Spring cloth for wedding in the church. How to choose a spring cloth? Yake swearing is unacceptable

Vinchannya is the banner of the christening at the life of the girls. I, as if choosing a spring cloth is chosen, spiraling on rest of the novelties in the spring fashion, then the wedding choice will require the singing rules that could. Їx those and it is necessary to dorimuvatsya.

Why can you drink a wedding with cohanim? And yet...

Three stories

So it was in Russia that the wedding of the young is a special church rite, which brings together two loving hearts. Prepared for the new. The girls chose their most beautiful choice. Such a miraculously embroidered sarafan and shirt. Most often, a sundress is chosen in a red color. Prikmetnik "red" mav two meanings: direct setting to the color of that garni.

From long ago, after the zamіzhzha, the girl went into the family of a man, forever saying goodbye to the colossal girlish way of life.

The church rite was adopted by the unpretentious and the sumptuous. History knows a lot of facts, if the wedding ceremony was held at the cloth and fat black color. After the completion of the ceremony, I will name the check on a beautifully embroidered sundress. A symbol of the distant life.

In the XI-XIV centuries. having embellished the head of the Russian bridesmaids with a wreath, vykonaniya z vіdrіzu fabric (a woman 3-5 cm wide). Like a victorious wreath and a metal hoop. The hair of the bridegroom was loose or braided in two braids. Later, the kokoshnik became a part of the paddle suit, and the braids intertwined with different lines. Deputy woman mowing payment was accepted.

In the advancing XV century, the names had more luck. Before the wedding, brocade cloth was sewn, maisterna maistrini embellished them with pearls. It's true, wearing such a thing was respectful. The vaga of the Christmas dress sometimes reached 10-15 kilograms.

In the meantime, the girls had to choose folk costumes of different colors. The outfits of noble ladies and village women were dressed up with only expensive fabrics and presence expensive stone on a whim.

For the fun of the future, the squad is small to prepare a sprig of outfits. Look, the wedding and the banquette itself were driven by a vagomi drive to demonstrate to yourself how to cut the needlewoman. Adzhe all vbrannya were sewn with hand. Sometimes, on the preparation of similar cloth, a sprat of rock was stained. The sundress of the Russian maiden is miraculous at her vikonan. From the pieces of that embroidered shirt were given to the future squad.

The apron is dressed on a sundress, supporting the maiden's sovereignty by himself. The spring suit was tailor-made to the special urological cleanliness of the girls. I dressed up on the very weight. In the eighteenth century, following the decree of Peter the Great, the courtiers walked around with cloths sewn according to the forms of European fashion designers. European style touching and spring fashion. Katerina druga changed the scarlet color of the spring cloth for the color of the lattes. Vaughn took the spring away white color. This is how the new tradition was vindicated.

Until this day, the white color - the color of color, the beauty of purity, purity, becomes the main one when choosing a spring cloth.

For example, in the 20s of the last century, the wedding at the church was skasovano. The registration of the shuttle was carried out at the RAGS. They didn’t plan a special selection of young people, they won everyday clothes. Only in the other half of the twentieth century began to create collections of spring collections. Krasunі nabuchaynyh models of cloth or sewed on zamovlennya. The styles were of the same type, without excesses. Ozdoblennya developed from a merezhiva that ruffles.

Beautiful spring cloth, pantsuit, the wedding dress was too far away, and it was a great opportunity and good luck to the urochistas. Today's spring fashion has made its changes. I need to know, this is a great plus. Named herself, you can choose the cloth in any style: empire, boho, vintage, rustic. Dovzhina modeli proponuyut nayriznomanіtnishu: min, midi, on a pidlog.

In a row with large spring cloths, saloons for the bridegrooms to pronounce to the girls that other charm: emerald, gold, buzka color.

Even more relevant є style with train. Truth is, there are no minuses in such a choice. The train can respect the free movement of the intended.

Choose spring cloths to make riches, modern girls are left to choose the necessary style.

You can get married in a cloth

Regardless of garniy vibir spring clothes, not leather cloth suitable for church rites. Here you need knowledge of the deacons, so that the holy truth is far away. Like a cloth, choose better, and if it’s better to get better, help our stylists.

  • The cloth is not guilty of being short and tight.
  • Shoulders may be closed. Good option Whose fashion will have a model from a bolero. That same evening in the restaurant, guests can be pleased with the other wedding rite of the appointed.
  • The head of the betrothed may be covered. A veil or a droplet will be a wonderful addition to the cloth.

