Bishop Augustine (Anisimov): Russia stands on the threshold of testing, but may have great potential. Gorodets Orthodox - Bishop of Gorodetsky and Vetluzky Avgustin (Anisimov) Bishop Augustin of Gorodetsky and Vetluzky new

Augustine (Anisimov), Bishop of Gorodetsky and Vetluzsky (born 1945) - Russian church and hromadsky dyach, missionary, theologian, legal scholar, mysticist. Budivelnik, messenger and monk of the Feodorovsky Gorodetsky monastery at the Nizhny Novgorod eparchy. Since 2012, the bishop of the newly created diocese of Gorodetsk. Permanent member of the Election Club.

Anatoly Ivanovich Anisimov was born in the world on September 14, 1945 in Moscow. Batko, having lain down to the priestly family, who came from the Oryol province.

Priishov to the Church close 1972-1973 rokiv. Having already entered on the path of a preacher, regardless of difficulties, trying to talk to people about God, help them come to the Church.

1977 graduated from the Moscow All-Union Law Institute for the specialty of law. Worked as a consultant at the Institute of Nursing, as an instructor at the Moscow Regional Committee of Professional Education of Practitioners, your school that of scientific institutions; іnspector-mystetskoznavtsem at the Art Fund of RRFSR; intercessor of the head of the Department of Mechanization to the trust "Mostransbud". Buv of friends.

In 1987, the appointment of the steward of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra to the service, taking part in the preparation of the celebration of the 1000-year-old Christening of Russia.

January 22, 1990 hanging on the deacon in Ivanovo by Archbishop of Ivanov and Kineshma Ambrose. 2 scythes of the same fate of hangings on the priest by His Grace himself. 19 leaf fall 1991 to the fate of the appointment of Ivanov as rector of the Kazan Church. From April 1993 until May 2007, serving in the Ivanovsky Preobrazhensky cathedral. He taught dogmatic theology, ecclesiastical law, basic theology, apologetics and misiology, as well as basic theology at the Ivanovo Orthodox Theological Institute at the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Spiritual Seminary.

Spring 5, 1993 to the fate of monastic vows in honor of Blessed Augustine, Ep. Japanese. He was tonsured by the Archbishop of Ivanovo and Kineshma Ambrose (Shchurov). In 1995, the positions of the san іgumen. Engaged in missionary work in the Ivanovo-Voznesensk eparchy and beyond. In his activity, he lashed out at the renewal of the Orthodox way of life through the communal life of parishes and collectives. At the competition of missionary projects within the framework of the 15th Christmas Celebrations, the Synodal missionary award was awarded a diploma to the program “Orthodox community as a mission to promote Orthodox life in Russia”. At the same time, having nourished the Moscow Orthodox-oriented schools, that association of the Slavic Fund of Russia.

U 1995 roci vivchav tipi initial mortgages in Nimechchyna.

2001 graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary.

2007 the fate of the commissariat for the canonization of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk eparchy. In 2008, on the request of the head of the Synodal missionary office of the Archbishop of Bilgorod and Starooskolsky John, taking part in the seminar on the development of the concept of the initial help and methodology of the presentation of the subject "Missiology".

On July 15, 2008, the state was granted the right to transfer to the Nizhny Novgorod diocese. In the infants of the same fate, the appointments of Feodorovsky's buddy, which are inspired. human monastery near the city of Gorodts Nizhny Novgorod region. On May 27, 2009, the fate of the appointment of a monastic monk of the Feodorovsky Cholovіchoy Monastery.

Until 2010, as a missionary, he made a wide speech in front of various spiritual, illuminating, scientific and political audiences. Buvav near different parts of Russia; in Ukraine - near Krimu, Sevastopol, Kiev; in other radian republics; near Europe and at the Close Descent. In the illuminating middle of the classroom, pre-school education to academies and universities. Speaking at the ministries. Buvav for different furnishings in the army; in v'yaznitsyah, in zones, in female colonies; convicting them to the point of being shot.

