Having dreamed of a disabled person, up to what. Dream interpretation of a person in a disabled visa. Why dream Disabled, dream analysis

Sleep is an invisible part of life. Dream of shooting for all people for millions of years. Itself through a dream, our pіdsvіdomіst podkazuє us, what varto be afraid of that unikati, and on scho, navpak, I’ll give special respect. Even more often, see mi bachimo miraculously yaskra image, we laugh, litaemo, have fun. Trappyaetsya, we dream of nightmares, after such a long time left anxiety in the soul. And buy a sum of dreams, if we suffer ourselves or suffer the suffering of other people. Before such dreams, one can add a dream about the disabled. Chi bachimo me a kalik chi other people, wait a minute, it’s not fun for us. Why dream of a disabled person? Who wants to convey to us the brain with similar symbols? Let's sleep at the dream book, I know exactly how it is!

Little Kalika

I dreamed that you were running into a child with a disability - on the way to the vikonnannya bazhan you would become a breeze. Sob not marnuvati hour, think over everything to the point.

Having dreamed of a disabled boy - check for serious turbot at the booty. Possibly, you happen to be rich in instances, vibivayuchi for your own family, as if it were privileges of that service, passing on a dream book.

Bachiti girl, you can’t change your mind without outside help - in the next hour, you’ll be excited, moreover, you’ll be unacceptable.

I dreamed that you know a specialized child center, de rich of children with limited physical abilities - you are checked for low failures and pereshkod. Whatever you do, do not check good luck, guard the dream book.

To dream of a child, like walking from a stick and strongly kulgaє - do not spend much pennies. The next hour will be difficult for you among them. Ninі itself an hour to save.

Damaged parts of the body

Bachiti man without nig - soon you will need the help of friends, ahead of Miller's dream book.

Disabled at the vіzku, znіvechenim guise їde you on zustrіch and merrily laugh - those that you conceived - to cope, but we don’t call it like you wanted. Change your mind, or else it’s dribbling, or it’s time.

To dream of a disabled person without hands - a dream signifies that it’s not enough to start the next new right, but to start a new one - you don’t see anything, ahead of the dream book.

Having dreamed of a disabled person without hands and without a leg - dreaming about the onset of "black smuga" in life. Like a young lad with a disability, a maiden - inaccuracies end sooner, like a rock - stock up on patience and vitrima.

Help for the disabled

Bachiti, like an old disabled person, a child helps - someone from friends needs a little help, but you don’t dare to ask. Promote yourself, guess the dream book.

Help a disabled person to get on the bus with gatherings - your help to walk up the mountain, everything that you have in mind, gradually climb up. As you lower the stroller down by gatherings - inaccuracies that you respect, they vibrate, like water in the sun.

To dream that you had a chance to see a disabled person who can’t walk - in reality you have a lot of unrealized plans and a bazhan, like you don’t dare to be comfortable in life. Tsey dream I tell you that you don’t have to be afraid of anything, laugh, and you will see everything.

I dreamed that you gave alms to the california from the infirmities on your hands - in real life, you will have good luck, that vikonannya of your close people. Do not be hisist, help others, recommend a dream book.

To help a penny to children with stones - to transfer from real life as a shock, to help close people to help you.

Be a kalіkoy yourself

Becoming disabled means that your business partners or work colleagues want to introduce you. Be a drinker, recommend a dream book, do not sign the papers of the day and do not put in doubtful favors.

Bachiti yourself on the police - to the point of illness, ahead of the dream book. As if you see a dream, you see the bil - the ailment will be protracted, as if you walk, the trochs are less likely to spiral on them - you wear it even more quickly.

Collection of dream books

Why dream of Invalid uv_ snі according to 27 dream books?

Below, you can safely recognize the glare of the “Invalid” symbol using 27 online dream books. If you didn’t know the need for darkness on this side, hurry up with the form of a search for all the dream books of our site. You can also have a personalized sleep clouding by an expert.

Be a disabled person, like yourself- living life is difficult, sickness.

Bachiti the other Kalіkoy- Someone needs your help.

Shidny dream book

Why dream about Invalid uv_ sleep from a dream book?

Bachiti disabled means: some of your business partners will try to pay for your sleep certificates.

Bachiti in a disabled state- To low-receiver pods.

Intimate dream book

How did you dream about a disabled person- it’s necessary to tell about those that you really see in yourself as incompatibility, and this situation will make you normally accept the statues of the relative status. You are followed by an intrusive idea that your current partner is not as open to you as you want to show it.

Italian dream book

Invalid - means a path of regression, or pathology, but it can be connected with a singing adaptive behavior, calling out a specific person, honed, or be it with speeches.

Family dream book

We got help- be afraid of non-acceptable partners, as they will aim at your interests.

How did you treat yourself to a disabled person- know what you will be threatened by the enemy's surroundings.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Invalid - introspection of incompetence, stinginess, unproductiveness (there is also an exodus of thoughts about the whole / or otherwise).

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Invalid - life will pass in peace, peace and joy, as well as in good health.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadiya Zimi

Invalid uvі snі - vіschuє rіznі difficulties and shifts on the right. Better for everything, if you can do it, they can turn out to be too important for you, so you risk not going into them without support. It is possible, if you happen to look at some of your plans.

Dream Interpretation of birthdays of spring, zhovtnya, leaf fall, chest

Ask for a dream of a disabled person at the visa- Until action spivchuttya.

Dream Interpretation of birthday grass, worm, lime, sickle

Disabled person in a disabled visa- For calcium.

Dream Interpretation of Love Stosunkiv

Invalid - a similar dream to talk about those who you feel are not perfect people and that is the reason for your complexes and folding in connection with the protilege status. You are gradually given that the partner is leading himself a little before you.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Navischo bachiti

Sleep, I have a disabled person- the movement of impudent and other partners, for which it is not possible to secure in a serious way for business.

Bachiti uvі dream of a legless disabled person in the police- existing material difficulties, it will be simply impossible to fix it alone. How does a disabled person change at a visa?- it’s completely imaginative, that in reality you will actively join the campaign to collect money for the greed of the needy, as they suffered in the great natural disaster.

Bachiti disabled by age- it means in reality to be rozcharuvatisya in someone in whom you suddenly did not discern a double-minded and self-willed person for a gift. Bachiti yourself without zor- waking up in deceit.

Mother uvі snі right s іnvalidom zі hearing- in reality you don’t have to pay serious respect for empty tiles and sensitive to your address, deafen yourself- Until discord in sim'ї, called out to mutual unreasonable friends.

Get out of your sleep for a disabled person- in reality, you are being guarded by unacceptability on the robot.

Become uvі snі _invalіdom after an unfortunate slump- be careful about real life, so that sleep does not sink into action.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Appearance of a disabled person- a sign of caution against partners, as they encroach on your interests.

People in a disabled visa- you can foresee the onset of cataclysms and hungry hours, at which time you will become actively help the needy.

How do you dream that you are disabled- tse means a quick hit at an unacceptable situation.

Dream interpretation for all motherland

Like a dream, you succumbed to the disabled- be afraid of undesirable partners, as they aim at your interests.

How did you treat yourself to a disability- stay away from the vchinkiv, as if it were badly seen on your reputation.

Freud's dream book

How do you see a disabled person- You are afraid of knowing failure in your rights, including sexual ones, and you can’t get rid of your fears. You are constantly braving, but you develop a complex of innocence

How many of your friends and relatives have become disabled?- You, perhaps, not so, respect yoga is not enough temperamental, sexually, human.

