What is my name for foreign pickers when marking goods? Insertion of a variation of the modal dialect for the transformation of the insertion into a prohannya

When registering a TOV, how to correctly indicate the company name of the TOV on English language is it short?


Application for the name of a TOV as a foreign legal entity to work for an additional translation of the foreign legal form of the TOV and the transcription of the company name of a legal entity (paragraph 3 of article 1473 of the Central Committee of Ukraine; paragraph 1 of article 19.19.F02 of Federal Law No. 08).

For example, the Partnership with a limited supply of "Romashka" is spelled in English "Limited Liability Company Romashka" or "Limited Company Romashka". The short name of TOV "Romashka" is written in English "Co.Ltd Romashka".

Materials on the topic:

The primed position is indicated below in the materials of "Sistema Lawyer".

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part four.

". Company name

1. A legal entity, as a commercial organization, acting in civil circulation under its company name, which appears in its establishing documents, it is included in the single state register legal issues for state registration of a legal entity.

2. The company name of a legal entity may be placed on the legal form of the legal entity, as well as the name of a legal entity, which cannot be more than three words, which signify a number of duties *.

3. The legal person is responsible to the mother outside and may have the right of the mother to shortly name the Russian mother. A legal person may have the right of the mother also outside that (abo) short-term company name of the peoples of the Russian Federation that (abo) foreign language.

Фірмове найменування юридичної особи російською мовою та мовами народів Російської Федерації може містити іншомовні запозичення в російській транскрипції або відповідно в транскрипціях мов народів Російської Федерації, за винятком термінів та абревіатур, що відображають організаційно-правову форму юридичної особи*.».

2. Federal Law No. 14-FZ of 08.02.1998 “On Partnerships with Obzhezhenoyu Vіdpovidalnistyu”.

". Firm name of partnership and yoga area of ​​interest

1. Suspіlstvo owes the fault of the mother outside and may have the right of the mother to short-term firm name of the Russian mother. Suspіlstvo has the right to mothers also outside that (or) short-term company names of the peoples of the Russian Federation and (or) foreign languages ​​*.

Outside the firm name of the Russian partnership can be revenged outside the name of the partnership is the word "with a fringed vіdpovidalnіstyu". The shortened company name of the partnership of the Russian may be revenged outside, or the shortest name of the partnership is the word "from the bordered vіdpovidalnіstyu" or the abbreviation TOV.

The commanding way of victorious, so that you can give an introduction, get ahead of it.

Be quiet!

Listen to me carefully!
Hear me!

In some situations, direct punishments and statements can sound rude, in such situations, for help, you can beat words let's or please.

Let's go now.
Let's go.

Please listen to what I'm saying.
Listen, be kind, to what I say.

Variation of the modal dialogue for the transformation of the introduction to the prohannya

Modal words can be used to change the tone of speech. For example, the proposition "You should help her." є more than, lower "Help her!"

could you make me some tea?
Can you make tea for me?

Can you come here please?
Can you, please, come here?

Will will you shut the door please?
Please close the door.

Would don't you think the doctor is ready for you?
Check, be kind, here, the docks of the lіkar do not ring.

Vikoristannya introductory phrase, sob robit vkazіvka more than

In order to give an order, you can do without the order method, vikoristovuyuchi replace the new introductory phrase. Below, put some such phrases, put them in order from the most important to the least important.

Would you mind (possibly)… ( + ing-form )
Would you mind (possibly) moving your car? It's parked right in front of mine.
Chi could you move your car? Vaughn just stand in front of mine.

I was hoping you could… ( + infinitive without a part to )
I was hoping you could spare me a few minutes this morning.
I was happy that you can add a few more hours to me at once.

Do you think you could… ( + infinitive without a part to )
Do you think you could do ce photocopying for me?
Could you make a copy for me?

I "d like you to…
I'd like you to file this correspondence for me.
I want to bi, so you asked me for this post.

I want you to…
I want you to finish this by tomorrow.
I want you to get it done until tomorrow.

