Unknown name the woman's robe. Women's clothes shop. Anger kіlkoh svіv

The name of the store is foldable, but important warehouse business. It will become the main identifier among competitors and an important moment for recognition among buyers. Succeeded in the name of the chosen strategy development. Іsnuyut name-magnіty, yakі privablyuyut clients. So im'ya can be picked up independently or by the services of specialists.

Recommend vigadati sprat names, and then consult with the experts. If you already have a logo for the store, then you can tie it to the new one. It will contribute to the formation of a positive reputation and the process of attracting clients.

The name for the online store is picked up the same way, like i for the great one. Ale varto remember, that there may be spivpadati with domain names, so be free.

Work of professionals

For some reason, I don’t suspect that I’m using this name directly under the name of naming (eng. “im'ya”). Names are well aware of the psychology of buyers and the foundations of marketing, which allows you to guess your name for the most successful buyers. You can find them at advertising agencies or on freelance exchanges.

To pay for the services, 2000 rubles are required. More exact price to deposit with the company and the confirmation of the chosen practitioner. If vin can dosvid works with leading brands, then the fee reaches 20 thousand. The services of naming on the popular site fl.ru for freelancers are estimated at around 15 thousand.

You can create a contest on youdo.com. In most cases, the fee for the name does not exceed 3 thousand. An economical option will be competition-opituvannya in social services. Dodatkovo wine to get new clients. However, for garna name happen to "spread" for a prize for winning

Vіdmіnne іm'ya shop can be seen not only from a professional, but also from a novice. Ale varto remembrance, that naming is a laborious and stubborn process, a kind of empowerment with singing knowledge.

Independent naming

Pіdbіr imeni є creative occupations, in which you can try power of strength. To the underpriests, as if they were sorry for the name of the store, it is necessary to protect the principles of its creation.

Let's face it, the ideal result cannot be seen in 10 minutes of thought. Do not varto praise thoughtless decisions. The high omnipotence of possessive naming is manifested when combining several naming tools.

Brainstorming - a hard tool

The technique is most important brainstorming. Vaughn swear by the name of a company of people that allows you to look at the food from different sides. Not all people in the building would like to recognize their pardon, especially when they are inspired by the ideality of the vigadan option.

From the other side, they empathize with the idea, as you can think of in the middle. The main thing of the mind is a serious atmosphere and the help of the present to help you choose a short name.

Inshomonic words

Good names come from foreign words. Bonjour malt serves as a butt, which is shifted from French movie yak "good afternoon", and the online store "bon prix" yak " good price". Similar applications are anonymous. Beautiful names of foreign words look stylish and intriguing.

After the choice, name it better to be happy with the people, I know language, Z for which it is understandable. Sometimes the words vikoristovuyut incorrectly, or they may have a meaning. It is also important to check the correctness of the sound and the presence of the articles.

Anger kіlkoh svіv

Zlittya sliv to help visualize the sphere of work. It is necessary to play with these words in order to gain an exclusive name. For example, a pet store can be called "Lapusik" (paw + vus). It dawned on me that the store sells products for Vlasnik's paws and ears.

Tsіkavimi, but the names of tea and coffee shops in Chaikoff, Chaikofsky will not be original. The rest of the name can be entered in the same way to the offensive method.

Whiskey name and nickname

Shops are often called by simple names: "Mashenka", "At Mikhail", "Viktoriya" and so on. The owner virishuє glorify in the light of the name of his relative. Similar names can be assessed as a trio, shards won't be very attractive. This crossover option does not allow you to see the middle of hundreds of stores.

You can win the nickname or foreign names. The best option would be a nickname, which can be seen directly from trade - "Medoff", "Tsvetkoff". For the basis of vikoristovuyut conduct goods and yogo osnovі vigaduyut іm'ya. Write down all options and choose the best one.

If you come up with a harn and name it important, then you can change the atmosphere at the reception: turn on the music and think about what your store will give people. Associations that have appeared, write them down on a piece of paper, and then choose them.


In the distance, the names of geographic and natural objects sound - a river, a krain, a mistevity toshcho. For example, a shop for draft beer "Bavaria", a child's clothes "Leleka", summer robe"Malіbu", goods for watering "Bury Vedmіd".

