Hitler leaning up to the Rothschild dynasty? Hitler was a slapstick for the poshlyubny son of Rothschild! Hitler of the Rothschilds



The vein-bula is old, the evil of povіya. Not the ones that she traded without any sense in her body, no, she traded her soul. She didn't have any children, because she was a gay man. As if at that country, where the old woman lived, overseas riches arrived. The stench put on her a collar and put her on a mitzny lansyug. Suvoro fenced the stench of being with them, who did not suit them, and the barks were punished only for their team, and on the one on whom the stench was pointed out. She is old, wise, if she is inspired, she must guess what she has done, because of such a life it has become even more evil and wicked.
- Tatu, and ti peven, what a good kazka. Once you start rozpovidati, then in me the whole dream is gone.
- Remember, sinku, don't buy good fairy tales.
- How can you not? Fairy tales are good.
- Come on, let's go. For example "Kolobok". Cheerful kazkovy character. Let's sleep a dog, let yogo be successful. Dali - "The Tale of the Golden Ribka". As if they were old and old, they were so deprived of them, the fish teased their good lives, “I drank in the blue sea.” Where is good here, sinku?
- Well, "Chervona Riding Hood", where did good overcome evil?
- Sinku, yakbi vovk having forged a granny, then in a shell, without repeat, in the aggressive middle of the shell juice, the granny did not live. They simply replaced the sum of the truth of life with the illusion of goodness.
- And the "Humpbacked Konik"?
- Sinku, no one, no way out of the dip without leaving alive on his own. Ivan-Fool, having called himself there, having called himself a fool. And so it is with all the Cossacks. All the stench can end in tragedy, as if they were true. People simply changed the finale, and a good fairy tale came out, as it could not be true. Chi not perekonav?
- Ni!
- Look, “Ripka” is a deception, they didn’t take the stench of the ripka, but they came up with a dog, a cat and a bear, like for everyday minds they can’t pull one by one. Dali - "Riaba Hen". Nemіchnі in fіd fіdіd fіd іdі baba can't break an egg anymore. At the hut there is trouble, hungry mice run around, waving their tails, and one of them throws an egg on the table. Eggs are quietly broken, mice are laid, and the hen promises to lay a golden egg. Expect, but the fairy tale will end and we suspect that the obitsyanka has become so deprived of the obitsyanka, and the axis of the share of hungry people of the frail age no longer speaks sumnivu. What? Please. Tales about Ivan Tsarevich. Tsey, on the face of Ivan the Fool, does not streba in the okrip, but fight against all evil spirits for the help of a whole bunch of real signs - a bow and arrow. But if you let it go, if you still manage to win, if it’s doubtful, then the end of these fairy tales calls out great sumniv. "The stench made friends and lived happily ever after." No sin, no fun, was not a guarantee of a long and happy life. Those people also lived short lives - fifty years each, but the kings were even less. They cheered, and clucked, and beaten hard, and with the squads of them, shrill speeches were uttered. Zagalom lived to old age alone, and the value is miserably small, which can be resented. So the statistics speak differently - never did the kings with their retinues live long and happily, nonsense!
- I, tatko, all the same I will guess a good fairy tale and we will tell you.
- Well, guess what. And for the time being - why were we zupinilis there?
- On the old one, for example, the man is gay.
- So? Well, obviously, guessing. So the axis, tsya old lived in Nіmechchinі, there, where our nіmtsіv prevailed in the forty-fifth roci, where Hitler commanded them. If she was young, she had a patron, it’s easier to seem kohanets - Helmut Kohl. Vіn іz komsomolskaya і і zrobiv povіyu, yak podyaky zradi zrada svogo patron. Aje tse same vin rob this young woman in the Skhidnoy Nymechchini - separated, without children, as if living in a pose like a hat - on the landing of the minister at the right of this sim'ї, young woman! For the past fourteen months, a communist, who has been recognized for propaganda by the skhidnonimets organization "Nimets Vilnoy Molodі", becomes the minister of young zahdnonimets christian democrats. Indeed, the old man's name was Angela Dorothea Kasner. Won in 1977 rozі vyyshla zamіzh for the student of physics Ulrich Merkel, but after five years of school ended in separation. Nina Angela Merkel is friends with the quantum physicist Professor Joachim Sauer, who in no way has adopted his orientation towards homosexuality. Joachim Sauer has more than one family obligation - to buy groceries from the list before the table.
Mikhailo, looking at the sleeping son, chuckled: "And it seems to me that I can’t tell fairy tales for children." With these words, vіn pіdvіvsya i, having straightened the carpet for the sleeping lad, pіshov pour your own whiskey. Vіn buv drunk єvreєm, and tse did not even fit yoga mom. Ale tse befitted you, that stench lived okremo - tato with his mother in America, and his homeland - in Israel.


Mayer hates his miserable house. Already not a generation of yoga ancestors is little zhalugidne іsnuvannya in tsіy hut. The street, which was known to be like a house, was blocked from both sides and was called Judengasse (Jewish street), where important lancers flickered in and out, the warta stood steadily. On the rose booth, a red tablet (German - Rothschild) was placed on the lancet, in the name of what kind of family, how she lived in this booth, and took away her prize-prizvische. The young Mayer Rothschild, having learned a craft in the city of Hannover (Pivnichna Nimechchina), oskolki in this city, the government was more gracious, lower near Frankfurt, to the Meshkantsiv of the Jewish ghetto. And if after a few years, spent as a student at the banking booth of Oppenheimer, Mayer Rothschild in 1764 turned back home, to Frankfurt, then they guessed to you that, according to the law of Frankfurt, a skin lad on the street can shout to you: “Jew, know your own place!" And I was guilty, pulling my head in my shoulders, making my way along the street, timidly clinging to the wall, taking off my head with a gostrophied cap. on the “rich kіntsі” Judengasse, and not in a hut under a red vivienne, but in an old Syrian hut, de, behind the same podvalins, a frying pan hung from the eaves on a lance, and this hut was called like that - “a hut under a frying pan.” to the dark and zhalyugidny, and having opened his small firm Mayer Rothschild. There, having already possessed wine like a penny miner, where passing merchants could remember the pennies of some German princedoms for the currency of others. Our bank of Rothschild firms is near the kіmnattsі, on four square meters. Rothschild's expansion of business links led to the fact that a new viviska was nailed to the wall "at home under a frying pan" in 1769. On it is the coat of arms of the ducal booth of Hesse-Hanau. Right they went uphill and axis, in a deaky hour, after striking the hour, if the homeland of the Rothschilds was able to move to new booth- already "under the green vivisky" - and the Rothschilds' deputy was called the Grunschilds ("gryn" in German - greens). For some time the Rothschilds seriously thought, why not take the new street name as a nickname, but then we still lost it in the old nickname. Because of her, the stench has gone to history. The right “financial vibe” was no longer prepared by Mayer Rothschild himself, but by five blues, as they became financial dealers in Germany, England, Austria, Italy and France. Meyer had 10 children, 5 of them were blue, they declined and continued on the right in 5 different countries: Nathan having broken to England, London, Solomon to Vidnya, Amschel left at Frankfurt, Kalman having broken to Naples, and James to Paris.
Solomon is alive and working at Vidna alone, the retinues of his team of Timchas lived near Nimcha, and the single son is alive that business in France. Solomon was even more vivacious, to that the servants minyav, like mittens. If you are guilty of a scandal, vygnav chergovu - dark-haired tovstushka Magdalena, youma, nareshti, spared. Through a window of wine, remembering a young woman, dressed in a dress, ale ohayno. Viyshovshi on Ganok booth, Solomon її hooted. The woman passed away, and introduced herself as Maria Hanna Schicklgruber, from the village of Stronese, near Dellersheim, from Lower Austria. After the unfortunate rozmovi stench housewives about the mind of the robot and that about payment. She appeared as a servant, surprisingly quiet in all the vents, and after a certain hour, the stench began to change quite often not only in one booth, but in one bed. A self-made man and a woman, like a constant perebuvayut at the field of dawn one alone, mayut on the right. This is the hour, and, as recognized by nature, the woman was awake. Solomon, like the most famous ancestor, having taken the only correct decision - to buy. Porahuvavshi, having paid a lot of money for corrupt women, having added a sum of money, that she had gone, he called and told Mary, asking her not to be more turbulent. On June 7, 1837, near the village of Shtronesi, on the 42nd of June, she gave birth to the illegally born son of Alois Shiklgruber.

Razdіl third

In the quiet of the night, if it was cold in the evening in the city of Rusalim, Mikhailo loved to sit and marvel at the stars. Kovtok whiskey farbuvav glimpsed, but thoughts took Yogo in the recent past, if the squad brought Yomu to read this wicked article. After re-reading it again: “Behind the tributes of the rich, it became known about those that Angela Merkel came into the world from the frozen spermatozoa of Adolf Hitler, implanted by the method of extracorporeal implantation into the uterus of the young sister of Hitler's kohanka, Evi Braun - Gretl. The operation was carried out by one of the founders of the piece flood, one of the most pityless evils of the Germans, the German doctor Karl Klauberg, who conducted medical experiments on people at the concentration camps during the hour of the Other Light War. If the Red Army went to Auschwitz, Karl Clauberg was transferred to Ravensbrück to continue his legacy there. At Ravensbrück's he drank his wines to the full of Radyansk. In 1948, the fate of youmu was blamed for the break in the Radyansk Union, in sight of the freedom of the line for twenty-three years. Through this time, for the mind agreement between the SRSR and the FRN about the exchange of military captives, bo turns to Nimechchin, de vin boasting of his scientific achievements. After protests and protests from the side of the victims of the Nazis and the death camps, Klauberg was re-arrested in 1955. Died near the yard of Kiel on 9 April 1957.
Both stinks laughed at this material and forgot. Prote, two years ago the stench was squandered on the secret secrets of the archives of the special services of Nimechchini. Details of the death of Karl Clauberg at the yard became enormous. The Danes talked about those that the wounded Bulo was torn off with an ugly drunken sickle on the 7th sickle, two days before his death. Otruta bula pіdsipana yomu in їzhu by the Okhoronian Stefan Grabe. Clauberg died two days later. On the same day, but two years earlier, Stefan Grabe himself died in a car accident. The incomparable place of Kiel, roztashovan near the inlet Horn, founded in 1233 by Count Adolf the fourth, so nothing was known about the number of two mysterious deaths. Ale, at the same time, from the secrets of these tributes, the stench of the retinue knew something else. The following materials were taken from the students of Karl Clauberg. The contemporary scientists stated that they had not only outperformed the hour in their experiments, but had successfully completed them in practice. Moreover, not only Margaret Gretl Brown, a lot of kohanka Hitler and the sister of Hitler's squad, Evi Brown, who was already at forty, and still there were twelve women from eighteen to thirty years, who were good enough for the experiment. Of the thirteen zaplіdneh normally conceived only this, but three did not die prematurely. Two children were born without pathologies, there was no prote of a lad. Gretl Brown, being a woman, became the squad of Kurt Berlinghoff. In the photographs of that hour, no one was able to see Gretl vagitnoy, but at that hour the photographs could work miracles. The girl, yak, gave birth to Greti on April 20 (and not 17 lime, as indicated in official documents), 1954, was named Angela. Tse same won, at the future, become Angela Merkel. The girl was given for adoption by the adoptive fathers of the family of the priest Horst Kasler, she is respected for all the documents by the third child. Merkel's name came from the first man Ulrich.
The share of the other child was left unattended.
Having read everything, the vins of that yoga team suffered a right shock. Mikhail's retinue was digging up the whole dark history and bringing it to the judgment of the enormity.


