Damn zir! 'Esoteric causes of problems from dawn. Psychology of illness: Eyes (problems) A lesson in the life of filth zіr navіscho esoteric

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Marvel at the people respectfully and beware of the lady and everyone knows about her. Tse become unseen, less on equal footing, intuition. An evil person is good, greedy is rude, bad is reasonable, sick is healthy, happy is unfortunate - everything is written in her eyes. Look up to the looking-glass and five, ten minutes respectfully marvel at yourself in your eyes, penetrate your soul, and learn a lot of new things about yourself.

You have seen at least once on your own look at the restlessof people?

And try to explain it logically. From our eyes, there is a change of energy. Mi ochima literally chipaemo navkolishniy svit. For evil, angry, zadrіsnyh, greedy and resourceful people - from the eyes to come out astral disgust, brudna psychic energy, like a ruinous dіє on otochuyuchih. Vee, singly, bachili people with an important look. I remembered my own practice, that if a person can exert energy, mental strength, and if in the middle there are ruinous emotions, then she has a blockage of the channels of her eyes and a falling dawn, so that she does not look at her astral strikes. Yes, it’s understandable like “eyes of a kohannya”, or a loving look. If a person loves in the light of his eyes, everything is alive, like little kid. This is the best practice of resurrecting the dawn, if a person takes away all the aggression and begins to love the world of the world.

As a miserable grishish - Tim and sickness!

Just do an experiment now, give yourself a setup: "I s what moment only love can be seen through one’s own eyes. Let only pure energy come out of mine eyes, let only pure thoughts come out of my mind. And you sing, how your inner camp will change, how you will improve your zir, and you will notice that you are making positive energy, and gravitate towards you.

Another reason for the fall of the dawn is that it is pinched.cervical ridge. If you have problems out of the blue, you should definitely go to a good chiropractor, who will put you on the back of the neck. My practice has impersonal applications, if I straighten people's all backbones, I tuck them in, and after two whilins they start normal bachiti.

So, in the basis of bagatioh, the destruction of the dawn liesthe tension is that overvoltage of the psyche. The fact remains those who, if the psyche is strong, nothing can stop the eye. If the psyche is strained, nothing else can give the eyes a repair, the eyes, like any other organ, are the stars of the soul, in which they will get better. To that, everything that gives a mental repair, we will correct it for the eyes, and also for the sake of it. Relaxation is the secret to the normalization of rich functions. Engage in relaxation and remember the mindfulness, vibrating it, so that later we will call them again and again. To increase relaxation in style, in the way of one’s life, in a voice like a robot, so in a recompense, and you are changed, what happened to your eyes, as well as thoughts, remembrance, respect, mood and the whole organism.

People's eyes help to mutually influence with the necessary light and learn to appreciate the vlasnі vchinki, and at the same time the robot lie in the mislennya.

Sound the individual, which is put up to the point of being filthy, effectively start bachiti zhakhi, created in the head of a new one, so that karma and filthy zir are closely tied. If you have a lot of internal illnesses, if you talk about the obmezhenistvo having looked at the specialties, or about the її bajannya, you don’t marvel at the current problems and that’s the case.


Behind the creations of the image, I want to be careless about my right.

Astigmatism is characteristic of those who can strongly wipe the soul through other glances of life. Such individuals do not praise changes from the side easily. It is necessary to recognize the right to sharpen your mind and think differently.

Bilmo on oci (leucom)

What is the problem with vinyl s early century, then the reason for sin is from the past karmic recession. Such a person used to be a teacher, a kind of vir_znyavsya zhorstkoy vdacha. Possibly, taking revenge for the sake of his teachings, ignoring their creative energy, spitting it out.

So, in a moment, you should try to reconsider everything in your religious-pobutovіy philosophy, because you can’t have anything sane from real knowledge.


As the mucus surface of the eye begins to fester, the number of individuations anew has been brought to the filthy role of vikladach that mentor.

Obviously, such a person constantly sued for another look at the world, constantly spoke and herself suffered in the face of neohaynosti. Through a lot of students, they could not master those sciences directly, as they really stumbled upon them.


At the time of the ignition process in the middle of the century, the ailment is punished for the overdone boring process, the knowledge of the past life. It is obvious that the individual is dribbling and boring, constantly quarreling and momentarily roaming about any food that is not related to the topic of education.


This kind of zor destruction in the first half of life is connected with the deceit of their successors and those close to the past. Lyudina did not fall into the role of a mentor, she gave wrong reasons for the sake of some future self-perfection.

Myopia in the other half of life reflects the fear of the future. People should learn that they are under the protection of God. Often short-sightedness nazdoganaє pіdlіtkіv, like a grown-up life, and special features, obsessed with themselves and suffer from narrow horizons. We need to be vigilant for light and to marvel ahead with optimism.

Another problem occurs in people who are self-denying by the path of criticism, which leads to increased negativity in the form of sharpening in the chakra.

Sometimes short-eyedness is a legacy of passivity and nights, if people simply don’t marvel at the future, or wine is behind a long line of disappointments.


The high grip of the middle eye is swayed by the karmic borg, bound from strangulation and manipulation of other people in past reincarnations. Self-suffocating individuals often barking and screaming, ignoring the psyche of their students and bringing them to the point of roaring, watching when you get sick.

For example, glaucoma occurs in those who have accumulated image vantage. The pressure manifests itself through internal tensions, fear of turning around for support, attaching to the negative. To exalt, it is necessary to cleanse the energy system, relax with the help of dihal practices, yoga. It is necessary to say goodbye to the past and forgiveness. It is necessary to practice over the feelings of tenderness and love to the world.


As soon as the world dies only if there are other objects, the person was more greedy in the past life. Vіn pragnuv pіznannya, but without rowing illegal ways to wake up your future.

The far-sightedness of the young is the lack of physical awareness of the old, change in life, for the purpose of lyaking the people. Individuals far-sighted for a long time to think before decisions, to shy away on the chest.

Far-sightedness is closer to old age, it is a sign of human trafficking in the face of real activity.

It is necessary to make a cordon with light and change yourself at safety. Possibly, a person does not want to stick to what is being said.


Never separate the colors for the early pessimism of the big inside. The individual who was clearly at the vyaznitsa was a soldier of the underground, to which the whole world was monotonous.


As if the occult crystal started calamity not in summer, the person was more emotional in the past life, and it respected her teachers of other people. In case of tsomu vіn buv hromadsky dіyachem chi politician, mav high rіven vіdpovіdalnostі, z іndivіd i didn't fit.

In the middle of the century, the disease develops through the carelessness of marveling at one's failures, through the fear of being separated from one's hopes. For example, cataracts appear in life, if a person stops joking with joy in his heart. As if you were programming yourself for death and your old age, the suffering begins to come to the middle, and the body itself aggravates ailments. It is also important for such an individual to think about the nourishment of eternity of life in order to calm himself.


If the horn of the eye appears shy to the fuse process, the life has passed in the soul of a man with a suvor. Imovirno, the specialty of the robot is small, the great power of innovation and it was done fast.

Being a guardian and a good watcher, an individual constantly respected people and brought them to tears.


Fires of burning on the apple of the eye and povikah are connected with a pardoning behavioral strategy in the past reincarnation. The person constantly portrayed someone to be popular, fought and hysteria, if it didn’t follow her scenario.

Tsya ailment can be the result of podіy, yakі shouted anger, and now you are in the middle of sitting fear zatknutissya with such a situation again. A person with such a problem has little life energy, they don’t have to shed light on evil and good.

In the other half of life, the eyes are burned and it is more dry to talk about hatred, images, angry thoughts. Aggression of a person is directed directly at her. This is often trapleyaetsya, if the individual is trying to inspire someone of evil.

The exultation of the conjunctivitis is the recognition of love for oneself and the search for harmony in the soul.


The reason for the nasty dawn through the specific position of the apples of the eyes is an internal cognitive dissonance. Ailments are often formed in children, if the father's super-elegant behavior leads to a whole picture of the world. The slant-eyed, scho disperse - exotropia - indicates the fear of getting to know the streaming reality here and now.

The fight against the skewed eye is growing for the peace of mind and the awareness of the need to look at the world. It is necessary to make love for yourself and learn how to make a visnovka about the problem on your own.

Vіdsharuvannya sіtkіvki

Progressive blindness is associated with the transfer of dark knowledge to the past instilled. So a person in the status of a teacher could not give systematic knowledge to everyone, but only saw information in parts.

In the stream of life, karma can also give a forgiveness to the dawn of pardon. Zokrema, as if a person zhorstly assessed other people's vchinki, was intelligent and unimportant, then she could begin to see the sitkivka.


Given the ailment, a clear sign of evil looking at the world. Possibly, a person will approach the address of a specific unkind person. The situation is being corrected more than forgiveness. So barley z'yavlyaєtsya in the case of emotional peculiarities, not old enough to take a picture of what you see. Such people fight through vіdminnі points of dawn, they need to develop tolerance.

Karma and filthy zіr - closely po'yazanі speech, yakі stіyno vіdsilayut people to її priynyattya svіtu.

It is not possible to think to marvel at reality, as it does not fit. Change the point of the dawn of life and your own place with them, and the ailment of the eyes will pass.

When you have a seat, you can use contact lenses or wear eyepieces. You may also be asked for a medical correction. But why sir psuetsya? After reading about the ten most widespread reasons, you recognize that the problems in the sky can be no less than physical nature.

According to WHO data, as of today, over 285 million people in the whole world may have those other problems out of sight - from short-haired and far-sighted to total blindness.

Greater vipadkіv zarushennya do not add up to serious transitions for life and work. 43% of all vision problems are short-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism, which are corrected by additional eyepieces and contact lenses.

Prote official statistics confirm that 80% of all damages can be forged.

Filthy zіr: causes. Medicine or psychology?

The camp of our body without intermediary engagements from the psychic sphere. The human organism is not a single entity, in which it is mentally and physically intertwined with each other.

So, just as the state of physical health is infused into the mental state, psychological problems can appear less on the level of the body.

Problems are out of the blue, even if the stench does not have genetic causes, so, in other words, they are connected with folds in the mental life of a person.

The problem lies in the fact that it is medically easy to use when manifesting ailments physically, just as the right reason for the vindication of illness is lost. As a result, you can become ill, or it’s nasty to succumb to bliss.

Working with a psychologist allows you to identify the correct reason for the deterioration of the dawn and put it down.

Symptom may mean: what does the disease indicate?

What is the purpose of zir? Vidpovidey may be impersonal. The lowering of the dawn is the only test to adapt to the situation that has developed, in a sense to protect people, to surround them with traumatic experiences. Let's take a look at the possible causes of short and long-term growth, as well as other damage.

In all of these behaviors, the symptom is that the respect of the person is important and that it is a perfect culmination.

Like psuєtsya zіr, it is necessary to respectfully look at the problem, as if showing illness, and to know the effective її virishennya.

De shukati cause problems іz zor?

Lost in the dawn can be astounded by the special history of a person, so by the history of this family.

Our life is the continuation of the life of our ancestors. From generation to generation, generation after generation, the same information about life and the dosvid of the past is passed on.

This dosvіd vengeance is no less likely to come out of twisted situations, which our ancestors learned. At the same time, we are passed on to us those problems, with which we could not get into trouble. Tsі problems lie learn to virishuvati us - the ninth generation.

On the other hand, on equal strategic behavior and unrecognized experiences, we also take into account the memory of traumatic losses, important shares, unfulfilled dreams, unrealized dreams ...

Everything is different in a different way and it is manifested in one’s life.

As a part of this, we are inextricably linked with our loved ones. The camp of one member of the sіm'ї vplivaє іnshih. We may be able to pour one on one and help one on one. Sometimes our help helps in that we take on some of the problems of Kohan people. In some cases, additional help is manifested in the fact that it will vikonate later. For example, create an unknown dream close to your own wet life.

So chi іnakshe, a person can not be virvana from the context, he can be seen with his relatives and his kind. To this, not all problems in life are explained by a special psychological camp or a special history.

If you have lost your fat, you will need to propagate eyepieces or lenses, or the road to medical correction. However, the cause of the illness can be z'yasuvati, put down and forever get rid of problems from dawn. Let's take a closer look, which is the most common way to cause problems from dawn.

Reason 1. Bad luck

At the infamous rozumіnі, be it like a lost dawn - tse saw that the unfamiliar bazhanya did not omit something important in life. At tsomu sensi problems zі zorom - tse nesvidoma try to defend against nadto strong experiences chi nadmіrno important podіy.

Problems out of the blue can be overcome as special difficulties, and also under the influence of their ancestors. Sometimes, the important story of the life of one of the relatives is also signified in the coming generations.

The blame for problems from a distance can be caused by the same with “excluded” shares, then with these people, the reasons for which have been mentioned in the family, for some reason, they could be slandered or zamochuvalos (for the partners; spent the hour of the war close; children, in the presence of ї chi children at home).

Reason 2. Fence marvel at shchos

Have you been afraid of the wonder of the cinema with erotic scenes in childhood? Links in psychology are non-linear. Sometimes such an impeccably correct part of the father turns around, for example, in a girl who does not accept her own womanhood and impossibility to marvel at this problem. Fences can be tied to the entrapment of singing information, rubbish, guilt, fear in the family system.

Falls to alcoholism, violence in the family, stealing, for the sake of - all those who are locked up, everything that you can’t “marvel at”, it’s too early to know your own, having shown in our life the life of our loved ones.

Reason 3. Fear

If fear has big eyes, it’s better for us to flatten our eyes more often, so that we don’t sway the licking steps.

We can turn around in important paths, as if we were already trapping. And krim tsgogo, we can see the fear of the future. Vision of prospects, lack of self-esteem, lakayucha self-reliance - you can bring to the development of short-growth to other damaged dawns.

Reason 4. Bill

Parts of welding in the family, traumatic experience, separation of self-reliance, grief, waste and waste - it is necessary to have a lot of masculinity and strength, so that you don’t turn around in such spirits, stare at them.

Reason 5. Anger

A lot of socially unimportant feelings, and especially anger, are disdained. Feel free to feel, as a rule, to know your own appearance in bodily symptoms. If you are angry, your eyes and voices sound. A short-sighted person to merge, in a sense, repeating the facial expressions of a person who was angry.

To suffocate anger to produce a lot of podіy from sim'ї. By itself, anger is even more strongly felt, to that humiliation, guilt can be transferred from the next generation.

For example, our grandmothers and children often lived in a harsh patriarchal way of life. For women in such families, anger sometimes accumulates in fates. Tse almost deeply respected, zaminyuyuchis on a trip about family and love to their loved ones. But once, in a decade, anger can be known to be gone, and in one or two generations to show yourself, to work through problems out of sight.

Reason 6

In a far, far away childhood, the skin of us lies: if you flatten your eyes, you will not be seen by the restless. It’s scary, it’s nasty, it’s like you’re screaming and you feel like you’re occupied, you can get married - and ... that’s all. You don't care. One day the faith to know one's own manifestation and in a mature age is like a lowered dawn.

Reason 7

Batkivsky set up - the greatest power of us, like to rule our lives. "Learn from my eyes", "Not a callus of the eye", "I will renew my eyes to the bay", "I'd rather be blind, so that I don't bachit just that!" - usі tsі words are not obov'yazkovo may be put before us without a middle.

Like, for example, they seem to be mothers of fathers, a child with great love to tat, dumb people out of solidarity, maybe it’s almost impossible to win over mother’s “zaviti”. The most important child’s temperament in family weldings is on the side of a weak, accused side, in order to upset the balance of the family.

Reason 8

- Look, I'll hit you again!

- Ta nі, vіn vipadkovo. Vin just got into the robot. Win me to love.

Embellishing those that seem, or idealizing yoga, people can not omit the obvious speeches. In order to wake up the card house of your fantasies, to bring yourself to speak out of evidence, not to touch the real aspects of action.

Reason 9. The need to look at yourself

Short-sightedness, like the impossibility of moving far away from objects, can instruct us on the need to respect our inner light. Why is such a need for a viklikana - an overworld orientation on otochyuyuchih, unfulfilled need for more - can be done in an individual work with a psychologist.

Reason 10

If short-sightedness does not take our respect for ourselves, the causes of far-sightedness can, if necessary, take a look at those who are near, think about the future, be focused on your goals. You can figure out what the symptom itself suggests to you by going back to the psychologist.

Sometimes the cause of a nasty dawn can be explained by the method of systemic arrangements.

People themselves create their own ailments, and only then can they heal themselves. Cause sickness in ourselves and so:

a) unreasonable mark, sensation and recognition of one’s life;

b) unreasonable and unreasonable laws of nature, the All-world;

c) the presence of the presence of the presence and the presence of the evil, aggressive thoughts, feelings of that emotion.

Ill people and their psychological change of mind.

The ailment is a signal about the destruction of jealousy, harmony from the All-world. The ailment is the reflection of our pernicious thoughts, our behavior and our thoughts, to be a light-gazer. Tse pіdsvіdomy zakhist of ourselves in view of our ruinous behavior and thoughts. Ailment of a person - this is a person, for example, a ailment of a light-gazer. Otzhe, schob to vilіkuvat ailment, it is necessary to change your svetoglyad.

A lot of people, if their organism is aware of the pain, will hurry up and get in touch with her for help "enchanting", "in the form of a mustache filthy ryatuyuchy", її greatness - pills.

We "never" wonder about the causes of the blamed problems in the body, and the deacons simply do not want to know the pain. Really, you need to be patient, how can you just “clean up”, “strangle”, “destroy” yoga!? It is enough to know that you have had enough sickness. And the reason is most often left unresolved.

