How to heal the hour of work with a spiritual mentor or healer. ways, how a miracle of healing can come to us

02.02.2014 My friends, today I want to talk to you on the topic, about how I dream. Perhaps, it’s less early to go to the pulpit: I still can’t speak to all hundred views. It seemed to me that everything could be better, but the process of my renewal was like that. I will tell you what progress is! Whatever I need to go through obstezhennya, give analysis. Not long ago I had an ultrasound scan, having checked my arteries. The ailment became at the heart of the past fate, if a blood clot blocked my carotid artery by 10 centimeters. It is important that half of the brain was damaged. Ale, for example, we were more happy to feel like a doctor, who, having carried out ultrasound obstezhennia, that the artery is clean, and there is no thrombosis, the artery is visible. I navit himself zdivuvavsya: Yak? On the right, if everything was lost on me, the doctors were reconsidered, that the thrombosis of such a long time does not develop and does not know, the veins are left forever, it is possible to see only surgical way. All is possible for the Lord! I can believe everything. It became a real miracle. God can penetrate your arteries, your veins. Vіn can penetrate there, where everything has faded, and revive. You must know that God will reach you. Today I tell him about healing.

I see how the Holy Spirit is prompting me to speak about me in that hour, if I am still infirm. You need to work a little bit and show it off spiritual world Well, no matter what, I will believe in healing, to that it is written so. I would like to speak on this topic to the one who sees the hope of God to "change" our church, to "change" radically. "New Life" can become a place of healing for wealthy peoples. "There was no ailment in the knees"(Psalm 105:37). І tse confession of God for us! How can we serve God's will, how can I be sick? You can’t watch the sickness of a person after yourself. The sickness of a person cannot be healed, and that is why. Bagato prokloniv pov'yazanі z ailment. Do not lie to him, that God sends sickness. God does not send sickness! The Bible says that no one knows God (Ivan 1:18). Tsikavo, how did we know Yogo? "The Only Begotten Sin, who is in the sky the Stepfather, Vіn having revealed"(Ivan 1:18). To understand who God is, marvel at Jesus. Vіn є absolut vіbrazhennyam God. God, who appeared in our world.

Read the Gospels, and you will sing that God did not send sickness to people. Vіn ztіlyuvav ailments, viganyav bisіv, svіlnyav people in weakness, called “unclean spirit”, “evil spirit”. The axis is so mi can marvel at the target. If you think that God has “heaped up” you with this disease, then go and try to fight with God. If God sent a sickness, then nothing can help you - no doctors, no prayers. And if it is the will of God, then how can we dare to go against the will of God?! In this way we cannot believe. Satan, having defeated the Body of Christ, the Church, calmly, tempted people to believe that God can create darkness. But in the Word of God it is written that "God is light, and there is no darkness in the New Life"(1 Ivan 1:5). That's why I want our church to become a place, where people will be healthy in the face of ailments, a place, like bringing health to this world. I want our church to have incredible miracles. I'm real! Today I am talking about those for whom it is real.

Otzhe, how do you feel jubilation?

Isaiah 10:27:

“I will be on that day: throw off your yokes, yokes of yoga, and the yoke of yoga from yours; And the yoke will fall apart from the fat."

Tse duzhe deep words. The yoke is a wooden yoke on our creatures, which serves to harness horned thinness and to tie a plow and other attachments, so that the creature could pull heavy things, yell at the field. In the Bible, the word is implanted in the meaning of a loader, heaviness, a yoke, as a symbol of captivity, singing slavery. It is written to Alya that the yoke will fall apart in the darkness. Here is fat. If it becomes greasy, then the yoke of wood breaks at the singing moment, and the creature becomes free. But here it’s not about creatures. It is said here about people, like Satan hung a yoke, like they do not allow to live and collapse freely. Tse mozhe buti be-scho: ailment, cursed. Here is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. So, in the sight of the anointed Holy Spirit, every yoke breaks. The more the anointed one grows in our life, the more the yoke will be in the fall.

Be it a miracle, as it were in the New Testament, and every miracle, as it were in the Old Testament, be done by the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no miracle every day without the participation of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ did not create a godly diva until thirty years, until the docks were not shaken by the power of the Holy Spirit. The greatest miracles in today's churches are seen there, where people believe in the Holy Spirit and receive baptism with the Holy Spirit. Coming together with Christians of other denominations, you will reveal that there are impersonal miracles only in quiet churches, as if to speak with other language. God's miracles are performed in the New Gospel, Pentecostal and other churches, to believe in the consecration of the Holy Spirit that speaking with other words. In other churches, if you don't believe in the Holy Spirit, you see a diva of another plan. But if there are real miracles, if you are walking, if you are ill, if people’s lives are radically changing, if they become healthy and happy, you should be in churches, as if you believe in the third Person of the Divine, in the Holy Spirit.

Today there are a lot of people who were born on fire and respect that they are blessed with the Holy Spirit. Tsikavo, how can a person not speak in other words, why was she baptized with the Holy Spirit? Tse thin theological speeches. A lot of books have been written on this topic, some of them speak like this, or else. Ale today, on the basis of Scripture, I want to show you how the blessing of the Holy Spirit is received and what it means. The New Testament describes the reception of the Holy Spirit.

John 20:22:

“Having said, blowing, and it seems to them: Receive the Holy Spirit.”

He said the words of Jesus to the teachings, following them after His resurrection. Greek “breathing” to testify about those who received the Holy Spirit at that moment, if they had grown wine, then if they had blown on them. At that very moment, the stench received the Holy Spirit. But what did it mean for them to receive the Holy Spirit in such an order? At that moment, the stench crossed from the old-fashioned order to the new order. To the fact that the Old Testament had an old-time order, and the righteous at that hour were also arguing. Well, the stench after death was consumed to hell. Ale was inferno boulo divided into inferno and the bosom of Abraham - a song of the place, de buli righteous. The fire, in which the rich man leaned (the parable about the rich man and Lazarus) - it was hellish, where sinners were known.

Since then, the first lower Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, the Old Testament salvation also dawned, and the righteous, after death, perebuval in the bosom of Abraham. The stench did not burn at the fire. Zagalom tse okrema topic. Ale, what did Jesus Christ fork after the resurrection? Jesus opened the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven, and all the righteous Old Testament went up to the sky. The axis that shattered the resurrection of Jesus Christ: now the righteous man is alive, the people of the people over the man no longer break to hell. For a new vіdchinenі door to heaven. The Bible says that the righteous will pass from death to life.

John 5:24:

“Truly, truly, I tell you: the one who hears My word and believes in Him Who, having sent Me, may live eternally, and do not come to judgment, but pass from death to life.”

It is written that the believer does not pose. The New Testament has the greatest privilege: for us to go straight to heaven, it is necessary to accept the New Testament order. All salvation comes to the fore to the Holy Spirit. My people burn and become new creations. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya at that moment, if we kaєmosya i say: God, probach me. I accept the sacrifice of Golgotha, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for me, so that I do not die in hell. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.” Know that you have prayed this prayer generously, with a wide heart, at this moment God forgives your sins and grants you rebirth with the Holy Spirit. Revival - ce i є the death of the Holy Spirit. Revival does not occur without the Holy Spirit. Revival is the greatest miracle, as if it is experienced by the Holy Spirit: people become new creations in Christ Jesus.

Ale tsikavo, chi tsim vycherpuetsya all that God bazhaє you give and give? A lot of people are respected, that's all. The stench seems to be: “We took away the Holy Spirit. We are not spoken by other words, but I have been baptized with the Holy Spirit. Really, it's not like that. Why? That's why it's not enough. Burn the people of Crimea, otrimannya of the Holy Spirit and resurrection may be the fullness of the Spirit. You can judge about the behavior of the scientists: after that, as the stench was revived and faded to the New Testament order, their behavior is still not small in clarity and consistency. Guess what the stench killed the next one. Petro kazhe: "I'm going to catch fish." Others were good enough to follow him. The stinks were such a way of life: the stinks went to the temple, praised God, but were far away from the true call. In my life, nothing changed, everything went its own way, like before. Among us, there is also a rich resurrection over people, like going to heaven, but not again in life. Somebody can remember that you don’t understand anything. Why? To the one who is able to understand, come only if we take the fullness of the Spirit. Jesus Christ before His ascension to speak about it all the time.

