Do-it-yourself crossbow at home chairs. Robimo crossbow of reversible design. What is necessary for self-made preparation of a crossbow

The crossbow is one of the winemakers that changed history. Until the end of the year, the archer needs to train with a long stretch of rich rocks, first of all, becoming an effective warrior. With a crossbow to wind the middle peasant in a moment become a soldier. In addition, the zavdyaki vikoristannyu mekhanіzm zavedennya crossover force is no longer an intermediary factor.

The axis of my instruction is how to build a crossbow made of wood with a photo and armchairs.

Be careful that the crossbow can drive in or hurt you, your dog, etc.

Krok 1: Crossbow arc

Everything that you need, should be assigned to the rozmirs.

Zagalna dozhina become 125 cm from a width of 6.5 cm at the center, which sounds up to 1.25 cm at the edges. Warehouse stock 1.1 cm.

Fastening for pulling I zrobiv z_ pins from solid wood.

So I twisted the arc with denim. I just put on my jeans and leaked glue, rocking the rocking chair.

Krok 2: Crossbow stock

The stock of the bool is modeled by ProE. In fact, there are two rectangles - one 7.5 x 50 cm 14 x 37 cm, the other 14 x 37 cm.

Take a look at the picture and cut two parts from the plywood 2 cm (I took the plywood, for it was out of my hand).

As soon as two parts are ready, the stench will be joined one by one with screws for a tree, which will need a sprat of roses.

At once, you will sharply twist the planer, so that the upper edges of the two parts will be sharpened. Since you don’t have a planer (I didn’t have a bulo), screw the stock to the board and trim the edges with a saw. The upper edges of the obov'yazkovo can be washed with flat tatters.

Krok 3: Trigger

  1. Disassemble the box in two parts.
  2. Work on the inside of one part.
  3. Move 50 cm from the top, and then go down 5 mm. Tse will be the center of the stake. Vikoristovuyuchi compasses, paint a ring with a diameter of 4 div.

Draw a line in the lower part of the stake with a length of 6 mm, then lower the line to the end of the box. To build an orthogonal line from the end of the line in the middle of the stake to the end of the box.

The middle zone of the area will be your trigger. You can talk to the little one, de I throw lines, so that you know the answer.

Open - the whole turning point for the check.

Krok 4: Prodovzhennya descent mechanism

Here I am victorist milling verstat on wood, to cut through the tree into the depth of 6 mm. In the meantime, I put the arkush paper on the viriz and made the outline in order to transfer the viriz to another part of the box. At this moment, it is important to drill an opening at the center of the stake, so that your badges will be in the middle after the selection.

Krok 5: Folding stock of a crossbow

Glue and screw two parts of the stock at once, try not to flood the trigger mechanism with glue. Attach 0.5 cm of hard wood to the top of the bed, I wonk maple. After that, like glue is dry, vikoristovuyte kіltsev file, to open 4 cm there, where there will be a trigger mechanism.

Then we'll beat the grinder or sandpaper to clean up the scuffs.

Krok 6: Nut

Nut utrimuvatime tative, if the crossbow stars. Vaughn can be mіtsnoy and mіtsnoy. I cut the nut from the plywood of pure oak and glued it with balls of epoxy glue. Shiro kazhuchi, five balls are not enough, and here you can try harder.

Recognize that the stock of the crossbow has dried up, it is necessary to insert the nut into the opening.

The width of the nut can be the same as the width of the stock.

The lower half of the nut is screwed in to open the trigger. The upper half is cut in half, so that the notches are made, as if trimming the pull. So dodatkovy naprіz fight, so that the arrow could stick with the pull.

The nut will be trimmed at the box for additional blocks from both sides.

Krok 7: Trigger

It is necessary for you to take an arch paper, on which you have appointed viriz on the lodge. Tse dopomozhe designate a place, de sititme a trigger.

The upper edge of the trigger can be straight. Just build a hook to make it small and small, to vitrimuvat the crossbow wag and zmushuvat the nut to wrap around.

I vikoristav shmatok sheet plywood. Tse filth vibіr, shards of splintering out. To correct it, I marked the detail with a kilim flower.

After that, as you have drilled the trigger for the release just like in the photograph, complete the drilling of the rotary opening and change over so that the trigger can wrap around.

Krok 8: Arrival of a crossbow arc

To ask for forgiveness, I'm a vicorist bolt, which passes through an arc into a box and fastens it with a nut, buried in a cross.

Krok 9: Bowstring

I have made a string from hemp with 16 threads with a length of 122 cm.

