Yakі pіgulki drink for prophylaxis. Faces for cold prevention. Antivirus protection, which will strengthen the immune system

Apparently, there are three types of influenza prevention. Tse prophylaxis for additional vaccines (specific, vaccine prophylaxis), chemoprophylaxis (protivіrusnі zasobi) and prophylaxis that transfer the rules of special and suspension hygiene (nonspecific).


As a prophylaxis against influenza and colds, it is recommended to use medicinal preparations, health protection of immunity and the elimination of infectious viruses. Most colds are blamed on the weakness of the immune system. The low natural resistance to kill the body is super-susceptible to infections.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to take an interferon inducer, such as Arbidol, Amiksin, Kagocel, Neovir, Cycloferon. For the rahunok tsikh likіv in the body, the power of interferon is increased, which promotes anti-virus infection with the flu.

The cold season sharply increases the body's need for vitamins. Effective vitamins include Aevita, Antioxi-caps, Vetoron, Gerimaks. The results are given by the use of adaptogens. This preparation increases the resistance of the human body to the influx of the superfluous medium. With this help, the stimulation of the dying forces is being stimulated, the practice is being promoted. Widely used extracts of levzei, eleutherococcus and magnolia vine, as well as the drug Gerimaks.

Restore damage to the immune system for help of immunomodulators. Prevention of influenza will require liquids, which can be taken at any time. Cim vimogams are recommended by Immunal, Bronchomunal, Lycopid and others. It is recommended to take Arbidol, Anaferon, Amiksin, Grippferon and other drugs for antiviral drugs.

In children

Non-specific visits

The main non-specific approach for prevention of influenza in children (as well as rotavirus infection) is special hygiene. Some of them taught the rules of a child from a young age - for example, often shaking hands, especially in front of a hedgehog. Guess the children, so that she didn’t stick her hands to the face in public places - on the handrails, tables and other objects, the slumber of an ailing person can be covered. It’s enough for children to huddle behind the rail at the subway, and then put a finger at their mouths – as microbes already have “open access” to their body.

Often the fathers are afraid of "chilling" the child, for that the whole opposing season, the quarters and windows in the booth are closed and glued and the premises are not ventilated. Dry and warm will miraculously spread the virus. It is better to dress the child warmly, but to air out the room, to know how it is, if you want to have a sprig for a day.

As soon as a sick person comes to the booth, you should follow the children, put on a mask, see the okremy pick up the dishes.

The best prevention of influenza in children is healthy image life. Regular sleep, walks in the fresh air, balanced eating, the absence of stress - all this is worth remembering the opir of a little ailment.

Specific prophylaxis

Vaccination: splitting due to influenza reduces the incidence of illness among children by 60-90 years. Vaccination can be carried out in a pivroku.

Immunomodulators: different immunity and biostimulants infuse into the immune system and strengthen your power. There is no doubt that more active use of immunomodulating agents can weaken the body's natural immunity. At the same time, as a starting therapy, it is recommended to use preparations based on echinacea, Schisandra chinensis, leutherococcus, radiola erysipelas and other. Contrary to the widespread myth, vitamin C does not play any role in the prevention of influenza.

phytoncides. Influenza can be protected by natural disinfection - such authorities may be deacons of growth (mainly conifers - for example, essential oils yalіvtsyu, yalitsі, eucalyptus), as well as products that avenge phytoncides (chasnik, cibula).

Breast milk. The best way prevention of influenza in children, yakі perebuvayut breastfeeding, є breast milk. The new one has all the necessary speeches, like they protect a child in the form of an ailment.


As a preventive measure, Cycloferon is prescribed at high doses for 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 days and then five doses with an interval of 72 years. For children aged 4-6 years old, one tablet is prescribed, for children aged 7-11 years old - 2 tablets each, over 12 years old - 3 tablets per dose once per day, adults - 4 tablets each.

When symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory infections appear in children, the drug is prescribed at designated doses with an interval of 24 years once per day. The course of likuvannya to become 5-9 priyomiv.

When dealing with influenza and acute respiratory infections in adults, it is necessary to take 4-6 tablets for the first symptoms of infection, and give 2-4 tablets of Cycloferon per dose for 2, 4, 6, 8 doses. If necessary, additionally carry out symptomatic therapy (fever, pain relief, sedation).


Okremo wants to succumb to the adaptogenic power of the named medicine. The successors have brought that the wines have increased the resistance of our body to various positive effusions. Small doses of these drugs stimulate the generation of interferons and increase the number of endorphins and interleukins in the blood (natural killer cells are components of the immune defense of our body). Ale take pills "Dibazol" for the prevention of viral infections next three hours (not less than 30 days). For whom, a dose of 0.01 g per doba is required. Before the speech, the cream stimulates the immune system, the drug is powerful and resistant nervous system, to control the steel of all physiological processes that take place in our body. As a rule, yoga should be taken with calcium gluconate or ascorbic acid.


