Dmitrivski versati dzfs. Dmitrіvskiy plant of milling benches, milling machines and universal benches

of all 30 , average score 5.0

TOV "Kurganskiy steel plant" 5

12 September 2016

We put on our production two milling types DZFS through Ekaterinburzka branch. I’ll tell you that here we practice vіdminnі fahivtsі - without regard for the winds of virobnitstva, they helped us pick up the typesetting according to our needs and showed us that we can add some extra possibilities for small pennies.

Now we have a wonderful layout with a powerful smoking system and a high productivity, for which great thanks to the branch of the DZFS in Ekaterinburz.

is it brown? /

TOV "Yekaterinburz Priladovy Zavod" 5

13 September 2016

Pridbali 4 milling lines through the branch of the DZFS near metro station Yekaterinburz. It’s even more convenient that it’s not necessary to fly to Moscow for picking, and the trade did not fetter the cost of hours.

The favor was fully framed in Yekaterinburg, the typesets were delivered promptly, and all the start-up and tax works went off with a bang. Make up the best quality, there are no everyday problems.

corisno? /

TOV "Perm Steel Plant" 5

15 September 2016

Zamovlyali at the plant DZFS verstat for milling of small aluminum and steel elements. We got it done in the office in Perm, obviously, because I didn’t have a chance to fly to Moscow to the plant. He was worthy of sales to us - professional and noble lads. Verstat does not pay for service!

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IP Kondrashov 5

20 Sep 2016

The past fate brought a milling bench DZFS near the branch near metro Perm. At the same time, it works on streaming production, successfully copes with challenges, without breakdowns and other problems. Much satisfied with the layout, I decided to sell it in Yekaterinburg for help in choosing a model.

corisno? /


27 September 2016

We work only with the St. Petersburg branch of the DZFS, but only one of the small factories, as it turns out to be a good possession for work with high-carbon steel. Okremo I want to signify a high level of fakhivtsiv in terms of sales, so that I pick up new typesets with incompetent accuracy, or complete the launch of new lines.

corisno? /

TOV "Promkomplekt" 5

09 February 2016

We fixed the verstat 6K82G from DZFS through the official website It was worthy of those who gave us a quick rebuke, then they called back a few more times, so that we could ask for more drinks and smart words. Service already can be in its order. At the birch, we check for the delivery of that start-up of our workforce, rozpovіmo, as it has passed.

corisno? / 0

TOV "Ogorozha curl" 5

February 17, 2016

The turn of the year 2014 was turned back to the DZFZ, in order to replace the milling machine with additional functionality. We thought about what to give, the shards were not standard, but they made us sell, they didn’t just see our shit, but they brought in a trim, so that we could buy standardized milling cutters and spare parts at the factory.

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TOV "Pіterstal" 5

February 20, 2016

We have more than 10 years of buv verstat in the DZFS, the moment has come, if the vіn moves. We returned to the factory, it turned out that the stench was making a philia in Petersburg and the stench organized the way of fakhivtsya to us for admission. Fahivets, having sorted out our worksheet, brought us spare parts and a robot, we were impressed.

Now they put a technical service agreement with DZFS, so that there was no more downtime!

corisno? /

TOV "Importkomplekt" 5

February 24, 2016

We found out about the DZFS plant on the Internet, if vinyl is needed by a hard-working milling machine for cutting steel fences. Dekіlka once read about the plant, bacheled the sale at the federal chains and, nareshti, returned to the plant itself. It turned out that we have a family at Ekaterinburz. We bought a verstat from the result and now it is practicable for the same service, we are more than satisfied that all the supplies are delivered to us at the place.

Dyakuyu DZFS!

corisno? /

Igor Panin 5

01 April 2016

I made a milling versat on duralumin at DZFS in Yekaterinburz branch. The road, ale yakіsna car, did not cause any problems with the execution of documents, it would be better to bring us to Tyumen the shvidko. There was a delay behind the delivery lines for three days.
I think that the problem here is not with the DZFS, but with the transport company that delivered the verstat.

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Sizuev Oleksandr 5

05 April 2016

Spivrobnitstvo z DZFS rozpochali approximately five years ago through the family in Perm, the first versat, a kind of spelling - the versat of the wide-universal instrumental model DF6725. Verstat is a reference, dosі at the vіdmіnі stіnі, after which it was bouldered by stretching five rokіv sche two more verstati. There are no daily complaints about the quality and delivery terms.

corisno? /

TOV "Solution Bend" 5

By our undertaking, horizontal cantilever-milling typesetting models 6DM82G and 6DM83G were fixed, they were called through the name of Perm. Mustache was taken from line by schedule. At our facility, there is already a roll of versatility in the form of DZFS, all dossi at the management station, regular maintenance is carried out and it is understandable, which good quality car, even though five years have already passed. Techpidtrimka hopes for the DZFS itself.

corisno? /

Yaroslav Aleksiev 5

Wednesday 06th 2016

I work closely with the Dmitrovsky Plant of Milling Verstat in a lot of rocks. I would like to thank the staff and the director of this enterprise for foreignness and individual support to clients!

