No in terms of productive activity in the senior group of "lipy clown". Synopsis of nodes from productive activities Exhibition of children's experiences

"Come to the sea king"

Purpose: The development of children's cognitive interests. The development of educational-presidnitskoy and productive activity.

1. Continue to know children from the powers of the lead: insight, no smell, no relish, water is a retailer.
2. Close the ears of statements about the seas and oceans.
3. Promote the knowledge of children about the underwater world and yoga of bagmen.
1. To develop the skills of conducting laboratory studies
2. Develop the building aloud into the sounds of nature, into the melody and rhythm of the musical creation, signify its character, crumble to the character and rhythm of the music; develop building to get used to the image;
3. Develop social skills: practice with a group, take care of yourself, protect your partner’s thought, and how to defend your thought, prove your case.

1. To educate the bazhannya tsіkavitisya with the manifestations of the necessary world.
2. To educate serenity, interest and building work among groups, among collectives.
3. Show patience and listen to your friend to the end.
Integration of lighting blinds.
1. Physical development.
2. Knowledge development.
3. Social and communicative development.
4. Artistic development.
5. Movement development.
Slovnikov's robot:
Protect children with words: globe, ocean, sea, dolphins, octopus, jellyfish, crab, trident, mushli.
Individual work.
Follow the promo of children, give help in the form of nutrition.
Front of the robot:
1. Chat on the topics: "Ocean", "Sea", "Live Organisms of the Light Ocean".
2. View of the globe, map of the world.
3. Looking at the pictures of “Meshkants to the ocean”, “Ribi sea and fresh water”.
4. Learning verses about the sea, learning riddles about sea inhabitants.
5. Revision of the presentation "Sea".
Materials and possessions:
Model of the seabed, phonogram with the sounds of nature and musical suprovid, masks-caps Kraplinka vodi, mother - Khmarka, sun made from paper, globe, disposable cups, spoons, water, milk, tsukor, dribni igrashki, virva, servlet, presentation "Sea ”, a laptop, a tape recorder, mussels, a message and a letter of assignment on a piece of paper, pictures for the children’s game “Clean the Sea”, two easels on one little sea, on another small tank, a turtle toy, mussels as a gift, two posters of blue color, stencils sea ​​bags, sponges, gouache, water servets, tables for carrying out further painting.
Head of activity:
Children go to the hall. They hang out with the guests and sit on the tables.
Sun: -Children guess the riddle:
“Schob pouring down from the sky,
Sob spikelets of bread grew,
Sob the ships were fired,
Sob cooked jelly,
So that it wasn’t dashing -
We cannot live without ... (drive) - (Children).
Let's talk about water. And if you want, I'll tell you a fairy tale about a droplet. (So) - (Children).
You will help me. “Once upon a time there lived a mother-Khmara, and there were little droplets in her children. As if Mama-Cloud said to her little drops: - Droplets, you have an hour to break on the road. (Sound the audio recording with the sounds of the board). Droplets flew to the ground. They nailed it, they nailed it. (Children shave). They became tedious one by one stribati. The stinks picked up at once and flowed in small cheerful streams. (The sound of a shotgun sounds, the children stack the shotguns, holding hands in pairs). The streams streaked and became a great river. (The sound of the river sounds, the strings sing into one lance). Plivut little drops at the great river, mandruyut. Flowed, flowed, the river that drank the great ocean (children rehabilitate at the great round dance and collapse on the stake to sound the sound of the ocean). They swam, the specks swam, and then they guessed that mother - Khmarka ordered them to turn around. And then the sun warmed up. The droplets became light, stretched uphill. The stench vanished under the sonechka's exchange, and turned to mami - Khmarka. (Children grow up, run to their mothers - Khmarka, then sit down on their own).
Sun: - Well done lads! De zustrіchaetsya a droplet of water?
Children: - At the krapelts, a board, a glass, rivers, seas, oceans ...
Vos-l: - Let's take a look at the globe. What is a globe?
Children: This is our planet, only in a changed world.
Vos-l: To restore respect, how water takes up a part of the globe?
Children: - More than half.
Vos-l: - Do you need water? Can we live without her?
Children: - We drink water, swim, get ready to eat, ribs, creatures, roslins live by the water.
