Read the Koran of Prokhorovy online. Iman Valery Porokhova: “The Quran cannot be misinterpreted. Covering one's head is dictated by the world's greatest culture. Tse cover the chakri. It’s not a sign of sensibility, it’s a sign of literacy, that vihovannia

The author of the meaningful translation of the Quran into Russian language, Dіsniy member of the Academy of Academic Humanities, a member of the pravravraziyskiyo Academy of Academic Culture, dіsniy member of the Mission of the Academy of Academy of Academicia, the Academic Academy of Academy of Academician of the natural sciences, the honors of the native of the navigation of L. N. Gumilova

website: Valeria Mikhailivno, Your biography is the same as the cultural twists, which are rich in your share. Adzhe Vi, as far as I know, was born in Ukhta, started in Moscow, and then, having become a hulk of Syria, got drunk on the culture of Islam and became an absolute expert in our Galuzi. Why did it all start?

VALERIA MIKHAILIVNA POROHOVA:~ Mova is everything. Tse access to everything. If you don’t feel like at least one of my - light, like only a few, - English - you allow yourself access to rich speeches.

Mova allows you to win a win-win medal, you analyze information, your thought works in many systems, you don’t center on one line - you immediately go into the arc of a rich humanitarian sphere, but it’s the other way around.

I was 16 years old when I came to Moscow and went to join the University named after Moris Thorez at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. I proudly declared that I had 16 years, but they said to me: “There are 24 individuals on the plate, come to future river come." I said that I don’t praise me, and I’ll blame everything, the one I know everything best.


You are guilty, forget about the word "Islam". You can give it a meaningful description. s-l-m at the translation from English - the whole world, calm, safe, cleanliness of minds right up to the garnish relish.


I came to sleep with a Russian movie and zabula an examination sheet with a photograph ... And in the first half I sleep, more than half put twos, so that the competition fell from 24 to 12. Members of the commission seem to me: « Axis bachite, we said, come to the offensive fate. And I said: "Ni, I'll finish writing tvir 2 years earlier and go home - I'll bring the examination sheet." So I thrashed.

And if I came to reconsider my assessment, the person from the primal commission told me about the cost: “And what about the assessments of Russian creativity?"Win like: "You have 5"(Remember me). I feed in the new: "Why do you think so?" And vin vіdpovіdaє: "And to that only one 5 on pototsi."

Tell me, be kind, about your hat. Adzhe same your man vpliniv on you in such a rank that you began to know the Koran and accepted Islam, why not?

~ My man is Syrian, my friends are 42 rocky. We got to know each other at Moscow. Mohammed came from Syria to Moscow to read, but, being a human being, how to love comfort, he didn’t lose wine in a bridesmaid’s coat, but he blamed the room with his master. By the will of the valley, I settled on top of the top for my apartment.

We signed up. My mother then became very ill and affected my christening, for the whole homeland of the Powders is noble, Orthodox: I may be christened. Mohammed stood up to whom even more positively, saying: “Nareshti. Tse already the first crock to God! As soon as I was christened, I began to read the Bible - it was important for me to know, under whose ensign I was christened. Andje I was a product of radian hours, you know, like a stosunka with religion dictating that hour.

And then we came to Damascus, and everything started there. The same separation in the country, the same bigamy, the same polygamy, the smiles of people… Syria was a more prosperous region… The way of life simply amazed me!

Women don’t carry anything in their hands, everything is worn by men, it’s more than pointing with a finger what to buy. The women looked over the eyes, dressed in a dazzling manner. Because of this, I had a great article about those that I didn’t succumb to a woman of right, a lower Muslim woman. Starting from the first gift, what kind of names to give, either with a gold equivalent, or with a penny, or with a look of restlessness - tse її insurance policy. Let's increase the budget by buying more gold - for the squad. Obviously, є sim'ї, de cholovіk despot, but not the rule and not more, but absolute less.


Islam - tse naming the religion of the Arab mine. Shift yoga to that language, which you say! Understand the essence. And the dictionary meaning of the word Muslim is one and the same - “believing”.


Mohammed herself promptly sent me to translate the Qur'an. Vin said: “Read the Quran from the heart of a man!” I tried to take Krachkovsky - there was nothing more, I gasped at the translation and took the English version Lord Arthur Arberry- Translated by the professor of Arabic language, who accepted Islam.

If we had only 8 translations of the Koran at that hour, then English language The Quran has already been translated by 106 authors. In French and German - so very close to a hundred. Illumination of Western Europe has always shown the greatest interest to the Koranic writings. At Damascus, I adopted Islam and the name Iman.

Svidomo Іslam is heavily compromised by means of mass information. Explain, if you please, the meaning of the words “Islam” and “Muslim”.

~ You are guilty, forget about the word "islam". You can give it a meaningful description. Open the English-English glossary dictionary, open the French-French glossary dictionary. It says s-l-m - tse world, calm, safe, cleanliness namiriv to the garnish relish (the rest was added by the French).

Islam is all Arabic tracing paper. I named my religion Arab. Shift yoga to that language, which you say! Understand the essence. And the dictionary meaning of the word Muslim is one and the same: “believing”.

Qur'an of signs in the verse, and I translated yoga in the verse form: there are 1000 sides of the verse sacred text. If it seems like destruction, then the Air Force, the OSCE [Organization for Security and Spivrobitnitstv in Europe] immediately turn to me, it seems that I am the only fakhivets in the nutrition of Islamism.

Why does it seem like I’m the best, I’ll explain: I have a good memory, and I know writing to remember, good old Testament material, although I don’t have a gram of Jewish blood in me, the Russian nobility could not mother in their own Jewish shelter, wanting to walk around in the scorched world of them ...

All conferences, I am ahead of them, that I will once again give you an understanding that in the discussions you can’t be linked to the same political and social likenesses - less than not, even if the stench always changes. I’m telling you that cultural studies and religion are a permanent storage food for me.

People love me even more, but it’s even harder to put up a church before me. In the 1990s, I was given a majestic air hour on the radio and television stations. And then the church said that I was taking the flock into them.

I'm going for materials, not just how people think or how the stench mumbles. It’s less writing for me to chirp. Written for me is the first straight language, which is in the same writing. Tobto yakscho tse Torah, then squawk me only Moses, and how New Order , then I don’t have to mutter directly Jesus. It is super important - we are guilty of water-creaming grains like chaff.

