Baking goose paws. Goose paws (pechivo) with syrup and recipe without sirup

Shvidke, just tastier oven goose paws it is inconvenient to cook at once from children. My six-fold daughter worked hard, almost practically, only I did it softly, the children’s bones were physically important to grow.

There are a lot of different recipes for this oven, for myself, those that are more syrah, less flour, and the eggs do not vikoristovuyutsya, it’s good to go out to the oven and light.

The last hour of cooking the oven is more than a year old, and 30 khvilin of them are needed for the brewing of the dough.

For the stove "Goose paws" you need:

  • Sir. 250 gr. The fatness of the syrup is not critical.
  • Boroshno. 1 vial.
  • Vershkov oil. 100 gr.
  • Rozpushuvach. 1 teaspoon.
  • Vanilla zukor or vanilla extract.
  • Zukor. 3-5 tablespoons.
  • Strength. on the tip of a knife.

Pechemo oven "Goose paws".

Nasampered 100 grams of olії - about half of a small pack, poured in a warm place, so that the oil froze. We don’t melt butter, but rather give it to you to become soft.

At the vіdpovіdnіy єmnostі for the test zbivaemo m'yake Vershkov oil with two tablespoons of zucru and a small pinch of salt, literally on the tip of a knife. Also add a sachet of vanilla zucru or sprats of vanilla extract.

You can beat with a fork or with a fork, with a fork it is simpler, but the shards of the balls are still not firmly mixed with a fork, and the axis of the seer - a whole lot of speeches for the mitt becomes less. We also see a child’s fork, after which we watch for the process.

Have zbite vershkov oil | oil | we suggest 250 gr. Syrah and relatively mixed with syrah. The children are already respectful, so take kermo in your own hands.

If the syrup with oil is relatively mixed, we put in a new 1 bottle of borosna and 1 teaspoon of fluff. You can substitute half a teaspoon of frying soda, slaked. lemon juice or otstom.

Rubaemoly with a spatula and a knife until the soft dough is gone. I koristuyus tієyu w with a fork і vіmіshuyu tіsto їy.

The dough is warmed up in a bowl and put into the refrigerator for 30 quills.

For the first year, we proceed to the preparation of the oven.

The oven can be heated up to 200 ºС.

Distaimo clean from the refrigerator and take it from the new heating.

It is possible to tear everything apart with a large layer with a thickness of approximately 5 mm, and behind an additional saucer you can see mugs with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

Mi s donkoy robimo іnakshe. We take a small piece of dough and jump yoga into a sack, about a hairy mountain, or a little less than a bag for ping-pong.

Kulyu dough is lightly rolled in a saucer with a borosh, after which it grows into a circle.

We sip half of the kitchen with a bloody squeak.

We folded the gurtok navpіl, with the center of the center, and again we sip around the squeaky squeak.

Newly folded pіvkolo navpіl. The upper part of the quarter-cola is covered with zukr, you can make small incisions to imitate goose paws. You can just sip the zukor in the saucer and soak it in the zukor.

Goose paws, tricutniks, earmuffs, envelopes, mushli and navit pocilunki. It’s all about the new, baking with sira, the recipe with the photo of what I want to propagate to you today. I guarantee that we will not be left without anything! Even softer, in the world licorice, lower, rozsipchaste. The sire of the test is practically unrecognizable. It's easy to get ready for a shvidko. Zagalom tsepechevo - those who need to try shoes and tongues. And name the vipіchka otrimala zavdyaki its form. From the sulfuric test, circles are seen on the cob, then they are folded on the cob, and then again they are filled with envelopes. Axis and come out like trikutniki, like goose paws to someone, someone is an ear (it’s better for everything, like a little animal), and someone is a sponge, you can call it a kiss.

Before the brewing, we are rolled in the oven in tsukri on the sides of the oven, which in the oven is filled with water in the form of a dough and makes a light caramel flavor on the surface of the oven. However, the middle paws become soft and the axis of the contrast between the crunchy crunch and the lower softness, for example, is more like it. Well, marveling at the recipe from the cover photo?

What do we need for the oven "Goose paws":

  • sir - 300gr;
  • borosno - 200-240gr;
  • tsukor - 200gr;
  • Vershkov oil - 70g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • rozpushuvach - 8g.