Among the causes of various illnesses, besides other unfavorable factors, we call psychological peculiarities. Be it a sickness to serve as a signal of some kind of destruction in the system, which will drive the mind, body and emotions. The causal and hereditary link between the psychology of a particular person and somatic illnesses is known, ale wines of mediation, ambiguous and does not contribute to the elementary scheme. You can learn about the theory of psychology of body ailments.

Causes of sickness are pointed out - just feel that they are deeply experienced in the middle. For some kind of ailment, there are a few options - it means that the data of the old storied people are resurrected (otherwise, it’s just stink to talk about those same in different terms). The table is called to help traditional medicine, but not to replace it.

For people who try to find the cause of illnesses, we make a list of those causes of illness on the mental plane. Ale tse zovsіm does not mean that you are not guilty of turning to fahіvtsya. Deyakі zahvoryuvannya may fold the warehouse that gliboke "korіnnya", as you can recognize only fahіvets! The list is made for mental analysis and reflection on the "standard" of one's foundation - the spiritual principles of life.

Table vzaimozv'yazkіv somatic zahvoryuvannya and psychological rethinking.

The main emotions that lead to illness: zadrіst, anger, fear, confusion, self-consciousness. Enough to resurrect these emotions for a complete recovery of the soul and body. Take care of yourself, so that such emotions do not in any way blame your mind, and do not strangle them. Suppression of emotions = sickness.

List of illnesses, ailments of organs, parts of the body and systems of the human organism.
Possible mental causes of illness and shock. Additional and supplementary materials by Louise Hay and Volodymyr Zhikarentsev

1. Abscess, abscess, boil. Ludin is praised by thoughts about evil, like you have been hit, about disrespect that place.

2. Adenoids. They swear in the face of sadness, or they will burn in the face of humiliation. Family grating, super girls. Inodi - the presence of a childish sense of negligence.

3. Addison's disease - (div. Adrenal's disease) supra-nirkov's insufficiency. Strong lack of emotional support. Anger at yourself.

4. Adrenaline ailments - ailments of supra-nipple ulcers. Astonishment. Disgusting dbati about himself. Anxiety, anxiety.

5. Alzheimer's disease - a kind of senile bewilderment, which manifests itself as total dementia with a progressive breakdown of memory and cortical middle disorders. (Div. so feeble-mindedness itself, old age, decrepitude).
Bazhannya deprive this planet. Nezdatnіst marvel in the guise of life such as it is. Vіdmova vzaєmodіyati zі svіtom such, yakim vіn є. Hopelessness is that hopelessness. Anger.

6. Alcoholism. Confusion gives rise to alcoholism. Feel like marnosti, empty, blame, inconsistency in the world. Lock yourself up. Alcoholics are people who do not mind being aggressive and zhorstok. The stench wants to be happy and bring joy to others. The stench is joking the easiest way in the face of life's problems. Being a natural product - alcohol is a viable cob.

Vin gives people what they need. Vіn for the next hour virіshuє problems, scho stingy on the soul, znіmaє z feeding the strain. Alcohol is bare as a right person. Acoholism enters, as if looking at a new one with kindness and love. Alcoholism is the fear of not loving me. Alcoholism destroys the physical body.

7. Allergic visipka on the face. Lyudina is humbled by him, because against his will everything became obvious. Here it is, kindly and fairly, I belittle the people of the floor, who have no strength to endure.

8. Allergy.
A ball of love, fear and anger that got entangled. Who do you not tolerate? Fear of anger - fear that anger will lead to a kohanna. This is the reason for the anxiety that panic and the aftermath of allergy.
- For grown-ups - the body loves a person and supports the improvement of the emotional state. It’s obvious that you don’t want to perish in cancer. I can see you.
- on the wool of creatures - under the hour of pregnancy, the mother experienced a perelyak chi її angered, otherwise mothers do not like creatures.
- On a flower nail file (sinna lihomanka) - a child is afraid that he should not let him in at the door and becomes angry, for a grown-up - cover up in a tie with a fluke in nature or in the village.
- On the fish - a person does not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of others, a protest against self-sacrifice. In a child, it is like a father to sacrifice himself and his own family for the benefit of the soul.

Zarechennya power. Protest against chogos, scho lack the ability to speak.

9. Amenorrhea - the duration of the regular stretch is 6 months and more in children aged 16-45.
(Div. Zhіnochі problems, Menstrual problems, vіdsutnіst (change) of monthly) Nebazhannya be a woman, dislike for yourself.

10. Amnesia is a frequent occurrence of memory. Fear. Vtecha vіd life. Unhappiness stand up for yourself.

11. Anaerobic infection. A person is very soulful to fight for those who want to break free, to break free from her. The rot itself is straight to the door, joking out. Anaerobic infection does not scurry out of the way, and without sourness builds up the wound. The wider the cavity of the disease, the more real the infection of the blood.

12. Angina, purulent tonsillitis.
Strongly perekonannya, you can’t raise your voice at the defenders of your eyes and ask to satisfy your needs. You are embarrassed by rude words. Look at the uncertainty to yourself.
- bark yourself for others,
- pіdsvіdoma image on yourself,
- the child has problems in the minds of the fathers, - the distance of the migdaliks - the father's bazhannya, that the child heard the great and sensible grown-ups,
- Migdaliki є vukhami razozumіlosti, - words that do not know, no longer accept. Vіdteper be-yak image cultivating yogo zarozumіlіlі - it. Vin can feel to himself - heartless. It’s not easy for Yogo to dance to dance to someone else’s tune. If it happens, then other tissues of the larynx are affected.

13. Anemia - a change in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
Vision of joy in life. Fear of life. It seems that there is not enough garni for the necessary light.

14. Anorexia is a waste of appetite.
Nebazhannya life flickering life. For a person, it’s fair and right to think and make decisions - they themselves impose their will. Chim weaker will to life, Tim weaker appetite. Zha - a factor that continues like a life and mental anguish. Self-hatred is that self-hatred. Manifestation of extreme fear. The ban on life itself.

15. Enuresis.
At night, there is no strife among children - the mother’s fear for a person is transmitted to the child when they look at the fear for the father, and blocked by fear, the nirki can scream and beat their work more sleep. Denne untrimantly sich - the child is afraid of the father, through those who are too evil and suvory.

16. Anuria - pripinennya nadhodzhennya sich to sich mihur due to impaired blood flow in the nirks, diffuse damage to the parenchyma or obstruction of the upper sich passages.
Lyudina does not want to give free rein to the bitter taste of the unknown bazhan.

17. Anus -
- abscess - the rage of a hundredth of that, for which you do not want to speak.
- bіl - sorry, not good enough.
- Sverblyachka - feel sorry for the past, prove your conscience, kayattya.
- fistula - continue to cling to the past for the past.

18. Apathy. Opir pochuttyam, muffled his self.

19. Apoplexy, attack. Vtecha vіd sim'ї, vіd yourself, life.

20. Appendicitis. Underestimation in a deaf situation, when tested with a litter and underestimated from its drive, the worm-like growth bursts and causes peritonitis. Zupinka stream of goodness.

21. Apetite (snack likeness).
Nadmirny - the need of the defenders.
Vtrata - zahist to yourself, distrust to life.
Appetite to other losses and products of guilt, as if exercising to compensate for the lack of energy. Vіn mіstіt іnformаtsiyu pro those scho scho u vіdbuvaєtsya:
- if you want sour - you will need a bit of forgiveness,
- licorice - you have a great fear, the calmness of licorice calls out to me, I seem to be calm,
- Potyag until meaty - You are embittered, and anger can only be instilled by me,
The skin stress has its own amplitude of colivannya, and in the skin grub product, the strains have their own, if the stench escapes, then the need of the body is satisfied.
- to love - to recount your pardons, then commemorate the pardons of others,
- not to love - if you want to know the truth, let yourself be greedy. Vin is sooner fit for the truth, lower for licorice nonsense,
- do not tolerate - do not tolerate nonsense,
- overdoing it - because of that, the truth is not being checked.
- to love - to love the peace of mind, in the name of which it was reported to them, - not to love - do not miss apathy, nor peace of mind, be afraid of passivity, idleness, lazy nights,
- do not tolerate - do not tolerate baiduzhostі, lanoshchiv, instill peace of mind, if you want, so that life was in full swing,
- to love fresh fish - if you want to live quietly in the world, so that no one has chipped and he himself has not turbulent others,
- to love salted riba - b'є to himself with a fist at his chest and declares: "Os vin, a good person." Strength increases rіshuchіst, vpevnіnіst іn аbі.
- it’s not enough - a person has a brighter light, and a more blessed one,
- p'є rich - light for the new rhetoric and ignorance, prote prihilny і good-natured.
Energy of current products:
- song m'yaso - honestly exclaimed anger,
- fatter meat - taєmna pіdla anger,
- cereals - vіdpovidalnіst before the world,
- life - interest in understanding the deep wisdom of life,
- wheat - interest to touch the superficial wisdom of life,
- rice - more precisely balanced thoroughly
- corn - easier to take off all kinds of life,
- barley - self-singing,
- oats - good knowledge, tsіkavіst,
- potatoes - seriousness,
- carrot - funnyness,
- cabbage - heartiness,
- brukva - pull up to know,
- beetroot - vminnyuvaty eloquently folded speech,
- ogirok - languor, mrіylivist,
- tomato - faith in yourself,
- peas - a logical thought,
- tsibulya - vyznannya vlasnyh pardons,
- a watchmaker - self-indulgence,
- apple - voluptuousness,
- krip - tolerance and vitrimka,
- lemon - critical mind,
- banana - lightness,
- grapes - joy,
- egg - sip to perfection,
- honey - gives a thorough maternal love and warmth, mute maternal hugs.

22. Arrhythmia. Fear of being blamed.

23. Arteries and veins. They bring joy to life. The arteries are symbolically sympathetic to the woman, who often gets sick in people. Every day you sleep with people, often you get sick with women.
Artery ailments in people - embitterment through those women who poke their noses into the economy.
Gangrene - a person barks at himself for stupidity, fearfulness and bezporadnist.
Expansion of the veins of people - vvazhaє gospodarskuyu side of his obov'yazkom, scho constantly turbulent through the family budget.
Virazka shkiri - a warrior bajannya cholovіka shake right with his fists.
A trophic virazka is a visible pipe in the reservoir of anger, so anger does not vibrate the virazka does not vibrate, it will not help and grow a diet.
Expansion of the veins in women - the accumulated problems of the state in themselves, which shout out anger.
Inflammation of the veins - aggressiveness on the economic problems of a person and a person.
Inflammation of the arteries - aggression on the woman herself through economic problems.

24. Asthma. Prignіchene bajannya cry. Strangled, soulful feeling.
Fear of not loving me calls out I need to stifle my panic anger, do not protest, then love the secret fear, suffocation, and as a last resort - asthma.
The child is the fear of life, in this case, it feels like oppression, it’s oppressive crying, it’s almost like love is oppressed, the child is afraid of life, and I don’t want to live anymore. The elders cover the soul of the child with their anxieties, fears, and disappointments.

25. Atelectasis - the decline of the entire lung in the first part of the lungs due to impaired ventilation, caused by obturation of the bronchus with a clear leg.
Walk through the turmoil through the inevitable lack of strength to fight for your freedom.

26. Atherosclerosis.
- Zhorstkі nezlamnі yavlennya, povna vpevnіnіst іn іt's right, impossibility to open doors for the new.
- Possibly, ridge, what did you ask.
- old bewilderment - a man of an easy life, attracts people, until his mind degrades to a equal idiot.

27. Atrophy of m'yaziv. div. M'yazova atrophy.

28. Bacteria.
- Streptococcus pyogenes - buzuvirsk bazhannya raising someone without rights to a bitch, the realization of their unbearable humiliation. - in. Beta-hemolytic streptococci (Sanginosus) - growing similarly to the ninth wave of viklik tim, who will let you (live for evil to you) - Arcanobacterium haemolyticum to take revenge.

29. Stegna.
Virazhayut the life of the master's stamina chi mіtsnіst, virility, strength, effervescence, generosity, pride. Carry in your own great faith in Russia forward.
Problems with stegami: - fear of going forward with boldness, there is nothing to be done, how long it would take to go. - a turning point - it’s more folded, so you’ve got thoughts about the future. - m'yasistіst - fear and prikrosti z drive your life's stamina.

30. Childlessness. (Freedom.)
- Fear that opir is a hundred times the process of life. Vіdsutnіst need to go through the dosvіd batkіvstva.
- Fear of appearing childless, causing you to break down in the robots of the ovaries and clitina itself, if you don’t know anything.
- The children of the new hour want to come to their world without stress, but do not correct the pardons of their fathers, because them (children) - the stink is already acquired and I don’t want to repeat the stink. Zhіntsi, yak do not have children, first for all it is necessary to conduct an audit of their stosunkіv with mother, and then mother and father. Understand and understand stresses, live in them, work through them, and ask for forgiveness from your future child.
- It’s possible, if you don’t have a spirit, if you have demanded that body, otherwise you won’t come, to that:
1. - you don’t blame your mother for a filthy one, 2. - you can love your mother even as a spirit; 3. - I don’t want to be blamed, 4. - I don’t want to be born with my mother, so I don’t believe that the child has wisdom and the strength of the people in the hands, , shallow injuries, then) you can improve your life.

31. Anxiety, anxiety. Undoubtedly, as the flow of life develops.

32. Sleeplessness. Undoubted to life. Guilt.

33. Tale, hydrophobia. Faith in those that violence is the only solution. Anger.

34. Diseases of the veins and arteries. Zvinuvachennya cholovikіv chi zhіnok vіdpovіdno through zbіy at the gospodarskih pravakh.

35. Intestinal ailments. Blame similarly to the ailment of the sich mihur.

36. Alzheimer's disease.
Brain display. Ailment of vanity. Blaming people, as if they were repeating their emotions, absolutizing the potential of their brain. Blame the quiet, from whom it is alive to take away maximalistically, and also to know that for the taking away it is necessary to increase the potential of one’s mind.

37. Pain trivaly, dull. Zhaga Kokhannya. Zhaga, let them take you.

38. Bill. Guilt. Guilt always shukaet early.
Gostriy bіl, gostra zlіst - shoyno htos rozlyutiv.
Stupid bіl, stupid anger - almost like bezporadnosti z drive realization of their anger.
Bіl, scho to drill, sverblyacha anger - I would like to take revenge, but I can’t.
Chronic bіl, dovgotrivala anger - a stronger chi weakened the pain to tell about the rush of chi in the anger.
Raptovy bіl - raptov anger.
Headache, anger through those who don’t love me, hate me, everything is not the way I want.
Belly at the stomach - anger is connected with dominion over oneself or over others.
Bіl at the feet - anger is connected with the provadzhennyam of robots, otrimannyam or vitrachannyam pennies - gospodarskimi problems.
Bill at the knees - anger, that you move forward.
Bіl at vsomu tіlі - anger against everything, because everything is not the way I want.
Bіl іt іѕ mієї sіdіt аbоut thе critical growth ієї іїї character: - forehead - prudence, - ochі - clarity, - vuha - pomp, - nіs - arrogance, - slits - vanity.

39. Sores, wounds, virazki. Non-violence called anger.

40. Warts.
Small words of hatred. Vira Vlasna dissimilarity.
- on the bottom - anger from the drive of the very foundations of your mind. The death is a bit like frustration somehow possible.

41. Bronchitis.
The atmosphere in Sim'ї is haunted. Welding, super girls, that husky. Sometimes boiling in the middle.
- At the same time, znevira, anxiety, that is, in the form of life.
- Almost love is pinched, gnіtyuchі problems vzaєmin іz matіr'yu chi with a person.
- Who feels guilty and whimpering at the sight of ringing.

42. Bulimia.
Nevgamovny hunger. (Pathologically stronger appetite.) - a need to go through life with noise.
- bajannya zavoloditi ilusory future, which really looks like an ogid.

43. Bursitis - inflammation of the synovial bag of snow. Bazhanna beat someone. Suppression of anger.

44. Vaginitis - inflamed pikhvi. Sexy guilt. Punish yourself. Anger at a person, partner.

45. Venereal diseases.
Sexy guilt. The need for punishment. The thoughts of the one who is the body of the sin. An image, a filthy reason for other people.

46. ​​Vision of varicose veins. (vuzluvato - expanded.)
Knowing the situation, you hate yaku. Zanepad spirit, zbentezhenist. Seeing that they overrode that overwhelmed.

47. Vaga is transcendental.
Need a zahist. Vtecha vіd pochutіv. Feeling a little safe, swearing to yourself, looking for self-realization.

48. Vilochkova zoloza - an organ of immunity.
At the child: - Zamala - the fathers are afraid that they won’t see anything. What is the strongest fear, what is the strongest spasm.
- strongly zbіlshena - firm natіlіnіst batkіv іn thаt chіtіnі for bіkіnu сіnu ає ає ає ає ає ає home аnd іt's already to the term hіzuєєє themselves.
- є majestic formless mass - batkіvskie ambitions like a child of the world, ale not clear.
In a grown-up person: Lyudina knows the fault and calls herself.
- a change in the thymus ridge shows that it’s wrong for people to tarnish the law and cause that legacy.
- Rososerezhennya behind the lymphatic system - misleading causes and effects.
І lymphatic system should be brought to liquidation of the legacy with sub-energy.

