More payment for the wedding. Spring cloth: tradition of choice. Laconic straight cloth

The two who died often praised the decision to bind themselves with bonds, not only before the state, but before God. Under the painted dome of the church, among the gilded icons and candles, the hearts of the bet are creaking. Vinchannya is an important stage, which conveys the rich traditions. In that number, the deacons are powerful to the old-fashioned look of the named one. The shards of dozens of eyes all day long will be nailed to the beauty of the appointed, more importantly podbat about її day, beautiful, but at the same time modestly cursed. What kind of cloth is needed for wedding in the church, you know in this article.

The hvilyuyuche action is a wedding, singsongly, one of the most beautiful and the best in the world. So that nothing has started this ceremony, prepare yourself ahead of time, How to make the best of cloth for the wedding?

  • Catholics wear white clothes at the wedding. At the same hour Orthodox cloths for weddings are more permitted. For the ritual, go beige, light rosy, light buzkovy, cream tones. Golovnya, that the color of the cloth for wedding in the church was not dark.
  • Obov'yazkovo pick up a modest cloth for wedding. Virib is not guilty of being decolted, with a bare back, and also with other elements that shout. Shoulders can curl up. The most popular model is with long ¾ sleeves. I will not name the church according to the style. Vіnchalne vbrannya can be A-silhouette, pishnim, “mermaid” style or empire style.

  • Unacceptable є dozhina more for the knee. Vіnchalne vbrannya short buti is not guilty! Spidnitsa to p'yat - the most distant option. The name of the Catholic faith, as if they were getting married, they were wearing a train with a train. The Orthodox faith has no such power.

Preparation and rite of wedding

It becomes relevant to get married not on the day of the wedding, but after the singing hour of the wedding. Like a couple with a wide soul and heart, they vibrated to tie a sliver in front of the All-Vesish, for the church of special significance, they lived together for a day, a river or 15 years.

Such days are not suitable for the Sacrament, like Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday. You can’t get married under the hour of fasting, ahead of the great church saints.
The Church does not recommend wearing cloth after wedding, and it is also not possible to sell chi gifts. The wedding dress of that icon was taken to be taken as a baptismal shirt.


Today's fashion industry presents a wide range of various cloths to the name. Dovzhina clothes to the podloga, with a covered back, that shoulder can be attached to that original. Butt of a vishuka wedding dress - Kate Middleton's dress. The lower woven cloth won the chandeliers from the whole world, as if they were going to zastosuvat the whole style at their ceremony.

Sob dodatkovo not to bathe a simple cloth for wedding, you can break the temple at the open air, zasosuvav elements that curl your shoulders and back. Let's talk about them later.

Let's talk about the most relevant styles that are victorious for weddings.

Classical ruffled to the bottom of the cloth

The main style of cloth for winemaking is A-line. The model progressively expands to the bottom, can close the back and shoulders, and vvazhaetsya classics wedding choice. Look at the style modestly, respectfully, so that there were no elements on the floor, to scream at the looking stones and blissets. An important minimalist style, you can decorate yoga with embroidery and pearls. Form іdealno pіdhodit practical whether аkіy figurі.

3 sleeves

For the Sacrament, a model with sleeves is ideal. Tse can buti sleeves 3/4, long, flying bear chi lichtariki. Elegant and vitonchen models with sleeves look vitonchenno.

Closed models

The most modest option for wedding. Tsya cloth transferring, close your arms and shoulders, breasts and your back are called. Part of the style may be comir, which is embellished. This is an ideal option for a named woman with raised arms and breasts. As the ceremony is planned to be paid, the cloth is closed in the best possible way. You will feel comfortable and warm in your newcomer.

Evening models

Deyakі zhіnki plunder the evening cloths, the form of such a color is suitable for wedding. The less we write the style, it will be easier for you to transfer the ceremony. It is recommended to check the train, the shards of the wines can make a certificate when prompted by the lectern. Particularly relevant are the evening cloths of the middle of the couples, as they were called to the wedding through the birth of the family life. At such a time, choose not a wedding, but simply a shabby dress in a suit of erysipelas, gold, mint, green.

