Russian and foreign human names starting with the letter city. Russian names starting with the letter “G”

Women's names:

Personal names starting with the letter "G"



Gavinii. GABIN. Roman disputed im'ya.

GAVRIL. GAVRILA, GAVRILA. Fortress of God, my strength is God.

24 fierce (11 fierce)- Blessed Prince Vsevolod of Pskov, at the holy christening Gabriel.

10 chest (27 leaf fall)- noble prince Gavriil (Vsevolod of Pskov) (resurrection of relics).

DAII. Earthly, the peoples of the earth, or the initiations of Gaia - the Greek goddess of the earth.

GUYANE. Gaїєv (syn, naschadok).

Galaction. Laktion. Dairy, chumatsky.


GALIK. Howl. Gallic, from Gaul.

GALIKAN. Variant of the name Galika.

HAMALII. God's honor.

GIDEON. Volodya zbroєyu, shirts.


GEMELL. GEMIL. Podviyny, twin.



GENADY. Rodovity.

5 fierce (23 September) -

23 fierce (10 fierce) -

5 worms (23 May) - Rev. Gennadiy of Kostroma and Lyubimogradsky.

13 spring (31 sickles)- Saint Gennady, Patriarch of Tsaregrad.

17 breasts (4 breasts)- Saint Gennady, Archbishop of Novgorod.

GEORGE. EGIR, EGORII, YURI. Earthman; dodatkove im'ya of the supreme Greek deity Zeus as the patron of agriculture.

11 September (29 March)- St. George, Bishop of Nikomidia, creator of canons.

10 fierce (28 September)- Righteous George, brother of the Monk Ephraim Novotorzkiy.

17 fierce (4 fierce)- Blessed Grand Duke George (Yuriy) Vsevolodovich, Volodymyrsky.

6 May (23 April) - ; Martyr Georgy Ptolomaidsky and Blessed Georgy Shenkursky.

27 chervnya (14 chervnya) - noble prince Mstislav Khorobry, at the holy baptismal George of Novgorod.

16 leaf fall (3 leaf fall)- Great Martyr George the Pobedonosets (renovation of the church in Liddi).

9 chest (26 leaf fall)- Great Martyr George the Victorious (consecration of the church near Kiev) and Martyr George Khiosky.


17 birch (4 birch) - Rev. Gerasim of Jordan and Rev. Gerasim of Vologda.

GERVASIUS. Possibly, an honorable gift.

HERMANN. Single-blooded, single womb, native.

12 sickles (30 limes)- Rev. Herman of Solovetsky (health of relics) and righteous Herman.

24th spring (11th spring)- Rev. Herman (and Rev. Sergius) of Valaam (transfer of relics).

8 Zhovtnya (25 Spring)- St. Herman, Archbishop of Kazan (transfer of relics).

GERONTIUS. GERONT. Old man, old man.

14 April (1 Thursday)- Martyr Gerontius and Rev. Gerontius Canonarch. Kievsky.

GIANT. Majestic, Veletensky, gigantic and the name of the Greek mythical breed of Veletniv.


GLIB. Possibly, a variant of the name Gottlieb (pleasing to God - German).

17 Birch (4 Birch) - St. Gregory, Bishop of Constantia of Cyprus and St. Gregory, Bishop of Assa.

23 April (10 April) Hieromartyr Gregory V, Patriarch of Constantinople.

21 sickles (8 sickles)- Rev. Gregory, icon painter of the Caves and Rev. Gregory the Sinai.

Gavrilo is kind, love to receive guests, I have a great supply of patience. It is important for youmu to get along with people, but al vin part with him painlessly. Not skhilny poddavatisya panic moods. Zavzhdy znahodyatsya dovkol people, yakі yoma zazdryat. My hobbies are collecting stamps, antiques and paintings.

Galaktion: meaning, adventure, characteristic, summation with other names

Galaktion hasn't done this for a long time, so the stosunki with a beautiful statue should be on guard for him. Yogo can get a cunning, that active person, but such a hat is rarely found in the distance. Help me to be happy Galaktion will find peace, the lower woman, that may be non-conflict nature

Im'ya Harry: meaning, adventure, characteristic, summation with other names

Harry's children were gifted with a wealth of talents - artistic, mathematical, linguistic. As a rule, they don’t deliver anxiety to the fathers, they take care of their beloved right - paint, stick, play at the game, like they require a logical mind, etc.


