How to say cholovіkovі, scho yogo. Take the words of a person just like that in your own words: a list of phrases that you can say or write a couple. Let's try something new

Hello to the readers of the Samprosvitbulletin blog!

“I don’t know, how to say people, that wine gives me little respect. Vin can be used for a few days, and for the new one in the order of speeches. When you write, then you calm down and don’t understand, if you want to continue the stosunki chi no, ”- Write Valentine

“How can I tell people about those who start yoga behavior for me. We have been together for a long time, but our stosunki have died on the mist. Back to back, talk about the school, now you don’t turn to yourself anymore. Possibly, my, "- write Olena.

One of the most incomprehensible experiences, as you can only try with the girls you love, especially since it’s already three times at once, you know that you can’t tell people that you are turbulent. Tse just wastes that vismoktuє life from your stosunkіv.

Also, on the cob of acquaintance, if a woman is too afraid of the “slyak” of a person who has become worthy, and they will close their dissatisfaction, relying on the best, blame it on the fact that the stench is too richly invested in the rosettes of the vines, without taking away an adequate turnaround.

Reasons why women are afraid to tell people their thoughts

In my practice, I am in contact with the great number of women that remembered cicavia fact. At that hour, some women can be honest with a man, others simply can’t speak their mind.

The power of some women falls into the hands of others at once. Women, being afraid to tell people what they think, do not recognize their special value and uniqueness. They need something to feel valuable and for them a waste of respect and interest of a person and self-respect. The stench is afraid of taking away the negative assessment of a person, being afraid of being dissatisfied with it, being afraid of wasting it, so that you can lie a little bit of wetness and a little bit of wetness.

It is rich for women to make the blue the main sense of life and concentrate more on them. In fact, the results show that the quality of the breath determines the quality of the life of a woman and her lightness. Ale, it is also important to mother your metaphor and your own sense of life as a pose in the air. Tse your call, your self-realization, your self-development - everything that is the basis of special value. Even if there is no sense that mark the pose with vodnosinami, it will be important for you to get drunk with that emotionally independent appearance of a person.

Here I immediately want to say that the skin is unique and it is difficult for people to express their thoughts for other reasons. Maybe, you just don’t get the hang of the sing-along skills, otherwise you can’t quickly express and clearly formulate your idea. The reason for this can also be in relation to the father's sim's scheme of behavior, if the mind does not want to. If you want to deal with your problems on an individual basis, you should already turn around for help before fahivtsya for a living, or speed up my consultations via Skype.

Three hints, how to say people, what is in your soul

Father, how can I say, what do you have on your mind that soul without fear that fight?

Іsnuyut 3 factors, yakі mayut znachennya if we say s kimose about it is important for us.

Tse is our mood, our strategy is the words, as if they were victorious. If you choose one of these factors incorrectly, problems arise, incomprehensible conflicts.

Vykoristovyte tsі 3 factors and your pochne zminyuvatisya like a wave of a charming wand!

The axis is the best example. Zhіnka sieve to the throat vіdsutnіstyu respect її cavalier chi partner. Aleone knows that if she speaks with him more often on this topic, then she provokes a war of articles and makes everything worse. What is the job of such a time?

First is the right mood

For example, as you need to regulate your mind, first of all rozmovu, take care of your mood, like at once, better for everything, negative, check on the head and focus on the negative risks of the person. Your mood is transferred to your partner. Vіn vіdchuvaє your critical position and do not want you to go nazustrich.

It is necessary to have a little bit of opportunity for the development and improvement of your veins. Cultivate yourself to positive vibes, to seeing new perspectives, to move on to the positive quality of a person and look out for yourself. Collapse with small crumbs, mark that you want to see small destructions.

Second example. Let's say you need to put specks over the "i" in the windows, because the situation is unbearable for you. Here you already need the mood to be smart, to clearly understand your lines, to be ready to continue your path without a person, so you don’t want to change the situation. Your mood will be passed on to people, guilty of wisdom, so you don’t act on your happiness for the sake of this prosperity.

Another is the strategy

If you don't accept what you want, then you can change the default strategy for an hour. If you don’t rob you, if you don’t want to go out, try to beat the other kid.

Even more often, scho mi firmly perekonan in the devil's mind as a strategy. And if it doesn’t bring results, we continue to stubbornly zastosovuvat її z subvoy force. Such strategies roam from stoksiv to stosunki, not bringing bark, but women all the same try for them, it’s important to change your reconciliation.

For example, often women, in order to take away those that they want to stink, wink as the main strategy for veiling scarga, tension, sting, tears. What, how about trying it differently?

Formulate what you really want. If you want more respect, maybe you can propagate more specifically that visibly zamіst skarg, natyakіv chi direct claims?

Or another example of a strategy, with such a menu you often have to stick in your consultations. Zhіnka prihovuє svoє pragnennya sіm'yu, schob not zlyakat man and vdaє, scho is ready zstrіchatsya chi navit live at once without goiter's yazan. The bagatiohs don’t use such a strategy, but the stink stubbornly continues to reach the limit. Possibly, varto change your strategy and not be afraid to declare your mind.

