Pіdbіr solntsezakhisnyh eyepieces for the form of disguise. How to choose soncezahisnі eyepieces for kshtalt zakhistu.

Stars of show business and top models do not scatter with dark eyepieces, not only to the fact that this stylish and fashionable accessory allows you to “look out” from looking at them or wear cosmetics. It's wonderful to know: sleepy eyepieces are one of shortest profits for prevention" crow's feet and a wrinkle between the eyebrows. And the doctors don’t bother to repeat that the eyes need to be protected from the sun and opikiv to find more, lower the shkir.

1. Mayte on the court: those who have eyepieces with a plastic fold are worse - a pardon

Today, more virobniks in the world overtake plastic, so eyepieces are lighter, more practical, and plastic glasses are absolutely not compromised by glass. And in time to turn it over, to those who apply special filters at a lower speed, which protect the eyes from UVA-and UVB-changes. Until the speech, firmness, that if the glass eyepieces do not let ultraviolet through - no more than a lower myth. By itself, it only covers a part of the ultraviolet changes, in order to ensure that the UV-protection is more complete, on the new side, the shoes are coated with additional coatings.

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5 secrets, how to choose the perfect sleepy eyepieces


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5 secrets, how to choose the perfect sleepy eyepieces



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2. Check your passport before buying!

If you want to buy good sleepy eyepieces, you should be familiar with the passport (certificate) for them. The most important characteristics of the eyepieces are shown in the new obov'yazkovo, and the very long life and some of the ultraviolet vibrations block the stench. Good sleepy eyepieces are responsible for blocking ultraviolet light waves at least up to 400 nm - the most safe for the eyes. Establish your own standards for light penetration, fallow like all Sunglasses eyepieces be divided into five categories.

Nulyova (joke for the number "0") - only light, less than a few darkened eyepieces for gloomy weather, which let through 80-100% of the light. Persha (number "1") - slightly dimmed eyepieces for mild gloominess, such eyepieces are well suited for early spring and mid-autumn in mid-latitudes. Another category (number "2") is the eyepieces of the middle degree of darkness, which are suitable for sleepy weather in the middle smoothness, but for pivdnya the stench is mild. The third and widest category (number "3") - eyepieces for summer, beach, clear sun. Take them yourself at the entrance. The eyepieces of the fourth group (number 4) let through less than 8-10% of the light, the stench is recommended for even strong sun, for example, high in the mountains, or on the sea of ​​the equator. In addition, the eyepieces for the clear sun are due to polarized lenses, which extinguish drowsy glares on the surface of water and snow.

The easiest way to understand how to fit darkened eyepieces is only if you feel comfortable with them. How do you look at the sun, not respecting those in dark eyepieces - it means darkening the weak. І May on exposure: on UV-protection color, that tone does not blend in any way: even lenses of the zero group can block 100% of ultraviolet (international standard - at least 95%).

3. Don't be afraid of dark eyepieces

Choosing sleepy eyepieces is necessary to remember that this is not an accessory, but a must for protecting your eyes from ultraviolet light. And the same kind of folded up, you’ll be a good zahist, not seeming already about those who, in a bad way, will inevitably have a negative impact on zir. An independent study of one of the specialized magazines that appear in the United States and associated with optical lenses showed that it is possible to sell hundreds of models, like street vendors, at an average price of $ 5-15, not meeting the standards of brightness, but rather the stickers from the "100% UV protection" series - No more, lower fiction. Savings on sony eyepieces are savings on health, which threaten the worsened eyesight, cataracts, horn optics or eyes, those other poor eyes, called ultraviolet. The shading on the glasses zmushuє zіnitsu expand and, even though the lenses are not applied UV-filter, a lot of ultraviolet penetrates into the eyes. In this rank, it’s better not to wear dark eyepieces, wear lower ones, but worse.

