How to recapture sins on a spovіdі butt. How to get ready for the Spovid that Holy Communion. Preparing for Holy Communion - shit

Repentance is a sacrament, under which a person, as if confessing his sins to priests, through forgiveness is allowed to sin by the Lord Himself. A lot of people ask about those, father, how they get to church life. Beforehand, save the soul of the one who repents before the Great Meal - the Sacrament of Communion.

Essence of speech

The sacrament of repentance of the holy fathers is called other christenings. In the first one, at Baptism, a person is cleansed of the original sin of the great-grandfathers Adam and Eve, and in another, the one who repents is washed in the sight of his sins that were already born after the baptism. However, in the weakness of their human nature, people continue to sin, and these sins resurrect their forms of God, standing between them like a weed. Powerful forces to repair the stench of the stench is not in the air. Ale, the Sacrament of repentance helps to turn around and get that bastard at Baptismal day with God.

In the Gospel about repentance it is said that there is no necessary mental for the salvation of the soul. Lyudina, by protracting her life, can unceasingly fight with her sins. I, regardless of all the blows and falling, I am not guilty of confusion, anger and narration, but the whole hour to repent and continue to carry my life cross, which the Lord Jesus Christ laid on the new one.

Awareness of one's sins

To whom you feed the smut - to take over, that in the Sacrament of Spovid people, that you repent, all sins are forgiven, and the soul resounds in the presence of sinful sounds. The ten commandments, which Moses took away the form of God, and the nine commandments, which took away the form of the Lord Jesus Christ, laid down the entire moral and spiritual law of life.

Therefore, before him, as if to be remembered, it is necessary to turn to your own conscience and guess all your sins from the very childhood, in order to prepare a right speech. How to get out, you don’t know, and learn to see, but a truly Orthodox Christian, overturning his pride and wicked rubbish, begin to spiritually crucify himself, honestly and generously confess his spiritual imperfection. And here it is important to understand that unconvinced sins will be people condemned to eternal condemnation, and repentance means I will overcome myself.

What is the right word? How to pass the sacrament

Before him, as if speaking before the priest, it is necessary to seriously prepare and understand all the need for the purification of the soul from the sins. For whom it is necessary to reconcile with the usima of falsehoods and with those whom they have portrayed, evade arguing and litigation, whether there are any inappropriate thoughts, reviewing the numerical programs and reading light literature. More often than not, dedicate the reading of the Holy Letter and other spiritual literature. It’s a good idea to remember the trochs in advance at the evening liturgy, so that at the hour of the rank Liturgy you no longer see the service and dedicate the hour of prayer preparation to Holy Communion. And yet, at the last time, you can tell lies (it’s more important to shy away like that).

For the first time, you don’t know how to correctly tell what the fathers say, etc. need a channel. Help us in front of you to repent and remember your sins;

Children up to 7 years of age and all new christenings take communion all day long without spovidi, it is not possible for the women to work too much, as if they were cleansed (if the stench may be monthly or after it falls until the 40th day). The text of the speech can be written on a piece of paper so that we don’t get lost and guess everything.

Order of help

At the church, call out to a lot of people, and before them, like going up to the priest, you need to turn to the people in disguise and say out loud: “Probate me, sin,” and they will give an answer: “God probate, and we are forgiven.” The first axis already needs to go to the companion. Pіdіyshovshi to the lectern (high stand pіd book), having crossed yourself and bowed at the waist, not kissing the Cross and the Gospel, having shaved your head, you can proceed to the spovidi.

Before the confession of sins, it is not necessary to repeat, more, like the Church, the stench has already said goodbye, but if the stench was repeated again, then I need to repent about them again. After the completion of your speech, it is necessary to listen to the words of the priest, and if you finish the wines - the two will cross, bend into the belt, kiss the Cross and the Gospel and sweat, having crossed again and bowed, accept the blessing of your father and drink on your own.

About what you need to repent

Leading the way to the end of the theme “Spovid. How to pass the sacrament”, it is necessary to become aware of the most widespread sins in our world.

Sins against God - pride, smallness chi znevira, vision of God and the Church native cross, the destruction of the commandments of God, the riddle of the name of the Lord is in vain, the wickedness of the unfailing of the church, prayer without diligence, roaming and going to the temple at the hour of service, faith at the zabobon, turning to psychics and a fortune-teller, thoughts about self-destruction too thinly.

Sins against your neighbor - confusing fathers, robbery and health, stinginess with mercy, zhorstokoserdya, slander, swagger, images, hairpins and evil heat, anger, anger, judge, tiles, greed, scandals, hysterics, images, zrada. bud.

Sins against oneself - marnoslavism, arrogance, restlessness, zadrіst, vengeance, exaltation to earthly glory and honors, addiction to pennies, gluttony, smoking, drinking, gambling, masturbation, fornication, zayva respect for one's flesh, etc. .

God forgive, be it a sin, for a new one there is nothing impossible, people only need to rightly acknowledge their sin on the right and repent of them generously.


