Who is this boris titiv. Candidate for the President of the Russian Federation: who is Boris Titov. Boris Titov and pension reform in Russia

Boris Titov- a candidate for the head of Russia at the upcoming birch elections-2018, who depicts among the other masuval (crim, imovirno,) characters the competitive environment of Putin (in this way, the image of the democracy of our state is reached). At everyday life Boris Yuriovich Titov- businessman, hopes for the President of Russia for the rights of entrepreneurs (since 22 March 2012), the head of the Russian public organization "Dilova Russia". Member of the Gromadska Chamber of the Russian Federation. U 2008-2011 political parties"Gidna on the right".

Boris Yuriovich Titov
Type of activity:
Upovnovazheny for the President of the Russian Federation for the rights of entrepreneurs (Ombudsman)
Date of birth: 24 December 1960
City of people: Moscow, RRFSR, SRSR
Gromadyanstvo: Russian Federation
Squad: Olena Titova
Children: son Pavlo and daughter Maria

Consecration of Boris Titov

Boris Titov was born in 1960 in Moscow. 1983 graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow state institution international awards (MDIMV) for the specialty "economist-international". After graduating from the diploma, I began to work with the famous trading association Soyuznaftoeksport as a fakhivets from the supply of technical oils, naphtha and naphthochemical goods to Latin America and to the Far East. Pіd hour navchannya in іnstituti pratsyuvav translating s spanish movie, zocrema 1983 in the Republic of Peru.

Business of Boris Titov

In 1989, he became the head of the Department of Chemistry of the joint Radian-Dutch enterprise "Urals". In 1991 he became the vice director of the Solvalub group of companies, formerly SVL Group. For the recognition of Titov, having created a good company with his friends, having bought the London company Solvents and Lubricants, with some kind of partnership during the period of work in the Urals and VO Soyuznefteeksport. A few hours later, Titov was guessing in the press as the chief director of a group of companies, as well as the head of the group's ruling group. Later, the company turned into an investment and trading group, as if it were working on the market of oil products, agro-naphthochemistry, and natural gas. Solvalub created a chemical terminal at the port of Ventspils, and in 1994 it was attached to the port of Kavkaz.
Following Titov's tribute, before the default of 1998, the sales of the Solvalub group reached 700-800 million dollars, and up to 1.5 billion dollars until the beginning of the 2000s. Later, Titov's company, in parallel with international trade, began to deal with the financing of trade operations, the organization of project financing and investments in manufacturing and transport projects in Russia. In 1996, Titov, as a former director of the Solvalub group of companies, was elected president, and in 1999, becoming the head of the joint board of the BAT "Interkhimprom", a subsidiary company, as a manager of the assets of Solvalub in Russia. The total turnover of the Titov group, which was the head of the controlling stake in Solvalub, was estimated at 2 billion dollars in 2008.

In 2001-2002, after occupying the office of the president of ZAT "Agrochemical Corporation "Azot", which was engaged in mineral fertilizers. The Solvalub group in that period was a partner, having created a corporation on parity ambushes with Gazprom.
In 2002, Titov was elected president of the Foundation for the development of the mineral industry and planting until 2004.

March 3, 2003 - head of the board of the non-commercial partnership "Gas Market Coordinator", created with the initiative of the RSPP and Gazprom to develop a model for the transition to a more equitable regime for the free gas market.
At the black 2010 rock of SVL Group, 58 hundred of Abrau-Durso companies, a champagne booth of Chateau d`Avize at Moët & Chandon was added. Please, mind you, about how the press spoke about Titov, they didn’t vomit, the experts estimated it at 5-10 million euros.

On March 26, 2012, the fate of the directors of the BAT "Abrau-Durso" pinned Titov's appointment as the general director of the company to the end of the day for the sake of the directors.

Public activity of Boris Titov

In 2000, he was appointed as a member of the board of directors and vice-president of Radyansky to the Union of Industrialists and Businesses (RSPP), and in 2002-2005 he became a commission on ethics.
In 2003, he became the head of the head, and in early 2004 - the head of the Zagalnorossiysk public organization "Dilov Russia". At the same time, having criticized the financial policy, the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Oleksiy Kudrіn, should carry out, influencing the need to increase the domestic product turnover, stimulate drinking, increase investment, reduce taxes and refinance rates to the Central Bank.