How to cook oven with syrah

  1. Sir should be selected soft, pasty, not dry and with a fat content of not less than 5%. The fat or the grains will be dry and the whole bottom of the furnace will be filled with grains of syrup, as if after the vipikannya the power of the hardness may be maut. Tim is no less, like a bi soft sir buv yogo, all the same, it’s necessary to rub the troch with a saw. Let's break the egg and mix well.
  2. We need Vershkov's oil warmer and more easily. It is not necessary to yogo zazdalegіd dіstavati from the refrigerator and rozm'yakshuvati. To that we can prepare the oven, be it as it is, enough for the mother's needs for crow's feet, and food in the refrigerator. Cool the melted olive troch and pour it into the syrup with the egg.
  3. We put half of the zucru in a bowl, half of what was left out, pіde for rolling the goose feet before boiling the oven in the oven.
  4. Zmіshuєmo and dodaєmo rozpushuvach for test, zavdyaki yomu oven weed pishnim.
  5. Prosіyuєmo into a bowl borosno. Do not sip the whole quantity, indicated in the list of ingredients. So the softness of our tricutniks is baked to lie in the consistency of dough. Be-yaké sirne tisto zavzhd will be troch sticky and not elastic. Tsya the problem is shattered by the sips of the detailed plank under the hour of rozkochuvannya. How about shifting the flour, tobto. Forget about those who call it “beaten with a boar”, then, first, you can forget about the softness of the potsilunkiv, but in a different way, it’s bogged down with an unacceptable taste.
  6. We move, we skip the cool and while we show the kill.
  7. Let's take care of other preparations: turn on the oven to warm up to a temperature of 180 ° C, put zukor in a plate of excess, small board and the rocking chair is sippy.
  8. Vіdokremlyuєmo vіd іt hаs part, yak razgortаєmo into the layer, prilyuyuchi borosnoy at tsiom. The layer thickness is 3 mm.
  9. Virіzaemo with a glass mug. The diameter of my bottle is 5 cm, which is optimal.
  10. Now find more. We fold the mugs with tricouts or envelopes, to whom it is better to name them. Like in the photo.
  11. We put the leather on a plate from the fold on the back on one side, then turn it over and turn it around the other side. With this troch, we press the paws with the hand.
  12. The deco is covered with baking paper. Vikladaemo on a new stove. Circumcised tista z'ednuemo with the advancing part and so, until everything is wiped off.
  13. We put it in the oven, which has warmed up, for about 30 minutes. Behind the stove, the stitches are more beautiful. When ready, it will look light golden. Don't overtighten, don't overdry!

  14. Viymaєmo and vіdrazu well znіmaєmo from the sheet, as long as it is pliable. If you don’t break one, then the zucor, which caramelizes, catches and sticks to paper.

Let me just want to chill a little bit, but it’s important to grow, it’s more delicious! I drink tea.

Goose paws - ce duzhe savory oven, for the preparation of some richly expensive and rare ingredients. Significantly, it’s easy to fight such sweets. Moreover, there are a few options for yoga preparation. We can only imagine the most popular and the least folding.

Headlines about dessert

If you got a brew of syrah at the sight of different casseroles, as well as syrniki, but if you can’t taste the granular dairy product, then it’s better to make a goose paws oven.

It should be noted that such a dessert is not only savory, but also brown. It's not a secret for anyone that the sire can take away the great amount of calcium and other necessary elements.

Detailed recipe for "Crow's feet" with a photo of ready-made recipes

Sometimes it’s even more comfortable to zmusit a child z’isti sir. To avoid such a situation, it is recommended to add the product to licorice vipichka. Adzhe vіd savory and fragrant oven is not possible to look like a child.

Lasoschi under the name "Goose paws" know richly about children. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho for hours, if there were no stores in the stores great choice solodoschiv, rich mothers often prepared such a dessert for their children. We encourage you to learn yoga for a welcome family tea. For whom do we need:

Ready to clean

First, prepare the dessert Goose paws with syrah, then make it soft and uniformly thick. For whom it is necessary to put the cooking fat in a bowl and melt the yogo in a water bath. They gave the oil needed to kill and to reach the end of the day. At this hour you can work on preparing the other part of the foundation. For her, beat the coarse-grained syrup strongly in a blender, and then add a strong egg to the new one, one large spoonful of zucru and repeat the mixing procedure again. After that, before the dairy product, it is necessary to pour in cooled, melted top butter and step by step boil lightly, zmishane with a fluff.