Spoviduyutsya sound in order to partake of communion, and for which you need a few days to talk about how you can pray and feast on the vows, watching the evening service and reading at home, the prayers of the evening and the ranking, the canon: Theotokos, repenting to the Guardian Angel according to the ability, Or rather, for the bajans - Akathist to Jesus the Naisolodshy. When you don’t drink at night, don’t drink, proceed to the sacrament in the present. After accepting it, you need to read prayers for Holy Communion.

Don't be afraid to speak out. How to get out? You can read about this exact information in special brochures, which are sold at the skin church, and which are all described in a report. And then the smut - nalashtuvatsya on tsyu virna and ryativnu on the right, even about the death of an Orthodox Christian, you need to think for a while, so that you won’t find yoga znenatska - without and communion.

Spovid is one of the Christian rituals, if a Christian repents of his sins before the priest. But few people know the Orthodox, how to speak correctly, and what to follow after this rite. Priests pay repentance to other christenings: when people are spoken for, they are cleansed from sin.

The sinful deeds of Christianity

Before repentance, there was a line of nobles, as in Christianity they are respected by sinners. Sins are subtracted according to the following criteria:

  • Against God.
  • Against yourself.
  • Against your neighbors.

Sins against the Lord

The main sins against the Lord may know the skin of an Orthodox person.

Sins against yourself

You might think that sins against oneself are not so important, they are a pardon, even if all are a part of the Lord. My fault is already dbaily put up to yourself, to your thoughts, to your body. The main sins against yourself:

Sins against your neighbors

Blame against loved ones punished especially hard. My guilt is placed before our neighbors so, as you wish, so that we were placed before us.

Head sins against other people:

Before believing women in the Orthodox world are especially strong, even if the woman herself has children and won't give them love to God on your own example. Є okremy list of sins for helping women:

Preparing for help

Before him, how to go to the church, it is necessary to know how to prepare for the Holy Communion. For the beginning, it is necessary to take into account your sins and repent from them generously, mothers are very blessed to put your sins behind and go far with faith in the Lord.

You are guilty of understanding, that the correct speech is more, less simply reshaping your sins before the priest. The Lord and so know all your sins, check your wines, if you yourself acknowledge your sins and generously help them to be forgiven. Only a few times after a true kayatt can be judged, sho on the soul after the spovid became easier.

You can take a piece of paper and write down all your sins, as if they were tightening your soul. You can write down the sheet for cleaning spiritual guide Ale about especially grave sins was heard in a loud voice.

Kayattya may be short, it is not necessary to tell the whole story of your welding with your loved ones, to tell only about those, as if you sued your close relatives, your anger and zadrіst. Even better is the practice of a night before the evening prayer, to analyze the day and to bring repentance before the icon.

In order to be reconciled, it is necessary to recognize in advance, if the sacrament of repentance occurs in the church. At the great temples, the sacrament of the Holy Spirit is carried out regularly. In temples, where there is no good service, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the layout.

How can I tell you so And it didn’t get easier, you didn’t believe enough in God, grace, like going to the Orthodox believer after a wide kayatt, is still not available to you.

The Church is always glad to all people who come to sermon. To teach the greatest sinners to have the right to believe in God and bring repentance from their sins. Priests call more pleasantly to be placed before the parathians and assist them in the process, pidshtovhuyuchi correct words and visnovki.

Spovіd be carried out either in the early hours or in the evening. It is impossible to fall for the sacrament, the shards start from prayer, in which May they take the fate of the skin, who repents. At the procession of the prayer service, the priest turns to all those who come to call their names. Women cannot be present at the sacraments at the hour of menstruation.

How to speak correctly, what the fathers say, you can find out from your faithful fathers, as they went through the sacrament more than once. You are guilty of knowing that a good confessor will help you and guide you. Sins need to be named briefly, importantly name all sins, it is not possible to say only one, but about other locks. If in the previous Sacrament you already had sins, then it is not necessary to name them once. Be sure to get in touch in the same priest, not varto shukati іnshoy s pochtya sloppy litter, chinyachi so, you try to fool God that oneself.

At the great temples, if those who are too eager to converse and lack the ability to add an hour to the skin, the priest can conduct a “sleep congregation”. The confessor recounts the widest sins and those who stand in front of him repent of these sins. Even if you didn’t come to terms earlier, or it’s already been a good hour since the last repentance, don’t repent on sleeping help, check if everyone comes up and ask Yogo to listen to you. In case of an individual release of sins, the priest will put an epitrachil on your head, like a scarf, after the release of sins of wine.

Under the hour of the sacrament, Father can supply you with food, do not need to be benevolent, speak calmly. You can put a supply and a parathian, not varto kogo soromitis, even if you tell me for that, so that a person knows the righteous path to God. After repentance, the priest reads a prayer for the release of sins, and the skin of the parathian kisses the cross of the Gospel. As if the person was getting ready far before the confession, the priest gave permission for communion.