Krok 10: Visnovok

Wooden crossbow, crushing with your own hands, ready, what is left of the grind?

  • So like plywood, I, maybe, will get a crossbow.
  • There are no suitable security mechanisms.
  • A fly to shoot straight.
  • Build a trimach for an arrow, so you heal a crossbow, an arrow vipade.
  • It is necessary for Tyotiv to work harder.
  • Different fixators.
  • I'm dying kinetic energy. I shot an energy of 28 J, which is lower than the recommendations of a minimum of 33 J for irrigating, which requires a strong self-shooter.

At the outlets, a lot of different crossbows are sold for any relish. But you can not only buy yoga, but also build it with your own hands, as if creating a movie for you, or opening a museum. Obviously, for the preparation of the song, you need to learn how to use the instruments, but with a great bazhan, there is no change.

Start the preparation of the crossbow from the arc. So, as it is said, that the wine is to blame for pushing, then for the arc it is necessary to take a pellet from the spring of the UAZ car. Let's sweat for the help of the "Bulgarian" with the help of the pellust, we will see the arc. Dovzhina won can be 85 cm, and the width is 3 cm in the center and 1.5 cm along the edges. Next to the whitstones of the grindstone, put a thorn in the center of 0.8 cm from a stepwise transition of 0.4 cm along the edges. I will continue to work on the arc for additional files in different grain sizes and emery paper. It’s not good to cut the resora, it’s not possible to cut it across the way with a saw. Then, with a drill bit with a variable soldering, open it for fixing the arcs to the bed for fixing the trims of the pull.

The next stage will be the preparation of the bed. Yogo is better than the knowledge of the clear. Tse to finish the mitzne tree, so that it does not splinter and does not give cracks. Take a board with a length of 90 cm, a width of 20 cm and a torso of 6 cm, cut it on a jointing bench, so that it becomes even. Then we’ll put a small bed with an olive, for a moment you can take a little towel. Then, with a hand-held jigsaw, you shake the bed from the boards. For an additional rasp for working from a tree, build a thin frame of the bed, giving it the necessary hand shape. The process is trivial and laborious. More thin sanding is done with different types of emery paper. The groove for the arrow needs to be worked with a grindstone. Take a vikoristany soft abrasive stone, give it a round profile for an additional stone of greater hardness, and setting it on a whetstone, make a cut. The groove was wide and equal and the same depth.

Dali borrowed from the preparation of the trigger mechanism. With a chisel at the lodge, dig a hole for the “mountain” and the springs. "Gorіh", which is a kind of utrimuvatim dyativa, to work from the stash of the hallway without zvaryuvannya, sob bov mіtsnіshim, shards on the new fit are all the main vanity. On the lodge, in the place where the mountain is fixed, to install the bays, so that by the force of tension it does not tear from the tree. Put a return spring under it and hit it with a trigger guard. Dali the mechanism of descent close with metal decorative overlays. Fasten the overlays to the bed with tight screws, so that it would be more comfortable.

After that, begin to strengthen yourself, for the help of such an arc you will fix yourself to the bed. For whom, take two sunken tires and bend them L-shaped. Vickory the tire with a thickness of 6 mm and a width of 25 mm. Drill open for fastening to the bed and to the arc. Close the back with L-like details for the help of two M6 bolts on the stock. Let's build a "stroke" for the leg and weld the tire to the new one, as small as it is for additional fastenings for the arc of the crossbow. Let's fasten the "strep" that arc on the stock with two bolts and M8 nuts. For utrimannya shoots, a detail made of spring steel. Bend the lug of the tire L-shaped and attach it behind the additional bolt to the bed, and to the tire of the spring stitch. In the capacity of a puller, vikoristovyte a zavtovshka zavtovshka 4 mm cable. Treat all metal parts with black farboi, and wooden beds with stain that we can see with varnish, so that the crossbow can finish the thinned look.

Arrows prepared from the pine. Saw on a circular saw of equal rails from a dry board. Then, for the help of an emery paper, give them the round shape of the necessary comradeship. The feathers on the arrows are made from thin scleroplasty, and the tips are made from old files. Fasten the tips to the holder with epoxy glue and a thin dart. The stench of the lungs should be seen with the correct center of importance and dosit mіtsnі, the stench is due to wine buti 40 cm and the torso 1 cm.

