Intrusive thoughts of discord. What can you do on your own to get rid of the neurosis of obsessive states? See obtrusive stanіv

Impossibility to get rid of anxious thoughts that impose uncontrolled actions, vibrating with constant nervous tension is a central anxiety camp, which is called obsessive-compulsive disorder. In other types of neurosis, one is reminded that thoughts are for a sick stranger, and one understands one's own state. With whom, you yourself can’t find out their wines.

People and women are sick to the point of falling ill in the equal world. People with high intellect suffer from such discord 1.5 times more often, lower than those of average indicators.

Description of the disease

In medicine, this camp is called an obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can talk about neurosis just the same, if your thoughts are obtrusive, you can think of a regular character and try a trivaly hour. Rіdkіsnі show worries chi intrusive fear can be vyklikanі stresses chi zvnіshnіmi officials and suspect illness at once is not necessary.

Establish 3 types of such discord:

  1. Chronic. The signs of neurosis are on the same level, and they tremble for months and bring on fates.
  2. Recurrent. It is characterized by a low-grade leak, the symptoms sometimes get worse, sometimes they go away.
  3. Progressively. Signs are constantly growing stronger, fears are growing, dizzy in front of them, they are taking on new forms.

Lyudina, who suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, is mentally normal and adequate. But such a camp is destroying normal life and in a grown-up person, and in a child, the exaltation of which ill is necessary.

People of the neurotic type, distrustful, and weak to self-criticism suffer in such discord. Trivaly stress can evoke not only intrusive thoughts and thoughts, but also home sickness: a whoosh, how dare people know richly simple ways. Ale, a hive, which does not stick for a long time, with an important stress, it takes medication.

In Muslim lands, they happily rejoice at the Sunnah: the illness in Islam is unfailing in view of the thoughts and the way of life of the people. Therefore, if the individual is shy to obtrusive fears, then for the help of hadiths recorded in the Sunnah, you can solve the problem without medication.


There are some hypotheses for succumbing to illness, but the exact reasons that call for an obsessive neurosis have not been established. It is accepted that there are 3 factors:

  • biological;
  • psychological;
  • social.

The biological factor includes recession, biochemical damage in brain cells, peculiarities of the autonomic nervous system. When the canopies are flattened, minimal damage to the cerebral function can be possible, which can lead to further molding of the disease. The transfer of severe pathologies, injuries, infections, severe illnesses and illnesses, associated with intoxication of the body, can be the causes of discord.

Psychological reasons - strong emotional shocks, psychological traumas, associated with podias, which may be especially important for people, conflicts, zaboboni, relapse, prolongation of stress.

Social officials є: filthy adaptation in society, as it gives rise to abnormal solutions in situations, more religious development, split s early century supra-world pull up to order.

It is necessary to undergo diagnostics and establish the causes, the treatment of illness will then be effective.


A psychotherapist and a psychiatrist are engaged in diagnosing and treating the neurosis of obsessiveness. Diagnostics is carried out on the basis of a description of becoming a patient, a psychiatrist and a neuropathologist. In some cases, for diagnostics in neurology, a computer or magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography should be used.

Likewise, the obsessive-compulsive cycle is repeated once a day for extraction, or it takes at least 1 year, for the degree of severity of the disease, the Yale-Brown test is completed. The patient can ask for 10 questions. Give food to the test to install:

  • the nature of the intrusive thoughts that diy;
  • what an hour passes after the vikonnanny of the obtrusive ones until the new day;
  • skils take an hour;
  • chi to respect life, and such a world;
  • how much the patient is trying to ignore them.

Based on the results of the test, it is estimated whether the symptoms of obsessive and compulsive disorders are pronounced and the development of an obsessive neurosis is diagnosed.

Differential diagnostics is also needed, as it is possible to treat an obsessive neurosis in the form of schizophrenia, because ci illness may have similar symptoms. Golovna, make a correct diagnosis, so that you recognize it correctly and the neurosis does not begin to progress.


Symptoms of neuroses in obtrusive states are common. The degree of diversity can be weak and contribute to life and practicality, and it can be strong, which can lead to disability.


The basis of the clinical picture of obsessive neuroses is formed by obsessive thoughts (obsessions), which are repeated, anxiety and fear, which are called out by these thoughts.

At the sight of schizophrenia, de nav'azlivy thoughts we are ill, they are taken as an investment in the head of a call, a patient with neurosis takes them as special. With whom, a person can repair their thoughts, but you can’t get into them on your own. Trying to fight with them, and the more wines you have to fight, then the stench more often appears and becomes obnoxious.


For those with obsessive-compulsive disorder and power phobia. A phobia in medicine is commonly referred to as an irrational uncontrollable fear. In certain situations, the fear is aggravated, it does not lend itself to a logical explanation, which as a result leads to a unique situation, mist, objects, which lead to such fear.

The most widespread phobias of the sick with obsessive neurosis:

  • fear of confusion;
  • fear of being infected, whether it be ill;
  • fear of attack;
  • fear of open spaces;
  • fear of closed space;
  • fear of death, often in the form of some kind of illness in some way;
  • fear of God.


In 80% of cases, in patients with obsessive neurosis, obsessions are accompanied by compulsions. Compulsions are uncontrollable obtrusive disturbances, which defy the function of obsession with obtrusive thoughts. The most wide-ranging - tse biting nails, tearing off the smallest bumps, tearing wounds, squeezing pimples, wiping hair or posting them together.

Nav'azlivі ruhi can not mother vіdshennya to svogo tіla. Tse mozhe buti postyne sorting out chogos, picking up powders, stamping, removing towels for one equal, rearranging the dishes for the sake of principle, etc.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be accompanied by other mental disorders. Tse:

  • disruption of eating habits, such as anorexia and bulimia;
  • uncontrolled movement of parts of the body, especially ends;
  • seeing the constant anxiety and praise of the drive of possible misfortunes;
  • the totality of the feasibility of non-verbal communication.

Symptoms in children

Most often, illness in children is manifested on the cob of the school period. The fathers rarely pay respect to the neurosis of obnoxious ruhiv in children, respect the norm of humming shoulders, dulling chi splashing. Small children can feel fear, if the fathers are busy on the robot. It turns into an anxiety neurosis and a syndrome of lack of respect. To wake up in thought and take an hour, children perform small rituals.

Difficult to blame, if the initial process is on. Such children are more mature, to the one that everything is revered by a sprig of times. To jump in the zavdannya, and in the room to keep order, and if you don’t go out, they become drastically. At school, it’s nasty to converge with fellows and want to take the fate of life.