Today, saloons for the bridegrooms proponuyut impersonal hoods with capes. Zruchna is fashionable rich for wedding. The embroidery of the mastrin is right, the gaudy design allows you to dress up with bagatma cloth styles.

  • Not varto choose a heavily decolleted dress and without sleeves.

Popular styles and models

Marrying can be with the be-yakoy Vіtsі maiden, zhіnki. To that we can look at a sprat of options for cloth.

Spring cloth in Russian style

It’s great if you are named to accept the decision to bring the cloth in line with the traditional Russian culture and Orthodoxy. The femininity and natural beauty of the girls are supported by an inconspicuous cut, to embellish the building with a figure. Handmade contrasting embroidery on the binding is present on the fabric. Value such a vbrannya too high. Smart masters create exclusive embroidery.

At the moment, sewing machines are equipped with special feet for embroidery, so embroidery in the Russian style can be sewn on.

Cloth in the world is recognized that it is not superficial to church rules. The writing patch is embellished with wine, de fines are overcooked with cloth fines. Abo pass the pearl wreath.

Just be modest

Do not be surprised at the name of the head, the cloth for the named one looks hostile and inconspicuous. All the zavdyaks to the fabrics, we resolutely pick up such an important entry in the life of the girl. Forgive and concise models, reinforce the innocence of the intended, adding to the femininity and tenderness of the image. Forgive the cloth with the minimum of comforts for the good to go with the veil.

The veil is an embellishment of the betrothed, without which earlier the day of fun could not do. At once, be a collection of designers, dedicated to spring fashion, including different options. Dovga that short veil, embellished with a frilled frill. Amazing embroidery on rich models.


Traditionally merezhivo zavzhd on the example of fashion designers. Cloth in a lining, with large edgings at the waist - a miraculous choice until wedding.

The decorations in pastel colors are always victorious by designers during the creation of spring masterpieces.

Transformer cloth, if the back rests in the main fabric, it will help to hide some unhandedness, tied from old cloaks. That two-in-one choice is always a misfortune for the betrothed. Witrat and so again.

Shut up

Closed cloth with lace sleeves signifi- cantly simplify the preparation of the spring outfit. The veil and shoes complement the image of the bridegroom. Choose comfortable shoes, so that we don’t call ourselves holy. Wait a long time. Vіnchannya hoch i trivaє vіd 40 hvilin until 1 year old, ale vitrimati її it will be important on high fіdborah.

Cloth with comir st_ykoy - a garniy design idea, sob pіti pіd vіnets. Before such a variant of claims on the side of the church, it is not to blame. It's just perfect and miraculous.

3 long sleeve

The wedding can be celebrated on any day of that season. A cloth with a long sleeve is ideal until it gets cold. As a rule, the style of the cloth is the most attractive to the woman's figure. Ale vigidno blatantly on її beauty. Podіbniy vybіr turn on additional clothing.

W short sleeve

Similar kriy are hung by the church and stylists. It’s easy for someone else, but it’s not hot for the host. The spring boom that wedding is no less common for the summer season.

A white manto, a cape and a fur coat turn a girl into a Kazakh princess. Warmly, inconspicuously, that hvilyuyuche for a saint.

A cape is a luxurious accessory to a spring outfit. She completely curls her shoulders, chest, back. The model with a hood folds the power supply of the headdress. Vikoristovuyuchi such a cape can be thought of and about vіdkritu cloth.

For the woman at the vіtsi

It is not a task of fate to break with your kohanim man at the temple, to creak your stosunki with a church coat. A rich woman looks richly younger for her marriage, there are no great problems with the choice of wedding cloth.

The string is in itself a subtle embellishment. Such women can choose any style.

Tim, who is still churning out century-old changes, to become the next step for the sake of stylists:

  • It is better to wear a corset, as if there were loads of kilos.
  • Select the cloth, as you will take away the centuries of change: zmushkas on the breasts, smears on the shoulders, arms.
  • Cloth to the knee and lower - the best option for wedding.

Until such a rite of passage, be like a Christmas cloth in pastel colors, without a deep neckline. You can decorate the zachіska with a special cloak-cape to match the cloth. Modern pickers will try to make a wide selection of similar capes of different colors.

Ale vinchannya - a special occasion and you want to remember the day for a long time for all and the faults of the tracts and guests. An advancing glance is dedicated to cloth, the styles of which can be taken as the basis for the creation of a right wedding dress.

