Zvichki, yakі help change the life of a girl. brown star for skin day

1. Start the day with bottles of water

Our body needs clean water. We often drink kava, tea, or carbonated water, there is not enough aloe.

Before going to bed, pour some water with ice at the big kitchen with a bowl (you can add mint and lemon there) and fill it with a lien. The vranci water will help you to pass through, start all the processes in the body and see a rush of goodness. And sob not to forget to drink water during the day, put a glass of water on the computer and fill it with water, for example, for an hour of snacking or writing an insult.

2. Leave your car in a distant parking lot

Fight the sedentary way of life and walk more often. A good walk from the car to the entrance to the business center can be more effective, less expensive trip to the gym once a day. And if you travel by public transport, get out a couple of grains earlier.

3. Eat raw vegetables and fruits

Just turn them on at the skin by taking them. It’s easy: a sprat of lettuce leaves, a small dip, a bag of yagid, a saucer of grated carrots, a skewers of ogirk ... You don’t just take away more fat and brown speeches, but you will help your body to throw off the vaga, save energy and reduce hunger.

4. Knead your nails

Sitting in one position for a long time, especially in front of a computer, is a bad idea for your brain and body. Work on regular repochinki. The shortest way- Get up from the table, stretch, marvel at the windows, close your eyes and lightly rise. You can walk around the office or work ten sittings.

Write your own warning sticker, set an alarm on your smartphone or turn on the sound signal on wrist year. And there is such a function on rich fitness bracelets: the stench is ahead of you, as if you were sitting in one place.

5. Have a protein snack

Peas, dairy products, vіdvarna chicken breast, boiled eggs, dried meat are products that are ideal for snacks on a robot. Zha, rich in protein, kindly vtamovu light hunger and do not add extra kilos.

Dietologists are glad to have a snack in two years after the meal and two years before the evening. So you do not know in the face of hunger and for a long time you will have large portions for the hour of the main meal.

Polipshiti psychological camp

6. Set the correct nutrition

Reply in a right way to speak with a spy. Unique closed food - quiet, on yakі you can clearly see “so” chi “nі”. Conquer the questions: “What do you think about…”, “How do you care…”, “Why do you…” and so on. Hear carefully if you need it, specify the details.

What way to help you make acquaintances, get to know people from new sides, develop empathy and take away information. You will see how wise you will become for a few years, so that you will spend this time and wanting to be once a day.

7. Trim on uvazі nabіr for creativity

Creativity is relaxing and helps to know new ideas. Make a screen with a paper and felt-tip pens or color olives and paint a break for an hour of work, before an important zustrіchchyu or take a break for an hour telephone line. It is neobov'yazkovo to create masterpieces: simply to arm everything that falls into thought. Axis pobachite, the robot is more fun.

Idea: change the art materials for the month or month - olive, farby, colorful crady, ink, plasticine, embroidery, origami.

8. Know the hour to relax

It is neobov'yazkovo called tse meditation and vigaduvat schos extraordinarily. You do not need to sit in the lotus position, flatten your eyes and look away.

Stay at the working chair. Look at the monitor, loosen up, take a deep breath and try not to think about stretching out a lot of wheezing.

9. Write down your thoughts

Before going to bed, let your thoughts out of your head. By reference. Get a notepad or a notebook, put a yogo belly and sleepy night with a few notes, write down everything that is in your head. Don't edit. Come on, it will be like a bezladny stream of information, in whatever format it is, whatever the order. You don't need to obov'yazkovo if you reread it. Follow-up will show that such records help to detect anxiety and depression. And it’s also a miracle preparation for a new day.

Idea: instead of a notebook, you can use a voice recorder. Say everything that lies on your soul.

10. Whisk autotraining

Come up with a special mantra to encourage you in stressful situations. Tse one of themselves simple ways pour on the brain. Deputy for the panitsa, repeat your own calming phrases (you can do it in a voice and in front of the mirror). Tse can be words of encouragement, as if your fathers, friends, or a kohana people, will speak. Abo come up with something good on your own. For example: "I'm strong, I can't give up", "I'm not alone", "I've got everything", "I already coped with it if", "Soon everything will end" and so on.

Polypshity efficiency and productivity

11. Pretend to be your idol

As you have stumbled upon a foldable situation, a lakayuchi project, an important zustrichchyu, a kar'ernym zloto, navpak, fall, think about the people, you want to be jealous of you. You can either be a boss, a senior colleague, or just a successful person in your professional area. Energize yourself, like a wine having grown bi in your mist. Zlyakavsya and pochati bi experience chi zalishivsya used to be calm and inspired by yourself? Now show that you behave like your idol. Provide your own food, what you want to repair so independently and like a lot you miss through your own innocence.

12. Pick up the bags of the day

Five minutes before leaving work, analyze the last working day. Write down, what was the planned task, the Vikonaty didn’t get away, and why. Try to structure your thoughts and write as clearly and objectively as possible, do not bark at yourself for failures. Let's strengthen respect, the skilki of all you have made it reach for the whole day. Such a glance will help your brain to focus on the positive (I've been working hard these days) and to know more about speeches, so that you should respect and be more productive.