Zagalom weide crossbow to glory. The range of an aiming battle of such a device is about 70 meters, the range of an arrow is about 400 meters, from 10 meters it pierces a sheet of slate, and if you shoot an arrow into a tree, then you need to pull it with the help of a hammer and chisel. Accuracy is also not vile, but how did you aim to win laser pointer fight in a fantastic way.

To pick up a house yourself, a quick-firing combat crossbow, which can be automatically reloaded without zayvih zusil, it is necessary to automatically reload, it is necessary to have no spare parts, which naturally cannot be found at home (rollers for a kapron cable are replaced by a puller, with an eye that a yakish hook). At this article, I’ll tell you how to use it at home, or at home in your own house, choose a simple crossbow, I’ll describe the basic subtleties, how to make your toy crossbow a fighting machine!)

The arms of the crossbow can be made from the same material as for the cibular: from wood, from the hallway or from the sloppy plastic polypropylene pipe, you can buy a yak from any government store). A bed for a crossbow, burying where an arrow is inserted into the future, maybe it’s important to have a piece prepared, as it will require more precise processing of that great amount of stained hour.

For the appearance of a well-finished metal stock on a factory-made bench, it is possible to finely grind, and then skin a wooden bed. Don’t forget that the warship of a combat crossbow over a wooden cybula is not only in the power of shooting (if you want a self-contained crossbow without rollers and a system of blocks, it’s unlikely to move the cibula for a cymbal display), but in the first line at the strength of the design and the ability to conduct an aimed fire.

For whom it is necessary to roar the path of the arrow, to build the bed so that it roztashovuvalos under the cut (the average value is 5-6 degrees), but I rajah you to be assigned to the distance, on the yak you are choosing to help the arrow, and you are ready to shoot skin series of shootings changing the bed, the docks, the crossbow of crushings With your hands it’s not enough to shoot at the center of the bullseye.

The trigger mechanism of a simple crossbow can be guessed by yourself. Ring out what is important, what you can do to reduce the tension, pick up what you can by pressing the trigger. Mind needed schob vіn spratsovuvav exactly the same, if you need it (with a great pull on the pull, a weak trigger can be fired and fired by itself). The bowstring is obliged to walk in such a way that, when you let it out, it turns back to the bed, but without any rub. Below is a diagram of the armchair for the preparation of a simple combat crossbow in home minds:

Respect! The preparation of a similar kind of zbroї can be punishable by law! Information vinyatkovo for peaceful purposes. The mustache lies on the shoulders of the people.

Below are the detailed armchair diagrams (from the assigned dimensions), which can be used to make a professional crossbow.

Regardless of the large number of online stores that trade in metal weapons, as well as the fantastic range of products due to the breadth of the product range, there were few who buy a crossbow independently. Most of them don't know why. Today we tell you about the main design features crossbow. This knowledge will help you to get pardons when prepared, as well as to heal injuries during the first hour of repentance.

Before the cob robit varto know two main points.

1. In our country, a crossbow is worthy of that sports harness. Poluvannya with him fenced. Whether it’s a metal armor from the force of tension over 43 kilograms, it’s important to fight, the right to corystuvannya is given by the authorized bodies of the MVS.

2. The crossbow is a design, as it knows colossal advantages during operation. To that be-yak unbalance when yoga is prepared, better for everything, leading to injury. Be it a yogo detail is due to the mother's rich stock of mіtsnostі.

Otzhe, let's find out, how to build a simple crossbow in household minds.

The video is lower, as it were, how to build a crossbow in household minds:

Dzherelom energy crossbow є tsibule - spring plate. folding form May have one main wig and, as an option, two additional ones at the ends. To repair the preparation of the crossbow, you need the same details and to prepare it all else - choose the type of tightness (recursive chi block), size of the box, type of release mechanism.

wood and composite

It is good to be informed about those who win as a material for a cibula: wood, composite or metal?

· Wood is the wrong choice. Available "trees" that are lying under their feet - tse smittya, as fit only for the burning of stoves. Gіlki, virubanі in lisі, prinaimnі vysihannya spend springiness, crackle and fall apart. With this material, you can only work it out for a short-hour break at the dacha.

· Composite, made from fiberglass and epoxy blended, - ce duzhe more or less simply. Ale є reshkoda - the need for scrupulously accurate dotrimanya technology of all robots. Proportional sumish, drying, vitrimka. In domestic minds, it is impossible.

There is one non-alternative option - metal. If you have an old “Moskvich” with a set of leaf springs under your hand, then take care that you were lucky. From the last package, one arcush is taken - the other. If the dimensions don’t care about you, then the first pidide. Tim more, what can be on the ends of the tube - may be a ready-made bracket for fixing the blocks or pulling.