On March 15, 2012, the date of the appointment of the bishop of the newly established diocese of Gorodets. On the 18th of June, the rank of Archimandrite Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kiril at the Moscow Cathedral Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior. March 29, 2012 is the date of naming, and on April 8 of the same date - consecrations for the Bishop of Gorodetsky and Vetluzsky. The consecration at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior near Moscow was honored by the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirilo).


Notes of a missionary, Nizhny Novgorod: Ed. Yu. A. Nikolaev, 2003.

Articles and interviews

Bishop Gorodetsky and Vetluzsky Augustine

Date of birth: September 14, 1945
Date of consecration: 8 April 2012
Date of tonsure: 5th of spring 1993
Krajina Russia

Born on September 14, 1945 at Moscow, christenings at children. Batko, Anisimov Ivan Illich, having lain down to the priestly family, who came from the Oryol province.

After graduating from school, having completed term service at the lavas of the Evil Forces.

Have 1977 r. graduated from the Moscow All-Union Law Institute of specialty law. Pratsyuvav consultant in Іnurkolegії, instructor at the Moscow Regional Committee of Professional Union of Pracіvnіkіv osvіti, higher school and scientific institutions; іnspector-mystetskoznavtsem at the Art Fund of RRFSR; intercessor of the head of the Department of Mechanization to the trust "Mostransbud". Buv of friends.

In 1987 acceptance into the service of the steward of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, taking part in the preparation of the celebration of the 1000-year-old Baptism of Russia.

Have 1990 r. in the city of Ivanovo, Archbishop of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Ambrose of Kineshma hung on the deacon (May 22) and on the presbyter (2 sickles).

April 3, 1993 until May 2007 serving at the Transfiguration Cathedral in metro Ivanovo. He taught dogmatic theology, ecclesiastical law, basic theology, apologetics and misiology, as well as basic theology at the Ivaniv Orthodox Theological Institute at the Ivanivsk-Voznesensk Spiritual Seminary.

Spring 5, 1993 Ambrose, Archbishop of Ivanovo-Voznesensk, tonsured the clergy in the name of Augustine in honor of Blessed Augustine, ep. Japanese.

In 1995 zvedeniy at the dignity igumen.

2001 graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary.

Engaged in missionary work in the Ivanovo-Voznesensk eparchy and beyond. In his activity, he lashed out at the renewal of the Orthodox way of life through the communal life of parishes and collectives. At the competition of missionary projects within the framework of the 15th Christmas Celebrations, the Synodal missionary award was awarded a diploma to the program “Orthodox community as a mission to promote Orthodox life in Russia”.

U 1995-2002 pp. lectured the subject "Missiology" at the Courses of Catechists of the Brotherhood of Alexander Nevsky at Nizhny Novgorod. In 1995 at the request of the order of that Lutheran Church of Lower Saxony (Nimechchina) having been in the official recruitment in the city of Hannover with the method of training the system of enlightenment and interaction between the Church and the state in the social sphere. In 1996 having spoken at the State Duma of the Russian Federation at parliamentary hearings on the topic “Education and national security of Russia”. Have 2001 r. on the head of Ivanovo, reading a course of lectures “Orthodox way of life. Foundations of Orthodoxy” for the office of the city administration of Ivanovo. Worked at the Ivaniv State University, graduated, reading the author's course "Phenomenology of Religion" at the Faculty of History. Have 2007-2008 rock. I made a contribution to the Ivanov Institute for the advancement of the qualifications of teachers for the preparation of them to the teaching of the course "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture". Protyag 8 rokіv buv the head of the organizing committee of the celebration of the holy “Christmas gift” and “Light is holy”, the method of such a successful education of young students of music and art schools and schools, incandescent schools to Orthodox values. Taking part in the VI film festival "Golden Knight" as a member of the jury.

Have 2002 r. with the blessing of the Holy Patriarch Oleksiy II, it was included in the warehouse of the working group of the Public and Political Experts for the sake of developing the Osvitny concept of the Russian Orthodox Church.

At grass 2006 at the request of the Directorate of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in the city of Warsaw, taking part in the ceremony of inaugurating the Rock of Russian culture near Poland near the city of Lodz.