Alois Schicklgruber was born on the 7th day of 1837 near the village of Stronez near Dellersheim to the forty-yard independent villager Mary Ganni Schicklgruber, as if ruthlessly vygnav Solomon.
The child took away the name of her mother, to that in the document about the birth of the child the field for the name of the father was not filled, and there was a sign “illegal people”. If Alois was already 5 years old, Maria Hanna Schicklgruber became a deputy for the assistant to the mistress Johann Georg Giedler. Under the hour of registration, Aloys was so abandoned with the name of his mother that was illegal. Maria Hanna died in five years after the death of a woman with a streak from chest dropsy. And Johann Georg Giedler died ten years after the squad in 1857. Aloys, having become Hitler, was named only on September 6, 1876, if you were already 39 years old, and signed “Hitler” earlier. Such a nickname became for such a person through the pardon of a priest for an hour to write in the "Book of registration of the people." In 40 years, Aloys moved in his last contacts with his relatives on his mother Schicklgruber and became the rest of Hitler. Being friendly on one, Alois entered into a love affair with the calm, gentle Clara Pelzl. In September 1885, having become friends with her, having taken a special order from Rome, the shards of the new squad formally belonged to you as a close relative. By the closest fates, Clara gave birth to two boys and one girl, but all the stinks died. On April 20, 1889, Clary gave birth to her fourth child, Adolf.
If Adolf Hitler died, he knew about his right to travel. To that, in view of the death of his mother, having gone to the capital, de mayzhe rіk made ties with his noble relatives, preparing the soil for his further growth in the meanness of the happy family dynasty. The very same became a part of yoga belonging to the Rothschild clan.
Putting on the table the controversy of uzi masons, to which the Rothschilds lie, for a long time there are many rich children. The children grew up and swayed in their adopted families, those ancestral relatives never forgot about them and did not let them out of the field. Neither the Rothschilds nor the Rockefellers were vinnyatki in the same way. On the butt of Bill Clinton, which resembles the Rockefeller family, one can judge those who have become more successful in various areas of their activity. Hitler is also the mother of illegitimate children. It is possible to confirm that the deacons of them are still alive and continue their ancestral life.
Masons, to which the Rothschilds lie, even schile to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreative controversy, it is quite natural, that the pragnia of the light panuvannya, to the power of the assumptions of Hitler, who, having lain down to one of the vіdgaluzhen of the house of the dynasty. It has long been known to everyone that the representatives of this, and even more sloping, zumili opanuvat in the majority of the spheres of life of light sleepiness. Already a lot of rock stench occupy the leading and key positions in finance, in politics, in the security of mass information, in the galusi of the royal family, and in the royal families. From above tsієї dynasties, all the presidents of America have gone out. George Washington became the first in the 18th century. And yet, at the turn of the 20th and 21st century, the presidential chair was occupied by another representative of the clan - George W. Bush. At the result of cunning and zhorstky intrigues, the members of this family occupy important, high plantings. Chi varto say, scho svіtova bіynya, scho got to itself kerovanі kraїnі, fіnansuvaetsya for rahunі koshіv masonic fraternities on choli with the Rothschilds. It is not surprising that the organization, as it brought Adolf Hitler to the government of the country, tried to put the kerma less than a leader of the dynasty.
“The order of the other peoples of the world, the Jews are only working thinness. Blame it on pratsyuvati, so that the representatives of the mighty owners could unrestrictedly establish global control, sacking the whole world and placing their associates everywhere to lie down to the brotherhood of the Masons, ”Hitler Rothschilds said. The Rothschilds became the financial force behind the leader of the Nazis. Representatives of this "Jewish" dynasty on the back recited intercession to the people of the Jewish nationality, but, following the power of the kings, shamelessly vicorated the Jewish people, ignoring the faith and ignoring the yogi.


Zhanna of that day, on July 12, 2015, brought home fresh materials from the reference book "Adolf Hitler's Angels", as she herself called Yogo. After evening on " swedish hand”, the stench started all respectfully vivchati. Over the weekend, a lot of material piled up. One request from journalists from different lands was especially striking: “Did you know the secret data, how do you ask?” Zhanna began to send messages to everyone by e-mail, they all told us about those who sent empty messages. We misinterpreted - for sure, there was no material for the requested material. Then we began to shukati save a copy in our bookmarks - that's nothing. All of the materials have emerged. Zhanna reassured everyone, that she caught up with the material, that tomorrow she will be able to correct it from the office. We were contacted by phone by lads from one of the home organizations of hackers. They also asked them to send a copy, and they explained - how to ask. For example, the roar of the stench told us about those that that information was in less than 15 seconds, and it was just luck that Jeanne caught up with її skopiyuvati and rozdrukuvati.
- Maybe, Angeli's people don't sleep, because they worked so quickly.
- So, having said Mikhailo, it doesn't seem like a mere copy of our computer's memory. Only people of a high class could work, and for that, sing-song, all those who work with you, we know it, but we don’t already know good. Harazd, let's kick.
Holy crap, Zhanna took the child and took her to school. For a kіlka hvilin prolunav zvіnok:
- Mishko, my car won't start.
Vіn vyskochiv nadvir, glancing over the car and rattling the gas tank.
- Did you hit here yesterday? I can take the car to the next place.
- I hit here today, especially if I cross the curb to the office to park.
- Well, in a flash, you pierced the gas tank and all the gasoline was whistling. Leave the keys, I'll try to do everything over the evening. Can you get a child?
- I'm getting it.
The stinks were beaten by a bus, and Mishko pishov changed clothes to take the car to the service station.
Buses are the pride of Israel! Go strictly for the layout, make them warm, and if it’s smoky, it’s cold. Ale smut: stink їzdyat shvidko. So, in places there are plenty of people who don’t swear by their cars, but willingly get to work by buses.
Zhanna Shvidko led the little tit to school, and she fell for a tooth. "Now it's necessary to take route 78," she guessed. The chekati didn’t have a long time, and won, having paid for the ticket, calmly the strength of the vikna. There were a lot of people on the stepping teeth, and out, having pressed the buttons on the teeth, began to make their way to the exit, to go to the steps. Behind his back, he pierced the first shoot. Vaughn turned around and babbled at the disguise of a terrorist. Vin looked respectfully at her and pointedly stared at her head. Falling, she wobbled, like another terrorist, starting to wave her knife, injuring people, and then a policeman caught him and shot him.
Three people died, a lot of people were injured. The information about the terrorist attack, in which two people perished, began to appear at the news agencies of the lighting agencies. The body of Jeannie was immediately taken in an unfamiliar direction. Mikhailo could find out about her in less than three days. On the fourth day, they gave you a body, and in three years they buried him. The papers of the day, as if carried by his squad, no handbags, no telephone was revealed.
In the past, well-known journalists called names of the victims of the terrorist attack, but Zhanna Firtel, his squad, was not listed among the dead. Invisibly lost the share of another terrorist, who shot from a pistol. Vbitih wines do not appear, but he is simply called a terrorist, whom no one could ever know.


Mikhailo finished the article, and they prepared the stench for Zhanna for the whole hour. Already not to the one who needed the truth, but even less to the one who beat Jeanne for it. If the article was completed, the new one lost a sense of uneasiness, and tried to know the words, which did not appear on the tip. For this wine again її reading:
“Kaiser Wilhelm the Other grafted Nimechchina to the ruin of the First world war. Nation with an unpractical hand, Kaiser Wilhelm was the uncle of Queen Victoria and the father of the uncle of today's Elizabeth the Other. Kaiser Wilhelm casually framed Max Warburg as the head of the German secret service. The Warburgs and the Rothschilds controlled the German Central Bank, which was founded by Mayer Rothschild. While the stinks financed Nіmechchina from the first world war, their brother Paul Warburg helped finance the other side by selling Russian bonds through the Federal Reserve Bank. Drukar's typesetting Warburg and Rothschild were practiced without teeth on both shores of the Atlantic, letting go pennies of death.
Negotiations for Versailles after the First World War were held in the castle of another Rothschild - Edmun de Rothschild. At the talks, Paul Warburg, who was present on the side of America, and on the side of Nimechchini, was John's brother Max Warburg. How amusing it would be to watch for the goodly drawn vistava, yakbi not one "ale": In the first world war, and in other friendly conflicts that followed her, took the fate of close to 65 million soldiers, from the greater 3 countries. The number of dead is close to 20 million people. The war brought the Rothschilds close to 100 billion dollars.
In his book “Walt Street and Hitler”, Professor Enton Sutton gives documentary evidence that American corporations donated pennies, fire, cars and armor, as they helped Hitler spread the Other World War. They supplied stench and all the same to the Radyansk Union, which її finished. Cherubali all tsim Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
The father of George W. Bush and the baby of Bush the Younger gave a lot of money and a large sum of pennies from a loan to the Hitlerite Third Reich. They financed the organizations of the Third Reich through their German partner, Fritz Theisen. Tsei vіdomy nazi promyslovets writing a book of confession under the title "I paid Hitler".
Professor Sutton pererakhovuє Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Morgan, Ai Ti Ti and Du Ponce at the list of post-heads of the German program is redesigned. Why did the Jewish industrialists-financiers help such a monster, that anti-Semite like Hitler? The clue lies with Hitler himself.
Zagalnovіdomo, scho Hitler even tried to take the trip of his family. To organize the murder of the Austrian Chancellor Dolgus, who was engaged in investigating Hitler's homeland. The result of the Dolgus investigation is now in the hands of the British Intelligence Service. There it is also told and shown that Hitler's grandmother Maria Hanna Schicklgruber worked at Vidnia as a servant in Solomon Rothschild's booth. This information was taken from the language registration card. It says there that Solomon was known as a great womanizer. If the pregnancy of Mary Annie Schicklgruber was revealed, they called. Since then, now everyone knows that Adolf Hitler is the onuk of Solomon Rothschild. Vіdomy vіn like the greatest person in history. And even more dark specialty - people who gave him power and financed a friend of the world war - the Rothschild dynasty! At the very same time, the stench increased their statutes on the war, and in the be-yak crooked episode of the war - the fault of wine. The fault lies with the fact that 61 powers of the world were drawn into the war from the outlying populations of about 1.7 billion people. Nearly 70 million people perished. Another world war brought the Rothschilds a trillion of dollars, which allowed them to control more than half of the world economy.
The Jewish history was written by the Jews, as if it seems that the Jews are the people of God's orders. It seems that one time the stench will rule the world from the temple in Jerusalem and the King of Kings will be the comfort of King David and King Solomon in Israel.
Rothschild, the companies that financed Hitler and concentration camps turned the victims of the Holocaust into rotten people. According to Simon Sham's estimates, Rothschild should have ten thousand dollars in the land of Israel. Navit on the ensign of Israel is depicted with a pictogram from the native coat of arms of the Rothschilds. The pictogram has six vertices, six tricutniks and six sides near the central pictogram. Number 666 is indicative of the biblical retelling of the apocalyptic Third World War.
It’s so bad at once, if the history of the most crooked two wars can be erased from the memory of people, and the history is rewritten, Angela Dorothea Adolfivna Schickelgruber opined on the choli Nimechchini - Rothschild? May it be an hour to work the visnovka and show it on the door of the one whose hands are to be drilled to untie the Third world war, in which there will be no remembrances? Abo again pіdemo drive in one by one under the vigilantes died out and pseudo-patriotic calls for the joy of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans and other "rulers of the planet Earth" - how do you call yourself a stink? Although in the current Forbes magazine there are no names of the richest people on the planet, they thought more, practically everything on this Earth belongs to them. In the information field of the world, even little is written about them. Once, one of the Rothschilds on Chergov asked a journalist about those who write so little about them in the press, saying: “The world has not lost independent ZMI. All stinks were bought by us and our partners. Maybe I don’t need to give you an explanation why you stink about us?”
It's already early. It's time to wake up son before school. Mikhailo pidіyshov up to the new and even lower stroking Yogo on the head.
- Mother? - Virvalosya at the child uvі snі.
Tears rushed from my eyes, and I sighed softly at the bath. If he turned around, the son was already dressed.
- Good morning, tattoo!
- Good morning!
- I already do not remember how your yesterday's fairy tale ended?
- Tim, that good has overcome evil, otherwise you can't be.
- Do you all live happily ever after?
- So, sinku, God cannot allow that the world had a lot of suffering and grief. To all for merits and there will be eternal peace and peace in the soul of our skin.
Vimovlyayuchi tse, in shaleno tsgogo khotіv, and faith in tse gave birth to yogi soul hope, scho itself will be so.