As a result of the long-term remembrance, you are obliged to take off more elastic and softer, which is good in the hands. To get it out of the way, close it in a container, or wrap it in a grub and shave about 25-35 quills in such a station.

Forming process

In order to prepare “Goose paws” sirni, it is not enough to mix the base well, but to form the mold correctly. For this thick, which happened, it is necessary to wilt out of the container, and then stick it with a boar and rozkotit on a board in a sheet with a thickness of 5 millimeters. Dali yogo needs to be cut into mugs with a diameter of 7-8 centimeters. For whom it is possible to vicoristovuvat i svychaynu flask and special confectionery nizh.

After that, as the whole base will be cut, next put 5 great spoons of zucru on a plate and soak in a new one bean of a skin mug. Dali yogo, it is necessary to bend it navpil, once again smear it with zukr and fold it again. As a result, you are guilty of trying to eat a bagatosharovy trikutnik. For bajannya yogo, you can obsipate the beast with zukr.

Before the speech, in order to form the molds of the new world, they gave their name, it is recommended for a wide part of them to take the trochs with a fork. At the result, you take away the right “goose paws”.

Vipіchka in the oven

Like a bachite, the oven “Goose paws” is molded to finish easily that shvidko. Sob yogo vipecti, all preparations must be placed on a sheet of paper (you can use parchment paper) and put in the oven. Vypіkati syrny dessert sіd nо 30 hvilin at 205 degrees. After this hour, the furnace may increase in rosemary, and also become m'yakim and rum'yanim.

How to serve homemade oven to the table?

A hot dessert under the name “Goose paws” should be neatly boiled out of the oven and placed on a large plate. Before the table, such homemade sweets are recommended to be served together with tea or hot chocolate. Savory!

Delicious and rosy dessert "Goose paws": a recipe without sirah

Some people really want to cook shvidko savory dessert before family tea, but in the refrigerator there is not enough set of ingredients, which is necessary. What is the work of this situation? Drink to the store? I don't really want to. At the link with the cim, an alternative recipe for Crow's Paws is pronounceable to your respect.

We already know how to cook for the victorious sir. But if you didn’t have such a product at hand, let’s talk about those, how you can do without it. For whom do we need:

  • margarine for cooking pischnoi vipіchka - about 200 g;
  • high-calorie mayonnaise - approximately 200 g;
  • borosno light wheat - about 2.5 bottles;
  • eggs are strong - 2 pcs.;
  • table soda and ocet - 2/3 dessert spoons;
  • tsukor small - 1 povna flask.

Base preparation

About those, how the sirni virobi goose paws, the world rose more. Ale dosvіdchenі culinary know what natomіst classic recipe This oven can be vicorated and modified, which does not transfer the addition of a granular dairy product.

The first nizh vipіkati savory dessert Goose paws without sirah, it is necessary to make dough. For whom it is necessary to beat strongly the strong eggs, so that you can finish the food. Then let the zucor boil, mayonnaise and repeat the procedure of intensive mixing again. If it comes down to licorice, it is necessary to add culinary fat. Moreover, margarine can be frozen. Ale, so that it became uniform, yoga must be introduced into the egg mass, rubbed on the great third.

After all the descriptions of the ingredients, it is necessary to thoroughly mix them, and then we will extinguish the table soda in them and slowly boil the high-grade boroso. As a result, it is your responsibility to make up your mind, but it is soft and elastic, as it is easy to move in the palm of your hand. If it came out, it is recommended to put it in a bag and keep warm for about 1/4 of the year.

How to mold the oven correctly?

If you don’t want to make a new one, then you can form a dessert from such a dough the same way, as it was described in the previous recipe. However, for whom it is necessary to additionally vicorate the cinnamon chalk, in the yak it is necessary to grind the skin of the base.

If such a method of preparation is not as original for you, it is recommended that you try another method. For yogo zdіysnennya next vyynyat base on margarine from the package and divide it into small squares. After that, it is necessary to pass the skin bag through a meat grinder. If you see it with an outbuilding in the necessary quantity, it is necessary to use it with your hand and garno to put it on oiled or pasted with a baker's paper sheet. Similarly, it is necessary to process all other bags.

So that the oven is ready to give its name, it is often recommended to lay the basis on the sheet, having pressed its knitted form.