Choose clothes varto more respectfully, people wear clothes in trousers and a shirt with long sleeves. Women also need to dress modestly, outer garment it is guilty to curl the shoulders, the décolleté zone, to put on a hoodie on the head. Women can't go to talk, it's not recommended to wear shoes on high boots, it will be difficult to serve in them.

How to get ready for the help of a child

Children up to seven years old are not allowed to speak, stench can take communion without help. Try for a few days to make sure not to take communion, read the Holy Scriptures for a child of Orthodox literature. Under the hour of preparation, change the hour of watching the TV or the computer, help the little ones to pray. Like a child to rob the filthy vchinka, or to slander, it is necessary to slander him.

After the seven years of children, you can accompany the likes of the grown-ups, at the church you can sing to the children's sins, the stinks of the stench can repair the listed sins of the fallen.

How to get ready for communion

After spovidi vіdbuvaє rite of communion, tse can be held on the same day. Before communion, three days of fasting are required, and the day before it is to read the akathist to the holy Mother of God. Before communion, one cannot drink that їsti; At the rescue, the priest obov'yazkovo sleeps you about tse.

Preparing before communion is also a way to drink a chicken, alcohol, and closeness with a partner. Before this sacred rite, it is not possible to swear, but it is important, even if you choose to receive the blood and body of the Lord. Standing in front of the Chalice of Christ, you need to keep your hands crossed on your chest, before the grafting of bread and wine, you need to take care of your own.

The church shop has a wealth of specialized literature, so that you can prepare yourself to the proper level to prepare your child correctly.

Remember that the sermon and communion can lead to your spiritual life. Confessors recommend going to the sacrament of sermons once a day. How often do you need to swear only to you, but after such a rite you will become richer and easier, and you will relax like thoughts, like they are tightening you.

Bazhannya speaks up not only among people, as if they were bowing before the law of God. To win a sinner is not spent for the Lord.

You hope to be able to change through the glances of your eyes, that recognition of the sins that have fallen, the correct repentance in them. Having cleansed himself of sin and having stood on the path of correction, a person cannot fall again.

It is necessary to ask the blame from the one who:

  • having killed a heavy sin;
  • unfortunate ailments;
  • want to change the sinful past;
  • virishiv make friends;
  • get ready for communion.

Children can receive communion without help until the seventh century, and parishioners, as if they were baptized that day.

Get respect! It is allowed to come to the savior at the reach of seven rokiv.

It often happens that the need to vindicate a person in a mature age in the future. At such a time, it is necessary to guess about your sins, committed from the age of seven.

No need to hurry, we will guess everything, we will write down the list of sins on a piece of paper. The priest is a witness of the Sacrament, be shy and be shy of yoga not varto, like the most forgiving God.

God in the person of the Holy Fathers forgives grave sins. Ale, to take away God's forgiveness, it is necessary to seriously correct yourself.

For the redemption of the sins of a person, as if to repent, I will impose a penance on the new priest. And only after that, the parishioner, having repented, forgives for the help of the “permissive prayer” of the clergyman.

Important! Preparing for yourself before the spovidi, vibachte is quiet, who has formed you and vibache of the one whom you have formed.

You can go to the rescue, just like you, in your mind, recognize your own indecent thoughts. None of those lightweight literature, better guess about the Holy Letter.

Help to pass in this order:

  • check your cards for support;
  • turn to the present with the words: “Speak to me, sinner,” having felt that God is speaking, we are forgiven, and just go to the priest;
  • in front of a high pedestal - an analogy to shear your head, having crossed and bowed, start to speak correctly;
  • after the resurrection of sins, listen to the clergyman;
  • sweat, having crossed and bowed the two, we kiss the cross of that holy book of the Gospel.

In the end, think over how to correctly say what to say to the priests. An example of the signing of sins can be taken from the Bible Commandments. Let's repair the skin phrase of words, what I did wrong and why exactly.

We speak without details, formulating only the sin itself, as only the priest himself does not ask about the details. If you demand God's forgiveness, then you can repent widely from your vchinkas.

Prikhovuvat shchos vіd priest without a head, vіn the helper of the all-seeing God.

The meta of the spiritual healer - to help you repent from your sins. And just as tears appeared in you, the priest has reached his goal.

What's wrong with sin?

Significantly, like sins, call the priest at the hour of repentance, help with all the bible commandments:

See the sins sinful activities The essence of sin
Setting before the Almighty Chi does not wear a cross.

The feeling that God is resting in the soul does not require you to go to the temple.

Shvyatkuvannya pagan traditions, among them and "Halloween".

Awareness of sectarian gatherings, worship of wrong spirituality.

Zvernennya to psychics, guides, horoscopes and examples.

Give little respect to the reading of the Holy Letter, not to read prayers, not to wait until the end of the Fast and in the wake of church services.

Nevira, entrance into the air.

Feel proud.

Knowledge of the Orthodox faith.

Nevira into the unity of God.

Spillkuvannya іz unclean power.

