Soncezahisnі eyepieces correctly. How to choose soncezahis eyepieces for the form of denunciation of the type of zakhist.

For cob varto, there are three types of ultraviolet modifications: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. Type B represents the greatest concern for us. However, even if the skin is able to adapt, vibrating melanin, then the eyes become completely unprotected. In order to change the shkidlivy influx of ultraviolet vaping, we reflexively merge, so that in our circle we provoke the adoption of new eyes in the corners of our eyes. Even during the summer period, doctors recommend using sunscreen eyepieces.

When choosing sleepy eyepieces, do not be stingy. Buying cheap eyepieces from an unknown virobnik, you risk doing even more damage to your eyes. On the right, in the fact that the darkened eyepieces of the antroch do not overshoot the penetration of ultraviolet changes. In addition, when darkened, our eyes expand reflexively and in the eyes consume more ruby ​​ultraviolet.

The use of inaccurate eyepieces can lead to such serious problems, like optical sights, cloudy crystals and dimmed eyes. The most widespread ailments, as a result of severe ultraviolet symptoms, are photokeratitis (opik horn). Chervoninnya, sverbіzh, slozogіnіnіst and swollen povіki - all symptoms of photokeratitis.

Looking back at all the listed facts, I became aware of why it is so important to bathe like glasses, and not fake sun protection eyepieces. When choosing the “correct” eyepieces, pay attention to such parameters as material and color of lenses, shape, frame and marking.

Sklo chi plastic?

Today, more models are produced with lenses made of plastic. Truth, dosi іsnuє thought, scho sklyanі lenses more likely to protect the eyes from the sun. In a first way, we don’t call it like that - plastic doesn’t change the penetration of ultraviolet changes in antrohi. In another way, plastic lenses may have a low quality: lightness, injury safety, variety of forms and the possibility of applying additional coating.

Eyepieces with glassy lenses and not safe - stench can easily break and damage eyes, it is not recommended to wear them, who knows active image life.


Cream eyepieces with superior lenses, today you can see a lot of models with additional coatings. For example, motorists are wary of eyepieces with polarization coatings - they improve the contrast and protect the sight of blind reflections.

Photochromic lenses (chameleons) in the fallow stage of illumination can change their color from light to dark, protecting them more overhead from the sharp ultraviolet lightening.

Lenses from mirror-like coatings in buildings are better darkened in povnyannі zі svechaynymi lenses, and also allow for thermal change. Eyepieces with mirror lenses are ideal for skiing and swimming.

When choosing yakіsnih sunglass eyepieces next to consider such a factor as the color of the lenses. The best option is ceoculars with blue and brown lenses. Syrian color allow natural spriymati navkolishniy svit and the brown color ensures visual contrast.

Lenses of green color provide good contrast and greater protection from ultraviolet and infrared changes. The orange color neutralizes the blind day of the bright light at night.

And from eyepieces with black and purple lenses, it is more beautiful than unique. On the right, in the fact that the number of sounds zagalmovuyut motility and the pace of thought. With a trivial wear of such eyepieces, head bіl, drama and volume can appear.

The form

The shape of the lenses must be chosen, focusing on the individual features of the fit. For example, some people are more comfortable in eyepieces with flat lenses, and some people, on the other hand, are more comfortable with lenses of a bulging shape. Have some kind of depression, even if it’s an hour of reconciliation, you should feel the least discomfort, depending on the model, the point should be taken care of.


On the other hand, when choosing sleepy eyepieces, the meritorious material from which the frame was made. Adzhe vіd tskogo stale is not less than vaga, mіtsnіst ta old look eyepieces, and allergic power. Your skin can react negatively when in contact with nickel, which is often found in rich alloys. Hypoallergenic materials include gold, silver, titanium and stainless steel.

Also, do not forget to evaluate the fragility of the nose pads. If the stench is too harsh, then a strong pressure on the area has been transferred, which in its own strength calls for discomfort and leads to swedish stubbornness. Those same stosuєtsya and zavushnikov - the stench is not guilty of fixing a vice on the area behind the vukh and the temple.


Samy important parameter when choosing sun protection eyepieces - the coefficient of protection for ultraviolet vision. The sticker "UV-400" means that the eyepieces will protect the latest protection from ultraviolet radiation. The truth is, I can’t write it, but the shards of this rіven zahistu transferring the standards of preparation.

On the arc of the eye, the obov'yazkovo may be but the CE marking - it is indicated by numbers from 0 to 5, depending on how little dormant light passes through the lenses. To zero and the first category lie the so-called image eyepieces. Another category is suitable for zahistu in the sleepy light of the minds of the mind. In eyepieces from the third category, you can boldly go to the beach, and with the fourth - at the mountains, covered with snow.

Where to bathe?

Virushayuschie for the purchase of such an important accessory, like sonsey eyepieces, it is necessary to remember that a good model can not cost less than 5000 rubles. Cheap drinks, like they are sold on portable market stalls, and in the underground passages, they are not only lightly laden, but also mischievous to the eyes. For the same reason, you can buy eyepieces less at specialized optics salons.

Sunglasses eyepieces are not just a fashionable accessory, but also a sight for your eyes. In the correctness of the choice to lie down, chi will stink to protect your organization from the negative ultraviolet infusion, or else badly.

