Order).

Below you can see the text of the order. If the document is not displayed, then for information, go for the messages: Order of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2018 on the website of the Order of the Russian Federation or download.

Conclusion about the document.

Vіdpovіdno until the decision of the Order of 28 April 2014 date No. 871 of the Order of Russia confirms:

  • transfer of life-saving and most important drugs for medical treatment (hereinafter referred to as VED);
  • transfer of medical benefits for medical treatment, including the number of medical benefits for medical treatment, which are assigned for the decisions of medical commissions of medical organizations;
  • transfer of medicinal preparations indicated for the care of diseases, ailments for hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, hypophyseal nanism, Gaucher's ailment, malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and spore-forming tissues, rosacea sclerosis, and organ transplantation;
  • minimal range of medical supplies, necessary medical assistance.

The transfer of Vital and Essential Drugs is solidified rapidly, other transfers - not less than once every three years.

The list of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2017 was approved by order of the order on December 28, 2016 No. 2885-r. Transfers of expensive medicinal preparations, medicinal preparations for the care of other categories of the population and the minimum assortment were approved by the Order of Order on December 26, 2015 No. 2724-r.

The transfer of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2018 was approved by the order.

The VED transfer was supplemented with 60 drugs and 8 new dosage forms for already included up to the first transfer of drugs.

The transfer of medicinal products for the care of other categories of the population was supplemented with 25 medicinal preparations, 2 new medicinal forms for already included up to the first transfer of medicinal preparations.

The transfer of expensive medicinal preparations was supplemented with 3 medicinal preparations (non-alpha - for the treatment of ailments for hemophilia, teriflunomide - for the treatment of ailments for rose sclerosis, eliglustat - for the treatment of osib, as they suffer from type I Gaucher ailment).

To the minimum range of medicinal preparations necessary for the provision of medical assistance, 3 medicinal preparations are additionally included.

Praise for the decision to direct the implementation of federal laws dated April 12, 2010, dated 12 April 2010, dated 61-FZ “On the use of medicinal products”, dated 21 November 2011, issued dated 323-FZ, “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens Russian Federation» in part of the provision of Russian citizens with medicinal preparations, included before the transfer of vital and essential drugs, and the sovereign regulation of prices for medicinal preparations.

The order has solidified the list of important life preparations in 2018 and the minimum assortment: order of the Order of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2017 No. 2323-r.

Prior to the updated list of life-saving essential drugs The order included 20 new lekforms, one for 19 INNs and two for bosentan

More articles in the journal

Vіsіm z 20 lekforms - іn'єktsiynі, 11 - oral, including two prolongation vilnennia (granules of valproic acid and fenspiride tablets). Dexamethasone took away a new lekform - an implant for intrareal introduction. The order turned off in 2018 the transfer of vital drugs for one lekform for 17 INNs.

NB! New list! Read about changing rivers.

Before the new transfer, zokrema, did not take pills for oral fentanyl, drops for oral tramadol, capsules of mild ritonavir.

Included for transfer of extended-release capsules to nitroglycerin

VED and minimum assortment – ​​2019. Review of changes

The order included 35 new MPNs and including 2 INNs before the transfer of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2019. For 41 INN Order zbіlshiv number of medicinal forms. The minimum assortment was replenished with one preparation. Changes in relics should be considered in the form of pharmacies and five terms of reference, about which the expert writes to the journal Nova Apteka. Check what has changed with the help of prepared tables.

New drugs in the transfer of life-saving drugs in 2018


Trade names

Preparations for the treatment of ailments of the mucosal-intestinal tract and exchange disorders

Succinic acid meglumine inosine methionine nicotinamide

Rozchin for infusions



Suppositories rectal; Rectal suspension; tablets, covered with intestinal lining; tablets, covered with intestinal mucilaginous membrane; prolonged tablets; prolonged release tablets, covered with intestinal membrane

