In Italy, the most common in Europe. Is it pure brudno? Mediterranean resorts in detail Ecological problems in Italy in brief

Italy is a country, which for a long time has been grabbing mandrivniks with its beauty and way of life. Not vinyatok and Russians. Having curled up to the edge at least once, many who believe will move here for a permanent residence. In Italy, miraculous nature and miraculous climate. But there are also economic crises and other problems. Resettlement to the edge may have its own peculiarities. To that, first of all, go there, follow the recognition, like life in Italy.


The country is included in the top 8 most vulnerable countries of Europe. Ale navit z urakhuvannyam tsgogo people here below for the global European. The average indicator of income for a family is 25,000 dollars per river. There is less in the regions of Europe and in the country there is a memory of social development. The average trivality of life in Italy is 83 years old, which is richly attributed to income.

The average salary is between 1300-2500 euros. Dokhid is defined as a region, where people linger. Navitih rozvinennyh provinciah є salaries, scho commemorate vіdrіznyayutsya. For example, the biggest income is won by the Venetians - 2500 euros. Trento's pokaznik is 1950, Milan's is 1850, and Verona's is 1315. This is the price of food, clothes, and living. As a rule, a high income is there, on the road of living.

To go to the edge, you need to apply for a visa. She allows people to legally change the power of the power. A tourist visa is issued for a stay up to 3 months. If you plan to stay there for more than 90 days, then you need to get a resident visa. For a stay in Italy for permanent residence, a residence permit is issued. If there will be necessary documents, there will be no claims to the hulk. Details about the execution of documentation can be obtained from the embassy.


Life in Italy, even if it’s reminiscent, is still similar to those in other parts of Europe. A lot of Italians live on rent. Varity of indestructibility is determined by the region. At the pіvnіchnіy part of the edge of the qіni vishchi, but in the pvnіchі - lower.

People have a lot of money going to pay utility bills. Meshkants pay for electricity, scorching, hot and cold water, the Internet. Also, a donation for a TV set and a radio receiver is about 110 euros per river. For a living in Italy, ¼ of the river income. Prices for clothes are less here, and for products - things, lower in rich countries of Europe.

Riven life

The rіven of life in Italy can be considered as the average for Europe. In the krai, 57% of the population is native. Tsey pokaznik is not as great as in some countries of the EU. Riven life in the skin region is dependent on income.

If you call for education, then 58% of the community completed secondary school. The trivality of life in Italy becomes 83 fates that are more equal to Europe. The local inhabitants are not satisfied with the wealthy spheres of the land.

medical sphere

The country has free medicine, which is the pride of the country. Є services that are guaranteed by the state. Before them, bring:

  • reception of therapists;
  • likuvannya at likarnyah;
  • faces;
  • hospitalization;
  • operations.

It is not only those who have a labor income, but also a skin person, who can get covered with medical insurance. The downside of such a system is those who finance the sphere from a mortgage fund, through which a person can depend on a specific drug case. This is the reason for the richness of bureaucratic folding. Also, paid medical services. Italian fahivts miraculously celebrate the prevention of cancerous diseases, as well as celebrate people of a frail age.


Life in Italy is devastating, as if to protect food for transport. Vіn go not for the layout, like in the rich countries of Europe. Strikes are often trapped, through which the subway robots, trams and trains are folded.

There are nocturnal buses near the country, which are direct at different points of Rome, Milan and other great places. More expensive pulls can be expensive and cheap. In the rest of the year, the number of tickets will be lower equal with Germany and France.


Bagatioh rosіyan privavlyuє Іtalіya itself. The way of life of people in this country is to be inspired through nature. There are 4 seas in Italy: Adriatic, Ionichne, Tirrensk and Liguriysk. On the shores there are fiery rocks, and beaches.

In the country, a significant part of the territory is occupied by mountains - the Apennines and the Alps. Practically in all areas of the country there is a Mediterranean climate, but in the pivnichniy part - alpine, on the pivnі - arid. Winter is not too cold, but there is no snow on the tops of the mountain. You can take good care of the mountain licks, and you can swim in the seas for a while.

Environmental situation

Life in Italy is no more friendly through industry, the shards are more dim-witted. There is a lot of income from enterprises near the rivers. Ale ecological situation in the country of the vlashtov is only 70% of people.