Buy only eyepieces from specialized points of sale, shops or opticians. Let tse navit road model, ale yakіsna. Until then, even if you don’t chase after fashionable models, good dark eyepieces are an accessory that can be bought on a sprat of rock. Well, you still doubt in terms of the quality of the purchase of eyepieces - at many optics stores there are special devices, on which you can change their light penetration and the degree of protection from UV.

4. Give respect to colors

The most comfortable eyes are felt in eyepieces with lenses of neutral colors - gray, gray-brown, gray-green. And the axis of erysipelas, blakitnі, orange and especially yellow eyepieces of the doctor does not make you happy for a long time - your eyes are suddenly tired. It’s also a thought that these colors re-energize the sitkivka and call out the titles of optical stress, the eyes are strongly strained, swidko vtomlyuyutsya. Then, the unimaginative green lenses, on the other hand, calm the nerves and can relieve the pressure of the eyes. At the thought of rich ophthalmologists, short-sighted most comfortable in brown lenses, far-sighted - in blue and green. Report about those, how different colors are developing on our nervous system I'm healthy, tell the experts about the program "In form".

5. Rozmir tezh maє znachennya!

Chim more expansion lenses - more often than not, sleepy eyepieces will be protected from changing the sun's eyes and skin around them, so fashion on large, massive eyepieces can be less damaged. Eyepieces with massive bases are better protected from the nights of sleepy nights (it is especially important, like for kerm, you look in the mountains or on the sea, sometimes even richer).

Tse obov'yaskovy aksesuary for people, yakі bazhayut:

If you are a right fashionista and a dandy, then your wardrobe should have at least two pairs of stylish unisex sleepy eyepieces, so you will dress like a beach, just like a walk in the city. Fashion trends in the choice of such glasses are constantly changing - like in our old likenesses, so for the current appearance of the form of a woman's appearance. Let's figure it out, how to choose sony eyepieces according to

Revealing rich about what to talk about

Vzagali, choose eyepieces - not an easy task. The very form of your disguise lie down those, far away, the stench looks at you. Adzhe eyepieces poklikany prichovat or smooth out the mozhli vadi of your appearance. To that very choice, we should follow it with a special viability! Well, well, now that a wide range of accessories is presented today, why the hell is it, how to pick up sleepy eyepieces with a form of disguise, remember to ask.

Global recommendations

Let's put respect on the lenses of your future eyepieces. The stench can be cursed with plastic. Here vibir is left behind you. We are more respectful, which is more important, lower plastic, and less skhilne to mechanical defects (drapin), that kind of ultraviolet light will be more serious. However, more often than not, you can sharpen the very plastic lenses - such an axis of stylish trends! Mabut, tse all, please, like pіdіbrati drowsy eyepieces with the shape of your chi іnshіy zhіntsi. Good luck with your choice!

17 sep 2011 roku, 08:27

For wealthy people, sonsey eyepieces are no more than a fashionable accessory. However, stench is recognized for us to zahistu eyes - and vlіtku, and in the resort holidays, whether it's time for fate, and every hour to take up winter sports.

Before choosing, it is necessary to approach even more obviously, even inaccurate eyepieces of the building zamіst koristі zavdati shkodi.

How to choose the sonically sound eyepieces, rozpovida Volodymyr Neroev, director of the Moscow NDI named after Helmholtz.

Why does the sun hurt the eyes

Natural protection of the eye ensures the pigment melanin the number of such in the eyes of the century is changing. Therefore, the intense effect of sleepy vision on the eyes can lead to problems and the same disease of the eyes, such as central degeneration or cataracts.

For example, to instill a short-term watchfulness of a sleepy blackout without a visible outburst of eyes led to a lowering of the eyes of people, as if it were more often than not.

What is so sleepy light

Sonyachne light - mainly due to the use of ultraviolet (UV) and infra-red vitreous treatment. Fallow in the presence of mildew, UV-vipromination is subdivided into:

- Dovgokhvilovy ( exchange type A) - the least unsafe range (the same wine calls for smagu), the prote effect is accumulated by the prolongation of life and soon the old shkir,
- medium fine ( exchange type B) - in the range of viprominuvannya may be more high energy i, present in a sufficient amount, causing dermatitis, opia and other skin lesions,
- short-haired ( exchange type C) - the most unsafe range, but practically more and more occluded by the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere.