Fitted cloth with a round visor - elegantly embroidered to the tracts. Pastel shades and style, which is to build a string, be it a figure.

The writing of the vbrannya is always relevant to the holy. There was a cloth with a bagato-ball-shaped back in the tone of a fati. Closed in the world of cloth, throw off the rocks and add the fineness of the names.

Cloth in the style of the 50s with a silver rose to create a frail image of the bride. Shoes on stilettos and zachіska, inconspicuously laid back, to complete the spring image.

Cloth with a v-like virizom - modesty in the future with a netting create a laconic image of the betrothed.

For others

A non-standard figure can be embellished in such a way that it is inconspicuous, as if it were graceful. Allow the walnut cloth to be attached, whether it’s a small piece of figure.

Silhouette A vrіvnovazhuє pishne chest with narrow quilts, scho cheer tricoutnik.

The hairdressers figure "apple" and "pear" varto are raised to the crown cloth with a cloche on the back. The writing bed is such a short time.

For women

Did the date of the wedding turn into a vacancy? Girls give respect to the silhouette of cloth. For the first few months, I will become a shorter woman, if the tummy just starts to look through, the best way to clothe the silhouette of A.

The Greek style, where the waist is protected, far away is the first 2nd trimester of pregnancy, and the onset period, if you can already clearly see the rounded shape of the named, navpaki, reinforce the status of the future mami.

Behind the church canons, I wore a wedding cloth, maybe dressed as an innocent girl. Let's name it, we know in a delicate position, it is necessary to look at other colors.

Fabrics and materials

The fabric is given a cloth of marvelous beauty. Dorimuyuchis veіlne etiquette, vіnchalna cloth sewn practically from the same fabrics, scho and voіlne vbrannya.

  • Vishukaniy satin is one of the best fabrics for spring collection. Yogo matte glare and good drapery allow you to create a true masterpiece.
  • Shovk is another contender for the sewing of the Christmas dress. The material, for its characteristics and beauty, does not go far enough to the atlas. Hygroscopic, easy to drape, dry dry.
  • Chiffon - fabric, scho to fly, practically nevagoma. Breathing material allow you to feel miraculous in any place.
  • A lot of spring outfits cannot be dispensed with without a marvelous lace. The Svyatkovy material is embellished, whether it be a vrannya. Yogo viserunki are wonderful and beautiful.
  • Organization. An excellent material for making a Christmas dress. Organza is beautiful and nevagoma. From the moment she appeared, she immediately gained great popularity. Її translucency allows you to sew coquettish cloth and sundresses.


For a traditional wedding dress, not all cloths are suitable for wedding. Zgidno with the established rules and church canons, min - categorically dumb! Vіd mіnі happen to be more reluctant. It's a pity, that's how the church works. And yet, it’s not necessary to move into the wedding. Departure from the camp of the leader.

Mid (up to the knee and a troch lower) - the very same name of the warto look at the models in the spring salons. The wedding ceremony is a trivaly start and it is necessary to prepare the collapse smoothly and smoothly.

The cloth in the podlog is to be finished often. Adzhe holy maє buti holy. Maxi prihovaє all zayve i zrobit stringkіshoy named.

Vinyatok all the same. Girls of not high growth are not allowed to choose a long time. Surprise to midi. The best option for wedding.

Yakshcho was named after the plan after the registry office virushiti to the church, їy varto podbati about the correct selection. It is not included that spring cloth is used for wedding, but often the fashions of the Christmas dress are not suitable for the appearance of the temple. It is clumsy to choose a cloth for wedding in a church, as if you were trying to understand the arrogant rules.

Vіnchalne vbrannya can't be provocative and it's supposed to be sexy. Decollete, temporal borders and gaps inserts that expose the body are switched off. Tsya is clothed, which covers the knee, obov'yazkovo with sleeves. It is not the woman’s fault to show shoulders and breasts that are solitary at the church, to this, wear a bandeau model on the straps, as well as cloth from a bare back under the fence.

It’s not like thinking that all wedding cloths are treated with ostentatious severity. A woman can look sensible, but it does not mean that the style of cloth can be maximally forgiven and closed.