Breaking the commandments of spending a weekend.

Set up for loved ones Fathers don't care.

Unceremoniousness and vtruchannya in the special and intimate life of grown-up children.

Liberation of the life of living beings and people, significant and violent deeds.

Occupation with health, illegal deeds.

Destruction of the commandments about the shanuvannya of the fathers.

Destruction of commandments about respect for loved ones.

Violation of the commandment "Thou shalt not kill."

Grіh, pov'yazaniya z razbeshchennyam pіdlіtkіv and children.

Destruction of the bible commandments, po'yazanih іz thefts, zadrіstyu that nonsense.

Set up to yourself Spivzhittya without marriage, busy with articles, interest in erotic films.

Vykoristannya at the movement of non-normative words and vulgar anecdotes.

Malicious chickens, alcohol drinks, drugs.

Addicted to gluttony and gluttony.

Bazhannya to flatter, bazikati, brag about good things, be nice to yourself.

Flat sin - love, fornication.

Grikh likhosliv'ya.

Znevaga to the extent that the Lord granted - to health.

Grikh zarozumіlosti.

Important! Before the first sins, on the basis of which there are others, one can see the intellect, pride and pihatist in the splinter.

An example of spovidi at the church: what are sins to say?

Let's take a look, how to speak correctly, what the fathers say, butt of speech.

Spoviddu, written on paper, you can speed up, like a parathian should be ashamed. The priests allow you to visit, but the priests’ permission is not necessary, pererahovuemo in your own words.

Orthodoxy has a butt of spovіdі:

  1. approaching the priest, do not think about earthly matters, try to listen to your soul;
  2. having turned before the Lord, you need to say what you have sinned before you;
  3. recount the sins, saying: “I sinned ... (I fell in love or nonsense or else)”;
  4. sins are spread without details, but not too short;
  5. having finished the transfer of sins, we pray and ask for the salvation of that mercy from the Lord.
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Talking: 3 comments

    And even though there are still few sins, but on my conscience it’s not so clean, and I committed my MCH to obov’yazkovo church. First yoga vimoga - go to counsel and repent of all those who are grave. Yakikh, fortunately, I don’t have a lot. And now the problem is real. How about talking on the Internet? What do you think about this topic? Well, as I understand, you posted your website and there the priest prays for you and forgives sin. Chi no?


    1. Wee vibachte, I don’t need to go to the temple for the MCH. Up to what? Tse rob for GOD, for the purification of the soul, and not for the one who “wishes”. I’ll understand how much, you don’t have any needs. You can't fool God - not through the Internet, not at the temple.


    I confirm Christina. Christina, it is not possible to communicate through the Internet. I understand you see the fear of the priest, but think about it, the clergyman only of the certificates of your repentance (after your death, before God, you will fuss about you and say that you repented as if it was bulo, the demons will talk about those in which you don’t repented) do not complicate neither father nor your own future. You don’t need to take sins, you don’t need to take it any other way, with such a rank you will make more of yourself. You need to honestly tell the whole truth about your evil vchinki, not telling yourself the truth, but suing yourself for them. Repentance is the correction of thoughts that life. If you speak of the cross and the Gospel in obityanka to God, fight against sins, as if they spoke. Joke God! Guardian Angel!


A short order before spoviddu (for the materials of Orthodox vidan)

Love about Christ, brother and sister! Getting ready to approach the great sacrament of the Holy Spirit, marveling at the mercy of God, asking ourselves, who showed us mercy to our neighbors, who we reconciled with us, who cannot be in the heart of your fortune-teller on someone, having guessed the commandment words of the Holy Gospel: let you go Your Heavenly Father” (Mt. 6:14). Axis of the mind, as I am guilty of understanding and reaching out to the right of holy repentance. However, in order to repent and take away the excess of sins, it is necessary to repent of your sins. It's not so easy. Zavazha tsmu vanity, self-feeling, self-truthfulness. Filthy vchinok, for whom our conscience is victorious, we are more able to indulge in “vipadkovistyu”, call out to someone who surrounds our neighbors. Tim, every hour, every sin is right, in a word, with a thought, there is an inheritance of addiction that lives in us - a kind of spiritual ailment.

If it is important for us to remember our sin, then it is even more important to indulge in addiction, as it has taken root in us. So, you can live without suspecting pride in yourself, until you can chain us. Todi addiction is seen through sin: indulging evil in falsehood, sharply expressing the word and navit pomsta. The fight against addictions is the head of the robot for the skin Christian.