Third - all words

Marvel at the words you win?

You have chosen the right mood and strategy, now you are importantly pulling them into the form you need.

For example, you can say: "You don't rob anything romantic, even if you don't get it!"

Otherwise, you can say: “I would like to spend an hour alone with you, it would be wonderful, as if you knew the hour for a romantic marriage only for the two of us, and it seemed like a surprise to me. I will enjoy myself if you are romantic with me!

Why is it important to tell people about their priorities

For days I spent time at a cafe with my old acquaintance. Vaughn only pinned her folds, as if they were already richly rocked. Going to the zustrіch, I was getting ready to beat the grief-stricken woman, as if she would demand my support. Ale, my acquaintance looked calm and intoxicated.

“I, sing-songly, in front of life, lied to the people everything that I think, calmly she argued. And now I feel such relief, such a surge of strength, I somehow know myself again! I know that I will be alone more often, I will live less in the shadow of another woman in other roles. I became inspired in myself,” she said to me.

If you are afraid to tell people about your priorities and change, you cannot choose of a distinguished person, to that we are talking about those that we want, we are not more than happy with a hundred, and we are overthinking the wisdom of a partner. What better way do you know that you are like a person from parallel worlds and your priorities in life do not change, then you can see for yourself the ability to know in a right way the person you are.

If you want to be happy with the hundred women, you need to learn to speak to people about your needs and priorities. As if you are afraid to say what you think and what you see, you will be constantly disappointed and dissatisfied, and your share will be tolerant, something that does not suit you.

Learn more about all the secrets of talking with a person for happy stoons to marvel at my training → .

Irrespective of those who wish to have a more peaceful marriage and even rarely show negative emotions in regards to their marriage to women, sometimes they can’t smell the stink, having felt the words of the beautiful half of humanity. Ale, besides that, people don’t care a little, є th phrase, like the stench of good years of hearing. If you love your manners and want to bring joy to him more often, tell me about those that people need to say.

What can't people say

Once and for all, remember that all the sweet words that you say to a foolish person are not guilty of going outside your house. Navit as a joy to accept everything that you think you are alone, it doesn’t mean that you are so very sensitive to the presence of strangers and especially friends. Feeling, like a dear word, you know that friends do not miss the fire once again, or laugh behind your back.

Show tenderness in the presence of the leader of the incorrigible bastard of human vanity, yogo fools in the eyes of other representatives of the strong half of the weak people. І shvidshe for all yogo friends of the squad can name even more with affectionate words Ale, in public, the stink cannot be appreciated by such manifestations of love, like the supernaturally lower dots, which make a mother's turbota go. And the axis is accentuated on the yoga of human beings, on the fact that the wine is strong and turbocharged, how many times it will win you out of difficult situations, and without it, you would definitely not have completed it even more importantly right, you should evaluate it. Caught in the side of a woman, a man appreciates nothing else. These words are a good balm for their wounded souls in the struggle for space under the sun.

Do not talk to people about their own manifestations and right handicap. Do not screw up your respect until you have gained respect, have become more prepared, and have ceased to follow you. Sounds like people rarely turn respect for such, for a thought, rubbish, but if they smell similar words, then it’s possible to start being surprised at you and look at the lack of money, to change your mind, you won’t deceive you. Do not forget that in the heat of a conflict, a person can win words against you. Be the best for your person. And for whom to speak only about those who have become smart, beautiful and young. And there is no one better for you in the world. People believe in those who can smell the sight of women.

As a representative of the strong half of the people, I didn’t hesitate, even if I declared, to ask Yogo to grow again. You don’t need to guess again that the wine didn’t fit. Few people are worthy of putting blame on those whose guilt has already repented a hundred times. In short, to say that without yoga you can’t help you in any way and you can’t go for bread, tidy up the scarves, blame the smіtty to help prepare the supper, and your friend doesn’t know the cordons. You don’t need to walk all evening, imagining, and trying to practice yoga in what you know before you. Believe me, I myself have already seen myself guilty a hundred times, that I didn’t beat the titties of the obitsyanka, and if you felt the replacement of the devil’s claims, just slay those who didn’t catch up, blame those that are necessary from the sublime diligence.

For everyday conditions, do not compare a person with other representatives of the strong half of the people. As if I didn’t create you, so that I didn’t grow up, it’s a riddle that your old friend is better for a thousand times not to correct the situation, but only to provoke welding in that image. If you live with this person, it means that you are the best wine and there is no one in the world who could be with him. And if you are incomprehensible, you can lie, having discussed the differences, which you blamed, having guessed, how much you are dear to one alone. Your love is priceless, to rozmіnyuvati її on chvari. Guess your feelings more often, and you will rise, it will become easier to live and know spilnu mova with a cohanim man.