Old Testament writings - tse Law of Moses. Tse є first. Whose law uvіyshov christianity and uvіyshov to Islam. The direct language of Jesus is pouring: "Do not think that I have come to destroy the laws of the prophets." - We should not talk about the Book of Dial and Prophets, as it is called in one word – Torah.

And to us, the righteous people Jesus seems, do not think that I have come to destroy the Torah - "Do not destroy the priests, but vikonati." And further tsіkavіshe: "Do not come Earth and Heaven, the docks of the skin of Iota (skin of rice to the law) do not turn around."

For me, as for a person of faith, the direct language of Jesus is the absolute truth. To that, if it seems that the law of Tory has come to viconate, we may be able to see the basic knowledge on the basis of writing. Everything else is ethics, nalashtuvannya.

How can a religion be self-sufficient, autonomous, and okremoyu like other religions, as in it there is no law? Ni. If there is no law, there is no religion. Therefore, the Christians were embarrassed at the Holy Bible to mount the Old Testament Torah. Why - to that Jesus did not bring laws. Vіn priyshov їх vikonati.

I respect that Moses brought the law. And Jesus brought ethics - goofy, people-loving, high-moral - vikonnannya the law of Moses, many points of which were punished like mortal sins, for example, icon-making - “so that you don’t unleash and don’t create an idol for yourself and don’t destroy the desired image of a man and a woman and don’t bow down to him,” - first commandment.

It is marvelous to say that Christianity is stunned by an independent religion, just as the law of religion is copied from Tory ...

Tobto, judging from the direct texts of writings from your words, islam a christianity, and all those formal protirichcha, yakі іsnuyet mizh tsimi religiami - no more nizh social chimeras?

~ Chi bachite scho having created a person ... The society has impersonal institutions: the institute of jurisprudence, educate, protect health. Just take the leaders of scientific and recent institutions, we drown in them.

Lyudina is a terribly cunning subject. Vіn thinking: if such a large number of institutions serve my needs, then why not create an institution that serves my spiritual needs? І він to create the church.

What is a church? Having said that Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : “To the health of the mission of Jesus was the institution of Christianity and the awakening of the church.” Those same saying Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy, Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin - all Russian and European beauty, the wise knew.


If a Muslim sins, he doesn’t go to the priest to confess, but to rob the tawba of repentance. Yakshto vkrav - vіn turn. Having created it, you should especially ask for forgiveness. Tobto vin covers evil with good.


Islam attacks not so much on the institutions of the church, but in the prayer booths. In London, їх 175 for the presence of the Muslim diaspora and the presence of a pіvmilion of immigrant Muslims. Moscow has 2.5 million Russian citizens who were born in Moscow, near Kazan, near Volgograd in Muslim traditions, and there are less than 5 mosques ...

Russia has 22 million Muslims in all lands, but the state does not want to build mosques. Near Cologne, the cultural capital of Nimechchini, there is only one Cologne Cathedral, which is protected by UNESCO. Other cathedrals are closed and sold, because they don't want to pay 10% of their salary for church services. Especially in times of crisis, the stench is worthy of what you don’t need: how to believe with God, how to believe it, how to read Our Father from the great satisfaction that at the prayer house. And there are 50 prayer houses near Cologne.

How do you care, tse standing can be more vagomі istorichnі pіdstavi chi easily sucked?

~ More than that: the Russian aristocracy began exclusively with Muslims. Shards of Russian princes shared land among themselves, Tatarstan - Bulgary - blakitnookі, bіloshkіrі encouraged the newcomer of the Bulgarian civilization. If social institutions were only born in Moscow, the stink of the institute of jurisprudence was also born.

I don’t want to oppose it at any time - I am the successor, and the successor is guilty of being objective and invincible.

The baptism of Russia was discretized: once, and to the prince's orders, the Russian people became Orthodox. If they signaled everyone to the Dnipro and said, you are Christians, it was better to eat before: "And why do you want to eat," - people thought that this was a product that was brought from Greece. People did not know what stink to take, nor how to practice.

And Islam came by a natural course, through enlightenment, through writing, through a book, and having voluntarily accepted the riches of the century. Tse is also important. Our first aristocracy was a maєtkom of Orthodox and Muslims. For example, Oleksandr Nevsky having made friends with his son with the Khan's daughter. Motivation - gentlemen's garni that mother. Kutuzov is a Muslim, Suvorov is a Muslim. I todi Turgenev saying: "Poshkryabaesh Russian - viskrebesh Tatar."


Lyudina, as if driving in one single human soul, vibuvay from the right hand of the Lord. You can't call Yogo a Muslim. Those who win this term in this context discredit the present religion of the Lord and harm the Muslims.


Yaki Important information mizh christian church and a prayer booth, tobto a mosque?

~ Mosques are not served by people. Muslims come to five times a day for prayers. Moses was appointed, how the buti of the mosques are: just dah and stіni - the same comfort, any luxury, but ideal cleanliness. People know vzuttya at the hour of the entrance.

There are no such people, especially those who live there. Є mistse, de sheikh can turn to people, but the sheikh is not a settlement. Vіn seldom give roses of explanation of the Koraních writings, and that proves the food of the parfiyans: special food is to be blamed for this joy.

The sheikh seeks spiritual enlightenment in special schools. Tse people, as if they live on a koshti, as if they earn money themselves, they have their own business and a robot - an ahead of time before that, the businessman is not a plumber among the parafians, but for the right, nothing is needed for the parafians, just a vineyard.

If a Muslim sins, he doesn’t go to the priest and confesses, but to rob the tauba of repentance: he asks the Almighty Yogo to probachit, swear not to repeat this sin. Yakshto vkrav - vіn turn. Having created it, you should especially ask for forgiveness. Tobto vin covers evil with good. Tse not those who pishov to the priest, having confessed, having communion and viyshov with an angel. Hi, a Muslim is victorious against all evils.


Covering one's head is dictated by the world's greatest culture. Tse cover the chakri. It’s not a sign of sensibility, it’s a sign of literacy, that’s vihovannia.


Judging by the sovereignty of religion, the followers of Tory are disciplined people, who, meanwhile, obviously, because of the image of women, as if they were following Islam.

~ I had a chance to think about those that Muslims are rottenly adapting to the modern reality - wearing a hijab ... So what do you want, so that women with a lot of moisture and self-confidence can grow up to equal drunken girls in shorts and tops?!

In the first place, Islam does not convey slander at any time. What does Islam mean, so what is the attachment of sexual parts human body, yakі call sexually bajanna Tobto not guilty but tight-fitting or transparent fabrics, prote stinks can be yak zavgodno beautiful and be-yah tones.