First of all, buy sonceathic eyepieces, see an oculist. What do you have pagan zir We will help you choose the right eyepieces with diopters.

There are three main groups of sunscreen eyepieces:

- Cosmetic eyepieces win the cosmetic function, reinforce the image and receive it with a stylish accessory. The stench does not zahistat you from the sun.
- Secondary sonzahisn eyepieces- one-piece eyepieces, yak vydpovidat smogi mid-smooth.
- High stage eyepieces zahistu necessary in Persh Cherga for high mountains, the Arctic, regions with ozone anomalies, moreover, in summer, and in winter periods.

Use and special accessories that show either the level of ultraviolet transmission. If there is a green light on the tester, or the value is zero, it means security.

Protection of eyes from ultraviolet viprominuvannya

The most safe for our eyes - ultraviolet vibration is divided into UVA-and UVB-waves from a 290-380 nm wavelength. The number of winds is not the same shkіdlі, ale bazhan, schobi sonzakhisnі eyepieces protected the eyes and the view of the quiet, and the view of the others. Best of all, it says "UV-400" on the sunglass eyepieces, which means that the lenses protect the eyes from the usual ultraviolet vibrations with a fine wisp of less than 400 nm. Truth is, far from having the appearance of such a writing, it guarantees the eyes of a viable zahist - but even then, on the conscience of the scribes, the sellers of the sunglass eyepieces.

It is very important for someone that the sun protection eyepieces with transparent lenses do not protect the eyes from ultraviolet vision. However, the transparency or color of the lenses does not allow you to look forward to the sight of the eyes in the ultraviolet. In fact, similar protection is provided by special additives (smelting) in the body of the lens of the eyepieces or on the surface, which are barless. And the color of the lenses and the steps of their darkening pour into the eyes of the eyes looking over the bright light.
Zahist eyes looking over the bright light

Designed according to European standards, for equal protection from the light of the sun, the eyepieces are divided into five groups:

Eyepieces of 0-ї groups let through 80-100% of the light (darkened or a little darkened lens) - they protect the view of the sun, which breaks through the gloomy weather in gloomy weather.
Group 1 - let through 43-80% of the light, recognized for inactive sun.
Group 2 - let through 18-43% of the light, go for sleepy weather.
Group 3 - let through 8-18% of light - for active summer sun.
Group 4 - let through 3-8% of light (even darker lenses) - recognized for repair at the sea and mountain skiing resort, de sleepy changes are seen on the water and snow surface. Through a high rіven shading is categorically not recommended for water - it is better for them to use sun protection eyepieces of another or third group.

Tim, who needs to wear contact lenses to correct the gap, knows how to test lenses from protection against ultraviolet radiation, before that they stink about the insoles, as well as zvichayn. Having added them, you take a low advantage - you can not only look like a sony ultraviolet version, but also like a computer one. In addition, you can calmly bathe, whether it’s like sonceathism eyepieces - even if it’s cheap, if it’s on the market, you’ll need shards of stink only to protect you from the bright sony light.


Especially the category of sun eyepieces, which are especially "indicated" for water, water and winter sports. Ceoculars with polarized lenses, yak, cream to ultraviolet, neutralize glare on the surface of wet roads, snow and water. The very best eyepieces are the best way to look at the sea or in the snowy mountains, which up to ninety-nine hundred years will smother the gleaming eyes on the surface. In order to look out of the upper light and clearly see the car's accessory plate, you can buy eyepieces with a mask, in which only the upper part of the lens is darkened.

Photochromic is not sloppy, like they are called "chameleons", - on the right is thin. The stench changes the light transmission in a fallow way in the light, creating the optimal degree of protection and comfort for the eyes. The stench can be seen up to the class of the yaksnih eyepieces. It should be known that "chameleons" can be dark in a different way - the stronger is the weaker; moreover, one could be darker more, lesser. Vіrniy sposіb zahistiti inіd neyakіsnogo goods - pіdіbrati fotochromnі lіnzi near a good shopі.

An important moment in choosing a point is the size of lenses. On the right, in the fact that the eyepieces are guilty of protecting not only the chin, but the skin around the eyes, then the eyes of the eye in this zone will be richer less. It is possible, great eyepieces, and I go to my grandmother to my master, then it’s nadiy to swear. The lenses of the eyepieces should be equally darkened, otherwise the sight will be inaccurate, and the eyes will be turned on.

What color to choose?

Likewise, the eyepieces with colored lenses were worn, and the new light radically changed the color - you know, the chain. Firm lenses take care of all the natural colors, the trochs change less than the colors. The color lenses of eyepieces for people who are important and more precisely reflect color, for example, for motorists, can create problems. Damaged by the sound of colors to the melancholy of one color, it is worth remembering the respect, the people at the color eyepieces are more sensitive.

Syria or green lenses. Chi does not promote colors. Wear a slip.

Golden yellow lenses. Block black color. Wear it for gloomy days.

Polarized lenses. Block more brightly. Wear it in the mountains and on the sea.

Mirror lenses. Bring in the light. Wear on a great height.

Photochromic (chameleon) lenses. Change the color of fallow lighting. Wear a slip.

Graduated (mask) lenses. Half darkened. Wear a slip, especially recommended for motorists.

Ophthalmologists choose to choose sony eyepieces of neutral colors, so they don’t draw attention to the color: gray brown.

Sklo chi plastic?