For fixing the cibulum to the lodge, a block is built up. This is a P-like construction, which hoists the bed in front. It can be welded tightly to the sheet of resori, but in the same fall, with the zginann tsibuli, the welded seams will be superficially stressed on the wind. Therefore, it’s better to fasten a sump support like VAZ 2108 on the well. It’s handy for that one, who on Arkush resori є otvіr.

Even though it is stronger, you can use the recursive method to tighten the pull. For fixing the blocks on the cibulus, you have chosen another spring sheet, you need to fasten the brackets on the yoga ends. Boltov (and even more riveting) z'єdnannya is better zvaryuvannya, oskolki tsey vuzol vіdchuvaє silnі vіbratsіynі vanatzhennia. Like a pulley, twist the details of the mechanism of the pylon of the warehouse of that "Moskvich".

There is an obvious solution for pulling: a thin metal cable. Ale, it doesn’t sound right, the shards of steel cables rottenly show the change of interest. It is better to wrap a climbing cord with a diameter of 5-8 mm.

Having planted the cibula and fixed it on it, you can carry out natural testing for vigin. Good, as if you will have a dynamometer of kilograms so for 100-150. As a result, you recognize two parameters that are necessary for distant robots: dozhina move tativi that navantazhennya.

About those, how to lay down on a tight crossbow at home minds, read below.

For the details of a self-made crossbow, wood is an uncontested option. Ale, not everyone. At the same time, there is no osika, wilha, yalina chi pine. Better beech, v'yaz, oak. The harvesting was hung for twenty years. It dawned on you that you would never know such a thing. Therefore, vikoristovuyte vologostiyku plywood zavtovshki 7-9 mm. From it, 3 hours 5 contours are laid in the box, and then we glue the whole package with epoxy resin. Not really garno, but over-the-top over-the-top.

· Chodo form - vіdmovtesya vіd napіvpіstolіtnoy, vikoristovyte direct English box. Vaughn is not only simple in preparation, but also mіtsnіsha.

· When folding the package of the bed, it is necessary to vrahuvati і hіd dyativi, і navantazhennya. The first one is the opening of the block to the groove for the trigger mechanism. Another - the comradeship of the walls of the lodge at the mіstsі yogo fortification. The very direct English box is allowed to disappear from the back of the thinning when passing from the flower to the butt.

· The most important detail of the crossbow stock is direct arrows. Vaughn can be smooth and smooth. For it, you can beat the plates that frame the side glass of Moskvich, furniture fittings, and other similarly shaped details.

· If you choose a block type tension pull, then the groove for the cable system is to blame for the guide rail. There is only one more element that I will loosen the bed, and we will make it look like the thought of growing a flower. Highly protect your fingers from falling under tension and traumatic amputation of the phalanges.

Sound the crossbows to make a bed out of plastic.

About those, how to build a self-sufficient mechanism for descent for a crossbow in domestic minds, we will speak below.

About those, how to make a crossbow made of wood (plywood) with their own hands, tell me about the video:
trigger mechanism

If you are not a slyusar of the sixth category, then you will see the thought of working out this element independently. Report zusillya and know the USM in the form of a spring-piston pneumatic screw. In the most complicated way you happen to be less likely to doopratsyuvati yogo tooth, which is a piston - you can be a little more for your tativi.

Above the trigger mechanism there is a casing with a height of 2 to 5 cm, which is necessary in order to protect it from water and mud, and also as the basis for sighting attachments - slats for optics or a cylinder. Planks of Viver, Pikatina or lastivchin tail can be bought in any online store that sells pneumatics.

The front part of the casing above the trigger mechanism looks like a long (no more than 10 cm) spring "tail", like the back part of the arrow is straightened.
Arrow preparation

Canonically, correctly, ammunition for a crossbow is called a "bolt". A lot of online stores sell crossbow arrows. For crossbows that make a twine stock, they fit a length of 14, 16, 20, 22 inches. If we are absolutely open, then you won’t know better for the store. It's a pity, cheaper for 150 rubles, it's not cheap for them. To that varto try and prepare them yourself.

They can be made of wood, straight ball, without knots. As an option - vicoristing the details of furniture - balusters in the style of stiltsiv, handrails for children's beds. Good arrows come out of aluminum tubes with a diameter of up to 2 cm.

Thin plastic is used for plumage. Naturally, a fowl can give a misplaced effect of a chaotic change in a straight line, shards of natural virginity, as if you need to take care of it.