49. Viral infection.
- Rhinovirus - the most common method through your pardons.
- Coronavirus - thoughts, what to induce zhah, from the drive of their pardons.
- Adenovirus - a messy mess, which is dictated by the exercises of the robit and the impossibility of being able to, the exercise of spokutuvat your pardon.
- influenza A and B - rozpach through impossibility to correct your pardons, depression, do not worry.
- Paramyxovirus - the ability to correct your pardons in one fell swoop, knowing what is impossible.
- herpes - pragnennya reshape the world, self-flagellation through the evil of evil, a little more viable through yoga vikorinennya.
- Coxsackievirus A - a bug, even if it is difficult to get away from your pardons.
- The Epstein-Barr virus is a game of generosity in the presence of great opportunities in the sky, which will not be accepted, instantly dissatisfied with oneself, shtovhannya people beyond the borders of the possible. Designing the mustache of the inner lining. (stress virus).
- Cytomegalovirus - we are aware of the destruction of anger at the rainy lack of water and enemies, the need to erase everything and everything to powder, not the realization of hatred.
- SNID - shalene nebazhannya buti n_kchemnistyu.

50. Vitiligo - depigmented flame.
Look, you are changing your posture with speeches. Chi is not related to anything. Do not enter until the next group.

51. Pozamatkova vagіtnіst.
Vinicate, if the woman does not tell the child to have a child without a kim. She has to speak motherly jealousy, to oppose the one who has fallen on a child.

52. Dropsy, swollen. Why or whom do you not want to pozbutisya?

53. Dropsy of the brain. Mother child picks up in her own unbearable tears and embarrassment at the drive of what you don’t love, don’t understand, don’t misbehave, that everything is not the way you want. A child can be born already with dropsy.

54. Century problems. Vira in society. Old miser. What moment is blocked. Poboyuvannya buti chimos I.

55. Puhiri, water bulbs. The appearance of an emotional outburst. Opir.

56. Hairiness. Bazhannya ringing. Often є nebazhannya pіzhivlyuvat yourself. Anger, what a cover-up.

57. Hair siwa. Perevtomy, stress. Vira in a vice and tension.

58. Vovchak, tuberculosis shkiri. An act, a leader's struggle, for the sake of one's interests. Rather die, anіzh stand up for yourself.

59. Burning. Ignite the mind. Zbudzhene mislennya.

60. Ignition of sich mihur. People feel humbled through the roses that have accumulated.

61. Vision. Tears come from the fact that a person does not take away from the life of what he wants.
Sweat - to bring out the body in the largest number of times, see malice. Behind the smell of sweat, you can tell the character of a person.
Slina - vkazuє those, like a person reach their goals. Fear of life on the right hanging company. The rise of the slumber seeps in a hurry to get rid of their problems. People want to spit through the filthy moods.
Mucus from the nose - anger through images. Chronic undead - the camp of permanent imagery.
Sneezing - a test of the body sharply splashed out of itself, including the leaders of others.
Phlegm - tse anger on skiglі and skiglіїv, as well as on the connection with them with problems.
Vomiting is a guide to life. Anger against the atrocities of others, and so on. against the oppressive wickedness.
Gnіy - accompanying anger, viklikan bezporadnіstyu and powerlessness - downplayed anger. Tse fortune-telling anger, viklikana dissatisfied lives vzagali.
State secretion - zhorstok_st pov'yazane z statevy lives.
- trichomoniasis - angry anger of the light, - gonorrhea - gloomy anger of the belittled, - chlamydia - great anger, - syphilis - the anger of spending your life.
Shelter - symbolically shows the anger of fighting, vengeful anger. Zhaga take revenge on the way out.
The slaughter - from it, roses are born, tied to the lives of feelings.
- acid m. - a person is no longer able to tolerate ringing.
- Belok at the m. - The greatest anger is more likely to blame that ringing, the body has reached the physical crisis.
Kal - to be shown roses tied with a willful sphere.

62. Wikiday. Vagіtnіst is interrupted, if: - the child is wise, її not to love, and all the new and new vantage doti is called on her, the docks of the transition of the critical boundary do not vimagaє, so that the spirit is good. Can you tolerate skils?
If a woman from turbot that love dedicates herself to the preservation of pregnancy, then she will be deprived of a child.
But if the fear of the child and the guilt of the guilty ones reach out to the frontal stresses, then there is no way to help. Fear blocks the nadirkovі zaloza, and the child dies, better to drink, less to live such a life.
Rich, forcibly saving vagity with no stress on the result gives abnormal canopies and sickness to the child.
- Ridge prosiv. The 4th transverse ridge provides energy for the mother-baby colossus. The uterus is the organ of motherhood. Stress mothers and її daughters - future mothers - to tighten the uterus, positive energy collapses, and the uterus is not able to save the pregnancy.
- as if asking the 4th transverse ridge, during the hour of the vagity it does not protect you; under the hour of a gentle transition to the exit of the fetus.

63. Ghazi, flatulence. Chi is not over-etched ideas, thoughts. Squeezing.

64. Maxillary sinuses. A place of energy, pride in oneself.

65. Gangrene. Feel free to drown in the trashy thoughts. Mental problems.

66. Gastritis. Trival innocence, insignificance. Feels like rock.

67. Hemorrhoids - expansion of the veins of the lower rectum.
Feel hard. Fear of letting the process in. Fear of a fenced boundary, boundary. Wrath of the past.

68. Genitals, state organs. (Establish the human and female principle.)
- Problems, genital ailments - anxiety, what is not good enough or good.

69. Huntington's chorea is a chronically progressive disease characterized by an increase in choreic hyperkinesis and bewilderment.
(Chorea - shvidki, bezladnі, violent ruhi of various m'yaziv.) Feel hopelessness. Bewildered, bewildered, that you cannot change others.

70. Hepatitis. The liver is a place for spreading anger and fierceness. Anger, hatred, opir change.

71. Gynecological illness. In innocent girls and old people, they talk about the unimportant promotion to a human status and a status life. I microbes, which linger peacefully by the body, transform into pathogens and diseases.

72. Gynecology. The woman is not able to govern in a womanly way. Get involved in a person in a good way, condescendingly, restlessly, show distrust towards a person, humiliate a person, respect yourself as strong for a person.

73. Hyperactivity. Feel what to squeeze on you and what you are crazy about.

74. Hyperventilation - stronger breathing. Failure to process. Opir change.

75. Hyperglycemia - increased amount of blood sugar. (div. diabet.)
Ignorance by the burden of life. Whose trouble is it?

76. Hypophysis - specializes the center of control.
Puhlina, inflammation of the brain, ailment Itsenka - Cushing. Visibility of mental zeal. Perevirobnitstvo of poor, over-important ideas. Feels like overpowered.

77. Eyes - make the building clear in the past, today, tomorrow.
Vibrate the camp of the liver, as if it is the heart of anger and anger, and the eyes are the same place, which causes confusion. Whoever calms his anger, more simply makes him happy, the one who baked his soul for more baked pay, he blames aggressiveness.
- the birth of evil - the purposefulness of anger is recognized - the ill-health of the eyes.
- Vision of pus - skrivdzhenist on primus.

78. Ochnі ailments, problems z ochima.
Do not fit those who are in good hands.
Blame if the sum does not wiggle around. To him, the eyes are ill like a quiet one, who is constantly crying, so in a quiet one, who does not cry at all. If people correct their eyes for those who can't see them alone, the foundation of eye illness is laid.
Vtrata dawn - viniknennya in the memory of that scrolling of some filthy pods.
The cost of the dawn was caused to the old people - the unsatisfactory bachiti of the drіvlіvі dribnіtsі of life. A person who has grown old, thank you for those great things that are broken or reached in life.
- astigmatism - restlessness, lamentation, anxiety. Fear really indulge yourself.
- bіlmo on otsі, squint, scho disperse, - fear to marvel at right here.
- short-sightedness - fear of the future.
- glaucoma - unforgivable unforgiveness, a squeeze in the pain, which has long passed, wounds. A sickness, tied up with confusion. Together with a headache - the process of reducing sadness.
- congenital - the mother of the hour of pregnancy had a chance to go through a lot of confusion. Її strongly imaged, but she clenched her teeth and endured everything, but she couldn’t work. Sorrow lingered in her until she was pregnant, and in her hour she attracted injustice to herself, because she suffered and became vengeful. Vaughn attracted to her a child with an identical mentality, whose borg karmi took away the ability to calm down. Perepovnennya that strangled cym.
- far-sightedness - fear of today.
- Katracta - nezdatnіst marvel forward with joy. Maybutne cover with mud.
- conjunctivitis - discord. an accident, a rose, whatever you marvel at in life.
- Conjunctivitis hostria, infectious, erysipelas - discord, nebazhannya bachiti.
- skewness (div. Keratitis) - nebazhannya bachiti those who are there. Tsili, scho crossed.
- dry eyes - vіdmova bachiti, vіdchuvati almost love. I would have died sooner, if I had passed through. Lyudina is evil, shy, unkind.
- barley on the otsі - a look at the life of the eye with anger. Anger someone. Problems of the eyes of children are the unsatisfactory problems of those that are experienced by them.

79. Worms.
- Enterobiasis - gostriki. The presence of drіbnih zhorstokikh podstupіv, pov'yazanih іz completed robіt і prava, yakі vіn namagayutsya prihovat.
- Ascariasis - an unfavorable position for women's work, women's life, because no love is put in that freedom. It is necessary to send a zhorstokіst.
- Difillobatrіoz - strіchkovy hrobak. Zhorstokіst was prihovana: chіplyannya for drіbnitsі and roblennya from the fly of an elephant.

80. Deafness. Zaperechennya, isolation, vpertist. Don't turbo me. Those that we don't want a little bit.

81. Putrid spots.
- on the breasts - unbearable humiliation, pov'yazane z almost kokhannya. Kokhannya such people are seen, otherwise they are not evaluated by a proper rank.
- under the indulgence - pragnennya people grab their love for that companion, I need it in the caress and tenderness for the sake of fear, sin against the traditions that have risen.
- on the back - the impossibility of realizing the dream.
- on the seats - humiliation, tied up with the great problems of the state.

82. Homilkovostopni sglobi.
Spіvvіdnosjatsya z bazhannym people brag about their achievements.
- Nabryak of the left homilk-stopped swamp - Covered by impossibility to boast of human achievements.
- Nabryak of the right homilkovostopnogo gloom - tezh, but with zhіnochimi reach.
- ruination - anger through the fight, which you can take with your viscochka.
- inflamed homilkovostopnogo swamp - strangled anger and put on the mask of a garnoy people.

83. Gomilka.
Gomilka specializes in the standards, the foundations of life. Ruinuvannya idealiv. Vislovluє those, how to realize the prosuvannya of life.
- Rozryv litkovoy m'yaz - aggression on the woman's povolnist.
- a fracture of the cyst of the homilka - aggression against a person's povіlnіst.
- inflamed - we will obviously belittle through too much prosuvannya.
- sudomi m'yazіv - sum'yattya volі through fear of rush ahead.

84. Head Bill.
Self-criticism. Assessment of moisture deficiency. The child is victorious by the fathers like a shield for fighting mutual attacks. A child's world is sensitive to that thoughts.
For a woman - fear and panuvannya - panuvannya in a human manner, to be worthy of the authorities.

85. Head brain.
Spasms of the brain - a maniacal exercise to intelligence. Dobrosovіsnі crammed, zlyakanі people, yakі pragnate іnteligentnostі, bo:
- stink want to get wisdom.
- and through it to know intelligence.
- and through it you will get shana and glory.
- Gain wealth.
Bazhannya will make its way uphill with its head (rozum).

86. Zamorochennya. Rozіyane, hopelessly myslennya, vtecha. Vidmova marveled at herself.

87. Hunger. (Move like hunger.)
Shalena bajannya cleanse yourself of a little hatred towards yourself. Zhakh without hope for change.

88. Voice calls.
The voice is gone - the body does not allow the voice to be raised any more.
Inflamed voice calls - tse accumulated, unsung anger.
Puhlina on the voice links - a person to stop at an evil cry and yogic ringing outgrow the strength of the frame.

89. Gonorrhea. Shukaє punishment for those who are filthy, filthy.

90. Throat.
Channel of creativity Zasib expression.
- Sores - the loss of angry words. Feel the unhappiness for yourself.
- problems, ailments - inability to practice "get up and go." Stream to yourself.
- bark yourself for others - pіdsvіdoma of the image on yourself.
- a person wants to bring his rightness to the wrongness of another person. What is stronger than the bazhannya, Tim is a serious ailment.

91. Fungus.
Stop the reconciliation. Vіdmova call the past. Let the past cherubate today.

92. Influenza

93. Breasts. Take a closer look, turbota, that vihovannya, eating. Sacrifice from the heart chakra of the heart - the ability to lose your heart without a heart. Sacrifice of your heart - women, robots skinny, to serve love. Bazhannya make your way with your breasts, to bring out what you see out of yourself.
- ailments of the breasts - supernatural turbota that watch over the kimos. Nadmirniy zakhist vіd kogos.

94. Women's breasts.
Like a woman sacrificing her human breasts, spodivayuchis through the kokhanoy. But it’s unfortunate, if you can’t donate breasts - more donate, if you don’t have anything and nothing - you can waste your breasts.
Breasts are lower like a kohannya. Її without a doubt, victorious with the method of pushing service gatherings, spitting addictions - wrapping themselves against the breasts themselves.
- cyst, puff, virazki - position strangled. Overeating food.

95. Grizha. Rozirvani zv'azki. Tension, tension, vantage, thrust. Invalid creative viraz.

96. Hernia of the spinal cord. Borg karmi.
- In the past life, having flooded someone with chi to die, we will break the ridge.

97. Twelve gut.
The twelve-pointed gut is a collective, a person is a kerivnik. The team, as if to belittle it steadily, falls apart and does not want to serve as a support. Kerivnika trampling on the mist, to bring out of yourself and zmushuy more and more often shukat the reason in others. What is more than this heartless mind, for what kind of meta more important for people Bagattya team, Tim is more important than ill.
- post_yny bіl - post_yna aggressiveness on the team.
- Virazkov bleeding - vengeance for promotion to the team.
- having opened the twelve-fingered intestines - the anger turned into zhorstok_st in the form of a human being and shriveled.

98. Depression. Feel hopelessness. Anger, as you see, do not lose the rights of the mother, those who believe.

99. Gums, bleeding. The presence of joy at decisions, like you praise in life.

100. Gums, problems. Nezdatnіst pіdtrimuvati svoї reshennia. Weakness, amoebicity like life.

101. Childish ailments.
Faith in ideals, social ideas and hell laws. A child's behavior among the grown-ups.

102. Diabetes. (Hyperglycemia - increased amount of blood sugar.)
- bazhannya, so that others made my life good.
- Sample human body grow the life of the malt.
- A common reason is a slut without a kohanny, a child is narodzhena in such a slubi є prihovat diabetic.
- lowering the woman's anger against the person and the person at the counter. The essence of anger is that the other side has fallen short of happiness, that beauty.
- є zahvoryuvannyam vіdkritoi chi taєmnoї hatred, podloї, drіb'yazkovoї and zradnitskoy.
- to come there, de not zdіysneno kazkovyh mriy.

103. Diarrhea. Zaperechennya, vtecha, fear.

104. Dysentery.
Fear is such a strong anger. Faith in those who stink here to take you away. Utisk, humiliation, humiliation and hopelessness.

105. Dysbacteriosis. (Destruction of ruhomoi rіvnovaga microflora.)
Viniknennya super-intelligent judgments about dialnosti otochuyuchih.

106. Disk, usunennya. It seems that life does not support you at all. Roughness.

107. Dysmenorrhea. (Div. Zhіnochi ailments.) Hatred to the body of chi zhіnok. Anger at yourself.

108. Dystrophy of progressive m'yazova.
Nebazhannya to accept a high price, goodness. Forbidden success.

109. M'yazova dystrophy.
Shalene bajannya control everything and everything. Vtrata vіri and dovіri. Glyboka need to look out for yourself at the security. Extreme fear.

110. Dihannya. Makes the building to recognize life.
- problems with dihannyam - fear of chi vіdmova povnіstyu know life. You do not consider the right to take up space in the necessary world, or to make use of it in the hour.

111. Bad shit. Anger and thoughts about the place. See what yoga / її exalt.

112. Zalіza. Treat the mind. Activity that starts to manifest itself.

113. Shlunok - kuruє kharchuvannyam. I overdo it, I will conquer my ideas.
Problems zі slunkom - pojuvannya, fear of the new, nezdatnіst assimiluvati new. Zvinuvachennya yourself for the camp of justice, pragmatically build your life more fully, even more zmushyuyu rob yourself.
- bleeding - winemaking in the soul of the engine room.
- drooping duct and atrophic gastritis ( reduced acidity, nedokrіv'ya through lack of vitamin B - 12) - ailment, companion of passivity, and also wine without blame, which zmushu bring your innocence to yourself.
- Virazkovy gastritis - primus itself to overcome the fear of not loving me and being active to work.
- increased acidity- The primus primus whirls around, suffocating them with ringing.
- decreased acidity - obviously your own fault on the right side.
- cancer of the slug - evil violence against oneself.

114. Zhovtyanitsa, zhovchnist, zealous, jealous.
Internally, that sound is ahead of time, ahead of thought. The support was spared by jealousy.

