Retirement st. Re-advancement of the pension age The essence of the correct details. Pension age of judges

Russia has made changes. With skin fate, wash away the otrimannya of social payments become zhorstkishimi. It is not surprising that many Russians are able to rise to the age, in which the sovereign help is being built up. At the moment, the wine is set at 60 years for men and 55 years for women.

The Russian order does not hurry to raise the bar. Following the words of Vice-Premier Olga Golodets, before looking at the news about the retirement age, Vlad will turn around no earlier than 2018. And in 2017, there is only one category of old-age pension holders – sovereign servants of the current ranks.

Nutrition for the advancement of the pension age should be looked at no earlier than 2018

Pension age for officials

On September 1, 2017, the retirement age for civil servants will increase more and become 65 years old. The plank is lifted step by step: for a short time for 6 months. If the minimum work experience of the applicant for state aid is from 15 to 20 years. Deputies of the State Duma for the sake of the Federation will have to work on their settlements for 5 years to pay 55% of the lowest salary and 10 years - for 75%.

The reform is aimed at civil and municipal servicemen, and navit osib, yakі pratsyyut on the sovereign settlements of the Russian Federation and її subjects. Innovations are less likely to expand on officials, so that they continue to embrace their plantings to reach the border vіku. How can the state service worker to attach labor activity, pension to you to get sick wild rules: from 60 years - to men, from 55 years - to women

Retirement age for civil servants in 2017 will be 65 years

Vidpovidny law of praises by the Sovereign Duma at the breast of 2015 year and maw of chivalry from the 1st day of 2016 year. The need for preparation of the legal and regulatory framework was motivated by the ongoing reforms for six months. The increase of the pension age is allowed to protect 622 million rubles - a significant sum for the state treasury.

It should be noted that not all deputies praised the bill because of the hoarding. According to deakim forecasts, the reform may obmezhite the rights of retired officials in the social sphere. I think that innovations discriminate against this category of the population. But the greater number of deputies also lyakes the possibility of old cadres and the prospect of solving the problem of unemployment among young people.

Pension age in Russia and beyond the cordon

As already mentioned, Russians retire earlier, lower foreigners. For example, the Japanese of both articles complete their careers in 70 years, and the Americans - in 65 years. The average retirement age in Europe is about 65 years for people and 5 years less for women. But it’s not a trace to forget that we set the bar for us in front of the trivality of life in the skin of the country. For these show-offs of the Russian Federation, the program will be played by foreign powers.

Retirement life in the krai

Prote mozhlivost podvischennya vіku retirement is still there. The Minister of Economic Development of Russia, Oleksiy Ulyukaev, has repeatedly set the bar for the following days up to 63 years - both for women and for people. The Ministry of Finance speaks for a radical option - 65 years for all Russians. Otherwise, check the country.

Today for 120 economically active community fall 100 pensioners. According to the forecasts of analysts, the number of remaining ones is less likely to increase in the near future. In this manner, the Pension Fund does not need to save money for help. Ale yakі dії zdіysnit ryad Rosії, schob niknut crizi, we know only in 2018 roci.

MOSCOW, September 1. /TAS/. The retirement age for officials in Russia begins to gradually move up from September 1, 2017. New norms to push against the sovereign civil servants, municipal servants, and navit osіb, which embrace the sovereign estates of the Russian Federation, the sovereign estates of the regions and municipal plantings permanently.

What to change

The law transfers incrementally zbіlshennya, shorіchno according to pіvroku, up to 65 years for people and up to 63 years for women of the pension age, which gives the right to recognition and payment of an insurance pension for old age for osіb, yak to borrow from states and municipalities.

As explained earlier to journalists by the riverman of Derzhdumi Sergiy Narishkin, until 2032, women will have 63 years in stock, and 65 years for men. Up to 65 years of age, the border age is transferred to the sovereign civil service.

Also, until the adoption of changes from 15 to 20 years, an increase in the length of service of the state civil service, which gives the federal state civil service the right to establish a pension for the service of the years. The experience is promoted to increase the number of employees for the first time.

From the 1st year to the 5th year, the minimum trivality of the replacement of the deputy of the State Duma and the member of the Federation for the sake of the Federation is increased to waive the right to a six-thousandth additional payment to the insurance pension for old age.