Ring out people who are not well-informed in spiritual life, do not mourn the impersonality of their sins, do not feel their severity, strike at them. It seems like: “I’m not timid of anything special”, “I have only small sins, like everyone else”, “I didn’t lie, I didn’t drive in” - so richly someone often starts a speech. Ale, our holy fathers and our readers, who deprived us of prayers of repentance, respected themselves as the first of the sinners, with a wide reconciliation they called out to Christ: The more brightly the light of Christ illumines the heart, the more clearly you know all the shortcomings, the wounds of the soul. First of all: people, zanurenі in the darkness of sin, do not drink anything from their hearts, but if they drink, they do not shudder, because there is nothing for them to equalize, for Christ has covered them with a veil of sin. To this end, for the preparation of our spiritual nights and insensitivity of the Holy Church, preparations were made for days until the sacrament of repentance, and then, until Communion - shit. The period of shit can last three days until tomorrow, as there is no special reason for the confessor's assignment. At this hour, you should finish fasting, save yourself from sinful rights, thoughts and feelings, start to lead a life of darkness, repentance, and love of Christian charity with the right. At the time of the slaughter, it is necessary to attend church services more often, more than praying at home, to devote an hour to reading the works of the holy fathers, the lives of the saints, self-destruction and self-probation.

Discussing the moral state of your soul, you need to try to distinguish between the main sins in the past, the root in the leaves and fruits. You should also be careful not to fall into dribbling hypocrisy to the point of ruining your heart, to spend a little respectful and unimportant, to get lost in trinkets. The one who repents is guilty of bringing not only a list of sins, but, what is more important, more repentant; not a detailed description of one's life, but a broken heart.

Knowing your sins does not mean repenting from them. Alas, why should we work, as if withered in the midst of the sinful half-light, our heart does not rise with the life-giving waters of tears? Why is spiritual illness and “impossible flesh” so great that we are not built on the penitentiary? But it cannot be a reason for you to speak in repentance for the sake of repentance. Only the need and this sin - the skam'yanes are insensible - to speak to the husband and the door, without hypocrisy. God can push the heart and pid the hour of self-speak - help yoga, vitonchit the spiritual zіr, awaken the kayattya.

Umova, as if I were not unanimously guilty, so that our repentance was accepted by the Lord God - forgiveness of sins to our neighbors and reconciliation with us. We can repent, but we will finish it without verbal acknowledgment of sins. Permissible sins can be less in the church sacrament of repentance, as it is done by the priest.

Spovіd - tse feat, self-primus. In the hour of speaking, it is not necessary to pay a check for food from the priest, but to work the zusilla themselves. It is necessary to name the sins accurately, not obscuring the indifference of the sin with blatant virazes. It’s important, remembering, to calm down, self-truth, to try to explain to the spiritual father “helping you set up”, as if sent to the third osib, like nibito brought us to sin. All these are signs of self-love, the presence of deep repentance, the continuation of a torment from sin.

Spovid - don’t talk about your shortcomings, doubt, don’t just inform the confessor about yourself, even though spiritual conversation is also important and is due to the mother of the place in the life of a Christian, but the word is more, sacrament, and not just sound pious. Spovіd - tse hotter repentance of the heart, cleanly cleansed, tse friend of hell. In repentance we die for sin and resurrect for righteousness, holiness.

If you bring repentance, we are guilty of being affirmed internally in the courage not to turn to the confessed sin. A sign of thorough repentance - hatred and heartbreak to sin, almost lightness, purity, innocent joy, if sin is so important and impassible, how far away was the joy.

The life of a human being is different, the carpets of the deep depths of our souls, it is important to resurrect all the sins and sins that we do. Therefore, proceeding to the rite of the holy confession, tell yourselves about the main violations of the moral law of the Holy Gospel. We respectfully reconsider our conscience and repent of our sins before the Lord God. The sacrament of holy repentance has the main purpose - to awaken our spiritual awareness, open our eyes to ourselves, be shy, deeply understand, in what a fatal camp our soul is known, as if it is necessary to seek salvation from God, ask tearfully and rudely probation of our undefiled in front of Him. The Lord Jesus Christ is watching over us for the wide evidence of our steps in the Holy Will and humble beast before New, like God’s servants, who have sinned a lot and have portrayed God’s Divine love before us.

It is necessary for us to remember and deeply believe in the inexcusable mercy of God, who extends his arms to the skin of the sinners, who rages. There is no sin, which God, for His innocent mercy, did not pass through to people, as if she showed more repentance for her sins, firmly rectify her life and not turn to colossal sins. Coming to the rescue, we pray to God, so that with His all-powerful help He will help us to open the doors of repentance, reconcile and reconcile with Himself, bestowing the Holy Spirit for a new and renewed life. Amen!

A clear sign of speech.

I speak, a sinful servant (of God) (im'ya ...), to the Lord God Almighty, at the Holy Trinity glorious and worshiping Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and to you, honest father, all my sins are free and mimic, in a word, right , chi mercy.

Having saved the careless cloisters, given by me at baptism, but in the past I have broken and destroyed, and made myself indecent before the face of God.

Speak of littleness, znevira, sumnіv, kolyvannyam in vіrі, upliftment in favors, against the enemy of the world, against God and the Holy Church, blues and mockery of the shrine, sumnіvnіv vіrі God, zabobons, vіdnіnі to "grandmothers", tsіstrasenіv, extraordinarily playing cards, self-confidence, non-balance, seeing my own salvation, relying on myself and on more people, lower on God, worrying about the justice of God and seeing the sufficient will of God, not defrauding God for everything.