Vos-l: - What is water, how can power be out? - everything is clear, we will try it in our laboratory.
(Children go to the tables).
1 - style. They signify the transparency of the water. (Lower the bottle of milk with a dribnu igrushka, you can see it outside. Let's sweat at the bottle of water.
Visnovok: The water of the gap.
2 - style. What is the taste of water? Do you smell like water?
Wisnovok: Water does not smell like it without relish.
3 - style. Lower the shmatochok tsukra near the water. Standing up, breaking up.
Visnovok: Water is a retailer.
Sun: - Possibility of experiment: - water is one of the most important rivers. Vaughn has a lot of authority: transparency, no smell, no relish, a retailer.
- Children marvel at the globe, like a lot of water, but what can you drink all the time?
Children: No.
Vos-l: Why?
Children: - Solon, brudna.
Vos-l: - Water can be purified. Before you are two containers filled with water. How do you know if the water in them is the same?
Children: No. One is pure, and the other is brudna.
Sunday: - To clean it up - I’ll take a watering can for whom, put a piece of special paper in it and begin to pass the water through the watering can. What do we get out?
Children: - The water becomes clean.
Vos-l: - And what happened to our paper?
Children: - Brudna has become.
Vos-l: - Kindly corrected. And now we can fix it. Boys, can you recognize the sounds of nature? (So).
Let's try.
(A phonogram sounds. Children guess: the noise of the board, the sound of a thunderstorm, the sound of birds, the sound of the sea).
Vos-l: - Mabut, tse noise of the sea. Look at it like a garnet.
(Sunday show the children the presentation "Sea")
Vos-l: - Children, what can you say about the sea. Yake out?
Children: - Garne, boundless, clear, galaslive, blue, taєmniche, kazkove, charіvne ...
Vos-l: Read Christina's verse about the sea to us at once.
Khristina: The sea is wide,
Chernim buvaє chervonim.
We make the sea happy
Mostly buvaє solonym
And I love the blue sea
From the lagidnoy, lower hvileya.
I love, like a fish, splash,
Swim, pirnati, perekidatisya.
(It's good to know the turtle, but not the messenger).
Vos-l: - Boys, sent to us by the sea king Neptune. We will ask the guest for wine. I ask you for help. Neptune has a bida! It appears, and in the kings there are inaccuracies. Yogo the trident has inexplicably spent its enchanting power. Sob the chari turned, it was necessary for us to sink to the bottom of the sea and vikonate sprat zavdan. Are you ready?
Kids: Yes.
Vos-l: - Todі pochinaemo zanurennya. (Children beat the beat to the music).
The axles of me and stooped on the bottom of the sea, at the sea king. And the axis i is the first task.
(Recovery from the turtle leaf).
1.zavdannya. Do you know how water basins are?
Children Ocean, sea, river, lake, stream, swamp, salmon...
- What are the most important of them?
Children of the Ocean.
2. Appointment. Do you know what oceans are?
Children: - Quiet, Indian, Atlantic, Pivnichno-Lodovity.
– Do you know why they were given such names?
Children: - If the navigator Magellan sailed through the Pacific Ocean, for 90 days the weather was calm and the wines were called Quiet, but the last wines were broken, that the ocean was more belligerent and unstoppable.
- Atlantic why so names?
Children: - In honor of Atlanta - one of the strongest heroes in Greek mythology.
- Which ocean is the warmest?
Children: - Indian, and they called Yogo so, to the one who washes the shores of India, as in the old hours was respected by the most mysterious and most amazing land, in which it is warm.
- What is the smallest ocean?
Children: - Pivnіchno-Lodovitiy and they named him so, to the one who knows the order of the Pivnіchny pole and most of the rock of the ocean sleeps, hovayuchis tovstoy carpet of hard floating ice floes.

3. Appointment. - Do you know about the sea?

Children: - Chorne, Chervone, Zhovte, Kaspіysk, Bile, Okhotsk, Laptev, Zhigulivsk ...

How do seas and oceans breeze, and how do stinks look alike?

Children: - They look like rosemary, but they are similar to those that the water in them is salty.

4.zavdannya. It is required to clean the sea from the sight, like nedbaylivy vіdpochivayuchi litter on the birch and throw it at the sea. (Two easels. There are pictures on the table, on one easel we put a picture for smitty, and on the other you can live in the sea.)

Can lads be fermented with water?

Children: No.


Children: - The water will be brudna, the ribs and algae will perish, you can pore.

5 days. It is necessary to guess riddles.

1.What kind of miracle brandy?

Even more wondrous sounds!