You can highlight the features of the edge of the settlement. Mayzhe creak is the unofficial name of the districts, there are legends about the deacons of the city. Donetsk has a beer shop "Dobriy Shubin" named after a character from mine folklore. We'll use the butt of the scottish brandy, tied with a loch some monster.

Kazakh and literary characters

Kazkovi heroes can appear with a miraculous name for specialty stores:

  • "Freken Bok"- gospodarsky shop;
  • "Olena Wise"- Bookish;
  • "Mowgli"- child toys;
  • "Winnie the Pooh"- malt.

The buyer remembers old fairy tales, as mother used to read before going to bed. Call similar names in a good-natured way.

Such is the effect of popular quotes from films or books, puns and winged words based on them.

Key words up to the name of the store

You can name the store, be it a word, like it fits. However, there may be evidence for such actions:

  • euphony. The skin podednannya zvіdnannya zvіv і vіv emotsіyno zabarvleno smyslovim vantazhennyam. You don’t need to be a fakhivtsy, so that you can sign the melody that reception is today. Professionals have more gradation. You know how stinky you are, like a sound next to you, you can speak out loud, lower, masculine, accessible.
  • Memory. The name may be seen and the nature of competitors, if not provocative.
  • Zmіstove vіdpovіdnіst. If you remember, name without an assortment, the buyer will not go to the store suddenly.
  • Legality. Im'ya may be willing to register.
  • Visual clarity. Vibravshi name, it is necessary to file її on a billboard. The letters are not guilty of straying - "l" and "m", "c" and "u".
  • Advertising perspective It is easy to pick up the logo and slogan under the name of the guilty.

Skill is called the sister of talent. The name is worn out, as if it were original, but it is important to think, it will not be the best option for naming the store.

For reverification of exclusivity, you can enter it in the row of jokes and change it so that its competitors do not win. Do not varto vikoristovuvaty popular prefixes "top" and "vip" - the name to be ruined among analogues. It is important that the name was evoked by the bajans and used in a familiar way by the buyers. The stench is not superfluous to look to the store, but to please Yogo with your acquaintances. Pochne pratsyuvati word of mouth radio.

Poor visual sprinyattya at the word, which is composed of letters, which does not go beyond the line: o, a, s, k, p, t, l, f. The names are due to buti letters, which are to avenge the elements, which fall out of the line: f, d, c, b, r. Marketers are aware that the presence of the letter “i” in the word “i” is almost inconspicuous and different. The presence of over 5 symbols makes it easier to remember.

Clothes shop for people and women

If people ask about the number of brands they have, they will name 10-15, but if they ask, they will only guess 2-3. Similarly, with shops, yakі vіn vіdvіduє i svoєmu raionі. It is important that she called the bula light and unforgettable. Zrozumіlo, popularn_st shop nabuvaє not tіlki zavdyaki nazvі, ale y methods of prosuvannya, vpіznavanostі brand and nayavnostі garnogo goods.

  • foreign word - "Top Fashion", "Brand Fashion", "New Look", "Fashion house", "Dresscode";
  • description names - "Your style", "Misto fashion", "Beauty", "Lady", "Wardrobe";
  • geographical name - "Avenue", "Valencia";
  • gra sliv - "DzhemSvit" (jumper), "Freshion" (fresh - fresh, fashion - fashion);
  • neologisms - "Getwear" (wear).

For the online store vikoristovuyut laconic name with a positive zmist - "4 seasons", "Charm", "Fashionable little thing", "Carino", "Lady Mart".

It may be necessary to confirm the price, area, assortment, quality and social status of the target audience.

In the distance, the marketing strategy allows reaching the success of the business with the unfortunate name - Harm's (H&F) in English. "evil", but adding a suffix and an apostrophe changed the situation. Oh, My - that beautiful name is easy.

Women's clothes shop

For shop woman's clothes you can beat it like this:

  1. The storage of the names of the principals - "Marco".
  2. Add the prefix off - "Creatiff", "Brukoff".
  3. Speed ​​up the words or vikoristovuvaty abbreviation - "TIK" (Ti I Beauty), "BTB" (Be the best Be The Best), "Tata" (Tetyana).
  4. The description title with a positive accent is “Elegant”, “Style”, “Fashionista”.
  5. Tie to geography - "Little Paris".
  6. Grati words - "MaRUSiya" (emphasis on "rus" - Russian vocabulary).
  7. Neologisms - "Rassana", "Druzhestik".