The lenses of the sunglass eyepieces are made from three main materials: slate, polycarbonate and acrylic plastic. Glazed sony eyepieces are safe - they do not let the ultraviolet light through. Ale, in the process of thoroughly glassing, the lenses began to be replaced with plastic ones - the stench is lighter. Ale plastic transmits ultraviolet. And everything is nothing, such eyepieces can be worn for the sake of fashion and beauty. However, darkening, as if created by such eyepieces, deceives the eye, and it does not sound. In this way, if a person wears sun protection eyepieces that let ultraviolet through, the focus on the eyes increases. In the future, it is possible to overcome the turbidity of the crystal, ease the mind. But do not fry. Plastic eyepieces can only be bathed with special additives to trim the ultraviolet vibration. Reading the label, respect, as part of the ultraviolet light, the eyepieces are trimmed. The most sensitive ultraviolet change is type B (UVB), so the eyepieces are responsible for protecting them in practice. If there are feather marks on the label, which are trimmed by lenses, choose eyepieces with values ​​close to 400 nm.

How to resurrect a drink?

It's easy to change the way the glasses are. Varto match the name of the trade mark on the label on the inner side of the temple of the eyepieces (even more often the name is inscribed directly on the lens). To give respect to the same, chi є on the etiquette is the designation of the country-virobnik, the name of the enterprise, and the phone number and address. As sleepy eyepieces you really need and not just like a fashion item for a toilet, buy them from stores with a distorted reputation.

All stickers are easy to crush, so if you buy eyepieces, then ask for a certificate.

Now we can choose the virobnik and look at the branding. Like sleepy eyepieces, a certificate is obov'yazkovo, in which all the necessary information is shown. Nasampered - building with clay and ultraviolet. The UVA sign denotes type A ultraviolet (unsafe for crystals and streaks, sooner the development of cataracts), and the UVB sign - type B (unsafe for horn and scorch light). There is a higher UVB indicator on the eyepieces - Tim, naturally, is more beautiful. Marking on the checker "100% ultraviolet protection" on plastic eyepieces is on its own alert, it seems to everyone that ultraviolet will neutralize only slightly. For plastic surgery, a good indication is 80-90%.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the rights of the spontaneous" sonsezakhisn eyepieces may be protected by a Russian label (at the extreme, English), all the necessary information is dispersed. Ultraviolet modification is denoted by the abbreviation UV. On the label of good sun protection eyepieces, there can be a number of indications for blocking both UVB- and UVA-changes. For example, you might know something like this: "Blocks at least 95% UVB and 60% UVA". Tse means "keep out 95% UV-B and 60% UV-A".

The spectral ranges up to the eyepieces are regulated by OSTs, DSTU and other standards, different fallows from the edge of the virobnik. The most important are sleepy eyepieces that comply with the British standard BS 2742, German DIN 58217 and American ANSI Z80. Write your own name and look for branding on your choice! As if the letters and numbers in the names of the standards are rearranged by places - you look at the odd sony eyepieces!

Pіdroblenі sontsezakhisnі oculars to harm the health of the eyes.

Garni sonzakhisnі eyepieces cannot be cheap.


Please note that nylon is the most practical frame material. Vin easily bends and turns at the outer position. Plastic frames break easily. More shortly, as in the middle of the plastic there is one more frame - metal.
If you buy eyepieces, try them in your hands, open the temples, bend the eyepieces. A good frame is not zhorstka, it’s a spring that reinforces its shape after you have bent the trochs. Turn the guinea pigs, with which the arches are fastened, so that the stink burns to the end. Nareshti, reconcile the eyepieces to reconsider, the stench of the strong ones - don’t squeeze the stops on the nose, don’t squeeze the temples. If you are shaking your head, the eyepieces are not guilty of calling, or they are on the tip of your nose. Harder eyepieces, better for everything, so be left with hard ones.

Sob did not blame the allergy in the doctor's dotik frame, it was found to be anti-allergic cover. Therefore, all allergic people (that and not only them) are better off with eyepieces with such coatings (they also have a certificate).

Yak to see

If you want to wear the eyepieces you have chosen for a long time, take care of them correctly: buy a thick holster for them, or rather, a hard case and wear eyepieces only in a new one. Do not put the eyepieces on the table or the bedside table with the lenses down - it is so easy to tear them up. Wipe the lenses with a special fleecy cloth or thin suede, these materials can be easily removed from the lenses. First smut: it is not recommended to marvel directly at the sun if the eyepieces are dimmed. As if with different eyepieces, the skin around the eyes, everything looks the same, change them.

Let's wait for the choice!

I love you, dear readers! Nareshti - then the bright sun appeared, on the yak we checked for a long time, and then, when the hour had come, and the sun protection eyepieces were simply necessary. Most often, eyepieces in the sun are the style, the trend is fashionable, and for some it is a necessary accessory to protect your eyes from the influx of ultraviolet changes. In these robots, the main parameters of the choice and observation of the sunglass eyepieces will be examined.

If you talk about eyepieces more specifically, then, without a trace, you can see their melancholy and shkoda. The main idea is that the main function of their sons is tse zahisna. The stench effectively helps to protect the eyes from the ultraviolet. Fahіvtsі recommend wearing sonzahisnі eyepieces in such cases, if:

  • bright light;
  • abundance of snow;
  • parts of the work at the computer.