When sewing wedding dresses, vicorous lace and tulle and veil are worn. In the distance look models of style, like a bigger world fit for these women, who got married after a few years of rock. The young girls, who are planning to have their wedding day after the registration, sing-songly want to be more shocked and unmarried. In the image of the named, rich tiered and richly spherical cloths, robes with old veils, as well as women's variations in the Greek style are not included. Well, I’m called not to want to be moved in a provocative cloth with a shoulder or a back, a neckline or a shortened back, to hand over the elements that are worn, and special capes.

Varto complement the ensemble of underwear with a cape with a translucent fabric, embellished with embroidery, and the crown image looks supernaturally effective and original. Stylish hoodies with chiffon or tulle, which make summer pilyoviki more, also freshen up the outfit of the chosen one.

For a woman 40 years

Suvorikh ruled that the choice of cloth for a woman of a mature age is not necessary. It is important, schob virіb prihovuvav nedolіki, glancing elegantly that vіdpovidav vimogo church etiquette. Don’t dress up in the dark, wanting a palette like this to string and prihove nedolіki. Rather, choose the color of the pastel to match the color of the shkir. Vіchnym naming a trace of protection is put up to glossy fabrics, yakі podkreslyuyut nedolіki, especially zayvu vag.

For a woman 40 years old, the trousers are fitted with a cascading neckline and a three-quarter sleeve. Do not waste the relevance of the cloth style flying bear”, as if to graft the figure’s wiggle and sway the silhouette of the greater woman. Cree Empire garniy yak on mature woman oh, and on young names, and on future mothers.

For a woman 50 years old and older

As young women often break in the registry office, then on the vіnets deyakі panі zbirayutsya less after the old fates of the ship, having changed their feelings for an hour, but with their family turbots. Selected fabrics are not surrounded by closed cloths on the basis. For centuries, fashionistas can choose for themselves effective outfits with a French duffel at the back, as well as elegant variations on a square cloth-case with long sleeves and a collar-neck.

A mature woman is guilty of remembering those that the svyatkovy cloth smut does not have the decor of that design, but far away fit according to the figure.

As if there are problems from the zayvoi vag, pick up the cloth from the fabric, which is streak. An impenetrable solution for wedding in a church is the storage of cloth with a classic cut. The shards of a deep tricot neck do not hover in the church, then the cloth from the smell will become an alternative to larger doors of spring weddings. Vіdkladny komіr and V-like virіz can visually enhance the neck and add style to a woman's image.

Models for new

Be sure to choose your wardrobe well, but to know the correct choice for wedding is even more folding. Ale doesn’t mean that we write fashionistas a lot about why we go to church. Follow the respect on the cloth in the Greek style, wear in the underlay from the fabric, which is streaming, like the A-silhouette with a pronounced waistline.

It is necessary to add volume to the upper part of the silhouette, to add a fitted cut, with a slouchy neckline. Pishnі cloth nebazhanі, oskіlki shaking the image even more cumbersome. Visually move the figure to allow cloth with a train.

For the last name, the recommended model is a curled fit, choose a peplum case on the case with a peplum, a selection of pluses, which visually wiggles the silhouette. They are unique in narrow sleeves, rich balloons, frills and crinoline. The asymmetric edge of the building’s back gives respect to problem areas.

Popular styles cloth for wedding

The most popular styles for weddings are mermaid, princess, empire style. Fashionistas can reconcile lightly fitted cloth with a long train, as well as the choice of French dauzhina and A-silhouette. Do not varto bathe cloth for wedding, brightly decorated, with rhinestones, metallic embroidery, draping, pleating, frills can embellish the chosen one.


The women will understand that at the wedding they can be modest, but what should I do to understand? Start to talk about the model in a line with long sleeves, a rounded neck, or a commissar-style. Such cloths are made in a comfortable and grotesque way. The stench is more guessing at the choice of noble girls of the 19th century, but at the same time, in the same place, their charm is crying. Pleats along the sleeves, wide cuffs and at least decor complete the picture.

3 sleeves

It is not possible to show up in the church with great shoulders. That is why the model range of wedding dress performances with sleeves. Among fashionable solutions for women:

  • sleeve kazhan zavdovka ¾;
  • narrow knitted sleeve to the tassel;
  • sleeve-likhtarik for models in retro style;
  • sleeve-crilo to the elbow.

The skin model has its own advantages. Naked on the line of the shoulders of the varto to the crying girls. Women at the same time will have options with lowered or sutsilnokroenim sleeves. Increase the emphasis on the wrists of the cuffs chi dovzhina ¾.