A head mind for a warm, equal polity - balancing. The center of gravity of the crossbow bolt is to blame, but after the first third of the dozhina, the point of the tip. If the wine is not metal, then the end of the arrow can be vanquished with a lead dart, we wrap it around the handle.

Prior to the supply of equipment, arrows with a tip were required to be placed without fanaticism. Grinding metal on turning benches, milling and polishing, embossing shapes - these operations are available in abundance. In addition, such a tip is superficially unsafe. If you don't need to pierce the faces of the blades, a wooden bolt can simply be sharpened at a 30 degree cut, vicorist sizable lower.

These models are classic, they are similar to old ones, and their design is simple. They also use modern crossbows, they are called "blokovy". Such a zbroya can be more collapsible design through the blocks and other innovations, yakі polyuyut yogo tightness. A similar crossbow at home minds will be richly folded, but a description of the process of that armchair, as if they will be presented at the statute, will help you with it. Crossbow maє bezlіch warehouse parts: cybula; lodge; trigger mechanism; proactive; some modern models have blocks on the ends of the cibules.

All tsі spawn dosit schіlnі, schob vitrimati majestic vanity, yakі vplivatimut on the cibulus and the bed of the crossbow. Preparation of material Schob zbroya shot for a long time and hard, її material can be properly hung for a long time. Seeing the necessary trunk or a gіlku, insulting the saw cut, it is necessary to fill the clothes. For whom you can vikoristovuvati whether it be some kind of glue, farbu chi lacquer. If you close the splits with such a rank, the vologer cannot easily come out of the harvest, so the wood will dry more and more evenly. So the material does not have internal cracks, and the crossbow will be crushed with one's own hands in the minds of the home for a long time. After that, put a polyno in a dry place, so don’t fall on a sleepy bed. So there may lie the river. In an hour, they harvest the bark, so it’s still dry. Let's cut the polypoly navpil. So there it is for the rest of the day, only as soon as it is possible to open the opening of the crossbow. Tools for making a crossbow Nizh. Saw. Plane. Emery paper of different grit. Joiner's cut. Irpin. Drill. Robimo tsibulyu At the workpiece, choose a bik, for some river kilts of a thin tree.

Tse pіvnіchny bіk, fibers in the new part, lower in other parts. Itself її і vikoristovuvatimemo, creating a crossbow with their own hands in the minds of the home. For the third part, it is necessary to work the cibula. They mark the middle, in the presence of offensive sides they add about two centimeters, having marked the part, as if to squeeze into the box of a crossbow. Tse will be the best place of the cybul. As soon as the new one is repaired, the material is sifted through step by step to the brim. To cut the workpiece step by step from both sides, with which they change it, the docks won’t even break even a little bit. Then it is necessary to take a mitzna skein, work it on її loops. Tse will be a trial draft. Vaughn is needed for re-checking the tightness of the cibul. Even more importantly, so that his shoulders folded evenly. Having dressed up the improvised pull and pulled the cibula, you can dance, in some places you know the material. Їx are marked, carefully cut with a knife. So it is necessary to continue doti, until the vibrancy does not bend equally from both sides. Knots are often tangled on the material: some are visible at a glance, others can be seen in the process of processing the material. If the stench is not safe, then we appreciate that through them they can settle down as much as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to sharpen such a good place with a knife. I don’t know how much I know, it’s better than a little more to mess around and polish them with an emery paper.

Also for whom you can vicorate drinks. If the cibula is ready, they should lay down and proceed to the preparation of the bed. To vibrate on the cob, de bude, like a vilitatime arrow, slacken the whole place ideally equal. The same kind of stale, as far as possible, shoot a crossbow. To understand, rather to marvel at the crossbow chair. How to build a yoga bed is depicted in detail here. After that, they turn a grievance for the necessary dozhina. Sound out to become close to 30 cm. Їx handy with a chisel and a carpenter's knife. As it was said above, yoga can be worked from a cane tree, or, like a crossbow, from metal. The simplest mechanism is the same as the titles "hot". Vin is folded from the cylinder, from one side - a zipper for pulling, and from the other side - an emphasis for the trigger. In tight crossbows, the descent is greater than the rest for an easy push on the trigger for an hour of advancement. We looked at how to make a crossbow with your own hands. Meister-class with armchairs, support, help you to grow up in all thinnesses. Tse is a simple middle model. Now we know, how to rob such a well, I’ll save a modern model. Such a device is more foldable, for a new one you need more tools, lower for a great one. So, we create a crossbow with our own hands in our home minds from scleroplasty.