Deyakі people for zberezhennya іmіdzhu vvazhayut for better wearing eyepieces at the evening hour doby, sho suvoronyaєєєєєє ophthalmologists, shards tse provoking expansion zіnits, pіdvishchennya vnutrishnoochnogo vice. Tse phenomenon does not fix turbuvati mittevo, but after an hour, problems will soon make themselves known.

The main reason is the fear of light, as people have become accustomed to technical progress, fashion and demand. However, there is no good mood, if the sonceathic eyepieces have improved the Zor’s building of the people. In this order, eyepieces with a view of the sun have a lot of advantages:

  1. Protection against ultraviolet;
  2. Optimization of health conditions when caring for cars and engaging in ski sports;
  3. For fear of the appearance of a wrinkle around the eyes.

I have a thought, that sonsearch eyepieces are simply not needed, even though in ancient times people did without them, with which they didn’t spend money, being overwhelmed with excellent thoughts and fishermen. And in those hours of the sun, they greeted me with the spirit of life and the miraculous elixir. It has been scientifically proven that the sun stimulates the absorption of vitamin D, optimizes the immune system and blood flow.

You can talk about the pluses of using eyepieces for a long time, but you can name the next few days: the blame for photophobia, so that, sounding to this accessory, a person reacts negatively to light (sleozy, zbіlshennya zіnits).

How to choose the right eyepieces

When choosing eyepieces, be guided by the following criteria:

  • steps of protection (according to the standards, five factors are distinguished: 0, 1 - decorative, 2, 3 - ensure the transfer of 10 to 45 heads of sony light, 4 - darkening, 5 - give 75% protection);
  • eyepiece structure (plastic, glass);
  • shade index;
  • colors of lenses, choose brown, dark green or dark gray more often, for water use eyepieces with orange and yellow lenses;
  • zruchnіst shackle and frame.

When buying, obviously, pay attention to the parameters and criteria, and the main indicator is the severity and the greed. The eyepieces seem to be better not to wear the eyepieces in the sun, to be less fragile and low-eyed.

For women and girls

Zahalnovidomo, women, girls and girls are more scrupulous in choosing which accessory, not least eyepieces. The factors that are added to the choice for a woman are, of course, impersonal, we can look at the most important ones. For example, for a woman with a sporty image, eyepieces with a slanted oval configuration will definitely look good. For girls with a forelock, the best option would be a frame with a straight top and a rounded bottom.

Buying eyepieces respectfully show respect and choose the color of your hair: blondes should go with a light frame, brunettes with a dark one. Girls with thick hair can wear their own choice on models of whatever kind of shape of frame. Women from old age thick hair, It is acceptable to add a pair of glasses with massive frames.

You can protect a lot of factors, but still, when choosing, follow your feelings and do not forget about the main method of purchase.

For people

Men pay less respect to fashion and style, the main factors for them are comfort and comfort. To that, nabuvayuchy soncezahisnykh eyepieces, people accentuate on the quality and shape of the frame. The shape of the disguise, the style of the dress, the zachіska do not play any role, to that special respect should be given sruchnosti.

For children

Axis and summer has come - such a long-awaited and beloved time for children. Obviously, at this hour we are guilty of panama hats, sour cream and fashionable flooring and requesting sun protection eyepieces. Changing a child on the sun with a stretch of 40 strands without eyepieces is equal to watching the TV with a stretch of 120 strands. It is important for children to protect their eyes, the osculls themselves in childhood until about 16 years of age are molded and adapted to the full-time crystal. When choosing a eyeglass for a child, such a factor, like a variety, the shape and color cannot be practically the same value. At to this particular type respect for the clarity of the lenses and clarity when worn. The eyepieces are worn carefully sitting on the nose, not rubbing. The material, from which the most sonically protected eyepieces for children are made, can be safe, hypoallergenic and light. I obviously don’t have anything dear for our children, it’s not like saving on health.

For water

At first glance, it seems that the sunglass eyepieces for water are in no way visible from the stars, but not so. In fact, such eyepieces are guilty of deyakym vimog, oskolki keruvannya є serious process and may be safe for a safe look around. Vyhodyachi s pereahovanyh vishche factors zrozumilo, scho to the choice of sled fit z special retelnistyu. For the following insurance factors:

  • safe polarization;

    Eyepieces with polarization, otherwise, as they are commonly called, anti-glare eyepieces, not only ryatuyut in bright light. The stench helps the eye to clearly recognize the picture, illuminated by sleepy changes, with which all the creations are corrected.

  • material, from which the eyepieces are made, optimally vikoristovuvat plastic, shards of stench, traumatic and safe during trips;
  • filtration of sleepy light;
  • smothering the glare of the headlights;
  • color of lenses (yellow and orange);
  • hardness with trivial wear.

Eyepieces for water are not due to the mist of metal spare parts, shards in case of bad fluctuations, the risk of injury increases.

How to choose eyepieces

Individual consumption of food in cherry nutrition when choosing too much for the skin, when choosing varto, it is also important to pay respect:

  • Zruchna garna frame;
  • The material that is victorious for setting;
  • Stupin zahistu.

For Yakistyu

In addition, as you have sprung and have already chosen the shape of the setting, varto show respect on the yakish showcases - the color and material. Їх slid to the slanderous style in odeas, zachіstsі, setting the plan, taking a role.