For the treatment of viral infections, it is recommended to prescribe 1 capsule of the drug Ingavirin for doba.

It is recommended that the therapy with ingavirin be administered after the treatment, the patient will be taken for 5 to 7 days.
For the prevention of viral respiratory infections without delay after contact with sick people, it is recommended to prescribe 1 capsule of the drug Ingavirin for doba.

Influenza is a mild-crippled viral infection. Medications for prevention and treatment of influenza:

  • Vaccination (specific prophylaxis) - effective method under the hour of the epidemic. Help reduce illness, reduce mortality.
  • Chemopreparations - preparations for the prevention of influenza. Many of them vikoristovuyut like a rejoicing.

Get flu prevention

Below are the preparations and may have contraindications, you need to consult a facsimile.

  1. The first barrier to the way of infection. To improve the immunity of the mucosal clitin medical care:
  • ta infagel - protect your daughters on the day of your nose.
  • and interferon - in the nasal streaks.
  • - Interferon inducer. Building development of asthenic syndrome (general weakness) and complication. Do not win over the borders of the Russian Federation and the country of the SND.
  • (Tiloron) is an interferon inducer. May be anti-Russian that immunomodulating power. The posture of SND is not victorious.
  • (Meglumine acridonacetate) - anti-rus, anti-seizure activity, induction of interferon. Preparations for the prevention of colds and flu (cycloferon) can be taken together with antibiotics and vitamins.
  • (Amantadine) - a popular anti-flu drug, interacting with viral protein, allows the virus to multiply.
  • Tamiflu (oseltamivir) - inhibition of neuraminidase, reversal of new viruses and penetration in healthy cells. In front of the development of illness. Recommendations for contact with sick people, lack of effectiveness of the vaccine in the risk group. Prophylactic for the drug to take.
  • Groprinosin (inosine pranobex) - stimulates humoral and cellular immunity.
  • Anti-influenza immunoglobulinanti-virus action activation of non-specific resistance to the organism Chinna base - antibodies.
  • Eleutherococcus extract, multivitamins help the central nervous system work, stimulate general opirnist.

    To strengthen the effectiveness, it is recommended to take anti-flu preparations according to the rules of individual protection and hygiene: unique contact with ailments, victorious mask, hands, regularly check the place, conduct the correct way of life (recovery of sickness, active sound).

    Medical prophylaxis of influenza is carried out:

    • Chemopreparations - a lot of preparations, like vicariously used for curing the flu, and can also be used for yoga prevention.
    • Vaccination - vaccination on the opinion of experts of the All-World Organization for Health Protection, the most effective and most important method of infection.

    Antiviral drugs in influenza prophylaxis

    • amantadine, rimantadine
    • zanamivir, oseltamivir
    • interferon and inducer interferon

    Amantadine, rimantadine. In the prevention of influenza caused by virus A, the effectiveness becomes 70-90%. Antiviral drugs may be prescribed to immunized individuals, especially due to the presence of risk factors. When vaccinated in mature adults, immunity develops after about 2 days, so amantadine and rimantadine are recommended to stop during this period. In addition, prophylactic administration of these drugs may be recommended for those individuals who are contraindicated for vaccination.

    Prevention of influenza spallations in likuvalnyh pledges (for example, in hospitals or in the wake of a sister's watch) is to be blamed for the first time flu-like illness. Take preparations for both patients and staff in order to prevent the transmission of viral infections to individuals with high risk of development.

    National Doslіzhennya Schodo Ethnicity of the gap of the gap, Amantadin Ta Rimantadin for the professional, Ta Lіkuvannya, and in Doroslih showed, Sho Amantadin Ta Rimantadin at the professional viburnum and in the healthy dorosthetic, Ale Riantadin Blind, the mines of the mines of Blinks, the mines of the mines.

    The problem of resistance is significantly intertwined between the stagnation of amantadine and rimantadine.

    Rimantadin (trade name Remantadin, Algirem). Zastosovuєtsya for the prevention of influenza caused by virus A, internally, afterward, drinking water. We grow up 50 mg 1 time per doba, the duration of the course is 30 days. For children of age 7 to 10 years old - 50 mg 2 times per day, course - 5 days. The maximum supplementary dose for children should not exceed 150 mg.

    Algirem(Rimantadine for children older than 1 year). Pharmaceutical form- Syrup. Preventive scheme:

    • children from 1 to 3 years of age - 10 ml (2 teaspoons) syrup (20 mg) 1 time per day,
    • children from 3 to 7 years of age - 15 ml (3 teaspoons) of syrup (30 mg) 1 time per day for 10-15 days in fallow in the middle of infection.