Like becoming a disabled person (squad)- Your wine glasses are much colder.

How did you yourself become disabled?- you will try to overcome the effectiveness and innocence, or else you will require virishennia, problems.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Newly dreamed

Bachiti uvі snі іnvalida chi to become him- It means that you need to return respect for the camp of your health.

Bachiti verodka uvі snі- Good luck on the right.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of Sichnya, Fierce, Birch, Spring

Please help with sleep- Before the private sector, spend your health.

Dream interpretation of Mandrivnik

Disabled - deficiencies in reference.

Miller's dream book

Bachiti uvі snі іnvalidіv- a sign that you are looking for unacceptable partners, as if to shy away from your interests.

Bachiti uvі snі, scho vie is one of them- I see that you are being threatened by intruders.

How do you dream of a man in a wheelchair- it is possible that after this sleep there will be famine and catastrophes, at which time you will become actively help the needy.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means to dream of a disabled person?

Bachiti uvі snі іnvalidіv- a sign that the unacceptable companions will come to your office.

Bachiti yourself as a disabled person- a warning about the nebazhanі podії, scho threaten you.

Dream Interpretation of Medium mis Hasse

What does it mean to dream about a disabled person dreaming?

Bachiti disabled - threatening any kind of fall; buti him - put on your own.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Invalid - calm old age; buti him - push on your own.

Dream interpretation of Mandrivnik

Tlumachennya sleep: Invalid according to the dream book?

Invalid buti - cuffs on the right, in the bottom.

French dream book

I dreamed of a disabled person- this is a sign of the future calm old age, good-naturedness and the demeanor of the restless.

Like dreaming of a miserable Kalika- a dream is waking up, that summative thoughts will cast a spell on your soul for a long time.

Well, well, you yourself will succumb to the dream with a kalіkoy- a dream promises you an abyss of life.

Gypsy dream book

Disabled - business failures.

Erotic dream book

Bachiti, oh my dream to an unknown person without any kintsivka- in real life, your sexual partners are not aware of the fear of being victorious and leaving.

However, all your fears are that you are afraid of marne- Zvyazok z kokhanoy people bring you only the joy of that satisfaction.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Disabled according to the dream book?

Like a dream book, disabled person- symbolize pereskodi, like a person vvazhaє themselves inseparable.

Sche tlumachennya

Like you yourself were him- such a dream is about those who are not so easy for you to reach.

Disabled person without lower terms- Pressure on future problems is a penny.

How can I sit at the invalid's visa?- you will not hesitate to organize assistance for those who are not able to take care of the building themselves.

Dream of a disabled person- you will be able to understand who is a hypocrite in your sharpened, don’t get lost in the face of incomprehensible experiences.

Dreaming of a disabled person hearing- be respectful, you are not allowed to trust a little bit.

Befriend him- You can't get away with difficulties at the car'er.

Zgidno with a dream book, a baby, which already is a disabled person- symbolizes the negative influx of people on our planet, ahead of those who, in spite of their helplessness, are tolerant and suffering.

Likewise, a person with limited possibilities - is familiar with those who will not need to give you a helping hand.

Video: Why dream about Invalid

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Having dreamed of the Invalid, is there no necessary clouding in the dream book?

Our experts will help you to find out what to dream about Invalid dream, just write the dream in the form below and you can confuse what it means, as if you dreamed about this symbol. Try it!

    I dreamed that I was at home in the village near the fathers and where we climbed, I don’t remember exactly who I’m sacred to, came to life like a house of culture, but I didn’t drink anything like that in my life, I didn’t work in the house of the elevator and we started climb on the wall uphill one by one, as a result, they climbed and I scrambled that they were passing by, and that the young couple in wheelchairs were guilty of urological cleanliness. Buti, after the dance, everything began to disperse and the person in the invalid visa, please follow us, along our path, the wine went to the sight of not a deep river, but a swamp, we all passed, and then I patted that behind us I also zdivulas (I don’t remember how the water was bula at that moment everything was in black and white colors, I just didn’t give respect) then we turned back to this wake and it started to be holy, and again the couple was on the stage and rapt stench at once got up and began to dance already in two ... and then I began to wonder to the girl and remembered how in the middle of the dance їy it was important to collapse my legs її they were already nasty heard, but she tried her best to dance the dance ... then we all started. dіstavati drіbnitsa and I also distala paid 15 rubles and took it out for these couples and I also used the cards for them to say the word kohannya, then I forgot where the cards were put, then I knew and so I worked with them I don’t remember, but remember yatay sho wanted to be a couple at once for a penny ... then I sharply stumbled into a new inconspicuous booth in what was only a few walls and dah more than nothing and the soldiers ran and I was like a soldier, coming closer to us and our commander asked us go through the underground tunnel and then we all pissed off, we went down into the tunnel, there were three of us, and it started to be dark and nothing was visible, but we ran forward, and if we were vibes, then the father’s house stumbled down near the village, and itself on the mountainous laznі kog so I swaggered, then I dipped my coat and my boots were osinnі and energized some of them, I might need to change my clothes so as not to throw myself in the eyes of the military uniform, they told me to change my clothes, like only I changed clothes one of us grafted the grenade into the air and the whole tunnel swelled if I marveled at the bіk rіchki yak the order of the flow and started to walk again the soldiers of the vorogiv to us already along the rіchtsі I didn’t think for a long time rushed to the rіchka and under the water became a bunch of vorogіv sho not commemorating them one by one to drive into the chain I opined already in another place far away from that de bula and quickly commemorated me like people and started to shoot at me and I started to tick on the bites all the time looking around de car of the yak behind me їde and axis I realized that I was going through it like bushes with trees ended and I appeared on the meadow with the average height of the grass, and then I realized that I could hardly go far and on whom I threw myself.

    I dreamed of a house near a humpbacked village, in whose yard I live with a tyrant of a man, who is richer and who follows me. I still ran into something at night. dressed in dovga cloth, such a yak was worn in ancient times. Shards of houses were in the lowlands, then I fought along the way to the mountain, slapping my hands on the root. by (joking at me). A one-legged man was lying on the bed of his house, and I became his squad, watched him. I couldn’t believe that I was so far away from you, I can see Yogo .... I happily considered myself and knew that another person was guilty of mine ... On which the dream ended.

    I dreamed that my maiden was like I was loving, that I was trapilos with her, and I don’t know why she was beaten in a wheelchair, but I was carrying her and we were good, but she was beaten by a disabled person .. what can you mean?

    I came to school, having started earlier, and there was like an action to encourage people: at the stand it was required to choose a photo, and that person could walk with you all day. I selected a photo, and I knew better, the boy was born 10-12, I sat in a wheelchair, I lifted my chair, I took it to the street, and I slept there, on what I was in ailment, the boy moved, I fed more quietly, after him Vіn having said that Vіn is an autist. Later, in my hands, it seemed like a pipe, with a special regulation of the deepness of the voice, so that they were not afraid of autism, and I spoke to him so. All

    I dreamed that a man, having put his legs into a new prosthesis, on his back in the medicine, I taxed yoga on myself, and then we were in nature and stood on the edge of peace. The girl was crying in order, and I said to the people, not shying fools, and I love yoga, and then I threw myself, because my child was crying.