Lenses are made from glass or plastic, fakhivtsі indicate that glass is more efficient to use ultraviolet change and that's how it is. Eyepieces with glass lenses are fitted with a larger variety, available as accessories made of plastic.

If you are talking about a frame, then here you should designate a handy design of the temple. The best option is to consider if the upper part of the spectacle is visually passed along the line of the brows, even here there is a trace of respect for an individual purchase.

Behind jealousy

On this day, the counters are clearing up the variety of sunglass eyepieces, even cheaper, average and expensive. When buying, don’t forget what we buy to protect our eyes from ultraviolet radiation, and it’s also not necessary to save. First, you should set the first cup for which eyepieces you need, and then choose the field of which you need to the level of zahistu.

Over time, the eyepieces are subdivided into the following categories:

  1. Minimal - 20 vіdsotkіv zahist, zabezpechuyut zahist in gloomy weather that rush about;
  2. Cob foot - from 40 to 75%, it is recommended to wear it in the evening and in the evening;
  3. The middle foot is from 65 to 80 cm, so the eyepieces are effective for bright sun;
  4. For a high step, the lenses let through about 5 hundred of sony light.

On the original eyepieces, the markings about rhubarb zakhistu roztashovuetsya from the inner side of the temple.

To pay attention, that eyepieces with a high level do not follow the keruvanni by transport means, the maximum obscuring visibility.

Behind the shape of an individual

The eyepieces often become an invisible part of the image and visibly reinforce and correct the image. When choosing, be sure that people with large rices should choose massive forms, with others - small sizes of eyepieces.

When buying, insure the main points:

  • the upper arcs of the eyepieces are folded on the brows, or a little higher, but not lower;
  • the frame may be larger than the oval of the individual;
  • the arches of the guilty roztashovuvatisya perpendicular to the frame;
  • the bottom of the frame is guilty of rotting of the krill of the nose.

People from square shape oh individuals should go with oval-shaped frames, for a round individual, choose square frames, with oval shapes, aviator eyepieces are recommended, for people with a rhomboid-like pattern, pay attention to straight-cut or trapezium-like frames.

How to keep an eye on the sunglass eyepieces

Like and be-yak іnsha special rіch, eyepieces also help to see. As you value the banquet, wait for the coming visits:

  1. Take it to a special case;
  2. Do not wear eyepieces on your head, the temples are stretched and fixed;
  3. Wipe with a cloth with microfiber with a special cleaner for eyepieces;
  4. Take care of the eyepieces of the mist, protected from sleepy areas;
  5. Do not put eyepieces folded down;
  6. Take care of it carefully, smearing offending hands.

In order for the eyepieces to serve for a long time, it is necessary to choose the following parameters:

  • correct fit of the frame;
  • the earpieces are not guilty of the whiskers;
  • on the transfer it is not guilty to wear out the chafing and zatiskannya in the arms.

It is not easy to build the main visnovka - smut, if you buy the right eyepieces, take care of them correctly. You won't have any problems out of the blue.

And in this video you know about fashion trends sun protection eyepieces in the last season.

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At the sale of this year, you can choose the most imaginative models of sun protection eyepieces, which will make it easier to choose your choice. It is important that the stinks were no less than splendid and handy in the nose, but also effectively protected the eyes from the sun, even the very same head function.

Eyepieces in summer are used as with light lenses, as well as with dark ones, as they are more suitable not for everyday victoria, but for sightseeing on the sea coast with bright sun, or for areas of high altitude. Lenses from the ice to the visible darkenings choose to sound for the eyes of the day, if the sun is not necessary to blind. The shading rim is indicated on the label, which is added to the eyepieces, the vin is marked with numbers like 0 to 4.

Respect! Eyepieces for zakhistu are guilty of dimming, but not to create colors. At the same time, respect for the hour of reconciliation of this accessory.

I, obviously, the crimson of darkness, it is necessary to indicate when choosing this accessory with its likenesses:

  • shape the frame;
  • lens colors;
  • frame the lens material.

What color and material of the lenses are important?

When it comes to the color of the lenses, it is most acceptable for the eyes to wear brown, gray, green. To finish with shkіdlivimi є lenses of blue tones. Eyes in such eyepieces are drawn, moreover, the stench is unsafe for the dawn. Also, one can call red and erysipelas colors as non-bazhany colors.

Remember that the eyepieces of the skravim will harm the dawn

Similar to any material for lenses in all different sizes. And here you can see two groups, the skin has its pluses and minuses. Lenses for solar eyepieces are available:

  • cursing - staves until the appearance of streaks on the surface, let the light through well, but they can break out of negligence and harm the eyes of the eye;
  • plastic ones - light, safe and easy to wear, practically do not create an image in paired with lenses from the glass. However, the plastic is also easily damaged, which can be seen to a small extent.

An important moment is to set the right frame, so that it was handy and suited to the wrong style of clothes, the color of the hair and the shape of the appearance, which can mean both for women and for people.

Porada. Buying an accessory for zahistu in the sun, it is necessary to take care of the hour of reconciliation, so that the eyepieces stick around too much, do not lie close to the face. In addition, the arms are not to blame for pressure. It is necessary to select the model manually, so as not to call for any discomfort. Adzhe navit lightly unacceptable considerations that are considered insignificant, bring the results to the point where you need to adjust the mood for an hour of wearing eyepieces.

