How to raise the vibrations of people Energy Receive high vibrations

One of the main minds is the preservation of health and happiness and the improvement of high vibrations. It is rich to feel that the body of a person is somehow invisible to the great eye aura, that a person can still be thin invisible body.

And deyakі navit chuli їhnі name: ethereal, astral, mental thinly.

Let’s take into account that everything is sick, evil, and commonplace has low vibrations, and everything is healthy, happy, and gladly has high vibrations. Painful bacteria and microbes can only live at low vibrations, high ones are intolerant for them, stench burns them. To that, as richly someone, singsongly, chuv, so swiftly to fight the wounds of the victorious, now, for a long time and importantly, the wounded sides, which have failed. The first sickness is characterized by the energy of low vibrations (clairvoyants succumb to a sick body of a person with their own energy nonsense, and the aura of a depressed person of an unhealthy person looks like a fermented-syroy).

And the people are not overwhelmed by happiness and health (especially eyes), often remember great people. Tse means that a person is resurrected by the light energy of high vibrations.) As it happened earlier, energy is at the heart of everything that exists, and those who are known today as energy-information exchange are called by the same organisms.

Tobto filthy energy - tse and filthy information, and navpaki. If we read our newspapers, lined up with descriptions of mischief, violence, or marveling at the TV, the stars splashing on us zhorstokі news, zhorstokі and low-lying films (pornography - also from the bottom, brudna energy), then we low frequencies vibratsi brudnoї іnformatsії and vbiraєmo її in itself.

The same is true, if we are famously ourselves or hear unkind favors of other people, if evil is manifested in us, vengeful thoughts and feelings. Navit obscene language carry the wild energy of low vibrations, as it confuses us and lowers our energy level. And the energy-information exchange is received as it is, as if from a radio receiver: at the same frequency as the waves were adjusted, that program was received by us. And to the fact that we lowered our vibrations with evil thoughts, feelings, words that are on the right, then we immediately found our body on the reception of fertile energy, as an ideal life-giving medium for disease-causing micro-organisms.

Therefore, unique the irritated-evil people and try yourself not to tease yourself that disgusting. Most often, turn your gaze to the mountains, to the blue sky, to the bright stars.

Look, from space, to the earth directing the flow of cosmic energy good order, which reminds you, as you correctly adjust, with the very energy of high vibrations, as it is so necessary for physical and mental health. To help me set my mind on energy, I help to enchant the sky with the beauty of the sky, and also think about spiritual things.
Tsya the energy of high vibrations is poured into the present nature. Most of all, take in the beauty of nature: the lush greenery of trees and herbs, the blue river and lakes, beautiful flowers. Nature itself has preserved rich harmony.

Signs of an increase in the frequency of vibrations of a person

  • The number of necessary items is changing. I feel like I don’t have hunger.
  • The hour changes, the necessary sleep.
  • Dreams become aware, alive and alive, then they know better. Їx change the experience of the light of the dream.
  • The body becomes light, the new one sees flying energy.
  • We begin to greet the people. Just looking at a person to make a photograph is enough to see the essence of it.
  • Weaker, or more and more, the need for splintering becomes apparent, self-reliance becomes a reception. Coming again seeing that self-sufficiency.
  • Fear and innocence will come in my own mind.
  • Sens when you read spiritual books, you will understand and understand by yourself.
  • Seems to be absolute in the correctness of the mind. Do not get tired of everyday sumnіvіv, where we go and visit.
  • Posilyuєtsya our injection into the middle. Those that we say or think begin to speak.
  • It is such a joy to come to experience in the light of what you experience.
  • It spreads wider than the voice, the bazhannya help others, and they show opportunities for others.
  • They blame the glimpses of the true butt. The bazhanya will come to collapse without teeth and go to the end

On the vibrating equals, there is no need for material values. Your spiritual direction is important here. Here, those colors of auri are important, as you have taken away from all your intuitions.

Today we will help you in what we can give you a formula, so as to help raise your vibrations from any kind of equal.

It is necessary to simply read, trying to relax even more, so that our Light, sent to your soul, could clean up the mess, which would allow you to live with more enlightened thoughts. As soon as you start to understand more and more, your vibrations begin to automatically move up.