Kіn not sіє i not ore,

Dancing under the water with the fish

Name Yogo friend

Reebok friend - (Sea horse)

2. How to spit the stink beautifully -

Duzhe shvidko that grylivo!

Show us your back

From sea water - (Dolphins)

3. Pear with long legs

Settled in the ocean.

Tsіlih vіsіm hands and nіg!

Tse marvel - (Vosminig)

4. Tsey white parachute

Carry wind to the shore

For her, goydalka hvila

I plive won without meti

No stars anywhere.

All transparency, like water. - (Medusa)

5.Povze in the sea a spider -

Vіsіm nіg, a pair of hands

In the hands of a claw,

In the eyes - perelyak

Spritno smittya picks

The sea bottom is cleared. – (Crab)

Sun: - Well done, lads! We ran into our mouths, and the trident of Neptune re-gained its enchanting power. And in return, the king of the sea Neptune gave you gifts: “Turtles”.

It's time for us to turn around. (Children rise to the music from the sea deeps on the surface.)

Vos-L: - Guys, let's get your thoughts about the sea more expensive than a little one.

(Children come to the table. The skin of a child takes a stencil of a sea creature and applies farba with a sponge).

Sun: - Boys, let's show our guests what kind of underwater light we have viyshov.

(Sunday that child read the verse.)

What do you think about water?

Talk out loud!

You bet її you know

I near the orphan fox swamp.

By the Kaluga, in the sea, in the ocean

I at the water tap,

Like a burulka freezes,

The foxes will call with fog,

On the stove you virue,

It's time for the kettle to hiss.

Without her, we can't get in,

Don't get drunk, don't get drunk!

I can add to you:

We can't live without her!

GCD at the senior speech therapy group "Our fun clowns" (Artistic activity)

Topic of the day Anatomy of a human being. 11/17/2015 Khrenkova O.O.

Tsіl: A creation of minds for the development of children's fine motor skills through the film of clowns from salty dough.

Prodovzhuvati children: lipiti vorobi from salty dough; push figures ruh.

    Develop in the mind: convey proportions, practice with a stack.

    Close the practice in the technique of testoplasty.

    Vihovuvati love to mami.

Front work: a talk about the circus, a look at illustrations from images of clowns.

Exhibition of children's experiences.

Ownership: salted dough, cardboard sheet 10/15, stacks, servets. A set of paper forms for a skin child, presentations.

Front of the robot: familiarity with the circus album.

Head of lighting activity

Stage of lighting activity

Organization of work space

Diyalnіst mature

Children's activity

Psychological and pedagogical mind / head

Children at once from the winner stand at the stake.

Leaflet for congratulations to mothers from її saint (calendar sheet)

Write down on the board the sequence (plan dіy) not only for today.

Є borosno, farba, sil, papir, rectangular plates.


I give the children respect for the leaflet.

The leaflet is addressed to moms, they can find it: what is soon sacred to moms and ce vіtannya for moms.

The wielder propagates all the work in order, stalely, depending on how much time is needed. Write down points on the doshtsi, signifying them with little ones.

    Guess a gift.

    Create a flyer:

    Prepare holy mami.

We look at the preparation of materials, try to get back to the computer for help. You need to come up with those, so that mom laughed. Let's look at the applied illustrations. (Presentation)

Robimo wisnovok, that we will vicorate saltyly.

You need to choose for yourself a flatter image, or else about me, maybe in front, what is more foldable.

Children stand at the stake, holding hands, laughing one to one.

Children turn on until they wake up,

hang on to your allowance and come to the thought, what is the need for mommy to take care of. Or rather, a present.

Children listen to the whistleblower, hang on to their allowance, how many hours before the preparation of the leaflet, pick, discuss the leather item of the work.

Hang up your excuses: how can you create a picture of what you can do. See what you can work on, and how to save the next time for the next time, how much time to prepare.

The children come in at Rozmov's, hanging out their thoughts, and muttering.

Wash the creation of a positive emotional attitude to practice.

Wash your mind to show communicative skills: to do homework. Wash the development of the pznavalnogo _interesu.

Wash your mind to show a pznavalny interest, motivation for future activity.

Wash your mind to show communicative skills: mutual interaction with each other for one hour of the meeting.

Wash your pіdtrimki pіznavalіnogo _interesu.

Wash for moving activity.

main part


Prepared tables for robotic children on paper flat forms. І boards for linden. Sound folk awards.