Gospel of Luke 24:49:

“I will send upon you the abode of My Father; See, stay away in the city of Rusalim, until you get burned by the force.”

appears, burn the people of the Crimea, burn the other force. God wants to give the believers the power to burn.

Let us then begin to visit the Book of the Diy of the Apostles.

Di 1:4-5:

“I chose them, Punishing them: Do not look out for Jerusalem, but look for the Father’s face, for you see me, for Ivan Christ with water, and you, in a few days after that, you will be blessed with the Holy Spirit.”

Like a bachite, let us revive the Lord over people to speak about those who are still needed and baptized by the Holy Spirit. Farther it is written: “... but you will receive power, if the Holy Spirit comes upon you; And you will be Me witnesses in Jerusalem and in the mountains of Judea and Samaria, and you will lead me to the ends of the earth” (Dij 1:8).

God seems to say: “I will remind you so that you cannot live more for yourself. I will remind you so that you can do my work and become witnesses to the ends of the earth, go and pour into the whole world. On the day of Pentecost, the obіtsyanka was sharpened for sure.

Di 2:4:

“I was all conscious of the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other words, like the Spirit giving them a foreshadowing.”

The axis is to what extent it is guilty to come to the skin of the believer, as if you want God's fullness. The very baptism of the Holy Spirit with the sign of speaking with other words reveals the light of the supernatural for us. This is why the believers, as they say in other words, christened with the Holy Spirit, experience miracles in life. In such churches you see the miracles of God's glory, but others are trying to find the miracles of God and it seems that God's miracles are just a theory, that the hour of miracles has long passed, and so on. But I know for sure that if God is not alive in our life, then we can be lured by an impersonal peace - “anniversary”, as it is in the world around us. God could not deprive His teachings, instilling in them more than salvation and rebirth. If the gift of God cannot be reversed, what belongs to the world, then the Church will not reveal Jesus Christ as the living God. Like a lot of people who stepped into the sight of God. Sometimes we ask ourselves: “Why did this person step in?”. To the one who is not guilty of scouring the fullness of the Holy Spirit. So, vin vryatovannya, but not having known the fullness of the Spirit.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit is for us better life- The life of the supernatural. About the cebulo it is said in the prophecies: “... I will see the sight of My Spirit on every body, and your blues and your daughters will prophesy; your elders will dream of dreams, and your young ones will see dreams” (Yoel 2:28). God promises that after that, as Vin will see His Spirit on every body, to start speaking supernatural speeches: “You will prophesy. You bachitimete your dreams, vision, zciluvatimete ailments, viganatimete bis. You will have power over the elements. You will be strengthened by the power of God!” Axis to what God wants to bring the skin of a person in His Tіlі: miracles, give the Holy Spirit, may become accessible. Through the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the stench itself becomes accessible to us. The Holy Spirit is the finger of God, by which God works miracles today! Jesus Christ said: “If I am moving the spirit of God by the Spirit of God, then, obviously, the Kingdom of God has reached you”(Matthew 12:28).

The kingdom of God will come if the Holy Spirit restores order there, de bіsіvsky chaos. The Holy Spirit is the finger of God, pressing tool, the tribute of the Church, that we “operated” on the lives of people, as if Jesus Christ was truculent; so that we walked in the same strength as Jesus Christ walked; Sob we went to the authorities, overcoming all sorts of ailments, dumbness, bіsіv and furnish them. Axis of God program for the skin believer in Jesus Christ!

But I want to get ahead of you, so that you do not worry about miracles. I smell a lot of tricks, which are found in modern Christianity, about which people think, what are the miracles of God. Know that God does not do tricks. Yogo miracles є gospel. What is the gospel? The Gospels are specifically the fulfillment of the singing human needs. If you are sick, then the Gospel is for you - be healthy. If you are hungry, then the Gospel is for you in what you eat. If you don’t have a penny, then the Gospel is for you good job that salary. If you are blind, then the Gospels are for you - you are bachitimesh. If you are vigilante, then the Gospel is for you - you will be rich. Razumієte, Evangelіє - tse zapovnennya sing consumption, tse garna news about change. The Gospel is the hope that everything will be different in you. Jesus Christ said: "Go to the whole world and preach the Gospel to all creatures"(Mark 16:15). Sometimes I feel that there is an “awakening” here: gold is clinging to people, expensive stone fall. And people wonder what God saw them, showing such a rank of “miracles”. I have woken up my ears and vipadki "miracles" and I want to sleep: what did they give? Aje, having drank this “golden” drink, you won’t bring it to the pawnshop for remelting, so that you can make it out of the new gold ring, more wine is transformed into a drank, ford. I want to put a question: how can God fool people with such a rank? Tse satanic peace. If I felt that in one church there was a feast. Why did the angels see the church like that? My friends, angels do not lie down to the class of birds! You will not read anywhere in the Bible about those that angels are birds of a bird. Can you tell if Mikhailo said to Gavriil: “This is unacceptable, Gavrilo: I am shedding”? I want to say to all the naive: will you be the docks? Did the diamanti fall? I don't mind, let's rent diamanti to a pawnshop, and with the money for them, we'll make booths for the church. But nobody can build them, for it was not clear what for “diamanti”. Adzhe skіlki such a false demonic seasoning, as people call the miracles of God.

Ale, I want to tell you that we have the Evangelical miracles, if the blind will be bachiti, and the deaf - a little. We don't need a whole feast, we don't understand the gold that yalin that appears on the palms, but the stigmata - "hurt Jesus." My dears, the wounds of Jesus are enough for us! We don't need your wounds. If you talk about God's miracles, then remember that God has turned healthy. God turns life. Jesus to multiply bread, to reproach. Axis at whom the miracles of God lie. Read the gospel! Zviryayte with the Gospel mustache, scho vodbuvaetsya dovkol. I believe that the most important gift of the rest of the hour is the gift of spirits. It is my fault to know whom everyone should enter.

Know also that miracles are due to needy people, and not to skeptics. Miracles do not belong to posterigachs, controllers, Pharisees. Our church may refrain from the Pharisees. It is my fault to stop being guardians and Pharisees for an hour of prayer for the sick, for an hour of worship. Willing to stand, wondering, they seem: “Will you not become? I knew so well that it would not happen! I have a smile on your appearance. I want to feed such a person: who do you work on? Only the devil did not want to, so that miracles would happen. But if you are a man of God, then you can be in the epicenter of God's fire. Here you can stand with tears and be inspired by the Holy Spirit - to help take the fate of those who “let the tormented free”. If you can’t work it out, then pray to the Lord, standing in your place, and don’t marvel at the anniversary, thinking: When will everything end? My friends, we need something to change, as we want, so that our church becomes a place of healing for the Holy Spirit.

2 Kings 3:15-16:

“... now call me guslista. And if the harpist was graven on the harp, then the hand of the Lord pushed Elisha, and he said: Thus speak the Lord: to fight on this valley, ditch after ditch.

If the church is filled with miracles, the atmosphere must be right. Elisha was a great prophet, but to bring wine, having demanded the right atmosphere. The Israelis had a motor situation at that time. Enemies came, and they all turned back to Elisha from the food: what work? Without God's anointing, everyone is just people. Surely, Elisha did not have any thoughts about those, how to help. І vіn asking: "Call the harpist." How importantly, so that we had harps - chanuvals from the right hearts. If the gravel harp, the hand of God hit Elisha, and began to prophesy. This is a miracle story, as it ended with God's victory. The right atmosphere is very important for being a diva. Worshiping God is anointed for the whole church. Our glorifying duties of singing songs, directing the First Person. I sing “I am blessed” and I sing “Jesus, I love You!” Є difference between tim, if you sleep with Jesus, and tim, if you rozpovidaesh, how blessed God bless you. Є raznі pіsnі: opovіdalnі, prorochі. Ale, the right worship is the worship of the First Person. We sing, the whole church sings in unity - and the anointed one comes.

