We are creating spring moods, having created tickets from hand-me-down materials. Create spring mood with your own hands How to create spring mood at home

It’s hard to tell people how not to love spring - a miraculous hour of discovery, renewal of nature, new hopes, plans for that mess. For a short time, we are impatient to check on the first warm sleepy change, prote in our country, spring will invariably zapiznyuetsya, and tell about the beloved time of rock, less than the number on the calendar. All is in our hands! Navіt akshcho for the vikno sіra the sky is that slough, we can let spring into our lives, having roared us in front of us from a damp booth.

I know the whole 17 ways to renew your interior before spring on your own and for a minimum cost. Today, I will share with you these tricks, and help me in my Westwing online store, where you can buy a lot of wonderful speeches for the meeting in the spring mood with great discounts.


Spring in our heads begins with pure thoughts and new plans, spring in the booth begins with general cleaning! As if I didn’t want to miss this most important stage of preparing an apartment until the new season, but the windows themselves don’t pretend, and the old motloch doesn’t flow into the smitnik!

Depending on feng shui, negative energy accumulates in overgrown and unventilated huts, we can say lie without a rush for months - mezzanine, upper police closet, boxes for lying...

The latest list for Super Heroes Mop and Pilosu includes:

Letting go of the old clothes, vzuttya, papers, souvenirs, crockery and everything else that was not won over by the fate of fate and is unlikely to become in good fortune in the future. Vikidaemo, vіddaєmo needy, we sell those that can be valuable.

Mitty vikon - obov'yazkovo! Let the sleepy light outside your renovated apartment!

Mittya or cleaning walls, stel, pіdlog, kilimіv.

Bringing harmony in wardrobes, closets, on mezzanines.

Cleaning soft furnishings.


Fakhіvtsі recommend minyati firanki on windows 2 times on the river: spring and autumn. Raise the powdered curtains and hang up the light breeches made of chiffon, tulle, organza… The room will be filled with natural light, and the heart will feel like spring!


Together with the curtains, we change the stitching of the textiles: string pillows, light, light-curved blankets, bright tablecloths, and kitchen towels. Perhaps, the simplest and most budgetary way to let spring in your houses.


New lamps can freshen up the interior. Remember a smart floor lamp and a lamp for this day and night. Before the speech, for which it is not obov'yazkovo to buy a new one - you can re-farb the base and pull the lampshade on your own.


I know a miraculous way to rozfarbuvati sіrі weekdays! How about color lighting? Differently colored plafony and a light line can fill the room with life-radius yellow, light green, blaky light.


White is a symbol of purity and freshness, an absolutely universal color scheme: pіdіyde pіd whether there is a style and a color pattern of application. Add white decor and textiles, make windows and doors white farboi, the room will become bright and spacious.


Especially for me, spring is associated with the lower pastel colors. Light-black, erysipelas, turquoise, light green ... Mustache and colors miraculously go for a spring interior. Why not take away the whole wall from loves? The whole interior will light up in a new way!

8. Bright accents

Do you like pure juice colors? A pair of bright-zhovtih and light green accents is guaranteed to create spring moods! Or you can use a new pouffe, a flower vase, a picture, or a kilim at the vital.

Do not forget about the rule of three colors about gold: do not sing at the same color shades - streak on three basic colors, and even the interior will be left with harmonic and elegant.


We are talking about spring, we imagine greenery and flowers. What kind of spring interior without roslins at the roaming mountaineers and living bouquets at the garni vase? The more green, the better! Kіmnatnі rosliny to evaluate and minimalism, and lovers of boho-style, it is necessary to choose your own. Don't have time to keep an eye on the tickets? Give respect to the unviable room roslini, with which they run into young naturalists


The current trend of the last and the last seasons is large flower prints. Upholstery of armchairs and padded stools, frankas, screens, kilims and tablecloths - these are the best suits for decor, furniture and textiles. What better way to create spring weather more beautifully, lower the tulips and red poppies, let them hang on decorative pillows?


Following the quotes, it is not forgotten about other spring characters: string birds, blizzards, bugs to destroy your interior, we live and charm. You can "plant" them on dishes, potters for tickets, kitchen towels and tablecloths.


Don't forget to update the exposure on the walls. Why not remember the photographs, posters and paintings that you have become familiar with? We see melancholy motives and black and white din until autumn. Let the new objects of your gallery open up the interior and let's paint that life.