Being the leader of "Dilova Russia", Boris Titov uvіyshov to the warehouse of low sovereign and hromada structures. Vіn becoming a member for the sake of the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy and for the sake of promoting the development of institutions of public welfare and the rights of people for the President of the Russian Federation, a member for the sake of competitiveness and subsidiaries of the Russian Federation and the rank and file committee of technology and transport development. For the sake of being the head of the Russian part of the Russian-Chinese business, the head of the board of the non-profit partnership "Gas Market Coordinator" and a member of the presidium of the national for the sake of corporate governance. 2005 year Titov was elected a member of the Gromadska Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Other posts, yakі obіymaє Titov:
Member for the sake of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of information society Russian Federation;

Member of the expert panel for the development of business under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

Intercessor of the kerіvnik of the international working group from the priority national project "Osvita";

Member of the community for the sake of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;

Member of the community for the sake of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

Member of the scientific and advisory for the sake of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;

Member of the community for the sake of Federal Service from ecological, technological and atomic vision;

Member for the sake of international economic activity under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

Member of the community-consultative for the sake of peace policy at the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation;

Member of the coordination for the sake of subprincipal splits;

Head for the sake of the Union of Vine Growers and Wine Growers of Russia.

Political activity
At the end of 2007, I was elected a member of Vyshchoi for the sake of the United Russia party.
In 2008, after the formation of a new right-wing party in Russia, this party organization was assessed by the press as a “Kremlin project”. At the fall of the leaves of 2008, the Democratic Party of Russia, the "Hromadyanska Power" and the UPS were dissolved, and the founding star of the new party, which appeared right there, took away the name "Rights on the Right", hardening three її spіvgolov. They were Titov, the intercessor of the head of the UPS Leonid Gozman and journalist Georgy Bovt. For a few days, the decision of the X z'zd of the unanimous Russians was dostrokovo pinned on the recognition of Titov as a member of Vishchoy for the sake of the party.

At Birch 2009, Titov came forward with the initiative to legalize penny compensation for Russian citizens who do not want to serve in the army. In other words, such an outburst could bring unparalleled mischief in the situation to the deficit of the budget of the country.

On May 6, 2011, Titov announced to the fate of the "Dilovoi Rossiya" that they would go to the warehouse of the "Zagalnorosiysky People's Front", about the decision of which he announced the Prime Minister Volodymyr Putin.

In Chernivtsi 2011, in the party “Rights on the Right”, the institute of speech head was liquidated. Mikhayla Prokhorova was chosen as the one-man leader of the party, and Titov viyshov from the party's kerry was selected as the leader of the party.

On March 22, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin, Boris Titov was recognized as an upgrade under the President of Russia from the defense of the rights of entrepreneurs.
Activity at the business ombudsman's estate

On March 23, 2012, Titov, in an interview with Bloomberg, announced that, in order to improve the investment climate in Russia, he was proposing an amnesty to Putin for Mikhail Khodorkovsky and 13,000 other businessmen sued for economic mischief. Trohi year after year, Titov clarified his idea: Khodorkovsky, as well as others convicted of business, can turn to the center of the huge procedures “Business Against Corruption”, if you become a defender, if you know, prove the destruction of your rights.

On April 2, 2012, it became known to fate that Mikhailo Khodorkovsky had turned up before Titov to carry out a massive examination at another criminal authority. A businessman of litigation, like a 13-year-old visnovok, showing in the sheets before Titov, that yoga virok and virok Platon Lebedev became "models" for low similar inquiries, they have a connection with them, they need to work with Russia, know to stand in front of them. Khodorkovsky to ask Titov to exonerate him to the point of being charged with other criminal justice from the legal and economic position, and to obtain the necessary details for squeezing the lawsuit against him. At the end of the day, Titov ordered Khodorkovsky to officially return to the center of public procedures "Business against corruption" for the regulations. "The procedure of work in the Center transfers your official registration, legal audit and visnovka for the Gromadska sake," Titov explained to the businessman.


Titov repeatedly wondered among the Russian billionaires. For 2006, taxes were 1.03 billion dollars.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 25 September 2008 No. 1246 awarded the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Vitchiznoy" I degree.

Odruzheny, Olen Titov's squad - March 3, 2012 director of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Art in Moscow. The press was thinking the same way as a fundraiser for the development of the Russian warehouse. They have two children: son Pavlo and daughter Maria.

Vilno Volodya in English and Spanish language. Get into diving, squash, play tennis, love yachts (ships) and that is more expensive.

The head of the government of the Russian Underwater Federation.