Farther, it is more important to pray with other words, if we pray in spirit. I'm not talking about those who need to shout a lot. I'm talking about those who pray for the skin, if there is a cry before prayer. Tse means that the skin can pray with flattened eyes. I've been rich enough times, as the Divine atmosphere came. Prayer with other words lifts your body, you enter the sphere of the spirit - and then the whole atmosphere changes.

The unity of believers is also important. Vono vivіlnyaє anointed. We have an empty space in front of us. Take the first row. Leave the back rows, go ahead. Tse also be known to the Lord that we are being rebuked in unity. We want to be the church of healing to the peoples. We want to be a church, de Holy Spirit dee. The anointed one comes to unity. And what is the anointed one? Tse power of God. If the strength comes, if the Holy Spirit comes, it’s all worth remembering. So, my friends, let's fight against religion! I believe that God can come on the skin of our choice. My faults are placed before the Lord, acknowledging everything. Everyday mobile phones, no walks. Obviously, the Holy Spirit is already in us, so the words “The Holy Spirit come”, perhaps, doctrinally are not correct. Ale Vin just shows himself in such a way that we can fix everything Yogo vodchuvati. It's like before, like the Spirit of God extinguished over the water.

What can be seen further? And dali maє vіdbuvatisya diya vіri: “I said to God: Let there be light. And it became light... And God said: Let the earth grow green... And it became so.(Buttya 1:3, 11). God did not say a word, the Holy Spirit did not cover the territory so, nibi Vin brought His atmosphere that warmed the earth. That Word, blessed by God, confirmed all life. So, if we are timid to speak, God's presence will come, and the anointed God will fill the whole church.

It is not enough just to speak or read the Bible in order to change the situation. Without the anointing of the Holy Spirit, there is little to see. It is even more important that the Divine atmosphere come, if we begin to be anointed. How can we experience miracles? We can see that the heat passes through the body. We can be vigilant, why the wind is wreaking havoc. You can look around for a long time and chat that the apartments are closed, and then the wind will come. This wind is the breath of the Holy Spirit. You can feel the warmth of my sickly misery of your body. You can survive the fire. I’ll tell you that in the history of the church, impersonal people came up to me, and the stench rang out, what happened, no one prayed for the person and didn’t lay their hands on it, they just stood and worshiped the Lord - and the presence of God, the anointing descended on the new one, the person was going through dotik God. This person stood and cried, and if she left the church, then she was more and more angry because of her ailments. Vin is no longer a drunkard, not a chicken, not a sick person.

Jesus Christ is the real Pastor of our church. I want a little bit that Jesus Christ is the real God in our church. When the anointed one comes, everything is really seen: christened with the Holy Spirit, freed, healed. So all reproach the word of God. My friends, let's commend the decision not to miss a small meeting. We saymeme about God help! As we speak about our marriage, I guarantee you that miracles will begin more frequently. Svіdchennya nebіbnі in order for the skin of us to instantly breathe your faith. I want us to guess in a single hour what God has created for our life, and they added one to one. It doesn't matter what happened to you. The river of the river of God is not old. To that for God, it has become a waste of time. As if no one felt your wedding, it means that you did not breathe the Holy Spirit. Tse means that you created Yogo. How can the Holy Spirit crumble away from your life? It is necessary for us to repent with richness, to reward our little ones with the Holy Spirit. It is rich who was baptized with the Holy Spirit with speaking other words, but if you don’t pray with words, you can be ashamed, because the spirits of unclean spirits filled your mind with doubts. Axis why stop. There are no real evidence for that. I want to say that power has been given to us, and we need to win in the name of Jesus Christ!

Let's perebuvatimeme at the gatherings of unity, for God wants to work cardinal changes, build His Church with the power of His licorice presence for the health of the peoples of the earth. All glory be to Jesus Christ!

Expanded situation. A person really believes in his own healing, goes to prayer and does not see anything. Come out of the offensive once, believe strongly, and nothing. Come out of the coming time and nothing. And then such a person seems, why do I really believe, but there was no healing? Let's talk about this situation today.

At the spiritual center of the Blessed Father, we were overtaken by a lot of miracles from the moment we survived awakening (2011). We guarded for wealth by people and for ways, how people were healed and the axis of scho kavo, different people are healed in different ways. What does it mean? Tse means that people are not guilty of acquiring health in more than one dekilkom in their own ways. It is necessary to focus and activate your faith for all obvious ways, like God.

I feel and bachiv, like people became enchanted by the fact that nothing happened after their faith, “their faith did not work”, and worse than that Then those people dropped their hands and gave up. Ale, I'm bachiv and those, like other people, otrimuvali ztsіlennya through such methods, on yakі stench did not rob bets. All the ministers prayed for the person, and nothing happened, but then we’ll go home, get anointed water and immediately heal. Another person tried different ways I didn’t look at myself, even asking them to pray for another person and after the prayer of another, that person immediately healed.

So a person is not guilty of focusing and activating his faith on various ways of healing, but he can be open to everything. If you come to the service of health, such a person will be open to everything. If a person enters the place for gathering and believes: what did she eat into the atmosphere of miracles; believe that you can hear the word of God; to believe in the power of the words of the people of God; to believe at the lay of hands; believe in anointed objects; believe in the strength of the faith of others; believe in the mercy of the Lord; to believe in the power of forgiveness, etc., then such a person is the most wise to take away his diva.

If I am sensible, then having learned the best ways, how the Lord can heal us. So it went:

10 ways, how a miracle of healing can come to us

1. Behind the word of the Lord

We can take away the miracle of healing through the power of the Word of God, what to do.

Іс. 55:10 Like a wood, and descend from the sky, and do not turn there, but water the earth and rob the people of the house and grow it, so that it would give life to the one who is, that bread to the one who is, Іс. 55:11 So my word, which goes out of my mouth, does not turn away until I marnim, but viconate those that are worthy of Me, and rob those for whom I sent yoga.

Certificate. Zhіnka, 21 Rіk prikuta until invalid visa, bula povnistyu tsilena. At the hour of preaching, she simply got up and began to walk, having healed in such a rite. Let's go to the platform and show everyone that you can be rich and stribati. The Word of God itself in itself already has power, and we need to learn how to hear it and feel it.

2. To our faith

We can take away the miracle of the healing of our wind.

Matthew 9:27 When Jesus called, two blind men followed Him, shouting: Have mercy on us, Sin of David! Matthew 9:28 If you have gone home, the blind men have gone to New, and you have slept: Do you believe that I can work you? - So, Lord, - you answered. Matthew 9:29 Then Jesus reached out to their eyes and said: Come with you according to your faith. Matthew 9:30 And the stench immediately saw.

Certificate. One sister, as if she was carrying a child, confessed after an ultrasound scan that she could not be born with stingy breaths. Bagatorasov ultrasound showed that the child has an incorrectly displaced organs, various deformities and deformities. Їy urged to robiti ekstrenі slopes and pozbutisa defective fetus. Ale sister virishila vіrity God until the end, she was inspired by the abortion. God, having revealed a miracle to herself at a gentle hour, the child was born without any kind of respite, completely healthy.

3. For the faith of others

We can take away the miracle of healing zavdyaki in other people.

Matthew 9:2 They brought a sprig of people to a new paralyzed man, who was lying on a mat. If Jesus had shaken his faith, Vin said to the paralyzed: - Do not fight, my son, your sins are forgiven! Matthew 9:7 The man got up and went home.

Certificate. Bіdolashna zhіnka, the person who was paralyzed more than once, came to the service, carrying her person on her back. Ale, through NATO, could not get to the stage. Then she knew the place on the street, de її no one had a chance to hit it, threw her man over the parkan, climbed herself, again called the man on his back and began to squeeze the cross to the entrance. Nareshti, she got out of the platform and stood on the line for prayer. The preacher, bachachi її vera, commanding її cholovіkovі: "I can not im'ya Jesus Christ!" Vіn began to walk, being healed.

4. For the grace of the Lord

We can take away the miracle of healing, to that which the Lord shows mercy.

Matthew 8:2 Here, before New, a man, sick with leprosy, bowed down to You and said: Lord, if You want, You can cleanse me. Matthew 8:3 Jesus stretched out his hand and reached out to something new, saying: I want, be cleansed! Tієї well, mitі people were healed from leprosy.