There is no distant style for a wedding dress, a straight silhouette below. Yogo can be beaten for an additional belt with a satin stitch, but most of the time it is not necessary. For the ostentation of the cape, it is not necessary to see the waist because of the openwork fabric. Straight cloth kindly th team, what suits women of a different age and types of figures. It is important to signify іz dovzhina. Maxi models are more likely to steal nedolіki and podzhuyut silhouette.


The femininity of the image can be added to the help of a fitted cut. For quiet names, who are not ready to dress their figure under hoodies and bulky clothes, such a cloth will become the best solution. Do not go about the tight-fitting cloth - it is less easy to attach or folds from the belt. Another option is shorter, as it is necessary to attach large seats or large quilts. The top of the virobu can be rolled up and rolled down. In this fashion, the silhouette is separated behind the help of a wide belt from the fabric of a line.


For wealthy women, weddings are associated with the fabrics themselves. Such a choice is universal and pidide, both for registration in the registry office, and for marriage in the church. Designers don't sing any more, otherwise they can't get into the right accents. In the distance, the robes with lace sleeves, or models, look at the top of the vicons, and the back is made of string or writing fabric.


A lot of women for the tradition of violating the white chosen. This color is associated with purity, purity, change. What the elder is named, it’s more foldable to show yourself in a fluffy-white cloth, that spring fashion does not shy away from traditional traditions.

Cloths in pastels look richly cіkavіshe: mint, lavender, powder. Do not waste the relevance of golden and bright variations, prote to the church is more likely to break at the cloth of the peace. The emphasis is given to the lower tones of pastels, as well as to nude options.

While in spring fashion cloth with different colors of woolen cloths is acceptable, then for weddings it is better to choose one-colored garments. Prote fabrics can be of any texture: matte, dull, glossy.

If the cloth has a good style, then varto pick up a cape, or with a sleeve, at least to the elbow. Kindly, as a rule, svіb spіvpadatime for the color of the cloth. In the distance look capes with a hood made of translucent fabric in tone with the main order. For this type of adverb, it is not possible to additionally bathe the head dress, which is the basis of the cloth.


For mature women and young ladies, the black color is ideal. In the first one, the wine is refreshed by youth, in the other, it is the reassurance of lowerness, the crying of that youth. It is necessary to buy a glass of blackite. So, for girls with a marmur color, shkiri are recommended cold variations of blackite, it is possible to use steel or a simple podtone. To the peach-yellow skins, there are more greenish-blue shades.


Nude's palette is gaining more and more women. The tone of the beige mіtsno has been upgraded to a businesslike, casual and yuletide wardrobe. Colour, subdivision is similar to the type of shkir, refreshing, harmonizing with the greater color of pastels and setting the tone for a great celebration. For wedding pіdіyde nyudovy cloth z merge or satin, tulle or bagatosharova veil. Evening fashion delighted women with cloths in the color of wild beige, which looked enigmatic and noble.

The two who died often praised the decision to bind themselves with bonds, not only before the state, but before God. Under the painted dome of the church, among the gilded icons and candles, the hearts of the bet are creaking. Vinchannya is an important stage, which conveys the rich traditions. In that number, the deacons are powerful to the old-fashioned look of the named one. The shards of dozens of eyes all day long will be nailed to the beauty of the appointed, more importantly podbat about її day, beautiful, but at the same time modestly cursed. What kind of cloth is needed for wedding in the church, you know in this article.

The hvilyuyuche action is a wedding, singsongly, one of the most beautiful and the best in the world. So that nothing has started this ceremony, prepare yourself ahead of time, How to make the best of cloth for the wedding?

  • Catholics wear white clothes at the wedding. At the same hour Orthodox cloths for weddings are more permitted. For the ritual, go beige, light rosy, light buzkovy, cream tones. Golovnya, that the color of the cloth for wedding in the church was not dark.
  • Obov'yazkovo pick up a modest cloth for wedding. Virib is not guilty of being decolted, with a bare back, and also with other elements that shout. Shoulders can curl up. The most popular model is with long ¾ sleeves. I will not name the church according to the style. Vіnchalne vbrannya can be A-silhouette, pishnim, “mermaid” style or empire style.

  • Unacceptable є dozhina more for the knee. Vіnchalne vbrannya short buti is not guilty! Spidnitsa to p'yat - the most distant option. The name of the Catholic faith, as if they were getting married, they were wearing a train with a train. The Orthodox faith has no such power.