    Respect! The additional dose of rimantadine may be increased to 5 mg per kg body weight.

    Adapromin. May have antiviral activity similar to influenza A and B. Antiviral activity close to rimantadine. Zastosovuєtsya for the prevention of influenza. Available in tablets of 50 mg.

    How to fix the dose for prevention: internally, after 100 mg 1 time per day, every day for 5-10 days.

    Arbidol. An anti-Russian chemical preparation. It is dispensed in tablets of 0.1 g and in capsules of 0.05 g and 0.1 g. Scheme of likuvannya:

    • Grown up and children for 12 years: 0.2 g per harvest for 10-14 days; and during the period of the influenza epidemic and contagion for GRVI, 0.1 g 1 time for skin extraction 3-4 days for 3 periods.
    • Children aged 2-12: for prevention - 0.05 g for 10 days
    • Zasib for the prevention of influenza

    Zanamivir and oseltamivir. Tse new class specific anti-influenza drugs. In recent studies, it has been demonstrated that in the prevention of influenza, the drugs are as effective as the vaccine. In 1999, stinks were praised for the prevention of influenza A and B by the Office of Drug Control food products- FDA (USA).

    The UK National Institutes of Health and Medical Assistance recommends influenza prevention with zanamivir and oseltamivir.

    Designed with ceramics oseltamivir and zanamivir recommended to prevent influenza in such situations:

    • presence of influenza virus in too much middle ground in kіlkostakh, sufficient for the development of flu-like illness, like, ymovіrno, maybe viklikana flu virus;
    • the patient to lie down to the risk group;
    • contact with a special flu-like illness - if possible, take the drug for the next 36 years (zanamivir) or 48 years (oseltamivir);
    • the patient is little effective in theft of vaccination.

    Zanamivir (trade name Zanamivir, Relenza). 15 European powers have praised the use of Relenza for the prevention of influenza types A and B. Likuvannya next rozpochinati not later than 36 years after the appearance of the first symptoms. Ask for help from the diskhaler. Jubilee: matured and children older than 7 years - 2 inhalations 2 times for extraction for 5 days. Zagalna dobova dose - 20 mg.

    Oseltamivir (trade name Tamiflu). Available in capsules of 75 mg. It is taken internally independently as a preventive measure for type A and B influenza. After contact with an infected person, the drug should be taken for at least 7 days, and for an hour of seasonal flu - up to 6 days. Adults and young adults older than 12 years of age are prescribed tamiflu intravenously at 75 mg 1-2 times a day for 6 days during the first hour of the flu epidemic, as well as individuals who are rebuked from groups of advanced rhizovirus infection with a virus (in ) ). The maximum dose is grown to be 150 mg per dose. Prophylactic use of the drug is trivae stilki, skіlki trivai by taking the drug.

    Interferoni. Interferoni zastosovuyut for treatment and prevention of various viral infections, including influenza and other GRVI. The main activity of interferons is due to the fact that speech is activated, that viruses are replicated. If the mechanisms of theirs are universal, then the stench is effective for any viral infections. In the treatment of influenza and other GRVI, the following preparations and interferon are used:

    Native leukocyte interferon 1000 units/ml at the nasal drops, 5 drops at the nose, go 4-6 times a day.

    Recombinant interferon alfa 2b (trade name Viferon). Do not take revenge on the components of human blood, possess a genetically engineered way.

    • Viferon-ointment. For prevention in the middle of infection, the ointment is applied with a thin ball on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages 2 times a day in the evening and in the evening for 2 days, then 2-3 times for a day for 1 month.

    Recombinant interferon alfa 2 (trade name Gripferon). Mechanism dії Gripferon grounds for the protection of the reproduction of any viruses that are ingested into the body through the respiratory pathways. Gripferon corisny for the prevention of influenza and GRVI, oscalki:

    • Highly effective drug for emergency prevention of influenza and other GRVI.
    • Vidsutnіy efekt zvikannya to dії drug.
    • It is allowed to zastosuvannya in children up to one year, including not allowed.
    • It is allowed to zastosuvannya in vaginal women.
    • You can win at once with vaccine prevention.
    • May have an anti-epidemic effect.

    Assign miscevo to nіs. With the method of preventing influenza and GRVI: in case of contact with illness, and/or in case of hypothermia, the drug is buried at the vokal dosing 2 times a day for 5-7 days. For consumption, prophylactic courses are repeated; in case of seasonal outbreaks of illness, the drug is buried at the age-old dose in 1-2 days.