Ulkolfri, Pentaksa, Mezavant, Salofalk, Asakol, Kansalazin, Mesacol, Samezil



Preparations for the treatment of circulatory diabetes





Hemostatic medicinal preparations


Pіgulki, covered with plіvkovoy sheath


Make sure you test on the renin-angiotensin system

Valsartan sacubitril

Pіgulki, covered with plіvkovoy sheath

Intersto, Uperio

Hypolipedimic drugs


Rozchin for pidshkirny introduction



Rozchin for pidshkirny introduction

Systemic hormonal preparations, cream of state hormones and insulins


Gel for subcutaneous introduction of prolonged action

Somatulin, Somatulin Autogel


Rozchin for internal introduction


Antibacterial drugs and systemic drugs in Vital and Essential Drugs 2018



Lyophilizate for preparation of rozsin for infusions


; Pіgulki, covered with plіvkovoy sheath


Antivirals and systemic drugs

Dasabuvir; ombitasvir paritaprevir ritonavir

Tablets collected

Vikeyra Pak


Pіgulki, covered with plіvkovoy sheath

Arlansa, Narlaprevir






Antitumor drugs



Brentuximab vedotin

Lyophilizate for preparation of concentrate for preparation of infusions


Trastuzumab emtansine


Concentrate for preparation of infusions







Pіgulki, covered with plіvkovoy sheath








Rafinlar, Tafinlar




soft capsules





Concentrate for preparation of infusions

Rozchin for internal introduction



Lyophilizate for preparation of rozsin for infusions


Bulb necrosis factor alpha-1 (recombinant thymosin)



Lyophilizate for the preparation of a rosette for the introduction


Preparations for immunostimulating disease

Peginterferon beta-1a

Rozchin for pidshkirny introduction


Drugs for immunosuppressive disease


Concentrate for preparation of infusions

Lemtrada, Kempas


Pіgulki, covered with plіvkovoy sheath


Lyophilizate for preparation of concentrate for preparation of infusions


Pіgulki, covered with plіvkovoy sheath


Lyophilizate for the preparation of a rosette for the introduction


Lyophilizate for the preparation of a rozsin for a substation introduction; rozchin for pіdshkіrny introduction



Antiseptic and antirheumatic drugs


Rozchin for internal and internal introduction

Dexalgin, Ketodexal, Flamadex

Medical anesthetics


Rozchin for injections


Preparations for treating diseases of the nervous system

dimethyl fumarate

Intestinal capsules





Preparations for treating diseases of the dichal system

Vilanterol fluticasone furoate

Powder for inhalation dosing

Relvar Elipta

Glycopirronium bromide indacaterol

Capsules with powder for inhalation

Ultibro Breezhaler

Olodaterol tiotropium bromide

Rozchin for inhalation dosing

Spiolto Respimat


Suspension for endotracheal administration


Ophthalmic preparations


Eye drops

Taflotan, Taflotan multi

Other medicinal preparations

Complex of β-alize (III) to oxyhydroxide, sucrose and starch

chewing tablets

Velforo 500

The order of the Russian Federation scrupulously confirms the list of vital medical needs. Novye Revstr Striflp Salfits to the Rosargenes of the Uda of the Russian Federation VD 10.12.2018 No. 2738-r “About the hardennage of the alive, the naughty likitsy drugs for 2019, and Takozhkiv Likyvs for the Medical LIKS. The list of vital drugs (VED) for 2019 has been updated with 38 drugs and 2 new drug forms.

In Russia, such lists are already being established as a few years old, but in the country on aphids, an unstable economic situation, transferring increasing prices is not always possible. Not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the virobniks were evil with their rights for the molding of vartosta likіv, but in the regions, they were subsidized. Therefore, the state went as far as forming the list of vital and essential drugs. What is it like that victorious, we can look at the article.

Important! You can get an up-to-date list of liqs for 2019 using the following statistics.

Appointment of vital and essential drugs and yoga

The list of life necessary and the most important medicinal preparations for medical treatment, the abbreviation is given in such a way, the list of medicinal products, which is compiled by the Order. New people have:

  • international non-proprietary names;
  • medical care;
  • Medical forms.

The list of vikonuє kіlka functions. Before the list, they take less than the preparations registered with the Russian Federation, so that they can prevail over other medical problems under the hour of treatment of the disease. In this rank, the most important medical records, their recruitment is a singing guide for medical mortgages. On the part of the faces from vital and essential drugs, the regional authorities are installing for the singing categories of the population of the city. І in case of treatment in hospitals and preparations for a skin patient є bezshtovnymi. It's a pity, preparations in the translation are indicated for categories and illnesses, it is impossible to marvel at the yoga alphabet.

І the main role of the transfer is on the transfer of drugs to a new drug and the power to regulate the markup.

Regulation of prices for the life of the necessary faces

So, vydpovidno up to paragraph 9 of Art. 5 FZ-61 "On the issue of medicinal products" itself federal bodies set the boundary prices for the implementation of the pickings on the inclusion before the transfer of the face. The regional authorities, at their own discretion, will establish border wholesale and retail allowances up to these prices, even if the weather is better with the "federals" (clause 2, article 6 and clause 9.1, article 5 of the Federal Law-61).

Control over the sub-bag pricing is dependent on the government. With whom, the survivors can take an active part in him. So, in 2015 and 2016, re-checks were carried out in pharmacy chains in St. Petersburg and the Moscow region for the claims of the population, no damage was detected. Already, a list of the life of the necessary people for 2019, you can show a list of the websites of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and other departments, relevant Departments, Viddiliv, Ministries in the regions.