Official history is just a cover for prikhovuvannya the truth of what was true. If the cursing has been lifted - again and again, we bachimo that the official version is not only not true, but often 100% wrong.

Take the Rothschilds. Tsej rodovіd buv vіdomiy krіm іnshih іnі, like Bauery is one of the most nasty glory of the genealogists of the black occultism of the Middle Nіmechchini. Vaughn became like a Rothschild (of a red-shield or a mouth-shield on my German) at the 18th century, if Mayer Amschel Rothschild fell asleep in the financial dynasty near Frankfurt, pracyuyuchi in alliance with the Illuminati-House of Hess and others. The stinks took their name from the red shield, or the hexagrams-stars of David on the pediment of their lives near Frankfurt. "David's Star" or "Solomon's Druk" is an old esoteric symbol, which became associated with the Jewish people only after the Rothschilds adopted it themselves. There is absolutely no way to connect with David abo Solomon, as it confirms the Jewish historical dzherel. The Rothschilds are one of the most important genera of the Illuminati on the planet, and stinks are reptiles-shifters. Guy de Rothschild of the French House is very happy with the birth of the dynasty. Vin is one of the most grotesque representatives of the trauma-based control of evidence, and indeed the most special one, apparently to richly quiet, who happened to endure ruthless suffering in yoga tortur. Guy de Rothschild personally vindicated the death of millions of children and grown-ups either directly or through someone else who is in control. Vіn keruє satanіstskim rituals, as tse robbed the bloodlines of zavzhd, and only one "god" is seen, z kіlkіstyu human sacrifice vіn buv pov'azaniya. Like those that I say at once, it’s a lie - Guy de Rothschild - then sue me before the court, and don’t let yourself speak evidence for yourself. You are a multimillionaire, and you control and judge that media. I’m nothing with your partner. So there you have to deal with me. So let's, Mr. Rothschild, take care of you. Blame it or declare it to the public court and don’t let you and me succumb to the court of witnesses. It's holy to kill me.

I can already cry a little quiet, who was judging me as an "anti-Semite", because Rothschild declares himself as a Jew. Organizations at the “League of Antiquity” and “B’nai B’rith” kshtalt report that they have won a susilla with the rank of less than such a rank for vikrittya Rothschild, and speak publicly to the fence. It's funny how insulting organizations were created and continue to be financed by the Rothschilds. "Bnai Brit" is appropriately called: "Blue Alliance", and the bula was founded by the Rothschilds in 1843 as a rozvіduvalny, as well as for the znyattya, the ringing and abbreviation of the legislature's previous brandings as "anti-Semites". Many of the orators promoted slavery during the hour of the American Gromadyan war, and today they try to sue some black leaders as “anti-Semites” or “racists”. Schorok "Liga Antiklovet" awarded his "Smoloskip Svoboda" (the classic symbol of the Illuminati) to a person, yak, on the її reconnaissance, served him the most. Once the stench was awarded to її Morris Dalіts, a close friend of Meyer Lansky's other criminal syndicate, who terrorized America. Vіdminniy vybir.


I understood, as if it were, that the fire of a skin convict, condemned as an “anti-Semite”, today is its basis for the filthy re-investigation of the Jewish people by the Nazis Adolf Hitler. Rozkriti chi put pіd sumnіv dіyalnіst rothschildіv more yakogo jewry chi organization can be called "Nazism". How marvelous that I gave the documents to “…I Truth May Be For You Vilnim” and “The Majestic Secret”, along with other innumerable and wealthy contributors and scientists, which confirm those that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis created that fund. Rothschilds. These stinks brought Hitler to power through secret partnerships in the Nimechchina, such as the “Tuliy Suspіlstvo” and the “Bryl Suspіlstvo”, as if they had been created by them for the help of their German fencing; tse buli Rothschilds - who financed Hitler through the "Bank of England" and other British and American banks on the kshtalt "Kuhn, Leib" bank, which also financed the Russian revolution. The very heart of Hitler's machine was a chemical giant. G. Farben. The American philia was controlled by the Rothschilds through their lackeys in Wartburg. Paul Wartburg, who manipulated until the establishment of the private "central bank" of America - the Federal Reserve in 1913 - changed from the Radio Directors of the American IJ. In fact, Hitler's IJ Farben, which was a cherub in a slave labor camp in Auschwitz, was, in fact, a booster of Standard Oil, which the Rockefellers officially belonged to, and in truth, the entire Rockefeller empire was financed to its foundation. Rothschilds, among them. To marvel at "... I Truth To kill you Vilnim" and "The Biggest Secret" about the report on the history and other aspects of it. The Rothschilds also led the German agencies to news of both world wars, and in this manner controlled the flow of “information” to the Germans and the world. In the meantime, if the Allied troops reached Nimechchin, the stench blew, that the backwaters of the IJ Farben - the very heart of Hitler's military machine - were not hit by massive bombardments, like the backwaters of Ford - another Hitler's drinker. Usі backwaters on the susіdstvu was bombed by bombing raids.

In this rank, by force behind the back of Adolf Hitler, as a representative of the Illuminati buv Dim Rothschild, is the Jewish clan, which declares about the encouragement of that Zakhist of the Jewish faith to the people. Truly, the stench of victorious and arbitrarily value the Jewish people for their own greedy purposes. The Rothschilds, like I started the Illuminati, behave with the masses of the Jewish people very unimportantly. The stench is like the earth's population - just thinness, like a vikoristan for passing the plan of light control and panting to the birthplace, which are mutually crossed, leaking reptilian genetic code, known to the successors like Іluminaty. I truly - Illuminati are so smitten in the ancestral line through this reptilian genetic code, that it would be impossible to reveal such a thing, that someone like Hitler came to power in these lives important for the illuminating environment, yakby wine himself did not lie down to the reptilian ancestry. Ale, check, even Hitler cannot be the same ancestor, like, say, Rothschild. To that, as we know everything - the Rothschilds are defenders of the Jewish people, like Hitler, who is equal to communists and gypsies, those and others who resisted Yoma, who want to blame them. The Rothschilds are the Jews, the stench would not have been blamed like that.

Ah, isn't it true?

Hitler, as if otrimuvav pіdtrimku Rothschilds and, as peredbachaetsya at the book of psychoanalyst Walter Langer "Hitler's mind" - wine and he himself instantly become Rothschild.

It’s like miraculously succumbing to the devils of the Rothschilds and other Illuminati-ancestral-slavs in the Nimechchina, as they brought Hitler to the rule, as the dictator of the nation. Vіn buv is also supported by the British royal family - Boudinck of Windsor (and in fact - the German Budink of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), and before them was the British royal "hero of the war" Lord Montbatten - Rothschild and satanist. Fundamental links between the British royal blood and the Nazis will still happen to be revealed - and it will happen. Since the book was already being sent to printers, I talked with a pastor, who would put Hitler directly with the English royal family. Your royal relatives in Nimechchyna, they never thought about you, that they could stench the lads "from the streets" on Hitler's streak - they were the middle of the most greedy addicts. Ale, obviously, they knew who was so true. Langer writes:

“Father Adolf Alois Hitler was the illegal son of Mary Hanna Schicklgruber. Those who were the father of Alois Hitler (Schiklgruber) buv Johann Georg Heidler were in front of him. There are people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Heidler was the father of Alois ... (Austrian document, I understand) preparations that confirm that Maria Anna Shiklgruber lived near Vidnia at the time of conception. At this hour, she was a servant in the baron's booth of Rothschild. As if only in sim'ї її vagіtnіst was revealed - she was sent back home. where Alois was born.

This information of Langer resembles a Gestapo officer of a high level - Hansyurgen Köhler, and was published in 1940 under the title "All the Gestapo". Koehler writes about the investigation of the past Hitler, conducted by the Austrian chancellor Dollfuss at the Hitler family archive. Köhler saved copies of documents that were given to you by Heidrik, a great man in the Nazi secret service. The folder, having said vin, “shouted such a commotion among the world, like no other” (“In the middle of the Gestapo”, p. 143). Vin also said that:

“... Another pack of papers from the Blakitny papacy was collected by Dollfuss. A low figure, ale of great heart, the chancellor of Austria, nobility, that for the help of such a personal folder of wines, Hitler could be twisted ... This task was not important; as the ruler of Austria, it was easy to instantly reveal the special data and data of Adolf Hitler, who was born on the Austrian land. For the help of the original testimonies about the people, registration cards with the police, protocols for what is left in the papacy - the Austrian chancellor was able to put together the different pieces of the puzzle, creating a greater or lesser logical coherence.

Little girl servant. (Hitler's grandmother). arrived before Sunday and became a domestic servant, working for the rich in rich families. Alya was not spared: calm, she won’t blame the child. Vona turned back home to her village for self-study. Ale de Well served tsya little servant at Vіdnі? Z'yasuvati tse was a great problem. From the early hours of the Vidnia, the practice of primus registration in the police was established. The servants of that hired hand were subjected to heavy fines for being ignorant up to the binding. Chancellor Dollfuss was far from knowing the registration card. The little innocent diva was a servant in the Rothschild mansion. and nevіdomy dіd Hitler mav bi knowledge at tsomu great booth. Dollfuss's folder ran out of paper for this one."