Pіdbіr solntsezakhisnіh ocularіv іn the form of disguise

So that the eyepieces from the sun looked beautiful and stylish, ideally suited to perfection, and did not look like an alien element, appropriately picking up the shape of their appearance. Incorrectly selected frame of the building is to create everything that is vibrant, which is visible, and to the foreground the unbazhan - these figures of appearance, as if I wanted to take it.

Today we mentally see a sprinkling of forms of an individual:

  • oval - with soft lines, which type can be called ideal;
  • round - yak kola, yakum has a naishirsha part - tse shoks;
  • square - with great pіdborіddyam that line of hair growth near the look of the square;
  • straight-cut (dovgaste) - vityagnet, with long straight forks;
  • trikutne abo "heart" - with small pіdborіddyam, great forehead and high forks;
  • rhomboid - with wide forks and narrow ridges.

Vlasnitsa oval-shaped form pіdіyde more models of eyepieces. Problems in choosing a different stink option are practically daily, so stinks can be experimented with with different frames. Ale bazhano, so that the upper part of the glasses did not stray from the line of the brows, and the frame itself was too narrow and wide. It’s better to zoom in on the middle option.

For the appearance of a "heart" it is good to use models without a frame. For people with such a form of appearance, it is better to have unique eyepieces from impersonal details.

A chubby person is more likely to choose narrow models. There are eyepieces of square or rectangular shape, but with rather rounded edges, in a thin frame. The round eyepieces look like a ball.

The head of a square specimen with a massive pedestal can bulge on the round eyepieces. great expansion scho allow deshcho pom'yakshiti formi. Set it off from the rounded lower part and it looks bad. Massiveness to smooth out such models, like "aviators", "metelik" and other mottled forms. Square and rectangular eyepieces are not suitable for this type of appearance.

People from a long-standing special varto are attracted to models, as they can visually change the shape, which they call when they add width. To this type of appearance, small errors are not recommended, but square shapes. Raise the edges of the frame, or the panoramic slope looks badly.

Tim, who can look like a rhombus, is more unique than the best kutiv. At the choice, the eyeglasses are bulging on soft lines. Kindly go set the frame, in which the upper part is larger than the lower one. Do not overwhelm and elements of decor.

The shape of the eyepieces for a dovgast individual

Sunglass eyepieces for people: features of choice

The above options for visual correction can be called relevant and for the strong half of the people, but with some clarifications. Vlasniki of rectangular and square forms are less critical to their own ovnishness, lower women. It’s more important for people to talk about the presence of new willpower. And the ignorance of an individual is suddenly taken as a sign of masculinity.

The oval forms of the person's appearance are often corrected, in order to give the person a deaco zhorstkost. For this one, large sizes and trochs are rounded at the edges of a frame of a square or rectangular shape.

Stylish eyepieces for sightseeing – necessary summer days accessory. Your choice is important for both men and women. Correctly selected model can visually support all winning moments in the image, grabbing all the negligence.

How to choose glasses correctly: video

Vitannia! Irrespective of those who have long since crossed their equator, and the topic of sun protection eyepieces is rapidly losing its relevance, and this small guide can be redeemed. It's farther, it's far from winter; in a different way, my uzimka often travels to sleepy resorts; in a third way, at once the apogee of the lower; nareshti, in a quarter, eyepieces - it’s not easy to choose, and it takes an hour to know the ideal copy for you. The eyepieces need to marvel, to mitigate, to repair, and if you lie, that good eyepieces can cost dearly, then you need to pile up the necessary sum. Otzhe, let us tell you about the virobniks, materials, about those, like to see, and also the lady was glad about those, how to choose human eyepieces.

First of all, without intermediary reason, let's look at this, it would be better, wondrous food: why do you need soncezakhis eyepieces? That chi need the stench of fire?

The attachment of the human eye can be equalized with a greater slope, like, passing through a sleepy wind, building a fire. The role of a lens here is played by a crystal, which in a bagatora-like way will help me change, which can easily obvek the eye’s eye. Unfortunately, people are not able to marvel at the sun.

Lyudina is the source of conflict, and the lack of perfection of her body is embarrassed to compensate with all sorts of outbuildings. Eyepieces with dark lenses have become a winemaker, which allowed us to marvel at the sun without mruzhachi.

It is possible, obviously, to ignore the reach of civilization, and just turn your eyes on in a bright sun, in some way increase the risk of taking away the dose of ultraviolet changes, and the appearance of a hawk eye in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes is unlikely to please anyone. Krim іnshoy, eyepieces - tse miracles human accessory in terms of style. And if you go right to food, then the exact finishing touch to your order of security.


Let's start from the models. Axis naivіdomishi, yakі became hits, yakі mіtsno and nadovgo planted their place in the collections. You can wear it without risk and wear it for the mind, that the stench harmonizes with your personality (for a lower price), and also suits the way of life of that particular situation.

Ray-Ban pilots

Buli wines born in 1936 the needs of American pilots. The lenses of the aviators have a mottled shape that optimally reflects the field of the human eye. Until this day, this model is not the most popular among both men and women.