In the old age, the fears of other forms are swelling. There is a fear of showing a white dosh, speaking out, getting sick and dying. Sometimes they are turbulent by contrasting intrusiveness, like immoral power, desecration. Such promises are not realized, but they call out fear in a fool.

Fathers need to be respectful to children, to give respect to their psychological state and non-violent children. In due course, the transition to a psychologist will lead to the development of illness in the past.

How to get over the neurosis of obsessive states?

Іsnuє kіlka methodіv likuvannya neurozіv intrusive states. The main one is psychotherapy, but sometimes it requires medication treatment.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder leads to the development of concomitant illnesses. Constant fear and suppressed emotions in rich people call out a coma at the throat. The development of chronic tonsillitis, treatment of acute and chronic tonsillitis will be ineffective without the psychological cause of illness.

Trivaliy stress is not safe for a support-rubber apparatus. Stress is on the work of the endocrine system, and you won't have your hand on the biochemical blood warehouse, which will help you if you have arthritis. To tidy up the post-yni pain at the ridge and the swamps, you need a complex treatment. Even if it is impossible for the stress of the znyatya, do not take away the gloomy glee, bring it on when you are addicted to medicines. A psychotherapist and a neuropathologist deal with this problem, so that the treatment was effective.

When jubilant nerve disorders the support of close people is important. Close to the memory of the memory, which is intrusive to the diї - not rotten rice character, but a symptom of illness, which a person cannot cope with on his own. It’s important to that, that sіm'ya was kindly raised to the point of ailment, she helped to be appointed, as if to exalt the neurosis of intrusive states.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

For the exaltation of neuroses, vicorists use various psychotherapeutic techniques.

Group psychotherapy. Above the shoulder of a comrade - tse zavzhd pіdtrimka. In a group, it is easier for a sick person to recognize the presence of a problem, and the recognition of a problem is the first and most important step to exaltation.

Family psychotherapy. May you always be people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, may be in harmony with each other in sim'ї. And here family therapy is important to all members of the family.

Individual psychotherapy. The doctor will help patients take a different look at their problems and fears, understand that fear is a fundamental mechanism of the psyche, and wine can’t go against itself. Teach how to correctly express your thoughts and feelings, positively marvel at life, imagine summaries and enemies.

Under the hour of the therapy, it is necessary to lead the right way of life, follow the regimen, lie down early and sleep for at least 9 years. Important and easy walks and balanced eating with obov'azkovym spozhivannam vіtaminіv group B.

Pharmacological excellence

Skіlki rejoice neurosis, lie down in the face of the severity of illness and yogo zanedbanosti. The order of psychotherapy is prescribed by medical treatment. Such preparations may be short-hour sleep and are prescribed mainly for the relief of anxiety states and the normalization of sleep. Pharmacological preparations do not rejoice at neurosis, but muffle symptoms.

Likuvannya can be trivaly and complex for a positive result.

Neurosis of intrusive states is a psychopathological syndrome, which includes various abnormal states of a psychogenic nature (neurotic jealousy), which manifest itself in the subject of intrusiveness. Neurosis of obsessive states is a near-cordial disorder of the psyche, the symptoms of which include more signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), resistance and intensity of symptoms, which are demonstrated by the patient, cannot be interpreted as an illness of a psychotic level.

Neurosis of obsessive states can be blamed on the singularity of a one-time or episodically, mother of a chronic flow or a rapidly progressive character. The main manifestation of neurotic pathology is the presence in people of intrusive, non-pereborative thoughts, called obsessions, and the visceral behavior of the subject of illogical ritual processes, called compulsions. Intrusiveness in every disagreement is accepted by the individual as something alien, irrational, absurd.

Obsessions- blaming in passing, crim will of an individual is nasty, heavy, respect, turbulent or menacing images, ideas, cravings, fighting, manifestations. Such thoughts of the subject are constantly forced to resist, so try not to bring success: to obsess and renew the awareness of the person.

Compulsions- somlyuvalny diї, which are regularly repeated in an unchanging form, vchinki, repeated re-verifications, which litter the nature of the stale rituals, which are consecrated with a method of escaping a small movement, from an objective point of view, podії.

Discord may be clear on the cob, inflicted by a surge of psychogenic factors, most often starting after psychotraumatic situations. Pathology is clearly defined and easily diagnosed, may in the majority of forecasts develop and end with the exaltation of the ailing.

Today, the data on the epidemiology of the neurosis of obsessive states are inaccurate and very vague. However, this syndrome is fixed in clinical practice significantly more closely related to neurasthenia and hysterical neurosis. According to the assessment of Russian fahivtsiv, the number of osibs, as if they suffer in discord, is among 3% of the population of the country.

In most cases, the neurosis of obsessive staging debuts on the age-old age of 25 to 35 years, regardless of gender. Discord is independent of the social status and material status of a person. However, there is a clear pattern of understanding that way of life of the subject: the neurosis of obsessive states becomes much more common in people who have taken sanctuary, yakі take a prestigious position and may have an active life position. At that very hour, there are more ailments - people with a high level of intelligence. Varto designate, to which syndrome there are more peaceful unfriendly individuals.

Neurosis of intrusive states: causes

The first episode of the neurosis of intrusive states is most often traced back to the specialty of intense stressful factors - a critical situation, as an individual interprets as an insurmountable podia. There are also a few versions that describe the environment, which act as the basis for the development of neurotic disorders. Let's describe the most revised theory.

Version 1. Genetic change

The development of neurosis of obsessive states is caused by mutations on the genetic level: zocrema, gene defect in chromosome 17, which controls the transport of the neurotransmitter serotonin. It has also been established that the group of individuals present in this group, with a family anamnesis of them, had depressions of obsessive-compulsive disorder, alcoholism, anancaste psychopathy, affective states, psychosis. Numerical studies have confirmed the decline in the transfer of stubbornness to pathological trivozi.

Version 2. Physiological features of the nervous system

The inborn power of the nervous system determines the temperament of a person and is the basis for the formation of a constitutional type of specialness. Neurosis of obsessive states is most often fixed in people of a stuck type and a particular anancaste constitution. The mechanism for the development of neurosis of intrusive states is the pathological lability of the processes of awakening and galvanization, which vinified through the specific features of the viscos nerve activity.