    • children up to 1 year old- 1 drop into the skin nostril 5 times a day (single dose 1,000 IU, additional dose 5,000 IU);
    • children from 1 to 3 years old- 2 drops in the skin nostril 3-4 times a day (single dose 2000 IU, additional - 6000 - 8000 IU);
    • children from 3 to 14 years old- 2 drops into the skin nostril 4-5 times a day (single dose 2000 IU, additional dose 8000-10000 IU);
    • grow up- 3 drops into the skin nostril 5-6 times a day (single dose 3,000 IU, additional dose 15,000 - 18,000 IU).

    Recombinant interferon-gamma (trade name Ingaron). Do not take revenge on the components of human blood, possess a genetically engineered way. May be antiviral, immunostimulating and immunomodulating. For the prevention of GRVI and influenza in case of contact with ailments and / or in case of hypothermia 2-3 drops of Ingaron at the skin nostril every other day 30 minutes before sleep for 10 days. At times, the prophylactic courses are repeated. With a one-time contact, one instillation is enough Ingarona.

    It's wonderful to know that viruses, which are transmitted by a ruddy-mottled path, are consumed by our body mainly through the nasal mucosa. Just when you breathe in again with the virus, you settle on it yourself. To that zapobіgti flu or be-yakіy іnshіy zastі, sіdnіmati іmunіtіt clitin mucosal nose.

    I will give you popular preparations, which are victorious for the prevention of GRZ and influenza:

    A drug " Gripferon» To dig into it once for mining - two lies.

    Vsіm vіdoma zastosovuєtsya for zmaschuvannya nose trichі for a day stretching a month.

    « Interferon dripping dvіchі on the extraction of 5 drops for a long period of sickness.

    Preparation " Ingaron» ta « Alfaron» Instill 2 drops into the skin nostril after the first cleansing for the first half of the year until the end of the day once for harvesting for 10 days.

    Breastfeeding and breastfeeding women, new-born children and babies up to 7 years old, for the prevention of influenza and colds, bury only Alfaron. For children up to one year - drop by drop 5 times for production, children from 1-3 years - 2 drops 4 times for 5 days. Let's try to break for 14 days and repeat the course of prevention.

    Arbidol helps not to fall ill when in contact with the flu. For this yoga, take 2 times 0.2 g per day, for prevention - 1 time per dose, 0.1 g skin for 3 days for 21 days.

    Kagocil to prescribe to children older than 6 years old and older. For the prevention of influenza, yoga is taken in daily cycles: 2 tablets 2 days a day, then a break for 5 days. The cycles are repeated for a few months.

    Do not use less drugs for the prevention of influenza: Tiloron, Lavomax, Amiksin. For the prevention of influenza, adults can take a dose of 125 mg 1 time per day, children - 1 time per day 60 mg for 1.5 months.

    Other preparations for the prevention of influenza and colds: Remantadine, Tamiflu, Viferon, Ribomunil, Oscillococcinum.

    Prevention of influenza and GRVI by folk methods

    For prevention, give 2 teeth a day to the watchmaker, often cibules.

    For the day, wash the girls with the Lord's sweetheart, or bury that cibulia in the new nasty honey. On yoga preparation 3 tbsp. l. pour 50 ml of hot water, add 1/2 tsp. honey. For pivgodini, the drug is ready!

    Also often gargle with soda, furatsilina, potassium permanganate, chamomile. Victory prophylactic inhalations. Boil 1.5 bottles of water, put 3 tablespoons of potato skins in it, or pour in 40 drops of eucalyptus alcohol tincture and inhale 15-20 quills.

    Drink like tea from the shipshini, raspberry tea with honey, tea on linden. Firstly, prevention of colds and flu folk secrets and medical preparations will be more effective, so you can immediately get vaccinated!

    Sounds of autumn, and the winter season begins with such a name of seasonal illness in the case of various respiratory infections of influenza. Virus on our head with you is rich:

    • adeno viral infections,
    • respiratory syncytial (RS),
    • rhinovirus,
    • flu,
    • parainfluenza,
    • coronavirus, etc.

    Unfortunately, no one, unfortunately, can’t get away and get one cold during the season. Zvichne lykuvannya antibiotics, until some of them so sounded that we couldn’t take a step without them, they didn’t give anything in terms of emergency help, as a virus penetrated to the cells. Also marnі (і shkіdlі) antibacterial preparations and yak prevention. The only possible treatment for GRVI or influenza at the first stage - antiviral diseases.

    Antivirus protection: if you help the stench

    The winter of 2016 turned out to be "rich" in the virus. Today, more than one flu walks three types:

    • influenza H1N1 (variant names: California, pandemic, swine), type A;
    • influenza H3 N2 (Switzerland), type A;
    • influenza Phuket, type St.