13. Speak up the message

Our brain cannot easily switch from one task to another. Vіdpovіdі on the leaves or notifications in the chat, navіt like stinks do not require serious zanurennya, can lead to spend up to 40% of the working hour. What do you need?

Keep us informed in messengers, social media and send email. See your own good hour to read that note for remembrance. For example, until the last day of the offense, as well as on the cob and, for example, a working day.

14. Check the calendar

Spontaneity - do not expect good. Try to take a time-out, first of all, to confirm on the working request that proposition. You can nad something quickly vydpovіsti "nі" and miss the opportunity. Abo, navpaki, say "so" and appear overwhelmed.

Give yourself time to think. Verify: "I need to check my calendar on the back." Let's take a peek into the box, set the priorities and call all for and against.

15. Visualize

Dedicate five khvilin for a day to thoughts about those, by which path you will come to your career goals. The right kind of positive visualization. If you show less than the target, you will be able to reach them. Visualize the stages, and the more specifics, the better.

Polypshiti vіdnosiny

16. Support the sound

It couldn't be easier to get on the link, no more. Ale, I think it’s easier for us to communicate with colleagues and follow the lives of friends on Facebook. Try not to get involved with people who are dear to you. Call, send a message to someone from friends and relatives and work so daily.

17. Write sheets of paper

Feel free to write commendations to those who have worked well for you, or simply rejoicing in their presence in your life. Might as well turn right for you: tell the sheet everything that people would like to say in particular, but don’t force it. Abo navpaki, cheer up people with a wide heart, so that it was acceptable. Just a little help to help you become more critical and inspiring in your own.

18. Find out from the kohanni

Tsya zvichka will help you to create naimіtsnіshi stosunki. Show your feelings of the day and work without fear that broadly. If you have a kohana people, let them know what you accept and value. Even if it’s not in the eyes, but if you show sympathy to anyone, say: “I’m in good order with you.”

And don't forget to do the same to yourself.

19. Rob pause

Do not fight your Movchanka for an hour of dialogue. If anything seems to be, you should hear, and not foresee your coming remark. Take a break and then tell me. Don’t just show that you appreciate and respect the spy, but give an hour to take your words. At the moment of stressful development or welding, a simple pause for five seconds can turn a hundred feet, which you appreciate.

20. Take a time out

Be like trapleyaetsya. There are periods, if you feel apathy, disappointment, therefore, emptiness and anger. Tse is normal, just need to give your own opinion. Lighten up in a blanket with a laptop and the new season of the favorite series, go for a walk on the park itself or relax in a drunken bath with relaxing music. A proper building time-out will save you from many psychological problems and cause depression.

Polypshiti navkolishniy expanse

21. Take a walk with a teddy bear

For an hour of walking, if you want to take an empty bag from you for a day, take it away, like a chat. If you entrusted the park with you, break it there: it’s easier to clean up there. This little ritual is to improve the dovkіllya and give you a good mood. And it is possible, your butt to teach other dbailivshe is put to the necessary nature.

22. Get out of the water

Vitrat mite on those schob zupinitis, chuckle and say sudidov: "Hello!". Navіt yakscho chime vi chi vin gloomily ran through the bells and grumbled about themselves pіd nіs. It's not just a form of voluptuousness, it's a creation of a dovkol's good-natured medium. Friendships with friends can become in good fortune at some point, and so, these people, like they can come to your aid with a stretch of dekilkoh hvilin - better, lower, be someone else.

23. Take speeches for the next hour

If you need it, turn it around, if you can’t rent it, or take it from friends and acquaintances for a certain hour. Especially, as you need to speed up this one or a few times. For example, dress up the evening cloth and a business suit, speed up the navigator and take the road, put the guests on an inflatable mattress and transport the cat to the special bag. Tse to spare you pennies and space, but also to give such speeches to a friend of life.

Idea: if you hesitate before buying such a speech, take it from someone for a certain hour and understand what you really need. For example, what kind of simulator do you need, if you have thrown a busy day through the day. But a game console, because you still don’t play on it for an hour.

24. Put a penny on charity

Tse mozhe buti zovsіm small sum, navit 100 rubles. Please donate your pennies so that we can donate them to someone later. To help poor susidam, re-buy from the fund to buy a homeless man. Do good work.

25. Get on your bike

Garni bike for dovkilla, and health, and mood, and special finances ... Buy or rent a bike and if you want to go to the office every day Abo to the store for shopping. Abo to the park for a walk. Tsya little zvichka signifi- cantly paint your life, chime in.

Get it from Monday to start talking healthy image life is a utopia. Until the next day, you'll be awake. Ale planned, step by step, indicative of success in the checklist to come to a healthy lifestyle through the introduction of brown stars in your way of life - it should not sound more rational. Otzhe, develop an article to rewrite the main milestones in your moleskin. Let's get started!

Promenist optimists-athletes (the one there) to please the uniqueness of the lift and lift only and exclusively at gatherings. Ale, as a show of practice, don’t be afraid of golden days great people from the wound until the evening pozat gatherings. What is work? Let go! Zbіgati descents mayzhe so very corisno and zovsіm it doesn't matter. It’s easy to work hard, like a child, re-string through the descent and enchant your body with a whole lot of decent ambitions. For a long climb (and a high surface of life), the descent by gatherings can be changed to a cardio interval!