Ultraviolet variation is uneven in different latitudes. It is more intense in the region of the equator, decreasing near the world in the distance. The greatest need for ultraviolet light is at the daytime.

Yogo vplyuєtsya in the case of fermentation of the surface, increasing the total dose. For example, snig brings in about 90 cm of sony light, water - about 70 cm, and grass - less than 3 cm.

Іnfrachervone vipromіnuvannya Significantly, the winds of the atmospheric hair are rising, but it can also become a serious problem, especially in the afternoon with ultraviolet radiation.

Chim keruvatisya when choosing points

The choice of sunglass eyepieces in the shops of the flooring is wide, so it is even more important to look into them. shobbiti correct choice it is necessary to understand, de and yak you choose to vicorist your own sonsies eyepieces.

Yaksnі eyepieces not only protect the eyes, but also protect them comfort and image clarity. Ideally, the eyepieces are responsible for changing the brightness of the image, but not changing the transmission of color.

Selected material

Lenses made from the same polymeric materials, for example, polycarbonate, trim ultraviolet change types A and B.

And the axis of infrachervone viprominyuvannya, like it’s so unbearable for the eyes, to pass like a plastic, so it’s a hard way.

Light and color

It would have been better if the dark eyepieces would rather protect the eyes from the stench. Ale intensively pofarbovani lenses yakі zavzhd zdatnі zatrimuvat sonyachne vipromіuvannya.

Like a lens just pofarbovani And do not be afraid of the power of protection from ultraviolet radiation, its dose appears to be greater, lower is removed through the aperture of the lens. Adzhe zinits behind dark lenses expand. Therefore, inaccurate sun protection eyepieces give strong ultraviolet vibrations to the eyes.

Children and children are especially valued, the stinks of the stench are bigger, the lower ones are grown, they are on the streets every day.

Not bad addition to the sunglass eyepieces. visor or cap. The stench will trim close to half of the sleepy days.

Zahist in viprominyuvannya

Special marking dopomogaє zrobiti the correct choice of fallow vіd required. Riven zakhistu is indicated in the tabs that are added to the eyepieces. The stench also contains information about the wash, in which eyepieces are recommended before freezing (burn, water surface, the place is thin).

«0» - Light transmission 80-100 windows. Minimal protection against ultraviolet viprominution of all species.
"one", "2"- light transmission, airborne, 43-80 windows and 18-43 windows. Such eyepieces are recommended for vicariance in the minds of the minds, the shards in the ultraviolet light protect the stench less frequently.
"3"- Light transmission 8-18 windows. Tsey type of glasses can be selected for the best beach resort and a view of nature.
"four"- Light transmission 3-8 windows. This is a dark filter, appointments for high-country regions and speculative lands.

Polarized lenses

Polarizing filters do not let through to the eyes intensively fermented light view of the surface (wet asphalt, snow, ice, water), which leads to reduced visibility. Vіdsіkayuchi shkіdlivu part of the "light", the stench will make more comfortable and clear air.

Photochromic lenses

Photochromic lenses of the building react on ultraviolet light to change the amount of light passed through. The stench vikoristovuyutsya in such titles chameleon eyepieces, like it gets dark in the sun, and for the presence of the sony light, their lenses become clear. Buy sunscreen lenses that will combine both polarization and photochromic power.

When choosing sunglass eyepieces with photochromic lenses, check the darkness and lightness and temperature sensitivity.

Before the speech photochromic agents- special speeches, which are victorious during the production of such lenses - for low temperatures they are more active. Tobto, in the darkening of the photochromic lenses is less, and the eyes are protected by them more.

Over the years, photochromic agents in lenses can “turn on”, and lens tint is weaker. Therefore, eyepieces need to be regularly replaced with new ones.