Vikoristannya words that mean order, blackness

In order for the statements to be sensible, you can win the words that signify order and blackness.

Firstly, Make sure the appliance is disconnected.
Change the back of the head, which attachment is screwed up.

Secondly, Open back with a screwdriver.
Let's open the back part with a twist.

Then, carefully pull out the two black cables…
For this reason, it is safe to wind two black cables.

Good day! Vіdpovіdno to deyakih technical regulations on goods and / or packaging of wine is applied, zokrema, trademark and / or the name of the virobnik is sovereign mine. Is it possible to use the names of foreign goods in branded goods (for example, we sell Chinese kilimki in a car, organizers just) Ukrainian language?

Good day! One of the basic regulatory acts, which establishes the power to mark the goods, is the Law "On the protection of the rights of consumers", article 15, which establishes the right of the consumer to receive the necessary, accessible, reliable and personal information about products. Won't you install a translation of information, so that you can buti nadana spozhivachevі, that form is given. To the warehouse of information about products enter, zokrema, name of goods, name of chi in the mark for goods and services, etc. yakimi won’t be real_zuєtsya, name of that m_scenahodzhennia of the picker. It is necessary to bring this information to the attention of the public in the documentation for products, on labels, as well as when marking. Such information may be assigned legally prior to legislation on movies.

Vidpovidno up to part 3 of Art. 26 of the Law "On the foundations of the sovereign state policy" marking of goods, instructions on their stosuvannya and further vikonuetsya sovereign my and regional my chi my minority. For the decisions of the comrades, I entrusted with the text, which was made by the sovereign language, it may be possible to translate it with other translations.

Tobto іnformatsija, yak zgіdno zі st. 15 of the Law “On the defense of the rights of spozhivachіv” maє buti nadana spozhivachevі pіd hour of marking the goods, maє buti vykladena Ukrainian my and regional my chi my menshini. So it can be given by other language. Vyhodyachi z tsikh vymog, it becomes obvious not only the admissibility, but the necessity of the introduction of the name of the foreign vineyard Ukrainian mova, as a symbol of art. 10 Constitutions my sovereign Ukraine.

Vіdsutnіst zaznachennya name іnozemnogo vyrobnika, and so be it any other information given by Art. 15 of the Law "On the defense of the rights of the spy" Ukrainian my є pіdstavoy for attracting an individual to the extent of violating the rights of the spozhivachіv to information. Confirming that such a possibility is not only in theory, but in practice, is the decision of the district administrative court of the city of Kiev dated 06.06.2011. No. 2a-2344/11/2670 and dated August 25, 2011 No. 2a-9098/ 11/2670 and praised the Zhytomyr Appeal Administrative Court.

In all of these cases, the sellers had a chance to slander the results of the re-verification of the organs of protection of the rights of the people, as in the first two cases, they imposed a fine for the sale of products without assigning a place of origin to the Ukrainian language, and in the third - for naming the products. Mustache tsі right ended in the melancholy of positivists. But in the first and in the rest of the day, it was only a little bit of a breeze to those who were presented with copies of the products, on which all the information was shown, including Ukrainian language, and in another body, the defender of the rights of the survivors simply stuck the wrong norm about boolo b.

To that, in order to avoid inaccuracies, I will name the foreign virobnik that yogo mystic knowledge, and also I will name the products of varto duplicating the Ukrainian language, vikoristovuyuchi the best transliteration.

We are particularly important to keep our current licenses for the sale of medicinal products. There are dozens of vipadkiv, if it was a substitute for the fence for the sale (sales) that the choice of medicinal products became a violation of the rules of marking in the part of the former vimog. Of the remaining applications, which can be applied for the order of the Sovereign Service medical care dated April 24, 2013 No. 9602-1.3/2.0/17-13, dated April 16, 2013 No. 8756-1.2/2.3/17-13, dated 04/09/2013 No. 8150-1.3/2. .