Tsya formula is already energy efficient. And as people think, after reading the formula for the need to sleep, then it is necessary to sleep. It is necessary to deprive everything and lie down. Sometimes you need a sprat of quills, so that you fell into a dream and turned back, and you see a strong surge of strength. Read її it is necessary for your needs, as you see. Htos chitatime every day, htos every day for a sprat of times.

(Vid yourself) I read this formula 2-3-4 times a day. Before the zastosuvannya tsієї formulas in my bodies, there was also a lot of rubbish, which I can’t clean up until now (the passages of past lives). Do not sneer, perhaps, on the back of the head, discomfort and soreness in the body and body - what happened to me. Then we began to marvel at the cause of the pain in the tіlі - in me flowing like a little starry breeze in the middle and vishtovhuyut ford from the tіl on all equals like a cocoon. I was pissed off. Well, I think I got stuck! Let's sweat in an hour, my mud cocoon becomes like a dribbling sieve and through the sieve begins to break through the light of a new stream, which pours into me. Giblets break through the chakri channels. (so be ready for pain). The ball of brood becomes thinner. Beings, as if they were sitting deep in the bodies, moved and went themselves. Also raju zastosovuvat tsey method. The cleaning is going strong.

“In the name of I Є Є THOSE WHAT I Є, I will allow the Holy Lord of the Karmi of the Earth, under the protection of the Holy Great Forces and Mother of the All-Sveta. Almighty Cosmic Creator!
Cosmic Readers of the Light and Kokhannya!
My Holy Angels of the Protection!
Strengthen the forces of Light and Love!
Be kind, help me, but be physically and spiritually healthy, we will be forgiven, we will be financially secure.
Help me to be in positive vistas with the visible and invisible part of the planet Earth, be to everyone who loves and loves everything!

I am going to my Greatest Day, to the Light of the Greater Forces, Mother of the All-World, I ask you to raise the vibrations of all my bodies until that equal, which I am allowed at this stage of the development of my light.

I ask you to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to that level, which is for the benefit of the development of my soul, the souls of quiet people and Essences, for the benefit of the entire Expanse and for the benefit of the evolution of the planet Earth. I will help all the Light of the Great Forces for help.

I ask you to heal all my bodies and remember the places that are healed by the Light of Color, as a help with the healing of my bodies.

I, with the help of my Heart, will accept the gift of help and the Light of the Lords of the Karma of the Earth for allowing the Ascended Forces of Light to give it to the Ascended Forces of Light, to give help to me and all the unascended people, as well as to the Us of Essences, which are going to be the gatherings of evolution, for the benefit of the entire planet Earth.

I give permission for my health with the energies of Light and Love and for the promotion of my vibrations.

Remind me as much as possible with Light and Love and move my vibrations to the insoles, which are harmonious for me!

Heal me and be with me today, tomorrow and forever! Power of Light and Love! Dyakuyu for your help that love! I accept the changes, as they come into contact with my bodies, and I am aware of the direct Light of God, which is going through me, in that place, it is absolutely necessary. Let it be so!"

Krіm tsgogo, add, as you want, and in your own words, those who want to ask.

You can also vikonuvat incoherent, ale effective right, one of which we will point here.

The right to balance the polarity of all bodies of people and the movement of vibrations

  1. Get up stable.
  2. Cross your arms on your shoulders. Breathe deeply. Change hands. In this rank, insults are leveled on the halves of the body and practically everything is damaged.
  3. With the outer edges of the valleys, the upper edges of the vuh are stuck. If you can relax, then you will see how the upper part of the body vibrates with light circular movements. In this manner, you are changing your vibrations from the wrappings of the Earth.
  4. Zignіt great fingers at the palm and znіnіt the line of the fingers of the skin from the hands so that the stench was on top of the thumb. To cross the front of the mounds and to stick with the fingers of the fingers, not to open the fists to the chola. Breathe deeply. Wash your hands with your hands. Breathe deeply. Vrіvnovazhuє pіvkulі mozku.
  5. Do not open your fists, stick with your fingers to the ceiling. Breathe deeply. Vrіvnovazhuє nirks.
  6. Bend your right hand and put it on your shoulder. Great finger of the left hand, touch with a pointed finger, I will cut the left hand of the troch to the side of the body. Breathe deeply. Vrіvnovazhuє thyroid gland.
  7. stick your fingers right hand to the left side of the shoulder and put the palm of the left hand on the fingers of the right hand. Breathe deeply. Wash your hands with your hands. Breathe deeply. Vrіvnovazhuє thymus.
  8. To put the right of the crown on the potilice, the left of the crown of the troch below and the troch under the right of the crown. Breathe deeply. Vrіvnovazhuє cone-like vine.
  9. Gather the valleys in the shape of a lotus (the valleys stick together with the drifts, and the valleys themselves open the nibi and trim a round object in them. Breathe deeply.