Version 3. Constitutional and typological features

The largest number of ailments for neurosis of obsessive states are individuals with anacast rices of specialty. Such a pedantic individual is not able to bring on the intrusive sumnivities, to bring about the development of strong fear and zmushu bachiti evil catastrophe in the presence of a negative environment. It is quite easy for such a subject to resist the irrational needs, constantly revisiting the vikonanie diy. Yakshto vіn namagаєєєєєєї strimatі ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї sіslyam volі vіdmovlyaєєєєєєєєє і іn іn pіdmovlyаієєєєєє і іn іn bagatorazovogo control, troubling thoughts and inexhaustible sumnіvi vyvodyat yoga with greater force.

Version 4. Biological theory

The basis for the start of the neurosis of the obsessive states has been given - the defeat of the neurotransmitter exchange in the frontal cortex and the stia articular bodies at the base of the cerebellum. The high level of intoxication of this neurotransmitter does not allow any further exchange of information between neurons.

Version 5. PANDAS syndrome

It is clear that the neurosis of obsessive states can be initiated by the PANDAS syndrome. Pathogenesis of this symptom complex of manifestations of streptococcal infection on the body. The immune system of the human being, by magic to neutralize disease-causing micro-organisms, “vipadically” attacks the tissues of the body, including the cells of the basal ganglia.

Neurosis of intrusive states: symptoms

The main symptoms of neurosis of obsessive states are obsessions and compulsions, like a serious shift for the full functioning of the individual in society. Regardless of the varying severity of obtrusiveness, one can see a whole group of symptoms of this disorder. The characteristic themes of obsessions and compulsions are the onset of symptoms.

The first group of symptoms - abnormal sumniv

Nav'azlivі sumnіvi є alogіchnі nevіdv'yaznі thoughts about the need to protect the real or obvious future manifestations of a negative character. A set of irrational sumnivivs can lead to anxious innocence and completeness, objectively concluding dei chi finality actually accepted decision. The person can be doubtful, chi vikonnі traditional schodennі dії, for example: it’s true that she started the faucet on the water supply system, turned off the light, started the window, closed the entrance doors.

Pathological innocence may be addressed to the sphere of professional activity: individuals may doubt the correctness and completeness of the working process, for example: what is the correct summation of the call, what is the correspondence sent, what is the exact wording of the instruction.

Even though the act of the subject actually committing can be re-verified more than once, then the repeated control is considered to be different, bringing the person to a complete expulsion. Compulsive actions, which are repeated, are completed only in that moment, if the individual is aware of his own "slowness", then you know that the process is complete. Even though it is impossible to control the ending, the subject must not be sorted out, the need for a clear appearance of the pokokovy lancelet of the podia, which happened, and yogo, the pain of the fight is re-examined.

Another group of symptoms - contrasting intrusiveness

Up to a group of contrasting intrusive thoughts, there are obscene, cynical, immoral manifestations, blues and immoral ideas. An ailing man can be made obtrusive by pulling to the point of squeezing out of unrecognized roilings. The person of the building is able to speak obscene phrases with an ironic intonation and a menacing zmist.

With obsessive neurosis, the subject may repeat abnormal religious ideas. Intrusive thoughts can be concentrated on some sexual images, or you need to create state contacts in an unnatural way. Wanting ailments to the neurosis of obsessive states, I will again realize the stupidity of my thoughts, my thoughts are completely overwhelmed by the power of abnormal ideas: a person is not capable of independently resisting his experiences.

The third group of symptoms - irrational ideas of delusion

Intrusiveness can be manifested by a pathological fear of infection and confusion. You can follow the idea of ​​a person that there will be a zabrudenny saw, ford, sewage. An individual may develop an obsessive fear that his body will consume some toxic speech.

Intrusive ideas can also be irrational doubts about the purity of the body, speeches, body. In such situations, compulsive rituals are aimed at zapobіgannya potential zіtknennia with objects of power fear.

The fourth group of symptoms - compulsions

Compulsive behavior includes various, variant, bugatora-like repetitions of actions, such as helping a healthy eye, and cannot be attributed to the ox zusilla of an individual. Mid wide compulsions:

  • "magic" manipulations tied with saplings;
  • stereotyped ruhi,for example: smacking lips;
  • carrying out every day for a long time,for example: rankove vdyagannya with a pull of three years;
  • overworldly hygienic procedures,for example: a mitt of hands with a stretch of godini;
  • non-perebornya pragnennya pererakhovuvat objects;
  • uncontrolled craving to spread all speech symmetrically and in singing sequence;
  • pathological accumulation of old, unsuitable for vikoristanny subjects.

Neurosis of intrusive states: exuberance

How to exult psychogenic discord? Modern methods The exaltation of the neurosis of obsessive states may be based on the implementation of complex approaches: the introduction of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapeutic injection.

Medical treatment

The main emphasis in the exaltation of the neurosis of the obsessive states is broken down on the stasis of the nervous system, which eliminate depressive symptoms, which cause panic anxiety In the program of drug therapy for important forms of disorder, it is included to resurvey lower than self.

  • For the first month of pharmacotherapy for the treatment of abnormal anxiety, the patient was recommended to take tranquilizers of the benzodiazepine group, for example, alprazolam (Alprazolam).
  • The maximum effectiveness of the middle groups of psychotropic drugs is shown by tricyclic antidepressants, for example: clomipramine (Clomipramine). Also, you can use vicarious antidepressants of the SIOZS group, for example: sertraline (Sertraline) or other drugs of the tetracyclic structure of the NASA class, for example: Mirtazapine (Mirtazapine).
  • In case of chronic overshooting of neurosis, obsessive stagnation becomes docile and the use of certain atypical antipsychotics, for example: the neuroleptic quetiapine (Quetiapine).
  • In important forms of discord to liquor, include normotimics, for example: valproic acid (Valproic acid).

Respect! Appointment of pharmacological effects is considered after a real analysis of the potential effect and a clear risk, shards of an incorrect choice of the drug, or incorrectly chosen dosing, can cause severe obsessions and compulsions.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

The high results of treating the neurosis of obsessive states are shown by the conducted sessions in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Tsya psychotherapeutic technique allows the individual to perceive the peculiarities of his discord, and Pokrokovo teaches methods to support intrusive ideas. The subject is aware of the possibility to carry out between adequate behavior in the minds of really obvious problems and abnormal intrusive actions, provoking a neurosis of intrusive states.

Ailing to know the necessary skills for comfortable and painless support for obsessions and compulsions. As a result of psychotherapeutic exuberance, the patient develops the building up to the transformation of obsessive thought into a constructive model. The individual will take away the chance to sleep, change the situation and ask for the procedure of ritual rituals earlier.