Models with mesh

The photo shows dozens of variations of cloth made of guipure. Vishukana, that vitonchen embellishment is not hindered. Showing that vitoncheni style with lace does not require additional decor, shards themselves are decorated with cliques. Named in such a dress, it becomes neymovirno tenditnoy and thinned. Merezhivo can be ruffled on the back, arms and shoulders, as well as in every way. Forgive me for a moment, so that the payment is not visible.

Fashion for women

One day she was named Virishu Piti Pid Vinets, being in position. And here it is recommended to choose a model with a fixed term. In the first trimester, trapezium-like styles, empire and “Princess” are acceptable. For a great belly, the Greek silhouette is the best.

For others

Women with well-shaped forms can be given elegant cloth, so as to reinforce their splendidness and prestige of the figure. For the latest names in style, we recommend the walnut style, which is universal. Vіn prihovuє ob'єmnі stegna, vuzki stegna and broad shoulders, great lives. How did you preserve the harmonious proportions with zayvіy vazi, try the fish silhouette. Such a style is called the name of zі rostannyam more than the average.

Cloth for a woman at the vіtsі

Some women choose to make friends through rocky friendships. The couple become more inspired by their feelings and the controversy of souls. Vishukano and chikavo looking at such ladies will help closed styles. Women of the middle rock style recommend color fabrics: light beige, low golden, sand, light olive. View white color varto vіdmovitysya, oskіlki on yoga aphids vіkovі change on shkіr_ vіraznіshі. For a woman in vіtsі pіdіyde A-silhouette and napіvprilegly style. In 40 years, you can allow yourself a straight silhouette of a wedding cloth, like a figure of a string. On women, like 50 years, miraculously looking variant of guipure, which attracts imperfect hands and pigmented patches on the shirts. In addition, it’s a good thing to chirp.

Vzuttya and accessories

As if the clothes of the named one do not cover the back of that hand, it is necessary to supplement it with offensive elements:

  • Just a bolero- Vіdmіnniy vybіr for tsy vіdpovidalny call. In the cold season of rock, the accessory is made to look modest and provide warmth.
  • You can cover yourself with a jacket. Wear elegant models with a seam and a satin in tone before picking.

  • For a wedding, if you pass a sweatshirt, go for a shawl or a cape. The accessory is made from a seam and a lace, chiffon fabric. It is important that the element is harmoniously looked at in a wholesome rank.
  • The actuality is cured with cloth, supplemented with captur. This element of wicking from the thinnest laces or chiffon, looking even lower.

  • In a cold winter, it is permissible to pull in an overcoat into the church, otherwise the bolero's skin should be replaced. The number of elements is to be blamed for the selections according to the order.
  • Spring outfit without sleeves or with short sleeves is supplemented with mittens.

Listen to the intuition of your heart when choosing a wedding choice. And then the Sacrament of wedding will give only light and positive emotions, and become an unforgettable day of meeting two people, like to love!

With skin fate, more and more dead couples creak their union, not only in the RAGS, but in the church, yak, their black, vimage. Before them, obviously, enter i old look betrothed. From our material, you know what kind of cloth can be used for wedding in Orthodox church, yoga features, color and accessories that fit to the new.

Yake swearing is unacceptable

  • There is a bright color - orange, blue, green, red, fuchsia and others, as well as black, which at the walls of the church will be more like a mournful one;
  • chimeric;
  • with a great number of decor;
  • more rosky and pathos;
  • with a long-lasting train, even after you there will be certificates, that the crowns will tremble, the whole ceremony, and the stench can vibratically step on your chic detail;
  • sexy over the world - a deep neckline, more open arms, bare shoulders, a back and a knee under the fence.

Dovzhina hem can be short, scarlet in the world. Kindly come midi options, which will end on equal columns, or cocktails - in the region of litok.

Obviously, jeans, pants, swamps, T-shirts are not allowed at the Sacrament of this rite at any time, and even more so there are more gaps, glimmering and tight-fitting cloths and mini-backs.