This is the anchor, the completion of the program. It helps to stabilize your inner equanimity in all your bodies and fixes your essence in the magnetic gates of the planet Earth.

Another one to the right

Get as far as you can. Ideally, you are guilty of reach Dzherel, Tsim Dzherelom is God. Continue to rise up the docks God will not appear on your equal heart, consider yourself Dzherel Usyy Daily. This is the moment of the day with God.

As if you hung on the same level, start breathing through your tim'yachko, on the skin breath, pulling yourself up more and more, breathing in divine light and seeing yoga in the body. With skin breath and vision you rise, and your body begins to vibrate more. The movement of vibration is a complex process, and you cannot, having tried meditation, simply take care of the right ones, as they do not show high vibrations, and even with low vibrations. Perebuvayuchi in meditation spirals (I have practiced three times more), my thoughts are transferred to the kitchen, and all the water is filled with light, all the products are on it, I see my apartment, it’s light.

Watch this operation with your working place at the booth and with the office, de vi praciuet. If you have a cooler with water for tea in your office, for which the spirits drink, be kinder, if you sanctify the water in the new, reminiscent of Light and Divine Love, raise your thoughts on the Ascension Spiral for the newest day there, giving sustenance and absorbing energy. You can reveal, like Angels, that you are on a equal footing, sanctify the water. Look how beneficial it is to appear in the situation at your office!

Fix Promin Light over your lizhk by asking VYa, so that your tightness would be optimal for garnogo vіdpochinku and spiritual work higher sleep, put a Beam and over the place of meditation, the place of work is too thin.

In front of Tim Yak Priimati їzhu, I will put your minds in the Divine Promin, Pidnimi on the spіrali ascension, ask me to say, I just tell you “ reminiscent of the Light, it ceases to be a physical one, and becomes a Light. Come with the Greater I, as God, at the moment when you live, try this day, and see how Light is easily absorbed by your body, giving you the Power of that moving vibration. Tse infection will help you at the opening of the Greater Heart Center.


Fragment from the book "Radically forgiven. 25 practical fixes. New ways to overcome the problems of everyday life"

Movement of vibrations - a path to health, well-being.

Skin thoughts, changes, emotions, attitudes and patterns of behavior have their own frequency of vibration. What is lower than that, the less healthy is our mind, the body is that spirit.

David Hawkins at revolutionary robots Strength is violence” pronounce the “Map of Svіdomostі” (div. lower for a short-lived look), at a skin become rosy, you give a singing numerical indicator of vibration, and you yourself become signified by thoughts, instigating that reconciliation of people, which is clear from your reality.


Numerical indicator



























It's a pity







From the above table, it became clear that your witness has more fear, anger, images, pride, rubbish and guilt, then your vibration level will be even low. Tse seriously vplyaє on all aspects of your life.

Likewise, attract likewise, and according to the law of resonance, you most often attract people with a similar equal vibration to yourself, so set it up like that to match your equal. It's just the way the energy works. Be-yaka vibration at a level below 200 є negative in that sensi, scho hto abo schos, vibrating at a frequency lower than tsієї signs, take away more energy from the system, nizh spozhivaє.

As if marveling at the current mass svіdomіst, then we’re afraid that most people may always vibrate at a level below 200, shards of them with a significant world collapse fear, greed, the spirit of supernice, greed, pride, instilled in their rightness - pragnennya just survive.