Have 2007 r. sent to the warehouse of the commission for the canonization of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk єparkhії. Have 2008 r. on the request of the head of the Synodal missionary office of the Archbishop of Bilgorod and Starooskolsky John, taking part in a working seminar on the development of the concept of the initial help and the methodology of the presentation of the subject "Missiology".

By the decree of Bishop of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Kineshma Josip dated 15 July 2008. granted for the state from the right to transfer to the Nizhny Novgorod diocese. In breasts 2008 appointments as a wake-up man of the Feodorovsky human monastery, which is remembered.

To the appointment of the Holy Synod on May 27, 2009 (magazine No. 45) was recognized as a monk of the Feodorovsky Monastery of Man near the town of Gorodets, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Buv confessor of the Holy Elizabethan Sisters of Mercy of the Nizhny Novgorod Medical College; spiritual pikluvalnik, lecturer-consultant of the Department of International and Political Communications of the Faculty of International Communications of Nizhny Novgorod state university im. Lobachevsky.Right member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Association.

Decisions of the Holy Synod dated 15 March 2012 (magazine No. 7) was appointed by Bishop Gorodetsky and Vetluzsky.

Adverbs March 29, 2012 Consecrated for the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on April 8. The Divine Service was celebrated by the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirilo.

1977 - Moscow All-Union Law Institute.

2001 - Moscow Spiritual Seminary.

Gorodets diocese
(Ruling Bishop)

Date of birth: September 14, 1945 Date of consecration: April 8, 2012 Haircut date: Spring 5, 1993 Biography:

Born on September 14, 1945 at Moscow, christenings at children. Batko, Anisimov Ivan Illich, having lain down to the priestly family, who came from the Oryol province.

After graduating from school, having completed term service at the lavas of the Evil Forces.

Have 1977 r. graduated from the Moscow All-Union Law Institute of specialty law. Pratsyuvav consultant in Іnurkolegії, instructor at the Moscow Regional Committee of Professional Union of Pracіvnіkіv osvіti, higher school and scientific institutions; іnspector-mystetskoznavtsem at the Art Fund of RRFSR; intercessor of the head of the Department of Mechanization to the trust "Mostransbud". Buv of friends.

In 1987 acceptance into the service of the steward of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, taking part in the preparation of the celebration of the 1000-year-old Baptism of Russia.

Engaged in missionary work in the Ivanovo-Voznesensk eparchy and beyond. In his activity, he lashed out at the renewal of the Orthodox way of life through the communal life of parishes and collectives. At the competition of missionary projects within the framework of the 15th Christmas Celebrations, the Synodal missionary award was awarded a diploma to the program “Orthodox community as a mission to promote Orthodox life in Russia”.

U 1995-2002 pp. lectured the subject "Missiology" at the Courses of Catechists of the Brotherhood of Alexander Nevsky at Nizhny Novgorod. In 1995 at the request of the order of that Lutheran Church of Lower Saxony (Nimechchina) having been in the official recruitment in the city of Hannover with the method of training the system of enlightenment and interaction between the Church and the state in the social sphere. In 1996 having spoken at the State Duma of the Russian Federation at parliamentary hearings on the topic “Education and national security of Russia”. Have 2001 r. on the head of Ivanovo, reading a course of lectures “Orthodox way of life. Foundations of Orthodoxy” for the office of the city administration of Ivanovo. Worked at the Ivaniv State University, graduated, reading the author's course "Phenomenology of Religion" at the Faculty of History. Have 2007-2008 rock. I made a contribution to the Ivanov Institute for the advancement of the qualifications of teachers for the preparation of them to the teaching of the course "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture". Protyazh 8 rokіv buv the head of the organizing committee of the holy “Christmas gift” and “Light of the Holy”, the method of such a successful education of young students of music and art schools and schools, spiritually enlightened schools to Orthodox values. Taking part in the VI film festival "Golden Knight" as a member of the jury.

Have 2002 r. with the blessing of the Holy Patriarch Oleksiy II, it was included in the warehouse of the working group of the Public and Political Experts for the sake of developing the Osvitny concept of the Russian Orthodox Church.