How to choose points?

1. Decide in advance why you need eyepieces.
2. Even if you have problems with vision or eye disease, before choosing sun protection eyepieces, check with an ophthalmologist.
3. Do not buy sunscreen eyepieces on trays in markets. Yakіsnі eyepieces are not obov'yazkovo expensive. Choose the quiet ones that are sold in stores, for example, tourist ones, and they are safe with smart markings and inserts.
4. Respectfully check the marking of the eyepieces - it is appointed for some, some ultraviolet changes to let through the lenses of the eyepieces, so that the building stench adapts to the brightness of the light and clean up the glare.
5. If you are driving a car, or if you often go out to the sun and back - bring eyepieces with photochromic lenses. For a trip in the snowy mountains, it is better to bring glasses with polarized lenses.

Sunglasses eyepieces are not only a stylish accessory that complements the modern image, but also the protection of the eyes from ultraviolet vision. Ultraviolet has a negative impact on the skin and mucous membranes. And just as for the protection of the skin of the skin it is possible to use a cream, then the only solution for the safety of the eyes is the eyepieces.

Correctly choose sonyachny eyepieces to help at specialized optics salons. Tіlki in tsomu vpadku can be vpevnenim as if it were coming, confirmed by a certificate. Certificate to collect information about the virobnik company, material and equal protection against ultraviolet vibrance. The best option is to protect against all viability spectra (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C) in the range up to 400 nanometers.

What is the need for this accessory?

For the presence of the sun, the m'yazi of the eye reflexively rush. The person automatically begins to merge in order to reduce the consumption of ultraviolet light deeply into the environment. In different cases, the non-sharp eyepieces simply have a darkened slope, but we don’t shut down, the apex of the eye is filled with expansion, and ultraviolet penetrates without interruption to the new one. At to this particular type you can take away the damage to the horns of other serious complications.

For example, the symptoms of such a full-time illness, like photokeratitis, are unacceptable: increased slozogіnіnіnіst, teasing and redness, the presence of a squeak in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and sometimes short-lived morning sickness. Therefore, in order to choose soncezahisnі eyepieces, it is necessary to remember about those that cheap virobi cannot be akіsnimi.

What is better: plastic chi slo?

The preeminence of plasticity is given for yoga by lightness and practicality. Such eyepieces are more important than breaks, and their design is different, lower in frames with glass lenses. Slope, at its core, can be traumatically safe and unsuitable for a child, and also not entirely suitable for people, like leading. active image life.

On this day, plastic eyepieces may have additional coverage. For example, polarization. It spriya polypshennu contrast ratio and usunennya third-party vidbliskіv. Therefore, glasses are especially relevant for water. However, plastic can be covered with scuff marks all the time.

How can I change the sonceathism eyepieces?

To review, what is on the lenses is polarized, it is necessary to look at a special screen or a sticker, which is on stands in optics stores. I'll spend my time in the eyepieces, and then without them. As the picture is visible only in the eyepieces, their lenses can be covered.

You can also reverse the polarization eyepieces by marveling through their lenses at a rare-crystal computer monitor or a mobile phone display. Eyepieces with covers cover the darkening of the small screen when turning the head.

To convert Polaroid eyepieces, you need to know on the inside of the temple the Polaroid branding and a different model code with one great letter that means the color. On the lenses there is a sticker with the logo of the virobnik company. Before the eyepieces, you need a passport for your Russian model. Moreover, the code of the model, the meanings in the description, are guilty of confirming the code, which is not erased, on the arc. You can reverse the polarization of Polaroid eyepieces using the methods described above.

How to choose the right eyepieces?

Choose a frame

The frame of the eyepieces is not guilty of embossing on that skronevu board. The eyepieces can be comfortable. With a wide transfer, it is better to wear your choice on the frame with nose pads. The most practical material for frames is nylon: the veins of your veins are in front of a lot of damage, causing careless occasions.