On the doshtsі are placed vilіplenі robots of children.

The vikhovator, if necessary, takes care of the children, the way to work with those other details.

The vihovator proponuє otrimani otrimani parts of the future clown, z'yasuvati from whom it was and how the wine's reach.

Now we are trying to embellish the paper forms, make sure that the gifts are worthy of your fathers.

I stick from plasticine -
Plasticine lower, lower clay.
I stick from plasticine
Lyalok, clowns, dogs.
(Novela Matveeva)

Vihovatel zvertaє respect for the children of the dot, on the child's work.

Did we get in trouble? And what was most remembered? Usі points of our plan vikonal?

Pratsiyuyut individually on plates and boards for lathering.

Equalize your details with the details that are proponated in the presentation.

Children look at sketches, hang their pardons.

Independent work of children.


Children come up to the doshka, become a pivkol, come in at the discussion, hang on to their allowances, businessly rozmov how to choose a single thought. Children rozmirkovuyut and evaluate their work.

Wash creative development.

Wash your mind of individuality at the choice of stosuvannya exemplary benefits.

Clean up your thoughts.

Wash up the encouragement of your activity.

Wash away the tension, relax the mind, save the health of children.

Wash the vocabulary of children.

Wash mutually children with each other.

Wash up the encouragement of your activity.

Organizational and motivational moment

For robots, we need salty dough. So that the robots called out for the joy of us, we will stick to the clowns in the possibility of viconnance of the robots in two options, but as a way to make a sculpture, and not a bas-relief-tse folded.

I preach to you to give mothers cheerful clowns, such as we love from salty dough. Do you like my proposition?

Skochuyemo z tіsta kovbasku and dilimo її navpіl, half navpіl. From the great shmatka, we shove the sack, flatten it between the little hands and press it down to the cardboard. With a stack it is cut, so that the legs come out. Skachuemo less kulu rozrazaemo with a stack along the edge - not hair. We shove a smaller amount of space and press it into the middle of the face. Sticky pens and slippers. You can embellish the costume with gudzikami with tista or with usistinki. If the clowns dry up, the world is farbuyemo with their farbs.

I stick from plasticine -
Plasticine lower, lower clay.
I stick from plasticine
Lyalok, clowns, dogs.
Yakscho Lyalka vide nasty,
I will call її Duryokha,
Yakscho clown vide nasty,
I'll call yoga the Fool.
Two brothers came before me,
Pіdіyshli i seem:
Hiba lyalka vinna,
Hiba the clown is guilty?
You sip rudely,
You love them a little,

You yourself are guilty,
And no one is to blame
And nobody is guilty.
I stick from plasticine,
And I myself am having a hard time.
I stick from plasticine,
I apply like this:
Yakscho Lyalka vide nasty,
I will name її Bidolashna,
Yakscho clown vide nasty,
I'll call yoga Badnyak.
Yakscho clown vide nasty,
I'll call yoga Badnyak.

Novela Matveeva

Synopsis of NUD for productive activities

"Pivnik іz sіm'єyu"


Occupation objectives:

To consolidate the knowledge of children about their birds, their good looks, little stars, to practice technical methods and images of birds in the way of plasticineography.

Read sticky objects from a few details, fasten the hands of the robot with plasticine on a horizontal plane, conveying the image of objects to me.

Develop hand coordination, fine motor skills.

Develop composition skills, adopt color.

Material for employment:

Solid cardboard of light green color, size A4;

Collect plasticine;

Servet for hands;

Board for lіlennya; stack

Painting "Domestic Birds" from the series "Domestic Creatures";

A set of characters for the flannelgrapher before the publication of K. Ushinskiy "Pivnik іz sіm'єyu".

In front of the robot: looking at illustrations from the images of their own birds, didactic gra "Who is alive."

Hid busy

Organizational part

To pronounce a riddle to children:

Qi walk everywhere at once,

Doze together on the seat,

Get up early for everyone.

Drink water for a long time:

After the skin lining

For a long time to marvel at the gloom.

Teacher. What is a friendly family?

Children. Pivnik and chicken.

Teacher. Correctly. As if at the sim's pivnya the axle was trapiling: the hen laid eggs, and after a deaky hour one of them broke with a rapt. Hear what happened:

Buv white house, miracle house,

І shchos rattled in the new.