At grass 2006 at the request of the Directorate of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in the city of Warsaw, taking part in the ceremony of inaugurating the Rock of Russian culture near Poland near the city of Lodz.

Have 2007 r. sent to the warehouse of the commission for the canonization of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk єparkhії. Have 2008 r. on the request of the head of the Synodal missionary office of the Archbishop of Bilgorod and Starooskolsky John, taking part in a working seminar on the development of the concept of the initial help and the methodology of the presentation of the subject "Missiology".

By the decree of Bishop of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Kineshma Josip dated 15 July 2008. granted for the state from the right to transfer to the Nizhny Novgorod diocese. In breasts 2008 appointments as a wake-up man of the Feodorovsky human monastery, which is remembered.

To the appointment of the Holy Synod on May 27, 2009 (magazine No. 45) was recognized as a monk of the Feodorovsky Monastery of Man near the town of Gorodets, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Buv confessor of the Holy Elizabethan Sisters of Mercy of the Nizhny Novgorod Medical College; spiritual pikluvalnik, lecturer-consultant of the department of international political communications, faculty of international relations of the Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. Lobachevsky.


Russia can propagate to all the peoples of the world our model of “life of the people” in support of the dominating current model of capitalism. Bishop of Gorodetsky and Vetluzsky Augustine (Anisimov) September 24, at the course of the XXV International Christmas Readings at the Moscow State University in the section "1917 River and" Russian Way "", remind RIA News.

“Today, if there was no such an oppressive sovereign power that light power, like the Radyansky Union, it’s like a defender of weak peoples, as a champion of social justice, as a socialist model of an alternative to capitalism, транснаціональним капіталістичним корпораціям і транснаціональній банківській системі, - сьогодні людство опинилося перед феноменальним питанням: або прийняти цю парадигму і модель життєдіяльності для всіх народів планети, - я маю на увазі сьогоднішнє домінування американців, - або виробити і прийняти іншу модель», - єпископ у your promotion.

On the thought of Augustine, the Radyansky Union did their own life model at the Great Vytchiznyanoi war. Ale, with all the vins, having designated that after Stalin, the Radian rulers did not build up the majestic sovereign machine of the Radian power.

Bishop Augustine himself described the “radianske” as

“Not national, not religious, and become understandable. The political will and the system to create a new type of specialness: to use the power of the state, and the state turns to the members of the union everything necessary for the formation of the radyansky type of specialty and the radyansky image people's life: everything is cost-free, everything is honest, everything is perfect The Radyansk Union is majestic at home with the father.

Stalin, placing the bishop on a par with such significant historical specialties in the history of Russia, like Peter the First, Ivan the Terrible, Alexander Nevsky. Ale baldly, that the scale of Stalin's viability was greater. on the Radianska Russia marveling at the whole world, to understand the whole world illuminating the city of humanity, like a crooked Radian project.І tsey project zmіg unite

“into one Union, into one idea, into one stargazer, one ideology, that one met dozens of ethnicities, nations, peoples, specialties, and gave birth to a new phenomenon - from 15 national republics, with the most intense legislator, science, lighting, protection, state-economic base, protected by evil forces, unique system of sovereign security on the basis of the new Constitution”.

With whom Russia needs "historical fidelity to Orthodoxy", adding Augustine for example.

Editor's note:

in the photo: jp. Gorodetsky Avgustin - engraver of the team of the Gorodetsky єparkhії. In 2014, Vladik's role played in the match with the team of St. Petersburg Metropolis, scoring the ball from the penalty spot.

Varto designate that Vladik was an instructor at the Moscow Regional Committee of the Professional Union of Practitioners of Education, Vishchoi School and Scientific Institutions and acted for the youth warehouse of the club "Spartak" (Moscow). And in 1995, while already in the rank of hegumen at the request of the order of the Lutheran Church of Lower Saxony (Nimechchina), having been in the official recruitment in Hannover, with the method of training the system of enlightenment and cooperation between the Church and the state in the social sphere. In 1996 having spoken at the State Duma of the Russian Federation at parliamentary hearings on the topic “Education and national security of Russia”.