The frame with a wide headband is surrounded by a peripheral space, so it’s impossible to avoid the need for transportation.

The frame is shorter than the shape of the individual. The easiest way is to choose eyepieces for the classic oval shape of the face: practically all models are suitable for such people.

Vlasniks of a well-trodden individual are better suited for large massive frames, be they form, and small eyepieces without a frame do not look like a proper rank.

A round person is more likely to fit a wide frame, square or rectangular in shape.

Ideally look at the faces square shape there will be large rounded eyepieces or aviators, with which you should remove the frame with a low jumper, so that you can visually round the appearance.

It is correct to choose the right eyepieces for eyepieces to help the principle: the upper border of the frame is to be placed strictly on the line of the brows, and not to change it higher or lower. The size of the frame can change 1/3 of the size of the individual, but the eyepieces look more harmonious. The frame is not guilty of being over that narrow little chi. Its function is to protect eyes and skin around them. Even more sleepy light penetrates from both sides - if you buy eyepieces, it will be easier to see.

Vybіr rozmіru

Eyepieces may be suitable for rozmіrom. In order to distort, chi are not great stench, it is necessary to lower your head down, turn left hand and right hand. Appropriate for the size of the eyepieces in the right direction to be left on the spot.

Color of lenses

When choosing the color of the lenses, care should be taken, which is the most safe for the eyes - gray and green. Until then, colors do not create colors. dovkilla, which you can see for the need to win at the place of residence on the street. Golden-yellow lenses block the blue color, so you can only wear them in gloomy weather. They reflect the sleepy light of the mirror lenses, for which the stench is so popular with climbers and mountain climbers.

Other nuances in the choice of eyepieces in the view of the sun

Healthy fashion trends, women most often recommend eyepieces of the “grandmother” shape, people - aviators. The color of the lenses, lovers of stylish images, should change regularly for better: from black and gray to dark red and brown. Especially popular is the gradation of the lenses, the glare of the eyepieces of the beast may be dark, step by step to pass from the openings to the bottom.

The hair color is an important criterion when choosing a frame model. So, for example, dark, black, or light green frames are more suitable for blondes, but not black. For those with dark hair, you can choose eyepieces in the form of a sun, both in light and in dark frames.

It is also not necessary to forget about the style of clothes. The chosen model of the eyeglass is not guilty of dissonance with it. For example, as it looks like the avant-garde style in dress, it is unlikely that the classical form of the frame of the sunglass eyepieces will fit into the whole image.

Tim, who has problems out of sight, can choose photochromic lenses with diopters, as in the case of the host they are filled with apertures, and when they get a bright sony light, they get dark. The cream functions to correct the gap, so the eyepieces are endowed with protection from ultraviolet light. Before using such eyepieces, it is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist. Write a prescription for the selection of lenses from the required number of diopters.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the correct watch for glasses. With this method, you can additionally add a special holster (it would be better if it would be a hard case). Wipe the lenses with a special cloth made from thin suede, or a cloth with a fleecy surface. Keep in mind that the eyepieces cannot be placed on the steel with the lenses down - do not cover the lenses.

Everyone sees that the sun can not be less affectionately warmed. Vono can push and shkіdlivy infusion. To protect the eyes from the sun, we win the eyepieces. Before choosing, it is necessary to step forward, even if the eyepieces are due, we will make additions to the image and the final touch in the image.

We select correctly

When choosing sleepy eyepieces, pay attention to the following moments:

So, as sleepy eyepieces, they are not only a fashionable addition to the image, but also an important accessory, which can protect eyes and save them. The following selection criteria are up to date:

  1. The eyepieces are in line with fashion trends and current design.
  2. It is not recommended to choose the shape of the eyepieces, as the frame repeats the contour of the face.
  3. The contour of the lower part of the frame may bulge out from the lower part of the individual.