    Antiviral agents can be taken both for prevention and for the fight against the virus, which has already entered the body. The stench zastosovuetsya on the cob ill, sound troch more than five days. It is necessary to start a yakomog earlier through the superficial reproduction of microbes. The period of maximum efficiency of most preparations is 1.5 - 2 dobi.

    In the future, these faces appear insufficient, so that they can grow up against the majestic mass of viruses, and the illness continues to develop, although it is possible, and with less severe symptoms.

    Influenza is coming, which is often tempting when wearing a new one.

    • Immunity due to ailments of the weakening of the flooring, which opens the "gates" for other bacteria and viruses, and compresses;
    • ailments trivaly hour vіdchuvaє vіdchuvaє vіdkuvaє, without strength, emotional despondency, psychіchnі nіstіykostі - now so called pslavirusna asthenia.

    You can blame the food:

    Why do doctors often prescribe antibiotics?

    Appointment of antibiotics can be carried out in the other half of the disease, even if it didn’t work out:

    • for a long time there is a subfebrile (close to 37 °) temperature;
    • do not pass cough;
    • bіl at the breasts that ass;
    • laid n_s that rotten vision from the nose thinly.

    On the right, in that antibiotics are zastosovuyutsya for the exaltation of complication, called by bacteria, that penetrate into the body weakened by the flu. Ale, in the period of acute influenza and GDV, the stench is marnі, moreover, shkidli. Tim hourly, starting to self-exaltation, people are going to run to the pharmacy for these antibiotics, as if they recognized the drug last time. Zhah do not start drinking “ryativni” faces every hour, just paralyze the people. After the day of such self-admiration, dressing up does not come, the deputy of a new martyrdom. Illnesses live in a bigger panіtsі to the doctor, but an hour has been spent - taking antiviruses already gives little, and bring the flu to a severe form.

    Why use antibiotics for influenza and GRVI?

    The mechanism of origin and replication in bacteria and viruses is similar:

    • bacterium - an autonomous living organism, which can live and multiply in clitins (chlamydia and rickets only reproduce in clitins);
    • virus - even though it is a form of life, but poses a living biological organism in a swedish guinea, and its reproduction can only be in a cell.

    The scheme of antibiotics in different series was worked out - vibratory injection at the onset stage of the vitality of bacteria:

    • Creation of a clitin wall:
      • on the ruined bacterial cell walls, the penicillins are rooted.
    • Selection of special proteins for the creation of DNA copies and replications:
      • application of the work of bacterial proteins - diya quinolone antibiotics;
      • damage to the nucleotide vibrancy that enters the DNA warehouse - diya sulfonamides.
    • Protein biosynthesis through transcription (removal of RNA copies) from DNA behind auxiliary ribosomes:
      • erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamicin, blocking the biosynthesis of proteins, binding to bacterial ribosomes.

    Viruses multiply in the same way:

    • They have a daily clitin wall: the virus is a single capsule with a protein shell, the middle one is a nucleic acid with a complete genetic code (its own DNA and RNA).
    • The replication of the virus is reduced, being carried out by the clitin, and vicarious all molecular material: they do not need to add proteins for their copies.
    • For transcription of DNA, the virus vicorist ribosome cletin.

    What happens if an antibiotic is taken into the blood and tissue infected with a virus?

    You don’t know any bacterial walls, any protein, or bacterial ribosomes, so there’s no one to get excited about, and the stench is absolutely harmless. Prote Skoda in the presence of antibiotics is nowhere to be found. The most frequent shortcomings:

    • appearance of fungal infection;
    • damage to the intestinal microflora;
    • nirkovі ukladnennya;
    • filth vpliv on the neurons of the brain toscho.

    Deyakі see antibiotics, scho produce to excess neurotransmitters, navit provokuvat epileptic attacks.

    On what is the basis of antiviral measures

    Antiviral protection of vicorist is the very biological characteristics of viruses.

    For example, today it has been scientifically brought to the cause of such antiviral benefits:

    • Oseltamivir and zanamavir - reshaping the molding of virus particles and the release of the virus from cells.
    • Rimantadine ignores the early reproduction of the virus in clitin.
    • Aciclovir, which zastosovuetsya in the treatment of viral herpes, recognizes polymerase proteins to the virus, which can avenge the DNA code and lead them out of harmony.

    Why is the folding of anti-rusal exuberance

    The foldability of the antiviral drug is necessary for the necessary diagnostics:

    • The practitioner is to blame for the symptoms of a variable diagnosis of the type of infection, and there is no time to assess the result of laboratory tests.
    • As a result of this investigation, it is carried out preventively, so that, in essence, it is necessary to diagnose.
    • Diagnosis does not always confirm the previous diagnosis - in some cases, the glee appears to be incorrect, and the hour may have already been spent.