(1960-12-24 ) (51 rec) City of people: Gromadyanstvo:

Russian Federation


Olena Titova


son Pavlo and daughter Maria

Awards and prizes:


Boris Titov was born in 1960 in Moscow. In 1983, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State Institute of International Economics (MDIMV) for the specialty "economist-international". After graduating from the diploma, I began to work with the famous trading association Soyuznaftoeksport as a fakhivets from the supply of technical oils, naphtha and naphthochemical goods to Latin America and to the Far East. Under an hour of training at the institute, he worked as a translator of Spanish language, including 1983 in the Republic of Peru.


Suspіlna diyalnіst

Other posts, yakі obіymaє Titov:

Member for the sake of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of information society in the Russian Federation;

Member of the expert panel for the development of business under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

Intercessor of the kerіvnik of the international working group from the priority national project "Osvita";

Member of the community for the sake of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;

Member of the community for the sake of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

Member of the scientific and advisory for the sake of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;

Member of the public for the sake of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear View;

Member for the sake of international economic activity under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

Member of the community-consultative for the sake of peace policy at the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation;

Member of the coordination for the sake of subprincipal splits;

Head for the sake of the Union of Vine Growers and Wine Growers of Russia.

Political activity

Activity at the business ombudsman's estate

On March 23, 2012, Titov in an interview with Bloomberg said that, in order to improve the investment climate in Russia, he was calling for amnesty for Putin

A successful businessman, a billionaire, and also a Russian political fiend Boris Titov has reached riches in life. What kind of biography, nationality and Kim Buli Yogo Batka can be read in this article.

Childhood and youth

Titov Boris Yuriyovich was born on 24.12. 1960 rock. A lad of maw usі mozhlivostі for garne cob kar'ernogo rostannya. Yogo I went along the lines of the father, having worked as the head doctor, being a representative of the “Blakyt blood”. Grandmother was a nurse, she grew up in a noble rural homeland. Maternal grandfather is an Orenburz Cossack, who lived like a sprat of a rock, having lived with a slave with a gypsy woman, and gave birth to his daughter, the grandmother of a future businessman. And did Yakiv Mazur is a native of Kiev.

Irrespective of the root of the Batkiv, the passport says that Boris Titov is still Russian for nationality. Yogo's biography began even more successfully. At the same time, I lived in New Zealand. At 6 o'clock the lad went to school there, and for 4 o'clock youmu and fathers had a chance to turn back to the native land. Navchannya Boris ended up in one of the Moscow special schools with an English trick.

Learn more from MDIMV. Zavdyaki thorough knowledge english movie zmіg like perekladach pobuvat in Peru. 1983 finished the apprenticeship. After receiving the diploma, pishov pratsyuvati in Soyuznaftoeksport.

Undertaking that political career

In 1989, Boris Titov left his job and became the head of the chemical company Urals, directly Radian-Dutch. For the whole period of life, yoga was ringing with Gennady Timchenko. For a few years, not without the support of partners, the businessman organized the firm Solvalub. In 1991, the company purchased one of the British enterprises, spun it off as early as possible, and christened it, calling it the SVL Group.

Through the river Boris, having bought a terminal for transshipment of ammonia from Latvia, and on the basis of this, having created a similar structure at the port of Ventspils. In 1994, the fate of the enterprise was spent on the port of "Kavkaz". The volume of sales for the whole hour only grew and already in 2000 the year reached 1.5 billion dollars.

Around the same time, Titov began to engage in political activities. Becoming the head of the Foundation for the development of craftsmanship mindobriv. After that, having become a proud master of a special air transport, and also having taken the armchair from the Spiltsі promislovtsiv. In 2004, leaning on the chori of “Dilova Rosії”.

After 2 years, the company began to invest money in wine production, having purchased the trademark "Abrau-Durso". For a quarter of a year, the sale of goods expanded approximately 4-5 times. Business having gained a new round of development. In 2006, the income of a person was estimated at 1 billion dollars. Ale Titov did not forget about politics. Approximately through the rіk yogo they robbed him to Vishchoi for the sake of "United Russia", and in 2010 the fate of the won became one of the followers of "Pravoi Spravi".

During this period, he became the director of the Radyansk Union of Russian viticulturalists and wine growers. Having bought the Chateaud'Avize winery from Moet&Chandon for $10 million.

For 2 years, yoga was robbed by a business ombudsman. Titov having created a sprinkling of projects to protect the rights of entrepreneurs. The stench proclaimed obov'yazkovo vikonati amnesty pіdpriєmtsіv 2013 rock. Vaughn hit 2466 businessmen.