115. Zhovchny mіkhur.
Stream anger, which you can bring only names through the body. Accumulate in chewing mіkhurі.

116. Zhovchnі kamenі. Hirkot, Heavy thoughts, condemnation, condemnation, pride, piha, hatred.

117. Zhіnochi ailments. Vidkidannya zhіnochnostі, nepriyattya zhіnochogo principle, zaperechennya itself.

118. Zhorstkіst, vіdsutnіst gnuchkostі. Zhorstka, zastіyne mislennya.

119. Creature.
Roztashuvannya ill in cherevniy empty indicates on roztashuvannya the cause of the problem.
- upper abdomen (shoulder, liver, duodenum, transverse colon and spleen) - problems associated with spiritual rights.
- the middle of the abdomen (thin and small intestine) - with mental right.
- lower abdomen (sigmoid colon, rectum, state organs, sich michur) - with materials.

120. Fat.
Particularly zahist, arrogant. Often instill fear and show the need of the defenders. Fear can be and cover for anger, which is attached, and the support of forgiveness.
- quilted across - shmatki stuck anger on the father.
- stegna nіg - packages of childish gnіv.
- live - angry at the sight of a podtrimka, pіdzhivlennya.
- hands - anger at the sight of love.

121. Disease of healthy tissue - collagenosis.
Typical for people who are trying to get rid of the garne of hostility in a bad speech. Tse sickness of power in hypocrisy and pharisaism.

122. Illness of the lower part of the body.
- weakened - rozcharuvannya that pokіrnist life.
- overvoltage to the point of complete unruliness - the fight is fixed and the carelessness of fighting for the minds of the day.
- insults, see pathologies - extortion of m'yaziv in the pursuit of stupid values.

123. Back. The infliction of a soft, ale, hard blow to the stern, bazhayuchi zabity z course respect.

124. Zaїkuvatіst. Seems to be safe. There is no possibility of self-expression. Don't let cry.

125. Lock up.
Vidmova will get rid of old ideas, thoughts. Appeal to the past. Innodi torment. Anger: all the same I can’t get away! Lyudina takes care of everything. Covetousness is spiritual, spiritual and material:
- fear that knowledge and information will be exploited by others;
- sknarіst vіddavannі kokhannya - stingyness in relation to speeches.
Zastosuvannya pronosnogo ide vrozrіz іz bazhannymi people.
- the wall of the lower colon is completely sweaty and insensitive - hopeless waste of faith in those who can be rich. Lyudina is absolutely inspired by her worthlessness and that she cannot share her love with him.
- the sigmoid colon is expanded, without tone - in her hopelessness, the person has killed her confusion, tobto. malice, viklikan with nonsense and stealing.
Constipation is the cause of colon cancer. Constipation in the mind and constipation in the anus - the same.

126. Wrist. Vіluє ruh and lightness.

127. Goiter. Growth of the thyroid gland.
A little hate on those who gave you pain, suffering. People are victims. Nezdіysnenіst. I feel like they are blocking the way for you in life.

128. Teeth. Make decisions.
- ailments - lingering restlessness, untimeliness to draw out thoughts and ideas for analysis and acceptance of a decision.
In children whose father suffers from an incompetence complex, the teeth grow in a crooked way.
The upper teeth - show almost the incompetence of the old man of the hundredth of the upper part of his body, the future of his mind.
The lower teeth - show almost the inadequacy of the father of the hundredth of the lower part of the body, the potential, the past and the material security of this.
Bite - the father of zmusheny vіd strazhdan grit his teeth.
Ruinuvannya teeth of a child - the mother's anger at the husband's father, the child raises the point of the mother's eyes to be angry at the father.

129. Jawed wisdom tooth. Do not give mental space to create a solid foundation.

130. Sverblyachka.
Bazhannya, yakі not up to like, do not fit in with action. Dissatisfaction. Dock your conscience, kayattya. Nadmirne bazhannya to be called, to become familiar with chi to drink, to droop.

131. Pechia. Squeezing fear.
Primus itself, through fear, brings to the point of excess of the supra-world number of acids, plus disintegration, the concentration of acid rises and spalls.

132. Ileitis - inflammation of the club intestine. Concern yourself, about your camp, not good enough.

133. Impotence.
The pressure, the strain, the guilt for the social perekonannya. Aggression on the front partner, fear of the mother. Fear that I can’t call on someone who I can’t prodovat this, I won’t run into a robot, I won’t be able to be a good master, that I’m not built to love and sexually please a woman, that I’m not a right person. Self-flagellation s tsikh privov. As a person, it is necessary to bring his statu to his capacity, he was not destined to have sex for a long time.

134. Heart attack. Seemingly inappropriate.

135. Infection. Razdratuvannya, anger, annoyance.

136. Influenza. Vіdpovіd on negativnіst that perekonannya mas, groups of people. Vira in statistical data.

137. Ishias - ailment of the sidnic nerve. Supercriticality. fear for pennies and future. Pobudova plans, not uzgodzhenikh from the real camp of speeches. Restless, through the negligence, put a wave of the current moment. It’s impossibility, or nebazhannya (nevminnya) to “go away” to the camp “here and at once”.

138. Stones in organs. Skam'yanіlі emotsії - turmoil stupid skam'yanіlnosti.

Zhovchne kaminnya - baked the fight against evil, that which is more evil. Anger at the boss. Heavy thoughts, piha, pride, bitterness. Hatred. Independently, in order to hate me, I hate someone, how many people know me, how to hate one another - everything is poured into the people, dragged down to it in the middle and started to turn the stone.
Nirkov's stones - fear, why not love me, crying out I need to attach my anger to evil, then love it - secret anger.

139. Candidiasis - thrush, a group of ailments, yeast-like fungus.
Stronger sense of rozіyannostі. The manifestation of a great amount of anger, that almost rozcharuvannya, no escape. Vymogi that nedovira to vzaєmin z people. Love to super-cheeks, to confrontational heated discussions.

140. Carbuncles. Otruyny anger for a special injustice.

141. Cataract. Uncertainty marvels forward from joy. Maybutne vkritte imlo.

142. Cough, cough. Bazhannya bark in the world. "Cheer me! Listen to me!"

143. Keratitis - inflammation of the cornea. Bazhannya beat and beat everyone and the whole dovkola. Anger of the extreme stage.

144. Kista.
Scrolling old images that are delivered by bіl. Wear with your wounds that shkoda, as you were told. Pomilkove growth (growth in the wrong bіk.)
The stage of unmistakable embarrassment, active nadії on the order in a close sense of embarrassment and readiness to shed a tear. You can’t cry, you can’t complain, but you can’t cry.

145. Brushes. Problems with brushes - problems with lower resurfacing characteristics.
Trimati ta keruvati. Shopiti and mіtsno trimati. Hopit and let it in. Caress. Pinch. Usі ways vzaєmodії іz raznomanіtny zhittєvim dosvіdom.

146. Intestines. assimilation. Poglinannya. Easily deformed.

147. Intestines - Problems - fear of him, to let him in his old age, unbearable.

148. Menopause.
- problems - fear to stop being bazhanim / bazhanoyu. Fear of the century. A note to yourself. Not enough garni. (Sing along with hysteria.)

149. Shkira.
Protects our individuality. Spy organ. Shkira has come to the spiritual life of the people, first of all she gives him a sign.
- Ailments shkiri - anxiety, fear. An old, deeply attached calamute, brood, schos ogidne. I'm threatening you with insecurity.
Dry shkira - a person does not want to show his anger, more anger is attached to him.
Magnifying glass - bajannya vibrates in the face of dramatic thoughtlessness.
Lushpinnya dry shkіri - hot need for anger in the face of anger, so you can’t go out through the nevminnya.
The blackening of the dry shkіri - anger has become vibukhone unsafe. Lushpinnya and reddening of dry skin at the sight of patches is typical for psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a spiritual masochism: heroic spiritual tolerance, which brings people happiness with its scope.
Fat skin - a person is not ashamed to splash his anger. Vіn doshe zalishaєtsya young.
Putrid prischi - specific anger is the enemy, but the anger of chiu wins is trimmed in one's own.
Normal shkira - vrіvnovazhennaya people.
Pigment - tse "gone" life, temperament. Prignіchennya temperament to rob the skin of white.
Pigmented with patches - people are marriages of knowledge, they can assert themselves, they are almost hooked.
Congenital patches, birthmarks - the same problems, but in the mother through similar stresses.
Depigmented with patches - not aware of a bit of a fault, through which a person does not allow himself to assert himself in life. A person takes it upon himself through someone else's thought, often tse obov'yazok karmi past life.
Red plyami - praise, point to those who are struggling with fear and anger.

150. Kolina.
Make him proud. Virazhayut principles, for yakim vіdbuєє prosuvannya zhitti. The stench points to those with some pochutty mi leto life.
- Problems - vperte, unyielding his pride. Nezdatnіst pіdkoritysya. Fear, vidsutnіst gnuchkostі. I will not do anything.
- the peace-loving, friendly and vrіvnovazhenny mandrіvnik's colon is healthy,
- at the roadside, who went with battle and deceit, the ring was broken,
- at a person, as if trying to outwit life, the menisci are juicy,
- at the knee, who goes with the onslaught, get sick.
- in the confusion of the drive of failures, water settles at the knees.
- in the turmoil, I’m crying out, the blood is accumulating.
Destroyed at the attainment of life goals, dissatisfied with the attained goals:
- crackling and creaking - bazhannya buti for all kindness, the day of the past and the future;
- weakness in the knees - lack of respite from the drive of slipping into life, fear and confusion in the success of the future, the loss of faith, the people are posting their wife ahead of themselves, with the thought, that they spend the hour marno - self-flagellation, zmishane sorry for yourself;
- weakening of the knee ties - hopelessness when it comes to life;
- kolіnі zv'yazki vіdobrazhayut pushing life for help zv'yazkіv:
a) damage to the official and internal links of the kolіn - damage to the honest and business links;
b) damage to the bіchnih and transverse links of the column - damage to the business links, which protect the interests of all parties;
c) damage to the inner-global ties of the kolіn - unfamiliar to the attached informal business partner.
d) raising the bells of the colin - vikoristannya of their ties, to inflate someone.
- painfully stingy in the knees - fear through those that life was rattling.
- clapping in the knees - a person, through saving his reputation, suppresses embarrassment and anger in his own, I will stagnate in Russia.
- rupturing the knee tendons - an attack of anger on the stagnation of life.
- ushkodzhennya meniska - an attack of anger on the one who beat the ground from you z-pіd nіg, without finishing the obitsyanki thinly.
- Poshkodzhennya knee-cups (patels) - Anger at those that your prosuvannya did not know the support, or the zakhist. The stronger the bazhannya a person gives to another, the more important is the injury of the knee of the veins.

151. Colic, sharp pain. Mentally irritating, anger, impatience, annoyance, irritating in isolation.

152. Colitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon.
Allows the ease of uniqueness of what is embossed. Above the powerful fathers. Feel the humiliation of that shock. Great is the need for kohanni, lasci. Seemingly safe.

153. Spastic colitis. Fear of letting in, letting in. Seemingly safe.

154. Virazkovy colitis.
Virazka, whether of some kind, calls out zhorstocity, which is blamed for the humiliation of sadness; and there, at her hand, in the presence of negligence, be joyless and show tsiu joylessness. Virazkovy kolіt - the sickness of the martyr, the one who suffers for his faith and persecution.

155. Lump at the throat. Undoubted to life. Fear.

156. Coma. Vtecha vіd chogos, vіd kos.

157. Coronary thrombosis.
Feel the self-sufficiency and perelyaku. I don't work hard enough. I won’t hurt anyone. Insufficient garni/good.

158. Scab. Withered turmoil.

159. Clubfoot. Putting up to children from increased vigor.

160. Brushes.
Establish the future omniscience. Put up to the father and up to the man.
- Deformation - mental pressure and embossing. M'yazi can't get loose. Seeing the frivolity of the mind.
- fractures, cracks - rebellion against authority.

161. Pubic cyst. Specialize protection of state bodies.

162. Bone marrow.
A similar woman, being a dzherel of a kohanny, is known under a strong defender of a man - a brush - and robs those for which a woman is created - the love of a man.

163. Kropivnitsa, visip. Small attached fears. Robite from molehills.

164. The blood-bearing judges of the eyes - shone. Vlasna evilness.

165. Bloody in the brain. Stroke. Paralysis.
- People overestimate the potential of their brain and want to be better for others. Revenge of your own kind in the past - rightfully avenge. The severity of illness to lie down due to the size of the spragi.
- Viyav - damage to the head, headache, heaviness at the head. Two possibilities of a stroke: - the blood-bearing vessel of the brain bursts, when stunned by a rapt attack of anger, that wrath of the bazhanya will take revenge on the one who cares for him as a fool. Turned into anger, the kokhannya virivates from the cordons, tobto. from the blood-bearing judge.
- blockage of the blood-bearing vessels of the brain - a person who suffers from a complex of incompetence, tries to bring the hope that it is not like that, how to think otherwise. A break through the total loss of moisture.
From whom the mind is saved, but a little bit guilty, it is not given to dress. Whoever sees the joy of the fact that the ailment was vryatuvaya yoga in the lowly camp, wear.
WISNOVOK: If you want to die of a stroke, instill fear of evil dissatisfaction.

166. Bleeding. I'm glad you're going. Ale de cudi? Frustration, accident of everything.

167. Blood.
Increase the joy of life, by stretching it out. The blood symbolizes the soul of that woman.
- blood density - thirst.
- mucus in the blood - images on the unrealized bazhanya should be taken away from the woman's status.

168. Shelter, sickness. (div. leukemia.)
A day of joy, a day of circulation of thoughts, ideas. Swallowing - blocking the flow of joy.

169. Seeing blood. Bazhanna take revenge.

170. Bloody vice.
-Visoka - under tension, for a long time an unresolved emotional problem.
- low - the appearance of a child in a child, striking mood. Yaka koristst vіd osgogo tsgogo, all the same nothing can be seen!

171. Croup - (div. bronchitis.) The atmosphere is hazy. Superchicks, love. Sometimes boiling in the middle.

172. Lungs.
Zdatnіst accept life. Organs of will. Freedom is love, slavery is hate. Anger at the life of a person to become a poor organ - the leviy chi is right.
-Problems - depression, oppression of the camp. Woe, confusion, prikrіst, bіda, failure. Fear of accepting life. I do not deserve to live for the same life.
A burning leg (in a child) - in both fathers, a little kohannia was blocked, the energy of the child flowed to the fathers. At this welding, that cry, or zasujuvalne movchannya.

173. Legenev's pleura.
Illness points to the problems associated with the freedom exchanges.
- scho pokryvaє legenі - obezhennya vlasnoї freedom.
- chest empty, which weaves in the middle - freedom is surrounded by others.

174. Leukemia - white blood. Stable increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood.
Zhorstko prignichene nathnennya. Yaka korist vіd tsgogo!?

175. Leukopenia is a change in the number of leukocytes.
Painful changes in the blood of white blood cells - leukocytes.
For a woman, it is more difficult to reach a person, for a person, it is more important to be close to oneself.
Leukorrhea - (bіlі) - faith in those women who are hopeless in front of the opposite article. Anger at a partner.

176. Lymph - symbolizes the spirit of that person.
Problems are spiritual impurity, greediness is a delay, so the mind needs to be switched to the first necessities: love is such a joy!
- mucus in the lymph - image on the unrealized bazhanya schos otrimati vіd holovіchoї statі.

177. Lymph nodes - puffy.
Chronic pain in the area of ​​​​the head and shiї - staging with arrogant znevago to human stupidity and professional bezporadnosti, especially if you blame the person for not appreciating enough or її genius is left unmarked.
- Judgment, guilt and majestic fear of what is "insufficient garni". Shalena race to bring your own - doti, docks in the blood do not lose the substance, to support yourself. In those chasing after you, that you were accepted, the joy of life is forgotten.

178. Fever. Anger, anger, angry, anger.

179. Revealing those that we show to the Light.
Turns the setting to visibility, illusions.
- Potovshchennya shkiri denounced that covered with humps - anger and turmoil.
- Papilloma - post_yna turmoil z driving the collapse of the singing concrete іluzії.
- pigmented patches, otherwise papilloma is pigmented - a person, in spite of his bazhannu, does not give free rein to his temperament.
- sagging rice - to look like skewed thoughts. Oburennya with the drive of life.
Feel like a hundred years of life.

180. Deprive operative.
Ochіkuvannya if the other cherevik falls off his feet. Fear is tension. Too great sensitivity.

181. Lichen-herpes on statevih organs, kuprik.
Povna that deep faith in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. Public trash. Vera in the punishment of the Lord. Data of state bodies.
- cold on the lips - gіrki words are not hung up.

182. Ringworm.
Let others get under their skins. It doesn’t feel like it’s good to clean it.

183. Chovniki. Specialize the friability and directly, where to go, as well as the building to take away the malt.

184. Likti. Establish a change directly and allow a new confirmation of experience. Testing the road with licks.

185. Laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx.
So unreasonably you cannot speak. Fear of hanging out. Oburennya, oburennya, Pochuttya image against authority.

186. Fox, oblisinnya. voltage. Effort to control everything and the whole dovkola. Chi do not trust the process of life.

187. Anemia. The life force of that sense of life was exhausted. Faith in those who are not good enough, destroying the power of the joy of life. Blame the one who cares about the godfather,
- in a child: - if a mother respects her own person with a filthy yearling, - if a mother respects herself with a shameless and stupid and visnazhu a child with voices from that drive.

188. Malaria. Vidsutnist zealousness with nature and life.

189. Mastitis - inflammation of the thoracic cavity. Ponad turbota about cogos or about shchos.

190. Mastoiditis - inflamed nipple.
The collapse of hope. Bazhannya is not a bit of what you see. Fear that infects a more rational situation.