Follow the 2/30 rule

A more popular rule in the USA is to match: 2 years of TB - 30 hvilin right. You can partly right to give yourself the right to review. You can compensate for the gatherings for TV watching a movie. Golovna - show two understandings in your brain. And remember: after 21 repetitions of the call, it will close in memory, and it will become easier to follow yourself!


It’s rich who cares, what the right is right - it’s tedious and tidy. Zovsіm nі - enough for the day to work zatrimka dihannya! Cardiosurgeon Academician Amosov, who himself has lived 90 years and today, robbed of dihal gymnastics, stverzhuvav - skin clitina will require advancement of that exchange. It’s enough to let everything out for yourself and don’t go wild for an hour. Sob it was tsіkavіshe, try to set records today - keep your breath down for 2-3 seconds more. Your body will say thank you!


Get up from your bed, go to the kitchen, heat the water, add some troch there lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. It is clumsy to remember, the melancholy of such sounds is majestic. You immediately start the exchange of speeches, and at that hour, as soon as you start to eat, the "fire" will flare up good. Lemon juice will give vitamin C, improve your microbicidal immunity, cayenne pepper to speed up the exchange of speech. Converted on one's own: because of this, the shkiri's camp is seriously improved. A single "ale" (abo perevaga?): as the number of active spermatozoa decreases, so you are a person and you want to have a child, utrimaytes.


Make your own new rule - only go to the store after a while. The difference in checks is great! On this day and navit perepovnenie slacks you will be amazed at the culinary and rich marinades. Refill the refrigerator with a clean, brown, healthy one, it will be easier!


Fruits (preferably citrus fruits or apples), chopped and peeled vegetables, peas, berries, protein bars, lettuce leaves - what kind of good you can have richly in the refrigerator, and in the drawer of the working table. If you lie under your arm, you won’t go to the vending machine for Snickers. Those same at home: conscience simply does not allow you to relax.

Mi chuli (that and samі vovlyali) thousands of thousands of widmovok. Everything is nіsenіtnitsa. Marry pennies for a subscription to fitness? Vіn far raztashovannyh? Don't have time? Take care of yourself at home really. Check out the great sports shop - ve naughty in view of the amount of sports equipment, as it is sold at once, and in addition, the prices are rather small. And more: girls, do not follow online weight loss programs, as they are so popular at once. You don’t take away any super-accurate settings for yourself and your own needs as "experts", but the complexes are right, as they can easily help you to get rid of your worries with diligence - everything is available online! Check you on YouTube gigabytes videos from the rights. Just start getting busy, and think up ideas as you go!


A rich guru to please not to swear by the flower, but not to explain, it’s out of the way. And as a result, the beautiful strings of the girls, like sitting on low carbohydrates and long ago, have grown up with fruits, plastics and wheat bread, can cause such an unappetizing problem, like hemorrhoids. Believe it or not, even up to 30 years 40% of the population of high-risk countries suffer from dilated veins in the rectum or anus. Chi does not bring tse z'їdati a day with orphan carrots or apples (turn to the point about snacks)!


The simplest and lesser option for dousing. Do not take a lot of time, but help you fall asleep better, until then your veins on your legs appear in the same order (especially true for girls).

Walk at the solarium

Mom, maybe not to order, but it’s been brought to light that the measles in the solarium outshine Skoda (which can be minimized). A healthy look, which you can see, is not cyanotic, but rather a skin, masking problematic skin and cellulite, vitamin D - you can take away the axis, introducing ailments into your routine and taking solarium. What do you need to protect? Do not overheat, do not smear with oils for zasmagi, do not stay in the solarium without a sound, vicorist the glasses, the cap and the eyepieces.


Unfortunately, none of the gels and scrubs will give that effect, which you take away from the hands of a beautician. So, it’s soft and sooooo painful, but it’s scary and beautiful. Shkіra after cleansing (for sure, not in the first few years) will look just gaudily. Too often to come to the office of sorrow is not required - the world is zabrudnennya, about once every 3 months, and I'll make up an hour to victorize cosmetics with AXA-acids.


Sound amazing? Not. We call on you to rob me honey-swallowed, not to sleep there, sponukan - n. Just understand: the body is hungry not only for the help of the company, but also for the help of the skin. All klitini shkiri are a myriad of small mouths, so that they can pick up colorful speech. Honey throat saturate your body with vitamins and microelements, which may or may not be ingested into the body through the hydrochloric acid rubble, which is avenged by shlunkowski juice.


Taking a shower, increase the pressure to the maximum, and raise the temperature to the upper point of your tolerance. Now direct your deadly strum in your guise. But, we didn’t like it - such a thermal massage improves the tone and springiness of the skin, and also relieves the eyes of the seaweed and relaxes the face. Such a shower also improves blood circulation in the facial zone. To endure two bad days like that, and then we will show off the guise of a non-zhorst towel.


Buying food for the evening, obov'yazkovo take a couple of vegetables for salad. It doesn’t matter if you pick a sprig of tomatoes, but a large glass bowl with vegetables in the center of the table will give you the necessary vitamins and more in the sense of hunger. Experiment: zvichayny tomatoes-ogirki-radishes at Mondays, walnuts at vvtorok, cabbage + carrots at the middle ... and so on. Hurry up, schob vigaduvati in a right savory recipe.