Legislator regulation

Approval of the registry of the most important medical orders is carried out on the basis of the Order of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to fight scrupulously vidpovidno until the decision of the Order of the Russian Federation on 29 July 2010. No. 865.

Vital and Essential Drugs for 2019, as well as changes in other countries, are formed by the improvement of new products in the pharmaceutical market, which are changing rapidly. RESTRA RUSTRO for 2019 RIK RIZPONTIONS OF ROZALYSHYAM URAD RF VD 10.12.2018 No. 2738-r “About the hardennage of the Pereposti Ned-Khitty Tu Likarsky drug for 2019 RIK, and the same migratory drug for the Medical Glass of the Minimal Assartimen”.

Decree No. 2323-r dated 10/23/2017, which was far from the past fate, was recognized as such that it had lost dignity.

Changes for 2019 - rest of the news

The line of lives of the necessary and most important people for 2019 was clarified for the current roci, the list was replenished with 38 new names. The main trend is that VED supplementation was supplemented with expensive drugs, which are indicated for the treatment of hepatitis C and HIV infection. The list included 2 names of antibiotics - Ampicillin + Sulbactam, Fosfomycin.

The following preparations have become new for translation:

  • Ambrisentan, atezolizumab.
  • Belimumab, blinatumomab, brivaracetam.
  • Valsartan + Sacubitril, vemurafenib, vilanterol + umeclidinium bromide.
  • Galsulfase, gozogliptin.
  • Zaliza hydroxide oligoisomaltose.
  • Idursulfase beta, ixabepilone, ixazomib, ipilimumab.
  • Cobimetinib.
  • Lapatinib, lenvatinib.
  • Mannitol, macitentan, mitotane.
  • Okrelizumab.
  • Parnaparin sodium.
  • Radium chloride, ribociclib, riociguat.
  • Sebelipase alfa, symoctocog alfa, sofosbuvir (Vin is used to treat hepatitis).
  • Taliglucerase alfa, tapentadol, tenecteplase.
  • Folitropin alfa + Lutropin alfa.
  • Ceritinib, elsulfavirin, empegfilgrastim.

As for the lekforms, there are 2 new ones in the current list: omalizumab (a drug for oral administration) and deferasirox (tablets coated with a plaited shell).

Important Submissions

Starting from the beginning of 2019, a program of holders of guarantees for free medical assistance was arranged (you can get it lower). Її introduced into the Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation on December 10, 2018 No. 1506 “On the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Assistance for the Hulks for 2019 and for the planning period 2020 and 2021”. Within the same framework, the minds of oncologists are thoroughly carried out, the life of important faces is updated.

02/06/2019, the State Duma held a meeting of the working group on the draft law "On the introduction of changes to federal law"About the obіg lіkarskih zabіv" in part of the sovereign regulation of prices for medicinal preparations, included before the transfer of life necessary and the most important medicinal preparations. Draft Law No. 592388-7 was first read in the middle of the month and now it needs to be corrected in order to safely enter another reading.

Why is the essence of the initiative: to solve the problem of stating the prices for preparations for the life of the necessary and the most important, like hanging the Head of the Committee for the Protection of Health D. Morozov. The bill of crops will be re-registered in 2019–2020. border admission prices for virobniks on the list of Vital and Essential Drugs. The price is due to be reduced, as the variety of preparations has changed foreign virobnik. The State Duma also encourages the creation of a permanent working group to improve the availability of faces.

Forming the list

The list is formed by the interim commission, created by the order of the Ministry of Health, in accordance with the Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation No. 871. Commission meetings are broadcast on the website of the Ministry of Health. Organizations and communities, yakі mаyut vіdnosnennia to obіgі lіkarskih zabіv i zahistu pokhistu pravennya v galuzі zdorovі zdorov'ya, vrobylyayut propozії schodo formuvannya list ta direct їkh to komіsії up to 30 years of skin fate.

How to review the document? At the Council of Council, it is not important to know the list of life-free lines for 2019 RIK, show the list of the list of I in Medic Pharmaceutical Stanovs, yaki yogo in the friendly wars (zgіnoye zg. 63 tbsp. 63 FZ-61 INFORMI and the maximum allowances established by the regional government, the prices are due to placement in pharmacies, which transfer the presence and transfer of vital and essential drugs). Transition of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2019 Federal Service at a glance at the sphere of health protection.

Detailed information about the list and limit range of preparations for a particular region is available on the official websites of the municipal authorities, departments and ministries of health, as well as on the website.

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