Chi did not bula po'yazana Hitler's rіshuchіst zahopit Austria z bazhannym iznischit follow yogo spadshchina? The correspondent of my website, who has intensively researched the food chain, writes:

“I guess that Hitler knew about his roots long before his chancellorship. Yak and yogo father until the new, if you did it badly, Hitler turned to Vidnya. Hitler's father, having flooded his village in early age shukati good luck at Vіdnі. Having become an orphan after the death of his mother at the breast in 1907, he was born at Viden Nevdovz after the funeral. There you will “fall out” from the field for ten months! What was trapilos with him for ten months at Vira's is completely a mystery, through the curtain of history that light does not break through. At once, if it is established that Hitler was a Rothschild, we already become aware that the guilt of those cousins, that sisters, were also recognized one by one, and that the future potential of the future family susillas zrіs.

The Rothschilds and the Illuminati indignantly vibrate their rich poses in a friendly bed at their secret programs of reproduction, and these children sway under different names of those other fathers. Philip Eugene de Rothschild, who declares to himself as one of such lucky ones, to speak of those that the Rothschild family turned hundreds of thousands of their unofficial children for placement in the land under different names. I know that it looks like a fantastic figure, but a greater part of them are turning for help to banks of sperm Iluminate that piece of cake. Like and Bill Clinton, which can be sing-songly є Rockefeller - tsі "forgive the children from the great past" become superbly successful in their respective areas. Hitler tezh mav bi robit his unofficial children to support the ancestor, and, singly, this is how people live today. What kind of Rothschild was the father of Hitler? Alois, Hitler's father, was born in 1837 in that period, if Solomon Mayier was one with the Rothschilds, who lived at the Vidensky mansion. Navit yogo squad did not live there then, for their hats were not far away, and the won was lost at Frankfurt. His son Anselm Solomon spent most of his independent life in Paris and Frankfurt, far away from his father. In such a rank, Solomon Mayer Rothschild, who lived alone at the Vidensky mansion, de pracized Hitler's grandmother as a servant - the first and most important candidate. I Hermann von Goldschmidt, son of the senior clerk Solomon Mayer, wrote a book, published in 1917 and spoke about Solomon:

“... until 1840, the fate of the wines, having developed in itself a kind of non-automatic enthusiasm for young girls”, and “At a new one, I was afraid that I had a dissolute addiction to a couple of young girls, and I should come in handy with them for the police.”

Hitler's grandmother was a young girl, as if she worked with him in one day, and, singsongly, was the object of Solomon's banquet. And right there, she became vacant. Її onuk becoming the chancellor of Nіmechchini, funded by the Rothschilds, and rozpochav friend Svіtov vіyna, as a bula is so important for the Rothschild-Illuminati program. Illuminati are obsessed with placing their bloodlines in power in all "sides" of the conflict, and the Rothschilds are their most important lineage. І tse everything can be big? This collection of evidence shows us clearly: Hitler was Rothschild!


Another Svіtova Vіyna bula neimovіrno productive for the plan Illuminati schodo svіtovogo panuvannya. Vaughn brought to vibukhova whil at the creation of light centralized institutions for the United Nations and European Union of Trade Unions, and at the same time - the Union, that richness of other financial forces, business. Exactly s tim, what the stench did. Vaughn also called the lands to the unbearable burden of the Borg for loans given to all parties. Rothschilds and Illuminati. The Rothschilds have long dreamed of creating a special freedom for themselves that Illuminati in Palestine, and their plan was to manipulate the Jewish people for settlement on the lands of their “fatherland”. Charles Taze Russell, who belongs to the reptilian ancestor Russell Iluminati, who was a human being, like the “Storozhovoy Bashti Association” fell asleep, more like Svidka Egovi. Vіn buv satanistom, pedophile (after the words of yoga team) and hired - Іluminatі. This new religion (the cult of control of information) was sponsored by the Rothschilds and vin bv їх other, like the founders of Mormonism - also funded by the Rothschilds for the help of Kuhn, Leib and the company. Russell and the founders of Mormonism were all freemasons and the ancestor of the Merovingians. In 1880 Charles Taze Russell, friend of the Rothschilds, prophesied that the Jews would turn to their native land . This was the only prediction that was made if we ever saw Russell. Vin wrote to the Rothschilds the words of recognition for їhnі zusillya about the establishment of the Jewish fatherland in Palestine. Then, in 1917, the famous Balfour Declaration came, if the British Minister of Foreign Affairs Balfour declared in the name of his order that the stench was supporting the creation of the Jewish state in Palestine. Now, having felt that whistle - the Balfors declaration - you seem to think that it was a declaration of a huge thought. Zovsіm negarazd. The Balfour Declaration of Lord Balfour. Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild. Doslidniki seem that the list is actually written by Lord Rothschild himself and his serviceman, banker Alfred Milner. Like you like that. One of the most important secret partnerships in the 20th century is called "Round Steel". They are roztashovan in Britain with their philanthropies in the whole world. Tse buv "Round Steel", which was a residual organization of the Bilderberg-Group (Bil), the Rada of Foreign Countries (CFR), the Trilateral Commission and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. How charitable that Lord Balfour was a member of the internal stake of the Round Table, Alfred Milner was the official leader after the death of Cecil Rhodes, and that Round Steel was financed. Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild. The very first three are related to the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Two fates later, in 1919, the Versailles Peace Conference was held in front of Paris, de elita of the Round Table from Britain and the USA, people on the occasion of Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel House and Bernard Baruch were recognized to represent their lands at the zustrіchs, they made a mockery of at the result of war, they are created. The stink virishi imposed unbearable reparations to Nimechchina, preventing in such a way the collapse of the war Weimar Republic of the middle economic collapse. Tse created the environment that brought "Rothschild" Hitler to power. At the same time, near Paris, the Round Table Illuminati visited the Majestic Hotel for the process of creating Bilderberg-CFR-RIIA-TC. The stench sang in the same way at Versailles, that now stench is used to support the creation of the Jewish fatherland in Palestine. As I show in my books, the skin of them was either the ancestor of the Rothschilds, or the control of the whole family. American President Woodrow Wilson was "recommended" at Versailles by Colonel House and Bernard Baruch (offended by Rothschild and the leaders of the "Round Table" in the USA); the British Prime Minister Lloyd George, who was “recommended” by Alfred Milner, the founder of the Rothschild and the leader of the Round Table, and the gray Philip Sasson, the direct bait of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty; the French leader George Clemenceau gave "recommendations" to his Minister of Internal Affairs, George Mandel, to his rightful name, Jerobe Rothschild. Who, in your opinion, having taken a decision there? Ale bulo th prodovzhennya. The American delegation also included Dallasi's brothers: John Foster Dallas, who would become the US Secretary of State, and Allen Dallas, who would become the champion of the new CIA following the Other Holy War. The Dallas brothers lay down to the bloodline, and later became Hitler's addicts. The stinks were servants of the Rothschilds at the "Kuhn-Leib and Company", and they were also connected with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Allen Dallas was at the warehouse of the Warren Commission, who was engaged in the "investigation" of the carding. The American delegation at Versailles was represented by the Rothschild-controlled Paul Warburg under the Kühn-Leib company. that American subsidiary of I.G. Farben, also the German delegation included his brother Max Warburg, who would become Hitler's banker! They were taken from France for an hour of a “peaceful” conference. Baron Edmond de Rothschild - the leading force of his hour, a kind of "suppressing" the creation of the Jewish state of Israel. Marvel at the details of "... I Truth To kill you Vilnim." The Rothschilds have always been the right force behind the Zionist movement. "Sion" - tse Sun, stars and resemble the name of an elite secret society in the Merovingian ancestry "Sionsky Priorat". Vsuperech rozuminnyu rich people, Zionism is not the Jewish people. Many Jews are not Zionists, but many non-Jews are them. Zionism is a political movement, not a race. Say that Zionism and the Jewish people are the same as saying that the Democratic Party is the American people. Jews who resist Zionism are not easy to resist. Now, having manipulated their order of puppets to support their plan for a special fiefdom on the Middle Skhod, the Rothschilds began the process of settling the Jewish people in Palestine. As always, the stinks behaved with their contempt. I got to know Baron Edmund - “father of Israel”, who died in 1934 as a man and a man, as he received the Versailles “peaceful” delegation. Edmund looked like a French booth, like Guy Rothschild and Baron Philip de Rothschild. Edmund actually began the settlement of Jews in Palestine in the 1880s (if Charles Taze Russell had done his job). Thanks to the financial support of the Russian Jews for the organization of the settlement near Palestine, but not a little bit of everything that was done with their freedom for the people, it served to promote their plan of Rothschild-Iluminaty. Edmond financed the creation of farms and factories, and carried out the entire operation with "fire and sword." The Jewish farmers were told that they should groan, and they were given a reason to understand who was responsible for everything, as if the stench had bothered to retell the orders. In 1901, the Jews were ashamed of Rothschild about a similar dictatorship over their settlements, abo "Ishuv". The stinks slept yoga:

“... if you want to vryatuvat Іshuv, first for everything, take your hands away from them, and … once and for all, allow the mother colonists the opportunity to rule by themselves, those who help to correct.”

Baron Rothschild vіdpovіv:

I created Yishuv, I am alone. That is why a human being is not a colonist, and a suitable organization does not have the right to interfere with my plan.

In one speech you can refer the Rothschilds to the Jewish people, and that one - to the entire people. The Rothschilds are not Jews, they stink as a ancestor with a reptilian genetic code, who are after the Jewish people and victorious like a screen and secure the reach of meti. Apparently, before Simon Sham's book "Two Rothschilds and Land for Israel", the Rothschilds gave 80% of the land to Israel. Edmond Rothschild was closely related to Theodore Herzl, who was the founder of Zionism - the political revolution created for the formation of the Jewish Fatherland in Palestine. Rothschild was strong behind Chaim Weissman, the other leader of Zionism. As Rothschild Vaysman said:

“Without me, Zionism would never reach success, but without Zionism, my work would die.”

Now, the zristanni of the Fіnannuvannya of the Rothschilds of the Palestine settlement, the same agents in the units, yaki of the OFITRITRY PIDSHINI Plan for Rothschilda, Vibachte - єvreisi Kravyvshchini, the strokes demanded the rituals, Yakiya, Yakiya, the Yakiya of the Arma, This catalyst was a greedy cause for Jews in Germany and in the Ukraine, sacked by Rothschild funding by the Nazis and their special Rothschild in the name of Adolf Hitler. Whilst fighting to the Nazi concentration camps gave life to an important and vreshti-resht virishal force until the Rothschild programs were implemented. The chains organized Jewish terrorist operations similar to the "Stern Gang" and "Irgun", which created chaos and attacks to bring to the foundation of the state of Rothschild (Israel) in 1948. These terrorist groups, who ruled over the Jewish people with the same enthusiasm, were astounded by the same people who later on choked the new Israel ... people on kshtalt Menahem Begin, David Ben-Gurion, Itzhak Rabin and Itzhak Shamir. They were controlled by Rothschild and the Zionist gangs that brought in the international mediator Comte Bernadotte on 17 Spring 1948, perhaps to the fact that they were going to introduce a new Resolution to regulate the UN. And the Rothschilds were not satisfied with the subpoena of the innocent Jewish people to the Nazis, the stench of them stole their values ​​after the end of the war, just like they stole Russian values ​​during the hour of the revolution, financed by them. At the beginning of 1998, at the beginning of my tour of Pivdenny Africa, I spoke with Vinny Man-deal, as I came to my talks in Johannesburg, and later I maw a special spokesman with P.V. The request was necessary for me, but it was impossible for me, if I took my lecture all for a few miles from Budinka for summer people. We talked for the second time about the manipulation of Pivdennoy Africa, and for the past few years we have spit out the names of Henry Kisinger, Lord Carrington and Rothschilds. “I have been wonderfully pleased with the English Rothschilds in Cape Town, since I was still president,” having said wine and having begun to tell me a story, she described the Rothschilds simply miraculously. Having said that, they asked for the stink with him, that yoga minister of foreign affairs, a representative of the Iluminati Piko Bot. On this day, having said wine, the Rothschilds told you that on the robes of a Swiss bank there were great wealth, like once the German Jews had owed, and they were ready to invest in Pivdenna Africa, as if we were talking about interest rates. That was the wealth that was stolen from the German Jews, that they suffered under the Nazis, that became the ban of publicity and great scandal in the rest of the rocks. The Rothschilds squandered statutes on them for hours of war! Bota having told me that I should have taken pennies, but having robbed Pik Bota of Zustrich with the Rothschilds, and I don’t blame the one who didn’t seem to please the stench.