In September 2015, the Orthodox missionary Bishop Augustine (Anisimov) came to the post-membership of the Choir Club. At the end of the magazine, Vladik uttered a monologue, for whom he rose, as if he understood the idea of ​​​​justice, for whom to develop її urgency. Proponuemo to the readers of the record tsієї conversation.

Justice in Russia

For 950 years, our population, living on the same territory, in the same place, has seen justice as the foundation of its butt. For 950 years, all the vectors of social life were formed: the given population adapted to that natural environment, in which it grew up, lived, created new offspring, in an hour the camps were formed, statehood was formed. I live the word "population" in different interpretations - like princedoms, districts, regions, zagal Rus, Kiev, Volodymyr, Moscow Rus, then Russia. All those who are alive on this territory and in this space, having acquired the power of Russian culture, are a light-gazer. The natural middle ground, in which our ancestors lived, already raised a voice about justice, to that which it was always the same: spring can be lost for a few days, but spring will come; winter is winter, spring is spring… The stіyke kolo of the natural medium molded a unique type of speciality.

Steady buv orthodox cob. Mitsna pidstava - daily wagons, daily exits killed. We can today guess about paganism, and in the singing world in the skin people, there is silliness to the new. But let's talk about the fundamental svetogazer, from which ideology squealed. Before the sky-gazer lay the power, and all the stations. Not so, just to put your hand on the Bible, but in the soul of the mother it was called otherwise, - no, there were people with a singing light-gazer, who said. We can change into tsoma on the butt of international and diplomatic vodnosin. If Oleksandr Nevsky was swindled by the Catholics to accept the faith, and if before John the Terrible came missionary missionaries, mi bachimo, the individuals of our sovereigns were even stronger, harder, stronger at their roots.

Three Cobs of Justice

Today we can say that the idea of ​​justice was formed and implemented on the foundations of three ambushes - Orthodoxy, patriotism and professionalism.

The first foundation, Orthodoxy, is the elevation to God through the Church. The people at their own svetorozuminnya viviv zovsim marvelous vysnovok: "Without God is not up to the threshold."

Another foundation is patriotism, knowledge of traditions, instilling in them to live and readiness to live for them, thus threatening them with insecurity. Traditions - those that are bulo, that will be in the life of the people, those that are not ugly, that are passed on from generation to generation. Here is folklore, and a culture of cultivation of the earth, set up until midday in different seasons, on holy days in fasting, calendars, as they do not matter: church, natural calendars, calendar, po'yazaniya іz kraєnavstvo svoїm little fatherland. I call everything at once the Orthodox Russian way of life of the people. 950 fates of the unfailing arrangement of the people's life on one territory, in one natural minds- Tse prigolomshlivy phenomenon of tradition. And through this, in my opinion, a fundamental line of justice, of national intelligence, was formed.

The word justice is based on the word "right". We can take a walk in the fact that we can have such a svetoglyad, such a way of life. The first way of life, having shown itself with obviousness, that wine is correct.

We say "overcome" - and no one gives respect to those who, in this word, are the root of the fight. Bida (plague, cholera) has come - why should we be oppressed, we can overcome it. The fascist plague came before us, because we had our own justice, we lived on our own territory, developed our own social model. Peremoga is a dashing succumb, leaving for a new quality. We zoomed in smartly. The victory at the Great Witches' War, like a bula of war engines, gunpowder, rocket shells, the greatest scientific and technical achievements, is the Great Peremoga. The allies did not encourage us in the face of the cob of war, and a great ambition fell on us. Under the hour of the war, we all become warriors, baiduzh, on the front lines in the body. І todi, 1941 year, narodzhuєchi, vyhodyachi z national sense of justice, correct animal first state power to the people: brothers and sisters. Bida came - and now we are brothers and sisters.

Therefore, if we are talking about justice, we are guilty of bachiti priorities - our first indestructible foundation is not ideology, but an ear of faith. Like the prophet David: how is the foundation laid out, what should the righteous put on?