Wayfarer Ray-Ban

This model, which appeared in the 1950s, can be called a revolution in the world of sunglass eyepieces with plastic frames of an unimaginable shape at that time (before that, the frame was made mainly of metal). Having survived the peak of popularity in the 50s-60s, the temporal zabuttya in the 70s, and a new rise in the 80s, at the same time (approximately from the middle of the 2000s) Wayfarer is new to the world. Їх kіlka rіznovіdіv, in the photo - nipersha, old school model.

Clubmaster Ray-Ban

So it goes, like two other listed models, to go up to the so-called “iconic” Ray-Ban models. Eyepieces "browline" (with a worn upper part of the frame), found in 1947, were used in 50-60 rubles. at illumined, intelligent versions of the population. At once, in the midst of love to retro, they have also become more demanding.

Persol 649 and 714

Persol is a famous Italian company, founded in 1917 by a company. Iconic models є 649 (or modernized 9649 with a larger thin frame), as well as model 714, often seen in actor Steve McQueen and the film "The Thomas Crown Affair" 1968. The eyepieces are remotely far away, as in design, so for the clarity of sight. Є wild root with aviators, but at the same time an independent model. Even better laces of the Meflecto patented technology, as it allows you to make lamb temples, which practically fit to any size of the head. Dosit expensive: Moskva 649 model can be buy for 14 thousand. n., 714 - 20 yew. n. At foreign online stores - close to 200 - 230 pounds.

Original copy?

Often they compete: what is smarter - get some expensive eyepieces at a foreign store or a gift for 500 UAH. to the market. There is a wide-spread idea that cheap eyepieces do not suffocate in the presence of ultraviolet changes, so it is not safe to bathe them. In part, this myth, shards like a lot of Chinese factories, which stamp out tons of pieces, have long learned to work and effectively protect against UV changes. The problem is that you can't be mistaken for a specific skin type, and you can only change it on a special condition. Expensive branded eyepieces, which can be used for marking, will relieve you of such doubts. It’s not safe for those who don’t need food, for those who marvel at the sun in eyepieces without UV protection are not safer, don’t wear eyepieces, so you’ll keep your eyes on the other side, and open your eyes on the first one.

Like everything else, it’s not varto to be more focused on the price. Zaporuka far away purchases will be re-verified by the store, as well as your subjective perceptions: visual and tactile. Therefore, when buying eyepieces, it is necessary to take a good look, dotorknutis, fold-fold and, obviously, reconcile. This is the main reason why sony eyepieces are better bought not in online stores. Wanting to leave: you can reconcile, but buy, de be appropriate.

Later, you made a choice for the crust of the original eyepieces and prepared for a decent sum (3-15 thousand years old). Obviously, for your pennies, you want to take away hundreds of thousands of quality, and therefore, varto learn the subject of the report.

How to open the door to the right eyepieces of the sun?

  • The original eyepieces are sold in sets with a garnet package, and often with a ganchirochka for inspection.
  • The details of the good eyepieces are due to fit snugly one to one, the loops make a smooth move, the bolts are well screwed, the lenses are properly mounted in the frame.
  • If the frame is cold, then it can be monolithic, without soldering.
  • On the right eyepieces on the inner side, the name of the picker and the marking of the collection is also written (photo). The method of sumnivny, shards of counterfeit counterfeiters also do not hesitate.

Most often, it’s easy to see a fake in the right eyepieces, but sometimes it’s even easier:


Now, okay, about the brandies themselves. Їx impersonal, but in fact the whole market of sunglass eyepieces is divided between three companies, the skin of these brandy and lie down. Unfortunately, those hours have passed when Ray-Ban and Persol were independent firms. Today's stench is on the porch of the Italian giant Luxottica and creates the illusion of competition. Axis three brandy gravel, which occupy more than 90% of the light market, as well as some brandy, which should be:

    Luxottica (Ray Ban, Persol, Oakley, Oliver Peoples, Ralph Lauren)

    Safilo (Carrera, Polaroid)

    Marcolin (Diesel, Ermenegildo Zegna, Tom Ford)

Irrespective of those that there are only three companies, it does not mean that the quality of all brands in one company is not recognized by anything. Standards and fit in the staleness of the brand are still different.

Axis of the brand of sunglass eyepieces in different price categories, on the basis of the varto mark:

Ray-Ban, Persol, Oliver Peoples, Warby Parker, Moscot, Tom Ford, LGR, Polo Ralph Lauren.


Of course, don’t forget about those that sonically sound eyepieces in fallow style can be pre-resonant or unrefined in this other situation, fit to the dress or disharmony. Tobto necessary stylistic style. Here you need some kind of orientation, if you want a smart one to give a point on formal and informal, casual. Here, Dappered’s infographics are indispensable, it’s necessary to give a cross-sectional characteristic, as it gives information about formal (dress) eyepieces, the most ancient ones with a businesslike suit, informal (casual), and also on the diagram you can clearly see the modern (modern) and retro. Zvernіt respect - in the center, as an absolute and point of reference, there is Ray-Ban New Wayfarer.

As you can see, the little one has “obtish” eyepieces. The same stupid style that you tried to get into fashion in the 80s and 90s. Think, be kind, girls before them, how to buy them.

Oskіlki mova went about the filthy relish, then varto guess about wearing dark eyepieces at the recipient. Friends, well, you can put a parasol at the entrance to the subway. The sun protection eyepieces also look marvelous for the visibility of the sun.