Another option for psychotherapeutic treatment is the EPR technique (exposure technique and reaction inhibition). The essence of this method is offensive: a person, as if suffering from a neurosis of intrusive states, is placed in a piece-made situation, as an object of yoga intrusive thoughts. At the same time, I will reject the vkazіvki, in what ways I need to resist the anomalous needs of the vikonati of ritual activity. Such a psychological awareness and a read to the point of being ill on the instruction ahead of the development of specific reactions, by the same token, the symptoms of neurosis of the irritating states are minimised.

As shown by clinical practice, psychotherapeutic exuberance allows you to reach a steady state of health and become a patient and reach a lasting remission.

Sobi self-help

Jubilation in domestic minds includes steps to come in:

  • a regular intake of warm baths with the addition of growing sedative collections, which transfer a stepwise decrease in the temperature of the water;
  • taking a contrast soul after awakening;
  • ordering the regime of practice and ordering;
  • ensuring proper night sleep;
  • schoday perebuvannya on fresh air, scho transferring active physical rights;
  • normalization of the diet, vines from the menu of products, to avenge speech, to stimulate the nervous system;
  • povna v_dmova vіd kurinnya and vzhivannya alcohol;
  • scheduling the order of the day with the obov'azkovym vіdvedennyam hour at the wedding, come in and the reception held the hour;
  • exclusion or minimization of factors that may cause psychotraumatic events;
  • vikonannya is right for m'yazovoї relaxation.

Neurosis of obtrusive states, regardless of the entire range of symptoms and a cold flow, is subject to further adoption during the last and cold work of the doctor and patient.

Obsession (obsessional syndrome) - intrusive thoughts, ideas on the head, dії. A similar discord is one of the most complicated ones, both for the very special, and in terms of diagnostics, it is a delight. Illness through this illness is experiencing difficulties in everyday life, robots navchann, spilkuvanni z іnshiy people, as well as constantly spend their time on watching the silent chi other unscreamed activities, comprehending the obtrusive images of those thoughts.

Obsession: a characteristic of understanding

Skin specificity chi chi іnshoy pritamanni intrusive thoughts chi dії. At the head, you can constantly scroll thoughts about the important future podia (sleep abo spivbesidu), you can turbulently about those, turning up the prask chi ni, shoranka robiti way along the same route. All it is to serve in order to reduce the level of anxiety, relieve the nerve strain.

Over those, close to 40% of people feel nervous, nasty uncomfortable when changing the order of speeches.

Obsession (neurosis of intrusiveness) is a mental disorder, in which one blames intrusiveness I will become a different character. Cі become blaming others, and є mimovіlnі іdeії and thoughts, podії, scho to pull the formation of a system of rituals.

Like this, start crying out to the special person for nervous tension, stress. Fixation on filthy, sickly thoughts at the head and ideas that call out negative emotions, and it can become the cause of the development of depression, or it can provoke a neurosis (neurotic disorder). Whose ailments suffer the destruction of a logical mind.

Obsession is not just a repetition of uncontrolled disturbances (compulsions) and not just a spinning of filthy thoughts in the head, but a fixation on them. The peculiarity of the syndrome lies in the recognition of these intrusiveness in particular. People accept obsessions and comulsions as if they were third parties, alien to their own knowledge. Obsessions take on like invading, stupid, sometimes superimpressing their nature, but fighting, it’s impossible for the individual to get out of it. Turning intrusive ideas and similar ones would soon bring people's nerve strain, increase anxiety, or even attack depression and neurosis.

See intrusive stanіv (deposit in the sphere of manifestations):

  • motor (compulsions);
  • emotions (phobias);
  • intellectual (intrusive thoughts).

Obsessions can also show up only on the basis of the selection (loan accumulation), money, images, sumniviv, ideas.

Basically, the neurosis of obsessive states may be thematically powerful, which is repeated. The most widespread topics are debauchery, infection, violence, order, symmetry, sexuality, aggression. Particularly, obsessiveness of a similar nature is common in healthy people.

In a small group, one can see a state of intrusiveness - "lack of goodness", the signs of a person blaming the process for being incomplete. To turn around, overcome such a camp, use a strain, you have to repeat one and the same day, for example, turn on and switch on the light.

In order to relieve the nerve strain, indulge in filthy ideas and reduce the level of anxiety, people have to perform their own rituals. Tse mozhe buti rahunok, perevіrka, mittya and іnshі dії, scho constantly repeat. Illness sees their stupidity, but all the same goes to them, shards of stink help, wanting to heal fear for some hour, or intrusive thoughts in my head.

Why are the signs blamed for obsessive syndrome - the causes of illness

At the moment, psychiatry does not see any clear reasons, as they explained, signs are taken of obsessiveness, which is blamed on the symptoms of illness, shards of discord can lead to other mental disorders and illness (neurosis, schizophrenia, depression, etc.).

But all the same, the main 3 reasons why obsessive neurosis is blamed are seen by science:

  • Biological factors - anatomical features of the CNS and ANS, disruption of the exchange processes of neurotransmitters, infectious disease, organic brain damage, genetic schilnist.
  • Psychological causes - depression, neurosis, especially psychological type of specialty, accentuation of character, family development, lowered self-esteem and other officials.
  • Sociological reasons - social phobia, crippling stress, nervous and emotional strain, connected with conflicts in the family or on the job.

Also, the symptoms of obsessive states develop in other illnesses:

  • schizophrenia and lighthouse disorder;
  • depression;
  • psychosis;
  • neurosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • Epilepsy.

Main symptoms of obsessive neurosis

Obsessional syndrome can be manifested as a physical, and psychological level.

Somatic symptoms of disorder:

  • bradycardia and tachycardia;
  • chervonіsha chi navpak blіdіst skіrnogo pokіru;
  • zamorochennya that ass;
  • the peristalsis of the intestine was strengthened.

Psychological symptoms will become obtrusive:

  • Intrusive thoughts and thoughts (“Rozum's zhuyka” - inexhaustible dialogues from oneself, aimlessly obmirkovuvannya like facts, fantasies vchinkiv, like, as a rule, may have a negative character.
  • Intrusive images.
  • Obsessive impulses - bazhannya robit like a topping, aggressive chi nasty things. It’s all about tormenting the sick, crying out for a strain, being afraid that they can realize yoga, but never undertake to bring yoga into life.
  • Nav'azlivі sumnіvi can be connected with unfinished deeds or other phobias.
  • Contrasting thoughts are terrible and nasty thoughts of other relatives, colleagues of other people, with nothing backed by sharp antipathy to them. Contrasting thoughts often combine with images and impulses.
  • Obsessive phobias are the most widespread: fear of microbes, delirium, fear of being infected.
  • Nav'yazlivі dії (compulsions) - a system of rituals, which has the characteristic character of specialness.
  • Obsessive spogadi - often painful, filthy, with powerful people like kayattya chi soromu.
  • Rіdshe blaming hallucinatory stands.