    Symptoms of respiratory viral and influenza infections

    The symptoms of the main GRVI and influenza infections are shown in the table below. (Symptoms of the flu are given in general. Read about the symptoms of swine flu).

    Antiviral, effective against influenza

    To combat California (swine) flu, two effective preparations have been developed:

    • oseltamivir (Tamiflu);
    • zanamivir (Relentsya).

    Both drugs are based on the inhibition (blocking) of neuroaminidase, an enzyme that takes part in rozpodil viruses.

    • Cі protivіrusnі zasobi zastosovyatsya for prevention and treatment of influenza of both types: A and B.
    • Efficiency of prophylaxis with these drugs is 70 to 80%.
    • The quantity of the development of the fold is reduced by 85%.

    Oseltamivir is available in 75 mg capsules or as a powder for suspension (one bottle - 30 mg).

    How to take Tamiflu (oseltamivir):

    • For a likuvannya - one or two capsules of two per day with a stretch of 5 decibels.
    • For prevention - one capsule once or twice a day for 1 - 1.5 months.
    • If a child weighs less than 40 kg, then dosing is chosen appropriately to the child's vagary, according to the instructions.

    Tamiflu is not prescribed to children until the age of birth.


    • nir's insufficiency;
    • intolerance to components in liquids.

    Protective measures are prescribed for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Side effects:

    • vomit, nausea, diarrhea;
    • bronchitis, infections of the upper dical channels; dyspepsia;
    • bіl head, broken sleep;
    • dermatitis, kropivyanka;
    • Steven Johnson syndrome, Quincke's syndrome (rare):
    • neuro-psychic damage (judgment, damage to svidomo, disorientation, depression, nightmares, madder, try suicide).

    Zanamivir is available as a powder for inhalation (in one dose - 5 mg).

    The procedure for receiving a Relenzi (zanamavir):

    • Likuvannya: 10 mg of two per day 5 deb.
    • Prevention: 10 mg once a day 1 - 1.5 months.

    Zanamavir zastosovuetsya for exaltation and prevention of influenza in adults and children for the first time in 5 years.

    The side effects after taking prescribed drugs are rare - in 1.5% of cases.

    Damage from the side of the central nervous system and the psyche of a healthy posterity were observed in children and children, as they were treated for influenza with the drug Tamiflu. However, no side effects of oseltamivir have been scientifically proven yet, fragments of similar complications have been fixed in some patients with influenza A, since they did not take Tamiflu.

    Prevention with oseltamivir or zanamivir is less likely to be carried out in the case of depression, if a healthy person has been in contact with ailments, in which a sick strain of influenza has been laboratory confirmed. Take qi cats after a skin sneeze, or if you have influenza, or if you have an acute respiratory viral infection of moderate severity, not varto.

    With influenza groups, And traditionally, amantadine and yoga are victorious:

    • rimantadine, deutiforin, midantan.

    The most popular and known to all antiviral drugs is rimantadine, released in 1961.

    The principle of di rimantadinu is based on:

    • on the blocking of ionic M2-channels, by which the virus transmits its cytoplasmic genome to clitin;
    • induction of interferon-α and interferon-γ (lower pro interferon);
    • increased functionality of lymphocytes.

    For qі roki the faces showed their high, vіd 70 to 90%, efficiency.

    • Rimantadine can be used for influenza group A, tick-borne encephalitis, herpetic infection.
    • Since the H1N1 swine flu is itself up to group A, it is possible to use rimantadine for prevention, as well as for the treatment of mild and moderate forms of influenza.
    • In influenza type B, the drug may cause protitoxic action.

    Most ailments positively comment on the drug, as it helps, relieves flu symptoms and lowers the temperature. Approximately 30% suggest that rimantadine did not help to explain the resistance of viruses to the drug, which was due to the tentative nature of these drugs.

    Form of release of rimantadine:

    • tablets of 50 mg and 100 mg;
    • syrup Algirem (for children 1 - 7 years old).

    How to receive:

    • Dorosli (rejoicing):
      • In pershu doba, the maximum dose is taken - 300 mg, divided into sprats.
      • Another-third doba - 100 mg of birch per day.
      • Quarter-five - 100 mg once a day.
    • Preventive measure:
      • 50 mg every day for two days.
    • Children vіkom vіd 7 to 10 years:
      • 50 mg dvіchі per dose.
    • Children vіkom vіd 11 to 14 years:
      • 50 mg trichi per day.

    Acceptance of liqiv is carried out for more than 5 days.