Photo: what is necessary and what cannot be said by people

Do not criticize yoga robot, hobi, many women and friends. If there is any negative in that, it will be taken by a representative of the strong half of the people, as a criticism of yoga specialness. And if these women choose wines, and if the stench is not so garni, it means that wines cannot choose wines. Postiyne podkleslennya svoєї perevagi over yogo kolishnіmi can viklikati zvorotny efekt. A person can swear that you don’t fit in with you, because I’m not able to choose women for your words. Those same stosuєtsya and yoga roboti. For any person, self-realization is more important, and on the robot itself, you can see some kind of contribution to the building development of prosperity, even though it didn’t sound pretentious. Therefore, the least criticism is accepted as the application of yoga goodness, and it is unlikely that it is worthy of it.

If you don’t like this robot, then it’s better to carefully poke around, why choose wine її. Maybe you yourself have long wanted to remember, but you think that you won’t praise such a decision, what is the way to get more paid land. If the robot is more powerful than your kohan, then you will be less reconciled, if you love that person.

In the beginning, try to express your thoughts, not giving an assessment of what to kill, but proponuyuchi ways to overcome any problems. Whether it’s a flutter of yoga on the right, tim, who’s friends and relatives have it, they couldn’t make up their minds with them. Rozumiyuchi, what do you do for the sake of this, a person can appreciate how lucky you are.

Top 7 phrases that people need to say

  • Tell youma about your kohanna. Do not joke to the drive at a reasonable hour. Zustrichayte yogo words kokhannya z roboti, if the wines are thrown or lyagatime v_pochivati, sit and marvel at the TV or have dinner. Believe me, the phrase “I love you” is no less appropriate for men than for women. And if you want, leave a note to you, describing all the power of your feelings. Having prokinivshis, I guess again, which wine is happy.
  • Talk to you about those who write to him. Sob without breaking the blame, without saying it, without violating it, as if you didn’t commit it, always know that moment, if you can tell you that you are guilty of your trouble. And how could you be otherwise, if you were lucky enough to become a retinue of chi named. Vіn brought home an unfortunate tsutsen, a mow, a homeless dog, which did not spodіvavsya, what to commemorate and lie, do not say that you have no strength to follow the creature, but say, what kind of wine is kind and what are you after him, like behind a stone wall . All the hardships will be left behind, but remember forever, like your kohan has a big heart, bachachi, like your new vihovanets, snuggle up to the knee of the zavdyaki for the order.
  • Forever there is a ghost to say, like a new “golden” hand, even if it’s broken, you’ll immediately turn to the new one for help, so that you will help you correct it. Skіlki zlamanih speeches vіn zmіg favor, otherwise, zreshtoy, buy. And in a folded situation, it’s not like a person is joking around, sho robiti and like a booty. Golovnya, don’t forget about those who, for an hour, words are hoarded by people and praised more by women.
  • Vibirayuchi yomu clothes or grabbing from the guest, podkreslіt, like a new one has beautiful eyes, a husband's disguise, and yogo post to call you out of your mind. Just be ready that you can be a guest.
  • Don’t forget to tell about those who don’t have such a person in the world anymore, and there won’t be any more. What for you is the single and unique and the most important share for those that she gave the zestrich to him.
  • Yakomoga more often say his own fault, as he writes to him, and that he is guilty, as no one else is worthy of honor and fealty. It doesn’t matter what you’ve grown up today, smut, what you’ve been talking about you and trying to turn your life into a good fairy tale. Skіlki lie on yogi's shoulders, and yet they carry the load on their mіtsnih shoulders, protecting you from all the evils of that difficult world. Recognition of yoga merits from your lips will become for the new one the best praise and assessment of yoga practice.
  • Give compliments to you, say to you, what a strong, sensible, masculine, miraculous and dbailivy wine. Like you are happy, perebuvayuchi order with him, vіdchuvayuchi yogo love. If the guilt has fallen to your feet, tell him that zestrich with him has changed your life to the point of unrecognition, turning yoga into a kazka.

Photo: what is necessary and what cannot be said by people

Having found out what people need to say, you will not fall into chalepa, you will not feel anger and displeasure on yourself, having said the wrong ones. For now, to please the kokhan, I will become a majestic achievement in front of other representatives of the beautiful state. You can be calm, that in the presence of such a charmer, as if you could bestow joy, inspire a person with a word, you don’t want to drink to others.

What's the head secret of the slubu? Have kohanna and razuminni. Today I will give you a sprinkling of ways to tell your kohan man that you love yoga

You sing-songly wondered about those how people can get away with friendly stretches 25, 30 and more years? Would you like to b, shchab your slub trivav a mustache of life? What's the head secret of the slubu? Have kohanna and razuminni. Today I will tell you a few ways to tell your kohan man that you love yoga:

1. Give your garne a romantic remembrance.
2. To care for that new work, not to love the wine, and marvel, like the wind is relieved.
3. Take a lot from your beloved hobby, you can love to go fishing - go along with him.
4. Play yakіs together table games, or computers.
5. If you want to work for you, or work hard, tell him what you value, understand that you love yoga.
6. To build your house for a new backyard, a quiet family center, a little piece of paradise without stress and scandals, de vin you can start to relax after a hard day.
7. If wines, for the last time forget to clean up the shkarpets, or close the tube of paste, just laugh, and don’t use your hard drive. Be responsible for those who are guilty of you.
8. First of all, throw out yoga speeches, as they are given to you inappropriate, feed yoga - what do you need the stink of you, what?
9. Do not make things right on the yoga table without sleeping at the new permission.
10. Raise the price and walk along with him. It doesn't matter if you have long trips, or short walks in the park, or you just walk at once, holding hands.
11. If you love yoga and love yoga, tell him about it in an obv'yazkovo way.
12. Mark all the good things that rob you, and try not to mark the filthy.
13. Laugh at once - read jokes, stories, marvel at comedies.
14. Do not need to follow him, to inspire you even more tsіkavo and tsіkavo, ask more about it.
15. Do not check the saint, or a special vipadka, so that you can earn a present for you. Buy it now, burn a garnish at the harn, apply a romantic leaflet with kind words of support. It will be more acceptable for you, if you want to seperate yoga, and we think, why don’t you forget your wine as an important date?
16. Buy those savory tastes that suit you.
17. Take a bath at once.
18. Request yoga on a romantic note, having sent the sheet with electronic mail.
19. Allow me to buy those that you want, to build a radio-cerning helicopter. Yakshcho vin so mrіє about tse, let's buy it. And even better, buy it yourself qiu accept yourself.
20. Talk about the future. Tell me about those who de and how you wanted to live in 50 years. Think how to create this world!
21. As if your man had mercy, but if you have grown a pardon, do not attack the new one with dokors. Give me the opportunity to explain the situation.
22. Let your man feel like the head of the house, you will be welcome.
23. If you yourself have had mercy on someone and have given people intolerance, then tell you that you are in trouble - you will be shy. Tell people what you are wrong about.
24. Trim your shirts. As a matter of fact, they accused people, to work for them.
25. To develop a person's massage.
26. Build your own bedroom paradise of cochants. Decorate everything with mirrors, quilts, buy from sex shops accessories for love games.
27. Turn on romantic music in the bedrooms to cheer up the romantic mood.
28. Get a person's massage for additional fragrant oils.
29. Do not remember inaccuracies, as if you had grown a man. We got it once and that was enough. You don’t need to tell the yoma about tse.
30. Be honest, do not steal the kind of person those who are in your life.
31. Be open and generous, so that you can be trusted.
32. Raise your self-esteem, especially if friends of your girlfriend come to you. You will feel that you praise Yogo, and you will be accepted.
33. Give you a surprise and remember your car. Don't let the wines chime in. If you don’t want to work on your own, just take the car to the car wash.
34. Put your yoga photo on your computer.
35. Buy a sticker, and stick it on the back of your car - "I love my man!"
36. Have a supper by candles, put gadgets and spend the evening, wondering one by one in the eyes, talking about respectfulness and cicava, or just accepting.
37. Be faithful to you. Not only physically, but also in the thoughts. As soon as it appeared like a calm, then quickly pin it to the bud, so that there would be no catastrophe.
38. Get a relaxing head massage.
39. Do not bark, do not belittle yoga in the presence of other people. You should not work alone. It is especially important that your children do not smell something.
40. Do not put youma as a butt to the reach of other people. The susiska has a better and cooler person and behaves differently.
41. Do not allow others to disrespectfully talk about your person; Keep yoga up.
42. Love yourself. It may not sound paradoxical, but if a person does not love himself, he cannot love another. Love and value yourself, and let your man write such a wonderful and wonderful squad, like you.
43. Pamper yoga, if you are sick. It is hard for people to bear the ailment. Prepare for the new one a special soup and savory tea.
44. Marvel at you at the vіchі, if vin with you is moving. Bring on the wisdom, what is important to you, what to say, and you will have to hear a lot.
45. Put your spring photos near the frame and don't let the stench stand in a prominent place. Tse bude miraculous nagaduvannyam about those, like you, your dear motherfucker.
46. ​​Trust youma. It is not necessary to control skin yoga, as it helps you around the house.
47. Let youma win a super girl. Superchki zavzhdi traplyayutsya, but not obov'yazkovo zavzhdi yogo vigravati. One can give way to you.
48. Do not lie down to sleep, as if you were crippled, or separated one on one.
49. Don't compare your person with another person, make friends with your father, with your brother, and then more with more. Your person has a unique specialty, love yoga for the price.
50. Take yoga clothes. Mend the scarves and sew all the ripped ruffs on the mitt.
51. Buy some clothes for you. Let the new one also have a rich selection at the wardrobe.
52. Play football or volleyball with him. The games on the fresh air are getting closer.
53. To wake Yogo with a kiss, let Yogo's day be clear and bright from the fact that you so affectionately awakened Yogo.
54. Help you to get hot. It will be fun and make you both laugh.
55. Phone your local radio station and commemorate your loved one's song for a new one.
56. Make heart-shaped milk.
57. Don't try to be yoga mom. You are a yoga squad, not a mother.
58. Do not throw yourself at someone else, as if you did not clean up your wines in the middle of your speech. You can just tell me something about you for an hour of love, but don’t tell.
59. Kiss more often. You can either stand on the skylight, or go together at the elevator, kiss Yogo. Ochіkuvannya will not be so long.
60. Flirt with him more often. Guess how, before the winter you were grabbing that you laughed at you.
61. Be your best friend. Let him be blamed, which the person entrusted to him, with which you can always talk about the most important thing, smile and you can cry.
62. Let him be himself - be free.
63. Understand and accept your uniqueness, marvel, how you smile, how you walk, how you remember your name. True, nothing more can do it like wine. Love yourself for tse vi yoga.
64. To help you, if you are dressed up, twang your rhymes on yoga clothes, with whom you should nurture yoga and irritate.
65. Get rid of your clothes, don’t go home in ragged pants and in an old, dirty dressing gown. Bring your man to silence your callousness.
66. Learn how to properly manage your family budget. It is important to learn to live beyond the bones. If you still can’t buy some speeches - don’t buy, and don’t bark a person for those who bring insufficient pennies to the booth. Financial stresses are very important on the road.
67. Do not say that your income is low and you cannot afford it - your man will do his best to keep you safe. If you swear, you will feel incomprehensible.
68. Dominate the battle with pillows;
69. Stitch for the health of a person. Want to know the right way to live and engage in sports. See if you see doctors, dentists and undergo medical examination.
70. Cook healthy zhu buy vitamins for a person, and stitch, take them.
71. Buy a sprat of sexy shorts for a new one - barvisty, which shines at the darkness. Be fun.
72. Conduct sexual experiments. Often the squad checks, if the person himself is active, but try to show a little aggression yourself, vikoristovuyuchi kaydanki - not to ignite the passion of your person.
73. Do not hesitate to purchase. So, for a penny you need to stezhit and rahuvati їx, but sometimes, if you want something new, spend pennies only on yourself with a man. Buy a yakus river, as it suits you both, or go to a foreign hotel.
74. Individuals need sex much more, lower squads. The squads need more compliments. There will definitely be times when you don't want to have sex. Do not deceive Yogo, just say that everything will be different tomorrow.
75. Self-compassionate. It’s very easy to treat your person’s shortcomings, but then you will be honest in front of yourself and understand that you yourself are not without sin, try to improve your own shortcomings and make yourself better.
76. Do not be a pessimist, try not to fixate on the negative, take care of the positive attitude and fighting spirit of your love.
77. As a result of the super girl, it turned out that you still have a small ration - do not get angry at this drive and do not throw you in the guise - I told you!
78. Unstoppable to go into the shower stall beforehand, if you bathe.
79. Let you know what vin means to you. Energize yoga for the sake of be-yakіy-yak_y-yakіy-y-kіy-y-y-y-y-kіy vіd vіdіvannya dіtey before you can cook. Let you know that your thought is important to you.
80. Move on to those who are like you, think about rozmov, remind you that this object is not like you. Youmu is able to talk to you about those things that are important to him.
81. When you go to the store, ask, what do you need? І buy tse.
82. Have a little stealth. If you go out of work, go to the new one by car, then take you to the car and take him to a party, a restaurant, or a zamіsky budinok.
83. No need to live in fantasies. Possibly, you marveled a lot and read novels and your life seems to you not so romantic, as it is written on the sides of books - look for books, good food and romance are those that make wine for you, pikluyuchis about you and take care of you.
84. Go off at the same time.
85. If you see that your man is tired, give him a break.
86. Turn on the music and dance together at the bedroom.
87. Dress up the sexual whiteness and propagate it to play at the hovanka. Hi win know you.
88. Have mercy at once on the stars and for a month.
89. Sit in an embrace in front of the fire, wondering at those how to burn bagattya.
90. Just say to you today: - "I love you!" And in these words there will be no more proof, no threats, no blackmail, but rather joy, what is your life’s fault, and what you love more.