Get drunk. Ale light - not those that we think about the new one. Until today, the Rothschilds continue to control the state of Israel, as if the symbol of their homeland is on their ensign. Tse stink victorious tsyu kraina and її people - Arabіv єvreїv - to support the conflict. This includes the civil war in the borders of the cordons and in the pristine Arab lands, as they allowed the Illuminati-Rothschilds to control their so-called “Crisis Arc” at the Middle Meeting for the help of “divide, panuvate and conquer”. Tse allowed them to take control of the naphtha-like shoe edges with an ear of corn, if the naphtha turned out to be really brown.

Be kind, people of Israel that world, take a look at it. You are being pitted against the non-Jewish people and out of the blue. You and all, who are adopted by their children and freedom from the world - are guilty of uniting and concentrating on strength, like manipulating our races. Fear is one to one and “divide and rule” have always been the main main tools of dictators. I tell the Arab peoples: never, never, never the Rothschilds and the Illuminati control only one side of the conflict. It’s better not to stink - it will not be the end result of the game, but not the best way to play the game. Also, we know who controls the Jewish leadership in Israel - the Rothschilds. Who has such control over Yasser Arafat? These people, I admit, control Menahem Begin Israel and President Anwar Sadat in Egypt during the hour of “peaceful pleasure” for the help of the administration of Jimmy Carter, like control of the Rockefellers. What is broken - those are broken, and the people of Israel and Palestine may work together at the harmony and at the mutual potion. Do not follow another path, the crime of great deaths, suffering and conflict - exactly what the Rothschilds and the Illuminati want. For Israel, the stench prepared their stingy plans, in which the sides suffer, as their plan is for the mosque of the Temple of Gori. People to Israel and the world! It doesn't matter what race you are, the color of your religious perekonan. The freedom of all of us is interrupted by a threat, and as long as we are separated by racial and religious walls, freedom is doomed.

In his interview to the Central TF in January 2012, the forensic expert from Samaria Anton Kolmikov affirmed that Volodymyr Illich Lenin was lying in the Mausoleum. Moreover, such a person never dreamed.

In my recent article, I showed that in history everything is not so smooth in our country. Vaughn is reminiscent of vigadani characters. Zokrema, Henry Morgan and Peter I are less than heroes of religious fairy tales, Byzantium is less of a book guess, and the falsification of history has long since reached the scale of a pandemic. The strongest of the world, the mighty zagarbniks of that occupants, soon changed the history of the squalid land in the same way, as the evil ones change their names after the black evil.

Vdarimo with the expertise of Lenin

Provіvshi vyvchennya osobistnosti "eternally living ideologist of the revolution", the intercessor of the head of TSNAT Samari Kolmikov deyshov vysnovka, which may be right with the greatest falsification. On yoga thought, the scenario of the scam is written in the United States.

This is how it would be left out of a newspaper sensation, but step by step began to show evidence - not only a Leninist share, but a falsification of a serious scale.

Later, “2010 year, as the head fahіvtsya in the Samara region from the ship's expertise, was asked to Moscow at the conference "Cold War" with a lecture on the shooting and history of the ship, - rozpovida Kolmikov correspondents. - At the process of preparation, I started seriously turning the political situation in the world on the cob of the XX century, destroying documents, foreign newspapers. I revealed just a fussy and obvious falsification. Those who were heard in that period do not agree with what they tell us on TV and at school. I presented my vysnovka to historians at the conference, voicing out loud that in 1917 the United States robbed Russia.

Kazkovy Romanov novel

At first glance, the expert's statement seems impossible. Ale, let's take a look at our follow-up of that parallel.

First Parallel. The expert said that he had turned the newspapers on the cob of the 20th century. І at the link with the cim even before the speech looked like in the INION library, which was seen at the beginning of 2015. In this half-moon, the very newspapers and all the periodicals of the indicated period burned down. Zbig?

Another parallel. In 1914, the Romanovs created the Federal Reserve System (FRS), which for 100 years (until 2014) made dollars for the United States, and the States, from their own hands, resold the dollars to the world. And now, as a result of this machination, the FRS has scammed Russia and China over 1,000 tons of gold. Through the initiation of the Fed's activity, the Third World War broke out, in the course of which Putin angered the dollar sewerage.

Third Parallel. In 1917, the zagarbniks began to officially wear the nickname of Romanov - and according to the laws of the Timoshovy order, and then in exile. From this moment, practically all the members of the house, having reigned, became the rapt Romanovs. Tse prizvisko established in the name of the genre of the poetic work of the XII century about the journey of a conquering person to a foreign land - a novel. Tobto Romanovi - literally "heroes of the Likar novel", fairy tales.

Fourth Parallel. In the midst of the fierce fate of 1918, in order to follow the revolution, the Bolsheviks transferred Russia from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Let's guess, the Gregorian calendar is the twirl of Rome. Vіn buv orders by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. The parallel to the translation of Russia's Roman calendar and the appearance of the nickname "Romanov" is obvious.

Well, before 1582, then the parallel is important here. What year was the Roman (Gregorian) calendar in the first place, and the same r_k became the rest of the rock Life of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Obviously, the death of the Terrible and the beginning of the Romaniv family - no more, no more than a change in the calendar, everything is calculated in the same royal novel.

Romanov's non-peace

That is why it is not necessary to marvel at the fact that the "Russian" tsar, who, having added the name of the Romanovs in a grand manner, was immediately shot by the Bolsheviks. More precisely, they said that they shot. In fact, the tsar’s family was lost alive, and, moreover, she herself ruled all the time - the head of the SRSR, and then Russia.

Today's fashionable prosecutor to Krim, Natalia Poklonska, officially stated that legally there was no such decree of the Romanovs. Tobto їhnє the right to the Russian throne, nibito, be saved.

E, for example, publications, in which there is a version, as it is confirmed, that the stepson of the Romanovs, Boris Nemtsov, was slain on the bridge for the funeral of Tsar Mikoli II. From the Romanovs to be like Oleksiy Kudrin, who is pursuing the Fed in Russia, who can easily try a coup d'etat.

Occupation of Russia by US forces

Let's turn to the interview of expert Kolmikov. Roblyachi their vysnovki, vіn spiraetsya on documents. Zokrema, an expert talking about publications in the New York Times from 1900 to 1922. At the first interview of Timchasov's order on 20 February 1917, there will be a story about those who in Russia can now curse the Jews! All vіdkritim text.

Axis from the foreign press: PETROGRAD, March 20, 1917. “Nothing now stands on the path of the new commercial area between Russia and the United States, - said the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor Paul Milyakov, in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press. - I think that the Successful States should renew the old commercial banknotes and for the removal of all transfers, and for the management of the Jews here. Now, let's say, there are no daily shifts to this. Details of such domesticity, prote, which are impossible to declare; You need to get rid of them in the future.”

Does the newspaper write about such commercial homemaking? And the axis is about yaks. In my novel “Kuvirok Mіsyatsya”, I showed how useful Tsarevich Oleksiy pretended to be Oleksiy Kosigina, who already in the 20th century became a dollar billionaire, selling the wealth of Russia for the cordon. Having created the Radian-British undertaking "Lina Goldfields" - "Golden Fields of the Deer", through the yak exporting from the country not only gold, but also diamonds, as well as all the brown copalins. I same Kosigin zruinuvav SRSR, having launched rebudova.

Two Lenin

About the image of Lenin, the expert Kolmikov says: “The photographs have been locked. They are obviously not Ulyanov. For me, like fahіvtsya in the hall of ship's medicine and forensics, it's obvious. І st year: in all foreign publications vin figured as Mykola Lenin. Zhodny time V.I. Lenin! Volodymyr Illich, as an ideologist and creator of the revolution, appeared in the Radyansk necrosis in September 1924 - with an old ancestor, a nickname-name-in-the-father and hard firmness, which is the axis of wine and є. Wait, why did Mykola rapt become Volodymyr Illich? In searches of the first, I turned to the photo archive of the Lenin Museum in Samara and began to work with denim, as an expert forensic specialist with a great criminal right.

From the foreign press: PETROGRAD, 9 leaf fall, 1917. “On the stage in the hall of the Smolny Institute, at the headquarters of the revolutionary order, Leon Trotsky was known - relatively glances, smiles and triumphantly in the garb of a robot worker. Bіlya new Mykola Lenin - quiet, modest and diligent. I Madame Kolontay - young, gracious and serious. The rest of the members of the order of Petrograd were grouped on behalf of them. "We are propagating an uninterrupted truce for three months, by which means we will select representatives of all nations, and not diplomats, who are responsible for making a peace agreement," said M. Lenin, the leader of the maximalists (Bilshoviks)."

Isn't it true, the situation is similar to the all-widow, more precisely, the formation of the genocide in the Donbas? The battle of the Russian people in Donbas is financed by that gang of supporters of the European Jewish Parliament Igor Kolomoisky. The Zionist junta, which paid for Kiev, supported colleagues from the Russian Jewish Congress (Makarevich and others) and the Diaspora. Everything is repeated for 100 years: the Zionists are preparing a hellish famine in Ukraine. So what is Ukraine? Sogodni Romanovs (tato Rimsky) with the hands of migrants are hoarding Europe.

Expert Kolmikov reviewed the report of Mikoli Lenin and Volodymyr Ulyanov: “Those are the people who confirm the portrait examination of photographs. Taken from the records of V. Ulyanov 1895 from the file of the gendarmerie. I will write a photograph of M. Lenin from the newsreels. The skin image is based on standard procedures - the sum of the same halves of the individual, right and left. The data are not the same: a different asymmetry was revealed. Tse permits the production of visnovoks, but Mikola Lenin 1917 was not Volodimir Ulyanov. The first version of the communists does not explain the makeup asymmetry. So it goes - behind the deep anatomical and private signs of the life of the auricle, a third character is signified. The same invisible figure appears in a 1919 photograph in front of a sound recording machine. Vіn pohovany 1924 rock in the Mausoleum.