І vіn broke, і zvіdti

Live vibiglo marvel -

So warm, so

Fluffy and gold. K. Chukovsky

Children. Kurcha.

Teacher. The youngsters guessed. From the testicle, the curl appeared - the pivnya of that chicken of the child. And then other Kurchats appeared. Let's cheer up together. skilki їх:

Yak on our street

Like a trigger on our street,

Ruined all the kurchat

Zhvavih Zhovtenky kurchat

First cursing to stitch for a toad,

The other one and the third one - bіlya dіzhki.

Snowstorm to catch quarters and fives.

Eh, have a drink for you, mami, lads! ( by the hands of the fingers, starting from the little finger)

The teacher tells the children the tale of Ushinskiy with the demonstration of the characters on flannelography.

Pivnik iz sіm'єyu

Walk around the yard pіvnik: on the head - a red comb, under the nose - a red beard. Nіs at Petі with a chisel, whip at Petі with a wheel; vizerunki on the tail, spurs on the legs. With the paws of Petrik, the kupu is roaring, the chicken from the chickens is calling:

“Chickens-corydalis! Klopotuni-lords! Strokatenkі-ryabenki! Black-and-white! Climb with the kurchats, with the little ditlakhs: I have a grain in store for you!

Hens with curly hens picked up, cackled; they didn’t share a grain - they fought.

Petya the pivnik does not love the enchantment - having immediately calmed down: that one for a tuft, that one for a tuft, he himself is a grain of z'їv, he is angry at the tin, waving his wings, he shouted at the top of his lungs: ku-ka-re-ku!

Teacher. Hens, pivnik and kurchats walk around the yard, peck at grains, chicks, grass, drink water, sharpen their dziobiki about the fireplace. Would you like to watch after them? What about the weather?


I.P. - Standing between tables.

Kuri waved their wings.

Ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! ( walking on the floor, lifting the knee high, clapping hands on the quilts and turning the head).

Smoke jobami pounded -

Ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! ( walking, hands behind the back; heads forward).

Give us, tіtko, krihti,

Don't mess up the little ones, ( nahili back and forth, rozgoduyuchi tulub).

Give me some more

You'll be more fun. ( nahili forward with turns right-left hand).

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko!

Kuri shouted loudly:

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! ( stand, hands behind your back, turn your head to the right-levoruch; "kryla" - splash your hands on the quilts, turn your head).

I killed for the titka -

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko!

Long away! ( big on the field, hands back).

Practical part

Teacher. Today we will know you with a pivnik and I will teach you to depict them.

Etapi vikonannya roboti

On the cob robot and teacher to conduct later analysis zovnіshnogo pіvnya pіvnya that trigger. ( choose the color of plasticine for the preparation of pivnyachoi sіm'ї appoint a teacher or for the choice of children).

Tulub. Download a bag made of blue color plasticine, lightly spread yoga with straight ruffles to give an oval shape. Roztashuvati yogo in whatever place of foundation, flatten. Take a plastic piece of green color, download a short tovst kovbaska, use your fingers to ruffle one edge, sound, grind the cone and attach it with a wide base to the side of the tunic, sound uphill side.

Head. Download a small bag-head, put it on the upper part of the width and flatten it out. Insert a black pea-eye.

Grebinets. Take a small piece of plasticine of a red color, download a bag, flatten it from the bottom, put it with the flat side to the upper part of the head of the stump, then with a stack of two nicks, lightly spread them to the edges, comb the comb, shove it, flatten it with your fingers.

Dziob. A short cowboy's coat of a red color is worn from one side and spread from the side of the head.

Beard. Download a small red bag and attach it to the bottom of your head.

Khvist. Download from plasticine different colors of the same according to the comrade, thin and dovgі kovbaski, from one side a little bit of leather feasting. Put the pershu pіr'їnka to the base of the tulub, and, having pushed it with the pіvkol, lightly press it to the base. Dali viklasti pіr'їnki іnshih kolorіv close one to one.

Crilo. Download a bag of yellow plasticine, stick one tip with your fingers, put the wing on the tulub, with a stack of stitches - feasts on the wings.

Legs. Download a red-coloured cowboy's coat, split it її navpіl, ruffle the legs under the tulub, exposing their lower part.

Finger gymnastics


Petya, Petya, Pivnik,

Show me your comb.

Axis like this and axis like this:

Now a dolonka, then a fist. ( intertwine the fingers of both hands into a lock, with the fingers of both hands, closed at once, bent to the sides - “dzyob”, using the fingers of one hand and the other hand - “comb” and prokukarikat: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”).