Sob called the bula privy, next turn on the acts of pardon:

  • Victory beat special names - Olena, Karina.
  • Vykoristovuvaty words with an important vim chi with an unreasonable zmіst - “Minerva” (goddess of wisdom), “Miscellaneous” (from English. Zmіshan).
  • Change brandy- Abbas.
  • Words with a subdued zmіst chi negative spriynyatty - "Teremok" (should be a child, not grown up), "Debut" (incompetence), "Swell", "Corrupt soul".
  • A name that does not match the profile - "Royal" (irrelevant for a store in a basement location), "Passage" (there is a gallery between two streets, and not a place in a shopping center).
  • Zastosovuvat banal foreign words - "Violette".

Let's give a personal name next to come up with a creative slogan, which will motivate clients to buy speeches.

Shop women's white

Women's white goods stores often wear women's names("Margarita", "Anna", "Maria"), name the tickets ("Orchid", "Lily") or simply beautiful words("Silhouette", "Caprice"). The listed options do not carry a sense of purpose - this is how you can call perfume shops, kvіtіv, beauty salons. If it’s all the same, it’s better to sprout with similar names, then it’s better to supplement them with more original ones - “Nichna violet”, “Lily of the valleys”, “Lady's primha”.

I named it to match the style of the interior interior - "Boudoir" (retro), "Zhіnochi secret" (classic style in lower tones).

You can use the name of the material or warehouse women’s whites (“Azhur”, “Merezhivo”, “Pajamas”, “Shovk and oksamit”).

Accurately spell out the erotic pidґruntya - "Emmanuelle", "Empire of passion", "Kitty's salon". Call to add a human audience, and from women they can be evil. If the assortment is made up of classic speeches, then call the mother of sexual associations innocently. Women should be called “Vorozheya”, “Cute”, and from “Thin Matter” or “Prozory Natyak” it’s unlikely to rob them of permanent buyers.

I can be soft and gentle. You don’t need to beat up the sounds that growl (s, h, s), like a vivisky.

Shop of human clothing

Name for the shop man's robe can be directed to the target audience and voluntarily trust. To re-verify the selected option, you can test potential customers. Name the best harmony with the concept, assortment, style and price category. A small store under the name "Light of style" will not be far away. Bad associations call out the words "Pijon", "Alphonse", "Macho", "Egoist", "Provocateur". It is not recommended to vicoristize banal names - "Fashion for people", "Don Juan", "Cavalier", "Zovnishnist". To the far options you can see Stilyaga, El Bravo, Casanova, Oscar. The presence of a franchise is significantly easier if you choose a name: VD one, TOM TAILOR.

Kramnitsa child's clothes

I can but be oriented to two groups of audience: children and their fathers. It is necessary to expand the name of the kіlka stages:

  • designation of potential buyers;
  • development of competitors;
  • distribution of a number of names;
  • testuvannya name on purchases;
  • choose the best option.

I am to blame for it and the name is beautiful, which calls out only positive emotions.

Children remember light and concise names. As a product of insurance for children of a different age, then "Malyshok" and "Krykhitka" are irrelevant. The name of my buti is universal - "Superman". Do not varto vikoristovuvati skorochennya - the public can understand for whom the whole store.

The investigations showed that the process of choosing clothes or clothes for children of different age:

  1. from 0 to 3 rokіv vibіr to slay fathers;
  2. from 3 to 7, a small initiative of the child is manifested;
  3. from 7 to 12 the child takes an active position and independently picks up the goods;
  4. from 12 years - podlitok, which forms a specialty, as it requires self-expression.

Having named the store for the first category, it is possible to be protected by the fathers, but they have a sense of tenderness and love, so that they help to bathe the children all the best.

The name for the third group may be oriented to the child, podkreslyuyuchi, that she is not small.

The rest of the group - podlitki, yakі know the fashion and variety of rich speeches. Don’t get used to tedious names, stench to pragmatic self-expression for additional speeches. I’ll call it a good one “Sim gut” (it’s no wonder that pants can have 2-3 guts).