    Good day Tetyano! My name is Oleksandr. Today I had a dream: I arrived at the department of river steamship on a motorcycle. By putting yoga in a paid parking lot for 500 rubles / year and pishov at the reception to the state organization. According to the cost of zustrіv a person with brooding up to the elbow right hand the right part of the individual. Brood on the hands and faces lying like a ball and a golden color. Then I’ll see you before waking up to the office (go away, I don’t remember in my dreams, only I could see that it’s the third or fourth on top. z Aaron Mikhailovich Yogo's voice was creaky, the documents, like showing me wine, were written by hand in a crooked handwriting in blue ink and small pencil signs ... Sitting on the stilts, it was so marvelous that I was lucky, that in the new lower part of the coat .. Then Aaron Mikhailovich (about the correctness of the name is not sung, according to the father Mikhailovich) moved to another style and I wobbled, that the new prosthesis was replaced by the left and the left hand, gave me handwritten contracts, then I phoned the mobile phone, I talked to the wheel about the robot, roz'єdnav zv'yazok i prokinuvsya. meant???

    I need a disabled boy, I don’t know if I’m doing yoga regularly, I’m talking to him in the past, I’m trying to find out that I can’t go myself, I show that everything is good, later hvilin 5 vіn go out of pіd'їzdu himself

    I’m at home, I’m coming to NATO, (I don’t know anyone in particular, but I know that I’m a judge) among them I’m old without a hand and it seems that I’ve flooded them, I say that everything is fine in me, we fix it and we know that it’s necessary to heat less beast and now there is still going (I don’t remember) as a result of the stench to go, and I’m left alone in a new apartment. Start everything, zazdalegid dyakuyu.

    I have a girlfriend, don’t go out, we’ll have a smitti soon r_k yak. I never dreamed of her. But this year I so obviously forgot the dream. Sens yoga, in that it is practically inspired in the new, went and followed me all my sleep, and I, moreover, dreamed in different places. And uvі snі vona tried to reconcile. I threw myself over and such a joy darted that I would go out, the dream was even more real, having smoked, I came to you .... uvі dream dreamed like that of the corpse itself ... the appearance of me or not know if you want to remember well the appearance, vzgali uvі dream richly of which only a few details were lost in my head, I don’t remember the sense of sleep.

    I dreamed that I was at my aunt’s house in an invalid visa with my sister, and then I stumbled at school with my girlfriends (I’m new in a stroller) there was my great teacher and then we stumbled into my game world.

    Hello, I dreamed of my deceased brother-in-law today. I climbed over the parkan, took a large bundle of paper pennies into it. With a raptom of guilt, starting to harass me, wanting to spite me, it was obvious that I should be beaten. where I was born. Tsey budinok, I often take pictures of the garden, I always work myself there at the children's rokiv 10-12. I've been trying to close the door for the whole hour, but it won't close. And this year, in my sleep, I knocked out two young soldiers on wheelchairs, one of them was without a leg. Maybe you want a dream ahead of you. I have a son in the army, in 3 months of May I will turn back home.

    Hello. Yesterday I had a dream, as if I were sitting in a wheelchair. My friends I know are throwing a ball, but I didn’t drink it and followed it. Farther I did not reach the new pіdіyshov friend and lifted yoga. Then we went for a walk, knowing me, by places in my place. I'm sitting on a wheelchair, I do the shoving myself, and I entrusted the wine to me! Mi bіla room de I train. I passed the sky

    I dreamed of a child suffering from hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain), she was lying in the trunks and was still alive, but the old man’s lid was already put on him (everything was gray and gloomy), then she began to turn over with her lips, and raptom (all the same in warm colors ) lie down, I took yoga in my arms, smiled at me, roaming with me, showing me my little ones, I asked to paint yoga less, painting a little voucher
    Then I walked with him, laughing, and sharply beginning to sing a prayer, I saw yoga in my mother’s hands, starting crying, saying, what should I love, crying, shouting that I’m dying, and I want to live, then I’ll just start crying tanuti ta died

    I dreamed about how - my father would not walk around the village with a package and collect pennies, then I helped my dreams to get women - disabled people to get into the car, and the third day I could not dream about it, how to burn budinok, I died a man, yoga dim. zgorіv, and the whole hour before the eye.

    Today's bachelor's office with a disabled child at the hospital in the university likarni, which may work the operation. I zaishov there greeted him and kissed him at the mouth, even though I didn’t want to. I entrusted the sitting to the rector of the university, greeted him by the hand. After helping the ailing dressed and wiyshov, and downstairs the team was checking for him, we were welcomed. And it seems to me that “get up to the new one and bless your health”, and I confirm that it’s already at the new one ...

    I dreamed that my tato had hurt my hands, it didn’t hurt me, it wasn’t scary. Then I threw myself, sitting on the chair, I don’t remember. The hands turned like a rank, the scars on the shoulders were scarred, the nibs were sewn back and a sufficient hour passed for everything to heal. The fingers were short, why did they tease them like that. I sat tied up to the stiletto and could not untie the hank through my short fingers.

    Uvі snі buv nіchny hour dobi аbo sutіnki (I don't remember exactly). I was in my booth in the kitchen, a young man in a disabled visa went into the kitchen and asked him to lower the gangway at the door (we live in a private booth). A man who didn’t drink before. I forcibly lowered Yogo from the ganka to the invalid carriage, driving through the door and literally through the quill - 2 steps back and asking Yogo to bring him to the booth. I got angry all over. I brought yoga home.
    I remember that if the wine is closed, then it is at the dressing gown. Then I changed my clothes (I don’t remember exactly where), but I was closer to a sports statue, my eyes were black, dark brown, and my hair was dark blond (closer to a dark ruddy color).
    Tse everything

    a dream about how I go into the room at my apartment and I have a brother sitting on a bed with his back to me. charge yoga friend. I don’t understand why on the right, but then we pidishov and patted my brother with scars on the frets. that cut his legs and they sewed them on. I feel much more pain and sleep.

    with such periodicity to shoot dreams about driving in other people... so nebi tse ring out ... Why did you start to take off driving in, self-destruction ...?

    The disabled person, lying on the doshtsі with kolіshchatki, did not walk in a moment, but simply collapsed with her hands and walked like that. I want to cross the road through the pishohidny crossing, which is located near our booth. If the red color was on fire, but I didn’t think there were cars, but it was dark. I began to run on my doshtsi and, with my hands collapsing, I ran after him and tried yoga, for the cars began to appear. Then, if we crossed the road, she patted the great kalyuzh to the mud and wine there, rubbing it with her hands and falling. and yogo bark why you crossed the road to the red color and the axis now fell through the tse into the kalyuzh. all thrown

    Dream: I spoke with my well-known maiden on the Internet, raptly we got together, as it turned out - now she’s out on a disabled visa (in real life, she’s healthy and she has no health problems), I’m here, Then we brought her home to her, saying everything about her and saying that I’m well placed before her and I’ll put things in order, ... ... get the axis right :)

    dreamed of a colossal partner, whom I hadn’t dreamed of for a long time. Vіn came to me in the booths, but looking marvelous. the new bula has a much larger head, puffed up neck, legs are long thin and thin, and saying wine, the nibi is galvanized in a trance

    I went to the theatre, a young brunette of 35 years appeared in my path, in a black suit, giving me a wine, similar to daffodils, appeared. what the stink of zips, I went far away. and this person is fast following me, I hastened the crock .. I have become big after me.

    my brother had long ago taken off the injury of the neck ridge and already 4 years ago I couldn’t walk ... and then I dreamed that I started to walk, but step by step, weakly like that, and I started to fall, but I was angry at my hands ...