This material is ideal for making tsibuli, because it is thin and light at the same time. Yogo can be seen from a whole piece of scleroplasty with a torso of 1 cm or by yourself. If you don’t molt tinker, then it’s better to prepare yourself. Robimo skloplastikovy shoulders for a crossbow It is necessary to take sklotkanina or Kevlar and cut with males. You need 30 to 40. Vzagali, it is better to try everything with a clear path. Qi smugs are glued with epoxy resin so that everything caught becomes monolithic. So you need to think about how to put the whole "sandwich" under the press. It’s better to beat the boards, put your shoulders between them, squeeze everything with clamps. In epoxy glue, there may be less gusher, lower sound, at the borders of the vіd 8 to 10%. Everything is caught in 24 years, but even though it is cold in the place, the hour can increase. If everything is overtaken, the shoulders should be finished, cutting the edges with a knife and sanding with an emery paper. Now it is reportedly discussed how to build a crossbow with your own hands in your home minds and how to make additional structural elements.

Robimo figurne bed For whom it is necessary to take a doshka with a tovshchina not less than 4 cm. Zagalom, everything is right with armchairs. If it is necessary to see all the necessary, open that view. Blocks їх it is possible zrobiti for aluminum. Best of all, the stench was on the bearings. Vіdmіnno pіdіdnі go middle parts vіd kolіs for roller kovzanіv. The stink to finish the mіtsnі for vitrimuvannya strong navantagezhen, until then їhnіy rozmіr іdеalny. Osі under them need 5 mm zavtovshki. You can take them from the videos or work on your own. The reinforcement is made of sheet steel or similar to the mineral material. It is also possible before pouring the epoxy resin of the shoulders of the cibules and their comrades, for the installation of blocks, this kind of reinforcement is not needed. If you want to make a crossbow with your own hands in your home minds, you need to install a trigger mechanism from a trigger and a trim arrow. All parts are fastened with bolts, and the washers are wrapped around in a vicarious manner. The stench allows you to twist everything, not poshkozhuyuchi material. In block crossbows, the drawstring is dowsha and it is pulled in a different way. Vaughn nibi intersect, and when tensioned, the system allows you to shoot more energy for watering, lower in the fall with a great crossbow with such a cibule. The tight block models have a steel cable, only the windows of the building vitrimat and majestic sharp vice during the construction. In crossbows, whose mіts trohi more than 40-50 kg, її can be woven from kapron threads.

Armoring the pull for the crossbow In the described way, you can work the pull like a recursive, so classic crossbow. It's just that their life will be different due to the peculiarities in the designs of both models. Take a board with a dozhina planned tativi, drive in two pieces, wind a kapron thread on a yak around a stake. If the thickness of the second oval is 5 mm, it is wrapped around, the ribs between the coils are 2-3 mm. Bіlya kіlochkіv nіbіbnі tіbіtі without promіzhkіv, even there will be hаіnі loops. With the drive of the thruster, one can say that those who are still working too much, then the strength of the crossbow is reduced. However, the thin one can be torn.

Also, it is necessary for you to choose the industrial tovshchina. Rather, try similar sports models with the same tightness and build up the spirit of your comradeship. If it is crushed, the two halves will wind up and wrap at once. I know, however, that the loops need a special retelnist. Let's wind up the middle, de dyativ to start up and shtovhatime the arrow. It is also respectful to shy away in the same place, even if the strength of rubbing the majestic tightness is shown on the new one. All the edges of the threads that are cut should be smeared with glue. Tse zrobit їх more schіlnymi and monolithic. In this article, there is an armchair that describes how to build a right crossbow in household minds. It's not so foldable, especially if you work with a wooden armor. As well as viroblyatsya for polyuvannya s method to achieve majestic tightness, next to choose a block model. Її the design of the troch is foldable, you may need a workbench for the preparation of some details.

To build a superb crossbow independently, there is little majestic bajannya and practicality. It is also necessary to know the necessary knowledge base, technical and material base. It is possible, obviously, to collect pieces of wood and a car spring, and, more often than not, to saw, plan, sharpen and drill, roughly focusing on the small design of a crossbow that has been found. However, as a result, it may appear that your crossbow is too important, unhandy, and you didn’t see the ones you dreamed about and showed.

What is work? In the first place, it is necessary to accurately designate what kind of crossbow you want to make. Andzhe raznovidіv tsієї її ї ї ї zbroї majestic quantity and in the skin є as its technical features.