Through a political settlement, I had a chance to lose my right hand. Also, son Pavlo took up business. The river income of the wine business also exceeded 150 million dollars. Іstotny surplus bringing also wine tourism. Besides, Volodymyr's businessmen still have a poultry factory, which was restocked in Rzhev.

In 2016, the party became the head of the “Rights on the Right” party, but later it was renamed to the “Party of Growth”. In the declaration on income for the river, it was indicated that the wine had taken a modest 209 million rubles. You can enter a Moscow apartment, a garden in Spain, a small house near Moscow and a car park.

In the autumn of 2017, the fate of the vin hanging his candidacy from the president at the nearest election. About his decision Boris Titov, biography, nationality and the fathers of such a future, the Russian people began to catch on, rozpovіv pіd pod chas popokazhe. Vodnochas vіn vyklav usu is the essence of the economic program, for which you choose to go to your choice.

Life Specialist

With the future retinue of Olena, having got to know each other for an hour of study at the institute. After a deaky hour, the stench became friends. In 1984, their son Pavlo was born, and in 1992 their daughter Maria was born.

The senior son studied at the British business school of John Kass. Narazі vіn є kerіvnik ExpressCapital, the president of Yakoї is Yogo Batko. Nina Pavlo lives near the capital of Foggy Albion. Vіn friends, vikhovuє two children.

Boris Titov from the retinue, the son of that bride

Yogo young sister Maria tezh got married in Europe. Vaughn started at the Imperial College of London. After the completion of the training, it began to work in the marketing department.

For now, everything that is known about the biography, special life and father of the Russian (for nationality) political gamer Boris Titov. Ale, judging by the fact that yoga car is developing, Russians still play yoga on TV screens more than once.

Volodymyr Putin, Boris Titov and .

What do you know about Boris Titov - from Sputnik.


After graduating from school, having entered the faculty of international economics before MDIMV. 1983 graduated from the university for the specialty "economist-international".

Boris Titov good luck in Spanish and English language.

Under an hour of study at the institute, he worked as a translator of Spanish movies. Otrimavshi sanctuary, having worked as a specialist in the supply of oil and naphthochemical goods to Latin America, as well as to the Far East.

In 1989, Titov became the head of the department of chemistry of the joint Radian-Dutch enterprise "Urals".

In 1991, together with the partners, he created the Solvalub company and became the vice director of the SVL Group group of companies.

In 1999, Titov became the head of the joint board of the financial and industrial group "Interkhimprom", which was responsible for the management of Solvalub's assets in Russia.

From 2001 to 2002, Boris Titov robbed the president of ZAT Agrochemical Corporation Azot.

From 2002 to 2004, he was the President of the Foundation for the Development of Industrial Mineral Goods.

For a long time, beginning in 2003, being the head of the non-commercial partnership coordinator of the gas market.

Suspіlna diyalnіst

In 2000, the number of appointments as a member of the bureau of the government and vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Businesses.

In 2003, having occupied the landing of the spіvgolovi, and through the river - the head of the Zagalnorosіysk hromadskoї organіzії "Dіlova Rosіya". Yearly, Boris Titov became a member for the sake of the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy and for the sake of promoting the development of institutions of community society and people's rights for the President of the Russian Federation, a member for the sake of competitiveness and subsidiaries under the government of the Russian Federation and the technological development of transport, technological development

From 2005 to 2008 Boris Titov was a member of the Chamber of the People of the Russian Federation.

In 2010 roci became the Head for the sake of the Union of Vine Growers and Wine Growers of Russia.

Political activity

2007 year Boris Titov became a member of Vyshchoi for the sake of the party "United Russia".

In 2008, the roci became the head of Vishchoi for the sake of the Hromadyanska Power party, which was dissolved, and a new party, Rights on the Right, was founded instead. In 2011, Titov's roci had planted the head of the party through rozbіzhnosti with a grate of kerіvniki.

In 2012, the number of appointments will be upovnovazhenim for the President of Russia from the defense of the rights of entrepreneurs.

In 2016, the party on the VIIth party "Rights on the Right" of Boris Titov was elected as the head of the party and declared that we could change the political course of the big business. Over the years, the party has been renamed to the "Party of Growth".

In the black of 2017, the fate of the appointments to the planting of the President of Russia, appointed for the protection of the rights of the entrepreneurs.

At the end of 2018, Boris Titov’s fate was named as a candidate for the post of President of Russia.