The order is constantly vikouyutsya come in to protect nature. There are national parks here, the budget is paid for by rich countries. Dotrimuєtsya a lot of land, scho zaboronyat vikidi shkіdlivі components in the atmosphere.


The history of life in Italy starts from long ago, and people founded their way of life in it. An important value of the Italians is respected by family. Just earlier, making friends with a few rich children, and at the same time it’s practical to make all bets no more than 2-3. Family values ​​are important for them, so it is reverent to put up with their little stench. Mistsevy meshkantsi love often vlastovuvat svіlnі svyato.

The Italians are friendly with each other - after 25 years, and the consecration will be completed for about 30 years. Through ce young people there they call people for up to 40 years. Representatives of the national community have fun and life.

About hedgehog

The quality of life in Italy confirms the love of the Meshkants in the country to a delicious taste. Moreover, they constantly discuss this topic, for example, they talk about the quality of products.

In the country there are unwritten rules. For example, obid vіdbuvaetsya at the boundary of 12:30-13:30. During the last hour the restaurants are not open. The locals do not like it, as if someone poured ketchup on pasta or made pasta not like independent grass.

Annoying life

It’s rich who cares what makes life in Italy easier for Russians. The evidence is true. Bagatiokh adds to the weakened life of the country. Here people do not hurry anywhere.

The Italians can't praise a solution like that. Bagato state organizations start to work less than 9 years old, and at 11 there is a break for cava. About 2 years of the day, there is a lot of someone going home. Italians love to chat with friends and relatives. Such a way of life allows you to live in a miraculous mood. For the inhabitants of the city, it is important to have a good time, and not material goods.


The life of Russians in Italy is far from ideal. People need to call to the stereotypes that have formed at the edge. The inhabitants of the agrarian pivdenny part and industrial pivnoch do not love one another. Inhabitants of pivnoch want to recognize independence. Inhabitants of their regions make their own labels, and as soon as the zestrich 2 italians were born, then the skin of the back of the head was vyznaє, from some place yogo svіvrozmovnik.

Italians write their own history and culture. Wealthy children are given names that are traditionally accepted in the song territory. Residents of the tsієї kraїni often do not speak other language. hoch here English language you will understand, but it will be more comfortable when you come to know Italian.

About the nation

The Italians don't want to play any other way, for they should love their own. So many of them do not want to move to another place in the country. Not only women, but also more people in Italy miraculously dress up, shards of miraculous relish.

Paired with other lands, desiring to love ruchny, and not garniy robes, Italians should never go out into the street without being bald. The thought of the otochyuchih is important, that stinks relentlessly to beat for zovnistyu.

Russians in Italy

There is a large population of Russian citizens in this country; Over a lot of rocks, a lot of people moved here. Whoever has lost his life in the country forever, it is practical not to speak of my native land. Not so many refugees moved to Italy, as to other lands. This was connected with economic crises, through which people needed to find safe territories for life.

Modern migrants are resounding due to family reasons and economic factors. Most moved - women. A lot of such people are practiced and created on their own, not planning to move anywhere.

Where do the Russians linger?

Who cares if you have a calm life in Italy. Evidence of migrants is also confirmed. Most Russians are satisfied with their lives. The country is rich with its own climate, beautiful nature. Russians live near the pvnіchnіy part of Italy - near Turin and Milan. The smallest groups of our spіvvіtchiznіv mаyut inviolability in Abruzzo, Bari, Venice, Rome.

How is life in Italy for Russians? For them, there is a difference in sleepiness, for example, "Zemlyatstvo". A lot of organizations work for the preservation of Russian language and culture. Also, support from the embassy of the Russian Federation is supported. Establish how to organize a holy organization for the children of migrants.

Italian Russian community

Use a small number of sites and forums that serve to enlighten about life. The following are the most popular ones:


On these services there is information from practical nutrition: about the work, buying products, dating. Children in Russian schools. With a year of stink, you can go to Italian initial mortgage better to understand my language.

Are Russians practicing Kim?

How is life for Russians in Italy? Note that immigrants have to work in low-paying settlements. Watchers, nannies, taxi drivers, waiters, resting places are brought up to them. For such a robot, you should pay approximately 1000 euros per month. Requests for everyday professions: mulari, maisteri from work. Those who can see the light can be in power in international companies. Under the hour of knowing the language, you can practice with translations.