Behind the new law, the right to establish a six-month supplement to a pension, up to the strict norms, is reserved for the people's deputies of the RRFSR of the age of 1990-1995, the parliamentarians and senators of the first age of the age of 1993-1995, and also of the members of the UV, who are still alive. In addition, the order of the total form of experience for osib is being specified, as they caught the right in both chambers of parliament.

Vіdpovіdno before the amendments, the image of the continuation of the state service is promoted after reaching 55 years by women, and 60 years by men with an assigned accumulative pension.

The bill of directing is not for saving budgetary expenses, but for saving qualified personnel. "Initiative gives opportunity to those who want to work yakomoga earlier and bring disgrace to the state," Viktor Kazakov, the intercessor of the head of the relevant Duma committee for the federative organization, said.

Pension changes in Russia are being actively discussed. Earlier, one version of the Medvedev's reform was voiced, which called out the mass of dissatisfaction on the side of the ordinary population. A few hours later, the President of the Russian Federation spoke, which again supported the legislative draft of the head of the Uryad, but also reduced the negative effect, having propagated some help to clear the mind.

Behind the plan, reform may begin to take place as early as 2019. The Russians, like before, did not put up with innovations, but the sovereign power does not react to the mood of the people. For days, another “statement” by Medvedev about those that the country plans to change the pension age soon. What does it mean, and it’s true, let’s analyze it as clearly as possible.

Medvedev about pension reform

If there was a news about the reformation of pensions in our country, Medvedev spoke about the gradual increase in the age-old framework for retirement. For men, the bar was set at 65, and for women, at 63. Let's protect the categories of people to save, and change the pensioners who die, do not get stuck.

Opening the meeting of the Order, Medvedev, starting from the phrase: “ We understand that we have changed in our country". It was not easy to praise Bulo, but there was no solution. And without it, the state cannot collapse forward, there will be no improvement in the lives of people, improvement of the economic situation.

Medvedev, especially blaming on the fact that the retirement age is necessary, the remnants of the country cannot get into without such an innovation. Planuvavsya dosit trivaliy transitional period. Beginning in 2019, people reached retirement age at 65 years in 2028 years, and women went to the merit of retirement from 2034 years.

The Russians honestly did not appreciate such a statement, the shards, as it seems, did not feel such a dashing thing. Ale, as practice shows, the whole cob.

After the speech of Medvedev, the President spoke in one hour. The people spodіvsya, scho skasuє pension reform, scarlet was gone. Hocha Putin and voicing the deeds of indulgence.

In July 2018, Putin signed a document on amendments to pension legislation. According to the document, it will be possible to retire for five years for all - men will retire at 65 years, and women at 60 years.

Medvedev's new announcement - re-advance the pension age?

Medvedev's "declaration" is being actively discussed on the Internet, and at the hour it became clear that the praised pension reform will require correction, and in order to retire, it will happen more than once.

On the Internet, the image has expanded rapidly, while the radio studio “Mayak” has become smaller. Head of the Order, calling on everything, giving interviews to journalists. Added a quote to the title of the image: We do not rule out that the pension age of the Russian Federation will happen again».

Under the photo of the head of the order to avenge the text about those who are not guilty of Russians praise the ninth option pension reform"like the truth in the rest of the instance". It seems that Medvedev has yet another raised the bar, but you still don’t want to talk about it directly.

There is no reliable information that Medvedev's misrepresentation is true in the picture, perhaps the light of the reform is bullshit. Regardless of this fact, the photo with a quote called out the dissatisfaction among the Russians.

"It's time to get out of the country," "Nothing has been left behind in Russia," - in social measures people literally seethe in the face of oburennya. І koristuvachі guessing, what kind of plank is checking on us. Maybe 70 years?

Significantly, once again, there was no need for an official statement, the video with Medvedev's speech and the phrase about the chergovy promotion of the pension age is also silent. We are only left to guess what is bullshit and the Unit “promotes” the ground and the mood of the Russians, so that we can make devilish amendments to the pension legislation.

The truth about pension reform

Nutrition for the improvement of the pension age in 2017, the fate of rich Russians. The mechanism of financial support for the people who have spent time after century, or through low furnishing, knows the day's changes. It will not be a novelty for anyone that the financing of the Pension Fund is not in a better state.