At the same time, for us, you are, obviously, a normal camp, to which we are rebuying at the first phase, our souls are dearer. Such energy is needed in order to survive the good fortune we need, but after waking up, the time has come to raise our vibrations. One of the ways to achieve this result is to instill the Radical Forgiveness paradigm into all aspects of your life: I can automatically get rid of toxic changes and attitudes that are not consistent with the greatest values ​​of Radical Forgiveness.

Our meta is to raise our vibration to a level that is in the range of 350 - 400. To reach it, we need to implement the idea of ​​Radical Forgiveness in various areas of our butt Practical care, let's proponate at this book.

Crazy, doesn’t mean that we won’t be able to watch anger, grief, fear, and rubbish from time to time. Sensation for that, schob to survive qі pochuttya і vkti vіd yaknaishvidshe. For example, if a person is angry, її vibrations are located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsigns 150 alone, which is really not so nasty, but not the same riven, on which varto for a long time to tremble. Just fill out the Radical Forgiveness questionnaire to raise your vibration to 350 on the Hawkins scale. As soon as a couple of days later we listen to the audio recording “13 Kroki”, then, perhaps, we will add a couple of balls, but, more importantly, we ourselves will record the sound of the sound by us.

Skladnіsha on the right with rubbish and feel sorry for me: they have the lowest vibrations. It’s even more important to get lost, but to understand why, marvel at what is in the table in a row more. Apathy. This is one of the reasons why self-acceptance and self-forgiveness are taken as a task practically unrealistic.

The more victorious tools you have for the Tipping Method, the more your position on the high vibration levels; and the whole sensation, obviously, is in what your vibration is, you become strong, healthy and peaceful. More than that, your contribution to the planet's energy field and all forms of life will become undeniably positive.

According to Hawkins, 85% of the Earth's population is significantly lower than 200 units, but the strength of individuals that are at the upper positions of the scale, the average indicator of the planet becomes 207.

To bring, one Lyudina, ShO VIBRUT on RIVNI 350, VRIVNOVASHIK 190 000 Indiviz, Chiy Vitratznik Nizhde 200. Specialty on RIVNI 400 osіb on RIVNII 200, and іndivіd still 0000. below 200.

Behind the words of Hawkins, after the critical zsuvu on the 200 mark, the most important change occurs when crossing the cordon 350 alone. On this eve of the individual to come to the understanding that he himself is a dzherel and the creator of his own dosvidu and nabuvaє zdatnosti in harmony with the forces of life. In other words, vіn іntegruє Radical Forgiveness from one's life and out of it becomes for the new way buttya "behind the mind".

The reach of the equal of 350 - 400 meant b, that you are already building up the vibrations of Radical Forgiveness practically permanently, all your thoughts are filled with CALM and KOHANNYAM and you will see that everything that comes to your life in the world. It would also speak of those who, by their own strength, bring close to 200,000 individuals, as if they overcome fear, anger, and apathy in the camp. It’s like a lie, that 237 million people live in the USA, it would take more than 2000 people at a rate of 350 - 400, as if to enhance the vibration of SPOKIV, so that they could heal the shawls of the country in the world of the international world. Hiba tse do not mind?

In a practical sense, to move the vibrations and life more aware, we need to give all the old ideas, reconciliation of such speeches, like a race, to become, religion, politics, just, for us, so mіtno mіtnomulyalis in the past, strict reverification and z'yasuvati, like vibrations of stench in themselves carry - high and low.

For rozumіnnya raznitsi mizh high and low vibratsiєyu just give respect to your own body, if you give it a break. You literally see that your vibration is either going up, or going down in fallibility, depending on what you say and think. Having practiced for an hour, you will reveal that you have become sympathetic to vibration in any case.

As before, all toxic perekonannya and ideas, like situations under this razbіzhnosti, served us a good service, but now the stench is less likely to block the flow of our energy and reduce the vibrations of doty, while we continue to treat them for them. The stench can drink.

Let's take, for example, the idea that women with lower ranks in terms of age to men and with them are not treated as equals. Tse reconnaissance until today is in rich lands and in most religions, and women are accepted simply like the power of men. If for the collective soul of mankind, as for individual souls, it was necessary to survive in a miraculous way, but for its own sake, this idea may even have a low vibration. It is necessary to clear our svіdomіst vіdrazu, as if we were passing by. Take the cob from his human, not only do you know the spiritual truth, that we are all One, but simply immoral, unhuman and absolutely bezpіdstavna. Can you please raise our vibration? Such manifestations are toxic by nature.