Perfume shop

Yaskrava and sokovita called me to catch otochyuchih and spontaneously see yogo. The main target audience is made up of representatives of women's status, so I can goloshuvat on the taken effect - lightness, freshness, privablivist. good options I will be “Tsukerka”, “Chic”, “Coquette”, “Charivnist”.

When choosing, it’s better not to win the banal options, but to choose an exclusive name. Do not varto zupinyatisya on pointing butts you need to come up with your own.

You can spell words:

  • a name-list with a prikmetnik - “Good Fairy”;
  • two prikmetniki - "Naykrasivisha";
  • prikmetnik with a dialect - "Be beautiful."

To improve the options, they go to the tricks. Two columns of words are written on the arch paper and, by hand, sort out the words from one column with the words from the other (Elitparfyum, Aromamarket).

You can twist the dictionaries of other words, having previously specified all the meanings of the chosen words.

Grocery store

Names for a grocery store are less important, lower for a boutique fashionable clothes. Vіdvіduvachіv to get a reputation for selling that assortment of goods.

Vivіska is guilty of remembering and remembering, so that the buyer will forget the name. Creative names call out laughter and positive emotions:

  • store position - "Beyond the horn", "First on top", "Close";
  • prikmetniki, who call out to the reception of associations - “Home”, “Savory”, “Love”, “Svіy”;
  • information about the robot mode - "Cilodobovy", "Start with you";
  • goods sold - "Fruits and vegetables", "M'yasna kramnitsya", "Before tea";
  • price policy - "Econom", "Budget", "Social".

Slid memory, scho creative name may be the mother of a negative injection. Shop at sleeping area guilty of viklikati asotsiatsії close and accessible. The largest outlets are named for the number of products they sell.

jewelry store

Radyansk names "Agate" and "Sapphire" are irrelevant today. Gosh tsіkavі people, for some, the novelty of that originality does not matter. Whiskeys from the designated specializations - "Gold", "Jewelry Embellishment Salon" look trite. The buyer is to transfer the tedious name of the goods. Im'ya the store can be original and attract the interest of passers-by.

The main supporter of the jewelry store is girls on the vіkom vіd 18 roіv. Navit as a buyer is a person, buys wine for a woman. It doesn’t depend on your status, women want their mother to be fluent and non-standard speech.

Naming may viklikati the image of beautiful and beautiful embellishments, but it is easy to forget. The names of the salon with hoops and exclusive diamonds are handmade. Fahіvtsі to pronounce victorious words, what to position - "Ouncia", "Gold", "Carat".

You can get clients by giving names to the interests - “Island of Treasures”, “Special Day”.

I have chosen to name the following to protest against known and potential clients. You can describe your associations at the hour of your future name for the store.

Handmade gifts

In the name of the following, there is a clearness of the virobiv of the various upheavals of life, and of their adventures (“Gifts from Just Mary”). Blaming the image of the heroine of the same-name telenovela, as she is engaged in an important manual practice.

You can twist foreign words: Handmade + present = “Handmade present” (gift) manual robot). At the name of the product, you can win the okremі categorії product - "Charіvniy hamanets".

Quote shop

Viviska may spontaneously passers-by look inside. There is a lot of brilliance for the following associations: the composition is stylish, the bouquet is rich, the packaging is elegant. It's not my fault to spіvvіdnositsya with spirits and embellishments.

You can find the names of the cicatures from the doctor's note in the specialized encyclopedia. The name of a rare ticket gives the store an aura of innocence and mystery.

The naming is not to please the word "kvіtkovy" but "kvіti". I'm not guilty of buti "olive oil".

Name of the online store

Naming the Internet salon for the sake of a relatable approach, the spozhivach is guilty of remembering not only the name of the store, but also the address.