Certificate. In 1993, after a purulent suppuration, they saw me right nirk. Since then, I lived for 10 years with one nirka. It was too hard. She constantly observed that she had an interest in a brunka, that she had lost it, that she had lost it. Through rivers of repentance, I realized that I was more interested in brunka, that I had lost it, I had changed. The nirkovy vise and the fierce vise are normalized. So I lived three years. At the end of 2003, I decided to go (for the sake of order) to the diagnostic center. Lіkar pіd hour obstezhennia on a special setting showed me that my friend! the rights of the nirka look richly fresh, clean and new in the lineage of the left. Vaughn said so: "Looking like a new one." When I marveled at the screen, I screamed loudly, which alerted the doctors. The stench was asleep, what was the trapilos? I said: “Well, axis, friend nirk, I її bachu!” The doctors said: "Well, nirko, what's the point?" And I say: “On the right, in the fact that 10 years of that її were seen, all the documents were saved with me.”

5. Through the hand of others

We can take away the miracle of healing, to those who trust to lay their hands on us.

Mark 16:17 Quiet, that they believed, they will accompany the banner: stench will be My Name, driving demons, speaking in new language; Mark 16:18 The stench will take the snakes to the hands, and how to instill a deadly poison, so as not to harm them. stench put your hands on the sick, and you will be shackled.

Witness: The man of God came through the back doors, so that after the service, it would not be remembered to break the house, if the raptom was bad old woman hustled for a new one. On її disguise, a rozpach was visible. "Be kind, don't go without praying for me," - began to ask to get out. “I know that as soon as you bump into my eyes, I will kiss again. I call the blind. Oh, I can heal today. I know that God will heal me." The people of God said: “Vibachte, but I’m already exhausted. We have already prayed this year for hundreds of people. I want you to come tomorrow evening, then we will pray for you.” Vona cried and said: “I can't come tomorrow. I am a woman of beauty, and my friend brought me here. I can heal today.” The man of God took її by the hands and asked: “What do you believe in the sight of a wide heart, that I will stick your eyes in the name of Jesus, Vіn give you zіr?” The woman answered: “I know that the Lord will heal me now.” After that, putting his hands on his eyes and saying: “Woman, in the name of Jesus Christ, Whom God raised from the dead, I will punish your blind eyes to open up and see.” The woman yelled raptom: “Oh, thank God! Yes, I can bachichi! I can bachiti everything! I knew what to kill Vin!

6. For the prayer of others

We can take away the miracle of healing and prayers.

Matthew 18:19 Once again I show you that if two of you here on earth are ready to ask for anything at once, then the heavenly Father will unfailingly raise a mustache for you, about what you ask.

Certificate. 37th river, the woman is short of surgery. After the woman, half of the trumpet was blown, one ovary was laid down and half of the other ... On the other part, which was gone, a majestic plump nearly a kilogram had settled down and the woman was being prepared for the operation. For a week, they prayed for her in the church, and for the second time, she went to have an ultrasound scan, because she felt good for herself. The doctor marveled and said that he didn’t reveal anything, saying that she could make people out. The woman said to the doctor: "I have seen everything there." And he got angry: "Don't fool me, you have all the organs in the field." Over the course of the year they spent one more refrigeration, and then they didn’t reveal anything.

7. Behind the word of the people of God

We can take away the miracle of the healing of the zavdyaka to the forged word of God's people.

1 Kings 1:17 I swear to Eli: Go in peace, and let the God of Israel give you what Yogo asked you about. 1 Samuel 1:20 And after one hour Anna conceived and gave birth to a son. Vona named yoga Samuel, saying: “I named yoga so because I asked yoga from the Lord.”

9:33 There was one man there, whose name was Enya, who was paralyzed and did not get up from his bed in the great rock. Acts 9:34 Peter said to you, Aeneas! Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take a bed. At that very moment, Aeneas moved.

Witness: In the service of healing, God's man punished the new body to form in the body of a woman. A month later, she came again and repented, that after we had prayed for her, she went to the clinic, so that they had an operation, and the doctor said: You do not need an operation, because you have a NEW uterus!

8. Through anointed objects (rіdini)

We can take away the miracle of healing, sticking around anointed objects or natives.

Acts 19:12 The ailments were given to get stuck to the thorns and fartuhіv, to which Pavlo got stuck, and the ailments passed in them, and the evil spirits came out of them.

Svіdchennya: Yakos at the service of Lake for an hour, if you arrived to the village in Africa and you could not know the place of your choice. Vіn pobachiv, scho to yom and in tsymu village not to go in vіdpochiti. Too many people demanded prayers. Vіn zrozumіv, scho can't pray more with the helpers and poached in the middle of the village, standing stovp, until they tied the horses. Vin having said what he needed to revere, ale vin laying his hands on his feet and giving him the anointing. Vіn having said, scho skin, who will bump into this stovp, be healthy. During the week 70.000 were healed.

9. Vignanny demon ailments

We can take away the miracle of healing the weeds of the demon, who healed the ailment.

Matthew 17:18 Jesus ordered the demon to leave, and that one came out of the lad. tієї zh mitі child became whole healthy.

10. Through the forgiveness of sins

We can take away the miracle of the healing of repentance and the freedom from our sins.

Mark 2:5 Jesus, bachachi of my faith, saying to the paralyzed: My sin, your sins are forgiven!
James 5:16 Confess one before one to your sins and pray one for one, so that you may receive healing. The prayer of the righteous may be more powerful.

Testimony: John Lake reveals: At the training camp for health, 65 scores went ahead, as they demanded health. Vishikuvshi їх at the row, the ministers prayed for the skin. 60 people were immediately healed. They tried to interview 5 people who were left out. The same question was put to the skin of them: “What reason did you see at home, through which you didn’t take healing?” One person spoke to a loved one. If I repented before God, I prayed for him again, and I was healed. The woman spoke to the thief. Vaughn swore to God that she would come and know from those people, from whom she stole, and, as far as possible, badly. This woman was healed, if she confessed her sin and repented before God. The servants needed a little time, so that 60 people were healed, but they needed a couple of years, so that they could get along with them for five years, and if the stench repented of their sins, the stench was also healed.

Thoughts, like we remember, and words, like we remember, gradually shape our world. The rich of us have rooted a sign of negative thought, and we don’t see shodi, as we know ourselves. To that, reading whether or not these affirmations of the day, everything that is described in them, will be attracted to life obov'yazkovo!

Golovne believe in those that we see, that we are obsessed with them, that we are talking about. Everything that is described in them is bound to be attracted to life!

My willingness to forgive starts the process of my healing. I allow the love of my heart to wash, cleanse and heal the skin part of my body. I know that good (good) health.

If I take care of every right, I will listen to my own voice. My intuition is always on my side. I trust her, get her in the middle of me. I'm calm (calm).

Forgiveness to yourself that other people svіlnyає less than the past. Forgiveness is the end of many problems. Forgiveness is my gift to myself. I forgive and forgive.

Such a moment of the day is special for me, because I follow my greater instincts and listen to my heart. I am calm (calm) in my world and on my right.

💙 I trust the flow of life
Life flows smoothly and rhythmically, and I її part. Life supports me and brings me more good and positive news. I believe in those that life will bring me the greatest good.

💙 THE STRENGTH OF THE LORD It is fervent at the right moment
Forget about the past and do not have any power over me. I can become free (free) right in the middle. Today's thoughts to create my future. I control everything by turning my own strength. I am calm (calm) and free (free).

I want to speak out of the old negative perekonan. Those who block the lesser way are less than a thought. My new thoughts are positive and creative.

All the world will again support the skin thought, as I choose and in the same I believe. I may not choose my thoughts. I choose equanimity, harmony and calmness, and I hang them in my life.

I'm crying out like pragnennya call to anyone, including myself. We all help ourselves to show off our knowledge better, to understand that recognition.

I live through life easily and with love. I love myself. I know that on the skin turn of life, my check is only good.

People in my life are right in my spirit. Tse give me the opportunity to grow and change.

💙 I'm Chuy friend
I’m nailed (lashed) to the thoughts of that little bit of other people. I give joy and encouragement to my friends, if the stink is required, and I just listen with love, if I speak.