Before brewing at the oven, all molded sprouts can be additionally spiced with ground cinnamon, flavored with peas or other ingredients.

Thermal processing

Having filled the deco with virobs, it is necessary to place it immediately in the oven. Vipkati virobi for a temperature of 195 degrees is recommended with a stretch of 25-30 strands. For the whole hour, the oven can be kindly pidrum'yanitisya, become crispy.

Serve homemade dessert to the table

In addition, as the dessert “Goose paws” will be boiled, it is necessary to carefully remove the baker’s paper from the arkush or the baker’s paper, and then place it on a plate. Serve pіsochní sirobi to the family table at the same time with hot chocolate, tea and cocoa.

P_vedemo p_bags

At the filing of the statutes, they reported to you about those, as it is possible to prepare sirne and a dog oven in a short hour without special efforts. Note that such a dessert comes out sour and blue. However, if you want to make yogo more savory, then the recipe for "Goose Feet" is warmly recommended to mold from dough, mixed not only from the standard set of products, but also from zastosuvannyam, whether there are any additional ingredients (for example, refined mountains, and in.).

Posipane with a chimney oven Goose paws in childhood was an indispensable attribute of tea bathing, and today a rich gentleman tries to find the same recipe, like a grandmother, in order to suddenly turn into a childishness.

Goose paws are easy to slay - a thick mix can be leather, and you need a minimum amount of products. If you want a little bit of a classic recipe, then in addition you are presented with apricot and lemon flavored oven.

Keep yourself a little sacred, drink the stove and dedicate the evening to the reception of nostalgia. Take a cup of fragrant tea and sirne oven Goose paws for help.

Pechivo Goose paws with sirah

Tse tsukrove kilvo tane at the company. Try to prepare a lower, lightly crunchy vipichka. Choose a yakіsny sir with a high fat content, so that it will be well-done. Ideally pіdіyde silsky sir.


  • 350 gr. borosna;
  • 200 gr. sire;
  • 200 gr. tsukru;
  • 100 gr. olії vershkovy;
  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp vanilla.


  1. Grind butter colder with syrup. You can have a rozsipchasta krichta.
  2. Ask hard. Mix it up with vanilla and fluff.
  3. Enter flour|boroshno| in a syrupy-olive sumish.
  4. Knead the dough with your hands. Vono can be the same. Form a kulu. Burn at the stove and take it away from the refrigerator for a year.
  5. Rozkotіt іsto into a layer of zavtovshki 2-3 mm.
  6. Use the form or a bottle to break the stake.
  7. Sip zukor into a bowl. Roll the skin of the colo in the zukri from both sides.
  8. Stack up a bunch of navpil, and then navpil. It is your duty to visit trikutniki. Press down on the edge with your finger, so that the paws do not crack.

Goose paws with apricot jam

There is a small number of varennya to urinate gusto, to crush yogo cіkavіshim. It’s savory to go out to finish it with licorice, don’t roll it strongly in tsukrі yogo.


  • 350 gr. borosna;
  • 1 tsp.
  • 100 gr. tsukru;
  • 200 gr. sire;
  • 100 gr. olії vershkovy;
  • a pinch of vanilla;
  • 150 gr. apricot jam.


  1. Grind butter colder with syrup. You can have a rozsipchasta krichta.
  2. Ask hard. Mix it up with vanilla and fluff.
  3. Enter flour|boroshno| in a syrupy-olive sumish.
  4. Knead the dough with your hands. Vono can be the same. Form a kulu. Burn at the stove and take it away from the refrigerator for a year.
  5. Rozkotіt іsto into a layer of zavtovshki 2-3 mm.
  6. Use the form or a bottle to break the stake.
  7. To make the jam thicker, beat it with a mixer.
  8. Place a troch of jam in the center of the skin stake. The optimal size is a large pea. If you stumbled on the shortbread, the jam will flow, it’s not your fault to be rich, otherwise you’ll sip the dough.
  9. If you have a confectionery bear, then it’s better to see the jam from the new one.
  10. Stack up a bunch of navpil, and then navpil. It is your duty to visit trikutniki. Easy to press by hand. You can not pinch along the kutah - boil the edges of the oven.
  11. Sip the blanks with zukr to the beast.
  12. Sweep the stove for 30 hvilin|minutes| at 180°C.