Vіdpovіdnі styles

The style of the virobu can be practical, be it a smut, so that it harmonically sits on a girl and follows Orthodox norms.

Laconic straight cloth

The napіvprilegly bottom is miraculously pіdіde to the Sacrament of winemaking for the named with a proportional figure, be it ever so tall. The maxi variant is short, and the Case model is shortened, which ends below the knee or in the area of ​​the litter, miraculously visually lift you up.

It’s great to choose a shirt with a lace top, sleeves or a comrade.

Strimanyi "A-silhouette"

The back of the new step-by-step expands to the bottom, which means that you won’t easily pick up the small pieces of the figure, for example, too much of the quilt.

Z decorovanih elements miraculously fit into the style of the lower merezhivo, tsіkava embroidery and pearls.


Porada. Miraculous solution for those who have that registration in one day.

Not a short accessory, but also a bright color and a great number of embellishments. And be more careful with the bagato-ball model, even though candles will be lit near you.


Zamіst, before the river, pull in the garn khustka, tulle, tulle or tulle. Before the speech, in the modern salon, you can know the cіkavy solutions when looking at the bolero or the cloak, like crying not only your head, but your shoulders, arms, back, chest. The very ones that are necessary for the Sacrament.


Well, if your wedding vibrancy is rich and everything is covered, then you will have a light stole, which closes your head and hair. The fabric for yoga is sewn victoriously the same as for the capes.


Unacceptable memory accents like in the eyes, and on the lips. It's great to fit into the image of the hateful nude and the visionary gleam.

Remember that at the hour of the sacred Mystery, the priest will give you a kiss and rozp'yatya that icon, and you can deprive yourself of traces of cosmetics on these sacred speeches, which is no better. And as a clergyman, having pumped your lipstick, I call you not to let you perform an important part of the rite.

Jewelery embellish

A lot of accessories to this particular type- tse zave. First, on shiїїїх all the same, it’s important to dance under the cape, or we’ll cover it with a cloth style. And in a different way, on the hands of the head embellishment of such a day, there can be a wedding ring.

If you want some jewelry pieces, then it is recommended to wear a thin pearl thread or a lancet with a small pendant and small earrings, you can use stones.

Following the canons of the Orthodox Church, going to the temple, you may be bound with a cross of robes.


Your couple is guilty of being as comfortable as possible, even if it’s an hour of the rite, it will be necessary to stand for a long time, that hairpin and high heel will be killed. It is ideal to put shoes on low tankettes and classic shoes. When the weather is cold, take the boots or choboti up to the river.

Pick up a neutral, calm look, even though it’s a breeze, it’s not guilty to be chimerical, bright, dark and bright decor.

  1. Modestly and elegantly the same way, you are guilty of looking at us in front of the wedding.
  2. At the temple it is necessary change shoes covered head A dovga veil, a stole or a hood like a cape will come to help.
  3. Change in what is your wedding virib screamed in the eyes of strangers shoulders, neckline, knee and back.
  4. Since your friendship at the RAGSі that ceremony is planned on the same day throw over the cloth a cape made of light material, a sheer bolero or a chiffon.
  5. Come on long sleeves mittens, which looks thin and harmonious.
  6. Zanadto long train, who attaches respect, looking pathetically and expensively, unpleasant for church members. Until then, such a thing has become relevant among Catholics, so there is a chic element for a holy celebration of the wedding, or to show yoga in front of the entrance to the temple.

Folk remarks about spring cloth

The Orthodox Church does not praise zaboboni and vvazha tse sin. How you should be placed before them is a special solution.