Basic rules for an online store:

  1. Im'ya can't get out of one word. Coristuvachi cannot, with the introduction of a number of words, and do not know what to victorate like a scribbler: a hyphen, a lower suffix, write at once. Pardons are better off at the cob stage.
  2. The word maє mother is a simple transliteration. Buyers Volodymyt different language. Do not varto vikoristovuvaty letters "u" and "zh" - the stink cannot be unambiguous analogue in Latin.
  3. Transliteration can be accepted unambiguously. Often "n" and "h", "u" and "y", "s" and "c" are confused. Not all buildings add two "v" to "w" or capital "I" to the string "l".
  4. Do not take words with the same spelling, but with a different spelling for changing the phonetic sound. Blame pardons for an hour, try to write the words in Latin.
  5. Recommend vykoristovuvaty foreign words, zvichnі for Russian spozhivach - sale, market.
  6. Change in the presence of a free domain with a name.

Rozrobka name the store to transform itself into an important robot, which requires knowledge of the basics of marketing and psychology.

Do not hesitate to choose a name for the store. Vіdkladeny variant through yakiys hour to appear invisible or golden. Slow and rank pidkhid to help pіdіbrati garne im'ya without lucrative marketers.

Choose a dress for the store and name it right - an important step in the business. We can look at the article, how to choose in the distance the name for the company, and why it is important to go to the point, do it with your mind.

Put yourself in the place of purchases: de vie with bigger bags, buy a new pair of jeans - from Fashionista, Dress Code, Lovers, Alphonse, Tovstushtsi, Karini, Fashion Magazin, New Style ?

Name the first two at once to tell us about those who sell shops. The stench does not require special knowledge and is easily forgotten.

Otherwise, they don’t say anything and don’t spy on the type of activity of enterprises. Moreover, “Alphonse” and “Tovstushka” can generate negative associations among some of the clients, and “Love” and zovsim similar not to the name of a fashion boutique, but to a pet store.

“Before, the Fashion Bazaar was called Che Sotka!”

Therefore, seriously go to the choice of name your company.

Yak vibrati I will name clothes for the store and vzuttya

Reveal your target audience. Whole part of your product can be classified as "premium"? Todi not varto bentezhity of potential buyers in words, in a sense, an effort on economy:

  • Discount
  • Znizhka
  • Cheap
  • for nothing
  • budget

As the situation is reversible, let's warn customers about the benefits, how to get rid of the stench when buying from your store.

Think about how you can pinpoint the store name geographically. What is the name of the women's clothing store, which is popular in St. Petersburg? Try "Nevsky jersey". What about a retail store near the city center? Yak option - "Vzuttya on Nevsky". Spratsyuє tse shorter, lower "Svitlana" chi "Іsum".

Try creating an abbreviation. Fold the first letters of your name, or the name of a person close to you, put a sprat of words in one or just guess the garne of the day - the abbreviation is not obligatory to decipher.

Play with the association. Show what is associated with your business: "Spalakh" - clothes shop great roses, "Vzutya for the weather" - shop vzutya for all seasons

Vickory real names. Name the store “Chagall” or “Botichelli” in honor of the famous artists, and the clothing store for people and women - “Petrovsky Dim Modi” in honor of the relative named Petrov. Unleash your fantasy!

Remember harmony. "King's style" looks out of place in the industrial area or in the industrial area, "French fashion" is growing, as if you are selling Chinese shirk.

Vivchit competitors. Ten roki in the past were called like they were among buyers, and so they called out to the businessmen in the same way as elitism: Luxury and Best Brand were dear to our ears, like “Sudarushka”. Everything brought Sapogoff and Elite Shoes to the dominance of all basements of the country. But all of a sudden, the trend has changed: businessmen have stopped littering about their “Russian nature”. The "Little Lady", "Caravan", "Globe", "Planet Dressed Up and Down", "Daughters-Sinochki" and others appeared. English names began to sound pihato and cheap.

Remember about uniqueness. Knowing your competitors is important in order not to give your business a name already.

Test. We chose a few options for names - ask your friends to rate them the best.

Pardons when choosing, name the store clothes and vzuttya

Remember once and for all: name the store in your own name, or with a foreign word - pishlo. Vіd "Deer" and Best Dress does not check the yakіsnogo zhіnochogo robe and vzuttya, but the Chinese shirvzhitka and the conciliatory one without doors.

