The drug for the reversal of vaginess "Ginepristone": notes, especially congestion and storage. Pіgulki Gіnepristone - effective zasіb emergency contraception

0.01 g of active speech is included before the skin tablet storage. mifepristone . Also add additional speech: 0.0746 g microcellulose 0.0045 g sodium carboxymethyl starch and 0.0009 g calcium stearate .

Release form

It is dispensed with flat-cylindrical tablets of a light-yellow color, which means 0.01 g. A skin tablet of okremo or two tablets at a time is placed in a commercial contour package or a polymer jar. Skin-contour core packaging or a polymer can is in packs of cardboard.

Pharmacological activity

May antigestagenic diet .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Ginepristone is a synthetic steroidal antiprogestogen drug - it may have the power to block at the receptor level.

Yogo diya stimulates the promotion of short-lived habitation myometry , spriyaє vyvіlnennyu rechovin, scho podvishyut sensibility myometrium to nіnny types of hormones ovulation , take the change, and also reshuffle implantation already filled eggs.


Maximum concentration in the blood after taking a dose of 600 mg of the drug once a day is available after 1-1.5 years.

Absolute bioavailability Ginepristone is more expensive 69%.

98% of the drugs that entered the bloodstream bind with plasma proteins, zocrema.

Vision from the body is uneven. At the same time, the concentration changes twice as much (up to the age of 72), then it becomes richer. The period of navіvrozpadu at tsmu dorivnyuє 18 years.

Indication before zastosuvannya

Gіnepristone for pererivannya zastosovuєtsya yak, then in depressions, if the act of the act is unprotected, or as a victorious act with a new method of contraception, it turns out to be undesirable.


Before contra-indication:

  • presence in the anamnesis of statements about increased sensitivity to mifepristone ;
  • Nadirnikov's deficiency and triple therapy glucocorticosteroids ;
  • severe and chronic nirk and/or liver failure;
  • cuff uniform extragenital pathology .

It is necessary to take care of the Ginepristone slіd in case of:

  • small damage hemostasis (including the damage caused by the previous exaltations anticoagulants );
  • chronic obstruction ivnih zahvoryuvannyah legen (for example, );
  • important arterial hypertension ;
  • disruption of the heart rhythm;
  • heart failure .

Side effects

The side effect of Ginepristone can be blamed for a little discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness, headache, nudoti, vomiting , hyperthermia , Bloody visions from stateways, may appear.

Instructions from zastosuvannya (Method of dosing)

Take 1 tablet internally at the age of 72 after an unprotected statute. I cannot take it for 2 years before taking the drug.

Ginepristone zastosovuyut in any phase of the menstrual cycle.


In case of taking Ginepristone at doses that do not exceed 2 g, there is little to no adverse reaction. When taking a larger dose of the drug, the work of supra-nural folds can be damaged, insufficiency .


Contraindicated for one-hour implantation nonsteroidal antiseptic drugs .

Wash away the sale

Sold by prescription.

Wash away the savings

Take care of the protected from the light of the dry place. Temperature dovkilla not guilty of exceeding 30 °C. Place, where pills are taken, may be inaccessible to children.

The term of appurtenance

especially vkazіvki

It is not necessary to live regularly as a zasіb postіynoї, planned contraception.

Ginepristone - steroids and antigestogenic drugs that vicorist for vaping early terms but no more than forty-two days of amenorrhea.
Three tyzhnі vagіtnostі - tse that termіn, if after zastosuvannya given drug yogo efficiency reaches almost a hundred vіdsotkіv.

Albeit tse amenorrhea, which is more than forty-nine days, after the first day of the rest of menstruation, then the effectiveness of the drug will significantly deteriorate.
As if medical treatment of vaginess, it is necessary to carry it out only at the clinic under the supervision of a gynecologist. And then there are such fluctuations, if after a medical interruption of the pregnancy the pregnancy is not a gynecomast, and there is an incompetent abortion. In such moods, the doctor reminds patients that everything is necessary to interrupt one’s life, so that a child in such a mood can be born with waters, and one can’t bring life without a hitch.