Hen. Download the bag from brown plasticine, rozkotiti її at a small oval, from one side you pull the neck with your fingers, vygnuti її uphill. From the other side of the coat, pinch a short tail with your fingers. Roztashuvati on the basis, squash, save at the same time the form.

Head. Download a small bag, put it on the animal shea, flatten it.

Grebinets. Tie a short cowhide jacket made of plasticine in a red color over the top of the head.

Dziob, boridka, legs, wing are waving just like that, like a pivnya

Finger gymnastics


Grain of the key,

Kurchatok cry:

"Ko-ko-ko, don't go far."

The hen is similar to a pivnya, only the fingers (“comb”) are guilty of being puffed up, when the hen is depicted, they cackle: “Ko-ko-ko”.

The head is that tube. From plasticine of yellow color, download two bags: a small one - for the head and three more - for the coat. Tulub roztashuvati in any free mist of the foundation, flatten to a shortbread. A small bag - the head of the curly roztashuvat from the side of the coat in the upper part of the yoga. On the other side of the tunic (also near the upper side of the flank), twist the tail with your fingers and make the yogo.

Dziob and paws. From the plasticine of the red color, download a long thin cowbass. With a stack of vodokremiti, a small piece for a dziobik was poured out of it, and a reshta was divided. Roztashuvati paws under the curly tulub, bending the lower part of the skin paw into one beak. Crane roztashuvati on the side of the head curly, zagostriti one kinchik. Zrobiti pea-eye.

Another kurcha to fight for this scheme, you can instruct the children to turn the head of the kurchat in the lower part of the tunic - kurcha kluє krihti or trim in the dzōbі worm'yak.

Finger gymnastics


Viyshla chicken walk,

Pinch fresh grass,

And behind her the boys -

Live Kurchata. ( leather finger (tse "kurchat") z'ednati s great, with which the skin kurcha is guilty of squeaking: "Pі-pі-pі").

The final part

Teacher. Today, all of you have tried, your skin has become a right homeland, your pivniks are stalking the order at their family, so that they don’t fight, so that they don’t form little curls.


I walk proudly,

I take my friends behind me.

And I'll sit on the parkan -

I'm going to see the whole place.

I will sharpen the spur with a spur,

I’m going to curse.

I will release my comb -

Axis what I am, pivnik!

Vsіm vіdomo dіtlakh:

I am the ruler of the sub-virtue!

Ku-ka-re-ku! V. Stoyanov

Synopsis of an occupation with artistic creativity in the technique of origami at the senior group "Prolisok"
Illumination: to embellish the aesthetic-moral setting to the heights through the depiction of their images in non-traditional techniques.
1.Navchalni: a) image-creating - create a vivid image of the "scroll"; b) technical - continue to read the work of the workpiece, complete the details, trim the model of the ticket that has been opened, create a formal composition in the technique of origami.
2. Develop: develop respect, memory, creativity, fine motor skills of hands.
3. Vihovnі: continue to develop your interest to the art of origami, the work of labor and paper.
Squares of white paper, glue, paper of blue color A5 for the background, green paper for the stem.
Head of robots:
The facilitator chooses children for himself and reads Samuil Marshak's poem "Kviten":
Kviten, kviten!
Outside the tinkle of stingrays.
Streams run across the fields,
On the roads of Kalyuzh.
Ants will be coming soon
After the winter cold.
The witch is making his way
Crisis fox hmiz.
The birds began to sleep,
І rozvіv ... (roll)
The picker shows a photograph of the scroll. Vihovatel: - Boys, we looked at the pictures and photographs from the pictures of the flashes. Do you want a gift for your mothers? (Vіdpoіdі children) Let's give them a little gift. Ale before Tim how to proceed to the robotic troch pіdbadiorimosya.
Physical education.
The ticket fell and raptom threw itself -
No more sleep.
Twisting, stretching,
Climbing uphill and flying.
The sun of lies is less likely to roll over,
The blizzard circles and rolls in.
2. The main part (showing and explaining the method dії).
Vihovatel: - Guys, sit at the tables. At the same time, we will work with you first spring card- Prolisok. Seeds of the sprout will work with white paper, and the stem and leaf will grow with green paper. (Showing the method of diversification) The back of the square is folded diagonally, then it is folded navpil and lowered the lower kuti of the folded tricutnik to the top of the vzdovzh line of the fold. Turn the workpiece to the next wheel. The lower sides are lifted to the line of the peregina, the knitted tricots from the lower side. Zignіt kutochki, i viyshov prolіsk. Do not forget to smooth the lines of the fold with your finger.
1. 2. 3.
- The card is ready! From the green paper you can see the stem and leaves. A ticket, a stalk and leaves are glued to paper.
3. Independent work of children.
Children independently beat the robot, the master hopes for the necessary help
4. Analysis of pіdsumkіv dіyalnostі.
- Well done, lads. The axis of such garni kvity for your mothers we have seen.