Preparation and rite of wedding

It becomes relevant to get married not on the day of the wedding, but after the singing hour of the wedding. Like a couple with a wide soul and heart, they vibrated to tie a sliver in front of the All-Vesish, for the church of special significance, they lived together for a day, a river or 15 years.

Such days are not suitable for the Sacrament, like Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday. You can’t get married under the hour of fasting, ahead of the great church saints.
The Church does not recommend wearing cloth after wedding, and it is also not possible to sell chi gifts. The wedding dress of that icon was taken to be taken as a baptismal shirt.


Today's fashion industry presents a wide range of various cloths to the name. Dovzhina clothes to the podloga, with a covered back, that shoulder can be attached to that original. Butt of a vishuka wedding dress - Kate Middleton's dress. The lower woven cloth won the chandeliers from the whole world, as if they were going to zastosuvat the whole style at their ceremony.

Sob dodatkovo not to bathe a simple cloth for wedding, you can break the temple at the open air, zasosuvav elements that curl your shoulders and back. Let's talk about them later.

Let's talk about the most relevant styles that are victorious for weddings.

Classical ruffled to the bottom of the cloth

The main style of cloth for winemaking is A-line. The model progressively expands to the bottom, can close the back and shoulders, and vvazhaetsya classics wedding choice. Look at the style modestly, respectfully, so that there were no elements on the floor, to scream at the looking stones and blissets. An important minimalist style, you can decorate yoga with embroidery and pearls. Form іdealno pіdhodit practical whether аkіy figurі.

3 sleeves

For the Sacrament, a model with sleeves is ideal. Tse can buti sleeves 3/4, dovgі, kazhani or likhtariki. Elegant and vitonchen models with sleeves look vitonchenno.

Closed models

The most modest option for wedding. Tsya cloth transferring, close your arms and shoulders, breasts and your back are called. Part of the style may be comir, which is embellished. This is an ideal option for a named woman with raised arms and breasts. As the ceremony is planned to be paid, the cloth is closed in the best possible way. You will feel comfortable and warm in your newcomer.

Evening models

Deyakі zhіnki plunder the evening cloths, the form of such a color is suitable for wedding. The less we write the style, it will be easier for you to transfer the ceremony. It is recommended to check the train, the shards of the wines can make a certificate when prompted by the lectern. Particularly relevant are the evening cloths of the middle of the couples, as they were called to the wedding through the sprat of the rokiv. family life. At this time, choose not a wedding dress, but simply a shabby cloth in a suit of erysipelas, gold, mint, green.

Models with mesh

The photo shows dozens of variations of cloth made of guipure. Vishukana, that vitonchen embellishment is not hindered. Showing that vitoncheni style with lace does not require additional decor, shards themselves are decorated with cliques. Named in such a dress, it becomes neymovirno tenditnoy and thinned. Merezhivo can be ruffled on the back, arms and shoulders, as well as in every way. Forgive me for a moment, so that the payment is not visible.

Fashion for women

One day she was named Virishu Piti Pid Vinets, being in position. And here it is recommended to choose a model with a fixed term. In the first trimester, trapezium-like styles, empire and “Princess” are acceptable. For a great belly, the Greek silhouette is the best.

For others

Women with well-shaped forms can be given elegant cloth, so as to reinforce their splendidness and prestige of the figure. For the latest names in style, we recommend the walnut style, which is universal. Vіn prihovuє ob'єmnі stegna, vuzki stegna and broad shoulders, great lives. How did you preserve the harmonious proportions with zayvіy vazi, try the fish silhouette. Such a style is called the name of zі rostannyam more than the average.

Cloth for a woman at the vіtsі

Some women choose to make friends through rocky friendships. The couple become more inspired by their feelings and the controversy of souls. Vishukano and chikavo looking at such ladies will help closed styles. Women of the middle rock style recommend color fabrics: light beige, low golden, sand, light olive. In the light of the white color of the varto, the shards on the yoga aphids of the century change on the shkіrі vіraznіshі. For a woman in vіtsі pіdіyde A-silhouette and napіvprilegly style. In 40 years, you can allow yourself a straight silhouette of a wedding cloth, like a figure of a string. On women, like 50 years, miraculously looking variant of guipure, which attracts imperfect hands and pigmented patches on the shirts. In addition, it’s a good thing to chirp.