    Side effects:

    • sleeplessness, decreased concentration of respect, increased drowsiness;
    • dryness in the mouth, symptoms of gastralgia, nausea, vomiting;
    • mozhlivi zagostrennya chronic ailments.

    The drug is contraindicated in case of acute diseases of the liver and liver, thyrotoxicosis, vaginess and allergic reactions to components that can enter the lungs.

    Other antiviral infections against influenza and GRVI

    People called to be put up to GRVI like to richly safe, lower flu. However, it is not so. Deyaki see infections are not less unsafe.

    For grown-ups, this infection does not become a particular threat, but it passes peacefully.

    Unsafe RS-virus for children up to one year, the shards of the building bliskavichally oppose the lower dyhalny ways of that legend. Infection itself, and not Reye's syndrome, is most often blamed for rapt death in non-infections.

    virus, calling the ailment, lie down to the Paramyxoviridae family of viruses, the stars are "born" kir, mumps and parainfluenza.

    The child fell ill and suddenly began to choke. Iomu needs intensive supportive therapy, a sour cream mask.

    To fight against the RS-virus, only such anti-rus drugs are in the minds of the hospital, as they are in the minds of inhalers:

    • ribavarin, rebetol, virazole;
    • plenoconaril.

    The preparations block the virus, destroying the RNA.

    These diseases can cause aggravation in the appearance of bronchospasm, teasing the eyes and dermatitis. The method of zastosuvannya likіv rozporoshennyam cause to viniknennya side reactions induce medical staff.

    Ribovarin and virazole can also be used for treatment in children with acute rhinovirus infection, which mainly affects the nasal mucosa and parainfluenza.

    In 2009 This drug has made a lot of noise as an original (and universal) anti-Russian drug against influenza viruses, A and B, as well as against coronavirus.

    The principle of dії arbidol:

    • pereskodzhannya zlittyu shells of the virus with clitin membranes in the way of interaction with the hemagglutinin virus;
    • induction to interferon;
    • activation of phagocytic cells

    Available in tablets of 50 and 100 mg.

    How to receive:

    200 mg 3-4 times a day for three to five days.

    Today, the drug is no longer a bit of such a flood of opinions, although the drug, like before, zastosovuetsya at the regimen for the treatment of influenza, recommended by the Ministry of Health. Yak and more anti-Russian zasobiv, help someone, but not help someone. Skeptics say about the drug like this:

    • Vіdnosno neshkіdlivy, аlе korіstі osobliї є є.
    • It was advertised through those who scho nіbito buv tіsno povyazanі іz іznіmi mіnіstra mіnіstra zdorovі zdorov'ya, promislovistі i torіvlі just.

    Antiviral immunity based on immunity factor

    Mova about interferon and interferon inducers.

    Interferon human leukocytic (exogenous)

    Wine is prepared from donor blood. Yogo vіdkrittya pririvnyane to the most significant medical podіy.

    Interferon is a nonspecific factor of the immune system. This protein is vibrated by clitins, as a virus penetrates them. Not only that: the clitina was attacked, seeing interferon, ahead of other clitins about zagarbnikov, and the stench is also mobilizing and repairing interferon.

    In this case, the versatility of infection is protected: interferon protects against other viruses, and does not induce resistance to itself, the shards do not inadvertently get out of it. They bind to the receptors of clitins, and they begin to vibrate the speech, which suppress the spread of viruses and kill the clitins. At the result, you die at once with viruses.

    In this rank, interferon is smaller, lower antibodies, roaming the virus on the way, beating the cordon itself.

    The prospects for interferon were given privy, but the stench could not become a universal and hundred-strong infection against the flu:

    • Some of the viruses were revealed by the steps - and more, lower, the need was extended.
    • Chi that scientific sensation was a trifle overblown.
    • Chi slіd pіdvishuvati clean vmіst (homogeneous warehouse) lіkіv.

    Shvidshe for all interferon maє majestic potential, Just until the end of non-realizations, like and without any troubles, which allow you to win even today, and in tomorrow's perspective:

    • This is the last device among the most effective anti-viral agents, and at the same time it can be greedy.
    • You can enjoy it with small children.
    • Kindly zastosovuvat interferon in a complex with other antiviral chemical methods.

    Interferon vicorist for prophylaxis and with the first symptoms of influenza, parainfluenza or GRVI, and then, as if the ailment still began, they add more important artillery - for example, rimantadine or tamiflu.

    Interferon zastosovuetsya in two types:

    • β-interferon is a powder that can contain 9.5 million units of interferon.
      • You can dilute it with water and bury it with us or powder it 4-5 times a day.
    • Interferon - 2b (viferon) - rectal candles:
      • Candles can also store tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid, which stabilize cell membranes and increase antiviral activity.