On this idea, it’s good to get back into your cleansed evidence, even to the fact that it has taken root in you already mіtsno. Vaughn is present in the skin of us, including women. Obviously, it’s more important to change the posture of equal recognition, but if you’re ready to spend some time over him, to be amazed at the new and recognition - if you want to be hvilin - yoga is true, you see the vibration of the idea. You see the ruh down. As soon as you have accepted the decision to respect people and women as equals and are placed to the quiet, and to the others with love and honor, then you will see the improvement of your vibration and you will feel better for yourself.

The practical planі Shchraz, if the rosema, is Khotos Kerosu, the CHICHIA INAYU INEY IT INIZHOYA IS ABOO VISSHILOVA, Slid commanding the questionnaire of radical pierces, especially the yakshcho, they visited the Chi Chu, you are. Tse means that this person is your mirror and I give you the opportunity to love that part of your self, as if it were.

Vibachayuchi such a person, you zlіuєte vidpovіdnu part of yourself. And as we already know, this day not only helps you raise your vibration, but multiply happiness - it helps you increase the vibration of the entire planet. This idea was shared with the public on 24 and 25.

In addition to the succession of toxic thoughts, judge and look at what you are shaping, depending on what you need, you yourself. As a group soul of humankind gave birth to a podіl mіzh cholov_kami and zhіnkami, so I create podіl podіl itself. Ale tsyu problem we need for more in-depth analysis of zastosuvanni 15 .

Quote from a book by Colin Tipping.

What reduce vibrations:

1. Negative emotions

Negative emotions, such as fear, anger, jealousy and greed, sharply reduce the level of your vibration.

More than that, as you see the negative emotion of the last hour, for example, you constantly change into trouble, with your own hands you open the “brama” to situations, like provoking you for even more trouble... anger.

Blame viciously, for which it is not easy to virvatisya.

From one side, emotions are categorically fenced off in a tili, ignoring them (there are a lot of real physical illnesses).

From the other side, the confusion of your negative will increase chaos in your life.

What work?

Allow yourself to LIVE the emotion from beginning to end, enjoy your anger or fear ... and say STOP! Just switch your respect to something positive.

Convinced to shorten it to myself. Take care of the things that give you comfort, not stress.

2. Negative thoughts

Negative thoughts appear in any person, regardless of their development.

The problem is blamed even if you work hard regularly, just scrolling through the negative scenario or the mental dialogue in the mind.

One short line thought can't great vaga… But if you “think” one and the same thought, it transforms into an independent energetic reality.

The negative wind you have sent is regularly fueled by your doubts, criticism, condemnation of yourself and others, as a result, gaining strength and starting to work independently. You would be glad to think about your reception, but not to go out ... your thoughts take on the kermo of your behavior.

For the purpose of deepening the negative thoughts of the core, be it practice and meditation, directed to the sound of thoughts and inner silence.

Whether it’s a stubborn thought, you can say HI: “ Qiu thought I was already thinking!»

You cannot stop thoughts from appearing at your head, but you choose how to lose your thought in it.

3. Overworldly self-criticism

Ale, the transcendental respect of the Inner Critic boosts your self-esteem and scares you from doubting in power. The evil critic tempts you to compare yourself with the others, the successes, the farther, the bigger…. (Remember yourself) by people, and you are constantly at the program: always know the one who has reached the greatest, lower you.

Do you want to sharply lower your vibrations, start barking for EVERYTHING! And you should remember how quickly they react to you, presenting claims to you without any special drive.

The richest of you know the situation, if you repeatedly repeat to yourself: “Well, how could you! What a smart woman she is, but she got herself into a mess!” Thus, we reveal to ourselves in our life an inner voice under the name Evil Critic.

4. Judgment and rejection

Judgment is a scourge for spiritually advanced people.

The more people know about those, how can they be, the more foldable they will be in the position of a poster and not compare the way of life of people from the "standard" created by him.

Knowing is not enough! You need to put some information into practice and podbaty about those who won’t be spelled out in the middle like a new line of thought and new sounds.