White porridge is the best thing that can be with you for a meal. The only її minus is to finish a decent hour of cooking, like to go about good quality plastics. It’s not easy to buy swedish porridge - there’s no sense for anyone: porridge consumes all its melancholy, and the carbohydrates in it are not “good” good, but “bad” shvidka. A vyhіd є - і tse famous "vіvsyanka at the bank". It's too easy to get ready: buy your own pretty glassy jars, in the evening sip the jar with 2-finger plastics, add peas, fruits, berries (to your taste) and fill with milk. Put the refrigerator. Lies you do not know about your snacks: the plastics will be perfectly cooked, the fruits will be filled with juices. and the milk seeps out with gusto. Om-Nom-nom! We took the vivsyanki from the bank, but you, obviously, you are free to come up with your own power!


If alcohol is part of your diet, then for an hour of hangover, and also for prevention, once a day, take active water - 1 tablet per skin 10 kg of water body. Vogіllya is a miracle absorbent, which sees all the trash and shkidli speech, as well as salts of important metals, wipe off the dewy poison and toxins from the intestinal tract. Ale, it is necessary to often koristuvatisya tsim zabom not varto - vin z tim very success po'yazuєta vyvodat also korisn_ speech.


Yakshcho vie yoga, obviously, you don’t accept it yet. This is a burden for your body, but as you work in the office, after the cob of regular intake, remember that your intelligence has come to a head. Zagalom, accept, for the sake of minus there are no minuses.


Maybe it sounds trite, but we simply couldn’t get around that important call. Water - tse life, tse your beauty. The more you see, the better you look. At the hour, a bottle of water boils down to reduce appetite, to break up the skin of a spring, hair - gleaming. Water is life. It is recommended not to go to the cooler less than once a year, or to keep a bowl of drinking water on the table.


Why do you think guts eat grass? So the stench looks like chlorophyll - a substance, like a flickering growth of greenery. Vaughn to bring into the body the acid, which is so required by the clitins in our gassed megacities. If you see the importance of being a grown-up, that you have already gone through a culinary training, you can seriously not get chlorophyll. And the chlorophyll pigment may be seriously needed. You can try for the help of "green smoothies" (recipes without a name, it's not a problem to know) or for the help of chlorophyll in a seemingly biological additive. Chlorophyll boosts immunity, repairs antibacterial action, sprays the synthesis of erythrocytes in the blood and the development of caries. There is no reason not to start drinking yoga right now!


One more biodobavok, yak obov'yazkovo can be in your home. The head organ of a modern person is the eyes. How many years a day do you marvel at different monitors? Do you see how stressed your organization is? Chi do not blame the bajannya їх pіdrimati? Natural blueberries tsiliy rik allow yourself to be folded, but take the blackberry extract, or leather. Vіn zmіtsnyuє kapіlyarі eyes, priyayuchi zbіlshennyu rush of blood to іtkіvki. The aloe korisny extract is not only for the eyes: the blackberry protects the clotting of blood clots and protects the mucous membrane of the shell.

Become a better day! Success!

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Sat, 06/20/2015 - 11:44

Naturally, the skin of us sooner or later begins to care about one’s health, and that’s the way it is, if you want to worry about the rest, it’s still right. And so more people will understand that in order to improve the quality of life, it is necessary to make some corrections in the primary order of speeches and change the shodly letters that have taken root, replacing them with brown ones. In fact, everything is much simpler, it’s easier to get down and need only a little, and then you yourself won’t be able to deal with the right fears for the greed of re-greasing shakiness.

Obov'yazykovy sn_danok

In addition, as you start early, rich in what to lay your day. It has been brought to light that 30% increase in work efficiency, so fix your body on the job just by sending it. A rank meal will also help you control hunger for a long day, speed up the exchange of speech and relieve stress. Won can become 25% of the daily diet, which means approximately 350-500 kcal per day in the way of life, stating that age.

Nekvaplivy reception їzhi

Zha - not only a physiologically necessary process for supporting life, but also one of the views of satisfaction. Just learn to give your skin remedy enough time and stop eating on the go. In the first place, the process of over-etching begins already in the company, and then, in addition, if you feel good about it, you can lay down the further process of pickling. In a different way, hastily, you will wrap up at once with your wife and a great amount of repetition, which can overcome a swollen stomach. Thirdly, such a system of eating is leading up to the transition.

Razdіlne eating

Apparently, absolutely different enzymes are needed for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For this reason, nutritionists recommend dividing these components, including them in different doses. So, try to get some carbohydrates at the sight of cereals or favorite pasture with stewing or grilled vegetables, and in the evening meat or fish with salad from fresh greens, and literally in a few days you will see the lightness and, perhaps, get rid of a few kilos for the cost of improving the etching.

Only unrefined products

From quiet fir, as people began to actively get used to refined products, the number of ailments on the heart and vascular problems and ailment of the mucosal-intestinal tract is steadily growing. Dietologists recommend to replace zvichne borosno with borosno coarse pomelo, zukor with honey or stevia, and replace traditional rice with storms or wild. Unrefined products save more brown speeches, as they spend half an hour of processing.