Pechivo goose paws without sirah

It would seem that without a sire you would spend your “rodzinka” and change with relish. Really, kefir is smashed softly with lower, and the oven becomes soft, full of vershokovy prismak.


  • 500 gr. borosna;
  • 150ml kefir;
  • 180 gr. olії vershkovy;
  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 gr. tsukru;
  • a drop of salt.


  1. Chilled olive oil on the great third.
  2. Do well what you ask. Grind off the insults of the ingredients - you can get sick.
  3. Beat eggs from zukrom. Pour into the cry.
  4. Add rozpushuvach, salt the sumish. Pour in kefir.
  5. Mix it with your hands and let it stand in the refrigerator for a year.
  6. Rozkotit layer zavtovshki 3 mm.
  7. Virіzhte stake with a flask or a form.
  8. Have a plate of zukor. Roll on both sides of the skin shortbread. Double storage їх navpіl, sob trikutniks came out.
  9. Paste on sheet. Bake pіvgodini for 180°С.

Goose paws with lemon

You can also work with margarine, but buy only a good product, which will allow you to test the dough for an hour of boiling. Citrus relish and aroma will impress your guests on the spot.


  • 350 gr. borosna;
  • 100 gr. margarine "Home";
  • 100 gr. tsukru;
  • 150 gr. lemon jam;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp.
  • 180 gr. sire;
  • 30 gr. lemon zest.


  1. Chop chilled margarine with a knife. Grind at the crichta at once with sir.
  2. Ask hard. Zmіshayte її s razpushuvachem. Have a drink with cheese and margarine.
  3. Break into a soft egg. Mix it up. Add lemon zest. Mix it up with your hands. Take yoga for a year in the refrigerator.
  4. Remove thickly and loosen the layer with a thickness of 2-3 mm.
  5. If the jam is thick, beat it with a mixer.
  6. From the test, shake the stake with a bottle. Roll the skin around the zukri, and see the trochs of lemon jam in the center. Try not to overdo it, otherwise the boil will leak out, and the oven looks unaesthetic.
  7. Fold the shortbreads navpil. Turn again. You will see tricots. Easy to press by hand.
  8. Vipkaite pivgodini for 180°С.

It’s simpler and tastier than baked and become the beloved sweets of your homeland. You need a minimum set of products. If you cook ahead of time, then you can bake the oven in the treatment of sickness.

A lot of people from childhood remember to relish the oven name- "Goose paws". Licorice grass nabula popularity from radian hours, won't be surprised forgive the preparations that small amount of ingredients. It is very relevant to do, dbaylivy gospodarki pamper their households and preserve the traditions of Russian cuisine.

Korist that Skoda Stravi

Zavdyaki lower and crunchy relish have grown up and children from the satisfaction of lasoschi. Pechivo "goose paws" is harmless for the body, it is marked by the presence of syru, which is an important ingredient. dairy product rich in vitamins, as well as minerals.

Strava in a small amount did not bring harm to the body, but even as it is richly baked, it should appear on the scorching camp of internal organs. The presence of fat increases the calorie content of the diet, it is not for him to be evil.

Folding that hour of preparation

There are no folds in the preparation of the “Goose paws” oven, it is easy to prepare the swede. For the process of making the dough, go for 10-15 quills, the cream of this drink is in the refrigerator for 20-30 quills, then 15 quills go for molding the molds. For a vipіkannya zagalom, approximately pіvgodini is required. As a result, the hot hour of preparing licorice grass becomes 1 year 30 hvilin.

Product preparation

Must-have ingredients for culinary stray should be properly prepared:

  • pass sir rosem'yati chi through a blender to a homogeneous state, the product needs to be whisked without breasts;
  • bountifully need wheat and bazhan vischogo ґatunk, yogo kindly ask for sprats, it is recommended for enrichment with sourness and sourness;
  • vershkov butter or margarine for vypikannya zvіlniti vіd packing material, lightly rose;
  • tsukor pіsok bazhano pros_yati for the distance between the zayvih houses and the breast;
  • the eggs are resolutely beaten, wiped and beaten into a clean bowl of clean dishes, for the need to make whites from the yellow;
  • soda is recommended to be extinguished in the ointment for food intake.

How to prepare the oven "Goose paws".