In order to overcome the difficulties of Timchas, the order looked at the draft project, whose income is more than a million rubles. The bill without taking away a sufficient support, the prote of the advancing fate will clear up the changes that can get into their dobrobut.

The essence of innovation

M.A. Topilin, Minister of Social Protection and Practice, announcing the promotion of the pension age in 2017. Change to stick around in the full obsyazі versvi population. The law will come into being from 1 September 2017 to the fate of the sovereign servants. The State Duma praised the bill at the third, residual reading. Now stink to retire for five years a year.

For the decision of the hulks, the changes are not yet transferred. Previously, a draft law was being prepared to improve retirement in 2017, and O.Yu. Golodets, protector of Uryad's head Russian Federation, sang, what food is transferred to the view of 2018 roci

Let's guess, this year, people can pay for retirement in 60 years, women - in 55 years. Designations vіk 5 rokіv lower, nizh in the lands of the European Union.

Reasons for the need to increase the pension age

Obstavin, which urged the workers of the State Duma to carry out reforms, kilka:

  • protracted long-term deficit of the Pension Fund, a decrease in financial income for the remainder of the decade;
  • a fall in prices for naphtha and a decrease in the ruble exchange rate, which should lead to ;
  • optimization of the state budget for the account of minimization of social pressure;
  • The great vanity for the Pension Fund has led to the point that the working masses cannot afford to pay people of a frail age.

At the thought of members of the Order, 60 years for men and 55 years for women - early vk to finish labor activity, many of them continue to update after the exit from the official work.

Retirement age 2017: rest of the news

For some food, there is an increase in the hype. M.A. Topilin zapevnya, that until 2018 no cardinal decisions were made to improve the pension age. The reforms aimed at saving the state budget should be implemented step by step. Skin pіvroku zbіshuvatimetsya vіkova lath, scho zmogu people to withdraw the insurance pension.

The bill, which has already been praised, will give great results. Vіn peredbachaє zrostannya could up to the length of service and the zbіlshennya pension age for the sovereign servants of the former rivnіv. The Derzhavna Duma proposes a great drafting of such a bill: it will be possible to save over 600 million krb at the first stage.

Thoughts were divided. Some people think that the continuation of reforms is unacceptable, but the triviality of the life of the population is even so low - 71 years (77 years for women and 65 years for people). The reforms are based on forecast data, in which it is indicated that by 2020 the average life expectancy will increase to 80 and 68 years. It is still unknown what the parties will come to, what food is being actively discussed.

Negative sides of reforms

A lot of skeptics vow to increase the pension age from September 1, 2017, the fate is unacceptable, relying on arguments:

  1. The low triviality of the life of a person will not allow them to live up to a long-term pension.
  2. Through the second day, the incentive to earn money for old age will increase more often wages"at the envelopes."
  3. Even today, it is important for people over 40 to know the robot, what is the chance to take away Bazhan's settlement from the city, which is supposed to be accepted as a "pension". As a legacy - the growth of unemployment on the Russian market.
  4. Employment centers of the Russian Federation can not cope with their functions, having filled people with pre-retirement life, they can lead the market to practice in harmony.

Positive moments

The pension fund is not enough financial costs for the welfare of the hulks, who have spent the work for a century or for other furnishings. One of the reasons for such a situation is called by experts who, for over 30 million people, are not officially certified, and they deduct income “at the envelope”, without paying tribute. Ale after reaching 55/60 years they will get a pension. Tse to produce until the shortage of koshtіv, yakі shhorіchno zmusheniya popovnyuvati state budget.

Also, there is a thought that in 20 years the number of pensioners will be greater than the second, lower of the official population, which will bring to the consumption of great investments from the state budget. The solution to such problems, in the opinion of experts, could be an increase in retirement, which would allow minimizing the profit on the budget and the national currency, as the current need for support and stabilization.

To lie down to positive factors:

  1. How to get away to provide pensioners with working jobs, increase the support of working people who have spent a lot of time for centuries. This is a positive moment and the anatomy of the old population of Russia.
  2. For the positive promotion of reforms, it is possible to reduce taxes from the dignified part of the population and save indexation for pensioners on aphids in crisis.