Instruction from zastosuvannya

In the package of the drug "Ginepristone" there is one or two tablets, as a rule. Qi tablets do not give progesterone receptors a twist, disrupt the regulation of how the frozen eggs are fixed. In addition, this drug interferes with normal ovulation interruption, which, when progesterone is present, is strongly affected. So, in the cervix, mucus begins to thicken, which makes the middle of the uterus unfriendly for the continuation of vaginess.

The procedure for transvagination with gynepristone

Tsya technology can be used for a three-time visit of a doctor.
  1. A year before, like seeing a gynecologist, you need to take a little bit, but nothing important. And now without a hitch at the doctor's office in the office of the woman, the woman sips three tablets of genepristone. The dermal dose of them is two hundred milligrams. After the procedure for taking the pills, the patient stays in the walls of the clinic for a few years, so that the drug could be controlled tolerability of the drug by the woman. You can see the rich women of this day bloody vision But only five years have had a residual abortion.
  2. After two more days, the woman will again come to the doctor. Under the doctor's eye, she takes two more misoprostol tablets. Skin care 200 mcg. After taking this drug, the woman is overwhelmed under the supervision of three and more years. In the next hour, the woman is in the clinic, she may already start bleeding, but if this is not the case, the gynecologist gives the woman two more tablets to drink. The trivality of bleeding is rich in why lie in the first place, which is the term for the woman's vaginess. As we say, about the term in chotiri tizhnі vagіtnіstі, then often an abortion to take place as a normal menstruation. Ale visions can be three times one to two types. And yet we are talking about the life of the term vagity, then bleeding can be rich.
  3. And the third appointment of the doctor must be taken two days after the woman took Misoprostol. Tsej priyom nebhodniy in order to prevent the continuation of vaginosti, chi vyavlennі uncommon abortion. Whose glance is more important at all the currents of vaginess, it’s not good for him, so you can threaten with innuendo.

Side effects of Ginepristone

  • Vomiting reflexes, spasms in the lower abdomen, drifting, wheezing, vtom, migraine, confusion.
  • Increased body temperature, severe bleeding, chills.
Otzhe, just as you definitely lied to pin your vaginess, do not let your body be important, possible traces, and immediately turn to the doctor, under the strange curiosity of such a Vid you are suddenly inspired.

Ginepristone is a synthetic, steroidal drug that can be included in the group of progestogens and vikoristovuєtsya as an emergency, dієviy zasіb svidkoї contraceptives. The main active drug is mifepristone.

What is the rank of vikoristovuvat tsey drug? Who should take ginepristone on a dosing basis? You can easily find the mustache for power supply in the factory instructions. As if it were not at hand, you should know the description of the preparation, as we put it on the basis.

The description was filed with the method of knowledge of the preparation, and, obviously, not in a literal way. To that before him, as a victorist, zasib, respectfully read the instructions independently.

Yake at Gіnepristone diyu?

As we have already said, Ginepristone is prescribed for an emergency admission after the fact that, as if eating a non-abuse act, shards in this way are great the momentum of the current negligible vacancy.

The effect of the drug is aimed at improving the rapidity of myometrium, increasing sensitivity to prostaglandins. Independently in the phase of the menstrual cycle, a tablet of Ginepristone was taken, the drug causing ovulation galvanization, an active change in the endometrium was observed. All the same pereskodzhaє іmplantatsії, priplennyu zaplodneї ovum.

Vzagali, tsey zasіb vvazhaetsya at doctors and patients one of the most important for zabіgannya vagіtnostі.

What are Ginepristone analogues?

Ginepristone has a few structural analogues that make one fluffy speech. Therefore, if necessary, yoga can be replaced by such methods as: Ginestril, Agesta, Genale. Effective also: Miropristone, Mifegin and Mifeprex. You can beat Mifepristone and Pencrofton.

Yakі Gіnepriston pokazyvannya to zastosuvannya? What is the instruction?

Gіnepristone appointments for the protection of women in the event of unplanned pregnancy, if there are no violations or insufficient violations of the articles of contact.

Yake at Gіnepristone zastosuvannya?

The pill is taken no later than three dobi (72 years) after an uninterrupted statutory act. In order to achieve the greatest effect, before that, like taking a pill, you should try to stop drinking for 2 years. Take care that it is also not recommended to eat and drink for 2 years and after taking the pills.

The drug does not interfere with the menstrual cycle. That yoga can be accepted if it is necessary, if it is necessary.