Replace boring plates and cups on this day and day and life. I adore colorful crockery zі skla ta krishtal! Put such rose-flasks on the table and your kitchen will transform!


Your bedroom and bath also merit a transformation. Buy light bedding with a growing baby, remember dark towels on light green, yellow, turquoise. The first wake-up call after waking up will give you a positive mood for the whole day.

15. Upholstery of sofas, armchairs, chairs

An excellent way to renovate the interior - remember the upholstery of sofas, armchairs, stilts, what you got ... You can only pull over the help of a furniture atelier, you can do it yourself. Good, that the instructions at the time at the merezhі chimalo.


Another classy and clumsy trick: zabarvlyuєmo, raspisuyemo, pasted over with paper, or with fabric inner walls of the wardrobe and shelving. Tsikave busy for a couple of years, original and unique furniture - as a result.


It's time to patch up the balcony! Set up a couple of tables and a small table, lay a row with a rug, place the miners with quotas. How wonderful it will be to drink a cup of caviar to a spring weekly wound, looking at the green door!

Enchanted, deyakі z tsikh priyomіv pіdіdut to you! Spring - shortest hour for positive changes. Repair your booth: take care of the moth, grayness, and together with them - an image and experience, add a bright farb and let spring into your heart!

Zvichayno, in front of us there is still not a warm birch tree, my soul is already swaying spring! Chi tse did not lead to make some changes in the interior, add to the room a little sleep and rethink warm weather. We offer you ten ideas on how to create a true “spring” interior.

Understanding, we do not call you right away to start a cardinal reorganization and overhaul! To add a touch of spring mood to the interior, it is often necessary to add a little finer touches and details, or simply bring in all the guesswork about winter.

From this article, we have chosen ideas that allow you to move quickly, practically without stains, change the “winter” interior to “spring”, to make it more radio, sleepy, original. Wait a minute, that the curtains themselves are taken with special joy, even in front and the first leaves, and the bright sun, and elegant shoes, that the nareshti “were picked up” from the shafi, and the grass is holy!

Well, how else to describe the interior of the bedroom? Less "spring"! Becoming the most beautiful detail, obviously, the fluffy kilimok-lawn, the ale and reshta of colors, the presence of living growths and figurines of ships add to the fierce hostility

1. We start with the choice

At the kіmnatakh with smoky vіknami, scho all winter did not succumb miyuchih benefits and ganchirki, no new decor is visible. Fix the update from the general clean-up, cancel the call, open the space for a new, “spring” mood!

Let more light in your room - just remember the windows that have been washed down during the winter. In this expanse of the “springtime” vital, one can see the mood, richly in which the winds of the great square are slanted, insanely, victorious textiles of the lower-green vidtinka.

2. Get "winter" fіranki

Be-yak greens on the pіdvіkonnі stana miraculous additions to the “spring” interior. And I’m not obov'yazkovo your room to blame for embellishing decorative rooms - green cibula, parsley and krip nitrohi don’t run into zim zavdannyam more often, before that they become a dzherel of vitamins.

5. "Spring" stickers

We already wrote about those, how fast they can change inter'єr vinyl stickers. Choose little ones, for example, from soft fluffy sakuri, just a bright flower, putty or other images that are associated with spring itself. The walls and facades do not take a lot of time, and the design of the interior takes on a new detail.

Such stickers near the looking fluffy tree will become the most beautiful color of the wall and the birthmark of the “spring” design.

6. "Spring" textiles

We keep warm in knitted blankets and smart pillowcases for the pillows itself for an hour in the morning or dry cleaning, and then at the closet. Replace the cushion covers on the pillows and cover them more brightly and lightly. You can vikoristovuvati, for example, atlas chi shovk.

The “spring” interior is dominated by, obviously, all shades of green, white, light yellow, warm top and milky colors. The axis of such a colorful range and the next vibrate was covered by that cushion cover.

All textiles have this light, vital vitrimania in a single color scheme, the lower one, but to add a bright one.

7. Slope mirror

Glass objects, for example, vases and utensils, as well as mirrors to add space to the interior, that light, and even the stench of the building to break up the sleepy changing, glaring with glare. Important ceramic vases can be replaced with original modern ones, from a transparent fold. I, obviously, put a flower composition in such a vase.