  1. For the help of a large grater, add olive oil or margarine for brewing. Ask borosno and add to the ingredient, grind everything to the point of crying.
  2. With a videlka, grind the sir and turn yoga on uniform mass, zmіshati z|іz| eggs, soda, as well as salt | To add margarine to tsikh components and borosno.
  3. Tіsto is due to be soft, after the throatiness, put it in the refrigerator for 1 year.
  4. After the end of the hour of vyinyat from a cold month, spread a thin layer and, for the help of a flask, grow into shape, you can make savory shortbreads with your hands.
  5. One side of the finished product should be covered with zukr and folded with double filling in the middle. Warehouses product znova vmochiti in tsukrі і z'єdnati navpіl. Before Tim, how to put on the sheet again obsipati stuffing.
  6. From molds to build paws, for which roundings, cut on the same knots, in total 3-4 cuts.
  7. Heat the oven in advance and vikati vibrate for a temperature of 180-190 degrees, not less than 25 hvilin. At the finished stove, the shape is bigger, and it will become golden in color.

Ingredients, number of servings

To prepare the oven "Goose paws" you need the following components:

  • medium fat cheese - 200 g;
  • borosno vischogo gatunka - 2-3 flasks;
  • vershkov butter - 200 g;
  • tsukor - 0.5 bottles;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp

Quantity of components to stitch for 50 pieces of beverage products. What is enough for the company of little ones, as well as evening tea at home.

Pokrokove cooking from photo

  1. Oliya shvidko is frozen in front on the third.
  2. More oil | oil | zmіshati z|іz| Sirom.
  3. Whisk flour up to the ingredients | boroshno | and prepare a homogeneous mass.
  4. Before mixing the components, add the egg at once from the slaked soda and grind thoroughly.
  5. It’s necessary to work coolly, it’s good for him to sip for a sufficient amount. It is rich to lie in the sire, the vine is dry and wet. Ready to lightly burn with a flare, then let's keep it in the refrigerator for up to 30 quills.

  6. From the chilled dough, make a thin cake, the tovshchina is not guilty of overexposing 0.3-0.5 cm.

  7. Prepare zukor spread on a flat plate and wet it with one side.

  8. Kukhol folded vdvіchі, tsukrovy side is guilty buti in the middle, otrimane pіvkolo tezh obsipati tsukrom i folded.
  9. The upper part of the fourth part of the finished product can be soaked at the tsukrі.
  10. Formed napіvfabrikati vyklasti on the sheet, laying with paper, suitable for vypіkannya.

Cooking "goose paws" boiled in the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 15 chills, then bring 10 chills to readiness at a temperature of 160 0 C.

Kharchova value

For 100 g product:

  • Proteins - 10.15 g
  • Fat - 20.56 g
  • Vuglevodi - 53.36 p.
  • Energy value - 350.64 kcal.

Cooking options

Krіm reheared іngredientsіv іn thе lord's court tо give rodzinki, аѕ аnd pea hairs in a trimmed look. You can bake it in the glaze, but the syrovina can be without zucru, as well as olії.

Without sire

A delicious dessert can be prepared without the main ingredient syrah. The recipe will soon be changed, instead of the milk component, vicory mayonnaise, 200 g of the product is required per serving. You will need some margarine - 200 g, 2.5 flasks of millet boar, 2 large eggs, 2/3 dessert spoons of a tablespoon of oats and 1 large flask of tsukru. Cook it up to the main recipe.

On the drizzle

To prepare the oven, you need a set of the following components:

  • 50 g fresh yeast;
  • 1 bottle of warm water;
  • 1 bottle of tsukru;
  • 1 pack of olive oil or margarine;
  • 600 g boroshn.

Cooking rules:

Through the meat grinder

Ready for one of the best recipes, and then, in a chilled look, let it pass through a meat grinder. Deco at the back cover with paper for wiping, ready to spread on the surface and wiping with a stretch of 15-18 strands until the rouge is done.

Video recipe

  • Sir of medium fat content is ideal for preparing cheese dough, and it is ready to be baked with a lower relish.
  • At the finished virobi, a strongly wiped sir can be seen. For details, a fork is suitable, and you can also pass a blender through a meat grinder.
  • Ready "paws" to become soft after adding zhovtkiv zamіst eggs.
  • Ready to place the shoes in a cold place, the ingredients to the cold become elastic and it is easy to see the product.
  • Sob nabuli nabuli at vipіkannі, borosno need to ask for a sprat of razіv.
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