In principle, it is possible to do good for the skin in such a country, like Italy. The life of people there, vtіm, how and skrіz to fall in line with equal income. To take the land with a high income, it is necessary to know the Italian, and also to lead her on the rose level. The price of unskilled professions. In this country, a lot of Russians are engaged in business.

Pensioners in Italy

Like in other rozvinenih kraїnah, in Іtalії dіє the system of pensions is accumulative. Tse means that you are allowed to lie down outside the fonda. Іz 2012 the fate will change. If a citizen retires early, then the fine is 1-2% of the payment.

After reaching pension age the pension is paid to the full extent. Oskіlki the trivality of life on the edge of the temple, then the order will increase the age of the present. So, in 2017, the age of retirement will be 66 years.

Minimum pension

The riven of life of Italy is being brought to light from other lands. Here pensioners feel like full-fledged members of the society. We are paying for all necessary assistance. Navit as a hunker did not work, he may have the right to receive a pension, for example, like a household gift. These women are to be paid from a special fund.

Minimum pensions are paid to those who do not have a stable job and who do not pay quotas. Emigrants, including Russians, are entitled to an Italian pension, and they are counted indebtedly based on their length of service. A foreigner has the right to pay a social pension.

How do Russians and foreigners understand one another?

What are the features of life in Italy? Russian is not so easy to call to the way of the country. The Italians are a kind people, but they still have a lot of their own stereotypes of Russia. Especially the climate of the country. It is possible, from the arrival of the Mists, the inhabitants of the city will educate about the weather in Russia.

It's cold at night. By law, the temperature in the area may be higher than 22 degrees. Behind the results of the selections, they will be judged, if pratsyuvatime scorched. The Russians call gracefully to the rich rules of life of the Italians, as if they are constantly sleeping.


In this country, the bureaucracy is high, in some other powers, but the inhabitants of the country should not be bent. The stench is ready to stand at the cherga, watching one organization for another. Deyakі documents, for example, allowed to live, to bring checks even richer rokiv.

Although the Russians may call to the bureaucracy, all the same, the abundance of people in Italy can lead to confusion. So vir_znyayutsya and іnshi rules of life. For example, there are shops near the countryside.

Vivchennya of mystical attendants

Literary language is familiar to all the citizens of the country, but the children of the stench speak their native dialect. If the Russians move to Italy for a permanent residence, they need to literary language, and mіstsevі prislіvniki. Before speech, those who speak with an accent are respected by foreigners. In Italian sims, sound out in dialect.

Special features

Splkuvannya Russian can be theatrical. Italians gesticulate richly, speak richly words and compliments. So they have taken mutual kisses and hugs. For them, tse vvazhaetsya normal tradition.

May all those who have moved to Italy on a permanent basis know that it is not possible to get in touch with Russia. There was no such thing as a profit there, and it was not good for you to speak to my mother, the Russians are always seen. But no one can turn around, little ones in the country can find a prestigious job, especially those who can see the light. It is also rich in the state's way of life. So many people are quiet, who, having moved to Italy, most often come to Russia for an hour, or to visit relatives, and then I’ll hurry back to the zvichnoi country for themselves.

Average price indicators for products are not high compared to global European ones, as well as payments for utility services. Renting a non-robust place, obviously, is more expensive here, but everything should be left lying around. Prices for products here are high in Russia, but, obviously, even more expensive. Communal services are higher, lower votchisnyany, then and salaries, and pensions cannot be compared with Russian ones. Itself through the temples, reach a lot of people and make a decision about moving.

Who can go to Italy?

Although the country does not have much higher income compared to the other, more prosperous countries of Europe in this regard, nevertheless, a lot of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians come to the country in the permanent place of residence. Tim is greater, for whom it is not necessary to act in the light of his community. In order to stay in the country for a trivalent period, it is necessary to confirm one of the points below:

  • relocation from the method of return of this;
  • starting your business;
  • manufacturing;
  • the manifestation of unruliness.