  • It is necessary that the selection was absolutely new. And the maiden herself can succumb to yoga only once, bathing;
  • Yakus detail before cloth needs to be taken. For example, a satin stitch, a brooch, pearls or more for your consideration. Tse means that as soon as the bida comes, you, from a person, will be helped to fix important moments by relatives and friends;
  • never let anyone reconcile your choice for the Sacrament, otherwise the stench will “reconcile” your happiness;
  • what more dozhina dozhina and fati, tim dovetime happy family life;
  • golden details on the vіrobi vіrobі – to the distant and rich life of the slave;
  • chim mіtsnіsha tkanina, tim nearer and relatives will be mutual brides with their mother-in-law;
  • do not choose any other options, for example, de back and corset sewn okremo one kind of one. And if not, then your union can split into two halves and in this there will be discord;
  • to the betrothed, do not varto bachiti before the ceremony of the kohan in the wedding cloth, and then more to pick up the yogo at once with the betrothed;
  • after the rite, it is necessary to take care of your clothes and not to give yoga to anyone. You can’t put it on yourself again, you can’t sell it, you can’t sell it, even if it’s your talisman of a prosperous family life and it’s a blessing in disguise.

More applications in the photo:

Marriage in the church of the urochist of the podia, until such a maiden can be prepared with special retelnistyu, even if all look will be tied to herself before the bridegroom. When choosing a wedding choice, it is necessary to uphold the church rules and traditions, perhaps not for the wedding. She was named to look like this, to reinforce the purity of the soul, that thought.

Traditional styles, styles and colors

How does an independent girl dress up for wedding? The head is strong to the cloth for the wedding - it is not guilty of buti in the door. You can choose the choice not to p'yat, but the number of obov'yazkovo may be closed. The traditional style of wedding cloth is A-silhouette, with a narrow back, covered with a shoulder.

Use the following options:

  1. You can dress the cloth with sleeves. An important partner is also sleeves. The stench is not obov'yazkovo buti dovgimi. Different forms and dozhina are allowed. As the sleeves are supposed to be short, they should be supplemented with mittens.
  2. Closed models. This option is the most suitable for marriage. Cloth from a closed, back, shouldered, hands, sewn with breasts to modest girls, as they are especially serious about church traditions. Do not obov'yazkovo cupuvaty vbrannya іz we close the throat, brandy, so that the decollete does not expose the chest. Opening the neckline for the wedding, it is fenced in and looks inappropriately and obscenely. Learn more and wonder what you can in this article.
  3. The girls often dress up with a robe. At the merezhiv, be-yak the girl will have a lower and tendit. Such a model does not have additional embellishments and looks like a vishucano. For the same reason, wedding favors are often vicorated for the wedding of a person of royal blood. Merezhivo masking the decollete of that hand, allowing the girls to look like a right queen. And the axis seems to be on, in addition to the analysis of information from the statistics.
  4. Minimalist. These are the simplest models, which do not require special penny vitrates. Such a simple cloth, without embellishment, is named modestly and lowly. The minimalism of the chosen ones enhances the beauty and innocence of the girl.
  5. For different types of figures. It is necessary for the girls from the vagary to respectfully choose their clothes, so as not to flaunt their shortfalls. In this fashion, the cloth in the walnut style is ideal: the waist is tied and the back, which is flared, is perfect. Named with wide shoulders and narrow buckles, a model with an A-silhouette is needed. The massive bottom attaches the cloth to the bedside. And the axis is clearly visible, it is reportedly described in the zmіsti tsієї statti.

The color of the wedding dress is also important. Rest of the Rocks violet, red and black woolen cloths come into fashion, but for weddings this option is not suitable. The church allows all the light tones. The name of the chosen one can be white, beige, black, light erysipelas.

And the axis of the yak is a spring cloth for a new girl, you can look at the photo of the zmist

Vidminnosti between Orthodox and Catholic wedding dresses

The authorities of the Orthodox and Catholic churches are expanding and for the wedding ceremony. Before the naming ceremony, she is called to be prepared more resolutely. The stench is guilty of speaking and taking communion. Catholic rite of sanctification and holiness. Such a slub does not grow.

Named, like the Orthodox Christians, may be dressed in a white dress. Come on, be it a style of cloth, smut it won’t take the body as much as possible. It is unacceptable to show off your legs, back, shoulders and, more often, chest. Zagalom, vomogi to the Catholic spring cloth are the same, like to the Orthodox.

The Catholic tradition is a wedding cloth with a train. Tse looking even more beautifully and richly.