I am free (vilny) in my mind and can choose only good thoughts. I rise above the borders of the past and know freedom. Now I become all the people for which I was created.

Now my choice: fortify yourself in the light of your ruinous fears and sumnivivs. I accept and create peace with my soul and heart. I am kohana (kohaєmo) and abducted (abducted).

All day long I have been helping to work vibir. The divine mind constantly checks me at the reach of my goals. I'm calm (calm).

My nevid'єmne right of the people - to live again and again. I give life to those who want to take away life. I'm happy (happy) that I live. I love life!

I create peace in my soul, and my body invigorates my peace of mind in seemingly insane health.

The skin problem is less pronounced. All my knowledge gives me the ability to read that growth. I'm calm (calm).

💙 I'm Calm (Calm)
Divine calmness and harmony elude me and linger with me. I see tolerance, expressing that love to all people, including myself.

I don’t need to swear to earn a kohanny. I am good (good) kokhannya to that which is mine. Navkolishni vіdbivayut my power of love to yourself.

I say "Get out!" be like a negative thought, like coming from my brain. A good person, a good place, a good river cannot rule over me, because I am the only creator of my thoughts. I create my reality and everything that is in it.

Leather in May, special joys and experiences. Mіy vіk vіk vіk zavzhdі doklady vіd єgo mіstsya in my life.

It's a new day. A day in which I have never lived before. I get stuck in the present and enjoy my skin mitt.

I allow others to consider those that may be significant for them, and I am free (free) to create those that may be significant for me.

I sing to the childishness of my fathers. Now I know: I robbed (selected) їх, to that the stench was perfected for what I am guilty of (small) bula (buv) learn. I forgive and forgive them, and I forgive myself (myself).

💙 MY BUDINOK - Calm back
I bless my house with love. I bring love to the skin of a little tuft, and my budinok lovingly breathes in the warmth and grace. It’s good for me to live peacefully here.

Life vibrates my skin thought. As long as I save positive thoughts, Life grants me only good news.

The ocean of Life is rich and generous. All my needs are satisfied, the first thing I do is to ask. Kindly come to me zvіdusіl, і z usіh, і z usgo.

💙 MY ROBOT IS REALLY Satisfying me
Today, I see all my vivacity to what I am shy, I think: if one completion is completed, I will be led to an even greater realization of my abilities and a new brown one.

Now I live in boundless love, light that joy. All is well with my world.

I am hushed from what I can, and I know that I will always check in advance a new message. I grind new ones with wide volumes. I believe that life is a miracle.

I ask you to give me more understanding, so that you will be aware and with love will be my world and my fortune.

I will renew my vіdkrit (vіdkritiy) and sympathetic (sympathetic) to a miraculous new plantation. I can use my talents and creativity, practicing in a miraculous world, with people, for people I love. I will earn good money.

Now I will restore myself to a new lucid success. I know that I can achieve success and my success will be such as I manifest it. I enter to Kol Peremozhtsiv. Glittering possibilities shine through me everywhere. I attract prosperity to myself in all spheres of life.

Now I will take away my blessings from chіkuvanih and nepodіvanih dzherel. I am boundless istota, as if I accept a boundless dzherel with unbound paths. I am happy (happy) over my best dreams.

My thoughts seem to give me everything I need to make my life happy, more love and success. I deserve all the best to the one who was born (born) into the world. I hang the rights to my goods.

Everything that I need to know, be-yakoy mіtі, vіdkrit me. I believe myself and I believe Life. Everything is already bad.

I put together a single whole with energy and wisdom of the All-world. I draw my energy and it is easy for me to protect myself.

My body is working to achieve optimal health. My body wants to be unharmed and healthy. I spіvpratsiyu with him and flock healthy (healthy), strong (strong) and thoroughly (we will complete).

💙 I hang my creativity
My unique talents and creative vibes permeate me and stand out as the most amazing rank. My creative zdіbnosti always know zastosuvannya.

I open my eyes in the most amazing ways. Only better can come to me. Now I am looking forward to health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind.

There is no magic and no difference, for all things are different, so be different. I am special (special) that diva (divuyucha). I love myself.

Get yourself a little more harmony. I would like to contribute to the harmony of my bazhan. My life is a joy.

Making my way through the veil of thoughts and perekonan іnshih people, I am running into myself a miraculous іstotu - wise and beautiful. I love the ones I have with me.

Kokhannya is everywhere, and I love і kokhana (beloved). Loving people remind me of my life, and I show how easy it is to express my love to others.

My heart is broken. I allow my kohanna to flow freely. I love myself. I love other people, those other people love me.

I swear by praise, and I am kohana (beloved) by other people. Kokhannya alienates and protects me.

I praise everything I work for. I dosit good (good) such (such), yak (yaky) I є. I hang my thought. I ask for what I want. I claim my power.

I trust my inner wisdom and easily accept decisions.

I didn’t choose any kind of transport (choosing), I’m in complete safety.

Today I ask my Vishche I will give me the building of a greater understanding of life and rise above thoughts and zabobons.

Divine Love now leads me to new love in return for my (mine) perfected man (team) and helps to save them.

Everything that I can, and everything that I am, is protected and rebuked by the new security. I live in a safe world.

Today I manifest our world as calm, wholesome and healthy. I'm running the skin of a human being with a good deal, dressing it with a safe life.

I have a loving, harmonious, happy, healthy family, and we are miraculously sensible alone.

Divine Wisdom is rebuying in the skin of my children, and the stench is happy and protected, wherever the stench goes.

I am easily and with love inspired by my living essences, and I know that the stench of our love and zahistu.

The miracle of childbirth is normal, natural process And I go through yoga easily, without effort, with love.

My child and I are bound one by one with bonds of love, happy that she is calm. Mi is a happy homeland.

💙 MY TILO Gnuchko
Healing energy constantly flows through the skin organ, the slush and clitin of my body. I collapse freely and without zusil.

I gradually increase my knowledge about myself, about my body and my life. Being informed gives me the strength to take on myself the evidence.

Physically right help me save youth and health. My m'yazi love to collapse. I'm alive man.

I am good (good) success and willingly accept prosperity, my life flows clearly, I see and accept that love with joy.

Today I turn to myself in the middle, joining with the mustache of the universe. It’s good to lead me and guide me, universally pissing about my goodness and happiness.

I am ready to live life in a new, different world, commemorate those who didn’t bachil (not bachiv) earlier. New world checks for my new look.

💙 I'm crowing in the leg ІZ TODAY'S DAY
I'm awake (voice) and sympathetic (sustainable) until a new life. I am ready to understand video recorders, computers and other wonderful electronic devices.

My mind and body are in equal harmony and harmony one with one. I reach and take the ideal weight for myself easily, without suspense.

I talk about my body with love. I am healthy zhu. I'm drinking a lot of water. My body encourages me to turbota, gradually taking on a miraculous form.

I mate with my creatures with love, and stink to give me an understanding of how I can ensure my spiritual and physical health. We happily live together. I perebuvayut in harmony with Usim Zhityam.

Skin roselin, like I'm stuck with love, rozkvita in all my writing. Homemade roses are happy. Quietly beautiful. Tasty fruits and vegetables ripen enough. I am in harmony with nature.

I will establish a link with the healing energy of the All-World, so that I can heal myself and all those who are ready for healing. I know that my mind is a strained gleeful zasib.

I put myself before the people of a frail age in my life with great love and honor, for I know that the stench is wiser and miraculous, knowing that I will see the truth.

If I drive my car, I am more protected (protected), relaxed (relaxed), and less handy. With love I bless other waters on the road.

I recall my life with harmonic music, as it lifts my mood, as it enriches my body and soul. Creativity sighs and suffocates me.

I am good (good) for peace and quiet, if the stench is necessary for me, and I create space for my life, I can take away those that are necessary for me. I try my self-confidence with the world.

I take good care of myself and wear robes that show those that I love and value life. I am beautiful (beautiful) in the middle of that ring.

I already have a lot of time for skin care, as it is necessary to work today. I am strong specialty, to that I choose life from the Right Moment. Here and at once everything is harazd.