Patriotism is our other fundamental cob. The third cob is professionalism. Today we are constantly operating with this word. And if there was no yoga? Hiba Oleksandr Nevskiy was not a professional, so why was yoga dedicated to the war for three years? And why were our villagers not professional? Our doctors, readers, scientists? Usі voni were professionals in their job. Hiba is not guilty of being a professional girl, how to make friends? You can know what it is - be a retinue of that mother. Whose sensi is also a professional. All children in Russia already from three fates began to take care of what is right, like a bula was adopted in their camp, in their family, on their territory.

There are three cobs of this, yakі give us justice - tse Orthodoxy, patriotism and professionalism. If you tidy up three cobs from Russia, then why should justice be held?

Justice is the power

Special justice, and justice for the whole people. And then there is the institution of the state. I on cholі tsgo Іnstitute stand sovereign power. Speaking about justice, we put our own questions: what kind of cobs do sovereign power get? Why go out, if laws are being formed? Why do we see the protection of health in our country? Youth policy? How do the blues stack up? Chi is an institute that is prepared for a love family life? What is an institution, which is a form of patriots, which is to give away one's life, to threaten the traditions of one's people with insecurity?

In justice, the most important moment is the quality of sovereign power. Ale, navіt yakshcho at the vladí were individuals who did not look like traditions to the people, prote, while the people themselves were alive at the borders of quiet camps, as if lying down - earthworkers, vcheni, robіtniki and even more - everything stood in its place. Ale potim, the "great resettlement" became in the era of revolution, if the villagers began to be relocated in the primus order to the towns, if they hesitated social groups if the skin people propagandized freedom to the choice of their own state - it meant that traditional justice was violating.

Trotsky said: we do not in any way vibachim Stalin through those who have become socialism in a well-taken country. Stalin is a unique specialty, as little as a seminary education. This person became the author of the Viysk doctrine, the scientific doctrine, the cultural doctrine of the entire superpower. The six commandments of Moses: Shanuy dad and matir, don’t steal, don’t beat, don’t fall in love ... - all these commandments, so chi іnakshe, were implemented in a new state, as if they were Stalin. The party, having taken on the functions of the Church, is small in its statute, not only in terms of functions and goals, but also in specific tasks. The party, perhaps, did not mold the spiritual cob, but rather it molded the moral cob among the people.

Then, at the age of 40, I resurrected the beast to God. Kolya Illya, Metropolitan of the Lebanese Mountains, conveying the will of God to Stalin, saying that it was necessary for the head of Moscow and Leningrad to encircle the icon Mother of God, Stalin, do not hesitate, tse robiv. Singingly, in Nіmechchinі at the price of nіhto b i not savage respect, the same in France tezh. In Sweden, it’s as if no one has put on a bit of significance. And we are in Russia, we have justice in our country. If we live without God, then we do not call justice. I am represented by the nashiyu igrarhiy: Sergey (Stragorodsky), Metropolitan I Mixtacler Patriyar, Oleksiy (Simansky), Metropolitan Leninda (Yarushevich), Patriyar Ekzarkh, Yakyvyv, Zvynishkhniykh. fill up?" it’s possible with a hell of a move.” Aje, the Germans went 16 kilometers to Moscow! 7 leaf fall for their justice, for the justice of the fascists, a parade of German troops on Chervoniy Square was about to appear. And maybe, to build a parade of the allied troops, more took the fate of the Italians, the Rumuni, and all those who were conquered by the Germans at that time. Easily conquered. For it is also another kind of justice - European.

And since, after the great battles in Moscow, colonies of German soldiers were waged, they were taken into captivity, we know that our women, who were born before the revolution, went to these Nazis, those who wanted to destroy our justice . and the stench gave them bread. Where is there such justice?

Not long ago, before 9 May, they showed a film, de Berlin lads came to the soldiers of the Chervonoy army and said: "We hate Hitler, we are such and such." Іє such a thought that these lads were cunning, the oskіlki that hour ago the lads praised Hitler. And now they began to speak more, to take away a piece of bread, or more precisely, a cauldron of porridge, which again, our justice has stretched out to them, who have not long ago destroyed us. Tim, who was among 27 million people who didn’t die in the fields, beat the benches, in factories, in factories. Our justice knows no one. Vaughn does not remember evil, our justice. This is a special type of specialness.