On the photo-cloth for wedding with train:

Weeds and prices of white woven cloth

In line with the traditions of the Russian people, wedding cloth cannot be rented. Vono may be bought and worn, so the choice may be only one named. After the ceremony, the dress cannot be sold, but it is necessary to save at once the attributes of the wedding.

In order to buy a good model, it is better to make a purchase in a specialized salon. Virobniki to pronounce great choice suits of that style, which can be reconciled directly in the store. If necessary, such salons can be sewn in without cost, as if they weren’t fit in the figure.

Variety of the wedding dress to fall into the material, embroidery, decoration, embellishment, cut. Inexpensive koshtuvatime simple was a model with a satin without embroideries and drapery. It’s more expensive to get dressed up with a cloth or a stone. Price for wedding ceremony starts at 6 ths. rubles, and maybe a thousand dollars. To lay everything in view of the financial possibilities of the fathers of the named chi of the named.

On the video cloth for wedding:

What can you wear instead of traditional modest dress

Current trends to make girls feel comfortable simple solution substitute for wedding cloth. An excellent option for such a urochist podії є evening cloth. Among the impersonal models, you can find a variant that is approximately predictable at the wedding.

For a wedding, it is ideal to wear evening cloth in ivory color, champagne and other similar shades.

Such a choice can be impersonal:

  1. Evening cloth can be dressed up like a tract.
  2. With such a chosen one, it’s more convenient to have a friendship at the ceremony for a distant holy wedding.
  3. Save yoga will be richer simpler, lower food. Vono borrow a lot less money from the shafi.

Also, at the wedding, you can dress up a light back and a blouse. Golovna, that everything was modest and in light colors. The back can be obov'yazkovo to curl the knee.

Wedding garni for special vipadkiv

Previously, it was important that the girl is guilty of saving the value up to the weight. Tim, who did not follow this rule, was fenced in to veil and marry at the temple. But with the hour, traditions are changing. Although the ceremony of wedding has changed little, women are allowed to go to the wedding and bring women to the church. For these names, there is also a great choice of wedding choices.

Yaku a spring cloth to dress an independent woman

The girls in the position do not varto bathe the cloth at the back. Adja її proportions change, and happen again to get married.

The wedding cloth for the vagina is not obov'yazkovo, but it can be classic. Attach the tummy to help the model from A-silhouette. in the new future mother vislyadatime already screwed up. And the axis looks good on skils, summer cloths for women, in addition to arranging information from tsієї

On the photo-cloth for wedding for women:

Deyakі nachenі volіyut not prihovat, but navpaki, podkreslit your tummy, that fit tight cloth.

The girls on the great term can’t help themselves to squeeze in at the traditional spring cloth. This is the way to pick up the unpretentiousness, it will be between the ruhi and the smoothness of the breath. For such vipadkіv i guessed vbrannya for vagіtnih. Such models are inspired by simplicity. On them there are frills, ruffles, large dresses and other decorative elements, shards of similar embellishment to make the girl's figure even bigger in the garden.

As if he lives already remembered, it is better to choose a choice with a minimum of embellishment. Respect varto add to the material. Glittering and slit fabrics can also be given a figure of additional stitching, so such models are unique.

The most suitable and most popular option for today's day is for the production of white cloth in the Empire style. The peculiarity of this choice lies in the fact that it is attached to the bodice of the old back, and it visibly attaches itself to it, which it performs. Call such a cloth for chiffon or crepe-chiffon can add the effect of corrugation or plus.

On the photo-fabric for wedding in the Empire style for women:

on the early terms you can dress the cloth with a back on the kiltsy Ale varto remembrance, scho vbrannya vazhka, and you will need to spend the whole day in it.

Vagіtnim dіvchatam so sled vrahovuvaty, scho according to the church rules was cloth allowed innocent dіvchatami. Let's call the position varto turn to other bright colors. For example, it is recommended for winemaking to be black cloth or light beige.

Vbrannya for wedding for women at the vіtsі

Do not start naming for the named one, turn back again after registration. Deyakі bet vvazhayut for more beautifully try their fates and get married in 20, 30 and navit 50 years of sleeping life.