191. Uterus. Into the field of creativity.
If a woman cares, what a woman is in her - tse її body and vimagaє in a person and children kohannya and shanuvannya, then the uterus can suffer, because. she will require the cult of her body. Vaughn vіdchuvaє, її not to love, do not mark too much. Sex with a man and routine self-sacrifice is the duty of the squad. Passion is spent on savings and for lying її does not win.
- endometriosis, disease of the mucous membrane - substitution of love for oneself by the sucrose. Rozcharuvannya, frustration and a sense of security.

192. Meningitis of the spinal cord. Ignition of thought is that anger at life.
Even stronger rozbіzhnostі nіy. Bagato without a fret in the middle. Vіdsutnіst pіdtrimki. Living in an atmosphere of anger and fear.

193. Menisk. An attack of anger at the one who beat the ground from you from the bottom of the nig, without finishing the obityanki thinly.

194. Menstrual problems.
Vіdkidannya svoєї zhіnochoї priroda. Perekonannya at that, scho state organs of the sin of sinfulness.

195. Migraine. Opіr overcoming life.
Ogida if lead. Sexual fears. (Sound out, maybe you'll feel better about masturbation.)
The intensification of sadness screams at the mature rise of the intracranial vice, with a severe headache, which culminates in the appearance of vomiting, after which one smells.
At the invisible plane, there is a critical accumulation of sadness, which physically calls out the swelling of the brain. My brain is blocked by fear: don’t love me, through which oppression fear grows into anger - don’t love me, don’t harm me, don’t call me, don’t listen to me, etc. If the strimanity is on the scale of unsafe life, the people have a chance to fight life, tobto. the aggressive anger against life is suppressed, and vomitting in that place. (Div. vomit.)

196. Myocarditis. Inflammation of the heart m'yaza - deficiency of the kohanna vysnazhuє heart chakra.

197. Myoma.
A woman accumulates her mother's troubles (the uterus is the organ of motherhood), giving them to her own power, and in the absence of strength, she starts hating everything.
Seeing the fear of the daughter, that the mother does not love me, sticks with the sovereign behavior of the mother.

198. Myopia, short-sightedness. Nedovira to what is in front. Fear of the future.

199. Brain. Plug in the computer, change the model.
- puhlin - vpertist, vіdmova change the old models of thought, pardon the reconciliation, incorrectly prorakhovanі vіruvannya.

200. Corns. (Ring on your feet.) The regions of the thought have hardened - the binding has been screwed in to the pain, tried in the past.

201. Mononucleosis - damage to the pharyngeal, pharyngeal tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes, liver, spleen and characteristic changes in blood.
Lyudina doesn’t talk about herself anymore. One of the forms of life change. Aggression on those who do not take away love and praise. Rich in internal criticism. Fear of your anger. Invite others to pardon, ascribe pardons to them. Zvichka grati in the game: Ale, chi is not greedy all the same?

202. Sea ailment. Vіdsutnіst control. Death fear.

203. Slash, non-trimanny. Fear of the fathers, ring out, before the father.

204. Sich mіkhur. Chi is not the realization in practice of their spiritual vitality. New people accumulate roses that zachіpayut emotsіynu sphere,
- the unacceptable smell of the battle - rozcharuvannya, tied up with the nonsense of the person herself.
- burning - hotness through those that dull the robot a little.
- chronically inflamed sich mihur - accumulation of zhorstokostі life.
- infection - belittled, sound like an opposite statue, a kokhan chi a kokhan. Calling others
- CYSTITIS - strimuvannya yourself a hundred old thoughts. Nebazhannya that fear let them in. Image.

205. Sechokam'yana sickness.
Ignore the bouquet of stresses to the kam'yanoy baiduzhost, so that it does not appear unintelligent.

206. M'yazi. Represent our buildings crumbling to life. Opir to a new report.

207. M'yazova atrophy - fading of m'yaziv.
Zarozumіlіst by extension to others. A person respects himself for the best for others and is ready to stand up for any price.
Do not put people in anything, but glorify that power. Ailment to come, to help to save the transformation of spiritual intelligence into the outrageous violence.
Overstressed m'yazіv homіlki to say about the notification of the bazhannya hurry up, fading means strangling sadness. for example - all the people in sim'ї were embarrassed to walk on their backs for fear of moving their mother into the її eternal fast. The people at them were given a different role of the rulers of the right. Walking backwards means a vinnyatkovy rumor.

208. M'yazi. Placed before the mother and before the woman.

209. Nadnirkovi burrows.
Organs of hygiene. Gіdnіst є smilіvіstі vіrity vlasnu vlasnu vіshnu vіdіshnі і і develop іn direct growth ієї ієї wisdom. Gidnist is the crown of courage. Nadnirkovі zalozi - mute hats on the heads of nirok, a sign of honor like a woman, and a man's prudence, and therefore life's wisdom.

210. Narcolepsy - inexhaustible drowsiness, ailment Zhelino.
Nebazhannya buti here. Bazhannya niknuti vsogo tsgogo. You can't turn around.

211. Drug addiction.
Like the fear of not loving me - it grows into a rose of love and everything, and in the knowledge that I am not needed by anyone, that my kohanna is not needed by anyone - a person is attracted to drugs.
Panic fear of death to drive people to drugs.
Trapped in a soulful deaf kut, suffering from pardon kindness, like a single mark of life. Implantation of drugs in a ruinous spirituality. One of the types of drug addiction is pracemania (marvel at tyutyunopalinnya).

212. Damaged etching.
In nemovlyat - infections that call out with an intestinal stick, gastritis, inflamed intestines just mean that the mother is sick and evil.

213. Neuralgia - an attack of pain along the course of a nerve. Sorry sorry. Boroshno, bіl at splkuvanni.

214. Neurasthenia is a dynamic weakness, neurosis is a functional disorder of the psyche, sickness of the soul.
Like a person in fear, why not love, wise, that everything is nasty and that everyone is responsible for evil especially - she becomes aggressive. And the booty garnoy people zmushuvat stifle aggressiveness, in the form of a similar internal combat of fears - a neurosis develops.
The neurotic does not know his pardons, for all the filthy things of the Crimea itself.
People with an unpretentiously zhorstky, rational warehouse of mind, which realizes the will of the scorching aftermath, early in the camps of the crisis, and a vocal cry - marks the beginning of neurosis.

215. Unhealthy exercise of cleanliness.
Blame at times if there are a lot of problems in people for their internal neohainistyu, that is. skrivgenistu and even more powerfully, not less than vlasno, but to someone else's blatantness.

216. Nevilikovno ailments / ailments.
It is not possible to forge ahead with the help of others, we are guilty of "going in the middle", so that we can improve our health, improve our health, and re-educate ourselves. Tse (sickness) came (attracted) "n_zvidki" and went back - at "nowhere".

217. Incorrect position, landing of the head. Vidpovidny vibir hour. Not at once, piznishe. Fear of the future.

218. Nervous disorder.
Concentrated self-awareness. Zatyskannya (blocking) channels in the link. Tue.

219. Nervousness. Anxiety, metaphor, anxiety, quaver, fear.

220. Nervi. Specialize splkuvannya, zv'yazok. Receptive transmitters. (And behind Academician Treasurer V.P., conductors of energy, transport mains.)
- problems with nerves - blocking energy, squeezing, looping, blocking life forces in oneself, in the singing energy center. (Chakra.) See the image of the energy life of a person on the side of the site "Rozmov with a Healer".

221. Indigestion, dyspepsia, impaired etching.
The one who sits deep in the middle of fear, zhah, anxiety.

222. Unstreak, unstreak.
Admission. You feel that you are emotionally changing the posture with control. Vіdsutnіst samopodіzhivlennya.

223. Unfortunate falls.
Unwillingness to speak out loud about your consumer problems. Rise up against authority. Faith in violence.

224. Nephrite - burnt brunio. Overreaction to unacceptability and failure.

225. Legs. Carry us ahead of life.
- Problems - if the robot is shy for success in life.
- Athletic - nezdatnіst easily collapse forward. Fear of not accepting such / yak, yak / yak.
- the upper part of the nig - obsession with old injuries.
- the lower part of the nіg - the fear of the future, the fear of collapsing.
- feet nig (to the tassels) - make our understanding of ourselves, life, other people special.
- problems with the feet of the nig - the fear of the future and the power of life.
- puff on thumb- A day of joy at the dawn of life.
- grown-up nails on the fingers - restless and guilty that the right to protrude forward.
- shkarpetki nіg - add more details of the future.

226. Nіgti - espouse the defender.
- bite the nails - a discord in plans, an accident over, devouring oneself, aggression against one of the fathers.

227. Nіs - specializes in recognition, praise to oneself.
- laying, clogging of the nose, swelling at the nose - do not know the power of the value, confusion through the power of impossibility,
- flow from the nose, dripping - a person is shoddy to himself, need for exile, praise. It feels like they don’t know that they don’t remember. Cry for love, ask for help. - snot - the situation is more imaginative,
- dense snot - a person thinks richly about his image,
- squishy nіs - the person is still not conscious of what happened to her,
- noisy whistling of thick snot - a person cares that she knows for sure who is a fake,
- bleeding from the nose - spare the spragi.
- posterior nasal flow - internal crying, childish tears, sacrifice.

228. Oblisinnya.
Fear and disappointment, why not love me, blame the hairline like in women, so in people. Strongly oblisinnya vіdbuvaєtsya for spiritual crisis. People of the fighting type cannot rush forward with life without a kohanny, but they want it. From the point of view of the method, the fox is a person pidsvidomo joking to contact with greater forces and to know її. The spirit of such people is more open, lower in a person good hair. So there is no dashing without good.

229. Exchange of speeches. - problems-nezdatnіst vіddavati vіd shirogo sertsya.

230. Neatness, Neatness. Maskuvannya, you can not vporatisya, fear.

231. Smell.
Destruction - almost like hopelessness, which collapsed raptly, through the impossibility of vіdshukati hoch yakіs vihіd.

232. Opiks. Razdratuvannya, razdratuvannya, spalyuvannya.

233. Obesity is a problem of soft fabrics.
"Everything in life is not the way I want it to be." It means that a person wants to take more life, lower it. Anger to rob a human being.
Evil is stingy in fatty tissues. Fat smart people, whose mothers took away the impersonal stresses and waged a merciless life struggle. Because we ourselves choose a mother, then among other problems, we are in order to learn how to reach a normal woman. Let's get rid of anger before forgiveness!
Shia, crying, hands - anger, why not love me, why nothing comes out of me, they don’t take me, in short, anger, that everything is not the way I want. Tulub - the evil ringing of that kind of blame, whoever the stink would not stick around. Thalia - a person branding himself with fear of wine himself and accumulating this anger in his own.
- prihovuvannya turmoil for the radio viraz denunciation,
- smart, but the support of pitiful people is swept up,
- streaming to yourself and trying to improve the life of others in a rozrahunka for those who stream their tears,
- Primus himself to live with him, who is hurting himself, the more in the new tolerance and the bazhanya will be left with the intelligent, no matter what, the better and more stable the wine will be added to the vase. As in the soul in the new warmth of hope for a better life, then the fatty tissue will be thin, as if the hope is extinguished, the fatty tissue will become sluggish,
- zbіlshennya at the vіsі after ailments - the sufferer wants, so that people know about this important life, but with whom they can do without words. It is important to express the fear of feeling sorry for yourself. Trivale vivilnennya pity to yourself help to reduce the vag, only the next trimatis filed in the presence of pitiful people.
- fat tissue, which is constantly growing, in a form of self-defense, the fear of weakening overpowers the burden of losing weight.
- fear of the future and stress accumulated on the melancholy of the pereskodzha zvilnennyu in the transcendental vaga (for example, death due to starvation in one of the past lives). The greater the internal bezporadnist people, the greater the call.

234. Parathyroid ulcers. Organ of the great obіtsyanok.
Rostashovani on the posterior surface of the thyroid fossa - the area of ​​the will. Virazhayut the will of God to give people the freedom to choose. It seems to stink: Love be-scho - the earth is the sky, the person is the woman, the materiality is the spirituality, but the headline is - love without minds. As soon as you love someone who is rich, kind of soul, then you will learn to love others. - the skin of some thyroid glands has its own task:
a) lower left - strength - calcium - human,
b) upper liva - rosiness - phosphorus - human,
c) lower right - stіykіst - zalіzo - female,
d) upper right - gnuchkist - selenium - female,
- Zhіnka viznaє life, man - to create life.
- Zalіzi regulate the camp of people's brushes.

235. Deadly m'yaziv.
Zayviy sum through your trash sports uniform or just through a small physical strength.
- for people - troubles through their human bezporadnist, - for women - exposing themselves in a human way, trying to heal the troubles with the power.

236. Swearing. Appeal at the Mislennі. Zasmіchenі ailing thoughts.

237. Puffy.
(div. bruises.) - atheroma, or a sebaceous cyst - blockage of the visible duct of the sebaceous follicle, - lipoma, or abozhik - good-natured swell of adipose tissue, - dermoid, or sebaceous sebum of sebaceous folds, may often develop tissue rupture, from thick fat, - teratoma, which is congenital plumpness, which is rich in fabrics, It is important not to remember these ailments, but it is important to remember them! Worn with old wounds and shocks. Dock your conscience, kayattya.
- new creation - image the old, give you old wounds. Razbeschuvannya at your own bewilderment, bewilderment, almost imagine.

238. Puffy breasts. I baked an image for a person without us, and almost change myself!

239. Osteomyelitis - inflammation of the cystic brain.
It seems like they don’t seem to be dazed. Discord, the image of that anger from the drive of the very device of life.

240. Osteoporosis - rozrіdzhennya kіstkovoї tissue.
It seems that life has not lost its hodno nіdtrimki. Vtrachannya vіri zdatnіst kolovіchoї statі vіdnoviti vigor іt zhittєstiykіst. And so the very cost of trusting your building will restore its own idealized and promising strength. The brushes, afflicted with osteoporosis, wept dryly, until they were empty.

241. Drops, dropsy.
Blame for the constant sadness. Why don't you want to mess around? The constant bloating is transformed into the same fat ailment. Accumulation of swelling in the tissues and organs of different consistency - in the form of a transparent motherland to a thick porridge, transforms into tissue fluff.

242. Otit
- Burning wuha, bіl u wuhah. A little careless. Nebazhannya, vіdmova povіriti in pochute. Too big sum'yattya, noise, dads, scho sperechayutsya.

243. Vidrizhka. With greed and need, you forge everything that comes with you.

244. Name
- paresthesia, zasіpenіnnya, zadupannya, numbness. Vidmova at the kohanna and uvazi. Mentally in peace.

245. Pagueta twig
- associated with even higher values ​​of puffer phosphatase, osteomalacia and moderate rickets. It seems that the foundation is no longer left behind, on which you can build. "No one gives a damn."

246. Bad sounds. Vtecha vіd himself. I don't know how to love myself.

247. Sinus sinuses, ailments, burrows. Razdratuvannya to like a person, to like a close one.

248. Fingers. Pay special attention to the details of life.
Great - father. Increases intellect, restlessness, lamentation, anxiety, turbulence.
Vkazivny - mothers. Make him and fear.
The middle is the people themselves. Increases anger and sexuality.
Bezymenny - brothers and sisters. Make alliances, grief, turmoil.
Little finger - strangers. Specialize sіm'yu, vdavannya, claims.
Problems of the fingers - problems related to vіddavannyam and pridbannyam pіd hour of work and other inquiries.
Problems of the fingers of the nig - schodennі problems, caused by the hand and success on the tereni of the work and right in the fire.

249. Panaritsiy.
Vrostannya nіgtya: because. nіgot tse vіkno at svіt i yakshcho people to sіkavit themselves those who churn out, looking out of the corner of the eye, then nіgot vrostaє in breadth, nіbi expanding their field of dawn. As if yelling bіl, then pіdglyadannya pretended to be espionage. Visnovok: don't stick your own things with someone else's.

250. Alcoholic pancreatitis. Angry at those who didn't manage to overcome their partner.

251. Chronic pancreatitis.
People have been accumulating anger for a long time. Zarechennya. Discord, to that which life is given, has spent its malt, freshness.

253. Paralysis is a victim of aggression. Opir. Vtecha vіd situation chi vіd people.
Vismiyuvannya rozumovyh zdіbnosti people paralyze the robot brain. Like a child, they can pretend to be hysterical. Hatred is streamed to the pointless biganini, it breaks like an attack of anger, and the body is driven by the bigati.

254. Paralysis of the facial nerve. Nebazhannya to speak your mind. The last step in anger control.

255. Paralyzed tremtinnya, became a new shamelessness. Paralyzing thoughts, looping, whimsy.

256. Parkinson's disease. Stronger bajannya control all that all. Fear.

257. Fracture of the neck of the stem. Get stuck in your own rightness.

258. The liver is the heart of anger and anger, primitive emotions.
Prikhovuvannya boiling anger in the middle behind a smiling mask to cause anger to splash into the blood. (Ringing of the zhovchnyh ducts). - Problems - chronic skargi for everything. You feel bad all the time. Knowing the truth to the prichipka, to fool yourself.
- An increase in the liver - a recapture of the sum, an aggression on the state.
- Changing the liver - fear for the state.
- cirrhosis of the liver state power, A victim of his closed nature, in the course of his life struggle he accumulated a lot of ruinous anger - to the death of the liver.
- Liver infusion - sadness through injustice.
- bleeding in the liver - take care of it, direct it against the state.