Practices know how easy it is to turn to the old, non-constructive behavior of a stressful person conflict situations... to know what they had to go through in order to see their new bachelor. That is why there is no condemnation in them that is unacceptable ... the stench is to start the ESSENCE of the process and with the honor to stand up to the results achieved by other people, as if there were no stench.

Do not judge and you will not be judged!

5. A mess at the booth

Perfectly reduce the vibrations of rock music, scientific literature such as “reasonable” roaming (analysis), horror stories, growing in a booth, mass gatherings (rallies, magic), “ create art”), and, obviously, she drank at the booth.

DO NOT wash, DO NOT pestle, DO NOT spit)))) - the result of carelessness!

6. Collect mass information

Television, radio and the Internet, which is teeming with "zhovtopremenny" novelties of the most manipulative shtibu - from just tiles to the lowest brud - the same vіdmіnniy svosіb with bazhannі skotititsya vibratsiyno lower nowhere.

And here, without knowing the choice and obviousness of the inner “people with towels”, as your mind and respect can automatically stand in your body with your own body, you can’t do it.

7. Your sharpening

It’s quite possible that everything has been rehabilitated - it’s been a long time for you to pass the stage ... But not for your sharpening!

Like among your friends and colleagues there are gossips, like to love to slander, slander, swear or criticize, you are in the right place to fall, and fall low.

Like it attracts like it!

8. Hedgehog

Everything that makes you feel vibrates at a singing frequency. Among them are food products.

Low-frequency eating, in Persian black, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs; all lubricated and smoked products, navіt roslinnі.

Heavy and/or oily is most NOT compatible with practices to expand your awareness and increase your vibration.

We are talking about the ways of REDUCING vibrations, so that you can reach it quickly, even richly, zhte, what you drank and, when prepared, lay and cook, charging you with negative emotions! (not required)

9. Obscene like

If you want to fall ill and lose your strength, bark obscenities!

Obscene like may be so low vibrations, that mittevo punches "dirks" at your energy field, through like a low vibration without zusil prismoktuetsya to you. Snowstorms fly into the world, negative vibrations- On mat.

Work the visnovki yourself.

10. Alcohol

Briefly about it: alcohol clouding your awareness, fading your awareness and throwing it into the lower astral levels, de-accumulating the mud and emotional inputs of the collective wisdom bridge...

On the astral level, access to the greater worlds of your soul is CLOSE.

Now you know 10 ways to change your vibration, and I will try to make you unique.

Lyudina is a vibrational truth.

Life is part of the vibrational flows. Vibrational flows permeate everything that exists in the light. Vibration flows permanent basis Life.

The vibrations that exist in the Sonyachny Galaxy are all six kinds of vibrations: the vibrations of Creation and the vibrations of destruction. Tobto: high vibrations, high vibrations, high vibrations, low vibrations, lower vibrations, lower vibrations.

Whole streams of energy, the thinnest vibrations go to the Earth, but people don’t know them, don’t understand, they don’t turn on.

Vibratory streams must go through the skin of a person: the stench enters through the thyroid gland, rattles the open oval along the body, the head energy centers of the person come out of the sony gossip. To the thyroid gland, vibrating streams go from the ninth center of the Chumatsky Way.

Naturally: the natural energy exchange of a person is the exchange of low, high, highest, highest vibrations. Other six natural energy exchanges - also the exchange of the highest, highest, highest and lowest vibrations. If any energy exchange is destroyed, as if it were lower vibrations, vibrators-ruinivniki.

When vibratory flows are disturbed, the person herself suffers, that її otochennya, energy exchange is created.

Including people in vibratory flows causing damage to all kinds of exchanges, old death in the form of sickly damage and unfortunate vibrations.

Most often, the person herself creates ruinous changes.

Strong emotions, which is joy and grief, happiness and displeasure, discontent and dissatisfaction, beat the energy of sleepy gossip, which can be 18 Svir in women and 24 in people, blocking the release of vibrational flows from people. And then people stop passing through themselves, transmitting vibrations from afar, they turn on in the process of creation after emotions. Emotions are due to be replaced by feelings, equal and fast. It is important for us to see emotions, the stench has entered into us on equal clitin's memory. It is necessary to cleanse the emotions, as the destroyers of vibrational flows, processes and structures.