Inter'єr tsієї kіmnati supplemented the original vases from the color warehouse.

Yaskrav butt of "spring" interior. Zavdyaki such a choice of wines wiyshov "light", do not overdo it with details

8. Receptions

Supplement the interior with objects that call out to you associations with spring. A bush with nirkami that did not open, a bunch of tulips, a beautiful spring landscape - with the help of such trinkets, you can literally "call" spring into a budinok.

There is rich greenery near this room, and on the sofa, pillows filled their space with the right "messages of spring" - all kinds of birds.

Remember that be some kind of interior, not only "spring", create the very dribnitsa - vases, paintings, flowers, ashtray pillows, textiles. In tsіy kіmnati such details are rich, and the main emphasis is on the numerical picture of the images of birds

9. Vesnyan cuisine

In the kitchen, before the arrival of spring, you can simply remember towels for hands and dishes, adding bright colors, for example, yellow-green ones. In addition, you can buy new servets and zatiskachi for them in different colors, as well as original coasters for cups. Do not overwhelm and a vase of fruit, a bunch of greenery near the glass and a new set of plates, obviously, light green chili.

The axis is so bright, green, natural details to spruce up the interior of your kitchen in a right spring way. It's simple, beautiful and colorful!

A set of dishes in green tones, non-violent plates at the sight of leaves and a bouquet of tulips - what else is needed to bring fresh notes to the interior of the kitchen

10. "One pea, two peas"

Designers call peas the most important spring flower of spring. In my opinion, such a variant of the decor allows you to add sun to the room, even peas are so similar to our light. Vіzerunok "with polka dots" can be chosen for fіranok, і for quilting, and for towels. And on the wall, so as not to re-glue the trellises, you can vicorist large "peas", virizan from plіvki, so self-adhesive.

Simple and, it would seem, the unimpressive peas in the inter'ieri do not dare to take their positions. Bedly whiteness, embellished with such a visor, made it possible to create such a lovely bedroom.

Without ashlar peas on the white wall, the kitchen would be deprived of the laconic vision. contemporary style. Before speech, mugs can simply be painted on the walls and facades, vicorist stencil

Marvel at how harmoniously judge the great “peas” of that woman on this cover. A single color scheme made it possible to unite in this bedroom even more because of the shape and character of the visor.

It’s easy to create such a bright, optimistic, “spring” mood at your booth - we take everything away and guess about the long cold winter, add a bright farb and greenery, bring in small, but remember elements of decor. Let spring come to Persh Cherga, come yourself to your donkey!

Anna Sedikh, rmnt.ru

Spring mood-tse camp of the soul, and therefore of our life.

And as a matter of fact, you can proceed to the design of your booth already in the fierce. So you can bring spring and warmth.

Variants on this topic are impersonal. Golovnya, don’t get hung up on the Internet, but turn on your special fantasy.

I didn’t tidy up the next day, but let’s talk about the design of the apartment on the roof with the knowledge of past fates.

I "had" a variety of things, mainly from the large cities, stylish restaurants and clubs. I added a little bit of my bagan-wiyshlo even more beautifully.

You can, of course, go to nutrition globally, paint the walls with spring quotes. Ale, I am not particularly ready for cardinal decisions. to that I shall be surrounded by less elements.

Spring in the interior - flowers, birds, greenery.

Pidyde all that were koristuvalis earlier. Wazi, for example.

It would be wrong to popratsyuvati with the inter'er at once from the children. Hang the big bird, stick it on the mirror, hang it on the chandelier.

The lower one is outrageous. And smut, not expensive.

Beautiful bouquets in basics. Ideally, well, alive. Forget about the pieces. Tse is not fashionable, that is not cіkavo.

Give my love option. At the garno of decorations, a mountaineer or a flowerpot nasipati ґrunt. Wine is sold at any flower shop. You can also buy a bag of lawn grass there, more precisely, її nasіnnya. Grass hangs out simply, sprouting quickly. Looking more pleasantly. Such a grass can beautify steel, pіdvіkonnya, kamіnnu police. The green element to the design, especially in the bright room, adds tenderness and spring mood.

I robbed such beauty more than once. Have good luck.

Now it's more practical, but not less than a variant of greenery. You can germinate parsley and krip. Then there will be spring moods, spring relish. Households appreciate your efforts.