259. Pigmented patches (div. Shkira).

260. Pyelonephritis - inflamed nirk and bali. Calling others.
Lyudina is humiliated by the protilege statue, or by a kokhan / kokhan.

261. Pyorrhea - suppuration. Weak, invincible people, basics. The opportunity to make a decision.

262. Grass tract. - Problems - vikonannya roboti for the sake of the roboti itself.

263. Stravokhid. (Main pass.) -Problems - you can't take anything from life. The main changes are collapsing.

264. Kharchov's turmoil - allowing others to take control over oneself, almost without defense.

265. Weeping. Tears are the church of life.
Tears of joy are salty, tears of sadness are hot, tears of enchantment ripple like acid.

266. Pleurisy - inflammation of the serous membrane of the leg.
At the people to sit angry against the coldness of the will and the wines in their own bazhanny crying, why the pleura starts to look rich zayvoї rіdini i blame wet pleurisy.

267. Shoulders. Toil on uvazi, which bring joy, and not an important burden.
- stoop - (div. scoliosis) - carry the burden of life, bezporadnіst, bezzahisnіst.

268. Flat feet.
Cholovіcha pokіrnіst, prignіchenіst, nebazhannya chi zdatnіst dolat ekonomіchnі hardships. Mother absolutely does not spodivaetsya on the father, does not shy away from yoga, does not spit on the new.

269. Pneumonia inflamed legenia. Emotional wounds, yakі it is not possible to heal, because of life, brought to the vіdchau.

270. Ushkodzhennya

271. Promotion of arterial pressure. Tse zvichka evaluate and know the pardon of others.

272. Increase in cholesterol. Maximalism, banquet take everything at once and quickly.

273. Gout. Vіdsutnіst patіnnya, need u dominuvanni.

274. Pidshlunkova zaloza
This is the body that allows you to judge those, how many people are built, guilt, self-esteem and specialness. Healthy, if a person works well for himself, and less then others.
- Nabryak - tse non-weeping troubles, bajannya to belittle others.
- gostre inflamed - the anger of the humble,
- chronically inflamed - squeaky setting to dull,
- Cancer is an indulgence of evil to everyone who, having written down at his enemies and whose significance, you have to kill.
Be-yak a fence to fight a sub-shlunkov’s ridge and stop over-weeding the hedgehog. Especially important is the shkoda to be applied to the underside of the shaft, if the person is harrowing himself well, which he will strongly require (small evil, to have conquered її, learn to be unique). Punishing others, the head of the blow on the outer secretion of the submucosal ridge, which leads to the appearance of herbal enzymes and the movement of the circus in the blood. The protest against the punishment of blocking the sight of insulin, the rhubarb tsukr on the blood is decreasing.
- bloody diabetes - a person is up to his neck with the orders of others and from their butt itself starts to punish.

275. Ridge
- Gnuchka pіdtrimka life. The ridge is more energetically past, today is the future. Vin, like a mirror, reveals the main truths about people. Vin characterizes the father. Weak spine - weak father. Skrivleniy Ridge - the unpredictability of the follow-up to life, the father, try to try the old principles and ideas, the viability of integrity, again, the lack of confidence in life, the strength of masculinity to admit one’s wrong, the father with twisted principles. If a child stoops, then in her, ymovirno, father may have a soft character. At the height of the skin ridge to the organs and tissues, channels open, when these channels are blocked, the energy of that stress causes damage to the organ or part of the body:
- from the neck to the 3rd chest + shoulder and upper part of the arm + 1-3 fingers - a little bit of a kohanna - fear, why not love me, why not love my fathers, family, children, companion of life, etc.
- 4-5 chest p. + lower part of the hand + 4-5 - th finger + pahva depression - pov'yazane with love, feel sorry for that ringing - fear that they call me, not to love. Calling to the one who does not love me.
- 6-12 babies - slightly blame that calling others - fear that they call me, calling others.
-1-5 across - a bit of a fault, caused by material problems, that zvinuvachennya іnshih - fear, which sounds less like impossibility of virіshitі financial problems, vitrachanni pennies, zvinuvachennya іnshoy in all material problems. - from krizhiv to fingers - economic problems and fear of them.

276. An indicator of the tsukru in the blood - expresses the spiritual courage of a person to work good in the first black for himself.

277. Poliomyelitis - paralyzes jealousy, bazhannya zupinity kos.

278. Polyp of the rectum. Strangling confusion through dissatisfaction with the work and the results of their work.

279. State organi - careless to take care of yourself.

Inflammation in people: - like women ringing in their sexual roses, vvazha, that all women are bad, vvazha, that they suffer through women.

Ill-discovery among the lads: - the woman is vismіyuє svogo kolovіka, and all her kohannya that overworld opіku directs to sin, chim even yoga lakaє.

The testicles do not fall: - the ironic setting of the mother to the state sign of the person.

For women, they are distinguished - they are distinguished by razlivіst, razlivіst.

280. Carrying - fear of it, what might happen. Intolerance to succumb to the results of your work. We carry it stronger, the stronger we follow the fear of not overtaking something.

281. Damage to the skin, hair, nails.

Nadmirna sums from the drive of zvnіshnostі, in yakіy vіn churn out the cause of your failures, and zusilla to correct the zvnіshnіst of fruits do not bear. The degree of shock is proportional to the bitterness of the fact that the human being waved her hand.

282. Porіzi - punishment for those who do not uphold their sovereign rules.

283. Nir's insufficiency. Take care to bring the blood-bearing vessels of nirok to the point of penetration.

284. Nirki - organization. Lyudina learns to change, yakim is fear.

What is the strongest fear, what is the strongest pereskoda. The development of the process of zvilnennya in fear. Organs of the right side symbolize activity, left - spirituality. - do not disregard your emotions, do not flatter yourself, zmushuyuchi to the point of being smart. You have a building of thought, for the help of which you can relieve your stress and gain goodness.

Problems - criticism, rozcharuvannya, annoyance, failure, failure, lack of something, pardon, impossibility, nezdatnist. React like a little child.

Burning - chronic jade, wrinkled nirk - you will feel like a child, like "you can't work it right" and like "not good enough." Nevdakha, vtrata, program.

285. Premenstrual syndrome.

Allow the blessings and blessings to reign in the middle of you, give strength to the outbursts, the list of women's processes.

286. Peredmіkhurova zloza.

Healthy premіkhurovoj zalizá vіdbivaі vіdbіvaє stavlennja mоrі to chоlіvіkі і chоlovіkіv іkіv vіlennya batkіvstva, і navіt sіn's reaction to mаnіїske brіchny svіtu. Kokhannya, povaga that shanuvannya mother of her person will ensure a healthy life Ill in a person, for whom the human cob is associated with state organs, absorbing all human images in the front fold, the shards of it are the organ of physical masculinity and fatherhood. Human shamelessness in front of the unimportant attitudes of women to human status.

The plumpness of the front of the furrow is a man, who cannot be given the best of everything, who starts to harm himself through the power of bezporadnist. To talk about the unfortunate turmoil of a person through nezdatnist but a good father.

287. Front canopies - a child, a substitute for one who perishes or suffers, tikati hangs. The child is ready to self-sacrifice for the sake of the mother's life.

288. Leprosy. Povna nezdatnіst keruvati life, razumіtisya on nіy. Stay tuned for what is not good enough and clean.

289. The prostate is a special human principle.

Prostate ailment - mental fears that weaken human nature, sexual pressure and wine, spirits, deeds, faith in women.

290. A cold with undeath, catarrh of the upper wild roads.

Too rich to pile on once. Zbentezhennya, bezladdya, small Skoda, small wounds, wounds, clogged months. Type of reconciliation: "Skin in winter, I'm sick for a cold."

291. Cold with chills and chills.

Strimuvannya to yourself, bajannya vіdstupati, "give me calm", mentally fast - pull and pull.

292. Cold sores

Virazki, hot pukhir, pukhirchasty, labial lichen. Tі, scho to torment people with words of anger and fear of saying їх vіdkrito.

293. Prischі - unacceptable to oneself, dissatisfied with oneself.

Ignorance of myself at my pardons. Turning the shutter until the completion of the work. - spasm - unsatisfied bachiti the result of your work through fear, - unstoppable - you will soon find the results of your work, dumb in a nightmare. - proctitis - fear of the consequences of one's work. - paraproctitis - sickly and fearful of putting oneself to the assessment of one's own practice. - the anus was swollen - the fight was baked between the smell of clothes and the careless chogos, - the cracks of the anus - the merciless primus, - having opened the anus in the slit fecal mass - the bazhanna is not rozminyuvatsya on dribnitsa, but it is possible to do it great, you can do it Bleeding for the avenue of vengeance is the cause of great and gentry purposes. - inflamed, primal - great rainbow plans, ale fear that nothing can be seen. In children - fathers are very appreciative of the results of their vihovanya. - infectious inflamed - ringing others in impossibility to reach the ringing. - fungal inflammation - hot water from failures on the right, - expansion of veins - heaps of anger on the neighbors, on current references. - Cancer - the duty of being the greatest for everything, unimportantly setting up the results of one's work. Fear is almost critical.

295. Mental illness.

Above the world, submit to fathers, teachers, powers, order and law to rob a person of mental illness, more than it is more than a lame person to serve love.

296. Psoriasis.

Mental masochism - heroic mental patience, like bringing people happiness with your swing. Mortality considers that to itself, vіdmova accept vіdpovіdalnіnіnіnі for іvs vlasnі sensibly. Fear of buti will be depicted, we will hurt.

297. Pfeiffer's disease - infectious mononucleosis, Filatov's disease, mononucleosis angina, hostile benign lymphoblastosis. Don't say more to yourself. Anger at those who do not take a good mark that kokhannya.

298. P'yatki - brikannya like a skittish horse, smashing competitors.

299. Rivnavaga - vіdsutnіst - rozkidane thoughts, not concentrated.

Energetic information about cancer should be found in the body and then, if the father is too sick for cancer. Golovna, that a person is afraid and fear attracts him to himself. - Reasonable pride in one's suffering, malicious anger - fear, why not love me, crying out I need to take my evil anger, for the skin needs the love of others, I don’t get too rich - cancer, which is developing fast. Carrying in your own hatred, what is the meanness of what? Trivale is almost like a foolish image, a deep wound, intense, prihovane, otherwise it is devoured by grief with grief.

301. Cancer of the brain - fear of not loving me.

302. Breast cancer.

The milk rash is more susceptible to zakidіv, skarg, ringing. - Stress, when a woman calls a person, in what one does not love, - stress, in a woman, feel guilty for those who do not love a person through innirnist, unreasonable, lack of knowledge, - pathology of the left breasts - knowing that the father not loving the mother, pity for the mother, as it grows into pity and spivchutya to the women, - the pathology of the right breasts - the mother does not love me and I call її in tsoma. Reasons for stress - people do not like women, go to them: - mutual calls of fathers, - conflicts between a person and a woman's status, - a list of kokhannya (especially among independent and separated ones), - a spirit of stubbornness: I will manage without a person. And so it’s self-reversed stress and growing anger, - people don’t love me, it’s unreasonable that they know the stench in other women, - zadrіst to tiєї, like to love, - daddy don’t love me, for he wants a son. If such stresses accumulate, and ailments and doctors do not deal with them, then zhorstokіst is blamed, fear is exacerbated, which turns into fierce anger.

303. Cancer of the slug - primus.

304. Uterine cancer.

A woman becomes embittered through those who make a person not so good, so that she could love a person, or she knows humiliation through children, if mothers do not listen, or through the presence of children, and through impossibility to change life. - the cervix - the minimum time for a woman to have sex.

305. Cancer of sich mіkhur is the bazhanya of evil, so we call filthy people.

306. Cancer of the anterior follicle.

Anger at one’s own hopelessness, as if blaming it through those who, at night, become steadily deaf to the human dignity and fatherhood, but you can’t respond to it in a human way. The anger of a person at his state is weakness, which does not allow revenge in the first rude way. Fear that I should be called by someone who is not a right person.

307. Cancer puff.

Blame, if a person is embarrassed, they feel shameless and unkind.

308. Rani - anger and guilt of wine. The amount to lie down according to the degree of deadly sadness, the intensity of bleeding to lie down according to the strength of help, save it, depending on the one in whom the person is to fill the enemy and in the presence of whom he helps to improve his life, come in the wake of the memorial.

To the one who hates evil and does not know the power of zhorstoknost, the evil-doer comes, - to the quiet, who hates the state and does not respect himself in part, the surgeon comes, - who hates himself through his worthlessness, he kills himself.

309. Rose sclerosis.

Mental zhorstkіst, zhorstokoserdya, zalizna will, vіdsutnіst gnuchkostі. The sickness of the people, who waved her hand at herself. Blame on the depths of the darkness of confusion and apparently stupidity. Bagatorichna is a physical overvoltage with a method of reaching a more valuable accusation of a sense of life.

Robotaholics fall ill, not to spare themselves or others, but become less evil, as if their plans do not work out. Athletes, who do not care about the need for training and the actual performance of sports, have good luck hanging from their hands. Tsya vazka and nevilikovna medicine blames the disease through aggression and bitterness of shock, if the person does not take away what he has done.

Than more vin may namir zі smihom are put to life and they themselves will bring their anger to life injustice, tim be hopelessly ruining yoga m'yazіv. Ruinuvannya m'yazovoї fabrics sound in children even as a warrior mother.

Її anger prignіchuє sіm'yu and ruynuє m'yazi children, wanting to sweat then shukatim blame for the bride or the son-in-law. It’s possible to exult, if a woman appears in a person to help yourself, the woman change your way of thinking.

310. Stretching of ligaments.

Nebazhannya collapses at the singing straight life, resting on the collapse.

311. Razchisuvannya podryapin - it seems that life is hard on you, that they are tearing the skin off of you.

312. Rakhіt - the essence of emotional support, the essence of love and security.

313. Vomiting - forcible denial of ideas, fear of the new. Ogidoy to the world, to the future, turn the good old hour. Strong physical stria, vyklikana vomit reflex, stretching deformed in the strain of the neck, giving the possibility of the neck ridges to move in the shukan position, if the energy channels that pass through the neck, swell and take away the ability to accumulate through the liver.

One-time - fear is terrible: what will it be now, to make amends for the blame, nothing happened.

Chronic - recklessness: at the same time, I think, then I gradually correct myself in such a manner, and I repeat the same.

314. Child.

The mind of a child is the father of yoga with physical light and illumination, Spirituality is the father of yoga with spiritual vitality. Razvazhlivistvo - tse father tsgogo sukupnoy physical and spiritual wisdom.

315. Rheumatism.

Bazhannya is quick to mobilize for oneself, to reach everywhere and get used to the situation, no matter how (become rickety). To order people to inspire themselves as much as possible, encourage themselves in all positive emotions. Ringing at the sight of allegories. The sickness of hypocrisy, that hypocritical self-righteousness over a human statue and the development of material life, Blame the power of support with hypocritical kindness.

316. Rheumatoid arthritis - strong criticism of rising to authority, seeing that tight, fooled.

317. Respiratory illness - fear of re-accepting life.

318. Mouth

Filthy smell - rotten, German, weak positions, low roses, tiles, wild thoughts.

Problems - closing the mind, the inability to accept new ideas, thoughts are put in.

319. Hands - specializing in the building and the ability to see the experience and the prosperity of life (in the form of brushes to the shoulders). Vikonannya roboti is less for the sake of otrimannya. The rights are a connection with the woman's statute. Liva - with a man. Fingers: - great - father, - vkazivny - mothers, - middle - you yourself, - nameless - brothers and sisters, - little finger - people.

320. Self-destruction - suicide - less life for a black and white color, a woman's bachiti for another life.

321. Zukor at the blood. The fate of the tsukru in the process of exchange of speeches reveals the essence of the reason for the "nasty" in the "good".

Lack of life forces, energy, transformation of "lead" into "gold". The fall of life stimulus. Reminding yourself of "licorice" of life is not in the middle, but in the ring. (For a child, it is necessary to marvel at the life of the fathers and put them up to the child, їх natal cards, their history, their socio-psychological mind together.)

322. Blood diabetes. People are up to their necks with the orders of others and from their butt itself begin to punish.

Peresichennya "command-administrative" structure of life, dovkilla, as if ignoring the people. There is a lack of a lot of kohanna in the polished, in the life of a person.

Abo people do not want (do not want to) bachiti love in the world of need. A legacy of callousness, soullessness, the present joy of the skin of the butt. Never mind the impossibility (nebazhannya) of transforming "bad" into "good", "negative" into "positive".

(For a child, it is necessary to marvel at the life of the fathers and put them up to the child, their natal charts, their anamnesis, their social and psychological minds together.)

323. Sexual problems of young people.

Apparently vlasnoi incompetence through those that the technical side of sex is put first, the inconsistency of the body's physical parameters is psychologically imposed - magazines, porn films, too.

324. Spleen - saves the primary energy of the physical body. Vaughn symbolizes the relationship between the fathers: - As the father does not care for the mother, the number of leukocytes rises in the child. Yakscho navpaki, the number of їх falls.

Blueness, anger, anger - intrusive ideas, tormented by intrusive ideas like speeches that come from you.

325. Nasіnєprovіd

Blockage - engaging in sex іz almost ob'yazyka. With a significant exit from the situation, the nibs are cleared by themselves.

326. Synna lihomanka - accumulated emotions, fear of the calendar, faith in the retrial, guilt.

327. Heart - specializes in the center of kohanny, security, zahist.

Come on - see all the joys of the heart for pennies, your position is too thin.