What are the side effects of Ginepristone?

After the drug has been ingested, a negative reaction to the body may be observed. For example, women often complain of head pain, confusion, nausea and vomiting, or pain in the lower abdomen. Some people are afraid of seeing blood, hanging on the shkir. The temperature may rise. Women suffer from severe weakness, they can blame the disruption of the cycle.

But let me tell you, side effects in the face of the person who takes care are not often observed. Sound the drug to be tolerated well. Tim is not less, first of all, victorious, talk about his life with a gynecologist. It is also important that Ginepristone can be counter-indicated, yak, madly, may be safe before taking pills.

Yaki Ginepriston is a contraindication?

Sered protipozan Gіnepristone іnstruktsіya іz zastosuvannya pererahovuє a number of staіv, yakі nіbіbno obov'yazkovo vivchiti:

It is not possible to accept the zasib for women due to the lack of supra-natal ridges, nirok or liver.

The drug is not prescribed to women, as they may have chronic illness, in connection with such stinks, they regularly take such drugs as prednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethosone. Also, there are contraindications for patients, for example, they should take drugs that are injected into the blood pharynx.

Do not take Ginepristone with one-hour treatment with non-steroidal drugs (indomethacin, analgin, paracetamol, aspirin, etc.), as it is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

It is contraindicated to win to Ginepristone for the presence of important hostile illnesses, or chronic ones that have become hostile.

Even in the period of breastfeeding, you took a tablet of Ginepristone, you can start a baby with your milk only two days after taking the pill.

It is safe to take care of the faces, as the patient suffers from a disruption in the rhythm of the heart, as a result of insufficiency, or the pharynx is broken.

Keep in mind that Ginepristone can never be used as a drug for regular contraception. Yoga is less likely to be taken in emergency situations and vinnyatkovy outbursts. It is also necessary to know that the drug cannot be used to protect a woman from illnesses that are transmitted by the statute. So be careful, take care of yourself and your health.

Ginepristone- a synthetic steroidal antiprogestogen drug, which can be used for medical treatment of uterine pregnancy in early terms (no more than 42 days of amenorrhea). The optimal term is 3-4 tyzhn, with which the efficiency is 100%. The most recent symptoms are seen in women with amenorrhea for over 49 days from the first day of the rest of the month.

For transfusion of vaginess, the drug should be used exclusively in medical applications. In advance, the patient is informed that if the procedure is ineffective, it should be carried out on the 10-14th day (trying pregnancy or not a subsequent abortion), the pregnancy will need to be interrupted for the help of surgical insertion, through the risk, congenital veins will appear in the fetus.

Technology of carrying out medical therapy of vaginess

The procedure is carried out 3 times by a doctor-gynecologist.

For 1-1.5 years before the first season, it is necessary to easily fall asleep. At the reception, in the presence of a doctor, the patient takes 3 tablets of Ginepristone at a dose of 200 mg (total 600 mg) and stay under medical supervision for 1-2 years.

Some women of the first day have bloody visions, and 5% have a new abortion.

After 48 years, at another appointment, at the presence of a doctor, the patient takes 2 tablets of Misoprostol at a dose of 200 mcg (total 400 mcg) once a day and is rebuked under medical supervision for 3-4 years. As long as blood is not seen for a long time, the doctor prescribes a second dose of 2 tablets.

Trivality and clearness of bloody visions lie in the term of vaginess. In 95% of all relapses in the term of 4-5 cycles of medical abortion, menstruation proceeds as normal. Bloody sightings in the middle continue on 1-3 days.

In a larger term, clearness can be seen before consumption in fast-growing uterus and blood spinal preparations.

The appointment of the date of the third examination is due to the nature of the interruption of the abortion, however, in case of a relapse on the 14th day after taking Misoprostol, the patient is guilty of being present at the control examination to exclude the possibility of a miscarriage or pregnancy that is developing.

Ginepriston is a synthetic steroid drug, which is practically indicative for girls and women, how to lead a state of life and for the rest of 72 years, they have created a non-derogation of a state act.

Zasіb is not suitable for planned contraception, proteo is effective in some cases.