What to say Koranіch text: "Throw a shawl over your head and open your breasts." All! Ale, covering one's head is not dictated by Islam. Covering one's head is dictated in Orthodoxy: before the revolution, a young girl did not appear among the people without a kokoshnik, that khustka, the aristocracy went to luxurious capes.

The same in England and all monarchical lands: if not a crown or a tiara, then on the heads of the royal family there is a great headdress. Covering one's head is dictated by the world's greatest culture. Tse cover the chakri.

If we were with Mohammed in the Arab Emirates, there was Princess Diana with Charles, the stench only became friends. Diana was sleeping in a cloak, a blouse with long sleeves and a great cape, all in the yards, and there the temperature was 40 ... It is called culture to the spirit. Vaughn knew where she had come.

Therefore, it is important not only to understand and accept the highly valuable culture of Islam, but to establish order on the lawful territory of religion. It’s not a sign of sensibility - it’s a sign of literacy that vihovannia.

And what about the trail of warlikeness, which gravitates towards the native peoples, which espouses Islam?

~ Terrorism can't be born before Islam. Lyudina, yak became a hacker, a terrorist, can be brought to trial. Lyudina, as a terrorist act, ceases to be a Muslim, a Jew, and a Christian.

Lyudina, as if she were driving in one single human soul, she was already vibing from the right hand of the Lord. You can't call them Muslims. Those who win this term in this context, discredit our religion of the Lord and mischief us Muslims.

And what kind of pidkhіd before the phenomenon of the reincarnation of Muslims?

~ You ask the Muslims at once, to believe the stench in reincarnation, and the stench will give evidence: "We can't believe,"- tse Muslims are not far away, yakі did not delve into the writings of Tori. Because the scripture says: “I give you a life, like we’ll take it away, like we’ll turn it back, like we’ll take it and then we’ll turn it back again.”

Christianity also had the idea of ​​the reincarnation of the soul, but after Emperor Justinian the idea of Christian religion forfeited... In Buddhism, the donin is saved. So I don't know, I'm a Muslim... I, singsongly, believe and think.

Valeria Mikhailivna Porokhova I a member of a number community academies - active member Academy of Humanities since 1996, Member of the Board of the Eurasian International Academy of Culture since 1996 , current member International Academy of Informatization, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) (section of geopolitics and security from 1999), pprofessor Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov.

Valeria Porokhova is the first lady of the world, as the Muslim world sang, which honors Valeria-Iman the God-bearer, an angel on earth, as she stumbled upon those who rarely came out of the translators - to convey the very spirit of the Koran, which is the greatest value in the Koranist.

Valeriy Mikhaylivno, what made you, like you were born in an Orthodox family, entice you in Islam?

Koran. Nasampered, Quran. I first read the English Koran and was choked by it. It's brand new! Axis like Leo Tolstoy saying: "I ask you to respect me as a rightful Mohammedan", so I can say: "I ask you to respect me as a rightful Mohammedan." And you know that, once we saw the appearance of the church, the great writer of the funerals in the Muslim way. Leo Tolstoy is not just a man, he is the conscience of the Russian people.

If you turn the Qur'an, you will be replete with a nameless depth. As if after a chotirigine lecture at the Russian Academy of Sciences at the hall, becoming the 70th most important academician and saying: "If it is the Koran, then I am a Muslim."

The Qur'an is eternal, and those who in this century could not have such knowledge unambiguously. And if it was out of the blue, then out of the Lord. It's important to understand.

I realized that I had been a Muslim all my life. I didn’t know what, I didn’t read the Koran. I tell you the door, if a person reads the Koran, then, having turned over the rest of the side, you will say "Praise be to Allah Almighty." Alone, I can’t hurry, reading. My turn to Islam was in Syria, if I read the Qur'an from the roses, so with tafsir (commentaries). Adzhe navit naiosvechenishi Arabi to read the Koran only with tafsir.

What prompted you to the idea of ​​translating the Koran in Russia? Why is wine called a translation of meanings?

- If I started my research, then I showed that there are 106 translations of the Koran in English, three less than 100 in French and German movie. And the Russian one has only 7 (!) translations. I price - for the 22 million Muslim diaspora in Russia and the 60 million Russian Muslim community in the lands of the CIS! I wanted to translate the Koran in Russian, so that people could read the Scripture. It is essential that the translators were transcribed by non-Muslims and carried in their own spirits of the Christian tradition. Find the best.

Ale, I can’t translate the absolute translation. This is one of the amazing facts of human history. The Koran is the only Scripture, as it came to us in fourteen hundred years without a change. Zhodin from the numerical translations of the Eternal Book in no way claims to be accurate in the transmission of the text. In principle, whether there is a translation, for the appointed, it cannot be exact. Adzhe Qur'an of writings in the old Arabic language, as if suttavo vіdіznyaєєє vіd suchasnoї аrabїї, scho for an hour and lead to a mimic creation of the sense of words, the text.

Another important factor: transcribing the Qur'an was simply robbed of tracing paper, not changing the original sign of the Old Arabic language, but the theologians were aware of the following: translating the Qur'an can be a fakhivtsy in dozens of sciences. In my opinion, the idea was especially strong in the supposition that the translation of the Koran did not give force to any of the people. Singingly, even to that, the naivіdomіshi vchenі did not risk bringing the identity of the original and their translation. The famous translation of the Koran in English language, the Arabist Marmad'yuk Tekhtal, calling his translation "mayzhe literal"; I.Krachkovsky called for drukuvat his work under the name "Koran". That's why I called my work "translation of meanings".

What I have crushed is just a more modest zusilla, as they cannot claim to be a significant part of the transmission of the divine beauty of the verses of the Koran, the heavenly music of yoga. If I translated the Koran, then my skin clenched in reverent awe before the Great Book.

Valeriya-iman, how does Islam grow in Russia and the lands of the SND from Arab Islam? I put orthodox church before the fact that the Russian people, Orthodox for the people, re-translated the Koran?

- Do you know what the word "iman" means? I believe. Today we can state that, unfortunately, the followers of Islam in Russia and the SND are not illuminated. The biggest problem. In our country, Islam is associated with these understandings, as if they were imposed by school and institutional enlightenment - by the lighting system, as it attributed to Islam all the flaws that were heard from the world. However, this knowledge was in no way grounded on the scientific factor, the stench was tendentiously straightened out.