Having sinned in disobedience to God's providence, let's put up with the bajans, so that everything was in my opinion, people please, with pre-emptive love to speeches. Without trying to know God's will, without reverence for God, fear of Him, hope for New, zealous for the glory of Yogo, for Vin is glorified with a pure heart and good deeds.

Having sinned innocence before the Lord God for all of Yogo great and innocent blessings, forgetting about them, calling on God, cowardice, anger, scorching my heart, going to the New love and nevikonannym of Yogo holy will.

Involuntarily to oneself passions: greediness, greediness, pride, languor, self-love, marnoslavism, ambition, covetousness, gluttony, sweetness, taєmnoїdnostі, ob'їdannya, drinking, smoking, drug addiction, addiction to іgor, zrіst.

Having sinned with godfather, nevikonannym obitnits, primus of others to godhood, that oath, ungodliness to the shrine, blasphemy against God, the saints, every shrine, blues-playing, calling the name of God in vain, at the filthy right, bajannyah, thoughts.

Having saved the impatience of the saints of the church, not going to the temple of God for nights and non-balance, standing at the temple of God ungodly; having laughed with roses and laughter, disrespectful to reading that sleep, roaring the mind, flickering thoughts, vain thoughts, walking around the church for an hour of worship without consumption; leaving the temple until the end of the service.

Zgrіshiv nedbalstvo until early and evening prayers, zashennyam reading the Holy Gospel, the Psalter and other Divine books, patristic prayers.

Forgiveness for sins on the ground, self-righteousness with them and the application of hardships, sins, repentance without heart poverty; not having reported diligence about diligent preparation before communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, not having reconciled with his neighbors, coming to confession and in such a sinful state having dared to come to Communion.

Having saved the ruined fastings of those unsparing days of the day - in the middle of that Friday, they are likened to the days of Great Lent, like the days of the suffering of Christ. Having saved unstriking in this life, we will not bless and ungodly autumnal hellish banners.

In disobedience to the authorities and the elders, svavilles, self-truths, limps to work and unfair vicons of entrusted rights. Having saved our fathers’ undesirables, depriving them of prayers for them, not violating children from the Orthodox faith, not shading their elders for a century, boastfulness, temperamental and recalcitrant, rudeness, hardened.

Згрішив відсутністю християнської любові до ближнього, нетерплячістю, уразливістю, дратівливістю, гнівом, заподіянням шкоди ближньому, бійками та сварками, непоступливістю, ворожнечею, відплатою злом за зло, непрощенням образ, злість, ревністю, заздрістю, заздрістю, заздрістю, заздрістю, заздрістю, заздрістю , congratulations, prepared by selling moonshine, "removing" an electric chiller, assigning a derzhmain

Grief to the unmerciful to the day, not small spivchutya to ailments and caliks; they sinned against stinginess, greed, greed, greed, greed, infidelity, injustice, zharstokerdyam, slanders and attempts to self-destruction.

Having sinned with slyness about neighbors, deceit, infidelity at the occasion of them, hypocrisy, double-mindedness, tiles, mockery, dotep, nonsense, hypocritical reasons for other people who please people.

Having forgotten about future eternal life, not remembering your death and the Last Judgment and unreasonable, preemptive predilection for earthly life and yogo satisfaction, right.

Ridiculous to the unstrimanity of one's language, idle talk, marnosliv'yam, likhoslіv'yam, ludicrousness, telling jokes; they slandered the voices of sins and weaknesses of their neighbor, with shy behavior, freedom, booming, unrelenting glances at the TV, choked with gambling and computer games.

Having sinned the unstrikingness of my spiritual and bodily feelings, I’m addicted, honourable, indiscreetly thinking on the other side, free from them, fornication, fornication and love, unstriking in a friendly life, different carnal sins, similar to bugs.

Having gristed in the face of frankness, breadth, simplicity, fidelity, truthfulness, importance, stateliness, caution in words, sensible conversationalism, they did not protect and did not steal the honor of others. We sinned in the daytime of love, meekness, sensibility, modesty in words and inflections, purity of heart, disrespect, mercy and humility of wisdom.

They sinned with anger, tightness, confusion, dawn, hearing, relish, scent, dotik, greed, impurity and all our feelings, thoughts, words, bajanny, right. I repent of other sins, which I forgot and did not guess.

I repent that having angered the Lord my God with all my sins, more about this pitiful one, and I hope to be calm in all my sins and correct myself. Lord our God, with tears I pray to You, our Savior, help me to be established in the holy world to live like a Christian, and I confess my sins vibach, more Good and Lover of people. Amen.