Let's give, how to love correctly, it's absolutely stupid, right kohati - tse just kohati. But all the same, I want to show respect for the thin women and people.

Love brings great joy to the life of our skin, but often our inner fears and unresolved problems transform the joy of love into suffering and good welding, into sustenance and mutual dokori.

Yakby could be greeted with all kinds of joys in the minds of people and women and it would be easy, sing-song, happy couples and people would be richer.

For the sake of not bringing peace to that harmony, for the sake of not coming out of your depths.

If you don’t respect a person in your own unfamiliar world, and you don’t have any knowledge in your inner world, then you didn’t try to do the best to try and be a RIGHT woman, there will be no result.

I think that there is great greed in such joys for those who know them and better understand their weak places, take care of their inner woman’s camp, over their deep souls of people.

We need to be aware that the external behavior is not so important for the people, as the inner camp of the skin.

Man, it's not surprising to love us in front of his camp entrusted to a woman, in the staleness, as you feel, you will be yogo bazhannya buti with her.

As soon as a person feels the order of a woman, then everything is possible to work for her.

The woman is also obliged to feel the responsibility of the woman instructed by the man, then and there in the new bachelor of the CHOLOVIK, but the main responsibility for the woman’s camp lies on the woman. Nothing speaks more about you, less about yourself. Unfortunately, it is.