In another way, it is necessary to know exactly your ability to have a plan of possession, for the help of which you can use the leather part of the crossbow. І, thirdly, kindly think about what kind of material you have for the preparation of this other design of the crossbow.

Well, let's improve our knowledge about crossbows and their diversity. For the cob we marvel at the flashy attachment of the crossbow.

As a rule, any kind of crossbow is composed of advancing parts and mechanisms:

  1. lodges and straight crossbows;
  2. qibulya and shoulders;
  3. trigger mechanism;
  4. aiming attachment;
  5. add tension;
  6. proactive;
  7. arrows (bolts).

Now let's torknemos klassifikatsii crossbows. Mustache crossbows are classified according to the number of criteria.

Classification for the force of tension of the shoulders of the crossbow:

  • Tension force up to 20 kg. Tsі arbalests are most often vikoristovuyutsya for vіdpochinku and rozvagi. The range of the aiming shooter is not too great and is about 15-20 meters.
  • Crossbows with a tension force of 20 to 55 kilograms allow you to trigger the trigger mechanism with varying degrees of soft force, without additional attachments. The stench is aimed at getting a distance of 60-70 meters.
  • Crossbows with a tension force of over 55 kilograms are used even with a serious attack and are forced to pull a special attachment to the platoon for tension.

Classification for kshtalt of a frozen onion.

  • Monoluk - can be of the same kind, made from scleroplasty or steel, as well as folded from different kinds of wood.
  • Shoulders plus a block - at this point for fixing the shoulders of the cibulist, to fight in the middle - a block. Such a crossbow is easy to finish when transported, the shards are easy to understand.

Classification for kshtalt of vicorous shoulders.

  • They can use blocks - with different eccentrics and rollers, as well as make one main and two additional tractions.
  • Classical - S-shaped bow type of wigu.
  • Straight - at a not bent position, make a straight arm.

Classification according to the lodge of the crossbow, which zastosovuetsya.

  • The classic bed of the twine type, may have a full butt, a flower and a neck.
  • Sports bed with a pistol grip and a hole in the butt
  • The bed is of an old-fashioned type, smelt after the image of middle-class crossbows.

Classification by the tightness method.

  • M'yazovy sposіb natyagu maє stirrups, the system is important or special way.
  • This is the name of the "goat's leg" - this is a special one-shouldered important.
  • Block tension from the kіlkom with rollers.
  • Gate - tse pristosuvannya maє gear rack and worm gear

Now, since we have taken away the evidence of the power of crossbows, you can think about how the design is supposed to be for you, protecting your technical abilities. Tobto - chi є you have the ability to vicorate metal and woodworking typesetting. Believe me, there are no more planes on your hands, drill and a hacksaw on metal, you can’t work a right yakisny crossbow. Actual details can be prepared by a less competent turner. To fly on the hands of the report chair of the crossbow, you happen to zasosuvat maximum zusil, guesses and cunningness, so that everything is beautiful and technically competent.

Let's prepare the crossbow from the stock. For the cob I will need a tree. We need such a species of wood, so that it would not complain, would not splinter, and would mow the yazka. According to the parameters of the cycle, it is possible to breed like beech, clear, hot birch.

A doshka with a tovshchina of 30 cm. Now it is necessary to appoint yourself from the rozmirs of the bed. It is shown below how to determine your rozmir according to your physical parameters.


A - ce main your physical differences.

  • L - Dovzhina from the ulnar vagina to the nail of the pointed finger.
  • H3 - height from the clavicle to the chin.
  • B2 - the width of the thorax from one inguinal part of the body to the inside.

B - expansion of the future bed.

  • Lp - the main body of the box, it will look like the front part of the trigger hook up to the five butt. (5-15 mm lower, lower to the middle of the tiling part of the butt)
  • Lps - dozhina from the trigger to the middle of the butt plate part. (vіdstan L)
  • Lн - dozhina bed from the trigger to the butt stock. (0+-15 mm longer or shorter, reach the middle of the buttock part of the butt, lie down near the entire chest)
  • a - open the bed to the bottom in front of the butt.
  • pro - vіdstan vіdgin bed down to five butt. (Explore "a" and "o" to work fallow in vіd vіdstanі H3)

B - the introduction of the bed that yogo change is killed, yak_ lie down in the width of the chest (B2)

  • Op - open the bed up to a part of the five butt.
  • Vіn - vіdstan vіdvedennya bed to skarpet butt.