    I dreamed of my younger brother in a disabled visa, wanting to be healthy in real life. we stood beside our booth and I marveled at my brothers (they stink both of them are young) Andriy pointing at his feet and saying “why did I lose my health, why, like before, I’m hoja, but Alyosha didn’t” and then I gave the youngest, who sat at the vіzku. on the legs of both brothers it was bulo, nibi pierced through jeans, instead of jeans in lahmit everything. And after the ill-treated one, she sank into a cold sweat.

    I have a disabled baby. Vaughn unruly recumbent ailment from 2008. Ovі dream in її kіmnati people dance. Vona lifted her head, lowered her legs from her crotch, got up and went dancing together with them. Middle of the dance is tato (Vin died exactly 2 months ago). In the midst of the dancers, I slapped my relatives, but the stench came out of the whole natovpu and stood aside. Dancing richly: and men, and women - must be people unknown to me. I went over. From my hands, two sunflowers fell to the ground. I picked them up, and I marvel at the stench they have become even greater, mature and married (black and white). I jumped.

    Hello! I often have dreams that I cry in them with a thick laugh, but I am delighted with joy. The axis of the school swayed that I am talking about the disabled, and one was pestiled in disguise, and the disabled were lying, and not in the stroller, but on the cob she swayed her mother in her hands, the m'yaso began to look like a chicken leg, but it seems that m'yaso її dead mothers and dead pshchі there. tezh, I can’t know the place for fear, what will become of my mother. Be kind, give me a hint, zazdalegid such a thing!

    My mother is an invalid-visitor, contagiously ill. Vaughn dreamed that she got up from the stroller and went, I feed "Are you walking?" and she says, “I put on my dressing gown,” and she herself stands by the clerk

    having dreamed too much lad in an invalid visa, and sometimes you get up and don’t go far, but then you turn around again and sit down to it. Alas, I ignored Yogo and let it go, that Yogo was dumb, even though it was loud and cicavo, that it was trapilos. At this hour I worked as a leader at the camp, whole, the first day of the arrival of the children, that resettlement.

    I dreamed that I was in a disabled visa (I am not disabled) and the youngest lad was spinning around for me. , we were painted .... but I think it’s like that, even if I didn’t kiss with him and I’ll conduct a relationship (though I don’t live with a person) Such a respectful and respectful young person .... right there, I want to put on my shoes (not bіlі) but I don’t remember chi clothes ... rolling me in a carriage around the village ... axis and that’s all.

    BACHIV AT SNI TWO CHILDREN PIDLITKIV ІNVALIDIV (cerebral palsy) BLIZNYUKIV. On the back of the street, the stench came home to their homes all at once from their mother. It was more convenient for me to open the doors to the door and what I remembered most and what I had put my respect on my zabrudnenі hands. Another episode is already at their apartment. There were a lot of people sitting at the table. I pidіyshov to tsikh lads and hugged їх. I bachiv, what was acceptable to him. And I was kind and calm, I’ll hug the kohana child and at once even Skoda їх. I third episode. I change only people in my own room, I don’t have any. I feel like saying: “There are your children to be christened, and you are sitting here.” I already beat them. I am imagining these words: “I didn’t have mercy on being your dad, then I can become your goddamn dad.” Having thrown my thoughts, I repeat this phrase.

    I tried to lie on the table, buy pennies and take people, I did it, take it, and took two cups (the pennies were large, 5 thousand each) I showed up at the market, man, telling me that there is a majestic, not safe beetle (I was with my daughter), then I hit the beetle of the veins, biting into my leg and not letting it in, I tried the water of yoga, I had the head of yoga in my leg, having said to me here, the surgeon took me to the clinic, to the surgeon, after having performed my operation, and I was strong in the wheelchair, they took me further and further….

    My father is disabled. 4 years ago, 2 legs were cut, then a stroke and veins in a horizontal position. you can sit vin, but you need to take it up.
    I dreamed that my father turned from the medicine cabinet and pishov ... and we were amazed ... how you can walk on shattered legs, but you walk.

    Good afternoon. Today (from Tuesday to Wednesday) I had a dream. My lad, like we have stosunki to try already for 5 months, and we both love one alone, put ourselves on a disabled visa. What is the best thing in a new long time, ale wine periodically get up and walk on your own feet, go in for sports. Vіn navіt having told me that I may have a disability. It’s true that the lad is healthy and there is only one problem in the new one, he has legs periodically. I don’t know why, but I’m more sleepy. Please help me.

    Good afternoon! bachila uvі snі svogo big man with a one-legged woman. Vіn zі told me about shchos. nachebto pіd'їhav cholovіk on car car planting її i poїhav lishivshi me. mad at my boo. live behind a cordon over Russia. Dyakuyu

    duje garna girl I sat in a wheelchair, my legs were tied to a wheelchair, and on the tolubі like a graduate had a line with the inscription of the best. Tse all men u vі snі rozpovidav chelovіk, nіbi іstorіyu as a girl.

    My close friend went to live until another place 5 years ago. I dreamed that she had come to us at the place as if it were holy, but she was on an invalid visa. But it was like a ledge, and she got up from the carriage and began to dance. When the music ended, I got back into the carriage and didn’t get up again.

    DREAMING A lad in a wheelchair and I kissed him. Ale in life I don’t know yoga and have never tried it. I have a newly born girl in me.

    we rode in the gazelle, we were too busy, then the gazelle was rushing around and we sat down people in one or the other gazelle, or just left me with three things that were not enough for me, and I tried to get out of the gazelle there with me the man sat in front of the gazelle, I veiled, but the lad didn’t, everything was like the fog was
    Then I became familiar with Niyakovo and we didn’t enter the ghazal, we were left in the same place
    stooped down somewhere on a daha booth, here it was, there was a bula, I blew a flute and laid it down, a man go down to the lad, pouring yogo not far and far down, I went down to the lad and knew yogo, I got it vіn having accepted me, they spoke with him, not remembering what and virіshi vibrated to call that vin saying that you need to blow into the instrument again and I spent yoga there on the top, yes the earth began to collapse dark brown there de I that earth turns over and I in Why did I go to the mountain with my relatives to go to the mountain, I feed them robiti? and the stink of the flute was spent, you died here 40 times ago

    I rolled on an invalid vіzka like an old one, such an unsafe path, like a budinok, there are stairways, I nailed yogo along the edge, such a narrow edge, but we didn’t fall, then I nailed yogo to the door, and left it there, but I didn’t believe take yoga from there

    hello, I ran into an unreasonable place, it was like a liquor there, there was a rich lizhok, and a man, like a nasty thing, went sweaty vibachte for the width, crap and put everything in the lower white, I flowed in, but I was like a girl, I don’t know people behind the flood gate of a dark green color were seen in the village in which I lived before

    Singing plot. Among the main heroes - I am with my mother. Ale mother without feet, like a disabled person, on the police. I periodically cry, wondering at her, and wondering how strong she is that she continues to live. But the plot is absolutely remarkable, my mother's disability is already a fact that has long been seen. P.S. Living with mom good luck, mother looks at the back, wakes up, is generally healthy