It is right to love - tse nasampered

talk about your inner state

, self-perceived that mood. To that on the cob about us, about women, and then we’ll sweat about our


What and how stink to love and how to love them correctly.

How is it true to talk about your inner camp?

1. Don't remake your shoes with a man on a leash of shoes for yourself, do not let your blue life and joy.

If you work on 2-3 robots, when you come home the whole house is on you, then can you talk about how happy you are with the hundred-sacks?

It’s not your fault to be swayed, tomlyuvatisya, not to be strong - to bring everything to your energetic exuberance, to the fullness of your strength and spend your mood, which in your line is meant for all your loved ones and for us.

2. Dbati about yourself and about your camp, including building a little bit of your own house, even more often in Bazhanni to help and increase the reception of others you forget about yourself.

If it doesn’t feed like a turbot about other things, bring you joy and you are charged, then for the sake of God.

And what about navpaki, vysnazhu you? So think

how to beat yourself up in pershu cherga


Might be able to properly separate the shoes between your family, learn to speak NI, feel the boundaries of your special space and ignite your mother like reality, so internally.

3. To love correctly - tse

don't impose your kohannya, don't strangle a person to kokhannyam

And do not vymagati in the new love and respect.

A woman may think about her inner world, so that harmony and calm reigned there

Like fears of being abandoned, of becoming indecent, you are lakaet


І you do not enjoy the joy of life without

Then you want to see that you don’t need a hundred and your life.

It’s right to love - don’t waste yourself in the hundreds, don’t try to get angry with a person in one goal, allowing yourself that special space.

You can have your own life and you can live without a person. Do not deprive your hobbies, do not confuse with friends and relatives, do not fixate on the person, as on the most important, but on the ONE, the most important object for you.

Remember to be different in people and spend yourself, forgetting about everything and don’t forget to turn to yourself.

4. Dbati about your camp - you should take into account the satisfaction with the process. If you are prepared, don’t try to prepare for the result, but try to eat something, but try to cook in such a way that you will find satisfaction in the process of preparing.

Learn to take satisfaction from the mind that you work. Add 15-20 whilin to the shoranka to be alone with yourself, with a cup of your favorite chi kawi tea, get ready to receive the praise of a new day.

Correctly kohati- Tse in the first line vmiti correctly splkuvatis.

It’s important to be timid, if emotions suffocate you, you’re embarrassed and confused, then it’s important to keep your inner light in order, to grow in your own images, more than the past. To grow up in the face of all negative attitudes and to respect the life of installations, then the fury and anger will not overwhelm you, and you can control yourself in choosing the right words.

If you are in pain, you show yourself in your pain, taking care of people's pain, you yourself burn bridges to a farther understanding one to one.

It is necessary for a person to say "I am reminded", talk about your feelings - "I am angry", "I am angry", "I am covered", "I feel like I do not need you."

Then, obov'yazkovo, voice the reason through the way you see everything, and then ask for the solution, as if you were in power.

So, if you look at a person’s yogo human camp, to that “You are reminded”, in which you sing yogo, you should already negatively pour on a person and as a result you won’t take anything away, only a greater amount of that image.

It is necessary to remember calmly and correctly maintain your position and bajannya.

6. It is important to give respect to your facial expressions and intonations, if you speak with a person. Without noticing it yourself, you can send people's signals about your right setting to the new one, as if buried deep in the middle of you, and often you can learn yourself without guessing about your right setting.

Setting up a person is not built up with a specific person, with whom you live or you are sensible, but in terms of such attitudes, as you have chosen in yourself, in terms of your mothers, in terms of silent stosunkiv, in your homeland, in terms of your mother’s setting to dad and choloviks.

7. It is right to love - tse vmіti buti vіdkritoyu and talk about your feelings, experience, bazhannya straight, without tension. Men do not understand women's cunning roses.

The woman is not forced into herself, she won’t say directly about her bazhanya.

More often than not, women through complexes and innocence

don't hesitate to ask

I cannot accept.

Why do you think that the person is guilty of guessing everything himself, for an hour, forgetting simple speeches, ask, you will be understanding. It is necessary to voice your own prohannya that bazhannya directly without straining.

Ask as much as you need and at the same time, deprive your soul of the place for wisdom, but I don’t doubt that you can be deprived of nevikonanim ... prohannya and bazhannya, komus kіlka mіsyatsіv. They asked and forgot ... even if it’s important, then write lists to you and attach them to the table, periodically guessing.

Enchanted in her own way, the woman rarely thinks about the mother, and if she takes it away, then she doesn’t get embarrassed, accepting it doesn’t sound like that, that you don’t love.

If a woman asks a man generously, she will meet her needs and she will need them. Tse pіdtrimuє yoga camp CHOLOVIK.

8. To love correctly - tse

vmity buti vdyachnoy

, pay attention to what a person is doing, it is important to pay attention to yoga in good spirits, and not to pay respect to nedolіka.