Vial drive for 30 hvilin before їdi

Tsya is beautiful, the sound is preparing the shorts to go. In addition, we often take help for hunger, giving such a rank of zaiva. A bottle of water in this mood will help you to grow better in the needs of our body and more visibly rich, as if we are really hungry. Let's especially draw this trick for those who want to save their figure.

Walks after you go

Then don't hurry to sit in front of the TV or computer. Make it a rule to get up from the table and go for a walk. It is necessary to slow down the process of overdosing, and kisen, which actively reminds the cells of the whole body for an hour of walks, to speed up the splitting of fats and not let them fit on your waist and buckles.

Reduced additional calories

We all want to get rid of the good guys and strings, change the finances to spend on doctors and medicines, like stinks of typing, but few people show up filth self-feeling, there are problems with your stomach with such a phenomenon, as if it were a transfer. Mova zovsіm do not go about large portions.

Analyze your menu and see if a high amount of additional calories is added to snacks, licorice, soda and packaged juices, fatty sauces and dressings. To reduce calories per day, replace chips with fruit, drink licorice for green tea, and dress the salad not with mayonnaise, but with olive oil and lemon juice.

Delicious smoothies vranci

As we have already said, nutritionists recommend not to skip meals. However, wine is not only to blame for your schedule of eating, but it’s also a source of vitamins and energy for the whole day. Zgіdno z conducted dolіdzhennymi, the most valuable snіdank vvozhaetsya smoothies from greenery and vegetables with a small addition of fruit.

Such a cocktail itself does not cause a sharp haircut of blood in the blood, but it will charge you with a bad odor, ignite the exchange of speech and prepare the duct-intestinal tract to the onset of rough bites. For smoothies, miraculously add leaf lettuce, sorrel, selera, spinach, carrots and beets, as well as apples and oranges as an addition.

Hush in silence

The current rhythm of life terrifies us for an hour on the basics, so like a dream or a dream. Most of the time we read the news for a snack, we fall in love with a computer game for an insult and enjoy the TV show at the evening. Ale mate on uvazі, scho vpiv neprіbіbnії іnformаії lowering critical stavlennja people to spozhivanih produktіnі, in connection with chim we can not only put in the mouth those, in vіd choi for іnshih milieu bіl, and y z'їsti 40% more їzhі .

Self-reliance in the kitchen

Insanely, with more podias of life, we practically do not deprive us of a choice, and more and more often we eat in cafes and restaurants, and when we buy home, we prepare frozen straws, brew and preserves. Let's cook savory that healthy hedgehog become your star, if you don’t take away a lot of time, but bring significant mischief to your body. This way is more likely to conquer, not to avenge trans fats, preservatives, barvniks and flavorings. In addition, the kitchen is a wonderful maidanchik for creativity. It is not enough practice and fantasy to make your fears unique.

Fractional eating

A meal of three meals a day, more children are pledged, it will require a corrigation. On the thought of vchenih, the best option is to eat shots for five times a day, so try to pass the portions for an hour of the main meals and add two light snacks during the day. Zavdyaki commemorate the etching and speed up the exchange of speeches. І try not to miss the snacks, to instill like a lie and do not feel hunger. A similar regimen can be brought up to the point where you will get back the calories with the upcoming intakes of zhі, and, therefore, overdo it.

Spices on the table

Vіdmіnnoy and korisnoy zvichkoy camp adding various spices and spices from the herb. Traditional tsibula and chasnik will add piquancy, and exotic curry or turmeric will add a light trail of savory flavors to your country. These little helpers in the kitchen, regardless of their insignificance, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risk of developing heart disease.

Lemon zest on the right

Would you like to supplement your body with vitamin C during the season of colds and prevent the development of allergic reactions in the summer? Then don't forget the lemon zest. They have 3 times more vitamin C, lower in pulp. It is also rich in bioflavonoids, which improves immunity and prevents allergic reactions. Just add a trio of zest to a spatula, a salad or a tea, and enjoy the pleasant aroma of sourness for health.

More fresh vegetables

Historically, the inhabitants of the country with a cold climate prefer more meat and ribs of fatty varieties, and choosing between fresh vegetable salad and stewed vegetable stew, often choose another. Tse can be bugged. In case of thermal processing, it changes for the rahunok of the vaporization of the radii, and the calorie content remains unchanged. Otzhe, we can get more stray, taking away even more supplementary energy. Prote, we don't need it anymore. Our distant ancestors stained glass at the temperature of the body in the cold season of rock, but we don’t get to stained glass, looking at the fat under the skin.

Avocado for skin buds

Regardless of their high calorie content, avocados do not take revenge on zucru and fat fats. For this very reason, it’s worth to enter the dietary menu, and this incredible relish will irritate your diet and bring an inestimable corrosiveness to the body. Vіn miraculously eat rich food and actively win over prepared salads, appetizers and sandwiches.

Limit on alcoholic beverages

Alcohol does not only have the power to increase appetite, but on its own it can have a high calorie content. Ale, do not hurry to look into the new situation. Kelikh of dry wine at the evening building to improve the pickling, speed up the exchange of speech and reduce cholesterol levels.

Zhodnogo mayonnaise

In Russia, mayonnaise is one of the most popular sauces, which can be added practically to the bitterness. If you are not ready for the next day, learn to make homemade mayonnaise, it’s not easy. Ale rich with the right decisions, you will replace it with sauces based on low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, adding greens, tea and spices to your taste.