The stock is hung from the cob of the trigger to the other points that are found on the butt plate. In order to make a bed for the expansion of your body, wink the little ones more. Ale mean values ​​are as follows:

  • From the cob of the trigger to the five - 360-365 mm.
  • From the bar to the toe of the butt (Lн) to stand - 368-372mm.
  • To the middle point, which is located on the floor area (L1) - 356-360mm.
  • "a" - 40-45 mm. "b" - 55-60mm.

Focusing on this table and having built the vimir of the body, you can choose optimal expansion a crossbow stock that will suit you perfectly. Important? Nothing terrible, as it seems "it's important for the trainee, it's easy for the congestion"

Then you can proceed to the immediate preparation of the bed itself. It is recommended to look at the paper template on the back of the head, having placed it on a new bed for rosemaries, as if you froze it and assigned it to an additional table. can be easily found on the Internet.

About those, how step by step to prepare the bed of a crossbow, the trigger mechanism and shoulders, we will talk in other articles. Here our task is to learn how to identify the parts of the crossbow and the material necessary for you, from which stench will be prepared.

Now we wonder why the preparation of the shoulders of the crossbow has begun. And most of the time, it’s necessary to start with the choice of material, for which the shoulders are peaceful. I think you have already been appointed, a kind of crossbow you can use: with a folding bow, or a monobow.

Material for the preparation of shoulders can be stepped on:

  • Vikoristovuєmo shoulders in the form of a sports tsibuli, as if it were your order. You can see the sports sections, there you can ask for written off bows without a cost, one hell of a lot of money. Well, it’s true, you can wink for weak crossbows with a pull force of 17 to 20 kg.
  • Textolіt, or skloteksholіt - you can find it in the convenience stores. The tension force is small up to 20 kg. Call vicorist for the creation of crossbows for game purposes.
  • Avtomobilna resora - flog in your garages, garages susіdіv or technical halls.
  • Aluminium, titanium, steel - you can also find it at the convenience stores.
  • Skloplastik, ugleplastika and different composite materials - again, the stores of budmaterials are shaking.

The most important shoulders of the crossbow come from sloplasty and composite materials. Below there is an armchair with shoulder widths made of scleroplasty with an interference of up to 40 kg.

Automotive resora can be beaten to make a mono bow. The bowstring is tightened to a new one, either for an additional ring, or it is pulled on a trident.

Monoluk from fixed pulls for additional rollers.

Start below start before independent preparation a crossbow should be assigned to the authorities of the same kind of weapons. Some of the main structural elements are: a trigger mechanism, a pull, a cybula with a pull, a sight, a tension mechanism and a wooden base, which is usually called a bed.

Zvichayno, a crossbow, zrobleny, strongly vіd_znyatiyetsya vіd zavodskogo on design. Ale, the principle of work will be similar. For the cob, it is necessary to prepare the base of the crossbow. The base is the main element of such an array. Yogo can be grown from such types of wood, like birch and gore. Tovshchina zagotovlі maє buti no less than three centimeters. After the creation of the workpiece, it is necessary to design on it the shape of the future base, and then to vir_zati її.

As for the tsibuli itself, then for її preparation you can beat the arches in the form of an old sports tsibule (like you have one). For the stock of the crossbow and the cibula, it is necessary to assemble the cibula with the base. Truthfully, you can beat the other option. Vіn transferring the preparation of the metal frame. On the new one, the bed of that cibula will be roztashovuvatisya.

Yak zrobiti yativa

The mother is not guilty of the high rіven of stretching. Otherwise, a self-contained crossbow will no longer be victorious over its functions. Otzhe, best material for the creation of a tativi stand lavsan or fastflight. Wrap the threads, pulling them forward between flowers. Do not forget to make loops for dressing up. Tighten the drawstring without a stirrup, which you can use in your line of work from a steel rod or a cable.

One end of the cable or attach the dart to the base of the crossbow. And on the other end, fix the handles. It is also necessary to adjust the tension of the tension after the її fixation. Zrobiti tse can already be without a middle on.

Trigger mechanism and arrow

After adjusting the tension of the tensioner, you can proceed to the preparation of the trigger mechanism. In the role of such a mechanism, there is a wooden importance, which needs to be carefully inserted into the crossbow. Then it is necessary to mount the aiming attachment. Flies can zastosovuvatsya for mechanical aiming.

Arrows for a self-made crossbow can be made from excellent boards, and then planed. If you want them to shoot, they were mitzni, not a trace to drive flowers on them. In another turn, with the reach of the mark, the arrow may break.

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