Change of malicious nicknames

The change of names is a traditional overrun of evil spirits. Adzhe navit sly tsars changed their names to the name of the Romanovs. They changed it, but don’t take all the people to mind. Wanting the fact is not hovaєtsya. Changing the privilege is the only way to fool the law. Sorry people to live all life under one name and name, and evil-doers change names like mittens.

Especially in the diaspora, as from long ago, you have been engaged in shahrayism. At the link with chim, roaming from place to place, I don’t want the population of the new place to know about these mischiefs in the old city. Axis of application: Oleksandr Grіn - Oleksandr Stepanovich Grіnєvskiy, Andre Maurois - Emil Salomon Wilhelm Yerzog, Veniamin Kaverin - Veniamin Oleksandrovich Zilber, Voltaire - François-Marie Arouet, Jack London - John Griffit Cheyni, Illya Іlf - Maxim Fain-Leybіel-Leibovitch Pshkov, Mark Twain - Semuel Lenghorn Clemens, Mikhailo Svitlov - Mikhailo Arkadiyovich Sheinkman, Mikhailo Koltsov - Mikhailo Yukhimovich Fridlyand, Marilyn Monroe - Norma Baker, Ornella Muti - Francesca Romana Rivelli, Sophia Loren - Sophia Shikolone rich and others.

Revolutionary falsehoods of the cikavishi: Martov - Yuliy Osipovich Tsederbaum, Stalin - Josip Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, Trotsky - Leiba Davidovich Bronstein, Kamenev - Lev Borisovich Rosenfeld, Zinov'ev - Grigory Evsevich Radomilsky, Villi.

Happy Russian. It is not for nothing that the President of Russia, Volodymyr Putin, pointedly pointed out: “The decision on the nationalization of this library (Schneierson - author) was praised by the Radianian order, the first Radianian order. I yoga boules are approximately 80-85% Jewish. Ale stinks well, keruyuchisya hibnimi ideological mikrovannya, went to the same arrest and repression.

The very next thing to say and how to pardon the nickname "Romanovi". From what hangover did the kings begin to change their ancestral titles? Only through their collective evil activity. Such a pidkhid vіdomiy. For example, in the name of "people" "Oleksandr Zorich" is not a person, but two representatives of the Diaspora - Yana Volodimirivna Botsman and Dmitro V'yacheslavovich Gordevsky, or "Henry Lyon Oldi" - Oleg Ladizhensky and Dmitro Gromov. This “tradition” is also practiced in other areas: “People” “Platon Shchukin” is actually a technical support service for the Yandex.Webmaster service.

Lenin Ostapovich Bender

“Come out that Lenin is a fortune-telling character. Mythological, yak Cheburashka, - says expert Kolmikov. - Surprise, buv Lev Bronstein, who called himself Trotsky, stealing someone else's passport. Formerly an unknown revolutionary - Mykola Lenin, about whom the foreign newspapers wrote, that one was lit up on the stars of the Rada of robotic and soldier deputies at the warehouse. Judging by the current historical situation, it was the year of 1918 when the whole central part of Russia stood up. And the shards of yoga have already declared as the leader of the Belarusians, it was necessary for them to play this role and they should win.”

Vlasne, the ROLE itself, as it is required to win, among the evil-doers, it is important, but not the person herself, is recognized for this role. That same American Hollywood, tirelessly of its hairy hands, stamps aids for fraudsters. Let's make a movie "Ocean's Twelve Friends". For a new one, that stealer is elevated to the rank of cool utility. I such films are anonymous.

Lichini of Papi Roman

Today's retailers of Shakhrai schemes are in no way different from the rich ones. The Vatican and the Church were especially active in this regard. Vaughn, under the drive of the cross, changed and changed the names of the kings great people, and the Vatican does not allow its tatam to bury the identification. The Romaniv Vatican is very much like "Francis", who, like Trotsky, showed up as a way to "steal a passport."

But a real person, dressed in a papal robe, is called in a different way - Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Russian Gosha Maria Odnoka mountain). Whom Gaucher was given a “biography” for the barista, for which reason, obviously, “he wrote literature, philosophy and theology from the three Catholic colleges of Buenos Aires.” It is a miracle for a Catholic to come out: in all countries, without a blame, individuals of royal blood and, before that, they are from the special services, and at the Vatican, have fun as presidents of literature.

It's too funny! To the one who succeeds, it was a marvel. Ale diva was gone. “The lad is a great Latin Tubalian and smartly knows his place in a pink life, having become a vibe in an Argentine night club. The "pardon" of youth was repeatedly needed in yoga new spirituality and high humanism of life. On the 40th anniversary of George's death by the Junta, he killed two Jewish priests. Crime re-investigation hit George on April 15, 2005, but at the same time George was already a far from being a difficult person. Vіn sitting at the papal conclave!

The axis is such a detail in my book “The Battle for the Throne of the Holy Sea”, and go out without squeezing stormtroopers. The stench took power in Kiev by force, ruling the coup d'état: handing out “livers” to the public, and hands in mittens - more twisted.

American Comintern

Why do you marvel at the fact that today's "Vatican" - TV broadcast, press and music - is mostly occupied by Ocean's friends, members of the Diaspora? Aje people are more provocative than those who say tsі friends. All these technologies for deceit were not born today. The revolution itself stinks - technologies - bulging the suffocated land.

“Before the new one, there were other people who hung like M. Lenin,” continues the expert Kolmikov. - Among them is Ulyanov's brother - Dmitro. The Samara lawyer Volodymyr Illich was ordered to see off in the 1920s. Updating some of the fates of the wines of Lenin, but, I repeat, not yoga was buried at the Mausoleum. Away, the share of Ulyanov is not at home. And all the twins were playing the role of the leader of the revolution. The one who truly became an ideological leader, in the main propaganda work, writing flamboyant promos, robbing records on the radio and giving interviews to newspapers. The leader of the socialists of the USA, Boris Reinstein, who was the leader of Russia's propaganda minister. Vіn same cholyuvav Comintern.

I’m talking about the Diaspora again, and I’m guessing again the words of President Putin - …80-85%... Therefore, the correspondent asks expert Kolmikov: “Do you believe that Boris Reinstein caused Zhovtnev’s revolution?”

"It's amazing! Can you tell me who started the revolution in Libya? - Kolmikov says. - It was the American operation. The United States and Great Britain (like in the case of Cosignim, Mikoyan, Stalin, Beria ... - author). Rockefeller and Rothschild, rudely seeming. It is also necessary to open the international process of military evils in the USA, England and France in Russia. fascism - even if atrocities were committed in our country no less. Deceptive genocide.

Romanov and Hitler

The rest of the expert's opinion is more respectful, because the diaspora foresaw its own "holocaust", and in spite of its rich millions of mischief, it is getting worse. You don't need to go far. Hitler is a member of the diaspora and is related to one of the Rothschild-Rockefellers by a close relative. Angela Merkel, as they say, є yogo chi then donkoy, chi then onukoy.

And tse means that Father Mikoli 2 - George 5 was bound by blood ties with the Rothschilds. Hitler - SIN Wilhelm 2, є VNUKOM of someone from the Rothschilds-Rockefellers.

Ale, perhaps, those who hit the Soviet Socialist Republic on the pennies of the Romanovs, and in our days the daughter of that very Romanov - the Diaspora woman Masha Hohenzollern - went on a new war to Russia. With the sleepy zusills of the bagats of the ZMI, the sounds of the invasion were far away. Ale tse for now…

For the results of the information war, a few high-ranking Russian generals spent their land - they shone with Masha. The expert Kolmikov "presented his visnovki to his colleagues - experts of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health."

Behind it, “having looked at the documents, the Moscow prosecutor’s office destroyed the right “About the discovery of an invisible corpse on Chervoniy Square”. Investigation conducted by the OVS "Kitay-Misto". Will be sanctioned by Reinstein's relatives from the USA for DNA analysis. І handwriting is equal, and otherwise it is brought. You just need to initiate everything right.”

Lenin and Rudiy Neanderthal

One more moment. In 1895, gendarme officers folded a verbal portrait of Volodymyr Ulyanov: “The height is 166.7 cm, the stature is medium, the tone copes with the reception, the hair on the head and eyebrows is rusyavka, straight, the eyes are brown, the average size, the forehead is high.” This is a description of an outstanding mestizo of a Russian people with a Mongol. So, for example, they live in Bashkiria in order. Father Lenin was a Kalmik, his mother was Jewish.

And the axis of the writer Oleksandr Kuprin, who spoke with Lenin in 1918, described the other person - the right Neanderthal: “Small in stature, broad-shouldered and dry. And he forked and rose his eyes uphill ... The dome of the skull is great and high ... Surplus hair on the folds, as well as a beard and a whisker, which in his youth were very soulful, fiery, red-rudy. In the eyes, striking me the color of the rainbow shell. At the Paris Zoological Garden, having turned the gold-red eyes of the Mavpi-lemur, I said to myself with satisfaction: the axis, you know the color of Lenin's eyes.


Fakhivets at the forensics and shipboard expertise department Anton Mykolayovich (video) by the necessary rank, having issued the necessary signatures, giving a valid signature and publishing a kilka scientific articles, with some of them having wrapped their visnovkas about the mythological nature of Lenin. Visnovok No. 180 issued in 2010 “Forensic examination of the corpse of V.I. Lenin” is awarded by the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Visnovok №27 of 2011 victorious at the civil process.

Visnovok published in the article - Kolmikov O.M. Legal liability for falsification of history. Revolution in Russia in 1917. / Public scientific journal "Discuss", No. 3, Ekaterinburg, Berezen 2010, p. 8-11. And in 2012, an article by A. Kolmykov was published in the international scientific journal, which is being reviewed, in the USA. Revising Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal / International Journal of Russian Studies, Wilmington, DE 19803 U.S.A. NO. 5 (2012/2).

A political and social project was posted on the website of the party-political forum of the United Russia. In 2013, at the 4th International Conference of Ship Expertise, which was discussed by Moscow, O.M. Kolmikov added an addendum "Falsification of documents by the US occupation regime in Russia" (Lenin not Ulyanov).

Zagalom, tsikave kino to enter. Some people paint icons, like they want to. Others paint leaders - they want some. Thirdly, historians, foretell history - they say how. And is it true? At school mentors? About professionals? Don't cheat so easily. An everyday professor cannot cut the proud vuzol of historical nonsense, as if this Proud one should lie down to the ruling hut of the “Romanov tsars” ...

Where can we get Lenin from the mausoleum to win and bury? Everything, like in a movie: whoever planted it, whoever planted it - a tree. A tree is not a tree, but the Kazakh characters have not yet learned how to be human.

Andriy Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "President", twitter, vk

Baron Edmund Beniamin Rothschild rozpovidaє REAL ISTORIY about SIONIST Adolf Hitler.

Baron Edmon Binyamin James de Rothschild (08.19.1845 - 02.11.1934)
Baron Edmund Beniamin Rothschild tells the REAL story about one of the greatest Zionists of the 20th century – Adolf Hitler and the reason for the Other World War.
With a small delay, we have posted a post about one of the greatest Zionists of the 20th century - Adolf Hitler.
Vіn was born that day 127 years ago near the small village of Ranshofen. Yogo tato - Alois buv a purebred jew so buv blue Mary Annie Schicklgruberі Solomon Rothschild, the founder of the Austrian dynasty of the famous banker's booth

Everything about this character is practically everything, and there is no sense in repeating it. And today, we are publishing one more rare memoir in history, which should be written by Baron Edmund Beniamin Rothschild, Hitler's cousin uncle.