For me, it was important to know a wide-versatility verstat on the Russian market at a reasonable price, a small sum of money allowed me to buy more than summative quality products from the country at once. Ale, having listened to the comments of my partners, I turned back to the ZFZ. On the same day, they recognized me with obvious possessions and made me more aware of the proposition with the rose line when buying.

I'm overwhelmed with pleasure, and spіvpratsyuvatimu z DZFS nadali.

Z uv. Yaroslav Aleksiev (IP Karnaukh O.P.)

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IP Sharapov T.U. 5

Thursday 15th 2016

Tsgogo tyzhnya distalied verstat from DZFS for processing aluminium. The start-up and adjustment works were carried out successfully, cleared up, honestly recognized, richly, because after the preparation of test parts, we were no longer satisfied with the quality. It’s too early to talk about further spіvpratsyu, marveling at how the DZFS will behave on pototsі.

corisno? /

IP Ivan Berkutov 5

Thursday 22nd 2016

Zamovlya verstat on the website of the past year physical person. I was promptly called back, all the details were answered, the documentation was thrown off, they called for a leasing for the company, which means I’m sorry. Verstat was built and delivered exactly on time, and if there was a problem with the tax, without a charge, they promptly replaced the details and everything was fine.
My vysnovok - the plant is 100% turnaround to the client, I recommend to spivpratsi!

corisno? /


25 Lipnya 2016

Due to the company "Dmitrivsk Verstati-DZFS" for an individual fee and a gnuchka, mind the work of leasing. DZFS and RAT DRTI companies have been improving the partner’s blueprints for 10 years, as well as the latest milling versat 6K82Sh, having replenished the DRTI harvesting area, introducing new opportunities for milling and new working areas! Mustaches are working at the miraculous working station, the future of the Russian business is in the hands of such wonderful assemblers, like the DZFS!

corisno? /

ZAT "Silfon" 5

27 Lipnya 2016

Over 15 years of spivpratsiyuemo z DZFS, at the same time they have less to buy typeset, the workshops have lost only a couple of Chinese milling cutters. First of all, no "cheating" seller - all from the first hand from the factory. In a different way, the worker of marriages, there is no fallowing in the course of the volute, the work is paid for itself for ten pennies, as it was written in the contract, without change. Well, the most important thing is service engineers and start-up workers here in Russia, and if it wasn’t trapilos a latitude, everything is repaired and repaired quickly. Make up and spare parts always deliver the term on the spot, you don’t need a check. We recommend DZFS to everyone - a miraculous vineyard.
It’s already been a long time, we haven’t had any problems with the milestone, so we want to make everyone DZFS as a reliable partner for enterprises that produce metal battens with folding cuts.

corisno? /

11 september 2016

The main plus of the products of the Dmitriv milling machine plant is the chain of documentation. So, Chinese analogues are cheap, but during operation they blame hourly technical problems, but they are simple in production, even if it was possible to deliver spare parts to docks.

In the case of DZFS, it is not enough to consult with specialists, but also viklikati nalashtuvacha, which is to work it all out quickly and splendidly. With all the details that are necessary, and the rozkhіdnikіv vіdbuvaetsya in different swidshe, shards of stench are in reality.

We took possession of the Dmitriev Milling Machinery Plant, it took an hour to change it, to make it up and work on it all the whole hour, but the repair was already needed.

Managers prompted us to hold overhaul that modernization of the earlier possession. All the works were carried out in a reasonable term and navit from a reserve of a few days, the quality of the repair itself is also on the high, so we have lost our satisfaction with the results.

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Oleksiy Shumsky 5

25 serp 2016

I have little acceptance, the possession was old enough, so it’s hot for the check at that moment, if it’s left out of tune.

A colleague, having pleased the garna of the DZFZ company, was only too expensive. Having tried the best options, but the possession, which I showed to all my helpers, I didn’t know.

Having nevertheless consulted and telephoned to the DZFS, as it turned out, it was necessary not to spend an hour and ask for a call. Managers urged me to earn money and get everything necessary so that it cost a penny for everything.