From the early childhood, Gaston grows more fragile, energetic, and cikavim. You start walking early, and during this period the father of the madness follows him inaccessibly, because the little one often falls, knocks his knees, but never cry.
School wines are also rickety, disrespectful, to rush strimgols, not to marvel at their feet. In the lessons, you forcefully stare at what seems to be a teacher.


Name Gevor

The man Gevor lives by the laws that have made sense to you alone, ignoring the huge thought, stalking to the judgment of outsiders, you do not need logic. Gevor is an extraordinary specialty, you can calmly set yourself up to global problems, and whether it’s a drіbnitsa to lead it, I’ll become jealous and the building will turn into a real tragedy, which often becomes a crossroads to reach the goal.

Name Gennady: meaning, adventure, characteristics, summation with other names

Gennady comrade, ale of this rice appears one-sidedly: you will need a consultation, but at the same time a friend of a new one is worthless. Other people's experiences of yoga are not praised, moreover, you should always talk about loved ones. Having taken to the borg, you can forget about the borg.



The boy, named Heracles, is the leader of the children of births. The main drawings of a strong character are firmness, rіshuchіst. You can show signs of zarozumіlosti, but zavdyakov overwhelm kindness and breadth of soul stench is not taken seriously by anyone.
Heracles is male and female, sometimes shy to the point of bravado. Stickiness to character is important for you to be disciplined. Feats are the element.

Herald: meaning, meaning, characterization, summation with other names

The character is non-conflict, the child listens to the elders, but it’s not easy for him to sit at home. Regardless of the price, mother and mother don’t know any special turbos from them, it’s not necessary to repeat anything. Herald's peers love, they have authority.
The same boy is left in school, he is a good friend, classmates value his thought.

Name of Gerasim

Like the headdresser Gerasim, he is accommodating and accepting, he is afraid to portray someone from his ladies of the heart, but at the same time he is afraid of shepherds, like setting up the most accepting women. Ale z Gerasim, the woman can zavzhy vzhdya for indulgence, forgive richly. I create my own, prote, pizno, relatively, and carefully picking off the future squad.


Name of Glib: name, meaning, adventure, characteristic, summation with other names

Glib - do the right thing. You can’t stand empty faces for that, and you don’t give it yourself. On yoga support, I can help you to save it. Friends of the new one, but not rich, wines do not like to let strangers into their lives. Noisy companies Glib not to love, to alcohol baiduzhiy. Spheres, de Glib, you can show yourself more beautifully - movie, legacy, music and painting. Glib - nature is artistic.

Іm'ya Gordіy: meaning, adventure, characteristic, summation with other names

Z Proud of the future, splintering tsіkavo, tse dopnyy opіvіdach and priemny svіvrozmovnik, which you should know spilnu mova. People are attracted by such rice, like patience, vrіvnovazhenіst, zdatnіst of hearing. Yakshcho Proud having been born with a vzimka, patiently that vmіnnya will lead yourself to yourself, a trace of chirp from childhood, shards of guilt over this emotion.

Name Gordon

In childhood, Gordon is goal-directed, strimany, an independent lad, who may have an awakened intuition, a drinker, trying to take away from the essence of a being. Gordons are even more tolerant, but stuck in important pits. Achieve his own, which would not have worked for you.

Gorislav: meaning, adventure, characteristic, summation with other names

From early childhood, Gorislav grew up as a young boy, rarely ill. Children, the people of the vzimka, were already vibrating physically, rarely ill, able to fend for themselves. They seriously go in for sports, give priority to power sports, such as boxing, wrestling.

People z im'yam on G are seen especially by a sense of humor, they add respect to tribnitsa, practicality and passion for new knowledge. It can be said that such people are destined for success through their savage ambitions and show themselves to the world. You can call them living life - such a quality allows them to know the close relationship between podias and vmiti to pour into the future.

Infusion of the name on the character

People, in the names of which they sound loudly, can become famous for their emotions. Damn it, stinks can manipulate the feelings of other people to make them good leaders. stink adventurous and fearless- do not be afraid of rizikuvati and take vіdpovіdalnіst for your vchinki. But don’t let yourself relax a little - through your emotionality, the Volodya of the name of the G can sharply change your mood.

Quite often, in their personalities, people show willfulness and intransigence. Those who miss the letter G in their name may have material problems through a quick purchase and a better solution. I should learn to learn how to live in life, set the situation, which is very easy to work out for people with such a temperament.

Put names on the letter G

The most wide-ranging human names with the letter G are Russian, and the adapted foreign names are also translated into G.