Yakshcho vikonano even one mind, є mozhlivist іmіgruvati to Іtalії. After moving, I need to master life near the country. In Italy, you can be in charge of a job for fach, as well as get enlightenment. Dekou vdaetsya vіdkriti its right, for example, a store chi organization. All fall in vіd bazhannya and financial possibilities.

Advantages and short lives in Italy

Crazy, there are pluses and minuses in Italy. The first is to move to the edge, next to vrahuvat a lot of officials. The economy is broken there, and the same wages ensure a safe day of life. In Italy, there are a lot of memorials. Living in this country, you can rise in price with other countries. Before the troubles, we can offer cost-free medicine, zocrema for foreigners. Doctors at the same time help people in different situations.

The products here are of high quality, that's a day's worth of life. The country has a miraculous climate, seas, lakes and mountains. Italians are good-natured and vihovanim people, so here you can easily make miraculous acquaintances. Vidsutne znazhlivnya to people, including establish state. The way of life of the local people is passed on to the malt of the skin day, which would make the bulk of the rich people of other lands.

Ale navіt among such a number of perevag є nedolіki. Before them, one can see the economic crisis and unemployment. It's not so easy to dominate the robot, the majority of roboticists want to take their people to jail. In Italy, there are high prices for indestructibility, including rent, and the presence of living space is the head mind. First, go down to the edge, you need to win the mission.

Not all Russians dare to stick to the temperament of the population. Organizations have a lot of bureaucracy, and a lot of procedures are chaotic. Foreigners call for a minimum pension. It is also necessary to confirm qualifications and enlightenment.

Residents of Italy have every right and social benefits. This is the main plus of the local legislation. And if you want to see the arrival of migrants, all the same, Russian people will understand what Italy can think of for living. Through the chains they rob the whole country, they don’t go anywhere. The development of the economy is important for the wealthy as a reason for living here and developing a special business.

For the protection of the flora and fauna in Italy, a sprat of national parks was created; the largest of these are Gran Paradiso, Stelvio, Circeo, Abruzzo. Only small islands wildlife zagalnoy area close to 2 yew. km². Gran Paradiso and Stelvio are clad in the Alps for the protection of highland flora and fauna. Abruzzo sightseeing with the same method in the highest part of the Apennines. Circeo was created to protect it like forests, and its own coastal forms - grottoes, shaved thinly. n. Conservation areas are being created to protect soil from erosion. However, these do not go far enough for the conservation of the Italian nature in the light of the swedish and insufferable change of the active people.

The need for proper organization of nature conservation is brought to the point of blasphemy of forests, irrational vicariousness of lands for everyday life, short-lived areas of national parks, and depletion of forest fauna. In the aftermath of the crowding of the mountain forces on the abandoned lands, the spreading of the land on the steep slopes, the erosion of soils, the lack of soundness and povenei, are being strengthened.

Dzhe pomitno zabrudnennya vnutrishnіh and sea waters. It has already become unsafe to vicorate for the water supply of the city. Promislovi in ​​the course of numerous coastal enterprises wandering the Mediterranean Sea, managing the coastal fauna and flora. Thus, the discharge of sewage waters near the lagoon near the town of Cagliari on the island of Sardinia affects the sky of flamingos and other rare birds, which are known here for the first hour of seasonal migrations. The unimaginable growth of the seaside tourist centers has led to the fact that nearly half of the Italian coasts can now be invested in or used for the rational development of tourism.

At the intimidating camp, the dovkil is rebuked at the great industrial places. Italian places to stand on one of the remaining places in the world of greenery. The development of industrialism and automobile transport has led to confusion, as the centers of chemical industry often exceed the permissible norms.

Tue, at Rest of the Rocks the situation began to step by step change for better. Italy is the single country of the Great Vіsіmka, as it was inspired by the life of nuclear power plants. Order, storming the environmental situation in the country, living in the right entrances for the sake of improvement. Today, there was a significant increase in the financing of environmental programs both on the global and regional levels. Signing that further ratification by Italy of the Kiot Protocol became an important step towards changing the shackled wiki into the atmosphere. In 2005, a new order of ceremoniality was established in the law that surrounds the chickens in the large cities. Everything allows the Italians to marvel at the future with optimism.

In Mayzha, in 90% of European places, the norms of permissible wandering are exceeded, but in Italy, the situation is not met: the largest situation is in Italy, and out of 30 of the most wandering places in Europe 23 - Italian.