Material frame and lenses

More lenses for sunscreen eyepieces can be broken from plastic. However, it is also difficult to expand the material. For example, lenses Persol 649 and 714 - glass. The advantage of plasticity is that the lenses are stable before impact, and the eyepieces are lighter, so that the streak will appear more quickly on the plastic. Blind the lenses with your blackness, not protected from the appearance of chips. They are also easy to beat. If you talk about clarity and innocence, then the top is taken away by the yakish plastic.

The color of lenses is also an important characteristic of eyepieces. The color of the din is wide: blue, yellow, orange, green, ale the most comfortable for the human eye are gray and brown lenses. The stench will take care of the "correct" spriynyattya and clarity, and ochі, obviously, they will be the smallest.

Polarized lenses effectively protect the eyes from the broken (from the snow, drive thinly) dormouse light. Handicrafts on the Ribalts, skiing sports.

An important option may be the ability to replace lenses. Check before buying. Often replace lenses cheaper, buy new glasses.

Frame material maybe, be it, most often plastic or metal. Steel, titanium, more - aluminum or monel (an alloy of nickel and midi). Titanium is an ideal option, as it is made of steel, lighter than aluminium, and still safe for allergies, technologically foldable for filling, so titanium eyepieces go into the tinted color range.

If it’s worth the plastic, then when buying, pay attention to the colors of the frames. On the right, in that there are two technologies for the manufacture of frames. Roads - are prepared for the so-called block-cut technology, with such a frame "turning" from a solid piece of acetate, the most richness and richness of colors are reached, and the material is also great value. In this way, plastic takes away its color with a natural way. This is especially memorable in eyepieces with a folding bagatonic texture

Acetate is a high quality plastic. The best acetate frames are made in Italy and in small Japanese factories. Mensh expensive rims shatter with a path to see the plasticity of the shape of that sordid farbuvannya.

The shape of the individual and the proportions

Absolutely, the eyepieces are responsible for you to "go." The meaning of understanding includes the appearance of the eyepieces and the figure of your individual, the shape of the appearance and the shape of the frame, the color of the eyepieces and the appearance of your coat, hair, eyes. However, in the first place, you are to blame for the fact that the eyepieces do not cause physical discomfort: it is easy to sit on the transfer (not high and not low), do not fall down, the temples do not squeeze the temples and lie handily on the shoulders. Zagalom, the less you see them, the better. Everything here is so bad, think about those what eyepieces suit you for the shape and color.

There are principles of balance and compensation here. In other words, picking up the eyepieces, you are guilty of chewing the figure and avoiding disproportions. All on the right in the leveling of that introduction to the accent in the already clearly pronounced characteristics. For example, the round shape of the face is not visible with round (or maybe round) eyepieces; here the rim is more beautifully visible:

It doesn’t matter if you guess, with a square or a rectangular one, it is recommended to make it in a similar order: to unique the immovable frames and look at the windows with eyepieces with rounded lenses, for example, aviators:

Before speech, one more moment of good proportions. As you can see in the photo above, the eyepieces with a thin frame harmonize with the finest rices. The massive frame looked like a foreign element here.

Vityagnuty individual varto add trochs of width:

Apply the axis of the eye: the massive bottom is visually compensated by wide eyepieces with a thick frame. Figures of disguise are great, then, and the eyepieces are not guilty of sharp contrast.

As you can see, for the obviousness of the virtuous proportions, the weak slit of that wide chola and fork, it is necessary to try eyepieces that are visually lighter, with a thin frame.

The oval shape of an individual is considered the most suitable for the largest points. You are lucky, as you have become a regular oval in shape, so that you can choose the practical eyepieces that you have been honored with. Podbaty to be brought less about rosemіr.

Before speech, this is one of the key moments in the choice: over that small eyepieces of the cream of the most inconspicuousness pass through a sleepy light at the edges, at the overly large eyepieces it looks comical.

How to save and watch

A special ganchirochka with microfiber is an indispensable tool for watching the lenses. Sound out there in the kit with eyepieces. Wipe it better yourself with such a cloth, and not with a T-shirt, for example. Like on the eyepieces there are large parts of the saw, so they can tuck the lenses, rather wash the eyepieces with water from victoria of a rare mil, and then hang it with soft ganchirochka.

To save more, it’s better to wear a thick choker, in extreme weather you can get by with soft (shkiryanym, for example), and not just throw the eyepieces into your bag, or carry them in the chest of your pants. It is also not recommended to wear eyepieces on your head. In the first place, the loops loosen up over time and the arms lose their springiness. In a different way, even more in the distance, looking at the style, you can wear eyepieces:


Often do not take up respect for one moment, tying the etiquette. Why do you need to know the dark eyepieces for an hour of watching people? If you consider that clock, you don’t need to create a shift code for communication (and sonsearch eyepieces, insanely, are a barrier for communication), then it’s necessary. I would like to use the first second of sounding for a clear discussion of the need for contact of the eyes. Just look at the unfortunate eyepieces for an hour of sharpening, so that you can stare with a spy look.

Modern everyday life sunglass eyepieces have become the same necessary accessory, like a year-old or a parasol. It is in our power to take this advantage and to think over a literate choice, buying not just a functional corisle, but an object, without concessions to style, like everything else, lower you can. Choose, reconcile, do not make impulsive rash purchases, but a sprat of buttocks below will help you to better look at the world of sunglass eyepieces.

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