List for boys

Partial list of popular names for boys with the letter G:

  • Galib;
  • Galik;
  • Galim;
  • Halifers;
  • Gamaliel;
  • Gani;
  • Ganimed;
  • Gantiol;
  • Gapon;
  • Harold;
  • Harry;
  • Garrik;
  • Gasan;
  • Gaston;
  • Gata;
  • Gafar;
  • Gayan;
  • Hector;
  • Gelasius;
  • Gehlen;
  • Helian;
  • Helium;
  • Gene;
  • Genady;
  • Henry;
  • George;
  • Hercules;
  • Geralt;
  • Gerasim;
  • Herbert;
  • Gervasiy;
  • Hercules;
  • Hermann;
  • Hermes;
  • Herschel;
  • Getion;
  • Hephaestus;
  • Giants;
  • Hilbert;
  • Glib;
  • glycerium;
  • Gobron;
  • Location;
  • Gorgias;
  • Gorgon;
  • Proud;
  • Galiont;
  • Gordian;
  • Proud;
  • Gorimir;
  • Gorislav;
  • Horn;
  • Horus;
  • Granite;
  • Gregor;
  • Gregory;
  • Gury;
  • Gustav.

The meaning of human names in G

The skin of im'ya pours into his nose:

  • Gabrielle. Tse im'ya characterizes a person, strong in spirit, prote is not able to control himself and his feelings. The stench is often proud - they can’t deprive the situation without their help, please everyone and try to change it. Such a character is foldable and not skin ready to withstand the ambitions and onslaught of Gabriel. The stench realizes that they live only if they take the fate of a chomus, it is necessary for them to constantly change in Russia, otherwise they simply waste themselves. Quite often people of creative nature mingle among them, as if they love the respect of the public.
  • Hector. Sered Hektoriv often speaks to engineers or science robots. The stench is smart to the exact sciences, it is important to understand the mysticism and life foreign language. You can describe them as calm, superstitious features, as if you can’t help friends in any way. It’s easy to give competition and vorozhnecha - whether it’s an aggressive behavior in the future, it’s like they’ve got to run into the whole world. Hektori smoothly show their feelings and most of the time not so, as usual robiti - someone can treat them as transcendentally cold-blooded.
  • Genady. People with such names are often quiet, restless and loud. For them, more than once, the fathers will get reddish, and then - to friends and squads. You can reach your goals, you can take care of yourself and your family as much as possible. Gennady's character is not simple - he can often lie, cheat, brag about his achievements and even more painfully accept criticism. The egististic and cunning one can go to the bottom of the vchinki, sob to reach the best. However, do not forget about your native wines - you will see everything that you can learn more.
  • George. Vlasnik of such a name can have a patient and calm character. Tse family people, for what an important tradition that sounds. They can become sentimental signs, reveal an overworld turbulence about their children - Georgy is the same type of father, which allows everything to his child. Become a leader Georgiy is not able to, natomist is reborn with good fortune in his own right and can be a valuable practitioner. Representatives of your name can speak and zarozumіl, and yet, under a filthy character, the bazhannya zahistit around their loved ones.
  • Glib. Tse creative specialty, like a miraculous mind, what is needed in your life. Glib can be a philosopher, an artist or a representative of a religious profession. Yogo element - human feel those emotions, shards of wine can cherubate them, to that Glib it is obvious to become a leader. People with this type of character are allowed to enjoy the everyday joys of life, they already take life seriously; for them it is important to robiti as a contribution to the people. Mothers can be mentally disturbed, which manifest themselves in innocence in themselves, paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. They do not add pennies to Glіba, they respect the intangible world for the material.
  • Gregory. Tsya people pіdkoryuvatimu otochuyuchy their sense of humor and charisma - call out all befitting, unkind Gregory is easy to know. Vin is active, you want to learn something new: the childhood at Grigoriy had a garden on the knees, and the clothes were always brudna. Even more sensitive and irritating, be it a sharper word, you can beat yoga out of it. At spіlkuvanni with him varto trim the line, so that you don’t inadvertently falsify. Hate baiduzhist to yourself, dry tone can cause depression. In food healthy image life, do not tolerate shkidlivih zvichok. Gregory is not a leader, but it is important to endure the trial of cherubation by yourself - people of this type of character often have to go to work alone. Family, think about a simple future with a kohanoy people - do not be afraid to start a family and take it on yourself. The team can be ready to the point that Grigoriy Nebaiduzhiy is up to beautiful girls ale conservatism and the principle of robbing yoga monogamously.

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