Regardless of those that the number of wandering wikis across Europe has decreased, 88% of the inhabitants of European cities still know the influx of speeches, the recognition of the All-World Health Organization (WHO) is bad for the body. Such a visnovka was carried out by the European Agency from the most important middle ground in its remaining successive years like a similarity in Europe. Padua was the first in the list of the most bustling places, and 22 more Italian places were not rich enough.

Vidbivayuchi global picture in Europe: the number of especially sensitive for healthy super-dry important particles in the field exceeds the permissible norm of 91-96% fluctuations (beyond the Pm 2.5 standard), the concentration of ground-level ozone (I know, the most safe indicators) exceeds WHO in 97-98% cases.

In 2011 at the city for 104 days, there was a delay in the transfer of the maximum allowable air traffic. "At 2012. the situation has not improved much, - comments Lucio Passi, Legamb'ente's representative in Padua. - Torik was fixed 90 days from the revisited norms for ozone.

Dear reader, for the sake of asking for help on whether you need food in Italy, hurry up. I vouch for all the questions from the comments under the statutory articles at least once in the future. Your guide in Italy Artur Yakutsevich.

The cause of the problem is the mass vikoristannі motor transport. “Regional authorities can’t call more from the stagnation of serious entries, as if they would speed up a number of cars on the roads, and together with them I’ll be able to,” continues Passi.

Disaster near the Padansky Rivnina

For the sake of ozone, for Padiya, Lecco follows, in the same way, 2011. for 100 days fakhivtsi fixed the revisiting of the WHO norms. Let's go to the Spanish Caceres, and then I'll rediscover Italy: Pavia, Reggio, Emilia, Treviso and Verona and Varese, Modena, Udine and Novara. Italy has achieved an absolute record with performances, which in turn overtake normal, with the most muddled area of ​​the country - Padanska Rivnina, including and її sіlskogopodarskі ugіddia.

The main problem is transport, followed by industrialism, the state power and the scorched life. “The situation that has evolved is pouring into the life of the hulks, the shards of confusion are calling for illness. dichal system and soon the trivality of the life of the population”, - stating the director of the agency Hans Bruynings. Let's turn back to the Europeans from the prohannyam and reduce the level of our negative impact on in the middle, scho to lie in the form of a transport security, taken by them for transfer.


Without a doubt, you want to talk about one environmental problem in Italy - for example, Venice, why go for water. Ale є y іnshі, they do not lakayut less. Let's talk about them today. Possibly, if you want to come here soon, so that you don’t burn anything clinking, until it went out into the water, rose up, burned down, or just flew into the chimney 🙁


Through the ice floes, to sink, the rhubarb of the water in the seas step by step rises, leading to the stepwise flooding of the territories inhabited by people. For the 20th century, the ocean has already risen by 15 cm. For the words of the past, for a hundred years of water, such world capitals, like Bangkok, New York, Tokyo, Venice and Amsterdam, can drink water.

Why? Skin movement by five degrees threatens water movement by one meter. And the first time they say: even though the greenhouse effect does not sound like a global warming on the earth, the thermometer needle is five degrees higher, lower than today, already 2100.

Such a picture can be seen at Venice Daedalus more often

To visit again the richly loved by tourists uzberezhzhya, for example, the Adriatic uzberezhzhya of Italy with thousands of wide beaches with white dry sand such as Sardinia and Sicily For pіdryakhunkami, pіdnyatya rіvnya vіdnya vіdnyatya vіdnya vіdnya vіdnyatya vіdnya vіdnya vіdnya vіdna іtaliіyu spend 24 tysyachі kіlometrіv ґruntіv, like roztashovani vzdovzh vzdovzh shore, stench just pіdut pіd water.


From the other side, global warming calls out another problem, - dryness prevails. Once upon a time, the fertile lands become unsuitable for victoria and step by step transform into empty spaces. In Italy, up to 27% of the territory reached the risk zones (these are the islands of Sicily and Sardinia, as well as the regions of Apulia, Veneto and Liguria). The soon to come "non-deliverable" lands are wrapped up for Italy with a waste of 28 billion tons of agricultural crops.