The main mind's inspiration for all energy exchanges and all thin bodies people for the neutralization of the lower vibrations:

  1. Pozbutisya shkіdlivih zvichok - chicken-alcohol and so on.
  2. Change your eating, wanting to be inspired by the meat, to that which we can - those energies become our part ... The energies of the killed creatures, our vibrations are clearly reduced ...
  3. Vidslidkovuvati, where do we get our respect, for where do we get respect and energy. And if it’s alive, then we’ll take away the anatomy… As soon as the energy goes to watch TV, it’s dulling, with action-nightmares-violence, etc., it’s obvious that we will remind ourselves of low vibrations…
  4. The same and with music… Hearing thrash-heavy metal, obviously our vibrances don’t pick up… Why should I recommend listening to calmly positive (more like classical) music and marveling at movies with positive sleight… You can watch the Animal Planet channel (Creature) - and it’s richer, lower channel Boyovikiv-Uzhastikiv.
  5. All from one side ... And from the other movement of vibration, our way of life, our mutually with those close to us and with society as a whole. If you swear and in your galuzi buti on a positive wind, then it’s the first crochet for the given one directly.
  6. Natural memorials: stones, amulets, aroma oils, etc. It's easy to get along without such titles of "militia" ... What do I call "militia"? All the piece methods of raising your own vibrations. For such a vapadku, various crystal-stones and other objects, as we carry with us, are recognized. Stones: for example, a crystal of erysipelas quartz and a Shungita stone.
  7. Todaye technologies: on the Internet for a long time Svіtlitsyu-Super - biocompensator of pathogenic effusions. Promotion of the quality of life of the rahunoks of the growth of energy and the restoration of the integrity of the people.
  8. You can turn on the vibration flows through light-bearing vibration technologies
  9. Method of extraction. Vіdlivannya vikoristovuvalos on the vіsk vikoristovuvalos our ancestors and vikoristovuєtsya at the hour of the day. Ale at the vіdlivannya z vikoristannym Alpam-Produktіv є znachnі vіdminnostі. A great role is played by those who, when vicarious, have rare Alps-Products, which avenge the temples, the vines and the temple vibrations. Inspiring as a reminder of the Health of the physical body, and the Reformation of the People, inspired by the Creative Essence. It's great to work in the bathroom. It is even more important that a person, in order to carry out an indulgence, is guilty of buti vilna in the midst of ruinous vibrations, the mother is less creative than to achieve a high equal. I respect those other ways of such a piece promotion of my vibrations at the cob stage as true. Golovnya, what warto remember - all is good in the world and do not fool around. However, don’t forget that all the same, it’s too early for the militia to get out and start walking around on your own, without someone else’s help.
  10. Tі, hto mrіє "break through" regular trips!!! meditation. Just get your mind used to functioning at high frequencies. Schumann's whine is its own "bearing", orienting itself to any organism synchronizing its energy processes with those of the earth. The lower the frequency, the stronger it is, at night Schumann's wind is weaker, the day is active. In fact, the Schumannian resonance is the same resonance between the Sun and the Earth, wanting to be awakened by atmospheric activity as well. Lyudina is a fleeting participant in that process.

Irrespective of those who do not need to hand-pick the charts for planning their activities, they can give an opinion on the supply, which happened or did not go into the past. If you conduct an experiment and record the hour and type of experiment, then you can reveal a clear fallow between the field of the Earth and its successes. So, in a calm field, it is easier to concentrate, but it is more important to achieve success, and in case of strong windstorms, it is important to "depict" the enchanting, but the effect is more powerful.

The biggest sharp and bright sound human body otrimuetsya at a frequency of 40 Hz, which changes with the frequencies of the tertiary structure of the DNA helix, it is also important that Schumann's winds are injected into the alpha winds of the human brain (needed by the development of the intellect and goitre according to the Schumann resonance).

Rhythm 13-15 beware with the strength of rosy robots, with creative ecstasy. Called to the creative, intellectual and other brain advancements - you will become status. For this, navantazhayte mizki, fall into a creative ecstasy far ahead. I is active. Plus - something about what everything is here and constantly repeating - pure, radiant, feeling, emotions, love, open your heart - that is a miraculous meditative camp, about which you repeat new age - tse already 30 and more. Ninі tse reach alone!