Vzuttya and accessories

As if the clothes of the named one do not cover the back of that hand, it is necessary to supplement it with offensive elements:

  • Just a bolero- Vіdmіnniy vybіr for tsy vіdpovidalny call. In the cold season of rock, the accessory is made to look modest and provide warmth.
  • You can cover yourself with a jacket. Wear elegant models with a seam and a satin in tone before picking.

  • For a wedding, if you pass a sweatshirt, go for a shawl or a cape. The accessory is made from a seam and a lace, chiffon fabric. It is important that the element is harmoniously looked at in a wholesome rank.
  • The actuality is cured with cloth, supplemented with captur. This element of wicking from the thinnest laces or chiffon, looking even lower.

  • In a cold winter, it is permissible to pull in an overcoat into the church, otherwise the bolero's skin should be replaced. The number of elements is to be blamed for the selections according to the order.
  • Spring outfit without sleeves or with short sleeves is supplemented with mittens.

Listen to the intuition of your heart when choosing a wedding choice. And then the Sacrament of wedding will give only light and positive emotions, and become an unforgettable day of meeting two people, like to love!

A great selection of spring cloths for weddings in the USA, Great Britain, Spain and Italy at the ETNA salon. Sweet brandy at a reasonable price! Discounts for purchase on the day of the first reconciliation!

The Daedals, more than dying couples, accept the decision, with an official ceremony of friendship, to seal their union before God. The wedding rite in the Orthodox tradition is even grander and garnier, prote yogo carried out in violation of the rules of singing. Nasampered, these rules are worth choosing a cloth for wedding.

What can be a wedding cloth

Bazhano, so that it was not short, but also covered the shoulders of that arm. In this mood, you can become a weather-beaten bolero and knitted capes on your shoulders, and in the cold season, a light and worn-out coat will become beautiful solutions.

Look at the spring cloth for wedding, you can find photos of them in the catalog of our website. Here you can easily choose an elegant outfit, in which you will look stylish and romantic.

Buying a spring cloth for a wedding doesn’t mean that it doesn’t mean that you should win over the puritanical choice of our grandmothers. Modern wedding cloths are completely elegant and richly faceted. The stench of the building to support the name of the name and create an image of purity, freshness and sensibility!

In the first place for popularity - cloth for wedding with a thin lace sleeve and a closed neckline. Openwork merezhivne gossamer lower hugging the shoulders and hand of the appointed, from one side crooking all the vіdkritі dіlyanki tіla (as well as the church), from the other side - allowing you to turn the respect to the subtlety of the figure, visibly accentuating the obvious prevails. As you can see in the photo, spring cloths for wedding with a sheer top create a more sensitive and romantic image in their strimanity. Skin such an image of an interview with a light veil of mystery, which gives the names a wondrous charm.

Elegant spring cloths for wedding with soft, light veils allow the girls to plunge more quickly into the atmosphere of ritual mystery.

You can buy a stylish wedding cloth for weddings from Moscow at the Etna wedding salon. We have more than the best models of house designers, like miraculously coming for a wedding in the traditions of the Orthodox Church.

With skin fate, more and more dead couples creak their union, not only in the RAGS, but in the church, yak, their black, vimage. Before them, obviously, enter i old look betrothed. From our material, you know what kind of cloth can be used for wedding in Orthodox church, yoga features, color and accessories that fit to the new.

Yake swearing is unacceptable

  • There is a bright color - orange, blue, green, red, fuchsia and others, as well as black, which at the walls of the church will be more like a mournful one;
  • chimeric;
  • with a great number of decor;
  • more rosky and pathos;
  • with a long-lasting train, even after you there will be certificates, that the crowns will tremble, the whole ceremony, and the stench can vibratically step on your chic detail;
  • sexy over the world - a deep neckline, more open arms, bare shoulders, a back and a knee under the fence.

Dovzhina hem can be short, scarlet in the world. Kindly come midi options, which will end on equal columns, or cocktails - in the region of litok.

Obviously, jeans, pants, swamps, T-shirts are not allowed at the Sacrament of this rite at any time, and even more so there are more gaps, glimmering and tight-fitting cloths and mini-backs.

Vіdpovіdnі styles

The style of the virobu can be practical, be it a smut, so that it harmonically sits on a girl and follows Orthodox norms.

Laconic straight cloth

The napіvprilegly bottom is miraculously pіdіde to the Sacrament of winemaking for the named with a proportional figure, be it ever so tall. The maxi variant is short, and the Case model is shortened, which ends below the knee or in the area of ​​the litter, miraculously visually lift you up.