Wait a minute.

So I myself turn to my little helpers. Green vases.

Nothing special. but if the stench appears small bunches of green twigs with young pagons, the stench transforms. They embellish the apparitions and delight the eye.

Even more appropriate spring decoration of zvichaynisinkih curtains and curtains.

Such paper birds, like in the first photo, look wonderfully and harmoniously on the curtains.

The birds are ready to neatly nestle in a chaotic order. Then I love decorating living quarters.

And Vitalya has a large vase with tulips. Tse more expensive, ale more garno.

But remember, it’s important not to bend your toes with the divine fantasy of spring decorations. Aje, all is well in the world.

Obviously, for now, spring will not quiet us with its warm exchanges. But it’s not a problem to bring on the cold winter to come. In the current warm weather, the reason for the change is not only in the stale look, but in everything that looks like it.

And one of the correct decisions will be - making changes to the interior of the wet booth. Budinok - this is the place, we are inspired, we are gaining strength and charging with energy.

This article presents some new ideas for creating in a home interior in a true spring environment.

Z tsієї kіmnati šoranka our day begins. To that, it is necessary to create such a situation, as if it were already a wake-up call, it would bestow a happy radio mood and enthusiasm, that the future day will be the same.

1) Change the color of the walls.

When looking at the stone, it can change cardinally. You can increase your imagination, and re-farb, for example, in one color there are less than three walls, and for the fourth, choose a contrasting color. Golovne, don’t choose to be gloomy, dark colors. The stench can be present in a colorfully decorated bedroom, or else as a decoration of innumerable elements.

2) Change that curtain.

Such changes will help to set the tone for this application. You can buy, for example, curtains of a bright green color, and a room with a bright, wild, radiant look.

A significant part of the hour is spent in the kitchen. To that, I’ll add more atmosphere in my kitchen - a necessary warehouse for spring renovation.

1) Add live tickets.

For a light kitchen, you can choose dark green growths and those that do not bloom. As if in the kitchen, dark furniture is moved, and bright juice buds of flowers on selected trees will be what you need.

2) Vіdkritі vіkna.

Tse maє on vazі povnistyu tidy up the curtains. Just like the promises of the spring sonia, nothing can be changed, and the stench can penetrate and hang the skin of your kitchen open space. In extreme weather, you can remember the curtains on Roman blinds. Then, for consumption, you can again expose the window, raising the roller shutter uphill.


Changes in tsіy kіmnaі mаyut sponukati bazhannya schovіrny gathering of all motherland.

1) Power sitting on the floor.

For example, a low table. For someone to become a kilimki and a little girl throw pillows of spring, bright colors.

2) Decorate the walls.

A selection of pictures, painted by children, radio family photographs to create a special calm in this enigmatic room.

As a rule, when you start to change yourself, you blame the bazhannya to continue in the same soul. Tse is commendable and great. Age for fantasies and її realizatsії naspravdі nemaє mezh.

And yet you dream of creating spring moods to your own close people then marvel original gifts manual robot to the handmade fair, yaki will please the skin.

Spring is already on the calendar, and snow lies behind the windows. Zvichayno, we got the order of the day, that winter depression, we want a bright farb and a sleepy mood. A good idea is to put a curtain on your apartment. For whom, to do the right thing, pick up the elements: remake windows, add bright accessories and dilute the interior with spring textiles.

Dekilka of wild joys

Otzhe, to create spring moods and transform a boring interior, to give respect to choosing the right ones for spring design. For apartments with windows that look like a pivnіchny bіk, it is necessary to put on sonyachni vіdtinki and color decor (orange and yellow). And the axis for the pіvdennoї side is better to go green and blakytnі kolori rіznih vіdtіnkіv.

Juicy lilacs and buzkovy farbi, no doubt, create spring moods. Razbavte the interior with a yellow decor - at the kіmnata vіdrazu smell of curtains.

Almost a transformation of the interior follows from the general cleaning. Put everything you need in a shafi - winter blankets, warm blankets, kilims, hoods and important curtains. It is not guilty to say anything about winter.

We transform windows and furniture

Sokovity and light curtains on the windows to bring spring mood to your booths. Take care of the many curtains, and give priority to thin fabrics of yellow, black and light green shades. Like trellises in your room of dark colors (for example, blue or violet colors), violets are more beautiful than cream and white colors.