Miracles of Orthodoxy - exaltation of sickness

Hello, my dear guests and post-readers of the medical blog! Under the heading "" today I have written a new article about the miracles of healing the sick, as they see the temples of the Lord. The topic of the article is “ Miracles of Orthodoxy»

Miracles of Orthodoxy - how my sister healed (reply-bill)

● That's why my sister moved to live up to Zadonsk. Olena (that's her sister's name) works not far from the Zadonsk monastery, and she often goes to the temple of God to talk to the novices. Zavdyaki tsomu won't know there calmness and life energy. It was not without reason that she called the abode qiu a little piece of paradise. Before the speech, Olenya’s acquaintance with the monastery began much earlier, if she lived in another place and came like a pilgrimage to Zadonsk.

● Moved won to Zadonsk with hope for healing. She has a lot of rock bulo vkazivnogo, middle that thumb on the right hand. The doctors of the district and regional clinics shrugged their shoulders, not being able to explain the cause of the pathological changes that they saw on their fingers. As if Olena leaned against the shrine with the relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk and prayed earnestly. A group of pilgrims, however, were placed at the house of the host, as they were found not far from the church with the relics of the saint.

● In the dead of night, Olena raptom clearly woke up the dotik to her ailing fingers. And if she threw herself, she showed with great joy that the fingers on her right hand bend easily.

Healing my friends (reply-bill)

● You can tell for a long time or rozmirkovuvat pro miraculous healings, what do you see with Orthodox people. The main truth is that the official (traditional) medicine has not been touched by anyone, but there, deva was powerless, for an hour they can help the relics of the saints and the miraculous icon. Be it information about a miracle of health, about those that we call a diva - the people's sayings give hope! It's too important! So it happened with my friend.

● My friend Tamara lives near Sonyachnohirsk. At that time, she had a "women's ailment". She was scheduled for an operation, but she was even more worried, she was afraid to go under the scalpel. Shortly before the appointed day of the operation, they went out to the Danilov Monastery, de є Pochaivska icon. Mother of God- Miraculous, scho to bring wealth healing. Tamara arrived early before the opening of the monastery, but there were too many people there. Vaughn asked the priest to let her through without a call to the miraculous icon.

● She was allowed, and she asked for help from the Mother of God for a long time, hitting the miraculous icon with tears in her eyes. After that, the Panotet approached her and said: “What grace has come upon you ...”. Turning back home, to her native Sonyachnogirsk, her friend immediately straightened up to the liquorice, they saw the ward and sent them to the supplementary decontamination. Dekilka doctors looked at the patient and could not understand anything. They asked for a supervisor, who resolutely misinterpreted Tamara, saying: “The indication before the operation is the same day. You are healthy!"

● A friend also greeted and asked the doctor: “Just like that, even for a few days they insisted that it would not be possible without an operation! What has changed?" To which the doctor responded: "It is important to explain to those what happened in a few days, but I will sing you, you are healthy!". Tamara went to the ward, took her speech straight to the house. and vdyachnistyu thought about the Mother of God, її miraculous image, about.

Healing priest

● In honor of St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kiev, another church was built near Kiev. Tsey temple of roses on the territory of the central Moscow clinical clinic. There they recounted the wondrous story of the healing of an ailing priest. Archpriest Roman Baranovsky, deanery of the likarny temples of Kiev, healed himself in the sight of the icon " Mykola Comforter».

● This icon is miraculous. When the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorivna lay in bed. After the ancient mandrions, the icon became the city of Munich, near the small chapel. One icon was brought to Kiev for a month. On the eve of moving from Nimechchini, they entrusted the icon to Father Roman, who took care of the healing, and on the hour of transporting the miraculous image.

● If the priest had gone to Munich, the ailment of the raptov had grown bright, and the likіv іd out of himself had forgotten the whims. Sound for a likuvannya zagostrennya it is necessary for you to likuvatisya not less than a month with antibiotics in the likarni. In a moment, zvichayno, buy faces and in Munich, but the turbot fell on the new insoles, which was not an hour for the price. Well, Father Roman stole away at the chapel, where the image of the place was swollen on the face like a hand knew - the maxillary sinuses cleared up. Since then, sinusitis no longer appears.

● St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, having shown the miracle of the Orthodox priests, to confirm his healing not only theoretically, but to say in an instant: “Such a miracle of healing happened to me…”

● The miracle-working icon “Mykola the Comforter” is visible throughout Bavaria: for help, many people heal from serious illnesses. Batiushka, having told about the healing of one thing, yak spent two nights sleeping on the image - she lay directly under him. After what a fluff appeared in her, the German doctors heard about it. As you know, there medicine is on a high level - you will not enter Oman.

● The appointment of one woman's health was marked at the hour of rebuking "Mykola the Comforter" from Kiev. At the resuscitation officer at the Komi station, one ailment was overwhelmed. Її relatives straightened up to the temple, and they reported a small icon to the miraculous image of "Mykola the Whisperer"; turning to the liquorice, they laid a pillow under the sick woman. And then I saw the miracle of Orthodoxy - the patient immediately came to you - went out of the Komi.

Axis still Orthodox miracles. Be healthy and God bless you!

Having embraced by the waters of Siloam, I saw blindness. Susid Yogo and those who knew Yogo, wondered like a blind man, if they treated Yogo with sight; some of them said that they were the same, that they sat in the temple and asked for mercy; otherwise, not slapping one's own side, they knew in a new great similarity with many blind people. Uncertainty, having allowed himself healing, and for food - how flattened your eyes? - Vidpoviv: A man, of the ranks of Jesus, shattering the leg, anointing my eyes and saying to me: Go to the pool of Siloam and enter. I pishov, umivshis and prozrіv. Vividly calling out everything that was trapilos with him, Vіn not in a moment, however, point to your Ztsiluvach, shards not bachiv Yogo, not able to say, de Vіn, but calling Yogo on im'ya, yak, ymovіrno, chuv vіd іnshih. You, who heard the explanations of the colossal blind, led Yogo to the Pharisees, for he was healed on Saturday, if, for the Pharisees’ testimony, there was no trace of healing. Healing roses and the Pharisees, those who knew about their healing; z drive tsієї rozpovidі mizh Pharisees vіdbulas superechka. Some (imovirno, majestic greatness) insolently asserted that do not see God Tsya Ludin, for do not take Saturday. Well, ymovirno, shoyno they believed in Jesus at the hour of Yogo’s talk in the temple, they didn’t wait with such a thought and said: how can a sinful person work such miracles?(). Superchka has crossed in discord, and the embittered foes of Christ, overcome by their comrades, turn to the healthy, helping someone to know the support of their thoughts. The stench was repaid, that the wines could not be bothered to reproach them, the shards, according to the decree of the Sanhedrin, the skins, who, having recognized Jesus for Christ the Messiah, may be received from the synagogue. What can you say about Nyogo? - tse prophet, - Vidpovіv ztsіleny (). Not knowing the tips of their thoughts in a healthy way, the evil people ruined the diet: who is more blind? I, having called father Yogo, energized: What is your son, about whom are you talking about, that we were born blind? how to win now?(). Afraid of seeing the synagogue and look after the Pharisees, the fathers of the healed man gave a good advice; the stench confirmed that this is my son, who was born blind, but now I’m going to sip, - the unknowing people realized. The stench vіdpovіli, scho did not bruise at tsimu zlіlennі i do not know who opened your eyes; sleep yoga; wine in perfected fates And you can tell that for yourself.

Having sung in such a rank that we are truly blind in the sight of the people, the youth call out to him suddenly. For an hour I will finish drinking Yogo Batkіv Yogo was seen. The enemies of Christ are now trying to inspire a colossal blind man, that they conducted a relativistic investigation about that person, they don’t know their wines and don’t know how, and they came to an impeccable reconciliation, scho Cholovik That sinner(). Their hatred before Jesus was so great that the stench didn't call Yogo after him. Trust us, they said, give glory God and recognize from your side Yogo as a sinner, who breaks the law about the Sabbath peace.

Give glory to God- this is the ultimate form of the spell to speak the truth under an oath (Bishop Mikhailo. Tlumachne Gospel. 3, 299).

Healing without having taken an oath by the Pharisees, but not without knowing them, saying: Chi sinner Vin, I don’t know; I only know that I'm blind, but now I'm running.