    I dreamed: I was in an unknown apartment, looking, no one lived there. I entrusted an unknown person to a disabled person. Zovni looks healthy.
    along the way, water flows, and everything comes and goes. I stand by the door and shout to someone at the corridor: turn off the tap! I call my friends and tell them about what happened. Vaughan seems to be: - I'll build it up to the booth of the disabled! I stand up for a person, I say that I’m not guilty, I’ve been with me all the time. And then the water began to flow. Shvidko pishla, then nothing happened. I wondered if I was dry. The water was clear, there was no fear.

    my friend and I left the school, I entrusted the life and then we died, and there the children were scrambled at home, I told my friends that I was afraid to fall and become disabled and rapt could robiti acrobatic moves

    When I got to know you at the airport, I bought tickets and bought tickets and got back to the wheelchair

    I dreamed that I was at my mother’s dacha, and from the window you can see the zvintar, like a great boss with a bouquet of living flowers, with a team and the luck of the son of the 16th, in a disabled visa. And then my mother would like to eat borscht in the kitchen, and why should there still be three parked cars, right in the kitchen. I thought in my dream, how everything fits in such a small kitchen. I didn’t drink the tsvintar itself, only I knew what was there, de stinks, it was a storehouse. Let’s see, the boy moved out of the carriage and said that he was not disabled. What can you mean?

    uvі dream bachu girl vіk no more than 10 years girl in white out kіlіchka with feet on the street it's cold іvchinka on rozі kakogo booth i went out and tried to take її in my arms Vaughn wet peed

    speculation warm summer I check the bus because my grandmother died and asked me to hand over the important bag, leaning on the bus, I figure out that I forgot about the bag, with whom I repair superchicks with time, because at the same time I seem to be running around in her hands, I’m starting to have scissors for cutting out against my will cut off the hair of the neck (although I don’t have any hair, I only feel like the stink is pinching my neck), I whine the knives and embed them at the leg of the superman. because of why a person should walk like my fictitious person and we live in the house of my dead grandmother, while walking with our handicapped person. start dbaty about me with love and immediately announce the presence of a little girl and out for the sight of my daughter

    At the new booth, the girl was crying to me, trying to calm down, she didn’t have a lot and won’t move on such a tray with bells ... I was constantly repeating that I had a girl, then she went away. After someone else, she turned around again and tried to kiss me, and I repeated the same to myself and in all sorts of ways, doing magic, at the same time my girl sat on her bed and marveled at everything, after I tried to notice the light of the day.

    I climbed to work, I am on the streets. Yishov snig. Raptoma I patted a lad without a leg and his arm was missing up to his elbow. I wanted to help you bring him home. I had thoughts, then I’ll think at home and de vin spatime. You walked around the yards, the stench was unknown to me. There, where I live, there are no such houses. We walked with him, we moved and with a raptom we became a girl, but also without a leg and our hands and we became even thinner. I slept at work and thought, what should I work with him, I could not leave yoga on the street. Because of that, I don't remember the dream.

    Bachiv dream like a disabled person without a nіg at a vіzku їhav for me, like a bula joy from a new one and a disabled girl nachebto, and a T-shirt bula raspberry color. I also dreamed of a funeral, but there was no trouble and there was no sadness, but almost positive.

    I dreamed about my big lad for 5 years at a time, I didn’t walk in a moment, but I gave you hope that I saw you. We need to work massage and everything will be good, and wine will be fine. I was vipitala cohanna, stronger cohanna to new!

    Hello! I dreamed of an indefatigable lad, nibito my- in a disabled visa. remembered this law.

    Good day, my squad has stage 4 cancer for 2 months to lie down don’t go, the doctors were encouraged to go and die at home, so the axles worked together and at the same time I dream of coming back to work again, and I came to the house and asked for help well, it’s already another dream, I’m constantly throwing myself ... ..

    having dreamed of a colossal hromada man without arms with prostheses - singing that he was so
    sweat already in my house and I live again with me - but I don’t accept it so much and I don’t know how to ignati that I don’t want to start over with it again

    Good morning. I had such a wonderful dream today. Bacha nibi was consumed in an accident and I had to amputate offended legs. I'm drinking at my wheelchair. I myself say that you won’t sit like that, you can’t walk. I'll ask the doctor, why am I hurting my feet amputated? I wonder to speak. I marvel at my bandaged feet and I’m afraid to stop on the floor. I hesitated to get up. I'm running amok. But the legs are broken. Scars. Nache was sewn up. Wow I'm so freaked out

    The girl (Chinese), crying in a disabled visa, asked me to remember the spring cloth for my white evening cloth (not spring). I was in a good mood; There's a van, girl in spring cloth sitting in an invalid vіzku, standing on orders without emotions and three more people (3-4). And if the girl turned back along the same road, she asked for a Chinese woman and wanted to take my hand, I pressed my hand to myself, sneered and fed it to me. A woman came before me and said that she would like to be remembered by me with cloth.

    I dreamed of my friend-relative. In life, the invalids are rotten. And, uh, I was sleeping in the house of my aunt, alone, and I remembered that I should sleep here, even though I don’t live here, like me. Ale, I woke up yoga and rose to my feet, radii less bachiti, embraced and greeted, like an absolutely healthy person.

    I dreamed of a disabled person in a wheelchair, I dreamed of someone who loved me, it was not acceptable to look at someone else, but I looked at a new friend of a kohana, and even a new one had a marvelous disguise, all in scars, and I looked at him if I wanted to kiss him before I I had scars on my appearance, but I didn’t know the serpanka, but I realized that I was close, the axis was so

    Good afternoon. Early in the morning, I dreamed that I was walking along the street and I was running, that a man with policemen was lying on the sidewalk, and I helped him to get up. After that, I dreamed that my aunt called me and said that my grandmother died in the liquorary, and no one could get through to her. and I arrived at home, having told my people, I threw myself. (my grandmother is paralyzed after a stroke). Dyakuyu.

    Good afternoon. I had a wonderful dream today. I was in such a madman, in which I was not in any way, and I did not dream of it earlier. Bov day. I walked through the kіmnats doti, the docks did not wave the silhouette of a person behind a foolish firank. Vіn called me to himself and by force began to rattle yoma obscene speech. For a year I rushed and at the same hour my lad appeared. Since everything went smoothly, I don't remember a part of my sleep. As a result, for the sake of an unknown person, I began to beat my head about a falsehood, I beat it for a long time, until I took a headless pose and twisted my guise. I saw a new one, and the wine was behind me. Let's snatch a dream. And then, having dreamed of the court, they called me from the famous person. I threw myself in hysterics. Dyakuyu

    I got my colossus into an invalid visa. When I arrived at the apartment, where my relatives were sitting, and my son-in-law, after sipping on you to drink, and clinking with him with a glass, wanting to live with him, do not hang around.

    I dreamed of a bedridden relative of a friend, for whom they ceased to pay respect .. a new bull had a lump on his head (it’s all a dream, I didn’t dream of a man), I seemed to have spent in tsyu kіmnata, in yakіy wine I knew, we started talking. We talked, a good hour passed, I went, the coming day turned around, the situation repeated itself, so a few days. for example, sleeping on my feet and walking all day until evening on my feet and for what I said….
    I started associating this dream with the recent second time I was at the side of a person, a couple of other times I’ve lost my life, but I’m still standing in front of my eyes .. I guessed practically the same positive episode for my fate.