Mostly in Italy, there are on average 50,000 fox fires, of which approximately 36,000 are classified as navmisni fires. In 2008, 110,000 hectares of land fell into dima, the pivdenny regions suffered the most - Sicily and Campania.

SNIG, what are you

After ten years of snow, which lies at a height of less than 1500 meters, it will be broken and broken. Visit the Alps. In the midst of reading tsієї statti є z roku in rіk lizhniki, yak vіdvіduyut Іtalіyu, you could remember yourself, like the seasons are all short, the sun is getting bigger, the snow is less, ryatuyut still snіgovі garmati, but we don’t call ... This situation is caused by global temperature rises on our planet. Also, every year the lizhniks will have to climb on all the great heights - there, de sche є snіg.


It seems that Venice (for example, from 1993 to 2002 it was flooded 50 times, and water riven rose by 23 cm in twenty hundred years), you can protect it in two ways.

First: build a dam near the island, to water the sea and regulate the water. Another: raise the island and the place to stand on the new one. Wanting this option to be fantastic, the pennies of this project have been seen and are being introduced into life.

The first idea is with a dam, so the project under the name "Moses" transfers the installation of 78 re-barriers on a two-kilometer long distance at the entrance to the Venetian lagoon. Variety of "Moses" is close to four billion euros.

Below is a diagram of the functioning of dams, which regulate the flow of water in the lagoon of Venice.

All the life of Venice zbudovani on wooden fires, hammered at the ground on a clay from three to ten meters. They were fired with thick palisades, on top of them were laid platforms of oak and modrin decks, and on top of them - stone foundations. For example, in the foundation of the church of Santa Maria della Salute, over a million oak, wilkhov, modrin's fingers were hammered (the robot took over two rocks), the stone place of Rialto stood on twelve thousand fingers.

The buildings themselves near Venice are 90% stone-faced, although they are similar to stone, but are plastered. Cegla is a porous material, building to take in water and move it with capillaries. The alarm clocks of Venice knew well that on the basis of oak palms they installed a solid foundation, and on the equal sidewalk they laid one or two rows of stone, brought from the Istrian pіvostrova, cut across Venice from the other side of the Adriatic. The additional addition of this stone overcame the capillary pit of the water. However, under an hour later, this bar will be flooded, salty water will enter at the stone masonry and rise with capillaries to a height of up to four meters.

The salty water is aggressive in itself, but in the lagoon it is still muddied with industrial wastes from the industrial area of ​​​​Margeri, to revenge the bay, phenols, cyanides, chlorine, detergents. Leaked with sill and chemicals, stone masonry transforms into soft substance and crumbles. The confusion of the atmosphere of craftsmanship for a few kilometers from Venice in the midst of the watery sea winds is the reason for the collapse of that virtuosity of art. Corrosion attacked metal, and the measure of the city happened to take four bronze horses from the facade of the Basilica of San Marco and replace them with a copy. Marmur's colonies podtochiv their own "cancer of the stone" - Marmur, millimeter by millimeter, wasting magic and turning into a pill at the smallest dotik.

One more misfortune, as it brings to Venice, is doves everywhere.

On the square of San Marco їхні glooms now appear, now they rise, - it’s connected with it, that the city of the city successfully overcomes the fight against the birds, then it plays the essence of the defenders of the creatures.

Naturally, tourists, like the problems of Venice, love to be photographed with doves on their shoulders, heads and other parts of the body.

You can also buy sachets of bird food nearby.

І axis, after being tired of the bird battles, ecologists hung out such an argument: the water in the lagoon rises not only in the form of ice-dwellers, but in the form of a bird after, which doves send in tons of water, flying over Venice.


The secret of the "greenhouse effect". If you go to the greenhouse, you will immediately notice a higher temperature. Slowly skipping sleepy nights, like heating up again in the middle of the greenhouse, and not letting the heat come back.

Behind this very principle, the carbon dioxide gas, which accumulates in the high spheres of the atmosphere, is stored. Vіn misses a sleepy prominnya, as if warming the earth, and does not let the heat escape from the earth back into the atmosphere. Yakby is not a gas, then the temperature on earth would be 30 degrees below zero.

During the rest of the hour, too much carbon dioxide accumulated in the atmosphere, and it became too warm. Soon people pour into the atmosphere with millions of tons of shkidlivih gases, so many of our foxes cannot suffocate like a large area of ​​air.