Problems - long-standing emotional problems, the day of joy, baked hearts, faith in a strain, change and pressure, stress.

328. sigmoid colon- problems - nonsense and stealing from different manifestations.

329. Parkinson's syndrome.

Blame in - whoever wants to help as much as possible, tobto. vikonate your holy bindings, but if they don’t bring scoring results, people don’t know that no one is given the opportunity to work an unfortunate happy person. - the functioning of nerve cells is disrupted through the lack of chemical speech dopamine. Vіn carry the energy of the saint's binding.

330. Bruises, sinci - small zіtknennya in life, punishing yourself.

331. Syphilis - div. venereal diseases.

332. Scarlet fever - vain, hopeless pride, as if zmushu pulls her uphill.

333. Skeleton - problems - disintegration of the structure, brushes make everyday life special.

334. Scleroderma Feeling helpless and unsafe. I feel like other people are harassing you and threatening you. Creature zahistu.

335. Sclerosis is a pathological deterioration of tissues.

Kam'yano - a baiduzha a person rejoices at innocence and self-confidence. Aje vin is right. The more people there are, the better for us, the stronger the disease progresses, which leads to bewilderment.

Like water in the mucous membranes, shells, m'yazakh, subshkirnіy tissue, fatty and other. soft fabrics, pressed into stone, cause sclerosis, change in volume and weight of fabrics.

336. Scoliosis - div. hunched shoulders.

337. Purchasing of rіdini in the organs of empty.

The result of unbearable embarrassment. You can get familiar with the name swidkist, but you can get it yourself. - In order to release a skin tear, a person submits the judge’s tears for collection - the head, legs, life, back, heart, legs, liver - all lie down, in fact, she is troubled by some problems.

338. Weakness is a necessity for mental recovery.

339. Perplexity. Dementia develops in the form of a foolishness, which is enough to see, but we will do better for others.

Loss of hearing - a relief from your stress that nebazhannya, so that if you talk trash about a person, children are too thin.

341. Solitaires - much more confused in that you are a victim and that you are brudni, the lack of pride in the obvious positions of other people.

342. Spasms - a strain of thoughts through fear.

343. Spasm of the larynx is a worldless fear that I will not be able to prove my case.

344. Spikes - a court of justice for one's own appearance, reconciliation. At the stomach - a tooth of the process, fear.

345. SNID The fear of not loving me ceases into zhorstokіst and anger at those who do not love me, and it seems like it transforms into stupidity and baiduzhіst to all and to yourself, or in the bazhanya I hope to win love, and the blockage of the floor is great, that love is not known, became impossibly great. The need for a spiritual kohanna has ended, the kokhannya turns into a river. It is revealed that it is rooted, that for pennies you can buy everything, including love. Mother's place is taken by hamanets. The whole sickness is the presence of love, it seems to be extremely spiritually empty, for the possible sultry, boisterous activity.

346. The back is a support for the problems of life.

Ailments: the upper part is the essence of emotional support, it seems that you are not in love, the streaming is almost kohanna.

The middle part is guilt, zamikannya on everything that is left behind, "mean me."

The lower part is the appearance of a financial support, the fear of giving birth to a few pennies.

347. Old age, old age - turning to the so-called safety of children, help turbot and respect, vtecha, one of the forms of control over alienated.

348. Stovpnyak

349. Sudomi, spasms - tension, stiffness, pacification, fear.

350. Drift - make changes directly in life that ease of movement. Virazhayut life rottenness tobto. politeness, agility, agility.

351. Hanging out

352. Tyutyunopalinnya.

This is one of the types of drug addiction that is to blame for robotomania. People are afraid of pratsyuvati a bit of a shoe, as if they are overgrown with a bit of evidence. The clerk of the distinguished promotion almost ignited a cigarette. The greater the voltage in the work, the more cigarettes are stained.

Pochuttya obov'yazku - є schos іnshe, like the need for a brave person to work, tobto. read it. What is stronger, fear does not love me, because I do not practice good. more like obov'yazku perevoryuєєє on pochutya vіdpovіdalnosti і fear vyyavitisya wine. Increasingly, it’s almost a fault to try to make a person work in the name of what they loved. The heart, the legends and the sluices of the organs, as if crying for those people who have a robotic service love.

353. The pelvis means the lower support or the booths, in which a person knows the support.

354. Paroxysmal tachycardia - classified, obscured, you can't get in.

355. Body: filthy smell - unacceptable by oneself, fear of other people. - left side (for right-handed people) - special receptivity, acceptance, zhіnochu enegrіyu, zhіnku, matir.

356. Temperature

It shows how much energy the body is able to help to burn or to reduce negativity, like a person has removed her unfavorableness, her foolishness in herself.

Rise in temperature - means that the person already knew the wine, chi tse won herself chi іnsha person. It is more normalized, which is easier to see a pardon, after welding - the energy input has reached its maximum.

The temperature is high - the anger has baked strongly.

Chronic temperature - she got old and angered (do not forget about your fathers).

Subfebrile temperature - especially violent anger, as if the body could not be burned at once from the method of survival.

357. Tik, posmikuvannya - pochuttya, scho you marvel at others.

358. Thymus thymus - cephalic ridge of the immune system.

Problems - I feel like life is pushing, "stinks" have come to seduce me, my freedom.

359. Tovsta gut Problems associated with unshakable right. - mucus - nasharvannya v_dkladen old, straying thoughts, scho zabrudnyuyut channel clearing. Wallowing in the viscous swamp of the past.

It is possible to get sick of being ill, like this: - with love, to take up an unshakable robot; - with love to complete the unfinished by others; - with love, accept an unfinished work from someone else's hands.

360. Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils. Emotions are suppressed, creativity that suffocates.

361. Small intestine.

Negatively, ironically, zarozumіle staging to the right mother, druzhina, zhіnki vzagalі (among people). Similarly for women (up to people). - carryover (sweating of the small intestine) - tragedy, tying with pracey and on the right.

362. Nudota - Rukhova ailment - fear that you do not control the situation.

363. Injuries

A lot of injuries without blame, including the loss of car accidents, are blamed on anger. Whoever has no anger does not suffer in a car accident. Everything that trapleyaetsya with a grown-up people, persh for everything, this is a good pardon.

Rodovі - you yourself have taken this path, not finished on the right, we ourselves are collecting our own fathers and children, karmіchnu.

364. Pipe brush - carried the same information about the human body.

365. Tuberculosis

You languish in the sight of hisism, obsessed with powerful ideas, pomsta, zhorstok, pitiless, painful thoughts.

Tuburkuliosis of Nirok - Skargi on the unreasonable realization of his Bazhannya, - Generali Zhiznichi - Skargi for the unarmed statue Zhitty, - Zhiznok - Skargi for Nevaminnya Vicoristovati Potziye, the lime -bells - Skari on the bazhovi - leverage bajannya shouting out your soulfulness. People just swear.

Tuberculosis is legen - a typical ailment that fights against fear. The mentality of a slave, that I have grown fond of life.

366. Vugrі - feel like the brethren are unloved, little vibes of anger.

367. Striking, paralysis - vidmova, accomplishment, opir, die better, change less, life is recounted.

368. Utrimannya rіdini - what are you afraid to spend?

369. Suffocation, attack - the day to trust to the process of life, stuck in childhood.

370. Vuzlikov's party

Feel the image, bewildered, bewildered, the discord of plans, the collapse of the hope and the wounded of his shodo kar'єri.

371. Bite: - creature - anger straightening in the middle, need for punishment.

Klopiv, komakh - feel sorry for the drive of some insignificant speeches.

372. Cleverness - vtecha vіd sіm'ї, niknennya problems of life, violent vіddelennya vіd life.

373. Urethra, inflamed - emotions of anger, humiliation, ringing.

374. Toma - opir, nudga, the day of love before you work.

375 The soul hurts, it’s heavy on the heart, you want to groan, there’s no sound - a sign that it’s a little guilty of vantage to lie on your heart. Under the yoke, blame the person for being swarthy, weakness, change in practice, baiduzhist to work life. Resilience is reduced to tension, life is consuming sensation, blamed for depression - then ailment.

376. Vuha

Dzvіn vuhah - vіdmova hearing, vpertіst, do not feel the inner voice.

377. Fiboidni plumes and brushes - rejuvenation of the wound, taken away from the partner, a blow to the woman's "I".

378. Cystic fibrosis - cystic fibrosis - much more perekonannya in what life is not pracyuvatime for you, poor / poor me.

379. Fistula, noritsa - a block in the process of development.

380. Phlebit - inflamed veins. Frustration, anger, calling others for obmezhennya in life, and the presence of new joy.

381. Frigidity.

Zaperechennya nasolodi, zadovolennya, faith in those that sex is bad, baiduzhi partners, fear of the father.

382. Boils - constantly boiling and viruvannya in the middle.

383. Chlamydia and mycoplasma.

Mycoplasma hominis - unreconciled self-hatred for its timidity, which rages in the flow, idealization hto died with his head up.

Micoplasma pneumoniae - greet the knowledge of their too small abilities, but do not marvel at the chain of achievement of their own.

Chlamydia trachomatis - anger at those who, through bezporadnist, have to put up with violence.

Chlamydia pneumoniae - a blessing to please violence with swag, while knowing that violence is acceptable swag, but to kill for one's own.

384. Cholesterol (div. Arteriosclerosis). Confused channels of joy, fear of accepting joy.

Vislovluє rozpach in the impossibility of making a stosunki with people. Napolegliv vіdmova vіdokremitisya vіd old templates.

386. Chronic ailments - zaperechennya zmin, fear of the future, the day of almost security.

387. Cellulite.

Inflammation of downy cellular tissue. Long savings of anger and almost self-punishment, binding to pain, tested in early childhood; obsession with blows and bumps taken from the past; the folding of the Russians forward; fear vibrati vlasny directly from life.

388. Cerebral palsy - the need to express yourself in the act of cohan.

389. Circulation - krugoobіg - osoblyuє zdatnіst vіdchuvati vіrazhat emotsії positive rank.

390. Cirrhosis of the liver is the growth of a healthy tissue in an organ. (Divine liver).

391. Slit.

Problems - bewildered, bewildered, almost imagine, bazhannya take revenge.

A spasm of m'yazіv is a bazhannya of control, a voice of wisdom to express one's own feelings.

392. Sorrowfulness, heartlessness - hard concepts and thoughts, some kind of fear has hardened.

393. Scab - infection of the mind, allowing others to penetrate under their skin.

394. Uterine cervix.

With the help of motherhood, she reveals the problems of a woman as a mother. Illness evokes dissatisfaction with sexual life, tobto. nevminnyam love sexually without vysuvannya minds.

Inadequate - a daughter, bachachi important to the life of a mother, echoing her, calling from her father. She (daughter) has a development of the cervix, unmistakably, which is already molded as a guide to the human.

395. Shiyny sciatica - tse zhorstkі nezlamnі vyavlennya. Get stuck in your own rightness.

Specializes the gnuchkіst, zdatnіst bachiti, scho vіdbuvaєtsya there, zadu. Usі zahvoryuvannya є last dissatisfaction.

Problems with the neck - look at the food from the different sides, stubbornness, hardness, innocence.

Inflamed - dissatisfied, as if belittling, - squabbles that zbіlshennya - dissatisfied, as if confused, - bіl - dissatisfied, as if to anger, - puffy - oppression of troubles, - zhorstka, negnuchka - not good vpertist, svavilla, zhorstka mislennya.

Addition of salts - napolegly napolyagannya on their own rights and bazhannya in their own way to correct the world.

397. Schizophrenia - sickness to the spirit, bazhannya, so that everything was more than good.

398. Thyroid fold.

The organ of intelligence, the mastery of the kokhannya without brains. Damaged functions - humiliation, sorry, humiliation, "I can't afford to work what I want, if my blackness comes?" At the same time, the efficiency of all the bodies of the prosecutor's office and fabrics is decreasing, because won't regulate intercourse with each other.

Lіva chastka - vminnya splkuvatisya with a person's statue, - rights - with a woman,

Pereshyok - more insulting see the splintering in one whole, it seems unimaginable that otherwise life is impossible.

Cyst of the thyroid gland. - the sum through its bezporadnіst and lack of rights, not crying with tears. At the thyroid gland, anger accumulates, which is only vivayas for help company. The streaming of verbal anger means the release of equally great energy of anger at the thyroid gland. It’s better to let everything go free and that’s healthy.

An increase in thyroid ulcers: - who is crying for themselves, but show them that they have caused sadness, viklikana to the dissatisfied, - vipinannya name (goiter), ).

It’s better to take in more iodine in yourself - a mineral that encourages the day of splintering, so that a person could, without respect for the pressure of calling, get rid of herself.

The lack of thyroid is functioning, the weakening of the function - applies, vidmov, sensed by the hopeless, vinikenny to the complex of critical lines, the fear of the non -resolution of the vimolivista, the obstinacy of the sparkle, the din of the spinning of the grief, was tuned to the extent that is inherent in the sideline. - functional super-sufficiency - the struggle against humiliation with the method of subordination. Maybe by stretching old fates to compensate for the lack.

Increased function of the thyroid gland, increased function (thyrotoxicosis) - extreme disappointment in what you do not work well, what you want; realization of others, but not for yourself; fierce, scho lost "overboard"; internal fight against fear of anger and anger at anger. Chim otruyny, tobto. Worse than thoughts and words, more importantly, wickedness. A person is a victim, as if suffering on others.

Sign of the work of the thyroid gland:

REDUCED FUNCTION - dullness, baiduzhistness, sagging to self-consciousness, slowness to sleepiness, drowsiness, poor sleepiness, ease of thinking and on the right, dry shkira, unpretentiousness of crying, fear of cold, sweating and lamanna nіgtіv, sounding of voices at the link with slurred speech, decreased intelligence, poor speech, poor speech, regular pulse, low blood pressure, increased speech exchange, galmuvannya growth, increased vag, obesity, visible sound, attracted constipation.

ПІДВИЩЕНА ФУНКЦІЯ - енергійність, потреба в діяльності, у спілкуванні неприродна бадьорість, безсоння, або жахливі сновидіння, поспіх завжди і у всьому, пітна або жирна шкіра, постійне бажання розплакатися, часті сльози, відчуття спеки, постійне підвищення температури тіла, тонкі прискорений ріст волосся , zastrenі risi disguise, voice zvіnkiy, heather, unrecognizable squawk mova, advancing the intellect, what is going on, what leads to self-praise, richness, joy in the possibility of talking, hastening the heartbeat, promotion arterial vice, a quicker exchange of speeches, a quicker growth, a lowered vag, emaciation, an increase in the number of hands, a carry, an active sight of gases with a filthy smell, an attraction of zalyakuvan. Why scale stresses, remember them at the sight of their formidable signs.

You can’t and can’t express your thought, so that the children can’t lie down, your thought is forever pardoned.

399. Eczema - extremely strong antagonism, mental vibe.

400. Emphysema - fear of accepting life, thoughts - "not to live like this."

401. Tick-borne encephalitis.

The anger of a cocky zdirnik, a kind of pragne vichaviti to the last drop of someone else's intellectual potential. Tse belittled the anger at the power of bezporadnist vіdmoviti others at appropriated their spiritual wealth.

402. Epilepsy - almost re-examined, recounted life, almost majestic struggle, violence is a hundred percent itself.

403. Sіdnitsі - increase strength, mіts; - sagging seats - a waste of strength.

404. Virazkov's ailment.

In the face of violence against oneself, the chakra of sleepy gossip suffers, faith is strong in those. you are not good enough, fear.

405. Virazka of herbal organs - like a passion, faith in those who are not good enough.

406. Virazkovі inflamed, stomatitis - words that torment a person, like not to let go, condemn, docor.

407. Mova - specializes in building a positive attitude towards life.

408. Testicle - human principle, masculinity. The testicle is not lowered - the ironic setting of the mother to the statue is a sign of a person.

409. Ovaries.

Specialize the place, create life, creativity, specialize the human part of that woman’s status to the human status:

The camp of the left - an extension to іn. women, as if the organ had been seen surgical way, it is not necessary to speak about the negative attitude of the mother, as the daughter has grown stronger, and as a result, the obstruction has changed on the material.

410. Oviduct (fallopia tubes).

Specialize the woman’s part of that setting to the woman’s status:

Right - to talk about those, how mothers bazhaє bachiti in mutual daughters with a human status, - leviy - to talk about those, how mothers bazhaє bachiti in mutual daughters with a woman's status, - as an organ of vision with a surgical path, it is not necessary to talk about the negative attitude of a mother, like a daughter got worse, and as a result, the obstruction changed on the material, - a blockage - having sex from a little ob'yazku. When you get out of the situation, the oviducts are cleared by themselves.

In this article, there will be about the psychosomatic causes of a nasty dawn, and there will also be given recommendations on how to change the ways of thinking, as if they became the cause of a worsening of the dawn.

Our eyes are not just one of the organs of the sense, the stench is more likely to be heard for our spriynyattya that bachenny of speeches, as well as in itself, so in itself. Eyes - make the building clear to the past, today is that future. Yakshcho zіr is destroyed, - it is destroyed by the adoption of reality to itself such as it is. Pogіrshennya zoru - tse negligence bachiti or commemorate the songs of speech to yourself (nearsightedness) or in yourself (farsightedness), and also in life in general.