    Day dream. They sent me a video over the phone to my sister’s apartment and the situation without changing it, only it’s like a screen, and behind it my niece, in a wheelchair, one-legged that goal. the girl grew up 25 years old

    I dreamed of me and a friend standing on the balcony in a row with us a couple of zakohana we spoke, then, I asked for an hug, she allowed it, then my friend wanted to hug її, after that I guess why I stood on the balcony, hooting a friend and sharply knocking down the tree all I was colorful and beautiful, then I came to you with a disability, I wanted to die again because I could not achieve this girl, I deserved better

    On the zvintar, the woman lured the young man-wife from the escort of the people, so they began to beat the young man, and the woman began to warn, under which she was worried. Povz was passing summer woman, she went to the quiet, who flies, and wanted to protect the young man, but she herself began to beat. I figured out what to drive them in and threw myself.

    Good evening!!! I dreamed of a lad with whom I was called with a disability ... I was sitting in the same car ... I went to the car like I had cerebral palsy .. ishov ... if you had woken me at my car ... I was stunned and didn’t get drunk ...

    Batko is disabled in real life (do not walk), but he can walk! The whole life, cheerful and not yet loud to the point where you can walk! nature because for a long time її not bachiv) Then we went for a walk with him and tricked my aunt Natasha (you start crying and gladness, look around tata) him! I began to live in the wake of other lives! O dear, that joyful homeland!

    Good afternoon. The girl came up. We were rightfully robbed of her in a pair, it was necessary for one to say to one that I was doing well in it. And I marvel that she is beautiful, strong, and then I’m running, that there are no parts of the hand in her to the elbow, and no parts of the other leg are up to the knee. I don’t care about it, I’ll splutter with it, I’m pumping up this beauty. Vaughn, with whom, just stand straight and straight, garna postava. And then I dreamed that I was standing as a guarantor from the kimonos, and the great flow of water led the earth (or pidlogs), like a fountain, and this flow lifted me up, and I was on a new sidzh. I'm guessing, you need to drive like a badass. I am trying to collapse ubіk. And move at once with me in the same bik move and move me. And then I jumped.

    dreaming of a man without a leg in a wheelchair and I went through the same thing as being a woman I knew and I was ashamed to be like this. and when I turned for him. yoga is gone. and I started calling you. but I didn’t understand.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I knew my friend, who was disabled and sick. Nachebto, I was joking, and less than two women brought me to the new one, and I succumbed, scho wine kalik і, nachebto, blind and live alcohol. I rushed to the new one and began to stroke me on the head, without knowing it. It’s like a man, like, nibito, having looked at Yogo from behind the booth and soldering Yogo (as the woman’s dreams made me sleepy) and I drove Yogo away. With whom you need to know me, knowing me. Zagalom, as if so-) I dreamed before waking up. Previously, I didn’t dream of someone I knew, I don’t remember such a thing. The dream is realistic.

    I went, helped a well-known company, went to them. Then I took a friend (who leaned into a wheelchair, wanting to live in a new world with no problems), we saw it, and I asked: you need a stroller, do you walk normally? Vіn vіdpovіv, sho yom molting, sho navit molts vranci from the bed to get up. I told you that this is not normal, because you can’t walk normally, but you don’t show up. І vіn pіdvіvsya. Then we went on to talk about special problems. And for example, I asked the new one, if you want to start talking with me, saying simply:

    I sat and marveled down the crying rope, where the boy was hit, and hitting the tree, then they hit me next, I hit the tree, got tired and came to you in the liquor in the carriage, cried a lot

    Chi buv graduation, chi the rest of the call, bouldering the people, and then I pumped my colossus, vіn bv in the invalid visa ... I remember later in my dream I wrote to you “what happened?” Ale vіdpovіdі did not take it off, but the dream was interrupted.

    Not long ago we spent time in Turkey and I dreamed that “we came there once more and I hit the animator, like sitting on the bench and smoking, if I put my feet up on the bench and stink like a disabled person.” Life has no disability

    I dreamed of a disabled girl, without one arm and leg. I wobbled on the street, tried to walk on one leg and fell steadily and I went to help. Then I remember, I started talking to her and a friend’s leg and hand appeared in her. I navіt uvі snі buv zdivavany vіd tsgogo.

    My 9-year-old younger brother, go somewhere else, having gone to school, then turning back to normal, the budins of yogo were scolded, and in a year I don’t know, literally in the same day, the new one didn’t have to work offended legs .. we all laughed, we didn’t see it ourselves in the new don’t practice your legs ... I’m crying that I don’t see my own legs .. and for example, I bought yoga on my hands.

    I dreamed that I stumbled into a wheelchair, but my right foot was wrong, in the area of ​​the knee, I could not walk. It was autumn. Leaving me a person after that. And the person, with whom I practically do not get along (person), is my friend, came to the rescue and tried to cheer me up. Then we’ll see more different videos, come up with zazdrіsniks, because of them it became worse for me and I threw myself.

    Healthy Bachila from Friday on Saturday, a young beautiful woman with a long slanting hairy woman, the term is small, but they said that she was a girl. Ide on the militia on one nose by the corridor near the liquorice. I found out, uh, scho vagitna in the form of my person.

    We went somewhere to our homeland near a minibus, and there it seemed like a girl appeared at a spring cloth, sitting on a wheelchair carriage, then we stumbled at the gas station, we all went to that bus there, bov Yar, for example, it was too rich we went down to the whole ravine, and there, as if in order, two of my girlfriends appeared, and we began to pick up streaks, then we climbed out of the den ravine and this girl-invalid force on our vіzok and we went

    I dreamed that I was watching a video. We call old clocks. First of all, it was taken on an old deaf camera. There was fun on the video brother my man, but not with his rightful squad. The brother of a man made friends with the squad of my cousin, and she was in a disabled visa.

    Hello, I dreamed that I went to my grandmother and bіla її budinka patted my big lad with my mother, vin buv at the vіzku (wіn і contagiously disabled), stink pіd'їhali to the budinka and vіn pіdvіvsya z і і pіmenіyshov, becoming ask for forgiveness for those who, having thrown me, that mav ration, and having said that my future person, I put a question on you, “you yourself threw me, but what changed at once?” and hugging me, I said to you, “let me know about food,” and my mother then said, “you don’t need a bachish, let’s go home (it was said in an angry voice), I asked you to talk with a lot of Alone, but then my mother guided me, even if I wanted to, I got out of the carriage and the stench began to roll over.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was a disabled person, that I was alone in the streets, and then I was running an old friend, I was trying to get away, but I didn’t go out, I called yoga, on the neck, and in the treasure of the smaller one, it was acceptable to me, then my friend helped me to go down to the others, and a friend of that buv entrusted

    I was near the park, that mother and brother asked if I could buy something, if I turned around, I stood on the light fort, I stood on the light, standing on a hand with a little child, if I started to cross the road, I looked around, and it appeared that I was disabled, I crossed the road I gave him a bula and a squad and also a disabled person, I didn’t need additional help, they said they didn’t, raptom a man turned on, but on top of that I didn’t give respect and I fed him a squad, I don’t want to drink, she said, I want to, I gave a dance and First of all, drink out, she said: "the axis is short and shaved" and did not take a drink, she fell down and died here, I felt the sounds of gray swede for help, I also thought that I called out behind the back, but I don’t remember that, and I took the bun and went , and so it seems like a couple of days have passed, I’m sitting at school and calling me raptomly and calling that person with a disability, saying that I should take revenge, that I went and didn’t help him

    I dreamed of a man, with whom in real life everything is far. We had problems with our feet and we called out to the healer, who paid 10,000 dollars. For whatever reason, tell me what you need to be with him, work in a special way, drive yoga, protect and in 2 months everything will be gone. We walked in the forest, I spent the whole hour with him, then we went into the booths (judging from the last big apartment) and the music began to play, taking me by the waist and starting to dance, shifting with my feet. At the apartment we could not be left alone, from the streets there were always knocking, people were trying to come in. I went out and screamed, what a bіsa the stench is trying to get out of here. Everyone laughed and showed that they strayed the doors. The apartment was majestic, and I mended the doors, mended the doors to the room with him. Vin gradually hugged me.