On the photo-cloth for wedding for mature ladies:

The adverbs of the vitsa are necessary to choose the brothers, in which one will feel impressed. In order to grab the centuries-old shorts, in front of the pigmented flames, or the drooping coats, then turn up to the closed cloth with a light cape.

The white color is less than an appeal to respect to a lack of zvnishnosti, that kind of varto is recommended. It is better to remember the choice of golden, cream, beige colors. And the axis of chi can be worn with the same cloth with sneakers and the same cloth can be worn with sneakers in addition to the information given

People's remarks about springtime - how to dress up the names at the church

In line with the traditions of the Russian people, the wedding selection may be taken from the dotrimanny of such vimog:

  • The wedding dress can be brand new. It’s not possible, if you put on someone else and you don’t know how, if you trimmed in the hands of another woman. Another name can be passed on to the filthy energy industry.
  • Naming is not the fault of the bachiti vbrannya named before the wedding, otherwise your family life will not add up.
  • So that the wedding is not embarrassed, it is called guilty to reconcile the cloth once more, not to show it to her friends and not to turn in it in front of the mirror.
  • Sobіmeynі uzi were mіtsnimi, the cloth is not guilty of being spread on the back of that corset. It is necessary to give priority to ciliary models.
  • Like a cloth will be sewn from cotton fabric, the woman will have garni vodnosiny with the mother of a person.
  • It is necessary to have an element for the wedding selection. Tse mozhe buti khustka or merezhivo. So be it close to come to the rescue.
  • The cloth, decorated with golden elements, brings wealth to the young.
  • What a long life you will be a cloth and a veil, so having made friends for a long time, you will be happy at once.

Marrying is a wonderful way to close your kohanny not only on earth, but also in heaven. It is also important for him to conduct the ritual correctly. An important role is played by the name of the clothes. You can look pleasantly and at the same time modestly and innocently. For this varto, you should make a recommendation about choosing a wedding cloth.

If you choose to get married in the church and you don’t know how to wear a cloth, then read the recommendations and read the article.

Vinchannya is an important part of the lives of young people. Sometimes, couples are married without a hitch after the wedding ceremony, and sometimes they hang out this day or so after the next hour. Aja needs everything to be grounded, pidit svіdomo to the important procedure.

It is necessary to prepare yourself morally, and to see all other material aspects. Until then, women need to look at the ceremony. Whether it’s a spring cloth, like going to the registry office, don’t have to go to the wedding. Vivchimo tse nutrition report.

Cloth for wedding on the outside

The style of the wedding cloth can be like a smut, so that it sat well on you, and it wasn’t short, it’s necessary. It is important to the extent that the head of that shoulder is named, the squads were “covered”. Like a cape, you can put on a veil or light openwork materials, tulle fabrics, etc.

Ale tse vіdstup, turn to cloth. The life of your cloth cannot be thicker than the knee. Adzhe, along with the appointed, speak about її vdachi - this is how the clergy say. Not a trace of dressing up the cloth, which are translucent, with a deep neckline and bare back.

What can be a cloth for a wedding for a woman at the head?

Betting, scho marrying, goiter yazyuyutsya before God save fidelity one to one. For example, a man and a woman can make friends with him: up to 70 years - for people, up to 60 years - for women (inclusive). Ale, at the women’s house, so blames the food itself, how to dress properly, to look good and at the same time, so that everything will be according to the dress code.

At the same time, a rich woman over forty looks richly young in her life. Therefore, with the selection of a wedding dress, they are not guilty of blaming everyday problems. And if you already have a commemorative change of centuries, then select the choice, following the following rules:

  • Don't overtax your waist with a tight corset, as you have gained є kilos
  • Dress the cloth, as if closing the nedolіki (zmoorshki on the breasts, in'yali m'yazi on the shoulders, arms)
  • Do not put on short cloths, the priests are happy to dress the cloths for the wedding. Until then, beautifully picked up the draft, navpaki: reinforce your figure, take all the shortfalls of the nig, so it’s
  • Choose the tone of the fabric and color type. At the church, it is allowed to wear not only white cloth on the wedding day (beige, gold, blue, erysipelas, green, buzkovym thin).