It is necessary to name less of your sins from resurrection here. It is not necessary to mention the sins here to the confessor especially. For the sake of clarity, sins can be written down on the arkush paper and read in front of the priest. Grihiv, confessed and permitted earlier, called on confession is not a trace, for the stench is already forgiven, but if I repeat them again, then I need to repent of them again. You need to repent and have quiet sins that were forgotten, but now they guessed. When speaking about sins, it is not possible to mention the details and names of other persons – those who are guilty of sin. Blame yourself, repent for yourself. Beginners are victorious to sin with prayer, fasting, streaming, good right. Help at the temple after the evening service, or for the housekeeping of the priest at any time. How often do you need to delve into what saving sacrament? Yaknaymnishe, prinaymni, at the skin from chotyrokh postіv.

She was greedy and guttural: she loved to eat zayve, to savor the good things, she was quiet with drinking.39. She called out in prayer, called out to others, let the trash out in the church, went out for the need, not saying about it at the meeting, quickly prepared for the speech.40. She spent the nights, exploiting other people’s practice, speculating with speeches, selling icons, not going to the church at the week of that holy day, praying.41. She baked to the miserable, did not accept mandrіvnikіv, did not give to the zhebraks, did not dress naked.42. I hoped for the people, more for God.43. Bula visiting p'yanoyu.44. I didn’t give gifts to tim, who was less skryvdiv.45. I got embarrassed when beaten.46. She zasinala a day without consumption.47. Competed with crotches.48. She did not protect herself from the cold, did not rejoice at the doctors.49. I cheated at the word.50. Exploited someone else's practice.51. Sumuwala at the mourners.52. She was a hypocrite, pleasing to people.53.

Spovіd at the church, what to say - srazok

Respect other accomplices, do not be entrusted with the order of the priest and at the same time do not sleep on the cob of the procedure, otherwise you risk not being admitted to the sacred Sacrament. 8 On the future, send the nightly sound to analyze the days of the past day and repent before God today, and write down the most serious sins for the upcoming confession. Obov'yazkovo vibachte from all neighbors whom they have depicted, do not go and inadvertently. To restore respect Women cannot be escorted and looked after the temple in the period of the monthly cleansing.

Don't take your confession as a drink from passion, and don't reveal especially intimate details of a special life to a clergyman in farbs. Finish short riddles about them. Spovіd - more serious crock. It is important to recognize your negative influences not only from outside people, but also to instill yourself.

Tse Rozmova with her own conscience.

How to fold a note with sins?

She did not mourn herself, if she robbed the filth on the right. Out of satisfaction, I heard slanderous promos, blasphemed the life of those who treated others.261. I didn’t win over the excess income on the soul-drawing.262. She did not save the days of fasting, to give tribute to the sick, the needy and children.263. Pratsyuvala reluctantly, with remembrances and annoyance through a small fee.264.
She was the cause of sin in the family strife.265. Without sympathy, that self-rooted woman endured sorrows.266. Do not forget to stop yourself, so that you will be deprived of being alone with God.267. For a long time she lay and lowered herself at the bed, not at once got up to pray.268.


She exercised self-control during the defense of skrivjenih, trimala at the heart fortune-telling and evil.269. Didn't rattle the tile. She herself often passed on to others and with a surcharge to herself.270. Before the rank prayer, that hour of the prayer rule was done at home.271.

Self-righteously saw her thoughts as a right rule of life.272. It was stolen.273.

How to speak correctly and what to tell the fathers: butts

She pampered her children, not calling on the filthy stuff.326. At fasting, she was engaged in guttural demons, she loved to drink mitzny tea, kava, and other drinks.327. I took receipts, worked out in the dark, traveled by bus without a receipt.328.

I put a prayer and a temple for serving my neighbor.329. Endured sorrows with a sum and remstvuvannyam.330. She fought with that disease.331. Small vіlnі povdzhennya z special іnshої statі.332. When talking about worldly things, she threw a prayer.333.
She despised eating and drinking sick children.334. She was disrespectfully placed in the ranks of vicious people, she did not shy away from her treatment.335. She knew and gave pennies for evil right.336. She went in without asking to the booth, looked through the gap, through the window, into the castle gap, listened to the sound of the doors.337. She trusted secrets to unknown people.338. I got used to hedgehog without the need for hunger.339.

Help. path of repentance

To prepare for the Holy Communion, you should make a note with sins, in which people want to repent. Ring out a small sheet of resurrected sinful thoughts and thoughts. Why is the sheet itself a list? To that, when the time comes, a person can speak up, break down (especially as the first person’s help in the life of a person) and do not tell about it.

And then, resting at home in a calm environment, guess about it and suffer again. How to write a note correctly? As it is said above, the next step is to write down your sins on a piece of paper. Ale, first of all for writing, varto think and guess all the deeds, as in the Orthodox world they are considered objectionable to the Lord God.

The very moment of knowing that confession, the confession of the believer is brought to repentance. It is important to remember that a note with sins - not a finalization of the given format - such a sin, having written the style once.


She wore immodest clothes.80. Razmovlyal pіd hour of the meal.81. I drank and slandered, "charged" water with Chumak.82. Pratsyuval through force.83. I forgot about my Guardian Angel.84.