Follow the simple rules:

  • Don't complicate Chi. Nazva, it’s impossible for Yaku to move without hesitation, - nasty
  • Don't inherit. Do not marry for someone else's glory - the market does not need black Abibas
  • Don't be ambiguous. Like in the store "Cheap and cheerful" expensive goods, then the name - not in cash
  • Avoid platitudes. The prefixes shop, top, vip, elite, best and similar to them were filled with osky, among them in the musty province

If you are planning to build a website for your store, it’s not necessary to use the letters Щ, Ы, Й, Ж, Й, Yu in your name.

Apply in the distance the names of the shops in the clothes and that vuttya

Possibly, this list of names for you and to help you find a unique name for your business:

  • Yoke
  • Fashion Bazaar
  • Krykhitka
  • top top
  • Gentleman
  • Cherevik
  • 5 gut
  • Golden pidbor
  • Ideal wardrobe
  • Rich!
  • A person
  • Provocateur
  • Marco
  • TVK (Ti ta Krasa)
  • Dress code
  • Shirt
  • Folk clothes
  • Modilyanі
  • Sundress
  • 3 goals
  • StіMod (Stylish and Fashionable)
  • Get dressed!
  • Outfit
  • Own shirt
  • Shivorit-navivorit
  • economy

Come up with an original name for the clothing store and it’s smart, but it’s important. If you want to deposit a part of the success of your business - the client builds a store for Vivian. Ale utrimati purchase is not possible nі "Econom shoes", nі "Butіk frantsskoї modi", so that the quality of the product and the servіsu appear unsatisfactory. Therefore, only focus on choosing a name for the “ship” is not a varto - the people’s voice is allowed to spread a little about the shop, to name it as “Cockroach Vasil”.

Today's designers are in a row with classic coats, cloths and sundresses to wear such an indestructible name for clothes, yak dupatta, lenga chi orilag. The history of current terms goes far back in time, otherwise known as the result of a guess by modern representatives of the industry. So is the name of the cloak, the name of the cicava is connected with an unimaginable history.

Anorak is a windproof jacket, yak is equipped with a captur and is pulled over the head through the opening of the traditional opening in front. homemade rice models - rotting on the breasts of a kangaroo-infestation.

Bermudi is a variety of shorts, which is the first time that the warriors of the British colonial troops have been beaten up in the tropics and deserts. Classical Bermudis are sewn from costume fabrics, most importantly pastel shades. In Bermuda, shorty dos are bred by the look of a businesslike human robe.

A blazer is a jacket with overlays and hoods in metal of contrasting color, which are often adorned with anchors or heraldic symbols.

Bodі - women's clothes, or whiteness, which embraces the whole body, on a square of a full-length swimsuit. The zipper is ruffled on the lasts, and the body is sewn mostly from knitwear.

Bustier - a blouse with narrow straps without sleeves or a type of strapless bra. Until the 1950s, the bustier was wearing a wine-colored bottom look. Today, models of bustiers are victorious at evening toilets.

Bolero - at the moment - part of the outfit of the Spanish bullfighters, like a richly embellished jacket with a waist-length jacket. In modern fashion, boleros are worn up to looking at the woman robe, a kind of ring similar to a short jacket.

Breeches - trousers for women, as they fit the leg and tuck into the chobot. Dovzhina such a dress - troch below the knee.

Bicycle shorts - clothes of a sports type, which are shortened to the knee of the pants, sewn from elastic fabrics.

Duffle coat - short type coat sports style. Vіdminnimi rice such a dress is a coquette, gudziki in the form of sticks and a hood.

Dupatta - a long-standing scarf with fabrics, which is strumu, which is an accessory for a woman's outfit. The largest such scarves are in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

A jabot is a variant of a garment that wraps around fabrics or is woven, yak is taken into a fold or laid in a fold. The frill creaks under the commander, going down to the breasts.

Cardigan - a jacket from the outside, which streaks along the figure. The model does not convey to the cardigan the comir, gudzikiv and may be deep viriz.

Lenga is an accessory to the wardrobe of an Indian woman, which has been folded with a long life to the back of a bed.

Orilag is a type of hutra, which is the result of the work of French animals and lie down to the family of hares. Orilag roam and breed exclusively in France. The cunning of this creature is similar to a chinchilla, but it means that I will turn yoga over for mіtsnistyu.

With respect that love is up to you, online store L "MARKA

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