Pivot can be embellished with flower-mounters. Plant lawn grass - yaskrava and succulent roslin increase mood. To transform and miners - you can make beautiful and nairiznomanitnіsh pots with your own hands. For hand-made, the solution is to use farby, appliqués, and wind sisal, which can be used to wrap baggy mountaineers.

To replace the warm blankets, there are bright pillows made from different materials. Pillows sewn in the “Patchwork” technique look like Christmas and spring-like. Colors and colors can be different - everything that suits your imagination.

Decorate the bedroom dodatkovo with bright whiteness. Feel free to choose your little ones and the little ones. Move on, for example, - flower motifs with ornaments of the correct form. Give respect to fresh flowers, put spring tulips in a vase, and decorate the chandelier with colorful lines and paper panicles.

We remake the walls at the booth

For those who are ready to radically change the boring interior, it is recommended to pay attention to decorative stickers. Kvіtkova galyavin, birch grove, blooming garden - everything is predictable about spring and sleepy days.

To create a spring interior, use stencils for decoration. With their help, you can paint tulips on boring monophonic trellises, which are blooming, poppies, birds and other little ones with the most attractive farbs. For the most empathetic, you can suggest refarbing the walls of the stone in the range, or in the case of the lower color (buzkovy, light green, yellow, blakytny). Add spring farbies and improve moods to help pictures and photo frames from family photos. Select the most beautiful photographs, for example, with permission, and arrange them in different color frames.

Spring at the skin detail
Give a spring mood to your room and help you with the most important details. Respect is necessary to attach to literally everything - vases, candlesticks, kvіtkovy miners, kilim_v on pіdlozі, decorative pillows, utensils and navit lamps. You can transform the kitchen with the help of decorative plates, you can prepare it to decorate it with your own hands. Instead of a warm woolen kilim, put on a bed a yaskrava path, made from fabrics, or a kilim of greenery kilim, which guesses the lawn. Arrange aromatic candles and vases with dried flowers. Flowers pahoschi podkreslyat not less than spring inter'єr, but to bring additional freshness and light aroma.

10 ways to create a spring mood

1) Reinventing your image.

You can remember the patch, change the color of the hair, or change it radically, remember the make-up for women, come up with a manicure manicure. Age for a woman, it’s important to resolutely approach her own beauty. Go to the beauty salon. It seems like, “if you want to change your mood and life, go to the perucarnia.”

2) Bright colors at the wardrobe.

Change the wardrobe to a lighter one, change the color of speeches. It’s even more pleasing to me, the bright colors are more pleasing, if after a gloomy winter you switch to juice colors.

3)Doing sports and going to the sauna.

Spring activity starts at all fitness clubs. All the girls should look kindly after the winter hibernation. Yakshcho vy vzimka did not do anything. spring itself away hour switch to active image life. Look at the sauna, swimming pool.

4)New spring scent

Choose the lightest fragrance that suits you. We make you happy all day long. She wants something new.

5) Colored stars we turn it into a hobby.

Proper eating, more fruits and vegetables, you can often work fresh juices, fruit juice with yagid, more dried fruits and peas. Robiti masks for the appearance of fruits, see your beauty more. You can add it in salads, more greens.

6)Struggling with stress .

More relaxed, hanging, dorimuemosya day regimen, earlier lyagaemo and earlier get up, meditate and relax. It is a good anti-stress program to help you deal with it.

7) Change of interior.

You can change at your apartment, add bright elements, colors, or just rearrange the furniture. Remember the curtains. I think that just lift your spring mood.

8) Spring walks.

Rebuy more in the fresh air, watch out for the renewal of nature, walk with the children. You can organize a family picnic at the weekend.

9) Update of home colors.

Walk through the flower shops, you will know for sure that it is more beautiful than the flower. Refresh your display with new colors. The stench will please you later for a long time. Until the speech, even more, I’m raising the power industry.

10) Yoga and women's practices.

You all want to be addicted to the protilege position, which you also help to engage in women's practices and yoga. Move your energy, you yourself will be the most beautiful and attractive, and, most importantly, healthy.

I swear, you were worthy of mine 10 ways to create a spring mood .