Life Specialist

Boris Titov friends. The politician has two children: a blue daughter.

Titov Boris Yuriyovich

Titov Boris Yuriyovich- Russian politician, entrepreneur. Hopes for the President of Russia for the rights of entrepreneurs from 22 March 2012. Reserve Senior Lieutenant. Spіvgolova zagalnorosіyskoї gromadskoї organіzatsії "Dіlova Rosіya". Head of the Russian-Chinese committee for peace, friendship and development. The head of Naglyadova for the sake of the Institute of Economics Growth named after. Stolipina P. A. Head for the sake of the Russian Union of Vine Growers and Wine Growers. Head of the Party of Growth. Spravzhnіy sovereign radnik of the Russian Federation 3rd class (2012). The candidate for the presidency of Russia in the elections of 2018 is the candidate’s program to participate in the Middle Strokov program of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation “Strategy for Growth”.


Titov Boris Yuriyovich, 12/24/1960 birth of the people, born in the Moscow metropolitan area.

Relatives. Druzhina: Titova Olena Viktorivna, December 18, 1960 to the fate of the people, director of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Folk Art. Previously, I planted a pottery plant for the Foundation for the development of the Russian warehouse.

Syn: Titov Pavlo Borisovich, born March 19, 1984, graduate of Cass Business School near London. Narazi є head For the directors of "Abrau-Durso".

Titov's daughter Maria Borisivna, born September 15, 1992, graduate of the London Imperial College. Nini is engaged in marketing.

Heap up. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 25 September 2008 No. 1246 awarded the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Batkivshchyna" I degree. In 2010, the awards were given to the Stolipin medal, the highest honor of the Order of the Russian Federation. In 2015, a number of awards with the Order of Poshan. At that time, he became a Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor (France).

Mill. Titov repeatedly wondered among the Russian billionaires. For 2006, taxes were 1.03 billion dollars.

zakhoplennya. Vilno Volodya in English and Spanish language. Get interested in diving, squash, love yachts (ships) that are more expensive.


In 1983, he graduated from the Faculty of International Economics of the Moscow State Institute of International Economics (MDIMV) for the specialty "economist-international".