Psychosomatic causes of a nasty dawn

The soul accumulates such aggressive emotions, like hatred, aggression, anger, and the stench creates problems for the eyes, even the eyes are the mirror of the soul. For such people, the bachiti garna їhnyu pride that vpertіst is worth. The stench does not understand, what to spit in the trash in one's own world is less than the one who marvels at the world through the prism of one's aggressive emotions. Exit one - clear your mind of a negative thought, templates and zaboboniv, then become a better light. To create such a world for yourself, which would be acceptable for you to marvel at.

Eyes - tse those places, where turmoil unfolds. Problems are blamed from dawn, if the sums do not wiggle around. To him, the eyes are ill like a quiet one, who is constantly crying, so in a quiet one, who does not cry at all. If people correct their eyes for those who can't see them alone, the foundation of eye illness is laid.

The filthy zіr is a direct legacy of the downtrodden bazhanya, do not batchit something that (or) someone else. Awareness of the dawn is a signal (metaphor, reminder) about those that the need and the need of someone and someone not to be unbearable, but to be pleased with it (to get rid of the shoddy underdog), there is no need to be able.

Spending money, people for this reason take the “secondary benefit”, so that they know the possibility of not slacking off respectfully those who don’t want to splurge so much, but in the future they grow into greediness, so don’t be shy (for example, take up a drіbnoy robot with far-sightedness). You can’t (more precisely, you don’t allow yourself) arrange your life in such a way that if you have a child from the field of dawn, then the weakening of your mind will make your psychological experience easier (compensation is required).

Vimusena bachiti those that you don’t want to bachiti, people give rise to super-accuracy between parts of their own knowledge(good sir from one side and "filthy" psychological sir from the other), - that yoga good mind leveled up to "a nasty psychological dawn"(Synchronization).

Well, you know, it's obvious that a person himself breeds in his own mind a hard program of "nasty" visual knowledge(Vin is manifested in the words: “I don’t want to hit you”, “Go out of my eyes”, “You don’t have to hit me”, “Don’t show yourself in your eyes”, “You’re tired of it”, “It’s more painful to marvel at everything "and so far and the like).

Not vipadkovo, scho behind the statistics in young people zіr psuєtsya, as a rule, zі sign minus ( myopia or short vision), and people of a frail age have a plus sign(Hyperopia). People of a frail age have a lot of the past, and in the past they have a lot of pain, roses, pardons and everything that you don’t want so much in your own bachiti. And in youth, there is fear of “prospects”, fear of the future.

Another reason for the death of the dawn is due to the installation of a primus physical cordon with a windy look. Podіbnimi between the walls of budinkiv, parkani, books, the screen of the monitor and the TV is too thin. (є navit doslіdzhennya, sho confirm, scho more densely populated place and chim less in the new expanse (budinok stand literally on the budinka), it is statistically the biggest zir among yoga meshkantsiv).

Before your eyes, you constantly blame the shift, you focus on what you are looking at. Eyes, fast-moving fast shifts, train bachiti less to the singing vіdstanі. great person, prokidayuschisya, do not wander far away walls, walking on the street once straight eyes and feet, marvel at the huge transport at the book, on the robot - at the monitor and at the turn-around order).

Eyes rich just not trained to marvel far away for a few meters(the axis of which, when working with a vision system, I do not only try to look at the eyepieces more often, but also maximize the expansion of the eyes). Tsya vіdstanya vstanovlyuєtsya unfamiliarly by the very person, schob vіdgoroditsa vіd hоgos zvіshny.(for example, don't get real light for your book, TV set or computer game).

Damaged dawn can also be tied to a type of thought style. The cream of our eyes, we have one more kind of “eyes”, like building bachiti on whether it’s like a wall, and how good it is to dance both at night and in the day. Qi "eyes" - our mind.

The mind of the building is a model of the dawn, without any kind of connection with it, to open our eyes at once. Lyudina, as if she reads richly, dreams about the future, the fantasy of the future, or often draws pictures of the past, for the whole hour she creates dawning pictures in her head, which there are none in reality (there is none here and now). Through the years of yoga, the eyes (physical mind) actually become a sensory vestige of the psychological mind. The right-of-the-eyes function is gradually accustomed, rudely seeming, through the inconsistency and the fall of the dawn.

People who live the whole hour "here and at once" may still have little chance of seeing the stars i.e., the shards for the most part koristuyutsya less than a physiological sight, and even a little - a dawn, so be moving, psychological.

The whole number of the most adequate theories of the fall of the dawn was pointed out. And now, for the sake of clarity, I will sort out the leather from the weakened eyes of the okremo.


When short-haired, a person does not run far, but closer to run good - it means that a person is concentrated on himself and on the nearest sharpened. As a rule, it’s easy (or scary) for people with short-term vision to marvel at the future, to be far away (so you don’t stink pictures of your life through rivers, after five, ten years), it’s easy to predict the consequences of your actions.

At to this particular type people need to direct the newcomer to encourage their distant plans, and, moreover, to expand the scope of their interests to a large area (for example, often scatter with light pods toshcho).

At a distance from far-sightedness, people feel the fear of the future, invariably take it objectively b, distrustful of the fact that you check on them in advance, seeing the constant unsafety, alertness, fortune-telling of the world according to the time before them. Such people do not care about prospects.

In addition, short-sightedness develops in people who are slender to the point of aggravating that schematization of action. Those realities that do not fit into their logical structure are ignored.

People often suffer from myopia, as if they are concerned about themselves and it is important to accept other people's ideas world). They have a blind eye.

Short-sightedness can mean fixation on the outer, on the form, on the surface the presence of zhorst stereotypes of the sprinyattya, scho to respect the objective spriynyatty of action

"Blues-handed" people constantly sue other people, while they themselves literally let go of their own noses. It is not appropriate for those who stink to sing dovkol, they stink not to mark any beautiful world, or beautiful people, but to sing less negative, they unapologetically chose “do not bachiti” (nothing to marvel at, there is nothing good). Really, those who are short-sighted people do not fit in the superfluous world of people, they are less likely to show their good manners.

The psychological reasons for the deterioration of the dawn can also be determined depending on the period in which it began to fall:

For example, some children develop short-term vision even in early school age, preschool age. Reasons for the fact that they are at home, in sim'ї, in the hundreds of fathers there is a lot of negativity - welding, screaming, inflicting beatings. The children are sicker than the bachiti, and even for her, the fathers are the closest people, and she herself cannot get into the situation. And as a psychological defender, one’s eyes are weakened, short-eyedness helps one to dull the pain, “not bachachi” of what is perceived. That's one of the reasons.

Є th return option. For example, d ohm, before school there is a kindergarten, in this child's room there is a harmonious atmosphere, good and important stosunki between the fathers of a child, we take away love and encouragement. Having called to such a setting, you will be dragged to the team, de zovsim іnshi mind - it’s not enough to love Yogo just like that, you have to win the songs of the mind in order to reach the garni stavlennja vchitelіv that friendship of classmates.

That model of the world, as if it had been conquered by the Sim, appears absolutely in the light of the “great” world, and the wine itself does not appear to be prepared for reality. The child doesn’t want to put up with him, why are you now battling, watching the stress, bіl. At the result, it is necessary to bring to the point where short-term vision develops in a new one - and you can clearly beat those who instructed them, vizgorodzhuyuchi injustice and zhorstokіst navkolo.

At the rich, the death of the dawn is observed under the hour of state ripening. Pydliki stick the Temoid self -proprietary statte, vinika bagato ryl rye: yak claps Vyglyati at Roli Cholovіkiv, and Divchatka in the roeal, senu senuys vision of the sphere, as a result, zir falls.

So they are afraid of becoming grown-up, because they are on their guard and lie to those who stink at the world of grown-ups (butt: they don’t like the way of life of grown-ups, like yogo, they want to stink ), without bazhayuchi bachiti your future).

How did you start to get better at the end of school ( first course at the institute) may mean that you feel the fear of entering a new, more grown-up sleep.

At the end of the institute, young people are blamed, like before the institute, for fear of growing up life, fear of not being on the professional side - “children and the game is over, the axis is out of age life”, for whom the fear is so self-blocking.

Zagalom mekhanіzm zrozumіliy. I’m practicing in the grown-ups, the shards of the greater part of our lives, without a special review, are guilty of children.

Sometimes short-sightedness is not associated with fears of future prospects. In times, it is necessary to grow up in some way, the soil should fall zir, tk. Perhaps, at whom the vіtsi became like a podіya, it was important to marvel at the yak, and the person “vibrated” for the rahunok of her dawn “not marveling” at the tsyu podіya.

Even though the world has not been normalized for a long time, the theme of the subdivision of a person’s period is still relevant. In this way it is necessary to sort it out with this time or in a period, for which it was important to marvel, or it was important to accept, survive.

For example, if you fell into a state of maturity and then it didn’t seem like that, then you don’t accept yourself as a grown-up person and don’t take on yourself the responsibility for these roles of function. Abo yakscho zir sharply falling after the slope - the key to the renewal of motherhood(At birth to yourself like a mother, for a child, for a mother, etc.).

Recommendations: in order to correct one's own vision (nearsightedness), it is necessary to get rid of that fear, which calls out to the dead dawn. It may be not only fear, but in the wake of a sprat, for example, it began to fall during the period of state maturity, more trohi lost in the institute and it became nasty after the fall. Skin from these periods is accompanied by singing fears, yak it was not possible to accept.

It is necessary for new ideas to go calling, take a look at other people(Do not fixate hard on your own look at the world, but allow a few thoughts to run in parallel). It is necessary to learn how to solve problems in the world of their guilt and stop chasing the big one in the future.

Such fears are truly evicted not by objective reality, but by your transcendental activity. Learn to marvel at the future with optimism. Learn also with the honor of hearing the thoughts of other people, so that the stench does not run away from yours.


When a person is far-reaching, it’s good to dream in the distance and not to stare near, which means that people are ticking, who are walking in the world, in a distant otochenny, cicada their distant plans, and do not marvel at yourself, but at the nearest sharpened(it’s more global to squawk, and the axis of the constant dribnitaries of the flooring is being worked on, so you don’t want to). That is why far-sightedness is taken into account by a century-long illness, to that in old age a person does not accept himself for this or that other causal reason, change for a century, which is taken from her, or in the nearest otochenny. Your life becomes tedious, and the light and the distant sharpening become tinkling.

For statistics, women are far-sighted earlier, lower in men. I realized that women are more important to accept their age-old changes.

In modern medicine, it is considered a normal physiological phenomenon, if there is an impairment of accommodation, beginning about 45 years ago. Under the “normality” here, only those who, according to statistical data, people over 45 years of age more often suffer from farsightedness, are understood, while people younger than 45 years of age. Tsіkavo, scho the word "acomodation" means "attachment" or "the process of attachment".

Therefore, we can admit that in the age of far-sightedness suffer those who care about what is happening. It’s important for you to look at yourself in the mirror, bachiti, like you love the old body, consider yourself less accustomed, stink to believe that the old one is only worse. Possibly, even more important to them is the situation that is developing in the hands of the sim's robots.

People from far-sightedness live through everything that seems close and necessary to be tied to the physical world. Through the whole internal air is weaker, and the stench does not care about its significance, nabutoї at once from the dosvid for long-term fates.

Far-reaching people overdo it with their good intentions. You want to stink far away, you want to take a lot and a lot, but you don’t want to bachiti small (butovі drіbnitsi). As soon as a person vimags in others, including powers, to secure their future, then they will lose their lives in it, if you don’t run out of it, that the skin is guilty of us in front of himself obshtuvati his life.

Recommendations: People from far-sighted need to learn to accept themselves, marvel at themselves with love and live here and now. Do not forget that your future is to lie in the way that you are setting up your life today. Learn to stick to people and situations that appear in your life, and it is important to improve your quality, and contagion and sp.

For far-sighted people in life, it is necessary for us to learn how to please dribnitsy, then life can trust them more. Um, to collapse forward, look at your feet on the back of your head and only then direct your glance at the distance (even if you can not cross the line under your nose, bryaknutsya, and as a result you won’t come anywhere).


With astigmatism in a person, there is a steady look of life, and it’s correct for you, other thoughts are not correct for you friend is not welcomed). It is necessary for people with astigmatism to admit that other points of view are also correct and to begin to accept them. Astigmatism can be a signal of fear to really hurt yourself.


If a person does not succumb to the color/kvіtіv it means that the person is supposed to, for some reason, turn off the color/color of his life. It is necessary to find out what symbolize those other colors for a person, like a wine turning on their life (it is not important symbolism, but a special meaning for a person).

If a person strays close to the sight, it means that a person spends his life near the polar colors, A vydtinki like the nuances of life do not succumb chi do not want to bachiti.

If a person strays, the contrasting colors mean that in a person's life there are no regional apartments and nothing for him, everything in life is one.

The situation of illness affects children up to three years of age. A child up to three years psychologically has a strong bond with her mother and still does not recognize herself, as if I were a person, To this, all ailments in a child are up to three years old - maternal ailments.

Tobto. child up to three years hangs through his body(In this case, very damaged) problems, like mami, and if the mother deals with these symptoms, as if with her own and deal with them, the child will need to show symptoms.

Conjunctivitis (barley or inflamed eyes)

From the point of view of psychosomatics, the symptoms of sickness mean that in the life of a person one sees oneself, that one shouts at a new anger, anger, hatred and an image, and a person is not suitable for this, that one is (if possible, a situation, a person that іn.) і він do not care about this drastic factor.

The reasons are not important, smut, what a person is arguing for that anger. The stronger the negative emotions, the stronger the fire. Your aggression is turning back to you and it's in your eyes. In this way, it’s like a person to reveal, what to call for a factor in a new sense of anger, or to anger and sort out these factors (otherwise, you’ll agree, take a productive factor, or save your field of dawn), the body symptom in case of conjunctivitis will not be needed.

Sometimes, having shown evil, recklessness can be brought to the point of burning. Aje scho so pristrit? Tse indulgence of evil to other people. I see it out of sight.


If a person succumbs normally to both eyes, the insults of the picture are synchronously superimposed one on one. When a person is cross-eyed, to sip two different pictures, under different hoods of the dawn. I yogo pіdsvіdomіst is embarrassed to choose one. This is how a one-sided look at speech is formed.

The versatile skewness of a child means that she will swing at the side of the father in a super-clear message. For example, if the mother wants one kind of child, and if the father is equal to the child, then. Vіn can't establish priority between mother and tatom, the situation is obvious, if the child does not know whom to hear, and the eyes differ in the literal meaning.

Looks like a squint. On the vіdmіnu vіd raznobіchnoi skew-eyed cause of slant-eyed, scho to go. є otrimannya child of super smart strengths in the presence of quiet, who is the same state(for example, mother and grandmother) and a child cannot put a priority on its own, in connection with physical and psychological indications, a psychological “tear” can hang at the convergence of eyes at one point.

A slant-eye in mature people means that a person marvels with one eye at the right reality, and with others either at the “ilusory reality”, or at another world. In times of understanding the "inshiy world" I put an esoteric sense. A squint in mature people means fear of marveling at a given hour right here and at once.


With glaucoma, there is an internal pressure, there are strong pains in the internal apple. The literal meaning is getting sicker. For a person to squeeze out of old image for people, for a share, like a spiritual pain, you do not forgive the wounds of your past. Forgiveness without prejudice, but only hurt your own.

Glaucoma signals people that they are under a strong internal pressure. Block your feelings. In such a time, it is important to learn how to express your emotions, to let your feelings out. Tsya ailment is tied up with turmoil. If glaucoma is accompanied by a headache - it means that there is a process of zbіlshennya zієї most sadness.

Congenital glaucoma - mothers had a chance to go through a lot of confusion. Її strongly imaged, but she clenched her teeth and endured everything, but she couldn’t work. Sorrow lingered in her until she was pregnant, and in her hour she attracted injustice to herself, because she suffered and became vengeful. Vaughn attracted to her a child with an identical mentality, whose borg karmi took away the ability to calm down. Congenital glaucoma means relapsing and suffocation with feelings.


Uncertainty marvels forward from joy. Maybutne cover with mud. Why is cataract blamed, as a rule, in people with a frail age? For the stink, don't get anything good from your future. Vono "foggy". What checks on us there, at our future? Old age, sickness, that death (so stink vvazhayut). So, why don't you do anything. The axis is so far away we program ourselves for the suffering of each other. Ale, our old age and our exit from this world, like reshta, lie only in our own minds, in view of quiet thoughts and moods, with some kind of wisdom.

Dry eyes

Vidmova bachiti, vіdchuvati kokhannya. I would have died sooner, if I had passed through. Lyudina is evil, shy, unkind.

vtrata zora

Blame the memory of that scrolling of some filthy podiums.

A waste of the dawn, caused by old people - careless bachiti drіvlivі drіbnitsі life. A person who has grown old, thank you for those great things that are broken or reached in life. If you don’t understand, if life starts from rubbish, if it’s so important, if it’s great, if you don’t get the shards of one without another, if you start hating the rubbish, then the stench will bother you more and more. Want to stare and get pissed off, so that a person could not bachiti dribnit, like you want, but people don’t fit. Do not bazhaє bachiti drіbnits, but I'll put on the eyepieces, so that you can bulo їх bachiti. Anger spryyaє daedalі to a greater weakened dawn. Whoever stops staining oneself on dribnitsa, costing an hour in old age, may wear eyepieces of the same optical power for decades. And if a person of a frail age ceases to give respect to the rubbish of life, shards realize that the stench has been spent for a new meaning, then yoga zir begins to correct. What is dribnitsa? That is all that is of little importance to you.

Xenia Golitsina

If you have winickle food, ask them

P.S. And remember, if you change your mind, we change the world at once! © econet

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