Spring has already arrived, but the mood is just the same
depressive winter? The hour has come to change the situation. Usy year zusil, i
spring mood at the house is guaranteed.

We create spring mood at the booth: Change the bedding whiteness

The very hour to clean up the police, she veiled that bed
whiteness of dramatic appearances: bright colors and light materials enter the stage.

Try to change the bedding whiteness, towels in the kitchen and in
bathroom, and also do not forget about pillowcases: such dribnitsy are already indicated on
creation of a spring mood. About those that spring has come, you zgaduvatimesh
at the first second after the awakening, like, without a trace, you will be accepted.

We create spring mood at the booth: Change food in the refrigerator

It’s not surprising, it’s rare for interior designers to pronounce the joy
for the spring mood, I set up at the booth. Aje tse - more important. At
nareshti, eating rich soups and canned food, you can’t
get over the hardships of winter.

Go to the supermarket and buy more vegetables, fruits and fresh
juice. Don't forget the avocado. Deputy of the great sir and cowbass choose non-greasy
brinza or other vershkovy sir and їzh yogo, smearing on bread, or dabbling in new
licorice pepper. The lightness of the body is transferred to your mood - tse

We create spring mood at the booth: Distant I will make the finest cloth

It’s getting warmer outside, and you can take a walk in the streets
place at your most beautiful summer cloth. And don't forget about it,
get rid of yoga from the long-distance police shafi.

Cloth can become a miraculous spring embellishment for a booth,
especially vykonano vono in quiet colors, scho і bedroom. Dress up yoga
garni plichka and hang on the screen, or like a hook. Can you call
ask the lad to drill a hole at the wall especially for picking.

Shoranka, throwing yourself around, you are dividing on your own
wearing a naked dress and thinking about those who are warm just around the corner. Chim is not spring

We create spring mood at the booth: Buy live tickets

Obviously, we could not forget about the right tickets, as in
herbs are starting to appear. All winter in your house there were only shops
trojandi in packages - the time has come for summer holidays.

Give respect to tulips or daffodils, yaki same
come from the herb. Stink for a long time and cost zovsim inexpensively, you can also
decorate the entire apartment with bouquets. Breathe in their aroma and dreams: about the admission,
a man in new shoes.


In the spring of this day, we are pleased with new changes in nature. The days are getting warmer and warmer as the sun changes. Twittering birds are all different and more fun. nature is alive to pass over and bring to our everyday life a sight that is bright and radiant, a new life that is a joy of life from a pure arcush.

In the days of spring warmth, I want to bring a lot of spring moods into my life - a lot of fresh air, that great amount of bright light that brings warmth to that night. How to give the rooms a cheerful spring mood? Too simple! Let's posture for nature, she herself suggests that we should add something to change in the interior.

Nasampered, we analyze the obvious zacharashchennya and vikinemo everything inappropriate to the old. It is necessary to resolutely promit the windows, then a large portion of the spring change of sun penetrates to the stone. Resolutely wipe all surfaces, repairing furniture and finishing with a light coat. The commemorative rooms have become bright, the fresh spring winds have sprung. The hour has come to remake our stones, give them a spring look. Spring is the awakening of nature, so for the inter'єru it is necessary to take the sap of farby fresh grass, the clear vistas of the sky and the gloomy, brightly blooming flowers of the first flowers, and, obviously, do not forget about the zhovti, the warm weather of the change of the sun. Not everyone has the means to change again interior, it will be enough to rearrange the furniture and the room will take on a new, unrecognized look.

Pick up a flower drawing for the wall. Choose the wall you need and faint, as if you could have little ones. The motif of the little one is bazhano picking up, vrakhovuchi style and recognition of the place. If you are good at artistic mastery, you can put the little ones on the wall yourself. The simplest option is a sticker of a trellis or an application. You will breathe into the interior if you like, you will see something new

Objects in the interior merit for the okrema rozmov. In the spring, nature is full of bright farbs, hurry up with a hint and bring the bright patches into the interior. Have you worn the old obidniy style for a long time? Just turn yoga into a bright yellow color, then you can transform from a simple table into a right art object. A picture with growing motifs can change your front, and a big picture in the vital is not only to embellish, but to change the interior.