Culinary experiments with tomatoes

The main feature of tomatoes are those who do not waste their unique powers swipe at thermal processing. The stench can have a wide range of effects on the human body: it can protect against antioxidant infections, help prevent diseases, help prevent oncological diseases and protect the bone tissue from age-old changes, which is especially important for women in menopause. This savory product may be obov'yazkovo settled in your refrigerator. Feel free to experiment, add tomatoes not only in all salads, but also in vegetable stew and stewed meat.

Eating at the anniversary

Do you know what the secret of French strings is? Irrespective of the post-life vzhivannya bread and sirіv, pіznі evenings and part of the aperitifs with the company of friends, stench strictly according to the years. Invocations to the singing schedule shlunkovy sik nizhuyuchi with tsimu bazhannya have a bite to eat between the main meals of zhzhi.

Dairy products for the night

In spite of the widening of thoughts about those that sour-milk products are a wonderful snack, nutritionists recommend them for nothing. It’s not only helpful to help you relax before going to bed, if it’s already easier to feel hungry after the evening, and to slow down intestinal motility and speed up the exchange processes in the body. If you want to throw off a sprat of zayvih kilograms, you can replace the full evening with sour-milk products.

Regular revision of the diet

Our eating is not only a sight, but a view of financial possibilities, due to fate and life conditions. If you think about your health, then when you change the factors that are added to the diet, try to look over yoga, dotrimuyuchis with the necessary balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

More nasinnya

The decals do not start and it is possible to develop additional vitamins, minerals and microelements necessary for the body for normal life. Without a doubt, you can just buy a vitamin-mineral complex in the nearest pharmacy and be sure that it’s healthy for you, but nature foresaw everything for us.

Today it is the most ideally balanced product, which should be included in your diet. Regularly add fresh dormouse, seamelon, flax, sesame or more exotic fresh chia in porridge, yogurt or salad.

Better than trohi under-, lower re-

Modern cookery has such an understanding, like al dente, which means such a stage of readiness of the strain, if the ingredients do not boil, but save springiness. Prepared in such a way, vegetables save more vitamins and cells, and are more likely to be acquired by the body. And the trochs of undercooked macaroni virobi mayut lower glycemic index, And then, less vplyvayut tsukra in the blood on the rhubarb and help to save more visibly sieve.

Food from small plates

Tsya cunning to help better control your portions. It was brought, the organism of the Truselly Stilki їzhі, Skilki, more likely at the folding of the valves at once, the Ale Consistent, the norm is greatly distorted through those, PD hour of їzhi mi vidvolikasmos on the ilonshi oscilo, the mosen of the mosquito is not difficult. otherwise, we simply give in to our little gastronomic weaknesses, giving more love to the passion, our body will help. The plate is filled to the brim, giving us an apparently majestic portion, so let a small tea saucer play its role.

All from satisfaction

Insanely, corny beginners will help you save your physical health, but do not encourage yourself to break the rules in satisfaction. Easily relaxed in the regimen of eating, you can help to confirm that you are on the right path and have entered the new one voluntarily.

Qi 8 krokiv, on the idea of ​​the blogger John Rumpton, to bring awareness to the day, to help you become happy, productive and successful.

1. Reprogram yourself to be positive

Dumki and vchinki lie down in the emotions stronger, lower. It’s enough to get embarrassed through the filthy campaign and blockage on robots, and the axis already doesn’t want to work. Negativity is easy to enter in life: be it a nіsenіtnitsa, you can zіpsuvaty moods, and then all day long, let's go to the cat. How to fight among them? Program yourself in a positive way. Encourage and filter negative thoughts. Have tsom help 5 priyomіv.

  • Start a "Schodennik podyaki". For example of the day, write down what good things happened to you for good. You will definitely sleep better at night.
  • Come up with and repeat positive mantras - firmness, which will help you to go to the intended destination.
  • Empower yourself with positive people. Garni emotions, like nasty, contagious.
  • Just don't have negative thoughts. Don't let them seduce you.
  • Lead active image life. Physical ambition stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, and inappropriate thoughts lick at the head in the form of negligence.

2. Get up early

Successful people get up early. To that already tomorrow, set an alarm clock and go to the pіvgodini earlier, lower zvichny. And later. Step by step double at sleep according to pivgodini. Ranok is the most productive period. You can prepare a short lunch, meditate, work out, read books, dedicate an hour to a hobby, improve and plan your day competently. The early day is vryatu in the wake of the hurry, and the delay is dull. Mindfulness of ordering by the hour is the key to self-perfection.

3. Clean up after yourself

How much time do you spend on those who need to fill it up lightly or wash the crockery? Three hvilini chi p'yat? Dribnі housewives can pick up not so rich hour. Ale, yakscho їх хіх відтати for sweat, stinks get out and psuyut moods. One plate, that cup, after the snidanka, it was fast to turn into a mountain of dishes. And a homeless person at home is more like a homeless person in thoughts.

Doslіdzhennya to bring that people, yakі vіdrazu mіyut utensils after їzhі ta fill lizhko vrantsі, as a rule, more happy and successful. The order of the booth gives a sense of control and comfort.