As far as trade marks are concerned, it is valid up to part 2 of Art. 26 of the Law “On the Foundations of the State’s Modern Policy”, signs for goods and services are designated in advertising for those who look like they are given legal protection in Ukraine according to the law. Oskіlki pіd prinyattyam "advertising" rozumієts іnformacіya about the product, expanded in the form of a yakіy formі and u whether yakіy sposіb і is recognized to form chi pіdtrimati osvіchenіst spozhivachіv schodo such a product, then this is the norm, in our opinion, stosuєs y vipadkіv branduvannya varіv. This information is given to help you see the accompanying documentation, on labels, as well as the marking of the name of the mark for goods and services, but my original.

It is no less possible to tell the branded goods about the names of foreign commodities in the Ukrainian language, but it is necessary, because of the legislation on the protection of the rights of the people and the legislation on the current policy in Ukraine. Vodnocha signs for comrades and services varto designate for those who see, in which they are given legal protection in Ukraine.

Vymogi before the joint-stock partnership should yogo іdentifіkatsії for naming that place of the position of the article 4 of the Law. Basically it's done here

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 1 of article 4, the court may have its own company name,

how can I apply for an organizational and legal form of that type

(close chi open). Suspіlstvo is in the right of the mother outside that short name

Russian language, foreign language and people of the Russian Federation.

Suspіlstvo, the company name of which is registered with the established

legal acts of the Russian Federation in order, may be excluding the right

yoga vikoristannya.

Otzhe, at the company name of the partnership may be obov'yazkovo buti present

the phrase "joint-stock partnership", for example: Open joint-stock partnership

Norilsk Nickel. Chodo move the company name of the partnership,

then do not forget about those that, according to paragraph 6 of Article 2 of the Law, Suspіlstvo

the mother is guilty of a round friend, to avenge Yogo's own brand name

Russian mova that vkazіvka on yoga misce znakhodzhennya. Food about victoria

the order of the Russian and other mine is violated by the suspility itself.

Suspіlstvo independently chooses its company name, prote

its own vono is surrounded by singing rules. So, joint stock partnership

there is no right to win a firm name, which should already belong to another legal

osobі, yak maє, otzhe, the right to її vyklyuchne vikoristannya.

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 4 of article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a person, as an unlawfully victorious alien

registered company name, for the most part of the right

on the company's name, you can pin it on your name

zapodiyani beats.

Such squabbles can be caused by boosting the authority of the firm's sergeant

naming the unsummoned actions of your competitor, the second buyer,

short-term at zv'yazku z tsim income is too short. Vіdpovіdnі call at such vіpadkah

reviewed by arbitration courts.

Article 7 of the Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" has to avenge

about those that the firm name of the bank obov'yazkovo had a word

"Bank". At the same time, a legal entity that does not have a license to create

banking operations, there is no right to win the word "bank" from your company

name. The official legal normative acts transferred and other

obmezhennya pіd hour vyborіv juridical persons svoіh firmovih namenuvan. For example,

name Russia, Russian Federation and those approved on their basis

the wording of the names of organizations and other structures"9 has been redacted,

what can you call vicorists more than for the sake of the Order

The Russian Federation is in the established order.

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Law, the place of recognition of the partnership is determined

mist of the state registration, ale for the mind, as it is clear

h federal laws the statute of partnership is not transferred otherwise. Appointment

the month of rebuking the suspіlstva is important

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mutual goiter of partnership with yogo business partners, as a place of vikonannya

goiter is not prescribed by law, other legal acts and agreements

(Article 316 of the DC of the Russian Federation), under the hour of the establishment of the place of jurisdiction of superechok, in which I take the fate

suspіlstvo, etc.

Paragraph 3 of Article 4 of the goiter is the support of the mother to the postal address, for which

he gets a call, that reminds the authorities of the state registration

legal about yoga change. The postal address of the partnership is obov'yazkovo fixed

have yoga installation documents. Well, to underestimate obov'yazku voіdomlyat

about changing the address to the body of registration of legal issues, zocrema, suspenstvo

we do not have the right to rely on non-refundable postal correspondence, as if won't

the bula was sent for the old address and was not found for the new one.

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