What and zrobiv Vіn іz you? how to open your eyes? - Yogo Pharisees was re-sick. Tse food to bring to the wounding of the healed. You already fed me about it, and I told you (like wine), but if you didn’t want to hear me, then what do you want now? You are so reluctant to follow the details of the diva thoroughly over me, so you talk about them, what can you think, why don’t you want to become a teacher of Yogo?

To this obvious mockery of the Pharisees with pride they answered: “It is possible ti Yogo learn, Whose violator of the law about the Sabbath, and we teach him who gave us this law, my Moiseev uchni... God speaking to Moses; Why don't we know, the stars of Vin()».

The followers of that reader of the Jewish people, obviously, were guilty of recognition, the signs of Jesus appeared, for whom to go to the people, and who is richly respected by Christ, but it seems that you don’t know Yogo, you obviously lie. At this nonsense and dorikaє їkh zlіleny, seeming: " It's wonderful that you don't know, the stars of Vin(), that I saw my eyes, that having created a miracle, I didn’t feel like an ear of a century; We know that God does not hear sinners, but only hears the one who wields Yogo and does the will of Yogo, and yakbi Vіn is not a god, then not a moment would create such a diva.

Sucker with downtime by simple people of people, not in the Pharisee, not in the winter, the sulfur signs of the il, to the huddle of an unbearable camp, in the yak, putting the way to the same in vipads of the same, the same . . “You (say stink) sinner, who was born all with sins, and for those punishments blind; Why do you teach us, readers of the people, accurate deviants of the law? I kicked yogo get out() from quiet gatherings, in some vidbuvavsya will finish yoga and yoga fathers.

Jesus spoke about everything, and Vin knew the necessary wisdom in the healed so boldly spoke to them of the faith. Knowing yoga, Jesus sleeping : Do you believe in the Sin of God?(). Healing did not succumb to the One Who healed Yogo, later, and not knowing Yogo, and he could not guess what the Doctor of Yogo would now say to him. Vyslovlyuyuchi novnu readiness to vіruvati in God's Sin, to the Messiah, vіn zatuє: and who is vin?(). And if Jesus bowed to Youma, then falling before Him, bowing to Youma and yelling in dismay: I believe, Lord! ().

The spiritually blinded clergy of the Pharisees and scribes and enlightenment of the blind people gave Jesus Christ a chance to say a few words about the traces of His appearance in the light.

Vikritta of the Pharisees at the blind

Shche Simeon, trembling in the arms of Nemovlya-Jesus, saying: axis, Tsei lie on the fall and on the rise of riches in Israel and in the subject of super-eyes ... let the thoughts of rich hearts rise (). About whom he turned people into successors and opponents of Yogo, as a legacy of Yogo's appearance in all the world, and now Christ will say: I have come to the judgment of the whole world, so that the invisible bacheled, and the bachachs became blind ().

Participants of the earthly life of Jesus, bachachi Yogo and smelling Yogo vchennya, and the next generation waving Yogo vchennya, to judge New, and judgement to bring them to the point that you magnify your own vchenistyu, build all the bachiti and become wiser, - the truth of God, they become blind for a hundred percent; and those who were not illumined by science and were not blind, with their hearts recognized the truth and accepted it. Tim and the words of Jesus were true, that bachachi, so that building bachiti and rozumiti bachene, have become blind, and tі, yakі not small zmogi vіdrazu all stomp and know the bachene, tobto yak bi invisible, spit.

Feel it, deyak Pharisees, not all who were in the temple, but only a little, who showed up here in a blatant manner, but they came and said to Jesus: Are you blind?

“Ni, you are not blind,” Christ said to him, “let it be worse for you, you, you are not blind, you do not want to fight what is in front of you: yakscho b vie true if they were blind, then your nevira, like a legacy of blindness, would not be delivered to you, and you not small b on your own sin; well, how do you say that you are not blind, that you can bachiti, then sin your anger overwhelmed by you for those that you marvel at, do not fight."

These words of the Lord are more often responsible for lighting up everything with the light of Yogo Vechennya. Those who knew the will of God through the New, that the truth, the truth, gave them the opportunity to become free in the form of pardons, in the form of sin, and they can no longer be inspired by the ignorance of the truth; the stench is not blind, the stench is miraculously pumping mustache, everything is sensible; And even though, regardless of the price, the stench still does not live according to the truth of God, then there is no way for me to stink in this sin, like the stink of repentance and good rights not to redeem yoga.

Parable about the good shepherd

The Pharisees respected themselves as infallible cerebrates of the Jewish people and the tlumachs given by God to the law; to that the stench of gluzuvannyam and fed Jesus: nezhe i mi slіpі? Having explained to them the validity of them for those who don’t stink the stench of the bachachi, Christ at the allegorical, not understanding them, forms roses, explaining to them that they can’t be respected by the good shepherds of the people, who should think more about their own specialties, anih , and lead them not to salvation, but to death. For the sake of accuracy, Vіn is splitting the people from the flock of sheep, and the cherіvniki among the people - from the shepherds of that flock. In other lands, flocks of sheep were driven to the ground for the protection of villains and vovkiv at the stove, or the yards were richly ruled for that, moreover, the flocks that belonged to the rulers were often driven into one door; the gatekeepers guarded the doors of the yard for the shepherds, the shepherds entered before them, made their flocks look like strangers, naming their sheep after them, and went out to pasture; the vivci recognized their shepherds by their voice and sight, heard them and followed them. The villains and robbers did not dare to enter the door of the yard, which are guarded by the guard, but secretly climbed over the fence. Everything was miraculous in the sight of the Pharisees. І axis, taking such a deep-seated butt, Christ seems: whoever is not door-to-door to enter the sheepfold, but to climb over to another, that villainous and robber; and the one who enters as far as the door, is the shepherd of the people. Yomu the doorkeeper is the guardian, and the voices of Yogo are heard, and the voices of their sheep are called to them. І if you see your sheep, go ahead of them; and the animals follow him, for they know his voice. Don’t follow someone else’s, but they’re ticking in the sight of a new one, because you don’t know someone else’s voice ().

The Pharisees did not understand Jesus; vtіm, a thought, was put at the basis of this allegory, not being fully conceived by him, and to that Vіn, continuing His motto, saying: verily, verily, I show you that I am the door to heaven... whoever enters before Me, that shall be saved ().

Now it has become clear that we should talk about His foundation on earth of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of people, built by faith in New and love to our neighbors. The whole Kingdom of Vin is likened to a court of sheep; but if at the door you need to go through the door, and you can not enter the Kingdom of God otherwise, as if you believe in the New, then you call yourself the door, which leads to the kingdom.

Ale Vin is not less than a door, Vin is Pastir. Win viviv His sheep from the old fence of Moses to the law and call them to Himself; stench follow Him, and Vіn, like a good Pastir, leading them to the bliss of eternal life, and bringing His love to them to them, who sacrifice their lives for them. The good pastor Іsus opposes the villains and the robbers, who think only about those who profit from the sheep’s rahunok, and also the hirelings, who are not dear to them, who don’t love them and think less about their special welfare. He calls all the false prophets, false months, hirelings - the Pharisees and those similar to them who appeared to the people as villains, and vovkom - the devil.

Ale Christ did not come to bring the Jews out of the fence of the Moses law and bring them into the Kingdom of God; Vіn priyshov vryatuvat the whole world, all the people who are ready to believe, to what nationality the stench would not lie, and unite all of them with the new law of love. Why, speaking about Himself like the Good Shepherd, Vin immediately took in for the need for new knowledge of the understanding of the Jews about the Messiah like the Vinyatkovy King of Israel. And in Mene and іnshі vіvtsі, like not that court, and it is quiet to bring Me: and the stench will smell My voice, and there will be one flock and one Pastir ().

Before the coming of Christ, it was possible to divide all the peoples who inhabited the earth into Jews, as they worshiped the true God and became that flock, and pagans, who worshiped idols. The words of Jesus, what will be one flock ta one pastir, to bring, that now the Jews cease to be vinyatkovy, we will turn in the turn of God, - that the pagans will be lured to this flock, vіvtsі ... not to anyone's yard, and in such a way one flock of different tribes will be formed under the crowning of one Shepherd - Christ. Such a thought, as it appears in the guiding words of Jesus Christ, is clear and does not call out the daily bans.