Contrasting (aggressive) intrusive thoughts

Contrasting thoughts become even more different. Sound the negative images of the scourge of violence, violence. The head symptoms of such thoughts and ideas are the bazhannya zapodiyati bіl chi shkoda. Often such a mill can be straightened on itself.

Typical contrasting thoughts: fear of the head of a shkody chi navit kill (strangle the child of a person, smash it from the heights). So begin to torment the ailing one, feel the sting of the strain, feel sorry for your thoughts, fear to feed your bugs. Contrasting thoughts, ideas, impulses are by no means realized in real life.

How to get rid of intrusive thoughts: diagnostics and jubilation of discord

The problem of treating illness is related to the complexity of making a diagnosis. Even the symptoms of obtrusiveness are blamed for other ailments. Therefore, the psychiatrist can conduct a differential diagnosis, which includes:

  • neurosis and neurasthenia;
  • schizophrenia;
  • hysteria;
  • depression or otherwise affective disorder;
  • other somatic illnesses.

Carrying out differential diagnostics in neurosis and schizophrenia in particular, especially in neurosis-like and malignant types of schizophrenia, should be done more slowly.

Obsession in schizophrenia is characterized by low features:

  • emotional warehouse cloud,
  • daily intrusive images,
  • dorimuetsya deak monotony and systematic,
  • there is a rigidity and one-manality in intrusiveness.

With the rise of schizophrenia, the obsession of sumnivs is especially pronounced. The symptoms of low-progressive schizophrenia tend to be critically placed to obtrusiveness, the stench ranks as painful and alien to the individual, ailments are likely to come into contact with them. With the progression of ailments, criticality subsides, the pain of stress decreases through the powerlessness of the fight against obsessions.

How to exult discord

The joy of the syndrome can be mentally subdivided into three types:

  • etiological;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • more pathogenetic.

Etiological treatment of obsession directed at the adoption of the cause of injury to the sick. Pathogenetic exaltation, as the main thing in the fight against the annoying specialty, call to put pathological changes in the brain.

It is important for psychotherapy to be effective, about which different clinical trials should be taken into account. Such methods as cognitive-behavioral and exposure therapy, hypnosis, auto-training, psychoanalysis are being developed.

Medicamentous faces that are victorious for the treatment of ailments: antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizer pills.

In order to overcome discord, yoga can be complex, and also include physiotherapy, full eating, and recovery.

Narivnі s CBT or in quiet depressions, if they don’t help, vikoristovuyut hypnosis. Hypnosis (suggestive therapy) becomes more effective on the highest levels of the psyche, and also hypnosis helps fight phobias. Similar therapy may be carried out only with highly qualified fahivets.

How can I get rid of obtrusive thoughts and fears independently?

Fight against obsession folk secrets impossibly, but to himself with full strength. For whom you need the following recommendations:

  • Obsessive illness is a chronic discord, with which you have to fight all your life. There will be moments of sickness, and bad moments of relapse.
  • Don’t try to fight, don’t let the robot work on you, don’t fall into the trap.
  • Do not shift your vikonanny rituals to relatives and loved ones.
  • Do not reproach yourself for your thoughts, develop positive thoughts.
  • Try to unify quiet situations, as they can provoke intrusive thoughts that become.
  • Try to find a good psychiatrist, who can help you overcome your fear and obtrusiveness with additional therapy. Medicamentous treatment of certain types of symptoms is regularly treated with CBT and others. methods.
  • You can go into the EPR method (exposure and zabіgannya rituals) and independently. Vіn polagaє y dobrovіlnomu znakhodzhennі in situatsії, if blaming intrusive thoughts, with whom ailments are guilty of repairing the opіr іmpulsu and vykonati svіy zviy ritual. If you want to learn to stay in the camp of a yakomog more, you can reach tolerance for an hour, and understand that, without violating your zahisnyh rituals, you won’t experience anything terrible.
  • Try to spend the hour of your rituals. Try to understand that these are obtrusive thoughts in your head and that rituals are pardons and are really absolutely unimportant.
  • Do not bother yourself with intrusive ideas and images, the fight against them is stupid, let them in your knowledge, but do not conduct a constant endless dialogue with them.

In other problems, as if you have obtrusive thoughts about people, fears, you can independently go into the method of cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is based on knowledge about illness, understanding that behavior correction.

CPT is based on the following principle:

  • Krok 1. Change of accents. Remember to recognize your symptoms and call them by their names obsession think so, not me; tse compulsion want to be robbed, but chi not me).
  • Krok 2 Downgrading, which is rooted in the knowledge of his illness. It is necessary to understand what intrusive thoughts- hibni, wrong, like you can’t think anything of reality. And then voltage, Yake try it with your own primary rituals - nothing else, like the result of biochemical processes of the brain. Accepting your ailment, standing up to it like a medical manifestation, try not to scour yourself for your filthy thoughts and fears.
  • Krok 3 refocusing. This is a folding stage, which takes time, will and training. Vіn foundations on changing the focus of the obtrusiveness on the way the corisna is reasonable on the right. If vinication obsession otherwise, compulsion, it is necessary to recognize for yourself that this is a symptom of ailment and put yourself before the new one, try to switch to something else, to bring melancholy and satisfaction.
  • Krok 4. Reappraisal. Vikonuyuchi all the steps in a complex, step by step, come reassessment of the significance of their obtrusiveness, and learn not to give them a special meaning, it’s almost like an hour of vikonnannya of their rituals.

In a complex and effective way, it is impossible to discord with people's orders. Ale є y іnshiy bіk. Lіkuvannya folk zasoba good help in znyatti deykoї symptoms, nervous tension and awakening.

Dihal gymnastics, herbal sedative tea will help normalize the emotional state, both women and people.

Obsesia - a serious discord, which seems to be a good life for an ailment, but you can overcome it, systematically fight, put a robot over yourself, allow you to take control over illnesses, so that, you have come to a calm, happy life, in which you don’t torment filthy thoughts, just blame stained glass hour of vikonannya silly rituals and experience of unsubstantiated fears.

Neurosis of obsessive states, which otherwise seems to be, obsessive-compulsive disorder - tse mental health, when people blame intrusive thoughts, ideas, images, manifestations, bazhannya, it’s almost impossible to control, and you try to run into them, conducting different rituals, vikonnannya such as causing this pronounced discomfort.