Vin made this note with his student lying on his deathbed in 1934, and we are led literally.
"My uncle Solomon told me about his poshlyubny son. People from our family often went levoruch, but it's already here. Sometimes we are happy with such children, sometimes Solomon - still young Adolf.
Having failed to sleep well at the Vidensk Art Academy and was embarrassed by the fact. Hearing the cry of the whiny youngster, I spoke up and said to you like this:
- Painting the wrong kind of activity, which brought you pennies. A lot of brilliant artists died in sins, without knowing how to know the all-world glory of the stench after death. Ale in the pants, he needed the glory of the world. If you want to be rich, go along the path of your grandfather and father.
Adolf blew his nose and screeched in a screeching voice:
- Why don't you take me to your clan, even if your blood flows in my veins?
I call out loudly.
- Druzhok, tse kine tin on our reputation. That navischo we need some kind of zhebrak? From yakbi ti bov international banker chi great politician, for example, chancellor of Nіmechchini, todi - so. Aje, damn it! Your nickname means "shekel picker," then why are you, deputy shekel picker, taking care of being a fool?
With tears in his eyes, the nephew blew:
- Do you know that I won't become a great political gamer? Can the light shudder in my day?!
- Good luck - I have little time, I'm going. Ale, if you are running your own business, or if you are going to fix such a huge rumble - then let me know, I will help you a little. In the meantime, keep a hundred marks - buy your own normal coat, because you look like a clown, you're in the circus. I splashed yoga on the shoulder and hurried to the station.
A lot of fates passed, I completely forgot about that rose and about the peculiarity of the nephew himself. Ale Vlitka 1920, I read on the overdicemen of the Milisy Gazeti, the ilfanthniy salivai, the yang mroval by the artist, becoming a cerebral of the right -wing organ, de -prove the priest, vistupuvniy, the opposite of the mighty of the vima -vymas.
Wow, I think I'll get it right, that lad is not a miss. And why did you virishiv piti against us? Having formed on me for that rose? And a brilliant thought began to waver around me. I telegraphed my relatives in a negligent way and recognized the term zustrіch.

Just like our family, like the family of our other Jewish brothers, holy banker's booths, they were euphoric at the camp. The world war, organized by us, destroyed the European empires and European values, and established the rule of Judea on the entire territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
However, on the right, the bula has not yet been brought to the end. They were deprived of innocence of food. І akscho in Radyansk Russia our rule was unguarded, if only for a joke about jews people were shot on the spot, then in Western Europe and in the USA it was not going smoothly.
Asher Ginsberg's report under the title of the Protocols of our wise men was translated by practically all European languages, and in America they painted Henry Ford's articles. In my native France, everyone was rushing about with the book of the anti-Semitic bastard Drumont, and the goysk newspapers (so-so, so-and-so) blatantly wrote that the Jews were drinking all the juices from France and published B-gomerzky caricatures of us. At the ruined Nimechchina, our brothers were the richest camp, with which they shouted wild hatred among the indigenous population.
Early chi pizno volcano anti-Semitism, scho rasplyuvavsya s skin day, mav vomit. And I knew from childhood one of the main principles of our family: you can’t strangle the opir - oh, yogo. I understand that my nephew can learn.
After a short family meeting, we got in touch with other bankers and rabbins. І at the after-hours plenum of the Tajmny Sanhedrin the program was broken up. I am getting in touch with my nephew, who is a man, and our friend Rozmova has a little other character. I consecrated yoga to the mystery of the light device, and in view of my propositions, the future Fuhrer did not look up.
We began to covertly finance the NSDAP party, we tried to drive the stormtroopers, and if Hitler had choked the rebellion in Munich, there were three thousand people, I realized that I had correct choice. Lyudina, as if she had spurred a bunch of people to a coup d'etat, is an ideal candidate for the role of leader of the struggle against the dominance of secular Jews and to direct this struggle in the direction we need.
After the Beer Putsch, we were housed in the Weimar Republic, and Hitler was transferred to one of the castles near Pivnichny Saxony, and our people began preparing him for the role of a future dictator. We began to invest in the development of the German industry, especially the military-industrial complex. At once, we generously financed the industrialization of the SRSR, preparing another militaristic monster.
The fact that Hitler transferred the principles of Judaism to German soil is a paradox. Vіn just taking the basic law of Tories and voicing them as the greatest nation. Ha, but it's impossible.
Let us call ourselves more than that people, who have passed through thousands of fates of war and suffering, having known the secrets of the human butt, the cunning and survival of which is ideally known, and the methods of combating that taєmnogo penetration in all spheres of supremacy of life -.
We can name ourselves only those people, which are bound by such mimic bonds, which are like one whole in all the world. Zavdyaki such a phenomenal bulge cannot overcome us.
But if you don’t know anything, then be it a people, who, having voiced yourself, we’ll defy, check on the inevitable and gіrke fiasco.
Brothers, my hour will end, but I'm running, sho having lived my long life is not in vain. Nіmechchina and Russia are rapidly developing under our weird ceramics.

We were left with less zishtovkhnuti їх foreheads. It's too early for the stench to reveal the war. I call it not important who is the first to strike and who will overcome. To the one that I can win, we will get it. You miraculously know how to work so that the opponents gave one to one the biggest hits and maximally bled their people. And remember my thought, that you are not guilty of bringing global territorial changes.
Before I die, I ask you, brothers, to bring the head of my life right to the end. After another war of light, the kingdom of Zion will be established, and we may well see King Moshiach.
Baron Edmund Beniamin Rothschild did not live to see the Other World War, but everything that passed the wines came to fruition. After 1945, the fate of anti-Semitism, officially becoming a law, our government became practically unimpeded, our national power vindicated, and our people were on the finish line a rich thousand-thousand-year-old road to absolute light panuvannya.

It so happened that the representatives of the secular Jews fought on the fronts of the Other world war and against the fascists, and the fascists!

Nearly 500,000 Jews from Radyansk fought against the fascists on the sides of the Soviet Socialist Republic, about 150,000 Jews fought against the Soviet Socialist Republic.

Tsіkavo th those who are under the hour of another world war in the world not one is alivehitler, Ah, at least two!

One Hitler was with the Nazi Germany, the other - with the SRSR!

The Nazi-fascists had their own Hitler - Adolf Aloisovich, born in 1889, son of Alois Hitler (1837-1903) and mother - Clary Hitler (1860-1907), who wore the title until her death Pelzl. May I respect that there was one small juicy detail in Adolf Aloisovich's ancestry. Yogo father Alois Hitler with his father's son was illegally born. Until 1876 (up to 29 years) he bore the title of his mother Mary Anni Schicklgruber(Nim. Schicklgruber). In 1842, Aloys's mother's brother - Maria Shiklgruber - became a mistress of the mistress Johann Georg Giedler (Hiedler), who died in 1857. Mother Alois Schicklgruber died before 1847. In 1876, Aloys Schicklgruber, the brother of Aloys, took three "testimonials", as they "confirmed" that Johann Georg Giedler had died 19 years ago as the right father of Alois. The whole false marriage gave the rest of the name to change the name of mother Shiklgruber to the name of father Hiedler, as when writing to the book "registration of the people" was changed to Jewish Hitler. Historians are aware that the replacement of Hiedler's nickname for Hitler was not a typo. The 29-year-old father of Adolf Hitler - Aloys - in such a rank distanced himself in the face of controversy from his step-chief Johann Georg Gidler.

New? Who is the right daddy?

Partially, in the remainder of the power to be avenged in the documentary film, directed below. I Historians affirm that Alois Shiklgruber (Hitler) was the most honorable son of one of the financial queens from the Rothschild family!
If so, then Adolf Hitler, go out, also being relatives of the Rothschilds. Obviously, the banking homeland of the Rothschilds miraculously knew that, in the 30s of the twentieth century, it generously gave financial assistance to Adolf Hitler in becoming the Fuhrer of the German nation.

Among the Radian people, among the SRSR, bov their hitler- Semyon Kostyantinovich, born in 1922, who served in the Red Army.

Semyon Kostyantinovich Hitler during the defense of 174.5 heights of the Tiraspol fortified area 73 years ago, having fired his machine gun over a hundred German soldiers. After the first wound without ammunition, viyshov from otochennya. For this feat of comrade Hitler, the medal "For Vivaga" was awarded. Year of the Red Army, Hitler took part in the defense of Odessa. At once, from її zahisniks of the vins, they crossed to the Crimea and died on the 3rd lime of 1942, capturing Sevastopol.



Well, yak, friend-readers, I’m stoked at your thoughtnormalmoving forward?



We traveled through Nimechchyna by bicycle, sometimes we traveled 100 kilometers per day. For months I spent on cheap sandwiches with jam and peanut butter, spending the night at the sleeping bear of the provincial railway stations. Let's go to Sweden, Canada, Turkey and Israel. For six years there have been trips and jokes in the company of a video camera and a portable computer.

In the light of 2002, having succumbed to the fruit of asceticism: 30-year-old Brian Mark Rigg, having published his pidbag practice - "Hitler's Jewish soldiers: the history of Nazi racial laws is not told and the people of the Jewish campaign in the German army."

Brian is an Evangelical Christian (like President Bush), a native of the Texas "Biblical Belt", a volunteer soldier of the Israel Defense Forces and an officer of the US Marine Corps, raptly zatsіkavivsya his minulim. Why did one of his ancestors serve in the Wehrmacht, and the other perished in Auschwitz?

Postdu at Rigg Bulo, I didn’t go to the UNIVITITITI, Grant VID Cambridge, 400 izu'yu wt Veterans Veterans, 500 Goddin Video, 3 Tysyachi, 30 Tysyachki Soldier -ryav ry, ї є ї ї є є є є єvashysiy. Pidrakhunks and visnovki Rigga sound sensational: the German army fought on the fronts of the Other world up to 150 thousand soldiers, like little Jewish fathers and grandmothers.

The term "mishling" was used by the Reich to refer to people who were born in the name of mixed slyubiv Aryans with non-Aryans. The racial laws of 1935 divided the "Mishling" of the first stage (one of the fathers - Jews) and the other stage (grandmother or child - Jews). Irrespective of the legal "corruption" of people with Jewish genes, and ignorant of the boring propaganda, tens of thousands of "mishling" lived quietly under the Nazis. The stench was called in the Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe and the Kriegsmarines in the most obvious order, standing like soldiers, and part of the generals were less likely to command regiments, divisions and armies.

Hundreds of "mishling" were awarded for good work with Zalizny crosses. Twenty soldiers and officers of the Jewish campaign were honored with the largest military honor of the Third Reich - the Litsar Cross. Veterans of the Wehrmacht complained to Riggu that the authorities were reluctant to represent them to orders and gravitated towards their ranks, remembering their Jewish ancestors.


Zhitlovsky histories, which have been revealed, could have been created with fantastic, but stink real and confirmed documents. So, the 82-year-old resident of the Pivnochi of the FRN, a believer in the Jews, having served in the war as a Wehrmacht captain, taemnoyuchsya Jewish rituals in the Polish minds.