On the other side of you you will find all the information about Ginepristone medical care, average prices in pharmacies, many and incomparable analogues of the drug, as well as the very opinions of people already zastosovuvali Ginepristone. Would you like to deprive yourself of your thoughts? Be kind, write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antigestagenic drug. Postcoital contraceptive for implantation.

Wash your permits from pharmacies

Admission for a doctor's prescription.


How many koshtuє Gіnepristone? The average price in pharmacies is 450 rubles.

Release form and warehouse

One tablet to revenge:

  • active speech: mifepristone -10 mg;
  • additional speech: microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl starch, calcium stearate.

Tablets from light yellow to light yellow with a greenish color, flat-cylindrical shape with a chamfer on two sides.

Pharmacological effect

Synthetic steroid antiprogestogen drug (blocking progesterone on equal receptors), no progestogenic activity. Antagonism with glucocorticoids is indicated (due to competition for equal binding with receptors).

Increases the rapid development of myometrium, stimulating the development of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells and increasing the sensitivity of myometrium to prostaglandins. Fallow in the phase of the menstrual cycle causes galvanic ovulation, changes in the endometrium and re-implantation of the packed egg.

Indication before zastosuvannya

Vidpovly to izhstestesteus to Ginephiston, Mifepipheston - Diyuchs of the Richovin of the TSO anti -Gestagenic to the drug - Paculu, I will quickly build a mioeter, in the phasi of the menstrual cycle viclica, the screenshot of the ovulyatnoye, iblitsya izhihiya izhniya, izhih,

Varying descriptions of the power of the active ingredient to Ginepristone, the drug can be used for emergency postcoital contraception after an unprotected statutory act (or in that case, as a result, the method of congestion cannot be taken into account).


The use of Ginepristone is contraindicated in women with a history of such pathologies:

  1. Nadnirkov's insufficiency;
  2. Chronic liver failure;
  3. Increased sensitivity to the main chi of one of the additional components in the warehouse;
  4. Gostra nirkova chi liver failure.

It is not possible to take the drug after a trial of glucocorticosteroid therapy during breastfeeding.

For instructions to Gіnepristone, it is recommended to recognize the following for patients at different times:

  1. Severe arterial hypertension;
  2. Impaired hemostasis and after taking anticoagulant drugs;
  3. Breaking the rhythm of the heart; chronic heart failure;
  4. Chronic obstructive disease of the leg, including those with bronchial asthma.

Zastosuvannya with vagity and lactation

Ginepristone contraindications to zastosuvannya with vaginosti.

Slide to pin baby shower for 14 days after taking the drug.

Instruction from zastosuvannya

The instructions for the application state that Ginepristone is administered internally at a single dose of 10 mg (1 tab.) for 72 years after an unprotected statute.

To save the contraceptive effect, the effect should be eliminated 2 years before the drug is taken and for 2 years after taking it.

Ginepristone can stop at any phase of the menstrual cycle.

Side effects

The most wide-spread side effects after taking Ginepristone are nausea, lower abdomen, confusion, head bіl vomitting, blood vision, fluttering, increased temperature, weakness, disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Before that, how to get Ginepristone in pharmacies, you should consult with a qualified gynecologist.


Clinical warnings point to the occurrence of adverse reactions when taking 2 g of mifepristone. At high doses, there may be a development of a symptom complex of supernatal insufficiency. Therapy is due to be carried out by a fakhіvtsem stalely in case of manifestations of overdose.

especially vkazіvki

  1. Ginepristone does not protect against diseases that are transmitted by the state route, including those infected with VIL and other infections.
  2. Ginepristone is not suitable for permanent contraception - it is necessary to protect. It is recommended to take after consultation with the doctor.
  3. It is not recommended to drink alcohol before taking the drug, and also alcohol can not be drunk for two years, as well as other products of eating and drinking.

After the end of a two-year period, alcohol is not taken for a long time to doby with a safe method, the shards of yoga can be negatively marked on the components and the ability to conquer them.

Medical interaction

One-hour therapy with Ginepristone and glucocorticosteroids will require dose adjustments and larger doses of corticosteroids. Nebazhano spilne zastosuvannya Gіnepristone from NPZZ.

Sustainability of the drug with alcohol

Likarsky zasib is absolutely not crazy with alcohol. There is a small amount of alcoholic drinks, if you take the drug on the day of administration, you can negatively affect the effectiveness.

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