    Older and older children are prescribed viferon-1.

    Children up to 7 years old - viferon-2.

    An interferon inductor is a drug that induces exogenous (human interferon) production. It’s all new preparations, and, perhaps, the future itself, behind them, shards of deacons from them, building protection against the strong viruses at the last stage of ailment.

    Interferon inducers are generated from low high-molecular biological or synthetic sources.

    The inductor penetrates into the nuclei and cytoplasm of the clitin and passes through to the production of early (or late) interferon.

    Apply drugs-inducers:

    • Amiksin is a synthetic low molecular weight drug of its class of fluorenones.
      • Acceptance begins in the first year.
      • Dobu prescribe 125 mg (one tablet);
      • After two more, take one more tablet, and so on, until you have drunk a total of six tablets (renewed course)
    • Cycloferon is a low molecular weight inducer of interferon-α, which quickly penetrates into the blood.
      • Vin is one of the few drugs that cause a hematoencephalic barrier and cause induction of interferon in the brain, which allows, for example, viral meningitis.
    • Ridostin is a natural high-molecular inducer of interferon, which is taken from the killer yeasts.
      • It has immunomodulating activity, stimulating the establishment of T-cellin of the immune system, rozpodil stovburov clitin, the production of corticosteroid hormones.
    • Kagocel is a new original drug, an inducer of sleep alpha- and beta-interferons:
      • for the prevention of influenza, it is enough to take the drug for two days (two first days, 2 tablets once a day);
      • an hour on the cob of cob - no more than 4 days on the cob of illness;
      • changes in catarrhal and inflammation symptoms, temperature, symptoms of intoxication with influenza, tonsillitis, GRVI, parainfluenza;
      • regardless of the effectiveness of the drugs and the small number of side effects, it is necessary to get super-juicy about injecting Kagocelu on reproductive health: it is connected with the fact that derzhsipol was added to the warehouse of the drug, which caused an irrevocable human woman without pay approximately 20% take the drug.
    • Dibazol is an old drug, a peripheral vasodilator, antispasmodic, sudinor-expanding agent, which simultaneously stimulates the production of interferon, which allows it to stop and prevent influenza and GRVI.
      • Prote dibazol is not suitable for hypotensive patients, the scales decrease the pressure.
    • Anaferon is a homeopathic medicinal anti-Russian drug.
      • Activates immunity through humoral and cellular lankas and promotes antibodies.
      • Sprinkle the vibration of interferon-gam 1-b, which increases the power of the body.
      • Pobіchnі dії praktіvnі vіdsutnі, scho allows yogі vykoristovuvat іn іkuvannya іdіtі.

    They were not skeptical about homeopathic remedies, but Anaferon may have a bad story:

    • Vin is not brought to pure homeopathy, but is respected by the official pharmaceutical industry in a special way.
    • The effectiveness of yogo has been brought to clinical trials, both in the case of mature adults, and in the case of children, to which it is unlikely that the placebo effect can be seen.

    Children against the Russians

    Considering what has already been said, you can see the most safe preparations that can be used to treat and prevent children from influenza and GRVI:

    • viferon,
    • anaferon,
    • nurofen,
    • panadol,
    • aflubin.

    The homeopathic complex preparation Aflubin has a low brown power:

    • stimulates the immunity of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and trachea;
    • lowering the temperature and reducing the ignition process;
    • help relieve intoxication.

    Aflubin also helps to fight against crippling syndrome, which often accompanies children with viral infections, so it can be stopped in the treatment of rheumatoid or infectious arthritis.

    Antiviral drugs are not a panacea

    Antivirus protection at the station:

    • strangle only a cold, which you start, or else you can take it out for an hour;
    • shortness of the term ailment;
    • significantly ease the camp of the sick

    Golovne - tse those that PVA help to get down and get comfortable, through yakі vlasne people are afraid of the flu.

    But the preparations are not omnipotent to stop them permanently and it is impossible to fight against the viruses.

    Take advantage of the use of this drug, which is really intended for the type of virus, which, having contracted ailments, will become:

    1. Do not varto, for example, take acyclovir for the flu, if you have rimantadine.
    2. It is not necessary to drink Tamiflu immediately, as the flu is easy to pass.
    3. It is not possible to take a few drops of chemical preparations against various viruses:
      • through the “fight of viruses”, like jealously defending their territory, while a person is sick on one sickness, I don’t threaten another virus.

    Antiviral drugs and guilt are recognized as a doctor, as if they were people.

    The best defense against influenza - immunity

    The greatest defense is our natural immunity, which we can help:

    • povnotsіnnym eating,
    • physical preparations,
    • become the soul by the strength of the spirit.

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