For a long time, the Nazi press posted on its lining a photograph of a black-eyed blond in a cassock. Under the sign was: "The ideal German soldier." Werner Goldberg (with tatom-Jewish) with the Aryan ideal of fighting the Wehrmacht.

Wehrmacht Major Robert Borchardt took off the Litsarsky cross for the tank breakthrough of the Russian front at the sickle of 1941. Let's keep Robert in directions to Rommel's African Corps. Under El-Alamein, Borchardt drank at full to the English. 1944, the fate of the Viysk-filled was allowed to come to England to resurrect with the Jewish father. In 1946, Robert, turning to Nimechchini, declared to his Jewish tatov: "Who is guilty of protecting our country." In 1983, shortly before his death, Borchardt told the German schoolchildren: "There are a lot of Jews and drunkards, they fought for Nimechchina before the Other World, they respected that they were guilty of honestly defending their fatherland, serving in the army."

Colonel Walter Hollander, the mother of such a boulder as a Jew, having taken away the special letter of Hitler, in such a Fuhrer, having recognized the Aryanism of the Halachic Jew. Such stories about the "German shelter" were signed by Hitler for dozens of high-ranking officers of the Jewish campaign. Hollander at the rocks of the war with boules of fences Zalіznym crosses of both steps and a redkіsnoy sign - the Golden German Cross. Hollander, having conquered the Litsarsky Cross at the Linden River in 1943, if his anti-tank brigade in one battle lost 21 Radyansky tanks on the Kursk River. Walter was given a permit; to the Reich vin went through Warsaw. You yourself are shocked by the sight of the Jewish ghetto, which is running low. To the front Hollander turned spiritually evil; the personnel officers entered in the special police officer on the right - "to be independent and small-minded", hacking his promotion to the rank of general. At Zhovtnі 1944, Walter was taken in full and spent 12 years at Stalin's camps. Vin died in 1972 at the FRN.

Povna taєmnitsa іstory poryatunku Lubavitsky Rebbe Yosef Itzhak Shnejerson from Warsaw in the autumn of 1939. Chabadniks in the United States turned back to Secretary Cordell Hell for help. The State Department followed Admiral Kanaris, the head of the Viysk investigation (Abwehr) about Schneierson's free passage through the Reich to neutral Holland. The Abwehr and the Rebbe knew spilnu mova: German explorers fought everything to save America from entering the war, and the rabbi won a unique chance for survival Tilka recently became aware that the operation to remove the Lubavitcher Rebbe from the occupied Poland, cheruvav Lieutenant-Colonel of the Abwehrblue jew. Bloch, having protected the rabbi from the attacks of the German soldiers, they escorted him. This officer himself was "covered" by a document: "I, Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the German Nation, confirm that Ernst Bloch is of special German blood." Truth be told, in the fierce 1945, this papyr did not get Bloch's right at the insertion. It means that his namesake, Jewish Dr. Eduard Bloch, in 1940, having taken special notice of the Fuhrer, let him fly to the United States: that was a letter from Linz, a kind of likuva of Hitler’s mother and Adolf himself in childish rock.

Kim were "mishling" to the Wehrmacht - victims of anti-Semitic reconnaissance by the followers of the Kativ? Life often put them in absurd situations. One soldier from the Zalizny cross on his chest came from the front to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to see his Jewish father there. The SS officer was shocked by the guest: "Yakbi is not a city on your uniform, you would have stumbled down there, your father."

Another story was told by a 76-year-old resident of the FRN, a 100-year-old Jew: 1940 came to the fate of 1940 to flow from occupied France for detailed documents. Under the new German names, Yogo was called to the Waffen-SS - good fighting units. “As I served in the German army, and my mother perished in Auschwitz, then who am I a victim of one of the following?

LIST of 77s

At the beginning of 1944, a personnel officer instructed the Wehrmacht to prepare a secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals, "those with the Jewish race, or those who were friends with Jews." Usy 77 small special mention of Hitler about the "German shelter". Middle of the list—23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two new generals of the army. Brian Rigg says today. To this list, you can add 60 names of top officers and generals to the Wehrmacht, aviation and fleet, including two field marshals.

In 1940, all the officers, as a child of two Jewish teachers or a grandmother, were punished with military service. Those who were "smeared" by Jews only on the side of one of the didusivs could be left behind in the army in ordinary settlements. Reality was different—These punishments were not beaten. This was repeated to no avail in 1942, 1943 and 1944. Partially, there were depressions, if the German soldiers, cherished by the laws of the "front-line brotherhood", adopted "their Jews", not seeing them to the party and punitive bodies. For a long time, such scenes from the fate of 1941 could be seen: a German company, as if they were bringing their Jews, taking in a full of Red Army soldiers, like, at their own quarters, they see their Jews and commissars fighting.

The German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, an officer of the Luftwaffe and a Jew, said: "Only in my air unit there were 15-20 such lads themselves, like me. military history Nіmechchini of the XX century”.

Rigg himself documented 1200 applications of the "mishling" service of the Wehrmacht - soldiers and officers with the closest Jewish ancestors. Thousands of war veterans lost 2,300 Jewish relatives—nephews, aunts, uncles, children, grandmothers, mothers and fathers.

One of the most important figures of the Nazi regime could add to the "list of 77". Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuhrer's lover and the head of the RSHA, who controls the Gestapo, the criminal police, intelligence, counterintelligence, fought all his (for happiness, inconvenience) life with sensitivity about the Jewish journey. Reinhard was born in Leipzig (1904), he was the director of the conservatory. Family history to tell that yogo grandmother became friends with the Jewish Nevdovzі after the national father of the future chief of the RSHA.
In childhood, older lads often beat Reinhard, calling him a Jew (before the speech, Eichmann was teased at school by "little Jew"), a 16-year-old young man joins the chauvinist organization "Freikorps", so that they develop a little about Jews. In the 1920s, Heydrich was to serve as a cadet on the ship "Berlin", de captain of the future Admiral Kanaris. Reinhard got to know his retinue Yerika, who played Haydn's and Mozart's home violin concertos with her. And in 1931, Heydrich was exiled from the army for violating the code of officer honor (calming the ship's commander's young daughter).

Heydrich is angry with Nazi gatherings. The youngest SS Obergruppenführer (rank, equal to the general of the army) intrigues against his great benefactor Canaris, trying to reproach his own Abwehr. The conclusion of Canaris is simple: the admiral, for example, in 1941, keeps a photocopy of documents about Heydrich's Jewish journey with his safe.

The chief of the RSHA himself to hold a Wannsee conference near Sichni 1942 to discuss the "residual version of the Jewish diet." In Heydrich's admonition it is clearly stated that the onuks of the Jews look like the Germans do not take reprisals. Once, turning back in the night before the house vshchent p'yanim, Heydrich turns on the light in the room. Reinhard rapt to shoot his image in a mirror and shoot in a new gun, whistling himself: "Geeky Jew!"

Field Marshal of Aviation Erhard Milch can be called the classic butt of a "hoisted Jew" in the elite of the Third Reich. Yogo father buv Jewish pharmacist. Through the Jewish campaign, Erhard was not accepted in the Kaiser’s military schools, but the First World War, which began, gave him access to aviation, Milch, having spent the famous Richtgoffen’s division, got to know the young planes Gerhager at the headquarters, and was chosen by himself. In 1920, Juncker's rozіnker gave protection to Mіlch, pushing a huge front-line soldier at his concern. In 1929, Milch became the general director of Lufthansa, the national air carrier. The wind is already blowing with the Nazis, and Erhard without any money puts on the Lufthanzy airfoils for the leaders of the NSDAP.

Tsya servant is not forgotten. Having come to power, the Nazis declare that Milha's mother did not lead a state of life with her Jewish man, and the right father of Erhard is Baron von Beer. Goering laughed for a long time at this drive: "So, we killed Milch with a bastard, but an aristocratic bastard!" Another aphorism of Goering with the drive of Milch: "At my headquarters, I myself virishuvatem, who is a Jew in me, and who is not!" Field Marshal Milch actually looked at the Luftwaffe ahead of the day before the war, replacing Goering. Same Mіlh keruvav the creations of the new jet Me-262 and missiles "V". After the war, Milch nine years passed from the vyaznitsa, and then until the 80th century, he worked as a consultant for the Fiat and Tissen concerns.


Pratsya Brian Rigg, piddaetsya retrimming and slapping. With scientific pіdbags, the defenders of the Holocaust want to speed up—European and Islamic historians try to point out the phenomenon of the Holocaust and downplay the scale of the Jewish genocide.

Quoting Rigga, so vcheni zminyuyut accents in dribnitsy. It is said, for example, about the "Jewish soldiers" and about the "Jewish army of Hitler", at that time the author himself wrote about the soldiers of the Jewish march (children and onuks of the Jews). The absolute majority of veterans of the Wehrmacht were told in an interview that going to the army, the stinks did not respect themselves as Jews. Qi soldiers tried their best to call the Nazi racial Balakanin. The Hitlerite soldiers, with their pompousness at the front, argued that the Jewish ancestors did not respect them to be good German patriots and staunch warriors.

Hasan Huseynzade, a Muslim historian from the state of Minnesota, revisited his review: "Jewish soldiers served in the Wehrmacht, SS, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. The work of Dr. nevipadkova - now the mass media will fly "heels" about the service of the Jews in the SS, wanting Rig to find a single butt of such a person (and then with supplementary German documents). This is how anti-Semitic myths are created.

Dr. Jonathan Steinberg, a facilitator of the Rigg project at the University of Cambridge, praised his teachings for their humility and effortless accomplishment: "Brian's wigs defame the reality of the Nazi power with its folding."

The young American, in my opinion, is not only able to rob the general picture of the Third Reich and the Holocaust, but he irritates the Israelis in a new way to look at the zvichni denomination of Jewishness. Previously, it was important that in the Other World War all Jews fought on the battlefield of the anti-Hitler coalition. The Jewish soldiers of the Finnish, Romanian and Ugrian armies looked like vinyaty from the rule.

Now Brian Rigg puts us before new facts, bringing Israel to an incomprehensible phenomenon. Think about it: 150 thousand soldiers and officers of the Hitler's army could be repatriated from the Israeli Law on Turning. Ninish looking at the law, zipsovaniya pizny insert about okreme the right of a Jew to Aliyah, allowing thousands of veterans of the Wehrmacht to come to Israel!

Levi Israeli politicians are trying to defend the amendment about onukіv tim, while moving, onuki jews were also re-examined by the Third Reich. Read Brian Rigg, man! The suffering of these onukivs often manifested itself at the outskirts of the chergovy Zalіzny Khrest.

The proportion of children and young German Jews once again shows us the tragedy of assimilation. The advent of the dida in the religion of the ancestors was a boomerang for the entire Jewish people and for the yogo German onuk, to fight for the ideals of Nazism in the Wehrmacht lavas. It's a pity that the galutna vіd vlasnogo "I" characterizes not only the Nіmechchina of the past century, but also Israel today.

And now let's move on.

DPR militiaman talking to the camera: "we are to resist the "Jewish fascists". At the same time, we are ready to fire a volley at the fascist, conniving, nationalistic filth ... Jewish! militia."

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