Just like the church was stunned by the opium for the people, Islam was stunned by the Viysk aggressor. For whom the polygaє is the main authority. Do you know what shocked me the most? If we were given the freedom of religious will, it began to be such a mass, including an emotional turn to the religion of the fathers and children! I may already have close connections with young people whose fathers are ethnic Muslims. I say "ethnic", the fact that they were not allowed to profess their faith is not their fault. Ale wonder, like їhnі children rush to Islam. I have traveled all over the Volga: a bula near Volgograd, Saratov, Kazan, Ulyanovsk - cross the youth of the right Islam, like before, like the one who sees the right, the right drive. Before the speech, I suspected a trend in Turkey, where all the mosques were rearranged by people from 18 to 40 years.

Narazi is afraid of the more difficult intellectual, the most intellectual expansion of Islam. At the same time, it’s not military, it’s not power, and it’s not propagandist-missionary. People come to Islam, having learned that understanding what is so, and the practice of practicing religion in the whole world is even stronger at once. Everyone was weary in the sight of inexcusable immorality, in the sight of the crazy earning of pennies, weary in the rosy side of our life. People want morality, purity - but that's Islam.

If we marvel at the Parliament of England, then we tend to like ethnic English - members of parliament, before the speech, the lords of the fall, accept Islam. Tse duzhe is a great showman. Every time I do not call on people to accept Islam, I call on people to recognize, what is it, to understand, what is the most important thing about everything and everything - Koranichne writing, like with a deep honor to be put up to believing in other religions - Jews and Christians "ahlul kitab" ("people of writing"). Therefore, for all of us, we are more important, having shown the greatest respect for all religions, especially for Christianity and Islam. Muslims didn’t come to us, but Christians didn’t come. We are ethnic, our authorities are Christians and Muslims. Other religions came to us.

The Russian tsars and emperors received wisdom, political maturity, and social justice to understand that Russia is the land of two peaceful religions. Moreover, if you say it out of the door, then Islam appeared in Russia 150 years before Christianity. Until then, the wines came on "moist legs" waterways through the Caspian and the Caucasus, rising along the Volga, then Christianity was decreed in us, and in one night Russia became Christian simply by the decree of Volodymyr Chervone sonechko, who drove the ears from the Dnipro and said: "Come on, my Christians." Moreover, people thought that this subject had been energized: "Why do you need it?" That is true buv cіkaviy historical precedent. Prote insults of religion are ethnically, genetically, nationally ours.

What is Islam for people?

Nasampered is a way of life. I tsim vіn v_drіznyaєtsya vіd іnshih religions. You lie down as a Muslim, you live the day as a Muslim, and you lie down to sleep as a Muslim. Moreover, the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon you), having said a miracle speech, is guided by my guilt: "Schoran a person to put his soul in handcuffs, and in the evening I will take it off with sins, but I will be relieved and embellished with blessings."

What do I not like in structures, so be it, founded on faith? There you a priori know that you will come a week before the temple of the Lord, confide, take communion and look like "sinless". And all the day you live yourselves on selfishness, here on equal footing you will know that in a week you will come and be cleansed of sin. I’m guessing that it’s an element, that it’s cold, that it’s possible to commit sin.

In Islam, it is impossible to come to the mosque on Friday to converse, partake of communion, and become sinless. In Islam, you defend your sins for the skin. Moreover, Islam is slandering like a tauba (repentance), it is squeezing wine, so that evil was good for the retribution of the victim. Any mortal person on earth cannot admit your sin. This is an important moment.

Today, such terms as "Islamic fundamentalism", "Islamic radicalism" have gone up to the lexicon of the inhabitant. Islam is associated with terrorism, and all the readers, who call to convert to Islam, sound like extremists. In your opinion, why do you think so?

- You know, I was honored, if in one of the programs, I don’t have mercy, Volodymyr Pozner, Rozmova came in about fundamentalism. And there Volodymyr Lukin, to whom it is important to reach for the tendency to Islam, - he is a non-Muslim, - having said to the miracle man, that fundamentalism is turning to the basics. To that in tsmu sensi fundamentalism - tse miraculous! And not only in Islam. It would have been inappropriate for Christianity to turn to the basics, to the point where I had commanded Jesus, to him who is the greatest messenger of the Lord, and in the Koran of the Almighty to speak about the new: This is my word, and I have struck him with the spirit in Myself.

We have already piled up the word "fundamentalism" incorrectly negative sign To that, turning to the turns of morality - ce zavzhd positively.

It is no secret that a lot of terrorists pretend to be an ensign to Islam in order to reach their political ideas, the theme of jihad is being popularized, the number of martyrs is increasing. What should the Qur'an say about the appearances?

- First of all, let's once again say baldly that there is no such thing as "Islamic terrorism". Zlochintsy do not care about nationality or religion. And behind the Koran, such people are evil-doers. The only payment for them is death. Be-yaky vbitya may be buti vbity. As soon as we carry out an examination and come to a sleeping banner, but in all writings: don’t kill your soul, don’t help others who don’t help yourself, don’t steal, and so on. Tse commandments and fences of fundamental directness. To this, people who commit evil deeds are guilty of a confessional official once again. We do not have the right to say that this terrorist was a Muslim, a Jew, or a Christian. Vіn cease to be like this, more vіn zlochinets, vіn posture of religion. Yogo needs to be judged by the Civil Code. And then the term "Islamic threat"... Vin is absurd by itself. The word "islam" means "light". And a "peaceful threat" comes into us.

It is possible, Valeria-imane, to continue with the advice. How can you still be with terrorists and martyrs? It's the same way to talk about Islam.

- I Sunnah, and the Koran to write, that beyond the borders of your cordons you do not have the right to drive anyone in. They haven't attacked you yet... I know the garniest hadith of the Prophet, which sounds like this: if two Muslims crossed their swords, then they beat them, and the one who beat them goes to hell. If the prophet was energized: "It's good, who knocked the hell out of hell, and the one who killed - why?"

The Qur'an does not tolerate misinterpretation. For the death of an innocent, you burn in hell, only so and not otherwise. And there is no difference in what kind of religion this person is. Pravovіrnі - tse not only Muslims. Before the people of the Christian and Jewish denominations, the Qur'an has a beast, like before the shanovani, the people of the Scripture. People who were chosen by the Lord God. To that, like the Old Testament writings, and the New Testament Evangelical writings, and the Koranic writings, and, madly, the Vedic writings, and the Zoroastrian Avesta, madly, were sent by one hand. Tobto, authorship, vibatch me, maybe, tse deshcho vulgar term, all writings belong to the same Creator. Therefore, we are not shy of strife among Christians, Jews, Muslims ... We are shy of strife among pagans, atheists and believers. To that, if you drive a Christian into a Jew, you drive a person who believes in God. You can't drive it in, the docks of the wines don't lead against you viysk's deeds.