    I came with a friend to a party, but then I wonder that it’s not the same as people who are sick and disabled, mostly children .. I didn’t give this value and mi with another strength for style. ANIA, ANIA!! I turn to Polini (friend) and feed: what? Did you call me? and then, marveling at that girl, I turn around, and I put the disabled girl on a wheelchair, her legs are supported, and her hands don’t even break, and you can’t speak. she’s talking to you with thoughts and then I stared at the girl with a glance and it gave me a whiff:
    P.S. Mom is separated from the tatom, but the relationship on the other side (father) is not good, but we are merciful.
    And I felt the sound in tears, but then I turned around,

    Hello, I had a dream about those who crossed the train (peregrine falcon) of my partner and became disabled, and I lost my hearing ... I don’t know for sure because of the fact that I became disabled dopomoga shvidka carried

    I leaned into a wheelchair. I don’t remember the very cause of it, I tried it, as it happened, but I don’t remember.
    I rode in a wheelchair with my own rights, yes, we were getting ready until my National Day. I didn’t understand what I was thinking, and at the same hour I understood everything and wept through it. at that moment I understood that I saw my legs, I can get up, I played everything, I told my mother, she stood coldly, I tried to stand up and realized that through some problems with the ridge (And the lower ridges themselves) I can’t move my legs , nadіyshov sharp bіl near the ridge (I’ll “break” it myself) and I just fall back on the stroller, my head is confused, everything hurts.
    Before that, I read the book “Mi with the term of appurtenance, which passed”, this book is about a girl with a disability, maybe my brain put me in my place. Already, all the symptoms were similar to hers, I experienced all the same things that won’t, only one ALE: she didn’t notice anything!

    May donka, 2 rocks. I dreamed of some people, but as a result of my dismay. A disabled girl was born, turn her head back in her. 180 degrees. I was more worried, but I tried to deprive the girl of my own. I thought now I have two donki. And the person having found out about the її problem, having thrown me.

    I ran along the avenue for my daughter and її father stink got on the bus, then the bus started spinning around in its axis and threw yoga in different sides it was summer and water ticket from the new one and the water ticket was invalid and I didn’t know that I took the bus yogo ha hands and carried to the bus and wanted to pick up my daughter well їх there wasn’t I got on the bus and went їх shukati mi came to the parking lot so the mountain was majestic and I was the first to get help because the maiden there gave me a hand there I wobbled man and daughter did not show up

    Bachila people, like me earlier, there was sky. So, we knew one another, but there was no attempt to speak. In a dream I sat in a wheelchair and I live in a highland house, where I live, recognizing Yogo, I called on those to help Yoma, then Yogo came to see relatives, there is a younger brother of Yogo, with whom I know, having said that Yogo is there Mom and I didn't do yoga

    Good afternoon! I had a dream yesterday, 28 birch, from mid to Thursday. I paint such a picture: on the street of my father's house, a strong wind rose, we with a man and mother quickly reached the hut, mended the doors behind us, so that the wind did not penetrate at the houses. Ale, my mother did not catch it, violently hit her head against the wall, I її pulled hard to the booth and repaired the doors. Let’s take another snippet of sleep: I’m running out of Batkiv’s booth on the field of a disabled person with a bus, with my hands and my feet, I’m changing my head in a moment, helping to turn the wheels of the stroller with my hands. And in order with the disabled stood a temple, a smooth weight, and he himself, with great swedishness, slipped onto a vіzka shvidko up the mountain, reaching to the very top. I was more than happy in my sleep. Let's remember the rest of the dream fragment: I'm dying of two actors (in fact, they died a long time ago) of the funeral of these actors, Lyudmila Gurchenko remembers that other actor, but I didn't remember them. Bachila just їхні signs that watched the funeral of tsikh actors. Axis like a dream.

Bachachi disabled in real everyday life, we visibly zmishane almost spy, fear and fear. Kozhen begins to think, as if you value your health a little. Bachiti іnvalida uvі snі is a disturbing sign of the guard. Often such a dream is present in an unacceptable situation, or to instill a stone.

Woman's dream book

As if a dream appeared to you, be careful. Your partners are more cunning. The stench will be under the influence of plans and will fall on your interests. Yakshcho you have treated yourself to the next hour, the next hour you have a great hostility. Bachiti uvі snі kalіku in the invalid vіzka - a sign of the coming dashes. In tse important hours you reveal your shorter capacity and stretch out your hand to help all those in need.

Freud's dream book

Why dream of a disabled person - you feel incomparable in stosunki from people of opposite status. You have convinced yourself that your other half is placed before you with contempt and innocence. Tsya obtrusive thought is constantly following you and inspires you to be normal in the blue.

Dream interpretation for all motherland

As if you were a disabled person, show maximum caution. All your faults are to be considered, otherwise you seriously defend your reputation.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

Invalid uvі snі - warning about the camp of your health. You need to see a doctor and give respect to your self-confidence. Work in a dream of a virgin - bad luck checks on you.

Summer dream book

As if in a dream, you succumbed to a person who sits by an armchair on wheels, you take away the importance of a stone.

French dream book

Tsikava tlumachennya gives a French dream book: a new one has a disabled person - this is a sign of your calm old age. You will be honed with shabby, pogogo that love. As if you were a stone in a dream, you do not see a shortfall in the material plan.

Dream Interpretation of Chaklunka Medea

As you have made another person disabled, it means that someone checks for your assistance and support. Like a stone, the dreamer himself, on the new one, life is difficult to check, or it’s important to be ill.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

As if you were dreaming of a man without a leg, who goes around on the police, you will be deprived without benefits for a reason. Your material position will be so greedy that without a third party

Help you can't improve your finances. As if in a dream you became a squad or a disabled person, you are checked for inaccuracies on a robot. You are a blind man - pity about those who at the hour did not realize that they were right with a cunning and double-minded person.

Appearance of a disabled person is a sign of caution against the body, against the access of special partners, as they encroach on your interests. A person in a disabled visa can foresee the onset of cataclysms and hungry hours, at which time you will actively help those in need. How do you dream about ...

Dream Interpretation: what to dream of Invalid

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Your plans will fail. Disabled - business failures.

Dream Interpretation: what to dream of Invalid

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Invalid like a dream to talk about those who you feel like an incompetent person and that is the reason for your complexes and folding in connection with the protilege status. You are gradually given that the partner is leading himself a little before you.

Dream Interpretation: what to dream of Invalid

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Dreaming of a disabled person is a sign of a future calm old age, good-naturedness and an affable attitude. As if dreaming of a miserable kalіka - a dream is waking up, that the sum of thoughts will pierce your soul for a long time. Well, well, you yourself will succumb to the dream of a kalіkoy - a dream promises you a harmless.