I used to pray for the nights for my neighbors, I didn’t pray for a long time, if they asked for it.85. She crossed herself in the midst of unbelieving people, she knew the cross, going to the stairwell for the reception to the doctor.86. The cloister, given at Holy Baptism, did not finish, did not save the purity of the soul.87. She reprimanded the sins and weaknesses of the others, she spoke out loud, she rebuffed them at the elders. She swore, swore an oath to her head, life. She called people "devil", "satan", "bis".88. She called wordless thinness by the names of saints: Vaska, Masha.89. She never prayed before the feast, sometimes she took a lie until the beginning of the Divine service.90. Being previously insecure, she calmed her neighbors in anger.91. She gave a thin butt to her life.92.

I didn’t always inform and complained about sin.420. She listened to secular dresses, sang videos and porn movies, and relaxed in other worldly moods.421. She read a prayer, casting a spell on her neighbor.422. She prayed at the hat, with her head uncovered.423. Virila prikmet.424. I lived without parsing the papers, on some of the bulbs it was written God іm'ya.425.

She wrote with her literacy and erudition, manifested, saw people with greater illumination.426. Gave known pennies.427. At the church she put bags and speeches on the windows.428. I rode for satisfaction in a car, a motor chute, a bicycle.429.

She repeated other people's filthy words, heard people barking obscenities.430. I used to read newspapers, books, and social magazines out of my mind.431. Rowed zhebrakiv, wretched, ill, such a bad smell.432. She wrote that she didn’t litter the litter of stingy sins, serious heart attack, abortions, etc.433.

How to write a note correctly for help

To the faint-hearted Movchans, if they were bluesing in my presence, baptize with a litter and accompany the Lord in public (this is one of the sights of the vision of the sight of Christ). Blasphemy against God and every holy thing. Wearing a vzuttya with crosses on the soles. Vzhivannyam for pobutovyh needs of newspapers..., where it is written about God... Calling the creatures by the names of people "Vaska", "Mashka".
Speaking about God not reverently and without humility. Before Communion, boldly approach without proper preparation (not reading canons and prayers, praying and applying sins on confession, at the fortune-teller, without fasting those prayers are kind ...). The days of Communion are not celebrated holy (at prayers, reading the Gospel ..., but going into (at) rozvam, ob'їdennyu, richespanіy, marnoslіv'yu ...). Zgrishiv (la): broken fasts, and also in the middle of that Friday (Fasting at the day, we are afraid of the suffering of Christ).

How to write a note correctly to the rescue

Rarely robbed the remembrance of the dead, did not pray for the dead.298. With an unconquerable sin, she approached the Cup.299. Vranci was engaged in gymnastics, but she did not devote her pershodumy to God.300. When I prayed, I lied to cross over, sorted out my bad thoughts, did not think about those who were checking for me for a string. She hastened to prayers, spent the nights fast and read without due respect.302. She told about her image to her neighbors, we know. I foresaw the moon, where bad butts were served.303. Started a person without lagnosti that love. Fighting when the neighbor was corrected.304. Do not always light the lamp near the holy week days.305. For a week I didn’t go to the temple, but for mushrooms, berries…306. Small for more protection, lower consumption.307. Zhalila strength, healthy, to serve your neighbor.308. Dorikala neighbor in what has become.309. On the way to the temple, I never stopped reading prayers.310.

Do not be ashamed before the priest, who will confess you, your sins. Because the priest is no more than an intermediary between you and God. The mystery of speech is sacred, the information from speech is not passed on to anyone.

Better to be remembered after the evening service, the priest can give you more respect. Cover sins at the door and report. Do not attach anything, you are to blame for the mischief about what you have done. About skin sin, you need to speak okremo. It’s not enough to say: “evil”, it’s important to call sins by their names: gluttony, adultery, greed, pride. To help you pick up your thoughts, the priest can energize you, who have committed another sin. Yakshcho you didn’t try this, they didn’t follow the evidence: “it’s possible, so.” And also do not talk about those who were not robbed, without food, who will help you, otherwise you will look like a boaster.
I don’t think about death and I’m not ready to stand at the Judgment of God (Remembrance about death and the future court helps to unify sin). Zgrishiv (la): NOT God's mercy for Yogo. I will not bow down to God's will (I hope that everything will help me). For pride, I rely on myself and people, and not on God. Attributed to success in oneself, but not to God. Fear of suffering, intolerant sorrows and sickness (the stench allowed by God to cleanse the soul from sin). Natomist on life cross (share), on people. Cowardice, anger, turmoil, calling God to the zhorstokost, seeing the salvation, bazhanny (trying) self-destruction. Zgrіshiv (la): To the appointment and early exit from the church. I do not respect the hour of service (before reading that sleep, roses, laughter, drowsiness ...). Walking around the temple unnecessarily, shoving and being rude. By pride yshov (a) z preaching criticizing and suing the priest. At the woman's uncleanness, the saints dared to hang around.

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