The Qur'an says more clearly: "Do not kill your soul, that a bula has been consecrated by your Lord. Fighting for the Lord's right is less for him who fights with you, and if he has pinned down a thief, then I will save you." That is why the conflicts, which are aggravated by military events, cannot be called religious or confessional. The stench is all geopolitical.

I have a thought that a woman in Islam may not be right. She might be taken to the harem, she should be afraid to wear a hijab, and when separated, she might take those koshtoness that are on her.

- Tsya dumka - no more extensions of the stereotype, the generation of the colonial non-government. No woman can be right, but in Islam. The woman is maє buti, persh for everything, even vishukano she is beautifully dressed. If a woman turns into a dress of black color, then know that this color can’t be compared to the Koran, in the light of the only writing of the Lord, where the reader’s respect turns to color, to color; de Allah the Almighty seems: "I have given you a lot of din farb, as if you were guilty of victorious. And more: Who will put a commandment on those beautiful gifts, like I gave you at the service?"

There is no asceticism in the Qur'an. A person can live comfortably and beautifully. І Koran does not vimage, sobi women wore a veil. No veil, no black robe. Talk about those that the black color of the burqa or aba є dictates to Islam - non-written. And as in the Qur'an, it is deeds to work on the strength of those that are written there: "Oh, the messenger, tell your squads, so that the stench is tighter tied a carpet on themselves, so that they will be known," it was connected with the time period, shards in that districts, where the Prophet lived, people were biased and could utter obscene propositions to the squads. No matter what happened, such an order was given. And those who wear the veil at once are a tradition, a privilege: geographical, mental. Tse perevaga that, how to put, let's say, a man of zokrema, but the power is scorched. Tse already not Koranichne.

If you want polygamy, then the Koran will speak about it. Polygamy was once again familiar to the Arab world. The Arabs are more and more looking forward to the fourth suri of the Qur'an: "You see that justice is not reached by them, to take only one for the squad." Ale, vines. If a woman is unemployed, she cannot give a recession, but a man, insanely, has the right to recession, she doesn’t throw a squad, like to fight in Europe, when a woman is separated, she is often deprived without harm for a reason, otherwise, she is discriminated against; vin continue family life I take a friend with a childless squad. Moreover, cholovik shanobly it is fair to be put up to both however. Tse is important. If you bought 100 g of gold for one squad, then you are obliged to buy 100 g of gold and the other. And not a gram less, otherwise justice will be destroyed.

Hundreds of similar boats near the countryside And in such countries, where women are more emancipated, such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, for a little bit, richness is practically a day.

What a separation. Lovely gift, what kind of naming is given, is deprived of the naming for all life. More than that, the legislator always declares that he will be allowed to do it: he changed, let's say, was the initiator of an unfair separation and so on. As if the squad is trying to trim their girlfriends' shoes, it is valuable, cleanly trimmed by those who are commanded to trim, a person can’t choose anything in her. Everything is overwhelmed with it: and yes over your head, and koshtovnost, and gifts, and wine without anything.

Another ticky moment. If a woman with an Arab sim came to work, then her entire salary went to the gut, omitting the family budget. So a Muslim woman is richly corrected, a Christian woman. Axis you come to the store, wait for the woman, she's all in gold. You've got a handful of gold! The high shnuvannya of the squad in the booth, you don’t show, like a man, trembling in front of her! I'm talking about absolutely nothing. I lived in Syria for 9 years, I lived in the Emirates, other Arab countries, and I did everything. It’s not like with us, if a woman is carrying bags of 10 kilograms per bag for skin. An Arab woman, what to wear, it’s less a rіdіkul. It’s more than a finger pointing, how many kilograms of what you need to buy!

About hijab. Back before the Qur'an, the Christians hid their heads, and in Russia it was so beautifully dієslovo "goofed up" - drank it in a khalepa. She squirmed - what do you mean, she shook her head. Dzhe tsikavo, that all Russian empresses wore hats. We know the Russian classical painting, all Russian Christian girls in kokoshniks, with their heads tightly closed. Hijab is called in Islam.

Whether or not religion dictates covering your head. As for the Qur'an, it goes like this: "Throw a shawl over your head and chest to close the opening of your breasts." Specifically, how can one look at a hijab, or how can one look at a curve - nothing can be done about it. Ale, if you need to cover your head - it’s obov’yazkovo. The same fundamental dictate that goes beyond Christianity, and before Christianity - from Judaism. Everyone who believes in the Almighty Jew bows his head, all who believes in the Almighty Christ bows his head, and all believes in the Almighty Muslims bows his head.

Here it is necessary to divide people not so on religious structures, but in believers and non-believers. Those who live in Europe - beat the mosquito with a garmat. Who can fence the woman and dress that head ubir, which one you want? Tse її fashion. Jacques Chirac hedges the way out of the hijabs. Yaka yoga on the right, what should a woman wear? I can’t understand, if women wear what they want to wear. If she wears a mini-back, then a lot of speeches come into play, if only pornography. And the axis of the hijab, it appears, is not normal. Mustache be ours in the unknown.

Why, in your opinion, is the root of the problem of the wrong understanding of Islam? І how do you eat food? What is the most favorable factor for turning to Islam today and what is the most favorable factor for turning to Islam?

- The most acceptable light. Russian, that th be-yaka іnsha people, bula і zalishaetsya super sensitive to religious truth. He wrote Volodymyr Solovyov richly before the revolution. The stench is clean, vishukan, thin. Tse I'm talking about all the peoples formed on the same and the same culture - Russians, Tatars, Chuvash, Kalmiki and others.

Structures inspired by faith in God are rich - the structure of the church, the structure of the synagogue, etc., and the stench is filled with more than structures, but not the faith itself. Therefore, we can carry knowledge about the faith. "Call to God with wisdom and beauty of mind, but if the stench does not understand you, say light and go," - like the Koran. The axis of the won is the koranichna structure of the propovidі. And not by violence, you need to call to Islam.

Porokhova Valeria Mikhailivna- perekladachka to the Koran of the Russian mine, the leader of the hromadsky fiend, educator. Was born in 1949. Lie down to the famous Russian noble family.