Labor activity

  • Under an hour of training at the institute, he worked as a translator of Spanish language, including 1983 in the Republic of Peru.
  • After graduating from the diploma, I began to work with the famous trading association Soyuznaftoeksport as a fakhivets from the supply of technical oils, naphtha and naphthochemical goods to Latin America and to the Far East.
  • 1989 to the fate of the state-owned company and having taken the post of the head of the department of chemistry of the joint Radian-Dutch enterprise "Urals".
  • In 1991, jointly with partners, he created the Solvalub company, having bought the London company Solvents and Lubricants, having worked in Urals and Soyuznaftoeksport, and becoming the vice director of the SVL Group group of companies.
  • A few hours later, Titov was guessing in the press as the chief director of a group of companies, as well as the head of the group's ruling group. Later, the company turned into an investment and trading group, as if it were working on the market of oil products, agro-naphthochemistry, and natural gas. Already, Titov’s company, in parallel with international trade, began to engage in preferential financing for exports from Russia, the organization of project financing and investments in production and transport projects.
  • In 1992, the Solvalub company built a chemical terminal at the port of Ventspils, and then bought from the State of Latvia a terminal for transshipment of ammonia and naphthochemistry, VAT “Ventammoniaks”.
  • 1994 the port "Kavkaz" was attached to her rock. Following Titov’s tribute, before the default of 1998, the consolidation period for sales of the Solvalub group was 700-800 million dollars, and before the beginning of the 2000s, the volume of wines rose to 1.5 billion dollars, during this period, the SVL group had more than 10% of sales. . At different times before the group's assets, there were a number of enterprises of naphtho- and agrochemistry - Naftohimik (Perm), Stavropolpolymer (Budennovsk) and in.
  • In 1999, the financial and industrial group "Interkhimprom" was created, as the management of Solvalub's assets in Russia, Titov became the head of the joint government. The total turnover of the Titov group, which was the head of the controlling stake in Solvalub, was estimated at 2 billion dollars in 2008.
  • In 2000, he was elected as a member of the bureau of the board and vice-president of the Union of Industrialists and Enterprises (RSPP), and in 2002-2005 he became a commission on ethics.
  • In 2001-2002, Titov, having embraced the tenure of the president of ZAT "Agrochemical Corporation" Azot "", as a joint venture of Interkhimprom on parity ambushes from Gazprom, she led with blocks of shares of some enterprises of mineral fertilizers.
  • In 2002, Titov was appointed president of the Foundation for the development of industrial mineral products and planting until 2004.
  • Dekilka rokiv, beginning in 2003, is the head of the board of the non-commercial partnership "Gas Market Coordinator", created with the initiative of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Companies (RSPP) and Gazprom to develop a model for the transition to a more equitable regime for a free gas market.
  • In 2003, the party became a spivgolovoy, and in early 2004, the head of the Zagalnorossiysk public organization "Dilova Rosiya", an organization that unites representatives of the non-sour private business of Russia.
  • In 2005-2008, Titov was a member of the Gromadska Chamber of the Russian Federation.
  • On December 30, 2006, SVL Group acquired 58% of the company BAT "Abrau-Durso" and began to develop the brand of the most popular Russian champagne, increasing sales by 2014 to five times. In 2010, the roci brought a champagne booth of Chateau d`Avize from Moët & Chandon. Please, mind you, about how the press spoke about Titov, they didn’t vomit, the experts estimated it at 5-10 million euros.
  • At the end of 2007, the fate of being elected a member of Vyshchoi for the sake of the United Russia party.
  • In 2008, having voted for Vishchu Rada of the Gromadyanska Sila party, having recognized the creation of a new right-wing party in Russia, this party activity was assessed by the press as a “Kremlin project”. At the fall of the leaves, the Democratic Party of Russia, the “Gromadyan Power” and the Union of Right Forces were dissolved, a new party, the Right Cause, was founded. Z'izd having hardened three її spіvgolov. They were the colossal intercessor of the head of the "Union of Right Forces" Leonid Gozman, journalist George Bovt and Boris Titov himself. For a few days, the decisions of the X z'izd of the "United Russia" were pinned to the end of the day Titov's promotion as a member of Vishchoi for the sake of the party.
  • In the birch of 2009, Titov hung from ZMI a proposition about the legalization of penny compensation for Russian citizens, as they do not want to serve in the army. In other words, such an outburst could bring unparalleled mischief in the situation to the deficit of the budget of the country. There were no prote legislators to implement the initiatives.
  • From 2010 to the rock planting Golovi for the sake of the Union of Vine Growers and Wine Growers of Russia.
  • On May 6, 2011, the fate of Titov, having announced about the carriage of the "Dilovoi Russia" to go to the warehouse of the "Zagalnorosiysky people's front", about the decision of which he voiced Prime Minister Putin.
  • In the fierce fate of 2011, through the rozbіzhnosti with other supporters of the party “Rights on the Right”, Titov left the space of his head. In Chervni 2011, rock in the party was abolished the institute of spivgolovy. The one-armed leader of the party was selected Mikhailo Prokhorov.
  • On March 26, 2012, the fate of the board of directors of the BAT "Abrau-Durso" finally pinned the appointment of Titov as the general director of the company in connection with the transition to the civil service, and she took him off his head for the sake of directors.
  • At red 2012, the fate of the new appointments We will renew for the President of the Russian Federation from the defense of the rights of the entrepreneurs, and on February 29, 2016, the fate of the head of the party "Rights on the Right".
  • 2014 to the fate of the arrival of Krim to Russia.
  • On February 29, 2016, at the 7th party of the "Rights on the Right" party, they voted with their heads, announcing the change of the political course of the party to the "party of business" and її rebranding. On January 26, the party was renamed to the "Party of Growth".
  • On March 21, 2017, the date of reappointment to the planting of the person appointed for the President of Russia from the defense of rights under the decree of the President of Russia Volodymyr Putin.
  • On December 21, 2017, the Party of Growth placed Titova as a candidate for the 2018 presidential elections.


While working at Soyuznefteexport, Titov also joined Uralsi with the London company Solvents and Lubricants, and in 1991 became the vice director of the company. Why should we win at once from a group of comrades having bought the company, calling it SVL Group. Here I renew the seat of the vikonavchogo director, and also became the head of the ruling group. Over the years, the company has turned into an investment and trading group that operates on the market of petroleum products, agro-naphthochemicals, and also natural gas.

Titov's business was developing actively. In 1992, another company built a chemical terminal at the port of Ventspils, as well as purchased from Latvia a terminal for transshipment of ammonia and naphthochemistry. 1994 roku buv port "Caucasus". The year of consolidation of sales of the Solvalub group was 700 - 800 million dollars, with which the group bought up the assets of oil and agrochemical enterprises. Boris Yuriyovich has a private letter.