Living in the order of a person, we begin to be put up to the new, like to our own power, we are forgetting about those who are the wine of the human being. We begin to accept everything that looks like a new one, as if it were necessary, that everything is due to but, sometimes, without fear, we need to say from a wide heart: DYAKUY. Not a bloody phrase, but thank you more.

Otrimuyuchi trohi in the form of little-known people, we begin to sting bitterly at him, but we rarely indulge our own person with our podiaks.

9. To love correctly - do not blame welds from hati, rozpovіdayuchi mother and girlfriends about those yak vin monster.

In the first place, you don’t put yourself in the shortest light, you chose yoga and live with it.

And in a different way, you boost your authority and build up your relatives and opponents, and by the same token, cut a chick on your own. At important times, if you tremble, it’s unlikely that after your advice, some of your loved ones will help save them.

You can only feel one joy - it’s so necessary for you that we’ll not give your honor to her.

10. It’s right to love - you know what kind of my lover your man is talking about, what is important for the new one - your dinner is deliciously cooked, the apartment is clean, your praise, a little surprise.

You can tidy up the apartment, but you will feel inconspicuous and not kohanim, because you didn’t lubricate the savory meatballs that your mother cooked for you.

For now, you will prepare a supper for you from overseas countries, and you will have bestial respect for the roaming of speeches at the booth.

It’s not necessary to swear by everything thoroughly, it’s enough just to understand, if your person is aware of your love and turbota about yourself.

11. To love correctly is to honor a person, moreover, there is nothing good about spiritual closeness. Intimate intimacy creates a burden one to one for no reason and substantiation, intimacy can be blamed and after a good appointment to you good people but it doesn’t guarantee you the best of luck.

At the heart of the povaga lie the real reach, not the obv'yazkovo material, but the spiritual quality, which means not less work, lower material.

Be it a person, you have a quality, a reach, you can respect everything, you can lay everything, bachite you їх chi nі.

Honor a person - respect and interi yogo special space, bazhannya.

The people are more sensitive to any kind of pressure, the stench immediately starts to show up.

A loving woman is not crushed by a person, she can hang her ladyship in an important form, having pressed a vibrator for a person.

12. It is right to love a person - tse faith in a new one. Do not hesitate to have new needs. Virity - tse bachiti potential, but if you don’t bachite and don’t believe in your life, so don’t take your own words, just leave it for your wife, like to succumb to someone who didn’t succumb to you and not to the one who you filthy or could not chime in, it's just that you have a hell of a lot of other things.

Why is life so important

dbati about yourself in pershu cherga

To that a person is sensitive to a woman's mood, even though he does not show it.

Everything that robs a man, robs a family for the sake of a woman, family, children and you, it’s important to make a woman contented and happy.

If the woman is irritated and tired, then the person will take away the information “I'm GOOD”, “I can't be happy”, “It's bad for me”, and whoever is worthy to feel is forever filthy.

Sometimes a woman specially demonstrates her dissatisfaction, saying that a person, having thought about it and having begun to change his behavior, is put on hold, but the woman does not guess that she is dissatisfied with him and proves to be a prolific cry, kacholovіtsya.

Now you understand how important it is to take care not only of your own outer appearance, but of your inner light. Perebuvaya in harmony with yourself, you create harmony for yourself.

I messed up with a man, with what words can you destroy a man? Vіn, without hesitating, vіdpovіv: “Borscht is ready! Would you like a cold beer? Can we buy a new gum? I smiled a little, appreciating the person's humor a little, and then I thought, even in the skin heat there is a piece of truth. It seems that it happened like that... sleepy life, m'yako kazhuchi - not you. You talk about something new, you try to spread your interests, you donate innumerably for the sake of something new, and you start to marvel at you with other eyes, in which, unfortunately, all the bazhanya has long been born.

Olena Do.

Well, that garazd, let's not go into detail about this important vipadka. I guess, not everything is so stale with you, like with one of my clients! I would like to talk about those words that can destroy a person. I chi vzagali can call for help in a new word for help.

It has long been established that a person has thoughts about having sex, at least 8 times a day. And in order for you to see your sexual fantasies, you don’t need pictures of naked women, you don’t need sounds or smells. To think about tse wines starts in passing. And how can you think of yoga not just about sex, but about sex with you? And it’s better not to think too much, but also to act ...

Most women underestimate the power of verbal dialogue. The Internet is teeming with information about those, how to destroy a person with my gestures. Experts calmly recommend that you turn your addiction to a new erotic whiteness, role-playing games, aphrodisiacs and love spells. Before the speech, read - and in your head there is a lot of things to clear up.

Zagalom, why don’t a woman go, to calm a man down! You can certainly jump in front of him with a wild dance, but I still look at the simplest and no less borrowing ways.

What to say

List of phrases and words, yakі zbudzhuyut cholovіka, vіdomy for a long time. Rich women most often go to the help of yoga. Even if all the boys are individual and have a unique approach to their family, nevertheless, they are universally known as "recipes-callers":

Yogo im'ya

Rather, for whatever stimulant, you can destroy a person in good health, said with a sigh, in an important voice. And remember, it’s not your fault to have the joyful “bunnies, cats and little ones”!