In 1975, Valeriya was born to marry the giant of Syria, Mohammed Said Al-Roshd, a graduate of the faculty of Sharia at Damascus University, who at that time was a student, and then a graduate student of MISI. In 1985, the people moved from Moscow to Damascus, took over Islam and proceeded to the translation of the Holy Book of the Koran as a religion of Islam.

In 1991, the translation of the meanings of the Quran was completed and transferred to the scientific and prestigious Islamic Academy Al-Azhar Al Sharif (Egypt, Kahir). Її translation of letters of confessions by ulemas and muftis to Islam the best. Tsey authoritative science center after a few years of retelny vvchennya first canonized the Russian translation. Kahirsky University conferred on Valeria Powder the title of an honorary academician, having qualified the interpretation of the meanings of the Koran of the Russian mine as a clear one. The Mufti of Syria, Ahmed Keftar, voted for his daughter.

Since 1991, Porokhov has been very pleased with the Rada of the Islamic Educational Center "Al-Furqan". In 1997, the General Department of the Academy virishuє commend the translation. In addition, the roci won protect a doctoral dissertation translating the Koran.

In 2000, a religious organization of Russian Muslims "Straight Way" was created, the head of which is Doctor of Philosophy Ali V'yacheslav Polosin, and the head of the university is Academician, Iman Valery Porokhova. There is a member of the Academy of Academy of Academician of Humanities, a member of the pravli -Vraziyskiy -people of the Academy of Academic Culture, the transfer to the Qur'an Visuvnu to the assignment of the Premi "Books of Rock 1998", Dіsniy member of the Mission of the Academy of Academy of Academicia, the dimensky member of the Rosiykiye Giode (Sextons

Valeria Porokhova was awarded the medal "For Spiritual Day" by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Central European Region of Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences - Honorary Badge of the Academy "For Merit in the Development of Science", the International International Academic Union at the UN - the largest city - the Order of "Zirka Vernadsky" of the first stage. She was awarded near Tehran with the greatest city of the Islamic world "Storage of the Holy Quran".

In the name of Allah,

the All-Merciful,


The only sense of life is the fullness of your immortal underdog (soul). You must see the stupidity of stupidity for your sutty through the non-reversal of your death.

Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy

© Porokhova V. M., 2013

© Design. TOV Group of Companies "RIPOL classic", 2017

How everything started

I see the presence, to burn the hoarding of high thoughts,

It’s better to feel like someone who penetrates deep into the depths,

Whose life - change the sunset, and the ocean, and the life of the day,

І the sky is blue, and the human mind is ruh and the spirit,

What directs everything more thought, all objects of thoughts,

I will permeate everything.

William Wordsworth, Complete poetical works

Back in the 5th century, at the rest of the pre-Islamic period, which Muslims call now al-jahiliyya(“The Era of the Unknown”), Sozomen, a Christian historian from Palestine, writing that the Syrian Arabs revived the contemporaneous faith of Abraham, who was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but the shards are alive at the hour, if God has not yet given people neither the Torah nor the New Order.

Before the advent of religious religions, the progress of humankind was reduced to pure depravity (“unreasonable depravity!”) and stale in the form of gifts and divine specialities. The pinnacle of these intuitive evils was the Lord's prophecy - the priceless low prophecy of the Semitic prophets (Jewish and Arab), which ended with the prophecy of Muhammad (may God bless Yogo and Vitai!), which freed people to consume in the distant Revelations.

At the same time, the religious genius of Muhammad appeared exclusively. Vin gave spirituality to the Arabs, as if miraculously fell behind old traditions. This spirituality had such strength that not a hundred years had passed, as the Arabs already had their own civilization, that great empire of their own, that stretched from the Himalayan mountains to the Pyrenees. The won was molded exclusively on the religious doctrine of the unity of God, as it was not occupied by the everyday imperial domagans.

The first biographer of the Islamic Prophet, Muhammad ibn Ishaq (room 767), testified that not long before, as Muhammad knew his prophetic gift, a few Meccan kurayshats tried to revive hanifiya (spravzhnyu) faith of Abraham. The names of three of them are well remembered and remembered by Muslims: Abdallah ibn Jahsh, cousin of Muhammad, Barak ibn Naufal ta Zayd ibn Amr, uncle of Umar ibn Khattab.

Otzhe, close to 610 rubles. an Arab merchant, who had never read the Bible and could not feel, perhaps, about Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, knowing the experience, completely similar to the visions of ancient Jewish prophets. Muhammad ibn Abdallah from the tribe of Quraish, the flourishing Mecca, who is in the Hijaz, for the month of Ramadan, went to Mount Hira for spiritual assimilation. At the seventeenth night of the month of Ramadan 610 rubles. on Mount Hira, Muhammad raptly slumped over, as if imprisoned by the blind Divine presence. Pіznіshe vіn having described tse nevimovniy dosvіd in the truly Arab soul: htos squeezing yogo in arms, so hard that the spirit was in the new one, and vіn vіdchuv raptom, like wondrous words are torn from yogo mouth: “Read! In the name of your God, who created, who created people! .. "

Muhammad survived the storm from the almighty supernatural Reality, which the Jewish prophets called kaddash- Holiness. Having stumbled upon her, the ancient Jews also felt the limiting physical and spiritual strain, similar to the nearness of death. Tyazhkі experience collapsed neither of that nor of that and called out to a deep shock. “It didn’t happen that I, having accepted the Announcement without such a feeling, would not cheat my soul for me,” Muhammad later recognized. Ale of the Lord's Will and the might of the wine "created" one of the greatest spiritual and mystical ways of the Lord's will. Muhammad and himself razumіv, scho vrazhaє my Arabic invisibility doti the Word of God. The word God sounded ahead of me in Arabic and became a tiєyu Zvіstkoy, as if it were possible to write it down for a year and call it “Al-Koran” - “reading out loud”.

As the very name of the Holy Book, the Koran of appointments for reading aloud and that the sound of a movie is an even more important facet of yoga infusion. If in the mosque to read the Koran in a row, Divine mastery of sound greet Muslims from their sides and call out to the divine presence. The believer transforms on the temple camp, sticking with the high Reality and power that lurk behind the boundaries of everyday manifestations. For this same reading of the Qur'an already represents spiritual discipline.

Mayzhe kozhna Sura, recited in the mosque, telling Muslims practically all the most important dogmas of their beliefs.