The Russian Federation, as the largest country with different social standards and the problems of the old nation, the necessary corrections in the mechanisms of pension security, the introduction of an increase in the age limit, which is an indicator of practicality. But the key factors of the demographic development of the Russian Federation are such that the country cannot allow itself to be promptly and strongly promoted reforms. Tse to bring to a permanent review of alternative options.

Olga Golodets, the intercessor of the head of the Order of Russia, said that the pension age of 2017 in Russia is not expected. So plan for all categories of Russians, the borders of the canopy of stream rock. However, after the first interview, Law No. 143-FZ was adopted, for the sake of such, deaking hromadas, nevertheless, it was possible to practice earlier for the introduction of earlier terms.

Advancement of the pension age - let it go. Rest news

Irrespective of the difference, say from the side federal government, experts believe that the advancement of the pension age is inevitable, but it will require a smooth approach and phased implementation. For example, hanging on the fate of everything rest of the news cited a television interview by Olga Golodets, as she said that the order did not look at the food for the advancement of the pension age. Also, under the hour of a minor press conference, the head of the state was given food for pensions and retirement.

To which Putin said this: “ I care that I haven’t arrived yet. But a lot of experts-practitioners seem to think that we are making a decision, we can».

At the same time, the initiative to increase the pension age was promoted in the Ministry of Economic Development. For rozrahunka analytics, the best solutions will be to increase the pension age for women and five for people. This goal is to allow the continuation of a productive period of life of future pensioners and to reduce the pressure on the labor market.

The first stage of the implementation of the initiative touched the officials - on May 26, 2016, the third and final reading was accepted federal law"On the introduction of amendments to the last legislative acts of the Russian Federation to increase the pension income of certain categories of citizens." For food: “Who is eating yoga?”, apparently:

  • Sovereign civil servants;
  • municipal services;
  • Individuals, yakі obіymayut derzhavnі plantings of the Russian Federation;
  • Individuals who occupy state estates in regions and municipal governments.

The vaunted law spelled out the stages of increasing the pension age for government employees - a short time to add six months, the docks do not reach the installed bar. Author of a draft law that would allow the Penfund of Russia to balance the budget.

Who was given a pension age and how else change brought a new law

Otzhe, FZ-143, on the day of ceremoniality on September 1, 2017, the fate of that opinion on the question: “to whom did they give a pension age” of wisdom - to the us sovereign and municipal services. The increase will be step by step - the growth will become 6 months short. As soon as a woman retires at 55 years of age, the coming fate of this century will be 55.5 years. In other times of fate, people achieve retirement at sixty years, and even more offensive fate - at 60 and a half. In this rank, the age-old bar has been set, which will be reached in 2026 and 2032, and the rest of the world, if the sovereign servants retire on par with the employed Russians.

The change of a good pension is coming - all the necessary work experience. In order for a civil servant to take a pension, he needs 15 years of service, of which twelve years of uninterrupted service in the civil service before being discharged. Praise law zbіlshiv tsey termіn up to 20 years. Changes to be made soon in a way- Growing skin pivroku on the river. Tobto immediately, at the roci, scho mine, in order for the state service member to apply for a state pension, to whom the mother is enough for 15 years of work experience. And the offensive, in 2017, the minimum length of service in the warehouse is 15.5 years, and in 2018 - 16 years. In this rank, the bar in twenty years will be reached by 2026. It was also approved and the most possible age of re-employment in civil service: for Keriv Lanka - 70 years, for all servicemen - 65 years.

At one time, a new law predicts that a service worker can no longer apply for a state pension, if he goes to a quiet place at the state house. In other words, as a pensioner at 66 years of May, the necessary work experience, but Rest of the Rocks having worked in a different, non-sovereign structure, then wine does not require support.

Retirement/retirement date 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
People 60 60,5 61 61,5 62 62,5 63 63,5 64 64,5
Women 55 55,5 56 56,5 57 57,5 58 58,5 59 59,5
Retirement/retirement date 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032
People 65
Women 60 60,5 61 61,5 62 62,5 63

Most of the transferred changes are worth less than the future pensioners, but not the real ones. For the help of experts, come in to allow the pension fund to save close to 600 million rubles, as it is planned to send to the social promotion of social payments.

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