The delivery of the order and the installation went without problems, it takes less than an hour to re-check, but there are no doubts that everything will go miraculously here.

corisno? /

Electromash 5

09 spring 2016

Our analysts did a colossal job, but they still managed to know the best option for us. The main problem was in the fact that the possession of the old man’s office (vitchiznyane or the Chinese analogue is cheaper).
The result is a choice of damages to the greed of the state of affairs, as at the start it is more expensive, but in the service it is more expensive, and at the time of repair the terms are richer.
Krіm tsgogo, Dmitrіvskiy zavod having created for us more vigіdnu proposition schodo rozstrochennya, allowing us zdіysniti all conceived and contribute to the vision of the budget.

26 spring 2016

Statement, as it was bought last year from the Dmitrovsky plant of milling machines from the robot, effectively more than that, which we used to buy from China. In addition, the stench breaks down sooner, so the repair does not drag on for a month and more, and everything that does not require a long check for spare parts, the stench will always be in the company's warehouse.

In the next hour, we plan to replace the ownership of our business, the company's managers have propagated as much as possible for us.

Due to all the practitioners of the plant, we encourage further support.

corisno? /

Aquilon 5

October 10, 2016

As part of the renewal of the production park, our plant was awarded the title of manufacturing a wide-universal console-milling machine 6K81Sh at DZFB.
All the necessary documentation was drawn up by the managers of the plant in accordance with all standards, and at the time of the arrival of our specialist, the possession was ready for transportation.
We have lost our satisfaction not only in the first stages, but also in the next, and also in the possession of a robot, so it is planned to put an agreement on the delivery of a row of versatility itself at the same picker.

corisno? /

Yuri Nevaleny 5

October 19, 2016

It was necessary to update the fiery possession, the shards of wear and tear were even stronger and idle time at the robot became even greater.

We tried to take a sample of two types of vytchiznyany vyrobnitstv in the TOV "Dmitrivski verstati-DZFS". The possessions were delivered at the line, as if the robots were installed, and the installations were no longer satisfied.

Well, right up to the very installation, it fit in well with the sleeping robot, there were no interruptions in the robot. After that, they closed up a sprat of verstatives, for the sake of which they made us even see the proposition of the stitching.

We not only invested in finances, we saw it for modernization, but we reconsidered our thoughts, which allowed us to greatly increase the intensity of our production.

In the name of your company, in honor of all the supporters of TOV "Dmitrivsk verstati-DZFS" for the official work, that is a blessing.

corisno? /

RosSpetsAvtom 5

October 24, 2016

The replacement of possession is a serious job for any kind of business, if it’s a great factory or a small company, then it’s easy to know the typesetting that meets the usual criteria for manufacturing.
We were lucky, our managers went to TOV "Dmitrivsk verstati-DZFS", managers could choose the best option for us for the price and functionality, and smartly and smartly allowed us to buy everything at once, and not in batches, as it was planned on the back. Tim, we ourselves were able to immediately change the whole line and launch it to the full tightness.
Dyakuєmo TOV "Dmitrivski verstati-DZFS" for the work done and for it is the best thing for our difficult hour.

The guest of our column is the director of the Dmitrovsky Plant of Milling Machines Volodymyr Panteliyovich Savitsky. Vіn rozpovіv chitachami about his pіdpriієmstvo that іnstrument, which vikoristovuyut vyrobnitstvі.


Savitsky Volodymyr Panteliyovych - director of the Dmitriv milling machine plant

All labor activity Volodymyr Pantelijovich Savitsky was involved in a machine shop, his work experience is 37 years, moreover, at the very same enterprise - the Dmitrievsky milling milling plant. Having started in 1977, we learned the slyusar-electrical fitter of the 6th mechano-warehouse shop. In 1980, the roci became an electrician of a different category. In 1993, the roci yom was assigned the fifth rank of a plumber-electrical fitter, which was the year of his appointment as a maister (foreman) of the electrical assembly plant of the same 6th mechano-warehouse shop. In 1999, the role was a slyusar-electrical fitter of the 5th category in shop 05. In 2010, the role of transfers to the landing of an adjusting engineer at the warehouse shop. In 2012, the roci is the intercessor of the director of manufacturing at the plant management. Since 2013, Roku is the director of the plant.

- Dmitrov Milling Machinery Plant, founded in 1940 on the basis of repair machines for the Moscow-Volga canal - one of the most important manufacturing enterprises in Russia. For more of the lower half of the decade, our plant has grown and expanded. They entered into new workshops, improved engineering services, increased the number of working personnel, improved the skills that were released. We have developed a rich variety of unique designs of layouts, deeds of honoring high honors at domestic and foreign exhibitions.