What do we care about justice for Russia today? Maybe our Constitution? Today, someone cares that it is not fair to the end. And the people who folded the Constitution did not focus on the objective laws of our natural environment and on the objective law of God. Chi did not focus on the peculiarity of the character and spirit in the nature of our people. We know how important the Constitution is.

With this, obviously, it is necessary to understand what the robot system has, the robot state apparatus, in the robotic departments and the bells and whistles of the economy, justice is manifested as the main rank as a superior law and order and superior technology. For this sensi professional justice is very important. For example, in a car it’s not practical, just like a small Lanka - the whole car is not practical. In her mustache, the details of that Lanka may be but clearly matched one to one.

And how can we get out of justice for the human welfare? Who gave us a present for social justice today? Americans? Tі, hto having thrown two atomic bombs on the unfortunate people and having seen on cameras, how do people suffer? What is justice? Chi tі, hto vyprobovuvav over the Vietnamese people, among those over the children all see zbroї stretching ten years? What is justice? Chi tі, hto povіsiv Saddam Hussein, and after a deaky hour saying: "We had mercy"? What is justice?

Justice and science truth

Today science claims to be "the truth". We want science enlightenment, science protection of health, we want the presence of science in politics. Instructed by the political leaders of today are the people of science, as it seems: "I have carried out the investigation and deed of such and such a visnovka." But how can people today, like they call themselves science, departments, like they call themselves science, galleys, let's say, human behavior, like they call themselves scientific knowledge, come from what the rest of the words of truth smell like?

We know that science has wrecked the truth in a reasonable way. For the truth can be better than God's truth. If there is no truth in the natural environment and the truth of God, then what kind of justice can we talk about? І axis, if we are lucky today, if the achievement of science is to go ahead of us in the Viysk gallery, if the achievement of science today is ruining the natural environment, if it is the basis for the functioning of scientific and industrial civilization natural resources since it is no longer known, because the names of non-new resources (naphtha, gas, diamonds, tungsten, molybdenum, etc.), then how can we say that in scientific justice is true? I think no. I think that without morality and without that spirit, which brings divine justice, nothing can be seen.

I will again guess about the number of bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and about Vietnam as a testing ground for the greatest scientific and technical achievements, for it is clear to everyone that injustice has been inflicted.

Special justice and law of law

Є justice is the essence of human life, in other words it is natural justice: "I want it that way!" Ale, if the people are okay. And how about everything, who finished us?

I’ll guess, as my mother told me: “Come this evening, father, and I’ll tell you, as if you had a good time!” I bless my matir, seeming: "Mom, don't say anything to your father!" Because my father and mother did not touch my life with a finger. My father maw was wounded and went through the war on the cob to the end, taking the fate of the Rzhev battles. Without lighting a cigarette, without trying to find out what nicotine is, the marvelous purity of the people was perceived. And to embarrass the fathers for me was the greatest injustice, as only could be.

If we are talking about real justice, about fair justice, then we introduce it further by reference to its mystical manifestation: "And why am I right or wrong in my behavior? Why am I working right?"

Vіdpoviddu on tse nutrition can and may be the law of the law. What is the law of the law? The whole service of one person is different, inseparable, creative and sacrificial. Tse vminnya razumiti іnshu people, vminnya tsіnuvat іnshu people. The whole service of other people is with this work, with this professional ear, as it is given to you, and also with this patriotic ear, which is in you. But the first foundation is Orthodoxy, as it gives us the naive, in the sight of God, justice.

Christ, who was sentenced to death, did not think about it: "Just do you care what it is so necessary to do to me - well, do it!" And if Yogo was beaten on the lanitas, if they inflicted wounds on Yoma, they asked them: “Why did I break the law? Tell me, I’m like I broke the law. Why am I breaking the law.