4. Be realistic

You don’t need to commit yourself to run a marathon in a month. Better register for a 5-kilometer distance. Do not plan to achieve a grand goal for a short period. Be realistic: put before you a modest task and successfully overcome yoga. Feeling satisfied with the victory, let it go and not great, there is no more significant achievement. Diet progressively, and then you will reach more, let them go lower.

5. Allow yourself some spontaneity

Nothing compares: it is reasonable to live behind a schedule, dine in the same cafe, buy groceries on Saturdays in the same store. Ale, so your life will soon turn into a tedious routine. Permit me to spontaneously indulge. Get out of your comfort zone. Try Thai cuisine, get on a snowboard, go to a new department store. Be-yakiy new dosvid - the price of new emotions. The stink of shying us with happiness, changing look at life, helping to bring out new vibes and gracefulness, and the smut - to start calmly reacting to changes.

6. Stop swearing

Forget about the darkest hours in life, good moments are left behind. Be a vicarious substitute for the one who swears fast. It’s not necessary to victorious friends that are like a waistcoat, to cry. Constantly thinking about problems, using opportunities and worldly injustice, you focus on the negative. Day after day, accustom yourself to the role of a victim. And if you have a good meal, you just don’t know how to appreciate it.

7. Try not to embarrass yourself with others

You can’t fall asleep, because a colleague has taken off a promotion, and a friend has bought a majestic booth? Zavzhd bude htos, who has a career, special life chi financial position is better for yours. Well now - why don’t you sleep in the wake of hell? Yakscho close people reached out to someone, please for the new one and think about what helped you to you. Surely, on the right, the vdacha has no more furnishing.

And also think about what success is for you. Do you need a career in a company, do you feel happy working on freelance? What do you think about the great car, that apartment, what is the “mrії”, imposed by the conscience? Us people are different, and rozuminnya happiness is also different for everyone. Verish what is important to you, and collapse to the point of death.

8. Don't Expect Tomorrow

Can you help me? Call the insurance company, replace the battery in the car alarm, continue renting an apartment, pick up the parcel by mail? All tse trivaє hvilini. And as a result, the tasks are accumulating, and you already need to spend the whole weekend, to work together. That is why it is so important to plan for the day of that skin type, and do it evenly. It is not less important to leave at the rozkladі that weekend days, vіlnі vіd robota and goiter.

Zvichkoy є navik, scho mіtsno rooted in our svіdomosti. Vaughn nibi behavioral template, once acquired, and then gradually repeated. Try to change your life in 21 days by watching the shkidlivyh zvichok. Such a term itself is necessary, in order to generate new beginnings, new stars, how to change your life. Get out of the zone of programmed behavior.

Zvichki at the food court

All navkolo only talk about natural products. About those, how to change the sounds and in the rich daily life rhythm to reach the dogmas healthy eating, let's talk report. Іsnuє chimalo brown stars, building drastically change everyday life already today, having secured the miracle of self-perception.

Don't eat before bed

Terminovo change your sounds directed by fates - stuff your womb before going to bed. Having thought of having a meal after 7 pm, you will become stringy, secure your privacy for the restless. There is no more obesity - there is no risk of serious pathologies,.

Drink more water

To ensure comfort, we have long called to drink vranci cava, in the evening to please ourselves with fragrant tea. But really, you need the usual water, and if you drink it, you can only replace it. Change your life, drink a glass of water before meals. Tse to ensure water-salt water, and to accustom yourself not to stuff the tubes with excess products.

Activity and mode

To control your emotions, save your spiritual equanimity, change your self-confidence through outlandish subdivisions, you need internal strength. Їх secure the energy potential that accumulates steadily. Beginners, how to change your life, increase energy efficiency, stink to help a successful foundation.

go in for sports

Three-fourths of rich people know that the youngsters, connected with an active lifestyle, help them. The stench of the day is dedicated to the smallest pіvgodini. Ring out with such sounds, as they can change your life, get big, ride a bike, swim or walk. Similar to the desire of the body and the mind, the shards activate neurons, speed up the production of glucose, which is a brain fever. Constantly "annual" brain, people become sensible.

Do rank gymnastics

Zvichki that way of life mutually. Do not hesitate to practice the lies to win the tenth gymnastics. It is enough to induce clumsy rosinal rights, which will increase the flexibility of your spine, increase the internal blood flow. Rank gymnastics provides a charge of goodness, won - a guarantee of health. The body is not sure in the future you for such a break from the comfort zone, which cardinally allows you to change your life, you should be reminded.

Walk more often

Remembering that a good rush will change your zvichok, as if you change your life, walk more often. For the vikonannya, the head of the office is required to drive to the service by car. It’s better to choose a huge transport, and it’s necessary to get out of the new one 2-3 steps before being recognized, and then move on again. Also, plan for everyday and evening walks, walking a distance of at least two kilometers.

Go to bed early and get up early

It has long been seen that supporting the physical and emotional health of the average person wants a 7-year-old sleep. If you fit into the night’s wake after the opivnoch, invariably repeating the chronic lack of sleep, then provoking the impersonal bid. How to change in your plan the stars and the improvement of the way of life? Accustom yourself for 21 days to lie down to sleep until 10 pm, in order to follow the tuned natural rhythm of the Cosmos.