At a different frequency reduction of the Schumann in a person with an underdeveloped intellectual, rozumova, among those with an emotionally "brudish" sphere, "zabіzhniki" burn out. wake up become intrusive, then fears-paranoia, but then ales .. Well, what is meditation?

The axis is just right, stupefied camp. I long-term dream. Maizhe without prokidannya. Axis of why they prophesy that at the moment of the quantum streak, the main mass of "low-hertz" people - in bruht with "zapobіzhniks" that burned out.

High - low vibrations of people. In the last hour, this phrase has become more and more often heard in the minds of people, rich in who is already intellect, what it means, but for the rich, it’s still a sense of ignorance, it’s just to know that it’s not so good and that’s all, on which the knowledge will end. I will try to simply and intelligently describe what it is.

Empathy training

Vibrations are a physical phenomenon in itself, everything in the world vibrates with an authoritative frequency, the skin is an object in our physical world, the skin the truth is alive make your own resonant vibration frequency. It would be better to describe it like this: if you hit a troch on a crystal wine glass, then the wine will sound. Tsey sound є yogo frequency of sounding or resonant frequency, but it’s too early to pin the wine glass to the sound. Those about which I have written more, constantly vibrate with a singing frequency, without clinging, but our primal organs sprinyattya - eyes, which they cannot perceive, stench in which range they do not practice, such speeches can be made only with reason.
Humans have two active fields - tse field of knowledgeі field of knowledge of the soul. Having offended the fields of information so much itself to muffle its frequency of vibrations, the stench can be low and high. The high and low vibrations are the same as the wild mass of evidence, as well as the vibrations of the most physical body of a person. The average values ​​of these three objects are called the vibrations of a person, and the low ones are high, to lie down in the way of life and yoga eating.

Obidva fields of the system are not stable due to vibrations, their resonant frequency constantly floats from various reasons. That is why, at the sight of the city, the building is under the influence of the names of the people and the inner ones (the inner ones are the names of the people and the house of the people). Lyudina, who is not prepared in this plan, is aware of her vibrations, she is svedomist, but it is manifested in the senses. So, the skin frequency feels like that emotion, which reminds of a person.

For example, if a person’s svіdomіst is interrupted by low vibrations, she worriesimage, anger, hatred, bajannya to drive in, troshchit, ruin.

Low vibrations

So grief gives vibrations - from 0.1 to 2 hertz
fear - vіd 0.2 to 2.2 hertz;
image - vіd 0.6 to 3.3 hertz;
razdratuvannya - vіd 0.9 to 3.8 hertz;
oburennya - vіd 0.6 to 1.9 hertz;
self - give vibrations maximum 2.8 hertz;
ignition (irritability) - 0.9 hertz;
spalah lyuti - 0.5 hertz;
gniv - 1.4 hertz;
pride - 0.8 hertz;
pride - 3.1 hertz;
znevaga - 1.5 hertz;
overdrive - 1.9 hertz,
pity - 3 hertz.

High vibrations

And if in a person the knowledge is zanuren at a high vibration, she experiences spiritual warmth, love, gratitude, shyness and pragnennya to do good, to do.

Vidpovіdnіst - vіd 38 Hz and more
Accepting the world like this, like a wine, without storming and other negative emotions - 46 hertz;
generosity - 95 hertz;
vibratsi podyaki (dyakuyu) - 45 hertz;
heart podyaki - vіd 140 hertz i vіd;
unity with other people - 144 hertz and sound;
loudly - in 150 hertz and in, (and sorry, less than 3 hertz);
kohannya, which is called the head, then if a person is wise, that the kohannya is good, lighter, and great strength, but with the heart of love, vibrations still do not go out - 50 hertz;
love, like a person generates with his heart to all people without a fault and all living things - like 150 hertz and more;
love is insane, sacrificial, adopted by the all-world - 205 hertz and vod.

You can say that they look a little like the look of physics. But it’s impossible to look at food with feelings so unambiguously, even a lot of factors pour into us that our feelings. Here I have described the understandable frequency of vibrations and no more.

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