Textiles in the interior also help to change the space. Winter important curtains are already nabridli, znimaєmo їх i vіdpravlyaєmo in early, after which we clean up before the coming season. On the change, we pick up light firankas, so that we can fly in the presence of a weak wind. Fabrics for firanok are selected from a seam, a bavovny, a repeated organza and a taffeta. The little one can be different. The color palette is chosen from light green and light black to yellow. It is important to vrakhovuvat, on some kind of bіk vіkna go straight on the side of the world. As if the stinks come out on the pіvdennu side, pick up the curtains of the brightest vіdtinkіv - yellow, orange. Vidpovidno, pivnіchnі vіkna draw out more muted vіdtinkiv with fіranks.

The sofa and armchairs can be remade by throwing an ashtray blanket over them. And if you hang another set of covers for soft furniture, you can easily put on a spring look and a radiant mood. Add a sprig of sofa cushions, and your room will transform into a calm, warm nest.

Don't forget the kilim cover. The variety of kilims delights with colors and shapes. Picking up the interior of the kilimovo cover, insure daily with furniture or with textile decorations.


Spring is associated with freshness and cleanliness, and we need to take care of the general cleaning, over the winter a lot of wood and a saw have accumulated, and the renewal ritual needs to start from them. Clean up the beast to the bottom. Repair the chandeliers and the upper police, do not rush and move the furniture, necessary to reach the most important and distant places.

All uncommon speeches are necessary for picking up and asking them, and those who need us, only once, if it gets cold, it’s necessary to clean up on the mezzanine. For the sake of your sake, for the next hour, take away massive decorative objects, even during the springtime, giving you a lot of free space, air and light. Possibly, in the process of choosing, you make a small permutation, then you can reach a certain renovation of the interior.

let in light

Just as important winter curtains and curtains hung on the windows, we covered our life with them in the cold weather, now you can let in even richer light at the room. Vіkna need to be worn, dressed up in the “important clothes”, and then we will dress up in thin and light furs and curtains.

Perfectly pіdіyde organza, natural bavovna ta lion, thin seam. As far as colors are concerned, then for pivnіchny vicons, designers recommend more warm colors, for example, tseglyany, yellow, orange.

On the veins from the pivdennogo side, it is more likely to grow lower white, light cream, light buzkovy, lower light green, light black.

We create lightness

The cream of the viconnoy expanse, lightness and lightness of the spring interior needs other details.

Warm plaids, hutryan sacks on armchairs, winter fluffy blankets become irrelevant, to replace them come thin capes and that blanket. And the pillows are embroidered with flower motifs, it’s good to add everything.

Lay a new tablecloth, better let it be out of natural materials, then a tablecloth will bring spring moods to loved ones, if the whole homeland is gathered at the table. It would be acceptable, like a gentleman, to embellish the tablecloth with lace, hemstitch or embroidered.

Brighten up that bedroom for a child with sets of new bedding in cheerful colors. And the liens will help you with the help of the curtains and towels near the bathroom.

It is wrong to replace warm, fleecy kilims, on thin kilims with a short pile, or on wicker, yaskrav mats.

We issue tickets

One of the best helpers, who creates bouquets of flowers and room growth at the house of the spring mood. Rule over your soulful showers, see the saws from the leaves, wash your buds and fill them with the smells of fresh green and wet earth.

Don't forget that it's springtime, if the mountain-growers are replanting, and maybe the hour has come for them to pick up new mountain-growers, vases, which will be dull and the interior will be renewed.

Spread lively zrіzanі kvіti, the same juice and bright palette of the spring bouquet will give the masters optimism, additional energy and spring moods.

Adding smells

You can't help but guess about spring aromas. Hang in the booth the most ancient scents of lime, lemon balm, orange, bergamot, ylang-ylang, mint, konvalії, jasmine and others. These aromas help to relieve spring depression, boost mood and tone.

From dried herbs, you can make refreshing kits. Lay out around the house a variety of flowers, fragrant sash, or wink an aromatic lamp.

Even if there is no aromatic lamp, it is enough to drip 2 or 6 dots in a bowl of sprinkling ethereal olii or spread for the help of an atomizer sumish, for which we take 250 ml of water and 10 drops of olії.

In this rank, we created spring moods with our own hands. Dorimuyuyuschisya I'll forgive you you can drive away the winter at home, that you have been a guest. And you sing, it’s as simple as creating spring moods at the booth with your own hands.

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