At our plant, they created and modernized more than one range of typesetting milling groups. We produce universal console-milling typesetting machines with different levels of automation, including typesetting machines, equipped with a digital indication system (UTSI), or with numerical control (CNC), special and special typesetting for industrial galleys. In addition, our typesetting can be done differently on the working surface of the table. They are used for all types of milling work: drilling, countersinking and turning, opening on parts made of black and color metals, their alloys and plastics in the minds of a single, milling series and serial milling.

From the options that are produced at the factory, you can choose and order a modern milling bench. Obviously, the manufactured products are certified and may have a warranty term of operation. What is important, our company provides technical support with spare parts and accessories for all previously released models of versatility, ensuring after-sales service and maintenance of our possession. We may have a great opportunity to export deliveries to the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, CIS.

- What is the main production of the enterprise today?

- There is a wide range of vertical and horizontal, as well as universal cantilever-milling benches in the 6K ... series. І updated, more modern series “6DM…” with working table dimensions from 250x630 mm to 400x1600 mm with a different level of automation, including typesetting, equipped with CNC and CNC, as well as special and special typesetting machines for milling

We also provide services for metalworking and the preparation of parts of various folds.

- Which metalorizal tool do you give priority to?

– For the production of typesetting victorious cutting tools of such firms as (Sweden), Pumori (Czechoslovakia) (As far as we know, the Pumori instrument is vibrating in Russia. approx. editor), we have been working with them for over 10 years already and are already satisfied with the technical characteristics of the tool.

– How do you solve the problem of labor personnel?

– Daedalı more young zaluchaetstvu zavdyak stable salary Today the price is 25 - 40 thousand rubles, which is worth a high income for our region. We also take care of social guarantees for them - payment for medical leaves, admissions, we give you initial admissions that are paid. It is also necessary to signify the diversity of the work, which is consummated, which is impossible not to get young personnel. Raznomanіtnіst pogaє in a wide range of possessions, what is released, but what does it mean great choice vikonuvanih robit that services.

- Do you take part in exhibitions?

– Naturally, our plant takes part in specialized trade fairs, exhibitions, zocrema, at the largest international exhibition - as a way to pass near Moscow, the largest exhibition center "Crocus-Expo". We also take an active part in regional exhibitions: ZAT VK "Krasnoyarsk Yarmarok", ZAT "Nizhny Novgorod Fair", "Promissory Salon" (Samara). Exhibitions for our business is one of the main marketing benefits from getting new customers, expanding the number of business contacts and contacts. In addition, at exhibitions you can earn money to work with robots and evaluate your quality, for us it’s even more important. We ourselves advertise and show new models of typography of wet production. Well, it’s amazing, I guess about myself, about those who don’t just practice, they expand innovation, which confirms the world’s equal.

Foundings in 1940 were one of the most important business enterprises in Russia.

Dmitrіvskiy plant of milling verstatіv is becoming the most highly efficient undertaking. The high design and technological potential allows quick response to the consumer market and the launch of competitive products with the improvement of the success of the successor.

Horizontal typesetting

DZFS is one of the leading manufacturers of horizontal milling benches for the post-traditional market, our plant can export deliveries of horizontal milling benches to Turkey, Tunisia, Iraq, Denmark, Jordan, Italy, etc.

Horizontal milling machines of our plant are recognized by a trivial term of service and efficiency in operation.

Vertical milling machines

Dmitrovsky plant of milling benches is one of the leading manufacturers of vertical milling benches in the post-traditional market, our plant can export deliveries of vertical milling benches to Turkey, Tunisia, Iraq, Denmark, Jordan, Italy, etc.

Vertical milling machines of our plant are recognized by a trivial term of service and efficiency in operation.

Shirokouniversalny milling types

Special milling types

Setting up for kuvannya and zginannya

Installation "MONOGRAM"

Designed for the production of decorative moldings by the method of cold or hot forging of metal profiles or metal rolling.

Virobi, what to walk - fenced; go; grati; visors; likhtari; furniture; fireplace accessories; gate pіdёmno-turning, vіdkatnі, rozstіbnі; barriers; the door is richly different.

Priya zginalny UG-1250

Assigned for cutting the sheet material of the cutter 0.5 ... 2.0 mm. The configuration of the curved surface is determined by the turn of the rocker, the width of the sheet is determined by a set of changing profile strips.

The installation is designed for molding locks on sheet metal for the production of ventilation systems, roofing and other work.

The unit can be completed with rollers for different types of locks (options).

Machine ziguvalna UPZ-1

Designed for vikonannya such operations, like picking up edges, folded folds in parts that are cut from sheet metal.