In 1996, Titov was elected president of the Solvalub company. And in 1999, he became the head of the joint board of the BAT "Interkhimprom" - a company that managed the assets of "Solvalub" in Russia. With fates, the company of Daedalus more and more overgrown with great projects. Among them are the supply of triple fabrics at the car factory, transshipment terminals for naphthochemical products, the preparation of fluoropolymers for the production of Teflon, and a poultry factory.

For tsі roki, Boris Yuriyovich began to have business contacts with rich representatives of the oligarchy, as well as the economic bloc. Ale deyakі znayomstva z great people buische pledges from student rocky, oskolki university and faculty, yakim otrimuvav his knowledge Titov, buv, scho is called "thieves". One of these well-known Volodymyr Potanin. Himself guilty of pushing a businessman to a huge activity.

All right in the fact that at the beginning of the 2000s, representatives of great business, especially members of the so-called "seven bankers", faced the threat of reprisals against the important authorities. Together with the idea of ​​creating the Russian Union of Industries and Enterprises (RSPP), which formally protected the interests of the business, but actually united the ranks of the oligarchs. Here Potanin and prolobiyuvav Titov's candidacy in the bureau of the government of this structure, who before that had become vice-president. Obviously, the person of Boris Yuriyovich was framed and through those who were the least odious figure, not smeared with the thick machinations of the 1990s.

From this moment on, the businessman began to actively engage in the work of the public, though for the benefit of that same business. 2002 year Titov became the committee of ethics of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. What is the fate of becoming the President of the Foundation for the Development of Industrial Mineral Goods. It is necessary to say that I planted wines through those who at that time were the president of the largest company in the field of mineral fertilizers - ZAT Agrochemical Corporation Azot. The same company as Volodymyr Solvalub is jointly with Gazprom. In 2003, the RSPP and Gazprom created a non-commercial partnership “Gas Market Coordinator”, Titov also becoming its head.

Boris Yuriyovich has proven himself well as a promoter of business interests, which in 2003 became the head of another large organization, as he also fought for the rights of entrepreneurs, but the emphasis was on small and medium-sized businesses. The organization was called "Dilova Russia" and at that time it was already a strong tool for lobbying for various changes in legislation to ease the share of businessmen. From the first moment Titov became a member of other councils under the Presidential Council, and in 2005 he was brought to the warehouse of the Gromadska Chamber of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, Titov, as the leader of "Dilova Rosії", actively speaking out of criticism economic policy order that zocrema of the current minister of finance Oleksiya Kudrina. Vіn talking about the need to increase the internal turnover of goods, stimulate drinking, increase investment, reduce taxes and refinance rates to the Central Bank. So Boris Yuriyovich, speaking about those that the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank mindlessly endure the developments of the developed countries, not worrying that the stench is known to be at a later stage of development.

Less Daedal Titov engaged in non-intermediate business and Daedal more entered into discussions with power. Prote Vlasna on the right of Boris Yuriyovich continued to prosper. And in 2006, the largest collection of champagne wines in Russia "Abrau-Durso" was added. But still, the hu- man adventage dragged on the leader of “Dilova Rosії” more and more, which inevitably led to a lull to politics.

So, at the end of 2007, Titov became a member of Vishchoy for the sake of the party "United Russia", while not joining the party itself. Having explained its membership in the dotsilnistyu, the shards of this party were an effective tool for bringing business to the government.

And already in 2008, the Kremlin administration was appreciative that Boris Yuryovich would be in the right party on the project of creation of the right party. At the same time, three liberal parties were sacrificed for the creation of a new political unity - the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR), Gromadyanskaya Sila and the UPS. All three parties rozpochali united. With this, the leader of the UPS, Mikita Bilikh, having left the party, as the leader of the "Gromadyanskoy sily" Mikhailo Borshchevsky, which I have sacrificed my life to Boris Titov. In this manner, after the unification of the parties, Boris Yuryovych robbed the seat of the head of the newly created party “Rights on the Right”. Krіm nyogo, spіvgolovami bolishnіy intercessor of the head of the UPS. Leonid Gozman that journalist Grigory Bovt.

In 2009, Titov announced about those who could get rid of "Dilova Rosiya" in order to get angry at "Right Right". Until this decision, the future elections were made to the Moscow Duma, in which, vtіm, the party did not take a fate.