Dream Interpretation: what to dream of Invalid

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Pray for the dream of a disabled person - a sign that you are looking for unacceptable partners, as they will work on your interests.

Dreaming a dream "Invalid"

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Give respect to your health. Became a disabled person - you need to return respect for the camp of your health. Virodok uvі snі - bad luck on the right.

What does sleep mean - Disabled

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Help a disabled person. - Before the private sector, spend your health.

What does a dream about a disabled person mean

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Calm old age.

Disabled person - please check your sleep

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

The disabled dream before the appearance of doubtful partners, as if they would try to achieve success for your happiness. If you dreamed that you were a disabled person, then you can really grow neo-baby crochets, which can be badly marked on your image. Get lost in them.

Dream about a disabled person

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

If you were hurt by the dream of a disabled person - be afraid of unacceptable partners, as if to sway your swing on your interests. If you have treated yourself as a disabled person - know that you will be threatened by unacceptable surroundings.

Accomplishment sleep - Disabled

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Bachiti yoga or buti him - to failure, the transition is difficult. Sometimes such a dream indicates the absence of your camp and your impotence will turn out of the situation.

Sens sleep about Disabled Buti

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Beats on the right, out of the way.

Sense sleep about Disabled

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:


Yakshko uve sni chime "Invalid"

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

The appearance of a disabled person in a dream is a sign of caution in the presence of two-partners, as they fall on your interests. A person in a disabled visa can foresee the onset of cataclysms and hungry hours, at which time you will actively help those in need. How do you dream that you are disabled, tse ...

Dream Interpretation: why dream of a Disabled Boy

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

The disabled lad in the dream points to those that the person took away a strong psychological trauma from the child, yak broke yoga. Qiu injury dosi is not foreseen.

Dream Interpretation: what to dream of Invalid

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

An image that reveals the causes that lead to regression of the disease. The entourage of the dream shows the specifics of the life of the dream, pardon the values, and inspire people, like they have taken the blame for the pathology. Kіntsіvka zavzhdi vkazuє on the possibility of chi impossibility of change.

The meaning of sleep "Invalid"

Tlumachennya sleep at the dream book:

Be a disabled person - put pressure on your own. Disabled - threatening intolerance.

Let's try to figure out what a disabled person dreams about. Tse grіzne poperedzhennya, fortunately, rarely pov'yazane z zdorov'yam. Disabled in your sleep yourself. As if you are blind - you are blind to some circumstances of your life, as if you are on the verge, the greatest respect.

Your blindness, that ignorance of flattening your eyes, can bring you to a bidi. Deafness and muteness - you don’t feel joys, you’re angry at yourself, you can’t express your thoughts in a different way, you don’t dare to raise your voice. You could have worked more, but all your hands could not reach, otherwise you can’t reach the necessary place.

Listen to your sleep and try to correct the situation until it's too bad. On the vіdmіnu vіd іnvіlіdіv, you navmієєєїї ії svoї sposobnostі, do not rob what you can, do not wear your shoes.

A dream can be a mother and a life-changing value, so you are constantly subjected to harsh criticism. You are constantly obliged to work more, lower than the last month, the authorities do not quarrel at the vislovlyuvannya, be it your work knows.

As a matter of fact, you are undermined, like a special person. The dream is about the lack of self-destruction, the fall of self-esteem below the critical level. It is necessary to change the term to the robot and to know a more comfortable place for inspiration.

Do not think about lying on the sofa and checking for visual propositions - it will be fatal in your life. Be active, if you want to be honest, the least you want to break and work. Do not try to fool your share by creating the appearance of diality. In another way, the share of fooling you - she has much more opportunities for him.

For people with limited physical abilities, ring out to get yourself more sleep without calisthenics. Yakshcho vie for yourself yak є - tse show of masculinity, strength of spirit. You have accepted the situation and the buildings have to deal with it. It’s better to bachel for yourself, like paralympic athletes, successful people, businessmen. A real assessment of the situation is needed in some situations.

Invalid uvі snі may appear as a compensation to fear. For example, you are very risky, you go in for extreme sports, or you were ordered to jump with a parachute - you see, you can get into a disabled visa or on a drug bed. It is better to look at the unsafe experiment.

Strong fear, hvilyuvnenya, unsungness can lead to wrong actions, and a dream appears as a prophet. Nini is not your hour for extreme. As a way to overcome fear, you can overcome fear - take a time out for training and add a maximum of one hour to training, training on the ground, pumping up a m'yazovogo corset, picking up equipment. Boring that pedant in an extreme world live longer and happier.

Basic values

As if a disabled person changes his shoes on a visa - you didn’t need to be too far away to the situation, that imitue weakness, dbaty irritate you. As if it could turn against you. Just stop taking you to respect, your thought is not safe.

If you see a traumatic situation, as a result of which you take away disability, you will have serious problems in real life. At the moment, you do not know how to eat food without suttvih vtrata and prepare for sacrifice. If you spend a tip - it means the readiness to sacrifice your family, child, business.

Bachiti іnvalіda vі vі snі can mean і comfortable and harmless old age, about how you secretly dream.

You are blind, as if you are directing at the unsafe person directly, trying to unsuccessfully intervene in the situation - they will not understand you out of the blue. Find other words, reconsider. Or change the number of questions.

Bachiti in a dream of a traumatic situation with loved ones is a sign of hyperopia and a panic state.

All dovkola you іnvalidi і tezh іnvalid - a sign of extreme razdratuvannya and discomfort. You deeply experience unreasonableness in the middle of the suspense. Engage in creativity, know your own area of ​​the program. You joke about your place in life, and current propositions do not rule you.

Meaning of disability in dream books

A woman's dream book is smart to look at a disabled person as a symbol of strong stress, overexertion. You are afraid that if you rush at the vibrated one directly - you will be injured. Possibly, as a victim of blackmail, psychological pressure, you will be threatened by your important life.

Possibly, you yourself have driven yourself into a situation, in a single vihіd - panic attacks. Even if you see a dream of a disabled person, yourself in the role of a disabled person, you can injure your neighbors - it’s already normal for you to go to a neurologist. It is necessary to reduce the degree of nervousness, calm down and change your life.

Freud's dream book admits that bachiti uvі snі іnvalida means fear of unrequited feelings and nervous stoksіv. Scoring for everything, your fear of truth. Do not enter into traumatic situations, or try to get out of them as best you can. Garni stories about nervous stosunki are less likely to happen at the cinema.

Seeing Freud, you see your incompetence and inconsistency. It is necessary to know the way out of an uncomfortable situation.


It is rich to lie down in the sight of your wet setting until the dream. A handicapped person with a handy vіzk, calm and infuriated in oneself - you are not afraid of difficulties and ready to go to the end, instilled in yourself in any situation, and do not be afraid of old age. Poor invalid, zhebrak, false invalid - signs of deceit and falsehood hit you.

It is necessary to analyze the situation and clarify it. Panic zhah was dreamed of by injuries - a sign of serious stress or navit psyche disorder. Bazhano turn around for help to the professionals, find out the cause of panic camps, remove anxiety. In an anxious state, it is easy to accept vigilance and a calm decision. For normalization, it is necessary to take a break from oneself and deprive the body of stress.

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