It’s great to choose a shirt with a lace top, sleeves or a comrade.

Strimanyi "A-silhouette"

The back of the new step-by-step expands to the bottom, which means that you won’t easily pick up the small pieces of the figure, for example, too much of the quilt.

Z decorovanih elements miraculously fit into the style of the lower merezhivo, tsіkava embroidery and pearls.


Porada. Miraculous solution for those who have that registration in one day.

Not a short accessory, but also a bright color and a great number of embellishments. And be more careful with the bagato-ball model, even though candles will be lit near you.


Zamіst, before the river, pull in the garn khustka, tulle, tulle or tulle. Before the speech, in the modern salon, you can know the cіkavy solutions when looking at the bolero or the cloak, like crying not only your head, but your shoulders, arms, back, chest. The very ones that are necessary for the Sacrament.


Well, if your wedding vibrancy is rich and everything is covered, then you will have a light stole, which closes your head and hair. The fabric for yoga is sewn victoriously the same as for the capes.


Unacceptable memory accents like in the eyes, and on the lips. It's great to fit into the image of the hateful nude and the visionary gleam.

Remember that at the hour of the sacred Mystery, the priest will give you a kiss and rozp'yatya that icon, and you can deprive yourself of traces of cosmetics on these sacred speeches, which is no better. And as a clergyman, having pumped your lipstick, I call you not to let you perform an important part of the rite.

Jewelery embellish

A lot of accessories to this particular type- tse zave. First, on shiїїїх all the same, it’s important to dance under the cape, or we’ll cover it with a cloth style. And in a different way, on the hands of the head embellishment of such a day, there can be a wedding ring.

If you want some jewelry pieces, then it is recommended to wear a thin pearl thread or a lancet with a small pendant and small earrings, you can use stones.

beyond the canons Orthodox Church, going to the temple, you can wear obov'yazkovo robes cross.


Your couple is guilty of being as comfortable as possible, even if it’s an hour of the rite, it will be necessary to stand for a long time, that hairpin and high heel will be killed. It is ideal to put shoes on low tankettes and classic shoes. When the weather is cold, take the boots or choboti up to the river.

Pick up a neutral, calm look, even though it’s a breeze, it’s not guilty to be chimerical, bright, dark and bright decor.

  1. Modestly and elegantly the same way, you are guilty of looking at us in front of the wedding.
  2. At the temple it is necessary change shoes covered head A dovga veil, a stole or a hood like a cape will come to help.
  3. Change in what is your wedding virib screamed in the eyes of strangers shoulders, neckline, knee and back.
  4. Since your friendship at the RAGSі that ceremony is planned on the same day throw over the cloth a cape made of light material, a sheer bolero or a chiffon.
  5. Come on long sleeves mittens, which looks thin and harmonious.
  6. Zanadto long train, who attaches respect, looking pathetically and expensively, unpleasant for church members. Until then, such a thing has become relevant among Catholics, so there is a chic element for a holy celebration of the wedding, or to show yoga in front of the entrance to the temple.

Folk remarks about spring cloth

The Orthodox Church does not praise zaboboni and vvazha tse sin. How you should be placed before them is a special solution.

  • It is necessary that the selection was absolutely new. And the maiden herself can succumb to yoga only once, bathing;
  • Yakus detail before cloth needs to be taken. For example, a satin stitch, a brooch, pearls or more for your consideration. Tse means that as soon as the bida comes, you, from a person, will be helped to fix important moments by relatives and friends;
  • never let anyone reconcile your choice for the Sacrament, otherwise the stench will “reconcile” your happiness;
  • what more dozhina dozhina and fati, tim dovetime happy family life;
  • golden details on the vіrobi vіrobі – to the distant and rich life of the slave;
  • chim mіtsnіsha tkanina, tim nearer and relatives will be mutual brides with their mother-in-law;
  • do not choose any other options, for example, de back and corset sewn okremo one kind of one. And if not, then your union can split into two halves and in this there will be discord;
  • to the betrothed, do not varto bachiti before the ceremony of the kohan in the wedding cloth, and then more to pick up the yogo at once with the betrothed;
  • after the rite, it is necessary to take care of your clothes and not to give yoga to anyone. You can’t wear it yourself again, you can’t sell it, you can’t sell it, even if it’s your talisman of a prosperous family life, and you’ll protect yourself.

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