Intimate compliments

The tensions on the great dozhina and the sexual power of the lad are 100%. Words of praise and phrases addressed to the intimate goodness of a partner can destroy anyone:

  • "so tight";
  • "simply majestic"
  • "great and springy".

Sexual fantasies

The history of an erotic character does not deprive the greedy person of baiduzhim. If you are shy, tell him your fantasies, cheat and tell me that everything happened to you. Believe me, it doesn’t matter to you, the stars in your head appeared as frivolity. Golovnya, that the stench showed up like crazy.

Yak talk

It’s even more important not only what you say you have a yoga, to start a yoga, but then you say it. The axis here is a rich woman and pardons are allowed, and by the same token, a moment of intimacy is given. A list of words, zavdyaki yakim wines can wake up, folds, now you can remember them in a special way.

Exact answers to the question: "How to destroy your partner with words?" - Ni. Like the phrases are effective and deviant, and like they call out the negative and the negative, you can find out more experimentally. Є more than one universal pada- speak fluently.

Voice timbre

Learn your own timbre. Intonation under the hour of change and the situation changes and often lie down in your mood. Shattering a person with words, or rather, for an hour of quiet and quiet phrases, smut, so that the language did not sound feigned. Remember - longing for pathos, falseness and piecework! Better than you zіb'єshsya, nizh pochnesh karbuvati prepared promo, nibi in front of a thousandth audience speaking with additional povіddu.

Loudness to voice

The quality of the language is not less important. Golovne evaluate dorechnist. Permissible and rich phrases, as if you are extremely impressed that no one will feel your “full roses”. Mozhlivy and ice is a smart whisper, as if your partner is not deaf. Importantly, it sounded organic.

Podviyny zmist

Women, obviously, more often for people are engaged in jokes of the attached sensation, and then some phrases, if you say it at a special moment, can come to the soul of a boy. For example, tell you that his hands can be matched with the hands of a musician. I believe, the result is not to be missed - at this year's concert, the wines "play" a wondrous melody. And in the lead role of your instrument, your bare body ...

Before the speech, there is one phrase, as if silently doing: “Let's get right!”. It is obvious that this is a human stereotype, to inspire a little-known person obov'yazkovo on the basis of the word in response.

Without the art of ambiguity, there is nothing right for eroticism. The more ambiguity is stronger, the more tense is the awakening.

Milan Kundera

Personal pidkhid

Vulgarity is not worthy of the skin. Zvichayno, є pozіnovuvachi mіtsnogo sіvtsya, said by a burning woman. People are also chatting, like they are zbudzhuyutsya in vіd vyshukanogo movnogo turnover. In order for you not to have mercy, it is necessary to simply listen to Yogo's everyday speech. Never forget about individuality.

It is a pity that no one has ever carried out an analysis of the effectiveness of various evocative phrases. And, of course, there are no statistical data, even more delicate food. You don’t make the same people, just like that, you don’t make the same universal viraz. To that I will bring deyakі apply the found and widest phrases, and you already virishish yourself, chi stinks of your partner.

    "I want you". I respect this phrase as an insane leader among the pairs of other phrases. Even those who can destroy the stronger, lower the width of the woman's bosom.

    "Take me." Let me tell you, that the phrase should be turned over, but let the ladies know that it is safe to say these words.

    I tell you. It’s not necessary to clarify the daily ones, it’s all about understanding yourself.

    "Keep me" - chic words, not only to destroy the building, but even more to the point.

    "Love, I'm yours." With this phrase, you are not less than your own bazhannya, but I feel your own, I trust that emotional closeness.

    "I can't get through the evening." Just a couple of years before the end of the working day, you will phone and say the following phrase - you will be safe for nothing.

You can strike Yogo on the spot, having reminded Yoma that he did not clothe the lower whiteness. The phrase itself has a blissful effect. Have a vipadku, schob correctly pick up the phrase, scho to your lad, you are guilty of orienting yourself in yoga interests and secret bajannyah.

To assess the effectiveness of proponing phrases, it is possible that you will be able to win more than one phrase. I think your gra is worthy of you, even though more people will be experimented with.

What should be unique

If you have known a person for a long time and are well oriented in yoga bazhann and similarities, then you will not be able to destroy yoga. But how to wake up in a new bazhanya with words, as if your girls were only picking up wrappers from their rose, more precisely, why didn’t they work?

    Unique smіh and fry at the moment of love vtih. Humor does not spriya zbudzhennyu! And having fired up on the topic of yoga statehood, you rhetoricize yoga for yourself once and for all.

    It is easy to zip the sex empty balachki. As if you only knew that you want yoga, but for the sprat of hvilin, already going to bed, you will voice that you don’t wash your wine after the evening with a plate - you can sip the evening.

    Zaporuka garny sex - more bajannya that love to your partner. Destroy a person with words - just do half the job, save the smut for addiction to other fates. Speak and do everything possible and necessary for the sake of your partner and by no means be his tough in a lie.

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