The Quran cannot be united storyline and does not care about the subsequent placement of fragments. Vіn, navpaki, torkaetsya navpakih most manipulative themes: the presence of God skrіz and in everything, giving the most poignant analytics historical backgrounds that mission of the previous prophets. At this Sacred Book, God nibi looks at the in-line camp on the right: roz'yasnyuє sens rozbratіv ta protirіch and rozkrivaє Divine vimir in human life. The words came in scattered, nibby showing the development of the podia, that step of the rozuminnya clay zmist.

The Qur'an constantly calls out to Muslims "bachiti" God "in the banners" of nature and spriymati navkolishniy svit yak God's announcement: learn to marvel crisis part of the appearance, behind which the omnipotence of the peaceful butt is revealed - the all-existing Reality, and the goiter of the Muslims vyhovuvat in their own sacral, based on symbols, mindsets - suffocated by the beauty of that thoroughness of nature, like the human presence of God:

Verily, the heavens of the created earth,

I in the change of the darkness of the night with the light of the day,

I in ships that thaw the seas for the needs of people,

At the water, which God calls from heaven and with it turns the life of the earth,

In Russia, there are changes in wind,

How gloomy between heaven and earth, how to overthrow your servants,

Indeed, there are signs for the quiet, who intelligence.

Quran 2:164

The very same pіdkhіd pіznіshe allowed the Arabs to develop a unique tradition of natural science, like Islam, to the rule of Christianity, without facing the great threat of the virus. At that time, like a lot of Christians Zakhod, they were reconsidered, that science is the worst enemy of religion, Muslim mystics, in their eyes, often went into mathematics and natural sciences and respected that dictatorial peculiarityіslam yak vіri є stіyky cult of reason. Islamic principle ij-tihada(of an independent trial) having prompted the Muslims to be sympathetic to everything new, to ascertain that the Koran encourages innocent introspection and reconsideration of their glances. The investigation of nature confirmed that the world has a Greater World, about which one can speak only with signs and symbols. To describe the description of the Last Judgment of that heavenly naslod is not to be taken literally - it is only a parable that speaks about the present replacement of Reality.

The Qur'an turns believers to the deep-Semitic idea of ​​Divine unity and vizna in the new assamad- “The Causeless Cause of all that exists”, those that Muslim philosophers call “Necessarily Existing”, that is independent from its own foundation no matter what else.

All three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are, in fact, actively active. There are three reasons for the fact that the Will of God was victorious like in heaven, and on the earth. The main plot of the three prophetic religions is zustrich, a special connection between God and man. Such a God accepts like a curiosity to diї: Win a call to Yourself, but give freedom of choice - we may have the right to accept Yogo curiosity, love and turbota, or move in a different way. Vіn pov'yazany іz people through a dialogue, and not a wordless glance. God promotes the Word, as it becomes the center of religious worship. More than that, Yogo's Word will not roam the earth and endure all the torments and suffering of vicious and tragic conditions of human life. With whom it is easy to believe in those who are all living on earth according to God's will, often hesitate to put up with it, which is absolutely unacceptable for the well-being of society.

Material from Wikipedia - free encyclopedia

Cor a n (arab.

Qur "an) - a religious book, sacred to those who adhere to the Muslim directions. It will serve as the basis of Muslim legislation, both religious and civil.


The word "Koran" is seen from the traditional Muslim glances as the most famous Arabic name in the form of the word "kara" - "vin chitav". According to the thought of contemporary scholars, the word "Koran" resembles the Syrian "Keryan", which means "reading, writing lesson". Muslims are aware that the Koran was handed down to Muhammad in parts in Mezzi and Medina between 610 and 632 fates. New Yeri through Archangel Jabrail

Folding the Quran

The Qur'an, like a single book, was written after the death of Muhammad, before having been written in the sight of various records of the lists and in the memory of the companions.

After the death of Muhammad, if in one of the battles 70 recitations of the Koran perished, if they knew the entire Koran by memory, there was a threat to waste the Koran. For the decisions of the first caliph Abu-Bakr, all records were taken, all the verses of the Koran, but only for those who looked at the other records. Jerela of this period to celebrate that in twelve years after the death of Muhammad, if Usman became caliph, there were different records of the Koran, broken by the companions of the prophet, zokrem Abdallah ibn Masud and Ubay ibn Kaab. Through this fate after that, as Uthman became caliph, he punished him to systematize the Koran, spying on the records of Zayd, the companion of Muhammad. This method of reading the canonical text of the Koran was introduced by Abu-Bakr.

The Qur'an is composed of 114 suras - chapters, divided mainly from the great ones to the lesser ones. At its heart, the skin sura is subdivided into the okrem vislovlyuvannya - ayat.

Mustaches of the Qur'an, the ninth crim, begin with the words: "In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful ..." (Arabic: "Bismi-Llahi-R-rahmani-R-rahim ...").

Sioma sura of the most recent manuscript of the Koran (middle of the 7th century).

The Quran has 77,934 words in total. The found sura, 2-a, there are 286 verses, the shortest - 103, 108, and 110-ta - 3 verses. Ayahs from 1 to 68 words. The finder of the verse - 282 verses, 2 suri. Ayat about Borg. The most important ayat is 255 ayat, 2 suri, titles of Ayatul-Kursi (Ayat of the Throne).

The Qur'an recounts the histories of rich characters and sub-Christian and Jewish religious books (the Bible, the Torah), although the details are often discussed. So in the biblical post, like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus foretold in the Koran, like the prophets of Islam (One God).

In the Islamic tradition, the secrets are accepted as the language of Allah himself, which formed Muhammad for the prophetic mission. Collected together, zvedeni in one list, during the reign of the Ottoman caliph (644-656 pp.), the secrets folded the canonical text of the Qur'an, which has been used to this day by the immutable one. The first such list dates back to the 651st rock. A lot of attempts, after repeating thousands of years, to make a wish to change the sacred text of the Koran, for further criticism of the followers of Islam, were recognized by failures.

For more than one billion Muslims, the Koran is a sacred book.

The prominent artistic merit of the Qur'an is insanely recognized by all experts in Arabic literature. However, many of them are ruined by a literal translation.

Crimea to the Koran, Muslims recognize and іnshi sacred books, however, they respect that the reshta Pisan has lost its role after sending the Koran, which will remain the Scripture and will remain the Scripture until the Day of Judgment.