So Boris Yuriyovich, on the cob of fate, was recognized as an initiative to legalize penny compensation for Russian citizens, who do not want to serve in the army. On the other hand, such a solution would not only have earned a penny to the Russian treasury, but also eliminated the corrupt warehouse service. But the Derzhdum did not praise the initiative to the point of being seen.

Moreover, Titov sleepily Grigory Yavlinsky and chief editor of the magazine "Vilna dumka" Vladislav Inozemtsev created a community council “Zamodernizatsiyu.RU”, how small the strategy of modernizing Russia is. Truthfully, the activity for the sake of such a result has not produced any result.

In the meantime, at the party, Boris Yuriyovich was brewing serious feuds with the smaller speaker, Leonid Gozman. Gozman was not dominated by Titov's activity at the paradigm of the forward yogo, spearing on lobbying for the interests of the middle business. Leonid Yakovich himself put the political order of the day on the table. The businessman praised the decision to deprive the head of the head, right, without depriving the party itself. However, this statement was not accepted by the political council, referring to those who can be blamed on the black-and-white star of the party. On the right, in what was being praised in the Kremlin, SPSivtsi could take the lead in the “Right Right” and the project could be taken out of control.

After that, as the current President of the Russian Federation Dmitro Medvedev calling out to pin the "nightmare" business and decriminalize the economic statistics of criminal legislation, Titov, as an expert in business, repeatedly taking part in the discussed initiatives. Bulo rozrobleno and adopted five packages of amendments to the liberalization of criminal legislation in the economic sphere.

In 2011, the roci began to prepare for the parliamentary elections, as they were born in the infants. The grass was stunned about the creation of the "Zahalnorossiyskogo people's front" (ONF), which was able to unite forces, which supported the policy of the "United Russia" party and Volodymyr Putin. Titov, not long thinking, stating that Dilova Russia wants to go to the warehouse in the ONF, even though Boris Yuriyovich himself was the head of the oppositional "United Russia" party, and before that, before that, having chosen to leave "Dilova Russia" for the sake of the party itself.

In the meantime, already a month later it was clear that everything did not have a reasonable meaning, the shards in the Administration of the President were dissatisfied with it, as the “Rights on the Right” project was developing, thanks to which the decision to carry out cardinal changes was praised. Party bula vіddan on vіdkup Mikhail Prokhorov. The Spivgolov Institute was liquidated, and the oligarch himself was elected the leader of the party. After that, Boris Yuriyovich left the lava of the liberal party.

As it turned out, these changes were better, adopted for Titov. "Rights on the right", not respecting Prokhorov's great pennies, did not dare to get to the Parliament, the natomist on Boris Yuryovich himself was a new recognition. In 2012, Volodymyr Putin, after the fact that he was elected to the third presidential term, praising the decision to run a new institute of the Entrusted to the President of Russia from the defense of the rights of entrepreneurs. I took off Titov from the chervni of the same fate. The appointment caused Titov's resignation from "Dilovoi Rosії", and navit iz for the sake of the directors of the BAT "Abrau-Dyurso".

On the next day, the Ombudsman gave an interview to Bloomberg, stating that we can encourage Putin to carry out an amnesty for 13,000 businessmen convicted of economic misdeeds, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Ale Nezabarom Boris Yuriyovich declaring that his words had been done.

Mikhailo Khodorkovsky himself has already turned to Titov at the front of the sheet, with the proposition to conduct a huge expert examination of the other criminal inquiries against the other Platon Lebedev. Boris Yuriyovich urged the wounded oligarch to turn around to the center of the public procedures "Business against corruption", as if to show the violation of rights, become a defender.

In the new place, Titov, having continued to try to ease the criminal re-investigation of the entrepreneurs, but the stench is already boules, which are not called at once. The initiatives of the Medvedev period began to go to a different plane. One of the main projects for the promotion of the rights of entrepreneurs is the promotion of an “economic amnesty”. On the back of the head, a dozen thousand entrepreneurs sent a message. Boris Yuriyovich napolyagav on the fact that the amnesty can pass for 52 articles of the Criminal Code.

However, in order to get an amnesty and it was denounced, a total of 27 articles of the Criminal Code were sued, with which there were two statutes, for which there was the largest number of convicts. As a result, the deputy of dozens of thousands of people under the amnesty consumed more than two thousand entrepreneurs. Nezabar head of the president for the sake of people's rights Mikhailo Fedotov having called the amnesty not far off, and urged to carry out another one, I’ll scale it, but to the right it didn’t go so far.

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