Why does the justice of people manifest itself, if they do not compete with the greatest justice and the law of love? Have їх itїзмі. The stench wants to fix the "axis like that." They want to realize their behavior "by such a rank." І їх not turbuє, like in others justice. We chased these girls, they came to the temple, and there, dancing before the wedding, they showed their justice. And the stench through tse revealed the majestic number of people, yakі їх pіdtremuvali and said: "Stink mayut right to such justice!" And the stench went into the holy of holies and smashed it, to superimpose your justice, which is in the Temple - from century to century, from a thousand years to a thousand years.

About national justice

So the very national justice without the law of God is not safe justice. Aje skin nation can say: "We are fair." And we know that a nation is made up of special features. And if nationalism is rooted on the foundations of an objective religion, which is Christianity, then it is right.

And here we are going back to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky with this symbiosis: "Russian means Christian." I say to rich people: "Wow, for example, a name: an American, a Georgian, a Virmenian, a Swede. And here - a Russian! Yaka? Going out is not just an ethnic group. It is necessary to go to "become" Russian. And a lot of nіmtsіv, yakі lived in Russia, they respected themselves as Russians. Abo, for example, marvelous artists, like they were Jews, said: "So, I'm a Jew, but I'm the best person, to that I belong to Russian culture."

Eternal Justice of the Victim

There is only one more justice, but even more like a naked, neimover equal.

The most beloved person in Serbia is St. Nicholas of Serbia, a holy person. And now it’s no less with Serbia, but with Russia. І axis, if we were recently with the Izborsky club near Serbia, just as I guessed the name of St. Mykola of Serbia - we used to come to such a marvelous, urochist become.

For the first time in his life, one bishop asked this Saint Nicholas: “Vladiko, why did God punish Russia so much, why did such a cruel revolution take place in the 17th rotation, how did it take people’s styles?” To which Vladik Mikola said: “Why do you believe that God has punished Russia and its people?”

Raptom is such a phenomenal pidkhid, a phenomenal clouding of these terrible podias. St. Nicholas said: "The world has accumulated until this hour a little bit of evil, which, perhaps, the world no longer has the right to go far away, and only the Russian people, only Holy Russia could take on itself this sacrifice for the sins of all people, as already the way of God. To be sacrificed to the Russian people. The axis is justice, owing to a different character, lower than those that we think of!

The axis of the yak is the share of God's providence for our people. І nayvischa justice! Having gone through such a cleansing, through such a sacrifice, having gone through such negativity, having gone through the devilish, today's hatred of the rulers of the world before us, accepting more of them, we can be born among the people new.

To rebuke this sacrifice, not to take it to the point of respect, they can only "begotten єkhіdnini", about yaks in the Gospel to talk about our Lord Jesus Christ, and Ivan the Baptist. The stench, being evil, cannot speak good, the docks do not repent.

I think that it can be formed to provide an axis for entry into our objective justice, as it has always been a destructive force for us. The idea of ​​justice gave us evidence that we live correctly. And that's right - tse means righteously living on this land, because we didn’t chip anyone, we didn’t take our own lands to anyone, we didn’t rob anyone with our slaves, we didn’t reduce the annual colonies. And to these very Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Moldavians, to these very Baltic peoples were given such freedom, such an opportunity to realize themselves, to show shorter capacity to his people, I’m unlikely to give them to anyone else.

That same Ukraine itself - since we have been beaten up by tsyu Ukraine? Where is she on the map? I raptom radianska vlada give me independence, give me language and all the attributes of a nation. And all the people today, madly, having spent the world of justice. Today, the stench throws off the monuments of those people, as they gave them freedom and gave them the opportunity to have independence, "independence".

The word "justice" is not just "truth". Here is another root "lead", "see". And "vіdati" - tse "know". Zvіdsi th old Aryan word "lead". Tse more, lower knowledge - the future of the future, the future of the truth, like me, as a rule, we cannot accept. That is why justice is so important for people.

The theme of justice is a marvelous theme, as it deserves to be respected, and it is explained in a special way. The first axis of the world was about this topic, about this wondrous word, to which, perhaps, from this day I will take richer respect and understanding.

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