The kit includes a set of rollers for various types of robots.

Attachment rewinder UR-1250

Appointments for rewinding from the drum of sheet rolled material.

You can find detailed information about representations on this side and other models of DZFS layouts on our website:

TOV "Izhstalprom"

We have installed two types of DZFS typesetting machines - vertical cantilever-milling typesets from UCI (Heidenhain), models 6DM12F1 and 6DM13F1. Pratsiyuemo s branch in Perm, the DZFS plant is one of the poor, as if it were similarly owned.

TOV "Permski metalovirobi"

I practice more at the verstati 6T83Sh in the DZFZ. The corps of mіtsniy, the accuracy of the temple, the verstat quickly vmikaєtsya and zavzhd ready to work. Verstat will bring satisfaction.

IP Maklakov I.A.

2013 added to the rock at DZFS a layout for cutting small loops on the screens. A pile of satisfaction, cleanliness of wines, service everything is simple and cheap. The price in por_vnyannі z chinese depends, but the versat is more than worth its pennies - and grooves, and profile cutters vіdminnі, depth is installed easily, pratsyuє cleanly.

TOV "Sibaymetalurg"

We spіvpratsiuєmo with Dmitrіvskiy plant DZFS dovgі roki, oskіlki danny pіdpriєmstvo, mayuchi virobnіstvo vlasne vyrobnitstvo, not only vygotovlyaє standardizirovanі verstati, and їkh pіd our consumption of additional panels and harder pumping installations.

CJSC "Steel and negokomplekt"

Our company will purchase metalworking equipment only from the Dmitriev Milling Machinery Plant. Dmitrіvskі verstati vіdrіznyає mіtsnіst, naііynіst і dovgovіchnіst, and the plant itself throughout Russia, proving itself to be the most important postal worker. In addition, it is a foldable economic period for our country, votchiznyan vineyards, because of the advantage of the possession of Russian vineyards.

NVO "Perm Steel"

Dmitrovsky plant Milling Verstativ having equipped our enterprise with such verstats SF676, 6T12, 6K82G. The drafts were prepared within 90 calendar days, promptly delivered, and all our services were insured. Dyakuёmo plant DZFS for shvydka and yakіsnu work!

CJSC "Budlifttorg"

Zavdyakov to the minds of the robotic company DZFS, our enterprise was able to arrive on leasing already the third fregerny verstat 6K82Sh. We plan to expand our versatility and support further mutual cooperation with TOV "Dmitrivski Verstati-DZFS".

VAT "Pashiysky cement and metallurgical plant"

Our undertaking has been spivpratsyuє іz Dmitrіvskiy zavod DZFS since 1998. Over the course of an hour, over fifty units of metalworking equipment were bought in a flash, including typesetting milling, typesetting with CNC. It is planned to continue the treatment from DZFS and in the coming years.

For long years of cooperation with the "Dmitrovsky Milling Machinery Plant" our enterprises have been warm friendly blue. Almost all of our typesetting with CNC is prepared by DZFS, and the milling shop of our plant only knows that we were allowed to do things that allowed us to own more for leasing. Dyakuєmo for the support, that spodіvaєmos on pіdnu spіvpratsyu nadalі.

CJSC "Budlifttorg"

To the hearts of the minds of the robotic company DZFS, our enterprise was able to arrive on leasing already the third milling machine 6K82Sh. We plan to expand our versatility and support further mutual cooperation with TOV "Dmitrivski Verstati-DZFS".

JV "Ural-Sigma"

Thanks to the Dmitrovsky Plant of Milling Lathes for its own supply of milling lathes and the reading of all the minds of the contract. Yakіst vyrobіv vіdpovіdaє DSTU, termіnі vikonannya zamovlennya - navit shvidshe, nizh appointed at the contract. Until then, the cost of possession fell under the share, so they took away the levy from the reception fee. Strongly recommended by the DZFZ.

TOV "Metal Tec"

Our organization delivered 6DM82Sh in a quantity of two pieces to the Dmitrovsky Milling Works. The work of a manager, as if he was busy with pleasing, more satisfied, as if he were the products of the enterprise. All the necessary documentation is added to the verstats, delivery is specified clearly at the lines.

NVP "Ufin Chavun"

Since then, two typesetting tables SF676 have been fixed at Dmitrievskiy Verstati-DZFS. Complete set arrived povna, expected nar_kan. The start-up and adjustment works were carried out by ourselves, everything went without problems. For rivers, the offenses of making up the right one have never been lamalized, there are no daily problems with their robots.

Return to our company, for the sake of spivpratsi, ready to respond to your needs!

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