Cloths for wedding for new women.

Even a great choice of cloth at spring salons for writing ladies. Moreover, fashion, fabrics are the most manipulative. It’s only a matter of time before choosing such a garment for wedding is required on the basis of placement of priorities. Call on the type of your figure.

  1. For the type - a sand year (if the shoulders and quilts are starkly proportionate) it is good to go straight cloth or sewn for the “ribka” style
  2. For the type - "apple" go cloth in the style of ancient Greek princesses, the crest of the chest in the distance hangs on your tummy
  3. For the type - “pear” (big shoulders and large stegna, starry more than the upper part of the toulub)
  4. For the type - inverted tricot (wide shoulders, small pelvis) you need to choose A-silhouette

Marvel at the variety of spring bows for new ladies:

Cloth for new girls with wide quilts, which will add to the new spring cape or mantle.

For which cloth you need a light cape on your shoulders. Vіdmіnno tse vbrannya pіdіyde for girls with pear figure, pіsochny year.

Tsya cloth kindly sit on the girl with the type of figure "apple".

Wedding dress for ladies, photo

Zgіdno with ecclesiastical interpretations: the cloth of a white color is dressed up only by innocent girls. Bazhano dotrimuvatisya tradition and admiring the cloth with different colors. Even so, you all the same veered to reclining in the cicada position, if the tummy is already well remembered, then choose the image with the improved change of your figure.

  • In another trimester of pregnancy, if the tummy doesn’t fit, put on a cloth, as we don’t oblige you in the waist area
  • It’s also good to put cloth with a cut on the “A-silhouette” dress and cloth in the “Greek” style

Lower wonder put on such cloths

Short dress for the wedding ceremony

Beautiful cloth for the vagina for the wedding procedure in the church.

What kind of cloth can be used for wedding at the church? A photo

As it was already guessing more, so that you don’t have to hold your own wedding ceremony in the church, you need to get ready for a long time and how to fit in - get right in. If it is enough for a person to wear a decent suit, then it is necessary for women to choose a modest, stylish, garni cloth.

  • Dovzhina cloth is not guilty of buti more kolіn
  • Shoulders, chest, back should be covered, so the style of the cloth will be emphasized
  • It is not possible to select a selection of materials that will shine through
  • It is allowed to dress a cloth with a train at the church, as it suits you. Tilki vrahuyte, scho you do not happen to stand at the mіstsі at the hour of the wedding ceremony
  • Strokatі, yaskravі tone - don't choose

She was beautiful, long cloth with thick fabric.

Color of cloth for wedding

More in the text we already guessed, like colors, okrim white, you can choose for the wedding selection. Well, obviously, the red cloth for the ceremony did not come, the next thing was not so colorful as to “shout”.

Lower shades of black, violet, erysipelas, green skinny. - miraculously look at the wineries. Allowed pastel colors it’s beautiful, like you will dress a golden dress.

Marvel at the butts of vodtinkiv, cloth for winemaking

Long-term cloth for wedding

The most popular among the representatives of the beautiful state for the process of wedding and cloth on the basis.

Closed cloth for wedding

Modesty always embellishes a girl. Irrespective of those that the cloth is closed, all the same you can slander on womanhood, the natural beauty of a woman.

Marvel at the dobirku closed, chic cloth

Merezhivnі cloth for wedding

In the midst of the majestic variety of spring cloths, for an hour, it’s important to choose “one’s own”, the very same, as if to reinforce all the belongings, and at the same time, pidide for the wedding ceremony. Merezhivnі cloths meet these criteria. Sorry, modest cloth for wedding

At once you will be simple, modest and watery stylish cloth for the wedding ceremony.

Can you sell after wedding or wear a spring cloth, take it to a dry-cleaner?

Behind the old prikmets, it is important that the wedding dress was named to save all life. It is impossible not to sell yoga, not to give peace, that and praty, bring forth the need of the names themselves with whips. You can't trust anyone right. All you have to do is to protect your mother's family, so that you can live a long and happy life with the mother.

Video: wedding at the church. Cloth of the named

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