That's why foxes grow up marno, you need to change the number of wikis. And tse: automobile whirlwinds, singed, scorched fire, - vugillya, oil and methane. It is necessary to shuffle new energy sources, such as the sun, wind, water. From the palm of your hand, methane is superior, shards of wine are the least toxic.

Ozonova dira. Ozone molecules are formed in the atmosphere, at a height of 25-30 kilometers, even thin, but even more important, a gas bubble, which protects the earth from ultraviolet changes in the sun. These changes are unsafe for the inhabitants of the earth, the shards cry out for cancer of the shkir. Physicians confirm that from the change in the ozone ball there is a growing amount of fluff on the skin.

Ozonova dirka, that the introduction of ozone into the atmosphere over the Atlantic, was announced in 1985. Provoke the ozone of the speeches that are vicorated in aerosol cans, refrigerators and air conditioners.

Irrespective of the remoteness of the Mediterranean region in Russia, the need for food is important, the shards of more and more Russians are gaining indestructibility here, or just looking for a fix.

zagalny glance

Zagalny rіven zabrudnennya of the Mediterranean Sea is high, although in different regions the wines are not the same. In the open waters, the water is still empty of clean water, and the coastal territories are the most swamped, the greenery is near the river mouths. The area of ​​great places is established by the local zones of zabrudnennya, connected with the discharges near the sea of ​​untreated communal drains and industrial outlets. Chronically high rіven zabrudnennya occurs in the creeks of Elevsіn (Greece), Іzmirskiy (Turechchina), Tunisskiy and in the area of ​​Oleksandrії (Egypt). The great waters are fermented with naphtha, for example, in the Ionian Sea and between Libya and Sicily. The rest of the rocks will see the warming of the Mediterranean Sea.

Crimea, a serious misfortune of nature in the Mediterranean can lead to tourism. As soon as 220 million people come to the Mediterranean resorts at once, then by 2020 there will be an increase of up to 350 million people on the river. Protectors of nature call for tourism in ecologically unfriendly regions, zocrema on the Balearic Islands, the coasts of Tunisia and Croatia. Influx of tourists suffers from the nature of Greece, Turkey and Morocco. Rozumiyuchi, scho at this moment unfavorable in the environmentally friendly region of the Mediterranean to stop bringing in profits to travel agencies, the powers began to rob the bet on sparing the environment.

But not everything is so bad. In the rest of the decade, international efforts are being actively developed to improve the environmental situation in the Mediterranean Sea. For the participation of the UN, starting from the 70s, a small number of international programs are being implemented, which address all the main environmental problems of the Mediterranean region. In these initiatives of inter-row lands, practically all Mediterranean lands are being developed.

Now let's move on to looking at the edge of the skin, take care to wash the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. How clean are these beaches? What is the ecological situation?


Spain, France, and Italy are three quarters of the industrial and strong-sponsored muddles that go to the Mediterranean Sea.

The biggest problems on the Mediterranean coast of Spain are: straggling at the sight of sewage waters, insufficient quantity and quality of water, straggling around the great places, depletion of forests (magnificent forests suffer for another hour or so). In addition, the Spanish part of the Mediterranean coast was chaotically forgotten for ten years from the name of swedishness. Now all the resources have been depleted – the Spanish beaches are simply not able to accommodate all the fugitives.

At the end of 2008, Spanish ecologists gave 303 black flags to Spanish beaches. The area on the coast of Uzbekistan is designated as a black ensign, as the head of the wrongful shoddy in the wake of human activity. Most black ensigns were assigned to the island of Mallorca, I will save it from the provinces of Murcia and Asturias.

In addition, for the tribute of Spanish scholars, most of the country can easily change into a wasteland, which is the reason for the periodic dryness. In a ten-year span of a desert, you can conquer the Mediterranean coast from Catalonia to Andalusia.

The largest purely saving of the Valencia spivtovaristva. You can fearlessly see and swim on the beaches of Gandia, Guardamar, Oropesa del Mar, Alicante, Sagunto, in the bays of Benissi and Morairi, on the beaches of Benidorm, Peniskoli. To the same environmentally friendly preservation of Valencia, it added a lot of buyers' indestructibility.

Renting a house in Spain

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