Main symptoms of obsessive neurosis in older people - the manifestation of a clear cyclicity: a vicious state of intrusiveness, followed by the appearance of anxiety, or other uncomfortable feelings, and then a person vikonu ritual to complete the whole cycle for a short period.

General information and interpretation of the diagnosis

Diagnosis of DCC in psychiatry - what is it? How to decipher DKR?

obsessive compulsive disorder go to mental illness, enter into a great group of neuroses and are often accompanied by other mental illnesses, such as depressive syndrome, panic disorder, astheno-neurotic syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder.

In the name "obsessive-compulsive disorder" there are symptomatic features of the illness:

  • obsessions. Before the obsession one can feel obtrusive, like a person cannot take away the volovy zusilli, to that I repeat the compulsive actions, interrupt the building, or help relieve discomfort, anxiety, fear for an hour;
  • compulsions. Tse rituals, as I repeat the people, to get rid of obsessions.

butt: young girl, shy to the development of neurosis-like states through the peculiarities of the specialties, becomes a certificate of death at the courthouse, and starts the development of an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Dekilka times per day її head has obsessions: imagine the burning apartments, the objects that they are engaged in, intrusive lancers mirkuvan about those, as you yourself can start to burn.

Before leaving the house won't carry out compulsive rituals: turn on all the electrical appliances, turn off the valve on the gas pipe and check that everything was turned on correctly, sprat of time.

Repeatedly, the obsessions frightened її to turn back to the apartment, if she had already left, and it turned over again, regardless of those who were all there.

Obsessive-compulsive discord є to expand mental recovery - 2-5% of people suffer from yoga - and most often it is common among residents of rozvinenikh krajn, especially quiet, who live in megalopolises for a trivial hour.

Why do they blame the intrusive dії? Find out from the video:

Obsessive type of specialty

There are low special features, yakі zbіlshуyut ymovіrnіst, scho people in the mother obsessive-compulsive discord and lay the stench in the child's vіtsi.

Characteristic features of obsessive type people:

The obsessive type of specialty is attached to people who are potentially successful.

Their vivacity, arrogance, perfectionism, straightening the channel in the distance, giving them the opportunity to reach significant heights.

Ale schilnіst up to thought, overworld self-control, blocking of emotional storehouse, bazhannya robiti everything is more beautiful smash them in different ways Therefore, such people can develop neurosis.

qia special features are instilled in children and tied up with the clutches of the fathers, like they say, that their child was the best for all. The stinks punish for pardons, instill insignificance, and actively praise for success, bark for displaying emotions and forfeiting self-control.

The future child of such fathers is saved by the formation of special features and protracted life try to support an unattainable, imposed ideal.

Obsessive-compulsive type of specialty! What type of specialty is characteristic? Find out from the video:

Cause the development

Biological reasons for the vindication of the illness are due to failures in the exchange of serotonin and norepinephrine, which can lead to the appearance of pathological anxiety in a person. At your heart, tsі zboї blamed through:

Sound the development of the disease, launch the trigger, which may be psychotraumatic dosvid.

All kinds of obsessions, beginning with intrusive thoughts and ending with intrusive thoughts, doubts, bugs, in people with neurosis of obsessive states, so what else is caused by their fears and painful emotions, importantly, stink not safe, but very unacceptable.

For example, fear of death to give rise to obsessions tied to him: people are miraculously scrolling in the head of the script wet death and be afraid of them, they can blame someone for intrusive images of how to commit suicide.

Sexual urges to generate obsessive images, caused by sexual deeds, thoughts, often such that the patient himself considers them deeply unacceptable, because of the appearance of such thoughts, and bazhan vin vіdchuvaє hostile rubbish, anxiety.

Symptoms of neurosis and see obsessions

Head symptom of neurosis of obsessive states. presence of a cycle that repeats itself, obsession-compulsion The manifestation of respiration can change in the lungs, if the illness does not cause people significant discomfort, to the extreme, if the patient is deeply irritated, the cycle of obtrusiveness and rituals, which are repeated, is not a building practice, read.

Features of overcoming the neurosis of obsessive states:

See obtrusive stanіv:

DKR - opinion of a psychologist:

DKR and vaginess

For more women of the people, children serious, vidpovidal crook. The greater the woman’s intelligence, the woman’s reasonableness, the stronger she is, the more powerful, the canopies passed more quickly, and the child was born healthy, grew up happy and took away everything that was necessary for full development.

У багатьох жінок виражені симптоми обсесивно-компульсивного розладу та інші психічні відхилення вперше виявляються і після народження первістка, що пов'язано як з глобальними гормональними перебудовами, що впливають на психічне здоров'я, так і з радикальними змінами життя жінки, необхідністю підлаштовуватися під нові regulations.

Obsessions of pregnant and recently born women closely related to a child, її to health and life.

You should be afraid that you will harm Yoma, you will be afraid of Yogo, that you will become, through which you will be born with ruins, that the canopies will go through badly, doctors will give a pardon, that a child will be born dead or die in the first month of life.

Especially high imovirnist appeared neurosis, like in a woman buv negative dosvid, cases of pregnancy (vicidnia, induced abortions due to a genetic defect of the embryo, the pregnancy died down, the death of a child in the next hour) and even out to the pregnancy was alarming, .

For the sake of psychotherapists for female women:

  1. Tell me about your worries people who trust, for example, friend, mother, partner. Їx pіdtrimka, rozpovіdі about vlasny dosvіd and dosvіd close zhіnok, warmth and turbota ways to help or reduce anxiety.
  2. Analyze your anxiety as far as possible and try to overthrow yourself in the fact that you are working for the child everything that lies in front of you. Until then, there are a lot of fears associated with the hormone deficiency, which will pass in an hour.
  3. See information about DKR, read the forums of women who describe their problems. Rozuminnya, scho tsey important dosvid not є unique and rich zhіnok pass and went through the same, also help building.

If the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are very pronounced, then you should turn to a psychotherapist.


With the appearance of the first signs of DKR, it is important not to ignore them and try to help yourself. In some cases, mild forms of illness can be taken away, thus changing life.

For the sake of psychotherapists:

Well, if you come in, you will be effective, but the neurosis manifests itself strongly, it is necessary to turn to fahivtsiv and often.

obsessive compulsive disorder rejoice at zastosuvannyam pharmaceutical preparations that psychotherapy. Faces are selected according to the specific features and severity of illness, may include antidepressants (Imipramin, Amitriptyline, Setralin) and tranquilizers (Diazepam).

The most effective in the case of neurosis of obsessive states is taken into account. Also, the patient is taught the method of mindfulness, which allows him to fight with obsessions.