Material for the preparation of lenses

Lenses for eyepieces from the sun are available in two types - plastic and glass. The head is strong to the lens, so that the stink of a small high rіven zahistu from ultraviolet viprominuvannya. Yakіsnі eyepieces can mark UV - 400 nm.

Glass lenses


  • high rіven zakhistu in the shkіdlivy dormouse infusion;
  • objects are less conjured;
  • the surface of the lenses does not fray.


  • vymagayut retelnogo and dbaylivogo zberіgannya, oskіlki skіlki easy to beat;
  • important;
  • not recommended for children to wear.

Plastic lenses


  • special cover for the greater steps of protection;
  • legends;
  • ideal option for sports;
  • can be worn by children, plastic shards cannot be worn.


  • the surface of the lenses is frayed;
  • lenses made of plastic create objects that can easily intrude into the eyes;
  • the lenses are shabby and quickly become unacceptable.

Brilliance and comfort

  1. With the right choice, the focus point in the bow is to blame, but it is straightened only to the area behind the ear and above the ear.
  2. Do not wash your glasses, as if the stench is small and emboss. The frame is deformed over time, but it is unlikely that the stench will become hard on the wearer.
  3. The eyepieces are not guilty of falling off when turning, or the heads are sick.
  4. For maximum comfort, and short, it is necessary to buy eyepieces from specialized stores.

Individual shape

An important factor in choosing an accessory is to correctly choose the shape of the sony eyepieces, so as to match the shape of the face.

The shape of the individual is oval, before it you can pick up the shape of the frame with the improvement of such moments:

  • in case of soft forms of an individual, the frame should be taken without gostrikh kutiv;
  • for such a form of an individual, it is not recommended to wear too massive or, navpak, too small frames;
  • for oval individuals recommended: blizzard eyepieces, rectangular, square frames, frame - "aviator".

Appearance in the form of a stake is necessary visually to grow more long. Therefore, rob it like this:

  • rectangular chi square shape;
  • from wide temples;
  • with narrow nasal bridges;
  • colorful and black;
  • It is not recommended to wear massive frames with decorative embellishments and rhinestones.

The person in the form of a tricot can be divided into two types:

  • vuzke pіdboriddya and high forehead;
  • "vazhka" pіdborіddya that vuzka cholo.

In the first view, the eyepieces are in the form of an oval or a round shape.

For another type, choose a frame with a rectangular shape with rounded corners. Also, rims with decorations come into contact with them - they look harmoniously and proportionately.

The square shape of the face needs to be pom'yakshiti. With such tasks, rims run into:

  • yaskravih or dark eyes, yak vіdvolіkatimé respect in the lower part of the guise;
  • with a low jumper;
  • with decor and rhinestones;
  • not recommended: small, round-shaped eyepieces, as well as square frames.

With a rectangular shape of an individual, choose a frame:

  • "aviators";
  • round;
  • do not fit the hairdressers with a straight-cut shape - square frames, as well as small vuzki.

Longer person is visually necessary to round off. With such tasks, rims run into:

  • wide and massive, embellished with rhinestones;
  • it is rectangular, oval and round;
  • it is impossible to cup eyepieces with a small or narrow frame.

The rhomboid shape will require visual proportion and closeness to an oval shape. What can be reached for the help of advancing frames:

  • rectangular and square shapes;
  • round shape;
  • shape, widened to the bottom.

  • In case of ailment of the eyes of the wicked dawn, it is necessary to choose sony eyepieces for the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.
  • When choosing sleepy eyepieces, pay attention to the marking of the tab, demonstrating the main characteristics of the lenses:
    • the number of ultraviolet changes, such as building transmission lenses;
    • zdatnіst clean up vіdbliski;
    • stages of adaptation to a bright, dormouse light.
  • Choose sleepy eyepieces better with large lenses, henceforth, in the sun you will be protected not only by the eyes, but by the skin around the eyes;
  • Yakіsnі and correctly selected eyepieces from the sun to serve more than one river.


How to revise sonzahisnі eyepieces:

How to choose correctly:

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