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Synopsis of non-intermediate lighting activities for children of the senior group with productive activities:

Author: Gorbachova Marina Oleksandrivna, tutor of MBDOU d / s No. 2 "Dzvinochok" m. Stary Oskol
Description of the material. I am giving you a synopsis of uninterruptedly illuminating activities and productive activities for children of the older group. This material will be useful for the children of the older groups to take an hour to spend, to contribute to the development of newcomers with plasticine, to develop in the team.

Synopsis of non-intermediate lighting activities for children of the senior group with productive activities: “We are doing exercises” (collective training)

To create a collective plot composition, to analyze the features of the image of a person in Russia, the proportions of the part according to the magnitude and proportions; to develop skills of work with plasticine; vihovuvati vminnya pratsyuvati among the collective; pinch the bazhannya to lead a healthy way of life
zakriplyuvaty collectively creative pratsyuvati, vminnya uzgodzhuvaty their dії, housekeeping one with one; develop fantasy, see color, aesthetic relish, neatness.
Front of the robot:
Rozmov pro healthy image life.
Material and possession:
Plot pictures on the topic, plasticine, stacks, board for plasticine raising, servlet, cardboard.
Hid busy
1. Creation of game motivation.
The plot pictures are hung on the board. Sound the song "If you want to be healthy."
Vihovatel. Alive - a lad in the world named after Alosha. Like a wine having visited the circus and having danced an artist there, a dozen acrobats, like a car, a dozen acrobats. It was worthy of Yom, and I won the victory ...
"Nabagato I want to become,
I come to the strong man:
- Tell an axis about what,
How did you become a strong man?
The strong man looked at me,
To the stele, having lifted the stele.
And then, sip yoga,
Like a fluff, lifting the wardrobe.
Axis to the table vin pidishov,
Vhopiv for the lower steel,
Becoming juggling їm quietly.
- Tse just training!
I don't hide my secret.
I get up early
I in the sun, and in bad weather
I am celebrating the future.
I start charging.
Five at once, narizno shkarpetki,
Presіdannya that haircut.
One hundred merry right
With a skipping rope and a ball!
Robish їх without linens -
You will become a strong man!”
- The artist gave such a joy to our Aloshi. Ale charging is not less than robbing us strong. Did you notice that after her, our mood will improve? Zagalom, so that our day goes smoothly, we’ll do yoga mi from physical exercises.
Chi remember'yataєte vy, yakі right mi robimo? (Children behind the bajans show in the right way.) How right are your favorites? Nі, ni, don't show me їх. Let's vilіpimo ourselves, yakі vykonuyat і right.
2. Demonstration of received robots.
The vikhovator shows the acceptance of the stylized figure of a person, brutally respecting the proportions, changing the position of the hands and the nig, showing the most different poses.
3. Finger gymnastics:
“Fingers got tired, burned into a fist
One, two, three, chotiri, five wanted to play
They knocked on the house of susіdіv,
They threw themselves there: six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Have fun everyone! Ale an hour ago we will:
Ten, nine, eight, seven,
Six curled up,
Five pozіkhnuv and vіdvernuvsya,
Chotiri, three, two, one
I wake up in budinochki we sleep!
4. Practical work.
Zavdannya: vikonati lipplennya on the topic, compose the composition "Mi robimo exercises"
5. Busy bag.
The children's composition is displayed on the stand.
Vihovatel. Marvel at our composition. The skin of you has the right to work differently: Dima loves stribati on the same bottom, Katya is sleazy, Mishkov needs to be shy and frail, and Olena, out of satisfaction, takes care of the ball. Ale yakі b mi right not robbed, smut, scho all stinks bring us health and garniy moods.
We were charging,
They shot and kicked.
Became confused
Strong and merciful.
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