Bandages of a Muslim before the Quran

According to Sharia, a Muslim wears the following bindings in front of the Koran:

Believe in those that the Noble Quran is the Word of the Almighty Allah and read it vodpovidno to the rules of vimovi (tajvid).

Take the Qur'an in your hands less in the camp of washing and before reading: A'uzu bі-l-Lakhі min ash-shaitanі-r-rajim! -Rahmani r-Rahim! (The Wim of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful. (Which only had mercy on those who believed)) When reading the Koran, it is required, if possible, to turn to the bik Kaabi and show the border guard and when reading and hearing texts.

Trimati Koran on high (police) and clean places. It is not possible to trim the Quran on low polices and it is not possible to put it on a bench.

Strictly follow (on the scale of strength) to all I will attribute, we will designate in the Qur'an. All one's life will be consistent with the moral principles of the Holy Quran.


Suri 1 period (poetic)

96, 74, 111, 106, 108, 104, 107, 102, 105, 92, 90, 94,

93, 97, 86, 91, 80, 68, 87, 95, 103, 85, 73, 101, 99,

82, 81, 53, 84, 100, 79, 77, 78, 88, 89, 75, 83, 69,

51, 52, 56, 70, 55, 112, 109, 113, 114, 1.

Suri 2 period (rahman)

54, 37, 71, 76, 44, 50, 20, 26, 15, 19, 38, 36, 43,

72, 67, 23, 21, 25, 17, 27, 18.

Suri 3 periods (prophet)

32, 41, 45, 16, 30, 11, 14, 12, 40, 28, 39, 29, 31,

42, 10, 34, 35, 7, 46, 6, 13.


2, 98, 64, 62, 8, 47, 3, 61, 57, 4, 65, 59, 33, 63, 24,

58, 22, 48, 66, 60, 110, 49, 9, 5.

Hadisi Qudsi

"Be satisfied with the little one - and you will not demand; wake up late - and you will be calm; move away from the fenced - and your faith will become wide.

"Do not be timid, who admits an oversight of the repentant, who prays for Eternal life in Paradise, but do not rob good deeds. As if to give to you, you are not satisfied with this, and if you let Yogo [something else], you are impatient. Punish good, if you don’t beat yoga yourself, you will protect the filth, if you don’t guard yourself against yoga. kind people, but he himself is not one of them, to hate the hypocrites, if he himself is one of them. Vіn to speak those who do not rob him himself, and rob those who are not punished by you, vіn vimagaє vikonuvati [obitsyane], but he himself does not vikonuє yogo".


Batko - Mihailo, a nickname unknown (born 1910, Berlin), like a foreigner of the German campaign, shooting at the fate of Stalin's repressions, a year of rehabilitation [ specify]. Mother - Porokhova Natalia Pavlivna, christened on the 2nd chernya 1906 in the Tsarskoye Selo Katherine Cathedral. Like a squad of the enemy of the people, gave birth to Valeria, having changed her mind, and in the Khrushchev era she could turn to Moscow and 30 years she worked at the Moscow Medical Academy .

My mother’s grandfather is the nobleman Pavlo Kostyantinovich Porokhov, and my grandmother is Oleksandra Leonardova, [specify] German trip, christened from Lutheranism to Orthodoxy, under the hour of friendship with an Orthodox nobleman [specify] .

Valeria Mikhailivna graduated in the history of whom the first time she defended a diploma for my foreign. The diploma holder is a prominent scholar-philologist Tsvetkova Z. M.

After the end of the institute, 18 years, I wrote at. At once, she began to take off a diploma from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Moscow State University under Budinka Vchenikh.

Translation of the Quran

According to the affirmations of the witnesses, on the 22nd of March 1997, the Islamic Scientific and Reputable Academy of Al-Azhar Al Sharif (Kahir, Egypt) gave praise for another circulation of the transfer to the Fund of the President of the OAU Sheikh Zayed Binkim Sultan al Inhayana in Dariya at 25 ths. approx. Behind the words of Porokhova, journalistic deacons call yoga "the single canonized translation." However, as an acknowledgment. A. Rezvan, the facsimile of the document from the office of al-Azhar indicated that it was not accurate in any way. Arabic text The Quran, but I will not translate it, the publication of 1997 called the scandal in the UAE, after which the commission of Egyptian, Saudi, Moroccan and Russian scholars was created by the Dubai Ministry of Waqfs .

Awards and prizes

Suspіlna diyalnіst

Iman Valeriy Porohova for 20 years in active education and missionary activities:

  • participation in the UNESCO commission “Intercultural and interreligious dialogue, as part of the dialogue of civilization” (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 25-26 chervnya, 2001);
  • addendum at the UNESCO commission "Identity of the ideology of cultures in the era of globalization" (Issik-Kul, Kyrgyz Republic, 27-29 September 2007);
  • report at the All-World Congress of Spiritual Achievement for the participation of 74 countries (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, July 2007);
  • keynote speaker at the plenary meeting of the Organization for Security and Defense in Europe (Viden, Austria, 9-10 December 2010);
  • Numerical trips to places in Russia, Central Asia, Siberia and Pivnichny Caucasus with lectures at universities, Islamic centers, mosques, cultural centers (Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Volgograd, Alma-Ata, Tashkent, Tyumen, Tobolsk, Makhachkala, Grozny, Volodymyr toshcho);
  • great live radio broadcast on the programs “Radio Russia”, “Vidlunnya Moskvy”, radio “Nadiya”, “Medicine for you”, radio “Freedom”, “Voice of Islam”, UPU and CNN;
  • great television: the program "Hero of the Day", "News of Culture", "Islam yak vin є" and, Nareshti, "Encyclopedia of Islam" on the RTR channel, and in the program "All Suri Koran" on the TV channel "Culture" right now, de Iman Valeriy Porokhova in the program, as well as in the program "Islam beyond the cordon" of the federal television station of Abu Dhabi (OAU), in the program STS "Muslims of Russia" (Turechchina) and in the program of the MVS (Great Britain);
  • Numerical publications in the journals: "Science and Religion", "Russia and modern light"New Hour", "Turkic World", "Zahrat Al-Khaleej" (OAU), "Kul Al-Usra" (OAU), "Al-Ghorfa" (OAU), "Arab World and Eurasia"; in the newspapers Izvestiya, Rosijska Gazeta, Literaturna Rosiya, Zagalna Gazeta, Nezalezhna Gazeta, Al-Bayan (OAU); "Al-Wattan Al-Islami" (Egypt), "Al-Khaleej" (UAE) etc.
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