Hello, eat, how can you develop this thought wider? Why should you take into account that every hour without a fault the people, that they will take revenge on all the peoples of the earth, they will take up to one flock - that there will be no other flocks behind this flock, and that, then, all people will recognize Jesus Christ as their Shepherd?

Vіdpovіd tse zapitanya sіd shukati in the Gospel, near the Vistula of Jesus Christ. Speaking about the death of the world and about the future coming to His friend, Christ said: I will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom in all the world, for the sake of all peoples; and then come the end (; por.). Whose visions of Jesus Christ lead to the visnovka, that until the end of the world to all peoples that inhabit the earth, the Gospel will be preached, so that it will be given the opportunity to know the true God and His will, but all the stink to love God and all things do the will of Yochigo they unite in one friendly family, spiritualized by love to God and one to one, - which (in the mind of some tlumachivs) cannot be brought out of the words of Jesus; the future, at the residual Judgment, on the righteous and sinners, not only on all Sundays, for that, but it is quiet, so that to live up to that hour, to lead these tlumachs to the thought, that until death, the whole world is not in stock of a single flock, so they would be heard the voice of your Pastor.

With such a thought it is impossible to wait. The idea of ​​a single herd and a single Pastir was laid down, so be it, in the hearts of people, at the very moment of their creation, it was supported by the best representatives of the human race with a stretch of a mustache, even a thriving hour of yoga. The thought about those who shove over people God Himself, the will of Whom the stench is guilty of victoriously like an insanely obligatory law, hangs the whole ancient history. The main laws of God (love God, love your neighbor and practice!) were given to the first people; they have all the truth of God, and they are the ones who signify all the mutual stosunki of people. And if people were right to obey these laws, then long ago they folded one flock with one Shepherd, that is heaven on earth, that is the Kingdom of God, that is the recognition of the earthly life of people. Ale, people are created with free spirits; they could acquiesce to the will of God, which is expressed in these laws, they could oppose it. Understanding the freedom granted to them in the sensi opir whether it be someone else's will, and then, the will of God, people, without noticing it, began to blindly defeat their will, the will of evil, which they are one against one, which rose They gather together in one friendly flock with one Shepherd. Without ignoring this order, the person thought that she should do her own will, rob those that she herself wanted, and that she began to respect her own duty by the law she had found for herself, and the satisfaction of them with the money of her life. So many fates have passed, and people have fallen morally to the bottom. Having forgotten the will of God, expressed in Yogo's eternal and immutable laws, the stench did not understand the mind of human life and did not go into a new yearly sensation; the best representatives of paganism went as far as to see and respect that only happy people believe in the possibility of self-destruction of their aimless and stupid life. Ale, an indescribable thought about that happy time, if people were blissful, not demanding anything (pritamanny mayzhe to all the peoples who inhabit the earth), sorrow about the waste of this bliss and dream about the dawn of the golden age, about the return of the spent paradise - everything led people with a soul that has not immersed itself in everyday life, to the knowledge that it is impossible to live so far and that Lyudina is guilty, Yak to renovate the snowy world; and checked for Qiu Ludina right away. The Jewish prophets, who are inspired by God, foretold the onset of a happy future. Prophet Isaiah, thundering in their semi-drowsy pronouncements of the lawlessness of their fellows, vtish, prote that the blessed hour will come, if “forever we live together with the lambs, and the leopard lies with the goats; and the calf, and the young lion, and the vil will be at once, and the little child they lead; And the child will grate over the hole of the asp, and the child will stretch out his hand on the snake's nest; that shkodi will not work evil on the holy mountain ”(). The Prophet Micah, speaking about that happy time, said that if people “reforge their swords into plows, and write off theirs into sickles; you will not raise the people against the people of the sword, and no longer learn to fight; ale skin sit under your vine and under your fig tree, and no one will nalyakat їх ”(). I started the best people that hour they believed that we would be able to be happy only once, if the swords were rusted, and the plows were shining; if the granaries will be empty, and the likarni and v'yaznitsi will be empty; if you leave the temples and the shkil will be erased, and the road to judgment will be overgrown with grass.

First axis, Christ has come with a good word about those that a person is immortal, that short-term earthly life is preparation for Eternal life, that for this Eternal Life people will be resurrected and after the residual Judgment over them, some will be blessed, and others will be rewarded with suffering the bliss of the Eternal Life is possible only for the will of God, that God helps people in love to the New, the Creator, and to all people, for the good of people is not in the blasphemy of their neighbors, but in the constant help of them, in love to bring them to the quiet, which we have mercy on be your own enemies, it’s not your fault to be, everyone can be brothers, friends.

Bringing such a call, Christ saw that “he did not bring light to the earth, but a sword”, and that Yogo vchennya would give birth to a terrible broth between people, to inspire members of one and the same group; and then at the same time, Vin, saying to His Apostles at the farewell conversation of His, so that the stench would not be beneficiated, for the victory was secured for Him: take courage: I win the world ().

Earlier Vin saying that all the peoples of the earth will feel Yogo's voice (tobto Yogo vchennya), and then that happy time will come, the prophets spoke about the yak and the pagans dreamed. Then there will be one line and one Pastir.

Post nutrition: how can you doubt the truth of what the Lord said about the united flock with the united Shepherd, after saying that change light? In what else could this victory be hung, if not in the unity of all people who inhabit the earth, in one flock, in one God's Kingdom, in which God Himself pans, and reaffirm that Christ has come? Obviously, such a uniting of people in one God's Kingdom will flourish more properly, but it will already grow and, following the word of the Lord, it will appear without fail. Rich doll growth and now on the field of Christ, ale, with friendly susillas of the true disciples of Christ, the doll will be less and less. A lot of land has not yet been occupied by this field; ale God, the Word is now sitting there, de navіt a lot of friendly minds, and let it go. And don’t let it seem that the kukil is drowning out the wheat! If you want a doll for an hour, you can grow strong and cherish the wheat with your growth, but you don’t need to forget that the Word of God, like a roasted grain, may have the miraculous power of growth in a rich tree, under the bushes there will be no place for a doll. Obviously, as we propagate, that people never unite in one friendly family, so as to love God and one alone, then we turn to the people of the spent paradise; let's see, let's not go overboard the will of God and follow what Christ said. Do not doubt the truth of the words of the Lord; let's try to warm our hearts with our neighbors with love, so that we have God in the world with that love; let us, in the world of our strength, expand the boundaries of the Kingdom of God; everything is brought together in prayer and prayer to the merciful Creator: let the spirit of anger, fortune-tellers and people of hatred, reap the light harvest! Let our hearts burn with love to New, Heavenly Father, one to one! Let Vin help us to understand our spiritual vigilance, our moral weakness and worthlessness in the same thoroughness, which is our fault! Hai Win grants us the strength to expand the borders of the Yogo Kingdom! May we be all one, and let us be one with Him! Hai will be One flock with one Shepherd!

Speaking about Himself, like about the Shepherd, that I give His life for His sheep, Jesus said that I give His life voluntarily, that no one takes it away from the New One, and I can’t choose, scho vіn vіn having taken dominion in the form of His Father. With these words, Vіn pointed out death to Yomu on the future, and that Yogo’s scholars could not fall into New, Yogo’s bachachi on the Cross, Vin having explained to them in advance that without Yogo’s will, no one can spare Yogo’s life and that, if you give Yogo voluntarily, Vіn will take power її. Having already repeatedly said to the Apostles to His Wines that it is resurrection; with the words of Vin, explaining that you will not be resurrected, but resurrected Himself, through the power of His new life, given for His sheep.

Vіd tsikh slіv reappeared superechka mizh Jews, so among the Pharisees, s-pomіzh of those, as it is said above, the deacons believed in Jesus as the Messiah. The broken enemies of Christ said: Vіn obsessed with bisom and divinity; What do you hear Yogo?(). The Pharisees, who believed in Jesus, did not agree with their comrades: tse words are not bustling(they said stinks); Can we make our eyes blind? ().

To this end, Evangelist Ivan concludes his rhyme about the resurrection of Jesus in Jerusalem on the holy heaps.

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