Plan your day

Do not allow emergency situations to be blamed by the protyag of a working day, as if to provoke a stressful camp, in addition to such a bell. In the evening, it is necessary to lay down the plan, spreading the work for the coming day. Having closed such a voice, you will soon remember, how to make a quick memory, how easy it is for you to cope with the tasks set, as you manage to reach everywhere without any problems, without reporting supernatural forces. Read about daily routine

Perform a Ranking Ritual

As much as possible in the order of the best of life, it is recommended to repair the wounds of the day after the cord ritual. Negainly, if you want to brush your teeth at once with your tongue, after which you drink a bottle of three heated water, add a total of 1 tsp to the yak. fresh lemon juice. Then it was necessary to stand under the contrasting jets of contrast to the soul.

Be sure to learn step by step from cold water to hot water, so that you drink as much as possible. You can't afford discomfort. As soon as you complete the water procedure, intensively rub the whole body with a great terry towel. A similar ritual to provide a wonderful tone for the day you start. You will have a miraculous mood, so the whole day will pass like a miracle.

Sounds at the windows

Are you trying to save a little bit that you have become familiar, so that you can remind them with a lot of romance? Obov'yazkovo follow the recommended rules, while forming good names in yourself. The very stench of your everyday people will set the tone of the conversation.

Don't get angry and don't slander

Obov'yazkovo control how to speak phrases in your voice, but also your thoughts. If you blame the inexhaustible bazhannya zіrvatisya, schob at the face of the faceless expression rude, povnіt chest povіtryam, and then vvazhite thoughts up to 10. Always remember, the law of gravity is clearly functioning in the All-Sveta. You can't say that all the negativity you see will immediately turn to you.

Give time to relatives and loved ones

For maximum harmony, like with a close person, and with us in a different light, obov'yazkovo in the middle of your heart, you can start to live love. For її zapovnennya always remember about the quiet, who pіklєє about you, shiro kohaє. You really need it, give these people a maximum of an hour, call regularly, look more often, give gifts in the light of your loving soul.

Zvichki poyoynogo razvitku

Є kіlka novichok, what to spriyat. For your development, it is recommended to win a smartphone. Vіn is an ideal tool for sprying self-development.

Read foreign language

Today you know if you want to be a third of the year, so that you can live. Win an hour at trips by public transport, I will break every day. Be sure to memorize and want to use a couple of new words, simultaneously practicing the rules of grammar. A cream of practical merit, to bring the new foreign movie, you will definitely train your memory and develop your brain. Tse zahistit in the face of the inevitable old bewilderment, like a follow-up of all people of a frail age. Read about deyaki methods.

To sing notes

It is recommended to start a smart phone in your smartphone, bringing it into the new one regularly to feel the honor that you have been honored, Corresponding information. Tse not immediately become you in good fortune. Record all positive thoughts in your notebook at once. If you open this notebook, you will be able to re-experience all the receptions, licorice of hostility that are stored in electronic memory.

Listen to audiobooks

May all modern people have learned to read books regularly. Through the chains, they lost access to the most important spiritual development, gaining knowledge. Tsey pass is easy to correct. It’s enough to grab some audiobooks on your smartphone, and then listen to them, knowing for whom away hour. Literature is not only classical, but scientific and educational knowledge will be constantly with you, de b vie did not know:

  • at the door to work;
  • on pishikh promenades for the place in the park;
  • before going to sleep at a quiet bed.

Audiobooks are a miraculous method of self-illumination at the current pace of life.

Don't Expect Tomorrow

Look out for the popular ghosts. She is especially important, if the task, which is celebrated, takes away from you the required minimum hour. It’s completely imaginative that tomorrow a great number of new rights will appear, so the task will become problematic, you’ll take the rocks for a rich hour and such necessary forces.

Set goals in front of you

As a whole, naturally, if a skin person does not have rights, then it is necessary for him to think about what exactly to pragnate, as if the task could be first. Fix your goals. Insure not only a grandiose plan, but also a little more vihi way of life. Regularly mark in the electronic notebook what the visconaty has given to reach them.

Zvichki by payment up to pennies

Most people are convinced that all the bastards are guilty. Ale stinks are not built to be evil. It is the fear of daytime financial costs. Evil is brought by the people themselves, so put up to a pittance. I will help you

Maintain the appearance of income and witrat

Successful people stverdzhuyut, scho pennies zovsіm not to endure any little stupefying before them. If you want to save and increase your goodwill, there are no necessary things to do. Indulge your windshield as soon as possible, think about what you can do to save money without shkoda sіm'ї. More people like a sound bring success, flocking to milk with a hoarse approach.

Stain less, earn less

Like a lot of us, there is no need for such a golden rule. It is necessary to live less for cats. It is necessary to scrupulously control the spending and constantly deposit pennies. The heap itself can bring new income.

Learn to invest

It is impossible to recognize an investment as a "charitable little bird." For otrimannya suttєvih results need patience. It’s not like shukat all the life of the firebird, if otherwise, if you have secured investments at the same time, you’ll already take a financial cushion, as if you’ll secure additional income.


All of these colors and other sounds are applied to those who can change your life in 21 days to a better one. Try to try and pinch, wanting to act on your own, and all of you will not hesitate to give in.

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