At the same time, rozpochat psychotherapeutically zdatne significantly improve the quality of life of the ailing and the newcomers, like vin having taken off the first hour of therapy, allow you to help yourself, as if ill to turn around.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder of self-help technique:

The essence of neurosis intrusive states, yoga main etiological officials. Clinical picture of discord and the main warehouses of this illness. Golovnі directly at the delight of neurosis.

Change of stats:

Neurosis of obtrusive states is a psychological disorder of an anxious discharge, which is characterized by the appearance of postirous annoying thoughts, like far away people, and also not controlled ones. In addition, this nosology makes patients feel restless, constant anxiety, and fear. Call for help of obtrusive diy (compulsions) and symptoms are relieved and relieved.

Description of the development of the neurosis of obsessive states

Psychologists began to see the neurosis of the intrusive camps on the cob of the nineteenth century. A clear description, like a larger world to converge from current reports of illness, having put on Dominik Esquirol. Vіn having diagnosed the neurosis of intrusiveness as "sickness of sumnіvіv", having seen the main warehouse nosology. Sterzhuvav vcheniy, scho ailing, like suffering for some discord, constantly perebuvayut at the sum'yatti and without a dent call the correctness of their deeds. If so, whether it be logical, then the arguments will not be respected.

Trochy every year in his robots M. Balinsky showed another important warehouse of such a neurosis. Sterzhuvav vcheny, that all intrusiveness, as if blamed on the patient, are accepted as strangers. Tobto zapokoennya vyklikaє, vlasne, the presence of postynyh thoughts and thoughts, like for a stranger.

Modern psychiatry has robbed all the principles established by the champions. The name has changed - obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Such a diagnosis would more accurately describe the essence of the diseased inclusions up to the International Classification of Diseases 10th revision.

The breadth of the neurosis of obsessive stanіv kolivaєtsya fallow kraїni. Rіznі dzherela increase the incidence of illness from 2 to 5% of the population of the planet. Tobto on the skin 50 cases fall into 4 to 10 of the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Greater experience shows that the disease can lie in the state. However, women and people are sick.

Cause blame for the neurosis of obsessive states

At the moment, the multifactorial theory of discord is the most popular. In order to take part in the pathogenesis of a small number of vagomic causes, they can lead to the formation of pathological symptoms.

We can see the following main groups of triggers, which increase the possibility of developing a neurosis of obsessive states:

  • Features. It seems that the peculiarity of the character of a person is rich in why it is necessary to add to the development of the development and the excess of psychological developments. So, for example, before the development of an obsessive-compulsive disorder, one can be more distrustful of one's particularities, as one scrupulously puts oneself up to one's obov'yazkiv. The stinks are pedantic in life and on the robot, they called out to the robot to the most important details, and in the end, it was perfectly suitable to the right. Sounds like this, people often worry about the fact that the stench has killed and doubts in the skin crotch. Tse I create in the edge of a friendly decay in the development of a neurosis of intrusive states. Often shy to the formation of a discord of specialness, as if they constantly called to someone else's thought, to be afraid of not being true to that hope.
  • Spadkovist. The development of a genetic link between ailments for neurosis of obsessive states made it possible to rank as schilnist, as richly as a population frequency. That is, if a person’s family can be so ill, it will automatically have a greater chance of getting a nosology of its own. Obviously, recession does not mean 100% transfer of genes from father to child. On the formation of the neurosis of obsessive states to understand the penetrance of the genes. For the presence of such a code in the DNA of a human being, it is possible to reveal itself exclusively in different kinds of additional trigger factors. The decline of genes is manifested in impaired synthesis of important components of neurotransmitter systems. Neurotransmitters, as they take part in the transmission of a nerve impulse, thereby influencing various mental processes of the brain, can become established in an insufficient amount of bone through specific DNA. Also, there are different symptoms of neurosis of obsessive states.
  • Exogenous factors. Obov'yazkovo slid vrakhovuvaty nayavnіst causes іz ovnіshny sredovishcha, yakі can infuse on the mental functions of people. Most often, there is an agonizing physical, chemical and biological influx, which causes damage to robotic neurotransmitter systems and manifests itself in various symptoms, including intrusive thoughts. Significantly aggravate the brain activity of chronic stress in life, and induce a relapse. An important role is played by psychotrauma. To instill one significant path in the life of a person, as if she laid vagomia on the її psychic state, zdatna significantly worsen self-perception and cause the development of a neurosis of obsessive states. Among the physical officials, the psychic functions were followed by craniocerebral injuries. Navit a coward, be it a degree of gravity of a building call to change the psyche of a person. Biological factors are represented by infectious agents, as well as other chronic diseases of organs and systems.

Show the neurosis of obsessive states

Obsessions and compulsions are taken into account as the main warehouse clinical picture of the neurosis of obsessive states. Tse intrusive thoughts, yakі vymagayut vykonannya intrusive deeds. Sometimes the rest take on the form of special rituals, and then the victoriousness significantly changes anxiety and anxiety. That is why the first and the other component of the illness is so tied to each other.

The main symptoms of neurosis of obsessive states:

  1. poyuvannya. Often people from this discord have an intrusive fear that the trash will get dirty. In any situation, the stink to bet on the best result and zovsim do not rationalize the arguments. Such people are afraid of the most obvious failures, like in serious and extreme moments, as well as in those on the right. For example, it is often easy to speak in front of the public. The stench is afraid of being vism_yanimi, worrying that it’s not true to splurge what’s wrong. People also feel the fear of being blackened in public - an absolutely irrational phobia, which is impossible to explain logically.
  2. Sumnivy. Most often, in case of neurosis, intrusive states, innocence is observed. People are rarely able to say in a singsong voice. Like only stinks try to guess all the details, they immediately add up. With classic butts, it is customary to honor the post-yne torment, chi vimknen prask at home, chi closed chi entrance doors, chi installed signalization, chi close the faucet with water. Learn to change your mind about the correctness of your actions and the lack of falseness of sumnivivs, a person begins to analyze after a certain hour. The very distrust of the character itself often becomes ashes for the development of obsessive neurosis.
  3. Phobias. Formed fears also enter the structure of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The stench can be absolutely different and belong to different categories. For example, phobias of sickness are often caught. People are afraid of contracting a contagious infection, or it is easy to make it easy to get sick. Many people suffer because of the fear of heights, severe misery, pain, death, closed accommodation. Similar phobias often grow up in the warehouse like a neurosis of intrusive states, but they are independent. Fears fetter the svidomo of a person, irrationalize її thoughts and succumb to the blame of other obtrusive states. Often the presence of such discord can be suspected only after it appears in the clinical picture of one of the phobias.
  4. Dumki. Nazlivimi so buvayut razdumy, yakі bear pіd a zhdnogo rational clarification. That’s why the very phrase “stuck” in the head, song of chi im’ya, and the person constantly scrolls through it on repeat. These thoughts can often not stray from the thought of the person herself. For example, it is typical for you to speak in a censorious manner and not to be madly welded, and intrusive thoughts are constantly embarrassed to think about inappropriate words. It’s a pity that such a person is not able to independently change the topic of thoughts, stink like an uninterrupted waterfall of thoughts, like it’s impossible to think.
  5. Spogadi. The neurosis of obsessive states is also characterized by urivka from the past. People's memory is turning at the hour, demonstrating the most important subdivisions of psychotraumatic situations. Vіdminnіstyu vіd standard spogaіv є їkhnya vіchuzhenіst. That's why a person cannot control those who think. You can imagine, melodies, sounds, which were small for the past. Most of the time, you can think of a more negatively charged thing.
  6. Dії (compulsions). Sometimes such ailments are blamed for the obtrusive banter of vikonati like a rush, or move in a specific rank. The reason for the pavement is stronger, which is less usuvaetsya after the fact that a person is living a good life. For example, sometimes you can gravitate to pereahuvati, wind your fingers on your hands. People know and understand that there are only ten of them, but all the same I can vikonati diyu. Such compulsions are most often heard: licking the lips, correcting the comb or make-up, singing mimicry, pidmorguvannya. The stench does not carry a logical ambition, so that the marne ignites and wins the role of an intrusive little name, which is already well-trodden.

Ways to fight the neurosis of obsessive states

Vybir concrete likuvannya lie down in the light of the severity of the neurosis of obsessive states. More light drops can be used in ambulatory minds. Regular intake of medication supportive therapy or periodic sessions with a psychologist will help people recover from the symptoms of illness and lead a normal life without obtrusiveness. In important cases, the need for hospitalization and exaltation in stationary minds. It’s even more important not to start the ailment and start therapy in your own time.

Medical treatment

Pharmacological preparations and widely zastosovuyut on the treatment of neurosis of obsessive states. Most often, vicorist is used in combination therapy, which consists of several preparations in different groups. Such a pidkhid ensures optimal elimination of the symptoms of illness.

The following groups of drugs are most often used:

  • . Often intrusive thoughts and thoughts about the unacceptable podії can evoke depressive moods. A person is quick to sum up and rozcharovuetsya in everything. Postiyni experience, emotional-nervous tension calls out to change the affective background. People can go in themselves, get lost in thoughts and problems. The very same depressive reaction is a common symptom of obsessive neurosis. The middle generation of antidepressants in to this particular type the victory is given to the third. Dosing is carried out in an individual order by a doctor, who is responsible for all the symptoms, as well as the constitutional features of the patient.
  • Anxiolytics. This group of drugs is also known as tranquilizers or mood stabilizers. The main activity of anxiolytics is anti-inflammatory. Intrusive thoughts, phobias, make it easy to destroy the inner calm of the people, it is important to know the balance in the mood, so such drugs are used in complex therapy of neurosis. Anxiety is that anxiety that is blamed for obsessive-compulsive disorder, bathing for help Diazepam, Clonazepam. Also vicorist salts of valproic acid. The choice of a particular drug is determined by the drug on the basis of overt symptoms and mild symptoms, if the patient is taking anxiolytics at the same time.
  • Antipsychotics. One of the widest groups of psychotropic diseases. The skin drug is affected by the peculiarities on the human psyche, therapeutic effects, and induce dosing. The very choice of a viable neuroleptic may determine the qualifications of the doctor. Most often vicorist subgroup of atypical antipsychotics. The stench is suitable for exaltation of neuroses of obsessive states that have passed from a chronic form. Kvetiapin is the most common among the representatives of this subgroup.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

Tsey directly in psychology and psychiatry for today is the most demanding and expanding. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is victorious with the majority of all illnesses on the psychiatric spectrum, so the effectiveness speaks for itself. More than that, it’s worth it to do it just like for a doctor, so for a patient.

At the heart of this method of likuvannya lies the analysis of behavior, which indicates the presence of different intrusiveness. To the cob of work with a skin patient, it is more important to surround yourself with a problem, as it is necessary to eliminate it. The apparent intrusiveness of the fahivets is suggested to be logically discussed with the patient, to choose the optimal behavioral scheme, as if following an offensive time.

Also, the results of cognitive-behavioral therapy formulate special installations, which help to correctly respond to the onset of the disease with the guilty symptoms. The maximum efficiency in such sessions of such psychotherapy is possible only for the moderate work of the faculty of that patient.

The method of "thinking mind"

The most extensive method of psychotherapy for neurosis of obsessive states is taken into account by itself. Vіn razrobleny specially for pozbavlennya intrusiveness. To this vin dopomagaє posbutisya neurosis of obsessive stanіv and usunut osnovnі yogo symptoms. Obviously, most of the efficiency lies solely in the light of the patient's needs to work on himself and the problems that he is turbulent.

This method is formed from 5 consecutive steps:

  1. Lists. As for cognitive-behavioral therapy, for this method it is also important to make a report list of obsessions that you need to address. The first step is to start working, it is necessary to know why you are moving to the right.
  2. peremikannya. On the other hand, people are obov'yazkovo to start knowing and accepting thoughts that help. When guilty of different obsessions, it is necessary to switch to one of these positive ones. Bazhano zgaduvati chi to think about it without a turbo, radiance and fun.
  3. Command molding. The word "stop" is inserted. The person is guilty of learning how to act quickly, if they blame obtrusiveness on the one who is sounding them. With whom on whom krotsі requires a timid voice.
  4. Commands fixed. Krok 4 of this technique for relieving obtrusiveness is based on the obvious use of the word “stop” in order to sound the whiff of obsessions that are on the way.
  5. pereglyad. 5 krok є the most serious and the most complicated. Here a person can learn to recognize the positive moments of his obtrusiveness and fix his respect for them. For example, zayve zavekoennya z the drive of unfinished doors - then a person must be sure to walk up to it, in fact, not to deprive it of water.
How to fight the neurosis of intrusive states - marvel at the video:

With the appearance of symptoms of illness, one should turn around for help. Such an ailment will not pass on its own, and the earlier it will be given more therapy, the greater the recurrence of the symptoms of discord. Tim is more, less qualified, a doctor of understanding, like a neurosis of obsessive states without complicating and relapsing.
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